Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, August 26, 1853, Image 4

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Fatal Accidext. A boy aged about 13 years, son
of "William Dougherty, of Washington township, met
with a fatal accident last Saturday. lie attempted to
ride up Plane 5 on the bumping Warn of a freight
. car, and about the time the car was starting observed
another car loose, coming down the plane. He, see
ing Ids danger, jumped from the car, and his foot stri
king a stick, threw him under the wheel, which passed
over hi thigh, crushing it frightfully. lie survived but
a short time, suffering the most intense agony.
" Dlh Vivamus, Vivamus.' -Our town has been
all life and gayety for some time past. The- visi
tors here from a distance have becu of the right
kind, and the known hospitality of our citizens has
made time fly. A more pleasant village or a more
joyous light-hearted community that ours, is not to
be found in tbe State.
Cmcus and Menagerte. By reference to our
advertising columns, it will be seen that Sands &
Co's Circus, and Quick & Co's Menagerie will ex
hibit here on next Tuesday, (30th in&t.) This com
bined exhibition is highly spoken of by all who
Lave witnessed it, and our readers should not fail
to pay it a visit.
Good Time. We learn that "Lilly Dale," Cupt.
Ivory's trotting marc, trotted five miles in 19 min
utes, over the Ilollidaysburg Plank Road, drawing
a Buggy, with two persona in it. This wo consid
er good time, and considering the uncvenness of
the road, is almost up to "Mac" and " Tacony."
EonorrjH Improvk.-wests. Our council is having
the street running past the Court House graded
down, and otherwise improved. Vv'hcn these im
provements arc finished, this will be the prettiest
fctrcci in tlr town.
Plank Roaijs. The Contractors on the Su.sque
hauna Plank Road are pushing the work with com
mendable energy. A considerable number of Plank
have been laid, and the heavy grading is all com
pleted. Messrs. Mliikav and Zaiim, the Contractors for
completing the Jefferson plank road are engaged
upon it, and will finish it in a short time.
Detistby. We ask the attention of our readers
to the advertisement of fv. Bedford, Surgeon Den
tist, of Ilollidaysburg. The Dr. enjoys an enviable
reputati on ns a skillful and experienced Dentist,
and being a perfect gentlemen besides, cannot fail
to give entire satisfaction to ail who employ his
Mateimosv. In to-days' pfiptr will be found
n couple of advertisements ; the one inserted by
three gentlemen wanting wives, the other by four
ladies wanting husbands. lie can guess who the
parties, and would respectfully state that after
" X. V. Z." have made their sdec'ioiiS vc tiro on
liaud for the fair one left.
Fancy Dress Tall. A Cotillion patty came o!f
at the " Soiic e Jfus" of John Fenln, Ilsi'i., ca last
Wednesday evening, at which some of the gue3ts
appeared in fancy costume. The dresses worn were
in good t iste, and added much to the pleasures of
the evening.
rnocKixr. DeaVii on tiik R.mlhoad. On Wed
nesday last, an Irishman named John Decny, was
carved up on th a Portage Uoad, at the foot ol
Plane No. 0 by a train of freight cars.
He was coming down the road, and a locomo
tive with a train wus going up. The noi-e and
confusion bewildered him so that he paid no atteu
tion to a train of cars immediately behind him.
The front car .Mruck, him, rnd he fcli, the
entire train passing over him, cutting him literally
in two '. Michoal Kelly 'and others, who were nc;ir,
ran to his assistance bat il was too late. He gas
"ped f r a few minutes, without being able to speak,
ftud died. From a letter from his father, found in
lu3 pocket, it was ascertained that his name wis
John Decny, from Donegal, Ireland, and from the
tenor of it it was supposed thnt he was 7-oing home.
The letter was ad.lre-sed to the care of Philip Collin.-,
Plane No. 2. Ills c:i.ts were taken charge
of by Michael Simons and his body was interred iu
the Catholic buryiu--gro!iud iu Newry. S'.ct
hinl. On the l-'th i-ist.. at the res": ti nee of Mrs Mc
Culloiich. in Pitl-bur;..'. by the Ue-v. Mr. McMaheii,
Mr. A. I'-i k'.nt, to Miss Nktiib McCli.loi ;ii.
On the 17ib --.t.. by the Pev. Elward D. Dryan.
Mr. Stuh i.i. vm. KskIss, of Philadelphia, to Miss
Marcit S. 1'rvan, (' Lancaster.; V !
rTHIPvEE Gentl-m'.n arc extremely desirous of
X obtaining the hand- rt" three LADIES in ma
trimony. They have taken this somewhat singular
way of accomplishing their wishes, on account of
their time being too much occupied to do so iu the
usual way. Address, through the Post Otiice, " X.
Y. Z., Pittsburgh, Pa.-'
ACCEPTATION. Four Ladies, from which num
ber the Gentlemen above alluded to can select three,
accept the foregoing proposition, provided, satisfac
tory credentials of steady habits and purj and un
adulterated affection be furnished to the agents be
low named. Address N. MA II, care V. a It. So
cial Hall, Agents for the prop igatiou of matri
mony. Ebensburg, Aug. 20, 1853.
DR. S. BELFOUD, Surgeou Dentist, informs the
public that he has returueJ to H.Uil:iyst.urp:.
and permanently located iu the ollice he occupied
during his late visit, (one door west of Hewit's
Store on Allegheny st.,) where he wiii be pleased
ta attend to nnv operations in bis irofession. All
work done by him will be warranted.
Ilollidaysburg, August 20, 1S53.
Protection Mutual Insurance Com
pany, lilair County, lt'Jiua.
PrillE above company has been in successful op
eration, fur over 4 years, has insured over
three hundx-ed and fifty thousand dollars worth of
property, has promptly paid all its losses, and has
never yet had any necessity to make an assesment
on the premium notes.
I can confidently recommend this company to
those who wish to get their property insured from
firo. M. 1IASSON,
Aug. 10, '53-Ct. Local njeut for Cambria co.
4 LL persons knowing themselves indebted to
-t- the subscriber, are requested to call and set
tle up on or before the 10th duy of September.
Those neglecting this notice will be dealt with ac-
cording to law.
Aug. 10. 1853 3 L
Sot Ice.
4 LL persons having left watches with the svb--JL
soriber, are recjuested to call and get them on
or before the 10th day of September. Those neg
lecting this notice will be the losers.
Aug. !9, 1853 3t. WM. B. HUDSON.
Selling: oir at Cost.
FY entire etock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
-L'-l- and Stationary, ntmy store, one door East of
the Post Office. WM. B. HUDSON.
Aug. 10, 18-33 3 1.
Sci-ehistesdent's Omq
Ilollidaysburg, Aug. 22d, 1853.J
SEALED Proposals will be received at the ofli
of the Superintendent of Motive Power, on t
Allegheny Portage Rail Koau, Ilollidaysburg, 1
on Tuesday, the 20tli day ot September lbo6,
dclivcrihg Cobd Wood for the use of said Road,
follows, viz :
At Station No. 1: (Foot of P. No. 10 :) 2,000 cori
' " Ho. 'J. : (r oot cf riane So. V
" " No. 3: (Head of Plane No. 0:) 1,500
" " No 4 : (At a middle point on Snmij
Level : ) 2.WJ
" " No. 5 : (At a middle point on Level )
tween Planes Nos. 4 &. 5 :) 3,000)
" " No. G: (At Ft. of Plane No. 4:) 5,000f
" " No. 7: (At Water Station opposite C
Ke.ins House:; 4.000'
" " No. 8 : (At Half Way House :) 4,000;
" " No. 0 : (At Kerrs Log House Letwt
Power and Merriinuns Bridge :) 0,000'
" " No. 10: (On Johnstown Level:) 0,(00
Bidders will state distinctly the quantity and ki
of Wood they pyopose to deliver at each (-tad
named in their respective bids, as well as the pjf:
per "cord for the same. .
JOHN boss, r-
Super't. M. V. A. T. R. it
List or lktters. F
"f EMAINIXG in the Post Office at Ebensbi
-LY on the 10th day of August, 1853
Baker Johu
Deil tieorge
Durnhamer Samuel
Cooper ltalph M
Childs Otis P Esq
Edwards Lewis
Evans Duniel D
Flaming (ieorge S C
Gottz Caleb
Hughes John T
Hoover E & Co
Join's Mary Miss
M'Condrey Mr
lliehieon Mathew
lloberts Wm.
Sullivan James
Cooper Henry P
Crisman Samuel
Davis Samuel care Th
ns Wilson Esq
l'lynn William
Greber Lewis I
Hotchkiss Charlotte '
Hucrhes George II
Jones Edward 2 j
M'Dounll Sam net J
Parish Ann Miss f
Keamer Samuel D Esq
Homer Iteenhard
John White for Maliohj
M C M'Caguc P .V
Aug 10th 1853.
Carnenler-s Look Iloro.
SEALED proposals will be received at the o
or the Ehensiiurg & Susquehanna Plank 1U1
company until ( o'clock, in the afternoon of Sat
day, the 3d f September, for building a Toll Ho,
en the first section cf the sai l company's road, f .;
contractor to find nil the materials for the Sam
l'iiiii and specifications may be seen at the oje
three days prlur to the day of letting. ;
Dv order of the Board.
WM. KITTELL, S:rrctar(
August 10 1853. -2t. ;
2t"olic to Surveyors. j
(JIHE Surveyors of the county of Cumbria are he
J by uotiued that a true meridian line, and I'd
standard measure for a chain, has been establitd
at the Court Huu.e, in the Dorough of Ebcnsbt;,
in order that the said Surveyors may a.Jst
r.n 1 verify their claims and compasses, accurtig
to the act of Assembly, passed 20ih day ofAjl,
V D IS jO. Ey the Commissioners.
August -JO, 1853 St. CUi
A'TK'IJ. t
LETTEES of Administration having goen gift
ed the undersigned, en the Estate of Itip
Skt-l'.y, late of Summerhill townshij", deee-isla!l
persons in-lobted to said Estate are request! to
make immediate payment, and those having ch:i3
against it. are requested to jiroseut them proply
authenticate-l for settlement.
Ebensb-irg, Aug. 20, 185 . Ot. i
I'cjmsjlvaisia JESaii ICoad.
III M and after this date Passengers talig
seats in the cars without tickets, at sta(-is
where there is a ticket ollice, will be charge I n
cents extra. W. W. 1YORV,!
Summit, July 28, 1S53 30.
Adams & Co's Kxprcss,
V.V7. Ivory & Co., Agents, '
"7T7"ILL forward all packages of goods or moiy,
V daily, except Sunday, to all the prinoa!
cities in the Union, and all towns on the Kail lt'.d
between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Drafts al
lected from California. Drafts sold on lrelal,
England or Scotland, from 1 upwards.
drafts must be par.
Summit, July 2S,;iS53 SO.
I'. Tl lOIt.
m. mmiAs.
A e" A trui. j
fTlilE HuliHCribers would raapeetfullyjinform 'ie
i citizens ot Ebensburg and vicinity that d-y
have just received from the city of Phila U-lpti.
and have opened at the .-tore room formerly oon
pie 1 I; v J. B. Craig, a large assortment of '
of nil kinds, consisting of the following articles, v.:
CotlVe, Tea, Sugars, Spi-.-es, Cheese, Water, Sou,
nnd Su,rar Crackers, Essence of Coffee, Choc-ola,!,
Cinnainon. Citrous, Dates, liaisons. Dried Currai.
Prunes, Fi;;s, Almonds, Preserves Pickles, Oru
ges, Lemons, Tobacco, JSegars, Snuffs, &c, &C.
Piour and Bacon
kept const.-iiitly on hand. Families will do well
call and examine oar assortment of Groceries an!
Confections befuvc iturchasina elsewhere. On
terms most nnd v. ill be CASH, as we intend to sel
lower than nnv establishment in the county. i
Commission & Forwarding.
HE subscribers would rcspe- x uny iruormrn.-i
friends and the public that they are now pre
pared to receive and forward all good consigned to
their care bv any of the Lines, or by Central Rail
road, and hope that by strict i.ttentiou to their bu
siness that, they will be enabled to render per --ct
satisfaction to all that will patronize them. All
eoods will receive the greatest enre nnd attert'ou.
Jefferson, Mrrch 15, 1S53.
Auains & Co.s Sixpr..
JB. CRAIG, agent wilt forward nil packages of
goods or money, daily excei't Sunday to all
the principal cities in the Union, n.l all the towus
on the Railroad between PhiUdelphia and Pitts
burg -
S. let-islK--i Scrs
Wholesale and B.eta.11 Clothing Store.
COATS, Vests, Pauts, Hats, Caps, shirts, Iland
kcrcheifs, Cravats, Boots, Shoes, Carpet-bags,
Trunks, kc. Sold cheap for Cash. Summit, Cam
bria County, I'a.
Tliis YJ aj !
FDR the highest prices are paid for hides, skins
and tanner's bark in either trade or cash by
LOOK HERE! Just received by the Pennsyl
vania Rail Road, nnd for sale bs J- Moore,
Grind Stones, Patent Buckets, Brooms, Cheese,
Cotton Yarn, Clover Seed, and a large lot of Car
penter T')0.'.i. April 1.
FTMHIS WAY! For I have just received and of--L
fer sale a large lot of Stone and Earthen
Wares. The highest price paid for wool.
Ebensburg. April 1. J. MOORE.
wool, butter, eggs wanted
-yrrOOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain, taken
V in exchange for goods nt
TTMlE highest price paid f?r wool at the stoie of
oil GV,(h j 1,0DG1.:us
WIUSKEV, White Lead, and Linseed Oil for
Bale- by J.- MOOUE.
,4 ( BARRELS Conemaugh Salt for sale by
T A BARRELS SALT just received at the Store of
09 HUGHES & WHERRY, Jefferson, Pa.
Julv 8.
The Great Combined CIUCIS and
nii:vA;i:itii: !
. Sands & Co. and G. C. Quick & Co.,
1ITILL give two splendid Exhibitions in EDENS
H DUUG, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 30th, for one
day only. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'c'io;k. Per
formances a: 2.1 and 7i o'clock. Ailmission 25
cents. No half price.
Afternoon and Evening.
These celebrated Companies comprise the most
numerous and brilliant array of Talent, Novelty,
and Splendour, ever before witnessed in this coun
try. J. J. Nathans, Equestrian Manager.
T. Erooks: Director ot the .Menagerie.
The Equestrian Troupe of H. Sands & Co. will
appear in all their varied, chaste and elegant Exhi
bitions of graceful and daring Horsemanship, form
ing altogether a grau 1 concentration of Equestrian
excellence, and a proud array of American skill
and genius.
The following are the names of the principal per
Mr. J. J. Nathans,
Mrs. J. J. Nathans,
Miss Emma Nathans,
Master Philo,
" Frank Pastor,
" Jesse Sands,
" George Sands,
" W. Pastor,
Mr. W. ltochf rd,
T. Drooks,
A. Pastor,
C. Bacon,
J. Lovett,
H. W. Day,
F. Hunting Ion.
John Lovttt and 11. W. Day.
ii. Huntingdon.
King Master,
1h.o Great Caravan of Wild Beasts
Is so arranged around the interior, as to enable the
spectators to examine the various Animals iu their
dens, either before or during the performances of
the Circus.
In the course of the Entertainments, the celebra
ted Lion eubducr, Mr. T. Brooks, will enter the
Wild lien-its arid give an exhibition of his su
preme control over these ferocious creatures.
to the c.. ire double Exhibition. The interior of
the Pavilion is Hrillianthj Lighted in the Keening,
by means of Portable Gas Chandeliers.
Convenient and eligible Seats are provided for
3000 Spectators, anil a Promenade afforded to Vis
itors, around the extensive Mmayerie, free of extra
At Johnstown, Monday, August 20th, and Sum
mitville, Wednesday August 31st.
3.'cw Cabinet U ai e (looms.
JAMES S. TODD Informs the citiens of Ebens
burg, and the public generally, that he lias
opened an extensive and varied assortment of Cab
inet Ware in Mr. Hubert Davis' new building. Main
street, nearly opposite the "Mansion House,"
where he will be happy to have them call and ex
amine his
consisting in part of Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bed
steads, Sccvetarys, Stands, kc, kc.
He will have constantly on hand an cscellcnt as
sortment of Fancy and common Chairs, which he
will sell lower than ever before offered in this
Every article ordered will be made in the most
workmanlike manner, of the best materials ; and
REPAIRING of all kinds will be promtly attend
ed to. His terms nreCASi!, and being determined
to 6--U low, an I keep none but good articles, he
bo;es to receive the patronage of a discriminating
Ebenshurg, July 21', 1853.
I will dispose of my entire stock of Watches,
clocks. Jewelry (of all descriptions,) stationary.
Hid the fixtures ot my suop in i-ueusum
thr iirt i' October, next. An excellent op-
p n tunitv is tlius af.'ordcd to any person desirous of
t-snrnsina in the bus;no-. as thir is the only estab
lishment of the kin l in LbeusVarg. fcaia ttcK ana
fixtures will be sold at co-t. A new to-siory
frame ho ise, an 1 h If lot upon which the same is
erected, situate in the borough of Ebensburg, also
for sale on fair terms.
For information, call upon or write to the subscri
ber, at Ebensburg. AVM. B. HUDSON.
Ebcnsbnrs, July 28, 1 8"j3 3.)-1 1.
4.Hollidaysburg Whig an 1 Huntingdon, Jour
nul cv-t,y tbree'tin-es and charge thiSy oMicc.
Notice to 5n33liceiers!
FT 18 OllDl.RED, That aH licensed taverns iu
I'nmi.ria c .untv. shall close their bars on Sun
day; and uny infringement of this order will be con
sidered a g.od cause for revoking the license of the
person so ohuiuiug. .
ivy iuc eourv,
T. T ln'KM'dV Dfrl-
fhnoouutv will insert three
is-v i
ties nna charge county.
Ebensburg, Aug. 4, 1853 40-3t.
TT ETTERS of Administration having been grant-
8 1 e l to the undersigned on the estate of Peter
Geer. late of White Township, Cambria county, ue
n,.ftd. All nersons indebted to said estate are
notlfip.I to make immediate r.avmeut, and those
having claims will present them properly authcuti
cated for settlement.
GEO. C. K. ZAIIM, Adm'r.
Ebensburg, July 15, 1853. tf.
Six Cents lleward.
I" AN away from the subscribers residing in Eb
enshuro-. Jonathan Evans, and Jno. W. Wil
Hums, iudcnt-cJ apprentices to tho T?lacksmi thing
business. All persons are cautioned against har
boiin;! or trustiug them, as the law will be enforced
airaiust any one so offending.
August 5, 1S53.
Davis & Lloyd,
TXAVING formed a partnership in tlic Mercantile
J.X F.usiuess, would respecttuiiy soncii me iu
tnmni- of thplr friends and the public generally.
Call and see us at tha old stand of William Da
April 29, 1852.
Always an Siand.
O TONE WARE, Earthen ware, Nails, Cast-steei
O and Salt, for sale by
May 12, 1852-29.
A general assortment of BOOKS, such as are
j. used in our common schools, for sale by
DA IS LUiiu.
Laborers tYanted.
r T.fihnr. rs nre wanted to work on the Ebens
3U burg and Susquehanna Plank Road, to whom
hberatawages will be given. Apply to either of the
Ebensburg, June 3, 1853.
-m -wn.ishpls of Reans. and 100 bushels cf dried
JS"1 Apples on hand and for sale at the foot
of plane 4, A. V
R. 11.
July 8, 1852.
w. e. nrER.
House and Ixt in Kleulurg Tor Sale.
I S the undersigned designs leaving this place
il about the 1st of October, next, he will sell on
favorable terms, all that new, two-story frame house,
and half lot on which the same is erected, situate
in the borough of Ebensburg opposite tU Catholic
church. There is a never-failing well of pure wa
ter, wod house and wash-house upon the premises.
The house was built but a short time ago, 5s well
finished in every respect, and in perfect order.
The situation commands one of the best views of
the surrounding country that can be found iu the
Thosa desirous of purchasing will call upon or
write to the fcubseriber at Ebensburg. who will
impart all necessary information concerning the
property and terms of sale. An indisputable ti:!e
given. i
EbcnsUn-g, J.ily -jS, 1S53 o'.'-td. j
Pl:sitU Koa'.I Letting.
SEALED proposals will be rr-ceived at the office
of the Lorttto Flank Road Company in the bor
ough of Lore 1 14, until 0 o'clock, P. M. of Wednes
day, the 7th dr.y of September next, for the clear
ing, grading, masonry, and laying the Plank und
Stringers of said mail, being four miles more or
less. Plans and specifications will be exhibited at
the company's Ollice for two days prior to the day
of letting. Likewise at the sumo time and place
proposals will be received for one hundred and
ninety thousand feet of three inch Spruce plank '.
feet long, and forty three thousand feet of etring
timber 3 by 4 inches, to be delivered at two points
on said Road.
By order of the Board.
P. J. LITTLE, Scc'y.
Au;. 12, 1853.
. . I)iMl.M. GILDCA,
Purgeon Dentist.
'( A'o 10 Korlh third street, llurrhburg, J'u.,
OlVFERS his Professional services to the citizens
, f'f Ebensburg.
Ajl operations in the above science performed in
the Host scientific manner. O.Tice at the residence
cf .Vr. Frederick Kittell.
lvensburg, August 12, 1853.
! J. I'atton Thompson,
! With Marple, Ellis & M'Clure,
J '-Il'ORTERS and Dealers in Foreign and Domes
tK FANCY DUY GOODS, Trimmings, Hosiery,
Gvu?, Satins, Silk Vest ngs, Cravats, Ribbons,
jte Goods, Suspenders, Combs, Brushes, But
ton, looking Glasses. He.
i . 15 North.. Third Street, two doors above
Clircli Alley, Philadelphia.
J. L ILL1S. 1
lfUdelphia, Feb. 13, 1 652-32.
James Dougherty, at
j UEIIIZLa, IVlftll t CO.,
"VViIOLESALE and retail dealers in Tobnceo,
1 Snuff and Cigars, warehouse at the South
wesSce-rner of Third end Race streets, Pldladel
phiiilntely occupied by Ludwig, Knee Her k Co.,
kec constantly on hand a large nnd well selected
stoe-iof the most celebrated brands of
Doi.stic cigars, and Snuff, which they fi.Tcr for
sahli as favorable terms as anv house in the citv.
Ordt promptly attended to.
Atust 5, 1853 5-ly.
JohParker. James H. Parker.
' JOIIV IMniiER & CO.,
"TTIIOLESALE Grocers, dealers in Flour an 1
Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old
Moingahela antl Rectified AVhiskey.
Ko. 5, Comicercial Row, Liberty Street,
i IMttsburs, Ia.
-;ut 19, 1853. ly.
Gecre Ehev. Levi Matthews. William Eths.
Irisea', m a tt i s ny s iw co.,
ll f'. ESALE Grocers and Cvmmusion Mer
l iinta, Dealers in all kinds of Produce and
itiirg Manufactures, No. 77 and 7'J Water
Stiist 19, 1853.
j'jl m'1)KV1TT. WILLIAM M'liEVITT.
"A"HOLE.SALE procers and dealers in Foreign
and Domestic Liquors. Rectified Whiskev.
Floup.acon, Fish, Cheese, kc, kc. No 311, Lib
erty vet, opposite the head of SmithCeld, Pitts-
hurci a.
D.i.W 23, 1852 9-tf.
ith thev are prepared to furnish cheap to
mcnats and hotel keepers. Warehouse 208,
MarVttreet, Philadelphia, l a.
F2, 18o:J ly.
EOItCi i: L I C'OTT & CO.,
TTl-l constantly on hand a full assortment of
Alias, Wi
r'ines, Liquors and Groceries general-
No. 17 North Water Street, and
No. 10 North Uelaware Avenco,
Eary 27, 1853.
A of! 3 orlU Tlilril ft., alinrc Callowhlll,
Kast Siilo, niUatlcIpnl a.
F constantly on hand French Brandie. ID 1-
n 1 Gin and a general assortment of FOR
A'lNES. ). All kinds of American Spirits, &C.
Win. MTarland and Son.
Allcshenv Street, Kollidaysbure', Pa,
)ULD respectfully invite the attention .f the
M public to their superior etock of Furniture
of sv description. Furniture of all kinds man
ui'f ed to order on the shortest notice. All or-
di4 m a distance promptly attended to.
1, 1852. Hotel,
Ebensburg, Pa.
T3i undersigned respectfully informs the pub
4 that he is now prepared with every requisite
f;ir accommodation, oud will exert every ef
f render his house an attractive and comfort
a'lopping place. His table willnlwnys bo sup
p,wilii every delicacy the seaiou aiforvla, and
hir stocked with the best of Wines and Liquors.
jareful and attentive hostler will have charge
oj stables. Ho respectfully solicits a share of
ril 23, 1853 tf.
ICxciianc E Sot el.
Eollidaysburg, Elair Co., Pa.
TIE proprietor assures the public that no e.xer-
iions wJl be wautins on lus part to render jus
hi home-Ike to those who call with him, and
is a of public patronage.
. lirJv. l'Uits.
i 29, 1852.
Ife lens) fl'il reltted the McMillen House,
'Jntc, tie Beuuct Hotel) in the thorough of
Jolcwn, There he will be glad to receive any ot
hi aids wiiO may favor him with their patronage.
111. also opened a bar witli a choice selection of
wiiiad liquors of all kinds.
A served to suit passengers who wish to tra
vel ihc I'a. B. R.
jjtown, Pa., July 22, 1853.
anjTjbeUstown, Cambria county Pa.
rrlundersigned. Proprietor cf the above no
il nforms bis friends and tho public that he
is vl repareu 10 iurnisu lue uesi ui nuiunnuw-
datlmd is determined to please all who may
callh him.
Cpcllctown, June 10, 1853 Cl-Cm.
Or-p-r,rt0riie7, t Llw Ebsbttrg, Pa.
IrKL on Main Street, iu the oflice
occuvied bvGtn. Jn MeD'mr.n
ice latelv
January 15, i
Attorney at Law, Ebeiisborj, Ta..,
11'ILL practice in the seve ral courts cf Cambria,
l Hiair. and Huntingdon counties. Germans can
consult and receive advicein theirown lanii.-ife."""
Oflice opposite the Court House, formerly oeciT
pled by 11. L. Johnston, Esq.
Eben.-burg, February 3, 1853 ly.
Ji l.Ml EL C. HlS(aRI),
Attorney at La, Ebensburg, Pa.
"7"ILT. practice in the pvcral Corrts r.f ( im-
?V, lri:, Blnir. nr. X iruntingdon cnuntiis.
Germans can receive advice in theirown language.
O.'hce on main stre-t two doors vat of tiie
store of Murmv, ahm i Co.
May 8, 151 ly.
uimncn iil:i:i,
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
"VATILL practice in lh several Cuiirts of Cam
T l,r::i, Imliunn, ami We-.-tinorelan J com.tic-i.
Office on Centre St., joining Gen. M Donald's dw ell
Jan. 15,
ii. e:s t ti sT .o.v,Tr.',"T
Attorney at L.iw, Ebensburg', Pa.,
-rirr .- . . . . .
l ii. u practice in tne several (.oiiris ot I ani-
v briri, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro
(essioiml business entrusted to his care will b
prompt'y nttended to.
Oiticeou Main street adj.duing his dwelling house
i:beiihburg, Juy i, 1853 2 't-um.
Attorney at Law, Hollidayebarg, Ta.
"V 7"! LL attend the several Courts cf Cm
vT county, as here t. dure. )!l;ce one do
of Win. McFarland's cabinet wareruom.
July 21, 152. lv
r west
T. L. CS:i iAl.
t- ttcrney at Law, Joknitown, Pa.
OFFICE on Main street, two doors e;.tt of the
Echo Office.
March 13, 1851. ly
CI' Kl'S L. I'JlSiSEIL'.X;,
Attorney at Law, Jahr-itowni Pa.
OFFICE on Clinton Street, in the Second
iif Good & Pershing's Store Room.
January 30, 1851 ly.
31. ilASSeKV,
Attorney at Law, Etessburp, Pa.
OFFICE in the Court Hou-.j, up stairs.
Aug. 21, 1S53.
Acicrney at Lrw Johnstown, Pa.
FFIt'E on Clinton .Street, a few doors uoriho'
the corner of .Main and Clintn.
April 23, 153.
c. v. vt:i:sr:i?,
Attorney at Law, Ebtnsbui -g Pa.,
"ILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
bria. Blair and Indiana counties. All pro-
fes-ional business intrusted to his c:;re will be
promptly attended to.
Ollice on Main sueet opposite Dr. Win. Lcmou's
E!,cnbur-. 28, 1653 27.
sji:i i:u.
Attorney at Law, Zbentburc, Pa.
OFFICE two doors est ol" Major Thompson's
jo:i s. kiii:v,
Attorney at Law, Loentburg, Fa.,
tl'ILL practice in the several Courts of Cambria,
Blair mi l Indiana Counties.
O'iiec, No. 4, Colonnade Row," near the Court
Ebensburg. Aug. 10, 1853 ly.
3iiCIIALL D4.X 3IAlii:iIAX,
Attornevt Law, Ebensburg, Pa,
FFIt.r., Ne.. 3, ' Coioiiuaae iiji.," l
near the
V- ( 'ourt House
January 1, 1851. ly
mciiAim jo,
Justice cf the F(. Ebensburg, Fa.,
""7"ILL attend promptly to aH collecvions en-
t V trusted to his care Oilice, a ljc-iuing Lis
July 21, 1852. tf.
l7co3i etti,
IJl-iPlTTlTLLV I..i.U.rx hiji ScriicCS to tlie C:t
L uens cf Ebensuurg, in the practice of Medi
cine and Surgery.
O.Hce iu Dr. Schneider's Drug Store, opposite
the Presbyterian Church.
June 2 !, 1S53.
IJai id T. Stomi,
Notary Public, Ecrivcnrrand Ccnvcyarccr,
7"iLL also attend to his duties as Ju.-.tice. Le
gal iiiStrunn-iils i f writing, such as dccuS,
agreements, Foreign Power of Attorney, A:c,
drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to
Lis care will receive strict tttenUon.
May 1 I, 1852 30-tf.
J aslice of the Pcaco, foct of ?1ac? IVo 1,
A. F. P.. 2.
JILL attend promptly to all Collections entrusted
I to his care. Odice, adjoining the Post ollice,
July, 2-tli, 1852.
Dr. Henry Veagley,
FrtcUsicg Phyiieiaa, Johnstown, ?a.
OFFICE next do-r to his drug store, cjruer of
Main and Bedford streets.
Johnstown. July 2!, 1852.
Ir. t;eo. 18. Eielly,
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens
of Jelfersoii and vicinity, in the practice of
Medicine and surgery.
Ollice next door to Mr. Lytle's Store.
May 20, 1853.
C. Slieridan, 31. I.,
I ERPECTFULLY ten ders his services to the
A. citizens f Johnstown "ul vicinity, in the
practice of Medicine : u I Surgery.
Oif'.ce at ihe Drug of Knitter and Sheridau
corner of Cliuton and Main streets. U-.'si leucc
Main street, second doorb;-hnv Yon Lucuan's store.
ir. s:. ritij,
ESPECTFULLY tendersbis services to the c;t-
izens of Sumiueriiill township in the practice
of Medicine and Surgery.
Ollice at lla'd'-Way IIjus?, Ci.mlri.i county. Pa
Nov. 24, 1S52.
DR. A. YEAGLLY having permanently located
in Jeft'erson, Cambria county, respectfully
tenders his professional services to the citizens of
the place and tl.esurrounding country, iu the prac
tice of Medicine and Surgery.
Ollice on Main street, where he can always be
fotm I and consulted, except when absent on pro
fessional business.
Jefferson, April It, 1853 25.
Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser.
IN the basement btery of Davis & Co's.,
I room.
Ebensburg. May 1, lboT.-ly.
N. B. Shampooing done, and razors honed in a
superior manner.
CarroUtown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
rfHK undersigned is prepared to accommodate
I in the best kind of Etyle ail who may favor
him with a call, and hopes by strict attention to
business to merit and receive a hhare of public pa-tronn-c.
May 20, 1852.-31-tf.
1. J. LVA NS.
rpiiE well known trm of hvaus j,B,lC, would
M- respectfully inform the citizens .,f rt,ebhur"
and vicinity that they have , just reccivi frei i tho
cuics of Philadelphia nud New York, aa !'.'' ;7."
assortment of I,(UJ"C
Spring and Summer Clothing-,
of the latest t-tyleand finish among which may b.
found Casimerets, Alpaca, SattiueLs, Tweed, Ct
toa and Cloth Coats Silk, S.ttin, nnj lancj Vts
tings of all sl.e3 and fja';ties, t-.igethvr with
Jarfro lot of Cloth, Tweed, Linneu and Caesimeie
BOYS clothing of every d.-scription.
Fur, .Ek, M, ifus-inn, and C,ir,
Hals floth Caps of the West Hv Sil- imI
Straw Runnels.
We i.-e on h'-n l Cl .tl.s, Oi'iH-rncv.p" Vcs
Hl,"s' T'!-kh we ale prepare ! tj make up in a su
perior manlier.
The geods have been Selected with the greatest, uud on the lowest csh terms whieh wi.l ca
ble us to sell f.j-rcr t.'tvii ive.,:
April IS53.
II til, Joasfou, Jiich, Co.
(I. TK l:i t.l., Jo.lV.-ToN, .V. V,.)
OlEie of Deprsit, Discount. & Excharrc,
TAMES M. BELL, Robert B. Johnston, and Wii-
7 liani Jack are the Aeiiee I'i-rtvrs, who a'vne
ir;;u :aci iae LUs.uess o! tuetil in.
Tilt viuta I'AitiM.m ai;i;
A. P Wd.-on,
Jocjih S.uith,
of Ih.ili lavs'iur.'.
V.'ia. Don-is, Jr.,
"iVi-i. P. Orliisnii,
of ilu.-it'.ngd on, Pa.
T. C. MeDuv. e:i,
Wm. M. Lloyd,
J.-.IH. S Doiiftiatou,
R. M. Lem...a.
ueo. R. M'Fi.rlanc,
Samuel W. 111. ode,
Samuel Calvin,
tiadcus Ranks.
Alex. M. Lloyd,
Baiier & Wats-jn,
of Guy.iport, Pa.,
J jhn Mi:ler, of Texpcr
anceville, Riair co. Pii.
F. Shoemalicr,
of i:Uersl.-.:ig-, J'a.,
Thu. Wliitc,
of Indiana, Pa.,
S. II. .Smith
Jeh:i Crolisc,
.K hn Cresswel!. Jr.
David U atson,
of Johnstown, Pa.
Jui.n - cL , .Samuel Dean, Juici M. Johnston. Wi
imsburg, I'a.
IQuf.''f twl u-ill he oJd.-L"&&
Collections made in all Tarts of the d St-it. c
Drafts furnished on l'Liii le-li.Ula, l'ittaburc ic
The usual rate of Interest, in such cases. nnr mi
Deposits for 3, 0, a.iJ 12 months. Other Deposits
received payable cn demand.
Jlolii laythurg, July 1G, 1S32.
Ir. f.'uysotfts Iititu
BottN". nnd is aoknow led -i- l f., 1... ),.. i.... .
SARSAPARILLA m-iJe. as is certified bv the Wo-
1'Eui i i. Crnna it has performed, the orignal copies
of which are iu the rossession cf the propricter.
louiexuutr, this is the ouiy TRUE and oi:'i;i ;ir.
m Ihe Medicine, when uscJ according to directions,
WEI Cnro, V.'iikout Pail
crofula or Kings Eii. Cancel-, Tumors, Eruptions
or the Skin, Erysipelas, Chrmiie Euro-Eves,
Ringworm or Tetters, iscnld Ileal Rhe
umatism , Pains in the Rones or Joints,
old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling
of the Glands, Syphilis, case
cf Kidney.-, Loss cf Ap
petite, i-'isease nr
rising from the use of Mercury,
IV.iu in the Side and Shoulders. General
D Jollity, D:vps-y, Lumbago, Juuiriicc and Costive
n ess.
CKji-Let all who wish to pnr the Hood from
the i.npuritics cu!!ira;uJ lVoi.i tic lice indul-enc
of the appetite during the winter, and to prepare
thj Eystcm to resist summer epidemics, resort now
to " Guysutt's Extract of Yedow Duck and Sarsa
pariila," which is proving itself an antidote for
many of the most malignant diseases that llcsb i i
heir to, ami tfiey will never be disappointed ; f; r in
this remedy the public faith has never vaYe"""
never ciu waver; for il is founded en r-' iL'"cc,
just as their want of faith in '"' 1 fl'urinu5
compounds is also founded'" lM'incnce. They
flv irom mineral uo t?,EC'LK h"I'e' llfo nu'i
vigor, from th-, 'A' r'Jtf-'J rcmed,,, therefore,
however l--'-1!1 ,lowu 111 Lea ah and spirits, however
j ti.-uie to himseif and others, let no one despair
recovery; let the patient only understand that
his hope of phisical restoration lies only iu "(iy
z vtt's Extract cf Yellow Doch nnd Sarsaparilla,"
and persuade him, fur his life's sake, io try it, and
we have no hesitation in pic-Iieting his s-j e.dy rcsto
ra'.ion to health.
LaJies of pale complexion nnd consumptive hab
its, and such as are debiiiate-d by those Cbs mictions
which females are liable to, are restored, by the
use of a bottle or two, to bloom and to i'or.
Scrofula and Cancer curt I hi Jr. G tosjtt' Extract.
oj 1 etotc Dock Hr.u Srmij-nrila.
4 r v
.- 1 IL 1
RlTLtiHiE, Grander ccur.ty, Tt-nn.,
April 27th, 1S5,'.
J. D. Tabk, Esq., Cincinnati, O. lear Sir: It
gives me great satisfaction to add my testimony in
favjr of 4 Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Deck and
Sarsaparilla," to that of the numerous cud hiirhly
respectable pe:gjnsvho Lae been benefited ty
the medicine.
My :fc has Leon suffering Cjv the fpaco of near
ly five years with Scrofula and Cur.ier, which, I
think, found its origin in the dernngi-ments of the
sys cm pcculb.v to her s-.x, v i:i!o iu tin: mean time
she vr;:s under the care of the must eminent Physi
cians in this section of country, without dcrivin"
any mat 'rial aid froth, their prescriptions.
Upon the recommendation of Dr. Cockes, one of
our Physicians, who had seen the medicine used
with happy ciUcf, I obtained f your Airents l:or
Messrs. Rice M'Farlaud," e-no bottie cf I'r.
Guysotl's Extract of Yellow Dock and S.irtapnrilla,'
and as my wife found r lief from that bottle, I
Vou:!.t some six bottVs, which she has taken with
the most nst..ri:shing l,eu;fit, fur I am pleased to
say it bus eutiaely cured her, for the had entirely
recovered fioin her illness, and the Scrofula and
Cancer are cured sound and v. ell.
Accept my gratitude. Rcpcctfa" v,
$5 3
a s
C-ry Blisi'Xcss Crr.irn i;v
mie r.-E cf Da. Cry.
sott's Extbact ok Yi i.low
Docie ash Sap'ata-
F.ejitviKW, Butler Co., Ta., June 14, 1S53.
Mr.. John P.uue, J) Sns : I wish to tt-ite, that
your excellent Mcdicln, Dr. Guysott's Extiact of
1 ellow Dock and Sarsaparilla bus completely cured
my son, u;.e I seven years, of un nggravated'ease of
s i re eyes. From May till September, f..ur months
he was coiif.n vl to a d irk ro mi un lcr the care of a
skillful j hysician who consulted able counsel. Ho
continue J worse for two months hen he became
enitrc.y blind. Jiis eves were fo highly inflamed,
and So Vi-.-y sensitive that when cove-rent with" seven
folds of dark bi'.k, be would scream from tho pain
caused by the light of a candle. He had no appe
tite ; had taken 60 much powerful un 1 offensive
in-diciue, that I could neither coax nor fcroe him
to tuke mere. He was reduced ti a mere tkelete-u
ami I elvimired of ever res te ring his eiht or
About thnt time I ?avr vcur inyuluable medicino
advertised iis a remedy lcr sore eyes, caused by
Sercfuht, o-id your agent in this place, John Scott,
Esq., recommended it to me highly.
1 purchased a bottle and gave it to my 6on. I
could see but little alteration in him for two or three
weeks. lie then began to imj rove rapidly, and
before he had taken another bottle bis e-yts wero
cer.iT'letcly cured.
Signed, Wm. C. Campbell.
I da hereby certify that I nm acquainted with
Wm. C. Campbell, anJ have seen Lis son when h
was iu the condition represented ly him, and havq
seen him since aud tuow that he is now iu c4
Signel, .Tons fyorr.
pi-TPrice Sl per bottle, six bottles for $i
Sold by JOHN D. PARK. Cin., O.
Northwest corner Fourth and Walnut- streets. .
Entrance on Walnut street, to whem aU crdcrs must
he addrt-ised. Murrny Zahm & Cc. Ebensburg,
Moore ft Kepler CnrroUtowri. John Ivory . Sotr
Summit, Johnston .v E lsou Jobnstuwu, E. 1. 11 ii,
dibraud Iudiann. ' C. Day Blairivillo.
August 10, IS 3. ly.
f I
t 1