Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 16, 1853, Image 4

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God Save tie Coaa onwealth.
Xroclamatioii or Gcner al Election.
Pursuant to an act of General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, " An act
relating to the elections of this Commonwerltb,"
approved the second day of July, Anno Donioni,
no thousuud eight hundred and thirty-nine, I,
AUGUSTIN DUBBIN, High Sheriff of the county
of Cambria, in the State of Pennsylvania, do here
by made known and give notice to the elec tors of
the county aforesaid, that aGENERAL ELECTION
will be held in the said county of Cambria on the
second Tuesday, (and 11th day) of October, lbo,
at which time State and Bounty ufiiecrs wul L-c elec
ted, to wit : -.!,
One person to 11 the office of Canal Con-.nnssicn-er
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of bupreiue Judge ol
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of Auditor oencral of
the ( ommonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to till the oflice of Surveyor General
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person iu connection with the counticd of
Blair and Huntingdon to fill the oilioe of Mnator
in the Senate of Pennsylvania.
Two persons in connection with the counties of
Bedford and Fulton to fill the oPiee of members of
the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania.
One persou to liil the office of Treasurer for Cam
bria countv.
One person to fill the office of District Attorney
for Cambria county.
One person to fill the offico of Commissioner for
Cambria county.
One person to fill the office of Surveyor for Cam
bria county.
One person to fill the office of Auditor for Cum
bria county.
In pursuance of said act, I also hereby make
known and give notice, that the places of holding
the aforesaid general elvction iu the several election
districts within the said county of Cambria, are as
follows, vii:
The Electors of the district composed of the bor
ough cf Ebensburg, to meet at the Court House in
taid borough.
The Electors of the district composed of tho tow u
fhip of Cambria, to meet at the Court House in the
borough of Ebensburg.
ThoElcctors of the district composed of the bor
ough of Loretto, to meet ut the School House in said
borough. .
The Electors of the district composed of the
township cf Allegheny, to meet at the School
House in the borough of Loretto.
The Electors of the district composed of the bor
ough of Johnstown, to meet at the Mansion House
in eaid borough.
The Electors of the district compose 1 of the bor
ough of Conemaugh, to meet at School House num
ber one in said borough.
The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Conemaugh, to meet at School House num
ber thirteen in said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Carrol, to meet at School House number
three in said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Clearfield, to meet at the house of John
Douglass iu said tawuship.
The Electors of the district composed of the
township cf Jackson, to meet at the House of
Henry Eagar in said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Richland, to meet at the house of Jacob
Kriug iu sail township.
The Electors of the district composed of the
townsnip of Blackliek, to meet at the house of 13.
F. Davis iu Eaid township.
The Electors of the district composed of the
township of Sammerhiil, to meet ut School House
number one in the town of Jifferssu, in said town
ship. The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Susquehanna, to meet at tho house of
Matthew Conrad iu said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the
township of Washington, to meet at the School
House Eituate at the foot of Plane No. -1, iu said
The Electors of tho district composed of the
township of White, to meet at School House num
ber one in said tawuship.
I make known that by an Act of Assembly, pas
sed tho 10th day of April, A. D. 1851 entitled, "An
Act to provide for the election of Judges of the
several Courts of this Commonwealth, and to regu
late certain Judicial Districts it is provided
That the qualified voters of each of the several
counties of this Commonwealth shall at the nest
general election, at the times aud places of elect
ing representatives, and whenever it shall hereafter
become necessary for au election under this aet,
and under the constitution of this Commonwealth., I
vote for five persons at the first election, aud at
cry election tnereatter, as many as stian oo neces
sary under the provisions hereof to eerv as judges
of the Supreme Court of this Commonwealth, one
person to serve as-president judga of tho judicial
district ia which such county shall lie, and two
persons to serve as associate judges of tho several
courts of such county.
, Sec. 2. That the qualified electors residing with
in the jurisdiction of any district court or other
court of record now existing or hereafter to be cre
ated by law, shall at the general election, aud
whenever thereafter tho same shall be necessary,
at tho time3 and places for holding such election
within their respective election districts, vote fur
one person for president judge of such court and as
many persons for associate judges thereof as shall
be required by law.
Sec. 3. That tho judges of the Supreme Court
and the j resident judges of all other courts of re
cord and the associate judges of the District Court
aud the Court of Common Pleas of the city aud
County of Philadelphia and the District Court of
tho county of Allegheny, shall be learned in the
law, and all tho aforesaid judges shall be qualified
electors of this Commonwealth and shall bo other
wise qualified as required by tho second section of
the fifth article of the constitution of this Common
wealth. Etc. 4. That the election for judges shall beheld
and conducted in the several election districts in
the same manner in all respects as elections for
representatives are or shall be held or conducted,
and by the same judges, inspectors aud other offi
cers; and the provisions of the act of the Genera!
Assembly, entitled " An act relating to the elec
tions of this Commonwealth," approved the second
day of July, one thousand eight huuslred and thirty
uine, and its several supplements, aud all other
Eke laws as far as the same shall be iu force and
applicable, and shall be deemed and taken to apply
to the elections for judges : J'r-jvitr.l, that the
aforesaid electors shall vote for judges of the Su
preme Court on a separate piece of paper aud fur
all other judges required to be learned in the law
on another separate piece of paper.
I also make known and give notice, a3 in and by
the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am directed
" that every person, excepting justices of the peace,
who shall hold any oflico or uppointmcut of profit
or trust uuder the government of the Cnitcd States,
or of this State, or any city oriucorporated district,
whether a commissioned officer, or agent, who is
or shall be employed under the legislu live, judicia
ry, or executive department of this State or United
Stat cs, or of any city or incorporated district : and
also, that every member of Congress, and the Suae
Legislature and of the select or common councils
of any city, commissioners of any incorporated dis
tricts, is by law incapable of holding or exercising
at tho same time, the office or appointment of
judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this
Commonwealth, and that no inspector or judge, or
other officer of any such election, shall be eliigible
to any office then to be voted for."
Also, that in the fourth section of the-Act of As
sembly, entitled, "An Act relating to elections and
forothpr purposes," approved April 10, 1S0I, it is
enacted that the aforesaid 13th section shall not be
constructed as to prevent any militia officer or bor
ough officer from serving as judge, iuspector or
clerk ; at any gcucral or special election in this
Also, that in the Cist section of the said act it is
enacted that " every general and special election
shall be opened between the hours of eictht and ten
in the forenoon, aud shall continue without inter-'
ruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the
evening, when the poV.s shall be closed.
The general, special, city, incorporated district
and township elections, aud all elections for elec
tors of president and vice president of the United
States, shall be held and conducted by tho iuspec-
tors and judges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks
appointed as hereinafter provided.
"No person shall be permitted to vote at any
election, as aforesaid, but a white freeman of the
a-o of twenty-one years or more, who shall have
resided in this Mate at least oue year, and ia the
election district where he otlers to vote at least ten
davs immediately preceding such election, and with
in two years paid a State and county tax, which
shall have been assessed at least tea days before
the election. But a citizen of the United States,
who has previously been a qualified voter of this
State, and removed therefrom and returned, and
who shall have resided iu tho election district, and
paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote af
ter residing iu this State six months. J'withJ.
That the white freemen, citizens of the Unite d
States, between the ages of 121 and 22 years, and
have resided in the election districts ten days as
aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they
shall not have p lid taxes.
No person shall bo admitted to vote wliose
name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabi
itauts furnished by the commissioners, unless, l'iivt
he produce a receipt for tho payment, within two
years, of a State or county tax assessed agreeably
to the constitution, and give satisfactory evidence
on his own oath or affirmation of another, that he
has paid such a tax, or on failure to produce a re
ceipt shall make oath of the payment thereof, or
Second; if he claim a right to vote by being an elec
tor between the age of 21 and 22 years, he shall de
pose on oath or affirmation, that he has resided iu
the State at least a year before his application aud
make such proof of his residence in this district as
is required by this act, aud that he does verily be
lieve, from the accounts given him that he is of age
aforesaid, and give such other evidence as is re
quired by this act, whereupon the name of the per
son so admitted to vote, shall be inserted in the al
phabetical list by the i nspectoia and a note made
apposite thereto by writing the word "tax," if he
shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid
tax, or the word " age," if he shall be admitted to
vote by reason of such age shall be called out to
the clerks, who shall make the like notes in the
list of voters kept by them.
" In all cases where the name of the j erson
claiming to vote is found on the list furnished by
the commissioners and assessor, or his right to
vote; w hether found thereon or not, is objected to
by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the
inspectors to examine such person oa oath as to
his qualifications, and if he claims to have resided
within the State for one or more years, his oath
shall not be sufficient proof thereof, but shall make
proof there by at least one competent witness who
shall be a qualified elector, that he has reside!
within the district for more than ten days next
preceding said election, and shall also himself
swear that his bonaflde residence in pursuance of
his lawful calling, is within the district, and that
he did not remove into sail district for thepurpose
of voting therein.
" Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof, if required, of his residence
and payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall be admit
ted to vote ia the township, ward, or district in
which he 6hiill reside.
If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre
vent any officer of any election under this act from
holding such election, or u.--e or threaten auy vio
lence to auy such officer, shall interrupt or im
properly interfere with him in the execution of his
duty, or shall block up the window, or avenue to
any window where the same may be holding, or
shall riotously disturb the peace of such election,
or shall use or practice any intimidating threat ,
force or violence, with design to influence unduly
or overawe any elector or to revent him from vo
ting or restrain the freedom of choice, such person
on conviction shall be fined iu any sum not excee
ding five hundred dollars and be imprisoned for
any time not less than one month nor more than
twelve mouths, and if it shall be shown to the court,
where the trial of such offences shall be had, that
the person so oli'eudiug was not a resident of the
city, ward, or district, or township where the said
offence was committed, and not entitled to a vote
therein, then on conviction, ha shall be sentenced
to pay a fine of not less than cue hundred nor
more than one thousand dollars, and be imprison
ed not less than six months nor more than two
Pursuant to tho provisons containc 1 iu the 07th
section of the act fiist aforesaid, the judges of the
aforesaid districts shall respectively take charcc of
the certificate or return of the election of their re
spective districts, aud produce them at a meeting
of one judge from each district at the Court House
in the borough of Ebensburg, on the third day af
ter the day of elections being for the present year
on FRIDAY the 11th of OCTOBER next, and
there to do and perform the duties required by law
of said judges. Also, that w here a judge by sick
ness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend
said meeting of judges, then the certificate or re
turn aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of
the inspectors or the clerks of the election of said
district, who shall do aud perform the duties re
quired of sai l judge unable to attend.
Given under my hand at ray office ia Ebensburg,
the Sih day of Seutember, A, D. 18 03, and of the
Independence of tho United States of America, the
Sheriff of Cambria county.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg,
September 11th, 1653. f
little, Oil, and Leather Store.
No. 21, South. Third Street, between Market and
. Chesnat Streets , Philadelphia.
HAS constantly on hand and for sale, Dry and
Dry Salted Spanish Hides, Dry and Green
Salted l'atua Kips, Tanners' Oil, Tanners' and Cur
riers, TOOLS, at the lowest prices and upon the
best terms.
tl-'y All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted,
for which the highest market price will be given in
cash, or taken iu exchange for hides.
J&JjT Leather stored free of charge and sold on
May D5, 1803.
IleiiuDllcaii Hull.
A NTI10N Y VOW INKLE respectfully informs the
1. public that he is now prepared, as the law di
rects, with every requisite for the "accommoda
tion of strangers and travellers" at his new stand
iu the Northern Liberties of lluliidayoburg, and
respectfully asks for a share of custom. His ta
ble will at all times be supplied with the best the
market affords, and his bar stocked with the best
wines and liquors.
Zh2r The larger Hall can be rented by the day
or night, aud a Piano and Pianist furnished.
t-f German wines aud Lager Deer kept con
stantly on hand.
Holiidaysburg, May 0, 1803. '
IScll, Johston, Jack, Sa. Co.
Office of Deposit, Discount, & Exchange,
JAMES M. BELL, Robert E. Johnston, and Wil
liam Jack are the Active I'artncrs, who alone
transact the business of the firm.
Joseph Smith,
A. P. Wilson,
Win. Dorris, Jr.,
Vi'm. P. Orbisou,
of Huntingdon, Pa,
T. C. McDowell,
WiuM. Lloyd,
James Denniston,
R. M. Lemon,
Geo. R. M'Farlane,
Samuel W. Rhodes,
Samuel Calvin,
Thadeus Ranks,
John Cresswell, Jr.
of Holiidaysburg,
Aiex. Al. Lloyd,
Eaker oi Watson,
of Gaysport, Pa.,
John Miller, of Teinpcr
juceville, Elair co. Pa.
of Ebensburg, Fa.,
Thos. White,
of Indiana, Ta.,
S. II. Smith,
John Crouse,
of Johnstown. Pa.
David Watson,
John Neff, Samuel Dean, James M. Johnston, AVil-
iiamsourg, l'a. t
WQtHhers may ami trill be aJJcJ.xJ.
Collections made in all parts of the United States.
Drafts furnished on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c,
The usual rate of Inte rest, in such cases, paid on
Deposits for 3, C, aud 12 months. Otncr Deposits
received payable on demand.
Holiidaysburg, July 1C, 1802.
CASH will be
wool, by
paid for 40u0 or 5000 pounds
Jefferson, Pa.
Tills nay for Good andCIieap Goods.
WILL bo opened this week at the brick store
of J. Moore, in Ebeusbnrg, a general assort
ment of cloths, cassimeres, satinctts, tweeds, and a
great variety of summer goods.
Together with any quantity of prints, delaius,
lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other
dress goods.
and good assortment of hardware, queensware,
saddlery, clothing, stationary, eirugs, ice., &.C.
Persons wanting boots and sdioes, hats andcap3
or ready made clothing, will find it to their advan
tage to call at tho.
SIrtfK Slorc.
The subscriber, thankful for past f.ivots, ear
nestly requf.-ts his customers, and the public gen
erally to at least call and examine h's stock: and if
he cannot suit every person in quality and price it
is not his fault. Produce and lumber of all kinds
t:ikeu in exchange; for goods ; and he also takes
CASH when offered.
Ebensburr, April 2?, DM1.
uuntui Ktitnv. kuhlut UALUn.uru.
C'oacli Manufactory. j
rflllE subscribers would respectfully infvSn the
a citizens of Ebensburg and the public geniraliy,
that they will carry on the Couch Making,finc!u
d:ng the'Smith work at the Machine shop f..J:ucrly
occupied by Mr. Anderson, in the rear of E. Iliglie"s
Store ; where by using none but the choices) mate
ria!, and ewj loving none but the best wcjkmen,
they hope to convince all that will dj tif m the
favor to examine their Work, that iu point o dura
bility, appearance or cheapness, it cannot bexcel
le 1 by auy similar establishment in the State or
elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the pur
chase of a carriage, will consult their own iutti.-ts
by giving them a call. They are prepared to sup
ply the following kinds of Vehicles, viz: !
Euggies of differeutqualities aud J rices,l.roch
cs, Chariotees, one and two horse rockawajs close
quarter Eiiptic aud C-spring Coaches; secoi d 2nnd
work of different lauds, f;c, making a varrty that
will suit all tastes and all purses. Kepair;g done
with neatness and despatch. I
May 110,
Tiie Giant ZZouse, j
Corner cf 4th and Grand tts. Pu'sl-Ttrr.
HE subscriber has leased the l.nie well
known Hotel, (late Lamartine House.) at the
corner of 4th and Grant streets, Pittsbuir, wlich
has been repaired and newly fitted up iii al! its
apartments so as to give a larger and morjt libyal
accommodation to travellers and bourdon. His
larder will be stocked with the most ehoico braids,
the markets cau r.'Jord, and his Ear furnish :d with
the best. He would respectfully solicit a thai e, of
public patronage.
Sept. S, 1S02. 15. l'EURX
.St. diaries riotel,
Corner cf Third and "Wood Sts.
THIS fine establishment, having come into the
ban Is of a new Proprietor, offers fy'vat in
ducements to the traveling community ; t:i 1 also
to regular boarders. Every delicacy anj luxury
v. ill be provided in its season ; and no pa: will be
spared to make this Hotel a comfortable u to all
who may cail there. i
W S. CAMPEELL. Proa let or.
Sept. S. If02.
lioots and Slioes.
Evans & Jones,
WULLD rci-rectrully announce to tji- puo;ie
that they still continue the mauuActure of
every description cf Loots aud Shoes, f-r La lies
and Gentlemen, at their shop, a few dot fc East of
Mr. Carmen's Hotel, where they will be pappy to
see their customers. j
Being practical workmen themselves, 41 1 u.-ing
none but the very best materials, they are pufideut
they can execute work us well and as che as any
establishment in the county. (
May 13, 1S03.
George Ilarncamc, f
Wholesale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sset-Iron
vara Slantifacttirc-r, and Dealer in tl fol
lowing namod Stoves : '
G LORE A"ir Tijtlit OoU. I'ovl.i.U li.igo. Flat
I" Top Complete, Union Air Tight, Coois Favor
ite, Rare Cylinder, Delaware Cook, Ear-r-J m, Key
stone, or Independent, Harp cannon, Jew com
plete, Hot Air Parlor, Victoria com;4 te, Air
Tight, Complete Cook, Union Coal Euru-j.
Ebensburg, Sept 1, 152. j
Fasliioiiable Clotliin? KniptriuiiJj
Clinton St. Johnstown Pa. i
G1 HEAT attraction at the corner of (yiton
f Locust streets, opposite the Esch:i;e Hotel
and the M'Millen House, Johnstown, Caibria co.,
Pa., where the subscribers have just lectived a
large and fashionable assortment of Eallaud Win
ter Ready made CLOTHING.
Nov. 4, 1S02. JuSEPH GAN1 & CO.
rns. w. hat. v.s. llsun.
Blay Kdson,
VhoIesalo & Retail Tin, Copper, and t.eet-Iro
Ware ilannfiicturers, and Dealers in tie fol
lowing named Stove3 : t
C100K Stoves, Keystone, Nine Phi Liberty,
Parlor, Radiators, Etna, Star fr.ia.Usi, Wa
flejlrons. Complete Cook, Star Air-tightCat iron
S:n;is. Hre Loom on canal &t. one
the collectors office.
Johnstown. Pa. July 11, 1802.
Tailoring i
rjT'lC undersigned informs his customi that the
JL firm of Eeyiion & Johnston is u'.l jlved by
mutual consent, and that the subscribe? still con
tinues the business iu the room recent occupie.l
by the old firm, where he will be hnppy to sec his
former patrons aud as many new ones S please to
call. He receives regularly from No York and
Philadelphia the latest fashions and cann t be beat
en either in tho shape or fit of Coat, Pants or
Vests, by any other Tailor in the cjtitry. He
respectfully ask the public to give him; i cail, and
confident his work will recommend its$'.
f.-'y- All kinds of country j roduce.en in ex
change for work. LEWIS JLYNON,
April 20, lS02.-tf. ;
Teai'j .Stosirs! Tombs toiCt.!
K'HAllD JONES resnecfullv iuforrls tl rub-
.j lie that he is prepared to furui.-h til Ends of
Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Mj"bl man
ufactured iu the latest style, and lcttere"acorciug
to any directions.
His yard is situated at the soutUpnrt of the
town, where a large assortment of alleles ia his
Hue are always kept on hand. i
From long experience he feels confiient be can
jdease all tastes, and he therefore hoy to be pat
ronized by a generous public.
June 17, 1S03. ;
A FUliSII arrival of Boot, Shoes, Sumner Hats,
"J- Cans. Eancv Gimi and KIorfnrtrair Bon
nets, Powder, Gun Caps, Shot, Lead, received
this day aud for sale ut the cheap stcrof
June 2G, 1801 . .I.MOORE.
YOUR hair is falling offi is it? 5ien call at
Kittell's without delay, and buj a bottie of
Slorr't ChcMtcnl Hair nc'yoratr.r, or.-u will bo
come entirely bald. It is the best H - tonic now
in use.
Administrators JVotJL-e,
IETTERS of Administration havoijccn granted
-i to the undersigned, by the P.egkcr of Cam
bria county, upon the estate of Jata s Bury, de
ceased. All persons indebted to e.'i c&ta'e ate
requested to make immediate paying t tots, and
those having claims will present theu prope;ly au
thenticated for settlement.
SCSAN II HEY, AtImiiu.t,rt!ru-
Ebensburg, October 21, l!S02. tf.
TJiomas L.. Martin,
Honsa and Sign Painter and Papor Hanger, ftJinS'
town, Pa.
Q HOPon the Island, nearly opposite D. Ltih &
k7 Co s v arehonse.
Dec. 22, 1S02.
BARRELS Conemaugh Salt for sale b
J. MOOlt
rCAKRELS SALT just received atthcSt
Juiy e.
" Wait for tho Wagon."
R. TANKERSLEY, begs to announce to the
J cit
;itizens of this place and vicinity, that ho wnl
arrive with Ins large and novel travelling Daguer
reotype Saloon, aud will then be prepared to fur
nish pictures, made with all the late improvements
of the Art, including the combined side and sky
light, by the aid of which he is enabled to produce
a life-like resemblance of all who may favor him
with a sitting.
His pictures are acknowledged by all who have
examined them, to be of the most perfect descrip
tion both as to fidelity of likeness and shade. He
will remain in this dace but a few days, aud would
advise all who wish to obtain a
l'a Hi fill I.ititue
of themselves and friends, t- give hint nu immedi
ate call. Portraits of Adults taken equally wcli
in cloudy weather, but a clear Sky is preferable for
Children. Iu Drebs avoid all very light colors.
Ijo lias notion a I'rlciid t
And when a friend is gone, Low precious every
relic of the dfparied! The Father who is now hap
py in the possession of his children, should not
risk a singlo day without securing their Miniatures,
for they may be snatched away ia au instant. How
many times the cost would the bereaved families
give for Daguerreotypes of their Children Chil
dren of their Parents, and Sweethearts of their
Lovers ! COME ON E, COME ALL !
Prices From One Dollar upward, according to
Size and Stylo of Cae.
Ebensburg, September 2, ISOo.
iii:isi:i.LioA' i" ciiiA.v!
Goods OUcred at Cost.
ON SECTION 101, Pa. R. R.
rgi!IE subscribers being about to remove from
-L Cambria county, oiler to sell oil" ail their
large stock of Goods by tiivaie sale, ia large or
sinail quantities, to suit pure!. ust rs, ' c-tt.
The stock consists iu part of Dry Goods, such as
French, English and Anitricm cloths, casiimeies,
Sutinetts, tweeds, pilot cloth, Satiu Valencia, and
ether, siiks, alpaccas, iuu-ac!aius, bom
bazines, and
of every description; shawls, haiidkei chiefs, scarfs.
cravat-", tibbets, ribbons, gloves and ho-'ery of a'.!
descriptions, table linen, diaper?, crash, red,
white, yellow and Canton ilannels, llusi v, blank
ets aud coverlets, hickory sLiiiing, Irish linen,
wi ite floods of every description, lacing, edging,
vCc, hats, caps, bonnets, booisaiid shots,
Hardware, queensware, glass, nails, Hour, fish,
salt, iron, a splendid st ck of Grocerlis, Drug5.
Paints, and Dj e Stuffs, all cf which, we i :Vtr at
lower prices than goods have ever been sold in the
c uutry, till kinds of country produce ex
change, such as Lumber, Railroad Ties, 1 lax
seed, KagJ, xc.
N. B. Country merchants will be supplied with
any of the above splendid selections of goods ut
wholesale city prices, p utting ou only a nominal
figure for freight.
July 21, 1S03 3i-tf.
SOGO Dollars Ileivarcl.
Ultttt Lit i 1 tine ut in Walta!
G EO. J. Rt.lL) (IE IIS has just received from the
T cities of Philadelphia and New York an 1 im
mense stock of New Goods, uud now offers to his
old as well as new customers the l.-try:- L'h.i.t
and L..- asSorfjKiit of SPRING EMM EE
GOODS ever brought to the Ebensburg market.
His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods
Qii'.'euswarc, Hardware, Cedar Ware,, all of
which have been purchased with a view to satisfy
the wants of Lis numerous customers in quality
and price.
Gents Wear. Elu?, black, brown and Iron 1
cloths, plain and fancy Casimeles, tweeds, summer
cloth, linens, silks, satin, v a.cucia aud murseilis
Hats, Caps, Esots. Shoes, ic.
La-lies' Dress and Fancy Goods Prints, wous de
lains, ginghams, lustres and fancy colored silks,
bobinet, laces and edging, jackouett-, ribbons, f.;u-
Hardware, cutlery, and tools of various kinds.
(Jueens-w arc, consisting of many now and splen
did patterns.
Groceries, COli.sisti.')g of Coffees, sugar, tea, fish,
Sl ices, salt &ic.
All kinds of country produce taken ia ex
change for goods Also Lumber, Wool. &c.
M y 2'' 10:.
CA.iij:rA cor?. ty, ss,
t'v.-f.-i -(' (.' (' I uyU"t n !,
Ti the iS!u r!J' i-f t;M Cuunfy, tlrct'.hty. .
"T"?T7"iikbk.s James S. Ga'.lahcr did ou the s
ay oi peptemoer lat past, prefer bis peti
tion t the .)u iges ot our coutt OI l.ounuon 1 tease
for the said Couuty, praying for the causes therein
set forth, that he might be divorced from the bonds
of matrimony entered into with you Polly Ann Gal
laher. We do therefore command you, the s:iid Polly
Ann GuH.ihcr, that setting aside all other business,
au I excuses whatsoever, vou be and appear in your
proper person before our Judges at Ebensburg at
a Court of Ct.iniu-'ii Picas there to 1 c held for the
County of Cambria on the first M u day of Septem
ber i.ext, to answer the petition or libel of the
said James S. Gallaher and to shew cause, if at'V
you have, why tho sail Jamc s S. Gallaher y our
husband, should not be divorced from the bends of
matrimoney, agreebly to the acts of the General
Assembly in such case made and provided. Aud
hereof fail not.
Witness the Honorable George Taylor, President
of our said Court, ut Ebensburg the eleventh day
of June A. D. 1S00".
Ebensburg, July 22, ISOo.
I5iit?5Jf litotyiiliisr.
A never fading picttire can row be got a1- the Elair
Co. Gallery, Odd Fellows Hall.
G GORGE VY. FISHER takes this method of in
forming his numorous friends throughout the
county, that he has permanently located himself at
Holiidaysburg, where he is now prepared to furnish
superior portraits to au mat wisn a good picture.
Alter a long auJ serious time of experimenting
in the Art, he is now prepared to take the finest
kind of pictures in all kinds of weather. A visit
to his room and a trial is all that is asked. His
object is to j lease, aud having the best light in the
Borough, ho feels that no failure can be made.
Pictures neatly colored and put in good cases,
from 1,23 to !Si0. Children taken in the morn
ing from 0 to 11, in the short space of one second.
Instruction given iu the art, embracing all the
improvements, on the most reasonable terms. Ap
aratus and lixturcs for Dacruerreot vping furnished.
Holiidaysburg, Sept. 0, lS02.-tf.
Looli. out lor tiie Iocomoflve!
Cash and Produce Store!
HLCiESKS i UULititl,
HAVE at their Store, iu Jefferson, a few doors
East of G. L. Lloyd & co.'s store a large and
entire new assortment of Spring & Summer Goods,
which they just received from the Eastern cities,
consisting, in part, of the following articles.
LADIES DRESS GOODS, Silks, Barges, Mous
liu de Laities, Lawns, &c.,"&c. Also, Cloths, Sati
nctts, Tweeds, Drillings, tic.
Ready Made Clothing, of all kinds and very best
quality. Give it a trial. .
Hardware, Queensware, and Stoneware, of every
variety comprising a large assortment.
STOVES, of every decryption, always on hand
and warranted. We flatter ourselves that we can
sell Stoves lower than any establishment in Cam
bria county, aud being located on the Rail Road we
cau always secure a supply.
Such as coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, vinegar,
linseed oil, sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, and
every article necessaay to supply this market.
Tho public is solicited to call and examine our
Etock, as we are confident it will admit of inspec
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
goods. Lumber bought at the highest market pri
May 17, 1S03.
I,IYi:it COll'I.ASXT,
VND all diseases arising from a disordered liver
or stomach, such as constipation, inward
piles, fullness or blood to the bead, acidity of the
stomach, nausea, heart-burn, disgust for food,
fullness, or weight in the stomach, sour eructations,
sinking or fluttering at the pit cf the stomach,
swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breath
ing, fluttering at the heart, choking or suffoca
ting sensations when in a lieinjr posture, dimness
of vision, dots or webs before the siirht fever and
dull pain in the head, dlllicicncy of perspiration,
yellowness cf the eki.-fr.u-l eyes, pain iii the side,
back, chest, limb?, i;c, sudden flushes of Leat,
burning in the llesh, constant imaginings of evil
and great depression of spirits, cau be effectually
cured by
rr.i.t'.wiKii bv
At tiie Gemma ..Itcliiine Store.
120 Aitb., Philadelphia
lucr f'ljc.-'.r oi '.r the voore aittustt ia
... .
not trcellcd
. iKc Unite
' (jt-u..ti by any other jrytrulion in
,Va. fi th: arts atUitjiH iminy cuf.s itjlir tkiijul
yliys'u 'fiii h uJfiiu I.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of inva
ulis. Possessing great virtues ia the rectification
of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands exercis
ing the most searching powers in weakness and
affections of the digestive organs, they are withal,
safe, certain and pleasant.
That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and
Dyspepsia, no one ean doubt niter using it as stated.
It acts specifically upou the stomach aud liver; it is
preferable to calomel in Till biliuus utsr.ascs the ef
fect is immediate. They can be administered to
female or iuii.uts with safety and reliable benefit at
any .ime.
Look vrell to tho narks of the Genuine
They have the written signature cf C. M. JACK
SON upon the wrapper, and his name blowuiutfie
bottle, without which they are spurious.
IV r sale hob sale p. rid Retail at the German
Medicine .-"t- ve, No. 1-0 Arch 'itreet, one door be
low Siith, Philadelphia; and by respectable deal
ers cnef..llv through tl.C country.
1'ItlCKS Itlilil CED ,
To enable all ciasos of invalids to enjoy the ad
vantages of their great restorative powers.
Mia jU b'jt'U 70 .
For sale by Fie let i.k Kiitell Druggist Ebens
burg : James Bel!, Summit; G. Muckerhide it Co.,
Jol.natoK n.
December M, lt02 S-:y.
sromrs i iiEMu iL hair i.wiu
oiiAitm. T
II IS d'. li.'btlul and popular article is the best
I reparation for the hair which -vi expui-
eace and scientific rtse.ireh has reduced, cither as
an article for the to. 'it, or its beneficial t-fietts iu
all the diseases to vt hieh the human hair is Habit-.
It will impart to the roughest and coarsest hair the
moot beautif ul appearance, entirely cleansing it
from all impurities.
Hut while we assert that it is the best article for
the t-n'.tt of those who wish tj retain the hair in
all its youthful
it must riot I e Ibrgoltou that in all diseases of the
hair or scalp, such us the falling of the hair dand
ruii, pimples, or soros on the scalp, i.c, it is per
haps the article' which has given decided satisfac
tion every instance where it has been used.
Its operali-.u in case of baldness is peculiarly
active, sj that, in numerous, where other remedies
have been trie 1 iu vain, STORE'S CHEMICAL IN
YIGORATOll has superseded the ornaments of art,
by reinstating, in lull plentitule, the ermancnt
gills and graces of nature. It is obsessed of a
character wholly diileriug from the Oils, Grease,
Restoratives, eve, which ure now so numerously
foistel on the public, for baldness, gray Lair, etc.
Storr's Invigorator
has now bet a tested for years, and its ciUcacy Las
been proved by the us aids. Every year its reputa
tion and sales have increased, until nit re of it is
consumed annually than of any other preparation
for the hair ever offered to the American public.
It is cotnpoundc I on strictly scientific princinlcs.
and the prcq rieior will stake his reputation on its
Its extra'" r iin
try t i
e-ipness i lace? it
:.:n the
reach of ti.
bumbiCst family, and its Conceded
t a place on the tao-rt iuiuri-ius toil-
no insures
For sale- by the pr-pr;e'
1HU Arch street.
ors r;ce j cents.
C. P. AMlITiCo,
one noeir oelow Sixth.
Fir sale by Fie I. Kittei!, Ebensburg ; James Bell,
Summit: G. M acker!, i ic o- Co., Johnstown.
December 30, ii-?-y.
Iw VOL BALD? Is your hair failing cif?
Oris ;ot.r heal covered with I 'andru.f or
Seruii".' If s i, then iin-ke a fair trial of Storr'f
Cut ::,':.! 11-iir l.i-.-iyi. rr.'or. Iluuiredsof persons
in all parts of the Country whose heads were entire
ly bald, have ha 1 their hair fully restored toils
original perfection by the use of this valuable
Cai lit.N Ask f.r 'Storrs' Chemical HV.r In
vigorator," and never let dealers pcr.-'.ta ! you to
use any other article- as a subs-Lucte. I'rico 20
cents per bottle. Proprietors. O. 1'. Amet Co.,
No. l-'J Arch street, Philadelphia. For sale bv
dealers gout rally. Sold by Fred. Kit tell, Ebens
burg; James Bell, Summit ; E. P. Ilildcbrau i, In
tl. ana.
8, lc-02 ly.
JAHI zii:li
EUilillT, CAIrllBIA C'S., PA.,
IAS the pleasure oi
would secure the 1
annouuein ' to all who
best bargains to be olleiel
in tms county, that he is again in the field with
one cf the largest, cheapest, and most carefullv se
lected stocas ot
F;ill mill Yi inter Goot'.s I
Ever brought to Cambria county, all of which
have been purchased within the last le-iT davs in
Philadelphia and New York, with particular regard
to the wants of this Market. 1 again fling uiv ban
ner to tiie breeze, inscribed with mv oldmcito of
Quick Sales and Small Profits.
I confidently invite the attention of purchasers
to my stock, wa.ith will be found uuusuullv
large, varied and attractive, being full aud com
plete in every department. Everything new, fash
ionable and desirable will bo found embraced in
my assortment. Particular attention is solicited
to new and beautiful tstvlcs of
which I have just received ef late importation.
In Gents' wear 1 defy compctiou, nnd confidently
invite an examination of one of the largest. cheap
est and best selected stocks of ready-made clothing,
cloths, cassimeres, &c, ever brought to Cambria
county ; comprising all colors and qualities, which
i will sell cuean ana warrant to civc satisfaction.
Also, caps, bonnets,
of the best qualities and latest styles, together
with queensware, hardware, groceries, salt, books
stationarv, ic.
Ef,The highest market price paid f jr all kinds
of Produce.
November 11, 1S02.
Cambria County, S.
luc tow mr.ii tceatilt of Ftnmyh-iDiia,
T) Berned M'Girr, Patrick M Girr, Johu M'
Meel and Catharine his wife, Pater M'Girr aud
Bridget his wife, Marry M'Bride, Daniel M Carthy
and Elleu his wife, heirs of Rev. Terence M'Girr,
deceased ; and to all others interested.
You arc hereby cited to be and appear before the
Judges of our Orphans' Court, at an Orphans'
Court to be held at Ebensburg on the First Monday
of September, A. D. 1S03, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon, then and there to accept or refuse to take
the real estate of said Terence M'Girr, deceased, at
the appraised valuation put upon it, by au inquest
duly awarded by the said Court, and returned by
the Sheriff on the Sixth day of June, A. D. ISO:!,
Aud hereof fail not.
Witness, the Honorable Georgo Taylcr, Presi
dent of our said Court, at Ebensburg, the ninth
day of June, A. D. 1803.
July 22, 1S&3.-CL
Hr. GuywoU's Improved llxtrac
Bottles, and is acknowledged to be the b
SARSAPARILLA made, as is certified by the W.
UKurri. Ci'nr.s it has performed, th orignul cop'j
of which are in the possession of the proprietor
Remember, this is the only TREE and OEIGINA
The Medicine, when used according to directions,
Will Cure, Without Fail
Scrofula or Kings Evil. Cancer, Tumors, Eruptions
cf the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Soro-Lyes,
Ringworm or Tetter?, Scald Head Rhe
umatism ,1'uius in tho Bones or Joints,
oil Sorts and Ulcers, Swelling
of the Glands, Syphilis, ease
of Kidneys, Loss of Ap
pctitc. Disease nr
llsing from the use of Mercury,
Pain in the Side and Shoulders, GenenJ
Debility, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice and Costive
i.ess. Pj.Lct all who wish to purge the blood from
the impurities contracted from the fiee indulgtna
of the appetite during the winter, and to t riparo
i iha system to resist summer epidemies, resort now
! to " Guy sott's Extract of Yellow Dock ai-d Syr-a-
parilja," which is proving itseif an antidote fjr
mariv of the most malignant diseases that flesh is
heir to, and they will never be disappointed ; for in
this remedy the jublic faith Lai never wavered-
never can waver; for it is founded on espcriecce,
ju.-A as their want of fith in fJicr and spurious
compounds is also founded on cxperifnty'- TLy
fly irom mineral nostrums to seek hope, life tl
vigor, from the punly cyfal't remtty, therefore,
however broken down in health and spirits, however
loathsome to himself tnd others, let no one despair
of recovery ; let the patient only understand thai
his hope of phisical restoration lies only iu -Gur-zott's
Extract of Yellow Dock and Saisapariiia,"
and persuade Lim, for bis life's sake, to try it, and
we have no hesitation in predicting Lis speedy rest j
ration to health.
Ladles of pale complexion and consumptive hab
its, and such as are debiliated by those obs'.ruttii u!
which females are liable to, are restored, by tho
use of a battle or two, to bloom and to vigor.
S'rjful'i ; Cancer cur' I by r. G uys-j't' a i7x.V.; t
of Vtlloic Duvk und Sars'iparillt,
? . r?
i a 3
Evilll j e, Granger county, Tct.n.,
April 27th, ISO:.'. f
J. D. Faek, Esq., Cincinnati, O. Dear Sir: I
gives li.o great sati'factiou to add my testimony hi
favor of ' Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock :.ui
Sarsttpai ill a," to that of the numerous and hieh!
respectable ptrions who Luve
U-tn benefit. i ly
the medicine.
My wife has icon suffering for the space f f near
ly five years with So-rofala an 1 Cancer, which. I
think, found its origin in the derangements of :Lj
system peculiar to sex, while in the mean t'.'csj
she was ucder the care of the most eminent Physi
cians in tiiis section of country, without ue-rh'ii!:-any
material ail from their prescriptions.
I'pau the recommendation of Dr. Cockes, one cf
our Physicians, whohadsten the mc-llcine use!
with happy effect, I obtained of your Agents Lore,
'Messrs. Rice cc M'Farland," one bottle of "Dr.
Gitysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,"
and as my wife found relief from that bottle, I
bought some six bottles, which she Las taken wit'-i
the most astonishing benefit, for I era j leased t
say it has entiaely cured Ler, f r she has ct-tire'. v
recovered from her illness and the Scrfala ecl 1
Cancer arc- cured sound and well.
Accept n.y gratitude. Rspectfullv,
Bust MIS'" CtfcLlJ ut
son s EiiUAxr or Yi'ixovv
FAtr.vitw, Butler Co.,
nue i sc of Dn. (it r-
Jnnc If, 1:
Ma. Jons Pa ex. I'kar S:rt : I wish t st.if., that
ur excellent me lie
0, It, O'jysott's Extrictof
arilia has Completely cure 1
Yellow Dock an 1 S'arsar
my son, aged seven y ears,
f"!.1 eved. i'r-m May till
01 au aggravated case f
-epte-mtitr, four months
ne was 1 to a elar room un Jer the Care of t
skillful hystcian who consulted able couuseL Iii
continued worse for two months whin he becanio
entirely blind. His eyes were so .';!, !y ii, Sained,
and so very --eri-Itivc that when cuvcie 1 with kvi-'i
fold.-? of dark rdlk, he Would scream from the p:i!-i
cause 1 by the light of a Can He. He ha 1 no pe
tite : h i I taken s tnu-.h powerful and offensi . ..
me dleiuc, that I could nei:!ox coax nor T ree Lim
to taKe tn- re. lie was reduced to a mere sk let
ant I .li-.-r-atred of ever test. lire; Lis
About that time I saw your Invariable oedi.-ir:?
advertised as a remedy fir sore eyes, caused ly
Scrofula, and your a-ent ia this place, Jcdin Scott,
Esq., recommended it to me highh-.
1 purchase I a bottle and gave it to ir.y s n.
con. -I see t.ut little alteration in hi:u for two or thro.:
weeks. He then begun to improve rapid'. v, an i
iieioie ue nau i.iKCn unottiir lyttle Lis
eyes VKTv:
completely cured.
Wm. C Cam. bell.
1 do hereby certify that I atn acquainted wifi
V. in. C. Camtbe'.l. and have s. ou Lis sen r lu-ti Lo
was in the condition rtpreset.ted by Lim, m.1 h.ivo
s'.iii uim since an i tim i!,:,r
no is now ia g.
i health.
Jons Scoir.
-ttlc. six bottles for $j
r,Fr:ce s-1 per 1
Sold by
Northwest c
JOHN' D. PAKE. Citi., O. Fourth and Walnut stiecfs.
entrance on i a. nut street, to whom all orders mu-t
be addressed. Murray ZaLrn .V C. Ebeusbur
Mo ore ei Kej ler CYrridltown, John Ivorv A; toti
Summit, Johnston eV Edsou .1. hnstc w n, E. P. Hil
dibrand Indiana, J. C. Day Blalrsville.
August 13, 1803. ly.
A Aeiv Arrival of Wattlics uud Je
lry. Oa the corter cf Clinton and Locust Sts.
rpiIL: undersigned respectfully invites the Ladic
-L and Gentlemen to call and see his new and
splendid stock of Watches and Jewelry, which he
has just receive 1 from Germany ; warranted to be
solid and pure, aud for style and finish itcaunotbo
surpassed. He has also received a large assort
ment of Jewelry- from the Eastern cities, viz:
Gold hunting case watches from $70 lo 100
Datcnt Lever to K,
" anchor lever and Lepine, 'J to i'i
Silver patent lever and bunting case
watches from
" Anchor Levers do, frou.
" Lepiues do,
10 to
12 to
10 to
1 si
1 1
Ouarticrs do,
u to
Ooij miniature cases, Ladies Gold Bracelets and
Necklfsses, Ear-rings, Gold Guard, Vest aud Fob
chains, Gold chains for Ladies, Finger rings, Gold
and Silver Pens und Pencils, Silver Spoons', Silver
Thiiu'des, Steel, German and Silver Spectacles
Port Moiiaies, Pen Knives, Silver chains, &c., Sco!
A;l of the above articles are warranted to be oj
the best material, and will be sold r.ry low for cash.
ClocK aud Watch lltpairing.
He has the best workmen in the country in bia
employ, "and all work entrusted to Lim wild bo
promptly attended to.
luauhaui iorpast lavors he solicits a continuanco
of the same, aad is confi ient Lo can give satisfac
tion to all who may give him a call.
Johnstown, April 15, 1S03.
Ilzt-kitl Hughes,
Ebensburg, Pa.
DEALER in staple and fancy dry goods gro
ceries, wholesale and retail fish; hardware
and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron,
sheet-zinc, stoves of kinds, stove-pipes and
sheet-iron ware, tin ware, copper and brass ket
tles, &c.
Grain, wool, butter and other country product
bought and sold.
A dealer in white pine, poplar, ash and cherry
lumber; lumber always bought, and a large quan
tity constantly on hand for sale.
Cash always paid for lumber cut to order or such
as suits the present demand of the market.
A large lot of new goods as embraced ia the
abovo list just received and more opening for sale
at tho lowest market price.
September 2.3, 1S02, tf.