J L-t A v 11 I s, i f - agricultural. io Destroy Uauertmsli. i. -rntat is the best tunc- to cut underbrush, &c ?" r the June number of the Faumku, the above question is proposed by " A Subscriber," to w hich I propose to give an answer, combining' both a lit tle experience and a little theory. Having been trought up on a farm, I used to hear much aid b farmersin regard to the "best time" fur cutting bushes, &c, and remember well the many uncer tainties that existed, and the various opinions giv en on the subject. Some recommend to cut them at one season, some at another. Some regard the " moon," others the " signs" &c. 1 also remem ber that the same kind of underbrush, if cut at one season, would start again and grow luxuriantly ; but if cut at another, would be completely " used up." I have also within the last few years, had an opportunity to notice the same facts ; and the con clusion to wliich I have arrived id, that different shrubs or bushes, trees, &c, inny be cut at diuer cnt seasons of the year. Some are killed by cut ting as early as the first of July ; others by the first of August ; and soon till October or even No vember. The rule is tliis : " Gut any plant, or shrub, about the time it is done growing for the season, and its destruction is almost certain." If cut before this time, it will generally start again the next year. The exceptions are few. o much for the facts, now for the theory. 1st. in tnc spring oi me yti;,oari.our w-; nnvna. Hence, if a tree or shrub be cut at this lime, or while in full growth the roots will send forth a new'set of shoots. The exceptions arc 1st. Evergreens, as gine, hemlock, spruce, .c. 2d. Those that have a copious Cow of sap in the spring, as maple, birch, Ac. Yet even some cf these, will start again if out soon after the buds have opened, i. e., after the spring flow of sap lias ceased ; except incase of old or large trees, in which tho roots appear not sufficiently vigorous or the evaporation from the new stump too rapid to allow the formation of new shoots. 2d. In autumn, when a shrub or tree has done growing for the season, the active energies of the roots cease, being, perhaps, somewhat exhausted by its summer action. If theu tho bush or tree "be cut after it has done growing, but while the stem and leaves are fresh and full of sap, the vital force of the roots will rarely be found sufficient to cause a new growth ; but if left till the foliage is dead or dying, the energies of tho roots are restored by the returning of the Eap, and are ready frac tion again as soon as tho season of growth shall re turn. Hence, too early or too late cutting will be equally unsuccessful. Cut your underbrush, then, at the time above specified, and it will rarely start again. If it does, the growth will appear stinted or sickly, and soon die of its own accord, or a second cutting at a prop er time will insure success. The same rale applies to all other plants, as Canada thistle, milk weed, &c.y &c, with greater or less certainty, according to the greater or less vital force, or tenacity of life, peculiar to the roots of each kind of vegeta ble. The " proper time" can easily be determined by Tving whether new leaves continue to appear at thee.i tVj0 prominent branches. "When the end leaves are o , size, and a bud is seen at the end of the branch, iiieu, . . ,r 0 an cr ;3 your time A A to cur. li ucicrrcu uug ue eai . . ,,; t r,r.;'l t.. t . r 11, 1........ the leaves begin to turn yellow, or fall, cu. 'n , wjp lie oflittle use, as the roots will be strong for ant,, start on the opening of a new spring. Ealky Ilorsos. Balky, or jibbish horses, are not only a source of great annoyance, but tGO frequently endanger the property and peril the lives of their owners. An East India gentleman one day took his scat in one of the omnibuses, in London, but at the time of Starting all the efforts of the driver proved r.uavail ing,owing to a balky horse attached to the vehicle. The poor animal became more restive in proportion to the tortures inflicted upon him by the driver, and several other whip-men who assisted on the i occasion. The street became tilled with specta tors, and the interception of other carnages. Great danger was to be apprehended. The East India gentleman above referred to, suggested to the driver and his assistants, that if he would ap ply the East India plan of fastening a cord to the hrnse's fbie-foot, and cause a person to pull for ward, ihe animal would start right away. The suggestion was received with" contempt. Howev er, after all other efforts failed, a long cord was at tached to the animal's fore-foo-t, and the moment the man gave a strong pull the horse started ofra if nothing was the matter. The philosophy of the case, seems to lie that the animal, thrown olTthe center of gravity by the propulsion forward, is ta ken by surpriso and obliged to start. Try it. Rural Xew Yorker. Saving Seed from Gardea Vcgelablss. The first vegetable peas or snap beans that ap pear, save for seed ; the first stalk of okra that shows a pod, let it all go to seed ; the first cucum ber, squash or melon, save for seed. In this way, we may succeed iu getting much earlier vegetables than by following the usual method of taking the refuse of all our garden crops for seed. Our egg plants might be brought into bearing-much soon er, if wc would save the first for seed. V "ho can stand it, with all the long year's dearth of delicious morsels, to save the first roasting ear or tomato. that may appear, for seed ? and j"et if we would bring forward the whole crop twoortlirce weeks earlier, it must be done. Let it be a settled max im of the gardener the first and lest of everything for seed. Sail of the South. Tho mixllkk Stalk. It is computed that one full-sized mullein stalk, will produce from four to five hundred thousand 6eeds ! It is also believed that seed of the mullein will remain in the earth for centuries, and still re tain all its vegetating qualities until a favorable exposure, when it will grow. This fact seems proven, in the case of digging a canal, somewhere near Old Chester, where there was found a strut a of rich dark loam, many fcut below the then sur face of the ground out of this rich vein grew the mullein ! Geologists may axphuu it. Gcrinan toivn Ttlegropfi. To JdASLE Prime Yixkuaji. A correspondent of the Ohio Cultivator vouches for the merit of the following recipe for making vinegar : Take and mix one quart of molasses, three gallons of rain water and one pint of yeast. Let it ferment and ttand for four weeks, and thee will have the best of vinenr. Heglster's Xotlce. AIL persons interested are hereby notified that -A-thc following accounts have been passed and filed in the office of the jvegisier oi umunu, county, and will be Tidied lor allowance and confirmation at an Orphan 8 Court to be held in and for said county, on Monday the fifth day of Sci'teuiber, A. ! 1S53. The rarti.il account of Margaret Cullen, Admin istratrix of the estate of Patrick Cullen, deceased. The account of Lewis Dormayer, Esq., and Lewis E. Dormayer, executors of Gabriel Dormayer, Jec'd. The account of Lewis Dormayer Esq., Adminis trator of tiic es'.ate of Ludwiok Dormayer, deceas ed. The nccouut of Maria C'rum, executrisof Jno. B. Crum, deceased. The account of James MDermit, Administrator of John I'luininer, deceased. The account of James M'Garity, Administrator of Charles M'Garity, deceased. The account of Jacob Luther, acting executor of John Stolts, deceased. The account of Americas Bender, executor of Mnry Catharine Koch, deceased Tho account of David Paul and John Tan', AJ-miuisti-ators of William l'aul, deceased. The Account of John l'aul and John Stu'J, Ad ministrators of Jacob l'aul, deceased. The supplimeutal account of John Knepper, Ad ministrator of the estate of Abraham Knepper de ceased. The account of James Kirkpatrick und Matilda, Kirkpatrick, Admrs. of Thomas Kirkpatrick de ceased. It. L. JOHNSTON, Reyintcr. Register's Office, Ebeusburir, Ausr. 11, 1S53. 11. j Cambrian and Crusader, please copy. list or CAISES O ;T itovn lor ixa t ti vouti or common x ieas to be held at Ebeusburg, in and for the county of Cumbria, on the first Monday of fcepteuiber next, to continue two weeks. IT USX WEEK. M'Lauuhau vs. Shaip Brown " Wym.-m Eider " Magehan Troth & Co. " Phythiau Johnston " Benshoof M'Connell " M'Garity Brannaii " bogie Troutmau ' Mitchell CommeuweaUh " Butcher et cl SECOND WEEK. Kinpoits vi. Newman et ul Ream et id " Cruiu Tyson " l-'iiiou Baker " King et al King et al li Bakei Uhey " Cium Donaaliey's aJm. " M'Manamy's adiu'rj. Brackeu " Sigcat Cruiu ct al " Sm.iy Carttr " Bingham Allegheny tp. " Luke Conway Cassiday Ka iol" " GIaa3 Ashcraft " Dougherty St. Ciair " Gates M'Gougli " Little Cos's udm'rs. " Johnston Anderson i Co. " Lloyd et ul Kepler " Scanlan M'Gough et al " (,'ouway Same ,: Kiskadden Movers " Gillespie Miltenbergcr " King et al J Shubacher " Kennedy Smith ' Ramsey j Linton & Co. " Levergood, Linton & Co. ! S G Bailey's udni'i s. " Carroll et al ! Same " Same It. L. JOHNSTON, l'rc'.Lunolarj. Prothouotary's OOice, 1 Ebeusburg, July :2s, 18oo SO. CA.1IIJKB A COl'STY, SS, 'Hie L'ommontcaillh of i'nihuyloania. To the UliLrij) !jj anid Cuunty, Uraiinj. "ViiEiiEAS James S. Gailaher did on the seventh V day of September last past, pref er his peti tion to the Judges of our Court of Common please for the said O'oUiity, praying lor the causes therein set forth, that he might be divorced from the bonds "iHtriiaonj entered into with you lVJy Ann tiul-lah-.-r. Vie i!) thei(,re coiamaul you, the s.ii 1 Toiiy c all other bus:o.c-si waiMuw, lu.ti. v'.!,.,jf aside aa 1 excuses whatsoever, yon ,e prjper person before o-ir Jui-r nd appear iu your at Ebensburg at a Court of Coiam jii l'lea3 there to be hold for the County of Cambria on the first Monday of Septem ber ut-st, to an v, cr the petition or libel of the said James S. Gaiiuhci and to shew cau-o, if any you have, why the said Jiitnvs S. Gnliaher your IttmhnnJ. .' ' nil. -li.-- a - matrimoney, agreebly to the acts of the General Assembly iu such case made and provided. And heieu fail not. Witness t!.a flouor of our said Court, i of June A. D. ltfOo. able George Taylor, President t Ei.ensburg the eleventh day R. L. JOiiNTSON, I'rothonotitry. Ebeusburg. July -2, ll"3. Tlu Coinmomcitlth of Pentuthauia, rg 10 P... rued M'Girr, Pati ick M:Girr, John M' i Meol and Catharine his wife, Pater M'Girr aud Bridget his wife, Many M Bride, Daniel M'Carthy and E:!eu Lis wile, heirs of Rev. Terence M'Girr, deceased ; and to ail others interested. You are hereby cited to be and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court, at an Orphans' Court to be held at EbtuV-mrg ou the first Monday of September, A. D. 15.j3, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said Terence M'Girr, deceased, at the appraised valuation put -upon it, by an inquest duly awarded by the said Court, and returned by tho Sheriff on the Sixth day of June, A. D. lHoi, And hereof fail not. Wiines-!, the Honorable George Taylor, Presi dent of our said Court, at Ebensburg, the ninth day of Juu?, A. D. lfo3. ROBERT L. JOHNSTON, Clerk. July 22, lSoC.-Gt. Republican Hall." NTIIONY YO WINKLE respectfu'.ly informs the -CM. public that he is now prepared, as the law di rects, with every requisite for the "accommoda tion of strangers and travellers" at hia new Stand in tho Northern Liberties of Hollidaysburg, and respectfully asks for a share of custom, liis ta ble will at id' times be supplied with the best the market affords, and Lis bar stocked with the best wines and liquors. tzj- 'the larger Hall can be rented by the day or night, and a Piano and Pianist furnished. Jfcrjr German wines and Lager Beer kept con stantly on hau l. Iloiiidaysburg, May C, 1833. Slide, Oil, end Leather Store. D. EIRKPATEICK, 21, South Third Street, batween Market nr. So. Chesn-dt Streetr, Philadelphia. HAS constantly on hand and for sale, Dry and Dry Salted Spanish Hides, Dry and Green Salted I'atna Kips, Tanners' Oil, Tanners' aud Cur riers, TOOLS, at the lowest prices and upon the best terms. I-V" All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for which the highest market price will be given hi cash, or taken iu exchange for hides. I&y Leather stored free of charge and sold on commission. May 13, 1853. Strays. - STRAYED away from Section 31, new Tortae Railroad, near the foot of Tlane No. 8, on Sun day night, July 2itb, two sorrel mares; one of them about nine years old, and has a stripe down her faec; the otliei 6i x years old, bald faced and the knee of " SieS 6"Stly swollen. Any person return- Foot of none jf,. 8, Au5. 4, fSia Snerills Sales. BY yirtuo of sundry writs of Vend. Exponas and Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Com mon Please of Cambria county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to sale at the Court House, in tho borough of Ebensburg, Cambria ctunty, on Monday the 0th day of September next at I o'clock, r. m All that certain one and a half story frame house or building, situate in tho township of Washington, Cambria county, on the North or North East side of the Turnpike road , containing in front on said road, twenty feet more or less, and in depth four teen feet more or less. The house or building lo cated on the West side of the Central Kailroad, and new State road. Taken in execution, as the property of Mark B. McLaughlin, aud to be sold at the suit of Joseph Cramer. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of John Linton, and It. P. Linton, of in and to a lot of ground situ ate in the borough of Johnstown, adjoining on the West side by lotTof John S. Buchanan, ou the East by lot of bite Terence Me C.irr, lronting on ( anal Gi feet and running back 132 feet to lot of llhey, Matthews & Co., ou which is erected a frame sta ble now in the occupancy of John Linton. Taken in execution, and to be sdd at the suit of Hhey, Matthews & Co. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Andrew Bur goon ot, in and to a piece or parctlofland situate in Clearfield township, Cambria count', adjoining lands of John Zerbe, Johu Neason, James Kelly and others, containing 00 acres more or less about 40 of which are cleared, and having thereon erected a cabin house and cabin barn, now in ihe occupancy of Andrew Burgoon. Taken in execution, and to be sold at the suit cf S. J. Ruushaw. ALSO, itle and interest of .vil the riKlit, title and interest ol ."-msnn.Mo - Creary of, iu and to a lot cf ground silu.it j i.-jCcn-em.night borough, Cumbria county, bounded ja the Last by lot of Geo. Gates, on the North by 'lie A. P. Railroad, on the West by lot of Francis Knney, , on the South by the township road, having tbreju erected a two story frame house now iu the n ss-.-e- sion of Casper Box. 1 j ; Taken iu executiou, and to be sold at the suit tf I E. Buck & Co. ! ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Teter Col j of, iu and to a tract or piece of land sitnati Washington township, Cambria county, it b j part of two larger tracts of laud warmntc- j names of luac Gloves, and William Robism, itaining -77 acres and 7 perches more or less. I joining lands of John Noel, Robert Eurgosm, . M L'unn, and others, about 170 tcr which i3 cleared, having thereon erected a twn: ry log house and bank barn, in occupancy ot io Sterger, u frame Louse and burn in the etc cy cf George Little, also one other frame ! and barn in occupancy of Leauder Kiskad ien Taken in execution, anl to be sold at tht s r. cf Lambert & Shiptoii. a t tr All tho right, title and interest cf Jus. Caibell of, in aud to a lot of ground situate in Contniigh boiouch, fronting on Rail Road Street thrC'j.er ches, and running ba'ik six perches, having thlcon erected a two story brick house, and frame itch en, and a frame bar room, and a frame sjde, now iu tho occupancy of Charles Larkcns. i Taken in execution, and to be sold at the 4t of Rhev, Matthews Co. j ALSO, All that certain one and n half story ho'f cr tenement ou Tunnel Hill, Allegheny towJiip, Cambria county, on the West side of the roa !ind the right and interest of Patrich McCali'trty Sthe ground appurtenant to the said tenement, cciin ing in front on said road 40 feet more or let imd in depth feet more or less. j Taken iu execution, aud to be old at the sit of Michael A. Skelly. ALSO, ; All that certain frame sawmill building, siaite in Vi'hite township, Cambria county, abouttine half of a mile west of a certain road, calif or known as Dysurt's Plank Road, bounded by ids of Mathew C. Wilson and others. The s.-Jdiw-miil is a double geared sawmill, running o: sCps aud be'.tu, instea 1 of a nutter wheel, and f -ted Jacob Cortes. Taken in execution, and to be Sold at th "it of William C. Carothers, as t'.ie property ofioob LelltCS. i A LSO, ', All the right, title and interest of James la of, in and to a lot ot ground numbered on i No. aujoinn rods ou Pine Street Lot No. j2 fronting-ve running back 1C re-ds, fii-jr thereon erected a dwelling house tmut eonp now in the occupancy of Alfred i'houipk i n-v atiid .Mrs. Grimsley. s Taken in execnti- u an 1 to be bold at the it of ! icvi H. Cohieii. i ALSO, ! AH the right, title and interest of Michael w art, of, in and to, a two story Plank house, ate in the township of Cotiemaugh, three hundre c ds from tlie east end of tiie Tunnel, on tha ltiire Rail Road, aud on the south side of said Raitid, containing 10 feet by twenty six, and thej cr piece of ground, and curtiiege appurtenant laid building. J Taken in execution, and to be sold the sui: Jo seph Miller. t AUGCST2N DURBIN, SL Sheriff's Office, Jibeusburg, 1 i t August 1-J, lS.j.3. f I 1 In the matter of the) Ihe Commouwiil of Real Estate of ! Pennsylvania to R b II. Sarah Roberts deed. J Roberts, David J. John J. Roberts, Thomas J. Roberts, Ca ii.e Humphry's widow of Rowland Humphry's, !e-$-ed, Ann Roberts, Mary Roberts, interuiarri i 3i David Rose, Hugh E. Roberts, John E. l .bt, David L'. Roberts, Robert E. Roberts, Edwrii -erts, Win. E. Roberts, Catharine Roberts in'iri ried With David J. Davis, aud Margaret J'Jb (the latter being a minor,) children of Jaifc l erts, deceased, intermarried fomerly wit lj Roberts, Thomas E. Rees, John D. Rees, fluut Rees, intermarried with Robert Jones, Cftb: iiees, intermarried with Samuel Hicks, Ellei 1 intermarried with Thomas J. Davis, aud Juie i Rees, being children of Eileu Roberts, defe4 intermarried with David Rees, who is dete: Sarah Jane Brown, Martha Ellen Brown, Brown anil Moses Brown, minor heir3 of Mar.t Brown, formerly Margaret Roberts, intemial with Thomas Brown, and David Rose, David J.i vis, Evan Roberts aud Thomas Brown. j Cambria County, s. I You are hereby cited o be and appear befoi I Judges of au Orphans' Court at an Orphans' Ci to be held at Ebensburg on tlie first Monday of t tember next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, t and there to accept or refuse to take the real et of the said Sarah Roberts, deceased, situate Cambria Township, adjoining lands in posses. of David J. Roberts, Johu J. Roberts, Johi Hughes and others, it being part of a tract of I in name of Bcnjamin'Lockyear, containing S7 a. more or less, at the appraised valuation put u -j it oy au inquest duly awarded by the said Co and returned by the Sheriff on the Sixth da June, 1S53, to wit, six dollars per acre. And b of fail not. 4 Witness, the Honorable George Tayfor, Presii' of said Court at Ebensburg, the ninth day of . in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight K dred and fifty three. ' f R. L. JOIIKSTON,! : Cleif July 22, 18o3.-Ct. Tombstones! Tombs Stones ll IJICIIARD JONES rcspccl'ully informs the t. lie that he is prepared to furnish all k'u.& Tomb Stones, of Italian aud American Marble, ufactured in the latest style, and lettered accc to any directions. , His yard is situated at tho south part de town, where a large assortment of articles is line are always kept on hand. From long experience he feels confident bu please all tastes, and he therefore hopes to ba ronized by a generous public. June 17, 1S53. . it 1 CASH will be Wool, by paid for 4000 or 0000 p is liUGULS & WILERUVf Jcffereou, Look, out Tor tlie Locoiuotlie! Cash and Produce Store ! iilgulis & iviiEituv, HAVE at their Store, in Jefferson, a few doori JLJL would secure the best bargains to te oilcrei East of G. L. Llovd & co.'s store a large anliuthis county, that he is again in the field with entire new assortment of Spring & Summer Goodone of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully bc wbieh they just received from the Eastern citiestlected stocks of consisting, in part, of the following articles. I Fnll aiwl Winter Goods ! LADIES DRESS GOODS -Silks, Barges, Mousl a c& ftU of hn de Lames, Lawns, &c., c. Also, Cloths, fcati becn urcliascJ witbii the ,,w Jays in netts, 1 weeds, Dnlungs, &c 'Philadelphia and New York, with particular regard Ready Made Clothing, of all kinds and very best a of tLU M;U.ktt , .:m ci Iay buu. quality. Give it a trial. iuer to the breeze, inscribed with my oldinotto of . .... . .... . , t v , - , w - variety comprisiuir a larre assortment STOVES, of every decription, always on hamJ and warranted. We flatter ourselves t'uat we caiio sell Stoves lower than anv establishment in bria county, and being located ou the Hail lload can always secure a supply. Groceries, Such as coffee, sugar, rice, molasses, tea, vinegar linseed oil, sperm oil, tobacco, fish, salt, syrup, an every nrtice neeessaay to supply this market. Ihe public is solicited to call an stock, as we arc confident it will admit tion. All kinds of produce taken iu exchange fo goods. Lumber bought at the highest market pri ces. May 17, 1853. Tills way for Good ami CIeai Goods T"'57'ILL be opened this week at the brick stor ot J. Moore, in tbensburg, a general assort merit of cloths, cassimeres, satinetts, tweeds, and great variety of summer goods. Together with any quantity of prints, delain lav.us, cashmeres, giimhams, lustres aul other dress goods. ALSO A LARGE saddlery, clothinsr, slaiionarv. dru.s. A:c.. .ve Persons wanting boots and .shoes, hats and caps or ready made clothing, v. ill find it to their advan tage to call at tho. Ki f cli Store. The subscriber, thankful for pa-t f ivo.s, car - liest'y requests Lis customers, and the public gen erally to ut least call and t xamjieh s st ,c and U he cannot suit every person in quality and price if is not his fault. Produce and lumber of ail kinds taken in exchange f or goods: an.l he aiSi takes CASH when offered. J. MOORE. Ebcnaburg, April is, is-:i. llolIElU' KKR11V. roiiKl.T GALUIU.ITH. C'oacli Saiiufaeloiy. fTIIIE subscribers would respectfully in form the -3- citizens of EbeuLburg and the public generally, that they will tarry cn the Coach Making, inclu ding the Smith work at the Machine shor former'y occupied by Mr. Anders jn, iu the rear of E. Hughe's Store ; where by using none but tho cho'.cst tlate rial, and employing none but tlie 1 est workmen, they hope to convince all that will do them the favor to examine their work, that in point of dura bility, appearance or cheapness, it cannot I e excel led by any similar establishment in the State or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the pur chase of a carriage, will consult their own interests by giving them a call. They are prepared to sup ply the following kinds of Vehicles, viz : Buggies of different qualities and -rices, Barouch es, Churiotees, one and two horse rockavvnys, close quarter Eliptic and C-spring Coaches ; second J.and work of different kinds, ic, making a variety that will suit all tastes and al! purac-3. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. May 20, 103. Tiic &rant Tf ouse. Corner of 4th and Grand sts. Pittsburg. rsi'IE subscriber has leased the lare smd well J- kuown Hotel, (late Lamartine Hou-e,) corner of Jlh and Grant streets, Pittsburg, at the which has becn repaired anu newly fitted up in all its apartments so as to give a larger and more liberal iiccoinmod itiou to travellers and boarders. His larder will be stocked with tlie most choice brands the markets can afford, and his Bar furnished with the best. He would resnectfullv solicit a share of public patronage. Sept. 8, lor B. PERRV. St. .ijailc-s I2itcl, Corner cf UHrd and V.'csd Sts. rpilIS fine establishment, having come into the hands of ii new Pr.-. ri-tr.r .i!'.-ra nm-.t fn. uucemetits to the tr ..- -t i .,. riling comiiiuuity ; Mil lIso Lvcry delicacy an 1 luxury season ; and l:o j a. us will 1 e otel a cviufortable h-,au to ul to regular boarder--, will be rov-ded iu it. spare'l to make this 1 wii-j may cad there. W sj I'Utsbiir -, Sept. 8. . CAMPI -ELL, Proprietor. 12ots and Siioes. Evans 4. Jouc-3, 'Ol'LD res; ectf tily announce to the public that thev Still continue tlirt mniinfi.-t-ii-.. ol' every description of Boots and Shoes, for Laiies and Gcntie-uien, at their shop, a few dovM East of -ur. t-arnieu s Hotel, wh-re they will be see their customers. happy to Being practical workmen themselves, and usir.sr none but the very best materials, they are confident they can execute ivork as well and as c.'m.n as :,v establishment iu the county. May 13, ls-:3 Cieorare ISarncaitir, Wholesale & Retail Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron ware Kanuf-ictarer, and Dealer in the fol lowing named Stoves : Air Tight Cook, Portable Ranire. Plat G1 LOBE Top C Complete, Uidon Air Thcht, Cooks Favor ite, Bare ylmder, Delaware Cook, Bar-room, Key stoue, or Independent, Harp cannon New com plete, Hot Air Parlor, Victoria i-miplete, Air iignt, Complete Cook, Luicn Coal ijuruer. Sept 1, 18-32. Fashionable C'lotiiintr Emporium, Clinton St. Johnstrwn Pa. GREAT attraction at the corner of Clinton and Locust streets, ornosite the Exchange Hot.d aud the M'Millen House, Johnstown, Cambria co., Pa., where the subscribers have just received a large and fashionable assortment of Fall aud Win ter Ready made CLOTHING. Nov. 4, 18-32. JOSEPH GANS & CO. rr.s. w. hay. w-. s. iDso. If ay & t:lon, Wholosalo & Retail Tin, Copper, aud Sheet-Iron Ware Manufacturers, and Dealers ia the fol lowing named Stoves : COOK Stoves, keystone, Nine Plate, Liberty, Parlor, Radiators, Etna, Star Franklin, Wa ne Irons, Complete Cook, Star Air-tight, Cast iron Sinks. Ware Room on canal St. one door below the collectors office. Johnstown, I'a. July 11, 18S2. Tailorings THE undersigned informs his customers that the firm of Beynon & Johnston is dissolved by mutual consent, and that the subscriber still con tinues the business in the room recently occupied by the old firm, where ho will be happy to see bis former patrons and as many new ones as please to call. He receives regularly from New Vork aud Philadelphia the latest fashions and cannot be beat en either in the shape or fit of Coats, Pants or Vests, by any other Tailor in the country. He respectfully ask the public to give him a call, and confident his work will recommend itself. tX" All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for work. LEWIS BEYNON, April 20,T8o2.-tf. Administrators IVoilce, "I ETTERS of Administration have been granted A.-J to the undersigned, by the Register of Cam bria county, upon the estate of James Rhey, de ceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us, aud those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. SUSAN RHEV, .4in';iwfra.'ri ANDREW J. RHEV, Administrator. Ebensburg, October 21, 1852. tf. Tliotuas L Martin, House and Sign Fainter and Paper Hanger, Johns town, Fa. SHOP on tho Island, nearly opposite D. Leech & Co's Warehouse. Dec 22, 1552. JAMES i?i:i.i, SUKJtUT, CAMBRIA CO., PA., II AS the pleasure of announcing to all who Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attention of purchasers my ttock, which will be found unusuahy Cara-larire. varied and attractive, beinz full and cuiu wcplete iu every department. Everything new, fu.-h onable and desirable ill be found embraced iu ny assortment. Particular attention is solicited o new and beautiful styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, , . which I have just received of late importation. d examine ocr, r- . i - r 1 .i , . , . :Jn Gents wear 1 Uef competiun, and confi'lci.tly o 1Q-Pe,-nvite nn examination of one of the largest ch.-at - st and best selected stocks ol ready-made clothing, loths, cassiuiercs, &c, ever brought to Ca:nbria ounty ; comprisiug all colors and qualities, which will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfaction. Uso, caps, bonnets, HOOTS AM) SHOES, f the best qualities and latest styles, together kith quceutware, hardware, groceries, salt, books tationary, &.C. E.'"iThe highest market price paid for ull kinds f Produce. November 11, 1632. Iu the Orphans' Court cf Cambria County Pa. The Commonwealth of u the matter of the es ate of James Uhey, de cayed. V PcnuMvlvania to L. Boyd and Ann L. Boyd his wile. Pet( r B. M t ol d aud ;dai y J. M'Cor-J. his wife. pAM32lI.l COl'STV, SS. P oe and appear before the Judjres of our Court, ft an Orphans Lourt, t ) oe iieid at locusburg on ie first .Monday of Scptemler, 1S5 at ten o clock i the forenoon, then and there to accent or refuse tike the Real Lstate of James llhey, decease J, t the appraised valuation put uj on it by an iu uestduly awarded by the said Court, and return 1 by the Sheriff ou the Cth d ly of June, instant. Witness the lion. George Taller, President of .id Court, at Ebctisburj-, tho tenth day of June, t. d. is-3'i. it. l. Johnston, CUrk. . Ebeuoburg, June 30, 1 S-j2 30-0. rlii::lliu. ix csiiaa: Goods Offered at Cost. i ON SECTION 101, Pa. R. R. riUE subscribers being about to remove from pL Cambria county, offer to c!l off ail their rge stock of Goods by private ta'e, in large i r ua!! quantities, to suit purchaser, at jirzt cost. he stock consists in part of Dry Goods, -such a-; Kneh, English and Atnerica t ch tbs, cassi:r.ere!, ilinetts, tweeds, j i!ot cloth, satin Valencia, and jier ves tings, tilks, alpactas, musdelaius, l-om-jzincs, and i LASIE3' 3RZSS O00D3, fc-very dc-rcription ; shawls, Linidkei thiebs, scarfs, tvats. tibbets, ribbons, gloves and hosiery of all Jcriptioi.s, table linen, uiapirs, crash, red, mile, yellow and Canton Haunois, liusey, blank- e and coveriets, luckory shiruii't, Irish linen. oods of every description, lacing, edging, Lats, cat s, bonnets, booUaud sh -es. RKAUV MADE CLOTHING. Irdware, qu.ensware, g'.ass, nails, fijur, f.sh, it, iron, a sj lendid stock of Groceries, Drugs, lints, aud Die Stuffs, all of which, wo off r "at Ivor prices than goods have ever been sold in the trstry, all kinds cf country produce t ikei.in ex inge, such as Lumber, Rai'.road Ties, ilax d, Rags, ic. .N. B. Country merchants will be ruj plied with t' of the above sjdendid selections of goods at ? ok-sale city prices, putting cu ouiy a nominal lire fJr fiei-ht. 11. M'GRANNS &. RLTLLV. Ju'y 2, lN,3-3.:-tf. Head! Res id! iir: heat:-) the Plan a-l h-nin b- L t.mic.ibly del tei mined, atid ti.e j ub'.ic ru'nd once mere cr.ln-, it naturally folic ws that oth-r I portent subjects will et-.gross attention. Ai-iong (se i-t;.n-2s protuinent the seasonab-le in juiry oi 'here shall I ! uy my Sj.-riug and Sai.r.uer gvo.!a V answ ering this ia pilry two requisites should be e-iisi kre-J, chcajincs and superiority, both ol ifich can befot.nl ut the well-kcowu ttjro of (' . XDWAIID EOB2IITS. t-o has just recived from the Eastern cities a h.rgo i i-iic.R-iii ussorimeui oi cipriug tunjiner i.ods, conststing, iu part, of Cloths. Cassimers, t.ce-ls, JcitLs, Linen and CjUjii wear for men aud lys, Muslins, Hats and Capo, Boots and Shoes, b.lars, Suspenders, Cravats, iec, &c. Also, u very extensive assortment cf Ladies ress Goods-, such as Silks, de Laines, Barries, lawns, Ginghams, Poplins, Swiss, Alpacas. Caii oes, Hosiery, Kid, Silk, Cotton and other Gloves, onnetts, Ribbons, Gaiters, He has a very excellent and very extensive rari ty of Groceries, O ieensware, kc. liis stock h is been selected to suit this market, aid he is confident ail can be accommodated w ho will patronize his establishment. Coeds will be ex hibited with pleasure. Ebeusburg, May 0, ISoJ. 5000 iioliars Reivurd. UreatKxcttcmcntlu Wales: G1 BO. J. RODGERS has just received from the cities of Philadelphia and New Vork and im mense stock of New Goods, and now offers to his old as well as new customers the J.aryrxt, C'trapcut id hisl assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GwODS ever brought to the Ebensburg market. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods Oueet'.yare, Hardware, Cedar Ware, Lc, all of which bave been purchased wilh a view to satisfy the wauj of his numerous customers in quality and price. Gents Wfair. Blue, black, brown and broad cloths, plain and fancy casimeres, tweeds, summer cloth, linens, wlks, satin, Valencia and lut-rseills vesting. Hats, Caps, Eocs, Shoes, &c. Ladies' Dress aud Fancy Goods Prints, mous de lalns, ginghams, lucres aud fancy colored silks, bobiuet. laces and ed'isx. jackouett1-. ribbous. fan cy silk gimps, .vc. Hardware, cutlery, and tools of various kinds. Queens-ware, consisting of many new and splen did patterns. Groceries, consisting of coffees, sugar, tea, fish, spices, salt &c. Cuf All kinds of country produce taken ia ex chauge for goolo Also Lumber, Wool, &c. GLO. J. RODGERS. May 20, 1S53. Daiuci i eotj iin. VTONDTdiFUL UIPROVLitEUT IN AST ! A never fading picturo can new be got at the Elair Co. Gallery, Odd i eUows iialL G1GO r f o GORGE W. FISHLR takes this method of in- jruiiuj' bis uumoroua friends throughout the county, that he has permanently located himself at Ilollidaysburg, where he is cow prepared to furuish superior portraits to all that wish a good picture. After a long and serious timo of experimenting iu the Art, he is now prepared to take the finest kind of pictures iu all kinds of weather. A visit to his room aud a trial is all that is asked. His object is to please, and having the best light in the Borough, he feels that no failure can be made. Pictures neatly colored and put in good cases, from 1,25 to $10. Children taken in the morn ing from 9 to 11, iu the short space of one second. Instruction giveu iu the art, embracing all the improvements, on the most reasonable terms. Ap arutua and fixtures for Daguerreotypiug furnished. Ilollidaysburg, Sept. 9, 18-!i2.-tf. 4 FRESH arrival of Boot Shoes, Summer Hats, jt. Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw Bon nets, Powder, Gun Caps, Shot, Lead, &c., received this day and for sale at th9 cheap store ot June 26, 1S51. J. MOORE. A Xtw Arrival of lVutcnes and Jew el ry. On the corner of Clinton and Locust 6ts. TIIE undersigned respectfully invites the Ladles and Gentlemen to call and see Li3 dcw and splendid stock of Watches turj Jewelry, which he has just received from Germany ; warranted to be solid an ! pure, and for style and finish it cannot ba surpassed. He has also received . Urge -asaon-nient of Jewelry from the Eastern ciLies, viz : Gold hutitinir case wat;hcs from 5 to 100 " Patent Lever " " " So to 44 Ladies anchor lever and Lerine, CO t j 8) id IS 11 Silver patent lever and hunting case watches from 1 3 to " Anchor Levers do, from 12 to (i Lepines do, 10 ta " Ouai tiers do. d to - 12 Gold miniature cases, Ladies Gold Bracelets anl NeckUsses, Ear-rings, Gold Guard, Vest and lob chains. Gold chairs for Ladies, Finger rings, Goll and Silver Pens and Pencils, Silver Spoons, Silver Thimbles, Steel, Utr.uau and Silver Spectacles, Port Monaie", Pen Knives, Silver chains, &.C., ic. All of the above articles are warranted to be of the best material, and will be sold very low for eath. ClocK and Watch Repairing. lie has the best workmen in the country in his employ, and ail work entrusted to him will bo promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors he solicits a cottmuan'-o of the same, aad i3 confident be can give 6at.sfu.c- tiou to aU who may give him a call. GEORGE 1 LUCKIIART. Johnstown, April 15, 1603. CzeKiel Iluf?ls, Ebensburg-, Fa. DEALER in staple and fancy dry goods pro ceries, wholesale and retail fish ; hardware and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-irou, sheet-iron, sheet zinc, stoves of all kiuds, stove-pipes and sheet-iron ware, tin ware, copper and truss ket tles, &c. Grain, wool, Lutter and other country proli;; bovght und Sold. Also, A dealer in white pine, poplar, ash aul cherry lumber; lumber always bought, and a large ijaau tity constantly on hand for sale. Cash always paid for lumber cut to order or vki as suits the present demand of the market. A large lot of new goods as embraced ir. tl.c above list just receive J and more opening for s ilc at the lowest market price. September 2i, 1652, tf. I.I V li'I C'OJ! I L. A I T, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CH5.0NIC CR PTE VO'JS DBILIIY, DISEASES OF IHE KIDNEYS 4 ND all diseases arising lr jta a d'.s )t lere 1 :v-.r lJl cr stomach, such as constipation, inwui i piles, fullness or blood to the Leal, aciiity of the stomach, nausea, heart-burn, disgust l'v r f-cd, fullness, or weight in the stomach, sour eructation?, sinking or fluttering at the pit of ihe stomach, swimming of the bead, Luriicd und dilicuit breath ing, fluttering at thj heart, choking or s a loca ting sensations when in a lleii g posture, dimness of visien, dots or webs before the sight fever and dull pain in the hea l, ditbeiency of perspirav.' n, yellowness ef the skin and eyes, pain in the side, Lac'i, chest, limbs, 5.c, suJdt-n llushes cf Leat, burnii-g iu the tlesh, cuiisUtt imaginings of evi, and great depression of spirits, can be c2''.c.'iu'.ly cured by B3. rlOOPLAND'S CLLLUllAtEh OK UMAX V ITT Eli ', 1-jn.i'At i:d uy D2. C. M. JACKSO-ST, At tlkO German .Medicine .Store. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their fiotrtr onr tht utiuvt Jittaa-.t u not tJC- V. f equalled ly any other prtj aralijri in the t'ru'.r.l :alu, as (hr cures atttit, in many cji:s after ti.ij'ul ji,tff.'cia.' Kfl fji'nl. These Bitters are worthy ih-i aUeutioa of iaVA iids. Possessing great virtaua iu the rectifiOM.oa of diseases of tiie Liver aul less.-r gla ill exerci-.-iug the most tearchit.g powers iu weakness and affections of the digestive orgr.ns, they are witha;, sale, certain aud p.easat. 'I hat this i:.e licitie' will cure Liver Coirplali-.t z:A Dys-peps'.a. i.- one can doubt a.tt r usit.g it aa stut. j. it acts si-ceS.'ally np,!i ti.e st-.iiiacii an i liver; iris pretvrabie tv calom-.-i in lllt:z.t J:s- .; ti.e c-te-ct is immediate. They cau be udmiu.t..-red li f-:a ile ..r int'i a s Viith s;Vtv and lclL.blc leni: a,;y time. Lick well to tie ictrhs of tho Gct;uIso Tli.-y have the written signature if C. M. JACK SON i:; on the wrapper, u..i Lis name bk-wc in bo tie, without which tb-y are spuriou?. IVr sale Vi'hulesale au-J Ikiui: at the Geti;-.:.-i Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch .-iree-t, one door te !ow Sixth, Philadelphia ; ll! I t respectable Uvsi crs genera:'. v throtitrli the cnuntrv. I'ltit'iiS KKull'i;i), To enable all clas.es of invalids to e:.i ;V tl: ai- vi.ntages of their great rcit vi-ati e puvtr3. Suiylr l-jltl 75 cents. For sale 1 y Frederick Kit tell Druggist Ilbe: s burg; James Be!!. Summit: G. Mujkcihide Co., Johus-.owu. December 1-', 1S52 8-!y. STORIES CllEtUHL UAIll KWIt; UitATUit. TillS dcl:ghtful aud popular article is the best, pi eparati'. n for the hair which long experi ence and scientific research has produced, either as au article for the toik-t, or its b. neticial effects iu all the diseases to which the huuiau hair is liable. It w ill impart to the roughest aud coarsest hair tho most beautiful appearance, culirc'y cleansing it from ull impurities. But while we assert that it is the bst article for the toilet of those who wish to retain the hair in ail its youthful LUXURIANCE AND BEAUTY, it must not I e forgottou that in all diseases of the hair or scalp, such as the falling of tho hair dand ruff, pimples, or sores ou the eealp, 6c, it ia per haps the article which has given decided satisfac tion every instance where it has been used. Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly active, so that, iu numerous, where other remedies have been tried iu vain, STORR'S CHEMICAL 1N VlGOKAToR has superseded the ornaments of art, by reinstating, in full pleutitude, the permanent gifts aud graces of nature. It is possessed of a character wholly differing from the Oils, Grease, Restoratives, &c, which are now so numerously foisted cii the public, for baldness, gray hair, ic. Storr's Iavigorator has njw been tested for years, and its efficacy hus been proved by thousands. Every year its reputa tion and sales have increas ed. until more of it ia consumed annually than of any other preparation for the hair ever offered to the American public. It is compounded on strictly scientific priueiolcs, aud the proprietor will stake his reputation oil its e flic icy. Its extraordinary cheapness places it within the reach of the humblest family, aud its conceded value insures it a place on the most luxurious toil et, F:r sale by the proprietors price 25 cents. C. P. AMET&CO, 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. For sale by Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Bell, Summit; G. Muekcrhide &, Co., Johnstown. December 10, la52S-ly. 4 RE YOU BALD? Is your hair fallinu off? J.- Or is your heal coverod with Dandruff or Scruff? If so, then make a fair trial of Storr't (.'iiiiiiicul Hair I.ii iyorutor. Hundreds of persons iu all parts of the country whose heads wore entire ly bald, have had their hair fully restored to its original perfection by the use cf this valuable article. Caution. Ask for " Storrs' Chemical Hair In vigorator," and never let dealers persuade you to use any other article as a substitute, l'rico 25 ctuts per bottle. Proprietors. C. P. Auiet & Co., No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. For sale by dealers generally. Sold by Fred. Kitiell, Ebens burg; James Bell, Summit; E. P. Ilildebraad, In diana. Deo. 8, 1S52 ly. YOUR hair is falling off, is it? Then call at KitteH's without delay, and buy a bottl of Storr't Chemical Huir lnviyorator, or you will be come entirely tall. It is th.e best Hair tonic new ia use. Y s i A