Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 16, 1853, Image 2

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WM. B. SIPES, Editor and Proprietor.
Ebe lis burg, Frldaj-, Sept. 1G, 1$5:5.
V. 15. PALM Kit, the American Newspaper
Agent, 13 the ouUj authorized Aymt for this paper
in the cities of Boston, New York mid Philadelphia,
and is duly empowered to take advertisements and
subscription at the rates required by us. His re
ceipts will be regarded as payments. His cfli.-es
are Boston, Scolhiy's Buildiuir ; New York, Trib
unc Buildings ; 1'hi'ladelphia, N. W. corner Third
and Chestnut sjts.
Subject to JL decision of the Democratic Convention.
JOI1.V C. Ii.OX,
Of Tioga Cov.itj.
Of Philadelphia County.
Of Miffiiii Comity.
Of Cravjord Cwnty.
Fon ass:;"ii.j.y,
itm. t. Art;i5i::iTV.
FOlt TllEA.SCiiltlt,
t. i iscvtin.
for co m mi ss i ( ) n i; r. .
A smart, nctive boy, who can read and write,
nged about 10 years, to learn the Printing Busi
ness. -Apply to the Editcr of this paper.
Democratic Tickets !
Thu Democratic Tickets will be printed this week.
The Candidates can be supplied at any time after
Friday next.
To our Readers.
Since wc assumed control of this paper, wc have
met with so many obstacles, so many disappoint
ments, that we have been unable to issue our paper
regularly. At first we were disappointed in receiv
ing paper, and when we had made arrangements in
regard to that, two of our hands kit us at a time
when we most needed them, and when we had great
difficulty in getting others. We were thus prevented
from issuing a paper last week. But we are fairly
darted again, and if attention, and labor, and punctu
ality can atone for our past disappointments they
fhall be amply atoned for.
Our subscribers shall lose nothing by the irregular
ity spoken of. Every one of them shall have fifty-two
numbers for their money.
We have made such arrangements as will enable
us to send the papers to Loretto, Ashland Furnace.
Chess Springs, Three Roads and Fallen Timber, and
other Northern Po:-t Offices, on Friday uiorniiiy here
after, and our subscribers' there shall 1.0 ki'gvr be
Profession vs. Practice.
Some one, we know not and care not who. has said
that '"if you make a plcbian a king, he will become a
tyrant, : and he might, with all propriety, have ad
ded : If you make a fop a legislator, he will becom-i a
fool. This conviction has been forced upon our mind
by the course pur-u -d by certain gentlemen in West
moreland county, who take especial delight in talk
ing about wasteful cxpeudirutes of the public mon
ey on the mountains,'' and the want of economy in
the S.tato Administration." Several of the-e gentle
men have considerable notoriety from the fact that
they have recently figured in a Comity meeting, held
in Green-burg, as the assailants ot the public im
provements, and the opponents of our present excel
lent State Administration.
Of course they have a right to pursue this course,
or any other they may see proper, p diticaliy . Xo one
w ill object. But they should be exceedingly careful,
when talking about a want of economy in the man
agement of public affairs, that they are not :: tarred
with the same stick.'' By a reterenee to the Jour
nals cf the last House ot Representatives, it will be
seen that Dr. Eimkluw and Win. A. Cook, both voted
for a bill to relieve the Pennsylvania Rail Road Com
pany from the State Tax on Tonage passim; over
that Road ; which biil. had it become a law, would
have taken from die State Treasury ninety th-JUsand
dollars aunuaily. The votes of these gentlemen will
be found on pages (,7'J and 701 of that Journal.
With what grace can gentlemen, who will thus
vote to diminish the State revenue ?'X'.o;nj por an
lium, talk alout a 41 w ant of economy"' in any Ad
ministration? With what consistency can tiiey
prcach about extravagance any branch of the pub
lic improvements, when they are attempting to plun
der the State for the purpose of enriching an over
grown corporation ? Men who can thushypocri ieal
ly attempt to deceive their constituency, are unfit to
be the representatives of any partv, much less of the
Democratic party, arid the honest yeomanry of Old
Westmoreland sh..i:M rcpi:&.c the aspirant w ho
can thus practice one thing while pac.iching anoih.-r.
and who can only lnaLe himself ridiculous as theo
Teachers' Institute.
The Executive Committee cf the Cimematigh
Teachers' Association, has issued a call to the Teach
ers of Cumbria, V.'es'.muiel.u.d and Indiana counties,
icquritlng them to attend a Teacher' Institute, to be
holdeii at Xtw Ahxut.diia, beginning ,a Monde v
Oct 'M and clutirg, Monday, Oct. luh. Male and
female teachers, of every grade, are invited to attend.
Able and efficient Instructors and Lecturers have been
engaged. The Committee of the various
School Boards that they permit the Teaches s 1.1 their
employ to attend without loss of time or pay.
AVc approve of this project, mid sincerely that
the School Eoord of klbeiisburg will permit cverv
teacher in th,.lr employ to attend on the terms propo
sed. Xo portion of a community deserve more kind ard attention than those who traiu the vouug
idea, and in the same ratio that advantages are 'given
them for the attainment of knowledge and experience,
are the recipients or Common Sci.ol education beue
iilted. Again we say, let every School Board in Cam
brut county enable their teachcis to attcud xhi Institute.
Senatorial Conference.
The proceedings of the Democratic Senatorial Con
ference w ill be found in to-days' paper. By those pro
ceedings it will be observed that Jons Cmsswiii,
Esq., is the Democratic nominee. Mr. Cr.Esswtti. is
well known in this community. As a Democrat and
as a man he is deservedly popular, lleady'at all tin:es
to devote his time, his talents, and Lis n;eans for the
success of the Democratic cause, and unyielding in his
attachments to the regular nominees of the party, he
lias been a recognized leader in the ranks in Bhitr Coun
ty for years, and ifany man deserves well of Ida polit
ical frieuds it is he.
In this result, however, we must confess we are dis
appointed. We coi.fidently expected to raise the name
of Cvltvs X..;, Esip, as our candidate. The
unanimity v. ith which he was named as the choice of
Cambria County, and the favorable manner in which
he was spoken of by the papers hi other Counties in
the District, excited our hopes: and wc, together with
others who were attached to him on account of his
political ImtK-rty and gentlemanly propriety, looked
forward with confidence to the time when we could
support him for this high office. But these hopes
were not, at this time, to be realized; and while the
man of our choice was defeated, we have still cause
for congratulation in the fact that our Conferees slack
to him to the last, and only gave him up when the no
mination had been made. Mr. rmtsuixo can weTr;
feet proud of the devotion of his own County.
Tor Mr. Cbessweii. we shall go to work ardently,
heartily, sincerely, feeling assured that our exeitions
could not be given to a better man. Cambria will
do her duty in the coming conte..-t, and the shout of
victory which will echo from the Alk-glumies on the
secend Tuesday of October next, will thrill the heart
of ( very Democrat in Pennsylvania.
Allegheny Ccnnty.
The Democratic Convention of Allegheny County,
convened on the 7th inst., and placed in nomination
lion. P. C. Shannon, forjudge of the Supreme Court;
Jonas R. McCli.ntock, for Senator; R. Ridiilk Rob
erts, Esq., for District Attorney, ami an entire ticket
composed of men equally as Worthy ar.d competent
as those above named.
Ol the merits of Messrs. fmssox, McClistoch.
and RoisKKTs. it is unnecessary lor us to speak. Of
such a reputation as theirs any man might well be
proud, and their popularity cannot be doubted. Should
they be elected, their official career would reflect hon
or upon their Count-.
World's Temperance Convention.
This body, which has been in session in New York
for some time, broke up in a row recently. The
cause of the disturbance was that Some of the male
bipeds objected to the female reformers" speaking.
The Rev. Miss Antonette Brown was the one most
objected to. When she arose to speak, cries and his
ses greeted her from ail parts of the house, but she
stood, calm and ooilectcd as a statue, gazing at the
excited multitude. Miss Lucy Stone backed her up,
and v. bile the ferment was at the highest the Rev.
Miss remarked, We'll take our time, Miss Lucy.'"
Miss Lucy replied, -It will never do to give it up so.
Mis Brown." But. notwithstanding the aptness o!
the quotations', thev had to give it up so."
Democratic Senatorial Conference.
Agreeably to appointment, the Democratic
Conferees, elected from the counties of Ulair,
Cambria and Huntingdon, to put in nomination
a candidate for the State Senate, and to select a
Senatorial Delegate to the next Democratic State
Convention, met at the Exchange Hotel, in Ih-lli-day.-burg,
on Thursday, Sth inst., at 2 o'clock,
The following nameel Conferees w ere admitted :
Ulair Adam Moses, Samuel Henslu-y, Mat
thew Oilady.
Cambria Augustin Durbin, Samuel Rraeken
Richard "White.
Huntingdon William Lewis, John lb Given.
John P. Anderson, substituted by Geo. W. Gar
retseai. The meeting was organized bv the appoint ment
of RICHARD WHITE, of Cambria County, Pre
sident, William Lewis, Secretary.
The follow iug imminations were made for State
Senator :
.Thos. 1. Campbell, of Huntingdon.
(Vrus L. IVrshimr, of Cambria.
Theis. C. McDowell, of Blair.
Dav'nl Watson, of Blair.
Jolm Cress well, Jr., tfDIair.
The ballotings resulted as follows.
Campbell, 15
Pe-r.-hing, ?,
Watson, 1
.MMknvcil, 2
2 3 4 5 G 7 8
3 :. 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cre-sswe'd, i a
Je.nn L resswell. .Jr., iiavinga maioritv of all Die
votes cast, upon the t'th ballot, was dec'lared dul v
nominated. "
On motion the nomination of John C'resswe",
Jr., w as unanimously conlirmed. '
l ie Chair appo.ntc-,1 Adam Moses, Augustin
Dtn-otn, and Jedin P. Anderson, Ks-irs., a com-
miUcetowait u,k,u Mr. Cress well and inform
him of his mimitiation.
Ihc committee having returned and rciorted
-'ii. c les.-vven .s ai ce-jHance, tne Uonlcivne-e then
ifOcceele-d to select a Senatorial Delegate. Messrs.
Jesse I atter?on, J hos
P. Caintdxlk Gen. GVn
Potts, und Adam Closes were placed in nomina
The names of Messrs. Campbell, Potts, and
Moses, having', after some discussion, been with
drawn, Jesse Patterson, of Cambria, was unani
mously chosen Senatorial Dclctrate to re present
the loth District in the next Democratic State
Convent ion.
The follow ing resolutions were then read, and
on motion unanimously adopted:
Pefolccd, That we have confidence in the ad
ministration of Governcir Bigler, and that in" ac
cordance with the usages of the Democratic par
ty, W"c instruct our Senatorial delegate to vote
for his rc-uom i nation.
Resolved, That the Hon. Richard Lrodhead,
has faithfully represented the Democracy of Penn
sylvania iu the Senate of the United States, ami
that the denunciations of malignant and unscru
pulous enemies have not impaired the- con Helen ce
of his constituency in the integrity of his motives
and the sterling attachment to the principles of
the Democratic party.
Resolved, That it is the sense of this Confer
ence, that the principles of the Democratic party
of this I men contain in themselves every thing
necessary to the political prosperity of a Nation
that under Heaven the rapi.l rise and advance of
our people is owing to the spread and mainte
nance of tuose principles that we therefore de
precate any alliance of the Democracy with the
lash.onable isuts of the present day knowhv
tn -u experience that it is the policy of our c-nc-mies
to bring up side Issues to introduce discord
m the bosom ofourparlj-.
It was moved that the thanks of the Ccrfer
ence be tendered to Gem Potts, of the Exchange
Doted, for luscourtesv and hospitality.
It was also moved that the proceedings of the
mectnig be signed by the oflieers and "published
m the Democratic papers of the District.
W hereupon the President declared the confer
ence adjourned, sine die.
n iLLi.ut Liwjs, Sec'- Frcs't.
KQAyoiing lady, named Miss Mary Roach, es
caped from the Georgetown Convent, on Sunday,
the 4th iust., and was married at the National Ho
tel, iu Washington, on the Otii inst., to a Mr. Jor
dan of Virginia. She is said to be worth $300,
000. Wonder if there arc any mere left of the
same kind? If there arc, we are on hand.
EiB- A youth asked his father's suction to bis
project of marriage. The oi l gentleman, request
ing his sou to pray with him, prayed that if the
match was against the will of the Lord he would
throw obstacles in the way an l make it impossible.
The son interrupting, cried:
" (.Hi, Lord, don't you do it; for I must have
her any how 1"
fc'T" Yesterday morning, about 1 o'clock, P. M.,
a small inau, nai.ied Joats. or Crown, or Smith,
with , i'.col iu the hole of his trowscrs, committed
arsenic by swallowing a dore of suicide. The vir
dict of the Inquest returned a jury that the decea
sed came to his facts in accordance with his death.
He leaves a child and sis small wives to lament liie
end of liis untimely loss. 67c niunJi ylorla transit.
E, A New Oi leans paper says: "On Triton
walk, yesterday, wo noticed a boy, about eleren
years of ago, carrying on his head a coffin, nhich,
oa inquiry, wo learned contained the bodyj&njffts
little sister who ha J died of yellow fever. lie was
accompanied by bis elder sister, a girl of some IU
years of age they were slowly ar.d sadly uaUIng
their way to the cemetery.
Some idea may be formed of the ir.tpr-
tauce of perfumery as an article of commerce, wien
it is stated that one of the large perfumers of Gius
se, iu France, employs annually 0,O0') pounds of
orange blossoms, C0,000 po'ands of cassia f'.ov. trs,
51,000 pounds of rose leaves, 3 2, COO lbs. vf vt'olet
Hovers, 20,000 pounds of tube roses, 10.000 pounds
of lilac flowers, besides, rosemary, mint, lavcnK-r,
thyme, lemon, orange, and other odorous phmts
iu like proportions.
rT" The old pnpe-r mill in which the paper vas
made that Benjamin Franklin used in his printing
office, is still in optratiou, carried on by the S'jii of
the man who made paper f r Frank!::!. It has
been iu operation one hundred and forty years.
CG The rumor than Gen. Cass has been offered
the nussion to France is credited. Xo better se- i
lection could possibly be made, but wo doubt its i
acceptance by the General. Do bus served Lis i
country long and nobly : and there is, wo h') e,
many years of life and honors for him i ct.
CJ" Hon. James Burusid-i has biien unuaiaicusly
nominated by the Democratic Conference of the
Columbia judicial district for the office of President
Judge, which he now holds by appointment of the
C7- The foundry and machine shops at Mt. Suv
ngo Iron Works, near Cumberland, Md., were c--stroyed
by fire b:..t night. The stock aa 1 m.-iclt-nery
was mostly saveel. The loss is abe ut
iw-r- TM f " . . ! T-. . . C . , .
Li '1 a lie: iiieiiiiiu ei l.ia u.rei Hi .uuaav. sai:
. " . .
A man named lay tor, in Dubois County, iu 1., list
week, was assaulted in the woods by three m.u,
who knocked him down and beat him. lie lesi- !
to his feet and pulling out a plated, sk.t one ef the
men down. With a bowie knife he killed the sec
ond, and wounded the other with a j isted ihut as
ho was fleeing.
tiif" Lola Moutc-z has paarreiled vvi.h her new j
husband, because he was jealous of a violinist ficm ',
whom she bad received goine polite atteiiiims."
The husband raised a row, and was kicked oul of ;
the house. ;
Over two hundred thousand dollars li::ve- j
i been contributed in aid of the New Orleans sn'.V-r-
ers. We don't believe the L'uiou vvi'i be dissolic-ei j
for some years yet.
The Scientific American- c- mes to us in a
new dress. This evidence of prospei hy is gratify
ing to us, mid we hope it may ever continue, as no
journal deserves the patronage of the public rimy
than this. It should be in the ban Is of cveiy iac
chanic and scientific man in our country.
E2a- The Parlor Annntil, v bich lias been fi r a
long time a welcome visitor t j our Sanctum, lias
been united with the Ladies Wreath, find
made its anneai-atice lookitur .mite neat. Its enlci-
rrizin? publishers deserve abundant success.
Terms only one dollar a year.
Cj'We have received the prospectus of a new ii.d.:
pendent paper to be published in Altoona, Dl air crcn
ty. by C J.Juxr.s, lisip Mr. Jones has for a mtm
In r of years been connecte d with th'1 lloh'i lavsbm i
Standard, ami is known as a man of fine talent, ami in
finite wit. A oancr under his control
I be rich and racy."
C3"LcUors have ben received at Boston, stating
i tluit the captain and crew of the brig Koilolpli wcie
j massacred by the natives of one of the Kins' Mill
, ... , ,
j 'oup, m December, lbol, and tne v.-sm.-I .U-strcyed by
hue. T he Hodelph was owned by Cap.t. Allied 11.
' bidier, now at San Francisco
Uj' The following toast was given at a railroad
dinner, at Detroit lately:
-'Editors Ladder- on which politicians climb to
power pioneers in all
great enterprises tiie pn.y
ciass vvnose nioor is us own reward tne lianU-st
worked, the pnorest jnud. most se'f-sacrif,cing and
best abused of all the professions."'
EgiFrom returns of the agricultural crops, it
appears that we rr.ise annually, $1 Id, 000,000 in
wheat. $.301, 200,000 in ludiau corn, SU! 0,27o,000
iu hay, 70, 8 10,000 in oats, -VTC.ISOOO in Irish
potatoes, and 120,000,000 iu cottou the whole
crop being l,To2,5S3,0C-0.
I.. " -. . ., , i
EQuAYciuian as a mother she scolds and spanks
us: a sister, she tells of. and niuche-a us: a sw.-.-t
heart.she coquets and jilts us; as a wife'sheWns, f able monarch is the lather of four grown-up ons
. ' i to w horn, m spue ol t he .-ti rune.-.-, and a; -ic.t v ol
frets, oouts, cries and tormeuts us ; without hvv ' hu lrtll,.ic cltsu-ai.'ter. lie has ever been a kind,
what would there be to trouble us I j complaisant, and indulgent father. These young
. e n. i- , . , . i men are ambitious, as a matter cf course, and
tJ According to a statement published by Mrs. j this Rx.yu ;s r,0,vcrl"llv aided bv the growth of
Jaue Ikde, tetre were, last April, thirty di.e regu- j ip.. Empire, iks conspicuous position and prtpon
lurly graduated eloctresses of fnediciii", eighteen of ! ih i ance in the allkirs ( the old world. Thus
whom were graduates of Philadelphia, hi a I the inborn, imperiid pride-cf lues-ins excites and
to these there were some thirty hydropathic- iadu-
CJ The Card of Dis. I In we aal Jackson- will
be found in to-day's paper, 'i hc.:-e geullciiicn are well
known for their finished Me-tiical knowledge and Stir
gical skill, and their natural suavity peculiarly (i'.ts
tlietn for the practice of the Art of Hippocrates.
EfJ, We take particular pleasure in recommend
ing the firm of Cahi-th, Ti uht, and Dtw, to our
mercantile readers ; and no. Letter recommendation
could be given them in this section, than that of an
nouncing that Gza. W. Tonii,of our tow n, is in their
house. Mr. Totld is known as a shrude and intelligent
business man, ami it will, we have . no doubt, be a
pleasure for his friends here to give him a call when
visiting the Quaker Cit y.
The TJewly-Invented Steamship.
In tliis age of daring, inicxpccttti and htipotu
ous advancement, belief in the value cf discover- !
ies and inventions yet untried may safch' be .
large, judging by the vast array of analogies and !
experiences, cf which wc are constantly put in;
J-Osicssiou. The so-called impossible pa.-s.ige cf .
the Atlantic by steam in fifteen days, h:s been
rendered still more wonderful by lire reduction of .
the lime by decrees to twelve and finally to nir.e '
days; and a f action. lint this reduction is but j
the precursor of coniinued diminution of the j.e- !
riotl required, ar.d then fore we not li.'.ioli j
surprised that one of the most eminent of living j
engineers, William Nouul?, of riuiadt-li.hia, Las
commenced constructing hi this city a ste.a i ves- :
fvL, to be ready to sail t,ontt here a-..out next
February, and which will, in the opini. a cf the '
inventor, be able to perform a voyage to Europe, ,
habitually and .securely, within six days, besides j
possessing; various other ever otdhiu- !
ry steamers.
This vessel is now building at Green Point
and li of the following uiti.cnsiui'.s :
l-cna.u ot iteri;,
Depth ol L..1 i.
Diameter OJ' p;1 l.ilevvhecls,
Beam amidships,
' Drift til" water, '
'.:,. J e
-0 tltl.S
Accommodations for S i p.isen ets.
The builders guarantee that she will n
t he
voviure between New York arid 'n
ll within
six days in the winter sea -on. William Noriis.
Civil and M"eclian:cal Fngiiicei-, and o't hn W. j
Griftiths, Naval Architect, mo the cotn-ti ttcovs !
and patentees. They claim the ill'ovviv.g alan- 1
(ages in their improv ements : " j
1. A pe.feee security against lire or water.
2. Less risk to life, and greater comfort to
The Ijoilers must bo placed within walls of j
iron, with iron beauts over the same.
Air chambers, of sulllcicnt su.-li'ining ca: acily,
will extend the v. hole length of t!:e .-liip.
1 he sudden s'ooek.s ol Iliad beams seas, (.,,
which all ships of the present c;.'!i-ti'tK-tion aie
obviated by these impiov ements. while the t;en-
lie tin luhitimr motion, alwavs main
el, wiU
tend -to prevent sea sickness, and at the same
time keep the tic ks urv, ecent IVom .-prav.
The f;, 11 power of the engine v.
f .r combatting heavy tales, v. hi!
11 be
sliij s of the
present eon,-true I km ate coinpclleil to slacken
their steam a- the gate increases iu severity.
These new improvements enable tnoie steam to
be apt lied, the havekr the gale Mow -.
The-.-.c facts do not appear mere startling than
those announced in If Jo by th.i san e Wikiui.i
Norris, whin his imj rovetucnts in th : lo.-..n:otivc
engine enabieel him to ascend an iui lineii plane
of one foot rise in fourteen feet, w hi-h, at th,
time, w as considered ce nt vary to common s.en.-.o,
! anil ae.ain.--t ihc laws
gravitv, but wiiie-hiicv-
r - ,
erthek.-.s w a
aeconit li.-iied to the s in tit i-e tunl
atisfactio!! of the whole s.-i.nti!ic norM.
Tile hi'sll sUtlidilr-Ti f
s a
Ti.iv-1 con-iruclor, who ha- n.uuy valuable
improvements iu sliipbuiiuiug ; and the reputa
tion of Mr. Non is as a mechanical and civil engi
neer, would argue pt-i feet success in their present
The mac hi
1 u
.,; will c I -d ne
vv a;teiim-i,t am engine with two ti'Otnar Oo.iets.
all of the most improved construct :ui, but wiili
ot. t anything new in their priticij The jiow-
t-r of the engine, in proportion to tlie size and
elraft fif water will bo verv gn at, al-tu in e times
as great, we beltevc, as that of the steatnets of
the Cuntir.l line. In an o: tlitiary vc-v-el . ucli
jiovve-r e antiot be applied, as it voukl tear tut-
hull to In !
to pieces. In the present case, ho .vet
is made- practical k
structure as well as
the i;..-ci.i:ar iut
by the '.mvelty
ft he
; but as this lnndecf
l.s a
new invention, tne patent mr has not yd
be-e-ii issue 1, w e le-ftain i'n-m stating any particu
lars with regard to it. As far cs we can in ' .e .
however, it is Well adapted to its e nd.
As wiil be seen by eke figures Wc have given
above, the lloor of the vcs-xl is unusually iiat,
' and its elraft of water exeve
gly small. At the
same time the bow is unusually sharp. In fact.
! the model is the rtsii.t at e n
e-i a -reat
tl 1
i practical experience, as w ell as cf laboi ions and
careful mathematical calculations, and it is be -;
licve-el that its lines and form are such as to pvo
j dace the L-ti! po::i ! : n.i.!ince in passing through
the water. Here, then, we have the grounds for
I the estimate that an average speed of twenty
i miles an hour will be attained in storm as well as
; calm :
! 1. Sharpness of bow, perfection of curves, au-.l
i light draft nnd buoyancy.
2. Enormous power of engine.
The daily consumption ofceal will be about 01'
toils, and the stock for a passage about ZOO ; no
freight is to be taken. The- vessel is nameei the
WiLi.i.v.M Nonnis. She will be ready for launch
ing bv the 1st of December. Her boilers ami en-
, buililiiui a- St-cor's. She will carry no
ma.-ts, but will be arranged, with jury-masts to
t case of nc-e-cssitv. Xcw York Tribune.
Piiissian Policy Its Leading Spirit.
Among the agencies that contribute to govern
the present policy of Russia, and occasion the e x
isting complication in Europe, there is one which
is necessarily powerful and pinmire-nt, but eloes
not seem to be taken into account by the public
ists who have sought to illuminate theobscuiitic-s
j of the subject. A c refer to .he peculiar laiu ily
! relations of the Russian Atitoeral. This redotibt-
stimulates x "." JI a-f
.l'liii.i'il i...enll (ol- lllillli" 1111- t heir h-S.rO t..'-i v-
tcrnal aggrandizement and elominatiou in the
fact that the greater pa rt cf Ihc nation, r.s repre
sented by the nobility ami arm-, share these- as
pirations. His sous are al.-.-o the more entirely
transfused by them because they are suppo-i-el to
be more genyine-Iy Ens-ian. mot e in harmony
w ith the feelings of the peoiie, and th' inanifesi
destiny of this barbarous military empire.
At the same time, as the great traeiitional ob
ject which tlie Rus.-i.-tn cupidity and lust of eon-epte-st
hokls in vie-w is Turkey, and as a quam-l
with that pow er is more popular in Russia than
any other a fact growing out of a national ten
dency as old as the hi.-terical e xistence of Russia,
and out of the potency of religious fanaticism,
the personal, family and national ambition of
(httso young princes is particularly directed to
Turkish annexation. One of them especially.
anxious for personal distinction, and the lurgot
sphere of action for himself, as veil as for the ng-
rrautcmi tit d ttie J-intute, is Uevoml a (oi.'.l
Inc particular desire ol tne I.iiim'i.'- I i
et i ildri-'l br.) ; t . T t . i- v.nmr a : li.e-.'iof
curi ;i -r to i in -'li a
aj.pv i nn -!!!: Lie. 1 i- :n
embisl cl,;l;!.. i. i t ! an i i i:ke was I;-'ni-
chil t!.. i. l t an 1 1 ii'.ke was I;-'iu-' J'.v " :..-, no f....'. an !,e Uttir known, than
. i: : i ;i! ti . i : ' v f mini. t ,;..:.. tiia'. ill- ".e s 1 i xpciidiiure v. hii'hhav c bn n
a'.-l a si:;u' and svi iiUS e'. 1 :. i.: , ' ': ii ; " i aini the Tri a.jlii y , and have i'oi ee- I tin- Gov-i-U"i
, .. .1 a e l.iid, hi v a-v -::t to ! . .-iv c i e t !:'.Miit t ) a cf f -'"ai.i h i, vv etc all
1 tie- omc j -kes .. leaving i f the ! cot:.i." d ur.d'T tl." late lm:iii.-tratioii, and
r, and, a'x ve ail, those of tho Enipei '.ir's thut . F.'b-r l.aii l. alien. a: iv e but to e
, the M;iiil J ;.ke .Mi'diael. a ciun.-y, j tlir'meh witii these wi'iks. A e do not speak
-loiri'teti i.itr.sfcr. 5-'e eral ..f.tii.s !' hU I this fa--t to complain cfit.f.r we think it -.a--
win. h,
alio :eK
llni i it
ijrot her,
n o lovv-
age In 'in .!!.' t..e ii..w.,:'v
u t.n. .!!.' the- ltobtli' v v.( iv ('Iiv.:.;ed V.itli
. i i . t ". ...t :.. .
hh'i, and he -n' d theiu all in diiiiger.Ci! as t re-iav t...- ( '.mmbia ia:aoad, biit it i a f'o t.
w ell as in inborn aptitude. erv olli-n." while which sutiieiciitly an-vv ers the charge of jm.di
vet very ji.tmg, he siiid. idV inun.-e-ly that the ; g ibty avaiust the present administration. Both
diliVri-nl tea-ther.s a, well, as his tutor, A.b.ii'-a ; these i::o 1 n met.' -, a.s we- ate informed, will bo
Liet he, appealed to the fithtr to chc-.-l; the .-iudi- ' comtdet. d this a -on, and liecnuif hertaftir a
ous KiM r'e.fthe L'W. His education va- "tlirvc- : Main e .f n ve ntte. in-tad ( a drain ou tie
ted priui-ipaUy t tlo scici:-e.s coiiiu--ul with 'J'r a.-r: y , and as , e rnor Rig'er i- jU'I.-ed iu
naval a; hiis. as v.liile in his era-lie? the- Eiu r-r his la.-t :i --age, to rt-.-i.-.t the- commeiiccinent !
hal be -towed on hha the digtuiy .f f.i-nd A1-
iniral. and be nia-teie-el these sciences com- may Lope soon to have the w hole surplus revc
j.'etelv. lb.- is a mathematician, a-troi"tn'i, j n,r.-applied towards the payment of the Sita'.e
and a thi i'o ;;.;i and Well ii:fcrioeJ. M-auiwi. In ;dibt.
this iv-i e,;t his cd.K-a.ioii was far iu re iudici-a.- I - -
than thuL of his elder brother, the heir to the
e-rowii, v. ho was ni "ii .Ur tlieraie cf
Seh.:k..ll-kv a liti't-arV man' of so-.e ee-ti bv'f v.
e-anied prin'.;ipa!!y by'tran-If.tlot.s of S.-inih-r, l.a
M'lt'e- Foil. pie and other.-, but only slig-hily L-ift-
edwith power and oriuinahsy. H-.- :npi:cel his
prod with d'hitin.s sensibility, mthe-r thr.n
ii'it i en.. .. .1 !..' . i -. ii-ii . i s e:,-,'i-i. : i
ce.-.-ary fr a r.tkr oftueti, and e-pceiu'vy a:i
a u t oe: ;iiM' ' -;i-.
lb-Ioi-e his mu'-rni.'. the-Grand l.:!,c
vi ml rai t s of I.'
ci pally in F-nglajid. v. hero he s'ud
-o.' i.
n. niv
.'.-.te-t more the- c-' :ib;i.-hme:t of
rv i
the various ii.anu.'-e-torU s 1 1' t N.
tiie- a' t vac ti.. - of !.ala,-e and .: if
i-iie-.l Grucc an I ( 'ot.-lantitt. k
.,. .,..
, , . .j,
is t-ry - t
si-.u w iiieh ii. iw
the o
t ho re.-ti, a lteb.- in.- ves-
H av- f:n : in th- i-en'txitv d
... .-
1- b. that fo,- t' e bv.-' lin e a Fi.'.i
lmpe-l itl 1.1- o.-l 111 oel.lel 1.1 the 111
f T
lim. a::i.!tg l .-: oa.ive p. -1 cila i' !! ,' ;!.:.!
lis. 'i'i. i Si. nan :.'. 1 i!,j 'i'lni.- tv-ei.
1 1 . , i
.-;lh p.-.U. tie- b..t wee- th.f.tdcn-'re.i-k a: ii.,-
nil. :':tt;' '. - wi'i.-'i f ilov.e.l. Tl .e ( 1 i s
recks, .'v . nnttis. S'.iv oni n- a.ik e. were iu
csiacit-s, :i- it t man w iv a .-" c.t Ijin .--si
ii;e-r se-ut by Ibaee-u 1 -r i lie if en. Itn'.i'.in li. ...
tne surf. .iii:.t,i. i count ry as v, e. ! :, - i
taut parts, th.y civ.fd'.-.l tin- ct
nijht the sTee'S 1 1 r hi- :
l e ! V e.
.i i " ,t .
t he nt :u. t w ith to a - - is of e v.. rv :.ue- an 1 -e x. :i .
. hisapt.- -.v:iiee ..alitte.l as u:a
f a
g.Hi. 11.. v pr..s'r:cl tlnnn.elve., en tin- ein iln
ton !;ii' j-n w ith tlie r bi-.w s. :.n.l mnkui : tie..
sign eft he . A si -rnal fre-tu h-m cmi'-t l.nve
e-re-it el a ve-voln' iona: c ouibre-ak. "i i.e St.i: an.
the Divan, ate! ad the Mo-kms -n,,- t.tu-i-v. rtttd;.h th- !:ii n llv tnte lilteiir-. ( f f.-elu.'. 1.1. l-
l.f ,:..; it.,. (.: II ,1.. 1 1 - 1 1
for the -.i .e c! l.nb'i.- '. ra.i .uiiit ,- not t
hi ' .-'.'e.-.lj-o.. lio ,(:. ConstaUfiuop
t.t e -. e i an 1 luov e d b.- this i be d t'o- .". ; o-
. . . i- i . i i ..: . o .
-i-i e i t: i ' : ,e i .
;:.. the be-gii.nin-- of the ?.m-. ,-..t l e.o tl,.
fjraod illh .1 tho ph-t.-c (.- a :y
th.- Navy, and ha - bi en a ;,u ti. 1 e t' 1 1,. ( ', ' n
oft be li. ;, lie. 1 i ) - n . o....; . d i hut h- .x -.n.e
fhgnt iti in. at: n t.o, a i-l vv liat arc e-id'e-d lieu
I'b a.-. I ud -ib i- i v' he is :n a.:u::.ti-r
h foimg - hit in tlie i.iu-.-ti.ui v. hi- li -; hi ie -' 1
l.iii'opc :;: sii.-peti -e. We 1;. -ilate- not to j.t .-I.otilt.-e
him. lie-il to his la-hcr. e 1..0-: . non. 1 t
. i
Ino-iud fi;
v kh 1.:- r
o d
i.t ti.. t ,o:i- :; :
.1. I i e ,"
: 1 -. i - IS
the in I n are tin ned ; Mm in. re
ins ci-h.r r, it,.- l itnr.- ';. 1
:i i :. in i i
p :. -. ii. ;.
.-' a . : - i '. ' . . .
tio',v at ) .vs. a :iud - u the kbit
Hi- : .on.:-;", il l t U :'V 1 1 . . -..'..y. 1.;
1 1 if : -r ti.' - e - ; (fie-' iv,o. Wry I.h,
v-'ti- may !.- ' new I.e e. j. i!:l..., , ; 1 -;; Vl-;
the' vp-.n'liil en 1 Oi'th. fi(.-e:i: c.iipk "t.b
v ei
, w i
may ..esnie unu too iini.n
vv ... l,
I.e. n... ::i mil -iiin-i. ai.-i il-u v.e .-hall
o 1 . .. .
lei- Me- C. ; u i'tm e I 1.: in:. a pan ; f tin-.-l-V
l.-ir..-1-.-t -.:id .nnn -e. A ; 1 ., '.
, i lie i - ..- w mg pa::'v:i;h
; last l.e.n.bei- cf the ' JJ ( r
el l ii eift tie
..-': e-f lln-
,ef came mio povv e r, and fi.-u
.c s.i.'ein a inabliv e-o,i.b;
'1 i
Miirt'n r until 'ti't'iu'i :i' mi i la C v . ;,i--f i-.n - .
the Stti.c ' b-. al the title "of .-e-ve-.i bun be
' tli-'i'siti I .b oa:.- in- vein-. How i- it mn,
1 'f lic de-Li hits I,. a iii.-i -use d over a miiia n. :u,
the Sn.kin. Fund cfeoni.-e-aban. !:,:. - I. A ,
' IteaMiiy is Ceii-tniniy ill ..,-t.c.K-mv of: '! be :k.v Yotk C-o .',-,- ,- F---,er
; thf iiiilmVeMil,!, d.awn bv the-.-e men." I eed .'O .luUx...-
i It was a saying cf the ancients -that w! i.i I In tl-.e meat.time there- am cais to W a j;e-,. :-
cl"rls v'7' -y--y .thtvlirsi make mad." i r.l fdHngaway from the IVekideut ." Tl e- S -i
, o u,-.-' u' S iuu,l ' vaiuoih i.'e ;..,.,' ..M, harpimr l:,v.,u the stri-, - to
e. .i I., ti.- i -i t..., '.I'c.w.o'.g. k-' cytSii.Iy h:n e-d, ivc. c!i thotiia:: Js of Pierce's ferine r no.
H""l't - ':' '-nni, of destroy- kti-l bkrrds. ,; ,:' -,;;; r.t ,. ; ,.t i!, ),
mgmsre pniaiioo iorttuth and hoimr, titan by V. ,-..-. ... -,-,. Well, w'i.iit 'is the
, kep.i.n,.-iUio.icl such reeK. ss s.ate.iients as ver he-t which .l,e people hav c rettde-rid in this
he ah. yc. 1 he nil'-, har.itr.edol tne h.g pat- , a.-tmn of the Wliigs ,,,:-,. die IVe-sideut We
tv- vvii. bang their beads m shame, on perming; will refer to t heir decision in a few Mate., w ki.h
. In ourwh-:e i.'.ite.rial t-x peri-I have already had ch t-t i .us : the i--i-c evcry
j ence, wh.enc.:veismany :, viob-ul )iartisan con- : where being Pi t-i.'.-nt Pietve-s appeutttme-nts
; lest, we do not lemcmb.r to have seen so much . denounced by Whh.-s. defended bv IVinocratv
e.e-ss fa lsehood, in s. lev tvor.K as is contain- j ' Virginia led off by electing "a friend of the
eel m the above extract from the J -,;ui!. admimstratmn ia eveVy comr-e.sknai elist:i-t in
ihe .-e arc tiie more re-pro- j that - -oriotis old State,
j hcnsilde, iistketntth. em eviry jioint, was with-j "Nirtli Caredina, one of Whig-cry str,M--i
in cotivemeni reach cl this eduor. lie could have j ho b followed, elect intr five Demkc-at s
feanieef from t!te j,rocli..-i!en b-. ueel l.v Unv. Claim t'litiuMti.1 t'ti 1 1! ric A'.'bi-s to r.-i -..-, iii
Jo.oi-1,,,, himself, m the- fall of D 51, and" which, j her in the next CmeresS : ;V, XtheiC
, like-Hobeu-a.-K s Ii.-muhibs, were stuck on the ek-eted U-cause the Democratic vote (nearly dou
, ce.niers and l.ard fences m all parts of tho State, ble his ow n.) was divided be tween two Dcmoc-a-
lhiit "-noio emoitm of the State b-.nds paid ! tic cundhlatcs.
by ike .-inking but 1 .luting his se rvice s a, Gov- ' Alabama has elected six friends of Pierce
et nrr, at.muntct to but -1 C.V.U22 C'. How ab- and but cm oop-cent. C
Mird it is then to attempt to make th-people-be- ! " Kn'itrky ! yes, the Whig State of Kentucky
, uevc ttic eient was being piud oll'al tlie rate i one of tho four that voted against the Pre' '
!";'M-ra,itmm. Ifena-v.ntnVknd will now sends a dekgation, one half of whose me u
i -"ts ia tne Ait.hte.i Gmeial's cf. - lx-rs are his anient si.i.tH.rn-rs
i l,.-c he wnl ptieeive thai .during the time the ; " Tennessee, one of the Other thrtv that fiidcd
i .King 1, nd was j av tngofl tins .st'i.VJ,,.;,., t.f i;,-t ; to Mtstain hm, Inst fall, ha, now rcnet' U am
per cent bono- a new s.t. per ecu. bum was ! by the election cf the administration candid- c
i reate-u, 1-r -i'..i.f.,u iei.:, at the e nd 0! t.-r i.,' . rmr. has .ironouuccl her vei-k t
' twenty-five years, im.,1 that this bh:lgS the act,,- no-r' Pr, s,.,- vXe . ' " J"
I id icihte-tion ol the Mate elebt down to .-t-Vl l-1-' i
's- In addition to thi.-f. he can le-ani that on "m " "7'ivr.ivx- t.
very dav that G.,v. Johu.-lon retired, it h ! ),- I -i t , JVC'f fN A"'
come absolute!',- t:
i. -e.s.-avc to brvow
- - -
' o'.'l 'J
more, r.t six per cent., to pay the interest the n ; incre ase i.t the amount of river totmaue" a- ?
due, and theie was o,cr n-.-,i m unpaid at,- ; ut this j...rt, amoanfintr to 200,000 Dms over
j pre.priatmns. fc. much for the healthy cundilioti 1 years' arrivals. . "'
. cf the liiiiuu-cs. The Lev product'.lcd here equal on- : .
J nis tdttcr can ako k-am, from ihooilidal tkv- of the entire ei op of the West, Lcin ,aVe'
tm.e-tits, that, durifg the year ls.2,(i,y. lltgkr i marly trVkOfU.OuO.
pari oil ti.e s:x pet-cent, b'tids of the State that: " D in i.mto.v Vt S "
were the n due. by cre ating new cms at five per At tkceiecii m vc.-Unkay 'there was' no V' '.
: cent. and bHUiM.iintoinest.ikmtrmtulslbl.tiiiO, tbr (k-vcritor by the iHMple." laitbanks wk ' -i
i" n-;,"ln,,e V.VrV"!li,!aS ,Um:u's.V,!-' 'vcr a kn-e plurality : ti.e result will de-jK-ud . o ', .
m-e- Legi-buure, which runs vcy ckj. Ihe-i.t:.
.. .... , wiv late-
admtmdra'.on piud HI five per cent, bonds by
cre-a! in' new one s at s: v is i- .-.ot th
administration has paid oil' six per cent, lmds i
. .' . - 1 ' tiie. I.It.-.-tilL
...V ic.tinig !"cs at live per cent., and re
ceived a heavy premium beside.
As fbr this nnbhtsb-'r. ns. i-i :,,- :b-it -
j ing fond has been aban.'loued ,' eve ry man in the
community, ot ordinary intelligence, edd or young,
Whkror Democrat, knows the slale-meut to be
simply untrue. S'j far from being 'abandonded,'
tlie ie( ii.ts ( tJi.'s find have been largely in-
crease 1 sttice uov. r c amc into olhee. l.y
fTw-r i: ;i,.n:!.-trai!on (n:r.:.g tne same pcti'wi.
j wise t j complete the Noiili llrancu Canal, audio
: w, i. .1 :-, l..,t ;.. .. ....
', any an 1 all new v-:..i;h.- of e-xpcuebtiin-s. vvi-
f;Dl3 ! DO"" Die
g. . " " .' " '
'''' '' ": ''' ,e ' 'e vva'.ea-.vord ol (.reely m r,-
j 'i -ii t" Wi.ig paiiy. Tie old, j.:.!..!, broker.
i ':n f..riibii.ation of Whi.-g'-ry, has. in iiis opinh-n.
j 1V,.,; i..,., e-,e.,h. ai. l he is now kiiK-kii.-'
j ,:;,.a ,;et,;,.;:t, Xo -
j " - '
V. it;, L .-
: '1 Wi o ,i.t
. o v n .. vf
'i ' : ' f - - : n 1 : li t io 1 ioi 1 i i, -.1 1 1 ii,li i , . '. ...
! that t!a V, log- e.fNcW-Jei-.-ey an- going to J ; a;
: a p. 1 ...i ,o...ue until e to the Ceni'is and l'ai.n'i:i
i . ... . . . . . .
to tne e.V; e t ;e,;,-;o ! that Ui.-t ltigui.-lu-.l I . - I V
tiie V n . c . ., ng to of t lielnx lv e.-. The
;-,l-'l' apii'tmiy lo m.-t-t that th, n pan
' 1 ' "' "l : 1 'i!-"- bcig sm.-e to
n- :t .,-- u.-i .....I i .-., . . ... t
in- I i.tvaoi ;o to iiu.r.i- a ti e.nn. inlo'is stand .' :
j-:-.--.. t-v itig the ir organn.att. n. wluniu tnith ti,- -.
.:.', .. 1. : :'- 1 '-tl.'ii.'.e 1. A i id as if to pr .v e tk:'
! :: pv .in.'.- ave-!.:e rely cf a pos1 niori en. n .
f ,ii . they intend I piny half monopoly and !.:.';
t.. oi'iai.e.--. and the- Ti 1 will be that the v
v. i.i l.uum'V.e sotn. b. .ily vv iiotn iie-iihcr anti-s.i-e
n. p. lists !t r tempi i ance int o w ill have fiiitli in.
nnd th .! it.'- candl. lap-of th ir cpp.iie-n;s will I..
el(. led. ' re n!t v. e may -v t down .'is i,..r
:n.--' ' bh-. hut as under the cir'-ttni-ta.- .
n ; "y t d . . niiatntu harm. In the tn- t
pi-f '.i. v, t;i Una' : y eii.-j en.-c with the nuc-l: ::
v.-h tl -. tin re is a Whig party in tho State.
m!. an 1 en. an -ip.-te a o,..,l many woi-tliy pcopl--fi-.-tii
(Tie in.iy of throw ing away their votes. 1
v.'ii! til us clear tlie field f,r the more iinpe.rtaii'.
on. .-ti; n that only Whig folly novvhe-ep.- i;i sib'- -CI.-'-.
i!:d p; e v e li! s i'r.-ni .-',e ( t;.ing the .State-.
' .vr to this in.'at nation, the whole ami to, -
1 un.'e .- I ren lit h cannot be I. lot
. i lino n vet, tint Wlieil U is t!Ss
v v i.
v. . ! . ..-1 . t t. .. .. . i .. .-
- - e - , - . . e . I T. ,i ilii.'iili .1 li. ' ;.Mh i.1 1 Li
ie ..bit i ... 'i lie i t ie i a u s m- already alar: :.e i
.. i.i't... 1 . -1 1 ,. ... 1 .... it , a: . , ,. .,.,'n.i
i i.-e 1 1 ihc h-gs. wiii. as w e have stated ab-ve-.
niuke a lake'.vnri.i. a'..sur I ai; mpt to f.y.ieotat.
!. as liny Will al.-o make a half v.'tu' move !
bi-u-g in the auti-mti..p..:;-t. but nil th: v. ill
: v,-..ii ni t.iei-.Led lititiv. an t w
he wa v j' r another t-.u.,!.: ;-.-i. ttini
n.' n 1.. .'.;" b ii.Miili.i an 1 ' y
t- " t'li l. A . !' To.v I : . .
V 1 1
Xi.s. L.j.vl
cf t!io Pecrl-.
y the- a--.-;: alii.;, , ,'
-it i '
u .n ... . tn: t tlie 1'olii-y ..;' tiie a.'iiiini.-tra--
at ike -aii.e tunc pvo-sittv e rv ami fre e-. -nl-'i
in' -tdi-ri n--c tiom this (. ia.-'n ,,f contra-jio-f.i
' I'-'-.n- of the l'.e-. ,,le tit is, t.' e-. .u: ,-e.
.-- a '. i - , v f i. in is i.i t.i.t. in in t. :ie, ;-
ht.rge.i in the .-cti-t- in whie h th. v an-
'b.t:. on t:n- .-utvaty , he h;s b- e :
t '.ii-i t. l:':i,vi.('k.iei-i., i.
tk. ('.'' n't a,.., - ;-p. n the ti ne national gle.ui.-i
..'lb- i .-in- vuii-e - of the ! -ii-otnti.-n, the i i h' -'fib.
nnd tin- c,lu!.:;-hid J riucideV ef
ti e ; 'em. .:;.. party.
1 n '-a.- be e u uiinu.-ti. uan'.y the '.irdi.-t of
tlie- ,-' ph.- wiic.n-evt-r ih-. v havch.i-1 the l sue b
f -n-ikto. -'i kc.ka.:;ngi.M!e-.- .-:n s the Sa-
M.n .1 , f.. ,.. f v(,f
e 1 i ' o . : :;. i - ; ;
1. . i " 1 . e
. . ie .-. ,e , . i .i.e . -.
"Ii, .-de bv the- V,
m ii!.- :,.i-i....-.1.,!is m-: in that n..w pending m
' ;t": - ? chai.-, -it:-'.; i bin 1 -jerce'.- aj-iM.ini-
'; -H't'dt and ,-:ni,, Jia-t and Wo', tl.-.:
oh in:- s kin e bee n nun op..u the charge thi t th,-
" ' ' i I ; 1 :1:'1:" ;-iV"r ;'''' nd' have- bte'l.
s'"'-f""-'- snd .-...--s. And :b..
y 1 1 -l ,:- ffi i :. .:, to i-e-i.uM- h,m ai the ba -'
"t'i"'v- v':-' ei'!' txciteh.eni lseaiiie k
'. em thai they a .-.natty pev-uroleel them
t -wve-. tutttv.-liat th-.-y. h de-ivii wasUii;
. . i t
j ii. tin. in, ii s r. I-' e sinivt s no tn
1 .1
i 1 " I -1 I I I i ' I i ! tl... . CI.. -
------ " -. . .... . v .l.-e
; permme epteslioii e.pci uteS to such atiCMeUt i
; ,t is .idifct.It to ekicimiuc the true ita e cf
; l'
Xitlt'OllU'lVW ... ",
The tittmVr of deaths rejmrti'd in this city
the 21 hours ending at 0 o'clock this meniimr v
Dm, of which Hit veerc cf yeilovv fever. Th
an increase over previous elays, and, consul, i ..
the reduction of the population, Li a terrible mot -tality.