JUL -1 DEMOCRAT A XI) SENTINEL. WM. B. SITES, Editor and Proprietor. KbenslMii j?, Friday, Sept. J, 1S53. V. 15. PALMER, tlie American Newspaper Agent, is ili'- on! authorized Agent for tliis paper in the cities of Boston, New York and Philadelphia und Si duly empowered to take advertisements an J .inscription at the rates required by us. lbs re ccipts twill be regarded as payments. Dis offices are Doston, Scollay's Building : New York, Trib une Buildings ; Philadelphia, X. V.'. corner Third and Chestnut Sts. FOR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM BIGLER. Subject to the decision ot the Democratic Contention.. FOR SENATOR, CYRUS h. PERSHING. Subject to the eecision ol the Democratic Conterenee.j BElIOCRATIC TICKET. Sfl'Kl'.ME Jl'lrtJK. JOHS C.K5(, Of Tio'ia Comitii. CANAL V l M MI SS I J -X 1 : It . rno3i.is es. roasvi ii. Of Phihuhlphia CV.J,. acditou. (;kn"i;hai., AIi ii MiS, Of Miffiiu Civ.itn. sLitriivon ;;:xr.iiAt.. Of Crafjord ('onati',. FOR ASS-MiiULV, TUOU VS 4"OM--I.. WM. T. iA5 XiBBSisITV. J't.lll TltKASfltrH, s: 351:1'. '(!( UlSTiU-'T ATTO.tNKV. T. B.. ?ss: i F O tt f M M I S s I ) X Kit. F!)It COLXIi" SfUVKYOIt, tjeoji is nsco'wrz,. FOU At niTOIt, Gov. Ei-rler. It is an o.rppeale-faSs'cTti-m that - Reptfi.Lcs av. unsratcf..!," buj, the truth of it we cannot s readily admit. True, merit "will, -sooner or Liter, meet with jta reward in all cases, and iu no country is it more likely to be appreciated than in our own. Vt'edded to the institutions of pur Government hy eery tie of affection, our people are ever ready and anxious to reward those whose patriotism and intelligence point them out as worthy of confidence ; and not, in the en tire universe. Fan there be found an attachment si sin cere a respect so profound as that which is paid to the nobility of intellect and heart. In proof of what we hate sa d we have only to point to instances which are fresh iu the minds of all Jackson, that man of ')itan firmness and expansive soul, who stood firmly by the people tt hen elovds low ered and troubles thickened, w as borne into the Pres idential olFiee a second time, on a wave ol" triumph. Francis R. Siu sk, the hone:t-heaiteJ and noble-soul-ed Governor o; our State, by his sincere devotion to the interests of our citieus, became their idol and was chcien for a second term of office by a triumphant majority, despiie the most determined opposition. And tWe same honest desne to advance the pa'dic welfare has made our present lvxccui.it e a i noii'e il the people. Xu man cau doubt the. popularity ol '"!. 15k. lku. Almost every County meeting ti Licit convene-, endorses his acts, and a;ks for his re-nonii-i:-il:oil. 'i he deep-rooted attachment Le has at all times exh.biied for the honor of our State, and the p- inciples el our parly, has bi ought aboul this result : and tve hesitate not to say that, should Le he rc-nomi-ii.i'.e,!, Le will ov.ecp the Sta'.e by a majority which w ill niily be numbered by thousands. It tve take a retrospective glance at the past lile'ol Wm. Cie.Li.utve shall see much to admire little to condemn. Schooled amid the adversities opovtrty. and rnmiH'!'ri. in early youth, to earn his bread by the sweat of hi brow,' his sympathies and attach ments are with and for the toiling masses. Klevated. on account of su-rior merit, to high oiHcial stations, he never forgot the incidents of his youth, and in every case he raised ios voice for those who were toiling lor the sustenance they received. As a Legislator, as a Senat jr, and as Governor, his desire has been to foster those measures which would best tend t promote the interests of the people. His love for Democracy is not and cannot be doubt ed. Xo man has ever adhered more aidently t j the principles of a party th in he, and il he has erred in his political course, it lias been through a misappi elieu s.ou of duty. Such a man tve can support tvilii our whole heart, usid we. therefore, raise his name to the head of our paper, when; il shall remain until a Convention of the people again decide as to who shall le.'d us on to bat tle and to victory, and should thai convention declare him to be the choh e of the Democratic party for re- lection (w hich tv. have no doubt it will do.) we shall go to work for him with as much good-'v.ill and as high-hopes as eter animated us in a political con test. Legislative Conference. tVe publish , to-day, the proceedings of the Demo cratic Conference of this Legislative District, which assembled in Bedford on the "nth ult., and placed in nomination Tbojias Collixs. L";q , of this county, and lion. Wm. T Dai oh tiiri, of LVda-rd county. Fioni a personal and intimate acquaintance tviiii both these gcntlemtn. tte can say lliat a better ticket was never presented to the Democracy of the District. We hate, on a former occasion, spoken our nnnd "ree ly in regard to Mr. Collixs. and we shall take fre quent opportunities for doing so again between this time and the election. Of Judge Daigiikkti wewil' now (peak. No man cf our acquaintance is more de serving of the w arm, sir.cere, and ardent support of the Democracy than he. In every emergency Le has stood manfully by the party, and his po'itical repu tation may be inferred from the fact that, when al most the entire ticket w as defeated in lk-diord county, through dissensions in the Democratic ranks, he w as triumphantly elected Associate Judge. lie is. besides, a perfect gentleman, and can titinil! as many per sonal friends a any man in the District. Ofhis elec tion there can be no doubt, and we venture the asser tion that a more courteous accommodating, and hon est men. her w ill not be found in the Pennsylvania Ilou-e of Pepresf-ntatives. Gen. IWmas anrt Col. Cabholl, our relegates to the State Convention, arp too well know'n to require any endorsement from us. TLy are. gentlemen of the moso- unyielding attachment to Democratic mea - sums nnd Democratic n.-n, and the interests of ihe party In Cambria, !!5r., and- FnPon co u,ti.-; will jitt stiller intVir hani's. State Senator. The Johnstown Echo, of last week, has an article on this subject which we cordially endorse. The importance of the next Senatorial contest here is well known. Numbers of the Whig papers of the State admit that the political complexion of the next State Senate will depend upon the r.esult in the Coun ties of Cambria, Blair, and Huntingdon, und knowing the want of harmony which prevails in the ranks oi" their political allres, they look forward, with doubt, to the approaching election. That the whig nominee is unpopular with his par ty cannot be doubted, and that hundreds of the best men in that party will utterly' refuse to support him is equally as certain. The fact that he was nomina ted over the man who was declared the choice of the Whips of his own county, is humiliating to the party, and is evidence of an out-fid in'nenre which was not. to say the least, just. Mr. 1 1 vtc h i nsos 's fi iomU can not hut feel soie nt the treatment they received in the Conference, and the presumption is but lair that, w hen the proper time comes, they will remember those who w ere first to roniiueiiee the warfare. Jt is important, then, that our nominee should bo a man whom the people admire for his integrity, ability, and consistency, and who is known to he .-incere in his attachments to the principles of the Democratic party. Such a niau is Ciuis L. I't.nsni , 1-sq. For him the Democracy ol " Cambria County and of the district would rally i:i their strength, and such a vote would Le given him as woU cu-mo his trium phant election. Mr J'kiisiii o vi as unanimously rccoinnicii j.d by our late County Contention as the sole and only choice .i-the. Democracy of the County for noniin itiou for his office. That he never sought it, either by direct o.- indirect means, is well known, and that he is com petent, iu an eminent degree, for the responsible du- es it imposes is cotter V-v all v. ho kr.ow Kir lie is a self-made man. one who -is ready for ctery emergency of debate either in or out of the l!a!!sof Legislation, and he is a Democrat, who has r.cver i'al teied in the hour ol difficulty it danger. All tijese circumstances t icwed'iii their proix-r light, it is but right and just that the Conferees of the District -.hould, to a considerable extent, sacrifice pri vate preferences for the public good. The candidate which Cambria pieseats, w ill lie, as tve have said, one whom every man fighting under the Ditinvr ol Dcuu.c-raey-tv.u support, and . e, therefore, ask tiiat his claims and the claims of Lis county he considered. j,iriiiicli.in in a new Light. We copy t ie annexed ar'.icle from '.h-i Xew Yo-rk Ti itjttii--, to suosv our re.ilers the kindol orthog raphy and syntax u .e.i by some of the "spirits.'' Jl tijeely succeeds in ge::ing up a ti ans-A tlant.c cories pondence through the inc. hums, we would recommend him to send them a copy of the Common School Law, as the establishment of a general system of in btruction is certainly much needed iu the " spirit " land: 'We have received f.xiaEnox, Indiana, a letter of four very dirty pages, of which tiie following is a literal specimen, without change ia spoiling troth-erwise- " You are an. an nf some lufuruintiu Kespccting MediuiniHut or Spiritualism Please Define your Self a little better mid S mithing alittle Plainer about the Reward you ofer to any Medium to lei 1 What is going on in I..,n l.i.i or Urope I disdain your Reward 1 aw an Advertisement this Mor-Hii-g for the l'.i-st of the Kind and Ila.-Kn to Reply 1 am a M jliuiu oftho Est Kind it Writes and j Tallies through ttie il',you want to ivL.o w U.-it i.i I going in Englin I can tell you Some of the ?Iost I Important things as respects our Intrests with that j N A turn and all the Reward 1 ;hall Charge you is j 1 Charge you to Have this Published :t makes j No inference iloi" So ii is T.ia 1 Public!; a:. l if j you will See that this is Ineertcd in the Cify Pa ; pers of your City, you tti.l be Kutitled to another j Communication as soon as I cau S-.e this iu Pub ! lick Flint.''' Our correspondent tviii soe tii-U v.e Lute c iniplie-l with his high-iuia led CJii.litious, and uo.v let him j ana uis spirits come on wuu iue:r news irout " Uiop"' in return. We only b g lj ob ervc that they would do well to take a low ksj-jns in EugVish orthography and gratiiiaer beforehai. J, as oth rwise they may not always make themselves as intelligi ble as such elevated beings ought, to be. We shottl I ilia like to have them take the work, and n ,.r. -s a very generous disposition to do the hardest things, such ns prophecy, iu order no doubt, to siicn.e skepticism at once. All we ask i, that they should let us know what actually happened yester day at London and Paris, or we would even bo con tent if they would tell us what was published in the evening edition af yesterday's Londun Times. Strange to say, we have never yet met with n medi um willing to perforin so elementary a feat ; they all want to tell what is going to happen next year next century i sort of intelligence we cau very oj well dispense with. How do tliey Live? This question is frequently asked by persons, who are not accustomed to the nii.ery. wretchedness, and degradation of large rities, when they conteui plate the thousands who are huddled together in a spite so small that they cannot breathe freely the pine air of Heaven. The following article, which we clip from the New York Trllun,-, illustrates the mode by which many keep body and soul together in that city : Traxsmii;i;aTos. The iterated question, how people live in New-York, will find an answer, at j last, in the fact that evervthing is saved evcrv- thing. In its wiues acceptation, lou throw down an cneiop oi mi uiu leiier, or l n e rcmaiuucr oi a half burned cigar lighter. It is trodden under foot, soiled, but not lost. Presently there comes along a man, a women, or a child, " hooks'' it out of the tilth, deposites it in a bag, and goes on with the gracious treasure. Who cau tell wilat wouder ful machines arc busy to-day, masticating to pulp again those same fragments, or what glossy area for thought may not be "extended"' thence to morrow ? What j-olitician shall grow patriotic what poet " find himself famous" thereon, nobody can tell. The wind flutters off a loose rag from a beggar, bears the odious thing a little way on its pure pinion, and lets it fall to its level again the gutter ; and there it lies, but not long. An old woman discovers it, flings it into her basket, where are more akin to it, and hobbles on her way Next month you may admire some exquisite fabric. It is only that rag in disguise ! A pail full of sand is worth money; a shovelfull of mud is good ; lilt i unimaginable has a price ; trash the uttermost finds a market without going to "Cowes." The clip pings from your whiskers if you wear them are worth something ; anything you would naturally throw away is thankfully' received." There's a mouth, and not a pig's either, for that potato pair ing, and many n similar apparatus waters for the melon rind you nave just castafray. Those decay ed lemons heaped iu the gutter, that you hold your nose at, may sutf?r a change "into something rich and strange," that you will drink next summer. Who knows? Even the old bones of departed sheep and beeves that will never " come under" again, are carefully gathered from alley and street, and by and by will figure on somebody's waistcoat, glit tering and glorious, under the name of buttons ; or else ground to dusr, become the magical powder that shall quicken the pulses in the cold bosom of Mother Earth, till it glows with the floral thoughts of the Summer, or heaves Kith the swells of the Harvest. And thus it is, that in the great City, the transmigration of the meanest into the most beautiful is dal'v and hourly effected. NEWS AND KI8 CELL ANY. f?"The grand military parade which came off at Shelocta, on the 21th, 25th, and 2Cth iust., was attended by the LlJerton Guards, Kiskeminetas B'.ucs, West Lebanon Guards, and Shelocta Guards. Every thing passed off pleasantly and agreeably. H7 Temperance meetings are being held hi ev ery part of Indiana county, and a feeling seems quite prevalent, favorable to a prohibitory liquor law. Ils A Southern editor notifies his patrons that j his fiirhtiiiff hours are between 10 and 12 o'clock i A. M., ar.d cordially invites them to "walk in." f)--irj are a li tt lc later, say from 12 to 2 P. M., fur at that time v.e are always ready forfotel play. The Whig Stale Convention assembled iu Huntingdon, and nominated Thomas A. li, Esq, of Philadelphia for the Supreme flench. The Knox this llttid will receive will prevent it from ever &y" '-- S. S. Wharton, the late '; handsome member" of the Legislature, from Huntingdon, who vr.s defeated f-r re-nomination, announces himself as a volunteer candidate. tjr lie. J. Stilllons, of Jonstown, is preparing a sketch of the "Life, Trial, and Confession of Jas Shirley,'' who was executed in Hollidaysburg re cently. Ci)""Cp tu the 1st, iitst., the credentials of more than three hundred Delegates to the Worlds' Tem perance Convention hadT.een received. IT7 " The Conferees from the counties of Mercer, Venango, Clarion, and Jeil'erson, met in Franklin, on the 2.!d ult., and, on the 074th ballot nominated II jn. John S. M'C tlniot, as the M UniocTatic candidal-.' for President Judge of tlnit district. C7 " The happiest period in a man's life is w hen, Seated, at night, iu his bright little room, Witli paper-, pre-paid, to employ- him Aith a, "yrt'7t" and " ci$ar' to drive atvayglooin. A'lJ no pestering wife to annoy hui. C-ft The Crystal Palace was lighted with gas for the first tiuu, on Monday night. The number of visitors was o,oO'J Contributions at the Palace for the completion of the Washington monument, have asnouaied to the sum ef 1,570 01. I KiDt-The New Orleans Jce gives an account of i J the operations of the Howard Association. The ' j number ci patients treated by the Association to ! (.the 2)Ui, is dool ; of thece 221 were discharged ' cured, 72: died, and 1 000 were under treatment, j The expenses of the .Association per day were j $15i0. In providing nurses and homes for parent- ; less infants three hundred nurses are employed. j X, Accounts from Natchez state the rreatest' alarm is prevailing. More than halt the it'si dents r ;es of ' have left the city in consequence of the ravages the yellew fever. There is no authority left, anil quarantine is no longer enforced. ITr Mr. S.v.ux, of the V '' l.n'-jcr, it is said, was in New York, hist week trying to negotiate with J. (i. Dennett, FJsq., for the ID-raid Printing Establishment. Swain offered Dennett JlOtl.OOO Cash, for the concern, or 70,Ot)() jrjictuo .' BfTt, Ve notice that the potato rot has appeared in New York and many of the New England States. We have not heard of it in onr neighbor d, and trust we may not. We think the season here has been too dry to encourage it. l- Jjb. Charles Wilson, Mayor of Montreal, has been arrested on charge of Murder, and held to bail in SS.tiiiO to answer before the Criminal Court . To aeeii's Ei hen, on the ldth of October next, for the part he took in the late Gavazzi riot. Cr,y"The Wagon is coming. Iiy an advertisement in to-day's paper it will be seen that Mr. Taiikeisley will be here on liext.Mnnday, with his magnificent raveiiug sky light Dag terreau Gallery. An excellent opportunity will then be afforded for securing a LI )' The attention of our readers is asked to the advertisement of Mr. Hamilton, who intends run ning a double line cf Hacks to Jefferson. Mr. Hamilton is always willing to accommodate the public, and we hope he may be liberally patron ized. L'e'Gwing to disappointment in procuring a sup- fly sf paper, our issue is one day be'iind time. We ask the indulgence of oar readers, and hope the dt- ! lay may not occur again. Representative Conference. The gentlemen Elected to compose the Confer J encs f r the Keprcsentative District composed of j the Counties of Eedforl, Cambria and Fulton, I met iu ciniftrenee at the house of Mai. Davis in j the Porough of Eedford, on Tuesday, thedi'thi day of August inst. I Messers. John G. Hartley, John P. Reed, and j Cornelius Devore, appealed for P-tdford County. Messers. Daniel McManamy, E. J. Mills and Johu Humphreys, appeared for Cambria comity. j Mr. Humphreys having been deputed by J. M. j Uilfie, absent. Messers. Capt. George White, deputed by Win. Hoitin, Samuel Michaels, deputed by F. C. Rea mer, and Jonathtn Kelly, appeared for Fulton county. On motion ' T iu.l conference was or ganized by calling II. J. Mills to the chair. On motion of Mr. Humphreys, John P. Reed was ap pointed Secretary The following nominations were then made for candidates for the Assembly: Mr. Hartley nominated "Wm. M. Hall, Esq. Mr. McManeiny nominated Thos. Collins, Esq. Mr. White nominate d Hon. Win. T. Daugherty. An election then resulted iu the choice of Has. Wm- T. DaU'JUertv, and Thomas Collixs, Esq., who were declared -Inly nominated. Nominations were then received for delegates to the State Convention. Mi. Hartley noiuiuated Gen. Geo. W. Eowniau. Mr. Humphreys nominated James Carrol. Mr. McManemy nominated Robert V. Linton. Un a balloting had, Messers Gen. Geo. Vi. Row man and James Carrol, were declared duly Elected Representative Delegates to the next Suite Con vention. On motion Resolved; That the nomination now made are unanimously confirmed by this confer ence, and that the gentlemen nominated for Assem bly are recommended to the cordial support of the Democratic Votes of this district. Jlen-jlced, That the thanks of this conference be tendered to Maj. Davis for his politeness in fur nishing the same with all necessary accommoda tions. Resolved, That the proceedings of this conference be published in the Democratic papers of this Rep resentative District. On motion Conference adjurned Sine die. EDWARD J. MILLS, I'retidcut. Jous P. PiEtT', Scccrtary. Cyrns L. Persliing-, Esq. We find the following complimentary article in the llollidaysnirg Standard, and transfer it to our col umns, to Jiotv the position Mr. Pershing occupies in Blair Col flty : KrxT Senator. The Democratic papers of Cam bria cotTity are warmly urging the nomination of Cyrus L Pershing, Esq., of Johnstown, as the Dcmocri tic candidate for Senator, and his name will be resented in the Conference by the Cambria county; Jonferces. Of ecJrse we are in favor of a Elair county man, iu orae: that our citizens may have, if possible, a represt itative at Ilarrisburg ; but should matters be so -ranged that Mr. Pershing receives the nom ination it will give us great pleasure to support him, Ijioause we Know that he is every way quali fied tt fill the office, and is an unflinching Democrat-, wan cf the people. tr'X The following communication is fioni tne pen of an jitelligent ami radical Democrat, and will y.ci) repay? -.crusal : ' Tiah Hill, Caxbhia Co. Pa., August :io. ls.'ij. )..- IJciHurrnt and S-nit 'unl: j'o Ix-guile the time and renete myself lor a lew moments of the rough and exiting incidents of Kail Koad life, 1 have taken thelihf ty of writing a letter, and asking a place lor it in t.iur valuable p.'per. If 1 -aiccecd in this my firstirt, as a just an 1 ini)aitial chronicler of the evcMt-i which transpire in tlie vicinity of this " Jlilli' 1 will fuel that I am far more than rewar ded ft? any trouble, or anxiety of tiic brain which ?ielfc'or may cost me. . Is Urn first place I tvouM say that the Tunnel and Sections of the Pennsylvania, Kail Koad, under the Vutn?diatc control of Thos. Seabrook, Esq., and his geriteiiianiy and accomplished assistant, Mr. llcily, :rei":ipidly approaching completion. The ao'ivity tiideal which these gentlemen at all times evince i ii lie management of sa vast un amount d' labor j .il Jas been required on their branch of this iiu t iremeiit, entitles them to wore commendation : tbn 1 r.m eompetet: to bestow. So rapidly has tiekvork progressed since they were placed in con ! troof it, it is confidently expected, that iu four , utu.s, at the fuithcst, the entire road will be riit isV! to each end of the Tunnel. 1 should here I salthat Mr. Thos. Ilutter, of t'te firm of J. Kutter ! i; n, who has the contract of the Tunnel, is also i nof-d for It's preseverance, and iudef. itigable indus ; tri 1 think the company is exirt-mely fui tunate in i sriinsf lo themselves the services d' :i eutitraetor off'L'h experience and industry. Mr. 11. 's govern in Jjaotto, iu the tnanasremeiit of his- work, is lun eso. industry and Tl'.M I'll!! ANCI1,' but, uufurtu-n-'j'y for him an 1 many of the men in Lis- eni plcit he latter portion of Lis i i itto cannot be cailied into i fleet, for Low could it be so, when tvel-ike into consideration the fact, that from sir!; to .ii'i-nty houses, or rather sU:int;s are engaged in foaling out to their fell i ,v men, a beverage v.ltjdi destroys their s oil intellect, and body. I c.i-.ot se the propriety ( f keeping up a strong lVle f'.ree. f r the pnfji. se of fciepiur dotvn ri ,t aii tiloo l-be 1. and then t'.leraling stioli a vast nui'oer (f uulieense-.l ruir. s-ioo.s. In ..dvlitiuit to tie nuijberot' !rani shop.-, we have some lour or five lied.sed -:ti-i, besides some eighteen or twenty stos which are engaged iu the sale of liquor Lv i theitiart. ! be Jid lie . J ! trafe, an lart. Out of the number of stores, only tuo can t to be engaged iu this niest abominable and to their lasting credit b.e it sai l, Messrs. j Mortheail, Eurns Co., under the management i of (av, and John 1!. Mc iliiams i; Co. are the two! - . Jl ) not ttisa ta be unaerst o 1 ns implicating Cart Gardener, who is the chief of the Police, or anyt.f his gentlemanly assistants, iu any direlic- 1 tiouof duty in reference to these dram shops, for j the cert ilnly do take a deep interest iu seeing the j lawlof the State, and the regulations of the road ' rigeSly enforced. Put 1 do say that the fault lies j sonii place, and I think, that if the Constable of Allerhany Township, iu this county, would make j ; it h'ti duty to point the offenders out and return ther.ito the Grand,Jury at the hext Court of (uar I .er StVfiuns that an abundant amoir.it of evidence I can be jro-luceJ to convict thorn all. j Souioof the leading members of our party on t'te Hill art making strong efforts to greatly increase i the vufc for onr Ticket in this County at the ensti- ing eli tioii. If our frit-n I Ciii.i.ins and the entire i Ti'Kif, finis no more opposition in Litii.k Cam ' i; it 1 . 1. "da a n is to be found iu this place, they will I have iiteasv and an unpara'e'led victory. So uitan ' ii.iousafe we here, l'-,r the cherished principles of I IViiiccracy, that seare a federalist is tn l e found. ! l!--iuv!i-er, v.e y. . and w ii! tj'e nat'.t'ng less 1 than rNt: ! : i n i u 1. 1 of an increased vote, f ir the j w holtf icket, without a scratch, in Alleghanv towa- I ship. Yoar PoKl tl.f. Fre.i:t ! A" .- C. ' f nt. Tlie Pestilence at P-Iew Orleans. Down among the Dead IJen. T. verify the many horrible reports of the doings ! arn-.ig the dead, we the other day visited the ceni ; cteits. lit every street were long processions, j traitping to the solemn music of funeral marches, j In tie countenances of plod-ling passengers were i the lines of nnxieiy and grief, and many a door was fesu-me 1 with black and white hangings, the voice less witnesses ot waning and ot sorrow. Vu the one hand slowly swept the long corteges of the wealthy, nodding with plumes and drawn by praicing burses, rejoicing iu their funeral vanities ; on u. other, the he. use of the citizen-soldier pro-ceded by measured music, enveloped in warlike pan oply, and followed by the noisy tread of men under arini; tthile there again the pauper was trundled to lis long home on a. ricketty cart, with a boy for a driver, who whistled as he went, and swore a careless oath as he urged his mule or spavined horse to a trot, making haste with another morsel contributed to the grand banquet of death. Now among the steeples was heard the chiming of the bells, as of Ghoules up there, mingling their hoarse voices as in a chorus of gratulation over the ranks of fallen mortality. Anon from some lowly tene ment trilled ihe low wail of a mother for the child of hor affections, while from the corner opposite burst the song of some low bacchanal, miiigiiig ri baldry with sentiment, ar swearing a prayer or two, as the humor moved him. The skies wore a delusive aspect. Above was all cloudless sunshine, but little in keeping with the black melancholy that enveloped all below. Out alonn me tUHf-pj" r,l-J V' nnr uOaa, auu Btui the tramp of funeral crowds knew no Cessasiou. L'p rolled the volumes of dust from the busy roads, and tha plumes of the death carriages nodded iu seeming sympathy to the sway ing cypresses of the swamp, enveloped in their dun apparelling of weeping moss fit garniture for such a scene. At the gathering points carriages accumulated, and vulgar teamsters, as they jostled each other in the press, mingled the coarse jest with the ribald oath ; no 6ound but of profane malediction and of riotous mirth, the claug of whip thongs and the rattle of wheels. At the gates, the wind brought intimation of the corruption working within. Not a puff but was laden with the rank atmosphere from rotting corpses. Inside they were piled by fifties, exposed to the heat of tiie sun, swollen with corruption, bursting their coffin lids, and sundering, as if by physical effort, the ligaments that bound their hands and feet, and extending their rigid limbs in every rente attitude. W hat a least of hor rors I Inside, corpses piled in pyramids, and with out the gates, old and withered crones and fat hux ter women, fretting in their own grease, dispen sing ico creams and crmfections, and brushing away, wi.'h brooms made of bushes, the green bottle-flies that hovered - on their merchandise, and that anon buzzed away to drink dainty inhalations from the green and festering corpses. Mammon at the gates was making thrift outside by the hands of his black and sweating minions, that tendered sweet-meats and cooling beverages to the throngs of mourners or of idle spectators, who, inhaling the fumes of rotting bodies, already "heaved the gorge;" while within the "King of Terrors" held his Saturnalia, with a crowd of stolid laborers, who, as they tumbled the dead into ditches, knock ed them " about the mazzard," and swore dread oaths, intermingled with the more dreadful sounds of demoniac jolity. Long ditches yrere dug across the great human charnal. W ide enough were they to entomb a le gion, but only fourteen inches deep. Coffins laid iu them fallowed their tops above the surface of the earth. On these was piled dirt to the depth of a foot or more, but so loosely, that the myriads of flies found entry between the loose clods, down to the cracked seams of the coffins, and buzzed and blew there their ovaria, creating each hour their rew hatched swarms. P.ut no sound was there of sorrow within that wide Gehanna. Men used to the Ecent of dissolu tion had forgotten all touch of sympathy. Lncouth laborers, with their bare shock head--, stood under the broiling heat of the sun, digging in the earth ; and as anon they would encounter an obstructing root or stump, would swear a hideous oath, remove to another spot, and go on digging as before. Now and then the mattock cr the spade would disturb the bones of some former tenant of the mould, for gotten there "amid the armies of the accumulate! victims, and the sturdy laborer with a grin, would hurl the broken fragments on the sward, growl forth tin energetic d n, and chuckle in his excess of glee. Scull bones Wi ve dag up from their long sepulchre, w.th ghastliness etiringout From each lack-lustre, eyeless hole,"' without eliciting an "Alas, poor V crick, " and with only an exehnnat'oi. frcm the d ger, of " room for your betters 1 ' Economy of space- was the. .source ofcu.iulug cal culation iu bc-t jwiti',' away the dea l men. S. le r.y ';ic.e Wi re larl two, ot gigantic proporuoas. bloated by corruption to lac siie of Titans. The central projections of thc-tr collius, lefi tpaces be ttveru tlieui at their heads an 1 heels. This was loo much roi'oii to In? fiile ) ultii earth. IIo'.v should the sn.aee l e save 1 IT Opportunely the material is at baud, 1'cr a cart comes lumbering in, with the corpses of a mother and h .r ttvj little children. Chuck the children iu the spaces at the Lc-a Is and heels of the Titans, and lay the mother by herself, out there alone ! A comrade for her will be found anon, and herself mil l.a'es will sleep not the less soundly from the unwi nted contact 1 The fumes rise up in ih-athly exhalation'! from the accumulating hecatombs of fast-Coining corp ses. Men wear at llo ir noses bags of camphor and odei oils spices for there are crowds there who hate no business l.ul to 1 Oi on alii contem plate the Vast ongregali jn of tiie dead. They d n't care if they oie themselves they have be come so u.s. l io the reck of c rrujitiou. TLi y e ven laugh at the listings of the s!:elet..:i Death, and crack jokes in the horrid atmosphere where scarce ly they can draw breath f.r utterance. The stoical negroes, too, who :.re hired at five dollars per year to ns-ist in the work of interment, stagger under the .Stirling fumes, and can only be kept at their work by de -ji aaJ continued pota tions of the lire water."' They gu'p deep droughts of the su'.u-ilatlng ilui.l, :m 1 reeling to their tasks, hold their noses with one hand, while with the oth er they, grasp the s; ale, ftau e.i til, 'mould, and ru.-li back to the buttle t j guip ag; in. it is a jolly time with these ebon iaforers, and with their white co-woikeis as thoughtless and ns jolly, 111 lull as much intoxicated as thuji.-.eiv. s. And thus, what with the .-oa s and ol g e i of the grave diggers, th uti-ig of t i! es, the sing-song cries of the huy.ter v. "in. n vending I heir coiiiVetioiis the hoarse oaths of tne men who drive tiie .lea 1 c .i ts, the merry whistle of the boys and the stilling r-.v k front . a "s of bla-.-kene 1 cor; ses, the day we ir.s iij.nw, the w.rk ofs-ptrt'ire is dyne, and night draws the curtain. I10..1 the Xi " l'ork TiiL.tn--. lACIFIC RAILROAD. A great National highway the best that human genius can dovisj and human labor c n?truct. con necting our Atlantic and Mississippi Valley States with our new empire so rapidly expanding on the Pacific is among the most urgent, nee is of our time. Politically, Socially, ia:n erchd'y, its im portance cannot be over-estimated. The annexa tion of foreign territory is an t-xhaustmg. disper sing, weakening, distracting process ; while every great canal or railroad is a new chord of I'nioii, binding the sections it coniuxts iu lies of closer amity and truer biotherLo id. In peace or in war, iu prosperity or adversity, our most pressing Na tional want is the cnion of the Pacific with tl e A: lautic by an overland raiirea . Such a Work must necessarily encounter local jealousies and deadly hoitiiity. -JTo be completed within the lifetime of the present generation, it inii-t be powerfully aid-.d by the National G jveru liient ; and il is not to be denied iur disguised that the great party now ruling the country is, ,y its essential genius as ya.ll as ly its form il deel, .ra ti ins, naturally oppose 1 to the National pros.-cution of works of inteiiiai improvement. Tne p: i.s.-t:a-of lucul interest or of unmistakable pu'.l.e senti ment r.ify con.-t'.-.on itaj forego this v- j ,.i.-i n in a particular c ...e : but tl e s;irit of ho-ti.it v. In w ever smothered, will I i- sure to make itsel. l'-.t. The leaiers may ac faicsce und the lta'.'.y lei.clit ted may urge: but the party m a artj- will oppose the railrj.-t-l so far as it dare. That is an element in the ealcuUi'.ea v. hich cauuet be safely overlook ed. hosoovor a. rat s himself spontaneously and Leaiti'y on lit-' s' io of the ra-.'.r.ja-l, will be marked by the Virginia Gracchi mi l Cincinnati, as of du bious and fishy Democratic orthodoxy. In order to secure the prompt commencement nnd t ig irons prosecution of this great work, it is essen tia! that it be began aright. Already, parties of C. S. Engineers are surveying the diverse routes suggested : and this ;s as it should be. Tiie next point obviously is to procure from Congress an avernie.it that the Pacific road mu.-.t and shall be luili. To interpose at this stage the question of routes, and insist that this shall first be settled, is to betray a reckless sellishuess or a treacherous hostility to the measure. We are for the road first, an 1 for the best route next. He who insists that the route shall first be settled is supremely solicitous for the grinding of his own particular axe, or ly ing iu wait for a pre text for opposing the measure. Whoever really de sires the construction of tlie road, will insist that the work shall lie authorize,! an 1 the money npnru priated first, ami the road located nfurward on such route as the reports of tiie engineers shall in dicate as the most eligible. Our present impression is that the northerly route by Lake Superior, the Upper Mississippi and tlie north branch of the Columbia to Puget's Soutil will prove the bet. It is by far the short est each degree of 1 ,ngitiK'e being materially shor ter on the If-th than on the og-1 or the 10th paral lel of latitude it is more nearly iu a direct line from London and Amsterdam to Canton and Japan it gives a hand to the St. Law ence and the no ble system of railroads by which Prlti.-h America ; - traversed aim u-. westeru -m; nus is on the noblest Sju-1, studded with the most capacious an l admirable harbors on Lite globe. It is supposed to be a more snowy route than that by St. Louis, the Plains an 1 New-Mexico; but we be lieve that will prove a mistake. And against the chalice of its obstruction by snow for a month or two in a winter, is to be weighed the consideration of comparative immunity from damage by heat to the often perishable products which Europe aud America will naturally draw iu vast quantities from the shores of the Indian Ocean. No other route between the East and the West could com pare with this for directness, celerity aud immunity from injuries by climate. Such is the strong conviction of Asa Whitney, Who has devoted more time, thought, energy and money, to the Pacific railroad than any other man. Rut we may bo laboring under a mistake The St. Louis or Middle route may be better than the Northern, and the Texas or Southern better still. Whenever it shall be fairly demonstrated that the route we now prefer is exceeded in eligibility by another, we are for that other. Give us the road on the best route and at the earliest moment. This Nation is wasting nt le;vt Ten Millions a year, and the rest of the world as much more, for "want of it. Earnest friends of tlie great world's highway! be not distracted by the arts of your adversaries, but pull together in first carrying the necessary appropriations, then locate the road on the most advantageous route, and relax no effort till the last rail is laid, and the iron horse that starts on Mon day morning on the shores of the Atlantic shall quench his thirst before Saturday night in the waves of the Pacific I Ratio of Mubtalitt at Nkw Oklcavs. lin the supposition that tiie population of New Orleans at the present time does not exceed s.o,0(in. the ratio of deaths week before last w as one out of every fifty persons. The same rate of mortality in New York city would give ten thousand deaths weekly. In four weeks, more persons died in N'etv Orleans than for the whole last year in Boston. A Skfctcli. Read the following article. Ponder uton it. young woman, and see if it does not contain so m"' Ling thai may rt-la'e to yourself. Consider it, young man and note what one among your female acquaintance n daguerreotypes. Arid you, parent or guard.an, prn-.j it and then ask yourself if you are training up u-. j. und -r your charge in the right way. Miss Augustina is a v oting lady , t in her teeu.', and possessed of great personal bfi ty, o f which the is well aware. Mic is not deficient in intellect, although the r.ntural powers of her mind have been sadly weakened by the pe'ty tii tlir.g pursuits of ber life. Palls, parties, theatres, and operas occupy her entire thoughts, when Lc has not on Land sonic flirtation to displace tlieia for a time. She has never laid up a stre of knowl edge of any Lli.d, and us nature abhors vacuum, her hea.i is trammel with bits of trashy nove'--, scraps of roui mtic sentini nt, and all such weakly acccssories that ga to form and c. m;a!tte the char acter cf the triHer. Iicr affections are easily won. bt cause, p'ac'nig very little value upon them her self, she is ready to present them to the first fool who aal.s them, and as ready to tki them away j bestow them on a ;eond who applies for them Having no principle of integrity in her character, the violation of her word, however solemnly pU-lg ed, forms no bar to her in the affairs rind ofneo of love. She will pledge her heart to a half a d'?-t at a time, and when circumstances haj pen to ex pose the duplicity of her conduct, she uflects sur prise lliat ail her admirers were not aware that she was funning all tH time. The best andsoun 1-est-hearteJ man may be deceive- by the blao ii-li-mei.t of a girl, and really feel a true and bontst at tachment l'orher. The discovery of tuck a pass.1 ,u iu :.:iy of her a ImliM s ts a rare sp rt for her, ll 1 she carries on the war of the fe.lngs with con summate skill, until she has got the poor fell- iv into the cjiiditlon of a slate, to use for her mirth and laughter. Of the two, though f.ushc-d vitli triutnt h, we i 'iiy the deet-iver more than the c'.--ceivc-d. He has only had the weakness to betray an honest devotion; ?Le the audacity ti exhi bit, without a blu.-.h, the inter lack of moral prin ciples and integrity of character. Happy is the man v. ho escapes the enarts of such a being. ! n. .:."( ii;v i ii, tv.i. li iinv, J. C. t v- i (ito. "VV. Todil, t- l I' MPGKTKKS and Wholesale Jol.ers in Kns.Lh, German and Dont.-ti- 1 IV IIDW A P. II, f 1 Pistols, Waiters, .c. j 151 M.tut:i.T Sii:i:;.i. ftbutn 1th 5th. PIIII.. ! A DELPHI A. Scjt. 2, lS?5:"L- ::.n. ! utii-civTi'tudris. t f VIE un-lei s'iiiie I hereby n j titles the pilh'.l JL on an 1 after the oth September nest be i'.l run a double lu.e of llieks each day fr..:u Jen -. sou to Elans,! u:-g tia Plank Iloa I. Leaving Jeil'erson at S o'clo. k, A. M. anj J e' e'o -k, P. M ;. r ..a the sri'lva! ol the Cuter:, at. i , West- in trains. L-. avtng ll'.-.-iisbuiy at o'clock, A. M. and '. o -: clock P. il. i His Hacks ar! of the latest Concord sty le .;: I ! his teams tun neither be " pa se t'" u r ' .-nrpa- -i sel." JAMES D. HAMILTON j JellVrs ,ti, Sep. 2, 1 ?".:;. bt. .tl. WITMoaE, 0. 11. WoI.IT, II. JtiXKs, oF.ll. J. Mil. "Wliltinorc, VtVoIir, Co., Importers and Dealers in Hardware,. S-J.t .. .'..- .!(.'-, X: . -"'j Ho. .7 I'.""- Ijj. t u'-oee the St. I '.', -.': ll-j'.-.l. T A KM ibis method of informing ens-oiaors and Dealers that they are now in rceii t of their F.t'l Supply which Lai been select: 1 with trait c .re from the Manufactories of .'.., and the l . U Stilt . G.tr stock com rises a im-h larger asso;-:;vicfii than is generally k-pt ly simitar establishment and is particularly a laptel to the C-nn'.r-j Tr i '.-. H iving uj e.-lor facilities for p.- icurlng g 1 1 Is it is without hesitation that we de j" conipeliti y.x fi'-m any quarter. We are now loeclvliig Lirn i g'latn and Shefiiel-i Mai.ufac u;e, pun h isel anl 1 rwar led by tw c .f the J'irtu, who has been spending s .ir.e mouths in l!::g!a:id and Germany, and who will continue t . keep us si'pplie I with Foreign llardwarl bought from 'list L..nds ei.lv. Western Merchant ? exaniiurtion of our st' in ; further E .st v,:r 1. le t iu a 1 the folio vint tio'J i d ).'. Knives and .re roper tfu'dy invited t : li and p : ices prev'oui t j g Aiuong our ass r'.iei;t m i ks. ll'Ki dor.. Cl.i- fill I p-iii ."nt llo'l pen ku; e ? s.-l--.:-s .-. si ras ,rj io ca a cases p.au.. If' t'l doz. files ;v. ila 1117 g in lo.'l s leer; si ter plated lead table Siioons, Germ :n silver " shovels and spad.s 350 ' gross P.rituihi hav and manure forks, I "t Saws 217 70 teu ient saws 1G bales Deer's Lair. Iu ) Mil! pltt and cross cutt saws 1 T 0' doz knob-i, locks and lateh-s 4"20-t " j.;1;r trace chairs 20n ' pa 1 el. fit In ks 4 "I ' halter a:. I dog chains, bellows, a twits, vices, log and coil chains, cast, sheer anl Pdister T"-0 doz axes, be.-t brands, .stc. SajIiXlciy Hardivarc. We are Continuing to make large a Uition to this; branch of our business. Sept. .', ISoo. " 7ait for the "Wagon." DKa ilRIlIKn YPES ! JP. TANKERS LEY, begs to announce to the citizens of this place aril vicinity, that he will arrive with his large and novel travelling Daguer re'it pe Saloon, and will then be prepared to fur nish pictures, made with all the late improvements of the Art, including the combined side and sky light, by the ai 1 of which he is enabled to producl a life-like resemblance of all who may favor him with a slttiug. His pictures are acknowledged by all who have examined thtm, to be of the most perfect descrip tion both as to fidelity of likeness anl shade, lie will remain iu this place but a few days, aud would adrise all w ho wish to obtain a KsltUTul Llktuim of themselves and frieuds, to give him an inline ii ate call. Poruatita of A lults tnkon e.ju ally Well in cloudy weather, but a clear Sky is preferable for Children. In Dress avoid all very light col .rs. Wlio lias nut lost a Friend I And when a friend is gone, how precious every relic of the departed! The Father who is now hap", py iu the possession of his children, should not risk a single day without securing their Miuiatures, for they may be snatched away iu an instant. How many times the cost would tho bereaved families give for Daguerreotypes of their Children Chil dren of their Parents, and Sweethearts of their Lovers! COME ONE, COME ALL! Prices From One Dollar upward, according to Size and Style of Case. Ebensburg, September 2, 18'3. MEVJTIST. D U. S. BELFORD. Surcreon Dentist, informs the public that he has returued to iiellida vsburg. and permanently located iu the office he occupied during his late visit, one door west of Hewit's Store on Allegheny st.,) where he will be pleased to attend to any operations iu his profession. All work done by him will be warranted. Hollidaysburg, August 2d, 180:1. AolifC VLL persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber, are requested to call and set tle up on or before the 10th day of September. Those neglecting this notice will be dealt with ac- ! cording to law. WM. 15. HUDSON. Aug. l'., 1853 lit. Aulicc. VLL persous having left watches with the sub scriber, are requested to call and get them on or before the 10th day of September. Those neg lecting this notice will be the losers. Aug. lit. 1831 3t. " WM. li. HUDSON. r in