Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 30, 1853, Image 4

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M.J :
- ;'
God Save the Commonwealth,
rroclamal ion of General Ellectlciv
Pursuant to an act of General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An net
relating to the elections of this Cummonwer'th,''
approved the second day of July, Anno Djmoni,
one thousand eiht hundred nnd thirty-nine, 1.
AUGUSTIN DUREIN, High Sin-riff of the county
cf Cambria, in the State of Pcnusvlvr.nia, do here
by made known and give notice to the electors of
the county aforesaid, that aGENEKAL ELECTION
will be held in the said county of Cambi in on the j
second Tuesday, (and 1 3 1 h d-iyj ot October, i ',
t which time Stale cad County otiiccrs will be elec
ted, to w, it :
One person to 11 the r-fu-e of Cnr.s.1 Commissioa
er of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One persuii to f.l! the o'tieo of Supreme Judge ot
the Comiiiet.wenh! of Pennsylvania.
One person to tili the ouiee of Auditor General ol
the . cmmonwenlih of Pennsylvania.
, ,i
One i-er.-.ii to nil the i -thee of Purveyor General
, , i, , , ,., ,
of the Coiiiinoiiwealtii oil ennsvlvat.ia.
v . J .
Oae pii-on in connection w.tii the counties of
,,, . i ii .- i r- .i .-- .
l.'.air and Huntinc; ton to fi 1 tLe cluse ot Senr.tor
. ...,,,.
111 ti e ten itc ot i ci ns', 'v.-.-.-ia.
rr. .. .- ,1 . ; . f
Two persons in cconejtion with the counties of
Bedford and I'ulton t j lid the oiiiee of meinbers of
the House of licprescntatives of reiinsylvanin.
One persoa to liil the ofiice of Ticacurcr for Cam j
Lria county.
Oue person to S'.l tho of Ulstrict Attorney
for Cambria county.
One person to nil the oCico of Cor-imlssioner fr
Canibria county.
One ptrsou to .11 tho cfiica of Surveyor for Cum
bria county.
One person to fill tlie o&ce of Auditor for Caai
triu county.
In pursuanca of sai l act, I tlso lir-re':y 1
known and give notice, that tlie places of h!
the iifbresaid general election in t'lesjvcral election
districts wiliiin the said county ,f Cuibriu, are as
follows, viz:
The Electors of the district composed of t'ie Lor
curh of Ebensburg, to meet at the Court il-Uso ui
said borough.
The Electors of the district compose 1 of the t jvt:i
ehip of Cambria, to meet tt the Court House iu the
boiiu:;h of Lbens'iui ''.
The Electors of the district composed of the bor- i
culi of Loictto, to meet at the School House in said i
borough. !
The Electors of the district composed cf th? ;
township of Allegheny, to meet at the School !
House iii the borough of Loretto.
Tho Electors of tue district composed cf the bor- !
ugh of Johnstown, to uieet ut the Mansion House i
in said borough. j
The Electors of the district compose 1 cf tho bcr- ;
cugh of Conei!!au".h, to meet al School House rium
tier one in said borouirii. j
The Electors of the district composed of the town- j
ehip of Coaetnnuh, to maet r.t School House iai:n-
bcr tiiirtetii iu said township. i
The iilectoi s of the district compose.! of the town- i
ship of Cai ro1., to ineet at School Housi number
three in said townf hip. j
The Electors of the district composed of the town- i
ehip of Clearfield, to Eic-et at the house of John j
Douglass iu F-.sid tawiiship.
The Electors of the district composed cf the !
township cf Jackson, to meet at the House of ,
Henry Llapjnr in said township.
The Electors of the it-strict composed of the town
ship of r.icbland, to meet at the house of Jacob
Kring in said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the
townsnip of Ulachliel;, to niect at t;:e hou"-e of 13
i Davis in said township.
The Electors of the district composed oT the
township of Suimii-i hiil, to meet at School llou-c
nuniber one iu the town of Jciltrssii, in sii town
The Electors of the district composed of the t-wn-r:ip
of Sus prjimima. to meet at the Louse of
Slatthow Conrad in s .id township.
The Electors of the iistvict composed of tlie
town-diip of Washington, to ineet t the School
House situate ut the foot of Plane No. 4, in h-.i: J
The L!e;tor- of the di.-trict composed of the
township of White, to meet at Schaoi llcvi.3 r.uia
bvr one iu said town.-diip.
1 m ike known that by no Act of Asvmbly, pas
sed the loth day of April, A. U. 1 Sol entitled, "An
Act to provuie for tiie election of (,f tio. Courts of this Commonwealth, and to ren-a
late certain Judicial Iiistiicts it is provided
That the qualified voters of each of the several
ccuutics of this ( onnuoiiwealtu sha'd at tlie net
general election, at the times :ui I places t f ele
representatives, and whenever it shall here.-.ttir
Deconie necessary lor mi election under
. und under tiie constitution of this Cour.ii
. n .vi
lli h,
oie lor in e persons ill tl.O Iirst elect! -n. a.a at ov
ery election thereafter, as many as shad be l.rees
fiiny under the provisions hereof to servo ns iud-'e:
of the Supreme Court of this Coiiiuionwealth. one i
person to serve as president ju lgo of the judicial I
district i-i which such county shall lie, nnd t -.vol
persons to serve as associate, judges cf the sever..! j
Courts of such county. ;
Skc '-. the cua.'.iued electors residing with '
in the jurisdiction of any district c.nit r oilier'
court of record now existing or he; eafi-i- to 1 e -to- i
itcd by law, tha'.l at the general election, a id j
wbeuever thereafter the same shad be nec--ary, j
nt the times aud places for holding such election 1
with'::, their respective election district, vote for j
cne p rs-jn for president judge of cm !i court and a- j
many persons for associate judges thereof as shall '
uc le junen i.y law. I
inc. 3. That the judges of the Suvri-me Cet.rt-
eel the I r sident jud-'es of all tithpr rmirlt ..f r. !
cord and the associate judges of the District Court j Pry Sait -d Spujiisli Hides. Bry an-i t'ireeii
nnd the Court of Common Pleas of the city and i 'a!te.l I'utmi Kips,' Oil. Ta.mers' and Cur
County cf Philadelphia aud the District Coiirt .,1 i 1 -ll's, 'j t it )LS, :it the Iowc-d nrices and ur.on the
lu- cauiuy 01 .iiiegneiiy, snad be lear.ied in the
. . ,,i . .....
law, and ad the aforesaid ju lues shall be om.liued
.eetors of this Commoiiwealth and shall be otht r- I
.TV''" , ns 'eiiured by the second section of
the fifth urticle of tue coustituiiou of this Commor
weilth. fEC 4. Thr.t the election for judges shall beheld
ar.d conducted in the several election cli-diicts in
the manner iu all resnect-s r, ...t,.-...
re-irese-ntativcs are or shall be held or conducted,
and by the sa me judges, inspector- and other ofii'
v...,, ...... 11. e- pious-ens 01 tne act ot the General !
Ata-.-mbly, entuied "An act relating to the elec- J
f-.or.s of tins Commonwiait!).-' npproved the secend I
day ef July, one thousand eijht h i.n. '.red nnd thirty I and its eevcral supplemenls, and all other !
eiKe laws as tar as the same shall be in f .rce and j
r't "fr e-'ib!e, and shall be deemed and taken to apply '
' ,(i'tue. ,cli;ct,,ins f,p J1-": VvrfiiW, tLat it.l- f
a.ore.srud electors shall vote f. r i,i.KP ,,c v i
yreme Court en a separate piece "ef paper and for
nil other judges reouire 1 to be learned i.i tlie law
,r '
cn fiTiciuer Separate p iece of paper.
I also make known and give notie-, r-, in nr.d bv
the l'l.h sectioti of the aforesaid act I j-m dtrccted
"that every person, excepting juries of the peace,
who shall hole, any otuee n- uppoir.tment of profit
or trust under the government of the United States
or oi this State, or any city orincorpcrated district'
whether a commissioned oiSecr. or agent, pi
or shall be employed under the legislative ' judb-b,
ry, or executive department of this State or L'nited
Slates, or of any city or incorporated district : .-nd
also, that every member of Congress, and the State
.... ..o.i .j. fet-ieci or Ci
rirnon councils
ci any cay, con.iius-'.oiiers of
any infoi-am-M,-..! o i
"I, ' v '".'i'81,1' 01 -elding or exercisin;- !
n uiv bame, tne ollice or r.ppointmt nt o:
judge, irisjiector or clerk of any election of thi.
couinionwea'.th, and that no inspector er jud-i-o -c
other officer of any fruth election, shall bs c!'Ti'ble'
to assy oCIce then to be voted for." a
Also, that in the fourth section of the Act of As-
n-muit, t-i.iiiie.i, ,eu .Vet lelat-.n-r ii
fr other purposes." approved Am i! lit 1 u; ", ':,:. 1
enacted that tiie aforesaid ICib section shaM i.'ot be '
Otlsrrurl.'il n t. ro i.r.a . o-
mm. .R.,-,.. . : . . . . .
, Br s as ju .ge, inspector or 1 i
cieiK ; at any general or special election in this i
Co tnuiou wealth
Also, that in ih r.tet e... .;..,, r . . . . i
w.. ..... .. rill. I HCl n Is j "every general and fpecial election ! t
tha.l be opened Letvefcu the hours of eight nnd te i
in the forenoon, and shall continue without iuter-
ruption or adjournmeiA until seven o'clock iu the .
.. .
veiling, wncu tlie polls shall be closed.
The general, special, city, incorporated district
and township elections, and all ciectio-us foP dec- '
a".!; PKeliU,en lU? . Vic, resident of the United !
S.utes, shaji le fctfj.j aa j ccnoiuc.e.-j . tJje ii,,r(c.
tors and judges elected as aforesaid, aud by clerks
appointed as hereinafter provided. 1
No person shall bo permitted to vote at any
election, as aforesaid, but a white freeman of the
ago of twenty-one years or more, who shall have
resided in this Mate at least one year, and in the
election district where he offers to vote at legist ten
days immediately preceding such election, and with
in two yours paid n State and county tax, which
shall have been assessed at least ten days before
tho election. But a citizen of the United States,
who lias previously Leeu a uunlim j voter ol this
, and removed therefrom and returned, and
io shall have resided in the election district, mid
, pai a taxes as atei-esani, shall be entitled to vote ni
ter resiumg m this State sis mouths. I'ruviicd,
That the white freemen, citizens of the United
. tatcs, between the ages of -1 Mid '1- year-;, mid
have redded in the election districts Jen d-ijs jis
aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they
shall not have p iid taxes.
:u person stiuti be (ulmitU'J to vote iviijs;
!.,.,: . , , , - , i . .. -' -. i i ;
n.iii:e i.-: not contained in the h.-'t o: t.xao.e mhul 1-
:,., - , , , . , . , ,
t ttnnts tarnished I v the commissioners:, i::.:es-. lust
, , ". . .. ,
he produce a receipt tor the payment,;n two
1 ,. t, , ' . , 1 - , ,,.
! years, or a S!ito or county tax as-sca-seu a-TCesbly
i ; ... i - .- - . '
t COl ! S 1 1 1 11 1 1 Oil, lllld piVC Sat is 1 HC 1 1 'T V CVi'lcllCe
person shuli be admitted to vote vii.jsi
on his ottii oath or uCirmacion tif another, that he j
! lias p.n.l s-i -h a tas, ci-on ii.-.lure to j roditce a re
i ocif t slia!! make oath ;' the payment there .if, or
j Second; if he claim a r'tuht to vote by lieinur a n b.o
j tor between the aire of -) and years, he' all ie
I pose o:i oath or aiiirntatlon, that he has i i sida i in
! the State at leif-'t a .year b.efore liis a pfilicat o.i a:,u
j mule such roof of his residence in this district as
' is require 1 I v tiiis act, and that he does veriiy be-
Hove, from the accounts civ. :i him that he in of age
:ifoi-es"i!d, an ! pive such other evi Jcm-e .s is re
i fjnirtd by this net, v,-hci (".sum the name of thepcr
' eo.-i sj ndinitted to vote, shall be inserted in tlieal-
.e'.ical list by the i
I' siiv' t'jci'eto by wri
.!! be aJmiltod to vo'
. r the w r 1 " :.-re.'
iiFj.ectors and a note made
ii! the word tax." if he
u by reason of having p.iid
' if be t ii i! 1 ' b-j adin'.ttcd to
vote by reason of such a;r
1 tins i lel-ks, who shall niu!
e thai! be ealicd out to
ie the iiUO notes in the
! list of voters kept by thein.
j "la nil casts where the nunc of the reis-.ii
i cbiiioiiijr to vote is found on th'i ':si i nini-lied by
i the commissioners and nssvs?-ir, cr riplit to
j vote whether foiin.I thereon or not, is objected to
j by any qualified citi.en, it shall be the duty of tiie
! inspectors to examine such person on oath a 3 to
i bis qualifications, and if he claims to have resided
; within the State for one or more years, bis oath
; sh .11 not be KuHifies-.t proof thcr -of. t.i;t shall make
: proof tile-re by at b-ast one c.jmj ctcnt vvitius, who
i shall be a qualified elector, that ha has resided
j within the ui-n-'.et for mere than t" days j:ts
j preceding .id election, arid s-kr'.l also i.imst lf
i tiiat his bonaii'le residence in ; i.r.sii.-tii'-e of
j lawfi.l oallinp, is within tae di.-irict, and that
he ii" t rem. vo into .uu clitiict for the run o.-c
. ol Voting tbeniii.
"Every person rpi.ilifit l r.s aforesaid, an 1 who :
, .shall make dtp prc-ol, if ri'viuirt'd. of his rtsi lence
' ati'l payment of t:is-s, us aloresaid. fchall be admit- I
! ted to v.te in the tjwiiskip, war.!, cr district in ;
; which he Khali reside. i
j ' If any p-erso-n rhall prevent or attempt to pre- J
vent any oiiict r of i.ny eieei'.oa under this net from ;
! holding such election, or use or threaten any vio- 1
. lence to any such okicer, shall interrupt or im- ;
j properly interfere with biru in the execution of his j
j duty, cr shall block up the win! w, or a venae to i
: any window win re the s.une tu.y be holding, or !
j shall rictoii 'y disturb the peace of such t-Jection, !
or shall use or practice tiny intiuiidafiug thrcas, I
! r-rce cr violence, with design to influence ttndu'y !
! i.r(.vi-r;iws nny cU-it-.r i.r to j reici.t hiiu fr c-i vo- I
t in t or iv-tr.dn the f.-.o.b.m of choice, sulIi pi-rsoii !
0 1 o!iv.c;i :, sh i'il bo i.-L" i;, ni,y -,iin not e--:.'ee i
i din live 5; an I rod d ulars an 1 bo imprisom-J for f
j ..iiy t.uie r. : K.sS th ;u e.-ie moi.tli n r more t'i :n '
: twelve v.onth . i.n i if it shall be shown to the dart ,
j wh. re the trial of such oiicuces i h.ill be ha i, tiait
i tiie pcrsm so oii'eiiding was not n resident f the
. city, w .ir I, cr district, .r township where the said
j . iii :.i e was e.oniniitted. and m t entitled to a vote
i therein, tl en on conviction, he shall be sentenced
j to pay a lino of not le.-. than one hundred nor
i.i ore th..:i ouo thousand doll:. is, ai-.J he intprison.
j 0,1 "t less than six months nor more than t.vo
I Pui-uaut to tho pilis i:o, a-ot.v'...o-l In tt.t ."ti.
i section of the le-t littt aforesaii I, the juices of the
af.r- sai I (pstiacls sria'.i resneeiively t ilic charge of
I lie cf-i'tilie-it.- or return of she election of their re
j spective liis.niits, and produce tin m at a meet'iir:
: of t !,e judge from e-teh di.-trh-t at the Court House
I la the boiau-ii of linens1..;! -g, on the third day af
j t'-r the day of elections t t-i.-g for the present year
i on i' III I) AY the 14th of Oin'UlICK uc-xt, then'mid
1 ll.-ere to do and perform the duties lvoiiire 1 by law
! s-iid j rig. s. Also, tliat. where a ju'lgp by si-k-i
'-'e.-s or. im avo-iPdjlc .-lccideiit. i, unable to attend
said ineeiing of j i.lg.-s, ilo-n the c-rt..i.-t.; or re
I turn ai'oroaid sin !! be t:ikeu t-htitge of by on.' of
lao iiis-occL.-l-; t;r lac clt-l-K ot foe clectl-li e-1 said
ils'.ri -t, who shall do find pei-ronn the duties re
ouii id of said judge uu able to atti-n I.
Civc.i u:, Ier my hand at my i lli.-e in Cbe-.isbur ;.
tiie S:'i tl.iy e.f Sentctnber, A. U. lhoo, and of the
In ieneio! ai--a r f the Ui.itcJ .States e f Americi, the
s.v.uly cigbtli.
AVC L mTIN IL!l."iN.
Sin rob of C.ii.bria count v.
Sliet-ir? Offic", Ilbfn.buj-r.
Septeu-J cr lit!,. IS",;;. " f
fiiii-lt, oil, aii-d ?.e:i5iti .Store.
d. EiF.::?Air.ici:,
No. 21, Scuta Ihiid Etrce;, b.bvoen Ilarkst find
Caosaat fctveet-, l-hil!.d'.-iciaa.
iTXAS COiudantlv on han 1 and for ,.!, llrr- n,d
1 nest ti rvns.
, . . ..
I l.'tf Ail kin Is of Leather in the vra::o 1.
for which the 1
In-st market price will be -iven in
ca-h. or taken in exchange fir hides.
Leather stored free of charge ami Eo!d
May 1-L ISod.
A -TIIONY VOW IN RLE respectfully informs the '
public that he is no,v niN-n.-ii-eil !.. .,, ,:. I
reots, wiui every requisite for the "accommoda- '
t;,)n ' sf-mgers and travellers" at his new gtaud !
in the Northern Liberties of Holiidaysburjr. and i
respei t.'.ily asks for a share ef custom. Ilia ti- 1
''le will at all times be supplied with the be-t tin- j
:"'ket air.-rds, nnd his bur stocked with the best !
wiucs and liquors. i
r-" Tb.e lrg,, HaU can be rented hv the day ;
or niuht. aud a Piano and I'bmtst i,- wl,;.,i " i
&ai5 t.erman wines und La-er Pee
L-er kept cou-
stantiv on hand.
Iloilidaysburg, Mav 0, l.c
I2tl!, Joiistou, Jack, & 'o.
(lati: ur.i.1., joijnston, i; co. )
C3ico of Bonosit, Discount, & Exchange
TAMES M. DELL, Robert B. Johnston, and Wil
' I- 't'l Jack are the Active Partners, who alune
transact the business of the firm.
THE 03 H-.R i'ARTXLJ'.s a tp
A. P Y.'.lsou,
V.'m. Dorris, Jr.,
Win. P. Orhisou,
JObcpn c-mitu.
i . - . .
of Hullitl.ivuburtr. Ta.
Alex. M. Lloyd,
Baker & Watson,
of Gaysport, Ph.,
John Miller, of Teuiper-
nncevilie, Elair co. Pa.
Y.. Shoemaker,
of Lbensburg, Pa.,
Thos. Wiiite, "
of Indiana, Pa.,
S. II. Smith,
John Crouse,
ot liuntlii 'don. Pa..
I . J. JlcDowcil,
'. 'in. M. Lloyd,
James Deunistou,
It. M. Lemon,
Geo. p.. M'l'arlane,
Sainuel Uk l-.hodes,
Sll!ni,.-i Cril.-i,-,
. ''aot us Banks,
,C''' 6SWt'n Jr
of Johnstown, Fa.
John N.'fF M..o,.,..l n t .. - .. . .
- i , . ...,.,. uvtu, auics m. Joliuston
aiuivurg, in
vESt-'l"A.r mmj a,u! trill le uthhd.'
C Oiieciions made ii. all parts of the Cni
L'nited States.
,.t . . I - e-l.licu .-iiaics.
lum;3U'!j " rt.a-ielphia, Pittsburg, &c.,
t .
n "C-,,1J"1 --It.t.Te,t, in
. ? G' !Ui'! 12 11" llt
"c usual rate 0! Interest 5n co.. 1. i .
ha. Other Deposits
ect ived payabie on demand.
iloiiidayaourg, July 10, 1S",2.
1 ASH will be paid for -lout) or .,( puUj3
wool, by HUGHES A- WHERRY,
Jefttrsco, Pa.
Tlils way for Goc3 andCteap Goods.
""T7"ILL le opened tiiis week at the brick store
V of J. M oore, in Ebensbnrg, :i general assrt
mcnt of cloths, cassiineres, satinetts, tweeds, and a
great variety of summer poods.
Together with, any quantity of prints, detains,
lawns, cashmeres, ginirhums, lustres unj other
ire ss goods.
and pood ajsoriment of hardware, quceiiswsre,
saddlery, clothing, stationary, drutrs. Sac, itc.
l'ersons wanting boots and shoes, hats and caps
or ready made clothing, will find it to their advan
tage to Call at the.
IJrlcIi Siorc.
The subscriber, thanUitil for past favoi b, C"r
nestly requests his customers, and tliepi.'.fic eui
eraiiy to at !oat call and eiiliaiiie his stock: mid if
lie cannot suit every person in quality and price it
is not his fault. I'ro bice a.. 1 lumber of ail kin is
taken in exchaiv" f'-'i" goods; an J Le alaj tu.kes
CASH '..hen ciioicd.
Ebcn-bur.'. .A; iii lis, l.-ol.
ipbi:kt j;r.nnv. bhiicht g allh ai mi.
C'ncSi ?3astfacti-s'.
ibrcriOcrs!vi respccti'uiiy iufol'ro the
! T;:.!ii
tizens of Locus' ui g and the pu' Jic ticn. ra!'y.
tint tiny will cany on the Coach. M. l;i:i. ii. ::u
ding the Saiiih work at the Machine shop foriut-rly
occiq itd by Mr. And rs m, in the rear of E. Hughe's
Store; where by using none but the cm-reest tento
rial, ar.d cur io;. ;!!:; none but the 1 (-:. w rkun-n.
tii. V hope to coiiioce all that will i.'o them tin
favor to cxamino their work, th it in of dura
hiiiT v, !i pearaiice or cheapness, it c anirt becscil
Ied I'.y any similar esiaijli-hment in tin; State or
elsewhere. lVisons wishing a baifaiuin ti e pur
chase of n carriage, will console their ovtn int .-rcstr
by giving them a call. Tin y are prepared to sop
ply the follow inn kinds c f Vahic'es, viz:
lUiirtiii'S of diht-rent ouaiities and prices. Harouch
es, C' iotccs. one ami two horse I ockaVa vs, c!o -r 1
ijuarter Kiip'ic an.i O spring Coaches; si-cm i ..n i :
work of different kinds, &c., in kii.g a vniety that
r. ill Mitt all tastes ni:J all purses. I'.c.iaring done j
with neatness and de.-ratcii. i
May -i), ls::;. ' I
Corner cf 4i'.i aud l.-r.;: Lis. liizavn-e.
rri!i: fan;
jcribir has leaped the lar- an 1 well
known Hotel, (late Lamm-tine Iloib-.i tit the
i ti- rof -1th an ! Cirant streets, i'irt-lci wiiit-).
has !)e-n repaired anu fitted ii
iipal-liuciu.t so as to give a larger and
J) ill all
more jibe
a I
ti aveliei s and bo
ijr-iers. li's ;
-V eke 1 with the most c' brands
o--l, ai'd his Eur t'uiT.lsli"! with
1 rcspectfuoV Solicit a share : !'
in nr.
St. C'fcas-ics tSt-IvJ,
Corner of liii:d and Vocd S!s.
ripili.S fine establish!!!. -nt. having c-.m;
ln'o tlie
Jti h inds of a i.ew I r
pi u !or, i i s -r. at in
to tae traveling eoini.ioii ti ; an i al.- i
to rciiular l.o.inb rs. livery delicacy aud liixnr
w"l be provided in its .sensor, ; ...nd no palm will b.
spare-1 to make this Hotel a comfortable Ao.f t al
who may call there.
V S. C.iMl'EllLL, Proprietor.
l'it!sbii.-g, Sept. . IS.".!'.
Ileoifi and
iivaus & Jo&c-s,
V.r:ULD resper-tfu'ily mmounce to the pub";;-
V ihat tlu-y Hi'l ci.iiinue the maniila-.-tiire oi
evry ot s-riptie-n t f L
aii.l ( li !.'., ;, sen. at th,
is nnd Si:o.. . tor L i ii-
n-ir slioo, a few do. rs Mas; o:
where tiny will be happy ti
'dr. ( ' irineii'.s llte
see th-ir ctist-eii-rs
lb ing practical workmen themselves, and n
1. one but tiie 1 1
cry I. sr m iteri lis. they are c nh It-lit
can execute woik as wcii and as chea.5 as any
estai.iibmt i.t iu ihe county.
Mav lo. l&od
xioie-sa-a 0. iiein Ha, Co-cer, una Sheet-Iran
ware 31anui.icturer, aad iiealer in tiie fol-
iov.-iag 11 ;mea Stsvoa :
f.f ;r light Cook. Portable P.,
r: t
ip U. u,-, Ci 1,11 Air Tight. Co..!;; I'i
-, I'-arc C i n ler. Delaware Coo!:, H-v
one, or liid-pi ii lent. Harp cannon. New eoiii
'etc. Hot Air Parlor, Victoria complete, Air
iulit. Complete Cool:, Id, ion Coal Burner,
llb. nsburg. Sept 1, lS".C.
5'it!liiii;i!e C iottjliig Liiiittoi iiaii
ijiintoa bt. Joii .slown Fa."
1 HEAT attraction ;,t the c rn-r id Clint, r; a-d
vfl Locust streets, op. ih. site tho Excli-uorn H
and iii-i'.Mi 1, 11 i! lie, Jtilmstowii. Car.-,'.! la t
Pa., w here the sub-ciibers fc ive j'l- t 1 c;i.. d i;lid fashion.-. I.'- a -sol ta.ieut cf
tor Keade made CI.' 'Til I SC.
Nov. 4! l.-o-b .io--i-:r;i gan."
d w:
; 1 i.s. w. 11 er. w. a. i.i s .. .
II i'.y Eil-ion,
T.Vl;olcrr.!o & Ker:-..i fir., to.ver, and Sheoi-lror.
i Y.'are Kantiiicturers, aud L-e.-.itos in the fvl
; lovt'Liif n itiiCd Stovce :
CIOOK Stoves, keystone. Nine l'iai,.. Liberty.
' Parlor, Ua dint ors, E1111. St ir Frankiiti, V. a
i lie I roiii. Complete Cook. Star Air-tight, Cast iron
; :-.:ii;s. ware itooni on canal St. onu door be
i the c oili.-e.
, .lolii.-tawn. Pi'. .Inly 1-1. 1 ?.j'2.
i o .v
rl.'lE und.-rsigne-i informs Ins customers that the
-it- firm of ileynou c; .lohnstan is dissolved bv
mutual consent, and the subscriber still con"
tiiiuc.i tin- business in the room recently occupied
by the old firm, where lie wid be happy "to see his
former patrons and as many new ones as please to
c-ill. He receives regularly from New York ai d
Philadelphia the latest fashions and cannot be beat
en cither in ti e shape or fit of Coats, Pants ,.r
Ycsts. by any cUn-r Tailor iu the country. lie
re-'pecl filly the public to givo him n e.i'il, and
con. i lent his work will recommend iiseif
Ail kinds of country produce taken in ex
change f..r work. LL'.ViS LLYNON,
April 110, lSo-tf.
Tomb Slonc-s! Tcsiitis .k:tiU's!
I ICiiAllU .Jil.MIS respecfuliy inf. n.s Hie pab
1 lie that he is prepared to hirniih ail kinds ot
Tom!) Stones, of Italian and Am -i lean M .rble, mm
ui'.ictiii-ed iu the latest style, and letierc-i according
to any directions. c
li s yard is sl'ti i''-d at the so.u'ii part of trie
t.i-v.i, wlicw a. large assortment of articies in his
one aru alwiys k"pt on h in J.
i nun long exi ern.-iice i;e 1 e-:s contidciit b
...I ...-; .in i ,oies, ana ne tiiereiei j Hopes to
roiiizcd by a p-eiierous j.u'olic.
June 17, lbod.
rnr.Nir arrivv.I .. II. ,..., Vi ....
, . iiui-i., ouuiii.t r li lis.
-tX. Caps, Fancy Gimn and H,,,,-.. si
i '"- I'owder, (iuti Caps, Shot, Lead, ic, received
j this day and for sale at the cheap store of
i June 2i, 1801. J. MOOIlil.
7"e)UIt hair is falling off, is it? Then call at
Kitttli's without delay, and bur a butt'.. ..t
Siorr't Chemical il.iir Inriyorah-.r, or you will be
come entirely Caid.
in use.
It is the best Iliiir tortfc nuw
Admlaistiutoi-s .-Vol ice,
ETTilUS of Administration have been "ranted
to the undersigned, by the Uecister !t' C,-.-
bria county, upon the estitu of James Ilhoy, -deceased.
Al! per. ns indebted to said estate' ire
rerjuested to make imnicdii.te payuieiit to us, and
those hiving claims will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
SUSAN K11EY. .-l,.ai;,i.'ra';i
ANDREW J. RII11Y, Administrator
r.benshurg. October 2!, lvo2. if
't'lirtiiiiss Sa. Jaaiiiu.
Hotise and Siwn ifainter aud Taisr Iiancer. Sa-r !
STt.vr. . x, , n' ?a' I
l1,0"0?.,1110,13'1"1'1' uc"r'-' 0lTJt"-iie Leech i
Lu s Warehouse.
Dec. '22, i'co2
it ( V-RtLS Con cm a ugh Salt for sale by
15ARUELS SALT just received at the Store of
HUGHES? & WHERRY. Jeff-,,, v.
Jnlv H. '
idation tl
1 larder v. ill be
: toe liia!"i;ets can a;.
; the host. He v-on!
S i'i- fl-i !-o;.;i; p.
! Serd. S. 18oL'.
ircr:KB.o. i ieiiva:
Goou3 OCored at Cost.
THE subscribers being nbout to remove
Cumbria county, otter to seii olf all
liiiire stock of Goods by private Sale, in buee
small quantities, to suit purchasers, at t:n! res'.
The stock consists in part of liry Goods, such as
Fr. rich, English and American cloths, carsimeres,
satinetts, tweeds, I ilot cloth, satin valei cia, ai d
other v eatings, siiks, u'paccas, inusdeluins, b-La-buzincs,
of every description: shawls, handkerchiefs, scarfs,
cravats, tibbets, ribbons, gloves and hosiery of a!!
description s, table linen, diapers, era.-!;, red,
white, yellow and Canton flannels, linsey, b'ai.k
e;s and cover!. -ts. hickory shirling, Iri.-ii linen.
, w ilte goons oi every 'ics. nj.i ion. incn.g, c iguii,
XC , hats, caps, boi.octs, booi-a-id sh'.vS,
i:i;.vi'V M.viE cLoini:'t;.
Hardware, queen-.vart gla-s, nails, tb.ur, fi-b.
sili, iron, as; hi. ill stock .f (iioc.-iks, J't,;-s.
lJ;u:its, an I l . C t toi.s. all ot w, we
at I
lower prices man goods nave ever ; e;
ctuitiy, ad kinds of country produce
change, such as Lumber, Uai'.i oa 1
Ii said in th- i
t illcliin c- i
T.cs, Ilaii-
set II, I.Hg-, iM'.
N. 15. iiic-rchaiits will be tv
any of tlie i.'ooe fcjd.-iulid telec'ioiis
viioiesi'.e City prices, putting on only
bed wit
i i
of goo- s a t
u nominal
ti -L..-0 lor
Ju'v 21,
.".COO 5Soi!ui-M Kcwnrt!.
Oiwat In mltt !
fir.... V.: ).-'-V.Uri has just ive. ivtd from the
vX c.iie-i cf f'oi'.a h lpiii-i .-.iid New Y.-rk :;u i hn-
ase 5'
ot .Netv U'j'M. -, Mai now chtis io
s n'.v ca-toimri .he I.crf.-f. (Voco'."'
i old i... wfc
I and :
a.-sortiii-ut of M'iil.Nu & sUMMKit
ever brought to the EoeLsburg market.
k cr.i.ttists cf every variety c i Dry (! ..ds
: ei :
! ills st
viet. ns'.vaiv, Ii-.rd .r.-:r
much have been porch
t'c.iar Ware, o-C. ali t.l
d with a view to sat'si'v v...nrs ot I.;
numerous cu.-.tomcrs in fiitaid-
and price.
G aiii V.'cr.r. I'.'.up, b'ac::, brown
c'oihs, p'. iii! i.i.d f.iu.-v ca simcre-s. tftee
oj Il
ia I
Veil in
11 it
lelis, ..i:s. sain
vaieiicia m.-t ui-.r.
t'.irs. D.'mtS, Shoes. eiC.
s I'risiaiid J'a.-y Goods IVinti- Jnocs tl.
iuc'.i iins, lustres and f nicy c-o'.-.-d si.ks.
ins. 1 ai. 1 e Jgiiig, jackc.-ieic 5, ribbons, f..u -y
siii; gimps, eic.
11 a rdiv are, eti'le ry, and tools of various ki.ils.
'ie-iis ware, Consisting of niai.y new unj sah-n-!id
tiron-r.-s, eo:; u: of coir.-.
igar, tea, fish,
. talt to.
Ali kin ii of co:
rc Ier goo-is Al.-:
ntry pro hi o
Luinii. r, i
May 20, lSVt.
A never f 001115 pt--cie c?.:i hot t0
Co. ei.kiiOi'y, Ol j ii'viibws xl.ili.
KIKGE VV. 11S11MK takes this m.-ti,
vI5 loi miiiif his i.uniorou-- !rii n.'.s thr u,
county, that he has l.-oate-I 11
lloili ,i ivitirg, where- he is now pre; -.r-.-d t
d of in- '
-. ui the i
i:.-c'fat ;
i 1 ri.i -
sup i-ii-r j oi-i i aits n a:i w.sii a 2
Aft-r l lo;-g and serious time of e.
in tiie Art, he is i.o.v pia i to t:
I'ia l of 1 iciure- in ai! kinds of wc-iti
' his -.-! rial ii Haul is all that is
-er.laei.l:!. ; I
j the iili. st j
r. A vim
siv-d. Lis ;
object is to pl.-ite, i.lal havin-r the best be
llorolljil. i:- feels th'tt HO faill-l c ca a he ,
P'lCttil'lS lleat'i co'er, d aiat put ill ir-'o
-t i.i the j
i e 1 - -. j
:rom jl,.... to s-K. ( hibiren talirn -,
ing from li to 1 i, in the s'o. ! t s .o.e i f
lu-truetioii given in the ait, emi ra
init-rovcmeii!.. on i.e noes: reas m ible
ai-.- tus and fi.tiir:P for'i.'.igui-irc.itypii
Holli.bit fibuig. So-t Si. JS'.lL-tl.
1 the 1
i.e Si f
cli.g ai
t, 1 ol-.
. j..
Look i.ii t'vr tlie Eocoiuoiivc I
r.'.s'i -ir.d IToduce s o, e !
IEL'GSi.5::. filKU V,
K V t, at to, l .Tore, im .... n, a w uof.i
i::i-.t of (i. L. L'oyd i co.'s ..tore a hue;- :i-
O.irj li'-W I e
li eh tt,-v j.
ec-ti.-l : ii. cr. iii
r: rut iu -f S-riag
t received from ti
Ciillli-I O. -OS.
i s'.-i-ii t, of the toll.
. ESS (ii ) U,
" inc:
lioi. 1', ..- M .::-;
AiSJ, ioti.d, Sat:
kitvii and very b-;;i
ilii .1
r.t-s. c. He.
e I-. Ib lilii, -c...
Mad-- Ciiobiu r, cf al
C:ve u a trial,
it-, tfitonis.1 are, an i St r.
aiiiasiii; u large ns-
S. of every decri c:b..:i. :
III- !. Wi; t'.iillel- "ourselv
3 lower limn ,:a, .tt .aii
v. and ' i: gb catcd en ih.
s .-rcur- ! .ua- 1-.
a Citric?,.
.a.'. s-.o-a lace, mei sses
, fj-e 1 111 oil, tobac- o. tl-h. i
cf e o
i way
.VI : -
r. h:
e. ol i
.a I - .it v e c
:.TTi'-:.r itJ1 ir.
: it.iii jload
UC'l as c
laoi .SSI-.. tCci, c.;..-
obac- o. tl-h. salt, s-;. rti:
to sn.i ply Cb,
t-d to cali and exam'!...
-I ",'
i f.
l.ece-sj 1:1
! I Hi. t'.C
as wc
Ali kl:
icj.t .t w.i; i..:i.t
. - i e -
I ''o
iiie ta ten 111 i :r
it ti.e hi-hest 11.1,
1 1 1 g : 1.
kct J I
1 V
7 "
DYiirpriiA. c:iick:c 3
rdULiXY. DXS'Aij Cr
'l'xliU K!X'Ix.Y
ND all diseases arising from a dis. rlere J liver
2- or sio:,i,H.h, such as constipation,
joi. s, . u..i.e.'.s or ...ooa to 1! e- lit an, i.e.. ! : t ', ed l-t- i
siomach, nausea, heart-burn, tii-u--i f. r food,
f dlness, or wt ight in the sttauach, sour i rtici.-'.tious, j
sinking ot llmtering at the pit of the stomach.
iminliig of tiie he. id, hui tied and dioicult breath- ;
ing, nutifi-iiig a i in- neart, cu'a.::ij or
ting sensations when iu a lieli.c; posture.
liimiiis.s ot 11-loll,
eillll Jiaill
dots or weds before tlie siht lever
.11 the hea l, ditiicieiiev of i-er.-rii-a
.... ' . f .1... 1
. ' 1 . . . ... c o. oi..- a..... .-.u.i, p. .in iii ;.ii. Moe. )
back, chest, limbs, 6.C., suuden tiuhes of hi at. j
burning iu the licsh, Coii.-tiiiit iniagiiiii.i;s of eti.
aii i great eie lession oi saints, can be elicctually
cured by
Eii. n:-07LA:;2'3
l'it;::'.i:i:i) v
EB. C. 1,1. JAtZSOcJ,
At llic Ci'iiiiurj ;,3i:tilti:i Kioie.
.. . Aioii Lirect, iri.iiuucii.i.iu.
7 : c:r nji. .r i i cr t.'ic aLvr. 'r.-u'. is tn-t f-rtv.W
' eyuaiUd Ly ui.i other'Hun in I he i'it, d
Stilus, ua tUe cures attest, ,;t t:muy cu-jc nhr tiilul
p .',i;.i. c iii i, n I, m I J a i !c . .'.
iiicsc flitters arc worthy the attention of inv.i
diis. Possessing great, virtue's in the reciiiicatioii
of diseases of the Liver in 1 ie.-s-. r glands exercis
ing the most searching peers in iveakness and
..bcctioiis of the digestive organs, they are withal,
e;ife, certain and pleasant.
That this medicine wiil cure Liver Complaint and
Dyspepsia, no cue can doubt after using it as stated.
It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver; it is
, . ........ e- u e.,i ,...ei .1. trtt, uttrjus oii.i.'Aw tut cf- i
.cci . iiunieaiiite. incy call oe adin mistered to
fe.uaie or infants with safety and reliable benefit at
any time.
Look vrell to iho murks of tke Cenuirto
They have the written signature of C. M. JACK
SON upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the
bottle, wiiiiout which they are spurious.
I or sale U boit-sale aud Retail nt the German'
Medicine Store, No. IHO Arch 'itrcet, one door be j
low Sixth, Philadelphia; and by respectable deal
e-rs generally nirou-ili the country.
To enable ail chases of invalids to enjoy the ad-
vi.iii.-.oea ui i.icir great restorative powers
::.... I.
Sinyle bottle 75 cent.
tor saieby 1-rederick Kitteil Druggist Hbei.s-
burg; James Bell, Summit; G. Muekerbide & Co
Johnstown. ' ''
December 16, lSj2 S-lv.
Lr.OL' -Jut'--. -"d ail kinds of Grain
111 eichan.e for 1 ..,
- o- c - - v
rjllli: highest price paid for wool at the sto.e of
IIS delightful uud popular nrtlc'e is the best
A prepi
arm. on for tlie buir which loig txpt n- and scieutiSc research h is produced, eiu.t r a
an ni-lk!t: lor tiie t, or its b-nclieini tt- cii in
all the diseases to the human hair is iiab.e.
It wid inij:irt to the roughest mtd cou.sest iinirtiie
most beautiful jipti'-.-trance, tulirely cieuuti.j it
ti oi.i u'.I iiiipuritit s.
Eut while we us-yrt th .t it is tho b'st arti.'.o fr
the toilet of those whj v.-iu to retain the h-lr i-i
all its youthful
LvEA.tjr.ii.::ci: akd ar.iUTV.
it must not t e foi;T-ii;o,i i;, it i.i ud .i,s..-ase ; f the
hair or sc .lp, inch as the S.iiuj; of the hair dv.i 1-i-ii!;',
pimple, or s .-r.-s :i t..e .-cl,., Kc, it is jai
J.aps th? .rli :lc v. hich has given Jeci led nrii.hC
tivfi every ii;.-.t..m c Voii c u u.t be: .i ti.-cd.
Its operat.ou m caac of Ij i. hi. -s i; J ', ca'iar'y
active, h i to .t. iii i.n.oi i-ous, v. ;,..-iv i,i,,i r r..:ac lies
have been tried in
VlGiUlA'l wil ha 3
!i la-ii. :..t.n, i
ci.ds and gi'iice
character w L d y
a, SfOilll S CilEViiCAJ.
; oi'na i-. :
:n-: i -. the
is j o-o
trom thy O.l-
J 11 I IV S . i.'U!
i.i t,
..ei. L
Ol' -.
...tor .'.'.es, i.e..
,;3LvJ. ou
r b.
Etcn . luvi j"crr.tcr
liov been t-icl l,.ry.,i.-, an 1 ;a J
proi t- J i y th-u.:...-! i-. Every y. ar i
it-, rei
i, r the 1
it i
l n i ti.v i
a e i.o sv:-sf.l, Ulii,. .ir, o ;
.1111 I. j'
ever i
t. ;i:i o. ai.y o.J.. r i'l ' p .f.
lt.i-d to ti e .iiiioric io
n a'.iijt.y p,-inci
. i 1 1 a .. ' L.j i'i ". o t . t . a t. o
ll C
.ir.i'i .ini.i r
.'.' i he hoi
.surcs it u
C'hcapne-s p.
abieel l.iai.y,
iace on ihc ui1'
ces it w,t...:i l..-;
and it co:icr-d-d
it itiiUi'.jUj t.'ii-
r.r ii.'.c b
place o cer.t3.
A.ME I a; JO,
C. i'.
12j Arcii Mivct,
tie d
r bei ivv
Fcr Srtie bv i'red. Ki
'Ebeusburg : J .im-a ileil,
e Cc Co., Jobi-st jy, n.
Siiiiimlt; K.'. Muckeiii
Di-t-ember lb, lSa:
ISf. CivSjMt-tl-S liSJIkO il SlXil-StCt Of
' T-i NOV.' 1 UT Ui' IN Tilii L.Wif.ilS T . IZUD
; A Eolt'.e::. , u-.l is ::r-h!.o h-dec! to
e a. it
. COpl-a
j S A E.S A I' A KILL A n.a ie. as is certified !
j i:: : : i . id i.n ; it has j i-rf. rmtJ ti.e cr
i ot
111 t ,1 ! .
this is li,
lb 1,0.,
ai tide.
;!y T11U1' at.d b'l
Y. ill C t.rc. V. it'tout
or Kii g- llvi.. C :ii.. rs, '1 un..' r-, llri' ti
.- ..i-i, I.i-. s o .el.i-, Chronic Sore-Lies
gv..-i-i,i or Xc'.i, rs, Lead Ilhe-tai.tiii-.i
.Pal.- in ti.e Bone.--or,
til ji-rt s iii. 1 Clc-rs, Swciling
ef ti e .ila:. is, Syj.hiiis, ease
oi il i i::, - s. Li :j ef Ap
pi ti'.c, Ldse 'se ar
ril::g i i -eiii ti.e i.-e of X: a i.r .
.1 in tac Side an 1 Sh .ubU-i -. oVm-r .!
P-'-'i'-:.v Lu.'l. '....' -a, JilULlJiCfc 111. 1 VeSll
1 ---s.
let all who wish to purge the bb.; d fr
t. ::.. co-rra -ted Iron
pat.te c:.i i:o tiie v. ii
:a to r j-'st 1
- it's ;:-.:ra; i.r Yeii
: ce in J u
: i to pia
s, resort
I :
:: a w
e !';
s 1 is
1 r iii
L ck 11:1! .-:.-.lf
n:i at.ti !-,t
L:-t:iSes that fc
.ii-ni'i cinted ; 1
l..-. t.i-vir w..- . .-
v. hich is pr ivliig
tiiC UlOjt lilallci!..!
iaai.y .
heir t..,
this re
lie, er
lu-t as
: 1 e v v-. .
ti.e 1 a
i-i b
r :! 1
cf l.ii
.,:u 1.
; f .uu
tit in
i n
.-st--.-; ;
all J Ji
pe. hie 1.
, C r. :
i.e.-tru:. s t
;-.:, ;
!... ever bre
f I c-.v , rv ;
.is hope ,.f
lott's Il;r.
m l r. r u ..:
A e have 1:0 1
. 'i in ii
-'. f i.i. 1
ii- I all
a! M-il its, hi-V. (-
the: s, li. t no oi:C l.:esj.:
:.t -i'y uiiilei ; ta:. i il
e -. r 1 to n no- on'y m !.: ;-:.'.-w
L'. ck ai d Sar a: ui i:l
r l '..s llic'i- sake, to IlV it, :
lCdiCt.llg 1..S
ion rm 1 c'iijs:
al-.l b;
to, Ie.-!
'....; i.i j ( .
l-j Jtr. O'c.
1.. .! .--. i a-.
? ' r3.
! C . .V I .-
tn. live 1.
b-:t . i t.
.11 .1. 1 y ;
' : - or.
-':'; k-:.--7
a . . 1 1
La r
is. a.!.:
P il,' C
E.C j u. it:
Cr r
c inty,
.piii -.1
. D. P
s me
r . f
ai.k. r:-
Licat .,..
1 . '
1 1
a .1 ou l 1 n. y , .
'-' li t ..!' 1 e;l-o.-t
I f iac llOlllei o., ,,
V-..0 La'. .- 1... .1 bt
: a IT. iii r f.-r the s---
; a ! , S : ;
ay I....
L . ol
t ;
S sa
taeil- j.,
1 1 i Ii 1
ad ii .
tai.ic I
toil. i.
Col k.
Hie r.
i.i- 11 sick ::",
it''i h sppy c;,l
.'liessi s. Hi e ,
uysoit's ;i:;:ra
.1 .1 as 11 y v.i.
ii -bt s..:i:e s.i
nt.; :
. f '
. 1 i.rl
cr- .
I . it:
1 ..-
r.l.,- h
fa 1 ..:
. r sl.c
. .-i.oo-..
is t I,::... -y
1 1 1 oiii ii, :
ire cuia- i s
t inv grai'u
--ay it i
re.-,.-, er
nod a:
MIC.i.VI.L t.
- )
t.rii ur
Y: li.ow
f-oy' i.l.lM'Xl a-: (
son s Jl::i u.-.i-f ur
11 ILIiA.
mif. i si; . :"
Doci; ami
e)it. 0 i y-
I'Aitivii:",-, Cutler (
Mb. -iot-r; Pai.k. Ph:ar
y.-ur excellent medicine,
Pa.. June 13, IS"...
: 1 t.) st .to. th.'.f
I r. 'ins. :i
llxir.ict id
e.:ow li.uai a ii .1 S., i sa vi ' . h
my Sou, age I seven Vears. of a;
s c.!ii:...-te:v cure 1
il ag-T.-lvatt-j c.o of
ten. i t r. four iiio.,;11?(
a uud-r the- ere of a
i .
j sore eye:-, l rem May till So
j ue was coi.i.i.e-j to a .: ,rl; r'".i:i ua !
: skilliul physicijui v ho coiisidted i.b
i t oiitinued worse for two no nihs w
' counsel. li
en be ,.
entirely b'ii
and so vi rv
loots i f ii .i-i
i. eyes were s i htekly ,;.,ed.
itiv- tioit when Co-it .iv. ;.!, ,M.veii
i l- . .- , -,i .
.. . .. ...... , , .j-,,.,, .j,. j, ...
t of a caudle. lie h,ui ,, .,,.
ranch po-.verfi,? and .,T. o.':,-..
Cause i ov me
lit- : h ,d taken
medi. in, that
I Could neither e..:i v r ... i
i. I..KO iiioi e. ue was reduced t,. :l n.ere ski
it - .
it ton
and l iit-spa.rcd ol ever
li I'll! th.
restoring bis
si cot ni
Ai.out that time I saw your invaluable nedicii.e
advertiscd ns ., remedy f, r sore eyt s, caused bv
.-el-old..!, and your agent i.i this, Job
hil Scott,
r.sii., reci inmemiea it to me hi-h v
1 purcinised a bottle and gave it to my sn I
could see but little alteration in him for two or three
weeks. He then 1 egun to improve rapidly, and
before he had taken another Lot:r .-. '
ccisi plctf! v cured.
1 d.) he'rebv
Ym. C Cavii'ueli..
certify tint I am n.-.ti.,i..t...l .-;-i.
Urn. C. Campbell, a,,,! have seen his Son when 1 e
was 111 the condition represented bv him, ul have
seen him fc-.n-e and know that he is now ia good
health. p
r J!;r,!c'.',' 0, , J01. n-Scott.
rice S1 rer bottle, sis bottle f..- sk".
I Sold hy JOHN D. PARK. Cin., O.
j Northwest comer Fourth and Walnut street-
! Entrance on Walnut street, to whom all orders mu.t
oe- ;ii.i..h-.i. .Murray .uh,ii & Co. Kbensb
-iioore ii Kel ler Carlo town l,.t,
I .a
Summit, Johnston & II Ison Johnstown, L P llil
dibraud Indiana J. C. Day Elairsviilo.
-vu-u-ji i-,,, looj. lv.
i:cliansc EZolrl.
EoUidaysbarg. Hair Co.. fa
rpiIE proprietor assures the public th,
, t,,"s w'i! ruling on his part to
at no exer-
1 render his
"ouse nomc-liUe t those who call with him, aud
so.icits a share of public patronage.
Afrd 2?, I?.s2.
JAMES r.s:Lx.,
ti.'l.-:J, C - t ... PA
, JL Ti. woti.d -cure tlm liest lnrg;.io8 b ,f -i i
j .o Ui:s county, that be is again ii. t ic f.e'.U with
I on" i i f.e iargis', chenptst, tlii most carefull lu
j leit .-d stocks "of
rail W inter Goods J
i Ever brought to Can.' ri c-innty, ail of which
j have been purchased within the Just few IB
; i'iiil-r.'i.lj i.ia Mild X'-w York, with pHi-tiettinr rt-nri
! t ; the anis of this Marc t. 1 fijl'iin fi'.r.p- m v ban-
nit to the brt-t-ze, ii.seiibed with iny old a. otto of
j Gick: tzUs and Email Profits,
j I ccr.'ldciitiy invite the .ittei.tion ot puvdins'.rs
; to my Mjc"., v.-bi-h will be f.;un 1 i.i.': 'iuul'v
: l.-u vn ,-le i aud atira.-tive. beinj: fell and com -
j Ir-te : every depart tnci.t. Evcryhins r.evr, fash-
' '. i.i Lb- t.u 1 vi' .-.i. able v.;.'! Le lootij cibruced ill
j lay i.s .it:.:v:.r. I' .rti -u'...r attcutiaj is Sjiiii'i
! !j i.i ki.J l.eaot'liil'f
v.? i.i'i I J. ive rcr-eive-l of bite importtt.
I-i -'. ; ts' we: r I tlefv compction. nnd co-.dently
i: . it- an t xamiiuuioii of one of the lnr'icat.cbep
i ,-t an! lust selected stocks (' re cb-thing,
cl.diis, ci;--'.ii. err s, tic, ev r broiilit to Cu.i.brin
c. a rjy ; ( mprising all cob rs and '1 .laiitics. whish
i v i Tseil cheap i warrant to giva eatisf--Ci,l'jn.
Also, ca ps, bor.ii.ts
of '. p-t qualities f.n 1 ii.iest sty'es, together
v. itli qu-ctiS ai C-, L..rd v. are, groceries, salt, U.ok
st .tl '.tf v, i.e.
,tLo !.ia;bc.-t ra-rkct .-rlc put J t-4t ell k:ad
. f l ri nice.
November 11. 1?'2.
A licw Arrival cf Watches an:I Jew-e-is-.v.
On the co: Ltr of Ciuioa &j.d LccuEt St.
T.'iE nnd. i -'giici res; t ctfuliy iii'.irog the Ladloii
and I.Jentit in n t call m: i tre his rcw r.nd
s; i. r. -1 1 J stock ,f Wmcht s and Jewelry, which L
has jut received from Germany : Ti arrJLte tj be
..Ii i and j,:.r. i.n i f-.r s'yie r.nj finish it c.'.rtt
c :
is-.- i. lie has an.-) r-cetve J a larr.s ns:rt-
.t . fJe v.i.v
ai t;
Ii is'ern cities.
viz :
'i bi i 'ii.ti-o case '.v-t;d:s iivLa .75 t ICO
I'at-i.t L.ver " 8ij t j fj)
' L . ties i.i.eiicr lev r Mid Leplne, C J to il
'.'.v pat- ! If. r til. I h'il.'.lt.-J ccse
V.:,t.-'..-sf.-0!5l I'jtO 20
. ...-!. r L-veia dc,f:-ca 12 fj I?
' k ; ;i.'.t I-., 10 :d 14
C-..r:l.-rs -Jo, 6 ts 12
'"b-'-i - ens'., Lr-llci fr..'..l !iracc'cT9 tr.'i
Ne-ckit-Sst s. II -r-rings, 'loll Git rJ, Y si ta.i I'.'r
ci: i'i.s. lb 1 ! i i: ii:.s .r L-e:i-s. I'irger, G j
.'I Si '.v.. r Pt n-; a:, i Silvi-r Sj "cr. .. Silver
'!hi'!. Ste 1. Gei-iaa'i .... i Sil .-- :- S.vertfcclti..
Pa:" M in.i'.i. Pen Ku;v-s, Si'.' er eh:'.::, a, i.c., i.c.
Ali of ti.e si'eo. s :. .;:': --re Wiirrri.te-l to be cf
ti.e beet ii: iai ci:'. be sold try Ivm 'or cz..
cii ck mi ; '.; !;
lie 1. is the b. ft .Tot';::i':ii i. the country !-. ).:
tut.: ..y, lit. 1 all wtik cir.tei-.ici to hiia vlll bt
jr. at:- 1. 1- I to.
'i .. 1 a . :,' f r jas f,. -r.-. lie s lic'ls r. c.-.ntlr. uir
. . : s -.:... r . i is i'i c.C ii'iit he- ftn give satif !h
t'...:i t-s ...1 -,.'..o u. ay give- h'.:n a Ci.'.i.
X.teiiel'urg, a a.
I.Iir. in star !.-' ft.i.J fancy drr gec l rr-i -t
le. v. 1. . '--s i'.e niid i-.-h; hari.- j .
itie: . ; puns, n-.ll, bar irn. si... ct -ir . ,
l.C, st -V-S tf .'.! 1.11 Sto. e -,'.-.. 1 M.i
an 1 ca
-io f t Z
.c t- 1 ...o v., t.n v
t'es. in.
Grain, tree!, baiter e-id
isd ether c: si rr
I -ii.
r. . .- err ,-
V a.w
o?l h-
. !
-a- ir.
1 f ti : .
it. t-lial
..s :a
i:' r
'a f.
r a '.i
iiu ni ji e c i-
;..o :i-. c :.. wi'irp, :i . .sr.-. cr.o. j. jucrt.
Ztl t.t.t-rt', oltr, &, Co.,
I:r; :;t .-5 r.r.A Lo .l-.: in lia.-dvite,
:'': . ,-la: .V). ) U'e , :hr
Pa. cr.atou.ers
rn AR!
JL I'a
b- -;e 1
:- a r.v:.
ly s.n,
i to
S '. tll-f'l
r st-ibi .in;. ;..
be C.I -IT, r.a:C.
'. e
Ma:, a
tl ?'.
reciting r.
r;.:.:. .-ei :
d b
v ef
'1 s in
- i - t
elf rn
s to g-.
:u: ma.y
. o n-
s: :'
. d..:. Chlslls.
tl ") c isc- pi. r.ri,
ZlC- j .h i. Jiiea i Hasji
r "
a. re 1
: 1 o 1
-1 . c
: tws
m 1
-J7 "
'"'0 Mill
iT ; i do:
IJ,::) "
i- J
yl:-.'s. log
jO do
bay and
r'.:-. I'
!es Let r
: i h:-.
).::t and cross t ;::t s ia
I'tiohs, locks mid bit -hes
I-iir tr ice chains il i.rj " r-
-t l.Alks
halt, r and tloe-
l t.-S clo.n.H. bellows, in.vl't
:iu i ci!
chains, c.asr. ehetir anJ IJilatcr
:.f s. let 1 r i d-;, c...
iiisldlci-y r2;:rtl-.vitre
e lire C I ii(
fat'eh of our bilsil.t s-i.
S- 1 t. -2, ibid.
. .e 1 .rge addiiioa to thi
i l
J ii. in cuts.
Jc.vs and (;cnilcs Oultl'o:!?.
iii wcii known lii-n. . : llv.nn tiuilut WouM
re.-.a-et;'iii: y iid. no the t ill,- 1 , 1 f fi , . ....
, and tielailv ll.:.t ihey hue ja.t r.'.-. ived fr..:n the
j c.ucai 01 I 01. a.;. Ipinii ind .New
l oi a, iiu e-JitcifciV t
assoriiiiciit ot
! Spring and Summer Clothin'r.
i 1 .... . , ..... 0 '
; in lines. s-.yi.' a,,,, l.niM, -among which tnav I
ioiii.'i . asimeieis, . ;)iic i
Satiiut'ts. Tweed. i;t.
1 f.:i anu (. ituh Coats
Sal- .... 1 is 1
! tiiigs of all gles
......,, ;.uU i-.-iii-y J-
lilld qu.llil'u-s. tno-i-llinr u-l.l. -
. large lot cf (hotii, Tweed
! Pai ts.
Lumen and
j L)YS clothing ,.r every description
i 11 I" ?.!"U'Jlk?- ,-"!-;;"' Manama and Chip
! Hans Clo.h t aps cf tue latest style Silk and
I Straw llonuets.
j V, e have on hand Cli ths. Cars.simeres and Ve9-
l,n-s v'"''cU wc !re I r-pare J to make un in a sa-
J t rior manner.
! i'lic gauds h ive been si lettc-d with the groatt
j, am. on the cash terms which wiil ...
I l'.e us to sell (Vr-rr t'lan the loictit.
I April oil, lSoiL
Al AL"? Is your hair falling off:
a. Or is your head covered with Dandriif; or
Scruff? If so, then make a fair trial of &-orr$
' In-uncut Juir 1 urijor.stur. liaioireds of persoi.K
in ail parts of the ami try whose heads were entire
ly bald, have ha i (heir hair fully riMored to its
original perfection by th tine If this valuable
Cai y-ow Ask for "Storrs' Chemical Hair In
vigoiator," and never let dealers persuade ton ..
use any oilier aiticlo r.s a subsiituto r.-i... '
j cents per bottle Proprietors C. p. Amet .S: Co
N'- I-0 Ar-'1- rect. Philadelohia. For .-.ii. t -
j .lealers generally. Sold by Fred. Kinell, Ebe-iis-
) burg; J1.11113 licil, Summit; L P. llildtfland,
I Jiana.
' D" ltbi.JJlv.
in r