Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 02, 1853, Image 6

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t.- V
' ' :- From Calif ornia. --J'-'"
New,-York, Doc. 9:
The steamer North Star arrived with o('0
passengers and 1,384,000 ia specie. She
"brings California dates to the 10th brought
down by the Golden Age.-
The steamer Falcon arrived from Havana
at Aspinwall on the 30th November, and
would leave on her return the same evening.
: .The I'anania Kaiiroad is 1 progressing rap-
'Tfce English and French squadrons still re
main at anchor in San Francisco harbor.
The United St at as steamer Susquehanna
arrived at San Francisco from the Sandwich.
Islands, on the 11th November. The Mis
sissippi arrived at Honolulu on the 2od Octo
ber from Japan. The Susquehanna has gone
to TJeneeie.
ltiugold T. 0 Stewart, Secretary of the
XI. S. exploring expedition, an I II A. Lervy.
liearer of Dispatches, were passengers in the
Susquehanna and arrived in -the North Star.
The news from the mines is cheering
Emigrants from the plains are arriving
daily. They have reported great hardships.
The steamer Golden Gate arrived at San
Francisco withNew York dates, in -'1 days
and 10 hours, being the quickest time on re
cord .
The papers generally favor the proposed
mail stage route across the plains.
The financial affairs of the State are most
prosperous. " The interest due on the bonds
has been forwarded to New York.
The Legislature will meet on the 3d of
January. There aresome half dozen candi
dates for Speaker.
The oihccr.s of the Susquehanna report that
the feeling in favor of annexation of the Sand
wich l.-Iands was strong at Honolulu. lhe
heir apparent, whose signature only was want
ed to complete the cession treaty, s"Ut word
that he was prepared to sign the treaty.
Property had rh-tu ia anticipation of the
There were severs snow storms on the Isth
mus, but not much damage. The weather
liad afterwards became settled.
Then: was nothing important respecting the
revolution. 3Iei still held a strong position
and the command of the army. With the ex
ception of the.Bragold Provinces all was quiet,
and had declared in favor of th? Government
and the Constitution.
Nlw Yohk, Dec. 1.
The steamer Union arrived this morning,
with Liverpool dates to the UiM.
The Pacific arrived out on the22d, and the
"Washington and Niagara on the llth.
Reinforcements fur the Allies were arriv
ing rapidly, and the' bombardment was con
tinued. Details of the battle of the "'th state that
four English generals and 3$ officers, had
teen killed, atid ibl officers wounded ; 442
privates killed, and libit! wounded and mis
.sing. Lepraudi was wounded ; also the Duke
of Cambridge
Everything was ready for an assault, but
"it was postponed for the arrival of reinforco
. incuts.
rd Raglan is created Field Msrshal.
It is stated Gtrfs-hakofT has iatimated
to the Austrian Cabinet that Russia was pre
pared to negotiate for peace, ou the basis of
the four guaranteed condition.-.
Scbastopol dates to the 1 ith state, that the
Allies were reinforced ty tkotuau Is daily.
Both armies had couit Itted the third paral
lels. The war office caTis on the militia and vol
unteers, as a winter campaign is evident..
A Russian dispatch, says that the Allies
made a demonstration against the left, flank
of the Russians Tiie latter retired.
Strong Uussiau enforcements are ia motion.
The Arabia is going to the Crimea.
Prince Napoleon left the camp in bad
lieal th.
Lord. I'ahnerston is having daily inter
views with the Emperor of the French.
Lord Dudley Stewart died at Stockholm ou
the 17th.
It is said that the Russian war steamers
made a reconnoisance of the Baltic as far a3
iDagoe without encountering any Allies.
Later froia Tezas.
From the X. O. Picayune, 2.ith.
The steamship. Charles Morgan, Capt. Law
less, arrived this morning from ludiauola and
By this arrival we hav-i Galveston papers
of t:iQ;2fth iust. two days later than we had
by the Perseverance.
The San Antonia Ledger, of the 2fiih, has
the following account of another Indian forey:
On Wednesday of last week ten horses were
stolen from Jloutel's mill, Bandara city, by
Indians. Nine citizens started in pursuit of
them, and after a chase of thirty miles, over
took them. They were Tonkaways. and five
in number. Tlu-y made some iv.-istauoe, and
then disappeared among tlio jnountains. In
the skirmish it is thought one Indian was
. killed, and others perhaps wounded. All the
horses were recovered except one. whic was
stripped by an Indian, and then killed.
.. - The same paper has the following, by whieh
it seems likely that three VJ. S. soldiers have
been killed by Iudians."
From one of our citizens, just returned from
El Paso, we learn that ou the 28th of Octo
Ler, three BoLjier.s left the camp of Fort Davis
on a scout, anl to look for Indian trails, ta
king not enough provisions for one da'. On
the 3d inst., they had not returned,, when a
lieutenant and 20 men started out in search
of the lost party. About four miles from the
camp they came on the trail of the-soldiers,
and found that ihey wire followed .by about
30 Indians. It L, supposed that tkey were
killed. ;
About twelve miles above Barellas Springs,
the trail of alout ninety Indians was seen,
they having passed there on the morn hi"- of
the 2d.
He mot the mail at Live Oak creeek on the
11th, and Capt. Skillniau's party above How
ard's Springs on the same day, and also the
Boundary Commision party at the same place.
The Times learns from Mr. Marshall, one
of the editors of the Austin State Gazette,
that Gov. Pease has determined to issue pro
posals for another contract to build the Pacific
Railroad. The Times also learns that Gen.
Rusk takes the ground occupied by Gov.
Pease upon the question arising on the tender
of the 300,000 deposit. r
fc5-Major Loud, well known for his heroic serv
ices in the war with Mexico, died a few days
since, in Florida.
Appointed. Gov. Biglcr lias appointed Dan
iel. M. Kissixuihi, of iNew Castle, Prothonotary
and Clerk of the Courts of Lawrence county, to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the recent demise
of Jas. D. CUrkc, the late incumbent. . .
03-The statement which has appeared in the
pajnrs to the effect that an order had been receiv
ed prohibiting any further enlistment of persons
not native Americans into the mariuo or naval
service is without foundation. There has been no
change whatever in the regulations upon this
subject. Enlistments take place every day of
persons of foreign birth or parentage.
Cr?-Tncs;iow at Rochester, X. T., on the" Tth
inst., wja forty inches' in depth on a level, and
still continued to fall. Several vessels have been
wrecked on Lake Ontario during the storni, and
the loss of property will be large.
CO-The St. Louis Demrjcraf, of the 27th ult.,
says that "alxnit thirty of tlie recent emigrants
to Kansas returned yesterday evening, cn route
for home. They are originally from Massachu
setts, but had reached Kansas too late to cultivate
crops; and as provisions were very high, and
very scarce, they have determined to return to the
East, believing that they will 1 e more comfort
able in their old homes than in the new territory,
at le:ist for the present.'
fjrj-The new steamer Chancellor, bound for
Xew Orleans, sunk near Cairo, on the 8th inst.
She is a total loss. .
GcThe Ashland Cotton Factory at Gwynn's
Falls, near Wcatheredvillc, Baltimore co., Md.,
belonging to a company, of which Thomas G.
Thomas is President, was entirely destroyed by
fire on the morning of the Tth iust. The loss is
estimated at 50,000, and is fully covered by in
surance. A large number of hands have been
thrown out of employment by the destruction of
this factor". .
fjCJ-The boiler of the Ames' Manufacturing
Company, at Chickopee, Mass., exploded on the
Tth inst. The engineer A. B. Iloyt, was instantly
killed, and Mr. Lummas, a machinist, was dread
fully injured. The explosion is attributed ".o a
lack of water in the boiler.
CtA lire occurred, at Glumhia, S. C, on the
night of -the (5th inst., destroying an entire block
on the main street, including Miott's drug store,
Springer's gr.xery store, the Exchange Restaur
ant, Crawford's clothing store, Caroline Hall, and
Squiers & Bowers furniture stores, numerous of
fices. Comic's Express, the Carolinian newspaper
and job printing ohice, and Jvoatwright & Co's
Carriage Repository. The slock was saved from
the latter establishment. The Carolinian was
owned by R. M. (iibbs Co., whose loss is about
.$10,000. They had no insurance. The other
losses have not been asce rtaincd.
XJ-Extt nsive forgeries amounting in all to
.$00,000 have recently lccn discovered, in Balti
more. They were perpetrated by a house-carpenter an extensive business. A number
of buildings put up bv him during the last year,
including a large female seminary, have' been
seized under the lien law by parties having claims
for materials furnished.
II- I'- McGirak, the Teller of the Ocean
Raid:, Bergen. X. J., who is charged with having
embezzled .$-"jO,000 in October last, was arrested at
Columbia, S. C, on Thursday last, and committed
to await a requisition from the Executive of Xew
CO-The official tote for Governor, in the State
of Xew York, for Governor gives Clark' SO'J of a
plurality over Seymour.
QC7"Thc .steamer Eden Gibson, it is presumed,
foundered on her passage from Boston to St.
Johns. All dands, it is believec!, perished.
tXKfho Bc-llfontaiiio RepuUiean says the Ifoos
iersto the Wabash- turn their "agyshakes" tq
some account. They climb into the. top of a
"shell-bark" just as the'chill comes on, and by
the time the "personal earthquake" leaves them,
there's not a hickory nut left on the tree.
CC'The snow throughout the greater part of
Xew York State ranges from twenty four to fort
inches in depth.
GCJ-Thc Treasurer of Holmes county, Ohio, has
absconded with about 'iS0,000 of the people's
cash.. Such absquaiulations seem to be the order
of the day. '.
Crj -James C. I'rcston, postmaster tit Ilaskins
ville, X..Y'., was arrested at Cleveland last week
f.r passing counterfeit 5s on the Merchants' and
Mechanics' Bank of Trey. v
mr-The wife of Mr. Joseph T. Little, of Ar
noll, Me., recently made her husband a present 1
of three Liilles at one birth. '
Civ-Green, the Chicago banker, charged with
poisoning his wife, has had a. true 1411 found
against him for murder.
Cv'At the close of the current is stated,
the treasury of the State of Missouri will have on
hand t10 haudsamc surglus sum of $100,000.
CC7"YVhen a bank suspends in Australia, they
take the president to a neighboring tree and serve
him in the s.ime manner. A simple remedy, but
ve ry efficacious.
ftJ-Great lnunbcrs of monkeys are said to he
dying of cholera iu the woods near Trinidad ilo
Cuba. Hundreds may be seen lying dead on the
ground, where the have fallen from the trees.
CC? Abraham J, Ackerman war arrested in
Xew York, on Tuesday last, charged with swin
dling to the amount of 5,000 from the Ohio
Life arid Trust Co. He was clerk of the Com
pany. CC-The freight train from Boston, on the Xor
wich and "Worcester Road, ran off the track on
hist Saturday evening, demclishing the engine,
and throwing five cars into the river. William
Brown, the engineer, was seriously injured. About
twenty hands of the steamer Worcester were on
the train, one of whom, Sunrl James, was
thrown thirty feet into the river. Ha escajied
without much injury.
05-Last Friday, the train of the Central Ohio
Railroad was thrown off the track. The cngineet
w:ts killed, and the fireman fatally injured. The
locomotive and a baggage and oyster car wore
wreked. The passengers wore uninjured.
Swindling, forgeries, Railroad accidents and
steamboat and ship disasters, seem to be the order
of the day. '
Another rillibussterixg Expedition.
We clip the following from a correspondence of
the Baltimore Argus : -
"That another Filibustering expedition is on
foot within our borders, for the invasion of the
"ever faithful isle" of Cuba, there now cannot be
the slightest doubt. I have. just read a letter
from Gen. John A. Quitman, commander of the
invading force, to a gentleman in this city, where
in the plan of operations is distinctly set forth.-
In the first lJnce tlie Geueral declares that it is
especially desirably to evade any infraction of the
neutrality laws,, and to that end ; it is essential
that the expedition should le organized in some
locality adjacent to but outside of our borders.
The invading army is composed of five thousand
men picked bloods of the country each man is
to pay bis own expenses to the plape, of rendez
vous, and to contribute fifty dollars toward his
own equipment. Some efficient ex-ofiicers ef the
U. S. Service are engaged, and thus organized, a
descent is to lie made at some point near the
Havana, where the Sanish defences are strong
est thus, by the very audacity of the movement,
striking terror into the tyrants who rule the des
tinies of the 'Gem of the Antiles'!' "
Another Bank Defalcation.
W. P. Sackett, receiving teller of tjie Mar
ket pank, at the corner of Pearl andlJeekman
sts., has proved a defaulter to the amount of
2o,000. He manged this by balancing his
books fraudulently The first information of
the fraud was obtained through the assistant
receiving teller, who observed the discrepancy
in Sackett's account, and last Sunday morning
informed the Secretary of the Pank. This
led to aii immediate investigation of the hooks,
which furnished sufficient grounds for Sack
ett's arrest. He was taken into custody by a
committee of the Dank on Monday last, but
has not yet been handed over to the officers of
justice. The directors of the bank are await
ing the arrival of Sackctfs father, who resides
on Lousr Island, when an examination will
take place.
Sackett has a wife tnd one child, and re
sides in "Brooklyn. The bank think they
will secure a portion of the amount taken, and
that thcivloss will not exceed $15,000. We.
understand that, when taxed with his embez
zlement, iSaokett admitted it, and said that he
was only sorry he had not got 25,000-
X. 1 1
Cot .
Important Kaws for the Shareholders iaPerham's
Third Gift Enterprise.
It will be teen by reference to advertisement in
our" paper of t-ehiy, that the Committee appoin
ted -by the Shareholders at their last meeting,
have issued a call for a final meeting cf all inter
ested, to get their instnictioiis in reference to the
distrilm'ion of the Gift property. We arc phrased
J.o find tne matter' so near a consummation, and
hope that Mr. IVi ham will receive the patronage
he so well deserves for the liberality and energy
displayed in getting up and prosecuting this stu
pendous enterprise. Orders for tickets should be
sent in Immediately.' There ar fortunes in re
serve for somebody.
On the 11th day of October IS 34. by the Rev,
Henry Lowe, Mr. Joski-ji Reno, of White town
ship to LvniA Axxa Thoux,.o1" Punxsutauny.
Of Droisy, in Carroll Township, on Monday
the 1.1th inst., Mrs. Rebecca Luruiiu, aged about
70 vears.
10 Ih ls Mackerel:
10 Brls Herring, and
1,000 lbs Cod Fish, just received and
for sale at the chean store of
AME ti the residence of the subscriber- resid
ing in Washington Township, December
4th, 1834, a small dark reel Cow, supposed to be
Jive or six years old. J he owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges and j
take her away; otherwise she will be disposed of j
according to law. M. Al. AUAJlft;
Washington tp., Dec. 14., '34.' - St
fjlIIE subscriber wcaild respectfully inform his
I old as well as his new customers that be still
continues to carry on at his old stand in Loretto
'Joroiigh the shop formerly occupied by Augut
Walters. He has now every facility .for doing
work cheap and cm the most improved plan, lie
will turn out from his shop,
Vt'u'fons, liiiipilcs, JSleajJis, fc,
from the 'WOOD WORK to the IRONING.
If the work wiJl not compete with any manu
factured in the County of Cambria I will give it
for one half of its original cost. I eiefy compe
tition. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex
change. JOHN A. RL'L'K.
Loretto, December
M. I). 31 AO Eli AX. C. V.
.1 T T O A .V A' Y S A T L .
Elenslili-tT. Pa.
OFFICE No. "J, "Colonnade Row,"
Court House. - -
December 7,' r34 lv
.1 IF
near the
How to UlaJic 32oaie3".
1 Pers
rsons v.i.shiug to engage iu a light and at
the wunc time exceedingly prolitahle business,
which requires merely a nominal capital, will re
ceive the necessary articles by mail, ou receipt of
a post-paid fetter containing cnel. I'ar. directed
to JOHN I. JACORS, Pox 00, Uollidaysburg,
Pa. The subscriber is well aware, that numerous
humbugs and swindlers have resorted to this
method to lleece the community, but he guaran
tees success. Should any persons purchase this
method, give it a fair trial, and not realize from
three to live dollars profit a day, the money and
all reasonable expenses will l e refunded. 5-No
letters will receive attention unless post-paid, and
having a dollar enclosed. decT.St
jLXjtyjUOO and Lap Shingles; Clear,
Common, and first common Pine Lumber, Cherry
and Poplar of all Jcintls, for which the highest
prices will be paid, in cash, corn" or merchandise.
ALSO Wiil be paid the highest price for
venison and all kinds of furs, at Altoma'bv
December 7, (3t) . 1). GOOD FELLOW.
TAKE 50TK E. " ;
ATT, pei sons knowing themselves indebted to
the estate of Dysart. dee'd., late of
I'lair Co., arc requested to c:dl upon the under
signed and settle without deday. f
December T, '34. St . D. GOODFELLOW.
making application to A. M. and R. White,
at Hemlock, feot of Plane No. 4, or to A. F.
Cantv.ell, Head of Plane No. 2.
C3-Tho HIGHEST CASH PRICE will W paid.
A. M. &R. WHITE.
' Hemlock, November 21, 1S34, .
R. I, JOHNSTQJf. , ; j ; ; . A, C. MCI. LIS.
JCI1XSTOX SrMULLIXj Counsdhrs and At- '
torueys at Law. Oiiico .'opposite .the .Court
House, Ebensburg, Fa. tr
; Nov. SO, 1831. . ' Py-
I75HF. subscriber would inform his numerous friends
I - that he has opened a OYSTKK SALOON at
) private residence, on Julian street,
vjJ ' where lie hopes to se rve all the lov
crs of the She!! Fish at any hour they
may wish to give him a call.
I31ROM the residence of the subscriber, in
. Washington Township, Cambria County,
3"'f k' Ime No. 5, A. 1 R. R.. a
"Vw white Cow, with small brown spots on
both sides; her ears were of a dark
brown, the legs were of the same color as thaOof
the ears. - Any information ef ihe whereabouts of
sa"id cow will be thankfullv received by
lulilic Sale of Valuable Property.
ITHE subscriber will sell at public sale in Sum
1 . mcrhiR Township, Camlria County, on
Wednesday, the day oj 1 driuiry, next,
the fallowing descrilcd property, to wit:
The private residence in which the subscriber
now resi les, with 70 acres of choice land, about
40 of which is cleared and in a good state of cul
tivation; the Central . and Portage R. Roads run
within a rod or two of the property.
ALSO One half mile off the above described
property will be sold 2f acres of land containing
excellent rail and other timber.
ALSO Eleven hundred acres in Conemaugh
Township, with a good SAW MILL, in running
order, with the advantage ef the Central R. R.
running through the property, Rud having abun
dance of Co;d anil Iron ore, the veins ranging
from t wo and a half to three feet
All the above lands are we'd timbered with
Cherrv. Foplar, fyc.
C7'Uuon." I'ittsburg, "Union," Harisburg,
-Standard," Uollidaysburg, copy, and charge
R. CALYIX M. FITCH, of N- Y., 'would
announce that he has made arrangements
to extend his stay in Fittsburg till Monday, Dec.
18th during which times he may be consulted
daily, at his rooms, at the CITY" HOTEL, for
Pulmonary Consumption, Asthma, tDispepsia,
Female Complaints, and all other diseases con
nected with a predisposing to Conumpfi-n. To
those who have previously consulted Dr. Fitch,
no charge for examination or advice will be made
as It affords us pleasure to see out former patients;
ami ' all consulting Dr. Fitch an the present oc
cdsion. may continue to correspond with him in
Xew York, without further expense.
Office hours nine to live o'clock, daily, Sab
bath excepted. novlC.ot
rlitsT AituivASi GIF tIsiTskaso:-'.
"T ESPECTFULLY announces that he is now
S. .loading his shelves with one cf the best ami
largest assortments of
tha have ever come to Ebcusburgo The assort
ment consists of everv vnrietv of
His selection for the winterseaoii has been very
extensive, embracing every variety and stle of
and every comfort that the inclemencies of winter
inly require.
Very grateful for past patronage,, .he shall try
to continue to deserve it, and with many years
experience devoted exclusively to catering to the
wants of his friendo he thinks he cannot fail to.
ph'ase them.
Ills store is at the old stand, Corner f High
and Julian Streets, where he will be happy to
make his best bow, to old ami new customers.
Ebe nsbnrg. Oct. 1 0. 1 S34. t f.
Froni Ebensburg to V7illmcre Station !
THE Subscribers having associated .themselves
together, have put upon the Ebensturg and Jef
ferson Plank Road a double
KiiUy Eliie o2 Claiiisc Coaches,
woidd say to the Public that the- will
pains to carry passengers to and from Willmore
Station with all despatch and comfort.
03-Coaehes leaving Ebt-nslmrg at 7. SO A. M.
Connecting with train going west at. Wilmore
Station at 11.33, A. M. ,
Leaving Ebensburg, at 3.16, connecting with
train going cast at 4.4S, P. M.
Leaving Ebensburg, at 3et'cl'k, P. M., connect
ing with train west at 8.12. P. M.
- Leave Wilhnore Station for Eheusburg on the
arrival of every train, both East and West.
The Public may rest assured that there will be
a coach alhvavs at the station on the arrival of
the ears. " THOMPSON & HAMILTON.
EbiMisbnr-r. November 0. '34. '
223 Mnrket Street. Philadelphia.
GEOIlSr. T. COLBY. Agent.
R.iilr-oud, Hav. C al iind Farmers' SCALES, set
.." . . 1 ....
m iinv p:irt I ll:e country, at snort nonce aim uy
experie-necl wiirkm'-n.
m rr
Wlv in.-t onm.i-d :t their old stand: in the
JLJL Ilorousrh of Ebensburjr. the richest and
) rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of
ever offered to the people of Cambria County.
Unusal care was taken in the selection of these
goods, and care has 1 seen taken that nothing with
in the range of a Country store, nor any ways
near it, but what they can supply to their cus
tomers, at leastas cheap as they can be had iu
the country.
Their stock of Dry Goods is unprecedently
large, embracing Cloths, of every variety and
texture, Satinetts, Cas imcrc-s, Tweeds, Jeans,
&c, &c. Flannels. Sheeting, Shining, and
made up Clothing ef every description. A great
variety of
of all patterns and at all prices.
Laces, trimmings, gloves, mitts, &c. Their
assortment of hats, caps, biots, and ahocs, is
complete and unsurpassed.
. GROCERIES .& LIQUORS, of every vartity
and quality. A well selected variety of Hard
ware, Cutlery, and nails. Also, Quoenswaro and
Glass; Paints, Dve stuffs, - -
And all for sale low for cash, or given in ex
change for country produce. Give us a call.
Ebensburg, Nev. 0. '4. '
3KOKE into the iraproveel and enclosed lands
-O of the subscriber, in Clearfield Townsldp,
Cambria County, alioutthe 12th .lay of Novem
ber, 1S34, white cow, with brindlc sichs, sup
posed to be 5 or six years old. The owner is re
quested to come forward,: prove ; property, pay
charges and take her away, otherwise she will be
disposed of according to law.
November 13, 1851. uyv30,Qt -.
.-. .. later .rsroai tiic eastj
Till; undersigned would respectfully inform
his numerou s customers, that he has receiv
ed a large assortment cf
from the well known estal lisl.mcnt of M. M.
Clees. It is needless to praise the clothing m:.c
at this establishment as those who have pi:rchase-l
from ine, cau bear testimony as to the quality and
fit cf the garments. It is not necessary to enum
erate the iliuerent articles -f clothing. f have
everv article that can le n.entiored in the cloth
Ebensburg, November bi.
r& ichard Trotter would Ug h ave to say to his
friends and the travelling Public generally,
that he has leased George's Luircl Run Eschar ge
at the foot of 1' 'o. 4. He will spare no
pains or expense to innke e-omf rtal le those who
patronize Lis house ; his table wi.Iat ad times I c
furnished with the best that the market can ft T
ford.and Us bar with carefully selected liquors and
Hoping to receive a literal share of Patronage,
he remains the publics obedient servant
Hemlock. Oct. 4, '51.
Oallitzix, C-rrlr.a Co., Pa., )
Novmber 27. Ih'jt. f
EAIJ D FROPOSAI S will be re. ei-. ed f.r ti e
ri enter weak of ore thive :u.d i:e two
story frame house, to le hudt on the binds form
erly owned by Wm. llibhons, decMv The Houses
to L'C 40 by 20 feet. The Proposals will le re
ceived 'until the 1st of January next,' by Wm.
Ilurd, Ptnn'a. runiic-1, Gallitziu, C.ambria county.
The plans and specifications can be seen by call
ing on the above mentioned W. Ilurd. The con
tractor or Contractors will W requirel to give
securities to the fu'l amount of the c ntract, and
subject to the decision if F. II. (Jibbor.s.
nov::,o.4i WM. D. HURD.
riJlHE partncrsliip heretofore xioting under the
JE. firm cf Murray, Zahm i.v Co., has Wen ciis
solved by mutual consent. All persons indebted
to i-aid firiM will le required to make immediate
settlement wmi James Murray, into whose hands
the books ha ye been for collection.
James Murray will attend at the otlice of M. D.
Magellan. Esq., in El'iisburg, on the Saturday of
each week, until after the December Court, for the
purpose ef settling with those persons indebted to
said firm, after which time the accounts will l e
placed in the hands of David 1 Roberts. Esq.,
for collection. JAMES MURRAY.
Nov. 2.3, 1F34. 4t-
Sro ESueiu Tulillco.
"WOIIN M'COhas iust received at LvtKs
QJ stand, in Jefferson, a well selected stock-of
consisting of Dry Goods. Notions, Hardware,
Queenswarc, G-dar Ware, Ready Made Clothing,
and a large lot of Routs and Shoes, for Meirs
Boys, Laihe' and Misses' wear.
Groceries of the very best quality always on
His mofle is, "Small Profits, Quick Sales, and
Ready pay." Having bought for cash, he is de
termined not. to be under Id. He respectfully
invites his friends and the public generally to call
and examine liis stock before purchasing else
N. C
I am 'constantly receiving coods bv ex
23, 1834. tf.
The American Artists' Union, would respect
fully announce the citizens of the United States
and the Cana.las, that for the purpose of cultivat
ing a taste for the tine arts throughout the coun
try,. and with a view ef enal ling every family to
become, possessed of a gallery f Engravings,
They have determined, in order to create an ex
tensive sale for their Engravings, and thus not
only give employment to a -large number of artists
and others, but inspire among our countrymen a
taste for works of art, to present to the purchas
ers of .their engravings, when 230jOCO .of which
are sold,
JoO.OOO Gifts, of the actual cost of 9150,000..
Each purchaser of a one Do! ar Engraving
theiefore, receives not only an Engraving richly
worth the money, but also a ticket which entitles
him to one of the Gifts when they are distributed.
For Five Dollars, a highlv finished Engraving,
beautifully PAINTED in OIL, nd i-ivk ;ikt
tickkts, will be sent; or Five Doli.aus worth of
splendid Engravings cau be selected from the
Cat. logue, and sent by return mail or express.
A copy of the Catalogue, together with a spe
cimen ef one of the Engravings, can be seen at
the ofiic-e of this paper.
F,ir each Dollar sent, an Erigraring tuimilly
ir(,rih- thai xutt, and a Qijt Tide!, tcill inaucliaie
ly be fiirvvirrfnl.
Agcist? The Committee believing that the
success of this Gnr.AT National lTN'm htakin;
will be materially promoted by the energy and
entcrpriM.' of intelligent and pe i severing Ajcuts,
have resolved to treat with such on the most li
hcnJ t-:rvx.
Any person wishing to become an Agent, by
sending (post paid). ,$1. will receive by ret Tin of
mail, a me Dollar Engraving, a GIFT TICTIET,
a PrwjMvfu.i. a CaUdoite and ail other necessary
' On the fnal completion of the sale, the Gifts
will be J i. e d in the hands cf a Committf.k of
the rcuciiASKiw to be iusthhttep, due notice e.f
I whieh will be given throughout the United States
anp the Canada. '
LUt or nrt t
I 100 Marl lebustsof Washington, at 100 .$10,000
; 100 " " Clay, JO) 10.000
H0 " " eister, 100
U0 " " Calhoun, 100
r i.,te;i in!i,.;ir.. ;..
el id silt frames l?x4 ft. eael
100 elegant Oil Paintings. 2x3 ft, 50
300 ste:el plate Engravings, bril-
liantly colored in oil, rich gilt 10
frames 24x:50 inches each, J
10,000 elegant steel plate Eiurrav- J
ings. col'd in oil, of the Wash v
' ington Monument, 20x20 in.. J
237,000 steel plate cngravings.from 1
100 different plates now in
4 40,000
41,C00 of ana owned by the
Artists' Union, of the market
va ue of from 30c to il each.
1 first class Dwelling, in N. Y.
22 Pudding Lots in 100 and 101st j 0Q0 0Q()
Villa Sites, containing each I
10.0C0 sq. ft. in the suburbs
of New York Citv. and com- !- 3
300 30,000
m? ling a nuignificent 'vie.v
of Hudson River L. I.dand,
perpetual loans of cash, without "
inerest, or security, of J2.'0 ea. j
30 " " " 100 "
100 ?'- " " . 30 "
2.ri0 " " " 20 "
2,000 " " 5 "
Reference in regard to the Real Estete,
Visscher iV Co., Real Estate Brekers, New York.
Orders, (post paid), with money enclosed, to be
ad.b-Gssed J. W. HOLBROOKE.
Secy, 05 Broadway, N. Y.
?-The Engravings in the Catalogue are now
ready for jdclivcry. (nc-2,Gmth-)' :
Call for Final Mass KCeeting of Sli&reholdera,
To deteuuine cn tiie diiHibiUou ol'the
tilfl Properly to (lt KUarclioldcra.
At a inexiiii cf the Sharehcldcrs in Perlmm'a
Tlurd tiift Enterprise, held on the 27th of July,
the following lelution was adopted:
Resolved; So soon as it is asce it ainea that f 0,000
of the (J lit tickets istuttl by Mr. Perham in hU
third mt-rpr:se, are sold, the Committee tdudl
coll flic shaiclu Idvfs together at the most con
veiiicut phice, for the purpose of instructing sail
! CommiMee m regard to the manner of cluposmg
of the Gift Pn petty."
H iving learned ircii Mr. Pe rham that C0.0OO
.of said tickets win: at Id, and that in ad probab
ility the lemaining 20.t-f;0 called for by the above
resolution, we uli be sohl l y the tirst day of
January ncit, we have dttcrinintl in a-cordauco
with the idk-e opinion, to eall a :wass KfcKTtso)
or tuu tUAi-.i uou-r.i.b. at ouie place to tc i.ere
after named, on the 17ta day tf ,l.kQi,t.ry, 1 333,
for the puipose dcMgnftl! Vy the resolution.
KOJ'hR i j;f,Ai 11, jr., )
.i. la; iii.i jp,
ClOO.O'tO Ticheis ouiy at 1 vach will U
sola. Fadi Ticket u HI koci: vewsoss, ail
at once, e r portions at different times, tt
ham's nvuLESQUu opera
J 10 USE, God Jin.udtrayr JT. Y.
Or to his eher Entertainments iu various pArt
e f the country. Each purchaser of i:o ef tht
tickets will receive a certificate entitling than tc
one share in 100.000 COSTLY & VAU'AP.LU
(ilFTS; a list of which lias already been publish
ed. Pe rsons can obtain the same in circular form
bv addrcsr-insi a note to the jrojrietor.
In order that the 100,000 Ticke ts may br' dis
posed .'f hy th$ time spevilied, the si d'scrilxT of
fers the following iiidiiceiae i.ts for persons to get
up Clubs.
La.ii jierson who g-ts up a club of ten sul
serihers. and forwards (10) ten dollars to thia
office, will T' reive bv Mail or other Convevances,
Each j.ersou who sends (at or.e time) one hun
dred dollars, will have sent in like manner oxb
nrMuiru .m fittkek tickkts. And for all
larger sums in exact proportion.
ifitshor.l t hajq eu that all the Tickets are
sold when the order is received, the mcmey will
be returned at our expense for postage.
7"A11 orders for Tickets should be 'addressed
Mi Eroadway, N. Y.
fJ-My Fourth Enterprise will bo advertised as
soon, as the third one is closed. The Tickets aro
already printed. novSOtJ
Capital ll,((0,000 B?lorlni.
THIS LOAN is guarantied by the Govern
ment, and will be drawn in different prizes,
as follows t-l
14 of 50,000 Ids. I 54 e f 40,000 Fis.
12 of 35,O00iis. 2:; of l5,CC0.1s. 2 of 12,000ils.
55 of 10,000ns. 40 of 5CC0i!s. 2 of 4,t 00:1b.
58 of 4,C00iis ;i(,c, of 2,C00iis. itiiJ of L000
.YC, &e., !cc.
The lowest prize being 42 Els.
12 Florins are equal to 5 Dollars.
The next drawing takes place nt Carlsruhe,
under the Direction of the Radeu Government, on
The 'lth of Eibruary, l.S;i.",
when every drawn number must obtain one of th.
above mentioned Prizes, . hich will be paid in
Cash, nt the offices of the undersigned. Those
fortunate Shareholders not residing en the spot,
will have their amount e.f Prizes gained, paid to
them through an established Bank. The lasts of
the result will be sent to t-ach Shareholder, and
the successful numbers published in the News
pai crs.
The Price of one Ticket is Two Dc liars.
The following advantages are given by taking
a number of Tickets, viz. :
11 Tickets cost only $20 I 50 Tickets cost JS0
2o " " 40 j 100 " 150
The Price for Tickets can I sent in Bunk Notes
cr Drafts, payable in any of the commercial
towns of Germany, Holland, France, England,
Scotland, or Ireland.
Tor Tickets and Prospectuses apply to th'i
undersigi cd Bankingiiouse, which is ajqointed
for the sal of Tickets :
N. B. Ix-tters to he. directed "ht Steamar.
via Liv-rpK.l," to M-neiZ Stieuel Sons, Bankers
id Fiaiikfort-on-the-Maine.
Remittances whieh arrive after the Day of Draw
ing, will be returned, or invested in tlie iiext
Drawins. at the option of the sender. nov.,0
BJr. . W. J.ta oiiccUcr,
"AVIXG loeate-d in Lorett, Cambria County,
oliers bis lirofessional services to the citi
zens of that place and vicinity.
OFFICE On Main street, where he can always
be found, when not professionally engaged.
r n HIE subse-ribers woidd again inform tlair old
Ji. as well as the new customers that they
have rivvived a large' assortment of Groceries
from the Eastern cities, which for
cann it be surpassed by any similar establishment
in the country, it is hardly ncce-ssary to enumer
ate the new and varied assortment of artie-les wo
have on hand, but n few of the many we will in
sert, viz: Fiour; Fish, Coffee ; Teas; Sugirs;
Spices; Cheese: Brooms; WiPow-wnre of all
levripti..n: Tubs; Buckets; Washboards: Rat
traps; Clothespins; Shovels; Bed cords; Sieves;
Brushes; Flour bags; Soaps of all kinds ; S-'gars,
Tobacco, and Confectioneries of all kinds and
novo TU DO R .v ROBERTS.
1 "P-tF" ',iti 1'ec-''vd and are now displaying
: iJL carefully selected stock of fall and winter
g.Hxls. Their stock consists of Dry Good of
every description nud quality suitable fur the.
present and apjro;i hing seasons. A very liand
sonie assortment of Broa.l cloths, Qmsi lucres,
satine tts, Jean?, Ac, &c. Ready made clothing.
I.ajjis' Goons. Such as line mermots, a fine
assori.iiU:nt of silks and wmkn j.lai'ls, every
variety of De Laines, aiiil silks of every dcserii
ti. ii. .
SHAWLS An unusually handsome variety,
broche and wnoltn, of all sizes, rpualities and
PRI NTS Foreign and dt miestic, of every prie-o
and quality.
i;OOST& SHOES -The very best selected stock
in the market. ' .
'Mechanics are requested to call and cxamiue our
stock of Hardware, and the attention ot housv-ke-epers
is billed to .ur x-ud.ry.
GROCERIES Their stock of Groceries is un
usually large, consisting ef sugar, coffee, molas
ses, rice. tea. pepper, fi.-h, and salt.
ALSO -Paints and dye stuffs, wooden ware,
anil ehnki. In short a full and complete variety
of everythina cither for show or use, that can find
its way into a country store, all of which will b
sold on the mjst reasonable terms for casoor
country produce. -
They return thank to their friends for mt
favors, and respectfully ask a continuance of
El ensburg. Nov. 0. 5i.
t ;
r- .