'i . . " 1 . . DEMOCRAT AND SENTINEL. m:iciij: .tsxi &. cc. W!;0!.r.Ar.C r.iid rtti.ii dr.-.krs ia Tolcc. T r.r. 1 r',-nr-:, v.. rl' rt'so f;t t!.e Scrth f'Ttr r f.fTh:-l M.. I'.r.'-.r; rt;f;Ct3. IhiinOtl- rlii:i, h.tely occ.-ps'i j L i-JIg, fTi.ttJlcr LCo.. keep c.r.Ktnrf l.r.nd a lrrf-c end w.'U se'ectl s!cclr cf iLe troft ctk-J.ratad Lrrcds cf czrmrrs t?2.'.ccc, iirroE7U5 cioahs, Domort'; rr, r.rd nuif, which they oTer for r-'c n fin f.jvof.Ij'e terms as r.ry toune iatL cit LOCAL ITEMS. TVahisg agaikst Time. The peaceable ia j habitants of our peaceable town were thrown iato commotion, on last Thursday, by the anival of ? Mr. "Wm." Singer, who had undertaken, on a ra- get-, to walk from Jefferson to Exr.sburg. a dis tance of nine mile, in one hour and a quarter, lie came into town leaking very " gocd time," fol lowed bv a " coach ar 1 f.rar,M i:i wli!eL wore sea ted the Judges- Of course his arrival was a rig nal for a stir, and old and yoimtr, grave and gay, -male and female, flocked to the " outcome,"' (Mr. ' Hycri' tign pcibt,) to learn the result, lie had failed. Nothing wonderful in that, certainly. Any other man might have el one the same thing, i but for this pedestrian, who had walked upward of eighty miles in one day, to fail in anything ; like travelling icas wonderful, and his failure was C universally regretted: He had made the distance in one hour and thirty five minute.-;, and we yen s' ture the assertion that no man in the State can -;. walk it in less, ifia the same time. ur-jers f r'rrf t t r.tton'ja to. JoLs Torkor. Juniet II. r&rker; PAHnCR & CO., i "YrOLKSALF: Crcrcr?, ccr!crs in Hour r-zi-3 j V r:ien. Fcri-a "'.Tir.e t-r.J L'raadicr, 01 i i.i-.T'TT hei-. or.d rpctired V. i::Fl.cy. i;o. 6, Con irtrcial Ecw, Lijrty trreet, rilf&l)Ui ;r, Pa. '.tat-ws. Vtril!Lun ZLbs. IillCY. MATTIIKIVS i CO., WIOI.j:Sjr.fi Ortr and Cr.mmi.-iin Xer l cluy.rf, I;ca"crs in n'.l l ir.'ls of l'voouce ar.d Pitto'oiirjr Manufactures, Xo. 77 onl 79 Watr Srree, Tittil-urEO, Pa. An;ti't I?, !?':. Wis MM mm IMS mm 1 , mm 1ml turn Mah l n in H ' 4 .-4 1 it : I i 1 1 'a i Game. The impression is abroad that the mountain ia this vicinity abounds with Game of all kinds. Now, wc are no modern Nimrcd, consequently we know nothing about it. j c i ;o "t ally, but, ia order to-oniihtcn tha public, we will publish the report cf the ; nccejs of a days hunt by four gentlemen of our town, viz : When it is known that the gentlemen referred to were gone from ' dewy morn t ill dusky eve," and were all ' some" on a " shoot," the conclu sion will be inevitable il.V, this is a good country to hunt in. Mrsic. We love inu.-de. Wc don't care whe ther it is stride by a full band or a screech-owl, we Jove" it , and couldn't help loving it for our life. We were gratiiiee'., then, one day this week, by the arrival of two violins and a guitar, accompa nied by three natives oftliu u'eri i.-nl, who play ed sweetly lengthily str.cl ihccp. We arc not jest ing, reader, they did play well very will, and if you don't believe us, attend their Conceit at the Academy ncj;t Thursday evening, and judge for yourself. New Rail Ro.v3. The New Rail Road.', over the mountain are jtlir.o.st ce-iupkud, wi:h the ex ception of the tunnels, and we have been inform ed that the Central Company will run a Loco motive over the road ia the ce-nr.e ( a ci;j ie of weeks. Ry the 1st cf January the- pas.-er.ger Cars will ran throrrlt frc-tii Philadelphia to Pittsburg, avoiding cr..i;cly the inclined planes, ir'o much for cnterprize in Pennsylvania. PtAXK Road CojirLi:ir.D. Mcsrs. Zahin & Murray, ll,o cor,tKtt;lt-rs fi-r coni'.etin the- J.f- i leTson and jRlxnsburg lkl:tnl-: llcacl, iniorni t .s that : the same will he; cuii leel this eexnitiLT. T!i por'ion c f the roa 1 v.iiich they have hitil: is very v. e-11 m.vle, Rtid the exr-o4i!ioiis manner in whi jh they constructed it, j roves that tluy rue n:cn who will not let work stic'.i uvon their ha::Js. Accidhn't. On hut TucsJaj- the rope hro!:c i on Plane- Xo. 0, when two stctk-ns of tho teat ; Geo. W. James, whieh was about half way u;. j cams clown, striking the other se-cti. anel i hreakiug into fa,n:ei!' al eat h.aJeu v;'li l.CCo j kp;s fif ira-'!iT. 200 of vhi.-h 'vcr R-,t-sf 1 fhcut j and are sill 1 vine loose on tho track. The- ears were uetaiiied in cr-asefjuence cf hriv'.tr to pushed round ilii obstacle ly1:atvi: Exhibitiox. Mr. li. L. S'. ife, has been Icctr.- rins on Electii and tin q..:. Ltn-.l Immbug, in onr town several tve-ninirs tiuiin- the ; past week. His lectures were well attended ami j the audknees. were elvliclittd with the cniertain- I " i mviits. i Fatal Rail Rei.vo Accidhxi. Two men ncr-ied j Nailcy and Ryan, residing al ISennigt on . were in- j stantly hilled on rir.ne Xo. 8 on Monday last, j They were walkin- d.-wu t!,c Plane- tir.:e- j and were watching the cars coining tip. when the j .safety-car going down caught them, wangling j them in the most horrible manner. One cf them j leaves a wife; and family. j bit. GUVsOTT'S IMPROVED EXTRACT OV TI.- j I.Q7 DOCK AND S IhS -IPAIMLLA is a it-r.i. ntM- riiTion I.'cnJi:irj Jh-:!.'. j ThcusrmJs c-f indivi J-ti? Lrc jurscd wili; ?riov- J ous coiuphunts, which ti.ey inhe-rit fr in the.' j i: rents. The use of the Vdhtv JJjt:: cn-.l .S'o ...-,-.': la will prevent w iLIs, and sav; a vast h mount o ruiserv. and tnniiv valitah!c iivs, f r it throH-jl!;; tsptU f.-om tie fj-,-.'M thi latent tw'nt, which is tl.r feed of disease, and to tabes oil the cars" by w hich the sins cr mh.f rti'.ne cf tha parents are so cf: -t Tisited upon tho innocent i.ifsprir.g. Tarcnts owe- it to th' "r cl ihit-en t -rn-.r 1 tlicni agaiiist the effects cf tir.dadies that ia-..v be c-nn lnuuicnlcd by decont, and chiidrcn of p:reu:a thai kavc t any time been nil'ccied wi-.ll Coii-umpti-Ti. Scrofula or SyphiTs, owe it to themselves to take precaution camstthc-dh-c:.-; bi i: revive.! in then'. Guysctt'6 Extract of Yehov, D .ck and S.irsap-trilla is a sars rn'idote in such cases. CO" Se advertisement. THY BATTELS. INDIAN LINEMEN I'. It i, clear ar.d pleasant to v.?. Warranted ::?! it if yccowmfaded or menfy paid back. ' Prepare! by II. G. 0. Cary, Erugslst and Chomis;, Cleve land Ohio, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by an authcr'7Cl Ajrr.t in every tan ti in the State. For sale- by Fred. Kittcl, r.hensburg Ta., and bv Hushes & AVheirv, JeCerson Ta. DIED. On the Pth inst., in U'n.-hineton township, nfter nn illness of two weeks, AKEX. ?d. CHUM, nged 18 years. LIST Or LETTERS, R1 EMAINING in the Tost Oiaoc. at ' Ebcnsburg, c on Susn Eurkhcart Mr Bishop Esq K W Donnell Thomas Gitrmghaa Mrs Holland AVilHom Linditaaa Charles cproul Frederick .chafer Mnthcw Con-rd Otren CuVluphar John Fnrren 2 Conrod Hofmnn Jahn Daniel Jones John I.ees'iie Mia Hebecea Smally M. Stiirerwalt Andrew ilcLnin Frederic Siinltler Miss Mnrparet Parish ."errpe Teakc - . ... . Margaret Waif ., wumt-s linger George Yinger. ' ' ; M. C. McCAGUE. P. M. OAOn P0b"DS ,-wfi'jl. .butter, cjrjrs wanted ZVMJU "J. M0.OEE. : .. ?r r c: - - - j .... ... .... .... f . .... . I A'Uehenv 151 C7 lr-0 r7 S3 12 91 S -12 159 50 4 141 73 147 78 143 01 104 19 ICO C$f"J ::::::: o, l e-t 0 ?n 2.2 c.i ir, 17 in ir, 4? 4.1 1.1 47 is 39 22 so 2: 15 2.? cimha " ' ' ' ' : 7? 1M f-3 157 07 r,4 R9 104 133 f.2 02 174 1? SO 179 72 K.l 70 lf.3 C7 153 73 oc i i C.r-rlV ' '''.' ' 111 r.-X 109 ..- 110 no 110 f,3 105 C2 3 IK, 110 f,o r-n 97 77 104 07 114 59 K'3 C3 1H i ! Crm'hi ' ' : ' : or, H ?2 19 fO 15 9' 1G 90 7 7 195 95 17 17 SO 24 93 17 103 9 f.5 9 92 i ra-'"n ' : : : : 10 07 KG FS 11 G 91 121 74 87 f,G i T3 F3 lf.5 15G F4 139 113 J19 90 125 FG 130 F9 j f lens , r Or CI 92 53 02 53 03 53 .31 73 51 50 100 100 5G 97 53 0 CO 92 57 83 50 33 Johnstown. : : : : : 142 114 121 131121 134 1 (.7 F3 74 139 ; F9 11 1F5 1C1 125 131 17 10G 1; 0 13 1W V21 . . ' , , -.- to o a o.- o 10 IS "A 95 K 7 23 8 93 0 L'O 10 24 7 24 i 11,0 J i:i : : : : : : . i " ' - ..... ... ... . , . . r I K-hiand ....... i,9 75 54 77 53 77 55 09 4G 00 23 37 57 101 74 51 80 SO 5G 5u .. ,4 t.G h , i Sarrirrrhill" ' -(5 74 201 F0 201 75 19.) 70 105 34 59 ' 190 200 90 93 195 77 20O 7 2 u .4 212 01 1-7 ! L,, , ' : : : : : ei fii s t-.o 40 f4 Ca 33 5 01 02 39 no 53 49 02 41 05 25 20 -,:. i Washinaon ' 370 45 Cf..) 71 ?53 45 30G 44 209 177 4 3.33 00 5, Z.U 00 3e,4 o7 5 ;.3 2 . , ! WhLeTV :' 25 37 20 33 25 28 25 35 27 - 33 1 23 S3 41 41 25 38 19 44 31. v2 25 C2 Lo 1073 r The names of D.raocra's in Roman, Whi-s in I'd. Tn.li-rc-n.-'.ent 'IVr.tpcranco cnndi.ia'fs i Smai.i C.iriT.u.s. The Xa'ive Amtriran camli-ts nctiv.d tl..-follcwirp voles in Jehr.s L , . .. . . i t. .. .i i : : i t (' tn- mi si Sin vnr (I in i al. lvm.l -t r L li av r .9. henntcr. seatterirc-. 4. Aer..b v. scattir rc. 4. mvn .IikIl'C ui'relue oure. ja.ui, umhuii, j. TV" )'i 'It'K i.- he I'. V i-ive :i that nil U'e-c i'-.r. eeiil ' i'.ie- Je-tivrs:,i w.A h' my. i- Ihe- trw:i of f- -h.il-;- m :e" ::!!. i-n M'lii i iv. tin; 7t!i i-y .f Ne.vt-fthcr lie-st, i.. t'.vc,.:i tho hours of 2 avl 4 o'clnC't. I. 4 . f h:. ri ii ,-,. ..: nf i. i :: rr oili-ocrs i-'i" s it 1 l'.uatt llun :1 : ii v. U rvo 1 r ui.e1 vcur. tit w'uh-i, t u n - ? i : 1 ;::u'., tin- I'oJ'.uwiti 'IT l . 1, t.. it : r Treaty- it ru l'.,r I'rt'st'U r.t. cue rrsui 1 1. r, ::f i rive j . i m ns lor Mmiace-rs. ); Her e-J'tl.e- !'.: J. Cl'.O. C. li. ZAIIM, O- t 7, 1353. - KTTTH of A'.MiiinhtJ r.tien l.svmti he i n prnr.t J ed th i!'.n!e:iii:ii d. 0:1 the ih-tnte of i'aiii, 1 ::-i'V. la.' 1 f .111:11111-1 hid tfVl.!4liji, tk'e-f llfce-ll nil er o .1 ;;i l tv.l tn s.irl i;irre-. ute .CiiUS:d ti ,-i!.e iii.me i::.te ' tiieiit, ar.d thsc l.tnin .-h.ii'iS V'a:r:-.t it, M0 rev :n-stid to l.ictcat tacr.i propel Uti.ett.Catce! iel' :. ;t!vJ:.ft:t- JOHN ?KTLLY, A-h.:-r. To-, iiahiii-'j, A"2- lc"C 7t. SO I ECU. l"DLIf r.o;: is h.-ti-l v f:cn that by or-hrof thr. Orph-iT-.s' C'o-nt oi' t V::.! r:. cui.ty. tin-lr u .'.l V .' esj ied t S:;'e by pubhc vtndiie, n T.tf--! iv, ti e- I.-', day .,f N iviri.l c - next :A 1 o'clock I. M.. tho follow in ro-ii cs'.:tc-. vis : '! :. .ue h.-df o!' tho nii-iividt-d f- thirds cf a ttvet ! ! i-catairdng 414 aci- and VJ pi-rvhrs. 1 in it:.-!i':o.-i .-vuslr.p. arr..i'?-d in the :i ii:ie- of t antwa'.hul-.T Kvm-. mijoiiiin- b'O.'i-s -.v.-ii-mu-to 1 ia ther narr.l of Vi'iii'i '.ta .-'-lith. i. U. '::.. !"::-. ricS Ev.it-S r'.d f.hf-l , with th:- ioi; lovi iio-h; s r.y.r. : ; vt-t.-t:-:.Ccs, i vto the cs'ate- of .J..d:u Tr.ttt r .,.-:'.'.!. 1 h.' S:d.-? v.-'t't .i I:"'. ', f r. 'It." rf-nii." r.Tid t' l tns ko !;.;ov. n by 1 rn: nick 1 )ino-:ol. :.inl H trrv Tur ner, .--in.::.i"tr:'.li.rs, cL- b' ni-ii-n of e:.-t.v-.e. J'v ( i Icr of the Ct.nrt K. b. JOhN-STON, Ch rh. ().-t. 7. !f'-.St. lit Vi JL t Y A lAtO . Forme i-l j' I3ron-.-i SIois. ,'jV'E Proi ri.-ter- i i' th'.-i ..:-h::s5.iiu-nt. I'rMtn & I Kviii; ! , ;,ihe this method of.:.' ni.,i-;; e-it-iyo!!.-. a'. E.'e'itvbiirs aad the- pahho in frin.-iMi tint ii,,..,- have rofilte-i and otln i".vi-e improved their :-':ifo-:i, and arc- ready, i.t aH times, to a auiii.i!).!at all t iT.soas who ish to itiilu'jie- 5u the iuxtiry of a (JOsl t I'i ' the in f.i toe; 'i'l'ls' No 1 Oj: . We will li ive saikit a libera! t .,t to as V'-i char of uuV.to liatraiiajo l. w. r.r.ov. v. Vi'. . flFNN EDY. . Ort. IS 3d. Notice. VLL rersoiis hnvinfr el a ins npain.-t the -Vdephe- ! clo. k V. M. , v iVr.-.-e R.ailrcsid f,.r jervie. s rend- red er ! His II neks .'ire of the latent Cticoi-.I style nt.d hi laaterials fcr.Ti-hed. previous, to the tiUth day -f , teams can neither bo pa i-' nor ;!';d. il.er. lSV-i, viin r. resent them to the the ii- ' i crints.!!(lent of Motive l'oiitrr.n or bcf. rethe tlle.h j h.v of November next, to be reported ns bl debts. Jtlil.N ilO.'rS, tupt. Iloliidaysbnre. Sept. SO, 18.30. Trelglit Notice. O N find after this date the rep'.ih.-r eomndssiar.s. exnelises Sic, tisuallv charged sit secoinl class se'i'ticic. vvtil lie collected on :il! imo.is insiii.ieMeu and delivered nt this station. Freight to bo f aid ; before the Goods ore taken nvray. All cla.ms for damarrod. lost or inissincr Goods w ill have to be pre- I sented before the 1st of October to be settled. Goods that are prepaid to this point, the expenses of unloidinp-, &en, will be collected. Ail persons J owing freight will please Ty "P- W. W. IVORY" CO. Rumir.it, Sept. SOth 18ju. ; J. B. CHAIU. JAS. !. Ill.MlI.ToS. Commission &' ForiTardiitgr. rflllE subscribers would respectfully inform their X ftiei ds aud the public that tl j- f.re now pic pared to receive and forward nil ood consigned to their' cure by liny of the Lines, or l y Central Kail road, and hope that by slrict attention to their bu sinrss tiint, tiry will be cr.nblcd to rendee perfect satl-faetion to nil that will patronize them. "All goods will receive tbfe grentest cure nnd tsttntion. CRAIG & UAMlLiON. 2 Jefferson, Mr.rch 15, 1853. T1HS WAY! For I have ju.-t teccieJ nndnf fer sale a lnrgc lot cf StobO and Earthen IViircslliaJi:glicsii price paid for iicl.. - EecsV-urg;. Ajrill. - - J. MOOSE. " i .W. Judje. Cn. Cm. An1. Gtn. Far. Ctn. Ssnaic Ati'mKb. T,taurr. l) f. AtCy. C. C , Ck S-i'-:. Aii'r. ?2 Si :ri fft- e - S L?. 5i , i , ?e s Hi - ir,N ? rfi "xct 10 il 1032 1091 159G 9?C 1597 971 1307 ;in;u vcumii.u i:ei . jj. - .tdaiiiti'.li Jr alc. IN ptirsuiiuct. t .i ih i t. e- ; ti. i' .! j li::ii"s Court .!' ( iiiiiloii 4-i untv. tl.f iB!v-.-:t.cl A i 1 1 i : i-Tr:i-i js i)f.h.t!r- hli;-. ih -reused, wi.l sell at the Court II. t.so, in Lhi ti-l.urir. ti Tuesday, tha 15th of oveailscr nest, he fjiiowsn? di s rihc-1 I'i-tl Ksnite, vit: A Toeci- nr tmrcf! of h.trl ii:;:r-i I- ivr 1. Fitimtc Wist if K1. US' :r'.h .il.:l:Sr !::;'. ff M!l:;ttll I':l- is :ii f n'.hi i s. co.t litimir l'o ' ' f!:M'i' iti'S inul il- ! i - i ;.. .i .. ... ..... .. 'i o vo .llli:i:;e'J li.ii:. .11 ,;;i 1 uw,u..j i :..tf. ! AU. O One other j.-t.--c or parcel of h.104. tit.i.n 1 1 ri.vi J, t'.ta .to la !-u.-.jiu h. ! ti.i '. wiil.ip. in e .il i co::iity. ce .1: tuiiiiiir n- lutoijtii :.i:d ti'ty faiif a j cm'.-', and riity-. ne perches, Kiljoitiiiisr hu.il.of ! Ji.l.n McD.m.-.td ::l:d others Waiiaiitcd iu the j i::.aie- of ilagh Cbiy. j AL.' U One 1 il.ci- piece rr parcel of '. u.d f-i;ii.i: . in the S; int lull i:-hio, iiioi ktiovi n ah the Jt.j.a Eaiith : tiaet. contain:!';: one hi:::il:ed mid t.,t-ii ik-its uu,i ' aihjw.ince n r.i lit e-'l. j T r.B MS i-f SAl.lt: One third of the pur-hnM rno- ney on coio'.i nmtion i l m'i'; oii.i thipi in (no year, villi i'lt.-r.'M. mi l the 1 .-111 : i 11 . ijr thir l nt or imtne ' il iy after tlm lo c-oa.-;;' of the wi 1..W ,f(. iii de ' ee.iscil, the interoM of toil I thir l to be paid repn ; lar'v t' Iter durit'jt hi r life; the whale to be secured by hand and lactftg-igo. i K"?AN RUEV, j A. 11IIKV. A-t"i'?"'.',ratcrj James llhitj, c'rc'J. ! P"pt. Cd. IS-Vh-tf TV" 'TI'"" to Hoi.a- K. ) 1 is, tiwn.is of Kaiinf:-J-l iiolisas Private i ailiii'os. c. l'iebl's P.a'.ti-M'-re A No. 1 Ov:tei;. v. ill 1 e kept c-otitaiit'y on 1..1...J. Al.-'. Ct.tMip. i'i );( r Sata-e. S ihol Oil. S..r-i::::e.-. ii--, ir.. t'liop l eep. I S w i'l please i-i.1 ia their orders earlv. W. W. lVUllV w"i Co. .-'ninuiit. Se( t :ft SJarc. "I.DIH ta the pieiniM-s of On: snbseril ml am j bi-hi Town-hip on the "."Iu day of Au-nst last fTlHK tr.idcrs.ifrr.ed haii be;ti (ippointed by the a hi lid; Mare about I year:? old. 1 w hite star sin.i ; X Cmirt of .C.iir.inon i sis" , f C;,:aia ;:i co-inty stripe in her forehead marked w.th a culiar. a lump on the insole of her ri;:h: li.nl I .-jr. Iho owner 1 desired to prove property pay eliarzes mi l take her aw-av. -MAUV J. EVANS. Sept. "d0. IS'ld. Xoiice to 'I r;ii cei . rrtllK i!ii !ersi..'ne I hcri b notifies the public that j on ati.l sifter flic ."til Se; temla r next lie n ill run a double line of II arlts (aieh day from Jstffcrsou t. Ehensbiirg via Flank Enad. Eesiving .Jefferson at 8 oVock. A. M. and 3 o' elnek. 1". M. (or fin the arrival of the Eeastern sum Werstern trains.) I.oiivin!T El-ciisburi at OoVdoeb. A. iM. and 3 o' IAME.S D. HAMILTON. eSTersen. P.-. 1 s?"3 -Tr. s:es: &. c;!:ide.;, ""tTTIOLESALM dealers in Wine . .';', Y whieh they are re pared to furnis'i cheap t iTi'-rchants an I hotel keepers. Waiehousso tli b. Market street. 1 hiladelphia, l'a. F. b. lK.'.:!ly. Auditors ...tlec. rrihe unders'ftrtie-l. auditor i pointed by the Conrt i X of 'ommon Pleas of thun'uhi connly. to mar .tlj.,! the proceeds, of the .' hei ill's Sale of the real estate f Joseph D.ber, sold sit the suit of Joseph je:rp, on id. vend. Expou. No il .Dine Term IS-V5. hcrebv iw-tif.es all parlies !ii!ere:ed ia Paid fund. 1 that he v. ill sittend to the dnth's f sahl appotntnient J J,,t hisoffiaein the i;r..ufrh of EbensLurjr. on Tu. s ! .Ij the fast day of November next, at one c clock P. M. WM. KITTLE, Aw:i:or. DiJs.'Clutlcii cf IV-i tncr.-Iiij-. "JVTOTICE is hf rebv piven that the Co-partnership -Li hereiof-rc csistin-j t-etween Richarl White'' mid II. C. It-vine, and Richard Uliite, W. 11. idprs nnd II. '. Lerino. in the printing business, win? ' d'si dved f.n tlie 12th day f.f August hist by inn- J tusd consent. The business of th'- late firms will be settieil by Richard White, n lio is authorized to CfHieci itH ennuis- uuc, sutiii pay nil tiePis, owing iy luc ui uia. - ' i.nr. ... - KICHARU WHITE, - - 11. C.-DEVINE, - . S. 3. &IPES. : ': Sept 3, 1853 ! 707 0301525 15?1 12501180 14'.2 1221 1075 1140 , t t";JJJa'i" ia- rjl:iKui..l.-r.ip.u-.l to.,,:u:h n-Mt!:, ru'.- Jl.,0 that lie im now ptiT.:.,v 1 iv.llicwi v r.i, m, , te I- iMHi-;r aee otn Mi.i'i.i 1 o -ii, nioi n :n t .n-i v.ii k v j !'. i in r. ii'li r his huus-e an stir it tivc atol coiu'.or I al' slot .1 : 1 pr rhioi'. ilhi t il 1c ill niiv ivs ! I 'i .l with t'V en- ih ':.- H V till' M-:i--a t- !m. hi, 4 ( tJ I ar st u l oil with iho h-. st i f V. i;:- s :,ti I h".in l l careful and i.tu-t.livo I.- sthr will have- ch-ifjiv t.ll'.... wl II-- I-.--rn-.-r t'l: ! ' V . 1 i , -1 1 rl t,.,.., . t i ! , 17.1 l.l.Ill". JAMH MYTHS. Apt'il 1. 1 8"." tf. Fid IOM au.l after th..s ihite r.setiii. rs taking ts iti t.'ie ears without th hot, at. -tat:.. as v.heio 'there is a ticket cf!;-.e, wit! I e h ir;i I ten cut.ts ,w; W. IVt'KY, Sutam-t, Ju'y CS, 1SS" 1.0. AIan;s & C."s CxpresSj V. Ivory & Co , Ag tuts, "AT7"1I.L forirar-i ail paeha-s ..t j:. ....'.. or money. VV ihii'y. exeept Suiohiy. t ail the pi in-'..il c.tttsin the Cuion. mi l al! towns on the Hail I! :'.! bet cen Phi!ate! hia and fittsburi. Dr.ftseol l.'ctil froia Tilii '.rnbl. Drafts Sold cn Ireland. Entrr.ti'l o- Scotland, i'i 0111 JCl upwards. Mj-ey f r draf; nuist be par. Summit. July t. 1 8 " 0 0. F.1TFRS of A-hi.ti.i.-tratiiut. with fh.- vil! n--J tifxe.l. on ihe t .lo of Peter McO.iiire. late f.t A 1 lojtteiiy t'.wnsliio. ih'oiit.ed. have oet-a . n -toil l.y ihe P.i pristor .f Oaial.rhi rmiutv, l i t'.e nn dei s uiu d a'.l person-" indebte 1 to sai 1 estate are" hereby tniihied to tna'se payniei t withr.'.it .h hiy, an I thn-e liavin;: claims si gainst h- saUnS will lc gi tit t5ni propeilv authentic-1 for setth saent. .ACOl'ii'lN DL'i'.EIN, -1 .'..'so .V. r. Sept. 2d. 3S-".:h-t;t. '.Otdh. I Conimittec nf Joseph McDor.-ihf. l's , of the Ih r- ouh Ebeusburp. hereby notifies all persons in delited to the Said Joseph Mel'onaid to make iiaiue iliate taayment. nml requests those hayinj; chiiia; to make them known without ilehiv. IKUUir.T CAUMON, Comn.itter. Sept. 'J). lS-".:h-r,t Oiling uir at Ci:t. ' entire stock of Watches, ijtocks. Jewelry ar. ami Matiniiary, at iny store, one u.t r.-isi ui , ilie Post OJice. V-"M. li. HUDSON. 1H.18.33 St. . j I Tlli Wa I I 1 )PC tlieliiiest prices i-re pid for hides, skins JL -a md taimeif s bnrW in either trade or -si-h by J. MOOI'.E. I" wK IH.KK: u-t received y the Penmyl- viiin.-i i.Hii itiiiin, .iitii nu o-i.e "w ... v, rind toiiet. Patent Itiickcts. P.rooms. Cheese, otton Ytirri, Clover Seed, and si large lot of Car. n'rr Tal.i . April 1. Adams -5i. Co.'s Cxrcs-(. Jr.. CKAtl, upent will forward all psieksi?" "f poods or money, daily except Sunday t all ;tie prineij"il cities in the Union, sin 1 all the towns on the llailriad between l'hilade'phia ami l'itts bursr. (HARir? H. MVRl-LE'S WISE 151) LIQIOR STORK, Ao. S33 Xorlli Tliirit -. n'mvi-CnlloH lilll, l.l S-lilr, Ptillaitelpnia. HS constjtitly on h ind French lr:in-iie. II. d hni I Gin and s general a.-s-iftine-ut of EOll l.aiN W INKS. ALSO. Al: kinds .f Amei-i.-in S-irit.' &c. CliOOl ItOOli... A penernl nsMirtment of LOOKS, such as nre MX MO iimls. f" XX. used in our common M-hoois. l-.r sale t.y DAVIS & LI.OVl. CEO. 1-ll-riNCOTT. Kit. Tltimi'.ft. l'.lMi)Nl UACO.N c; nit; n liitixcott to., TT VE constantly on hand a full assortment oi leas, niues, liifjuor iliiii Miocenes (;ru- .; i ' IV. Ko. 17 V oTtb. Water Sireot. and Ho. 10 North Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. Juary 27, 1353. - 112d K'14 1514 932 10o7 gi ' ti;Mi5C. T--V'! 5 l:r!.Fi !!!) ?.n :. IiiTittcf . iuf.o mis thi ) 1,11!,:i,,l:iti;,!u,,v:i,n!v:1 ... H.,l;-.lavt..u.v ' .,., ,., , ,, ,lie.,tiv L.o .Icl in the ..Usee he wi-uiI.t daring i.ij lite lis't. (oiieii.M.r- wet of lie-wit i t- re oil Al.eazhcny t..; w Side he' will h Ji',0. to s.tt' Il 1 to anv li- il .llisl.s JT1 Ii. I l tej-a.uu. w,nU d ose b i.ha vi!l be wirr.i i.-.h li 1 I : ! - y ' .-1 : : . A 1:;: n.-t i, llillbh . Ai.EttiK.il 1 , Attorney at. Li ... Hbor.sui.rr, Pa., ' ! I.L j i-a !' e in 1! e m m 1 d ( 1:113 i-f C 'm'.r:a. It'-rr. .iid Ifo-itHirdoti vo.ir.fte s. I", r::iaii e-:t. eels -it : is I r eeive sloi : ia t he; r u i'. n l:isjr-.j-. (,..,..(.,.,.,..,.1,. t... i t ii.u -e, fvruiti ly e ecu pie 1 by lb K J.'iuiH ?..l . E.. n-'oir-r. i'.-t tat.irt J- i(v-! 'y . S.V5i5 S;-.:. 'VFS.Vfi.tlJ!?, Af.orucy r.t. La-i', ELeasi-r, fa. "XXJ'ild. pi ae'i c In ti:.' St-Vira". t.'uurts of f 'sun l.ria, ilh-tir. sum! llnTslirsvdoi: cnuntivs. (i.o.e f,i; main Mint tv .1 ih a s tic.-t i.f tin Ptoro of Mtil-rnv, Zulu . Co. Mav S. IS ,1 !v. r;s;5t;: s. Eit:s:i. Attorney at La-y, Ehcr.soe.rg, Pa. '7"lbb f raetiee in t he several Courts efC-Ti- 1 t la. In l': ::i 1, a'.-. ! ca-tr.mre'a-i 1 connf.es. Oihce on Centre St., j i-:i :g Oeu. M'Diinald's dwell inu. '.!::r. 1.-., l'b Iv. kl. lit IX Hi vs.. .sr., Atr-.ticj r.t lar, Ebc-.isburg'. Fi., W7 7"iI.I. pi i-.-h:e ia the sevi 1 al I'oi.risi of Cs.ra- t.t i s. lhs.ir and 1- i: r-. counties. Ail pro le :...tia'. lasii'.r-: etitfUeted tJ iiia e'atC '"id be pi omj t y aTtt'ieie ' to. (lit. ti M itn t-'rrcl -idbdnim his d ivei'.ii p, house Kl l ll--lll!-.'. V 1. lS'.o J'i-thll."1' Iitt! V. rSi ot'tii, ITcta-y Pnl iic, Scrivener aad Conveyancer, JOIII-'STCAVy, CO. PA., 7"; 1. 1. :ds a .".ttend to his duties a .1 u -iico. i' nistrutitcnts ! w r-.titig. sr. ell ::s il eos. a sceniioits. Foreign Pewer of Attertsey, ,Vc. eirawii up aecm sitely. Colic, tions entrusted t hl care vi:l ree.ave -trict altcutioii. Mac It:, l.v.-,- ::i-r. f AME to the rv.M.ivtu-e .f ihe subscriber, near V1 liiuibiii. on tlie Ttii in.-t., it Inre lUti.Cow. m,c is suppose. i tu oe nooni me yeiua- oai ; no i.ai t'u tilar m irks. The- owner is mpn tled income foruaid. prove propel ty, pay eharjo-.s, uii.i t .kc herawav. Jii!N G. GIVEN. Soot. 'ti. is..:: nt. II. C. Ciltlil!. WM. TKltllY. J. I'. t!lV t-ro. AV". Xo.l.l, Willi Caiiitis.'s f i j "5i Mow. ' TM rom i'llS ami tiol s :!e .l.o l.ei s in i.ti?':sa. ' I r,..ri-.ii Li iu est'. 2 II A liDW A EE, Guns, (lerin-'ii pit,,i. Waiter-. ,-e. j - !A1,-i;l vaiu.Tl biw eTi -1:h & nth. P11IL AbELPUl A. ', ttept. 2, IS.'!. 1m. V. J. KVANS. J iireilii-s. Jews ami Gentiles Outdone. f:!K well known firm of tivnns .t llv.-.-hes w-d JL rvpoctl'ully it:b nil the eitizet-s of Ehetisburir. au.l vic'tnitv that they have just re.-eive 1 fr-in tlie cities cf Philadelphia vnd Neiv Yol k, uu estetissve : assortment f j Sprinc; aadSumecr Clothir-j;. 1 of the latest stvleatol finish-amor?: which way be : found Csisim-rets. Alpaca. Saitiuet. Tweed, Cot ton nu I Csoth t.'os.ts Silk. S itlin. and Fanej- Ves ; tjn-s of d sizts stud ipi ililies. t-jji-t her v. ith n ! b.iare lot vf Cloth, Tweed, Linnen an J Gstisiincre i ba.t s ... I ;oS eb.thin? of cverj-oescnptir.Ti. I l- oi- -ii-.k M..!es.U; i. Uussiai!, I'liiwrnii r.nd Chip Hats Clotii Caj s cf the latest style Silk nnd ttraw lhnmets. e h ive on banil Cloths. C assitnercs mi l es- tinps. which we are prepared U make up in a tu- j ei ior iuar.net The -o-nts have been Selected with the p-rrntest " , .1 . 1. ....t. Irnnc u-l.t.-l, f-T'..'.. c-ire, anil on me m.--. v---.. .v.... .. . .v - . - ble us to sell t' U er t'.ail '.Ulovist. j jlT,l 18,':l -g -':usliels .1 licims. ar.il 1 1 0 luislu Js I.ii icq XUU Andes r.n imud aud for sale at the foot - . i i it R J?i'V 1 ' W. K. PirLFw . . .... , .un r. j.::vj; r. m;i,m.m m'i,IT11T. JO!E. P!n'!TT i IS0., i-I..S.U.n proc.'-rs an 4 .'onlors 5:i Torc'sri :.n J I u'i'r" t . Li.-ji:,"! ", KoctXe i V.'i!i:J;pr, . r . .. r-. ;,,.., e .. . hi t:? it . t, err ii'e tii l ea l cf SniU'.f ell. Titte- HAS loi.s'-4 Mil rif;:to.! i!:e ?.kM.';'.cr. IIou'O. !.' t':i.' P.. :.t;t-t PdiTjin the- Urcait of .1. L !::-,' n. v. :..-i o h- Vo -':! f.) receive a':.r cf w '" r.uiy favt-r '..'ia v. jth tiicir jxitronrige. . t. ! . I r v i'h a c!;i :co te?eet:ca Lf il's ! :.; K'.:i' ! t.-. stii: t ers Wii) wish t3 tra v ' , i. I: l. .TOHN C. MAC1LL. 5.n-t.-.n. Ti.. Jn'v 22. lb-:3. 8 OI4 i:.M' IlOiL Ciaipreliatcwn, Cambra cour.'.y I'a. flltlC ur!iiiTi:rr.r.l. Pr. s lot. r .f 1:e r.bcve Ho J ie'. if ni:s fri.'tnis nuel the pul,ac thct b is wi'!! j r p;iie-l t.i luriiish tl:e- h-fi of nocrn. mo il :t:un. :tmi is etcti-rtuiiifi to .l-fe r.:i who majr c:i'.l ,n-':-.h Liu,. JOHN P. PAr.ISII. Ciar.pl. vlLMown, Juns 1C. 1 SOS C 1-t'ia. A C.tfE. DU. A. Vr.'.GLKV ltrit. ? rfrm-.rrrt'y kc.-.tei ia J !!n smh. C. nii r i count v, re.-co.ttfaUr s l is f.r..;e-s-s:vu -r ice to tiic citizens cf J'ti-j Co'-n;:-;-, :a the P"c- ( ' l:i c: 'i'i M'lin .-iii.f, v ero 1 enn r.l T.irs Le i'onn 1 m.4 c.-isu'.:c'e:, tioer U-'l:l:il 1 Ur.l'.l';?. J.J1-:-,ii. ArrM 1 I. c r:isl.;un:ib!e- li:;rcr " n 1 Hair Dresser. N" the t-iioUit..; tt'vy of L'.uia i Cut., wr 1 ' " r.cKbli.r;, Mar 1, lS5!.-!y. N. T. SUaint.oe-'r.ir cluae-, r.n-1 raicrs Lnel ia lit: thuo. It. ttcily, .- t- , ... (J 'JrZn ' Z'l "vic::.i: iu the Jt-actic. ,.. . actico of Oi' 1- : -tore. C . fit l itktEJ, ."SI. B., jy nnPKCTFL'I.I.V ten his lis serIecs to t!i .k-lL et... ns if J iii'.stowii and vicinity, in tl i-so i i e of Me.ilcine iirni tarcery. OtV.cc .at the l'ru': sr.- re .t Krntrcr r.n j Sheridan .- rner of l'iiiUi.11 nial Main Mreit . llsbidcnce Main street. s-e:.iisl ii 1 r l.ebiw Von huen-m's store. ir. st. ::. t un, r ESI'ECTFt V ',.,:.. , f S: d ECTIThhY t. "i'i. r- his s-ervtcisto the cit- ae-.h'.'. tewu.:Lip ia the rr..ct':;s ; Medicine r.n.l Si:!'-' rr. O r.. c -.t !' a'f V.'.iv Ii-..t!ij, C-na'-rla ccunty, Pa. Nov. t'4. I'-'.'i-i. iill. L. t OMiTU, T" rSl'FCd 1 1( l.y i.-n I. r H- sirviees f the eit-i-".ns f f Eiicti.-barg, in the prsictice cf Medi .ine an-i Sailer;.'. t tfia-e -n Dr. Seheeidi r 3 Drug Store, pprosito the l'ri sin !'! i i n Church. .lime -Jl, -".VI. JSSl'iS.tKs JOSSiS, Jastice cf tha Peace, lihcnshurj:, la., "ILL nttciid prc.inptly to nil collect ior.s en- V truated tc I ts care Cities, tcjeiairz hia , ; j . it. Ja y 1, b'--",: tf. J-iticc ct ice Peace, tcct cf riai-o Zio 4, A. P. ji. K. !l'!hL i.'.tc.i 1 rcirr-tly to nil eullcctic:. etitrnsied to his care. O.tie'e-, r. lj. inii.g the Pest office, .in". v. -j-stti, is:-'. Itr. Henry Vc;:glcy, rractisir.rhyi.kiar., Johnslo-arn, Tz. O'.'l'll'E next door to i is drag s'.terc, corfeer Main and r.edf..r l s-re-cti. Johnstowi:. July -I, If1"-. cf wm. i.v. JoItS LL0T1. Davis i'; EloyU, , TT WIST, firmed a partnership it! the Mrrennt'd II P.u mss. would ie-peetl'L:!v solicit the pa- iroi'Mjre of t heir 1 riends :.ti 1 the pitbre periera'ly. Call and .-ee i.a sit the old stand if Wii'.iam Vl- Aj rl! 20. 1.32. Alu;i)siii IZaitd. QToNEU'AEE, E..rt!:tu Wa Nails, Cast-fitcel Z? and Salt, for sale ly PA 1 Its & LLOVD. 12. 1S-32-20. llVm. ?2"2'iii t:tt:d a:it! hoit. CABINET WAbE P.TCdi ':, Allcfrheii7 Street, Hcriiayibof, Fa. "t T7"i'L"l.!) t es ci t uti v invite the r.Ki n .ion f f the ? j ui.hc to 'hi ir supi 1 1 r -t. ck of Furnituro of e v. ry de-e l ipti' n. I": 1 1. iti.s e T all hinds ru ir ufai tti:-e-1 to i td.T rn (he sh- s te t notice. All cr ib rs from a di-tapce pre:'.tpt1y s;t leaded to. .lulv 1. IS'2. L.aLorers Wanted. 5(K" ur' s.ii-1 SiiMiuehs.t!UuI'iaiU I'.oud, to whom uticr.d wages will bs i.ivcn. Apply to clihcr uf the utidcrssijjned. fiLASS & IlUTinSON. Ebei sbtn 'r. Jure S, IPC'!. S. I'ttcrfcci grcr s VThelesale and Jeett-il Clathinp; Ftore. COATS; Vests, Pants. Ib.ts. Cri s. Shirts, ITnnd kcrcheifs. Cravsitsl bunts. Shoes. Ctrpet bnps, I ranks. &c. S..'.d chenp fur Cash. SuUiiuit, Csum l.iiii County. Pa. J. I'atton 'lliontpfeou. With Utiri-le, idlis & Jii'Cli.1 e, I irOP.TEUS and bealers in Foreiirn ami Comea tic FANCY DllY GOODS. Tiimminfrs. Hosiery, G;oves," SaiiiiS, Shit Vest iis. Cruvuts, Uibbob. White Go'ds. Suspjudtrs, Ccu-bs, iJiashev Uut tons, lookirp GhiSs.es. N. l." North Thiid Street, two doors aboT Church Alley. I'hiludcUhhi- . .i ,t . n til I. j i. m. .m.aiw i-x.. i I J. A. ELLIS. . . J E. C. McCLCRE. ) 1 PhUede'f tia. Feb. 16. lSo2-82