Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 30, 1853, Image 2

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WK. B. SIFES, Editor and Proprietor.
Ebrnxbur?, Friday, Sep. 30, 1S53.
V. B. PALMER, the American Newspaper
Agent, 13 th. otthj authorized Agent for this paper
in the citie3 of Boston, New York and Philadelphia,
and is duly empowered to take advertisements and
subscription at the rates required by us. His re
ceipts will be regarded as payments. His offices
are Boston, Sccll.iy's Building ; New York, Trib
une Building ; rhiladtdpiiia, N. W. corner Third
and Chestnut Sts.
Subject to ths decision of the Democratic Convention j
-i-OlI C. RXOX,
Of Tioga County.
Of Philadelphia County.
Of Miffiin County.
Of Crairjord County.
In one more week, Democrats, the election will be
here. Are yon prepared for it? Can you hail the
first elawn of the 1 1 tb. day of October with the thought
that that day you will devote to your party and your
cause? Can you watch its twilight deepening u ith
the proud satisfaction of knowing that your duty has
ibeen manfully, zealously, honestly p -rformed ?
The issues presented tor your decision this f.til are
important. Here, in Cambria, the county whose pol
iticians are more abused and more feared by their op
ponents than any others in the Stat-: a hard political
bittle is to be fought. Already the tocsin has been
sounded, and Whiggery is rallying its myrmidons un
der a banner bearing for a motto " THE U-n'COXDI-TION'AL
mocratie men and Democratic measures are traduced,
libeltd, si.axdbii4.d, in 'Whig prints controlled by le-a-cmg
'Whig politicians. No epithet is too vile, no
misrepresentation too gross to be applied to those
-who fight under the broad flag of Democracy. Even
the sanctity of private life is invaded, and assertions
are spread broad-cast over the land which are only fit
to be whispered in a brothel by lips of pollution.
"We ask you then. Democrats- you u-Kn fr.-.m
morn to eve to earn the bread you eat and the raiment
you wear: you who admire and respect and loe hon
esty in public men and public prints : you w ho feel
your hearts yearning for the oppressed everywhere,
and look with reverence upon the creed of JtiFr.nsoiv,
the principles of the party to which you are attached,
it you will be used as tools to sustain these villitying
pettifoggers In their wholesale abuse of your fellow
Democrats ?
Men of Cambria ! You have toiled harder than any
others in the State to build a Rail Road over the Alle
ghenics, and dig a Canal from the sweeping Ohio to
to the silvery Schuylkill. Year after year you have
paid taxes to construct these gigantic public improve
ments, anJ now when they are putting revenue into
our treasury when their advantages are being felt by
every farmer, mechanic, and laboriujt-iiian in the coun
ty, will 3'ou have them pais into -the hands of a soul
less corporation, which would use them only for its
advantage and your injury? Will yen have them sa
crificed simply to gratify the whims of Whiggery,
and see our Commonwealth resign them when they
are a source of profit to her? Ponder well upon these
inquiries and answer them at the ballot-box.
The eyes of the citizens of Pennsylvania are turnej
upon Cambria county during this contest. Here the
battle for the control of the State Senate must be
lotighf, anJ ifour county is true to herself and true to
the party she has sustained in many trying times, the
shout of victory which we will raise, will be echoed
back to our honor from every city, town, village and
hamlet in the Commonwealth.
Fears have been expressed that the Democrats of
this glorious old township will not go the WHOLE
TICKET this full, but we can see no reason for any
euch doubts. Those who fight for Democracy there,
are men who have, time and again, come to the rescue
when the political horizon was dark and lowering.
They have rolled up their soul-stirring majority of
-lOO, when that majority cast terror in the ranks of
tlwir opponents, and filled the hearts of their friends
with joy. And wc cannot think that they will tar
iiih their well-earned and well-deserved fame by split
ting their tickets this fall, or by sacrificing any man
on the Democratic ticket. No ! Washington WILL
do her duty, and cover herself with glory again on
tke 11th of October.
A cry has been raised in this county that Mr. Co'
wss will favor the repeal of the " Three Mill Tax '
on tonnage on the Central Rail Road, but Democrats
should not be induced to oppose him bv any such
mis-statement. The Convention whicli nominated
Mr CoLLrxs passed a resolution instmaini him if
elected, to oppose this measure, and he considers him
self bound by these instructions.
Mr. Colli xs made one ol the mo; t faithful and de
voted Representatives, last winter, that Cambria ever
had, and he w ill, if elected, be as ready to do battle
for her interests as ever. He is a consistent ar.d re!i
able Democrat, and deserves the support of cverv
member or that party in the District
Democrats, get out every voter this fall. See that
every man ho will vote the Democratic ticket is at
the polls, and deposites his ballot. A more important
election than that which is approaching was never
held in this county, and no effort should be snru.-d to
itiurc the triumph of our party.
John CrcssvrcH, F1-
This gentleman is gaining strength every day, and
unless we are much mistaken in the signs of the times,
his majority in Cambria county will be very large.
His consistent Democracy has attached every mem
ber of that party to him, and his natural urbanity has
made him hosts of friends among the opposition.
From every part of the District, w e hear intelligence
of the most cheering kind, and friends are flocking t
his support by scores.
An effort may be made to induce Democrats to
vote for a third candidate for the Senatorial office, and
we would warn our friends against any such move
ment. Mr. Chissweu can be elected with cae ii
the Democrats stick to him, and we have no doubt
they will do so when they consider that he is the only
man of that political faith who h?s any hope of success.
Kore Ptuin!
Witness the evidences of the ' Ruin" brought about
by the Tariffof "10, that " raw head and bloody bones "
which Whiggery has used to fiight"ii the people into
voting for her hollow-hearted and corrupt politicians.
The following paragraph is cr pied from a AVhig pa
per printed in Danville. Pa.
Improvements are still rapidly going on in our
flourifhing borough. The Montour Iron Company
have erected this season, or are erecting, about
one hundred new dwelling houses: :nd Welsh Hill,
a mere suburb of Danville, contains, at this time,
nearly as many inhabitants as the whole town did
tfu enrs ago. Jhuiv substantial private dwel
ling houses arc also going up in several I arts of I
the borough, and nil the houses fire lined up, lrom
top to bottom, with living beings.
If we continue at this rate for seme time, we sit; 1'
have a ' before long, and present "no of the bu
siest and niott thriving inland towns in Pennsylva
nia. State Fair.
The State Fair, at present b-ing
held in V
is said to be the fin
exhibition of
:e kin 1 ever w it
a t:i'ii.ber of our
reiabinee at it.
' should be dol:C
nesecd in the L'jiited States. i-iite
citizens have be. n and arc now in :'
It is time, we think, that s-'.rc :!:!:
towards establishing an Agricultural
Society in Cumbria county. Main
are deeplv interested in airrieultuial j
or 1 loi -rici.l'ui -a!
of o-ir citizen.- :
, s: ; I -1,
ny more are successful (
An exhibition could be
per:;.:ciif.iJ h.'-ticultiiral-sts:
otten up here that ".o ! i b.
honorable to our oimtv ar.d int.
jig to visitors
Who will be the fr.-t to move i:i t'nis matter; ( l"r
columns are open to communications on this sublect.
Col. Jolm Cresswell.
A trip to the country, lust wick, and our dai
ly intercourse with men from nearly every part
of the county, convinces u.s that our candidate
f.r Senator will run the full party vote, and that
ill he considerable of an increase over that
polled last fall. The great disalllctimi (such as
Whigs always see after a Democratic nomina
tion) appears to have all " resolved ittlf into a !
thin dew," and nothiiu n.ire can I e hlii or j
heard of it.
We would not compromise our veracity by de
nying that any dis-alislac-lioii existed on the dav
that Ciessw ell was nominated, hut it was not of
that deep and lasting hind that marked the nom
ination of AYhiio.
Cress well got his nomination honestly he did
not buy his friends hence, if ile.-tcd, there is
little danger that he will sell them. Those who
felt grieved the nominee was not their
choice, soon saw the absolute f !!,- of griev ing
over w liat coi.ld not i.vipca. im-y saw too
that the nomination of Mr. C was the result r.f a
compromise ; and " the- sober second thought"
revealed the fact that Mr. CressM ell has always
Ixen a linn and unflinching Democrat has nevir
sought office, hut is eminently rpialitied to fill any
to whicli lie may aspire. These things diilv
weighed, and a deteiminatie!i of all true Demo
crats to bow to the will of the majority has made
ail right, and we now declare to our brethren in
the cdher counties of the district that .o JiV-:;7U
tinn exists in Little JUutr oii:r-i tiic Deimrfc's
Crcssw ell will poll the full party vote and a lit
tle over.llolVdauJ-nr-s 7 .,.'..'.' '.
It Ji respoiii.eilc'L' oi tin" Mail'
Ebensburg, Sept
Mk. Thaloh,
'A, ltu3.
Dear Sir: Permit me to say
that White stock is at a tremendous discount in
this count-. I have been through a number
of townships lately, and I do assure you that he
cannot begin to get half the Wh:;r vole of the
county. The dissatisfaction among the faithful
is so glaring that no elt'orl is mad.- to hide it.
An edition of th;; " lb'air County AVhig' (the
check roll shavers parlieular organ) got up e.-,e-pecially
for this county, ami iiil. d with choice
articles from the pen of my cousin," has been
scattered everywhere, hut has only served as an
extra brand thrown among the "disaffected. I
will not tell you of the use made of the lew of
them that were lifted, htit they were not read,
ami I know of at least two Post ollices from which
large bundles were returned to Ilollidavshtuy.
1 understand that the friends of White calcu
lated largely on ge tting Democratic votes alom
the Rail Road, on the pica that White has some
times voted the Democratic ticket. P.ut rest
easy on that score the frosty sons of thunder
can not he gulled, and let me assure vou that
Crcsswell is bound to receive the full parly vote,
which we have reason to belie ve will this fall foot
up a cool thousand majority.
lies. Yours,
T'iixi'imc-rctN t.
Governor Stevens's Expedition.
Letters from the exploring party of ibjvornor
Stevens, dated at Fort Union, on the mouth of
the Yellow- .Stone River, August 2d, have U en re
ceived at St, Paul, and are published in the Min
esota Democrat. the train . has
passed over seven hundred and twenty-five miles
of the proposed northern route for tl.e Pacific
Railroad, and that the results of the expedition
thus for have been that the Indians are peaceable
and the whole party, men and animals, are in
excellent working condition.
The engineers have surveyed a huge extent of
country, takir.g in the whole of the Shoves
alky, the tributaries of the River Jacques, the- j
Mouse River Valley, and the Grand Cole.111 de j
oveissoiee ?!Ci.t tl. . 1. n . , ...
' .s wuiuiv norm 01 t lie .Missouri
to the Porcupine River. Lieut. DoneUon, of the
Cotps of Engineers, who went from t. Louis bv
way of tlic-river to Fori Union, lias taken .1:1 ad
mirable survey of that river, and the gentlemen
accompanying have made a Hue series of observa
tions. The Minnesota Democrat adds :
" We I,ave thc 11,ost I'dsiiive ussuraue-e that
Covernor Stevens, on his arrival at Fort Union
was not only pleased wrhihe country which he
had traversed after leaving this place, but that he
was so fully convinced that the northern
route combined so many advantages overall oth
ers thiu its early completion had c
fe:s-td t be
considered by him a.; pro-A-mati
JC2?Up, strike, ye sons of Cambria free, for Cress
well and Democracy.
-27 E; early at the ballot box, and give your vote
for John C. Knox.
lTV- You'll gain your countrys' heartfelt thanks,
by electing Brawley, Forsyth and Banks.
CTIIeed not what slandering Whigs may Ray,
but vote for Daugherty, Collins and Rhey.
C7'Let not vi'tr ardor cool or tire, but give your
help to Douglass ;-.nd Hccr.
ID'-" And, Democrats, gitc three tini' s three, for
M Grimf il, IIoge and victory.
Kfi. Over feet of Lumber va cleared
at Williamrport, Lycoming county, during the mcndi
of August hut
113 A v. it, who had not the f-ar of modern ic
foimeis'' before his ees, thus poetizes them:
"Thev ave willing to go it tolerable strom.'. fin in the iib-di'ict. lor ls.u
Is Ltl'.V.iVi unpopular ""
kind ot wrong,
r-Vf John V.'. Davis, oflndian.i, fot-nerly Si..-.,',;er
of the House oi Representatives, l- is neen :
ted Governor of Oregon, in place of Gov. L:
fgQ. When an extravagant friend wishes to bor
row your money, consider which of the two you
would rather lose.
1. T. WoodiYar I, convicted of the murder of
his wife, was handed in Washington city, on
JfJ. It will :Ta'i:Y mr.ny to !
of iienrv Cl.iv, A.-h'an-l, is To rem
ills .! s,e:. l-.:'s. It was pur. c.;-.-,
L.v:..!i '"i iy. ...r !T.:".
JCv.j' Dates from M.-irac-.I;. ,
h, stat .-
that tiie Ib.- oiuti'. :.:.:-,' rart in 'i:ic;:!el t !i.-d :;b m-
J reset
toe war, ;n c :i
vcr, net much e
it CjVu'iiliUSt 1
iuencv , f war. I of success,
l.i" 1- :ce was ie '. s.vid ii: the
the j Co: !c.
f-v-Ti.e N. Y. 1! ,dl
u',!i-!i"; a document
Hliicli it s:iys eni'.natrs front the . 'uban dimt.-t in
that cilv, iiillnia'.ii - ;l;-it the tlen.ents i ra mi ces-i
' o-
:i i,:
izcl b
t r. g'
I'.-:- s
tciv, siiice
' 11,-'
; i n.!ii:rr cl.icc
ii 1 y tie-v Vi
nicii-iK- a u:
: M. Curry, il.- va
the Territ-. :
ai: l is llov i'-e
he was au a'o r
,'Mr. I"::.; -'
1' j'.ci : 1 by an
ci ii R.-.iir.-ii Is,
f. r s:i,;C .
iviihout litiL'.-it:.
:r.g tiovcti r.
te.- b.y in lie
, of i:. l., a !.
A few
SU:t !:.
V.t.i :,
IrU" ...eorge ii io.:ng ado
printer was to be punt.- L.--J
r t. i. v .iii
spurious king's so., e
r.ptit-1. ';!!i
' I'. tail ic i s.
tlit man s
l.e :.;( 1
i a
Cr'-. A vc-uiig ladv who iiiiirr'u-1
l-le a in .'in un-
'h-r relince of Icing Le.-iutifu!, is discovered tj
have i-ainted, worn bustles, and otherwise disguis
ed her natural imperfeet'on . Her husband
laeaiis to sue' iicT for obi.tti.iiig liicn y false
I ri'icncPS.
John V. Mason of Va., has receive 1 the
French Mission after a b ng delay. It Wits gen
eral iy expected that Jidm A. Id x o(' V Y v.n'. i
receiie H.e r.jiuaiiiiiOit, but another is the hic'-iv
n:.-.i. Mr.Masoti lias ti.a lolvantau of much esi i ri-
eto.e a:
( 'ourt o
w:.! niat.e
;. Cloud.
resentaiive at the ;
f The i-r.gtby prcse?ut:en agfihi; t,.. i
ane has Oeen Ur..ttglit to a sndoen close. 11c eon-
fes-ed in part and the f rosecutors withdrew the re- J
mainder of the charges. Thus it is that the inin- I
isters of God, re-sort to compromises when deed ef j
eei.tetition, as wen as pontic ans. !
1 V.'e a-k i:t
..merits o! the
:- I d " Ti..
hi of . :tr !c-.',Vs
I-.orv. hieh will
lem-n are ever
Iv to
i.e. ei o
, 1
cf the sau.e.
it;.' Quite a
Iy been arrest,
terfeit liifoicy
nuiiii'er , c . in .er.
-tors n.ivc lecut-
i.ii'.ouct of coiir.
.g was ei:; a:;ed in
' I in ( hio and a htvo-.
ii covered. The g.i:.
the notes of the State
Iii of Ohio.
"?? The report th
I cr, had been crputrt
A voui.g man. from i-
port that
oa.iuli', the C.i'ito.'i.ia
and bc!,ca led, i contra.lii
nta Fc, bearing a .strong if
I'll.i cl". tl'j:
u m till.-; i:;e
yc.eiw lever is raiiiili
gn: !:... j
I Son'n.
i aiice. ;i
hi tiic Eastern cities it has made it
I a number of deaths are r poind.
C IteiCily Tuck
in Washiru'ton. I). C
has establiriicd a new paper,
call. vd tiie Sentinel. It is Hem- i
sustains President Pierced Ad- I
oor.i'.ic, and v.'riu
t ..
Crd. Fi'CiTiOiit has bei'ii c-orn pad led to give up. his
survey of a route for the Pacific Rail Road on ac
count of his health, which is very feeble.
lien. James Keen
China, to which po;
before long. He wiii
of heals of freiiids.
m wid start for Hong Kong,
t he has Let-n ill-pointed Consul,
ta'.e i itii him the le.-t wish' s
The Commissioners of Lawrence county, or. the
JD-.h inst., made a subscription of -'00,000 to tiie
North Western Railroad
The Mt.H-rt Jotrr.u!,(,f Pottsviile, the former organ
of the W hig party in Schuylkil county, has bolted
the nominations, and nill support the Maine Law
BfiUA United States Senator is to lie elected in
Tennessee by the Legislature just chosen. Mr. BciFs
seat is to be lillcd. We do not see annoancemeut tUat
ho declines are-election, but the Knoxviile Kegister
uincs that Gustavtis A. Henry, the dex-wed candidate
for C.'overiior, be chosen.
Change in Canal Jippoiiitmests.
A.s a matter of neutral iidi.n.n.fbm t- . .. 1 1: v I
lIie subjoined resolution, recently adopted by the
f'oard ef Canal Commissioners. The reasons for tnis change m the time of makim; ao
pointmints tooliice on the public works is, wc
understand, fjuiuied en the obvious necessit v of
making the term of sen ice cf receiv ing and dis
bursing ofliccrs correspond w ith the fiscal year:
PlUI-.U.v.UdUA, Sept. 14, 1S53.
Rcoh-rd, That in pursuance of a resolution
passed the loth day of December, the
Board will, on Tuesday, the- first day of Xove-m-iK-r
next. T.roceed to -o:i .h!ci- o., r. ..
and to make appointments to, the various offices
1 ... .1.0.11 i-eii.-s
r.O llin... . ...1 .....-. 1 i . 1
s.. ...,1. oiuuu aim i.iiiroads 01 tiie Loiomon
weadh for the fiscal year ending November oT,
Ljl,yitj,-o,i the Journal of the Hoard ,.f
Biographical of the Princess
and Rev. Dr. Gallitzin.
We publish below an article which will deeply in
terest moat of our readers. No name is mentioned
in Cambria county with greater veneration than that
of Dr. Galmtzin ; and who. that new end admired
the son, could fail to reverence and love the memory
of the mo'.her ?
From the rittxluryh Catholic.
Mr. Editor. I send you for publication, in
jour valuable journal, two interesting biogrnphi
eal notices, translated from the Church History ,
of Abbe Rtorbaeher ; one of I'rmee.-s d: dahil- I
zin and the other, of her illustrious son,Kev. j
Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin, so dear to us all. j
the rellOWle-U ;Ul.-il,u-lB llll.l uiei ui ineooieo j
:.. YC. -. P,.;insvK-:iii:i now In- t!.,iiribin.-
i -t: . 1 ..1 ,.!... I 1
Diocese cfPittsburgh. Whatever details can hv ;
collected.. throwing light on the htory of this i Pries1, w ho hiWed for neailv lialf a" century
in T.l enlii ' and nroia";U in" the Chiir' li in the 1
.vocgiienj legion .mu su.ioim.img uisu.eis, m ,
t ii i -.. 1 l: .-: .
be read yith no ordinary interest. Who does ;
r-r.t r-.-eii o. liio.e sooo-ibino-r.f il., . ..,n b. r I
,i ,r,J. en? i
IU" l"""1 '""',lWu,u,:u,;,
t.. i. ; . . ,.r .i.,. . .. . - i t
' - iii'-eeinie 01 e aiuunc aiuai-noii in '.ei-
any fas the city of Minister, in "etsph:.lia.
There .he world admir,.! the rietv of a Kt.ssian :
htdy, converted to Catholicisni, viz., the lVmcess j
.'a!!iiii. honi ( Viuutess Amelia tchmettau. Pla
ce u at a Ijo.-ir ling s.- h'd in Areslau, at a very
ealy age, she left it about eight or nine years af
(.e"vards, with .-mc knowledge of music : hut, as
f : a'lytiiing else, she va so ill-inslru' led, as to
h.'s.-arce ab'" t" : ead :c;i 1 v. rite. Mrv.. t-r. she
wis s- ungraet-fiil i:i li.-r aj pea'-ance at her drnv
iits-.-.'tetv. tint her lnothir sent lur to a Wmling
- h'.ol in lb riin, kijit Lv a certain I'iuhIi
I'4-t, 1 1'rcnn.stval. She- remained t'u re
t i-htteti iaoiit!is.4i'.r to improve hcrsilf in te a 1
i'tr uti 1 writing, but to Lam to liance, tospiak
Fuii.-li, and tokn-.w a little I'li.ti-r
ctiotl Ot sue'i il gui.'.O.
t . 'I n-; ; i. ?. uiJi!i'Ti,.i1tV'n fl
f I.aiueiri.-'s sch.s'I,
U :
iKii j Oi l l i
I;l;-:.,:i. w
l , ;
had ho
1 i-il
h.r ;, f
li'.ing ii'.-v rcs-.o:
re'.t..-. r.nd inixi.-cr
cd to the- !:...- ii of h -r j a-fi-ei!'.-
in the i.v world, she
boruiioj (lisnsud wi'.li tliew.i.M.-i and i:i o'it
in-, parable
great !::' 'ii
V'-ni such a life, and withal she lilt
:i'.;o;i on K-rceivin In r d.eii.-ieu.'ii-s.
v.-l.-.-a compared with other la ties i f .pudity.
who c-'.'sld speak on S.I! S'.i'.jccls wi:.h a C.TtKia
siir of co.:;i b :ce :'id ment-il aciitniti. She be
rr::.e f.rnily rcsohid to acrptire this tttlcnt by go
ing .hrorgh a of private na ling, l'laciiig
hei. v'.f liti'I' '.' tio rest raint as to !.! - e . 1 h"-.ks,
f-T i . - i'.l atid-ji.i. 1 lc ;-.-( If to a" in-lis'.-riminitte jru-
1 sal oi" r.ii tiuit fed in her w ay. i houli t e
b- ..'..s wetv ;.i.r.i.-i'u!!y- roiiiai:.-es, and inoi-gh -,ije
; r-.a-l ihetn with avidity, .-till this kin.l rfna.ling
1 had no other i-lleel upon her than to iiil her iih
i a ;
,'t-of solittl le.
.- and music.
she dividi d hetwcin iva-
ily degrees, it certain I'l liiem
earir lcligio.s imprcssi'S r.ia-le
h.r i
i.lVC i
- n l!i
i:i!id iu-r
n. era
: . :
in , and, Lv
ed to Coi'.ceive n greil
f. H.r of In
i and eternity. The iie ee;.sity of seen
uie -ting herself "ii this s'-i-re. a-vsiketie-i
nit'.' am
within her that .ii.sjto.sition f.r iicp-.iiy which oc-
-i ' 1 so ,''. ' i ' of b. i bis, o-i.l l.L-b t'.iia!
ly, after many wanderings in the b.u.cfi j :tbsor
natu.ral wisdom, cond'.ieUd her at "last tothegate
of vcn!y tn,sh. prof jlllld sentinu
i the
moral diejitty e.fioan, as well as of the impor-
tnn .-c of the eternal distinction between good and
evil, revived lil her. uell were tilt- results .! re- j
lie t'on in a young lady fifteen vtars ef :ige ! ;
Nevertheless, she did not cs.-apc the com a -".... i
f,,,m Jtngluud and Fiance, through the fli-
writings of a Voltaire, a 1 Iclvidius,
and a
; 1 lib-
j Diderot, spread incredulity, iniile-rii.lsia ;.
1 rt among the m Jiilitv and Co
Tlie I'rinces.-, Liiided bv 1:
er liui.-ii teeitnuts, out
Isiilia stranger to all po.-itive sclijiion, tried, Lv
i mere reasoti, to convince licr.-ch'of the tni.Ls cf
! th
exi.-tence of J d, an 1 in il.e iuiino; ta'.ii v ed'
soul, liven aficr her man iac" with Piiiice-
j De o'aHitziti, in 1 TiitS, she continued
wi: li an ar-
n !o i 'tdita- '
1 ,
j nor, ever increasing, to give l,er-e 11
lion on the end of her eivatioa, and sii
ii!ar sub- '
he. is. Her husband. Do Gain' zin, w as an en
! thus
I AVI,..
tils' !C
admirer ef Vol
tin- Princes
iitcl Dideto
n: allied him.
met with nothing but cxamp!
ol tin
inimorclity and c-'rritp: ioti. This :
1 e.;e ricn-'C
ilot i rmiuod her, in the beginning of the year
177'h to abandon altogether the vcorM a:i l it
commeivc, to de otc litrself exclusively to the id- j
ticafioii of her children. Mary Ann, born 17ol, ;
and Demetrius, fthe future American Mission a- !
ry,) horti 171. She moreover wished, by private ' iH
tudy, to make up le
the d
icr own
After having spent many years in Holland. !
i !
where her husband was Uustan Ambassador,
it.n rslMo!
isiicet her resilience at .Minister, m i
. . . . . .
Westphalia, in 177'J. It was here .-he became
acquainted with M. De FiirsteuV'rg, whose ef
forts and knowledge displayed in tlic cause of ed
ucation, had gained him a great name. He
was Viear-deiieral and Prime Minister to the
Prince Bishop of Minister.
Vet a long time did the Princess continue to
consider self-love and egotism as a sufficient fottn-
elution for moral conduct ; and after prin
..;.i . . i: 1 ,1,,. ... i....: 1... .1 :i i... 1.
.; ' ,r ,1 . c , , 1 (
" v I"'""' -" '
began to fell the insufliciency of tliese principles, :
and to regret that, through want of faith, she
1 1
was so long without perceiving that religion. In
the yci
iiei uiv in.nei 111 uie . .luuui ;mei uie Mieeors ui j
the Church. .Vs her convictions were yet in- j
1,.. .1.,. 1 ..?:.. :.. .1 v., ..: i.i .
complete, she excused herself for not immediately
complying with these overtures. Nevertheless. I
..1... ;. no T.-.,i.,.i....
Mil: i.iiv i ui.-ii..iui.ic ,.11 i.;,-ii u, eoil"
ii-ri 1 t .
Church. 1 l-ol'illli.t lv dinvincr, I.v iv.l .,..
- ' -v i
turns, ed human weakness, and vividly penetrated
with the insuflicieiicy of her own strength, she
spent the remainder of her days in prayer, in
.struggles against her own w ill, and in bitter re
gret for ihe past, self-denial, the deepest humili
ty, and renunciation of her own will, became her
daily exercise. Uudcr the direction of Fuiitcn-
-.a .1 -i 1 1 1 T -1 e.-.i'ii .11,1111 Ol I11S Sl'U- 1 si.nvis llullilllied lil flo
ir 1, So the- merciful hand of the Lord sent ...i,. ;.,,.,,,- . , name of I high Ch v. l"a
a grievous sickness. Finding that she grew . Q of permitting nature to ret ore the feittireto i -LS-" I'cc or parcel of hind situito
e thoughtful and serious on her sick bed, Ba- ; . . ,.:. , , , " . toic the le.nurt to , the same township, and known a the John F-u? -h
FursUaihcrg ,ent his confessor to hold up to ' Vpiory to the second advent j tract, containing one hundred and seven a-l
scicet i:e-r mucn; iiawng promised mat it tiod mi .roved -and f,,rfb. ,. .-ir n . oy oond ana nicrtg-ige.
would prolong Iter life, she would make the ! c , r sCS.W R.1LV,
Christian religion her .erious study. She t 1 1 , 1 i ' " -r- -"ty-hve acres, whereas A. .1. RHKV,
1 ,1 . l.l 1.1 r . . . " '11 Oi lllOl IS 1 If I 1 . ' '
.... .... . JU11"- "i Ctutivatlou would reoiii-ie (tin Jit.atnt.ra!nr oj 4 am-a Uh-y. uceJ.
well, and kept her word, lowards the end of times fs m-nv Tw.,- ; . i , , - l S.Vf.-tf
, , i-o - i . . , t 1 1 i , s .mi.n. lheic is also a great demand
August. 1M, she cameovcrto the I-ait hand the ' for ,',,, A. ... . ..
Lore, an(l -Twiidly of his w ise confessor, Over
berg, she made rapid advances in the paths of pi
ety, and in dying daily to herself. Her last
years were filled with proofs of her resignation to
the will of God. She had to experience long and
painful' diseases. Moreover, her husband lcing
now dead, f-lie Buffered much from her family
connexions and relations, who blamed her, as
being instrumental in causing her son to take
the resolution, not only of becoming a Catholic,
Lot rilo of i inl.tariiiL' the state of Catholic Mis-
b;0; jn tc nav World. Finally, sfur
most pitinful mahtdv, which slie lrfre wiili reli-
ju ,,utience she die 1 tlie 27th of April, lsl O,
frtiHed by all the cons.. la. ions f the departing,
Hef SOU Was
Imhii 22d of Decern U-r, 177f, at i
ttc Jla-ue, m iioiiana. At me aiie oi , ne
vvent to Ameri-a, to hv.cyv himself by travel.
and j.repare hime!f f.r his brilliant career in the
w orld. I'lOvi.leiHe then intend, d h:tn f r a iu-
n nr fitw.
lie' became a t atliolic, ami resolved
" .
to (luhiace
tbc ecc es 'asiicai state, jiaving
sr-ciit some years a t t be seiii iiiary OI I lie Milr.l-
cians. m Haltnnoie. ho was ordained l'riest. tne
1st of March. 1 7i,'l. He was short!y afterwards
sonttocxtmsc the Jh.Iv iiunwtry at l onawago,
whence he visited all immense di.-tnet , and una-
jv fix,,i rcsidem-e, in 17'.0, in a place which
h, aflcnv:i,1 ca,d I.orctto. At there was
j,ut a t.rv small numVr f.f families there ; hut
soon, numerous contrr satior.s w ere nisei
insihl v
foimol. The I'l ioee Abbe Gal! i! zin entirely de- ;
voted hiii' -elf to the .-crv ice of his flock. His'
charitv, the si.c'i it v of his z al, Li pit-e er-
fsnee in the lutd.-t -f pri at ions of every kind, se
cured f .r him the c.-1. t.i and confidence of all.
Fn. in Conaw ago. v. here there v. ci e a great many
icrmans. hew. nt to Tancv t-w n to t-xtrcise the
lmiilstrv. I lc t io'.-ee.
doi. to. f 'iM.d ,OT Tfi lid fifCI 1(1
pained by i:o::iy
his fornu r pari-hioinrs, to
f.nn a M-tlhimnt. lint !a. finii'ly fixt d liiniself :
in Caii.Lria. 1 liti-y ! at.ia, at his fav .rite st ot . ;
Lor.-t to. lie v. a-- the eoiiu-i ilor nnd guide i f his
!.o; le. L-.;h i.t U :;it a'.s and spirt in ids. A p. n- '
-i-.u. whi-Ii lie i-o.-itul from his fiur.ilv, he gen-
. , , , , ' .
Iy apptted b. tue support f the coiomds
tlair v.-ant-i. and he was ttulv their fatlier. It
WS-s id the m'el-t f thc-e i.pi.stoIic hibofs. at; 1
a ft el having ptili-'o d several controversial
that the DlilK e Ai be lie f died I he 't'h d
Mav. 1 -!. at L: ntto, now the d'occ-c ofFitts
la. !-'..
Sia !, is th,. ,
which llieclniiiet h'irch
r. has inserted in his his-
S' :i .
his I
1 i i
ive to Mii'hime tiallitzin and lc-r Itev.
i 1 l.-.ive translated with some cotTic-.-
wri-c i of ti.i-', as u'i'I as many of
v. i.ioh
. '1
.it i'i il:
Ml. till.
liiiti is ni C'aiobr.ii. rinuin'.. r with
nts of ! o,e and vi f.crat i -n Lv .-p' ke
1 in. ;h r. Sen a fur the nn !an
. nee cf her death. J.c pro .ttnl to
his Ul.
cfe-ly ioMi
' e'el .rat c i
played the
sit. h a ic.t!
:i;ii s in a Toaiiio r w hh h dis
f" l I i 1 !
h a Son f.-r the loss of
. CT ,...,.itn -
I Hid W'itil Ho 1 ' lil
(ii iiintr f..r the e---;tsion.
!:.l a
1 sohmn Mi's- I'e- Ih'i-.iiein was Mirg hy ih'
1 for the nt ;c of her de arte d soul, in tl.cniid.-t
1 ; f his flock, who a-siii:bled to coiiI"!e with him
ion the mournful news of her de at h. Andeer
' : .i ai,-.!. bo , .t-o-.l It,,- ?
its ic.-; -a.ti i liiotli-
j er, the :
, tor Joiii
llie- ft
gr nt Atf.otstine did
i. "Jf atiy one think it a sin that 1
i t!
w. pt fr my mother, .-me small part of au
j hour, and
a mothir who i,,a?iv v. ars had w. ni
: f
hat I might live to thy eyes O Lord ; let
him ii.,
ride me lor ir, but rahe-r, if charitv be
I hi
"ei) ;i!-o f r n.v sins Kfore tliec
Joseph Bonaparte.
tlic lu-w- literary a:inr.r.n.'en..ents. in
t'e is otic which '-M.-MS. )i:t eiilv
..rtiv.i.-e iii i'se!f. a strong t.ttiac-
in ti.-ii :ii
lion !"., :
l .iiri'pi an i-a...-i. i
Torott-.e Xapol-. n lias .
lUeliioil-si ;l;id j i iitical
An aid-,1
issued a pn-spe'tvis of the
! ami military c--.ri cspimde n.-c of Kirc .1.
' (, 'o'.iiil de Surv iiti.-rs.) with editorial note s.
eph '
M. ;
; l)i Cassic, :
j era! j.ublicat
he aid. is cre'litably known by sev- i
ions of his own on miliiarv history;
and htcrafiire. The memoirs will occur v ciht I
,:lrJ.t" octiiv.s. s;d c-mjirie eight lititr.Ired iiieali- i
. t 1 . . x- , . . . I
lc" 10 uo;"s oi -ap'-icoii, iwclv c bun-'uvd of his!
bi-otuer .b'-i-j h. iiiid five or six hundred fi
Ire. 1 11 per
s. n
l's ho wen- ' K rate 1 ami prominent under
pu'ii. tl.e (". lisidti-e St..'. t! .. Fmoiie.
The materials hi
call been lnrvi.-iif d by tin
I'i iio'e of Musigr.ano. gran."
Jo.sejoi. lies King ...-.:no ve
-on and heir of King
ars he for his death ,
wrote-a ti' ti of his memoirs, vt hi., h veil! bo
printed a-s it wa li-it. w ith a hi--g; ;,.!. icad sket. ii
l'ri't'-Nl fim the pen of M. la(.'ass:c. The
seventh volume will consist of Joseph's coms-
ondeiioe wi'.li the Emrrfror :i:u,b.-.n b. 1st"..
his. departure fo
c lor America, and his- iesi,b ii,-o b.
j the new world, tint;; the revolution of 1 Silt'. The
1' a'"1 volumes include narratives of the
wars in -vapii-s, Sji-rin and in Fiance.
in 1U. I
1 Tl. . : ... . r . .1 . . 1 . - . 1
1 i i ! r 1 11111, w s . -1. i ...... .... 1 .1
. V nam..-. ur- :
scr:iion. j he lirst will ap- ur immediately,!
and the- rest successively, every month. " I
A resolution has been introdi
uccd into the
i KciitucliT Legislature which provide tlmt the- 1
j Keijicrof the Penitentiiiiy shall procure a suit a- ! Tuesday, the 15th of November next,
j bk- chemical dye, such as will stain the cuticle or ! U, f,,llo'iu llest''"ib-'J '-eal Estate, vi:
j outer surface of the skin perfectly black , so that ! ,.A r5n.,fr i-urccl i.f laud, uninq roved, situato
it cannot be wash.-d off or in irV wav ,-, 1 , hJ"lhait- hinds of Williun,
! ,-, , . "' 01 111 arl3 aj leiuoMd ! vis and others, containing forty-three acres and al
I until time shall wear it aw av and nature fiiniiOi I lowance waij anted in the ,,;,, ..e ti.. t
a ne-w ctitie-lc or suifae-c. and that wilh this dye
...... j
lie M11 ! uiv.' lb,. of 1 iuh in ale oenvict cain
. , ,lom..,.i,i.. .u.p , ..,', ,. l! A
' ioe ai i'iicauon !
l.d rene w the
j so ouen as may i.e necessary tr keen it so until i
I c , . 1
EC?' The Xc
Ol-tb ':lIo';:... '. r. V .
' .1. r .... - . . ' "
-11 ' .III UlM'll.v.Sttl? 1 ...
U.1HU.-1 IU UIJ 1 II 11 I II II I 'Tl I 1 ?! I II. ,1- . -s . I . - .
n . 1 . "'-" en.n .-iaic.,
" 1,1 ""twen.y-oue miilious-of
Cl illlld
I'OlUUion laliorerw f...- .a,1.i; . ..-,.!-.- ii
ru "u 11 oi us, 1 .111 11 .1 1 s..
1 . 1 ' '
piuiiK roads. At'
A Texas mail contractor excuses himself for
failing to j-crfbrm his .service as per schedule, by
alleging that the musquitocs are actually so bad
upon his route, as to make it dangerous to the
life of man and beast to travel it atlbe season of
within one- moml. ..ftl... .-.,;: cj- I, I oil n .UcHomil.r ,.!,! nil. : .
IV'&Ifc.WtllllllMlflll.i IV , 1 ' (ttHM .1 11 t f! I I II' 11 lllVlVO. I
... I
111 that S .1 c il urn ov ,;;.... . I ' y -o ner uuntur Ircr lie : the who e- to be s-e,
j recent failures.
A LL persona having claims against the Alk-pbe-J.
'Il ny Portage Railroad for services rrndercd or
materials furnished, previous to the TfttL day ;C
November, 18'2, will present them to the U,e Su
perintendent of Motive l'owcr on or before the ::oh.
day of November next, to be reported as old debts
John boss, supt.
Hol'.idaybburg, Sept. CO, 1SVJ.
, . , ,
Fi t f;-lit .utlic.
j Y and after this date the regular comrnissiuns,
! v expeu-i s ic., usually charged t second c!as
i agencies, will be collected on all Goods manifested
and delivered lit this siiition. Freiuht to be pnH
! the ioods hre tukeu owtiy. All claims f"r
I dain:i d, lost cr uitosins io.!s ill have to b
; s'-i.ted before the 1st of October to be seti'.eJ.
j T, V SlS!' 'Aper",;;
Wing fieifl.t v.i.l p:ease pav up.
Summit, Sept. SOth 1 S.:j.
V"OTSC!". to llCtel-Kce rs, Owners of Lating-
j Houses Private 1'iuiiilies, cScr. i ield'sRa'i
i more .. .o. i wiut. iu oe hvj-i wu-uiih:; vu
I ban 1. Also. ( atsun. IV;, .er Sauce. Salad Od, tiar-
, , .,, . .
i!in.. Are o Mu.n-keet.ers nl r, lease will in
i , j, or,l ,.r r; .. W. W. lVuRi 4; Co.
. Mimnur, epi. i
Stray Jlarc.
, VMr ,t, UC rl.eui:ses of the subscriber in Cam-
; t.ria Town shin on the
iy ot August last
i bite bUr an I
! a Liatk Mare about 1 years
j tll The o'SZ
j desired t-j prvt- i rot-ertv pv chuiges and tuke
her awav.
Sel.t. ',
tii(iilct:-H .Vtitlct,
! f fl'i" un Jcrsigned, audit'-r app'-inted by the Court
JL et i oiiuuon 1 leas o! ( amtjria county, to mar
-l;: :i the pro.-ee is of the M.eriSV Sulc of the re.-A
e.-tite ef
Ken p. i u
in l'v 1 y !:
that he
at o:;
! i- t' :'r
s.e' il . "el
vend. F.
cr, so.-I at the s-a;t ot .K sepb
i. '"1 Jen" Terra 1S.VJ,
if- :: p.'.i t'es it.t -lost -1 in sai l fun ',
it.-:: 1 t the d-itic of s:.i 1 upp'.iiitnient
:i tiu i' r -.f L'-.'.n-nurg, :i 'I'ucs-
d-.y f N - vc.iibc- next, ;t !. o'ch.-k,
VM. KITILK, A'l-Iit-r.
.miJ2 iK coi'iff sal;:.
; "5V ":" n "f - '"'jdians' Court ..f
J i.:n .na c.-untv '.i-r - v.: 1 txi.-..-e 1 to vui-
: t t.':.,;:.;: r,.,! .-state, of whichKev.
; Ti-.-.-:..-.; M-.Gtir died, sel.-d. yz:
A ei 11...U pi eo- i r parcel of b.'ol, situate 1 in
I'and.ri.i 'i'e xi !.!::. '.i i-i conn' v. fidjjin:ng
bu. is . f M try McLri le, Aiexai.-ier M'eWkVr, ,he
I.v ir- oi '.L.'.ez 'i ii 'i tt mi 1 tii-.-r-. Containing 'i
a, l c- of tl.t real i uts, i.b- .l liel es ef Which is
t re:
'at 1
..'si-s on Mou la
oel.ek, P. M.
.tu.ito in .'"um
id.; ,i:oi:g Int.
die-is, being
f A:. IreW Ne'.
! v si i: c'ues.
:.:i il
i- l! t
:i 'i ..wr.-:.
I: 111.'.- i f
T' a ic c t .
I :a c oiiat v.
it c.iiT Mqio :.n
' t of i .i. l ill tilli iOii0
' s i i !; :o r. S all i sc v.
To b
c! 1
:i tt.e j la Ho.-i S i a :., z.-.
or next, at U o', P. M
the Ulir
: A.s",
A certain 'or f gr-.u'i 1 situ it? in :h
Otloll ot
i J.'-. .nst .wn. roioiaa i'.c.i-ity. i bvirg rt off t
j 1j2 in the original j l.-in of s .id town) b-.-t'iiniin at a.
, oo-t on W i-a:
gt. n street, t.'.en S.,utii CJ degrees
t! :. -c S i J.-,., Wc-.t h
; bast 1 p-r.
I aTccs. tii'ii e ..ria -.J
' est 1 per -i:es.
H p-rc're to the
ii crcci. n fi ,nn;
tl.e t r.-iiii-is ott
-er l.eit, at 1 o"-
then.'c North -s d'-gi".-cs lv s'
!ace of 1 e.-iyott:,-. l.a-.iu'' thtr.
Iw.ditng b" use. ' To be
r.i s : iv, th.j '-"ilh-l.v of t let
Tr No'. half of the purchase mmet
p i C lie.ruiat. ii of t .e s.i'e. and the rt-S
d c
.- Ui'e.
u . n ye.-,r tner ater w ;!i i tees.-, t- ba
O ' til ' '.-..ii ii ::V. I in ,;
Lie purcha-
JOHN McMltLL. Jr..
), is V.. Or.
iiSIPilW 0! T SlMl.
l'i viitce i-i" :m i,rd-.-r f tl.e Or.h r of t:.tO;:.
' 1 a '.:.s' 'curt h.r the coin.ty of ( an.bri.i.
.u' scr.bci-i wtil etier f..r sate in" tlic borough .f Jp .
ei.s u g. , n Thi.i-sJay, the ITt'id .v of Nov.n.bcr
1 t i-.- ;..:! ..vm...lsl-;i,, i i;...,; r,:... . j. .
t ty of it;. ;, ;I-1 Lewis, ihc'd : f e:,),in J nullity-re.
;- 'Ax of Kboi.sburg, as '.'2
'-'' s-i-.a-t and running b . ;
11 the- p!a!l ef
front!,. g r.ii fci.r
.-oig Juiiau st.,
i le ii ;s crei.t- 1 n
n !
ci t , s. ivi:. ;0 street, o.i v 1
'. e...
fl.ijiO ?i:
A.r.y b-t i f ,it:. 1 liiir
wn ,.n the jdacc f s.i
i feet on high street
-dine street -U feet to
i. 'l' a;u as
aiid nil li'n.r 1,
Ids froiiti
ci; iilciij : C
Sum !,- s
e Mre. t. !:
iving thero-.-n elected n frame ilii-!.
tmg .muse, a iVauie oitic?, and stal !, .
A .S i,
A piei-c of gcimd !;.,; IJL..
Li.eiia'.in-g. C iit liid i:g ae-.a.
S .at', by ;tie Lorctr, road : on t!
I'i.!-! .bmcs; and i U wv.t
itaev's hen S
tlia b .rough of
bouu icd on tiie
F ist l y i and of
' I .'III 1 Ot Jiliuesi
ii.roelots ofgreuod sitii.d.- near the
I. ::. s'.Ui 'J, boli-l-h-l or, tl,,, I- I ,. 1... V ,.T-
. ...... iauas ci s.
'e i.e rs ; on ibo s.uth bv lots of John
: an 1 .m the N.-rth by lots of Faimv Urct-
The side ;i; t-t
coimneiice at eleven o'clock, A. M ,
ot sa: l u:.y, to be Lc! 1 ou the
res; c.tivc l renii-
I Eh Vi. Ot,e third of the j urcliasc v. nev u
C 'i.tiriiiano:, of the sale by the Orphans' C ou t", and
tne rci.. me m two e annual paviaciits 1, be
s -cured I y Judgment Uiii is and Mart - i-
I) UTi) 11. koi5i:i:ts. ,t.;. .o..t,,." .- p--;FoK;k
J. KoixjERS i;i.-h-tr-i a--jt
sept. ::, is:3.-ot
Adiitlitisti atot-'s Sale-.
TS pursuance of a decree of the Orphan's Court
. 'u '-J1;"-1"' county, the tin lersigned Admini-tra-
ot James Fhev. decaccl
v.ill sell nt the Court
Iu,nse, in Lbeiisbiirg. on
......... lu-'iaaa .ea-
e other piece or parcel of bind, uuim-
roved, situate
t.sciK'.o.nna township, in s-,i,j
(lie bundled and fuiv-four n-
1 nd
iKiitws etA!.F.:-Oiio third of the purchase mo
ey ot. coi.nrniution of sale ; one third in one year,
it.i interest, and the remaining third nt or blnne-
u.iueoy utter tuc decease of the widow of said de-
1" . 1 . V. ,1 I 1.1 1. .1.. 11.
1. tue interest of a it I i,;.. 1 ... . ,.
1 .... -
pii IS WAV! For I have just received and of-
- ier saio a large lot ot Stone and L'arthen
ares. The highest price paid for wool.
Kbensburg, April 1. j MOoKF.
"I OO 1;l'SllI':LS f?001 eoal wanted at this Of-V-f
lte. ior which cash will be paid on de
it . ' - . . .11111-1 iir
riiiv-one- 1'CIC les. .1, 10,01. or 1.. .a
WUI it KEY' V Lite Utid utxd biuseed Oil for
ta-e 1 y J. MOORE.