J 5 - . - I : i I i - it 1-' i i . i I i J. lit Bell, Joliston, Jack, & Co. (latb bell, jooxsxoa, & co.) - Cc of Deposit, Discount, & Exchange, AT IIULLIDAYSEUF.O, PA. TAMES M. CELL, Robert B. Johnston, and Wil- f liam Jack are the 'Active Partner!, transact the busiuess of the rui. 711 OIUfiK rARTXEUS AEE- A. T. Wilson, Vm. Dorris, Jr., "Wn-. P. Orbison, of Huntingdon, Pa-, T. O. McDowell, Win. M. Lloyd, James Denniston, It. JI. Leinon, Geo. R. M'Farlsna, Samuel f'. Khoiis, Samuel Calvin, Thadeus linnks, John Cresswcll, Jr. Joseph Smith, of lIolIidaYsburg, Pe. Alex. M. Llo-d, Uaker & Watson, of Gavspert, I 'a., John MUler, of Teinpcr- nncerillo, Blair co. l'u. P. Slicoiunter, of Ebi-nsturs, Pa., Tho.. U hito, of Indiana, Ta., S. If. Smith, John Cruusc, David Watson, of Johnstown, Pa. John Xeff, Samuel Dean, James M. JoLuston, Wil liamsburg, la. 0:Ar4 wifly a'i trrV ie addeil.3. Collections made in nil parts of the l'uite-J Mates. Drafts fumiii.S'1 ca rhi'.sie! i.:a, Pittsburg, &c, io. The usual rate of Interest, in such c-ses, paid ou Deposits for 3, 6, and 12 months. Other Deposits received payable on demand. llollidaysburg, July 10, 18G2. Hide, OH, and Leather Store. D. KISKPATHICK, Ko. 21, South Third Street, between Market and .Chesaat Streetr, Philadelphia. HAS constantly on hand and for sale, Pry and Dry Salted Spanish Hides, Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanucrs' Oil, Tauuers' and Cur riers, TOOLS, at the lowest prices and upon the best terms. 5?" All kinds of Leather in the roujrh w ai ted, for which the highest market price will he given in cab, or taken in exchange for hides. taT-Leather stored free of charge and saM eommiKjion. I Kepiiblican Hall. A NTIIONV VOWINKLE respectfully informs the JL public that he is now prepared, as the law di rects, with every requisite for the "accommoda tion of strangers and travellers" at his new stand in the .Northern Liberties of llollidayshurg, and respectfully as!s f.-r a share of custom. 11 is ta ble will at nil times be supplied with the best the market effords, nnd Lis bar stocked with the beit wines and liivnons. sa? The larger Hall can be routed by the day or night, and a Piano and l'iiiuist furnished. J&y German nines tnd Lager Peer kept con stantly on hand. Holiidaysburg, May G, 1853. Administrator 'ot!ce, LETTERS of Administration have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Cam bria county, upon the estate of James llhey, de ceased. All persons indebted to sail estate ate 1 requested to make immediate payment to us, and . those having claims will present them properly au- j taccucateJ for settlement. SUSAN RHEV, Administratrix, ANDREW J. RHEV, Administrator. Ebensburg, October 21, 1S52. tf. ORPIIA.VS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Ordtr of the Or phans' court for the county of Cambria, the ubscribers will offer for sale in the borough of Eb ensburg, on Thursday, the 17th day of November, 1353, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Richard Lewis, dee'd, viz: AU that lot of irround numbered on the plan of the Borough of Ebensburg, as 02 fronting titi feet on High street and running back along Julian St., E'J-I ftet to Sample street, on which is erected a two etory brick dwelling house and frame stable. ALSO, All that lot of ground known on the place of said Borough as No. 1U8 fronting 66 feet on high street and running back along Caroline street 201 IV et to Sample street, having thereon erected a frame dwel ling house, a frame office, and stable. ALSO, A piece of ground lying near the borough of Ebensburg, containing five acres, bounded ou the South by the Loretto road ; on the East by land of David Jones; and oa the West by land of James Kbev's heirs Three lots of ground situate near the borough of Ebensburg, bounded on the East by lands of Si las Moore's ieirs ; on the South by lots of John Thomas; ani on the North by lots of Fanny Grif fith's heirs. The sale will commence at eleven o'clock , A. M., of said day, to be held on the respective premi ses. TERMS. One third of the purchase money on confirmation of the sale by tho Orphans' Court, nnd tho residue iu two equal annual payments to be secured by Judgment Rends and Mortgages. DAVID H. ROBERTS, Administrate) f GEORGE J. RODGLRS. ) IUehurd Levis dic'J. Sept. 30, lS5d.-Ct OSIl'IlAA'S' COl'KT SALE. TY virtue of a decree of the Orphans' Court of JL (.ambria county there will be exposed to ub- i lie sale the followicg real estate, of which Rev ! Terence McGirrdied, seized, viz: A certain p.iece or parcel of land, situated in Cambria Township, Cambria county, adjoiirng lands of Mary McDride, Alexauder McVicker, the aeiraofjabez libhott and others. containing 05 acres or thereabouts,' about 0 acres of which is cleared. To be sold on the premises ou Monday the 24th day cf October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. " ALSO, Ona other piece or parcel cf laud situate iu Sum merhill Township, Cambria county, adjoining lands in the name of Robert Means and others, being part of a tract of laud in the name of Andrew Neb soa, containing seven acres and seventy sis perches. To be sold ou the premises on Alonday, the 24th day of October next, at 3 o'clock, P. M. ALSO, A certain lot of ground situate iu the Borough of Johnstown, Cambria county, (being part of lot No. 02 in the original plan of said town) beginning at a poston Washington street, then South 02 dirrees x.asi perencs, tnencc ftoutn 'JS eletrrees We.t ,S . . . . . perches, thence North G2 dep-i-ces West 1 perches, thence North 28 degrees Last 8 perches to the place of beginning, having thereon erected a frame dwelling lrouse. To be sold on the premises on Tuesdayrthe 2Cth day or October next, at 1 o' clock, P. M. Terms of Sale. One half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of tho sale, and the res cdue in one year thereafter with interest, to be se ured bjr the bonds and mortgages of the purcha- JOHN Mc.MEEL, Jr., -1 liar. Sept 30, Xeu Caltlnct TVare Rooms. JAMES S. TODD informs the citizens of Ebens burg, and the public generally, that he has opened an extensive and varied assortment of Cab met Ware in Mr. Robert Davis' new building, Maio trcet, nearly opposite the "Mansion House," where he will be happy to have them call and ex amine his MAHOGANY, WALNUT, CHERRY AND OTHER VARIETIES OF FURNITURE, consisting in port cf Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bed steads, Secretarys, Stands, &c, etc. He wiU have conatnctly on hand an excellent as sortment of Fancy and common Chairs, which he will sell lower than ever before offered in this place... Every article ordered will be made iu the most workmanlike manner, of the beat materials ; and B.EPAIR.ISQ of all kinds will be promtly attend ed tm. His terms are CASH, and being determined to sell low, and keep none but good articles, he bopes to receive the patronage of a discriminatinz JsbMa. - - - Baueireotjplnsr. TSfOJtDEFlii. lilPBOVEEULNT I J AKT ! A never fading picture can now be got at tho Ehur Co. G-Ulery, Odd Icllows i.alL GC0T1GE W. FISUEE t.ikcs .this method nf in forming his numoroue friends throughout the ce.untv, that he i.a permanently located l.aa.-c.f nt Holliiavsburs, where he is now prepared to turiuah suDerior portrait to all that wish a good picture. in the Art, he is now prepared to take the finest kind of pictures in all kinds of weather. A visit to his room and a trial is all that is asl:cJ. His j utjict is to p'ca?e, and having the host l'.j-ht in the j Eorotigh, lie fee!-? that no failure can he mat!?, j Pictures TiCa'ly vohred and put in good cases, i from $l,o to :(). ChildiMi taken in the niom ! inn- from 'J to 11. in the she.rt Mmee of one sicotid. I Instruction given in the r.it, t-i-.l.rac.r-g all the ' imt l-jvemcnts, on the most rtas"n:i!.e tirius. Ap aratus and tixturcs for D.ijruprreotypir.g furn:s!ifcd. lloliidayishurg, Sept. 9, li.-tf. Tills way for Good and lteai Goods. "ILL lc oi.eucd tiiis week :it the I ruk sH re of J. Moi.iv, in Ehcnshurg, a r i:cr:.l a.-si rt- ineut of cloth ?, c:".ss.mere.j, s it f surjmi'i' ronds. uetts, ttvved:, aad a ! jrreat variety Together with any (jitautity of prints, delains, lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and oiher dress goods. ALSO A LASGE and good assortment of hardware, qucenswr.re, saddlery, clolhinjr, stationary, drugs. Sic, &.c. Persons wanting hoots and shoes, hats and caps I or ready made clothing, will find :t to their ndvmi- ! t;ige to call at the. I Kiriclk Store. j The suhscriher, tli inUtu! l'.r r.st f:.vois, eir j nestly rejuestj his customers, and the puhlie jren- iraliy to at least call and esaiuinc his ;;tuek : and if : he cannot suit every person in (ju.ility t:nd price it ! is not his fault. Produce and liiinher uf all kinds I taken in exchanse fur goods; and he also t-i.W' : CASH when offered. j - J. MOOKE. f Ehcusburs, April 28, 1851. ii uonKiir jkF.nnv. llliUKIlT CALnUAlTlI. Coaeli Maiiufactorj'. THE subsewbers would respectiuiiy iuforin tlie citizens of Eoensburg nnd the public generally, that they will cany on the Coach Making, inclu ding the Smith work at the Machine shop formerly ecciij ied by Mr. Anderson, iu the rear ol ' E. Hughe's i Store ; where by using none but tho choicest n.ate- j rial, and emploving nunc but tne Lest worumen, they hoije to convince all that will elo th a the ' favor to examine their work, that iu poiat of dura bility, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excel led by any similar establishment in the State r elsewhere. Persons wi.-hing a bargain in the pur chase of a carriage, will consult their own interests by giving them a call. They are prepared to sup ply the following kinds of Vehicles, viz: Ruggiea of diiferentqualities and .rices. Barouch es, Chariotces, one and two horse roe ka ways, close quarter Lliptio and C-spring Coaches'; second hand work of different kinds, &c, m jung u variety that will suit all tastes and all purses. Repairing done with neatness and elespatch. May 20, 1S50. I'fio Grant House, Corner cf 4th and Grand sts. Pittsburg. rj1HE subscriber has leased the large and well J- known Hotel, (late Lninartine House,) at the corner of 4th and Grant streets, Pittsburg, which has been repaired and newly fitted up in all its apartments so as to give a larger and more liberal accommo'iation to travellers and boarders. His birder will be stocked with the most choice brands the markets can afford, and his Ear furnished with the be;t. He would respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Sept. 8, 18-32. B. PERRY. St. Charles Hotel, Corner of Third and Wood Sts. THIS fine establishment, having come into the hands of a new Proprietor, offers great in ducements to the traveling community; and also to regular boarders. Every elelicacy ami luxury will be provided in its season ; and no pains will be spared to make this lloU-l a comfortable home to all who may call there. W S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Pittsburg, Sept. S. 1:62. lloots and Shoew. Evan Jones, "V7"OULD respectfully announce to the public T Y that they still continue the manufacture of every description of Boots and Shoes, for Ladies and Gentlemen, at their shop, a low doors East of Mr. Carmen's Hotel, where they will be haj py to see their customers. Doing J rac-ticl workmen them -elves,' and u-lng none but ti.e ery ba st materials, they tire coulide-jit they can execute work as well and as che.i;) as any establishment in the county. Mav lo, ISC:! deorgc 53ai ncame. Wholesale & Retail Iiu, Co-.vat, mi a. Sheet- waro liistiiicturer, :-.nd Lculc-r ia tho iol I lowing ii.a-.cd Stoves : G1 LORE Air Tight Cook, Portable Range, Flat f Top Complete', Union Air Tight, Cooke Favor itc, Bare C!iuuer, Dela ware Cook, Bar-rot-ia, Key I ttotie, or Didepe-ndent, Harp caution. New com- plete, Hot Air Parlor. Victoria complete, Air ! Tight, Complete Cook, Unioa Cual Burner, i Ebensburg, Sept 1, 1S52. Clinton Sr. Job as town Pa. j REAT attraction at the corner of Clinton r.nd I V- Locust streets, opposite? the Exchange Hotel i and the M'Milleu House. Ji.hnist.vwii. f Simbri-t !.. where the sti!,.p.-.i.. i- h,.v.. ..... '.! large and fashionable assortment of Fa!I and Win ter Ready made CLOTHING. Nov. -1, 1S52. JOSEI'I! CANS i CO. Fits. W. 1IAV. w. S. EDSON. Has" is ludson, " Wholesale &. Retail Tin, Co:rjtr, attd Ehcet-Iroti Varo Mam-fcictcrcrs, r.nd Ecak-rs ire the fol lowing- n?.sicd Stoves : 10GK Stoves, .eystoi-e, Nine l'late. Llbeitv Parlor, Radiators, Etna. Star Franklin. ,. ne irons, Complete Cool;, Star Air-f.ght, Cast iron j oinus. m are i.oora on canal M. one doe r belovf the collectors ofiice. Johnstown, Pa. July 11, 1S52. j Tailoring, t r,ii. unJcraigned informs his customers that the j X firm of Bey u oh & Johnston is dissolved by mutual consent, nnd that the subscriber still con ! tinues the business iu the room recently occupied ; by the old firm, where he will be h.ir.py to se e his j former patrons and as many new ones "as please to j call. He receives regularly from New York and j I'hi'Uidelphia the latest fashions and cannot be bcat- eii either in the shape or f.t of Coats, Pants or j Vests, by any other Tailor in the country. He i respectfully ask the public to give him a call, ai.d ! coufitlent his work will recommend itself .OF AH kinds of country produce t.ikrn in ts changc for work. LEWIS BEYNOW April 20, 1852.-tf. Tomb Stouts: Tombs Ktomrs! 1" IC1IARD JONES respecful.'y informs the pt:b C lie that he is prepared to furnish all kinds o .uu.u s lums, ui iiaiiuu ui.i -American .uaroie, man ufactured iu the latest style, and lettered according to any directions. His yard is situated at the south part of the town, where a large assortment of articles in his line are always kept on hand. From loug experience he feels confielent bo can please all tastes, and he therefore hopes to be pat ronized by a generous public. June 17, 1853. T...,il. t . ir 4 FRESH arrival of Boots, Shoes, Summer Hats -A- Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw Bon nets, Powder, Gun Caps, Shot, Lead, &c, received this day nnd for sale at the cheap store of June 20,1851. J.MOORE. YOUR hair is falling off, ig it? Tlie1 cn Kittell's without eielav. tlorr t t hemu-al Ilatr lnoigorator, or you will be como entirely bald. It i the host Hsir tonic now lb h. M. WITMOKK, C. I!. WOLFF, H. JOSE?, Of.O. J. PI' FF. lilt ill WolLT,& Co., Inportcrs acd Dealers ia Hardware, Siva the Auvita,. Xo. 50 IVootl tt., thru duort ihf Sc. C.'.'JiUi Note!, Pittsburg-, l'a. rrlAKE this method of informing enftomers and J- Dealers that they are now in receipt of their Fall Supply which has been selected with great care from the Manufactories of 'uro;eand the iAij UrnStetta. Out stock comprises a much larger assortment than is generally kept by similar establishments, and is particularly adapted to the Country Tru.lt. H iving superior facilities for procuring goods it is without hesitation that we defy competition, from any quarter. Vt'e are now receiving Pirniiiighnta and Sheffield Manufactures, purchased nndfoi war ,k-1 ' y one of the i irin, w!io has been spending some months in England and Germany, and who ill continue to keep us supplied with Foreign llardwurd bought (rent first hands only. Western Merchants 'ire respectfully invited to an evaiui!irt;c.n of our stock and prices previous to ro ing further Eastwar I. Among our assortment may la- loUl.d til C fvi'icwilTg: 0521 doz. Euives an 1 Forks, 1100 iloz. t'hisils. r,n i iai'0 210 50 250 350 217 pen knives sch-tors & sheers t j cases pmnes, S2O0 ,!.,z. lci& Hasps 217 tun luclis rasois in cases silver plated lead tabli i German silver " " ijioou.-i; shovels and spades oo-l ' grosi si Eri tun; hay and manure f rl.s, 150 fsiwd tetiiient sav.'s 15 bales Deer's liiir. -100 Mil! pitt and cross cutt saws 1T; 421)0 -b;o vices. iloz Kuoor, locus anJ latches pair trace chains 2(il:J pad jliest lo!: belli. f.-, anvils. ' halter and doir chains, be Ids and coil chains, cast, sheer ma ixisttr -150 doZ axe-, be.-t brands. X-. raucierj Harslwar. We are continuing to make large additon to this branch of our husiuiss. Se-pt. 2, 1S5J. A ;eir Arrival af lyateSies mtl Je elry. 0a the corner of Cu-r.o:! aiid Locud Sis. rrillE undo: -i- and Gen rsiirned respect t'uiiy invites o Ladii-.-iitieiuen to call and s?e hisVicw and splendid stock of Watches and Jewelry, y. hicli h bus just received from Germany; wan u.l.l to be solid and pure1, and for stylo and finish itin.not be surpassed. Ha has ji!so received a largj asaort- ment of Jewelry trom the Eastern cities, vy. Gold hunting case watches Irom !jTj to 100 Patent Lever " " to . St' " Ladies anchor lever and Lepine, 3 to -15 Silver patent lever and hunting caso I watches fiom 1) to 20 ' Atie hor Levers do, from It to IB " Lep.iii-s do, Ht o 1 Quart u-rs do, 1 to 12 Gobi iiiiniaturc eases. Ladles Go'., 1 I'.rac-i ts am: Necklcsses, Ear-rings. Gold Guard, Vest l",.b chains. Gold chains for Ladies. Finger rill j. Gold and Sliver l'ens and renciis. Silve r Sj i ois,.-si!v r Thimbles, Steel. German and Silver Spetaeles, I'ort Monaies. Pen Knives, Silver chains, it., oc-.-All of the above articles are warranted t he o; the best material, and will be sold'i ir loirjtr rash. ClocK and Watch Repairing. He has the best workmen in the cour.tryin !;is employ, and all work entrusted to him v,i! be promptly attended to. lhaukful for past favors he solicits a connivance of tllo same, aad is confident he can give si. Li fac tion to all who may give him a call. GEORGE P. LUCK II A IT. Johnstown, April 15, 18'. itci5i:sa.io.v i. cisIaa: Goods Offered at Cost. ON SECTION 101, Pa. R. R. THE subscribers being about to remove Cambria county, offer-to tell off all 1-om fceir large stock of Goods by private sale, in largt or small quantities, to suit purchasers, at fust est. The stock consists in part of Dry Goods, such us French. English and Americ-in cloths, cassimet-s. s.itiiie-tts, twee other ve-Siiugs is, pilot cloth, satin Valencia, : ..l si'.ks, alpaccas, mnsdelains, bun uaziues, anil LADIES' DUES 5 G00D3, of every description; shawl.i, Landkerchiefs.sciirfs. cravats, tibbets, ribbons, gloves and hosiery of ail descriptions, table linen, diapers, crash, red, white, yellow and Canton flannels, linsey, blank ets and coverlets, hickory shirting, Irish linen, wl ite goods of every description, lacing, eelging, &c, hats, raps, hornets, bootsand shoes, READY MADE CLOTHING, II. rd wart, qt.eoiiswi.res ghir-3, naiis, flour, t'sli, salt, irn. ti splendid stack of Gr -ceri. s, I-i a..; '. Paints, and Dec Muffs, all of v. hi.-h, v offer at lower pri.'es: tliatl good- have pitr o-ee-i". s.-hl ' : the country, til! kin.lo of couittrj.' j ro luce cliai.gf, such as Lumber, Railroad Seed, Rags, ..e. tak Ties !b N. B. ( '-. iinii y iio-r.-haets w Hi b. any . f the j.bove sp!e:- iid si ie -i:. suppl: S of i go i n:a wholesale ei: v nr: x, on only iigure for liei July 21, IS" R. FGRANNS EE-ihV. -tf. 500 Elollars ISevvard. l;nnl Kxr itrmc :1 in Wales! GE'i cit O.J. P.ODCEI'.S has just received fr.ua the cities oi 1 niiioJeli'nni anf New le;ri; aui im- metise stock of New Guods, and nov.- offers to his old as v.tl! .'a-- new customers the ,?;.', (Untn-txt and l-ext assortment of Sl'Rl.NG S L "Jl.MER GOODS ever brought to the Ebensbur" r.iaiet. ! His stock consists of c cry varie ty of Dry (J-.H.ds Queeuswares Hardwtire, Cedar Ware, c-c, :.l! of which have l.oi-n purchased with a view to satisfy the wants of his numerous customers iu quality and price. Gents Wenr. Blue, black, brown and broad cloth lis, plain and fancy casimcres twt-eds, summer cloth, linens, silks, satin, Valencia aud uiarseills vesting. Hats, Caps, Ibmts, Shoes. .s:c. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods Prints; mous de 'a;ns, ginghams, lustres and fauey Coli.r.-tl silks, bobinet, laces an 1 edging, jaokouetts, riblotis, fau ey silk gimps, iu. Hardware, cutlery, and tools of vari.W kinds. Quectis-warc, cinsistin" tf many new and splcn- h did iiatterus. , Ore.ce-ries, coii -i j.ir.g of coilets. su-ii; tea, ush, Spis?-8, Salt sVc. t-if All kinds of country pr--.dtie taken in ei change for good j Also Lumber. Wool. &c. G LO. J. LODGERS. . May 20. 1853. JLooSi out for the Locomotive lauh und i jod-yce ftoic! Hu AVE nt their Store, iu Jeffcrsoi. u f. w eIooi last of G. L. LioytJ i, co.'s stoic a hirire ami entire new assortment of Spring & Summer Goods, which they just received fi-om the Eastern cities, consisting, in part, of the following articles. L.VD1LS DRESS GOODS. Silk targes, Mous linde Laiues, Lawns, e.e., cce. Also, Cltiths, Sati netts, Two-eds, Drillings, ic-J. Ready Made Clothing, of all kiudsaud very best ejuality. Give it a trial. II.irdw.ire, Oiiceiiswaiv , f.n .l St.ne.rare, of every variety comprising a lar-,e ftsoruiR-t,;. STOVES, of every decriotion, always on band and warranted. We llatter oursel.t, tle.t we can sell Stoves lower than any establiskme nt in Cain bria county, aud beiug located on the Rail Road we can always secure a supply. Groceries, Such as coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, vinegar, linseed oil, sperm oi!, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, aad every article uecessaay to supply this market. The public is solicited to call and examine our stock, as we are confident it will admit of inspec tion. JBS? All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Lumber bought at the highest market pri ces. May 17, 1853. Thomas I,. Martin, House and Sign x'iintor and Paper Hanger, Johns- S - town, Fa. HOPon the Island, nearly opposite D. Leech & Co's Warehouse. Dte. 22, 1W2, Br. Guysotl's Improved Extract of YELL0V D0C2 Ss SAH3A FAB. ILL A IS NOW FCT LP IN THE LARGEST SIZED Dottles, and is acknowledged to be the best S.VES.W.UULLA made, as is certified by the Wex iiKiii ll Ci'BEif it has performed, the origuni copies of which arc in the possession ef the propi-i.-ier. Remember, this is the ouly TRUE an 1 ORIGINAL article. The Medicine, when used according to directions, Will Care, Without Fail Scrofula or Kings Evil. Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore-Eyes, Ringworm or Tetters, ' Scald Head Rhe umatism , Pains in the Bones or Joints, old Sores and Ulcers. Swelling of the Glands, Syphilis, ease - of Kidneys, Loss of Ap petite, Disease ar rising from the use of Mercury, Falu in the Side and Shoulders, General Debility, Divpsy, Lumbago, Jaundice and Costive ncss. Let all who wish to purge the blood from the impurities contracted from the free ii.du'.genc of the appetite during the winter, and to j re; are tho stcni to ve.-iat summer epidemics, r s .i t m.w to ' (ii.ys(,tt' Estrae-t of VelloH- Dock aod Sal's. i parioa," tvhic'n is proving itself an antidote for many of t!o most malign. u.t discuses that f.e sh i heir to, and they will never be ii.-:ppdnted : f r in this remv'.ly the public faith has never wavered never can waver; for it is founded on experience, just as th'-ir want of faith in other and spori u compounds is also foiiiiu- d on v.p--riei.ee. The J fly irom mineral nostrums to seek hope, iit'e :.m! vig.ir, 1'n.iu the? ,-. e.yintle r-'ri'.. then f-.-t-e. .i'.-V- l-Vt 1 as.f ii ill liealtii aiei spirits. !rv.ev I r ioatos' lir: to !oiia-i otl.trs, let no eil.c i..t'.-pi I : rec-eery; lit" iat:.-!it only ut h:s hol e of pl:!-ieal re.-t. r.iiiaii lies o r.it an 1 that Guy- V in zott's Extract of cih.w D .ek :d S i.e. .r.-i)pari:l:i, i try it, and : a-.- I v r.slo- and per.-.ua.io lii we have no lo-'i: ration to heali i:-. Ladles o; la.!-: i'.s, an I sUl h as to. f.-r l.S liie s s rcjlctil: 'e.viru and consnniplive hab a!e I bv t'o s- i.-osiruct red, by I '.jl ' IO.S the re.-t-to t:s( .S--, .f to b' Rl'lLKI (1 ran: t ; e a:. ' "i . i t (. Dv'ar Si 1 April 27 '.ii, J. D. PauX. Es')., Cineiaiia ii. gives me great satisfaction to a favor tif Dr. (iuysi.'tt's Fxtr let I : It 1-1 ler:moi;y ju i I' V e.io-.v b'ock an i S.-u s.iparilia," t that of tin; nuait i on- and Li;;h!. b Jueiited I v feajiee table I traeihs wLo have been the nit u ;ci!;e. My wife has been st.fT. ri?.- for the space of near- j !y fee years wiiu Scu.fuiii an I Cancer, which. I j think, found its origia in the iier.ii;i;..':;ie-iit.-. of the j sitste-m peculiar to !n.r fees, while in the mean time at:efc ums i.iroi:r ti.e caie i tiie iu e f fcniiiieut I'liv.-i-ciai.s ill this section of com. try, without deriving any material aid from their preseriptiotis. Upon the recommendation of Dr. Cocke, one of our i'l-ysicians, who had seen toe no dieiin: used -.villi happy effect, 1 obtaiae.l of v. in- A-enis her., Mc.-ms lii. e ci M'Far-aiol,' loc-b.u.e oi --L-r GuysK.tt's Estrae t of Yeliow Ioek ai d .- ae-apariila,'' and as my wile found relief in m tiait bottle, I bought some six bottles, whieli she has taken with tho most astonishing beiiciit. for 1 am pleased to i ;tv it has entia.lv euro.. her, S'.r she has t-nt'.redv re-.-o. ere I from her iih.es -C-.neer are cured sound am Accept n.y gratitude. i.od ti.e Scrofula and well. EopVftfilo V, ::ia:;l gi;lLman. 8 tyVLixvsr.?a Child ut nue rs of D;:. Ctv eott's E.ir..iji- or Ylli.ow Dock and Saks.m a-i-.ii.riA. Faiuvifw, Butler Co.. Pa , June U, 1653. Mn. John 1'ai.k. Dcau Sin: I wish to state, that your excellent medicine, Dr. Guj-sott's Extr. ct o! Ve!lo-.v Dock ami Sarsapuriila has coiuj.letely cured my son, ag-d seen years, of an ag ravated case .! seire eye.i. Irom May till Septoiiiber, lour ineiiith. he was coutint-d to a dark room under tiie care of a skillful physician who consulted able counsel. II. continued worse for two months w hen he became eutirely blind. His eyes were so highly inflamed, ami so very sensitive that when covered wit Ii se-ve-n fu'ds of dark silk, he would scream Irom the p .ia ci used by the light of a candle. He had no appe tite ; hud taken so much powerful and tiffensivi medicine, that 1 could neither eoai nor force him t take more. He was reduced to a mere skeleton tnd I despaired of ever rcstori health. About th.it time I sv.v your iir. advertised as a remedy for i c Scrofula, ami your agent ia this ; l'.:.i., 1 ecoiiiuiciided it to me ial: I purchase 1 a bottle ntnl ;. .. vo could see but iiita; alteration in I. in : g bis sirj:it or aUi'ible in.'-Jicit:-ovis, caused I j hlcv, John Ste-t!. y. it to my son. I 1 for two or till-, e lie e-. ..u t. improve rap. U ta another bolt Vf.vj. certify that I am : ill. aioi have seen ition rer.r. -s. nte l 1 and ki.o.v tit '.t he ; e n-tii:i.r. qu-tinti-d :is sat. w i.e;- him, a-.d h is now in r 1 . 0i la. lo-l i a . C..m . i i a t !; ei hiai .-' alth. Signed, nr:u I'rice Sold by Ne.rihwest Jf.lIX .S(-..1T. six bottles for i:5 PARK, t in., O. and Walnut street-.. vl J-er bottle. JOHN D. corner Fourth Entrance on V. ai'.iut s!iv t. to v. l:--ni all orders must be addressed. Murray Zahui .t l'c. Eltetisburc. Moore ec Kepler Currolltown. .7. I n Ivory .'i Son Summit, Johnston cv Ed son .1. hti.-town, E. P. Ilil eiibrand In liana. J. C. Day l.lairsville. August 10, 18511. ly. 4 1 A. Or RE YOU BALD? Is your hair ftdlinz off! is i our heal cove-red with Dandruff or Scruff? If so, then make u fair trial of Storr's I'hemiciil Jl.iir I.ivi.iorutor. Hundreds of persons in al! parts of the country whose heads were entire ly bald, have had their hair fully restored to its original perfection by the use of this valuable article. Caition. Ask for "Storrs Chemical Hair In vigor.itor," and never let dealers persuade you to u.-u any other article as a substitute. Price 25 cents per bottle Proprietors. C. P. Amet A: Co., No. 12'l Arch street, Philadelphia. For sab- by eiealers generally. Sold by Fred. Kit tell, Kbens burg ; James Bell, Summit ; K. P. liildebrand, In diana. 1 Dec. S. 1H52 ly. tlzeliiel I2ut?.iit!s', Ebontbur;, Pa. DEALER in staph cerics. who'es i pie nnd fancv drv ire.ods irro lie and retail fish ; hardware and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet iron, sheet zinc, stoves of all kinds, stove-pipes ami sheet-iron ware, tin ware, copper and brass ket tles, vc. Grain, wool, butter and other country produce bought i.nd sold. Also, A dealer in white pi:ie, poplar, ash and c'.orry lumber; lumber always bought, and a large quau ti.'T constantly on hand for sale. Cauh always paid for lumber cut to orel.'-r or such as suits the present demand of the inr.rfcet. A largo lot of new goods as en.br iced in the above list just received aud more opening for sale at the lowest market price. September 23, 1S52, tf. Exchange Hotel. Hollidaysburg, Blair Co., Pa. THE proprietor assures the public that no exer tioi'S will be wanting on his part te render his house home-like to those who call with him, and solicits a share of public patronage. GEO. POTTS. April 29, 1S52. f BARRELS Coueuisugh Salt for sale bv riJ . ' J. MOORE. TUAERELS SALT just received at the Store of OXJ HUGHES & WHEKRy,-Jeff. too, Pa. i JnY 9. B RANT'S n tt r t r, r-? f. u TIKtV' A tl i dL&ViiliA I kllLisill'i!, 'i lirt Great COUGH RC.tJEIiV. Tbnti . a ('urn cf onnfijillTr l "f ! ' ' ;'v ovr.1 lo ihH lat.l.Hil.'-l "I M i" i:r"" ''""l" f a"i".!utr4 v et. i. ut-'J-l r.iv. a vrrul- !V Mll'l -iT, t-PI.U It l ",..,y. i ri-rtaui lo i-hic Coiuriaion i ti l.n?i;-. a ta.y i,a.-r U-w-lv in ti. w .r .l W hi.w. Ue.v.-v.-r. ui . hy o.i o u.al't'-t.r-iir:r' "' cwi not tv ruf.l. B- u ' e u... vf o:.. n,::rv ur .. - f.-r. v..- !u,l -'i-:'! ' u. h. l-a w fU mm. 'uJ an I " v . r '" " , -d hi tl. -.: no- ' ! " .. -a-.- o-.-i rm-ril ra... v-t ..i-i.M.,.niM-, ii v. ..;i. . .-,,.,-.,.,. I ,:,, ..'.W ..' - ' "'' in - t'....i.i-in. " - H-;;,a.';: J I -l..-J-ll?; -f :Me.:a.e-",v,. ., f. it.-. -lil,C t..-r- ;..,.-Wn-tlBS ... . no a :Cer ii r - o-t l.i.-;. c.! ltr v, . . K i,. : ..-r. 1u L.x;.- .- Lis r n. wl. i it. i tin-r .nir. l-.i. --y .. a-- oi L..i - ll.i- llv.-. -:. I : ... I - -'a I It!,, t-l-itii j- -"iy J-"-;-'-'-' -' r - I , .! ai tt.r. ttne' i' - i-.i' . - v -J 1 ' ' " ' .' j : C:OuU.'". I - - 1V..MI.. -J - - ' t r tpnli.il" i un- lrfri? taa-, .s . -. ..'.-. . a - 1T H-.O.. r On, -.v:...' i- " .jwi -V ri" uzu:-t I ' -' -a i)t r'oUi-- tti:-,.,,;.....,i.-.e. Ser -"-" I i -!'' l.xi-vciuv -..-u. i' Ci-:c tlx- l..o .v..a; a re. ' CoxiBiimption, i ti,i; 'i:i.M ssi.i tm-x t"".j-"' .'. -' 1 ra'ai. -t.oi-r.i lt.,.iiiluiii. Ip. . ..,n.. ... v-r FopPrinii i - ".T '7: '? jrI"v I Uli.-ta jJ S'.jdvuit a.: our A(oi.. Las- U;-a. lo . EXTRACT ri"I;e. Greriievf BLOOD PURIFIER IS THE WM' LE '.r(LI! Vr ice . t,rur, or fMfici f-r 5 It i in' v P. i t p n tj 'A IVV KOTTI.Hf". f Uo rf f.f-rr oh. I ki iif.il J:!-'-- in v. ; f!i in H'.-'li l-.l:e. T rt i.atye i W'i' - hit I K 0-l, mi U i.ip m hiicuvi y raiiil rn -I ilt uu y tint- iu ;.. r- .! y: u I i I Si r- tpur a duy -Iiu- ei' i.-l i- . -' - I '.vc:i f -l Uf iriym, wiiTU tm mnrii . : i ; t i it . .-. t l' U iV i'!i-t r I -l :ViW .::-ir, LrCiilise UitfO iif'.i'i ;' i. -i- i it - tit it v r: . . T r- i r;9i-nij oi itiirt JUood Vur'iHrr ovt-r a I r -r iu : J .nhtf. t -'. - in j.r;l ti ' ft -,n n. y-f,-.,-.-? ;i t ! rtr r.-r. i .. ii.-; jfvwcjU .Mtilinil firiuc j,us! re;;r-c a.tl ivai f Indian Roots and Earks, -:::.-: a;, or r mi.-.'V Tict p js--.it-. Thee ure lliw rattft ..--low .'.'!."''. f ta iVio.t.t IliHl ttt-re rwr kll'iwij to r..lr . . . . -.. O..- v .m. i a j liit as. fcc-l.; w... m..tli w llm lit tsc. Ij...r:.. .' ...' J ...-:.-i cf Cavsjaarilla, Tellov Bock, C H E n r. AND SASSAFRAS BARKS. a.-. 1 pj:i l.iiile l.i. t. ::ef, not only tat grtntmi liinn.l vr, i-- a "-hai-.-r mtdwtr.tt iy rnt udftM :i ' l ' i. -r. I: i.. f'ojji. i.-a, t.ie q.taut.ljf ol' It IllKl a. -; la I'tf l..t nilit:P iil nturh ItinsPr, aii'i '- rl't-n j inn-. m..;c ii.LKju J.t.aie, titan e;c lu!iat i f u.-.y .-' .-r t. r at-. J..a' un'ivj.il.rc l -.c:"of the I'vm of r?!:-i ,.:: . I. t -." Scrcfula, I'ever-Scres, F 'Pitif F.t y:j.!ti. S.ut-hhtaut. l.hruf 'ilrttrt, Sl.f..li I a..-.'.-f i. ! 'if I i'.-p, i.lvpi'.l ..Mtfil 'I I M I . i't.n, it... f '.-.,.(; i .'. - i, o-ff i 1 H-". s, t -r. 11,-, -p. ' .-a.. .: ai.- s,,.- HrctiH. "jt.. ,n;.I J..iut$. t;i.d t.t ft t. ft fa..,l-.i...t i ii.t.a.3..i, -e a-jr ' .1 ? 1-jl .'. i.' S m.i ry A i : U.ut tii.-ta to t-r t unv. la . ( MCI STORK'S CSSE:IKCAI. 8f ASS: I.-iVKi-OKATUIi. rrilllS dcl'glitful nn-i popular ftrticle is the best -1- n par.ttioii for the hair w hich long experi ence and -xiei.t'tic research has produced, either as an i.r:id .- tor the t..;i, :, cr its b ne-fieial effects in ail thr- ili-jeasts to which the human hair is liable. It wi.i impart to the roughe.-t and co:i.-test hair the most bca'iTiful appearance, tntlre'y c'. ea:..-i :g it fiom all impurities. But while we assert that it is the best article f.-r the toilet e.f those who wish to retain the h..':r in all its youthful LUXTRIAUCE AKD BEAUTY, it must not 1 e foigoltou that in all disease" of the hair or scalp, such as the falling of the hair eland ruff, pimples, or sores on the sculp, A:e., it is per haps the article which has given decided satisfac tion every instance v here it has been Used. Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly active, so that, in numerous, where other remedies have been tried iu vain. SI (iRR'.S CHEMICAL IN Yl'jOl.ATOll has supein-iied the ornaments ot ai t. by reinstating, iu ful. ple-nritu b'. the pel inaiieni :Uts and graces of nature. It is posse ssed of a character wholly differing from -the Oils. Gren.ic, Restoratives, &c., which are now s-i numerously foisted on the public, for baldness, gray hair, :.c. Eiorr's Invigorator has liiv been te-ted for years, and its elociicy b-.s 'en .roved ly thousands, i'vt ry year its lvon? . ti. it and sales have increased, until n:. re if:; ;. consume i annuai-y than .if anv lai.er pre: .r..t';. a. r tiie hair eve r o.'iei-cd to the Am. rio .;i it as con jiaundod on strictly 6ci.-i-t.;ic ri:...!o'.cs. and toe proprietor will stake his rvi-ulaii.-u e n is . i ihcai y . Its e?r t: l '.'.n-.ry e-iica-'!:o- j-'a -f.-' y:'-. I'-'.ioi :' tiie humblest :.y. a:: 1 its e- '. .- For .-a'.e bv ti i.r.M-.et-irs C. i'.' A M L rJv. stree t. oae ,!., .!- vv For s-ileb-. I ."uinuot ; (i. M Kittd.. Ei! itit-ur;: : .! a. Ueihi !e x Co , Ji i.:..;... iHcc-.iii.er l'i, os.i.'-ly. jA"Ui;r:cs, DY;:rEr:-iA, cEr.o:;ic i n V0U3 Di'BILllY, DISEASES 0? THi: KID RE , au a;, t. incase aiis:n'r Iieni a .iise r . Vli .... . . dered li -- or stot;t;ich, such as e-orstinaiion. iuwrd pih-s, fullness or blood t., the head', acidity of the stoii.acii, tiaiLsea, heal t-burn. e:i.-:rust lor food, t i.iness, or f eight in the stomach, sour eructations, siui.iag or l':i:ter:ng at the jdl ..f the stomach, viiuming of the head, hui rieei and diff.culi brcath in.c, ll.tttei-ing i.t the Leart, choking or sulio.-.-i-ting sensations wheu ta u lleing jo .iare, u.ianess of vision, dots or welis be for... the si-ht rover and dull pain iu tho hea l, di.iiciency .f' p. rs;.'.ra;i a, ye.loWI:css of the- skiit uv.'l e-y.-s. pain ;i the .-i.!e, baek, chest, limbs, &c.f saJii. ilu.-l.es of heat, bt-.rniiig iu the tic-h, constant im-tjiudio-s of evil and great deprcaaiou of apiiits, c.-ui be effectually cured by cll i:ui:a j i.i ; lum. i .v jsittjsss, Ji:i:fAi:;:i. ny Dli. C. 1. JACrZiOxf, At tiie tieiiiiitii .Hfcti!!! ."itorc. 1:0 Arch 4iftot, I hilauelLii. 1 :.c,r j v,, r,r ear uU.re ttJ(tJ is not txnlhJ ! -ju:il(.;l l,y a,.; t.ii.rr j.rrj-aiiun i.-i (he i'hiu d i"''-' a lhe cur" atlejt,in uiai.y eust utur J.ihul jjftt.sietun hu.l juiU-J. These Bitters arc worthy the atteutiou of inva du.s Possessing erent virtues in the rectification of uiseases of the Liver and lesser glands exercis ing the most oearehiug powe rs iu weakness a-id affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, cerium and pleasant. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as stated ltacts specifically upon the stomach aud liver; it is prefe-rahle to calomel iu uil lUivus diseases -the t-f-tect is immediate. They can be administered to female or ii.fun.ls with safety and reliable beuofit at any tune. Look -vr ell to tLo marks cf the Gonuine They have the written signature of C. M. JACK SON upon the wrappe r, aud his name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. For kale Wholesale ai d Retail nt the German Medicine Store, No. 12(J Arch street, one door be low Sixth, Philadelphia; and by respectable deal ers generally through the country. I'ltKKS UEbl CED, To enable nil claaes of invalids to enjov the ad vantages of their great restorative powers. Single bottle 75 cents. For sale by Frederick Kittcll Druggist Ebens burg ; James Bell, Summit; G. Muckerhide & Co. Johnstown. ' December 16, 1852 8-ly. WOOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain, takcu iu exchange for goods at ' J. MOORE'S STORE. TviUE LigLert yrie jtM for wool at the stoia cf -1- GZO. J. I9T,:Gn.JP. f ft i 0 V, n :i Mil M 'w w-': C' Ws? vxJe5 vj PURIFY ! PURIFY! J.ifo au! !!e.i!'.li are in thi hVM. N t oi e of ..a t : ru-ri.r-nn ta.i.. l-ii iu L r. rs.i-.i. lo it: er-til tti. .1 eii v:rtrf'!, uwm ti..' uti--...a : c!.-lt.aly l- el-- at. I pr.y, pfutuwt M i,.;,'.-!. :.J j.a.!r..uJuiii a.-..-ru iu ')! Urt ANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. a. ?i.i- w-.rid. ..?..! itl-.l. aa t .ha-.ti .Ji m 31 li-l I.J.isU.OJi Cll.. si Scrofula, rtvr .Suics Salt Jlht'iini, iV'HH.I-J. hii.I ot't-r ffptirt s.-M i A t : &rf iutlnt ." l't " I .""' s'"'1 1"-v"i a, I J krojt !u,' ..'.'. '' Jf u l 11 1" f I'', '' otu. ' urn to-it. Ul:: Cu.'tt'l.AM Km o.MC vt.- ,. Til- r- N'."i l .a- it ti '...en l...e !- n . nu .y i: 'pUaiflER, "J eu.esl Ly Lie Uei of f Ob'f f IN1ES Less Quantity, at Las.? Cost y faui-fuld. t'.inu f-v.-r mieh u.-i.h- were !s-!i.r.- or uu. . i.r. l f.y .s. r.-ii r.H. nr n :t 1 reen-..y. '' n.t, L.mc i the qu.-.t:..n lor ti..f '' r.--t.ai to d.s i,!.-. to eeuaofa, ,.-..!'. J nt- l' n-.ii it ..,-. ) t.-;...i t r:o jsuj it v.or 'j ;i:::; n:u ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH .f BRA NT'S .PURIFIER v. !v -.- VOfH TliTif- A inu. a ii.s -as.- n o.tr .a,'..ii 's r..a."i ol i;a-i2. f it i m1', lii.ti it i FOUR TIMIS CHEAPER t....fi irip nlia. Aref lo orovj tias eve lof-r ul- u.e of tuio, , t Ui.-ma.tyew.s3 ol 310ST lUViUUlr SCROFULA. To refclize '.hr gruxl prncrr u t!. iiiftiiritu fc fr;ii rcnl. in our I'MHijihl-!. tn p rt'-- t ruru t V i ou Mr. J H. Hatkit, of V.r, Oneida county, .V. i 1. w condom lo lui lt -i 6a, Year Wh lutt rXjJ Tl t ' licntiyjCH Kjura l.,ujrrri n-cit w rti.u ri ;ti '.y '!. Tom r.r V cur h hle -Ht-ti through the ll'tH .;- -:.- .f i'rr!; tX-n Mit thr ur ot one arm tUin'ytd I . t r. u lor- ru a mu's h.-iinl. IjmiI n-Hily ct-tcu u.:-AU L- mZ tiiL-re n tic ou i.iHi, iu u-1, . Twenty Larjc, Dcq, Discliarinj Uters witi. li w.-re ALL CUR CO, nuj ic r-.V-r.l taUU m tfrrnvth ttt Lir h-h.ii. y tlur u-- of OM.V 1 i,Vf tOi 1'Li.rf. wui.U.rriu; cur im fcit.tit- J Ut Ly Fuurlcca Kepcctdl!i5 ,Viincs.sf.s. And tt l lii MrraittMt care. tU ni t ui.1-s4't -d'-f u-UaUt cL tt tuif ol" tti tttutt fiorrtii Mi l ruiZ huf-'l r.wo ul Xr'fnia. til t iias .rT tx.-t u cuf.r.i I'..' vrjr.d wa t:r tii iMnii;. t -ly ti'i:.::,:; a: icr (rhu ut" tlif n:i-'i.c;ri - 15 It A 7 T ' S 1 7; I 5 A ?U PULMONARY BALSAM PojW MrawIl th vl. vMr t:J jjurifyu.- Tirtn.- fi-'f't n oweri ul nmi H- ti " tiir ir j rt (,.n -a- ii-ii ' ERANT't INDIAN PURIFYING EXTHA CT t u j-r tr- lrn:a sV-vrrnl o!u-t !. icut:-:. wi;.-h rts vcUajtT'.J u .t; -t- d tn. i.nJ re r.m iiiii,'.j uci.?w.ry. tur COUGHS AND CONSUMPTION'S. Tilld B VI. SAM Aaa'j nnj earrj I'ircrt iu th" Luts fcl -I-wtie re iutrrua.lu. hi czrtuii'i kl.ii nistlf m tl. i'urt f.i t.lracl curt- fcuil lifHt l"u-.-r cslerna.ly. 'IhJ tu. cures nine ihM-. of Cunruiuptijii out ot len iLjr uil a. tueeiie- have jailed to to guud. THOl A- OS OF COXSl lI'TIOMs, and Chrouic Cttufks. fcljun-lni-.tly iroec it r.it!i in .l diaen.j ot lU: BREAST, THROAT, Aha LUNGS. A !)YSN(J WOTSA.-V SAVnO! CONSUMPTION CURED I We it.itf t!u cure to pnir tl! jowcr to tare lif; t.:s i,'U-i'ii ir iisw-n, -'n uIut t!i . rc:n i run.Bnu.tCA. uw t)iiy-i ihti nnd lri-ntl, to Ln. iu the iat Uis of flttnr uu tunliy dying Jiiirt, in thu cm', so Jar Mont, Itt.-.t Ltio irH4 Mttd burml iiotht were bought- Kr tlic particulars of tii Chco. Miiil the rrjrcta!ile nnd vndaub'td prtxt ot nil Uo cit .uinstiisMT- aii.l tut-tiif we riT to our i'AMI'ili.r.TS 'l it curt- w,n i!',;i t.-a on M .i. '.Hi A li Kt!M AN, BaiistuH Sjsa, Saratoga county, -V Y. V t-ri jjnv b J ft UoQ't, many otii r almost fQi-aJy i hup !? nn i ih mcrablt ch of Cuujha miiJ Coiumy.in,tB CL Ki-i-', wi..ca w-r" prffirt'inti inrnrchU !v 'jfeiliui j.l, ran. BRANT'S POLMONAky BALSAM cures Con tumjXio-.. Votigk. C'tis SjiUUug J iii'wd. i.tdthf at :a Lm Vat 'B ih the hrat ana bitit. i'afiuu.ion j ut rtmi. Ctulrn Infantum, Itytruter, and Summer Cofi-ts, i ChudrcH Mud aau.ua ttud ALL, j Female "Weaknesses and Complaints. j Ko remedy offred to the public Iiu erer bn half nm xrtatH and effectual in restoriuf ALL the iniif-tit;U kcojl tirmi trrrjr uiarit tr ol the MX, aa BRANT'S PUL MONARY BALSAM. It iUMke oo tiirt. r.nc wbetiu-r Jit tl'-mn jfinent be tup press ion, erects or oth.r tei,jw t KKtil'LA 1 "KS ALL, by tzrtnjrtkeninf tiie bVatein, ertcai stiTy th- crrulttott. hu CXnillNti hiiJ LLAl'.NG tiiVuL'd IlIiilTALILlTV. 6n I'aaphUu. CHANGE OF LIFE. Y.rom the 7 irl to tin; Woman, fcn.l tiie (ronjf fc! mi-Ldu Li.v titL' in arvdltrnt i, nnd thn nt.i-r o fa-tu.. jtirrteveJ. Hi t j pr. v.M.t uy of t:, fuial diMM Ul iiw twut.y hrij iu ciin.-qtiu. e ol such (1mu;. ; LIVER COMPLAINT i Seo tin-cure of V. HuLbard. of fmmfcrj, Cuiin . mi J o-J-. ' DYSPEPSIA S, T. S. H-Jmx, oi- A::icu, T,mug cjunt.j. y. i i.tij maay iiioku XTervous Eis5as23 aai 3cr2.ug-cir.eat8 curcj w.tiiout full. IiYH N niUY SUMMER COM-LAIST, io t.iU ie a 4..,..' .iua CHOLERA- INFANTUM. No mother n.-t-,l ever mourn the d-Ht!i of hnr cluld ty riiol-ri lnf.iiioitn. !i in t.-,-ta.i.L'. it BRANT'S PUL MONARY BALSAM be n.t..-r.t.i. Ii should bn. j for suc" e?s-, ujiii.u.surs-d iu larger tisaa taa orinarr it. T. K. Kf.JLRTs. A Sen S'irrn. IT !K 5u1;vr'.l.e-rs wnul.l r. st'Oe-ti'iil'v in'- rru tbt tltuetf ol l.!,c!i.-')iir. vT. ?! .. . . Ci ' .....i v..t ..j.j - liav.t ;ut receive-, I froii. the city of l,l;i.tjl...!V.a, mi 1 have; ot-e 1 1 - - -1 .at the- store room fe.ii eerlv c.-e-u-1 io.l by J. E. fraip. a larco nssorlmcat of CrsOCEHIES, ol an Kin'U, Cfnsist.titr of tl.:e fo!!o-si:; nriic'.ea, tsk C .'i'ee. Tea. Furnr-.. Sj.Ie-e-s, Cheese, Water. .SckIh, aio I Su-..r Or:icke-rs. Esseoeee f t'oft'.-o, Choco'.at. rit.nanion. Citroos, L'ates. llai-t-ns. Id U-1 Cr.rraiu! rrunes. Pi,.'S, Ahnoiiils. Ercsorves I'ie-kies, OrD ges, Lemons, TcWe-o, S. oars, SnuCs, 5.C., Ac. Flour aa.d P.;ou !:-ft ernst.-uitly on lonol. EauiiiicH do wt'l t.. e.tll f.n.l I'laiiaiic our assort r.icnt u" Groe-ories a Confection U-fore i-uri-h:s;uK e-lsee liere. t.rms must nnl will be CASH, as vc iotetid to roll lower tint n niy t-tiab'.isuineiit in tho couutv. May , IS.::;. Tl'DOHi. EOI'.EETS. EUMillT, CAMBBIA CO., TA., I'lcatsurc of niuioeincin to n'J yXi. JLA. woul l se-ei;-.- the best bnrpiiius to bu f,ffor.-t 1:1 litis county, tLat lie is ngain iu tin fit-bl -wkl one of the largest, cheapest, aud most carefully s lecte-J tcck3 of Fall and Inter f;uds r . Ever bruujrlit to Cumbria Couutv. all of wLIch have becu purchsne.-l withiu the last few elnvs li, rliiiaJelphia uuJ New York, itb jmrtieuUr rennrot to the wants of this Market. 1 a-ain Aire mv bM1 ucr to the breeze, inscribed with tny olelwotto tf ftuick Sales and Small Profit. I coufiaently inyite the stteution of purchasci o ciy itock, winch will be found unusus.Hr laree, vancd nnd attractive, being full n-l com plete m every department. Everything new, fash ionable u..d deMrable will be found embraced my assortment. Particular attention is solicit to new and beautiful styles of LADLES' i)ESS GOODS, wbieb I have just received of late importation. lu Ucuts wear I defy corapetion, and confidently invito an exauiiuatiou of one of the larSest,chr ap est and best selected stocks of ready-made clothin cloths, cassmicres, ic.t evor brought to Canibr? county ; comprising all colors and trualities. whicU I will sell cheap and warrant to giv. eatiafactioa. Also, caps, bonnets, BOOTS AND SHOES. of the best qualities and latest styles, together inn