I ''' tit . 1 t f - I ST Tint BLESSINGS OF GOVEHN'itKNT, LIKE TIEE DEW'S OF IIEAYEX, SHOCto SXJ DIST.".I3i;TED ALIKE U'l'OX TilE IUo.1 .1X1) Till: f.OW, TUT. Itlt !I AX! THE I'DoIl. NEW SERIES, EBENSBURG, FBlfi.?, ALGUST 20, 185 vol; i no. j. 1P 1 HI F ' ill LP yy sty It j?I S : Revolutionary war, what news was brought by ras one of continually not -.ci will be charged, i ravaging the surrounding, country, and had led ADVERTISEMENTS will be conspicuously iaser- one of the parties liuXat one time attacked the -The DEMOCRAT & SENTINEL is published every i0mc of the settlers that Ondega" v - Friday morning, ia Ebensburg, Ciimbrin counts, !,t,i' " t v. - r,rt . 7 the leaders 01 tue la-has that were - l'a., at 15! t0 per anuuni'i )uia u aivx)ic&, n j ted at the following rutes, viz : 1 square 3 msertious Every subsequent insertion 1 square 3 months at it It (j n " " 1 year " column 1 year $1 00 'Zo 8 00 5 00 8 00 i0 00 16 00 settlement and were repuised. When this was communicated to Jenny Birch, she wa very much alarmed, for she remembered the threap of Ondega at parting, and rightly guessed that be was endeavoring to carry the threat into execution ; but, on her making known business Cards with 1 copy of the Democrat l her fears to the settlers, she was assured that no n 1. ;. v . O , . . n ' ' t lull lw . r isentmu ver vear 5 00 , , i .i j i , ..- - f 00 BJL. Letters must be post paid to secure attention. i hand should harm her iiien? Tias a that could raise a title. The' Song of Steaiu. Harness me down with your iron bunt!?, Be sure of your curb and rein ; For 1 scorn the strength of your puny hand.;, As the t err pest scorns a chain ; How I laughed as 1 lay concealed from si&hl, For many a counties hour, At the childish boast ofhuuian might, And the pride of human power. When I taw on army upon the htnJ, A navy upon the seas, ' Creeping along, a snail-like b.iiid, Or waiting the way war J breeze; V.'hen I saw the peasant faintly reel, With the tod which he daily bore, Ab he feebly turned at the tardy wheel, Or tugged at the weary oar. "Thank you, Mr. l'ierson, I forgot myselt'," j'man leaning on his arm, and pretty children hang- tile to his g .urd. I andMr'.Birch stoodfor a moment looking l&flbuj:;! 1 ing fondly around, is I'd win I'icrson. It is need- ! things when you are No'.!: .il' 1! i ; tiT hi: re of less to say that the lovely looking woman i.s Jenny . Ii:it' safe anyh iw. They are looking go.irg in .o a crw'.vu : B.;L le-'oniy put ii:'- i. one of the loop-holes. " There is an Indian stan- uuia ri.tit Ov tne oak. but all the rest are on. IL-3 l ier.?on not Ji!' i. uu-y are looxm r at tiie i lire Inp oi ms Jieaii, lur u was eniirjy right of it, and if wc can .put the one out of tlia j church, and relating to the listening children the j toeo on. way, George can tret throusrh." jsaid Mr. Bhvrh, ! -story of tlte stniggle and rescue. i '-AVhat'-s the matter, Parker ''" in. pi: it o.i i of: ti, turning around to the settlers who" were await- And there are the parents of both Edwin and j the party, as the .attorney at lei .t u .in i T . : il : . i ' . t . i l t ' . n i i. l. ing the result of his scrutiny. Jenny ; and there is (horgc Blndi and his pretty j the hat. i ted to pull on j i,;.rs ; A Ctory for Kon-Adve-rtisers. Tiie following ccr:'.tat;-.,n c f Mr. lVrkins shoulJ e read by that intereatinvT c'.ass of bi!;:it-- Vl.eli be !- t - esse: Mr . .,- ,n SKv. i'A- c:ve! v. ,i. are too j.-rto au vert is-. ,J. at the s-ie.Hss of Jf . "",-' 0; i " "Well, leave that to me !" said a hardy b. ck- wife, and all seem so happy, woodsman. " AVheuyou fire a, volley to call the " Ho-v beautiful the se.-ne to thoc, attention of the.other J ndiarT.s, I will fire a Ti?y . u: ai 01 mu' ,ua 1,01 Oh, uothin.'f" responded Parker, ail light, of '1 llCDr, -aorced to, and at the moment of he Influence of Home. ing into the hat ''noM.iiig i: course: ' A-h Parker, Attorney at haw, Cen cord. New 1 b.mp.htre.' Certainly, it must be my hat." And airain he aitesn'-'.vd to simultaneous rop.irT. iieM1,y ,he o'l.f i: Of all the schools, there is none like that of 1 poll the hat on. wa- seen ta- iairvrm:0UT rsTTrrn. ry, r.'M stantaneously deorge issued forth from the jns- of a mother's tender care, will not beat responsive , how. l:i a state of mo.-.t to the truth of the sentiment we Lore quote. It i he at length turned U or. man in II- ! Amongfjhe most, earnest Ju, their : clJs Jiu. ! Vlii eTTh e r"fea i s w as i n l'ierson, a young man ! just one year the senior of Jenny twenty. He i was noble-hearted, handsome, intelligent, brave, ' and acknowledged as the best marksman in the settlement. There was a similarity of sentiment I between Edwin and Jenny, and they were al ' wavs happy when in each other's company', i As we have said before, all the Indians had ' lei t the vieini'y of 11 but Ondcga and his ; lolh.wcrs. lie had resolved to take advantage oi dlU,kv furm was sct.n sufli0K.ntiy t.XJ)0Scd to p- ther, who feels the responsibility of her position Liie Kit '. Ui llie r?i-1 iivi .3 .-vuiv n nat i. i.vii(j uivu SCIlt care. AVliCther we turn our attention to the caf a!'r-ic same I imes :- it i d a j). All. lies latK'ua."- Plti:SlV (peri c u-,e 1 the- , , 1 u Oi V.vii ". Th.-re-s 'lWiL,,u '. two cb-idteu jwn t. Neopoi ftU heaven he C nd a servant. uilA.r ,.f Tf'- i'oii. fiM.i r,t n a; t.nr-s' Trii.'r,7.i. ;? 7.p 'T' """n1? , u. rft- Vv.,,.i iur..T iiif i..,.;.dT'fo,...i i ;.f : - tt i . v . i , ' . v'' l i - ' " "v ; leu. i ixi nauii t a cent ucli lie Of 1 4 ...,A,w. . 11...... .1 . - '1 I L j t . 1 . - .". i ne i e-iiiiie ui'? 1 1 le ui' i ne . . , ai me couiicai i)iot;ons or Hie cmbarr. AMiat heart that has felt the sacred inlluences ! er, but he did n t ajx ar to notice it of home, and hast ngaged the priceless blessings j dutrioii.-dy endeavored to make the liat lit soiue- sbs.'l'.ile JicwiM'.-r sen tin. the h de-ired him to party, an 1, pre-- sage, and disappeared up the creek, without Ve ing noticed ly the savages. The night came on, and the Indians now let lire to the deserted dwellings of the settlers, viO were oblige d to witness the destruction of t'ir I 's m home of our childhood. irmid t!:e ct l . ..il . . . l . ! . ..QP'.r u..u.ii! . .f . ll.nl It... I.. .....I .... ........... T . . .. .. 1.4 , , jiieij-eit annul tne power 10 prevent it: nil -""e, .wuuin ui ejum, unai me- in.!: t ie- ; e.a.iiiiii. i i:e man rea.i .sa l ark. r, Ai the sharp crack of a ritie ever and anon, w..;j 1 ceives its first impi-essions of the world : and well m y at Eaw, Coneord, Ne .v Hamp-hire." tell that they were on the watch, and whenevera it is, if these first impressions are given by a mo- j ' All right v f course," exelaime-l I'ai a -rain atteniptui"- to pull on the hat a fair mark, it was sure to be instantly Uiel i 'd the importfnoe of a charge committed to her 1 still greater bewilderment. watchfulness, in consequence of the apparent va- ass,K.h and dom did the marksman fail j cation of the country by the Indians, to make a I Illdiall, toL, c,..,s faniisiM.(l tll(m , ! last and des;,erate effort for revenge. All his j British aireiits. but thev could not bebromht i.,. ?of eiime, or search the pace of history to lii.d a ! plans were matured, and he was ready to strike j t0 u.? as ,ilL. sctllcr!. wcrc sccurc V,eldnd the record of the lives of the great and lwI, we uit- 1 law- j ago. l.o ik at Idai now lives out of and in- ; ;l hu! si.- driv es ill atil rmf v.., v .1 ( , j , . j pciises must be large vet he seems to nt go, T l'o-,)c there is notld.. ro:. 'l'e'.hs!.:i!y. Then look at lie morrfv L- .-. name J f,r a ! .-rti-ing ! V.!iy, that is enough to vitor- j any man, I don't care- how rich lie is. 1 l.a ! V' -n in hnhics.s f.-r thirty years, and I can't ai- ier, loid a:iv of tJn-se things. Wouldn't I look well only to his j taking my wife down to NewjiOrt, and stavhij, there eivht Weeks ? t i.dif Act ks, indeed ! I set.L When I measured the panting courser s : peed, Or flight of the carrier dove. As they bore the law a king decreed, Cr the lines of impatient love ; I could not hut think how the world would feel, As these were outstripped z?ir, When I should be bound to the rushing wheel, Or chained to the llying car. Eia! Ha! Ha! they found w- at lx t, They invited me forth at length, And I rushed to my throne vvi'ui a thm: And laughed in my unknown strength Oh then ye saw a woadious change, Ou the eaithan! ocean wi le. Where now my liei y armies i Nor wait for wind or tide. Hurrah! Hurrah! the water. s o'er, The. mountain t'.ceji decline; Time, space, have yielded to my power. Tiie world, the world, is mine; The rivers the sun huh earl. est bio;.?, Or those where his beams decline; The giant-streams of tin- Q i-eii!y West, Or the orient !lrdi divine. The ocean quails where'er I sweep, To hear my strength rejoice, And the monsters o! the briny deip, Lower trembling at my voice; I carry the wealth of the lord of the Ciivt'ri The' thought of the g. id like mind, The wind lavs alter no fly in froth, The lightning is left behind. In the derthsorne d-pth of the fa thom'.e.'s mine, My tireless arm dj'h play, Where tiie rocks never saw the sun decline, Or the dawn of the glorious Jay ; I btiug earths glistering jaw eU up, From the hidden cave l.r'ow. An! I ma'.te the fountains gra-ntJ c-.:p, Willi the crystal gudi o'trllow. 1 blow the bellow?, I fori'e the stee!, In all the ships oi tr l ie, I hammer the ore an 1 turn the wheel, Where my arms o!' s! ,ene.:!i are m ide ; I manage th'i turn tee. the lui'.l, tiie- mint, I enrry, 1 spin, I weave ; And all my doings I put into p.-.::?, On every Saturday eve. I've no mu-cle to weary, no breath to decay, No bor.es to be " laid on the shci!.'" And soon 1 intend you may " go nnd play,' While I manage the world tryselt, Cut harness me down with your iron ban Is, Be sure of your curb and rem ; Fr I scorn the strength ol your puny hands, As the tcmpoat scorns a chain. the blow that, it succesilul, would send sorrow ! to so many hearts. j Nearly a week before the opening of our story, ; a large number of the most experienced and har ' dy settlers had left.' the settlement togotoanoth : er portion of the country to aid in the battles of liberty. Little did they know how much their I .......1 t m...... .seiiice.s iita li'.cei-.o ivi. iiuiiie. All the settlers in the village at the time were assembled in the church on the Sabbath. Not one. old or young, but was present. It was the Ifr T il o - i I'o-c;' tin.!, fo-- :i loon, ivbile tleif tiie livi viti-irii W!l J theirs (o hear the word of (!od spoken to them, ' 111 ('u ;avL' l'ie kmoiie.ss to teil i:.e who h r on a cheap excursion but 1 couldn't go my- j am : saia lie, more j.erjd.-xt d. ' Cert airily," said the man addressed: " veil arc As- i'arker, Altur.tcy at I.?. w. Concord, New heavy walls of the church. And where was Jenny Bin h all the time, and what was she doing ? At the first moment of Washington ness alike the inlhieiiee of home ofa mother's Hampshire." t , or a mother s care. ''Of course the hel l sacred by the ; And lie mail sai 1 P. on.- more tri D.i th it, 1 knew it." hat. the attack, she bad, with wonderful presence of American citizens, was blessed with a happy; jt yonM lie very diilieuk to say v. h-ther Mr. n.iiid, assisted in soothing the fears of the females, ;me, a rural home of elegance ; and more than , ln ker knew himself from a " holv'in t he -n.umV' and from that time till elark had not taken n, with a moUier possessing great strength of ' j,mV! t,;s ;,jS1..t. ,..t. j r0 i,,(,p,.,i ., . tuli ... self. I catrt aiibrd it .Jon't take in money enough to do il. And then to see a man spend bis money, just to let people see Iris name in tha papers and sending cards and blll.s ali nljut the country. Tewk.-bury bleeds freely f r Lis vai.i- ; t y, I mu-d confess ! They don't cate'.i n;e in that ! traji, no bow. It don't !j r.o geod ; 1 got a Io' , of car ls and bills priule-d five years ago, aii 1 j there they arc in the desk now. Noby ever a moment's rest. Most of the time she was en- I mind, and excellence of character, which the great and real the inscrioiion. and then at his friends for them. And then I advei thed four wet k i , ....... . I. l-l.i.l.i'i- T11-. .I I 1 '' 1 'I. j and they h 1 assembled to thank Providcm-. s their lives amid surrotir.uinj: u:m- I i- . ... . . I. .. I ! .. i ;.. I .ft..vr tl . 1 ii .. .. I .... I gageuin moulding Mullets, preparing relrcslmicnts i uaiicxmoneei m msaiiernie. Jiauu noi wn slii j)rLi;.,.rVL.d straight f;ic,s. and lor the hungry ones, and doing sundry other little j -,r tne benign mlluence ut his mother over the j f,;,.,. matters for the convenience of all. !!estiny of his early years, America might not j '(;,. julcmen," said P., with intci-'e c-niviv After the fears of the women had somewhat Mvc k,,own lhe ""'c of Washington, and the . ;f r am A,a Attorney at Law, tU.-ord I. i, ..i.i-...? iii.. l . .. . r. i . . I'.'.e oi ine reveeiiiioii migm nave ueeu eu'.niiv i v,.... n.,, i .... i :. i . i t , ., - s .. .....j. .i.iv, ct.at it i.u.3 .i.ic i".i. , l 1'arker, Atloijii-y at Law, Cm -or !, Nt came on. and when i!ir i should take some r; -1. ill insisted that d to their sue i!e- i Jeiin;, als,, the Birch nnd her parents were there and narenls of Edwin Pierson : but Edwin ! was not there ! He had accompanied lhe party ; that had left the set lentent. The structure where the services were held was j a substantia! hg buihli-g, and for safely fro ' attack, the windows were placed high from groun d and furnished with heavy oak shutt ! which were c-mtrolled from tiie interior t J b-.iiluing. The ioof was covered with a spec I slate. The building had Ken made as a j refuge in times of danger, hence the pc .Nivv to return : The services hod commenced, and th finished singin: shrill war whoop gat ion ha 1 j".-t hvmu. wh.cn the all to their feet, and at the sum. large oak d.Hir was throw n open :i with uj.hlted t. niahawk, sprang inio me etu reli, and close behind him followed scores of painted l i r T t i m m f I r i ' I W 7 ... of the revolution miglit have Ken entirely i'lilvrent. But a kind Providence had ordered rhcrwise; and through the iosin;met:filil y ofa Ii other' instiuctions, g-.ve to tiie world the i:ob!e ili; t his countrymen :' whose ats America will ncv- fail to remember, as t he source of her pro -peri - X, her nationali! v, an 1 her power, y were if' Napoleon, the giant iiitcuc.'i oj trance, always sj taks in terms f high admiration of the home of lis youth of the instruction received in his child- 1 lood. While in evile he is reported to have utter lin.d'v 111 a newspaper money turown away wasted: Teuksbr.ry is a fool, and he must fa;l,oouer or later. I'm soiTy for him he was Laterally clever fellow. It must cost him more to adver tise than all the money I take? 1 wishbone s'. i.'. thai tit:. urt 1 oi,. dl I have to.-av sires, but sleep visited luriiot that night nor ' ' ''isiiiictious, -. e io me uie,:o.,ie . ,J (),.r,),(W,.; s;.,f, , w ere there man v in that little castle it did vi.-it. : Hil'k' :f I,atri,'tiMn' hnor anJ v,rtufc-a ,,l"n i The Col. didn't tell u. . o .. o i .. 4 : i ....... .... i ,. .i .... ii... i..o , i , il 1 ; isi. l .1 u.1 , i.; s e in I 'e dee , .oi. i ill s u i .1 i i ie iie.ii l.s i - , . 7 to he I ' cai ..1 into seciii Oo'l v some- ; i ! laii lorememoer. as i ne source oi nor nro-';eri- mi. i , , ,-, ,, - iiis u-rst'u-iyeu i..czster. to Asa Hamp- lei . l . 1 1 i 1 .or. i'a;K.ci e".s hat. X. V. S;,irif. ej tliese v. c.rds, in speaking of hlj mother fetid i ne of die sub-editors of t!ieEvans iiie Journal, j gives the f .'Iowing rich scene, as having o-'currcl j alt a:ro: I fli-i-lunn it....!-.,.., 1... t 1 t. . 1 1 1' m ! i iv j - ....i.i l.VIV 1.1-.- I 1. i Hall wss.i. ..... y-.tiii th' "gree-n-eyetl iuo:i.s.tcr" during the i iitii e trip count of .some liule jittcn- ItV, iraiiv l uwl se'eiiied to Coot-i ff.i.i -tarehed up '-.Siivder." whomd : -V il- ft,,- hushand, was also a deck pass, eouente cvation. Mr oumion is that i ' " '" '""L " v -'1" "" ' uutr tnig- ; ftur; p.H,d or bad conduct cf a chil l depou.ls J '-"Tl''-"' t 'eing his wife rec-t ive and hw ingly iined mllets e set lome of In's j-outli : t . ,-.T,..i..ii: tin.: ill r siini n.. - is n wtiooi'i n i J umge, and of great talent. To the manner in from New Orle ans, on : l ot i dashm; r cer-iiy.-u sh0 formed me at an early age. I priu.tipallv ! ' Uv' '"-"nn'b 'a.s ai.-o a ucok passenger. Shortly ut in rc mv sv.bseonent elevation. Mronini.,nistl.at j i,f'T 1,1 - ''t's an-ival hrre he wa-driven to uttt r LS ilt jtitirely upon a mother.' t on l-i l.Tll IV.,.. ' .,... I .. V II 1 1- ( .......1... ...1.W.U...II1ULI Lii.1, s,;uiiii in-r i.jr- th e uentemm w ir whoop c-n warriors v their h;.,. Mr. Bireh was seated behind the eloor, and as the Indian sprang past him, with the speed of! discharge ol lire iintr the murn f.jus greeted them, carrying death to mr.ny of the ir number, commenced a fu ries attack on the door with their hatchets. The settlers continued to pour a galling lire on the savages ; but after .some time a break was made through the heavy oak door, sufficient to thought he h aped upon him and pinioned his admit the body of a man, v. h: n a savage leaped arms behind him. The next moment, the through. lie was scarcely inside the church i strong arms of one of the settlers had forced the ! door shut, and notwithstanding the furious onset ; made by the savages, he with the aid of one or two Other- cceded in effectually barring the j d.or, and all si, rang to their arm JENIJY SIRCII ; OR, THE UES A TAXE OF r.EVOI.l TiON'iriY HMES CiiArmu XL The JL?ce. cues will oi'ira follow an abrupt surpri.-e," strii rran After a short but fierce rc-le, Mr. Birch in- a. s. KAKr.n. CiiArTEP. I. The A'.hicL. It tvtis a bright Sunday afternoon, in July, 177G, and the inhabitants of K had as sembled for Divine worship. Itis necessary that we should refer our readers back that they may know the existing state of things in It at the time of the commencement of otir story. sitcceded in securing the savagew ho had enter ed, and now the stubborn captive lay panting on the floor. All was confusion among the women and children : but in a few moments, by a little effort on the part of the pastor, quiet was resto- ! red. I The Indian captive was placed in a safe place, j i and measures were taken by the settlers to ren- j der the defence more secure. They were well armed, all having taken their weapons to church with them, and there was a store of ammunition and provisions, in a vault beneath the church. The savages, after having been defeated in their efforts to enter the church, had drawn off to a short distance. Ondega was much chagrined at when his head w as cleft by an axe iu the hand of Mr. l'ierson. The Indians now poured through the apper ture, and, although they met with a desperate resistance, were fast accumulating inside the door. The door w as e.r. barred by those w ho bad reached the inside, and a'.l rushed in eager for blood. But they were opposed hymen lighting for their loved ones and homes. The settlers no longer used rifles but resortod to their knives, and the manner in which t'hey were used showed that il was no new av capon in their hands. But it was evident that this unequal contest could not last much longer. Although none of the settlers had as yet lieen killed, scarcely-one but was severely wounded. The savages out numbered them two to one. Seeing the despe rate state of things, Jenny Birch seized a toma hawk which had Ken thrown down, and rushed into the thickest cf the fight, and for a moment that tomahawk was suspended in the air ami when it descended it carried a messenger of etcath to a bloody savage whose tomahawk was pending over her father's head. i the failure, and was vei-v active in Ids endeavors The war had been waging with great fury, and ! tf) p,an M,mc,hillg that ;vould .nlct his purposc. the little settlement of R had not been ex- j r t1ll, cirt ns,llt ATl. v.W. h nnd i-mpt from tlio ravages of the ruthless savages in f hIs goa Gcorge a fmo Iad 0f eighteen years, had j mont hostihtit's wrc su.-pendetl, the employ of the British. Numerous attacks dt.seended into the vauit of the church, when Mr. s1uaw ! biu'"3t Sf-multaneoiusly fro- had been made, and several of the inhabitant ; 1h.cll removed a door disclosing a dark passage, had been killed ; but all attempts at a general J . 0(.or;,e said Mr. rch, " you know where surprise and massacre had failed as from the su- . lhii. itadto the old oak by the creek. It is Such was the language o e terror of kin's. and died forces of the in.-l powerful nations of Eu dm who had been xvanl Lo Tcvl himself upon the ,.s . :, l.i. .t .-...t ,t... ! boat. io . i'.iui'.i eii.i 10 il. e i ic. A declaration honorable to disappointed ibition, and vanis-Iicd greatness. It conveys to steritv a lesson not easily to be foivotten: ami w -"'" ne j.mng..-i : i lie wile tdsl.es the evidence- tl,ii"f nn.i.l the s.-enrs of I a-'d attempted to follow" him, but wa. "All, Kathleen, you hkes d-.-r tail me all der w hik s, so mine Cot I d: -death." O'.erboard be '.lun-d 1 '1 chalk of the r so bi-tter as 'Ls myj-'.lf ter ljody would buy me out trade is, so dull." All he said about Tewksbury vus true t:iouft!., with the slight txccjitii.u that 'I ksbury w aa iu no danger ( ffailii g. That very thivg'ihat rui.iui. thought w ould fail him, was that v. l i b kc t him up. lie began busi.iess with uo'tj.-g lut LL; brains he let the people understand where he was, and what he bad to give them for their mo ney, and he got a great run of trade, which i:: con stantly increasing. Perkins lost his busiuesii jt!,t as -- lia customers died oil' or went oh' he took no steps to get new ones, and the con sequence is, that he is living on what he made twenty years ago. lie had better td,ut up Id.; shop than try to live in these times without ad vertising. Header, areyou following in the track of your friend Perkins? If you are, either shut up your shop cr pitch into this great public if you don't do the latter, your t: editors w'ill pitch into vou and -.hut voc un. I Eolieve. ' J bdUi-e i (Jud the Tv'Jf.r, .ll.m j.ty MJ.cr of i".!ftit Mai (arth." So -.ays a L autiful child, ns . itlcdii; k, holy nage through which he passed, he did not for- j ".v passeng tl... .lt..n;:i,Mw i.n.i.n to ..I,,,,, 1..-. ,1 I,; ! ago:;:-ii.gly en: j l i . Ua.ili'.liliUli J V 11V1 IV It 44VI.4 ."'f c - . J islence. We mig:i.t iiuoic the tcslimon . She fe ted he r-Sh i lit their names upon the page of history, to prove lav much depends upon home and its associa- tiis, to lay the foundation ofa future character ; : ajl first an 1 foremost anion' these influences, j ik (li isc exerted by the mo! her. The activities j life the responsibilities of power and station, , never drive from the ln-art the recollections of j horcu to co:i.e Lack. j but no i.ieorge anpcariu ; she piomi -e 1 ttuwavcr ,,f.,i who have ! eoiivtancyiucnased alfoc'lO'l the soiiilof de votion and saLmis-ion lie seemed should manifest, but noihing save (h ters gave response. Slie then shrh' ag:iia, when upfrem the w ater h: e an aa -wir : 'I'm now .-o Heal aster very tivi! ter Snvder once more any time again anxious she milled wa : d for him in came e hour v hen youth received its lirai impres ns. The testimony of thus cirnnmes upon the scroll of fame the uuniis- keable voice of experience the unchangeable j ivictions of the human heart, are alike c.mnu- ; in ascribing to the influences of home the j .4 ponsibility of individual character in after years, j Vi condition of life can obliterate them, cr destroy j icir Ic'aitiniate eifoct. I if you kiss : an dif vmi no more kiss him and loves mc so good and better as you loves him twice, vv den I comes back mv- vho 'iavc in-crned 1 "-'A 1 no likes ter tailor to git me for his bruelder- m-law nut mein ife." n.tt A wild, delirious cry of joy escaped the woman. She promised fidelity upon her bend, d knees w dun slow iy from beneath the guards of the boat emer ged the half-drowned Dutchman. 11- bad imu.a ged to gain the cover of the guards vvi'hout bein 1....S-,,,... c,-..,,. , c es upiiiteu, sue rcicais tue Apostle s cn-w. ed i . ., , . , . " , . - , , . i.m. v. iiat v. o'.i!u uiuiiy a in fiii-iiiU cen-.-i cr.m H.nlur kmes, ami I... maigi. e, couiu lie uai say wun eanaeii purpose, "I believe!" Ihit darkness shrouds soul and spirit. lie has lost the childish faith taught him at bis mother's knee, lie can foully reuu inber the far-off home the calm hour when bethought every star the presence of an angel. When the; glorious hill seemed the guarded tents of GedV trea-uies. When the melody of a bird, the cu-' ii his f i ling of a flower, the argosies f whito , i . .. r . :.t.i i , ,:i: :.. n i clonus, mi i cy ireigmcu, baiuiijj iu uw aiu.i j the blue of the upper deep, wafted his little; j thoughts to that great mystery vLhh while 1 j felt, he comprehvDde,l nyt. 1 believe! I tun vou say it, widow, chngui- L" the c1'' cold form of Jll vou hwed o- "lrth ? Can 3'U-J avn into the Uaik grave: over the fust barn discovered, and there' supported hiir.s'f abov ! d. Harking a Hat. BY JOHN 1F YOHX.. About the time of lhe inauguration of Pre-LIeut -i .iill,ii,i-.n ,inif..l 1 i i-l.-i-.l- ll, loll 'mi ill ( Uncord, ioined in the sreneral rush to witness the This was seen by the savages, and for a mo- Lat , .ration. Our friend, who i.s an attorney t.f and squaw . 1 i)mcllol c .has not been much of a traveller, but from the lips of I f ,..,,. Xew Hampshire Patriot, and is well each one. t ., , i :,ir, !. Bii-.miii.r U'.VIllU LUilt Llieiiiiue Cilia laji.-.i n. .......A1 At this moment a shout proceeded from the .....m-ellas and hats at hi- hotels. To guard to the rescue to say that since lh n Kathlei-ll has bi ! voted wife, and h-ldi the tailor ;:i v.ttc tied. per.,:;p n a mo ,1 .,!,.-.a- n an-.;i' say it, orphan, le.ki;; i i ... ,- ; t i....-i in i' e .en eiei -s.i ie, i.- ' l , sobs, waxy flowers in tho dear Ci.'.s.i.li t ieL,i .1 .. . .. i I...1...M r. ... I , nan 1 : can o-i m jv, uuu-i, k- Ii on lhe my 1 .cm oi w tial. lory .f your old l you say ii, mother, by the couch of jour in1 ifid one, ou v. hose brow the halo of won.ua 1 paled unkr th- vhite flag of death ? , , ,-' i Tf you can, pea.e, su-h as the world gircta Bi i-FFiK.s v WiTXLss.Iua.i. -ticetVeu; down j ,v ,t ;V vcii unto you v s -ions of angels asci tl 1- East sometime since, a U'-1 v. as tint..:- w ay i -i j ,:ifr .,n.l it. seendmg ana nguiing up ness of vour " vr'-Ky of tlu: i waters bv the timbers. It U ne dlcss. m rl.:;i.s. , to be the stall' and glory oi your i-U age i . . . h lade creek, ami Edwin l'ierson sprang with his brave followers.. Ondega caught sight of Jenny as she stood with bloody tomahawk still . . , i r t i 1 penor skill ot the brave settlers oi t. uiey , l)lt a fuW rods anJ wl)en you thert wait tin were enabled to encounter the Indians in their j , u j ft! , Own mode of warfare, and were always on their ; " j undt.r the larcc root, and when you cet out iu her lian'. ani1 with a fiendish whoop and ui guard. run as fast as you can, and with as little noise as I Iiflc"1 toniahawk, he sprang towards her to strike Having failed in all attempts to suqinsc tue j p0;;f;n.,ie till you get out of reach of the Indians, settlement, the Indians suddenly disappeared ! aud tla.n you kll0w wl,at todo Now go, George, probably in search of easier .prey. But there was i aild niay (;( )d Fpecd y0U) and granf that you may one among them, a young cliief, who was still j bu t!ie instrument of saving all our lives. Keep determined to acconifilish the object, and he had j ,,()od t-01ir;l.rC r greater inducement than plunder revenge ! j " father, I will !" said the noble boy, and Ondega, the chief, loved but with the wild j,,-;,,;; his father's hand he entered the passage, love of a savage the - brightest and best" flow- j :,Ir. 1;ircl asc!.ndcd to the church, and step er that bloomed in the valley of R . Be- J pin? to lhe ,iddiu f ,h0 rol(IU said . lore the war lie nau euueavoreet to gam the maid- i i ;,rn t i:l.nrwi;ini!,.oi!iii,',i,r n.i en'a consent to become his bride, and be the mistress of his forest home. But the lovely Jen ny Birch had smiled at his vivid and glowimr representations of happiness, and endeavored to teach him that a white maiden could never bo happy in such a situation. But he still perseve red, and she at last refused him kindly and de cidedly. Ondega 's love was now transformed into a bit ter hatred ; and with vows of revenge he disap peared from tho settlement, and nothing inore IT.M keard him Uil the Ireakiflg out cf the we must do something to divert the attention of the Indians from the oak, so that he may get out I and go to Edwin." " Wecan fire a volley into them 'said a setthr. "Yes that would be a very good plan," said Mr. Birch. "Let me get a look through the win dow." " You had Utter take a loop-hole Mr. B. or some of the red skins will shoot you" said Mr. Pierson, laying his hand on Mr. Birch's shoul ders, he being about to mount, a bench to look through a window, the deadly blow. A rifle shot sped through the air, from the unerring rifle of Edwin l'ierson, and Ondega was stretched lifeless on the l!oor. Ills followers, now without a leader, were easily con quered. Wc will not attempt to dcscrPx; the happy scene which followed. Husbands clasped wives and children to their breasts, the good pastor, although severely wounded in the conllict, knelt down and offered up thanks to Goel for their deliverance. Jenny had swooned from over excitement, and was in the arms of Edwin Pierson, who at length suc ceeded in restoring her to consciousness. The wounded were kindly oared for, and in time recovered. Ondega received a decent burial, as did the rest of his followers who had been killed. Therein the centre of tliat little village, in the year 1798, stood an old time worn church. Jt still stood as a monument to the bravery of tho early settlers. That livbJ, looking man, with the Ivtiiiful YTQ- . , . i . - c i li i : tf -amst tne loss or exchange oi i.i. new n. trefore, Mr. P. got a printer to strike him Oil' a ; irinch square card, upon which looked out el j crown of his hat, in bold two line pica, VSA PARKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE. there was a great rush at WiUard s on Inau- ; .in a- i.i.bvd lli.-i-n v.-'.s a perfect jam j. ,UV.I sl-V " " , - 1 - e fyw here and our friend Pf.rker foimu some di'ulty in getting uVc.vn to the dinner table al i r with some of his townsmen. The dinner w j a fine one, the champagne delicious, and lu tein hour's silting, the New Englamlcrs left the tale hi the merriest mood imaginable. Now, fellows," said Parker, as they emerged fb s the dining-room" " every man look out for hiiwii hat ; I've got i mark on mine that no ? can mistake." ijut there was a mistake somewhere, notwith-stt'ling- It was some time before Mr. V. found hidVat at all, and even then he lalored under the imression that it had grown a trifle older since he lent to dinner. But the xlacard was in the cr-in, all right "Asa Parker, Attorney at Law-, Coicord, New Hampshire," stared Liia ia the fttcj, as he looked in the inside ...... iii. -. . ties;. ass. iu ciittiiur u"' '"''" 1 iscs w ilhout :uit'dy- One of the plaintill's wit- j ti,e thought. " ihcy'Tr&.it fjr me on the ether msses was . l1''" oM farmer, whose testimony j ,1,.." And the great triumph of belief shall go went clcariy and directly toprove the charge, i he , i,.v,id in hand v. hit the v ietory o er death. dcu n.bmt's counsel, a blustering man f brass, r.f- t .ii.'iroved fashion cf i-eumtrv l ettif g- tci-memo 1-t.rs, thought to weaken the for In- nroving- idiocy to he a trait there lore inlUTOgatcd him thus : 'Jlr. ,youh:lvc a son w h i ce e.l his C Melle'C f his family. He III H '-Yes, Sir. "Dm she know "Yerykule." "II IW ;'',; d.H'S !'. (h)Ki'iKNi'i: to tub ItTTitii. The rroiiihr.ee Mi-ror tells the following : Rather a strict disci plinarian was lhe "loss" carpenter of w hem w e 'heard tell"' a fow days since. "Boys," said lie, "whin the Ull strikes for Lut when the bell t Villi " t!l, a'.inos i" oil C " . The wit ne: ;t nothing ; liul much more than was allowed to retire without fur- i nron. von can drop your woi ii ; strikes, for one o'clx-k I unt you to take il up again. It was jvii long before the bell struck lor noo.:. as one ol the harlds wr driving a nail ; he immedi ately d'- oiiiicd his h.i:r.uitr,h.-.vir.g the nail half dri en. "When the Ull struck for one he compe ted the driving: of the mill. This was more satis- ther questioning, amidtt screams-of laughter. the mos.t uproarious factory than the performance of another workman' a ladder some feet front the ground. who was on w ith a bundle of shingles on his back, when the ZJ A gentlemen passing through oe of i bell struck. He imnitdiitely let them go and the public .dliccs w as allionte.1 by some clerks, started for dinner. As the market report.., say, and was advised to complain to the principal, Ulungles had a downwaid tendency "l-on- that which he did thus: " I have been abused here fimc. At ota: o'ekk he com nu--.ecd athi-nn by some of i to acquaint y principal." by some of your rascals of this place, and I come ! p the scattered slmmles. to acouaint 3:ou of it, as I understand you arc the " Boys," says the boss " w c will make iu- shingles an exception to our ruie. a, as be look-eel m tne msiuc. . 4 AH feUvwa!". said Parker, raiiiu? Uw 1 twla7-v t0 slan,i try A rood old minister prayed for those of his congregation who were too proud to kneel and carry- r-yjit Springfuld. Mais., a lady sent the fol lowing volunteer toast: "5'pn fc eld bachel?ri( j the evergreens of society.'' 1 6 ! I! if! ii M-i ssK -r"li 1 ' ' i I '"