y -ii -rrr- 1 " ' " " TUB BLESSINGS OY GOVEItX.ViEXT, LIKE TITH DEW- OP HEAVEN', SHOULD BE DISTRI'll'TED ALIKE UPON' THE 111(311 AST TflE LOW, THE 1UC1I AND THti POOH. EBEXSSllfl, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1853. VOL. 1 AO. 3. 1 TERMS: The DEMOCRAT & SENTINEL is published every Friday morning, in Fbenbburg, Cambria cuuuty. Fa., at !j 1 50 per annum, if faiJ in advance, if not $2 will be charged. ADVERTISEMENTS will bo conspicuously inser ted at the following rates, vi : 1 square 3 insertions $1 f'J Every subsequent iusertion -a 1 square 3 months 9 0U g o 00 ti year " loluuin 1 year 30 00 A .f 4 18 OU l'ms'iness Cards with 1 copy of the Democrat S Smtind per year - o. 00 lr-'V, Letters must be post paid to secure attention. Select bth'ir. iO ONK SVPl'OSEOTO 1SE KALSL. If yet to old p. tier t ion true, One chord in a'! thy .heart remain J J' yet can fall fume pitying dew 1'j.ou a In other's p-.in If recollection's hhn:-. .1 t-h- t Ct-il et relief t the days ciu'. !, O'a 'x t the chord re.-j-'i.ae beat, Ai.-l memory iim.oM 1 11 ,w closely once "0 tw T he- tv, ..1 the !.t II.!. -.l.jvc tL'f lAik b.:.-k to days when h.ii. l ill I Ui-b 1:'. r-ril- ar..i aim- a f.m.ly I We wa.f.'-KNl throU.::i a dn-an y Ian !, Ai.d iit'i. h sm-'t :"' th.r 1. 1- 1 t.i- h.uf. out .-.:, at it!, in ili to 'iart- ;.'..i! t.ot ii ( :..- ! .1- are n.' .i-- ''her trv e-t, A: 1 ei ' e aeti . 1 ' c-:t I'rmn '! d in .n.i w h-re oli 1 1 -tt '1 t.e s-'.ii.e U:at ti. ar- fix hum-M K-t ':.. f.'itr t 11 '1 to ll il'I ta I .he r. col'i tt Fh.it.e.l t v ;. .jh v ..i:. than ucao.'. ti.ui (wuui -,t h-.jt.ot y- t d- i i- u! r:i i.-er fi . nit' v ; . th- h ail has lu-t i'. t toll-, '1 :.f l.ht with.'.r.twu. t-a: eiio.-o 11 Vita i.oia- to v. 111 j :'.:.- a.-;.-- -.1 HI.. .'re-!K..ti.id. lit wniti.;.' yuiti 'J he dicouiy d: u, the iiiaJle.;tn MJ1 th-rilg la .! t" ny l'd. bo.ll, i I !" .... ' .., thv Lit ! antii A !.:' :.i.e m:!.'-' n1 1 ;-. in- m ...nt. t- ol ! Unoiis joy. And t'.a 11 the- Im.i le; :-! Ai.d on my to;i:b let t'nU he writ. ' The limn l-'.ow war van!; ; his brain Had power that could not hcia lit That couhl hut with pain A w arm heart wither in ins breast tine pa ion swail-'w nil the rest.'' Cults nnbShctcbts. BAD BOYS. A WU!U FOI4 r-MlKXTS .'D TEA'intKS. BT T. S. AltTlILK. Incorrigible hoy 1" exclaimed Mr. Wilkins, addressing a lad who stood before him with (lush ed face, and eyes resting iit-on the floor. " Did I not positively f irbid this ?" To his fathtr's angry interrogation, this l-oy answered not. ' Did you hear me, sir :" Still no answer. " William !" Mr. Wilkins laid Ids hand, with a sharp grip, on the boy's shoulder. The latter raised his eyes, that were moist with fathering tars, and fixed them, with all appealing glance, on his father's lace. " Why don't you answer me, say ? Iidn't I I'sitivcly f.irbitl your going with those boys ?" " Yes, sir," was faintly answered. " And yet, aRer my p.rohibition, you went, thus acting from a deliberate spirit of disobedi ence." Mr. Wilkins was much excited. He was rath er a stern man ; quick in his conclusions, strong of will, yet not intuitive in his estimatesof char acter. William, his oldest boy, from his prone ncss to go wrong, had given him a great deal of trouble. To use his own words, he was " almost out of heart with him." His second son, Ed ward, was altogether a different lad. From his earliest years, he had been mild an obedient. If his parents forbade his going anywhere, the proliibition was never regarded as a hardship. Possessing an innate power to abstract pleasure from onlinarv surroundinirs ; content with the present good, whatever it might be ; he had lit- j tie temptation to wtimter irom rigm paui.-,. ov. aiKerentwastiieinuemeucii.ua..iei ei ni.a.u , Htcins. lie nau a quick unmi, aim a su-onir , imagination, with coyctousncss, excitability, and a love of sensual pleasures. Now, it neverscem cd to occur to his father, that the marked tlitl'ei ence between Wilhni and his brother Edward, was something forwhich the former was to be pitied, rather than blamed. He thought of the boy's iierverseness as acquired or deliberate ; not as the fountain sending forth bitter waters, be cause it possessed no innate sweetness. Every wrong act was set down as the olispi ing of a pnr-por-e to do wrong, instead of a yielding to tempta tion. And so, he had no patience with the lad, who, it may be remarked, was a better boy than he had been at the same age. The father was excited at his child's tlisobcdi ence, and, rejecting all excuses, punished liim with unwonted severity. The mother's deeper love for her cliiklrcn made her wiser. She better understood the ground work of William's character ; cotdd see farther below the surface. AVheu his father blamed, the only pitied ; for she saw that in the Ixiy's mind .r.K,f. ?nt.n Klm-rhs with he-.,,i;,nrv- ... ,..,..., ...v clinings ; and if heoftcii fell, he sometimes con- A ,',b Kdward. all elided on smoothie as a summer sea ; for his impulses w;ere to g.od rather than to evil. To'oU-y was an instinct of his mind. Often did Mr. Wilkins unwisely hold up Edward as an example for his oldest sou the effect was to sow seeds of self-righteousness in the breast of the former, and anger towards his brother in that of the latter. Very differently, however, acted the mother. She Clever repelled tor Ting toy ; but, even when gncycd aad of- funded by his worst faults, sought to draw hhn to her side and win his confidence. When he came weeping to her room, and angry with his father for the punishment inflicted, she said to him ia a grieving, not a chiding voice " IIow could you do so, William ?" " I wasn't in any harm, mother," sobbed the boy. u We only went over into Eailcy's wood for some nuts." " Still, you did wrong; for' your father posi tively forbade your going with those boys." " They're not bad boys, mother." That isn't-the point, William. Your falh er's com maud must 1 your law. lie has Lis own weimi:'iMl tl...v maauaii m s: r not ri'i:;i:.' 10,1 i ku n eomoanv mi l t ics; ovs. I !.e 1' i - . - j i wroiiz, on your part, lies in the eli.-ohidleiicc." i 1 - " Well, I didn't intend to go with them, n.- ther. When father told me Hot to e-o so, I meant to obey him. I ahvays itn.au to oUy him, f r I 1 kaoir that is litdii. Lut nniiti:iKS 1 f- rget : and sometimes I w ant to do what he lias I r! id- de.'i so verv l.i.i' h h.it it .-ct.is ns if I con! .1 t It ws bo this m-. n.icg. L i-.t l.elt :i;g wr-. i Light I hi V awake f 1 a 1 :ig ti:..e, t!:i:.kii:c 1 nice u w on; 1 ia- to l.,i : y s w-r an 1 1 S"t:ie nuts. It v a al-ut t lii - 11.01 ltii; ' the Ilr-t thiitg I t! a:i 1 altt.rbii.ai.hi I a.-ki -1 i L l.iai I if lie woi.ll.i't with i!.e. lh.t he f , 1 r w 1 t : v niiy Vi !.n c. lie's a! Keh. or I. i hi y :r.y.-t!f, f.-r it isu't j ha.-ant the Moj ls. tsj. v. lieu Mr. to I J--i:l in b : an I said th. ; gnthu-nuts, it didn't -eeiu s- if ii wou:d be very ! w romr to w ii.ii th' M and s I Weill. I It is viry wrong to didxy your hither, Wil- i !i.u:i," said !iis iiiotlit-r. ! " I know it is. Fut I v, i-h he Wouldn't always ! l-j telling me not to do this, and not to do that, j and not to do the other. I wouldn't go wrong, j nor-ct punished half so often"." " ilut, if he sees danger in your way, my son, t.r. ,..f tit'r .1 eoi... of e -u-i' i Ti 'r V 11 The lute t li.ii i.e not oik. t , v.-. . . .- ! did not aiisw er. " Thee is danger in an associ ation with those boys," said the mother. " I never saw the-in do anything so very wrong." " What would you say cd boys who were guil ty of robbing orchards' and hen-roosts V A red spot burned instantly on Williams' face. "Would you call that very wrong V Yes, ma'am." " Of such wicked a-ts have these boys been guilty ; and into such wicked acts you may be led, my son, if you keep their company." " Why , mother ! Do you think I could be tempted to do such a thing ?'' You are easily tempted, William, too easily; and tliis is v.hy your father is so strict in his in junctions. If he permits you to keep company with boys who rob orchards aiid heii-roo.-ts. he has uo security that you will not be led astray into commission of the same evils; or, if m.-t ae tnnllv c-uiltv of such deeds, that you will be ad- dged guilty, because seen in the comp; J c ' " ilV of those who coiiintiL them. William looked serious, and stood for some time with his eyes cast upon the lioor. " Why didn't he tell me all this ?" heat length asked. "I'm sure, if I'd known they were thieves, I'd never been caught in their company. lJut that's just the way with father! lie's al ways saying Don't do tliis.or don't do that. But nev er gives a rer.son." " Hush, my son. It is not right to speak so of your father." " But it's true, mother. If he'd told me, when lie forbade my going with Mr. Jones' boys, that they had stolen apples, and robbed hen's nests, do you think I'd have been seen in their compa ny i No, indeed. He would have saved me from disobedience and punishment." Farther remarks, of this tenor, the mother did not permit her boy to make.. Their force came upon her mind with almost stunning ef fect. At school, William was no favorite with his teachers. Too rarely, indeed, do we find the in tellectual endowments, requisite for a teacher, oiiitiil wilb lhiistt looriil mi.ilitie-s that should ever , c Cii!ieJ by th0i,c t0 lQm ore committed , all.iiriporlaIlt work of educating the minds of immortals. Unfortunately for William ,,.. . A "iikins, his teachers were meu of no intuitive perceptions of character, and no uuscliish regard for the well-being of others. The natural impul ses of this wayward 'boy w ere rvnuUul hihiii. in anger, and prejudged as if they were deliberate purposes. Moreover, as he soon acquired the reputation of being a troublesome boy, lie was observed more narrowly, and censured and pun ished more frequently than other lads guilty of like offences. He grew reckless in consequence. His efforts to do right were never met by appro val, wliile his wrong deeds always brought a swift reaction. Punishments, complaints, and temporary sus pensions, marked the progress of his education, bringing with them additional punishments at home. Lnder such a system, the boy's life w as rendered miserable ; while, instead of growing better, he was daily growing worse that is, less hopeful of Ins own ability to do what was right. Never stimulated, tlirough encouragement, cx- ; .... i .u,. i:i.i ,1 1 j T U1S ioiiier-auu me i ine ..i -,,u had small power to overcome the adverse m Ido iiu- j ence exerted at almost every point-and soured ! towards his father and Iris teachers, ,.c was grow- ! ing more and nrore reckless, and really beginning ; to think himself what his father most unwisely j pronounced him "A boy doomed to du-grae-e both himself and family. Such was the state of affairs, when, one uay, wfiile a gentleman was in conversation with Mr. Wilkins, William came to him and delivered some message. " Is this your son V asked the gentleman " Yes, sir, that is 1113- oldest boy," was an swered. " A fine, bright-looking lad !" said the man. " I only wish he was as good as he looks," re plied Mr. Wilkins, in a voice that conveyed quite as disparaging a meaning as his words. Instantly the countenance of William, which had brightened at the stringer's remark, fell. A few moments afterwards, he w as sharply re proved by his father, for turning over some pape rs on his desk, when, with a Hushed and angry brow, he went hastily from the room. The ryes f the stranger fallowed the retiring firm f the boy with an 1 if wtwrr -it """for a ie .V In note acu- moments lie remained tiion-lului ami s:.u.t. tJ.is pau.-o, a i.ni came 1:1. Rii-l o liveting a .-I. An to Mr. ilkius, iinmedi.itcly ret l.tti n c li in fIi--,vd the li.tniel reading i f this r....te. 'M-.te Irouble," he .-aid. mo Ix ye'id u'.l 1 :uhii aiifc." " Vlla: i., the n.atter f" 1: mil. 'A Ji-.'.e ft :.i the- j.r.ti:pul i.sy -u g 1 s. Iha lit f.r That l.y worries quire-"! t! U'e- f titr M h oj w ln.le ir.-iil" a. id. with a -::! . t'.ir v. .t:;t -f i ar tnal tl hca-'y imd w i.-d":.i, J handed t the vi-n ili-man tl e li-jtejn-t rtieiv- . Illt:..!- I atu a .a:;i Ihreed to 1 -iiitpluiii i f your r. on'.-- ' i--l in the school. Ui.le.-s theru is an 1 ti :t h t'ij and de i ud hit roviM - nt Li his ljeh.i- 1 r, I d be .!: . ,. painful as will 1-e th ::-mi. pa! uiui native, to ri-qtu.-,t his withdrawal." " Tiie lad 1 .-aw jast now not me ant, sure ly V rel-iaiked the gi utlenian. " The san.e." a:.-.wered Mr. Vilkins. IX,- g.-s to Mr. Mellevilie, I see." " Yes, sir." . " It it.ay be, that the lioy is ll 't so mucli to. blame as his teachers," said the gentleman. :' Mr. Mellevilie 'a' school has the bc.-t reputation in the city." ' That doesn't make it the most desirable, how ever. Your son, I should suppose, from a glance at Lis fice, is a bright, active lay, full of impulse, and not very quick to think of consequences." ' You hit his character pretty well. Add, perverse, and always mure inclined to go w rong than right, and you have a fuller doscrijdion." " A bad school lbr such a boy," said the gen- tlemau. ' If lie were my son, I would remove him at once," - " Why so ?" " There are over two hundred in the school." " Yes." " And five teachers." "I don't know the exact number." I do. And each of these teachers gives in struction, in certain branches, ekiily, to each of those two hundred scholars. Now, it stands to rea.-on, thai rarliculr.r adaptations are out of the question. A certain routine of lessons is all that can possibly be expected. As to having special regard to the peculiarities of temperaments and mental activities in scholars, that is out of the quest ti'.n. i-.acii nas to io nuu upon a uiuu 01 Procrustean bed, ;nd, if too short, stretched to tho required dimensions if too long, .-horn of some fair proportions. Only those who happen to be of the right length, escape injustice, and it may !e, lifj le injure Does not this strike you on a moment's relleclie.ii V " I never gave it a thought before," d Mr. " A boy, such as your sen appears to lie, can not possibly pass through one of these schools, where children are educated by wholesale, with out receiving permanent injury. Troublesome b.ys arc rdways marked in" such institutions, and gotten rid of as quickly as possible. Now, these troublesome boys are, usually, those who have the greater force of character, whose hereditary impulses are strongest. If wisely led into the right way, they make our best and most cine ient men ; but if, through defect of education, they go wrong, the world kuows them as its worst ene mies. They need the wisest care ; the tenderer t and most considerate treatment. They do not commit oH'eiiees so much for a purpose to do wrong, as from hereditary impulses. These im pulses, when they appear, should not excite our anger, but our pity. We should do all in our power to trive the boy a moral strength to over come in his daily temptations to wrong ; and. when he does wrong, while we censure evil as evil, we should seek to inspire the youthful wrest ler with cheerful hope? of Until conquest " You startle my mind with new views on this subject," .said Mr. waL-iiii. " A bxht is break ing in upon me. But, where are teachers to lie found who will regard their scholars witn a wise and conscientious discrimination ? Who will take these active, troublesome boys, rnd in pa tience and long suffering, help them to overcome their constitutional perverseness ?" " Such men arc to be found," replied the gen tleman. " They are not many m nuniuer, How ever. One I do know, to whom I induced niy sister to send a lad who was always in trouble at Mr. Mellcv ille's, and w ho was finally expelled from the school."' " And with what result ?"' eagerly asked Mr Wilkins tween them. Deliberately, I am sure, my ncphew vould not, in anything, olfeiid his jierceptor. At Mr. Mellevilie 's he was all the time unae-r ecu sure lor disrespect to principal er icaeiiei 3. ' IIow was so great a change ciicetcd ?" enqui- red Mr. Wilkins. "By a mild firmness on the part of the teacher ,'n tho beiriiniin-' an anneal to the boy's self-re- . .. .' C J " Kncct ami such a ceuerous oulgoinj; of good-will towards him, that he could not but feel that his i HIV. OllilUiiy .SHOvll-a --e u.. . - ...... ; vitsiai i t.t.vv ..... f i , 11.1....1 I l..i I.. ' l l.l' l.l . .o-.. ... . ........ The happiest lobe conceived. In less than ! .nt usjiwj jn aiec;c form, or ! cut in which it is their intention to exhibit the Portsmouth. Ncwl urviort . and other oil ies where a week afur he entered tins new school, which is : f"' ' V' "" r c.;(r '.-a .,,or j " idlem ss of all nations," i:.stt:id of the industry. ' j.a nveutly bii-ni'.iirodticcd. it is said, that awecaiarneen. : lengthened face, or still and ig.d i a..u - ,jt thc Miwhv arfu.Us wdl he ad- ' Mailable on.au eutal l.ws have Urn destroyed hv- lmnted to twelve in number, horn he and tht. . SNVtttU. tw SixhhvLlh air ..l.-U iloat t!,c j . - ; thelcaka-a- f the cas 1-iT,-s. By ihe o-.-ape of teacher understood each other perlectly ; and now ; ,n:Ui,i'hymn of happy childhood : blending with I l,a7.v men, professional Ugrros, loafers, fihhy gas from 'broken pipes, it 'ha, been found that all thc utmost conUdcnco aud good feeling exist he- j , f f l.tfj'ajvi wafted iq.w.lrd, with ! street congressmen, who must bring a scs.-i.ni trees within fifty fvvt of the leakage have bet: i teacher was a true friend and not a tyrant. Af fection for the oil: e led this man l ! mie an instructor of youth. I.ive r-fchildri 11 i:ia!-.c-s l:im accurate in his creep: io:i .f lln-ir character, at: l wisin all that appertains t- their red g-x-l. lie ut-r rej-e'.s them by har.-h or auTy word -5 ; but always so shows them their fault a that go;. I n hjius f,T the future are aw ak in 1." ";If Icould ov.ly get my boy with him," i-aid Mr.Hvilkitis, h-.w il.ai.htul I we.uM be-." .Thete is a single- va .-aney, 1 Ulitvo." . "U it in the city I" 1 att. Mitry 1 r thru, repaid -ir. u " i hae-aluas l.nv:i oj-J.-id to .-.il la. r.v:i) fi'.-.u 1 me." ,.t '.' Net on! v a .-1 I . -... 1 , 1 at jicw d-iii.t -ti e- be - I ) a h- l.ke !: u.-leis .li e 1 fit :i the .-o;-" vas .i:bv.irel. a boy ,i 1 t. .: i'.n 1 that in- i li r:i Nvtiuk 1. lie-f. ... tloti at l.-o.e t Li .1 In re Kteht.iry, .m l th ihclii. (pal'iwii fi 1 c- !l l til ;l o l'e" h. aio :i i.;.vr. - th- 111 -1 i l.iv .It a.i : i !-. ai inr. In fa 1 '.in v.i tvlls, in our c no.i'.g. Fi'.v .-11111 - t, the 1 1 ton i! j n n.-., t-t i.l i.e.i, i-. p.aitl-'iih :!y au- 1 -.til 1 i. l ue :t."' 'a- Mr. 'iVilkius by the--was bieak'mg into hi- , iiiii.--'.f in a new H a- .! lei I tl :.e- i i o.i.s : A m v i ! niii 1, by w hich he- I on. lit loi'tt-l.iy child'.- K trielid," .-ai i he to Idm.-elf. Iliarth.it I have been his v. ct -t tit' uiy. liivv i-.vititiiry was the chat ie that iii.inedia'el-. 1; t l.ue. From Mr. Mei'ev iiie's sc1i.h W.l- liaiuwasat on-e removed, and placed under the car of the teacher sn strongly recunntended. The boy, when he l anted that a new complaint Iia.l been made against him by Mr. Mellevilie, suddenly prepared himself for a sharp rebuke or soy t-re lUi.i.-hnient. ' William," sai l his talker to him, 'd have a not? from your teacher, with renewed com phtiut,." The tone was not r.ngr and this created sur jiri -e. T!io hoy looked up. half fearfully. I think we had better try a new school,"' ad ded Mr. Wilkins. now speaking with something of cheerfulness in his voice. Y ii'ua'u did not reply, but gazed wonderiugiy at his father. IIow wot ill you like to go to Mr. Barclay V At Wcstvil'.eV - Yes." ' (-h, very much," was answered in a quick voice and with a brightening face. " You h..v c heard of hhn V " Yes, sir. Edward Jones goes there." " Very well. We will go out there to-morrow, and if Mr. Barclay has a vacancy, I will enter you i:i h:- school." Xo more was .-aid. Not a reference was made to the past, nor a hope expressed, at the time, lor the future. The new life was entered upon in a cheerful spirit, and soon it was plain to all, that the wayward boy had come tin let- the needed in fluences. He had now help and encouragement, j not angry repulse, ami worse than useless punish ment. He was no longer compelled to adapt him self to all surroundin-' circumstances ; but there was a judicious bending of circumstances to his case ; and a wise guardianship over him. looking to the repression of evil and the cneouiagcnieiit ol what was good. And so, instead of being warped and twisted through a false external pressure, he grew up into a goodly tree, beating, in manhood, fair fruit in rich abundance. LaJus' Wrtulh. rem Ilusirtss. I have ahororof " best" things, come they in the sha;e of shoes, garments, bonnets, or rooms. In such a harness my soul peers restlessly out, aiikimr, " if I le I T'm nuzzled to laid myself. J I become still' and formal, and artiticial as wy si'.rior.ndings. But of all the best things, spare me the intlic t ion of a best room." Out, uon a carpet too fine to tread upon, book.; too dainty to handle, sofa'K that but mock your weary limbs, and cur tains that dare not face a ray of sunlight ! Had I a house, there should be no " best room" in it. No upholsterer should vxoivi.se comfort, or children, from my door-sill. The free fresh air shoiii 1 be welcome to play through it ; the bright glad r,un.-hiue to lighten and warm it; while fresh Mantel llowcrs should woo us visits fro.ii humniiu--bird and drowsy bee. lor pictures, l u loo.v nwn out. n. . ... . . . J in.u:i . UuJ. j.iiiiiiul by the Great Master, I ever fresh, ever varied, ami never mturc-l by en ! vious . " cross lights ;"' now, wreathed in morti i ing's silvery mist ; now, 1 -asking in noon's broad j beam ; now, Hushed with sunset's golden glow, I now sleeping in dreamy l.ioon-hgltt. j For statuary, id! my hou.-c with children rosy ! dimpled, laughir.s children now, tossing their sunny riuglets ftoia open bi-o.vs : now, veiling ' their merry eves in sluraherous dreams, 'ueuth sjiow-white lids ; now sweetly grave, on bended ' knees with clasped hands, and lisped words of I holy prayer. Hid I ssy I'd have nothin left : Tar. ti overs incense. -- f,,VE Ic ollould be no day for w nose cry name is ' purxitng tuc tl - j iiaif.,Welo.m-d brain of childhood with gl-'t-my i . . . ! crei.as to shake the simple faith that prompts the ifTriocent,lirs to say, " Our Father." It should j be no day to sit upright on stiff-backed chairs, ' till the golden sun should set. No ; the birds ' should not be more welcome to w arblc, the flow- . ... . ers to chink m the air and snnltght, or tne tiers to toss their little limbs, free and f -ttcrlcss. i.i..i,!.i;iiii;i.iii iVi.i in,i ft a-rT-li-.-3. I CJ 1 ,l,,..,'t 1,. tl... lirst die- of n 1 1 (he -........ 1 ll.,l.w a IfiifO 1;ir'l V tliO lillstlltl T,.,-.-.. n..i-Ti..,o ni,v C , To C I i-im . . , .... ve Oil them. Sil l ltanii.es. k: L. M i .1.1 . ..... - ' ' . S.nihiy Flo, n whence d'-es this .-:i l laim-iit i under (,(;(- tw;, oh ini-takeii but w C 'ii.'i.-iiau p:uilit- : fi"i:l the- !: ! v h ':!i you Cui-.ija 1 to listen t- twe. or t Fr -l:'i ;iini , "!d. :ie ii'i :i- teihg.liic serine' TV , .-a:ui iehi'I n:!i')I-, an-1 tl.ii-hed d'sit ii': n juiiti itis (ferifls an-l -:iu. h it two 11 1 1 y- e. ti 1 . - -: . , "- . V u'- ' I'm so f"i 1 that tii-iii' rrnw is ha - s our wiary j.-tiiii ! N w.-n '.. 1 t ..-ir h i 1 ' i !'. ui t - i f--r l-i'.-! -!.'..; 1 .. . 1 1. t :t t It. ike' 1 a!i lJo-ll'! 1:1 ! v ti i o:.e U nuil .--abl -at h." :i. i::i-takt 11 p:tov:it ! rehix thv- i.vir-:iji'inl j ' b..-. ,i,ir,-,,.'l 'f ' :rt 1 1,' ,1 f. 1 I. .a',- the I ; .c.i' ..'.;Ii w liat .'! h::.i 1 i', 1. .t a i-;:i:.c- I t! and h. t 1 -t Ot A '.. I A -S . V . i n. V,. Tar::ily V-srald?. !i- i - t hi't i hi .1 h .h'.y -; r of K- kv : 1 h. 1 Hart r M- ! f .- a f. r I t w:., .- .-I..t 'tei-i 1. I k- , iii't-ts'i-t -. a:. t.ii-1 rei 0 1:11.' to 1 . fab::.!- 1- II II- '.1 im. :tt 1 . i 1' el t 'k.v. iti -t.'tn- t- . a fo.lt. - I' M.f l -lllll- 1! ti. 1 r i. - a- a f 'ir i c !'-- that h 1 t. - ffii. ; la- i i ( v.! i ' F- l' ':l . " i l l 1 1 on " Ho ha v e ;-.Mi-1 made ' -'.t e - n. a h- i i- i I t In a in h-v i..ti. Ii -.. i..s Co:..; anie-1 1 v liter. her ia'. ' r "t Tl.- no '.'.-j the h into.'- ;-ah;:. of itro-th". r II. th.it It : -. (':; th- iii-t r.i dif ti.ey -tun 1 with i.i-o. Di.r'ii'.'uruit-i-.i'Ui ";!; r-at i t reinity". li ve .1- in iiirhi-J.it of holding iaintlv wor-hip, mor ni r.:i I cvitiing. 1-ut he treito-h-l r.t (he thought i' ih'.in; .' 0 in the pre.- us e -f uc-ts .- distiti-uui-h.-d as Mr. Clay and hi. friend. His little chil-h .1 were becoming sleepy, and hi wife, by -i.Hii.i ant gestures, su;."-; red that the time lor prayer had culiie. 11: oilier V. looted to his de-Is that "perhaps they would like to go to bed." But Mr. Clay with great olitcne.-s. said that " he did not feel at all sleepy, aud unless it were intrusive, he wouldbc happy to i njoy his so ciety loiurer." Of course Brother B. could not ohjiet. Stiil. the matter of prayer could not be postponed without sending the children to bed in advance, which was contrary to his settled principle of procedure. At last, with coosidera b!e trepidation, he stated to Clay and li's friend wh-.t w as his usual custom, and st.id that they could slay and unite with his family in their de o;i.i;;s. or letire, at their option. Mr. Clay, promptly and with some feeling, replied that " lluy would remain by- all means ; that the ear liest recollect ions of his life were ri-sociatet with such exert i.-e- : that Us hither was a Baptist min ister, and his mother was still a member of that communion, and that they had taught huii to reverence the in-iiluiiou ol religion, and none more so than that of family wor.-hip." "Brother 15. thin pnvecded with his wonted exer.-i.-es, but with much fear and trembling. He say s that he never felt so much embarrassed in his" life. When the season ofprayir was pas sed. Mr. Cl.-iv Kr-jiroachetl hiui Mid said : " Mr. B.." never again feel .the hast hesitation in the discharge ol'your duty to God on account of the presence of men. I saw your cmbarraS; meitt. and remained on purpose that you might never llel it again. Kcmember, my dear sir, that every man of sense will lc-poci ihc individual w ho is not a hamed to acknow ledge his depen dence upon his Maker : aud he deserves only con tempt wno can cherish any other let itng than reverence for the consecrated hour of man in au dience w ith the Deity." And what arc myself and friend here but frail and feeble mortals ; like your little children ; indehti d fir all that we are to the great fountain of -ood. and dependent iqo;i Him lor every blessing of life ? Wc and you arc do-timd to the same grave, Mid to the same f.nal retribution. The king upon his throne aud the beggar in his ra's are the same in the eyes of the thniiis.-ii-.it. Think of this, Mr. B., and you wi'd never he.-ila'e again to engage in prayer to Chid o:i account of the presence of men. For myself, I would rather know that the prayers of a pious man, no matter how humble his position in life, were ascendm-' in my b-halt, than to have t he wilde-l aoittause se ofli.-teni .-nat'.irs. Mr. Ch.v and Ids friend then l ei in d lor t he lo.ht. Mr. B. says it was the best h-.-. -on of ins life. He afterwards heard the great state-man in all the grand-ur of his eloquence, l,l(t he in sists that in no eli'orl he ever heard v as he so im- pies ive as on the ocea-i'-n named.' ( i suju lit. ..d jc sscj; jry. i,.-.ii Tcaoli the "v c 1:7 an to Gave. Theie's the secret. A saving woman at the head of u family is the very best Savings' Bank vet established one that receives depo.-its datly and hourly, with no costly machinery to manage it. The idea of saving is a i-k-a.-i.ut one, ami if the woman would imbibe it :tt once, they would cultivate and ndhcre to it, t'tid thus many, when they weren't :r,vare of it, would be k-.virg the ! fouic'iat ion f a c-'itipc-( nee. s. citrity in a sttn-my ! ii-i.e. and a 1 Loin r m a miiiy uay. Tlie woman I who sees to iter own house has a large livid to : save in. i'tcl the best w ay to make htr coinptv i hi iid it is !br her to kei"n account current f-r ' i vo. r-scs. IVol.ably ivd one wife in ti ;r.. o, t.o i.-.c f. 1 i.i, -a how touch iff the CN-nciid':' urcs of her .-If or ! family. A'v'bero l.-.i one 13 two i iioiisuiKt Moon;.. j i.fe e.-itpct'.'de-i an: 1 souiethl:. x it' the atti mpt s only luatle Let the ; l.oTist -wife, thin, tt.ke the idea act upon it ! M-d si riv e over 1 ml she will save many tl j h'.is irhr.ps 1 I it iii,i.o.--iM-.-. he Is, where before she thotieht 'i his is a duty not a prompting ! ot avarice a morai l.ligr.t !: that re.-ts upon J all mull the wemui as we I ll as the men: but it i is a duty, we are sorry to say, that is cultivated erv little, even ainoi-.g- tlr-.-e w no piiacli the most and regard theiu.M-lvcs as exaniples in most matttrs i'e.'it !i the women to save is a KM l h maxim to be inserted in the next edition j of Fcor Kiehard's Ahuanac. j I fliii-ii. There is a propo.-llloii aliout b-ing of w ealthy peculators, to apply i'.y authorities for the I. -an of I made bv a party to the ?evv nl iimrji near the city wherim to build a Tl,.. ..nimtri' i.-rod-v-OiT the lat -'c- t liris'-ll will ( , ..,.s.lllwi -iih tt'l thc rotr.tcs licv conhucd m ' t... ,,, nltentitiries throttghout the Union. ' Cv A voting wife iviiionsira-ii.il w ith her hus Imnd. a dissipated .sjii-ndthriit, on his conduct. " My dear," said he, " I am only like the pro- d:; a ton : 1 shad te iorni l.y ami ty.. - ,. i I wilt he like 1 he ih o-'ii -,.1 Son. too."res- tilled .she, "l win ruse fu-i g ' w my ! houic," and th.- v, .n;. 1 house, at. L-I'oUl I I nci- kt a 1 tt f'F tiik I. w. A laughable i'llM m j triii-m of the-h-:i'iii'-.- ot thi- article occurred ir ! F!:".,: !,:. !-. !i -e, ;11 1- -nn bv the f o -win ti..in the IVora Ni ws: ' Mr. 1'.. irm fit hv utile; 1 wi:1,l,i T !!.-. n:id in cro lb- 1i-M f Mr. ('., n Fit ::-h't:.:i. ('.'- Iwe de 4 l'a- VM L m -:it : ly. wh; i to . ..'1 1 : - : on -.i r. 1. t M- e ft.:.' if J 1: ! !i-e. V .hub t-.. ;t, ' -'1 -t i'.e d z. a:: I 1- f-'! ! Ill 1 !' .". 1 ' '11 !'-! , V T T''lr ' .1 or t Ji v t . 1 v Uoil ' , . " ... . f, t . 1! ,,-t. ,b- w I... !l -t l h ! K 1 1. : 1 . I t 1 .,. . ., !'.' .t ! t ;- -l .- ...i' I! 1 V. oTl tl - u. t n .1 r,. t r t.ilf 114 ft k..'. 1 1 ii- l r ... ' F. ti lie t rj.---try. Ik 1 1 1 " l" k;:'- I l.i- . 1 U.r i.e ;- t -. 1 I. . -1 h- 1. 1. ,v w i- :i 1 . . r 1 I lot'l it r 11,. ii-l-rl.i- t r-n- .a '.11 : 1 1.' . 1 :i 1 : ;.!. w hi :i th- ; iiii I; tit t:. U-.l -.i , I J '. the i',i''ii it ! ('tit as;.v Mit t.i-, :: ..: s No! (',.. h'i of i .1..- fitai- - i tr.i oar v t!"ti'!io f C;-'t-i:.i t.. i :v 1 l!.- U ' tit . hie-t I -f .-' ! . if of ltsrlii7e:t-. win. i.i fe'ir or iiM-vi urs of em r.-et ic at t nt c-it t I b-.-. ii, - j. ; t. I I . k." jtn-i iii-ai.d il.t .i httio ! tiik. :y. i:. :.! h:c ruble out there by !'(: ... j :t-c the "p I--. f j r- pi rly f.-oni vvl.h h they I i iii-c. iiiei'.iin - i.!:iiM-t equal t-i the guat inithoii j lure f c i cm s ..f Fur .pi an I.oiiii. It is said that ! the . .ii.ii '.7 - ol Sai.niei Biatitioli, Esq., is j i r t vv o hiini'u i tl find tifty thou.-atid ih-'t'.iir-i. v. lii'.i- that ol .1. I., i Is.in, v . it. .M. i i..iwar.l. and sett r:-.t oli ei-s. is but little if any less. In lslT-s hundred.-; of hits in San Francisco were puivhase 1 for htU-en r.nd twenty dollars that arc liovv worth over a hundred thousand. All thoso w ho tlien bottght lots, ami had the sagacity t. keep thim, have grov. n rich.. Wc recollect . s-nya a Calif. nia i di:or, that in the winter of Is' I'J-.'n a merchant of Valparaiso, named Brown, v. ho kfi Albany, New York, some seven years lcibre, mad- an investment of c5u,000 in certain con.er lots, in San Francisco, and on that investinwit enjoyed a yearly rental of 47,WO. His wa.s not an unusual case either. IIow Kk.vtitky cot its Namh. The orig'n and meaning of the word Kentucky, has been ac counted for in elilierent ways, both ingcnri und jilausible. The latest analysis of the word Ken tucky, that we have heard, wc had a few days ago from the hps of an old hunter, now in tho ninety-ninth year of his ago. When Bo-ne lirst came to that country it was inhabited excltisivily bv no tribes of Indians, but was the common hunting ground tor all titetrilns of the adjacent country. The rich vallies were covered w ith a chnppartlof .-;.-, bearing a small berry, on which the turk'-ys caup in countless numbers t- fea.-t. Thus, it'w as tnou-h for the whites to call it th-land of roi( oc Tmknj. The Indian trvir.g to pronounce tin- same words got into, tho Kaue TucV.ee. from which it was abbreviated into Kentuck, and lin-.dly the name by which it is now known. Kentucky the land uf Cune and Turkey. Pi'tuain Lin.itcr. Th:: Iv. r.s. of Stlkxck. A good womau, w ho was sa lly annoyed by a termacant neijhlior, w ho often vi-iled her aud provoked a quarrel, at last sought the counsel ot her pastor, who added s'-und common sense to his other good qualiti-s. Hav ing heard the story of h r wivngs. he advised her to seat herself ijuietly ilovvn in the chimney cor ner when next visit. -a. t:.ke the t ours in her hand, look steadily into the lire, and whenever a hard word came from her lips gently snap tho Umgs without littering a word. A day or two aft cr vv artis, the good woman came again to hi r pa.-tor with a bri-lit and laughing liice, to cominuuicatu the eiivcts of this new antidote for scolding, lh-r troultler had v i-iteil ht r, and. us usuah c-.mmt n- ced her tirade. .Snap went the tongs each tiin---. " Wdiv .It.v't von - th ak ? -lid the tcrnmL-e'it. more curat: ;ed. nap. " Speak !" said she. Fnap. ' Do vo-i .- peak. I fch-.ll sj'fit myself if voti don't speak 1" Sii:-p. And away .-he went, cured of Ikt mfdudy by the magic H.wcr of silence. A Sti:t:i.i; Fki.i.ow. The f -ilowing uiti pie advertisement appears in a late number e-f the Lebanon (Ky.1 l'ot : " 1 arii in jail, and very unjustly, I think, an I 1 am lonely ami desolate", having nothing to while away the hours. I solicit a share of patronagn in lny line, viz : Tailoring : 1 will work vPy low half price rather than be idle. A. SltKLIKii. Lebanon Jail. Feb., ls.M." He might have add- d as an additional indocv M:;t that he would always be found at home. ! A fino:v An; '!''T-. Tluy tell a gooiHtorv of ! Lorenzo Wove, or a preair.buhu ing preacher ol his ! " school," to the cliect , that rid ing once in a .-tao coach on his way to ::t app'.iii'ment, he fill in i company w itii some w il-lyonng blades, w ho were I hd. from his eccentric apj-earatice. and manner, I to hit a v itii that he was a propir subject f. r their jokes and raiilei-y. lie ;u once huiitore I their de : i;'iis. by - a!i". -t injr 4Jm-s. and making the most ! ah-ui-l t'nd se::se!t .-:s ii in.uk--. I'pnn ariiv intr at the place whtre he was to :-tp, thev ascertained who their bull was. Mid lagan to apologize, cd ser i:;g, in extenuation of tin ir rudeness, that hi-J own i-tuiversat-on had mi.-led them. "Oh," said ho, " that's uui in-i; ; I always try to H.'con'inotlate my selfto the company I am iu ; :lnd when 1 am a mot,:; fools, I talk fooll-h 1" W.-..-1 kux H vnaiu- h.k. A physician culh d up I on to u.tjfv j., rt-;inlto the physical el'.'et ts of i a severe whipping given to a scivaiit giil. said: ' ( icntkim .1 ol the jury, if a jackass had tho j fkin (fun alligator fir an overcoat, ami a pit -c if Kuhr plate underneath, and thnt ja-ka-s v civ to be lh-gge-lone half ii bad as that woman whip i ped tliiit ch'id. all creation couldn't .-uve the jack ass from living." '"r- "neii Pat II-gan fir-;, ftn-Ivcl in this coun ts y. he via-; ti'l-l l y ..oiiie Y ankee tltat many things in this roiiirrV were laiger than in Ireland the rivers. 1:'a(s. Ac. Stun afl',. t.,- eatne to a ft hi where a ja-kass vv as le-.,,,.. nnd seiinj; the animal cock up :'lr( f lomr tars, Fat h-uilly txilaimed to h:H , f-. -.iio.-iiiion. i h, T u iy, my b y, lx k 1 Oh, Jasus, rl; a ral-bit 1"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers