iheimi mm AT HOME AND ABROAD. Wm. C. Tul) ey better known as "John of York" did in Harrisburg, on Wednesday 2nd inst. J-We will lay before our readers, next week the second address of the Democratic State Cen tral Committee. frIIon. Augustus Drum lias received a re-nomination to G Tigress, from tlie district composed of Westmoreland, Indiana and Armstrong. fcj-Thc Democratic State Central Committee is to meet at the Merchant's Hotel, in Phil ulelphia, on the 17 th hist. 03-The sale of tho property of Chas. Litzinger, deceased, will take place on the 28th inst., instead of the 20th as advertised in our paper of last week. C!7Committeo. Mr. John Harshbcrger, of Richland Township was committed to our Coun ty Jail on last Saturday for breaking into the store of Mr. Win. Uonnaker, of Scalp Level. Robbery. Wm." Lloyd Esq., one of the firm f Jack &Co, was robbed at Altoona yesterday of one hundred and fifty dollars. fCT-IIox. T,-3tx Boyd, Speaker of the House of Representatives, arrived in town on Tuesday evening last; and contemplates remaining a few days. (XJ-Nortii Carolina Election. The returns of the elections in the Old North State is ? tty nearly ascertained, which gtes to show conclusiv ely that the Democracy have elected their Gover nor, and in all probability both branches of the Legislature. Dextistry. Dr. B. M. Gildea, according to previous announcement by handbills, has arrived und ready to perform all operations in his line, to the entire satisfaction of all who may favor him with their custom. The Dr. can be consulted at the residence of Mr. Frederick Kittell, a few doors above the oflice of the Democrat & Sentinel. 03-U. S. Dkmockatic Review. We are in re ceipt of the 3d number of this excellent work, with the following table of contents, viz : Aboli tion and Sectarian Mobs, Drop the curtain, the Missouri Prohibition, Ode to America, on Festus, Lunacy, Unfortunates ; Ma Normandie, Sydney Smith, Weanepen, the Poets and Poetr' of An cient Greece. Published by Lloyd and Brainard, fcO Nassau street, N. Y., at $5 per annum. E7We have been favored with a copy of the beautiful address delivered by Gov. Bigler, on the 20th of J une last, before the Harrisburg Female Seminary. We have also received a copy of the catalogue of the Seminary. This institution w is commenced in 1849, and was incorporated in 1853, and is now in a healthy an 1 propcrcus conilition and certainly ought to receive a liberal support from a generous public. The educational departments are conducted 1 y Mrs. Anna le Coute, Principal assisted by Misses Hannah B. Bradley, Mary Jane Tartch, and others. The branches taught . are English, Ger nan, French and Italian, with Vocal and instru mental music. K7"Gettino Smart. A few individuals in this place, put themselves to the trouble oftackiug up small pieces of paper in different places about the borough limits, with the letters P. O. V. writ ten on them, with the intention, as they thought, of creating an excitement. But it did'nt take. We will admit there are a few WoulJ-Bo-Know-Nothings here, merely for the sake of being talked about. We believe, we can safely say there are tiot ten citizens of our town could join the order of Know Nothings, as they are all either foreigners or the sons of foreigners. Graham's Magazine. The August number of this excellent monthly has been received, and we can safely say, is not any behind its predeces sors -it is well freighted with choice and whole some reading matter. The beautiful steel engra vings are alone worth the subscription price. Should any of our readers wish to subscribe for Graham, they can be accomodated by calling on Mr. John Rxlgers, who is in receipt of all the late periodicals Mb.Chas. ALnRroaT Esq., of this place.who is at presentcngaged as an agent of the "Union Emi grant Society ,w writes from Washington city that he expects to start from Pittsburg for Kansas on the 1st of September with a company of emigrants. We understand that a number from this place in tend to migrate "with him. Skeleton Found. - The rkcletcn of a man was discovered near the Old Tunnel, on the Al legheny Portage Rail Road. It bad the rppear fcnee of having lain there for a number of years, The Jolinstown Echo says,--"There are suspi cions about who the person has been and the means by widen he met his death. THE LAW MUST BE OBEYED. We were handed the following advertisement with a request, that we would give it publicity. It appears that t!.e gentleman, whose name is at tached to it, came to town on Tuesday, on horse back, and after having his horse carefully dispos ed of took a stroll through our street1', evidently with the intention of "seeing the sights" of this delightful inland city. In the meantime the De puty Sheriff of the County, having in bis posses sion a small Fieri Facias to him directed, ordered him to levy upon the goods and chattels of our in dignant advertiser, (who had been so unfortunate as to become indebted to a neighbor to the extent of about five and thirty dollars,) an 1 desirous of avoiding a visit to the home cf the good natured gentleman, took forcible possession of his horse in the name and by the authority of the Common wealth, and placed him under lock , and key in a Btable, whereupon the Doctor considered himself greatly aggrieved, and wa loud in his exclamation for "a hofse, a horse," and would gladly have given his kingdom to have obtained re-possession of his steed. Being unable to do so, unless pre viously furniHlilng "the means" wherewith to re move "the indebtedness, and failing to obtain bail, he remained in a state of abject sorrow and grief of heart until this morning, when slowly and sad ly he wended his way homeward, not however without leaving the following morceau for publi cation, and venting loud and deep imprecations on Ebensburg and its inhabitants. PRO ORBE ET URBE. J2t$ 85 The Undersigned, Jos. Eber- 25 stall, came to visn, ins paueuu ti in Ebensburg, on Tuesday last. :g on horseback, when sonic of .t the citizens took hiro.t ho horse. for the reason that the owner Las to pay a little debt. This cause of "honest citizens" giving to the public, I inform my friends, Vial nobody mdy come on horseback to Ebensburg, who has to pay a debt in this horse-catching town. JOSEPH EBERSTALL. Harried. On Thursday evening 10th inst, by Rev. L. Powell, Mr. John W. Roberts to Miss Marga ret Howell, aH of this place. Accompanying the above notice, we were pre sented with a large and delicious cake, for which we returnour thanks Jioping the happycouple may enjoy a lifa of uninterrupted happiness, and that their fondest anticipation may bo realized. Died. On Tuesday morning last, George, infant aon of John nnd Hannah Brookbank, aged 11 mouths. Hill 35 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale the farm on which he now resides, situated about 2 miles from Carrolltown, Cambria county, and joining land of Felix Short, Thomas Eager and M. J. Hayns, containing about 20 acres, 90 of which is im proved, having thereon erected a two story hewed log house and a hewed log house of 1J stories, with other suitable buildings. There is an orchard with 150 fruit trees, of different sorts, and there is plenty of good springs over the place with water power t )T a saw-mill. The place, will be divided to suit purchasers, if required, an undoubted titl-j and reasonable terms will be given. FRANCIS GILLESPIE, Carrolltown, August 10, '54. 3t. UST received and for sale at the Book Store of John Rodgers, Harper's and Graham's Ma gazines for this month (August). SHERIFF SALE. . BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Exponas and Levari Facias, issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Cambria County, and to mc di rected, there will be exposed to sale at the Court House, in the borough of Ebensburg, Cambria county, on the 4th day of September next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. All that certain tract or piece of land situate in Alleghany Township, Cambria county, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a Post, a corner of land conveyed to Joseph Reighter, thence by the same North one hundred and seven per ches to a Post, thence East ninety seven perches to a birch, thence by land warranted to Joseph Russel, south one hundred and seven perches to an Iron wood, thence West by land warranted to Richard Portef ninety seven perches to the be ginning, containing sixty-four acres and one hundred and thirty nine perches. Taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro perty of John B. Hoffmann, at the suit of Wil liam Logan Fisher. ALSO All that certain two storyframe messuage and tenement, situate in the town or village of Gallit zin, (near the West end of the Tunnel), in the Township of Allegheny, in the County aforesaid, bounded as follows : on the East by the Township Road, leading from said town or village to the stone tavern and head of Place No. 6, Allegheny Portage Rail Road, containing on said twenty four feet, more or less, and in a depth, about sixteen feet, south and west by lots of the defendant, un occupied, and on the north by the house and lot of John Murray. Taken in execution and to be sold as the prc-pe-ty of Thomas O'Hara, at the suit of James J. Will. ALSO, All that certain three story frame and plank building, situate in Washington Township, Cam bria County, on the south side of the turnpike road, where the Pennsylvania Rail Road, crosses the same, and being on the west side of said Rail Road, containing in front on said Turnpike, 20 feet and on said Rail Road 85 feet, and the lot and piece of ground, and curtilage appurtenent to said building. Takt n in execution and to be sold as the pro pertvofR. M. S. Jackson, at the suit of John Stewart. ALSO, All that certain two story plank building, (weatherboarded), situate in Washington Town ship, on the south side of the Turnpike Road, near where the Pennsylvania Rail Road crosses the same, containing in front of said Turnpike eighteen feet, and in depth eighty five feet, and the lot or piece of ground and curtilege, appurtenent to said building. Taken in execution and to be sold as the pro perty of R. M. S. Jackson, at the suit of John Stewart. AUGUSTIN DURBIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, August 7, 1854. SOUTIIEIIX MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY! (BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA,) conducted oi the Havana plan. t,000 IVuniberg--23S Prizes. All the prizes drawn at each drawing. CLASS D TO BE DRAWN THE 19th OF AUGUST. Capitals . . . $7500 ... 5000 ... 3000 ... 1500 In all 238 prizes, $30,000 Tickets $5,00, Halves and Quarter's in pro portion. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lions. Montgomery July 20, 1854. Attention Cambria Guards. TT'ou will meet for parade at your armory, on Mon X day, 21st day of August, at 10 o'clock A. M. fully armed and equipped for drill.. Particular attendance is desired, as there will be aa election held on said day for Company officers. By order of . B. McDERMIT, Captain For Sale or Rent. rTfthe undersigned wishing to remove from his pres JL ent location, will offer for sale his house and lot situated in Gallitzin, at the west end of the Central Tunnel The house has been built ex pressly for a hotel, and has leen doing a good bu siness in that line, being well situated. The bu siness of the house may be considerably increased. The bar fixtures, together with all the house-hold furniture, will be disposed of on reasonable terms to the person purchasing or renting the house. If the property is not sold within three weeks, from the date of advertisement, it will be rented for one or mere yearsi JOHN SWAM. August 10th 1854. K0TICE IS hereby given that in the matter of the Peti tion of Charles O'Neill one of the overseers of the Poor the Township of Carroll for leave to enter an appeal from the order of W. G. Wilson and Peter Dougherty, two Justices for the remo val of John McGourlick a pauper from the Bo rough of Loretto to Carroll Township, the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cambria County have ap pointed the undersigned as Commissioner to take testimony, and that he will attend for that pur pose at the House of George Litzinger, in the Bo rough of Loretto on Friday the 11th day of August inst., at 10 o'clock A. M.. and at the House of Henry Scanlan, in Carrolltown, on Sa turday the 12th of August inst., at 10 o'clok A M., when and where ail persons interested may cttend. CHARLES D. MURRAY, 2t.-r-Ebensburg 3th, '54. Commissioner. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the petition of Margaret Jane rringle for a review of the administration account of John Kneppcr, administrator of Abraham Kneppcr, deceased, the undersigned has been ap pointed auditor by tho Orphan's Court of Cam bria County, and will sit at the House of John Brawley in Jefferson, for the purpose of discharg ing his duties on Monday the 28th inst., when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN S, RIIEY. Ebensburg. August 3, '44 4t. ONE DOLLAR REWARD. LOST. A few weeks ago, a note sheet of pa per, written inside in the Welch language, and having the signatures of twelve persons attached, thereto. The paper is invaluable to all except to its just owner. Whoever has found it, and will have the goodness of returning it to the hands of Mr. Daniel D. Jones, Blacksmith, Ebensburg Pa., shaU receive the above reward for his trouble. Something new in Ebensburg. DRUG & FANCY STORE - THE undersigned, under the firm of LEMON & KITTELL, have just opened in the new building of Dr. Ijemmon, on Main street, a large and well selected assortment of Drugs, Medicines and Fancy Goods. Ladies will find in this establishment every va riety of Dress Goods, Trimmings, &-c, Src, A general assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Oils, Paints. Dye Stnffs & Ferfnmerz, will be kept constantly on hand, Intending to do business exclusively on the CASH SYSTEM, they will be thus enabled to sell goods cheaper than can be sold at an establishment where a gen eral credit isgivtn. By our system no good cus tomer will have to be taxed for goods sold to a bad customer. Come one and all, but not be rash, Purchase our Goods and pay in Cash. Connected with the establishment is a SODA FOUNTAIN, from which emanates a delicious 1 leverage,, inof fensive to the most ardent advocate of the Maine Law." WM. LEMMON, WM. KITTELL. July 20, 1854. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the court of Common Tleas of Cambria county, aud to mc directed, there will be exposed to public vendue or out-cry, at the McMillcn House, in Johnstown, oa the 14th of August next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. - All tho right titla and interest, of John Ams baugh, one of Defts. of in and to one lot of ground situate in the borough of Johnstown, Cambria county, known on plan of Baid town, as No. 10, ffonting on Locust street, adjoining lot of Cyrus Rcily, on the west, and Martin Hanan on the east, and having thereon erected a two-story faame dwelling house, and a back building attached, and a frame stable, now in the occupancy of the said John Amsbaugh. AUGUSTUS DURBIN, Sheriff. July 20, 1854. DRUG AND MEDICINE STORE. THE undersigned wbuld inform hi3 many friends in the town and country, that he has ereceivd a new and large assortmeht of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, He solicits the patronage of the public, and gives the assurance that every kind of orders such as RECIPES, &c., promply, and to lower prices as in other stores will be attended to. FREDERICK. SNYDER. July 20, 1854. BANKING HOUSE. OF BELL, SMITH & CO. ON Main street, in part of the " Cambria House" building, in the borough of Johns town, Cambria County, Penn., at which a general Banking business is contemplated to be done. Drafts on Philadelphia. Pittsburg, &c. &c, al ways for sale. Collecting made at principal points in the United States. Money received on Deposit, payable on de mand without interesr ; also, for 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon. MEMBERS OF FIRM. S. II. SMITH, of Johnstown, Pa, J. M. BELL, of Hollidaysburg, Pa. R. B. JOHNSTON, WM. JACK, of WM. M. LLOYD, of " Jolinstown, Pa., July 16, 1854. THE KTMILLEN HOUSE. The undersigned respeetfullyjinforms his friends and the public, that he has leased theM'MILLEN HOUSE, on Clinton Street, Johnstown, Ta., which is now open for the accommodation of Boarders and visitors. At a heavy expense, he has had the House thoroughly renovated from the garret to the cellar. The rooms are well ventilat ed, and furnished in a superior style. The new arrangements made to the House will add much to the accommodation and comfort of guests. The Bar will be furnished with the choicest wines and liquors and the table provided with every luxury of the season. The natural beauty and health of Johnstown are unequalled in the Union, and, as a Summer Retreat, its attractions are unparalleled. The climate and the scenery of this mountain region, with the accomodations to be met with at the M'Millen House, renders it one of the most de lightful and pleasant stopping places in the state. OoPersons desirous of engaging Boarding and rooms, will do well to apply soon. JAMES DOWNEY. Johnstown, August 3, '54. SMITH'S ALE, PORTER & BR0WN STOUT. G. W. SMITH, Respectfully annouces to his numerous cus tomers and to the puplic generally; that he will commence brewing for the season, both at PITTS SBURGH AND WHEELING, about the FIRST OF AUGUST; and will be ready to fill orders for his Ales, &c.,(except Kcnnett, which will be ready about the FIRST of OCTOBER,) about the tenth of that monthi 03- The highest rrice paid for good barley, es pecially for that delivered early in the season. August 3rd 7854. LIST OF CAUSES SET down for Trial at a Court of Common Fleas, to be held at Ebensburg, on the First Monday of September next. FIRST WEEK. David R. Kinports. vs Feter Newman et al Charles Ellis, vs Michael Stewart, Jas. C. Fisher ct al vs Samuel Davis, James Murray vs Jacob Slick, Robert Johnston, vs John Benshoof, Edward Howard, vs Samuel Petersbergcr, Joseph Markferding .vs David Ycager, Charles Ellis use vs Wm. Barnett's adm J. Adam Trefts, vs Caspar Burgraff, Joseph Miller, vs Neil Dugan, Jno.M'Garity's Adv. vs Clias. M'Garity's ad. Cambria County, vs Samuel L. Gorgas, Same vs William M'Connell, Mary Stincman vs Jacob Stineman Jij Same vs Joseph Stiucman Samo vs Eli Stineman, Same vs George Stinrmah, A" Myers et ux vs Jeremiah M'Gonegal, SECOND WEEK. James Burk vs Summerhill tp James P. Carter vs William Bingham, William Brown vs L. B. Cohick, Rosanna Plummer et alvs John Rorabaugher, George Gates vs Adam Marsh Samuel Galvin vs Thomas H. Moore, James Murray vs Daniel O. Evan3 James St. Clair vs George Gates George Gates , vs James St. Clair William Orr ' vs James Sharp et al James Burk vs James Alexander C. AUenbaugh vs S. A. R. Fish Peter Christy vs Wm. Lake John Murray vs Elias Baker Robert Deveraux vs John G. Given C. W. Butcher vs Robert Trotter John Young et al vs James Bell Henry Sutton vs Thomas J. Power et al Same vs Sam'l H Smith et al Alex M'Vicker . vs Jeff. & 2b. Plank JL P. McGirr et al va Same John B. Onslow vs Wm. H. Gardner. R. L. JOHNSTON, Profhonotary. Protonotary's Office, Ebensburg, July 27, '54. J ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, and to us directed, there will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on MONDAY THE 28th AUGUST NEXT, AT TWO O'CLOCK, P. M., the following described REAL ESTATE. A store room and two shops in th borough of Eljcnsburg fronting on High street, also four acres of land, situated in Cambria township, adjoining land of David Evans, on the north, Daniel D. Evans, on the east, and Horner street on the South. Also, about 10 acres of land in Cambria township, adjoining lands of Win. Davis, cast, Ed ward Shoemaker, on the north, and the Clay Pike on the south, late tho property cf Chas. Litz nger due'd. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the purchase money to le paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments, with interest ; to be secu red by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. . MARY ANN LITZINGER, WILLIAM LITZINGER, Administrators. July 20, 1854. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, and to me directed, there wilt be exposed to public sale, on the premises on THE LAST FRIDAY OF AUGUST NEXT, AT ONE O'CLOCK, P. M., the following described REAL ESTATE. All that certain tract of land , sit Uate'iii Sum merhill township, Cambria county, adjoining lands of hein of Fleetwood Benson. Ephraim Crum, Joseph Wright, the heirs of Philip O'Skel ly, Christian Sjiay, and others; containing three hundred and forty acres more or loss, late the prop erty of John Crum dee'd. TERMS OF SALE: Ouc-thirJ ot the purchase money in cash on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments, from that date, with interest from that date, secured by bonds and mortgage on the premises. ISAAC REAM. Trustee July 20, 1854. SCHNEIDER'S HOTEL. Ebensburg, Cambria Co , Fa , The subscriber would resiicctfully inform his many friends in the town and from the coun try, that he has now arranged his house, and is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their customi His table is well suppli ed with the lest the market can afford. His Bar contains Liquor of the lest Brands, also Lager Beer, &c.,&c.j FREDERICK SCHNEIDER; July 20, '51. ly. THE GREAT REMEDY, ABOUT which so much has leen said and published, is among us. Who has riot heard of the MEXICA MUSTANG LINIMENT ? Many millions of bottles have been sold and used to cure Rheuniitism, Ulcers, Sores, Bruises, sprains, Ring-worm, Felehs, Salt Rheum, Piles, Sore pim ples, and Caksd Breasts, Cancers. Itah, Corns on the Toes, Sore E3"es, Ear-ache, Pimples, Swollen Joints or Limbs, Cuts, Scalds, or Scald Head, Numb Palsy,. Aunions or Frosied Feet, Warts or any other cotiplaint that cart lie reached by an external remeiy, And it has alwas been success ful. Ii is equally good in healing Wounds, Scratches, Saddle or Harness Galds, or any Sprain, Soreness or Stiffness. And it is warranted to cure Spavin, Ring&one, Splint or Poll Evil in Horses. fltj- The Limiment is put up in three sizes, and retails at 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1. The large pot tle contains laHch more Liniment in proportion to the price, and are therefore cheapest. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Every store sruruld be supplied with this valu able LINIMENT, as it pays a good profit and sells rapidly. 1 G. W. WESTBROOK. (Successor toV. (3. Bragg & Co.,) Originator and sole Proprietor. Principal Oflioes, 304 Broadway, New York, and corner 3d anJ Market street ; St. Louis, Mis souri. July 20, 1854. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of aa order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria ootjity, there will be exposed to public sale on th premises in Allegheny town ship, Cambria county, on Tuesday the 29th day of August next, tie following real estate, late the propertv of Edwrrd Mullan, deceased, viz: SIXTY ACRE OF LAND, adjoining the land of Edward Mullao's heirs, and others. TERMS OF SALE : One half the pirchase money on confirmation of sale, and the lalancc in one year thereafter, with interest to b secured by the bond and the mortgage of the purchaser. , josepii Mcdonald, i patrick mullan, Adn'rs. of Edward Mullan, dee'd. July 13, 1853 Wo Sale rtlic Public Works. LET all take iiotice that the undersigned has just received a large stock of goods" from the East, which will be sold at very low prices for cash or approve! credit, at the old sland, on the Summit. J The stock coniists of the usual goods kept in country stores. ,1 can offer in the Made up Clothing- Line the best of inducements, having a largo stock. I have also secured the services of Mr. John Talbot, a practical Tailoi, who will attend to the making up of all kinds oj Fashionable ilrtues, Or will take measures and order the goods from the best houses irj Philadelphia. CtJ-tALL AND SEE.-d3 I JOHN IVORY. July 13, 1854,' George Harncanie, Wh&lesalo & Betail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Idanufactuier, and Dealer in the fol io wing named Stoves : GLOBE Air Tiglc Gwk, Portable Rarnge, Flat Top Complete, Union Arr Tight, Cooks Fa vorite' Bare Cylinder; Delaware Cook, Bar-room, Keysione, or Indepedcnt, Harp cannon, New compleie, Hot Air Pador, Victoria compieto, Air Tighi, Complete Cook, Union Coal Burner. Ebensburg, Sept 1,1852. III TCIII.VSO.Y, Jr., Attorney at taw, Ebensburg, Pa., XMflLL practice :n the several Courts of Ca'm . T T bria, Blair anl Indian counties. All pro fessional business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended tc Oflice on Main slreet, adjoining his dwelling house. Ebensburg, July 1, 1853 26 3m. TO THE PIT II LIC. THE business doie under the title of W. W. Ivory & Co., is this day discontinued. All persons knowing thujiselves indebted to this firm, will case call and ettle and pay up and give notes. The books aid accounts will be left in the store until the 15th day of August, after which they will be in the iands of a proper officer for collection. WM. W. IVORY, Summit July 13,1851. Silffi UEL FETE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN hubs ip wmi eats, m mi a k mis. & mm mi. SIMMITY1LLE, CAMIJKIA COl.TXTYj Pi. CC?- Has received a splendid stock, sultalle for the Spring and Summer trade, which he i Mer termined to sell at the lowest jKissil'le rates, and to which he invites thu attt ritu n of hi ill friihtl and customers, as well as of the pullic in general, lie fit Is confidmt that tlnt who rxumsnc Li stock will find it to their advantage to deal with him. ' May 11, '54 ly WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, NUMBERS 133 & 135 WOOD ST., riTTSDUllGH, PA. HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR IMMENSE STViCK OF BOOTS. SHOES, HATS. P.ON NKTS and Caps, consisting of over Thirty Five Hundred Ci.vs f.r I-vlSes and Ccntloinan'a Misses, Boys and Children's Spring and Summer wear, all of lates t styles and fashions, among winch may be found LADIES AXD MISSAs' I MEN AND BOv's I Boots and Buskins, Purple Parodies Cinderilla Slippers, Bronze Kossuths, Sontag's & Eureka's Child'us fun. Boots. 0?lfit Kip Boots, Col. Cong. Boots, Kid Glo.'But, Ox. it Un. Ties, C. & F. Bootees, Child ns S. Gait. Together with a vari lety of Fc,ncy Goods, particularly adapted to the approaching season QQ" Having purchased our stock from the Eastern Manufacturers, principally for cash, with great care in the selection arid vitality adapted to the Western trade, we arc enabled to oHcr su perior Inducements, and are determined not to lc undersold by any Eastern or Wcsternllouse. CO- Merchants visiting our city, will please ca'l and examine for themselves. ApL 20. 1854 ROBERT DAVIS. MOURIS EVANS. Plough, Plough Points, Stoves, IHIII Irons, Threshing Machine, Cider Presses, &c. &c. Also, Tin Ware ol" every description. Foundry at the South West end of Ebcnsburgj Ware House on Main street, nearly opisil' Hi stooc orShoemakt:r& Clark. DAVJS, EVANS & IX). June, 8, 1954. BY AUTHORITY. Besolutions proposing Amendments to the Con stitution of the CommohwBalth. Section 1. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met, that the fol lowing amendments be, and the same are hereby proposed to the Constitution of the Common wealth, under and in accordance with the provi sions of tho tenth article thereof, to wit : Proposition 1, to be article xi. SEC 1. The aggregate amout of debt hereafter contracted by the Commonwealth; shall not ex ceed the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, ex cept in ease cf war to rciel invasion suppress in surrection; or to restore the public debt of the Commonwealth, and the money jo raised shall be applied to the puriose for which the debt may be contracted, or pay such debts, and to no other purpose. Sec 2. To pay the public debt of the Com monwealth, and debts which may hereafter be contracted in case of war to rejel invasion, sup press insurrection, and to redeem the public debt the Legislature shall at their next session after the adoption of this section into the Ctwistitution, pro vided by law lor the creation ol a sinking lunii, which shall not be abolished till the said public debt be wholly paid, to consist of all the net an nual income from the public works and stocks owned by the Commonwealth, or any other funds arising under anV revenue "law now existing or that may be hereafter enacted, so far as the same may be required to pay the interest of said debts semi-annually, and annually to reduce the princi pal thereof by a sum not less than five hundred thousand dollnrSk increased yearly by compound ing at a rate of not less than five per centum per annum ; the said sinking fund shall be invested in the loans of the Commonwealthi which shall be cancelled from time to time in a manner to be provided by law ; no portion of the sinking fund shall ever be applied to the payment of the debt of five hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the first section of this article, but the said sinking fund shall be applied only to the purposes herein spec! lied j Sec. 3. The credit of the Comhlohwealth shall not in any way be given or loaned to or in aid of any individual, company, corporation, or associa tion, nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter In come a joint owner or stockholder in any company associatipn or corporation in the Commonwealth or elsewhere, formed for any purposes: Sec. 4. The Commonwealth shall never as sume the debts of any county, city, borough or township, or of any corporation or association, unless such debts shall have been contracted to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to defend the State in war. PROPOSITION 2, TO BE ARTICLE Xt. Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions. The Legislature shall never authorize any coun ty, city, borough or township, by vote of its citi zens or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any joint stock company, association or corporation, or to raise money for, or loan its credit to, or m aid of anv such company or association; E. 1. CHASE. Speaker of the Ilolisc of Representatives. M. McCASLIN, Speaker of the Senate. In Senate, April 28, 1854. Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 22, navs 5. Extract from the Journal. T. A. MAGUIRE, Clerk. In the House of Rep's., April 21, 1854. Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 21, nays 20. Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. Secy's. Office, filed April 29, 1854. G. A. BLACK. Secretary of the Commonwealth. PENNSYLVANIA, SS: Secsetary's Office, Harrisburg, July 1, 1854. J , s . I do certify that the above and forc seal. going is a true and correct copy of the y- y , i original " Resolution" relative to an amendment of the Constitution," as the same re mains on file in this office, In testimony whereof I have hereunto sot my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Se cretary's ofRce; the day and year above written. G. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Journal of the Senate. " Resolution No. 562, entitled Resolution'pro posing amendments to tho Constitution of the Commonwealth,' was read a third time. On the question will the Senate agree to the first propo sitionj the yeas and nays were taken, agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follows, viz : Yeas Messrs. Buckalew, Darlington, Darsie, Ferguson, Foulkrod, Frick, Fry, Goodwin, Hal deman, Hamilton, B. D. Hamlin, E. W. Hamlin, Heister, Hoge, Jamison, McClintock, M'Farland, Piatt, Quiggle, Sagcr,Slifer, and McCaslin, Speak er 23. Nats Messrs. Crabb, Crcswcll, Hendricks, Kinzer, Kunkle and Skinner 5. So the question was determined in the afin-m.-i-tive. On the question, will the Senate agree to the second proposition, the yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and wefe as fol lows," viz : Yeas Messrs; Buckalew, Darsie, Ferguson, Foulkrod. Fry, Goodwin, Haldeman, B. D. Ham lin, E.W. Hamlin, Hendricks. Heister liogp..ia RSBERGER. II ATS AND CATS. I LADlEi BOnXKTS. Canton . Palm I, Black, Fur and Wool Hats, Cloth it Glazed Caps, Straw and Leghorn, Fancy French Lace, Emliroid'rcd Coss'r. Helmet Crown, ' Fancy Glaca, Florence with Capos, Plush cc Velvet Caps, R. L. JOHASTOtf. EDWARD CLASS. riiison, Kinzer, McClintock, McFarland, Tiatt. Quiggle, Slifer, Wherry, McCaslin, Speaker 22. Nays Messrs. Crabb, Cieswell, Darlington, Hamilton, Kunkle aiid Skinner 5. So the question was determined hi the affirm tive. Journal of the House of Representative. " The question recurring upon the final passag of the Resolution, tlie first proposition was agrod to as follows, viz : Yeas Messrs. Abraham, Adams. Atherton, Ball, Barton, Boyer, Bighani, Boyd, Busq, Byer ly, Caldwell, Calvin, Carlisle, Chahibcrlih. Ook, Crane, Cummins, Dougherty." Davis, De Franon, Dunning, Eckert, Edingcr, Eldrcd, Evans, ltr. Fry, Gallentine, Gibboney, Gilmore. Gray, Grof-m. Gwin, Hamilton. Hart, Herr, Hiester. Hiller, Hippie, Horn, Hummel, Hunsacker, Hunter. Harti Jackson, Kilgore, Knight, Iaury, (Lehigh) Linn, Magee, Maguire, Manderfield, McConnell. McKee,. Miller, Moneghan. Montgomer-; Moore. Moser, Muse, Palmer, Parke, Parmlee, PaFmor Tatterson, Porter, Tutney, Rawlins RoWrts, Rowe, Sallade, Scott, Sidle, Sinn niton, Smith, (Berks.) Smith, (Crawford,) Stewart, SUxkdale, Strong, Struthers, Wheeler, Wicklein, Wright, Ziegler, Chase, Speaker. 85. Yeas None. So the question was determined in tlie affirma tive. On the question will the House agree to th second proposition, the yeas and nays were taken, agreeably to the provisions of the 20th aoticle of the Constitution, and arc as follows: Yeas Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Ball, Bar ton, Iec.k, Beyer, Bigham, Boyd, Caldwell, Car lisle, Chamberlain, Cook, Crane, Cummins, Daugh erty, Davis, Dedgan, De France, Dunning, Edin gcr, Eldred, Evans, Fry , Gallentine, Gibboney. Gilmore, Gray, Groom, Gwin, Hamilton, Hie land, Hiller, Hippie, Ilunseeker, Hunter, Hurt, Jackson, Kilgore, Knight, Laury, (Lehigh) Low ero, (Tiogfij) Linn, Magee, Maguire, Manderfield, McConnell, McKee, Moneghan, Montgomery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Palmer, Parke, Parmle, Passmore, Patterson, Porter, Rawlins, RoleitH, Rowe, Sallade, Scott, Simonton, Smith, (Berks,) Smith. (Crawford,) Stockdale, Wheeler, Wick lein, Wright, Chase, Speaker 74. Nays Messrs. Adams, Baldwin, Bean. Bush, Byerly, Eckert, Ellis, Hart, Herr, liumnid, McCombs, Miller, Poulson, Putney, Sidle, Stew art, Strong. Struthers, Ziegler 20. , So the question was determined in the affiama tive. Secretary's Office, Harrisctrg, July 1; 1854. f ENNS YLV A N I A , SS : . , I do certify that the above and for seal. going is a true and correct copy rf" v the yeas" and nays' taken on tha " Resolution relative to an amendment of the Con stitution of the Commonwealth" as the same ap pears on the Journals of the two Houses of th General Assembly, of this Commonwealth for tlm Session of 1854. Witness my hand and the Seal of said office this first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fiftv-four. C. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth . July 13, 1854 3m. . J. PATT0N THOMPSON, With Rial pic I'll is & McUIurc, MPORTERS and Dealers in Foreign and Do mestic FANCY DRY GOODS, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Satins, Silk Vestings, Cravats, Ribbons, White Goods, Suspenders, Combs. Brushes, Buttons, looking Glasses, tec. No. 15 North Third Street, two doors above Church Alley, Philadelphia. M. M. MARPLE. J. A. ELLIS, E. C. McCLURK. Phil'a., Feb. 1G, 1852-32. American House. TIIc undersigned having leased for a number of yiars, that largo and commodious house in1 Conr-Ttinnrrii horonfh. Cambria county. Pennsyl vania, formerly occupied by Hon. Joha-Murray, would respectfully inform his friends and ihe pub lie generally, that he will spare no pains in snak ing it one of the moot desirable stopping places in the county. His tabie will be filled with the best the mar ket can afford. His bar will contain liquors of the best brand. His stabic will be attended" by careful and at tentive Ostlers. MfCAHEL STEWART. June 15, 18G4. v JKFFEfcSO IIOrSE. JEFFERSON, CAMBRIA COUNTr, TEXN. TilFundersigned takes pleasure in informing liis friends and the traveling public that h has leased the Jefferson House, and having mada much improvement in its interirr, he feels confi dent that he will thereby be enabled to render comfort and satisfaction to aH who favor him with their patronage. . His fast and superior MAIL LINE OF STA TES will always be in readiness to cosvey passen gers io and from tho . PEHN'A. RAILROAD STATIONS to Ins home, and also leaving direct after the ar rival of the trains by a good Plank Road to Ebens burg. Qc- He will ever lie happy to acoommodote his old friends and acquaintances that will favor him with a call. JAMES D. HAMILTON. J.-flVrson, April. SO. 151.