Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 23, 1853, Image 3

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- i
--: i
- Ovstf.ks. Mr. Li:tns Bnowx lias opened an
Oyster Saloon in the basement of Mr. Davis' ISnil
ciiiig, where he can administer to the cravings of
the " inner man " at all hours.
We tried a dozen of Mr. Brown's bivalves and
unhesitatingly pronounce them S. P. In a short
time an excellent glass of " Lager " can be had at
the same v'.acv, r.nd then everything ill be ::
Feusxal. Our readers v.:!i pk-n-e oxco the
laek of kval news in to-days paper. Vrehnve
had so much to do with our hands that we had no
time to work with our head.
1!'.ctal MrN'iv-it. It again becomes our pain
ful duty, this week, to chronicle another brutal
?nurder. committed within the limits of our coun
ty, uiidir liio.L aggraw.thig circumstances. On
Wednesday la -it several Irish lars employed
on the Pennsylvania R-iiliual. iu:r Bennington
Furnace, in lulled freely in drink imtil they c
e.ime intoxicated. Amonsr the rest were Th-'ia-
as Mooney und Patrick Hart, both I.eiusttr men, !
who left thcshanteeofMr. McMahon for the pur
pose, it is supposed, of killing sonic person belong
ing to an oppo. -ing faction. Previous to leaving
the shantee, Hart declared that lie had killed ten
men in his life time, and that lie would kill ano- J
ther before- iib,!it. i
A witness testified to seeing them take a ly e I
path that led to Way line & Anthony's .section n
the New Portage-Road, and that Mooney Lad
pushed Hart over a log that both picked up
atones, but then moved en in company.
Mr. Mel y testified that sh-j; t!y afler dinner
she went ci.iwil the puih and met Halt, who tried
to cemcenl his. free from her by covering it with a
straw hat. A f.w .steps farther on did discover
ed the dead body of Mooney. F-'lrj lasied an
alann iiiiir. cilia u ly, and Hart (led, but he was
overtaken and ancsted by Mr. McMahon and Mr.
Anthony and was brought to this place and lodg
cel in jail by the police ollicers.
A jost'im examin:tti;):i proves! that the
murdered man came to his eleath by slabs fnnn
a knife or some other sharp instrument a blow
from which penetrated to the spinal m-'.rrow in
the neck.
A corr.-.ief'.s iu.'piest was held on Tlunv-.lay.
Some eight or ten witnesses were axamined anil
every fact brought to light tended so strongly to
lix the guilt of th'j murder on Hart that thejtiry
were rnaniuious in in a veidict to thai
In a east- like this, whe-e the facts will be b; o"t
h-cfire the Court, we have no further comme nts to
. is a voui: ' u.'.t'.- ifown in i;:-.;a e-ne.
, . , T -
Indiana, e cxce.-.--ively meitlest, that every nicht
b.f..rc retiiing. she closed the win-low curtains
(v orevenl ' the man in the moen' from lovking
-ia a
a rtcetit nutabcr f t'i.e Aiiejjdiaiiian, wc ob
.1 e i l.-.l in v, l.leh ear lnm.blc M-U' WiiS
rt I Vt
is :-. 1 ti-e st.l ject -!' .--.-t'ie ei y li;.ittit;;g reia:iil.s.
At l'.!.-t vv c i '.. Ct ndi-d tu tieat the liitli., r and the- i.r
i'ele '.. ith tllti.t t. i.'i:t tipen ii:r:her r.--
.hctl'-'.i u.'Oli the St:lject we tii:;;,ht it la:;iit
v.-vti. J the ;.t'.ei:i-ii.s v to 1.,-t sueh a Ib-r-
c.;b i:.ort pas.; v,
With rep-atd t- hi.-t.-ite
that at the t':!
c'.-..ftU;e' 1 i - .-peet'm
thout at lca.-t a paub'ni;i ne-tiee.
f.-. st l t-taal k vre- wouhl merely
-e - f cur, v-e were not
the- f.-rcs T-.e :Jiot;ld asiame,
er the tore v. e siieuit r.ttain, i:: we tiie-rcie-re le.-n c
hi:a to settle tbr.t v.i'.h the attih r of our t-xiet-.nee.
j'- i- we have u uht that in the tel. th. mast's (V)
own e: !.e is ea'.-:.i;!e ef e:;e-t:':t:.,.:ej to the A!- j
mighty. I
In the si eei. 1 place I.e- states that Tve in the pre- j
ftie'e of ievert.l rel.tleu:-. :t ele-llvei-.l a speecli, j
hurled the paper at hiia. e.c. ; the 1 ;'.t-.r ehr.vce tve j
in j-Eii s.lmit, f.s tu the v.e f::i.m t t lic-ire !
Pew ike rret ih-man ?) cull iti-.t.-.iucrphese the j
Kirg's ! 1 : ;e 1 ' s 1 1 so to tei:s!r:'-j our reiaaVhs int- j
r :;y thing4 like a m e i eh either i ; .g.'.-r. r "j-- '';- i
ri :('," in the veeevptathni ot the Una. but in j
idt r th..t the i u Idle; i::.:y jadge v hethev his state- j
incut is trt:c- : (also, we t. ill ;::se: t e ar re- j
ia:'.rl:s ver b::tt ha.
At the lone v. e !.:.n led h!i:. the per, he ,ui- j
rt-1 wiit.t vr. 3 v4:4- i ;r v.'.ti it.s pt-i-I to v!:ie!i v-e
lei'llt-1. it is t- Vot-"i.. I T o i:i-::;;ri:il ro yi not
u party n..-: ? :s !;i.rv.4t re-1 in the :;iil:-:;i-.tiv.'. Sa'o
he, v.iilyoii net toppert tha lioOilnatioi.s? it' t'.i.-y ri'.!.i-.'-;;:v r.i:::--, v.-as our r'-' :e. j :ns v;a.- v. :.s v.. 1 t -. the 1 ( . t i t .i:r rccoih'ctioti, nii-1 ii i
was a m.-ltir of peffeet ii; i.tieri-neo to il", v. Jielher j
tho!:.nn (V) ves i-boie or in the lLi-ist i f a i, at the tiioe ur p--per was ret nrr.c-J. a-i that i
fimt!:.stt:i;ce rculJ r... - have ; loci d a::v ei.a::o
in the mode of r ur prucc-hiVv" that r :---.i-.n. i
Ne:t tve v.'oiild itifiiri.t the ;-eu :o'.- 1:1 ''.) that v.-e j
were aware th.-.t the V. hijr c;";:r;n v.:-. r. t t-tuh::-4!:- j
t l tor our ep'fciui be:;ef.t," .m-.l that iio i::i;:!.t tf !
i-pnrod bir.:seif th trt.Hi.I-.' el r.i.parti!'.,? tliat inlor
jaath n. Tine tlie- jteiii'.ero.n (?) revtr ''' a.-k ns
U Er.b.-.erit.e f. r tl o All-Tl.i.nian, hut his .-1 '
oid, ni.d -.
-led f.s a rospectiis to -r-htain
puhscrihers fc
v.ais v.O'
too,! that
it was an infallible vcilv anion ? i obll-herj that till
r.m-arnoe tavo-t ho j.aie! np, bel. ro a paper can te i
llscoiit'a.tie-el, and in obedience to this rule, (as v.4e
toek tho lst i!iiiair frotu the ohice, v.4e hud no j
livht to stop our rarer, im til it was raid for, and f
v.e ipieftlen the liiit of tiny man to furc? a news-
pa; ; ..r ;r.y thin? ehe on us without our consent, j
t.ut n.i.i ri. toe tci.-'iir -ttr.e-y e t tao gt-utteiiiiin ( .'j he
iijtliaatts that he has i....t the r.j prohati;. n ot' al
most every othe4.- subscriber, v!ii:.-.t in an tber col
U1UU of the iai.iC- tiUiober he says 'a number of pi
T crs Lave Icon returned I.-ecattio wo have hoisted
the name of our candidate for State Senator, A. Til.
Y. hite, 1'.- i-' "O, consistency thou art a Jewel."
One prominent article in the petstleniau's ' salu
tatory" was that " l ersonalities should be avoided
unless unavoidably driven into it." Now v.e em
phatically declare that ho was not driven into it,
nr. J that we gave him no occasion whatsoever for
the i ubiicat"u n of such an article. Hut we always
doiil ted his ubility to adhere to that resolution, as
traducing the character of others is the soul of
some people'; existence. In.JcTerson several years
since, there was published a manufcript nightly
periodical in which the citizens of Jefferson, male
-and female, obi and J'Gui'.cr were subjected to the
vilest abuse that it was possible for a puppy brain
to concoct, and if the ta ticie in epiestion is a speci
men of what is hereafter to p'race the columns of
the AHoRbanian. it will savor strongly of tlie YYhet-
sioiie iiuu n.gmiy periodical.) c kave the gen
tleman to draw ihe inference. With regard to our
fcclinjrs we will Juft sny for his especial benefit,
that they arc unscathed ly a singli touch, for "No
gentleman will wound my feedings, and ho other
can." And we are as wiHing to act upon tbc piin
ciplc of rendering unto Cteser the things that are
Closer's as he is ; therefore w e admit that the gen
tleman has taleuts, but it is well known to all that
he sets n higher estimate upon them than other
people el3 and wc are happy that wehavebcen able
to furnish him with a subject upon -which to dis
play those talents,as his exaggeration justifies us in
believing that bo had almost run out of matter.
With these remarks we will take leave of the gen
tleman, wishing him unbounded success in his Ed
itorial career, and that be may eventually inscribe
his name on the highest piiiacle of the temple of
fame, nuJ bis name be written in letters of gold
and transmitted to the latest posterity.
JefTciTCti, Scot. !, 1W3.
ei.y fob llertditizry Taint.
Thousands of individuals are curse;! with griev
ous complaints, w -Licit thc-y inhc rit from their pa
rents. The use of tho Yellow Duck an I Sarzaparil
lu will prevent all this, and save a vast amount of
misery, and nany valuable lives, fur it ikrcujltii
c.rj'iU from the :xlcn the latent taint, vLieli is the
see 1 of disease, ami so takes off the car-? by wldeli
the sins or misfortune of the parents are sj often
I l t 1 upon the iunocciit offspring.
Parents owe it to their children to ruaril them
against the C!l'cct3 of maladies that liny be com
municated Ly decent, and -.hihlivii f parents that
have1 at any time bet n niTocle-l with Consumption,
Scrofula or Syphilis, owe it to themselves to take
precaution agalust the disease being revived ia them.
GuysoU"." lis tract of Yellow Dcl: ;i::l Sarsaparillii
Is a sure i.n'.i'hito ia such cases.
5-j- Sec advet tiseuu-ut.
cbar ai; 1 r k'asant to us?. Yi'i.ii-aiiie 1 all it is
recoiir.ncii.ied or money paid hack. Prepared
by II. :. O. Cary, Iru,:-;st an I Chem'st, Cleve
land Ohio, to whom all orders should V.e ad J "esse 1.
So1. J ly art authorize 1 Agent ia otviy town in the
Stat-;. Ft.r salo by Fred. Ritte-1, Ehciiiburg Pa.,
iml by I-ivdies i: V.heiry. Jefeiswi Pa.
TVTo riCK is Iicreiiv given that tlic ou-psii tnci .-hi)
-Ll lu-retoiere cxis;iag between liichard White
i'.nd !!. 0. 1'evine, and lliehar-l White, V. P.. s'ijies
an ! il. ('. l.'cvii-.e, in the priuthur iuisinc-s, was
absolve 1 oil the lihuay !' Angtist last l.y mu
l ctJiiPent. The luisiness t.;' the lale lirins will
he Settle I by i White, wli is authorised to
ei.lleet .'ill claiu:s due, auel pay all dents owing by
the f.rnis.
ItlCilAllD '.ViiiTE,
11. 0. MlVIXil,
W. D. Si PES.
!";r;d. 2:1,
Elt iikK'iiinl OnWr, SO.
llea-l tuai-ters 1st Ib g't, -Id Ib-g., "j
I'J-.h Divlsi-.n. Volunteers. V
ilhctt.hurg. Sept. Ill, J
JMI'AN I IIS composing the 1st llegiioetit, o I
lti-iiuete, 10th loivision, Peutisylvnnia Volun
teer, v. ill assemble ift the Halfway House, hi the
t -',vi;hip 'of Summerhill, Cambria cunty, on Tues
day, the 4i'n of October, ltf j-'l, I'vr tlrill and iuspee
tieii, aru.ed and equipped as the lav.' elirccta.
Ev order of
Eie-ut. Cob C. II. II EYE 11.
bt. Joux Oau!)Ni:h, A 'jtitant.
.a S SI Ik
"3" ETTL11S of Administrmiuii, v.ith the will an--i-J
iic-xe -1, on the estate c.f Peter Me-Uuire, late
c!' Aileiii n v t ns!iip, ib-eeusel, have been gran
ted by t):c ileeisti r of Cailibria eeui:ty, to the u;i
eleri.ced ail p-ersio, s yid'-bted to said estate are
In n-by mii lied to niak payiaejit wiihont ie-!ny,
and those liavi'ur chii!!!? a gainst the same trill pre
sent them properly aath utic.-j t-.1 b.r settleiaent.
A CU C S 'J' l. DL'EiU N . A Jm in istm '.or.
Set t. 2:), lso5.-;t.
njilE umiersigned liuviiiieeir appointed by the
JL Court of Coni!imf.i;!f7s t f '.'a.'abria comity
Committee of Joseph M oYj;iX.'ut E"-i , of the P.or-
i?s all persons m-
debted to the said Joseph MebVm
diute ravtsient, and re::uets th
t make ivntne
1 havii'.:' claims
o make them known without iV'.r.v. . -
b'KUT CAltelOX, t:--:ui:l e.
e'ept. 2:J, ISoC.-Ct -
I'Ei.rxx- sX's or Tin:
The establishment of Deiuoc; a-ic paper in the
Ilorou'di of lllairsville, Indiana Co., 1'a , has
boon Ion-r elesired by the Deii o rr.cj- of linliana
and AVetjiiorclaittl Counties, and the cifoiira're t that has already bten oxtendeel, has indti
ceel the subscriber to ifvlerlake the publication
cf.-uch ajoumrd. lie thert-f re, contemplates to
revive the publica! ion f the "IJLAIHSVlf.LK
IDX'i HID,'1 mi will eiuh avor to lr.nko the p;qier
inU l ectin":, not only to the i-olkiei-.l but general
rea ler, and hopes that in the enterprise he will
be sustained by the public.
llelivviner that our S'ate and National prosper
ity li:s ari-on Inou t he sticessfiil administration
of public, sd lairs by the democratic party, nd the
itnit eMabli.-diinent of the principles and polieyof
ihst 4:arty will promrte and (noire t lie.- lu-.ppi-ness'ifthe
jie-oi.l4?, ho will faithfully- en leavor to
sustain the-.: views, and also V.dhorc f o tho recti-
res of tiie party. Dcennii4.
uineees.-rrv to fav n.oro e
this head, he onlv
a.-k -'to be ind
1 hv the eo4
of the paper.
Tlie i.i:iteri:ils of the ollioe will he entirely new,
a;: l tlie apt-r will he- e.f lr.rit'.- sixo, "ml not inferi
or lo ai'.y ptihlishtel in the interior of I'ennsvlva-lii-t.
b'oiiitleiahh-e NT-e'iise v. ill Le incurred, he
i i uie-re.v
t res'ie
thiiiv solicits
:i i-itare
e.f tl
I aUer.aoe the po.o.4,.44.
Tk:;m.4-. Oneuolhtr and tifty rents per ye-ar if
p-;it in ii-lvaiK-c, or wit-hin six months, tio.
e.;i ii a'.ijii of that time two Julia rs will he cliar
Le'l. li. C. DHVINK.
E. - ,r. -- .
ji i. . s . .- t . , a . t ,
. Lr.rr, Jchustov.-ii' I'd.
rVn-'iril on ( lii.l n :-tiv-t, in tiie Second StCVV
Jr of tJood & I'er.-ihi :;;':
Jiunfarv ;;t., u-oi iv.
Attorney nt Ls7, El-cncbur, Ta.
i" v t 1 . . . i v . ) ; . . . . , lit.
i. Li i ii Hit; i.uu. b Aiuiiz.., i cL.i-io.
5 ? Ii X S 1 A 51 I C t? i 51 8. 1 , at i..--.v j eintstovvr., fa.
On-" ICE on CHiitoti Str'ct-t, a few loors north of
tl.. corner ef Main aal Ciiut.n.
April 24b l?Vi.
C. t. i Hit Willi,
Attovrioy at Taw, E'ccn-Stug Ta.,
""STILL practice in tho several Courts of Cara
V V bria, Elair and Indiana coii'ities. All pro
fessional business intrusted to his care will be
promptly attended to.
Oliiceon Main sticct opposite L'r. V"m. Lemon's
Ebcnsburg, April 28, 1S-5-1 27.
Attorney at Law, Tbensburg4, Pa.
OFFICE two doors West of Mnlor Thcu:ps...n's
joiiri s. miirar,
Alto. net at La-w, Ebensburg, Pa.,
1'ILL j rae tice in the several Courts of Cambria,
jj Elair and Indiana counties.
Of-ice, No. -1, " ColounaLO How," near the Court
Ebensburg, Aug. 19, 1S5-3 Iy.
Ha.Cia.tEL. DA.V 31.1C.i:ilAX,
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
OFFICE, No. 3, " Colonnade How," near tlie
Court House.
January P, 1851. ly
Attoi-tey at Law, Hollidaysburg, Ta,
WILL attend tbc several Courts of Cambria
county, as heretofore. Office onedoortvest
of IVm, McFtirland's cabinet wareroom.
July 21, 1852. ly . '
1'. Ij. tlUXVAl,
Attorney at Law, Jobnstown, Pa.
OFFICE on Main street, two doors cast of the
i;. ho OlUce.
Mar,U 1?, lM.-iy
"rfy Tpri of expeHtfnre. on'' ciorc than a lluadred
Thnrin nrl Curt-i c-f Cflnoninpilvi t't'iii'--"', t.uve
riovctt lo the i:rMtttJi:e-l suTirWff :: of h. p Tsx hm-e
ccohii- aranu.!.lid v. .;!; itim irond'nl rfwr,!. . li-i f :i prtnt
ly i't r-nit! it m w.!ki:y p- .i -:';:;t, i vn.rt
rprl tin lo rnrc f on- ttirt tir.n T ti: f.wnrrs, tl:;;n uny
n'li-i l.. i:.. ' v in i:.' . . . ..v.r. u.wc t, i..r. tL . wdj
l-v Po v h: (.'-.,.: :;':::; r-.-t ii--' ('.- t ,
i;".:i . : ;itrt;.v ; r r'jr few, . tt. . I ttvl a'.'.t'i-.r. 'o ur tit- w ;:ti
J.-. ! v iC.ti $-.' f. (i.i ..'-;:.' ,'ti i; i... '.''!. .;.i Cu.Il
; rtiv, l n i!i-cirsMiitlf i c. li :t r; ti r .t . h t r 11 ;-!
f ".i mil fit r:f : it h. h r c :i.t t Ml vm it' v. i-rc
J r-! i :iit i. vrpli :m, u'id w(. ' -h v, u w
j..v;.f -IM r - i-'i.;t ;1. f: 1 v. cn i-i it U r,-i;rc U y:'-
.(.tit.- ttl ii..-.- L-.'. ; it!.:i b-'.,': tie-id l.V I UV ti. d tVl!!l
rr-ir fit m-ti :-.(;! iri. T;. Kt-n i-'ai r.:r J
rVv; - fx i f n r.. ri ' .- : f..: ' To ! ''-:' ' S!.r!:-J ij-v rirtr'i (' n :i !: f" ins 1:1 U.v 1$ rr"t -I ,
5 1 ' V't fl.-.-ii ; i'vj t i! rv -1 hln ' ' '-; i'.r. .t-
t,,r.;i nI, ttC rrXtr . '' - V ''"("" f S H. J' 1 v;lif! lWiiy
11 ;!:: nil I Want lVr.-!;- .:-r. f:- !:.(.-..,.:.
W.c bt-t-M ciiti 1 it v;- i lifv d'o'..' ... -i V u U
i.jii.T. m M-i! 'M':" h-v CU" i x v.'ff- r iy. bwl tu
b" in n tl iu fttntc hid, iiy u:? umj ut tiiti ti u-.'iy, tiit y
now live, id:! .;...- nt i hiii'ili.
'i'UlH iJul is rusc'i a rt'et.tK'e C"trp u:. 1: i? pk-t--rtp
'; tl -.e'. ar:.i t,. i er,;l t' v. u:t v f'.i. f t;" '( u-f t- u i-lf-r
u:jv rirr.-.Tu-'tiii-.u-s. Il c:1; -:- u otjiN rl ll tw"t trt't
V i Vil oi."- ( pn-h by i ri ins , s irr t- t- i i -i .'t 1 1 t
?( tHH w!.t..t Jy c-u-,lii--n Ihc tit eln .. i. I
;"t' lh-:': a':v ncf -n!; ? i;:.iu:r.t Ck tii.i:- :-!-rj t':e
Nl t'Ves a", t a.':-i J.lcjJ.iUh'j il.vjK'Cl-OiMtioii. It
C iiit'8 tit? ti'.k)4 i:;-r uvw.s v.. :
h'edi'-rj at tr J i:it jr. J 'tir. m f.-c "-.. .'-.'-, f;J t'ht
r'-jrrr.t-. Si. 'it Si-rut. 1 i ';'"..: .i !. i;M, i.tjtt Hi r'
A lit: Wr..M"ti U-'uiii fcr.ii.f l..f:ts-
iroiii. i'luilera InTutit urn, :.
for I'rot" uj-j S'.n; i.ii-s " j s-h ttur I43:.:!
Vhitfta nud liatttjUL a.i our Aycnu tuivo
TUc .trr-:-it-wt
In thr whole Wubm,:
IV J'ri" i i T-r It- t'Jr. or SV. .'uf.;.-.r $.-J
II Hi)--put un li fliAi:V BOTTI.KS, tf L'.i-f-trr
and tt.Jv ' U 4'4,'4'' v i tw- .- -n e:m-, i l(,ir,'fl.
.)H o e-iatii f I v 'i v - n, k DO-l-.-i,
i; o 1 rR:irji lira wi LJ' c v Conrpnirli-i! !i i.t l t
lll- i-rt.rrr. fij if i.t i-o.-- hrt-i- a
thti ww botll - ik-l Twriil).!!r.H )v, s r.-irh
lOM.-l-r trrvn K e-t'.;t of u:iy o;',tr t(i-i .r iMr-:., t-xrii.t-!
u V'-q ilrej of li.i- u lnrt tj linut tf t u: fi-.-f.
T'jf arcsl S:;tirrUy ui tr.ii iil-iod i'urlfier im-r u.l
il .''i lu'ja.rti'ca. t, in a tirenl i!;t-,:i.iir- m --
'"t if Ois rolur...uu'J. tlto fKCTjvl .tlrtitoul irtut.-a
Kit uoie M-sree i.t J i;.-trt"
Indian Errks,
w hich r,i o:fi-r r:if--;;.-; r nin-. T? iJ:o n; f ' -'
i. , u or t-iV m.m ir.i-r (-iiJ; cajvitu,fied Willi iiitr ttiu'j-
t j-t rateJ lJjrtraLM !
Srs.rsaparij'a, lfelicv7 Deck,
u;u-- IVwfililp Mxfrnr-I.not ov'v .!. arr-itttt IJlooi
I'arlfif r, lat n:.., a rhc:..pi- aJiV.4.: I'V -:il ini.U
It:. in lv.: ,,;I-,T. it is r.V.-:.--,, 1 fr-iT:-ii- .: ,i u,tnr:ty i,f ;t Oa!
may W h.rt,-tii At Oar lln'lnr will l.-w m:icli lnitcr. ai;J
v. rut: Ten TiitlPfl m.rrt. U:uv0 ttle-.-lLni-, I'tu .
wir;M nf '.y i.-'r iji-'I r.,,,..
15 '-r;!.t..-a firuof f liie' Cern of
Scrofula, S'evsr-Scrss, H I.t. Kri irr'il. Sil' ftim. 7iAr: ., ;.?. 4fVt7.
t. k,i f'.- l-4,j,f, I.t---e'iIMli!;iillT, I'l.Vs.
Fln, pitr. ni f.4!,' e. ilrr.:t. ': .7Vif3, ...0. ; ...i t.
I;f-LRK-l'.;.oiD !):--:a ---s. f-- ,,ur P A .' I S .d Jj ;J
tw.; evtry AciiL hj tliciu lo i;i.l ui-.u,'.
?iOic-o 4o Travelers.
c itJt. uii'tersi-'iieia nireov !-c it!i::c Hint
on aiol aff r tho "th next he wilt
run a ihmh'ie line of liaet.4; eaeh day fro:n Jetier
sen to Ktiensl'iirj; I'hi'-lc It -ad.
I.oavii;,-? Jeffersoii at 8 o'ehn-k, A. M. an 1 3 o'
e'o'jk, 1. M. (or on the r.riiv'al of the- Kaatern and
Western trains.
Leavirr;1- llbensotir at 'J e lecli, A. M. and 3 o'
clock 1. M.
His Hack arc of tiie latert fiinerrd style and
his teams can neither he " nasse d" lior " surjms
JefTvrson, Sep. 2, ISG'h Ot.
UT HOLES ALE .hah-rs in TJ7f-t . f.i-jirs,
; vihicli they are lo-ej are-l to f'tnii -! chc-n 444) to
merchant.-: and liote'l keeper's. Vai eheitEL'
Market street, I'hihidc'.t hia, l'a.
Feb. -2, ISo'Jh-.
1 LT rr.KS of Administration having pern pr.iut-
i cd the uinier.-incd, on the Kstate of l'liiiir,
Skeliy, late of Sunmifihi!! township, deeeased ail !
persons iii'iebted to s.-;i 1 Estate are ri.jaested to
make inimeuiato -ny tent, i nd those having claims '
against it. are roijiiested to present them propel ly j
authenticated for eetlienicnt. . I
Ebcusb'irg, Aug. -, L-i-iO. -'t. j
Mi-iiy Co.
CAME to the residence of the subscriber, near
Ebensburg, on tho 7th hist., a large Klin Cow.
Slic is supposed to be about live years old; has no
particular marks. The owner is requested toconie
forward, prove property, pav charges, and take
hirawav. " JOHN li. 01YEN.
Sept. 'J, I80.I Ct.
To Jounicj l.iTH i'ai'i i'jr-y !!2aK-rs.
fUlIE suhse-riber wishes t enu h v one I'o ly and
1 Wheel maker, one Tr
one tloae'a siuiih. To g
ier ant I Vmter ana
vorkiueii of ste.olv
tO! I
habits, libe-r.-il W:
s ;iu i ocl !:ian; nt : : I e.a 1 Ions v.4 ! : 1
be '..'ivi n, at Plan- county li :i(ni mid I arria
r.iai.ufactorv. A. DK All MIT
t. '. lcj::-St
S5i-. 11. IS. S. J-r;.Ku i Vi: Jnittf'r C
Sy we,
T"C'A'IXG entered into a Copartnership in the
JLi practice of nit Heine, olfer their ferviccs to
tlie inhabit. Hits of Suniiiiitviile and vic'.ni'y.
l)r. Jaelcsjn can be found at lb rcsidi ties near
the toll gate, and Di at tL old oiilcc on the
Si-pt. 'J, 16o3. tf.
FFlCi: on Main Street, in the oiiices lately
oecui ie.i by tb 11. Je"i. McDonald.
.January 15, 1S52.
Attorney at Lav, i-sensuurg. r.,
II'ILL practice in the several court.444 of Cambria,
V lllair. and Huntingdon counties, tiennans can
consult and receive a.ivice in their own laiip-uape.
OtRco opposite the Court ilouse, formerly occu
pied by H. L. Johnston, Psi.
Ebensburg, February C, 1S-3G ly.
SA3II 'I'A. t1. WIX.tSl,
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg4, Pa.
""4C7'ILL practice in the several Courts c.f Cam
Y bria, lilair, and Himtingdon counties.
Oftico cm main street two doors v." est of the
store of Murray, Kabul Co.
Mav S, ISol ly.
Attorney at Law, Ebcntburg, Pa.
XKJllA. practice in the several Courts of Cam-
f bria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties.
Office on Centre et., joining Oeu. M'Doiiald's il fell
ing. Jan. 15, 1S51. y.
i:. 811 Xt 'HI.VSOX, Jr.,
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.,
WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro
fessional business entrusted to bis care will be
promptly atte-uded to.
Office on Main street adjoining hjs dwelling bouse.
Ebensburg, July 1, ISoo 20-Gm.
Datid T. Stonu,
Kotary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer,
ILL also attend to bis duties as Justice. Le
gal instruments of writing, such ns dects,
agreements, Foreign lower ot Attorney, o-o.,
drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted tD
bis care will receive strict attention.
May 13, lSoli CO-tf.
Ebeasbiirg-, Pa.
rpHE undcrsitrned respectfully hiforir.s tlic juV
JL lie that he is now prepare! with ever-r?iji:tc
for their aecoiiuuoJation, nnd will exert every ef
fort to remler Us house an attractive jiul comfort
able stopping place. His table will ahvnyc he stipv
plied with every delicacy the season nt!"r! t, rxinl
hid bar htb.cketl with the best of Wines and Liquors.
A care fal ami attentive hostler h-e eharrre
of the stables. He respectfully solicits a tharc cf
patronage. ' j "
I'emiylvauia iittall ami.
a()M :.!'. 1 'titer O.r.a 0:.U- V:i t-,
seats in tie cms mitl. e:t th-htsV.: M,.t:..i,' I
wh. ix- there is a tie-ke-t ei'i.e, : Ll- r!,-.i ten '
ecus extra. W. V. lVui'.V.
A-riii !':, n. A'. A'. CV. j
uiu:u:t, July "JS, Is "J :J0. I
I'liuif. c t'n'f. E:xi;itvs, i
V.V. IvoryftCo., A5:;is, i
"Tni-h frv.--. Zt or n..!u-4.-, !
u:r..v, Cieei t Soo.uiv. to nit the i ri;
cities lit the I iu-mi, nr. 1 nil towns .n the ltna i
hetwe'eti riii!:oU-i'ii:i nn.l 1 'i; t.-bn rcr. I'r-ifts e' 1- !
iictel friitu .Ct5f.jriiia. l'ml'ts s i'..! on hch;ii l, i
lin::;ii;l or fL-uiin.l, fmin il irnv.-uois. M-jiiey f-.-r '
halts must he J a-. " - j
fMiniin-t, July is, IS.' V .410. !
'.l'h:.iii:Kir:itivii l.avi
I el t' tiie f.isileisineil 101 the ct;xte of l u-r
Geer, hite-if W.te T w iiship, C.ituhri.i .-.Hiiity, do- J
e-e.iti-il. All jH-Ht.3 iii-.k-hted to caitl e-.-t:it-; tire !
uotifiej i- i.n.Lt- iiiime-'liate i-ayiuent, au-1 th..s '
havioL4- 4lai:iis w!,, r rt-svnt 'tLeia iruiei !y uulheiiti
tuteU l'er tettleit jit. i
; 0KO. C. K. ZAII.M, Ahur.
Ilheihti. jr, 3.7'y n, la'yi. tf.
NViliij4: ai at Cost.
MY entire sr-..-& ,f W'ntclii-s, Chicks, Jewelry j
ini'l Siati.J.nry, at my "-''.re, one iI.i.t Mast ef j
u.e ivst (;:;;-... " v, it. ijti.-oN.
Av.A. If, I
'Z'Sfis Way!
11 )lt the bipl-'.-t iri.-..-s are i.s.i.1 f.
and taa.nej's bark in either tra4!'
r J.iJes.
-to or cav h h
J. M lent::
I '" II
i IK lii.l
K! Iiirt reeeive j hy the I'e-nn-y I-
-. ni.u. lt
ltouij, una f-.,r sale be J- Moore,
'.itent UiiLuets, l'.rooit:4?, CJiechi-,
'lover SecJ, auel a large 1ft ot4 Cir
A,r.ll. i rin-1 Stune?,
Cut ton Yarn,
lf liter's Tul'U.
Adams Ai C o."s Exprt sx. !
Jit. ('StAI'l ajront riil forward ai! packapros of
a goods or ti uiiey, daily except Sunday to all
the j ruie-ip-il fties m taC union, and all the towns I
ou the
het-.veeii 1 ullaaelpn
and i'itts,-
33 Xnrt li V PiJvcl hi., nlmvc tallow Uill,
"fTAS on hand Trench l'.ran lies, i I ,1
J.JL lan 1 (Jin anl a general a-:Soitinent of FOll
KitSN tVlNKS. j
ALSO. AH ki,ls of American Spirits, &c.
peiif-ra! a.SMi-iiaei.t of J'.0jKS, such as are
.ZJl. used in oiirt-iumoii scl
ti VAilHi l I.E VriZ t OTT Ai CO..
HAYE ctmstaitly on haie!
leas, H iucl Li.iUjrs
AYE ctmstaitlv on hand u foil assortment of
iiud Groceries gene-ral-
Kol7 Koith Vi'ater Street, and
HOjlO A'ortli Delaware A ven ae,
January 27, I'fi'j.
M l-KltlKTHMH-NT S Oi l IOK,
' Hob; iaysburg, Aug. TJ.I. lS-j b
SEALED I'rojisals wi'l he receive 1 nt the ofiice
,f the Snr.eriiteiv.Ier.t of Motive l'owcr, on the
Alle-heny 1'i.rtrf p It ii! Eoad, Holli hiysburL'. Pa.,
on Tuesday, tiiebv'tii day of September IV.',::, f,,r
lie'ivc-ili'r "oi;" iVoe" for the use of said ltoad, as
follows, vi-
At s tation No
" No.
" " No.
" " No
: (Foot of P. No. 10 :) -J.Dlni cor Is.
: (Voot ( f Plane No. U : t -AnU
: (Ileal of Plane No. 0:,'
: (At a middle point on Si-.T.nni
I '-vol : ) L'.i'i'u "
: (At a niibllo peh.t en 1 evel be-
tr-fu lianes Nos. -1 & 5:) ',"'
No. (At Ft. of Plane No. 4: 1 f..0Kl -No.
i: (At Water Station opposite Col.
I - ... - II .. ... t I .f ,! i .i
No. : (J
nvver ind
i iveaus noose:) i."
: vAt Half Way llo'-sc :) -I.nuii "
At KelT3 Log House l.etwcen Eri Ige :) f.JV'O "
No. b1 : 1 ' n Johnstown Level : ) thl'OO "
P.iddcrs will statl distinctly the ouantily and kind
of Wood they plo ose to deliver at t-uen station
nanied. in their rf peetive bids, as well as the price
per cord for the j-aie.
Juu.N t;o-
Super t.
M. P. A. P. Ib lb
s I p4 : ;ls will he
H-it L'd al the
oi t:ic l..Mitb4..i-i 6: SuMiUeha.;n-i i o.i...
c--a.'.-i'i'-- until linb.Mi'b in the .li'iernoon of:
.lay. the Cd of Svptelubcr, for; a Toil ib.,os-.'
on' the first secticn of ibe said company's road. Th
contractor to Iboj till the Materials for the satue.
Plan and sru-t t:--atio;
ti, a v
sr;eii al l-ic ijoiee
three Jays prior tiie day of k-u.i.g.
l;y er-br t; the board.
V.-.M. K1TTELL, .?u
Au-riifct 10 lsi:b -t.
Aotl-c to c oi:.
ir-.ii- o . ... ..,- r.f r..i.-1.v".i!re bciv-
fp.UL, i-ui t vtl 'I r v: l.:'. '.i'i..,'ti . ..............
1 by notified a true Meridian line, and fixe ! ;
standard ir.ea-uit for a bain, bau teen e-tablitlied
J at tac Lourt iiv'a.e, vtx tnc ioz.iu oi
in order that the Etna .-nrveyors 1.1..;. aou.-i ;
an 1 verify their s r.nd eotiinasses, aeeoriiiiii; j
to the act 01 Ass.-r..bly. jiassed 2',th day of April, j
V; I. Ib-j0. - ilj' tuo t 0111:111-.. jluneis.
' . 4 . M. 1!AS0.
4 " Aticust 2'i, IS""4? tit. e .'ir.-r.
Ii-ulec1.oai ?Iu4iial Insuranc e 4 am
panj, fliair County, I'f-im'a.
rSlilE above company has been in successful -p-JL
elation, f . r over 1 years, has insured over
three hnildied and fifty thousand dollars worth of
property, lias promptly paid all its losses, and has
never yet had any necessity to tuahe an ussclnient
on the premium' notec.
1 can confidently recommend this oi-r.p-.ny t.
those v lu -vi.-h to get ll.eif property in.-"ved from
fuv. M. IIA.ON.
Au- 10, 'o'j-C.i. Local agent for Cambria co.
S. P,FI,r 11P, Sureon Leptit, informs the
1 public that be has returned to lloUidaysburg. .
aad permaueiitiy located . m tho othce be occu;.iea I
during Lis late visit, (one uoor vest o: llewits,
4 ... . . . . l : . I 1 1 ...1 i
More on Aiiegueny st) it nere ne io oe
to attend to uny operations in bis proiessiou. All
work done by bim tvill be warraiite-a.
HulhdayVourg, August "--, lSoo.
C. CAill'TH, "IVM. TEBKY, J. C. l'KW.
Ceo. W. Todd, with
Carutli, Terry & Ievr.
MPOUTEltri and Wholesale Jobbers in Englisle,
Oerman and Domestic HAltDWAKE, tiuns,
l'itols, Waiters, &c.
151 Market .Stkskt, between 4th . 5tb, rillL
AL'ELPlllA. Sept. 2, l?53.-3m.
Ti "kVliusbels of Peans, and 100 bushels of dried
JL'O'LI Apples on band and for sale at the foot
of plane 4, A. P. It. P.
July 8, 1S52. Vv. K. l'IPEtt.
OA AI rOUXDS wot!, butter, ergs wanted
8 ft
3 Jfl
i r I ii 'i S ' si it
X.4! I I Kf VU .Ik. fa
C, ' v5 '7 r T. r , A.
! 'I ; I T...?.t. .,V)1 ;., (I , V ...1
r -.; .-..I a.-, y x.-r
; ' -: y- I - 4 ' ;
. t 1 :i i U It
o, I
r3 r? a '
r c h t i 1 1 i t . j
i4:. j l-u.-.;:
-a v 1,1 I v.-
'ti.- L.h. 1 .
Silt Ii!ii-::n,
r r. .'
-T. 1 !i Hi
I !4.-iN:.s .,
1 1 ;.t z :
Sl. , ....
1 :i: -T -.
1 ifif r
- IVr t
f CHANT'S PUPirtER. !v , - ;'; 4j
II, - I -..-;,-..., n t.' !r . . , ' . . j- j
tl..-n 11 FOUR TIM-S CHEAPER 't.,'., .So mlt
una. Aitil l-, ti.; Wc- ot--r oinr c- ie oi oi.e, oal'o
liit. miii.; -, ; ti
To r, :,
mi !. in 1
) ,!..,
M 1.1- .
e j. ; ,
,1 o I .
i.t t! I.
r',-rt r in-,- ,
1 .; V. '. I;
t .-.). t, .; I., !.
i r,:. Mr J
r-i:j ,'.,'r Ii
u.r i-i
c r, aj l u '.
-ill- .lUI
i ..,. J4,.....v.., ,.
ai.-h .-... ALL C-JneO.:.U.i
I ej i'.S. 4i l.;a l.-il.i4. i- t
i- l tu ,'i -i.''4! ,nc
M V 'I VVhVi"
i 1., '- y
ru:i;!t'fii Ko.-i.-ettlh!o Vi'iahs-'t.
" !'v '-I'.-t-.t t:-.t
.-.i. ,.l t
nt--j ,
TV-I A.-,,-, 1
,- - r -:i --:o
, : :ai
ll il A X'T'?4
.e . i
1 (JLi.iijii t 1 1? 1. a i : 1
l',.-, -,'! f: : .. : ! 1
,i'..v 1 . .1:1-1 11 1 v - ' - I ' ' !
INDIAN PO!i IFt I G L. I . ,
r. tr, ,1 11.. :n v. r ,,! : '.:
iii i-t- .1 to, -o.ii ni, 1 : 1. y i. 1
1 ,- pi-
11 ;o"-- a- ;i....
F.nraot riift t -a i,.
a.r'. ;.,.(. 1 .in-? m! f
r- lllt' !.V(' ',it.;l l
:i :.i c:hrr
-:.-r!-v -r.f i'- i,-'.,i-'j.-;e ,1 (
L u c r .
.1 DYi:-,(; tvoii.i?; savi:oj
V St it. liiis run- ti) f,
;..'.... ... i:-. ,i. . :. : 4r
t.a ;r:vT -n
, rrii, i
-I. -i. e
--. f jr if-ntr., tluit tl.f fhrtHid
::t. i'r I ii ; jtirtu ia-t tit tin
,1 .
t .i-. . i.n i t;- i ' i ' jv.t ;ai'l a-j .1 j'i i ii ol ;n. I.;-.: tlf
j i-: ii.c. ? ::; : If tJ, m.- U r i' inn- !' A M i' 1 1 1 .1 '. I'S.
: s r-.r.- v ;3 If.i i.n M .tr1 - '.f h i K KM AN. ot
!:.: . a,t .-'.'i.Njr':" (t rlt: nf :r. y. V t '. ri i i .Vt' S.-yoi-d
tli.:; I; iib.i r ulr:t!?t , Loj'. li
,- "... , - ... it' (".; . f.s C' fi.'- . .'.:. ' ' . " ' i
! i .1', t i
v.-1 r -i' t - nf: . ! .'' ' ' t t:; fh '-
r.::Hi;n-. i 'o ' x' it C-'is, ft. 8 "J ."(... tu,:v '
. . -v. ''i . iu r'-c i.rc i: &u -I i-'c. I'n A v vf t:-. lint ft,
(''.''. n ..;:'. n, 1 st m: i St.r nur Cn'i-: i i', la
t 'tt;!drcn .iiij udi;l'.s utr.l ALL
I'cmalo Weaknesses nnd Ccmplaiats.
Ni r.Ti;-. v n,:V- rt-ii t "lu. jmijlic. f-rcr ln t-n ia.'" r.
ii.; i ;ir: i . in rc.Z'-ri t ALT. tw in.M. rr.;,i.
-. --.-!!. 1 i-msn'.iri'iix ut the BRANT'S PU L-
M O N A I? Y BALSAM. It nial:. s n .in: r"iirt vh!:i-r
.lit .! i .tij. i:i.-!:t ! .:;;: t ..(.-, or olh- r trtrJirr
t i;i:t:'I.A l'i. AK1., ! ' nirahtiihur ih1 fVh in,i ;.-i
.- th.. rr-If iin.l .OOTl HSU nj Al.LAYi.NJ
I'ri.m tl'-t Girt to tlio Woman, n.l the n4;ia.i'i nt mid.'.U
i r tit,- 1'iic c:it- i acflt rnrrrf. nr. ! th-- nl'i- r tu A-ri-.'.-:.-;,y
"iT''.y i. it.- tti iircvi-nt -i::v ol t'li-
fa'.nl J incests tiiiit iri--
oi m y lii i-- iu i-ii.--iU, n :t- ol eui-Ii i-to.ii j
i rii:n jo.
si'O tin' nir of J r. Hi. r.r.t. ,t
co ' ,r .V. Jtlid niMiv llijrt-.
ifnii, C itm ,:iiiJ olhera
ICcrvous Diseisos and Dcr-c-jcmcrits w'.U.i.iut t'.i:!.
nS4S!4.N4. i:i Y iiaj 6'UMEH COMi'LAINT, in t hi. Ire
anJ a aaJ
, i iv. ' I-I-i.
ni.--, l.o
I A 0 A fj Y
Wr .- i -a u.
'. i. t- :i-M!. i h-
t 1 .-'.i Ui..- 'r.i.o..i y
BAtSAV t a i. n :
i. a ; ii 1..1 ia !..
u. rri.t :i.
A r. o-.v
M. lie. I!!4 UTS.
f?i:ir. -ol.-ci iliers w.iubl rcs-ieetfallv i.ilV nil tho
JL o bbei.biil g : b-ini'y :l.-.t they
! h..t e in-t receive i Ii'.-i : the el; y of 1 nllit-i-il Lo-i.
! an i bate o; en-.-J at the store ro-.ta fornieily
; j 1 v J. i'. t rai". .1 biru ii"soi tinCnt of
i of aii ii
:i-:stli;;r e.f tbe f..iluf-i.-? article-, vir:
I't-i'Vi', Tea. Soa.u-s. ,-,lt:e4-, t neesi'. .it-r, eda.
au-1 M'-:i4.4 I l -kers ii:4-eio4C of d !.. . i.o:-o:.ite.
finn-u.i 'ii. t "itror.s. bale-, PiaiM-in-. ivio.i Cun .nts.
1'riilo s. 1 ia-. Aha ... Pi e serve.-. l'ic.:-S, '-'- --es.
Lciaoi.!'. Ttbio-c, ."-'-.' I4-, ."-noil's, .c., c
IFlour ind raooa .
kept Con- tati';'y on ia.ii i. i aiiiibes will da v eil to
ea'l and examine on'.4 :iv-, rtmeiit of Oioeeries and
t . i-. u l,Ul I... -oi- tKwUn.,, Oiiv i
i terms muse and u.',! 1 e CA.f'H. as tve intend tu .-ill
1 1 1 v," i r 1 a.-ii.
i-r-'t.o ii.-hlaont in t!i
1 Ihiiil
lb b.
TV.'-.- -S uiiiiset Ware C.cuiuk.
AMES S. TODD inf.-riiis tbu clti.-.ens of lloen--
bui-ir, and ll.o public p Tiera. y, t.iat he
. r i l r.e i
oiiene 1 an extensive nun an.-u ,....i- ... - .
.net H',, iu Mr. 11,,'ia ft Davis new l.uii.iui4.-. -u
: il
street, neatly o;-posite tne "Minision 11 ..v.s4."
tv here lie t 4 ill bo h: py to have tucia cad and cx
atnii.e li'.s
MA lb I A NY, . H A LNUT. C 11 Mil IIY AM OTil KM
YAlliLTiiCS F 1 UilN II L' !bV:,
vr.wy'.f''.' iii part cf Sofas, V.iirenno, Tables, Ped-stf.-.i-',
St".-i-..-l:iry , Sum Is, 5:r., :cN
l ttlt-n't V.t i':. v and c'jni:i- " Cuaius, tvliich lo
,JWtl. tirm t.vcr p,.forc o'feie I in thi
.l,'' t
lie v.iil have!y en ii-.n l an excellent ns-
Etc-rv article orderj WH1 be m i.b ia the mo
! y. .km;i!lVlke M.r t.r 0f the be t materials; at
Hl.PAllO.NG e.f ull kinds will be proiatly att.-u
4iJ t His tern)S aveCASU, and being deteruiim
to sell low, -.,nd keep none but pond articles, he
hopes to receive tho patronage cf a discrimiuating
EberjiWg, July 2'.', 1853.
C'omtnision &. rorwardingt.
rnillE subscribers would respectfully inform their
1 iVit-nds and the public that they are now pre
pared to receive and forward all good consigned to
their care by any of the Lines, ej- by Central llail
road, and hope that by strict attention to their bu
siness that, they will be enabled to render perfect
batisfactiou to all that will patronize them. Ail
goods will receive the Zg?
Jcu'crson, Maiob 15, Ic' jo.
r (J I! l l)
Jiir.cs Dcug-hcrty, at
n::ii.oi.E, ihkii w c..
"VYr-''-EESALE in: 1 retail dealers in Tobacco,
T fimiif and Cigara, -wart bouse at the South
wc-t corner or Third and I'.acc Ftrcets. Philadel
phia, lately occupied by Lie! wig, Kneedler & Co.,
kci-p cnn-i iiuly on ban 1 a larpe und well Bclectc.l
str.-k of li e j.iost celebrated brands of
D rac-lic cigars, nnj JiimtT, which they ofTer for
s .! 011 us favor:. hie terms as any Louse in the city.
Orders pr.-mptly attended tj.
Angii-t ."). !', o-!y.
John rarker. Jiine H. Tarker.
Jiir2. lAUIii:j N. CO.,
I 1 i.OLL.SALK Crwr, U-n!er in Hour nd
lt.u--ri. Ki;l''-i"'i tS in,- nrol Ttrinrtiiifl Ill.l
I 1 1 ... . 1 . . .T IT. .r- lit-l-.i
I I'll-! oi-roii.'.l l:i-Ki'V.
y.o. 5, CciiTercial Eow, Liberty Street,
I'ilt sharp, la. "
; Ai.pest "-b lv.
eiorca P.hcy. Levi Uattbcws. V.rUliam ITobi.
t-m-.v. a its iii:-vs & co.,
V !. L'SA Ll'. t .rarer 11 ml Cummhtion Mer-
iM-n:ers in ad kinds of Produce and
I itiM iu- . Iaauiactures, No. 77 and 7'J W ater
rittsbmgh, Ta.
Mt P.'. 1 - , '
.rt;si is:riTT into.,
uu 1 l;oT.ictit: l.upiorb, R-ctilirl Wliiskey,
r . ::r. li.ituii, 1 i-fi, riui:M, eVc. No 811, Lib-
bui-!i, i'a.
I'i ct u.bcr L"2 .i-tf.
n.S b-asf-d and r. the McMillen Huse.
(late the Hemic t Ib.'eliin tlie borough of
.!, hi,M...wn. n here he vri'.l Ik- glad to receive n:iy of
l is friends who may favor him n ith their patronage,
be h--s :.l n opened a bar -with a choico aelecliou of
wines ii-j-i H-pi-.r-s of all kiiidn.
M ils i t-rii -1 to "uit passengers T.ho wish to tra
vel by the Pu. it. It.
John-town. Pa.. July 22, 180:5.
Cacipbtlistown, Cambria coiinty Ta.
r1!!K utiderslpii'.l. Proj.rietor of the above Ifo---
tel. inf. rnis his friends and the public that Lo
is v.c!l propi" -1 to furnish the best of accommo
dation, a: d tl-.-tei iuiued to please all n lio inny
e-.i'.l vii;i him.
Ciiinpliellstown, June 1C, 34-0iu.
"!P.. A. YEAGLKV liaviup pcnrancntly h-catcl
X.J in Jeili rsi.ti, (.'aiuhiia county, respectfully
tenders hi: p- e.. til rvjws to ,ijC citicus of
the place nr J thc-surroundinjr country, in the prac
tice of Mcdhuise an ! Surgery.
'111 . on M.ain Ktreet, vrlu-rc be -an always bo
fiiinid nr. 1 n.ii sn'.cd, except vhen abte".it ou pro
fessional bua:ne.-s.
Jelbrson, April 14, 1 2.").
c.i:i iM xv. im-im v,
Fa:-bioijable Pai ber arl Ib'.ir Prcs?cr.
IX the l-a!'ein',it story of L'avis & Oo's., -war
KheiislmriT, May 1, 1 R.'il .-ly.
X. I!. Shampooing done, and razors boned in a
superior manner.
lit: Uv. It. Kelly,
OFI-MPS Ids prutesshinii! services to the citizens
of Jetit i-S'in and vicinity, in the practice of
Medh-itic fie! urj-.-ry.
Ol'i-e ne:.t d :mr to Mr. Lvtlc's Store.
May 2', 1Sj:3.
i'. Mtcritlan, .M. !.,
1 F.ItPKOTKFLLY tenders bis scrvice-u to the
citizens of Johnstown and vicinity, in tho
practice of Medicine and Surgery.
iiiice ht toe lrnjr store of and Sheridan
corner ol t ai d Main !rcets. iCcsi ienco
Main street, second door below Von Luenntfs store.
Hi: S. It. l icli,
T liSI'llCTFri.LY terdi rs his services to the cit
JL l i-ons of STinitr."-hiil towr.shii in the practice
of Me licin? and S'-nrory.
i:lieo at I'alf-Wav II jusc; Cambria county, Ta.
Nov. 21, S.'.2.
ICTFl'LLV ti-ndeis his services to the cit-
cine and S invert".
O iii cc in l'r. Schneider's L'ru-r Store, opposito
the Presbyterian Chute!..
June 21,
Hit II AltO JOM1S,
Justice of the Tcace, Ebensburg, Ta.,
"" riLL attend promptly to all collections cn-
trusted to his care Ofiice, adjoining Lis
July 21, 1-02. tf.
t 3f. (.r.tiu;ii,
fuiiicc cf the Peace, foot cf Flane Uo 4,
A. P. 2. It.
I i'lbl. i.tieii-l l r.ji.iptly to all co'.lee lions en trusted
ii to his care. Oiiiee, a ljoining the Post cilice,
July, 2 Mh, 1 "2.
I5r. EBeiii-y -aglrj',
Praeti-iag Physician, Jobnstowa, Pa.
O l'lbil next lo. r t i 1 is drug store, corner of
.Mai:, mi 1 ' l:'rd strc eto.
J.;ht.t-tvn, July 21, 1 S52.
v,:.i. i,-.i-. JOUS Li-oViJ.
tiiw is S. I.loj O,
i "B."J'.V INti io. ined a partnersl1').! in t'uo Mercantile ,
JL-S. Pus:ii'-!a;. tvniial t4eptv tl'uliy Kolieit the pa-'
V. utoiv e i :
Call a.. 1
,e.r ; r:( nils anJ the public pi neiaiiy.
lc ut at tUo old bland of Williaut Da.-
At ill 2f, P-52.
(Itiii)Niiit Iluud.
Sl'tiMin" Mill, Earthen trure, Nails, Cast-steel
and a:t. lur Mile by
M ty 12, 1 e..-,2.-C'.
Wiit. 'iTisi laml ittul Son.
AU'Cbcny btiec-t, Hollidaysburg, P.
"V tf7"i'LLU :ei-;.e-t:u',!y invite tiie attention of the
"I V public tj their upcrior stock of i uiuituro
of every di scriptiou. Furniture of all kinds
ufaeturcd to order on the shortest notice. All or
ders from a distance promptly attended to.
Ju'y 1, IF 5J. ;
Luborersi IV a n led.
Laborers are wanted to work ou the Eben-!-V
biir;; ami Susquehanna Plunk Ko l, to w hom
booral wages will be givca. Apply to either of the
tiLAt'tj Si 11UT111S0N.
Lbeiiiliurg, June 3, lb5;b
S. Pcfc'i'iibi'rK'r'x
V.hoI-Eaie and Ketail Clotbiag Store.
C10.YTS, Vests, Pants, Hats, Cnpi, fhirts, H""d-
kerchcifs, Cravats, l'.oots Shoes, Curpct-bnf-9.
Trunks, ,.c. Sold cheap for Cush. Kuuiunt, CUi
brla County, Pa.
J. a(tou TJiuiiifn-io".
With Harp!c, EUis & MXlure,
1'IPOHTEKS and Pealor. iu Foreitmanel iHimcs
tic FANCY DHY GUOUS, Trimmings, Hosiery,
O'.oves. Satins, Silk Vest. rips. Cravats, Hibboui44,
White Ooeds, Suspenders, Combs, Urushes, Uut
tons, looking Claoscs. c.
No. 15 North Third Street, two doors t-Love
Church Al'-ev, rniladelt.bia.
M. M. MAKPLE, ) "
E. '. McCLUKE, J
Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1852-32.