DEMOCRAT SENTINEL " VVK 3. SIFE3, Editor and Proprietor. EbciisEtirgr, 5i ila , vpt. -3, 5S.:5- V. B. rALrlMIl, the American Newspaper Ager.t, is tt i.nhj ouihirfctil Ay'nt for this paper in the citirg of bo.-.ton, Mew York an 1 I'hihidtl- hhi. and is duly ( mpov, e-red to take, aelvvvths-nuents an.1, subscript if a nt the rates required by us. His re ceipts v ill be regarded as payments. His othces fire Boston, Sc;dny's Eui! ding ; Now York, Tri!s line Ituihliiigs ; Philadelphia, 'N. W. corner TLii-d oriel Chestnut Sts. roii govemnok. VILLUS BlflLEO. . Subject to tha derision of the Democratic Convent: DEMOCRATIC TICKET. il'PlsV.JiF. JfDGK, JG2I?i C. 5i, Of Tio-.'.n County. c A x A I, O i.M m i s s t o x k p. , T2SOMAS If. I'OKSYTH, Of Plnb'-.h.lyliia County. AVDITOn (iEXEKAL, mm 15M iS.irVZiS, Of Mij'Uo County. sru ve v u ; i: x kr a i. , J. forti:k isiiAY li;y, Of Cfarji.;l Covutij. fok sr.x.vrojt, Fort assumt.i.y, T5503MS ( O.M.nS. fou TtiKAsruna, Am::;tv J. ::;i:v. For. ri. tt.:ct atto:;.::y, t. il. mnv!:. FC'lt CelM.MlSSIOXKn. JO!I II. BCe 'CiL-AtS. ! (tn'-STY St' itYEYult, rui: At'i'iTci:, WAIVTL"!?. A smart, active b-y, who can rea l -,nd -wiite, blv 1 nb. .u: j y , to La ru the I'rhitmg l'us': i.oii. At. j !y t i the IlllU r tf this paper. ICQ liv cry. rt'.-Iii:LS gy-d i-;. lice, lor 1 hici; Cask wim'til at this Of v hi be pale: on cie- Eciccrats cf Caintria, We Lave a word to suy to you. Ia three" weeks row next Tuesday you will be called upon to sus tain your party and joi.r pik.clples at the LLtilol Lux. Your ticket is completed, and e erv iruui.ttpoi- it is worthy ol your ciiikl uud Lc-.o ! y support. Every man there is knov. n to be firm, sincere, and radical iu Lis attachments to the principles 01 1 1'ii:ocr;:i and has fairly received his i.ctn i i.t: . u a, ike h..uds cf the rcpre-cn:ativ ps of the people. Ho can, there fore claim your m:j t on as a right. Efforts will Le made to induce you to throw av.v your votes upon volunteer candidate.-. n:iJ you v.iii exhorted to yi' id your juirty pitii-ri :.ce lor pri vate rea:vns. You will he te'.i thut i'.r i;l:ur t.tliee:-, ( inch as n.any h:ch are to Le iilicd ;'.,is the iiistinctioi:a of party t-hould be forgotten. Ct.t iv meiiiber that a fire-l.rai.d cast into .ur ranks thia !k!l will be felt lor pants to come, v. iil be kit when we least expect and b a.-t wi.-h it. ily taaon and Lur li.ony alone can lliC :uj)renijcy of our citti-e he main tained, and it ihould, thereiore, be the dtsiie ol cverv Democrat to pre::ere union and barman v i" oi.r p.aity. Spurious tickets will, do'.:b;k.-s, be circulated throughout the county. Ee on the look-out ll.r them. Ivead over -ery nauje from ;hc top to ike bi.tto.n ot your tickets, and di'caid all that (Jo not correspond vwth the nun at the head oi this paper. A.ilu we fay, IDemocrats, be ui ihe alert Re ri.eiiih(r you have a Lifter ond unscrupn'ou foe to contend with, and that every efiort is ncce: ;arv to se cure CJlijpletC s'acee-s. Seuatcrial Contest. As the 'eraTo.ial conttfst I'.rnrriMCs the inoj-ee;.-J of a IVirlocratie triiuiiph beeoaie more and more flight. rlr. i"HCs.sir.Ll.'s Jiominalion is received with gra'itkalion in every jmrliou of the district, and ti.e party was never more firmly united upon a ca:i-ui-'te than it i. upon Lint. JTeie, in Canibii.i county, tliC 'V'.'iii.i; caiuli date resides, tho diwircetion in that party is flagrant, .daring. Numbers of the best men in it will silently rc.uic to f tip port him, while others will oppose him openly aj! bitterly. The majority him will be,!j, arid if the Democrats of. llantii!',' don and Llair do tk.-ir duty, iind we have no doubt they will, our district will have the proud satisfaction of knowing that it redeemed the l:ir.s' Ivania Senate. To show our readers the iivlinar which exists in "Old .Mother Ihmtiiii'.'on, we copy'th- f!!ov. ins; ar ticle from the Huiitiujidou (ik-le : 2' reference to the proceeding of the Democra tic Senatorial fomerence. held at Holbd . vshnr.r r.,. ihe fcth inst.. it w.d be seen that Joiix t'lswiti, Jr., Jls.;., ol that place, was Loiiiinated as the candi date oi the itif partv ol this Senatorial Dis trict t-r a seat in the iy..xt Legislature. Mr. Chtrss wkll was i:ot ti.e ihst choice of the Conierees, but ue are free to say, he is n wcrthy, r.nd rri strong a candidate as eouJJ hav c I en se.'cetcj irom the lieniocratic ranks in the District, lie h:.s ever been an actlv e. popular, v.oikir. lteniocrat is a geu tlemac of fine talents, and a citizen of irreproachable character, llvvry Democrat will rejoice ;!,.,t the Conference cunipromiied i:puii a f:e:;:.;, i,Ki!i v.ortby the honor, upon cue ho will net only receive the united vote ol his own party, but many ir.,,,, il.e riu,s -.( the oppesiiion. Widi such a candid lie v. e enter the campaign fully Coui.dent ol success.'- Cel. Eascucl G. Eianliki!' Th.s gentleman, who is a citien casti-r r-.iin-ty, IV.., Las be. n apj oin'rd United S'.i'.e., '-n.-.t:I nt Talcuah-.r.lo. in Chili, 'i'hls v, 111 L, j.V;;sii!ir ...?-s to the n a,-;. .-rotis fi i. t..:- oi thx Coir,::.'.', u(l.! js c.j!j. mentjiy to the I r., of t ur f. .r a Leta-r or more deserving n:an than he co:d I .; ; found. V."e like to ice suh nten as Col. Sta.vii ivtti r lnembered atid rewarded by a Demo, ratlc Ik-.ide: t. The glorious, soul-stirring nifjorithv that ti.e Dm.,) rratic candidates recti ve in rennsylv ania arc ma!i.' hy such men. Interesting to Coal Elinors. The Ei.1.1! ith i. Crmniittcc of the Maryland In titute Las riven notice that they will, nt the np rroachtng f" n:r, npp.-int a competent Committee to examine r.nd accurntc'y tct the VrtHous coals on cxhiVUe.n, uud tKteiuiii.e their rchitive v.-ilue. All persons interested in coal laities arc therefore re .jueud to fui-n-lsli specimens for the pvirp-. in add'.tiou to those for exhibition. Cliarles R. Buckalew. We chronicle with pleasure the fact that this con sistent and talented Democrat has been re-nonnnated for the State Senate, ia the Montour End Columbia District. Personally we do rot know ?Ir. Titkiuvv, but we Lave u tu him cc the floor of the Senate, surroun ded by a Whig majority, zealously and fearlessly bat tl'ms for the party he sustained atid the princij.les he loved, and we frit then as we fee! now that every De mocrat in l'c:ir.;-j ivania owed ki::i a debt of gratitude. No man iu the State has a better political icputation than he, and if we know anything about the people, he is Hot at the summit of his career vet. Eishcp C:Gcniier. This distinguished and popular Divin?, Bishop of the Diocese of rittsburg, has been appointed to the new Diocese of Uric. The :;ccep!a ice of this no post was voluntary on the part of Mr. iH'a.vMit. This-announcement will be received with regret by the members of the Catholic Chinch throughout the Pittsburg Diocese. Ikshf-p O Co.nneh was un doubtedly one of the ablest men within the p.a'.e o: the Church, and his ppu!aiity was unbounded. An ardent attachment to the c.ui'.e of Christianity promp ted him to change his sphere of usefulness. Thomas H. Fcrsyth. The ahovt- lianud gentkman i.s our candidate for Canal Commissioner. vYe Lave had the pleas ure of some personal acquaintance with him, ami can assure the J emi.cratic voters of the tl:.stiict that I hey can trut him. lie is abowt fifty years of age, a carpenter by trade; and among his own neighbors in riii!atlelhia county, it will be uillk-uU to find a man who will not tell yon he is distiegtiishe J for Loncsiy and integrity, for iu elustry a:il scbrleiy. Ho v.t.s for i v. o years a ltH'.nhu'cf the II. use cf Kq-.rcstnt ahcs at Har rUbttrtr. and itt the h'luu'.c. And last winter at I!ams,bimr, i: was a e'cmtnotx rei:.:uk that no p;ui.lic man or legislator cou' 1 j oint to his votes, and show so ' clean a record,"' so stead fast, Consistent and thoroughly Democratic a course t f conJttct. No man was me re universal ly respected at I.-.n isb'.tg. and no t tie was attentive to his duties. lie couhl speak well, when his eltity rt tt-.M' 1 it, lit it he seeks no ills play. His pi. tin ami sin. pie manners ; histher business habits, his g"C-d jutlgment, and his steady unwavering Democracy were noticed and admired by all. lie needs no endor.- emer.t to in stu'e his ciec'.ioii. lint we like to have our friends know the character of the man they vole for ; and in this in.-.tence there is no mistake about the merit ami good character cf our candidate. Pit'slci-? Pit. TIq Russians iii Citina. The late advices from China brought out by the Franklin communicate- the news cf the sudden appearance of a Ihissian somuhon in the waters t the port ofllong Ivotig. It was saiel there that Japan was the ultimate destination of the ships. The Overland Rigiste-r of July 7, alludes to the fa--t of their arriv al in the following terms : T'K llt'ssiAX SQt Atip.ox. On Saturday moni ii;g the ll'issian screw tender, the Vostock, of fjtir guns, and on Sumhij-, th llussian frigate, Dallas, of fifty-two guns, arrived in the lmrlwr. The appeal ancc. of these vessels combined with some I aragrr.j h in the la.-t oveiland papers, have .-et the tpiid mmc.syiy 't-'V.estion is. what brings them Iterc i to wlach niti variety of aiiowcrs. The ..Singapore Free l-'fcss says the frigate is going on to Kamsehaika to join the Dvvina of ten guns, Capt. Bissaralxgy, Avhieh vessel the Cape papers say, goes to Kam sediatka l.y way of .Sidney. S;me in Hong Kong answer the question by referring to the follow ing paragraph : A letter from St. rctcrs.L;,:g of the Coth ult., con t f-.ims the following statement: There is much take in the best informed circles of a secret mis shm of a Kussian envoy, sent to China overland, and who, it is said, has aire ady arrived at Kia llr.i, a town belonging jointly to the two govern ments. It is confidently reported that the ob ject of his mission is to oiler to the sovereign of the Celestial Empire the aid of Uu.Ss.ia for the purj ose of tjiielling the insurrection in his do- mini'jns. From this they infer that the presence here of Utissian ships of war is the fort runner of another violent suppression of a natiemdity that they are intended to assist the Tartar government in putting an end to the rebellion. "Which of these answers is the correct one, if cither be at till near the truth, we have no means of kno wing, and it is rery likely we shall remain ignorant until time shows. Russia being little of a maratime nation, having liule or no com merce in the Pacific, even from her own territo ries, the appearance of a ship of war of that na tion, a rare occurrence, naturally gives rise to strange surmises ; and taken in conjunction with the present state of affairs in Cliimi, and the fact that our brother of Russia never hesitates to hire or lend, fir a consideration, his farce to extinguish anything in the shape of popular aspirations, the second answer to the question may not be far from the truth. Yet, alter all, the vessels may be merely meant as a squaelron of cLitrvatiau on ttic pioeectiings cf the fleets cf other nations that are mustering thick m these waters, one of which nations, France, had as htilo to do on this side of China as Russia. If, then, France ami its ru ler, which have shown themselves as determine'.! foes to national liberty as Russia, have escaped without suspicion, perhaps it would be as well to let this lieet show its true character before we call out ' wolf." One thing, we think, is very certain,, that if we have to cry cut " wolf in ear nest, in coiu-e'puence of the assistance of Kti.-;s:it beit.g given to the Emperor of China, Ave would strongly recommend Mr. Cobde-n and ail the oth er f t actable wamors w ho have cotton to cell, but r.o money to lend, to stand pit-parcel to do some thing tosave their trade and credit, ns they may bj certain the kind assislanex-w ill not be ren dered for nothing, while our non-assistance will certainly Stot be rememberod to our advan tage. Mkmco axd tiik Uxiiei) States. The IT. S. Ministe r to Mexico, it is said, has renewed a pro-l.-:it;..ii made by Mr. Webster to Signor Larraia zar, touching the boundary line between the two countries. This Government proposes to buy, it is said, a strip of territory south of the Gila, suiH cient for a line of settlement. The price named which this government is prepared to pay for the session and for a release of claims on account of precetdiitg Indian depredations, is said to be NEWS AND KIS CELL ANY. JGUT" The verdure of summer is fast giv ing way to the yellow tint of autumn, on the mountains. A few more weeks and winter will be upon us. Ei2U v'c ohserveJ a full blown snow-bull in M-j. Thompson's garden the other day. l'oor thing ! It was sadly out of season, and vanished like the evan escent substance alter which it ii named 25 Somebody has said-- , Life's hopes are hke the cheeiiug breeze, , 1 hat glides so quickly by Like sh.i.lo .v s playaii: ne.tth the trees, They le born, they iive. they die. t:T ' li'a v.vectgkl was to p-icker up a sujet dear litih mouth at you and tell you she'd never spijik to you if you dared to kiss her, v. hat would vou d eh '. " Ex. Ki.-s her to try her spunk, neighbor, and if she t mad, give it right back to Lt. I The sixe of a ' piece of chalk " has Lt en t ci tied, lor one Ji ll rceci;tly 1'rom Dover clil.'s in Engird, which is estimated !o weigh tiOi"' tr.t.s. jj; A worn au in Mi.-shsippi recently LecomtflLe mother ofscv en vhiidreu at a birth, f-he is Celt Idy a great Hfrrtiy woman. jgijf- V.'heti a young lady says !.e inle,i.!s to !e the lemainder of her days le taking care of the 'oh! folks at home,'' it is a sign that she is going to f the a v htue of necessity. ici" When a 3 ouiig gent talks loudly about e.j.'y ing single blessedness, an 1 sav s that he wouldn't a v i:e, ycu may conclude that hi; reason lor it tithe same that Jack had lor not eating his supper. i When you sec a yum- cmiU uUiw ;fT::- Lght wal,;s, 4.v- leaning up to bun " a ten to a v. arn: brick,"' and he c.i:utimt th .e. LnckJni 1 that lh the j avtmeri. Luca:i make up .-jar it arc :. la', or o. tne un.oti. J" ll:t;ii ned Jn-i. Merit, h's-p, of lie.;.'! ; do!!, has vcturued fr. m his tour. ' ai e ple-.iSt-d to le;trn that L enjoys Una iie.a',h than he Las for souie j It 'J" La-lie i manifest praltju-.M-thy inte'tislViijy to ridicule, by ci ntinulng Vi vve..i- l,....i.c-. roun-'i their UL-ak. 1 eircs cs v.hleh s....p tk In tl-.e c'.d English ale houses, il used to jl the cit'tor-.i to keep the reperatc cs uiii., i f e.:i-i beer Lie'. r, ly scoring down the .'.,::; and ji:aH l.tnce tlie v.arnh g phrase: " mind your I'.'s art :'s.". r-'?.. A cbiU ia srvid to L.v.e b--!t b rl .-t lis' ler. l.ii'ti.m'!, ti.irteei: tr.eci ::u ' ca .l riht hand. ,ty LC'V.. The She i-lfl' e.f Hunting l.;ii county tt Ll a man named JaLns-oi. in a m.'.-.e, ion:.- 2r since, injui ing hint severe'y. J U'i- A 3"ou::g man died in Savannah, G:i, l i- iy of a r tpi 1 acv'.ituul.-itio'i of He vveigke i I'Slie time cf Iits death sis hundred and i'-ai-ry-;ir -e pounds. j A eomj any, with n capital of 'i.':.". been organized at Heading, for the1 ntRi.ufactn Kentucky .Jeuns, Tvvte ls, lV.lihigt. Checks, S'ti and Other mixed goods, upon an extensive fe:. Thecc.pital was all talsc.ibei ly nine citi.e that pi tCC. of Ik7'The Juuh.r editor . f :he J..L:: -t-.wii llaj. i "sfek g the sights " at the Worl I s Fair i Yei-k. 117'lhe Mate la:r, which is to e. lattvif-i at I'itts'ourg ner.t week, pr.'lntses to bd very iut.s t:ug and well attended. Lj" A general meeting of Preside;;! s rts.l D vic tors of the various railroads in the Coiled St; es, is to Cjnvenc in Washing;-, u nest in -uth. to c;-i-!-tr the aipl'iji vf jjieasurtc tu avedd a-.i leui.J hir"The centi Ibiitioiis throughout the c u:i; jj; for the N evv Orleans Howard .Vsjociatiou, it is Lid, now amounts to 'JJ.TH.3 Tolls on tiic North Erancli Caual. C'(M.LKtTCr."s OfFlCU, IhtAC.'I ll.WItX, Septe-mber 1st, lSolt. Cid. E. E. Tati: : Dear Sir i send yomhe amount ef ttdLs colh-cteel at this oliice, from the 1st of December last, to the 1st cf Septetnicr, l?oo, and aLso amount for same tieriod ast year. Am'i collect eel in month of Deceinlxr last 0.40-10a -hn't collected in monili of March, l.-l.'U'aG, EETt'dltl Mny, June, July, Aug., 2n,ic,r-2 21.('.:klS4 2 E.H7,. .(,:; Whole ftm't since 1st of Dee. last, 51 1 M.Ofj.79 " for same period last year, 7U,2i't.o5 Excess over same period last year, $-37,071,4-1 Respectfully yours. Pktf.r Ext, Coiled t. Plain- People. riain men nay, even utly iillle fellows have met with tolerable suce't.-s among the fair. Wilki's challenge to Lord Totvns hend is v. ell known ; "Your lorelship is one of the handsomest men in the kingdom, and I'm the ugliest ! yet, give me but half an hours start, and I will enter the lists against you with any woman you choose to name ; because vott will omit at- tinlhms. on accrmiit of your fine) exterior, vb'-" 1 shall double- on accoun't e.J my plain one!" He ised to say that il took him a half an hour just to talk away his face. lie was so excecriingly ugly, that a lotterry oliice keeper once oiflrcd him ten guineas not to pass his window whilst the tickets were drawing, for fear of bringing ill luck upon the house. A Ekaltifll Mixd. A beautiful mind is like a precious and prolific Rce-d, the mother of lovli ness, the fountain of bliss the produce of mativ treasured and inestimable flowers no canker can deface nor time destroy. Even should there be those of its lovely produce that pass away, y t the source is there the seed remains to revive, "to rc mohfr, to place again on our bosom and near our hearts in renewed beauty, in the' same eleep inter est and v inning power as at first. We would gather it in as the rich possession, as the well spring of the purest, most abundant and eudurhi- joys, as our support, cur comfort, and the cher- object worthy efottr highest admiration, and we could cling to it, thanking; God that it is immortal, living forever. CC7A heroic young lady of Elk counly, r., while out buckle berrying lately, chanced to' step on a rattlesnake, which fastened his fangs in hc.r dress. The girl, instead of fainting, screamintr, running, or any other tiling of that sort, seizeeta flu b and killed the serpent. Good for the girls of Railroads TLeir Necessity as a Eleans cf Wealth. In the present stale of railroad progress it would appear supererogatory to attempt a dem onstration of the necessity of the "iron road," politically, commercially, ami Stacially ; erfchow that facility of intcrcommrtnication increases such communication, creates business, l-ge-ls sociality, tends to the dissemination of enlighten ed views, and by uniting nil thc-se advantages, promotes the growth, wealth, ami prosperity of the country. It is a self-evident preapositiou that accessibili ty promotes opu!ution. The history of ecir coun try is an enduring exemplification of this fact. As facilities of iulereouse increased, th.- area cf our .settlements extended, until the entire conti nent litis be t u embraced within our borders. Citie s and towns have sprung up in the midst of the wihl e-rness, and the wilds have been made- to blossom like the ; and if canals, rivers, and plaiikand Macadamized roads the restricted means of intercommunication enjoyed t he introduction ef railroad, have sufficed to render this country so pnspertus, w hat may we not an ticipate when the vast undertakings now projec ted shall have bee'.i completed ? u he:i the aurif erous shores e f the Pacific shall be conuecteel with the rocky barriers of the Atlantic by iron bands, and the treasures of the East and ihe islands of the sens shall be tran.-peirted thereupon, to find a ready market among the dwellers of the West ? That radroads w ill hereafter ba the mean.; of intcrcommumerttion is equally evident. They are the- best and si meat.s fbr promoting accessiblhiy ; they can be bu-Ii wn-itver th people w ill it : and by their m::,s time and dis-ta.i'-e can almost be annihilated. T!;- expt.ii ence upoti l!v. L-vv oomph-led roa-ls ha.-; el-. -oou-stratcd their utility and liiues lor the purpose fr which th-.y m ere designed. And the et mple; t f the.-.' 11 w loa .Is has t;;a la the b.di iing of oilitrs compulsory, or those f,cch t.s htc". la. in such fa.--;kt:es must cotient to sit stipiin-lv d- .y, n, and the rapid devtloprnt-iii in wtr.'h and pi ospe-i-ity t-f such seei;..:is as keep up w i-.h the j.rogrt-ss of the age. htrt-ver railroads have been built in th; - eo:;:i try, the inevitable co-.t.-.e-tpieuco has l.a-a to tu lu'.uce the value ol property iu the i.e.h;'..bui-'.i'.od. Depots have bee u established al"i:g the lines far the. re a and snlpme nt -f !Ve'.vi;t ; an .1 f: -ni these so. ;j le th pots flourishing town - have givv.'u up, mi'gh.- like, and am mal-iiis a- it may upper:;, 1 .it ni taw iii -lanaes producing any diversion of trade from one phme to another, seeming rather to create of themselves business fir themselves thus, Ly fa, II. nes of communication adding to population, ami by population ashling to the v.'eahli anil p; o.-pe -rity of the country. Ned unfrttjlitlitly el-ae-s il oc -tir that these ..'e art- t-stf.bhshed in the vicinity :l mines here-tofirt- ;;'ia vailab'e, f..r wan', uf means of i rans por tal ioti, as is the case in many iiisU-.u-.-es within our knowledge. S ;--'e.:i as the are c-i;.:j'le-ted, and these i..i:es 'nought wilhhi the rea.h of a market, a town at oime springs t:p, an i the herclt iorc wnste h.uds bcco.i.t nol only sources of .vtullll to a few, perhaps, but of e oii p.-te nce lo many. Ari l -,vh n these roa-is at e op-.-Uvd through an ag:i .-.dtinal country, ali'eiding means t-f ready and cheap trauspoi iloii to market, the farmer at once becomes iude pelieleUt. lie is taal eeuiipt lied to haul his produce through almost im, ti--al.le mudl.ole-s, sloughs, ami ioiids. to a l lin k et,v hare- he is centsii aiitee'. to eli.-j 'ose of it at unreniunera tingr rates, rathe r than haul it home again : he can quietly wail until it is calle d ihral his ow n door, "i- uniil he learns from the paj e-rs thai il i.5 to his advantage to ship to a tils. ant market. Lew pe rsons are aw are of the iliil'eieiice in the cost of li auspoi talion between the ordinary wa gon and the rail. In one of our exchauges we sometime since- found the follo-.v jug table, iu whic h is given the comparative value cf a ton of wheal and one of com at given elistances from market, as ufit-clcel by the cost of tnitisruriatmn by railroad, and over the ord.inary road : 3 y railvva v. ( rdin. hi-jrhw.i v. Mdes At market, 1" V. heat. S'40 50 40 25 40 25 4v ("5 40 00 48 OO IS 50 is 45 4s 30 4S 15 4S 00 47 S5 47 70 47 55 47 40 47 25 47 10 40 05 40 40 05 40 50 40 35 40 20 40 05 45 00 45 75 " -10 00 45 45 45 30 45 15 4 5 00 44 85 44 70 44 55 Corn. "Yheat Corn. ctM 7o Sin .jo --I 75 ill ('0 IS CO '2Z ." 21 GO 24 30 24 15 24 15 23 S7 23 70 23 55 23 40 23 25 23. lo 22 05 22 SO 22 05 22 22 35 22 20 22 05 21 00 21 75 21 00 21 45 21 30 21 15 M (iii r.i so 20 70 20 55 20 40 20 25 20 10 10 05 10 SO -is. 00 45 oo 43 50 43 50 IM 50 30 00 37 5o 30 00 31 50 33 00 31 50 30 no 2s 50 27 00 25 50 24 00 22 50 21 (hi 10 50 is oo 10 50 15 00 13 50 10 50 0 00 7 50 G 00 4 50 3 00 1 50 23 25 2o 25 do ',:) (',' 7U St 00 ICO 1P 120 lo( 14t 150 100 170 ISO F.i Ufa) 210 220 2110 210 250 is is 10 14 12 I o 7o 75 25 75 11 25 0 75 8 25 0 75 5 25 3 75 2 25 0 75 270 2S0 2'JO 310 32'.' 330 lly this table it appears that a ton of corn is estimated not to be worth hauling, by wagon, when 170 miles fi-eim market ; while at the same distance upon a line of railroad, it would be worth 1 22 20. A ton of wheat 23o miks from market is not worth the hauling Ly wagon, bat by railroad it would be worth 44 55. Thus, as land may be near or more remote from lines of railroad is its value enhance el over and above the value had there been no such railroad. This is an impe.rtant consideration to fanners when call ed upon to aitl in the construction of railroads, and should their actions in the mat ter. While it thus elevelops the physical resources of the country, and by the ready means of inter communication it affords, makes distant points accessible, the railroad is also intimately connec ted with Commerce, ami with all its powers and results, is peculiarly its agent, and has exerted a jotential influence in the development ami ex tension of modern tratle, and is destined to work still greater changes and more vast achievements in lie-half of the Commerce of the future. Such being the fact, and railroads being the necessity of the age," vc say let them be built where ver they can le with lta-souable prospect of success ; but in railroads, as in every other line of business, judgment fhoulel lie exercised, and rival Iim 3 of minor routes should lac avoided, at least until such time as the wants of the commu nity call for an exte nsion of traveling fioulitie-s. This competition of rival lines will be one cf the strongcsd obiect i'.ns to railroads, in the construc tion and prosperous management e.f which imited eff.t t is a jh ci.liar'y nccc-sary ingredient. Cin- Ecu JcLn A. Dis ana tho At-olitic::i-.ts. The Iloti. Jel.n A. 1;., of New V'-rk. been n pit se-nted. ehn iug the pn st nt j . d : t i. :i 1 can vass in (dcorgia as an alxdhitniiat , Las written a letter tei a gentle-u an of that State, in which be thus ilcfines his position : " 1st. That I not, nor never have lvn ati aliolitioni-t in any .- t-.:c-e of that term. hi the contrary, I have l-uti anojitii an! unif'tm op;;o-' rietit oi" ail aboil: :e n move-mtnts in this S'nle, and else-vv here, si:r-e t lu-y commt-nec d in 1.-115, to the present time. While in the Sen ale ot the United Sta'cs, I oppoe-d the exit usi.ui ofslaveiy to free territory a qtie.nion entirely distinct f oui inte ! -f.-ri-nce with slavery v. here it already'.s. In the latte r a- -, I hav e steadily ojpo-ed all ex ternal ir.t.'-rfe-ri to c with it. "lid. That I hav? on ail oc-ca.- ions. pt.b:i-and jirivate, .since.' the Ft gitive Slave Law pa vsed. h-c'arei-l inystifiu favor of carrying it into exe-u-tio-u in goo I fiiiih, like every o'.ln-r la.y flh- laud. "lid. That I was in favor of C:-t union of the I rnoci :;ey e.i'ihs S'ta'e-. which was consumma ted in U'l'i, con: inuod in 1 51 on the basis of the Conq.:-. loist- M-.:t-nre.s. scid in 1 .-5:2 en I be La-i.- cf il: Ea't ::.. e Eh: f rm. "-Ph. Th-o I have !!' the lk-lti:::ort- (' :i- vi ill ; t iu .J..t: 1 : 2. i-.-t.tatt '.y giv e n : s ;.- e e din t- s. and r.e.j ;ii' !: a -i-u t in ' et -1 in its vh ' a ' it t i::-1..i;--r n.:'a!i-. !.? i: ." a ; an in v.'.i- I y toe u ;: s v. . oi Anotlif.r rc.rty ia. tLe v Yo.k is c--l:.g it" some p- Ni fan. li i. ally, tin- We sh: l" i.ablv have not ! ss than .-e n lie'., is i -i n'.e-l f -i ti-e suh-ag- s (or si.ller.n.--; of the d-a:i:'y be '" ' ! pe-.pJ.. The strong m ni di d w on. i r.." lip ' i.-. r. 'I ha La'".:.-, r ! ' AV.irritn"-- Ri h' s" is Iking E-i lly lo iii.- Le-i Let all printah. m-1 -l i s and aside, 'ihe S. M. VY.'s are r.-fh h! nn-1 tnyer f r t he hay. i:i::i :!.:' at a S.ati . '-nv e'lti-an t ilic v. e-:uen t tlu-e'a-'.h 1 ! at eV.ham Fea r Corners yt-.u-r-dav. the t'-ilov. in ti.-ket v. as non.ii-at- .l : F..r S- en tarv i fa.a ; ?d:-s S:oh;. h'i-.Va amy h,.e;..l M:s. 11. li. S m.'a-n. For iin;a:to e-r .Mrs. Anm.-ke. Ft-:- lit usurer -ah s. Ami Ma Ik' finer. For Conip; ;ialh r Re v. Ante im t le E. li:uv.:i. For Canal Commissioner Mi;.-s 1 lizabeth Grtinriel'l ;the ElackSwam) For Slate i'.-i-on hr j-tctor Miss E. .i:tho;r.-. For J'n'iif Co.;. . i f Antieals Mi-s Soohini s- ; ba Sue. 1' For .Iu.l-. e Ore thy. .'.!- T!'?.t;e f-.reafo fcr tiic rrc- It is not without j ha.-ir.i Lie emotion , that v. e take up a ptu f r j-'iypfsv oi aimoum iiig the i'.on .appeal ance of ihat Con.e-lj up to the present time-..!' writing. Eut, reader, de.n'l be loo mn gv.iue. Rt collect its got all day to come in, and at the late-of lli'.t eai miles a minute it can m I over a good deal of ground in tv, nty-fnur lnCie- pnriieuhirly as the road is said to be In eneeileut i . If. reading the prophecy t.f l'l olhss- r Jew et t, and while ht'-ailig umkr a tlisiigrt eiible unci ltainty as to your personal safe ty, Vi'i ceii.iiiitle.l a gec-d ih tel gave a j o -r ta- man a loaf of bread or an orphan some of your old clo.hcs il' n't lake them Lack again uuiil isfar 1 1 W e h e o"ch ak i d:l, because ! here's no ki.t ing wl at may Lappt n. If you hav e ev er tah. n anyihhur fa "in ar.v budy that tiuubk-s your oon siaiei'cein theli u-t. l.o muttir whether it was in a business way or n,.i, return il with interest as sn f.s possible, or we won't be i e .-ponslLIe for the consequtiiees : and would a lit'lle rather you wouldn't mention yimr Laving read the papers. Re prepared f-r the worst. Kti p your life pre server within reach, ami also a water pre t.f bag. with bread and ct-M ham in it. in case the- Comet strikes tin-sea. jtud i-h ep in the br.scmrnt f -lift ar of accidents, should it demeEsh houses first, lint by all means get your paper eaily. We have seen; eel the exclusiv e Use of the top most pinnacle of the halting Observatory ami t f Trinity Church steej le, for our corps of astrono mical jeporttrs. Th y will occupy them until the parachutes are ready : t-on.-cquonilv vou can witlt safety place full reliance upon our reports. They have each a tloulle-bari tiled opc-rn-glnss, and, of course, thus armed, they cannot fail of discovering it at the earliest moment. We have as 3"ct had no tidings from them ; there fare, the comet is not iu sight. If you shoulel hear any st range noi.-e during the day, de n't stop to look up, but put on your hat, ami run as fast as you can : and if you can make better time than the Comet, you may cse.ipe. P. S. .viomiay, 2 A. M. One of our corps from Trinity .sucplc. lias just eonie in, j.uim.j; ami blowing, and in a tremendous slate of ex citement. He reports the Comet insight, whis king angrily around the coiisulhuioiis, and seeming to have Some altercation witlrthe (.ire at Rear. P. P. S. .Monday, 21, A. M. Another repor ter has just arrived from the Eaiting Obscrvato-: ry. He says that after levelling his opcra-e hiss for several hours, and following the Comet all over Creation, he noticed a pause-. Looking a gain, ho discovered its tail hard twisted around the horn of a dilemma, ami dots not think it veill be able to get oft until next week. a vt. .-'T-it.vj. j snort time ago we noticed in several of our exchanges a .statement of a we-n-elei i'ul comjiositor somewhere out West, who had set up S5,m.U cms of typo, in six days, workina eleven hours and a half a day. The A',;,'o,;,- Democrat remarks that the fastest composuor in this country is now, ami has been for some time working upon that paper, in New Yoik City. During the last six days, working nine hours a day, he has setup 60.0o2 ems. Ihis week's work, at 32 cents per thousand cms, would a mount toS2S,04, although he may- have "set up" small type, which would make it much more. The name of the compositor is William A Pace This is certainly slicking ty, -,,, and we have a notion that he can beat "any man at the business. rr c .... Fur the D m'.crat an I Sentinel. TO KOSK. Vheii sorrow khal! cast a siiad. t, T .t,y brow. And sad-.!'-n thy joyoti" heart, Wilt thou think of me ti.en as th .u think'-t of me no w ? cr wil all tl.y fih-ud: hip tlepait ' le .'j other. su,u sj-e.ik, loved words to thinr (;,r And ph.-.taj- the ti.-ct ion of men, Will ue im. iv chi-ii-h ti,e filet..! now so eh ar lit th -.i rt-ii.en.ber me then ? E..-1 i I.. "i.;i i.y a i..i. i lie, loan 1 . free, a: th-.-s. and ; id ' '. y ai.'i fanay a ml true, - has th-.-i;-'d it, r.- vcars change be "at- v i'h y;i ' aie be. ore tl.'-e, with hopes cmu the rhil 1. vi!l i d:t ye afs the!-. in : i.e..!- - course ti.roiign ti.e gl.-u ; I. "1i.-f th'-.-c all rhail gladdi-n thy L;ivv now so l.o i , h. v.iii ii.ou it meu.Loi me then? At:! tin: !" n.av ron.e. uid.ldi.'ei!. i.tifnuah?, chdi ;.!! the joy., of thy Ike May Call: n thy oul v. ith trrha's ihey hav e LiotigLt. An 1 .-' ;'i thee in ml fry ri:''. II at the;: one will love thee more fond' a than iio-.v , W .d ilaii-h the-- the' r than v. ,.eu The light !-'-. ; of love k.-pi cfo fiotn th brow. (th. wilt thou reu.cmler me then? Tevcraiucc Eenatcrial Conference. At a meeting of the Con f. re es f the Senatorial District, ocmpo-'id t.f the courtieS 1-f Cambria. E':'.'r, and Huntingdon, favorable to the enact iio.u: fa Prohibitory Li-pur Law, le. 1 1 in Ilolli-k.y-bu.-g, p' ..mbcr, E". 1-5:1, the fallowing ei nf tea p -.fed, and '.vera adn.itted : Cnmb.-ht J ht. Elovd, M. S. I!".::r. and 11. S. Ah. : n.-ier. Ei.ur d .h.i Inn , i.h Sh;n- :. ... W. ph Siiaii- :i . !'.:: n. II 1 n- J..h;! S. ! M. t I.,!.. "":t ' : ": a ma - a ,: -., . Re an Ckn k . : au'..ed by thi- af point -of Ilonlingiou county. Uo U' ff d'l'h't S. Js, Pit.-: ht.t : IE S. AExaad: r. efCambria , and fi-h't '. 1 s, -, St '-iv !ar: s. 'i 1 e 1 le v.i.g i i a-' v e re t he n pit in n .u.i -:n..h :i f r S r: a S. nnicr : Martin Ik 11. f Ehth . d'-hn P' rter. of Huntingdon. b.hii t't illhri:.--. if Cam'. ri-.. John ! I. S: i wart, t ! Elaii. The I a'.:-.-:.'. V. d 1... P ., r f.-i.-i w. J. ku D. Sti-W M.olin E'tl! ted. (.'a : '. ,. l 1 . It ' d a - : l.h-e. S 1 t I I 1 la.e-1 il th'-sc a.i ; , V. ns the :..- : -'. iKamtnn - Th pri i.e un be 'I-! I 'isil let. ( 'n mo. 1 in all the papers :i this S-mrotia! -T-'IIX S. T-E'J T, ih - -'- l.i x v; :t:) . C. 1 n n i.s. . a. -. R. s J. .-it St t itt Yi. A.-- it wa I that ( a h State vvn; 1 furm-h : knic to the Ci-.stal Pal.ov. 1 C.veim r l:;, ,i:.isrd. .:.! Cel. .Tr.n.i.a E, r., I Sin tw:i to pi. .-u.-e- -X suna'.k- fag to be jlaee.l j at the h ad "f ike (La arttm lit of this State's t X- Ei'dt ! n n t'-e- Fair. Ci 1. S. p:a pan d n mo t pp 1 ;a j r un t!ie ant des:-i. and the 'h.has ju t been lliii-h.-d at the fs':dkda:a:.terM, rs. i hist man , mil h Th': 1 street. An a'-pri-j-iaa t i. .ti wa-ii.ah ly the Legis!.iit;;o ;. thnayiheex-pen.-ts of:: . mraiifaclure. 'flu- ila- is three by four Uet. Il i - nuol-a of Hie si"k. On e-!t side the Pcnosylvai.hi cant of , j., pert i - v t .1 . ami u the -.!. r tiw arms of the lulted Siates. TLe h.tter i-s-:r: 'Mn hd by a wrea'.li fr toedof th tlr.-tc gt-'at s';:- Its of the t -;,:i!:t, viz: win at, e-"in ami coilon. I iiis is, a vuy ch vtr th-a !.'.. The j atnlings are admirably txceutt.L '1 ht-y n;vfr m ihe pencil of E. IE Murniv. Thctiim mings are- searkt velvet d: apery, gohkn bulk-an L-.uae- and tas..; I-:, siinueuinted by a gold carwd eagle-. The wl-vk-is finished iu a t (a--tel'ui stv ! . A ?d. XT A IX 1 1 in;. :x ic. Tilt Pa : ke 1 u r - tin- zette gives an account of a heroine residing some where in the mtmntaius of Weste rn Virginia. The- editor has seen the lsuly, and describes bet as young, comely, eelm-ated and sprightly. She came from Kentucky, and is tarrying in the mountains with a view- of perfe. -ling bn-title to sotue thousand of acres of wild land, which tlc setndtd to her from her ancestors, to whom it vva- patented fer Revohttiotiary services, but i.s maw claimed ly a land pirate vvho formerly a -ted as her agent. To defend her rights, she j "rocee.l t'i " solitary and alone" to the disputed territo ry, made a clearing, built a log cabin and located a tenant. She always carries one of Colt's re volvers, and thus armed, roams fearlessly over the mountains following paths seldom ttvd save by. the panther ami U-ar. A suit for the land is pending. A tint i ii isi r; or's Sstle, FN pursuance of a decree of the Orphan's Court, Cambria county, the undersiirned Adiuiuistra ti'i s ot James L'hey, Ueceased, will sell nt the Court House, iu Lbensburg, on TueuUy, the Uth of Xovcafbur rest, the f,.!h vvli.g described Real Estate, viz: A piece or parcel of land, unimproved, situate vitrt el Ebensburg, ndj.di.5ng lands of William Da v.s and tihers, com lining forty-three acres and -il-l.iv.-au.c -.vat. anted ia the nEiiie of Thomas No bkt. " ALH ) One other p-eta or parcel of Lmd, imim prove ,, Mtuate m Sus iiithanna township, in s.ipi ct.auty, tontaluing (m: Iiuiiehfd alii liltv-four ii crer:, n., 1 sivty-onc pet-ebes, a ljoining lands of .."hu .McU.-nad and ot hers w nrranted in tho name ol Hugh Clay. AIH One ctL.-r piece or parcel of laud sit unto n l nt-same t'.-rriiih-p.tid known ns the John limich tract, ci'iitaunug ono hundred mi l seven acres uud iilhiwauce u ui in proved. Tri:!S .F Sam;: One third of the purchase mo ney en eonf filiation of s-.le: one third in one vear. with iutertst, i.nd the remaining third ot or imme diately after the dec-fa s-c of the-widow of f aid de ceased, the intertst t-f said third to be paid regu larly to Ler during her life; the whole to be secured by bond and mortgage. -" SLSAN RHEY, A. J. K11HV, A.tuXt'struiors of J ante Jl.'.rv, uic. Sept. 2 !, ISoo.-tf fllMS WAV! For I Iiavc just receivetl and tf L ft r sale a large lot of fc-one ftnd Earthf-a V ares. Ihe highest price paid for vool. EUiubuig, April 1. j MiXaKE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers