Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, October 14, 1853, Image 2

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    J L-i
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- !
DE3I0fR.1T -J.B SLTilXEt.
W5T. B. SIPSS, rditor aai Proprietor.
Ebcnsbarsr, Friday, Ocl. 11, 1S53.
V. B. PALM Bit, iha An-eiie-ati Newspaper
Apcnt, 13 rt fi'.y avif-orixrii Acntt fr this paper
in theelris- cf EaMe-n, Ntsw York rnd Phihideit hi V
nn 1 13 duly empowered to tike adverti-n int-ms and
lubscription at the rates required by m.- II::- re
crista will lc re gat tied as i .' IBs e-dieps
ere Bo-ton, Sel!nvs Bml-iing : New Y-r!:. Trib
une Bu;!.U!r: PiiiLvIjlpbii, N W. corner Tbim
find Chestnut Sts.
for novznN'on,
WiLLIlM iJl!.u:R.
!re:.-.Ym .; me IV-v-crat-c C onvn- i-n. !
Tho Res-ilt.
T:,i election ii, and victory att.-!!:i if ours. I
in have ivp fought an I triumphed ; on-.l ativ.n 're S
the principles cf Democracy f-u-l viic I. This rend: I
has not been accomplished vitWit a struggle, a:-.'! ! 1"
the contest o: ni'y-'iirce can ever t-e re.errea io wuti
ta'isfiction by tho-e who tcugh under the brond pen
non c!" Dcm:-cr.;cy.
Ia Catnbriii we have chtain.l a trlunrph well-esro
cd nJ!e.:crvcd. The mo:t tu.tirinrnJ unfer.:
pulous oppo-itloa was Lroiiht tt hear psaii:-.! vs.
but our frlcti.'., were ia the f.cM ar.d Sought v. hh a z-u
as fervent as it
2 cemme.v.!db!c.
cloaJs otsc-.r.c.l
h .r.;on. ud a ;
gloom, deep and threat ec:n, hur.g over us aae. eti.i;eu ,
our efforts, but wc rtmcn.lcrcdom- u:y our erase
and ouriclvcs, ard v. e (
scathed a-:J ur.ui.-ma;. cd.
ergo.: Jrer.i
ir.e coi:cit un-
As a pl .
1 1 J
e w c.c com
: pe'IoJ it; corttr. i ag
ins? ei:cmic? v.!
i.e I'-nvcr t..e ,
cur ti-i, " , i . . . t. . .i .i .
crti.r.? to accomplish c; r('e:'c;
j- t .t j ,CM
innn:er.t thev were huovar.t villi the r.o:c cl sucrc:
t p 1 nt-r rf t i
... ., ;! i
thunder. Tiie uonciition rnad
tins' c:r lioimnoes !
was not, ot ail times, honest or hor.orab!
Sons cf Cambria treated, with meri'eJ c-snt'
but the j
T the
met o
n t:r.-.Cr
1 no'
t iine I the p-ir
iiU p.
.e rcor e.
We hive eh-c!e, in Cambria roitr.'v. e:
ocratic ticlv. t. I.: ioa v.irh :he coun
Biair and Ihtarinrdon, we h-ive rc:.-d a Senator :
tnd with the coutitirs o." EeJ:hrd an I Fultoa. two
n.emb'.rs oi tue Iioue ci uep-re--tTtaivfc3. I i.s. ol j
i'se'.f, ii su.nclent to iiii otir hear'.s v.iih rj .ieir:. b.i: j
when we remembrr that, in eery portion of the ftatc.
tiie Democrats have bees equally triurnf hunt, we feel
more j ly.
CV.rcand..Utes ware mo.i in wh:n .ve had imlimi-
ti-.t cor.haVnee. and wu.t were u-':e.- e J:y papuiar wh a
the people, l ut we attribute our saeeess niore to the
correctness ol" the principles c tiie Democratic pat ty.
than to the persona! popularity of its nominee:. We
are glad h-wt er that the mi lilies of oiihe hi
i'r-.r riirt cr w .-.rll'--- in iil th it n-n t i i.irt'. f.-r r.l l
to their ca iters with tcthn-s of!
,, '
pleasure, and giad that tnev Luve acsn we.i
. , , -
rd by the men no placed '.rem m
Many Pea-acrat. whom we could name, have toil-
edarden-Iy, zealously, ami fdd.fuliy to acroirph.h
lais iui:, and we ;ii;.u ever remcmLer
a,P ...-.u
grj-nuue. tiie.r umc at. a means wcic ueeiy acnn-
. Ti . i i
in- i
ced ibr the sneceis of the cause, and they spared r.t
honorable efforts to cClct this victory. Such men de
.t-no. un jjji iv, ana so jong as w e can w.ei"!
' . ... 1 - . ' - l 1
a pen or cast a vote, that pen and that vote wiil be
ready to le-.vard them
The retcrns from d'.iTercr.t sections of the State
come in so slowly mat wc can
; no particulars
ta's v..'!:, but cnoagh is known to warrant us in s'.a
tirg that the entire State ticket is elected, and that
the Senate ai d House are decidediy Democratic. We
shall probibly be able to give the vj;c o;' the itute in
our next isuo.
Here, then, is an end cf ai! the assertions of our op
ponents that the Democratic party was ouVt-j niie-J
and weakened by the great triumph of last fall. Our
parly w as never more harmonious than at present, as
the rCiit'.t c f the late election abundantly prove;-, nr.d
lo:;g as liberty and equality are admired, so long
w'iii it reiiia.u ii'irrr.omous.
Jotn CresswelljEsti.
We had the pleasure of meeting our new1' elected
Senator in Iiollidaysbui g the other day, nr.d con sat'e
ly bay that he 'bears his honors like a hero." i"e
lo'.iiid him surrounded, of course, by hosts of friends,
and wc left him, p'-eascd that we had sk!vd in electing
to worliiy a niaa.
Mr. Chlmveu pos:e?-es the ahi'ihy to make a
f;ao;! Senator, and our District will, v. chive no doubt,
be proud of his ofT.cial career. Ilis Deruocraev is
abxve su?p:cie!i, and Lis personal po;n birity ui:l
'carry hiin through " an' where. He will at a'.!
times, be found riht, or wc are much mistaken in
the m-n.
Collins and Daugherty.
Tu? vote in Cebord and Fulton counties had not
been received at the time we went to prcss.but enoai;!i
was known to warrant ns in sta'mg that both our
camlithues br the asicmb'y are clcctcJ by about bxsj
mo i-irify.
'J'his result w ill gratify evrry Democia; in the Dis
trict. Two better men never were elected to the
Pennsylvania Le-islatur ; than Cum vs and D.M cii-
JoLll CU'iveiiXj-Cu,
This gentleman has been appointed byPicsiderit
PimcE, Consul to the port of Belfast. Iieland.and we
chronicle 'he appointment as another compliment
paid our State by the Tresi lent. No man can uum
ber more warm and consistent friends, pcrsonal'y and
politically, than Mr. O NttLL,
Whether he wiil actcpt the posi or not, we are un
able to sat-, but v. c jhoula lie sorry to lose his services
in the cause of Democracy for the next four years
sorry to lo-e such a whole-souled, open-hearted cit'zen.
Ihcui 1 he, however, acee;;r, we unhesitatingly say
that ti.e interests and of oar country w ill nev
er be compromised by him, and th-.t a more ardent
admirer of Republican institutions will never t.e ;d the
eori of the -'Emerald Lie.'
Alleshcny Comity.
It graces us to announce, and we know it wiil
gratify our rcadeis to learn, that the Deusoerars o!
this County, which has here: c tore been one of the
strong holds of YThiggery. Laie achieved a signal
and brilliant triumph. They have elected a Senator,
four members of the House, and a Dtrict Attorney.
Dr. McClintock, former member of the Legislature,
has bfliteri Dr. Caruthers for the Senate by a hand
some majority. C, McCliLtcck is an excellent Dem
ocrat and wid tc oc3 ci most ta'titc-d rcembexs of
that talented body.
Mr. Robert' cdection will is hailej with delight
by Loot of friend. He will make the most jopu2ar
fy'-er had-
ryt-t, Flanigan. Editor of the Daily News, is dc
fentcd Tor the Legislature, in Philadelphia City.
Wc know of no man l.o deserved it more.
CT Simon CrcraVnf. fbrmrrty Professor of the
Law School, r.t Cam! ridge, end author of several
works on tLo same Jishv., d-cJ Suddenly
i't-.t city, on the 7th insd.
tT"U Tiie tol r.cco crop cf YlTgitda is Said to be
M ri.u.ry injured i y Lookout, then, f.T ft
rise in the prwe cf ' s-r.eke-"
prj- Mayer Ttkt-ile has issued a prctlamatior.
rr.-.hibitlr.g the s i'c of lieiimrs, ia PitUburg, on
Sunday. The papers say thnt the last Hnbbnlh
was a very J ' elav, rnd that rot a few visilarts to
i ss'.acus turned away from tLe front uoi.13 crest Cd-
i !,n.
i Ll" It is rcra.-rcd tbat Swr.n, T,ho:o, for
the iniirder of Spripg, r.t Cumberland, MI., lias
' l.'-eu trosres:-i!iic Kr sc!29 time tt jiaperiicwn, ixis
!.ecn nciuitted.
ff Torre; t, the print AriW-r'.cm Tragedian, Is
. . i it . . . ill n . !
ins at tiio v. aiuat r rreei mcaire, i uuauvi-
ITT- Gen. James Keenar., ofGreensburg. sai's ta
uirivvow from New York to ilon Konj. to wliieli
lnttcr pot lie has l;een appointed Coi-.snl. M.-iy
j;ood lack r.tten 1 hira throughout h;3 residence
nmonz the Celestial.
IT- The Broad Tr.p Rail Road is ff.i 1 to be pr-- j
iesr:r.g rn '.U'y. :easi'ies win re i io uun-
it extended to Be If ur 1 next suuiruer.
tf. The health cf New Orleans is almost rntire
Iv restored. The inhabitants of the city, who fled
J..c.. ,i,tr;n, f.c.;: 1 jto rap:u!yre-
i turniuf-
fr"T!iJ Vcn'lars' KightsConvtnti.ja. at Cleave
i hind, lite-iv, was a sr.icv a3scmb!o
Tctne of the
speakers object-' 1 t the Churcn auJ the Pros, be
i .1.. iv. . :.- a.
c:Me inc iiivix e'. nil ui:tw nit in. uimtT ll lliV
,vn t try to pet up a lefaa'e Heaven next :
Hffi Mobile is still EuCcrlng from the ravages oi
the Yellow Fever.
Ceif On Tuesday mrrriinr, the pas mnt fiction
's- j belon-ring'to the Ft. Nicholas II .tel. in New York.
! and siraate l in the rear of that building, exploded
n- ! with a tremendous crash, co:np!'te!y deimdisuiiij:
oi tl:2 building, the cistern, and .a'..-o t!iO reservi b
j eu
! tel.
.linins; the pas cent-rated f-.r the use of tiie hi
Nj datuae.? v;,3 done to the hotel.
rZ7 It i.s s! :teJ ttrst tiie cr.irir.j'.slciurof the gen
-.Hand oflh.v has ('.eeid-.-d a
it the Saut Catiai
I Coir.riany, the qucsthm of their right to al.out
(1,,0 crt.s tf Ul:neral lands, s. leete.l ly their agent
I lief.jre the .'.pproval c f their contract Ly the Cov
crameiit, nud which lands had been i re-ciapted
s entered 1
y clner parties.
fH?" On ne tf the branches of the Colorado, in
Texas, falls have been disjovcrod nhout 1 -JO feel
ia altitude, and nearly ICO feet wide. The water
I f.,U; r..-.vr.,M!ieh.ilv in one un Vi oken sh.T.t. Thes..
. , . ,, c. . , , ,
' is r.n old settlor ;u that iiate, ar d never heard ; 1
, . -
tiicra b;for-
i 1 '
( m who w-re freeholder, vorcd in New Jerset
as late as tucycar icsoo. in a iiewsp.c-r ct mat
,- ! date is a conn.iitncntary cuitoria! to tne femaie v.i
ter.-:, for unanimousty supporting Jahn Aoanis for
IVet-ideut, in opposition t.j Mr. J.dTe von.
VS Tl. r.'.i.t:.n I U'r.rl,.ir... .1 1 f C 1 ! .T
j i-r.v" " siuii.i tinui, mi cioi..i.
j may yet prove almost as astonishing ls that of Ah
j legheny county. ( oulter, the Whig candidate.
leads Yi'e-'.sh, his Democratic coinpctitr.r, at hist
I aeeonriiJ- Kome ixtv i te. l lie twn tnirntiiiiv
yet t hear from cau hardly more thau overcoine
that majority.
tSTho Hon. Caleb Cushlng, Attorney Cent nil
and :
time i c,
n address on hist Monday e vening, in
on the occ.1,:. of the opening of th,
Mechanics' Exhibition. The oraiinu is said t have
been " a most finished and potveiful one."
Baf" The construction Of the Louisville nr.d
Knoxviilc llaiiroinl, U ful'y determined upon. Tin
cstirnatod cost of the road, including outfit, to the
State liae, is about ?il,CC'0,00C, or S30.000 p r
The nutmeg tree erous on th? south side cf
the Consumes river, iu Califurui-i, nn 1 benrs fruit
superior, it is said, to taut which grows on the
spice Islands.
Sase gives the following advice to the rising gen
eration :
In going to parties, just mind Tvhnt you're at.
Be-ware of your head, nn 1, take care of your hat,
best yen f.u.l that a favorite Son of your mother
Has an nchu in the one and a brick in the other.
j Th origin of the honey niucn is to lie attributed
I 0 a custom prevalent among the i ntient Gerninn.
I They drank iiietheg'iri, ;i liquor made of honey, fcr
thirty days after in.arri.igo.
The application of one James Thorn 'is. for an
innkeeper's license, at Liverpool, was urged mi the
ground that he dnid thirty. fvur, five ot
which were Lorn in two years.
Mr. De Graff, the great Western railroad cm
tract, r. has donated 1, COO towurdj the comple
tion of the Clay monument.
Two parties of CO men each, hft Amherst. Mass..
one day last week, on a squirrel hunt ; one pain
killed l,-o-5; the otiier S'J8, before night.
Written after g.dng io law.
The law they say, great nature's chain connects.
That cniiif ever must produce effects ;
All my vil',cts lost by a singre cause. ' -Closing
of tiie Cuystal Palace. The Managers
f the Crystal Palace have fixed upon the 1st of
December as the period of terminating the-Exhibition.
Mr. Smith's carriage cushions were in Mr. June.-'
j buggy, which stood in Mr. Clark's barn, when Mi .
llobisou's hen laid an egg ou hem. Question.
Whose egg wns it ?
Tl... - l.-.; r ... , . . .
iue ii i"L',ll'ii ji tcnir.g macmnes in clothes nu
king wiil give rise to nil estremt'y iuteitstiup
( r ableiii. If it take nine men to make a tailor,
how tu.r.y will it take to make n sewing niachir.-e ?
Dr. Ives, formerly Bishop of North Carolimt i
reported to have finished his controversial work,
containing his reasons for going over to the Koun'u.
Catholic faith.
Two mammoth sqansht-s were exhibited at the
Erie, (Pa.) Agricultural Fair, 'ast week ouc
weighed -'".'d, nnd the otLtrT pounds.
The rate of taxation in Boston this ycr.r ia TO
cents on the 5100, which includes the State as well
as ihe inuuicipal tax.
The Rev. Mr. Y'oung declines the appointment of
Eh Imp of the Pittshurg see. It is thought Bishop
O'Connor wLl be retained.
BarnabM Bates, late M. C.. and the ardent ad
vocate of-tLcap pougo, in Boston on hu,t
Sufficient returns hare been received hefo-e go
ing to press to cnah'e us to announce that the
Democracy cf Pennsylvania have gaiul jsigual
triumph in the ekclicn of ourSate.Tiske hy a
majority unprecedented, considering the Irr.all
ncss cf the vote that has prohably been peeled.
Pennsylvania has thu3 shown her devoSpn to
p;inciple in the midst of dissension, disttiction
and d'tsorcinizaiion in many of her sister aic..
The Sena e will le largely Democratic, s will
beseen below. The Ihnr-e of Kepristnativcs j
will also be Democratic by a large n.aon tr.u ,
. . . 1 . ..,1.. ;
the returns cme in so sit why that we are pnly j
able to prtstnt the follow ing ill ct rttuil. j
Ia rhiladtlphia county, owing to an a"'-
mat ion cf the Whigs and Natives, only abejt one !
half of the Democratic members of the Lla
lure l ave been elteUd. ( !
Tn the city of Philadelphia, the Consoliaiion
ticket, compoMd of Democrats and Wlu, has
beaten the rccularly i wu;3 xij by ,
a respectable n a-onty. i
The entire Whiir ticket is elected m I-anis'er i
" , .. '
countv. Ma:on'v, however, ecus. dot ablv tdu- :
- - I
ctd. rrolubitcrv I.icv.or I aw vote abi.ut -1 if 0. i
1 ;
In Dauphin Countv, Ilummel. ( h:g! and !
' - ' . . .
Maine Liquor Law vote abcut 1,400. j
Cilpbin is re tlec'ed Mayer cl rhi!aueljia.
I Murphy, Mar.-hal of Police. The Dt-moents
have elected two members of the Common Ccn-
K . . . i.
Berks County gives 4 LU L'emcoratiC h km
ty. Northampton 1 ,oC0. Mon'j-'cmery 1,20.
I Schuylkill 8C0. lork l.C't'O. V. isimortlad
1 .(('.(.
j Mcdill, the Democratic candidate fcr Goverrr
I in. Ohio, is elected by ever CCIC0 rcajorit v.
Holding over,
Philadelphia city,
' county,
Btavtr, Butler and Law
i Cambria, Huntingdon and
! Elair.
I irad.ol d, feUSquetianr.a
1 anJV voiniiiir
I Coimnij;a, Luzerne ana
Ci;iht-rland ami Terry,
I r, r wrr, Ji-r
? n " Un and
j ,nj ana'
j franklin and Adams,
i Consolidation
norsn oi
j ...
j., ditird, 'Cambria and Fulton,
! Berks,
I Bucks,
car'jon ana Lc!;:p.n,
S.'1:S,tr', ,
j D h5
2 1 gainO
1 1
0 1
2 1 gain 0
0 2
0 5
0 1
3 0
2 2 gain 0
1 gain 0
5 C
4 Consoli la
0 0
2 2 gain 0
3 0
I Delaware,
e rauislin,
"'"""don and Blair,
j (djno-i
Nort humlKiland,
I'liiladilpbia county,
Philadt lpbia city,
Esc ape of Irish Exilts.
The editor of the A'ffir Yor!. Times has seen let
ters from Australia, rivinff full particulars of the
escape of Miichtll an 1 Mar. in. co ixilt.s cfMea i
gher. American citizens were about appialing
through our Minister, Mr. Buchanan, to the 1m-j
manity of England, in behalf of these sutllring ;
patriots. Ert these gallant Sfiirits were w eary, j
f waiting for the softening of royal hearts. They ;
have escaped, thank Gf d. and scon wc hope to t
welcome them w ith glad hearts to this " Asylum
of t he oppressi d."
John Mitchell was one of the most eloquent and
daring advocates of Ireland's rights. He labored
tuaselcssly anel feailissly for a siraiatien rem
England's rule, until arrested on a charge if se
dition, convicted, of course, and hurried off to
drag out a miserable life wi.h the most infamous
and eh graded of England's criminals, lie was a
riilin'T snirir e if ib. ti rr Intun.l li i .. "
,wri?JfptIw n ,,. v( , :-' '
a w n er tor the Diulin Nation, anil afterwards
, j- , , T r " ,
i ablisheel ihe Li.itcd I, t.! man. Ke-vabywas
, n, , - ite
...r...v..v ii..q,iicc,
aJ.iliij- and power rf his lopic and lje was banish
ed for fourteen years. Martin, his friend and ad-
inirer, sox)n followed hira, under sentence of ten '
lney buve cscaj i
the wide ocean of the world, our country i-s r-rd.
. J . i
polar to which their magnet points, and
-in- ,-. , , , I
points uncrungly. A e bid the ni God siKed and
, . 1 . I
extend to them the hospi ahties and svinratlncs ;
J i
of America's nirc. brave hearts. Thev will
make good citizens, and reflect honor on thtm-
selves and their adopted country, Thtir vinues
make them V-.loved an 1 their talents w ill cause
t'um to b. abnircd. Tin F Meagher, d iring
hisslnr: re si Jen so hire, by his thrilling and
matchless eloquence, has won a name that all
may aspire to, but few can reach. Mitchell and
Martin are not less worthy. Pitts. C,i:ort.
Fooliiahdi.ness.-A London paper s'atts that a
man r.t Lowth offers to ascenel the spire of St.
James' Church, which Is 235 feet from the ground
lo re-pair the weather cock, hut the church ward
ens re fuse to allow him. The S am ford Mercury
says that fnur or five asctnts have been made
wiihin his memory, twit of bravado or a dittnken
frolic. The most extraordinary fiat ef all, took
place on thcSihof May, 1818, when a man named
Benjamin Smith, known afterwards as " Fpirc
Smikh,' scaled the summit cf the spite, drank
his majesty's health, threw down ihe bottles
danced a horncpipc, turned around, the weather
cock several times tied his neckerchief to the
-1 vano, ( whr- ho left it) and decended 6afely.
Lola DTcatcz.
A Cullforaia corrcponJcnt cf tLc Na.-livi!I Ga
zette gives the following ncccint cf the niove
mtntscfLohx Montez :
Lola's Loc.tiox. to!a Mmtrz is now rcsiilipg
i at Grass Valley" (a vilbpo in ll:e rnine tn'htly
without restraint cf her incliln;icp,: in (rvtnira-
tin?) rambles Kron themountaln cliirs as nimble j cl liic u, ana .saieiy rciurr.ea v.
i and sure footed as the fearless grat. One knows i vjHjs $ays ; " The tire alcr.c is bcauli-
not which to admire the most, htrlht fonn and ; rui " nentric ! The n-r.n.n-.cih cx is a ,
rosy cheek or sncw capped sierras, tin'rd by the ' tn;c n:an n o,x (Ji rr,j s0 :s yi) r.ty's liick
j blushing morn. She is wild and bmiiM rs the a t hnrkl vet w lat lir.utv will ar.' it
maiden discovered in the Black. M..m'ahn :
(where Pen Quixote wmt to prf!in hi-; nrvel
penance in behalfof "peerhss and :
whore, during eaid rxnnnce ranetio l'.-na :
things lie should not have Ff n, trinirg-'Prrple himself awny fir very shame.)
Lola's Cottare. The Countess del.ansfuld
has a beautiful, little, white, vine clad cot, en
iewded in a gn t n vale, fointd by .1 irct-n
tanis. 1 ho U ami d cold stthcr re'urmrg t.f in
. - , - .. , , . , ;
, " , , ibirrTthe indeor life f '
, jivc cVrn'fs. I r nnl'iran bun- ;
1 i
T n A SVl,Tn F. pIVr.Krr. htr-c Mr n!7 Hail
,as SUP,i for a seT aration ! V. m bn,:.-nt
Tont p p IIall Fsq- ail(1 Pr,.pl,t ,'ie U cai , IO
tfcirn cfa l.Kr me cabatKre. Ihr asviv.1
reasons an- iK.t (5.r tars p-oli-o. Like ..neoftho
wivcs nicn.:rmd;n n,irm rf Will II. ncyn -,r h's.
,.1ft pifr ,sbar.d rnd biertht ht-i
pallant - AVe read ti nt timing the .-t'Yr ol the
ckvof IIrn-t,rr by Fmrtror (V-ivade. the ncble
.,. i , -" '. , , ,
wives h:m that thev mv.h hnvc wha'
,, . " . ' , , .
thev cudd cam- ot:t f f the ci.v their praver
, , , e ., " ,
woe gran' i.l whrrt; on tach t no ctir.t f r:h wrh
. , , , , ' , , T , ,.,
her husband upon brr t nek. I!a tTovts rnhke
hdii. 5-he has d rcoi I'f ll in the l.cur f
peri! on 1 n.i- S r une.
Lei. a Trtr: Mtvr.. The favored CVun'es--o f
bonis Kins of Bavaria mined cue v.lnle day in a
cr.rdrrcv l.'ornu r cu-' itmr". Slie wn qi i'e rwh
w ard wi h the ' Long cradle To'tr,'"b it set i'-tly
infiirmod an astonislittl d'ggor ll at she l ad "
never vet had use f r a cradle, thank h avm ' and.
mv luckv s'ars !"
Lola Winpn:TU rrii Fitvkt
--sf ra Iba'.l
1 i rt y l i t f ''
i of t he ovd r of Ft . 1 hn. c. :
' a-:?.ult find halt try. " It wa ricvid in a
cerlain squall of hrr anger, htr Ci;iv. so servant
j was taken all aback," (as sraiiitn sny.'she
j i.o-d h:m by h: 'nil t hair thdkto'h
door knrband shipped bis rice maicjs'ing '"
most tinn.eroifuly. Poo.r' J-dm '." lie cuhl
j not itrk loose unless he scalj I hitrsi'l. Tn
court, dti-ing i lie rtci'al cf htr tin nes iu Calihr
! nta. tears f.l! fi-ojn lureyes; nit it htlia as rr.j.i"y
as t he trees of Arab -v d c.p th'ir mulicinnl prn.
1 Unlike the inoo-, she is use I 'o t!nt;i . so arc ether
' women when b o-vlintr over imaginary wrong
The Love of Home.
It is only shaib-w minded prct t ndt rs who tith
rr make di-tinpui-hrd orig n a i::atr;r rf pt r
Venal merit, or f Lseurc oripin a R-atttref person
!1 rt preach. Tarnt and seeding at the humble
l londhinn of tarly life aiftct n1 iy in this critn
j )- but those who arc foolish eimrph to indulpe
ii them, and thev are generally sufiioie ntly pun
j ihe d by ihe pub-lb hid rehrke. A man v. h is
tpt aTl.riP.iil of himself need not be c.-hamid t-f
j hV caiiy e nditicn. It did r.ot l.nj i in to me to
! beliorf. in a log cabin, but my elder hrotlurs and
; sis'ers rere born in a log cabin, raitel ntii'-rg
! the smVdrifvS of Ntw IIatnphirc at a p riod c
! early .5iri when the- smoke iir-t n-c from its rude
j chimney! and curled cvtr the f.-o t.i n hill.tbirc
! was no similar evidence cd a white-man's Labi a
! 'ion bctyicn it and on the sett ! ir.e n's n tin
j rivers ofC'anada. Ps remains still exist : I make
j it an annttal visit. T carry my children to it to
j teach thn the hard.-diip.m ndiire d by the gie .
i a' ions w'.ii hive g me b fire them. I love to
dwell on t i.e. tender re colli c tie n. the cany :ibe
'ions, and the r.ana' ie r.s and incidents which
j mingle with all I knew e:f this primitive fami'y
! abede. I weep to think that f lli' .-e- who
I inhabi'nl ii are now among the living: rnd if
I tvcr 1 ail in affectionate vtntiat-ie ns for him who
,,f,i-. . -.a .....
ai-ed it. and dtfind-.d it apainst savace v'mUnei
and desti ne' it n, clieri.-he el all the don. i -tie- vir
tuts beneath its roe-f anel l brer ph the (ire and
bi.xd ef seven years' rtvoiutinnry war, sliritnk
from no sacrifice to serve bis ce rutty
anil to raise his child; e n to a cor.diti n 1 otter than own, way wy rrne rrd tl.crrn tefiny cs
tcrity lje blotteel furtve r fiom the memory ofman
kind. Daui I H'tLsicr.
From the Daily Bei-tcr.
Eints to rcRRjr rt7cn.
This is a grtat country, but only so r n at?ount
of the energy aivil initlliptnce if its inhabi'an's.
j Nature has ebne as much f r other lands as i; has
I for ours, but the ekfCcul'y i.s. the j ir j '.c elo not
push themsilvis along like wc do. That's the
secret. Push yourselves aVng, bys. always
jsecrct. Push yourselves alrng, boys, always; ry The Enltimcre papers state that L. S. Nor-
. . i ,i- . , :
ketp in motion ! Always have seinetbmg to do. .wood, C Ink e f the- Ct url cf Cent men Pitas of
, , .. r. . c ... ,
and do it well. Do r.ot fnttir away ycrr lime in : that city . is a di hiul'.tr in the sum of sh'O.OfO.
! r,lir,;-.. Si ears ami cane and
I-"- 1 C .i -l
not make a man. Set more value upon what N
in j-our hea l, than upon w liat covers it. Do not
run abtiut at night disturbing rtsptc'nb'.c -topic,
who rcqitirc rest ai er tne lat igues or-- me uay are-
over. f o.a t in o clock- n,t r -i- -jt five.
orKirT-r- cu w ill Uitii Lave abundant inr.e loi
, .... , , . .
repose, and a portion fjrnnproviment, iiihuc the
' . , ' . , ,
day s labors betiiii. Feven hours sleep and
i't n 1 1 ti I, ir ni- ivo nfi' iti i ve r- tni n i- L nr.
ill"" " .
scttn ten io .ic.itc ii;t 111 euie nieii y lour
tttee tiie rlillci-enitc. lomur mopi.-n you; li re 111 s
at two. and rises, perhaps, at siven t you have
ii. i-i.i .1 -
the advan ape cvtr him by two b.mrs ; these two
, i n 1. 1
hours may be all your ow n. and two hours every
day. for a period of ten 3-iars. v. ill treble 3011 to
add fur humlrid and twtn'y nine da vs. of stvm
! teen hours each, to vour censciors Lfc. Think
cf ihat.
Thins 'f what n ay be accomplish. rl ;n
f.ur hundred and twenty nine days. Think how
much ye.ii would I e able to re ad in 1 1 r.t t nc.efj
good, will eliges-ed and properly seasoned natter
i c , r ,, ., , ,,.
Andaf it having fully considered the tbirp m ad
its bearings, lovf away rour time in ltd if you
can. Iiet tr sous.
CcLEiixacy in Kcsico.
Baltimcp.e, Wtdntstlny, Oct. 12, If E3.
T"ie A'cf Orl: (ins . liec'f -1 burs -day last l as
special intelligence from Mie-o, reciived by a
private letter, to (he ifiirt ihat Ccvtiiiiitt nt I ad
discovered an t Mim-ic ci nsj jiacy jn Trebla,
and that sevtial preti ireiii jtifn's 1 td"leen a'r
rts td among them D n Ji an Mryiea Ia't (ioy-
cmor of the btate of Puebla ? General Maj.oles
Eobbs and Den Luis de la Rtsa, TLty Lad j
been ordered to leave the country. J
A Thimble Ri-:.jeu at .Sea. The master of the ;
Lark Orline, writirg to the ILralJ, says that eiu-
raig his late trip f:r ni Mantanas, a lady I a:en- j
ger acciln!:.ny let fall htr tlihiillc oertcaxd,
which was, cf course, jrivtn up a.s lost,. On the j
Fstue tlay a larjc elol hin r.s cirght, v. hen, to j
the n:cn.'s! mtct cf oil the tltiinlle was fouudin- i
u;sccvtr aU.ut ,iti.u'? .s atcnetr.l n:!, the
Uam5fl:1 is ,. . c0 u., 0f sl.ams. Sf-ir. of the:
d.LcicL;- ir.uld !Un:sto beetwith
in Bit a away ait- is, up, rot cf tnt:LC LtJ-h
andblc.d, but tf whe,'t,at::c. tnd cotttn fixing.-.
.v. Y. 1)
ZD' A ccntsj endtnt ; 1" the New Orleans Bi:l
ktin, of .Vipuu Ur .'(ah. writes : " I was shown
last tve !.:. a lettr direct I.'avar.a, per
sU!;:ir, in which it was s:a:d that tip v. aids tf
ixttn tl.i-and r.t 'lets had elkdtn the planta-
in lb
iu m i h. h ia. and that it wa
ra mg
and a.:
wa' ai
lk n !v. and mi the inerin-c at Havana,
'1 v .-bippiiiir: and tliat the small -
tajiiiiji eiy vi' hntly thiic."
! 'JTJ- Mrs. Ltlri.d. fi" No: a, lilit.ri, has given
I bir.h to a - n l.:i attached to the iniddk
' ; . ftcch little fmgtr ly its pioptr fetim, a
; perfect Ku.ito. The mother has bestowed unu
: .- urd cart u; rn htr t n.attts in the garden, and
h'ltdtohavc thtmrite btf.ic htr c. v.'.l'
The sj eci'i.tus brtrh: by son wtre abcut
be sire tr.d .-a-e of r, aturi'y tfibceinthe gar
den. fcnd colM nut lc distil Lu:.,htel (::n tl.tu. -y
Dn.'.tii rr M.tu: N DtfKLRKOK Tr 'i ii ',
i lb ;i. ;!..!.! n Iic!.trt!i. f oily a
Dtnucrat of :his S'si'e, d'td yt:.ttr "y a' !us res
id.r.ce. litarr-uccuM-i.r.a Plains. N.J. Mr. I)
v..-.s f :irrlv in iht Ciii-id .-a'l - "tra'e, fi.'
v.-as Ftcre'.crv f '.hi Nrvy i (hr.eta! Jucii."
rv,u Mr. Yi'.n Eurtn. lie v. as eit.h'y-thrce yea
f f r:
A Nuw Tit.w i Lt.Ki: to tiic I)i:aij S::a. M. He
c';ndiy. pi v. .- en ;v irt 5y frt sli d scrip; ic-:i ' 1 '-his
.'amous wattr. lie i ilitms thai so far from ii:. i
ing i; as i:i'-I rer.-on l.atc njjrt.-tultd. it wa
- a j lendid lake, ttlit tt ling in the si:n-h:ue. wi.h
x-.s blf.e wstvts gtutly 1 n ahir.g on the sm-ls tif
he ft ftst b ach." I!ca!oM. a Jlock f v. ::d
ducks j cr'.iii ; :i i's wa'trs. and cbvjrvci bcau
:if...l Inxc'.y n the gra'.tUv bta- h.
Iil.. CAT!: NA!
-The Cir.cin
all C o'-iitorcrai
ay :
1 :- cl ml of ibis ciiy have orf titled
aLi'.narv A--.)u:k:i and Ilooin. 1 h-.y
en i in
the V
.re el aci .-.-'.s
t hi re arc n :
U- 51 :
'.' e s
1.1 lish
t it.
ng tin in -r.pa1.!e- of at'ptcci
!i!tl ele.-ii ing lit t-'t b'.i-l ti.e r.t o (such an r.i:
ic n. the v she uld ' e tmrut s-piu."
1 ...
Lai i-
t !.-e au-
her.' ties 1 ; a ve- 1 1 c n re -
cently ttrci' ii g the most lipid surve ii'ar e c in
order t eharthi Fiiimh c:.(i al ef r.tri tKi..
dange n its chat ac'.e rs. Out e l lf-f 0 J trsons who
l aie Uen in'uitcptid. and wlu sc nptrs were
found to '-: irt'tiilt'f. -( 7 have L
arte st.
tn ttitd r.i
iiam He A.
hut the re
Fr.. e f (.h.rrard ''
been !:(d at his
the i-e-.:
iafii. withi-ut an v.-:
iii'.s two hands w ho cat
D-J. ICiV.-. A!'-. Tf.l::(
.'tiii Utti'e.-.
l-.t-h; C ett!
Bv o.
v.'.ti; T t i'S--l.L-ss j rr
at .-t tla'ts f.rt:. fa:: ".a
. i
!..!. c an at. tn u'tu caavs.-s i-
Mexi:.- i r a tlJ.egn.e to Coti-J
dates arc Fx t v e : i.t" I.rr.c,
Priisl. Dr.n .r.isc MattuelOaiie;
i'"i' c'll.-'dorat :(!!.
0 :1 !t. . .t .V
The cr.trdi
a M vk-ati
Thi i. f .d
' Ar.e.'t !:; r cargo cf off' slates hr. been s a li
h.y..tll-ud j (',:l a, w --h the- c v t nt of the lo.-:
ihoihies ii akirg a 1 1 It 0 ej negroes lioin At-ri.-a.
landed rn the south sido of ihe i.-laml. wiihin
arr.c-.ith so s'audby edtiota fi-oin Cuba lo Jj
Ntw Yoi k Tinted.
ZZ Cjitalier I'ulstiv:r.nn. the Austr
is'.tr. brs atiiveel in Ail any. rnd bad
ia .'im
view with Fetie'.r.ry Maicy. It ia n n.cnd that irtnts l.avtl.itn apitid t n fir the re
lease, of Kcsz'a or.d his rttum to ibis counirv.
CH?" A Miss Kline las r cot ert d ; ;t' 0 of a Mr.
.Suydsm. a w ie'.i wer in 'i w Jtrsej-, fe.r a bitach
f ! n.i-e. Sheprctid hi r ra-c by a fimale
f'riind. who oveihiard the contract ti:it-ph a lit.le
in the flcor !
! II v. til 1 -,-.l- ,i......
----' . -...i, ... ur ii uii cWll I lie lUS.
"Xy- The Ft Ltui L.trUtsc, t:r is advert i d for
salt undtr ilnds of trust. The sle- is to talc
. place on tiie -ii li proximo.
' . , .
! e c--.. !tgt g,
: (; r? T A 1 1? c v T T T t n r n n n
li j ii 1 K o V I L L E RECORD.'1
n- . , . ,,.
l tic cs jaiMmant rd Dmiocratii- rarer in t lie
: l.,... l. - r i.- - . I
; i;oi
i "'-'r" " r.lllil'. Imt ana Co.. Pa . 1
01 in l -ng utsin el i,y tile Detm cracy of Indiana 1
! and fstiuoriland Counties, and the encourage- i
- mint that has already b;en txt'-mbd -in, In
, ... ., . -, , - ,'"'lfl' '' n'lii- 1
! d Hit- M.b.sciib'tr 10 uiidcr-.-ikt' the publication '
fM-.c!i a journal. He therefore, c n .mrhites to i
! revive the publica'ion of the "Bl.A 1KS ILLE '
! KI COKD." and will endeavor to n akt- the win 1 !
! n ir? ,rot rn1v 1it-p.litical b,,t Pk'i.i1
, u. M.s ailH(1 1
nni fiini Hi i i iff 1 tn -.. . ' , . . 1 . ...-it
Bilk ring that cur State and N.v prosper- !
'J" 1 a arisi n (rt m the suoee ssfid administration j
j li' 1 "s 1 -v ,M ' U oci at ic parly, nr.d the
inin is ol n ent of ihe i mcirle s and Itlicvof
lhat rarlv w :,, riIfrrotr ml , ,rt . , ' 1
; ness of the pioplc. he will fait lift By ir.diavcrto
SI'S'ain thist'tiiws. end fittn oi'tiiu.oi if...
1 Ii:. 1. .1 . . . r.i . c
i.ii t.-e(iiMieee e s.'pe.s e i me par'y. Uetmirg it!
iiuiiiei.-rBi luriie ii ewe- in lie ael. Le only
asks to le ji dp d by the course of (ht j apir.
The r. a'irtals of the e (lice w ill be t mirth- new,
and tht iapir will lc t flaipt she. and noUnfiri
ortoany prblished in the in'irior of Ptnnsvha
ma. Consieleicbletxpensc will le incuntd le
thiriCrt most rtspicifully solicits a share cf the
pa'ror.ape'cf the pi blic.
Telms Or.t dollar and fifty cicts per ytar if
expiration athittic two dX wfli becl-ar!
gCj. n c DEYINE
JN the matttr'cf the pet'tion t Corr.cliu Grego
ry .'of a decree of specific pcrfrmmce cf con
tract mate I tt ten rt'.er Cti r, late tf V. hite torn
idiip, dee'd, (in his life lime,) ami Peter Tunalmaa
:u l the said Ct melius (Jreeory :
The undersigned, conimisjfin'r avpolctad by tho
Orph: 1.3' C.'.tt ef C: mlria C'.uiUy, tti take teEt!
n.o; v in the nbo-.e proceedings, beret y gives no
tice to at! - ..rut interested that he will nttend t
the dnti.stf sii l uppointmer.t nt th; cCics of Wil
liu.: Kite.!', Esq.. i-i the D- rough tf i-bensburg.
, t. s .'oi iay. th-j Cih Uny cf NvcaV.r Lczt, at 1
" ' A' ci:.;.r.Lr3 v;. wi:;gaed,
AOlltlh . ?
'5"N the Uialt'.r cf Lb a sttiiien ef ILciifS II. Ter
1. t; r Ti r a crcrce of "recitis pericrnjancc of ecn
11;.,t L-.:v.t-n .Mor.a., ef V.'.-sLifg-
u.i, 'i'vi t.iip, uVe-c'd, ;in hia iite time) and Wii.iaru
i' ' . .
i J.c U'..d: i.l,-r,cd. C'-.i'iMosi ' st pou-tcd by tr.o
.-j ! ' 1. :;t .f t.'..mblia 1'uUt.tV, to take testl-
uu iy in the uboif f 1 acee.iii ps. i.tre-ly gives n
t . "so j- rib. s intei e.'teei IcJ il attei.l to
t,..- ,.,Ct- 1 t s 1 p. oin in. -i t ut the ctliee ef 1'.
'!. : - ' i , . (ii'-iiilotk. C.iinbili c-'U..ty.) en
i; ; :! tc:,i.. vif :.'e,v.-i:.Lvr LCit, ut e-J
o'chwbr M.
ft. ' 1 7. l-VJ.-lf.
-i..fc.E. E:r.i:t'Ti4i..
PICE is hi re't.y plven t ) t' e stvekhobh-ra of
ll the I.-..ensbarg ! S-i-- p;...a:;.ri Piat.k J'.'-aJ
ti. ;t mi i. ct' n wul be i.e.: . at the Cvurt llou-.
in th.- B. l.'.iph cf L -e::s':Ui ; .n M -l. lay, the il l
day 1 f November nexr, ( r j el' th;;g
e-ihcir-. e-f t;'-e said tjfl !' r th-i ens, -lug year, Ij
.t : C-i..- Pi csi i.:.t. Jl ve Man igers. nt.l one Ireas
tar; i.: .-..-id. m-. 4 it "is re.-o-ii.aen le i that
be- i-.-ehh.d iej-i i ;pt such 1 r-'.aws. 't and
1 . t :.: :. :.a -.i. . 1 1 - ne s..ry !' r ti.e ptpr
1.: ,. ..: ..t the : ll uf the- CJtca.::;.
Ii 1; J' r vl the Bvr.r.'.
I I K I.'.ir-LBSi ZilZWAliE.
t pi- ' ' f ia?. '. ' on' ittiii g ;.i ur. se-.e.. r. :ri ,
a ; t, v J, i 11 MM.-.i. dr.. n bi.'i.ii::
M t; rr. dec-
to 10 3.1
'):b ei f ( -. j'.tr ;:i-t. !' n t ..ii!:.'
I h- th" I :'V if Klll MVelt:
" V.'V. M.r;M!l N.
.; -; -. . .1 r ;:. :.; cj. -j.
. 1. 1
:ji it !. is iitivt-y ITitcli ii tlja ' ! ti j'lCk rs t f
H th..- !. i tt: . i'l.a.i; !! a I, ;.;..t an e-le.-il. : Kilt
h'l I at the 1 nice of tiie cmp-iny 111 the Bortuc 1
. ; i. i u i-te :d ;y, ti.e 7;ii of .b'oveuibrr next.
: 1' . e ; ui ; vf tie : '-. : r- ot the s a. i r 1 J
: ; -. e r. t. wit: i.oie Pre v I.-.:', ft---
J .! ..11. i e't-.e 'i'i-e-is.;rer ; :-.t v. hi.':,
i' : - li.ei-: flu lid--: that tt:C si .,: kb -l h-r.- a sab
: -. -1 . v. s 1 1 ' '..1. : l. ft. as t li all I - r. . c e S si. ry fur
I :-. :
. - .") V .
by : : i.r ii" ti.-: Jl.rrh
t. f.-t- ', b-t. 7. I--V..
(i ; - '!. pte-! f lh.- S'i' .--"fiber. Ilea .;
; C-::..; 1 . i j , --a the b-.'-h d -y 1 1 Afgft
. lb-':. -lb.- c , :.! ut t v. .'. r. old.
alt!, a ' h.t f.. e. :.n I . lei; c-'.i. 1h" cet.-'-r is
iv....ste.i t C-T..C t- i.v .1 !. t uv; p.':;.ty, j'y
(. :-. r 7. 1
AO'Uiii'st 1 atoi -s M')!!CC,
T' li'f'l' il 1 1.-; .-I A '::.! ti ' -' : i : '. n ! c-tn p-n t.t.-I
-Si t t..f l.t. b-r :.;-:-e I, I T ll:e P.rglst.-r f I, . a-
1 .-: e y, r 1 a a : ! r- e-- . r i .'.;t:i' : Bhcv, '.
T--.s !. Al: j ' r- its li. -b-' t -d t s ! 1 ctut" " t -1
--pi' ' t-. tii ' e in--: ' ... t ! -itier-'.t to t:-s, :.'.i i
tb- s !:i-l ;!.!::- Vi 1 t i.e: p: .. 1 -
i:.''.- 1 r set :!.!: t.
S.'4.. it i- ,',". .1 -...'.-tf '.-V,
1; .. t .
- it . . ::; l' . v . -art iiwUkt.
At W-rt-.-y t-.r Lrw J.:.ait wn, Pe.
CS-'.'l y. ( r. . ntf.: Jit: ec'-. a t'"rr i.,n-
? th .. reel- oi M..iii rt. I eiii.t.n.
1.1 .. !
r. y. HL'i:vrs:;.
Attt-rn;-y tt I-u.7, Ebet-sbur- ? .
Hr'i-i' pri.-.;-.. in the '.-vc-ral .u;:-, ..f t;.--. ,-
r t p.-: :: .-. , ., 4, ... . ....
':;"t--l 1 ' i..;rctJ to l.;., .;.i; '.j
ti.T.ett :-:,-r.di'd t-...
-:t;-on M;.iu fleet cj p.-ite f r. W:n. L-.e.ii.s
t. : ' v.
lib iil i:s ;.r."c7.
:!; lo. -s. 1 5 1: i:k.
Aiic:r.ey at Lw, Lbcr tVtrg, Fs..
CTI I'i: to elwrs X.&'. tf M t;..r Tbi-mi 4c
J '. t..h 1
joii . ft iil; v,
Attorney at La-a-, m-ensbnrg. Pa.,
ll'll.b -r-ietbe in ti..- si-vt-ml Courts cf Cambria,
l :.nJ In .i il. 1 cuii.ties.
:1bv. X... -J.f. Coloutiadc Kwv," ihe'
Lbetislmrg. Aug. I'lt. ISjb ly..
.ISSCIIASII. EAX .M.t;i:is.i.,
Af.otrtry at Law, Ebonsburg, Ta.
OrriCB. No. 5t, -Cvhunade Bow," ncrr Ahs
Court il..n--c.
J ir.uarv 1, 1-M. 'y
Attcrsty at Lav?, Kcibiiaysbuig, r.i.
7"ihL ntti-i.d the sevend Cnnrts of Cu aibrU
county, ns heretofore. Ol'te otic door -Acs'.
n ii. M -l arl-iiid b cabinet w arero' m.
-uty Ll, 1 .JJ iv- . .
T. L.. HLYBi:,
Attorney at Law, Johnstown, la.
O finer, on pv;U street, two doers cast of th
l.t ho Ollire.
March lb', fc-l. !y
Ur. I. 31. S. Jatd- son James t:
HAMNLrenicre.l int.. a C-p-, tner b:n 'n ' a
I'l-aeiice of medicine. ofTcr their ttJcc tt
j the nl,,i of ur.,mi,vi'l niK, T;,;nC'cCa . t0
r- ..e'KSu can re tound at his resideucs near
.be tod s,to, uul Dr. IIuW-e at the old oSi-s cu 'bo
summit. , -
S-pt. 0. !Sb3 tf.
VMCL on Mam tStret-t. in the olco- la'cV
occupied by Gen. Jos. McDonald
Jan'.nry 15. 1F52.
1 fr"! Bl'illblLS pood coal wanted at this Of-
w Lcc lor which cash will be p4J ca de-
Iit erv.
TrillSKEY, White Lewd, aaJ Linswl Oil fr
T 8"'e b-7 J. MOOULk
1 AS II will bo paid for 4000 or 6CM pounds
V wool, by HUGHES Si WHERRY, .