Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 02, 1853, Image 5

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A rrsvr seitch op rcssr things. For more
than a week, (if thus we may speak,) our town has
been lively and gay; for parties and fun have been on
the run, and are running full up to this clay. Vie had
"ton grand toiree," which was brim full of glory, at
which some were dressed all for show ; one was rin
ged a la Turk, one carried a dirk, and one was a pay
Scottish beau. A dark eyed Senora tripped light o'er
(lie floor ah, or clung to a Welch Grenadier; and Sam
Slick, vvc guess, mixed up with the mess, with i-locks
that were not a bit dear. An old woman was there,
with white silvered hair, who was busy at knitting a
Mocking; and a dandy in tights, sehotrisrhod
night, and jana!ivcli " looked quite shocking. A
Liir one as ': night " was tripping so linbt. and - taking
all down "! by surprize; but her " stars "' vainly shone,
for they were outdone by the bright sparkling glance
if her eyes. And ,: morning "' was there, so lovely
and fair, so pretty, we scarcely can tell oh! her sharp
vords did dart right in through the heart, nf many
n poor mourning iellow. In the midst of the throng,
gay as birds in their song, when they sing away win
ters gloom, or. as rivulets play, dancing bright on
their way, were too ladies rigged out as Elnoinor.'"
Oh, time quickly Hew, we'll swear it is true, (ai d
were sure w vau juove waa r. ..i.n
good tilings so glorious, we all got uproarious, and
'twas at .Yoai ere we al! came away.
OrH MtsponTiNK. The other inuht. dear reader,
when stars were twinkling in the sky. and breezes soft
v ere gliding by , we were talking to ' our gal." We felt
like being in love, we thought we ought to be in love,
and perhaps we were in love. Our heart was brim to!!
of poetry, and our throat full of something, when
we set ourself for a confession. The very air seemed
lulled as we spoke: we clasped her glove and
but listen:
' Adored and beloved ! All the afiection.i of my
youthful heart are Thine ! Tell mo. then, oh ! hl me '.
wilt thou be mine ?"'
We paused lor a reply. She raised her U-ii.cUii.g
'yes, those- eves that seemed like Heaven's windows
to ir. and gazing full upon US, said :
' Young man. you're rather soft."
What a fall was 'here! We grasped our tile. ki'. k--d
over a terrier pup, trod upon the tail of a Cat. and
left. tr ing the h.ardest to blow our brains out I13
vhistiing "Oil no. I 11 never mei.tion lie.-."' Rut v.e
lound it would take more time titan we coidd -p-sre
lo do this, and we concluded to hold up until after
next leap year.
AcciiiEXT3. On Friday L'o'.h Aui'itst.
A 1
gustin Glass, who resides at the Summit, had his
foot very badly injured on the Summit level. I!e
stepped upon the pitman of the locomotive "Juni
ata," for the purpose of arranging the sand box
npoti the top of the boiler of the locomo'.I. e, when
the driving-wheels of the engine rlippi d upon the
track and caught his foot between the pitman and
the rim, crushing it very badly, lie was pioii.j ll
attended to by Dr. Howe and is recovering as rap
idly as could be expected. Amputation will be un
necessary. Patrick McDonnell, fireman on a locomotive be
tween Planes 1 and 5, Portage Road, in attempting
to get upon the locomotive while in motion, ou Sat
urday last, at the head of Xo. 1, u.iss-d the step,
and his foot coming under the front wheel of the
tender was severely crushed. He will recover with
out amputation of the leg.
At the foot of Plane No. 5, on Thursday, 1st
:';ipt., a driver of coal cars, whose name wo could
not learn, while b-mling out a car the horse su !
iteiily turned and threvr the man under the car. the
rvhecls of which passed over his feet, lie is doing
On the same day. a woman named Mowry; who
resided nt the head of Plane No. 8, ha ! a foot
crushe'fbctween the bumping beanie of two cars
f.t the foot of Plane Xo. 10. Site will recover fiv:n
the injury, w ithout ampv.tat! '.n .
The similarity of the above accidents; is most
strange; within no such short period, in the recol
lection --of c-vtnthe "oldest inhabiti.lit,'' has there
Lei n t u h gc 1 tral cb stiudu r. t f ft ct. V'c as r -lcr.s-to
learn the sufferers are all recovering.
A EloX! SS belonging to tue c-fcltn ii.siii:!e!.i 01 t
Sands 5; Quick, gave birth to ihrec whelps, at the
Summit, on Wednesday evening, during the time
that elapsed between ib aiternoo.! :.tei . eniu 1
performances of the Circus. They are, we bi-liev,
the fir.-t specimenes of Cambria county l.t'jns ever
exhibited. At last accounts they were doincr well,
but it is presumed that they w ill not live more than
a year, the climate of this country not being favora
ble to thfir species.
Mr. Fki.ix Doylk, an a!tt?'te of the "Sum
mit Mansion House," h-id his right foot r m over
by a wheel of a cart, laden with corn7 on M nday
List. Ho is recovering quite rapidly under care of
Dr. Walter,-.
A Black Snare, which we arc informed would
measure Six and a half feet, was killed on theturn
pike, cn the oilier side of " M.iillhs II1U," this af
ternoon, hy a traveller.
LOW DOCK AND S VRS Pi;n 1 1 arnsitnM 1
El'T Fon Hereditary Taint.
Thousands of individuals are cursed with griev
ous complaints, which they inherit from their pa
rents. The use of the Yc.'low Dm-h and Snrriparil
la will prevent all this, and save a vast amount cf
misery, and many valuable lives, for it thoroughly
rrjitU from the rislt m the latent taint, which is the
seed of disease, and so takes off the curso by w hich
tiie sins or misfortune of the parents tire so often
visited upon the innocent offspring.
Parents owe it to their children to guard them
agn'inst the effects of maladies that may be com
municated by decent, and children of parents that
Lave at any time been affected with Consumption,
Scrofula or Syphilis, owe it to themselves to take
precaution agaiust the disease being revived in them
Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla
Is a sure antidote in Buch cases.
ST See advertisement.
clear and pleasant to use. Warranted all it is
recommended or money paid back. Prepared
by H. G. O. Cary, Druggist and Chemist, Cleave
lund Ohio, to whom ull orders should be addressed.
Sold by an authorized Agent in every town in the
State. For sale by Fred. KitUl. Ebensburg Ta.,
:ind by Hughes & Wherry, Jefferson Pa.
LETTERS of Administration having geen grant
ed the undersigned, on the Estate of Philip
Skelly, late of Surauierhill township, deceased all
persons indebted to said Estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
ngainbt it. are roquested to present them properly
authenticated for settlement.
Ebcu'.burg, Auj. Ifc-J-h vt.
Superintendent's Office,
Ilollidaysburg, Aug. 22d, 183:5.
OEALED Proposals will be received at the office
iuf the Superintendent of Motive Power, on the
Allegheny Portage Kail Road, HoUidaysburg, Ph.,
on Tuesday, the 20th day of September 1803, for
deliveribg Coud Wood for the use of said Hoad, as
follows, viz :
At Station No. 1 : (Foot of P. No. 10 :) 2,000 cords.
" " No. 2 : ( Foot cf Plane No. 0 :) 2.00
" " Xo. .1: (Head of Plane No. 0:) 1,500 "
" ii 4 : At a middle point cm Sumrai
Level: ) 2.000 "
" " No. 5 : (At a middle point on Level be
tween Planes Xos. 4 & or) fl.OljO "
" No. 6 : ( At Ft. of Plane Xo. 4: ) 5,000 "
" " No. 7: (At Water Station opposite Col.
Means House:) -l,0c0 "
P. : (At Tialt v
. : (At Kens
! rouse :) !,!' "
g Iiou.-e between
Power :nd Merriinr.tis Bridge:) G.tK-O '
' " Nil 10: (On Johnstown J.tve! : 1 1. 1.0 "
Eiddf-rs will .stale distinctly the quantity :iud kind
of Woo l they propose to deliver at each station
named in their respective bids, as well as the price
per cord for the sttrae.
Super't. M. P- A. P. 11. P.
Carpenters l-oolv IScrc.
CUIALIID proposals will he received at the ofiice
O of the Ebensburg & Susquehanna Pla:ik E -id
company until 0 o'clock, in the afternoon of Satur
day, the 3d of Sordemh. r, fi.r building n Toll House,
uu'-cu lliOl SL-llnll Ol tUC SUl'i Ot.l..rj- Ul...
contractor to find nil the materials for the same.
Plan and specifications may be seen at the i-flice
three days prior to the day of letting,
liy order cf the Ib'.ard.
W.M. K ITT ELL, .S-.-,...
Ausust 10 is-iO. Jt.
SoJicc to Pssrvi-j trs.
FUR Surveyors ol the county of Cambria are Lere
l by notified that a true meridian lino, and fixed
standard measure for a chain, has bet n established
ut the Court House, in the Borough cf Ebensburg.
i:i order that the said Surveyors may adjust
.in 1 verify their claims and compasses, acc .ruing
to the act of Assembly, pns-od 2'th day of Aorii,
A. !.'. It'-" J.
August 2'
I'.y the ComiaL-siouers.
lS-:l-Ct. CLrL
Protection 3Sntual Inxwritnce i'oin
pany, IlJatr County, rnm'a.
rtrV.IK above company has been in successful op- ;
L ci-rsti-n. f.,r over 4 yenrs, lias insure! over:
three hundred and fifty thousand dollars Worth of
property, has promptly paid all its losses, and ha !
never yet had any necessity to make an assesiiient !
on the premium ;i"tes. 1
I ciui c .iifi l'.oitly r?couni':u'l this coinp-iny to ;
those who wUh to get their property insured from j
S,-e. M- HASSON, j
-Vug. H1, '-"o-;";t. E. ca! agent for Cambria co. i
God Save the Ccmmonwcal'-h.
Proclamation of General Ullectiou.
Pursuant to an act of General Assembly of the
Comm-Miwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, " An act
rehitiiv to the elections of this Common werlth,-'
at. proved tlio Second day of July, Anuo Domo.-.i, I
11 . . , -i.i t .. 1 1 .1 1 1
one l.iousauu eigiii iiuu'ii ea mi'i inn o -ii.u.;. j.
AUGUl'IN DL'RUIN, High sherih' of the County
ef ('aaibria, in the State of Peiiusylvauin, do here
by made kiiov.uanl gi.e notice to the electors of
tue county aforesaid, that a GENERAL ELECTION
will b-j held in the ts.-.kl couuty of Cambria on the
second Tuesday, (and 11th (lay) of October, lS-'el,
ai whit u time Stale ana Eounty oiliccrs will be oleo
ted, to wit :
One person to fill the c nice of Canal Commission
er of tli'.- 'ouiuioiiweaitii of Pennsylvania.
One person to till the of Supreme Judge ul
the Coiiiiuou wv.."i . i. of l'tii.:-: :van:a.
dnc person to fill tli" of Auditor Gei.erail of
the ( oin monwe.-ilth ol iVnn-yivania.
One person to till the oilicc of Surveyor General
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person' in connection with the counties- of
I'.i.iir and Huntingdon to fill the office of Senator
in the Semite of penttsy lvabia.
Two per-otis in cot. i.e. t;. n with the counties of
Ee'ifoi'.i and Fulton to h':! the oRioe of members of
the House of Represent. it-Ives of Pennsylvania.
Doe pers ju to till the of Treasurer lor Cam
bria county.
One person to fill the office of District Attorney
for Cambria county.
One person to till the of Commissioner for
Cat:'.1 r:.-. county.
oae persou to fill the ofHoi of Surveyor f .r Cam
bria count v.
(i:c t.( rsoti to fill the ofiice o
.T Auditor for i "a in
bria county.
In t-ursuance -c.f said act, 1 a'-o hereby make
known mid give notiee, that the places of holding
the aforesaid general election in the several election
distri -is within the fcaid county of Cambria, are as
follows, vl. :
The Electors of the. I
;e district composed of the bor
ough of Ebensburg, lo meet at the Court House in
said borough.
The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Cambiia, to meet at the Court House in the
borough of L'betisburg.
The Electors of the I'-'i ict CJiuposu l of the bor
ough of Lorclto, to i.seit at tke.':'choel House in said
bor nigh.
The Electors of the district composed of the
township of Allegheny, to meet ut the School
II .use in the borough of Loretto.
The Eicet u s of the district composed of the bor
ough of Johnstown, to meet at the Mansion House
in said borough.
The Electors, of the district composed of the bor
ough of Coi'-uiangh, to meet al School House, nuiu
berone in sail bcrouL'h.
The Ei'-ctors of tho district compose! of the town
ship of Cotseinaugh, f 1 meet at School House num
ber thirteen in said town.' Lip.
The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Carrol, to meet at School House number
three in ?:iiJ township.
The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Clearfield, to meet at tiie house of John
Vir&SlZ$ VVgoids;rict composed of the
townsUip of Jaekson, to meet at the House of
Henry Rngar in said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Pvichland, to meet at the house of Jacob
Kring in said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the
townsnip of Ulacklick, to meet at tiie house of R.
F. Davis in said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the
township of Summerhill, to meet ut School House
number one in the town of Jefftrssn, in said town
ship. The Electors of the district composed of the town
ship of Susquehanna, to meet at the house of
Matthew Conrad in said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the
township of Washington, to meet at tho School
House situate at the foot of Plane Xo. 4, in said
The Electors of the ditrict composed of the
township of White, to meet at School House num
ber one in said towuship.
I rn ike known that by an Act of Assembly, pas
sed the 15th day of April, A. D. 1851 entitled, "An
Act to provide for the election of Judges of the
several Courts of this Commonwealth, and to regu
late certain Judicial Districts it is provided "
That the qualified voters of each of the several
counties of this) Commonwealth shall at the next
general election, nt the times aul places of elect
ing representatives, and whenever it shall hereafter
become necessary for an election under this act,
and under the constitution of this Commonwenlth,
vote for five persons at the first election, and at ev
ery election thereafter, as tnany as shall be neces
sary under the provisions hereof to serve as judges
of the Supreme Court of this Commonwealth, one
person to serve ns president judge of the judicial
district in which such county shall lie, and two
persons to serve as associate judges of the several
courts of such county.
tjr.c. 2. That the qualified electors residing with
in the jurisdiction of any tlisti-ici court or other
court of record now existing or hereafter to be cre
ated by law, shall at the general election, and
whenever thereafter tho surac shall be necessary,
at the times and places for holding seh election
within their respective election districts, vote for
one person for president judge of such Quiut and as
many persons for associate judges theafof as shall
be required by law.
Stc. 3. That the judges of the Supreme Court
and the president judges of all other courts of re
cord and the associate judges of tho Di rict Court
and the Court of Common Pleas of tht ei'y and
Cuunty of Philadelphia and the Distrir Court of
the county of Allegheny, shall be learned in the
law, and all the aforesaid judges shall bt qualified
electors of this Commonwealth and slinlljie other
wise qualified as required by the second action ol
the fifth article of the constitution of this Common
wealth, j
Sec. -1. That the election for judges sbl beheld
and conducted in the several election tU-tricts in
the same manner in all respects as cioi'.ioiss for
representatives are or shall lie held ur cf "u-le.i.
and by the fame judges, inspectors and f her o!:i
cers ; an d tho. provisions of the vf t!if Oenerai
Assembly, entitled "An act relating to Kiie elec
tions of tliis Commonwealth,"' approved thv second
day of July, thcu3 md eight hundred nil thirty
nine, and its several supplements, and j'.i other
lihe laws i a far as the same shall he in i'oee and
applicable, and shall be deemed and taken l. apply
tj the ehetions for judges: J' unid, Hiat the
afui-es-:'. 1 electors shall vote f.,r judges t.f he Su
premo C urt on a separate piece of paper md for
ail o.ber judges re ;uired to Le learned in lac law
on another eeparate piece of paper.
1 :,8, make known and give notice, us inhnd bv !
the I'., section of the aforesaid act 1 am !-ect -d i
" that every person, excepting justices oCence 1
...... ....,. u3 oinec lor Sfci.,.!?. of viorit i
or trust under the government of the United Sutes,
or of this. S:ate, or any citv or Incorporated dtrict I
ub.tlo 1- I, e.oeleis.o.oel ,'-',..,.,. I
wilt-tin r a cii:n:issiiii'.l i hicer. or ncent. niic is
or shall le- employed under the legislative, jblieia
ry, or executive ol" this State or luitcd
Statts, or of any city e.r inc.rp. i atcl districij and !
also, that every meiober of Congress, ici.l thsjState j
Legislature and of the select or common cejmeils !
oi aii en i , coiuiiiissionei's .i :uiv ine;orr"jr..t:i u;s
tr:ets, is by Ia-.v mci.pane ot . r lici-.I-ing
at the saute time, the office or fipp-o-'ntiotrt of
judge, inspector or clerk of any election this
Coujjik nwoa'.th, and that no inspector or j'.l Ije, or
other officer of auy such e'eeisou, shall be eligible
to any office then to be voted for." i
Also, that in the fourth section uf the Act .j' As
sembly, entitled, '-An Act relating to election and
far other purposes,' ' approved April , lSo)it is
euaetel tint the aforesaid loth section shlih t) t be
construct; d to prevent any mi. ilia (diieer .-j bor
ough oliieer from serving 11s ju h:e, iiispec'- or
cieriv ; al any general or sr-eeiai deep
Oil I t lis '
T ' i
Also, that in ttie tjlst section or the a j it i
enncted that "every giiure! tnrl s;"eb:l el-rwori
shall be opened between tho hours of eight a. uteri
in the forenoon, and ahull continue, without iilr-ruptio-.i
or adjournment until sevt n o' ij the
evening, w hen the polls shall be closed. j
i he general, special, city, ineorpot atrd :i.:ri,-:
and township clocl'o.i.s, an I r.I! elections f. ith-e-tors
of pre-i dent aii'l vice president of the Itited
States, shall be held nod Conducted bv the iitejec
tors and judges elected as aforesaid, and bv jerks ;
appointed as hereinafter provided. i j
' -'No p'.'isi n shall be permitted to vote aii'tiy ,
election, as aforesaid, hut a white freeman 'Ohe j
age of twenty-one years or more, who shall -ive j
resided in this State at least one year, and ij the j
election district w here lie offers to ,ft at ten i
d tvs ir.i:ne'.'.::t lv lirecedio'e; suc'i election, and litis - 1
in two years paid a State r.nd county tax, tiich
shall have been ass ssed at least ten .lays bt'Vre '
the e'.eetio::. Rut aciti. ;.i of tiie United St is, i
who has 'previously been a qualified voter r-ffuis !
State, r.nd removed therefrom and returned. em. ', i
who shall have resided in the election district, ,md j
pat I tixes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to votj af-
ter resoling 111 tn:s state six tnontns. yvoeit,.
That the white freemen, citizens of the Uiled
states, between the ages of 111 n ud -'1 years, Jiu l
have reside 1 in the .- lection districts ten das as
.-iforrsai't. s!'...I! be entitle.! to vote, a'tbo'-te-'i they
sha'! 1 ot h .ve pi': J taxes. !
Xo person shall be admitted to vn'.i whose
name is not "C mtain? ! in the iisi of taxubie iriabi
itants furnished by the com-nissiotsi rs. unless, fir.-t
he prodnv a iec?ipt for the payment, v.itVn t-.vo
ye n s, of a State or county tax assessed agree, bly
to the constitution, and give satisfactory evi.Vuce
on his own tttlh cr suflirmation of another, tiitl lie
has pa;d such a tax, or on failure to pro-luce : re
ceipt shall make e:ith of the payment theroot. or
Second: if he claim a right to vote by being mi n o
tor between the age of I'l and li-2 years, he sha! ile-po.-e
011 oath or atiiruvitioii. that he has rcside..'iii
the State at least a year before his application ii I
make sueh proof of residence in this district as
is required by this act. and that he does verily ic
iieve, from the accounts given him that he is of .age
afore.-aid. and give sueh other evidence as is -e-
quire 1 by thi" at, whereupon the tr'.tr.e of the per
son so admitted to vote, shall be inserted in tlics.l-phabc-tical
list by thi i i.speotors and a note niacx
apposite thereto by writing the word "tax,"lfae
shall be admitted to vote by reason of having n aid
tax, or the word " :sge." if lie shall be admitted to
vote by reason of sueh age shall be called out to
the clerk s, who shall make the like notes in tie
list of voters kept by thorn.
"in all cases where the name of the pars. i
claiming to vote is found on tho list furnished bf
the commissioners and assess .r, or his right tl
vote whether found thereon or not, is objected t
by any q-t iiiiied citizen, it shall be the duty of tin
inspectors to examine such person on oath as t
his qualifications, and if he claims to have reside-:
within the State for one or more ve.srs. his oath
shall not be sufficient proof thereof, but shall makf
proof there by nt least one competent witness, whr
shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided
within the district for more than ten days next
preceding said election, and shall also himselt
swear that his bonalide residence in pursuance-nf
his lawful calling, is within the district, and that
he did not remove into said district for thepurpose
of voting therein.
"Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof, if require 1, of his residence
and payment of taxes, as aforesaid, shall hg admit
ted ti vote in the township, ward, or district in
which lie shall reside.
"If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre
vent any officer of any election under this act fro
it' ig siie.n vrt-erViii - r : '
lenco to any sucli rirrieer, f hall interrupt or im
properly interfere with liim in the execution of his
duty, or ,-h ill block tip the window, or avenue to
any window where the same may be holding, or
shall riotously "disturb the peace of such election,
or shall use or practice any intimidating threats,
force or violence, with design to influence xinduly
or overawe any elector or to prevent him from vo
ting or restrain the freedom of choice, such person
on conviction shall be fined in any sum not excee
ding five bun lred dollars and be imprisoned for
any time not less than one month nor more than
twelve months, and if it shall be shown to the court,
where the trial of such offences shall be had, that
the person so offending was not a resident of the
city, ward, or district, or township where the said
ofi'cnee was committed, and not entitled to a vote
therein, then on conviction, he shall be sentenced
to pay a fine of not less thau one hundred nor
more than one thousand dollars, and be imprison- 1
el not less thau six months nor more than two
Pursuant t j the" provisons contained in the
section of the act fust aforesaid, the judges of the j
aforesaid districts bhall respectively take charge of j
the certificate or return of the election of their re- i
spectlve (Iis:riets, and produce them at a meeting !
of one judge from vch district at the Court House j
in the borough of Ebensburg, on the third day af- 1
ter the day of elections being for the present year
on FRIDAY tiie 14th of OCTORKR next, iheu and
there to do and perform the duties required by law
of said judges. Also, that w here a judge by sick
ness or Unavoidable' accident, is unable to attend
said meeting of judges, then the certificate ot re
turn aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of
the inspectors of the clerks of the election of said
district, wh.o shall do and perform the duties re
quired of said judge unable to attend.
Given under my hand at my ofiice in Ebensburg,
the 8lh day of Sentember; A, D. ISVi, and of the
Independence of the United States of America, the
Sheriff of Cambria county.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, "(
September 11th, 13. 1'
Sew Cabinet Ware Room.
JAMES S. TODD informs the citizens of Ebens
burg, and the public generaliy, that lie lias
opened an extensive and varied assortment of Cab
tnct Wart in Mr. Robert Davis' new building. Main
street, nearly opposite the "Mansion House,"
where he will be happy to have them call and ex
amine Ids
consisting in part of Sofas, P.uroaus, Tables, Ecu
steads, Secretary's, Stands, .to., tc.
He will have constantly on hand an excellent as
sortment of Fancy and common CilAins, which he
will sell Iowii than ever before i'crcd in this
Every article ordered will be made in the most
wovknoiidikc ni uiner. of ;h" b.--t materials ; and
REPAIRING of a'! kinds will l.'.y atte:: I
ed to. I lis terms are CV? 1 1, and being deli rmiu'-.l
to sell low, is ml keep ii"'.:.' b-.: goo 1 Mtie'.es, he
hopes to ivcc;c- u . j-atroliag'i of a -liscri miuatin
Ebensbiirg, Julv IS'l.
lispose of my entire stock of Watches,
T will
X clc
ocks. Jewelry (of all descriptions.) stationary.
&.C., and the fixtures of m v shop in Ebeusb-irg, pri
or to the f.rst of October, next. An excellent op
poitunity is thusaiforjed to amy person desirous of
engaging in the bu-iness, as this is liic only estab
"!"""K"'- ' ,c -
"ars hn c""t- .,,ow. .,r0'Mo7'
fV tm'; !,0,s"' :,n 1 ": !P 1',t "i"-"1 v!" '", ,:'"'? .
;-,'' ul '-o-::s:..:: , a.., ,
f'"'r S:lII on fiUterti.s.
1 or ,lf"'"''-'''ltI "b -'H I' or writ.- to the vub.--.-r:-
ber. at Ebensbul'JT. SI . U. IILDSON.
lishment of the kind in Ebensburg. Said stock and
Ebenjbu;g, July -
, i s:,:; -'.)- td.
1!' and 1 1 irit'r.L' I -u Jj
luil copy three times
.'1' t;:.s
lt. Tt'DoIt. M. IteilJLItTS.
A !Yev Firm,
rfl! IE subscribers would respectfully inform the
-I- citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that they
liave just received from the city of Philadelphia,
and have opened at the store room formerly occu
pied by J. R. Craig, a large assortment of
. i- - 1 -.. 1 ...i... f n ' . 1 . . . .
j o; an Kio'is,. coi .s! iss u. i ii-- . " i : o 11' a 1 i le o - , . :
t.oi'ee, lea, Sugars, Spices, I he.-se. s.iter, Soda,
ami Sugar Crackers, Ess ence of Coffee, Chocolate,
Cinnamon. Citrons, Dates, Ral.-en.-:. iiiied Currant-,
Prunes, Figs, A'mon Is. Preserves Pickles, 1 'ran
ges, Lemons, Tobacco, . yours, Snuhs, ;.c., e-.e.
AAOt .'. 'H
ke; t constantly or. Laud. Families will do ,e'.l to
call iiiui examine our assi.rtnien:
Confections before put chasing
terms musi and will be CASH, a
of Groceries s n 1
elsewhere. Our
we intend to sell
lower firm any t-s'siblish
Maj 0, Vr.:,Z.
lent in the co: is t v.
Tl T(i)R x ROl'.FRT.
j. 11.
rttAKo .IAS. II. !!A.e;i.ioN.
rS'.lil su'-.scr; hers Would respect fully inform their
-1. frier: da and the puolic that they are now pie
pared to receive and forward all good consigned to
tiieir care by any of the Lines, or by Cential
ron 1, mid hope that by strict attention to their bu
siness that, they will be enabled to render perfect
satisfaction to ail that will patronise them. AI!
e.jods will receive the greatest care and att'ji.thui.
.'efi'erson, March 15, IS-Vl.
AelauiS & t'o.'s Li:.js ess.
P.. l IIAlG, agent will forward ati packages of
.ds or money, dailv except Sunday to all
the principal cities in the Union, and all the towns
ou the Riiiruad between Philadelphia and Pius
burg. icn;is I iiatsUi oiti.
-fitliM and after this date Passengers taking
? seats in the cars without tiekets, t Billions
where there is a ticket ofiice. will be eliai j :d ten
cents extra. W. W. 1 ORY,
A iji'i. i J'i nit. A. Ji. Co.
Summit, July l!S, ISo", -y.'.
Adams is. 1'o's JCxisrcss;,
W.W. Ivory & Co., Agents,
"VSriM' forward ail packages of goods or money,
VV daily, except Sunday, to all the principal
cities in the Union, and all towns on the Rail Road
between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Drafts col
lected from California. Drafts" sold on Ireland,
England or Scotland, from i; 1 up-.var.'.s. Money for
drafts must be par.
Summit, July -S, lS-VJ-
"!- UTTERS of Administration having been grant
I i ed to the iindei signed on the estate of Pvt.-r
Geer, late of While Tow nship, Cambria county, de
ccased. All persons indebted to said c-tate arc
notified to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them properly authenti
cated for settlement.
GEO. C. K. ZAIIM, A im r.
Ebensburg, July 10, IS jo. tf.
W.M. HAViS. -'O'C,- I.l.OVK.
E)avis& fJoyd,
TTAYINU formed a partnerhip in the Mercantile
XJL F.usiness, would respectfully solicit the pa
tronage of their friends and the public generally.
Call and see us at the old stand of William Da
vis. April 20,
.ilivayson Haiiti.
j'TONEWAEE, Earthen vrare, Nails, Cast-steel
3 and Salt, for sale bv
May VI, 1852-20.
School II00U.
4 : assortment of ROOKS,
such as fire
ZSL used in our common schools, for sale b
Lalioroi'K Vntrl.
Laborers are wanted to work on the Ebens
burg and Susquehanna Plank Load, to whom
libnvul. u-tll l.n -iv.-n !,n!v to pithiT it il'
Ebensburg, June.", ISoo.
S-IlingT oJI' at t ost.
M Y entire stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Stationary, at my btore, one door East of
the Post Office. " WM. li. HUDSON.
Aug. 10, 8o3 3t.
S. Ictcv!.berjrcr's
VTiolesale and Retail Clothing Store.
C10ATS, Yests, Pauts, Hats, Caps, Shirts, lland-
kerchcifs, Cravats. Roots, Shoes, Carpet-bags,
Trunks, &c. Sold cheap for Cash. Summit, Cam
Iiria County', Ta.
F")R the highest prices are paid for hides, skins
and tanner's bark in either trade cr cash by
OO K. HERE! Just received hy the Pennsyl-
inia Rail Road, and for sale bs J. Moore,
Criud Stone?, Patent Buckets, Broom. Cheese.
Cotton YRrn, Clover ?eed, cbd a large lot of Cir
:K!ert Tool. Airill.
rilliLS WAY1 For I have just received and of-I-
fersalea large lot of Stone and Earthen
Wares. The highest price paid for wool.
Ebensburg, April 1.
-ft W Vl
Uushela oi'Peans, and HXl bushels ol dried
JLJLF Apples oa baud uud for ssO.e at the foot
of plane 4,. A. P. R. K
. July 8, 1852.
Ckff POUNDS wool, butter, eggs wanted
WOOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain, taken
in exchange for goods at
rilllE highest nrice paid for wool nt the stote of
1 . GEO. J. ROl'GERS.
"T 711 IS KEY, Whita Led, uud Linseed Oil for
V salcbv J. MOOKE.
Iloiase and Iot in r.In-nsluirt; fur Sale.
IS the undersigned designs leavluK tliis place
about the 1st of October, next, he will sell on
favorable terms, all that new. two-story frame house,
uml half lot on which the s.iruo is erected, t-ituate
in the borouirh of Ebensbiirg opposite the Cuthulic
church- There is a never-lasiin well of pure wa
ter, wood house and wash-house upon the premises.
The house was buiit but a shrt time ago, is well
finished in every respect, and in perfect order. (
situation commaims one ol tho best views of ,
the surrouii iiii
couatrv tint can
be fviund jr. the )
Those ileslri
f purchasing will crill vpon or
i .l er at Eensbui--, v ho will
V iiu' .i .'.!:.t: u coniern'.ng the
write to the su 'is.
imjeirt all i.n s
property and terms
l; i ca.
11' '
cf .i!'.'. An indisputable tit!--
V. '.i. IT
nt rso.
!I !.n i.vpo-.i'.s
of the 1.,1-eito Phi
h d" l.oreito, uut.l
, th 7;!i d.:v of Si
w'il !e V'-ei'M ed T'.t 1h
ok boa 1 1 '': -my in !h
I, o'e'oe'.;, P. M. of e
rtem!-i r m1:.'. for tho
j iio'.
i less,
i thee
Of le
- I ".r
,.-r- of snid
Plan and s;ie. :'i -.!' i
omjiaiM 's O-Tlce for two d
ttili-f. I ll ewis" r-t the s
si!! I :- e:.':.o '.;, ; .,,
s r i ii r to the day ! phe-e
o"::e hnndre-1 and
h Spruce thmk !
propose :'.! w:M be !
lsinelv tliousa'.id feet
reived f
f three i
feet h.i -r, ni
d f.irtv three thoissatn! feet of Ptlilig
timb r o bv i imhe-s, to be
s ;, R.e.d.
ifre: e-1 at two pojnt
I'.v .
. !: or
j. i.n ibi:
Aug. VI. 1
Aoiic ( Sjj:Uc i j
J T IS ORDERED, Th-it all licensed taverns in
. t'aii.tiria county, shall. close their bars on Situ
j day; and any ir.fringeiiient of this order will becrti
i sidereu a good cause ft,r revoking the license of the
1 per-. .ii so off n li..'.
1 Ry the Court.
1 R. L. .InllNSTOX. c:,:-:.
f.-V5""A!! the papers in the county will 'rrsert t!u-ec
j times and charge ennniy.
! Ei -n-huig. Aug. 4, IH',-, l i :,t.
' .1. l:tttn ''k:nitii-oi;,
With M-vrple. Elhls Ji H'Clurc,
1 PORTERS and D-n.b-rs in F.-r.-ii'n and D..mes
tie FANCY' DRY Cod!-'. Trininiin-s, ll-.-iery.
V, l.i:
talis. No.
n-.'.s. Cravats.
Combs, Prus
Ii hbotlS.
s, Put
' . :s, .- iss;.. "!' ! 3
' .W'.'.i III :S--e . ,.e.
1 rth Third
1 Alley. Phil.oielT h
tw o no a oove
M. M. MART! V..
.1. A. ELLIS.
E. '. Mefl.FRE. )
Philadelphia, Feb. 1 '.
Jar.its Doughorty, at j
Tilol.l'.sAI. II and retail dca'ors in Tobacco.
ntf s' t'.'l Cirars. w ar l.otie s-t "be Si.mb 1
west corner of Ihii-.t an 1 Race sti ei t l'hiiaib-1-pliie,,
lately oec'jpse 1 by LmP.v-g. Kueedl.-r & Co.. !
!;eep constantly on h.-shd a larje and well selected j
stock of the most celebrated brands of
Domestic cigai .-. r.n l sr.uit. vim h they orKr i.,r
sale on as favorable twins r.s tiny li.-.use in the city.
Orders rotiq l'y illtetl led to.
Augu-t i '-! "-sy.
Jeha Fe.rktr. James II. Pari er.
.gii 6 tnsis:-r u t o..
-TIU:UM.: Groeei's. dealer in Hour and !
V Ea'-oii, Foreign Wine's and Ei'sitnlics, )hl i
M inot.e-il.ebi and Rectified Wh'-';ev. ;
Ko. 5, Coiniaercial H-ov.', Liberty S:roct. j
August 19, l!s.-,:;.ly. j
George Rhey. Levi ilattbews. William Ehbs.
IltltlV. 35A'i""I5M S I: i i)..
' Jl'U. ESA ':. :' ' nil Co ;,),. i.v..,',.n .! , -i
i ehnni. Dealer? in nil kinds of Produec rnd
j Pittsburg Manufactures, No. 7T and 7'J Wattr
j Street,
I Pittsburgh. Ta.
j August 10, lo!.
' JolIN M'l'KVITT. W ! 1.I.1A." Jl'l t:vn r.
! J41IS.V 3I"Ii: FiT U liliC.
j "T Tf riliH.FSALE grocers n:,.l dealers in Foreign
I f fin 1 Domestic l.i.iuor, Reetilie l Whi.-ki v.
j Flour, Paeon. I'll h. Oh. e'-e. .',(-.. ,Vc. No .111. I.ib
j erty street, c-j p.jsltc the heal of SuiithfieM, 1'itts
i burgh, I'.-i.
i December I'd. 1Sj2'J tf.
s:;r.i:: u .:sji
if 1 1 M i..- A Li. dealers in
..'. CII-' I i'jin.
furnish cheap
Warehouse '2':
which tiny are to
merchants and hotel Keeper?
Market street. Pliila.b
Feb. 2, IS jo ly.
a: . 1.11 i t'- 01 r. wm. i tsi'Tin!
MUX II li AL'nx
a noun ii: i.i 1; :.': si" i i a..
r-.VYE e-.ristaiitly on hand a ft. I
L Teas, Wij'c?, Liquors and r.
nssoi tnient Ot
ccries echeral-
No. 17 Koflt Wafer Street, and
Eo. 10 Iloilii iJclawr-re Avenue.
', is-d.
IVortt. 'I'tli '5 fc!.. uliiivr t':ioii
Kast Stile, I'jillattclpnin.
HAS constantly on hand French I'ran li
b:n 1 Cia a reneral a-ser'.nser.t ...
,-.''01, 1...n.l Fi--is.'-!. Fran lies. f
1 '
lilt 1 N WINES.
A ES( ). All k
ids of Am eric
irlts, 5..
Wm. !3rarlail S'osi.
A.'rT'hiisy Street, i.....iaa,-.J. ;:.
-Tf 7GUI.D n soeet !'r: !y ii-vite the ntt.-iiii-:5 of lee
V l.tiioic to their supei ior Ft .cis: f Fi-rtiirure
of every , b scrintiosi. Ihtrnitit'-e of ad
...... iiirf i 11 or ter ou ;.ie sti-.r.c.-i nouee.
dors from :i promt. :!y alien led to.
July 1, ls-, 2.
All or-
Ext Siai:Ka lZii.A,
Ehensbnie;, Psi.
f flltE un.lvrstL'iicd respectfully informs the pnb
JL lie that be is now prepare i w ith every requisite
for their aooomuiodatioii, and w ill exert every ef
fort to render his house an atti sictivv and comfort
able stopping place. His table wiil always be sups
plied with every delicacy the season affords, and
his bar stocke t with the best i f Wines an 1 Lopim s
A careful and attentive Lustier will hsive charge
of the stables, lie rcspectliilly solicits a share ol
April 2, lSoO tf.
SXi-liaiiv,c ESoJtl.
Hollidaysburg, Elair Co., Pa.
r"11IE proprietor assures the public that r.o cxer
X lions will be wanting on his part to render his
house home-like to those who call with him, and
solicits a share of public natronage.
April 20, lbo2.
JltJIV t. MtGH.b,
AS leased and refitted tbe Mc.Miilcn House,
(bite the Ecr.uet Hotel! in the borough of
Johnstown, where Le will bo git 1 to receive tiny of
his friends w ho mav favor him with iiieir patronage.
! He has aiso openea a bur w una ciiosce eeiucuoit 01
wines an si ii'pjors 01 an kiuus. .
Meals served to suit passengers who wish to tra
vel by the Pa. R. R.
Johnstown, Pa., July 22, lfvi.
rotti:sT isov ss:.
Campbellto-uf Ciiuibria county Ta.
flHE undersigned. Proprietor of the above Lfo
X tel. informs his friends and the public that he
is well prepared to furuish the best of accommo
dation, und is determined to pieuse all w ho may
cull with him. ,0HN-P.rARLSlL
Campl'di -towr June 10, lsol-bm-
Y 11.1,1 AM UI'ITELL,
Attorney at Law, EbcuiVarg, Pa.
OFFICE on Main Street, in the cf.-ce
occupied hytien. Jos Js;Ionail
Attorney at Law, Ebcntburg, Pa.,
11 1 ' practice in tbe sfvcrnl courts ofCambri
11 isair. ana iuiiii;iij"ion tjermuusean
ciiKint and reeeive advice sn their own Iitiignxn.
tltlice opposite th3 Court House, formerly occu
pied by R. L. .1 ohnstor!, l'.S .
l.ben"1!"-, 1'ebrunry H, 1 S-"..; Iv.
i.n b;i. c. ?vi.;Afii, at L .v;, Ebcusbjrr;, Ta.
""T'II.L jir.-ietice in the S'-ver.iI Vi.: ts of Cum-
v i.i in. .:r.:r,
fie .-i.i . s e.:.:i receive
i )d.c ? r n I'.-i.n .
store i f Mu rrav. . i'. X. is.,
:n 1 1! .-do
u-j ic- iii the'.i- ,
t tr. i 'i.e.! s
ft . Co.
: r-.nvtirs.
n iai.uae.
ol tkc
i. Si Mill,
, ElMuburg, Pa.
Atu.-si -y r-t 1
t r,i.:
i.ith- M'l el"! ':'Ut l" ol :Ull-
hana. an-l V e-t iii r bin 1 eounties.
rest., j ,i::i.';t Cel.. M'Uotiali'a dwcll-
Ot'.ice on (. e.i
Jan. I",,
i:. Ill T 1SI.M., Jr.,
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.,
" J 1 1.1. j r... ti. e iu the t-evci's.l Courts of C:un-
P.'.air an ! i .!;.. n.a counties. All rn-
session 1 ( u .- -1 ri.tra
i ,
s cure wil
pronipt'y attended to.
'liiee on Main .-ti'eet adjoining I.i s I welling he u,i. .
Eb.-u-burg, J-j'y 1, lSVl--l,-;-r,:n.'':'
i tEOAHAS t . .11'EkOtl V.IA,,
Attorney at Law, HoIIidaysbsrg, P;t.
"1 1.L nttetid the s vera! Courts of Cambria ns hcretob re. Othee or.edix rwist
)f r'. MeFaibsi! i - -a ioet w ;;r"ve'ii.
Juiy -1,1 s ')'. sy
-v. i.. ti i: iai.
Attorney :.t Law, Johnstown,
"it K on Main strcei, two
h ho Olli.e.
h irt. IS" I. Iv
east of the
I Attorat-y at Lav.', Johnstown.
' "".Fl ic Clint, n -.-. t. ia the J
;e Seeoii
t (n od i Ptr.-Uina'i Str'-e llo; ui.
.iauu-.rv ;.t. Isol lv.
:rr.ty r,t Lew, Ebcnsburj, Fa.
11 Co- i 'i.urt House, ui'
1. lsVJ.
Attorney at L?w Jotmstown, Fa.
Fi b E on Chrstofi Street, a tb.ois ho'.'lh T
the cirtser tf Ma".:i a:.l Ciit.t..u.
Xpril Ll'I, IS-'.:;.
.'. V. "WElilleii'i'Eili,
Attorney at Lv.'.-, Ehctiorrg- Fi.,
T, "ILL 1 raeEee in the oer:il Courts of Cs.m
V t brin, l'.'mir and Indiatist eouoties. All pro
fessional business in'.r.isted to Lis care wiil be
prot.ipt'.y aileiuie.i to.
Otliee iti Main s.itet i'ppo-Iu- In: V.1.1. Ltmon's
Ebcn-burg. Ai-rl! IJ'.C-.:.
Atlcrticr at Law, Ebcntburr, Vn
OFFICE two ..loots West c
li '1-1.
f Major I'heii.pson s
.ttillV k-. Ulil.V,
Attci'iscy i-a, ELeiituig,
II" ILL prut t ice in the .-everal t' our is
l'.lair and Indi.-u.a cntstl.-s.
Oh'0.0. N ). 4, " Co'e-.oo, le lb w," 'IV
!!o,.se. An., lb. MC.'. lv.
of b 1
:-.f lb
C rtiit
;.it EE.iiiB. ij v :.i 4;i:ii iv,
Attorney at Lt.?, Ebcnsl urg, Pa.
CFFICl., No. '
I out t House.
January 1 , 1 ;.ib-
t osoiimvic i. w, near tisc
Justice cf the Feace, Ebcrsbu'-j', Pa,
"ILL .-.-.tell.! j T !'. t'y 1' ssll 1 ileelioi:
trusU d to Li cat e ('f'iee, a;ljoining
hi 1
ill J'
.l Ul
;l, ijs-vj. if.
lil. I., (.'tr I VI I,
PECTFULLY ten lets h:s .servieeo to tin- tit.
jl V. ietls of I. ben.-1
cine and Surgery.
Office in Dr. Sel.r.e
''? '- II'
!.:' 3 ib-ue S
i'C if Meds-
the Presbyterian ('
i .! une '1 i, I -'!.
JTotary Public, Sciivcr-ei sr.d Conveyan.-f
il l. als , aittn 1 to bis duties i.s .?u-i. e
ral ir -tn ir.eiiTs ! 'irstsr. such r-s
I e-
:grcetm-i.ts. F.u. :gv. 1' of Att-.-r- ;,
i raw n op aec'.r-ttt I v. C..'It ct ' r. cntriis
his care 'v.-.t tvetve sit let attvntt!
Mav 1 J, l.;'h(l-tf.
Jafcti-"3 tl Ike Peace, foot of Pia'.e No
TJ'ILL r.svul psotj.; liy to tli collti tl-'iis entiu
fc I" his care. t.hee, adjoii.'.nv; the Post oti
r. 3
Icmy vi t ngl'.v,
- Ti -ii ;':i. 3ohns-towa. Pa.
I'lt'li ii.-j.t
r I
- d'.'a 1 r.v, c .1 ner
M .
t.tid Re Iforl t
,vi, J.i'.y 21. 1
s-'i oi:.l s' i'i lei s to the eitl.s
l!l 1 iii.i
i- i' .
to'.TIr. I
, iu ti c practice
ut ai. ! mr:
Oihe e next .!..., 1
M iv 2'l. iso-;.
"jj ERi'Eli l'Fb'LLY ten bis his services to the
JL... citizen if Johnstown and vicinity, in the
practice of Medicine i.n 1 S'irg"ry.
Office at the Drug stor of Kratzer and Sheridan
corner of Clinton and Main streets. RePidence
Main street, second door b( low Von Luenau's sloi e.
Ur. Ji. ti. 5'icli,
i" ESPECTFl'LLV tenders his services to the cil
fc.. i.ens of Suninierhill tewnship in the practice
of Medicine and Surgery.
HHce at ila'i Way lIuu-, Cambrl.t county, Via.
Novv2E Is."; 2.
A C'AitSJ.
OIL A. Y MAG LEY ha-, ing permanently located
in Jefbcison, Cuu.tiia county, te-pettfully
tenders his professional services to the citizens of
the place i.i.d'oFg country, Iu the prac
tice i" Me.!' .'i.:c and Surgery.
OH'. co ' u M.tln street, where he can always be
fouri 1 and consulted, except when absent on pro
fessional pU:':0SS.
Jo 'Vers -1, April 1 I, l.-:." '-'-".
i.K'jvis isitni v,
r .i. l-,r er nr.d Hair pressor.
IN the ba?.:icnt fteiy cf
J:iT?s .V Co's., ware
I room.
Ebensburg. M
1. l.-ly.
V i i. . .oil',.- lore, n'l 1 iuzui uwivu u a
AM J VUZOl'8 IU .1
superior juaTiiier. .
CarruIlWw n. Caaibria County, renxylvtnii.
rilllE undersifrned is prepared ti accommodate
X in the best kind of style all who may lavor
him with a cull, and hope by fctriist attention to
business to merit and receive a td.are of public fs
tn,n:i;c. ' HENRY SCANLAN.
May 2", 1 o2.-ol-tf.