Agricultural. N Late Sown Vegetables. Sonic of the latest delicacies for table use may to obtained from quite late sowings. "Ve can speak most positively in regarb to turnips. Both the round and the flat turnip may be sown at any time in July or August, and we have known it to come to considerable maturity in a season in which there were no early frosts, when sown in the first week of September. Special VAms should betaken to enrich the soil, tor in this way wc secure two objects the more rapid growth of the plant, and a sweeter and more tender vegetaMe. We suppose it is generally well known that the more rapid the growth of this and several other vegetables, the more mild and tender they are to the taste. Cabbages, onions, radishes, spinach, cauliflower, are all much more delicate in flavor, and agreeable to the palate when grown freely and rapidly than when their growth is stinted or slow. Cucumbers and celery may be also added to the above named, as "being much milder when grown rapidly than when of slow growth. Some of these may be raised late in the season, as well as turnips, so as to supply the table with the del icacies of spring and summer until quite late in the fall and winter. By the end of July and in the course of August, there will fe vacant places in garden and field, which it will be good economy to sow with tur nips. There, will be, at all events, the pea and early potato ground ; these and such other patch es may be sown with round or flat turnips, and thereby, we will be making provisions both for our family and our stock. What we do not use for the table will be well relished by our cattle, and cows with a tolerable supply, will not dry up 60 -early as cows that have no green feed. Alb. Cultivator. Prospects f the Hog Crop. To most of our readers the prospect of the crop of hogs at the West is a matter of much interest, a3 upon that may depend the number fattened by small fanners in New York, and in other grain growing and stock raising States. In a recent iss7C of the Cincinnati price current, wc find the following information with regard to the prospect at ami near St. Louis, which is supposed to be re liable : " The fanners are prepared for low prices for hogs this coming season. The crop will be larger than was ever known through Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. I have heard of no contracts having been made as yet. Packers are of opinion the market will open here at less than S4. The corn crop is good, and I am told by parties from difier .cnt sections that hogs will be much cheaper than last j'car." How to Dry Peaches. Do your readers know how to dry peaches ? Take those of the best quality, just as thej- arc ripe enough to eat, halve them, remove the stones, and sprinkle over them, in the hollow from which the pit was taken, a little nice sugar; dry them in abiick oven after the bread, &c, is with drawn. They are far better than if dried in the sun, retaining their aroma and flavor, and besides are totally free from insects. Prepared in this way, from peaches fully ripe, they need no cooking, but are simply soaked out in cold water. All the su gar they require (ranging of course with the va. riety) is added while drying. Peaches thus dri ed and prepared, are only inferior to the fresh fruit, of which they retain the flavor in a remark able degree. If you prefer, take them not quite so ripe, and peel the fruit, but the flavor is not so good as when fully ripe, and is dissipated more iu the process of drj-ing. Duration of Posts. The result of forty years experience and obser vation, with me, is that common fence posts set in the sround sreen, and butt end downwards will last, in a sandy loam, about ten years. The same set in a like situation, inverted, will last fif teen or eighteen years. The same timber, (and sod the same,) well seasoned before setting will last eight or ten years longer. I speak of good white chesnut or white oak. TimlK-r cut in the old of the moon in February, will not be eaten by worms, will not snap in burning, and will last tmtch longer made into posts than when cut at any other time. 1 have chestnut and white oak posts standing well that were set twent-eight years ago. Ar. E. Farmer. Rural Axioms. It is as cheap to raise one ton of grass or clover as a ton of burdocs or pig-weeds. It costs no more to raise a hundred bushels of cider apples, or ten barrels of Virahcus or Bart' letts, than the same quantity of choke pears. An axe costing two dollars with which a labor er may cuf fifty cords a month, is a cheaper tool than an axe costing but one dollar, with which he can cut only fortv cords. A " cheap plow" at five dollars costing in one season three dollars in repairs, and three more in lost time to teams anil men, and by retarding crops, is a dearer plow than one costing ten dol lars, requiring no repairs. A cow bought lor ten dollars, whose milk but just pa-s her keeping, alibrdsless profit than one at thirty dollars, giving twice the quantity of milk anonled hy the lonner. A common dasher-churn at two dollars, used one hundred times a year, is not so cconominal a purchase as Kendall churn at four dollars, re quiring but half the lalor to work it. A ten-acre field costing fifty dollars per acre, and ditched, manured, and improved at fifty dol lars more, so as to give twice the crops, is much more valuable than twenty acres unimproved, costing the same money. The man who loses half an hour of lime worth one chilling, and wears his wagon and team equal to two shillings more, by u. lxiV ana ivugli .-.-.i, to avoid a plank road, toll of sixpence, loses just two and sixpence by the opcrtion. The laborer who wastes half his strength in working all day with a duUnsaw, because he can not give a shilling or afford an hour to get it shar pened, will waste at least twenty-five cents per day, or six or seven dollars per month. Albany Cultivator. To make Kosk-watkr. Take two ounds of rose-leaves, place them on a napkin tied round the edges of a basin filled with hot water, and put a dish of cold water upon. the leaves ; keep the bottom water hot, and change the water at the top as soon as it logins to grow warm. By this kind of distillation, you will extract a great quan tity of the essential oil of the roses by a process which cannot be cxjicusive, and will prove very beneficial. A Skcret for a Farmkrs AVifk. While the milking of your cows is going on let your pans be placed in a kettle of boiling water. Turn the milk into one of the pans taken from the kettle, and cover the same with another of the hot pans and proceed in like manner w ith the whole mess ofmiik, and you will find that you will have double the quantity of sweet and delicious butter. Try this, dairy woman and write us the result, will you ? Substitute for Ckeam. Well beat the yolks of two eggs and strain them into a pint of new milk, add two lumps of sugar and place it on a stove, stirring very carefully in one direction un til the whole is the consistence of cream. Used for tea, coffee, or fruit. is said that chickens fed on onions will never be troubled with the gajes, and a corres pondent of the Northern Fanner savs that equal parts of lard and cayenne fiopi" wjfi cure the pip. These experiments are at least worth trvin. Put a piece of assafoetida about the size of a pea in each hill of cucumbers, and they will not It troubled with the stripud yellow bug. Register's Xotice. ALL persons interested are hereby notified that the following occounts have been passed and filed in the office of the Register of Cambria county, and will be presented for allowance and confirmation at an Orphan's Court 'to be held iu and for said county, on Monday the fifth day of September, A. D. 1853. The Partial account of Margaret Cullcn, Admin istratrix of the estate of Patrick Cullen, deceased. The account of Lewis Doraiaycr, Esq., and Lewis B. Dorniayer, executors of Gabriel Dormnyer, dee'd. The account of Lewis Dorniayer, Esq., Adminis trator of the estate of Ludwick Donuuycr, deceas ed. The account of Maria Crum, cxecutrixof Jno. B. Cruiu, deceased. The account of James M'Dermit, Administrator of John Hummer, deceased. The account of James M'Garity, Administrator of Charles M'Garity, deceased. The account of Jacob Luther, acting executor of John Stolts, deceased. The account of Amcvicus Bender, executor of Mary Catharine Koch, deceased The account of David Paul and John Paul, Ad ministrators of William Paul, deceased. The Account Of John Paul and John StuII, Ad ministrators of Jacob Paul, deceased. The suppliineiital account of John Knepper, Ad ministrator of the estate of Abraham Kuepper de ceased. The account of James Kirkpatrick and Matilda Kirkpatrick, Adinrs. of Thomas Kirkpatrick de ceased. ii. jxiu-NOiUiN, licykter. register's Office, Ehensburg, Aug. 11, 1853. 41. Cambrian and Crusader, please copy. ijst or c irscs C? ET doVrn for trial at a Court of Common Tlcas 3 to be held at Ebensburg, in and for the county of Cambria, on the first Monday of September next, to continue two weeks. FIRST 'WEEK. M'Lnnahan vs. Shaip Drown ' Wyuian Elder " Mugehan Troth & Co. l'hythian Johnston Benshoof M'Connell " M'Garity Dranuau " Doglc Troutman " Mitchell Commonwealth " Butcher et al SECOND WEEK. Kinports vs. Newman ct al Ream ct al " Crum Tyson " Dillon Baker T' King ct al King ct al " Baker Rhey " Crum Dunnal'cy'-e adui. " M'Manamy's adui'rs. Bracken Sargent ('rum ct al " Sinay Carter Bingham Allegheny tp. " . Lake Conway " Cassiday Kaylor " Glass Ashcraft Dougherty St. Clair ' Gates M'Gough " Little Cox's adm'rs. " Johnston Anderson & Co. " Lloyd et al Kepler " Scanlan M'Gough t al " Conway Same " Kiskaddcn Moycrs Gillespie Miltcnbcrgcr " King et al Shabachcr Kennedy Smith " Ramsey Linton & Co. " Levcrgood, Linton & S G Bailey's adm'rs. " Carroll et al Same Same R. L. JOHNSTON, Prothonolary. P.oikonolarjF'B Office. 1 Ebensburg, July 28, 183339. Ilepiilriiean Hall. VNTHONY VOWINKLK respectfully informs the public that he is now prepared, as the law di rects, with every requisite for the " accommoda tion of strangers and travellers" at his new stand in the Northern Liberties of Uollidaysburg, and respectfully asks for a share of custom. His ta ble will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, and his bar stocked with the best wines and liquors. The larger Hall can bo rented by the day or night, and a Piano and Pianist furnished. J6sa)f German wines end Lager Beer kept con stantly on hand. Uollidaysburg, May C, 18.53. . Hide, Oil, and Leather Store. D. KIRKPATRICK, No. 21, South Third Street, between Market and .Chesnut Street?, Philadelphia. HAS constantly on hand and for sale, Dry and Dry Salted Spanish Hides, Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanners' Oil, Tauners' and Cur riers, TOOLS, at the lowest prices and upon the best terms. i tr' All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for which the highest market price will be given in cash, or taken in exchange for hides. Cay-Leather stored free of charge and sold on commission. May 13, 1853. D. J. F.VASS. J. 1. HL-GIIE3. Jews and (.entiles Outdone. THE well known firm of Evans & Hughes would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity that they have just received from the cities of Philadelphia and New York, an extensive assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, of the latest style and finish among w hich may be found Casimerets, Alpaca, Sattincts, Tweed, Cot ton and Cloth Coats Silk, Sattin, and Fancy Yes tings of all sizes and qualities, together with a large lot of Cloth, Tweed, Linncn and Cassimere Pant. BOYS clothing of every description. Fur. Silk, Moleskin, Russian, Panama and Chip Hats Cloth Cans nf tho latit Ktrls;u- nn,l Straw Bonnets. We h.-ive on hand Cloths, Cassimercs and Ves- tinga, which we are prepared to make up in a su perior manner. The goods have beca selected with the greatest care, and on the lowest cash terms which will ena ble us to sell hirer than the lowest. April 30, 1853. Hell, Joliston, Jack, &, Co. (LATH BKf.T., JOHNSTO.V, & CO.) Office of Deposit, Discount, & Exchange, AT UOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. JAMES M. BELL, Robert B. Johnston, and Wil liam Jack arc the Active Partners who alone transact the business of the firm. THE OTIlfcR PARTNERS ABE A. P. AVilson, Wni. Dorris, Jr., Wni. p. Orbison, Joseph Smith, of Uollidaysburg, Pa. Alex. M. Lloyd, Baker & Watson, of Gaysport, Pa., John Miller, of Terapcr anceville, Blair co. Pa. E. Shoemaker, of Ebensburg, Pa., Thos. White, of Indiana, Pa., S. II. Smith, of Huntingdon, Pa., T. C. McDowell, Win. M. Lloyd, James Denniston, R. M. Lemon, Geo. R. M'Farlanc, Samuel W. Rhodes, Samuel Calvin, Thadeus Banks, John Crcsswell, Jr. John Crouse, David atson, of Johnstown. Pa. John Neff, Samuel Dean, James M. Johnston, Wil- uamsourg, ra. Kf&mOther may and trill be added.'gi Collections made in all parts of the Cnitcd States. Drafts furnished on rhilsdelDhia. Pittsburrr. An.. &c. ' ' The usual rate of Interest, in such rases, tmiM nn Deposits for 3, 6, and 12 mouths. Other Denosits received payable on demand. lloIUJuysburg, July 16, 1852. 40 BARRELS Conetnaugh Salt for sale by J. MOORE. 50 BARRELS SALT just received at the Store of HUGHES k WliEEEY. Jefferson. Pa. July 8. Sheriil's Sales. BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Exponas and Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Com mon Please of Cambria county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to sale at the Court House, in the borough of Ebensburg, Cambria county, on Monday the 6th day of September nest at 1 o'clock, P. M. All that certain one and a half story frame house or building, situate in the township of Washington, Cambria county, on the North or North East side of the Turnpike road , containing in front on said road, twenty feet more or less, and in depth four teen feet more or less. The house or building lo cated on the West side of the Central Railroad, and new State ro;rd. Taken in execution, as the property of Mark B. McLaughlin, and to be sold at the suit of Joseph Cramer. ALSO, All the right, title aud interest of John Linton, and R. P. Linton, of in and to a lot of ground situ ate in the borough of Johnstown, adjoining on the West side by lot of John S. Buchanan, on the East by lot of late Terence Mc'tJirr, frouting on Canal 03 feet nnd running back 132 feet to lot of Rhey, Matthews & Co., on which is erected a frame sta "ble now in the occupancy of John Linton. Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit of Rhey, Matthews & Co. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of A mlrew Bur goon of, 'in and 'to a piece or parcel of land situate in Clcartietd township, Cambria county, adjoining lands of John Zerbe, John Ncason, James Kelly and oiLM, :A mamas msa almilt. .Ill of which are cleared, and having thereon erected a cabin house aud cabin barn, now in the occupancy of Andrew Burgoon. - Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit of S. J. Rcnshaw. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Susan Mc' Crcnry of, in and to a lot of ground situate in Con emaught borough, Cambria county, bounded on the East by lot of Geo. Gates, on the North by the A. P. Railroad, on the West by lot of Francis Kinney, on the South by the township road, having thereon erected a two story frame house now in the posses sion of Casper Fox. Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit of E. Buck &. Co. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Peter Collins of, in and to a tract or piece of laud situate iu Washington township, Cambria county, it being part of two larger tracts of land warranted in names of Isaac Gloves, aud William Robison, con taining 277 acres and 7 perches more or less, ad joining lands of John Noel, Robert Burgoon, and M'Caun, and others, about 175 acres of which is cleared, having thereon erected a two bto ry log house and bank barn, in occupancy of Phil ip Sterger, a frame house and barn in the occupan cy of George Little, also one other frame house and barn in occupancy of Leander Kiskaddcn. Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit of Lambert & Shipton. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Jas. Campbell ot, in and to a lot of ground situate in Concmaug borouch, fronting on Rail Road Street three per ches, and running back ?ix perches, having thereon erected a two story brick house, and frame kiteh en, and a frame bar room, and a frame stable, now in the occupancy of Charles Larkeus. Taken iu execution, and to be sold at the suit of Rhey, Matthews & Co. ALSO, All that certain one and a half story house o tenement on Tunnel Hill, Allegheny township, Cambria county, on the West side of the road, nnd the right and interest of Patrich McCafferty to th ground appurtenant to the said tenement, contain iug in frout on said road 40 feet more or less, and in depth feet more or less. Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit of Michael A. Skclly. ALSO. All that certain frame sawmill building, sitnate in nue township, eamona county, about one half of a mile west of a certain road, called or known as Dysart s Plank Road, bounded by land: of Mathew C. Wilson and others. The said saw mill is a double geared sawmill, running on strar and Lelts, instead of a flutter wheel, and located on land owned or purporting to be owned by Mrs Jiicoo uortes. Taken in execution, and to be sold ot the suit of William C. Carothtrs, as the property of Jacob Uorte. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of James Sharp of, in aud to a lot of ground numbered on plan as No. adjoining Lot No. 102 fronting five rods on Pine Street running back 16 roils, having tnercon erected a dwelling house and soap factory now in the occupancy of Alfred Thompkins and .Mrs. onmsley. laken in execution and to be sold at the suit of Eevi L. CoIiick. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Michael Stew art, of, in aud to, a two story Plank house, sitnate iu the township of Conemaugh, three hundred yards irom uie east end o; tne 1 unnel, on tuft Porta Rail Road, and on the south eide of said Rail Boad, containing 10 feet by twenty six, and the lot, or piece ot ground, aud curtdegc appurtenant to said DuiMing. Taken in execution, and to be sold the suit of Jo seph Miller. AUGUSTIN DURBIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, " August 12, 1853. in the matter of the ") The Commonwealth of Real Estate of Pennsylvania to Robert J Sarah Roberts deed. J Roberts, David J. Roberts, John J. Roberts, Thomas J. Roberts, Catharine Humphry's widow of Rowland Humphry's, deceas- C'l, Ann uoberts, Mary Jloberts, intermarried with David Rose, Hugh K. Roberts, John E. Roberts, David Uoberts, Robert E. Roberts, Edward Rob crts, Win. E. Roberts, Catharine Roberts intermar ried With David J. Davis, and Margaret Roberts, (me latter being a minor, ) children ot Jane Rob erts, deceased, intermarried foinerly with Evan Roberts, Thomas E. Recs, John D. Rees, Martha Rcc3, intermarried with Robert Jones, Catharine mVi Rees, being children of Ellen Roberts, deceased, intermarried with David Rees, -nhp is deceased, Sarah Jane Brown, Martha Ellen Brown, John Brown and Moses Brown, minor heirs of Margaret Brown, formerly Margaret Roberts, intermarried with Thomas Brown aud David Rose, David J. Da vis, Evan Roberts and Thomas Brown. Cambria County, t You are hereby cited .o be and appear before the Judges ot an Orphans Court at an Orphans Court to be held at Ebensburg on the first Monday of Sep tember next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to accept or refuse to take the real estate of the said Sarah Roberts, deceased, situated in Cambria Township, adjoining lands in possession ot David J. Roberts, John J. Roberts, John T, Hughes and others, it being part of a tract of land in name of Benjamin'Lockyear, containing 87 acres more or less, at the appraised valuation put upon it by an inquest duly awarded by the said Court. and returned by the Sheriff on the Sixth day of June, iooj, to wit, six dollars per acre. And hero- ot tail not. Witness, the Honorable George Taylor, President of said Court at Ebensburg, the ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred aud fifty three. R. !. JOHNSTON, Clerk. July 22, 1853.-GI. Tomb .Stones I Tombs Stones! r ICHARD JONES respecfully informs the puh fcj lie that he is prepared to furnish all kinds of Tomb Stones, of Italian and American Marble, man ufactured in the latest style, and lettered according to any directions. His yard is situated at the south part of the town, where a large assortment of articles in his line are always kept on hand. From long experience he feels confident be ear please all tastes, and he therefore hopes to be pat ronized by a generous public. June 17, ltto3. CASH will bo WOol. by paid for 4000 or 5000 pounds 11UG1IES & WHERRY, j Jefferson, Pa. j Look out for tlie Locomotive! Cash and Produce Store ! iuc;iiD & iviii:kiiy, IT ' TAYE at their Store, in Jefferson, a few doors Fas! of G. L. Lloyd & co. s store a large and entire nev assortment of Spring & Summer Goods, which they just received from the Eastern cities, consisting, in part, of the following articles. LADUS DRESS GOODS, Silks, Barges, Mous ltn de Lanes, Lawns, &c, &c. Also, Cloths, Sati netts, TTeeds, Drillings, &c. Ready Made Clothing, of all kinds and very best quality. Give it a trial. Hardvarc, Quecnsware, and Stoneware, of every variety omprising a large assortment. STOVES, of every deCription, always on hand and waranted. We flatter ourselves that we can sell St-es lower than any establishment in Cam bria comty, and being located on the Rail l'oad we can altijs secure a supply., f Groceries, Such a; coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, vinegar, linsee4il sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, and every tetiele necessaay to supply this market. The! public is solicited to cull aud examine our stock, as we arc confident it will admit of inspec tion, f 2? All kinds of proJuce taken in exchange for goodsJ Lumber bought at the highest market pri ces Ma; jF7, 1 853. Tliii wuj' Tor Goud and Cheap Cioods. "T JILL be opened this week at the brick store T of J. Moore, in Ebensbnrg, a general assort- -ipi ttoths, eft1" Iwlw .wn 1 a .ml a great variety of summer goods. Together with any quantity of prints, detains, lawni, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other dres goods. ' ALSO A LARGE and good assortment of hardware, queensware, sadjery, clothing, stationary, drus, &c, &c. Ptrsons wanting boots and shoes, hats and caps or rftdy made clothing, will find it to their aJvau tagoto call at the. Itr'ick Store. Tie subscriber, thankful fur prist favors, ear nesty requests his customers, and the public gen eraly to at least call and examine h's stock : and if he nnot suit every person in quality and price it is U't his fault. Produce and lumber of all kinds takin in exchange for goods; and he also takes CA11I when offered. I !J. MOORE. i.ensburg, April 28, 1851. RuB-KT KKUI1T. UOUEHT GALBKAITU. I Coacli Manufactory. FTHIE subscribers would respectfully iufo'rm the A, citizens of Ebensburg undxh'e public generally, thai they will carry on the Coach Making, iuclu-diit-the Smith work at the Machine shop formerly ocdipied by Mr. Anderson, in the rear of E. Hughe's Store ; where by using none but the choicest mate ria) and employing tioc but the best workmen, thtj hope to convince all that will do them the favjr to exMnine their work, that in point of dura billy, appearance or cheapness, it cannot be excel ledpy any similar establishment in the State or elstvhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the pur chuie of a carriage, wHl 'consult their own interests by giving fhe'm a call. They are prepared to sup plythe following kinds of Yehicles, viz : luggies of differentqualities aud prices, Barouch es,Dhariotees, one and two horse rockaways, close qurter Eliptic and C-spring Coaches ; second hand wok of different kinds, &c, making a variety that wil suit all tastes and all purses. Repairing done wi neatness and despatch. (lay 20, 1853. Tlie f.rant House, Corner cf 4th and Grand sta. Pittsburg. E subscriber has leased the large and well known Hotel, (late Lamartine House,) at the corer of 4th nnd Grant streets, Pittsburg, which hat been repaired and newly fitted up in all its apirtments so as to give a larger and more liberal nccriTrtrtirttion to travalltra and tmarders. His lardtr will be stocked with the most choice brands the narkcts can afford, nnd his Bur fcttiishcd with the lest. He would respectfully solicit a share of pubX? patronage. Sept. 8, 1852. B. P.ERRY. St. I'ltaileM Hotel, Corner of Third and Wood St. TI IS fine establishment, having come into the hands of a new Proprietor, offers great in duomcnts to the traveling community; and also to i-gular boarders. Every delicacy and luxury wil!be provided in its season ; and no pains will be spjL'ed t-3 make this Hotel a comfortable home to all win may call there. W S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. ?ittsburg, Sept. 8. 1852. Hoots and Shoes. Evans Sl Jones, A 4 J"()ULD respectfully announce to the public T that they still continue the manufacture of etery description of Boots and Shoes, for Ladies and Gentlemen, at their shop, a few doors East of Mr. Carmen's Hotel, where they will be happy to sie their customers. Being practical workmen themselves, and using none but the very best materials, they arc confident ticy can execute work n3 Well and as cheap as any establishment in the county. May 13, 1853 eoi-c llariicame, Vholcsale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron ware Manufacturer, and Dealer in the fol lowing named Stoves : G1 LOBE Air Tight Cook, Portable Range. Flat I" Top Complete, Union Air Tight, Cooks Favor- :te, Bare tylinuer, Delaware uook, liar-room, Key- tone, or Independent, Harp cannon, xew com plete. Hot Air Parlor, ictona complete, Air Tight, Complete Cook, Union Coal Burner. Sent 1 1 S.V &, - i - - J Fashionable C'lotlilnj? Emporium, Clinton St. Johnstown Fa. GREAT attraction at the corner ot Clinton and Locust streets, opposite the Exchange Hotel and the M'Milleu House, Johnstown, Cambria co., Pa., where the subscribers have just received a large and fashionable assortment ot rail and uin- nr Ready made CLOTHING. - - - 1 , rns. w. hay. w. s. edsox. Hay & I'dson, Wholesale & Be tail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware Manufacturers, and Dealer in the fol lowing named Stoves : COOK Stoves, Keystone, Isine I'late, Liberty, Parlor, Radiators, Etna, Star Franklin, Wa- flejlrons, Complete Cook, Star Air-tight, Cast iron Sinks. Ware Room on canal St. one door below the collectors office. Johnstown, Ta. July 14, 18o2. Tailoring'. THE undersigned informs his customers that the firm of Beyuon & Johnston is dissolved by mutual consent, and that the subscriber still con tinues the business in the room recently occupied by the old firm, where he will be happy to see his former patrons and as many new ones as plewe to call. He receives regularly from New York and Philadelphia the latest fashions and cannot be beat en either in the shape or fit of Coats, Pants or Yests, by any other Tailor in the country. He respectfully ask the public to give him a call, and confident his w'ork will recommend itself. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for work. LEWIS BEYNON, April 20, 1852.-tf. Administrators Aotlce, T' ETTERS of Administration have been granted .I Jk to the undersigned, by the Register of Cam bria county, upon the estate of James Rhey, de ceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us, and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. SUSAN RHEY, Administratrix, ANDREW J. RHEY, Administrator. Ebensburg, October 21, 1852. tf. Thomas 1 martin, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Johns town, ra. HOP on the Island, nearly opposite D. Leech & S Co 8 Warehouse. Dec 22, 1852. j oiks 1.1:1.1., SUMMIT, CAMBRIA CO., PA., HAS the pleasure of announcing to all who would secure the best bargains to be offer e in this county, that he is again in the field with one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully se lected stocks of l"all and Winter Goods ! Ever brought to Cambria county, all of which have been purchased within the lust few days in Philadelphia and New York, with particular regard to the wants of this Market. 1 again fling my ban ner to the breeze, inscribed w ith my oldmotto of Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently ftivite 'the attention of purchasers to my stock, which will be found unusually large, varied and attractive, being full and com plete in every department. Everything new, fash ionable and desirable will be fyujid embraced in my assortment. Particular attention is solicited to new and beautiful styles of LADIES' DRESS O0D9, which I have just received of late importation. In Gents' wear I defy competiou, and confidently invite an examination of oue of the largest,cheap cst and best selected stocks of re:idy-made clothing, cloths, cassimeres, &.C, ever brought to Cambria county ; comprising all colors and qualities, which I will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfaction. Also, caps, bonnets, BOOTS A.I) SHOES. of the best qualities and latest styles, together with queensware, hardware, groceries, salt, books stationarv. &c. I't-ti 1 he nigliest mfirKei puce puiu im an itu.n of Produce. November 11, 1852. ULIIELLIO.V IV HUM! Goods Offered at Cost. ON SECTION T01, Ta. K. K. THE subscribers being nbout to remove from Cambria county, offer to sell off all their large stock of Goods by private sale, in large or small quantities, to suit purchasers, at Jirrt cott. The stock consists in part of Dry Goods, such as French, English aud American cloths, cassiineref", satinetts, tweeds, pilot cloth, satiu Valencia, aud other vestings, silks, alpaccas, musJelains, bom bazines, and LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of every description; shawls, handkerchiefs, scarfs, cravnts, tibbets, ribbons, gloves and hosiery of all description;, table linen, diapers, crash, red, white, yellow aud Canton flannels, linsey, blank ets and coverlets, hickory shirting, Irish linen, wl ite goods of every description, lacing, edgiug, &c, hats, caps, bonnets, bootsand shoes, READY MADE CLOTHING, Hardware, queensware, glass, nails, flour, fi:di, 6alt, iron, splendid stock of Groceries, Drug, Paints, aud Dj e Stuffs, all of which, we offer at lower prices than goods have ever been sold in the country, all kinds of country produce tukeidu ex change, such 'as Lumber, Railroad Ties, 1 lax seed, Rags, &c. N. B. Country merchants will be supplied with any of the above splendid selections of goods at wholesale city prices, putting on only a nominal figure for freight. R. M GRANNS L REILLY. July 21, 1S53 38-tf. 5000 Dollars lteivard. Grint Klrllruirlil III AVole.J GEO. J. RODGERS has just received from the 1 cities of Philadelphia and New York nn 1 im mense stock of New Good, and Sow 'cSers to his old as well as new custorfters the Larucl, Ch'tiftt and lent assortment of SPKINTS & St MM hit GOODS ever Lrought to the 1'eusburg market. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods Queensware, Hardware, Cedar Ware, ic., all of which have been purchased with a view to satisfy the wants of Ijii numerous customers in quality and price. Gents Wear. Blue, black, brjwn and broad cloths, plain an 1 fancy casimeres, tweed. Bummer cloth, linen?, riiks, satin, va eucia aud mrseilis vesting. Hats, Caps, Baots, Shoes, kc. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Ooods Prints, mous de lains, ginghams, lustres and faucy colored silks, bobinet, laces and edging, jackonetts, ribbons, fan cy silk gimps, &c. Hardware, cutlery, and tools of various kinds. Queens-ware, consisting of many new and rplen did patterns. Groceries, consisting of coffees, sugar, tea, fish, spices, salt &c. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods Also Lumber, Wool, &c. GEO. J. RODGERS. May 20, 1S53. CAM Hill A C'OIXTV, SS, The Commvnieeulth of Pennsylvania, 7'u the Sheriff if said County, Greeting. VT7"hekeas James S. Gallahcr did on the seventh T v day of September last past, prefer his peti tion to the Judges of our Court of Common Please for the said County, praying for the causes therein set forth, that he might be divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you Polly Ann Gal laher. We do therefore command yoS, the said Polly Ann Gallahcr, that setting aside all other business and excuses whatsoever, you be and appear in your proper person before our Judges at Ebensbur; at a Court of Common Pleas there v be held for the County of Cambria on the first Monday of Septem ber next, to answer the petition or libel of the said James S. Gallahcr and to shew cause, if any you have, why the said James S. Gallahcr your husband, should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimoney, agrecbly to the acts of the General Assembly in such case made aud provided. And hereof fail not. Witness the Ilouorable George Taylor, President of our said Court, at Ebensburg the eleventh day of June A. D. 1853. II. L. JOIINTSON, l'rothonotary. Ebensburg, July 22, 153. Hagrurrrent jping. WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT IU ART ! A never fading picture can now be got at the Blair Co. Gallery, Odd Fellows HalL county, that he has permanently locnted himself at Uollidaysburg, where he is now prepared to furnish superior portraits to all that wish a good picture. w-fter a long and serious time of experimenting in the Art, he is now prepared to take the finest kind of pictures in all kinds of weather. A visit to his room and a trial is all that is asked. His object is to please, and having the best light in the Borough, he feels that no failure can be made. Pictures neatly colored and put iu good cases, from $1,25 to $10. Children taken in the morn ing from 9 to 11, in the short space of one second. Instruction given in the art, embracing all the improvements, on the most reasonable terms. Ap aratus and fixtures for Daguerreotrpihg furnished. Uollidaysburg, Sept 9, 18o2.-tf. Cambria Counts, SS. Thi Commonwealth of Ptnnttflvania, TO Berned M'Girr, Patrick M Girr, John M' Meel and Catharine his wife, Pater M'Girr and Bridget his wife. Marry M'Bride, Daniel M'Carthy and Ellen his wife, heirs of Rev. Terence M'Girr, deceased ; and to all others interested. You are hereby cited to be aud appear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Ebensburg on the First Monday of September, A. D. 1853, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said Terence M'Girr, deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon it, by an inquest duly awarded by the said Court, and returned by the Sheriff on the Sixth day of June, A. D. 1853, And hereof fail not. Witness, the Honorable George Taylor, Presi dent of our said Court, ot Ebensburg, the ninth dav of June, A. D. 1853. ROBERT L. JOHNSTON, Clerk. July 22, 1833.-Gt. AFRESH arrival of Boots, Shoes, Summer Hats, Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw Bon nets, Powder, Gun Caps, Shot, Lead, Sic, received, this day and for sale at the cheap store of June 26, 1S51.. J. MOORE. A Jiew Arrival orWatchei and Je.v elry. On the corner of Clinton aaH-cut Su. THE undersigned respectfully inviu. t Ladies and Gentlemen to call and see his aQj Eplendid stock of Watches and Jewelry, ww has just received from Germany ; warranted tow solid and pure, and for style and finish it cannot .i surpassed. lie has also received a large assort ment of Jewelry from the Eastern cities, vix : Gold hunting case watches from 75 to 100 " Patent Lever " 35 to SO " Ladies anchor lever and Lepine, CO to 4 Silver patent lever and hunting case watches from 15 to 20 " Anchor Levers do, from 12 to 1H " Lepines do, 10 to 14 ' Quartiers do, 6 to 12 Gold miniature cases, Ladies Cold Bracelets and Necklesscs, Ear-rings, Gold Guard, Vest and Fob chains. Gold chains for Ladies, Finger rings, Gold and Silver Tens and Pencils, Silver Spoons, Silver Thimbles, Steel, Grman fend t?ilver Spectacles, Port Mo'naies, Pen Knives, Silver chains, &c, &c. All of the above articles are warranted to be of the best material, and will be sold itry loir 'far rat. Clock and Wutch Repairing. He has the best workmen in the country in his employ, and all work entrusted to him will ba promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors he solicits a continuance of the same, aud is confident he can give satisfuc tiou to all who may give him a call. GEORGE P. LUCKIIART. Johnstown, April 15, 1853. iiMhiel Ml II K II ei " Ebensburg, Pa. DEALER in staple and faucy dry goods gro ceries, wholesale and retail fish ; hardware and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron, sheet-zinc, stoves of all kiuds, stove-pipes anj sheet-Iron ware, tin ware, copper and brass ket tles, -&c. Grain, wool, butter aud other country prjlucc bought and sold. Also, A dealer in white pine, poplar, ash and cherry lumber; lumber always bought, af.i a large qua."" tity constantly on hand fur sale. Cash always paid for lumber cut to order or such as suits the present demand of the market. A large lot of new goods a embraced iu the above list just received and more opening fur s.i'.e at the lowest market price. September 23, 1j2, tf. I.IVl'Il tOJII'LAI.VT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NXB VOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS 4 ND all diseases arising from a disordered liver - or stomach, such as constipation, inwar piles, fullness or blood to tLe head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, heart-burn, disgust for fool, fullness, or weight iu the stomach, sour cructir.ions sinking or fluttering at tlie pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breath ing, fluttering ut the henrt, chukinsr or suffoca ting sensations when in a lieing posture, diiiiC-s of vision, dots or webs before the eiijUt lever uul dull pain in the head, dithciency of perspiration, yellowuess of the skin and eyes, pain in the siJe, back, chest, limbs, &c, sudden tlu:-he3 of heat, burning in the flesh, coustnnt imaginings cf evil and great depression of Ej'irits, can be t-ffcctuf.V.y cured by DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED O'ER MA X BITTER. lBII-ARKU cr DR. C. M. JACKSON, At the German -"Medicine Store. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their puicer orrr the above Joeaies if not ercRrJ if ejaal.'ej by any oilier preparation m the I'nitti Slate, as the cures attert, in many cas's after tl.i'ji;i physicians had fai'td. These Bitters are worthy the attention of inva lids. Possessing great vil tueS in the rectification of diseases vf the Liver aud lesser glauds exercis ing the rf.Ost searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one Tin JocLt niter using it as stated. It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious diseases the ef fect is immediate. They can be administered to female or infants with safety and reliable benefit et any time. Look well to the marks cf the Genuine They have the written signature of C. M. JACK SON upon the wrapper, and his name blown hi Ih; bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the German Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch street, one door be low Sixth, Philadelphia; and by respectable deal ers generally through the countrv. PJtlC KS ItKLl C KD, To enable all clases of invalids to enjoy the al vantages of their great restorative powers. Sinyle bottle 75 cents. For sale by Frederick Kittell Druggist Ebens burg ; James Bell, Summit; G. Muckeihide & Co., Johnstown. December 1G, 18-12 8-ly. STOKIfS CUi:lICAl, II till IVI4. OIlATOIl. THIS delightful aud popular article is the best preparation for the hair which long experi ence and scientific research has produced, either as an article for the toilet, or its beneficial effects ia all the diseases to which the human hair is liable. It will impart to the roughest and coarsest hair the most beautiful appearance, entirely cleansing it from all impurities. But r.hile we assert that it is the best article for the toilet of those who wish to retain the hair iu all its youthful LUXURIANCE AND BEAUTY, it must not 1 lorgottou that in all diseases of the hair or scalp, 6uch as the falling of the hair dand ruff, pimples, or sores on the scalp, Kc, it is per haps the article which has given decided satisfac tion every instance where it has been used. Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly active, so that, in numerous, where other remedies have been tried in vain, STORR'S CHEMICAL 1N- YIGORATOR has superseded the ornaments of art, by reinstating, in full plentitude, the permaueut ,: -ud (traces of nature. It is possessed of a character wholly differing from tlie Uds, Giea-e, Restoratives, &c., which are now so numerously foisted on the public, for baldnesa, gnf hair, Xc. Etorr's has now been tested for years, aud its efficacy haa been proved by thousands. Every year iu reputa tion and sales have increased, until more of it ; consumed annually than of any other preparation for the hair ever offered to the American public. It is compounded on strictly scientific priucioles aud the proprietor will stake his reputation ou iu efficacy. Its extraordinary cheapness places it within tho reach of the humblest family, and its concede 1 value insures it a place on the most luxurious toil et, For sale by the proprietors price 23 cents C. P. AMET & CO, ' 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. For sale by Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Bell Summit; G. Muckerhide &. Co., Johnstown. December 10, 18o'S-ly. 4 RE YOU BALD T Ia your hair fulling off! . -t A- Oris your head covered with Dandruff or Scruff? If so, then make a fair trial of Storr' Chemical Hair Inriyorator. Hundreds of persona in all parts of the country w hose heads were entire ly bald, have had their hair fully restored to its original perfection by the use of this valu&blo article. Cai'tios. Ask for 'Storrs Chemical Hair In vigorator," and never let dealers persuade you to use any other articlo as a substitute. Price 23 cents per bottle. Proprietors. C. V. Amct & Co., No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. For sale by dealers generally. Sold by Fred. Kittell, Ebens burg; James Bell, Summit; E. P. llildebrand, la- diaua. Dec. 8, 1852 ly. YOUR hair is falling off, is it? Then call at Kittell's withont delay, and buy a bottle of Storr't Chemical Hair Inriyorator, or yor. will be; come entirely bald. It is the best Hair tonic now in utc.