JUL ii its I' f I t 4 . ( 7 : THE BLESSIXUS OF GOVERXMKXT, LICE TOE DEW'S OP HEAVEX, SIlO-LO BE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE CPOX THE HIGH AXD THE LOW, TnE RICH AND HIE POOR. . ' i KEW SERIES! EBMSBURG, FRISIY, SEPTEMBER 2, 18-53. VOL. 1 NO. 2. ... . . . .J ... ....... - j ...... -.-- , --. . . - - . TE It 31 S: The DEMOCRAT & SENTINEL is published every Friday morning, iu Ebensburg, Cambria county. Pa., at Si 50 per annum, if paid in advance, if not S2 will be charged. ADVERTISEMENTS will be conspicuously inser ted at the following rates, viz : 1 square 3 insertions SI 00 Every subsequent insertion 25 1 square 3 months 3 00 " " 6 " 5 00 " 1 year 8 00 " column 1 year 30 00 A " " 18 00 usincss Cards with 1 copy of tlie Dc'iuocrat ".J- Stntinel per j-ear 5 00 K5 Letters must be post paid to secure attention. jjtlctt Jottnt. CI?" A. Haut has issued a volume of Poeiiis by T. BicaisAX Read. It is a neat book, and some of the poems are beautiful instance the follow ing : INEZ. t Down behind the hidden village, fringed around with hazel brake, '(Like holy hermit dreaming, half asleep and half awake, One who loveth the sweet quiet for the Lappv quiet's saka.) Dozing, murmuring in its visions, lay the heaven-enamoured lake. And within a dell, where shadows through the bright est days abide, Like the silvery swimming gossamer by breezes scat tered wide, Fell a -hiuing kein of water that ran down the lake let's side, As within the brain by beauty lulled, a pleasant thought may glide. When the sinking sun of August, growing large in the decline, Shot his arrows long and golden through the maple and the pine ; And the russet thrush lied singing from the alder to the vine. While the cat bird in the hazel gave its melancholy whine. And the little squirrel chattered, peering round the uickory pole, And, a sudden like a meteor, gleamed along tae oriole ; There I walked beoide fair Inez, and hergfrtle beauty stole Like the scene athwart my senses, like the sunshine throu! i my soul. Aud her fairy feet that pressed the leave?, a -pleasant music made, And they dimpled the sweet beds of moss with blos soms thick inlaid. There I told her old romances, and with love's sweet woe we played, Till lair Iiiez' eyes, like evening, held the dew l.-eneath their shade. There I wove foi her love ball ! . Fu h as !.ver only caves, Till the sighed ond grieved, as only mild and io' ii: maiden grieves ; Ai.d to hide her tears she stooped to g!ei'r. the violets from the leaves, As of old sweet Knili went gleaning 'mid the oriental hea es. lknrn we vvaik-.-d beside the Irktlet : gan'rg deep in to her eye, There I told her all :ny passion! With a sudden blu?U a nd sigh, Turning liall" away with luok askant, she only made reply, "How deep within the water glows the happy eve ning sky!"' Then I a.sked her if she loved me, and our hands met each in each. And the dainty, sighing ripple seemed to listen up the reach : While thus slowly with a hazel wand she wrot along the lieach, "Love, like the sky, lies deepest ere the heart is stir red to speech." Thus I gained the love of Inez thus I won her g"nl!e hand ; And our paths now lie together, as our footprii.ts on the strand ; We have vowed to love each other in the golden mor ning land, When our names from earth have vanished, like the writing from the sand! Calcs anb jhrfebrs. From Dickens' Household Words. THE BROTHERS : Ok, A REFEREN'CE TO CHARACTER. Five years ago, my brother William and my self started as wholesale merchants in Honey suckle lane, City, with limited warehouses, and Still more limited capital. Had our rnminerciul prospects been more cheering than the prospect from our little cobwebbed counting house, we should indeed have had small encouragement. I remember discussing with my brother, during the first week of our career, the style of our do mestic establiscment, and the extent of our per sonal expenditure. We mutually agreed, in or der to throw as much capital into our business as possible, to dispense with the services of a cat upon the premises ; and, both of us being about the same height and build, that one best suit of clothes and one visiting best hat should suffice for both. It is true our hat used frequently to slip rather suddenly over William's eyes whilst j nodding to a friend in the street, and that the fit of the coat on him was slightly baggy ; but he lore it cheerfully. The first year of our little business went on placidly enough. AVc felt our way gradually ; and found that in business, as in other thines. j r-iion is i be letter nart of valor. Wa 1w. came known at the end of the second year amon gst self tempted and menaced turns; and sur thc trade ; and, before the end of our third year, rounded by lost characters and dead reputations, we actually possessed two real cats, and I'm I fancied I had got into a Chamber of Commercial afraid to say how many hats and coats : besides j bein" acknowledged throughout the length of j Honeysuckle lane, as rising and safe young men. I think it was about this time that we started a small horse and a light cart -just the patient, meek animal that would not object to go in a gig on Sunday, if requested to do so. But with the increase of our business came a growth of vigor ous cares and anxieties, that semed to spring up like jjxh. wcecb'. Our first rk came in with the gooseberries, about June. "William took it philosophically. A few bad debts, a customer or two iu the Gazette ; but, on striking our periodi cal balances, we became quite reconciled to the frowns of Fortune. Gooseberries had gone out. Apples were in. It was iu one of the blandest months of autumn that we were favored with an extensive order considering our then status from a stylish per son, Verging on the flashy, but still within the bounds ofappnrent respectability-. We were, of course, giad to do business. The terms were agreed on ; one month's credit and no discount. The affair seemed all Hut settled, when William hinted that, perhaps our new friend, leing a per fect stranger, would not object to give us a refer ence. Certainly not quite proper not the least objection owed endless apologies for not having been the first to suggest it. The reference was given, and we start cd,wellsntisfied with each other. The reference was a man who had pur chased and paid cash for several parcels of our goods, so that the newly-ordered articles were sent to the neighborhood of Kensington with a feeling that we had perhaps been a little too straight-laced and particular in the transaction. A perfect gentlemen really. When the month's credit had expired, and our customer called to settle the account with a bag of bright shining sovereigns, I did oc' lna we had been over nice. But when pleasant gcntle nienly person that he was he chatted about the weather, the hard times, and the crops", throwing in here and there a little flattery of our liberal and punctual mode of doing business, and the excel lence of our goods, I suffered the remorse of the basest intrigue. After our patron had dashed off a few more pleasant remarks about the expansion of the Colonial trade and the tightness of the mon ey market, he turned to business again, and de delighted us with a commission for treble the amount of the previous transaction. The goods were put in hand forthwith delivery having been promised within a day or two and our warerooms became quite exhilarated with the warmth and bustle of that extensive order. I can hardly rememl'cr how it first occurred to ine; but when the pangs of conscience for our unjust suspicions had time to subside, the idea flashed across my mind that our customer spor ted too many rings on his fingers, and that there emanated from him too strong and stale an odor of bad tobacco for Mm to be a thorough man of business. Mere misgiving arose at length to grave doubt. This I mentioned, as a matter of course, to William, who, though not quite think ing with nif, agreed that a little caution would :e well employed. ?. the amount of the order wa serious consideration to us. We were novices hi the police of the commer cial world ; nd, being Utterly at a loss how to proceed, 1 stepped over the way to a sturdy Man chester warehouseman, and begged his advice how to proceed with prudent secrecy. Our neigh bor at once relieved a good part of my anxiety by telling me that I ought at once to enrol our firm subscribers to Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Registry office, where we should be certain to ob tain the fullest and most valuable information regarding all .sustccted or improper charac ters. I took down the address ; and, without paus ing to tell William my mission, made my way directly to King's Anus Buildings, Change Al ley. 1 had been through the Alky hundreds of times ; yet had never caught sight of this office. Even now that I went in search of it in broad mid-day, it was no such easy matter to find it. Turning .-harp round that corner of the paved court whieh is graced by dozens of gaudy frames enclosing pieturvs of enormous mansions, with parks, fish ponds, and a lady gracefidly leaping a six-barred gate, on a thorough herd hunter with a neck like the middle arch of London Bridge (which I in my early daj-s believed were the ac tual representations of the many fine properties advertised for sale at Garraway's close by,) I found myself ascending a wide, dark and dingy staircase. The strange old edifice abounded in lofty orna mented ceilings, carved wainscots, and heavy creaking doors. Once it had been a City Hotel ; and when I turned in tluough the wide folding (V.o-3 ana lookea about me, I saw th. r meat had been, in days long past, a concert and ball room. How changed since then ! The lit tle raised orchestra was piled up with dusty re cords of insolvency ; the iiddles and fifes were re placed by files of the London Gazette and reports of police cases. The sounds of mirth and revelry were exchanged for a word or two murmured through that enormous old room from one of the few clerks, as though they proceeded from a defunct or smothered trombone. The whole place appeared gloomy and mysterious. An en closure warded off all visitors from the interior. From one end to the other nothing was visible but books solid, grubby, hard-fisted books. They looked frowning solemnly down upon me like the condemned ranks in Dante's Inferno, bidding me take warning ; or winked at me, as if to lure me on to knavery, from miles of shelves. Thev heckoned to me hideously from acres of ta- Mes. Puckering up their parchment lronts, or . Im - nino - unon me their forbidden backs, I felt my"- ; Horrors, or an Old Bailey with all its sentences ruthlessly docketed, and ready to be put in force j at a minute's notice by the Recorder himself, who stood beside me, calmly waiting to execute judgment. And his clerks, how solemnly they went about their work ! stealthily, suspiciously as if they I expected to find runaway bankrupts hidden be- tween the leaves of the ledgers. How they kept moving about from one solid book to the other ! wy,- tuakiDg a scratcLi ?r a waik ia some pae ; then entering a note in a memorandoni i.k. And I watched them until I began to thhkfthat they might be unhappy insolvents, placet iiithis Basinghall Street Penitentiary, to expiate certain offences against the commercial code by jhc con templation of ponderous loads of debt which they werc unable to bear. Then I wondered Mother the Sybilline Books could have been aiylhing like those they were slaving at ; for, if tY.jy were, I didn't wonder 'at the Roman king not liling the look of them. I In the midst of these reveries I was Rro?v by a mild "voice at mj-tridc'Tcqitcrrrn-to kftnv i.vy pleasure. An elderly, placid-looking mantes before me clad in black, with waistcoat button! close to his chin. A single glance convince! r.o that he was the person I wanted : aud lj wis right, lie was the principal of the establishment ; the Recorder. My errand was soon told, aid as readily apprehended ; lor, when I liihted tiat I thought the affair I had came about would ccn sion some difficult and troublesome inquirus, he smiled, and assurred me that he had dozeis of inquiries far more complicated than mine, aiiost daily, since his registry was first opened brty odd years ago. . ;' Had he been so long engaged in that.pajicu lar occupation ? Yes, he commenced his egis try office so long since as the year one thousand tight hundred aud ten, when business we not conducted to a tithe the extent it is now and when there was not nearly the same neussity fbr protection to the honest trader against svind lers and reckless dealers ; for that was the (bjvet of his institution. ) Leading me inside the railing and withn flie long range of tables and desks, he assure! me that, so erfect were all the arrangement con nected with his business, that not a single 'i.mk ruptcy, insolvency, or composition with crditors occurred ; not a single commercial frau. had been committed, nor one isolated case of .rind ling since one thousand eight hundred ai ten, which was not to lie found duly recorded axl in dexed with all particulars in his look. Were those the records ofmis. rt uue and raud? I pointed to a vast collection of ponderous omes spread along three 'or four massive tables. O no ! those thirty-five huge volumes, of a thousatl pa ges each, formed simply the Index to Mr. E-rry's general sets of books. To give ine some idea of the extent and sstcm of his business, he flung open one of thescjjigan tic volumes. It j-awncd, and creaked, aixgroan ed, as if it had been a bankrupt taken h execu tion. Such an array of Jones and Br'avns and Smiths as were digested within I neve before witnessed. The Post office Directory is the me rest child's spelling lxxk beside these prvligious alphabets. Page after page contained lothing but William Browns and George Greens, and as fbr the Smiths, I thought the man neyr would leave off turning the pages cf Smiths ovei. There were upwards of five hundred John Smith. ; more than three hundred William Smiths, a lost of George Smiths, to say nothing of Alfred Sniths, Benjamin Smiths, Charles Smiths, David Sniths, Edward Smiths, Francis Smiths, Henry Sniths, and armies of more Smiths, whose Christian names were initiated by every other letter it the alphabet. Then came the Smiths with a uifer ence (a good many of them aliases) suci as Smithes, Siiiytlis, and Smythes. I felt quite be wildered amidst all this crowd of names, and was at once impressed with the wonderful power of this one man by the aid of his enormous books. He need not have told me that those indices . were never removed trom their tables; lor. not only was there no room on any shelf to receive them; but I could see no machinery by vhich such masses of hide and paper could be lifted to any distance; as to the clerks attempting to shift any of them, that was simply absurd. I could but wonder what would become of them in the event of a fire, and began to reckon how many of Ilickford's largest wagons would have been requi red to remove them at two tons to the load. In the strange excitement of the moment, I en tirely forgot the business which brought ine to his office; and, absorled in the bewilderment of ledgers, gazettes, and police reports, I followed iny informant to another part of the room. He paused Kfore a deep, well-filled recess topoint out tn nm a rii""1"1" rC tlm TmDerial Gazettes, be ginning with the first nnm,,.,- nq nri,lKi f n ford during the Great Plague. Further on were perfect sets of all ths Post Office, London and Provincial Directories that had ever been publish ed. Every city in the United Kingdom that pub lishes a periodical list of its inhabitants was there rcprescnteil, as well as many of the continental capitaLs. On several tables at the remote end of the room , beyond the abandoned old orchestra, were ranged books more enormous than any I had j-et seen voluminous monstrosities. They were old newspapers strongly lound, and used as day books of a peculiar description for a particular purpose. On the right hand side of each of the wide leaves of these volumes was pasted, day by day, every police case involving a fraud on a tradesmen, or a mal-practice connected-in any way with trade. The immense collection I there saw was a proof of the enormous extent of cur rent swindling, even in these uays oi viguant po lice. To satisfy my curiosity, Ir. Perry pointed out, on the face of each of these cases, a number, which indicated the volume and folio where every one of them were iKsted up into his criminal ledger with as much regularity as a banker's cash book. And here he begged me to observe that, although it funned his duty to obtain and classify infonnation throughout the country, regarding trading and other defaulters for the purpose of protecting the interests of commerce ; yet a very large number of those who came under his notice were persons of irreproachable character. It was his chief ob- ject to classify all bankrupts and insolvents ; and, by keeping a record of the honest and dishonest bankrupt, to put the fair dealer on his guard against the one, and when in his power, to befriend and maintain the character of the other. I was anxious to see and understand how all tliis could be 'accomplished w ith such a mass of crude materials, and with the certainty of which he spoke. Mr. Perry explained. Opening one of the many volumes before me number one hun dred and thirty-seven, only I there saw .rcgi nrents of columns of various widths ruled from one side to the other. These columns were a com plete key to each person's character Imd career. His nane al.resideiec at different, times ; the various years in which he had become bankmpt or insolvent ; the amount of dividend, if any, and if all of each dividend had Ijeen paid ; the cldss of certificate granted, if any ; the particulars of any fraud with w hich he may have been connected, referred to by a marke of direction to the exact page in the Criminal Ledger, and thence to the Police Case Book, with any fict'.iious names by which he may have "been knovn. He had that day, he said, put a tradesman on his guard against a reckless character, who had thrice made very unsuccessful appearances in the Court of Bnnkruptcy ; having paid somewhere irl the provinces but one dividend of ninepence in the pound ; and who had, at Colchester, seven years ago' made away with his creditors' proter ty, and appropriated the proceeds to his own 'nil lawfull purposes. The man was now at Glasgow at his old tricks ; but Mr. Perry's faithful records warned his Scotch subscriber of the character of his customer in time to save him a heavy loss. This reminded me of my own affair; and with out further delay, 1 gave my guide, comforter and friend all the particulars ; the name, address pro fessed business, amout of of order, name and ad dress to reference, and some other items of in telligence respecting our jewelled and fumigated patron. Away went the Recorder like a very vigilant cat after a mouse; scratching and bur rowing, and tumbling, and tossing, and ticking off endless indexes, ledgers, day-books, gazettes, Criminal Ledgers, and Police Books. These re- searches wc.e made with such a bright pair of spectacles, that in a few minutes my attention was directed to the whole history of our customer drawn up in one long line of words, letters and fig ures, and stretching quite across two pages of vol ume number one hundred and thirty-seven. It was evidently a bad case. . The real 'name of" the party" was pointed out ; he had given us one of his favorite aliases, lie had been, accor ding to Ir. Perry's detective ledger, a clerk in the Post Office, was discharged for dishonesty which could not be legally proved, had been in the Ga zette in one thousand fight hundred and forty one, and again in one thousand eight hundred forty-eight, his entire est ite nnd t"cCt . sufficing to , oiler to his creditors exactly nothing in the iound. He had been insolvent more than once, av made his second bow to the Comtiiissr .tiers for the Re lief of Insolvent Debtors on the very day before! he obliged us with his first order. He hadleen according to the Police Book, concerned in a cloud of swindling transactions, chiefly comprised un der the head of obtaining money or goods under false pretences; but had always proved himself " too many" for the .swindled, for the police, and for the magistracy. I thanked my informant sin cerely, and congratulated myself on our fortunate escape. " Yet why," I asked, " did he pay for the first order V Ah, a lure ; a bait ; a sprat to catch a whale. I of course enrolled our firm amongst the sub scribers to the institution, aud found our names coining after no fewer than twelve thousand oth ers, bankers, merchants, solicitors, traders, agents, secretaries of public companies, and, strange to say, clergymen ! What could clergy men want Mr. Perry to do for them ? - I felt puz zled, and wondered if they were ever troubled with , insolvent churchwardens, bankmpt vestry clerks, or fraudulent sextons. He explained that clergy men, of all other classes, need the most advice and protection in money-matters, lhey are so easily misled, so little acquainted with the most onlina ry businesss transact ions, themoney -lending shar pers always found them the easiest and readiest of their dupes. 0nl)r a week or two ago a curate from the vicin ity of the metropolis had sought Mr. Perry's assis tance in what was by no means an uncommon sixty or seventy pounds for some immediate purpose, answered one of the many tempting ad vertisements in the newspapers, wherein the pub lic are iufonncd that loans of money to any amount will be granted on the slightest possible security. He had an interview with the very lib eral advertiser, at what appeared to be an office, in d quiet of street. The most minute inquiries were made iu regard to the the clergyman's refer ences, great caution having been professed by the capitalist ; and, when all the pretended scruples were quieted, the borrower was told that seventy pounds was much too insignificant a sum for peo ple of the enormous capital which the lender had at command to think of ; but that if the borrower would make it two hundred, or even one hundred, or even or.fc hundred f.nd fifty, the transaction might be effected. The clergyman hesitated ; but at length yielded, and placed his name to a bill at short date for one hundred and fifty pounds. He could of course repay the amount when it sui ted him. The financier left his victim to bring the money ; but, in the course of ten minutes, re turned with a very long face ; and, pointing to a sheet of paper in his hand quite bathed in iuk, told him with many expressions of regret that he had accidentally upset his inkstand over the doc ument, and would have to trouble him to sign a fresh paper. The clergyman made no objection. The inky paper was burnt before him, and anoth er bill for a hundred and fifty pounds was signed. Again the capitalist left the acceptor anxiously waiting for the money ; but neither man nor mon ey was -.rthcomii'; At the date of maturity, the distressed curat e was called upon to meet two bills amounting to gether to the sum of three hundred pounds. Chancing to hear of the Bankrupt Register Office, the victim sought, the advice of Mr. Perry ; who, without any difficulty traced out the swindler and his confederates' complete identification ;gave him their history, and sent him to a respectable solicitor; who, by dint of threats of exposure, succeeded in obtaining peaceable possession of the bills. This Mr. Perry assured me was only one out of iuumerable cases of a similar character. Before taking my leave bf this Registrar-General f lTusdc-etls "and Tiitfifbrtune, t learned that as subscribers to his establishment we were entitled to receive every week a copy of a paicr printed for circulation amongst his clients, and called the Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette: a periodical whieh has now attained its twenty-ninth year. In it arc chronicled not only every event of the previous week connected with bankruptcy and insolvency, but every meeting or official occur rence happening during the week v'hig in eve ry part of the United Kingdom. I joined my brother full of the news I had gath ered, and we both congratulated ourselves on the narrow escape wc had Lad. Our customer did not inquire for his gooods ; and we learnt shortly afterwards taht he had left his premises rather suddenly, forgetting to settle many heavy ac counts, and altogether omitting to mention, to a single neighbor where he might be found. On other occasions w- hve consulted our friend of King's Arms Buildings, and always with sat isfactory results. Sometimes suspicions we en tertained of new customers were hpVily dissipa. ted by Mr. Perry. Gentlemen have sent us or ders soon after we knew the' had undergone bankruptcy, but our Registrar General was able to give us, notwithstanding, a good account of them. The- had paid handsome dividends promptly and honorably, receiving from the court first-class certificates. We never think of entering upon any new bus iness without a walk up to the great oldfasliioned concert room, and a gossip with the genius of the place. We could not conduct our business in safe ty, enlaging as it constantly is, without his aid. That respected and useful person has become to us what he is to half trading London, and a good part of the provinces a daily necessary of com mercial life. Recollections of Isaac T. Hopper. FK1EXD HorrEH IX THE CO. KT OK CHAXCERT. Upon one occasion, Friend Hopper went into the Court of Chancery in Dublin, and kept his hat on, according to Quaker custom. While he was lis tening to the pleading, he noticed that a person who sat near the Chancellor fixed his eyes upon him with a very stern expression. This attracted the attention of lawyers and sjectators, who also began to look at him. Presently an officer tapped him on the shoulder, and said, " your hat, sir !" "Whdt's the matter with my hat?" he in quired. "Take it off!' rejoined the officer. "You are in his Majesty's Court of Chancery." " That is an honor I reserve for his Majesty's Master," he replied. " Perhaps it is my shoes thou meanest ?" The officer seemed embarrassed, but said no more ; and when the Friend had stayed as long as he felt inclined, he quietly withdrew. VISIT TO THE LOKD UEITEXAXT. One day, when he was walking with a lawyer in Dublin, they passed the Lord Lieutenant's cas tle. He expressed a ish to see the Council Cham ber, but was informed that it was not open to strangers. " I have a mind tojro and try,"' said he to his companion. " Wilt thou go with me 44 No, indeed," he replied ; 44 and I would advise you not to go." lie marched in, however, with his broad beaver on, and found the Lord Lieutenant surrounded by a number of jrcntlemeu. 44 1 am an American," said he. 44 1 have heard a great deal about the Lord Lieutenant's castle, and if it will give no of fence, I should like very much to see it." His lordship seemed surprised by this uncere monious introduction, but he smiled, and said to his servant, "Show this American whatever he wishes to see." where he saw pictures, statues, ancient annor, antique coin, and many other curious articles. At parting, the master of the mansion was ex tremely polite, aud gave him much interesting in formation on a variety of topics. AVheii lie rejoin ed his companion, who had agreed to wait for him at some appointed place, he was met with the in quiry, 44 Well, what luck ?" 44 O, the Lest luck in the world," he replied. " 1 was treated with great politeness." 44 Well, certainly, Mr. Hopper, you are an ex traordinary man," responded the lawyer. "I wouldn't have" ventured to try such an experi ment." i IIAT WORSniP. At the expiration of four months, having com pleted the business which rendered his presence in Ireland necessary, he made a short visit to Eng land, on his way home. There also his hat was objected to on several occasions. While in Bris tol, he asked permission to look at the interior of the Cathedral. He had been looking about some little time, when a rough-looking man said to him in a very surly tone, 44 Take off your hat, sir !" He replied very courteously, 44 1 have asked per mission to enter here to gratify my curiosity as a stranger. I hope it is no offence." 44 Take off your hat i" rejoined the rude man. 44 If you don't, I'll take it Off for you." Friend Hopper leaned ort his cane, locked him full in the face, and answered very coolly, " If thou ' dost, I hope thou wilt send it to my lodgings ; for I shall have need of it this afternoon. 1 lodge at No. 23 Lower Cicscmt , Cliftoa." Tk I'lc Ivs- The man stared at him, as if puzzled to decide whether he was talking to an insane person or not. When the imper titrable (.linker Jiad seen all he cared to see, lie deliberately walked away. At Westminster he paid the customary foe of two shillings and sixpence for admission. Th? doorkeeper fo!!owed him, saying, "You must un cover yourself, sir." "Uncover myself!" exclaimed the Friend, with an affectation of ignorant simplicity. 44 What dosf, thou mean ? Must I take off my coat ?" 44 Your coat ?" responded the man, smiling. "No, indeed ; I mean your lu t." "And what should! take off my hat for ?" lie inquired. 44 Because -ou arc in a church, sr," answered the d 001 keeper. " I see no church here," rejoined the Quaker. 4 'Perhaps thou meanest the house where the church assembles. I suppose Ihou art aware that 'tis the jjcoph', not the buiUins, that constitutes a church !" The idea seemed new to the man, but he mere ly ifp'-Rtld, 44 You must take off your hat, sir." But tile Friend again inquired, 44 What for ? On account of these images ? Thou knowest Scripture commands us not to worship graven i in ages." The man persisted in saying that no person could lc permitted to puss through the church without uncovering his head. 44 A Yell, friend," rejoined Isaac, " I have some conscientious scru ples on that subject ; so give me back my money, and 1 will go out." The reverential habits of the doorkeeper were not quite strong enough to compel him to that sa crifice ; and he walked away without saying any thing more on the eubject. OX THE TlIItOXE. AYhen Trieud Hopper visited thellouseof Lords, he asked the scrgeant-at-aruis if he might sit upon the throne, lie replied, "Xo, sir No one but his Majesty sits there." 44 AV herein does his Majesty differ from other men ?" inquired ho. 44 If his head were cutoff, wouldn't he die ?" 44 Certainly he would,," replied the officer. 44 So would an American,' rejoined Friend Hop per. As he sjoke, he stepped up to the gilded railing that surrounded the throne, and tried to open the gate. The officer told him it was lock ed. 44 A Veil, won't the same key that locked it unlock it ?" inquired he. 44 Is this the key hang ing here ?" Being informed that it was, he took it down and unlocked the gate. He removed the satin covering from the throne,-carefully dusted the railing with his handkerchief, before he hung the satin over it; and then seated himself in the royal chair. " A Yell," said he, 44 d I look anything like Ids Majesty V The man seemed embarrassed, but smiled as he answered, 14 AVhy, sir, you certainly fill the tlirone very respectably." There were several r.o' .lemen in the room, who 4eemed to be extremely amused by these unusual proceeding.'?. An Erroneous Notion. An old farmer by the name of Elnathan Skin ner, had 4 a place" near Montpelier, A'air-mouut. He was an awful sprj- man himself and expected everybody to be likewise. Now the old gentle man had a son, a 3 011th he was. If lie was not quite sd brisk in his muscles as the old gentle man, he wis at least a foot or two ahead in wit. The old man was deatli on the pale horse on rou sing up .vcrybody about day-break every morn ing ; and oi;e morning when his heir apparent son was is soggy as a piece of lead, the old man bawls out, for tlie tenth time 44 Oh-h-h, Sam !" 44 Sir-r-r?"s 44 Are yon, I say, are you 44 No, dad, I atVt !" 44 Are you goin to get up ?" 44 Couldn't think of it, dad, possibly," roars the sonorous voice of Sam. 44 Don't you know, you scamp, how your brother Bill lias been up and shot a whole mess of pigcoiis ?" exclaims the old man. 44 Ygs, dlid," responds the hox.ful, " I heard all that. dad. but only look w hat a darned set of fools them pigeons were, to git up nPjrc Dill, and be lick.d up jest like salt I" Sam turned over and went to sleep worse than ever, and the old man toddled off, rowing Sam knowed a he. p to much for a child of his age ! EC?" They have sonic odd specimens of the gen us homo "out in AYisconsin," if we majr trust the report of a correspondent at Madison, in that Uoruishing State i 44 An anecdote is related of a somewhat noted politician hereabout, who was at one time a can didate for Judge of the Circuit Court. A gentle man inquired of another if he intended to support the candidate in question. 44 No," said he, 44 never ! Ill never vote for ii man for circuit judge who spells God with a small i '" A capital 44 J" would probably have removed his objection. CI? A couple of hod carriers lately fought a du el at San Francisco. Cause, jealousy ; weapons, pickaxes ; distance, a yard and a half- The third round, Molloncy got his head caved in, while hia antaguoist had'a prong introduced in the thorax. The seconds took along hand barrows to bring away the remains. - vy How very seldom it happens," said one friend to another, 44 that wc find editors bred to the business." 44 Very," replied the other, 44 and have you not remarked hew seldom the business is bread to the editors. r i 7" n V 5