The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, August 11, 1853, Image 4
II .! . '1 t ' 1 MOUNTAIN SEiXT IX EL. Prance Tie United States and the Sandwich Islands. A correspondent of the Aty..ny Evening Jour cal, writing f.-ora Honolule suys : "Owing to difficulties between the Hawaiian nnd French governments, groiring out of the duties on bran dy imported ben?, and some oth?r causes, it is not unlikely that the American fl ig will be hoist ed here in a few months. Thero is do doubt here t'iat Mr. Allen, United States Consul here, was sent hoJia by this government, to ask, in; the mme of KamehameLa 3d, protection aga nsc the French ; and in case the United States government wonli not. or con id not, ct-imriat interfere, to offer to ceie the sovereigaty of thess islanis to the United States and have them an nexed to the Union. All classes hers are keen ly alive to this subject, the Americans hop'nyfvr it, as the means of greatly increasing the trade of the islands ; the English in a rage about it, foreseeing in each a measure a death Mow to their commercial interests in the .North Pacific. The French men-of-war will be here in three or lour montfcs, when, unless there is an American As medical Science discovers and designates force Ler to prevent it. I which, by the way, we I , ,. . . , confidently nct,) they will doubtless enforce! tbe remedies nature has given, one by one, tt.e their demands against the government, by that j diseases that atSict our race yield to the control ticat conclusive of all arguments, cannon balls." j 0f art. Of all the maladies we suffer from, none Coi2ril"ees ' as cftrru'' Iflore victims to an untimely grave The following singular coincidences will be i tLaa Consumption of the Lungs. Subjoined we found interesting : Alexander the Greit was : ie some evidence that this too may be cured, born on t'.ie Cth of April. On that day Le won j and that Pulmonary complaints, in all their two of his most important victories, and on that) forrns may fce rcui0Yed by Cheeey Perron ai Le uied. On that day his father, Philipp, ! x t . . , roninered Poiiden, and on that day Parmenioi j SI'ace wul not rcrmit ns to publish here any I'hiitpp:s general, overcame the Iilyrlans. Pom- i proportion of the cures it has effected, but the per the Great was horn and died on the SOth of Agent below named, will furnish our Circular, September and on the same day triumphed on j r hereon are full particulars and indiepu bis return from Asia. Augustus was adopted by i , , , . , Jaiius Csar on the lOih of August, and on the ! tabIe Proof of tLeae fiict3 19lL of August Le died. The wife of King Henry j Sufferers read judge for yourselve's. VH., wa born and died on the 11th of February, j For Influenza ami Vhooping Congh. Sir Kenelm Dig by was lrn and died on the 11th Nashti'Ie. Texs.. June iUth 18-j1. cf jane, fame day He c.'uquered at Scandoroon on the ..nene was brrn aniu.e'ron(jood I ndny. Shakspere's birthday wrs alsothe day i th April 231. The 21lh of February ) of bis dei was turice memorable to Charles V. of !pa;n. , ae the day oi ni? birth, the day cf Lis viotory ! uiwiisuue, '"g or r ranee, an I tiie day on which he received the Imperial crown at Donoma. C'harlea II, of England, was born and restored to the throne on the 25th of May. The Sd of September was marked La the history of Crom well as the dute of the victory at Dunbar, also of that at Worcester, and as the day of Lis death, pays of the week have been signalized in a sim ilar manner. Tuesday was a day of note to Becket, the English saint On Tuesday the lordi passed judgement upon him at Northamp ton, on Tuesday he went into exile, on Tuesday lie nad a Vision in which hiq dnr.m ttci s fnrvt.l i to him, on Tuesday he returned from exilo. on laesuay ueoieu, ana on Tuesdav was can. -I Wcdnes lay was the lucky day of the celebrated Pope Sixtns V. It was tho dey of his birth, the day on which he took orders, the day on which he was made General of Lis order, the day on which Le was created Cardinal, the day on which be was elected Pope and the day on which he vras inaugurated, nenry VII, called Saturday his fortunate day. as that on which J, ..;,i tne battle of Dosworth, and that on which he en- tered London. It is remarkable that four of the j uuors in succession died on Thursday, bco-in-mng with Henry VII., the second, and endin Kith Elizabeth, the last of the I'm. The Secretary of tie Treasury. The New York Cuiu:nereM thus describes the personal appearance of Mr. Guthrie : "The Hon. James Guthrie is a man to.ntU-.ict observation anywhere. Of good stature and stalwart frame, Jie is plain, almost rustic in his attire, and sits erect and firmly. The countenace is strongly """"J. aa wouia indicate, even to the mot BuperSicial observer, Lieh personal integritv, j great energy of purpose and power of will, and generally almost rigidity ofcharacter. The first i impression of harshness, however, rapidly sub- oue continues to that noble, frank, clear countenance. The stronger lines become more manifestly but the traces of thoughtfulness, nnd a habit of reflection. The inner man shines lortn ana you feel that with strength of charac ter is blended a genuine benevolence, that ever and anon beams from the eye and plays around ttlA mnntK Tl. : 1 . . . I ie impression instantly made by dine- of Pl,mMt f this happy blen most pleasing. - Before you are aware how deep ly your feelings are interested in the gentleman, you detect yourself divining that Mr. Guthrie is just tha man you would like to have for a friend that he must be an excellent neighbor and ad vuer ; that to a young man especially, his coun sel and oversight would be invaluable ; and your faith in the man grows as you study him until you almost wish you had occasion for reposinc 0 ' vumaiwi 15 wnovauU.5 -I Ll XJ 1 III. ueeins not to know, or part, tn l-nnir the rhetorician. TTIa mnda f Ti Vi fcavonnS somewhat of the desk or pulpit. But he speaks directly to Lis subject, with point j . "Nor is this feeling at. all abated, but rather ?W JTsey -idlCJrl rT increased, when he sno?iUa r. i, u "oi- Henry Cla3', U. S. Senator. ess rigid than the features. A sli:rht susnicin-, I IIoiK 1 iilrslb At". Ambassador to T of dogmatism which however, has been nearlv en-J'maeI. uInes' Resident of Chili. obliterated as your study proceeded is totally T' wer, Lord Bishop of Toronto, benished now thnt. b. sotc tt x - Rt. Rev. Bishop Kcese, of the Meth. Eris. Church He la eloquent only because he is earnest ' ITa Archbishop Pureed, of Cincinnati, Ohio. ; ' A.n Agreeable Operation. PREPARED AND SOLD J2Y JAIiES C. AYEE, An observing correspondent cf the Springfield ! Practical ami Anal yt leal ChcmUt, Republican, vho has been writing from Vienna Lowkll. Mass. gives the following aransia" decriDtim of tl.lL Sol i in Ebensb'g by X1. Kittcll, and by mode of W tf -cnpticn Oi the Druggists and Dealers ia Medicine every where. mode of leave-taking among tho people out August 19, 1852-44-Om. mere : . ..a Pacing with my friends in Vienna, I was initiated into the mysteries of an Austrian leave taking. It consists of an ecdless series, an in definite prolongation, a labyrinthine maze of hearty huggings, warm embraces, affectionate equeezmgs, and cordial kissings. . As long as the "hp service" is confined to "lovely woman," is by no means disagreeable, but when a burly individual, whoso face fairly bristles with hair, whose checks, whose lips, whose chin, present one unbroken phalanx of stifily pointed lances, encircles you in his arms, and imprints on each side a salute that nearly takes the skin off, and makes your face tingle with pain for an hour af ter, the sentiment, the poctrv, the eiTervesence, the fragrance of the thing vanishes entirely, and it is converted into a most nauseating penance. But to refuse your Austrian friend this farewell ralutation, would be to offend him mortally. I was doomed to undergo this excruciating ordeal o. friendship several times, therefore 1 speak feeung'y on the subject. I have often been1 amused at the mutual efforts of two natives to penetrate (he thick "chapparal" of each other's faces, in order to find a clear space sufficiently large to implant a token of their brotherly affec tion. What ia better calculated to provoke a emile than to s?. this, with us, femiuine mode "f greeting, e.iohanged ia tbe street between two hairy patriarchs of sixty or seventy winters. . - $3"The farmers of Iowa say it is ' almost impossible -to 6lep Bt night on account of tlie racket.mad3 by the rapid growth of the corn. Tbe World' 8 Temperance Convention assm Vjt3 on the 1st and 2d of September, inN. York. OTORA For the Car f coughs, colds, hoarsexess, broxcditis, whooping-cough, croup, astidia, axd c0xsoipti0x. "Anl ly the river, upon the bank thereof shall groic all trees' f-r meat, icLouc leaf shall not fade aa-i the fruit thereof shall le for meal ami the leaf thereof for medicine." Here was hope for the sick recorded long ago, and dls new proof to the assurance that these promises shall no fail Sir: I have rer.eatedlv used vrnf Curnuv :PtTor.AL for ulioopnig Cough and Intiaenza j and have no hesitation in pronouncing it a cm plete remedy. Four of my children have be cam- c-n atxlicted witn thcs-2 diseases, an- the tree vise of almost irtant Pectoral his aUva va alTorded relief. JAMES GLOVER. We attest the truth of the above statement. M. M'GINTY, Ed. of the Nashville Whig. J. M. ZIMMERMAN. Druggist. FOIt A tOASCJIPTIVE COUGH. PIttsburg, Pa., Feb. 25, 1851. Dear Sir: For three years I Lave been aflllc ted with, a Cough, so distressing that I frequent ly despaired of recovery ; much of tho jime I was obliged to sit up all night in my chair, as my cough would suffocate rue when 1 laid down. Having used many remedies without much re- l:ff I .it last tris. fho Chprrtr IWtrml -r;w.Vi under Providence, has cured me altogether. 1 am with gratitude yours, JAMES AFCANDLESS. Tills ta one of the nnmcroas Cures of ASTiLUA which nave bten atcrtdiUd to CUerrjr Pectoral. Albany, N. Y., April 17, ISIS. Dr. Atek, Lowell. Dear Sid.: I Lave for years been afflicted with Asthma in the worst form, so that I have been obliged to sleep in my cn&ii" for a larger part of the time, being un to breathe on my bed. I Lad tried a great inany mcuicines, to no purpose, until my. physician prescribed, as an experiment, your Ckehrt Pectoeal. At first it semcd to make me worse: but in - e-.. v.o.i.x.,, grau.ymg rener irora it3 use; ana now, m tour j week-, the discnscrtb-ennrelY lemuvr-J. I-cinH sieup 0:1 my oca wuu comiort, ana enjoy a staic of health which I had never expected to enjoy. GEORGE S. FA RANT, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. From IliePrc.ldeiit of Amherst College. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, M. D., L. L. D., &c. J.C. Ayee. Sir: I have used your Cherrj Pectoralin my own case of deep-seated bronchi tis, and am satisfied, from its chemical consti tution, that it is an admirable compound for the relief cf laryngeal and bronchial difficulties. If my opinion, as to its superior character, can be of anA service, ycu are at liberty to use it ns jyou think proper. EDWARD niTCHCOCK. Amherst, Sept. 12, 1849. f", , V ' u"uuu"ulJ B,UB01n"? no 1,ave ,ent cir names to recommend tins Among the ! preparation as the best known to them for af fections of the lungs, are : President Perkins, Vermont Med. College. Hon. Chief Justice Story, Sup. Bench, U. S. A. Paof. Valentine Mott, New York. Prof. Cleveland, Bowdoin Med. College. Prof. ButterSeld, Ohio Medical College. Canadian Journal of Medical Review. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Charleston, S. C. Medical Review. nrkey. jy eminent personages countries. Not only in the more danjrerous and distress- ing diseases of the Lungs, but also as a family medicine for occasional use, it is the safest. j pleastantest and best in the world. Administrator's IVoticc. I" ETTERS of administration having been gran J j ted to the undersigned by the Register of Cambria county, on the estate of Daniel Knep per, deceased, late of Summerhill township Cambria county, all-persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment, and those having cliinis against will pre sent them, properly authenticated for settle ment. WM. PALMER, Administrator. . Jefferson, Juno 23, 1853 35-6t. TERMS. The "ZIOUXTAIX SEXTIXEL" is publish ed every Thursday morning, at One Hollar and Fifty Cents per annum, if paid in advance or within three months ; after three months Two Dollars will be charged. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. A failure to notify a discontinuanc at the expira tion of the term subscribed for, will be consid ered as a new engagement. E3 A D VER TISEMEXTS will be inserted at the following rates: 50 cents per square for the first insertion; 75 cents for two insertions; $1 for three insertions ; and 25 cents per square or every subsequent insertion. A liberal reduc ion made to those who advertise by the year. All advertisements handed in must have the proper number of insertions marked thereon, or they will be published until forbidden, and charged in accordance with the above terms. C.A11 letters and communications to insure attention must be postpaid. - A. J. RHEY. - . A CARD. : '; j FIR. A. YEAGLEY having permanently located U in Jefferson, Cambria connty, respectfully tenders Lis professional services to the citizens j of the place end the surrounding country, in J the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Office on Main street, where he can always be found and consulted, except when absent on j professional business, i Jefferson, April 14, 155325. J AMES BELL SI730IFT, CO., IA., FTAS the pleasure of announcing to all who would secure the be.t bargains to be offer I in this conntv, that he is n?s:a in the field with one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully selected ctocks of XaI2 and Tinier Gcc2. ! Ever brought to Cambria county, all of which Lave been purchased within the last few days in Philadelphia and New York, with particular re gard to the waiits of this Market. 1 again fling ray banner to the breeze, inscribed with my old motto of Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attention of purchas ers to my stock, which will be found uhus ually large, varied and attractive, being full and com plete in every department. Everything new, fashionable and desirable will be found embra ced in my assortment. Fartieular attention is solicited to r.ew and beautiful styles of LADIES' DSESS GOOSS. which I Lave just received of late importation. In Gents" wear I defj competion, and confident ly invite an examination of one of the largest, cheapest and best selected stocks of ready-made clothing, cloths, cassimeres. &c, ever brought to-Carabria county ; comprising 1J colors and qualities, which I will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfaction. Also. caps, bonnets, BOOTS AXD SIIOKS. of the best qualities and latest styles, together with rueenswarc, hardware, groceries, ealtbooks stationary, Sic. rr,Thc highest market price pr.M for kinds of Produce. November 11, 18G: .KEEP THE WHEELS IX MOTIOX ! IjOR GOOD AND CHEAP EUGGIES call on ' the subscriber, nt his Euggy and Sleigh Man ufactory, which is now in operation in all its various branches, in Dnncansville, four doors west of the Mountain House, where all will meet with good work and as cheap as it can be made anywhere. ALL WHEELS 110 VXD. Just call and see the work if you do not want it, for it is wcrth locking at. His buggies and sleighs are as neat and strong, aud nlittfe better than you generally get in this country. Far mers, for your own good, and to pave" money, before you purchase any articles in his line, yon had belter call and see his work. He will give you as much for your produce in work as von can got any where. In short, any person wLh- inga uurame, neat, cheap nni comfortable arti cle in Lis line, should give him a call. JAMES M'CLOSKEY. Duncansvllle, May 5, 1S53 2S-3m. T-YI:o:csaSe and Retail Oolliiiisr store. Snazait, Cambria County, Pa. Coats, vests, pants, Jiats, caps, shirts, hand- B.tiu.Mt.-., cravats, noots, siioes carpet-bags, trunks, Sc., sold cheap forcah SumTQlt7?Tny 17, 3553 -3(i-tf. J SMI. KO. IS. KCLLGY jnFFERShis services to the citizeus of .Teffer 1 U son and vicinitv, in the practice of Medicine ttii i-'u.n;. uuce next doer to Mr. i,ytlc s store. Jefferson, May 26, 1853 31-tf. Valuable Farm Tor Sale. fjlHE subscriber clTers for sale the farm he now 1 resides on, situate in Carrol township, Cam bria county, three miles from Carrolltown, con taining about 250 acres, about 100 acres of which is cleared and under good fence. There is an excellent apple and peach orchard on the property, composed of a varied assortment of productive tree3. The buildings consist cfa two-story hewed leg house, a tenant house, nnd two good barns. The wood land is well timber ed with cherry and poplar, and there is a good saw-mill seat on the property. If desired, the farm will be sold in two parts, each having erec ted thereon suitable buildings. Application will be made to the undersigned, residing on the premises, who will make the terms of sale easy and give an indisputable title to the purchaser. FRANCIS GILLESPIE. Carroll tp., June 2, 1853 32-2m. In the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, Penna. The Common wealth of Pennsylva nia to Linn Boyd and Ann L. Bovd, Ids wife, Peter B. M'Cord and MaryJ. M'Cord, Lis wifft. In the matter of the es tate of James Rhey, de ceased. UA MIJRIA CO UXTY, SS. You are hereby cited to be and appear before the Judges of our Court, at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Ebensburi, on the first Monday of September, 1853, at ten o clock in the forenoon, then and there to accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of JamrsRhev, deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon it by an inquest duly awarded by the siid Court, and returned by the Sheriff on the f,th day of June, instant. . Witnejs the Hon. George Taylor, President of said Court, at Ebensburg, the tenth day of June, A. D. 1853. R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk. Ebensburg, Jane GO, 1S53 3G-Ct. t LABORERS W.ilVTED. " LABORERS are wanted to work on the Ebensburg & Susnuehanna Plant Road, to 50 whom good wages will be given. GLASS & HUTCHINSON, Jr. Lbensburg, June 2, 1853. S Always on Hants. TO!NEWARE, Earthen ware, Nails, Cast-stee and Salt, for sale by DAYI3 & LLOYD May 12, 1853 20. Pennsylvania Rail Road. FROM and after this date Passengers taking Feats in the cars without tickets, at stations where there is a ticket office, will be charged ten cents extra. W. W. IVORY, , Agent Penn. R. R. Co. Summit, July 23, 1853 30. MMS & Wl EXPRESS, yi W. IYORY Si, CO., ACE.WS, Ts'lLL forward all packages of goods ormoney, H daily, except Sunday, to all the principal cities in the Union, and all towns on the Rail Road between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Drafts collected from California- Drafts sold on Ireland, England or Scotland, from 1 up wards. Money for drafts must be par. Summit, July 28, 1853 39. WAY FOU GOOD AlfD liiE.u' mm. fittn ft g-4 t o. t rt Vi ii.1. be opened this week at the brack Eiore' r T Mr Tii i ! Together with any quantity of prints, deUines, lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other dress goods. ALSO A LARGE and good assortment of hardware, qucenswore. sauaiery, ciotliing, Ftationary, Unicrs. &c, &c, Persons wanting boots and shoes, hats and wanting boots ana shoes, hats and. rein one kit.m ot ioa to nnotiur, J r. s l rr,!!..' rady made clothing, will find it to thcir:Pain in the, 1'ickhig atJLe N..s , I.'ar'.-! : to call at the jress and Fullness of the lielly. Dry Cough.! ISricU Sore. l Slow Fever, Pu!se Irregular reinemWr that all capg.or re ' advantage Tha subscriber, thankful for past favors, ear - nestly requests Lis customers, and the public I generally to at least call and examine Lis stock; and price it is not Lis fault.' Produce and lum- ber of nil kind, tV-r, 5n v- vnuxiw cull. :tm jtrrcsII 111 "MiaiUV I n,l 1,-r-iRii e J. MOORE, Ebensburg, April 28, 1S51. eobert kkeet. eobebt GALEiuiTir. j such that it stands ithout an equal in'the caU- COACH 3I1SCFACTOUY. logue of medicines in giving tone and strength fnriE subscribers would respectfully inform the10 Stomach, wLich makes it an Infallible none but the choicest material, and emolovinri i-fl-tx' o.x;x. j none wn iue icst, worh-men. tney i-cpe to con- .""' "t:,i iw u -ircy ci . j itir j-oicfr orer the aWo ditt, r. , vince all that will do them the favor to examine i al 1::at ,nfe5t tue Lninan system, it grows to an i if tvif?ai l cther "rr ? trceLrxJ their work, that in point of durability, appear- j ost la definite length becoming to coiled uud ', i:,t,;,d S'ot,, c the rures atfeFZt0 ' ance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled by anv j fastened m tho Intestines and Stomnh effecting! ,-r iiirur rfticiara h fai d similar establishment in the State or elsewhere'. ! ':e "-at" s;.dly as to cause- St. Titus Dance, Tlu-se Piters &r woi thv'the nr , Persons wishing a bargain in the purchase of a 1 tCC- .tb.!lt tiiosc afiiict-d e?1 d if . ! --'.- jr. lzzz- "rent irt ' h D -E" carriage, will consult their own interests by : I ;t tl::U lt 15 Tal' Verm hastening them to an ' cat?cn cfMofL Iirrr'lnVi 5" giving them a call. They are prepared to fur-i tall-r f- 3" rder to datroj this Worm, a ' c-serr-Mr the'r-ovt .carel-ir ll e?Se.rC acfs niih the foilowinc kinds of Vehicles, viz : j VCIT nergc tic trcutnu nt must i.e pursued, it ! nes aid -Tff ct-c n t f the di-oetf ln Euggies of dlffcrenfqtuvlnics and prices, chvould therefore I proper to take H or 3 of nv are withal f( t-, I? rSans' 1 1 a . " i i,;c ia Un mr,it .TICQa, i 1 . . . . . ' - all rouches, Chariotees, oneffiid two iorse PocLa-l 'lvcr 1 l-s B0 1IS to remove all obstructors,' Tl-att'da mo-'I-r-wMI err. f r ways, close quarter Eiipf-c d C-spring Coach-1 th,e. ori;l rP 'y --t direct ur-n tie Worm, 'and Dvsriera "r on ca'i t0-,nrI.Mt rs; second h.nd work of uifferent kinds, &c.. I ch must Le taken in doses cf 2 Tablt-svoon- ptntcd It Ufl,,!i.U makin- ft t.t ..; n ' .1 .t falis 3 times a .lav the i I- . . . 13 --pcc "J tLestomach nr,j making ft. vfinotr th tvII! 11 t n . , - - purses. Impairing d,ae with neatness .nd de - nch. Ebensbur- June 2. r.. - ' IV CW GOOBS. The subscriber would resnectfullT- ir.r i,;t friends and customers, that he has received andj - 1VJ cash or approved country rrodnce. Hp r,i;-;t examination of hie stock, and is confident Le can sell cheaper than the cheapest. GEO. J. LODGERS. May 8, 1851 SO-tf IVew Ciiair Uiurntf isclorj . The citizens of Eljensburg and vicinity are nformed that the very place to j:urchase CHAIRS, SETTEES, CCCIAELTS, AND STCCLS, of the best manufacture and most elec-unt finish. ana at lower prices than at any other estabiish- ment in the conntv. is at thi mnr !,:. t..., J ' A XJ ir a . , . . ... 1 Atimiaisiritor Xollce. i No rart of the svfetein i ..iftr. k-vi., .v,- LETTERS of administration upon the estate of ' eape th"n tlie Lirer, it serving ns a f-ltcrer toNiSnv l"e written "ffnatare of C. Jf. Daniel Hollen, deceased, late of White town-! Trify the blood, or giving the proper secre-iv, - V, n'ol tbe. tapper, and Lis name ship, CamTjria connty, Laving been granted to I tion to ,je biIe J 6W tua tv wrong action of . n 13 tLe without which theyare epu- the undersigned by the Register of Cambria the LiTer effects the other important parts of!r,p3" , , , county, all persons iiKettcd ful cst-np ore! lie system, and results variously, in LiverCo.i-- .-r.? - 'e5'l e nncI detail at the German requested to make immediate payment, and ; J T r- .Tsrr.-ti, vspepsia, &c. We thould, i l?'"c.e tw, 3.-a Arch 3treet, one door those having claims agninst said estate, to pre-S therefore, wate eve. , iv t! -L ', .t !-! , L-lxh i uila.ielpLia ; nnd by respectable sent them properly authenticated forsettlement. ; '1C:lte -a wrong action.. f the Liver. Tiit-se I ills ' "",""ri ff'rajly through the country. ? THOMAS HOLLE.V, Adminutrtrlnr, " llciE? composed of Hoots tV 1'lantg furnished bv CIUtXG iii.ulfED. PUF.PE I10LLEN, Administratrix. ' tur ia J.Cil t!r k : 'v-wdr. tt. Au '.'-! To eoJe nil rinses of invalid, to enior in i. t 1 1 1 - 1 ijiv. vpcmijj;, iii in- tiure room lorrneriy oc- u,lt.. iiti; pivos c nc snl - ' - ' " cupied by Richard Lewis, dee'd., a JJire and ' tren?t31 in the nervous fysterr, rene wing Lealtl-' general assortment cf goods, consi-tin Tn'part ' avA T1?cr t0 aU fart3 rf ll,e boiv. 4th, A Cu'h- i T fcoKSe atld Retail of ' jtfrfce, which acts in perfect harmony with the! TPS', COPPER, AND E'HXET-IEO'S" DRY (700DS, CROCEI2IE3. HARD W 1JIE i ctLcr "?redints, and operating on ihe Bowel j f Vt " " "jpnv Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. aliK rl'i2 the wLole mass of corrupt and vi-l Ti -, . , , of which Le is determined to tell tiated matter, sn-A Muifvinff the Rio.-..! r.i.T.T, ':. "Xl . . t" method of return-. iaciory, in me siiop lorrneriy occunied by David!... , - .-o . . iioocnsaci, GLAZIXGf JIO USE and SZGX PAIXTIXcly fS new aaJ Zl Vendt" U executed in the bet manner and latest Ftvle. S1n A&nts m,iet n'3- Ppm ! - JOHN L. STOUGH. dt" Proprietor, J. N. Hobe-nsack, Phiia Jel- . p -XCitemenf. Ebensburg, Nov. 27, 1851. Cm. rL'' ra; , ,r lN ."""."t tLe warehouse of the under- For sale by Murray, ZaLm & Co., and E. L1 p!ne1 .wllo has on Land and will sell at the Administrators R'otlce. Hughe, Ebensburg ; A. Durbin, Monster ; John- lowest r"3 J ETTERS of Administration Lave been grant- f' TJ'1,n5t?vn cCIoskey, Summitville ; E-. Spr7?? CF ALL SUTPS, i ed to the undersized, hv t vVSJIi J ,och Kee- ssx nil!es of Eben.bui-: aud i?.0ns'!lns. .complete: F7c- ed to tbe undersirrnc(? hx- hp l?n-;ctn. r c t - j ci..v. v : Cambria county, upon the estate of James Rhey. .t i in - ... .. .. " ucucastu. au rersons inueDtea to snifl pstalPli.,. , ... ... . are requested to make immediate payment to 1 .1 1 T ..t A.Z . ,. . ua, iinu moat; ua.ving ciaims wiu present them properly authenticated for settlement. T." a XT n Tin m . oijo.ii iiiiii, Jiaministratrix. ANDREW'. J. RHEY, Administrator. Ebensburg, October 21, 1852 tf. J. B. CFAIG. JAS. 1). HAMILTON. Commission rorvar3Ing. fiOIIE subscribers would resteetively inform 1 their friends and the public that they arej now preparea, to receive ana forwara ail good : . i . LUlj . 1 Ll . J CM LU Lllt'i I 1 ?1 It. f V 11 II V OT T 11 I..Tl. r. f by Central Railroad, and hope that by strict at- . . A - . 1 ' 1 . T . , 1 .., , icui-iuii iu iiit-ir uusiuess tuat, mey win oe ena bled to render perfect satisfaction to all that will patronize them. All goods will receive the greatest care and attention. CRAIO & HAMILTON. Jefferson, March 15, 1853. E-scSanse ICotel, Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pa. fpliE undersigned respectfully informs the pub 1 lie that he is now prepared with every requi site for their accommodation, and will exert ev ery effort to ren.ler his house an attractive and comfortable stopping place. His table will al- j ways be supplied with every delicacy the sea son affords, and his bar stocked with the best of Wines and Liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will have charge of the stables. He respectfully solicits a share of patronage. JAMES MYERS. April 28, 1853 27-tf. A fresh arrival of Boots, Shoes, Summer Hat3, Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw Bonnets, Powder, Gun Caps, Shot, Lead, &c., received this day and for 6ale at thecheap store J. MOORE. June 26, 1851. 2000 pounds wool, butter, eggs wanted by J. MOORE WOOL, Butter, and all kinds-ofGram, V V taken in exchange for goods at J. Moore s store. The highest price paid for wool at the store GEO. J. RODGERS. "syiHSKEY, White Lead, and Linseed Oil for sale by J. Moore. 40 Barrels Coneiaaugh Salt for sale by J. Moore. This "Way! For the highest prices are paid for hides skins and tanner's bark in either trade or cash by J. MOORE. JOD WORK acatly and expeditiously executed at this Office .... . ...... i nt-es of a people is at nil times of tnt f t vl- uable importance. I take it lor granted tLat? ! flt all sacrifices. I ft-vl it to be dv duty to ?-!- . emnly aesuieyon that trornt, ace!r'linfr ti the' jorinions of tLe mcst ciebratcd Pbysi.-iAns, re: ! the primary causes -f a large majority of die-i ' oses to which children and adult? are l::ibl-; jf you mi ve an tippciite continual! v cbsngeai.'.e from one kind of food to another, Pad F-rPnih. ' tLcse !enotcs rKA, and you eLould at tnc- Ilcfccsssjscli-'s Worm f-'yrtip. j " TT V SnU&c rruic-.ple. , f opt-uuued v nh pun-lj vegetable f ubsuincts, ! i being perfectly sule whin taken, end -n if ' .rV I 1 " wu" Diarrhana Lave made them weak awl debilitated1 ji. . n " . i iue ionic properties oi my Norm Svi-up are . . . i j I'iUs IiniCS a tlav tlios tV.rtx.t:. fJU,.-,,v.r , '"Te. er been known to fail in c. 1 ii. the meal ! ob.tmate case of T,re Worm. " j ! I . . I'ffjvT-trir, wiiicii aumnieiits 1 i . . T T . ' iie 1 uuiioiiiirv iiiii'-i;s n-'.i ' .vi r n . . ..... n.r uiscnarge ci secretea matter. 2nd. An Al-tfma-ive, which cLanires ir srT(?r'T,';....i.i. .1 1' insensible manner the certain i.-.c-Li ; - .'.. - TO I' -r at t- - l o will find these Pills an invaluable medicine n maoy ccmrlair.ts to which Tou ore sn! i.t in obstructs cither total cr" partial, they Luxe been found of estimable bemfit. rcM.rlr. tLe'ti functional arrangement to I,mt, i, ' rV." uwnu.r uisrriin: i-.wi regions Leai:. t purifying the blo.,1 and other fluids ek-ciu ! !! ' r rcrreT tnV Z TT'c ully to put to flight nil comrdaint, T.;m. n :!f.,r A , t0 ,n!4nuf?cture arise from female irre-n?!,ritl..c ... i,.. giddineps, dimness F 1 ,.,.1, f "r. ' back. ic. " i . O f i ( f-Onm nt nr. c -7 T M i , , w, Kcjserk McDowell, wholesale agents, No.l7'; V-"-" I;JVOrife f Iilhr9 Cook ; Key ooa street. I'lttsbur Who will sur.niyi'.. , agents at the Proprietors prices. tfi nee, eacn o cents : : July 22, 3 55. lfiiZ .TJ1Z. This delightful and popular article in the best prcparati.-n for the hair which long experience and scientific research has produced, either as an article for the toilet, or Us beneficial ctrccts in ail the disrates to which the human hair i' ..ui-. ii i" iiiii-.iii io me roii"iiet atucoar- i - - . . . . . l bum nair iue most neautuu: appearance, entire ly civausing it irom an impuritie , i ... . But while we assert that it is the best .irti-V!e the hair or scalp, such as the falling of the haV5 , to . r JU.I dandruff, pimples, or sores on the scalr. c it is, perhaps the article which hi.s c;iMn decided satisfaction in every instance where it has been used. " Its operation in case of baldness is recu'i-rlv .i, :.. . . " J ' c., - .v utiLum , tho permanent gifts and graces of nature. It is possessed of a character wholly differir." fro-.i the Oils. Grease. Restoratives .v trhSh Z now so numerously foisted on the public, under the pretence of being newly discovered for bald ness, gray hair, &e. Storr's Invigorator has now been tested for years, and its efficacy has been proved by thousands, Every year its reputation and 6ales have increased, until more of it is consumed annually than of any other preparation for the hair ever offered to the Amer ican public. It is compounded on strictly sci entific principles, and the proprietor will stake his reputation on its efficacy. its extraordinary cheapness places it within w-..,, .iaces n witmn tiii.t, r.u i ii iii, in iiuiucruiij. wnere otner ron.o. : - . dies have been tried in vain. STORE'S ri'FM ! 'Ll ' . ?"rK w" recommend l ICAL IN VIGORATOR has superseded the crii-i- 1 cp-AU,kin,,s of country prod ments cf art. bvreinatst;r.- in C,ii niw.:.i. !liulJnSc Ior Work. . lauiuy, aim its con i j iumoer always boueht. and a laree ceded value msurej it a place on the most luxu- quantity constantly on hand for sale nous toilet Cash always paid for lumber cut "to order cV ior saie by the proprietors price 25 cent such as suits the nrfnt aa r .i. - C. I A MKT 'n 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth , ;:.' v . 1 utiow cixtn. by ired. Kittell, Lbensburg ; James tit; G. Muckerhide & Co., Johnstown. . I or sale Bell. Summit December 10, 18528-ly. WM. DAVIS. JOH.V Li.orr. Davis Si, I.IoyZ, Having formed a partnership in the MERCANTILE BUSINESS Would respectfully solicit tho patronage of their friends and the public generally. Call and sec us at b old stand of William Davis. April 29, 1852. COHPLAIXT, vniTs TrrrTTTTv tatpx-ic-c- r T0T7S TrTLlLlTY, DIEEASZ? C? p.nd all diseases tr-is'r-frcm adie- crdered Hrer or stc- roach, sucTi as constipa tion, inward l-iles, fullnets cr blood to tha Lfcd, acidity cf the stomach, uua, Leart-Lurn. difguet fur food, fni:n, or Might in thestorotcb s'.ur iructations. sinking or fluttering at the'rit of the .'U mteh, fivriuituineof the bend hur llci End dir.crU 1 reathing, fluttering at the 1 eart, choking or suffoca tir.g Sensations when in a y. ing postur?. dimness of .i'ion, dots or wels Lef r the Eifrht fever and dull be T "n in the Lead,' dlff.cicncy or perspiration yel lownss of Cue tkin and eyes, pain in the fide, back, chest, limbs, vc, Fuuiieu flushes constant iinrtgitiir,gsCof evil and great i depression of ej-irits, can be effectual! v cured by I ' D2. HOOFLAXD'S BE. C. II. JACSSOiT, Al Hie German .'ledicfne Store Arcn Etreet, Philadelphia. ... ' ' J lucoioiua 1 ci.nei. ll U'JIS . i r TWVi r f v.rrt I ,7.. Ie 1 ct is irncS ti Ajm5n:e J' .?, ilJtL.P. Can X -i saiety aca , t; 1 ". in 1. 1 11 1 r r r 1 m 1 j Look well to the marks of the Genuine . a';v:inti-!' of thrir rrr. t v,..,.: For siieby Fred;?rick Kittel Drrtggist Eber- 'r.So - , ''Iir.fftown. n f , 1. 7 tl.e u n-ral nt r..nn l.nvntr.r, v.,. ! O' I U Di ill 1.1 1 I ' n i .. 1 , . . . - r . i , i-- io miorm tnem tnai constantly or. iwmd a 1, J iZl rietv ..f v., c- , ... lt . . . t. " aI Eurj'r, ?' k ' i i' which he w-.I t J' ?' 4 V' A' "XV V;.', y"?T reUxl. a. low u i ,r.r.e , " .1 "V" !,"c,'fe.5! BOuw. nd on the U l.urcU4tfi? ';Iis of ware, are res- , lltu.0 invitea to call, as he is prepared to sell ; mvm gooas eoualk i rf.r .... k u.j l.l . , ' 1 Jl , . .V. . "r "esr ari, orders ad ly 'I n"n -"1 burner. Parlor stove ; Hot jtest sty.e and pattern which cannot be excelled or equaled. Come and see them, and don't for get i0 iTiri? vour wife alonr Jf i. (s" -t"t r evpry description, done on the S McLnSS f?."r warV" Uten The nndrsigrcd h-pes. by a strict attention j to busing, to receive a liberal share of r-ublic i patronage. GOHC.E IURArp Ebensbur- JuTv l-, -"-v-aaij TAILORIvr:. j . rjl HE undersigned infernis his customers that i.iiu iti iviitn .v . .i lnctAi. .i: i ber still tly oc- be hacnv , 1 riner patrons and as many new ones as tdease to -i!l : ! r I"e5J?tt ,to CU- He receives regu ' ?- j"k anJ iJadelphia the 1 , Kl0ns ftTld cannot be beaten either ii i5f;lI'C-Vr.,Ilt "f I'ants or Vests, by rrguiinj atest in the ! lauor in the country. He respeetfully . a?K the Dubiie t,t j.,- , . . - iu a can, nil u con- tself. uce taken in LEWIS BEYNON. April 20, 1S52 tf. Ezcklel Eluglies, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. DEALER in staple and fancy dry goods gro, wholesale and retail fish : hardware and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron Eheet-unc, stoves of all kinds, stove-pipes and shset-jron ware, tin ware, copper and brass kettles, &c. &c. Grain, wool, butter and other country produce bought and sold. . . ALSO, " u'" wiiiio pme, poplar, ash and cherrr i , . , --iiui vi iue uar&eb .l or ne7 e,is M embraced in the rcceivea and more open lus for ' sal at the lowest market price September 23, 1852 49-tf I "i-i. SCHOOL. BOOKS! A general as.ortment of BOOKS, such as are used in our common schools, or sale by . DAVIS & LLOYD. Adams &, Co.'s Ilxpress. JB. CRAIG, agent will forward all pack of goods or money, daily except Sunday to all the principal cities in the Cnion, and all Lht towns on the Railroad between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. i in!T T