I MEAGHER FESTIVAL IN BOSTON. The Meagher Club of United Irishmen and the Meagher Rifles, of Boston, entertained the patriot and exile, Thomas JJj:cher, with a grand bnnquet at Faneuii Ift!l, in eommemora tion of his thirtieth bir:L-Jay. Several other military ccmpatka ofPron alio jrdned in be celebration. Deputations i-i civil and military associations aue::ded frorri iew York nnd roaaj other places. Tue military weieiofull dresa uniform, an I a larje nnsiocr cf lad.es also beiu in attendance, tba affair was truly splendid. Altogether, about- seTen hundred persons were present, amonj whom was Mr. O'Dosokce, who so recently escaped from Van Dieman's Land, and whose adventures were so remarkable. Capt. B. S. Tkeaxor, of the Meagher Fines, presided on the occasion. After the viands provided had been disposed of in the manner customary on such occasions, letters of apology were read from distinguished invited gcests. This being done, the following toasts were proposed : "The President of the United States," which was received with all the honors; "The Press," which was responded to by Geo.. Roberts, Esq., of the Boston Tines; "The Health of Thomas Francis Meagher," which was drank with the greatest enthusiasm, and re sponded to by Mr. Meagher. We find h;s speech reported in the New York Herald, ss fol lows ;'' Mr. President aid GcntUrtex,- Having to speak for myself, I have not zsuch to say. Ycu are aware that, since rny arrival in this country, I have sought a exemption -from the Conors which, at this festivity, you have been pleased to pay me. Did I consult ray own "disposition, and permit myself to be governed exclusively by motives of uatnre purely personal, I should have still adhsred to the resolution with which I set out, and in this instance likewise, Lave de- j clined the favors which, in the midst of so much elegance and worth, and on a spot so noted, you hae extended to me. But, in this city, having on other occasions met with so cordial a welcome, been helped in my efforts by so liberal a hand, and altogether been made sensible of so generous an interest and so " steadfast a friendship, it struck meiti would be somewhat ungenerous to deny to you the gratification of the wishes you hvl cher ished. Here, in this city, epen my entering into a wider xpanae, nnd noiser scenes, from the still and shaded waters of the seclusion I had first sought, was raj coining wiih an ardeDt anxiety awaited. Here, in the discharge of those duties which to m-3 were irksome and distasteful, but to which the changes and exactions of a new life imposes, was my footing raide good, my doubt9 dispelled, my wavering prospects strengthened, and widsned, and su!i'u3ed with the light of a better fortune. Here, was the pr?sence of the stranger hailed with a fervor which from his onind at ouce effaced the impression which the satirist of j'our steady and cultured habits might have wrought; and here in the gloom of win ter, when the white flakes on the trees spoke of the leaves that were dead, and the great heart that was for a season dead there came the sun shine on his path, and with that sunshine, flow ers in clustering profusion to his feet. Here, better than all this more fragrant than those votive flowers, sweeter than the kindling sun shine, deeper in its significance and more inspi ring in its effect than all that friendship, zeal ous, active, strenuous, prodigal as it was were hearl ar mn J me those strong vibrations of a public spirit, '.rhicb, for every true word spoken, claims and ensures an ample bearing; which for the play of intellect and the workings of the conscience, demands the widest field ; which discards, deposes, and annuls the tyranny which on the one and on the other would inflict the garb of fashion or the chain of fear; which, in conscience, io history, in politics, -in religion instinctively conforming to the provisions under which we live would to the death maintain their freedom, deprived of which the intellect becomes a cripple and the conscience a slave, if not something more debased : which, in a word mindful of the good deeds done upon the earth by those who have broken loose from, and soar ed above all base restraint, would hedge in with honor, and do homage to the mind intrepid, inflexible, and inspiring winch Had .he future, with all its mysteries, in perils and its glories, to explore, and the sceptre of truth, piercing the clouds, and glittering like sapphire in the eter nal hand, and pointing out the way as the sole guide in the pilgrimage and battle. That this spirit was peculiar to the city of Boston it would not be the truth for nie to say. Of my experience in other citie3 I preserve a dininet recollection ; and in the face of that re collection, I shall not err so grcviously as to ar rognte to the . community amongst whom I now stand, the spirit which is diffused throughout the Union. Of that Union I have visited five and twenty States ; and that the spirit of which I spe.ik, was evident, active, paramount in each and all, in strict truth, I here assert. For my part so far as this question is con cerned, and it is the vital question, if not the supreme, question of all I have seen no differ ence between the North and South, between the East and West. Differences of climate, differ ences of race, differences in the capabilities of tae ecu, in - the pursuits of the people in the lays, in social tastes marked and ineffaceable differences, in these conditions and accidents of life, I have observed; but everywhere every where amongst the citizens of this marvellous Tepubiic amongst all who look up with loyalty to that unviolated and inviolable flag and love it as the symbol of their confraternity everywhere have I found that freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of discussion, are rights sol emnly declared in the instruments under which these various States, are moulded, admitted by th willing sense guaranteed by the laws, and by the intuitive conservatism of the people made irrevocable. -Yet, if this can be said, without exception, of tha several States I have visited and be 6poken of thorn in terms of congratulation, , it must be also said of Boston, and be said especially of those whom I now address bo said of them, with marked reverence in consequence of the holtilities which I am told, secrets and accu mulates itself against that spirit and those citi zens in certain quarters, to which I for one, am not sufficiently disposed or interested to al lude. . ' - Let it, then, snSicefor mo to say," that having been made sensible, to. a singular degree, of the kindness of the citizens of Boston, and been im pressed . with the spirit which actuates them, came to the conclusion that it would be incon siderate of me not to make some return for that kindness, and more than inconsiderate to with hold my testimony, insufficient as it is, in favor of that spirit, llence it is, gentlemen, that I am with you this . evening, and in obedience to your wishes; with a proud heart participate in the profuse festivities you have provided. And now that I have given yon the reasons which induced me to relax in this instance, the resolution to which I have heretofore adhered, let me assure you in words that are of sterling stamp, however rudely they may be wrought that I feel happy in your society, and in the greetings you have given me I 6incere!y ex As I said before as I said on many occasions similar to the present I set no value on cheers, parades, or banquets. These, indeed, may be evidences of an honest enthusiasm evidences of an enthusiasm evoked by a distant reputation. by a disinterested curiosity, and by a crowd of Transitory emotions, such as the love of novelty, be for a time sustained. But with me other tri butestributes of a less perishable nature and material possesses the preference. Short as my experience of public life has been, it has been long enough to inculcate that .preteretice. I h; passing prayer of tho Pilgrim i.i the tomb i;i of a higher worth than the studi ed eulogy with w hich the marble is adorned. Tiie odour with which a good name is embalmed in the simple memory of the m-m.ln .ri'voa fv-n-ii. . r - - - -J ' i " in sweetness when the laurel has lost its green ness, and the etfigy has grown grey. In no school howsoever wise mav be the les sons howsoever holy may be the lives of those wno teacn therein 13 the vanity and precari ousness of worldly honors so forcibly impressed upon the mind, as in that sphere, where, with the interests and passions of the multitude, men come in contact, and where as there are manv instances of the like on record the cloud breaks in sudden wrath above the head which was crowned but yesterday, nnd the favorite be comes an outcast. So frequent have been these examples, that centuries of history have ia vain been written, if men doing good deeds, following out great purposes, and bent upon a great result set their hearts upon a compensation in this world L.ut it thus I nave been taught to estimate the applause and pageantry with which most men are haned in public life regarding both as little better than the whirling dust of the high way, or the froth and bubble of the sea I have at the same time been taught to value, and as a pmUu Imettro t- regard that" fAVOr, that trust, that friendship, which approaches, en compasses, and clings to one after the excite ment which accompanied his first appearance had died away, and the durability of the impres sions then avowed in his regard have been test ed by observation, by criticism, by the ordinary effects of time, and, it may have been, by an antagonism, reckless and relentless. The friend ship coming to one thus steadily," temperately, courageously coming to one when the tide has retired, and he stands as it were alone on the' silent shore, dividing his thoughts between the past and the future, the wild path he has corne, and the yet more perilous one on which he has yet to set his toot-prints the friendship which thus encircles one is above all price, for, in its growth, it has given promise of its immutabili ty. That the feeling you exhibit towards me may be so considered and described, no one, however querulous or conscientious he may be, will have the temerity to dispute. Gentlemen, I know not whether there here ex ists a concurrence of opinions with those I hold and have avowed, with regard to certain ques tions the school question, for instance; or whe ther if the votes were taken 1 should appear in a minority of one. Neither am I anxious, out of these alternatives, to ascertain what the fact is. When I consider it proper to give an opin ion one way or the other, on any theory, per sonage, or event, I do so on my own accord, on my own responsibility, for its own worth, for better or for worse. 1 seek the imposition of my opiuions on 110 man. I ask no man to back them. More than this, I should feel aggrieved that any friend of mine, controlled by private reasons, should hesitate to differ from me; or to speak more accurately, should hesitate to avow his difference on nny question which has elicited from me an unmistakeable expression. Honesty, thorough independence of mind, high moral courage these I place above the dearest friendship. In an enemy, the deadliest I might strike against, I would do honor to these qualities. Active in a friend though they met me at every point they would not estrange, but rivet my confidence in his sympathy elevating and not depressing my conception of hi3 good ness. Thus I speak, having well known, and yet knowing what sterling friendship 13 the song H wakes from the saddest heart the light it pours down through the clouds that gather above the household the fragrance it steals from the dul lest or the rankest weeds that intercept our path, or spring from the ruins of hopes struck down. Thus I speak, who, not for all the perfumed isl ands of the South Pacific not for all those cham bers roofed with cinnibar nnd paved with silver, of which a brave old seaman of your navy, in his description of the Amazon, ha3 lately spoken who, not lor oil those wondrous treasures, would exchange oue of those friendships it was my fortune to find whilst I was yet a child in the groves that were vocal with the songs and peo pled with the shades of the priests the poets, the Boldiers of the elder times in their long robes, and the snow-white fillet, and the Hyperi on star upon the brow. I do not- inquire, then, whether you concur with everything oranything I may have said, here or elsewhere. On the contrary, I assume that you dissent from nie on many points ; and yet I say, that for this very difference of opinion I set the higher value on the compliment you have paid me. And why ? Why, for this very difference which may exist between us, do I the more preciously regard the trust and firiendship which, with the ringing cheer and flashing cup you have pledged me in this old hall this evening. For this reason as I have a few moments before stated that it de notes the prevalence amongst you of that just, that tolerant, that liberal spirit, which gallantly challenges to the proof opinions maintained in conscience to be true which fears not to test them in the lists where the silver spears of in tellect make trial of their mettle which clears the ground, admires the bearing, adjudges vic tory, awards the prize even to the champion wnose cry ana crest is otner man your own a spirit sustaining the public mind in a state of healthful, and brilliant, and courageous activity, where it would otherwise cower, darken, and stagnate a spirit which is the foundation of charity, nnd peace, and propriety, and a grace ful order amongst men a spirit which brings dismay upon the workers in deceit, poverty and shame to those who gamble with the credulity of a people brings on error, exposure, night, and consternation, and to tho despotism, of which all these evil things are but the agencies and weap ons, dethronement and annihilation a spirit which, if not fostered by her children the Com monwealth, that was cradled here, shall have fewer days than Carthage or Genoa, or Venice, which, in their generation, were less favored than you have been ; but which, if, on the other hand, preserved, shall lift this republic high above the infirmities and calamities that have overtaken, heretofore, the prosperous and migh ty ones of earth setting it, like a city of gold, upon an everlasting hill. In this spirit, I conceive, you have met me at this festival. You are true to me. if I mistake not simply because I have been true to myself, that is, true to my conscience, my memory, my faith," my convictions true to the intellect I had from uod, and the views of events and men which through that intellect have to me been made manifest. To this end I have laid aside some honors, which if rightfully obtained if won without the cost of truth might have been pleasantly and gracefully worn. To be thus have I encountered no stinted measure of re proof, and clamor, and revilings. To this end have I incurred the dismal and sagacious nod, the peevish admonition, the hasty imprecation of those who are ever capitulating to, or striking shallow partnerships with the wrong dealers in dodges, compromises, and such small ware. To this end have I preferred to stand aloof from my own people, and accept their suspicion, their distrust, their emnity for a season, rather than surrender to them that which they gave not, and could never take away. Still bent upon this cours'e like Kent, banish ed from the court of Lear, still pursuing y old course in a country new I trust, whatever my fortune may be into whatever position I may be conducted that I shall do something to fulfil the expectations you have formed some thing, however little, that may induce you not to regret the calculations, or revoke the confi dence with which, as birth day gifts, you have this day enriched me. Yet, be that as it may, my mind is fixed my course taken and whatever fortune may betide, from that course I shall not depart, though I walk it alone. If I remember right, it is Sir Thomas More, who has written that "if a man be sincerely wedded to Truth, he must make up his mind to find her a portionless virgin, and he must take her for herself alone. The contract, too, must be to love, cherish and obey her, not only until death, but beyond it ; for this a union that must survive not only Death, but time, the conqueror of Death." I have looked beyond the circle in which, for the moment, we live, and move, and have our being have looked into that fresh field lying be yond there, and stretching away towards eterni ty have there fixed upon a point to which my aim and footsteps shall be unswervingly direct ed. To that point, turning neither to the right nor to the left, heeding neither cheers nor hoot ings, in all seasons, and whatever may cross my path, I shall proceed with the hope that one day, as the sun of life is going down, I may reach the summit, and before that sun has sunk in the unknown sea, may plant thereon the staff I car ry, nnd decked with a garland sacred to the truth, leave it to mark the years I have journey ed from the cradle to the grave. Other speeches were made by Mayor Walker of Roxbury, in response to the toast of "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts :" Patrick O' Donohoe, Capt. Treanor, and several others, and the celebration passed off amid the greatest eclat. Cambria County, ss. ffiifc. AlVan Orphans' Court JSiVirtV S. neia ai x-oensnui g, in and ror said Kgeayj' of June, A. D. 1853, before the lion- Four Says Later from Europe. New York. Aug. 8. The steamer Baltic ar rived yesterday afternoon with Liverpool dates to the 27th. The Africa arrived out on the 21th. Vienna, July 22d. A conspiracy has iust been discovered, and a number of persons, some of them students, have been arrested. The differences between Austria and Switzer land were nearly settled. The vanguard of the Russian army entered Bucharest on the 15th. The ship I. Z., from New York for Liverpool, was burned at sea on the 7th of July, all hands were saved : the fire originated from spontane ous combustion. The Turkish difficulty is considered settled, although the Czar's accptance of the proposal has not been announced. His consent is daily expected. The crops throughout Great Britain arc on the whole good. They are also satisfactory in Ire land. There is no potatoe rot. From .France there is no news. A correspon dent says that the opening of French ports to the importation of brcadstuffs is more to quiet anx iety than from fear of any scarcity. Christina, of Spain, is in Paris, intriguing to marry her daughter to Prince Napoleon. lhe grape disease is much feared in Portugal. It is reported that England is negotiating with Denmark to obtain command of the entrance to the Baltic. If a war aiises with Russia. It is feared there will be a scarcity in breadstuffs. It is rumored at Constantinople that the Uni ted States is negotiating the purchase of Fort Mannonzza. The Russians are quiet in the principalities. The Costa affair is unchanged. The St. Louis has left Smyrna. Two Austrian frigates have arrived.. Advices from the Cape of Good Hope to the llih of June, represent all as quiet. The Indian mtils arrived at Trieste with Hong Kong dates to June 7th, and Calcutta dates to the lGth, also Bombay to the 20th. The empire of China is divided. Nankin is independent of the Tartar dynasty. Great anx iety is felt at Canton, and fears are entertained of a rising. From Burmah the intelligence is that there is no advance made upon Avon. The screw steamer Laureston was lost on her passage to Shanghai from Hong Kong. Her crew and passengers were saved. JCSyTo any inquiring what they shall do for a cough and cold, we would isay, read the fol lowing certificate, w hich has been signed by one hundred of the first Houses of Druggists in this country, to lay before the public their estimate of a good medicine. They are all men of the first class and of the highest character, whose experience and business leads them to know, and this is their opinion : " We the undersigned. Wholesale Druggists, ha ving been for long acquainted with Ager e Cherry Pectoral, hereby certify our belief that it is the best and moxi effectual remedy for Pulmonary Com plaints ever ojfercd to the American People. And tee would from our knoicledge of its composition, and extensive usefulness, cordially commend it to the afflicted as worthy their best confidence, and with the firm conviction that it will do for their re lief all that medicine can do." R. IS. ItI. GILDEA, Surgeon Dentist, No 10 North third street, Ilarrislurg, Pa., OFFERS his Professional services to the citi zens of Ebensburg. All operations in the above science performed in the most scientific manner. Office at the residence of Mr. Frederick Kittell. Ebensburg, August 11, 1853. 41. 1 orable the Judges of the said Court On the petition of Thomas H. Porter, of the county of Cambria, and Charles B. Kennedy, guardian of Thomas 11. Porter, a minor child of William Porter, late of said county, deceased, setting forth that John Moran, late of the said county, died in or about the mouth of March A. D. 1849, intestate, and letters of administration have been issued, in due course of law, to Pat rick M'Manamy, administrator of all and singu lar the goods, chattels and estate of the said John Moran. The sail John Moran, in his life time, to it, on the 30th day of May, A.D. 1840, was seized in fee of and in a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Washington township, Cambria county, bounded and described as fol lows : Beginning at a post on line of other land of John Moran, thence south 34 degrees east, 79 perches to a post, thence north 34 degrees east, 76 perches to a brick, thence north 34 degrees west, 40 perches to a small spruce, thence south 03 degrees west, 71 perches to the place of be ginning, containing 24 acres and 152 perches and allowance, being part of a tract of land war ranted in name of Joseph Dilworth. That being so seized the said John Moran did, by a bargain or contract in writing, bind himself to sell and convey the said piece or parcel of land with the appurtenances, unto the said William Porter in fee simple, and in consideration of the sum of seven dollars per acre, to be paid to the said John Moran. That subsequently to the above bargain or contract the said William Porter, in his lifetime, by a parol agreement sold unto the said Thomas II. Porter, the undivided half part of the aforesaid piece or parcel of land, in con sideration that the said Thomas II. Porter should erect certain improvements thereon, which he afterwards did. That the said William Porter has since died leaving no widow, and but one child above named. . That the whole of the pur chase money was paid to the said John Moran in his lifetime, but died before executing a deed for the aforesaid premises, and that no sufficient provision for the performance of the said bar gain or contract, appears to have been made by the said deceased in his lifetime, though he was well satisfied and intended that the same should be consummated. And praying the Court to designate some day certain, at which notice may be given to the ad ministrator, and widow, and heirs of the said deceased, to appear in your said Court and an swer this bill or petition ; and furthermore, to decree the specific performance of the said con tract according to the true intent and meaning thereof in or to the completing their title accor ding to the act of Assembly, in such case made and provided. . You, and every of you, the said administrator, widow and heirs, are therefore hereby cited to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Ebensburg in and for said county on the fifth day of September, A. D. 1853, to shew cause if you, or any of you have, why your should not answer the premises, and abide such order aud decree as to the said Court may be agreeable to equity and good conscience. Witness the Honorable George Taylor, Presi dent of our said Court at Ebensburg, the four teenth day of June, A D. 1853. R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk. Ebensburg. July 21, 185338. vs. LIST Or CAUSES SET do wn for trial at a Court of Common Pleas to be held at Ebensburg, in and for the coun ty of Cambria, on the first Monday of Septem ber next, to continue two weeks. FIRST WEEK. Shaip Wyman Magehan Phythian Benshoof M'Garity Bogle Mitchell Butcher et al SECOND WEEK, vs. Newman et al Crum " Dillon " King et al " Bakei ' Crum M'Manamy's adm'rs. M'Lanahan Brown Elder Troth & Co. Johnston M'Connell Brannan Troutman Commonwealth Kinports Ream et al Tyson " Baker " King et al " Rhey " Dounalley's adm. " Bracken " Crum et al " Carter " Allegheny tp. " Conway " Kay lor Ashcraft ' St. Clair " M'Goagh Cox's adm'rs. " Anderson & Co. " Kepler M'Gough et al " Same " Moyers " Miltenberger " Shabacher " Smith Linton & Co. ". S G Bailey's adm'rs. Same REGISTER'S NOTICE. ALL persons interested are hereby notified that the following accounts have been passed and filed in the office of .the Register of Cambria county, and will be presented for allowance and AnSrmnt.inn at nn Ornhnn's Court to be held in and for said county, on Monday the fifth day of Sep tern oer, a. v. 1006. The Partial account of Margaret Cullen, Ad ministratrix of the estate of Patrick Cullen, de ceased. The account of Lewis Dormayer, Esq., and Lewis B. Dormayer, executors of Gabriel Dor mayer, dee'd. The account of Lewis Dormayer, Esq., Admin istrator of the estate of Ludwick Dormayer, de ceased. The account of Maria Crum, executrix of Jno. B. Crum, deceased. The account of James M'Dcrmit, Administra-tnr- nf Inhn PI iimmpr. deceased. The account of James M'Garity, Administrator of Charles M'Garity, deceasea. The account of Jacob Luther, acting executor r.F 7fVin Stnltn deceased. V W , The account of Emericus Bender, executor of Mary Catharine Koch, deceased. The account of David Paul and John Paul, Administrators of William Paul, deceased. The Account of John Paul and John Stull, Ad ministrators of Jacob Paul, deceased. The supplemental account of John Knepper, Administrator of the estate of Abraham Knep per, deceased. R. L. JOHNSTON, Register. Register's Office, 1 Ebensburg, Aug. 11, 1853. 41. Cambrian and Crusader, please copy. Sargent Smay Bingham Lake Cassiday Glass Dougherty Gates Little Johnston Lloyd et al Scanlan Conway Kiskadden Gillespie King et al Kennedy Ramsey Levergood, Linton & Co. " Carroll et al " Same R. L. JOHNSTON, Prothonolcrg. Ebensburg, July 28, 1852 rrothonotary's Office, J53 3'J. J Just Received,. At his tore one door cast of the Sentinel of fice, a superior nssort ment of Gold and Sil ver watches and fine jew elry. Gold Lever watches ful jewelled, 8?, CO Silver Lever watches full jewelled, I'J.OO Silver Cylinder Escapements 12,00 Silver Quartiers . 6,00 Also a fine atsortment of eight day and thir ty hour clocks. N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired at shortest notice, and warranted. . WILLIAM B. HUDSON. April 29, 1852. K. IHrrCIIIJffSOA', Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Ta., IlfILL practice in the several Courts of Cam II bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Ofhce on Main street adjoining hia dwelling house. Ebensburg, April 21, 1853 26-Sm. IIICIIAi:"L DUf MAG EH A IV, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in the Court House, up stairs. January 1, 1851. ly , . CUARL.ES AL1IRIG1IT, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., Will practice in the several courts of Cambria Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Germans can consult and receive advice in their own language. Office opposite the Court House, formerly oc cupied by R. L. Johnston, Esq. Ebensburg, Febrnnry 3, 1853 ly. SAHlVCL C. TI'LGARD, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Ta. Will practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair ahd Huntingdon counties. Germans can receive advice in their own language. Office, on main street two doors west of the 6tore of Murray, Zahtn & Co. May 8, 1851 ly. GEORGE 91. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office on Centre st., joining Gen. M'Donald's dwelling. Jan. 15, 1851. ly. WILLI AM KITTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on Main Street, in the office lately oc cupied by Gen. Jos. McDonald. January 15, 1852. THOMAS C. M'WOWELL, Attorney at Law, Hollidayaburg, Pa. Will attend the several Courts of Cambria county, as heretofore. Office one door west of Wm. McFarland's cabinet wareroom. January 1, 1851. ly T. L. II EVER, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. Office on Main street, two doors east of the Echo Office. March 13, 1851. ly CYRUS L. PERSUING, Attorney at Law. Johnstowni Pa. January 30, 1851 ly. C. W. WEBSTER, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg Fa., UILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business intrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Office on Main sti eet opposite Dr. Wm. Lem on's office. Ebensburg, April 28, 1853 27. David T. Storm, Notary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer, JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA CO. PA., liriLL also attend to his duties as Justice. Le W gal instumcnts of writing, such as deeds, a greements, Foreign Power of Attorney, &c, drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to his care will receive strict attention. May 13, 1852 30-tf. Cambria Cozrty, ss: " THIS Uommonvvcaim 01 Fcnsylvania, s ueo. v. r.muta, administrator i-i t'eier Geer, dee'd , , . 11 .1 . . ...j . -v- ana ic a.:i CLai t.- 1 urcsvca . J7T!T Hi! utixq : W hereas at an CYns lout held at Ebena burg, in and Kr the -',' of Cambria, on Tuesday, the lJ-th dry of Jut, A. D. 1853, be fore the Judifs of the faid d urt. The petition of CorneHus'Gngory, of th - ...unty of Cambria, was riceented. siting forth 11: at Tctr Geer. late of the townhip of Whit. ''Jcojo tv, died on the 11th day of March. 1853, in tfc said township intestate, and letters of adminis tration in due course ot law have been issued to George C. K. Zabm, administrator of all and singular, the coods, chattels and estate of th said Peter Geer. The said PeUr Geer. vn ma lifetime, to wit, on or about the monin W Apru, fee of and in the fol lowing tract of land : All that certain tract cf land situate in the townsnip 01 'ui, county, bounded and described as fellows, to wit: Beginning 165 perches from a dogwood on the northwest corner cf the tract in name of W u liam Coats, thence east to a white oak corner or same, thence cast 115 perchesto comer of Joseph Hollen's tract, thence 80 perches north on tn line of Joseph Hollen, thence ltO perches par allel with the first line, thence south 60 perches to the place of beginning, containirg 84 acre and 153 perches with the usual allowance, (pe ing pai tof two larger tracts of Und turveyediu names of Joseph Thacbtr nnd Andrew Th&chet. and which by sundry mesne conveyances and assurances in tho law, duly had and executed, becane vested in the said Peter Geer;) thatbe .ml tl,a o'i, Peter Geer did. by a pa rol bargain or contract, bind Limeelf to sell and convey the said tract 01 una wnn ius n""" uence", unto a certain Teter Funalroan, in fea simple, m consideration that the said Peter Fun alman should pay one hundred and foity-moe dollars of the debts then owing by the said Tcter Geer, nnd keep in a comfortable manner in fool and clothing aud other necessaries, the taid Te ter Geer, ami to bury the said refer Gter de cently and in a fuitable manner at his decease. That the said Peter Fanalman complied with the said stipulation of contract or bargain, ou his part, until on cr about the 14th day of May, A. D. 1852, at which date the said Peter Funal man, by and with tho consent of the sajd Peter Geer, by a bargain or contract in writing, ccu veyed all bis right, title, claim and interest la the tract of land aforesaid to your petitioner, in consideration that your petitioner should kaep the said Peter Gccr in the manner required to be done by the said Peter Funalman, and at the death of the said Teter Geer to bury him decent ly and in a suitable manner, and for the further consideration of the sum of two hundred and fif ty dollars, to be paid by your petitioner to the said Peter Funalman. That your petitioner kept and maintained the said Peter Geer in the man ner aforesaid, from the said 14th day of May. 1852, until the time of his death, and afterwards gave him a decent burial. That the said Teter Geer in his lifetime directed a deed to be pre pared, for the Eaid tract of land to th said Pe ter Funalman, but its execution was neglected by him, and that at the time yonr petitioner iuu the said Peter Geer to keep and maintain, under the contract with tho said Teter Funalman, tho 6aid Peter Gccr was satisfied and intended to execute a conveyance for the tract of land fore said to your petitioner, but died without mak ing sufficient provision for the eaid bargain or contract, though he was was well satisfied and intended that the same thould be consummated. And praying the Court to designate some day certain at which notice may be given to the ad ministrator and heirs of the said deceased, to appear in your said Court and answer this bill or petition; and furthermore, to decree the spe cific performance of tho said contract, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, in order to the completing his title according to tbe act of Assembly in such case made and provided. You and every of you are hereby cited to be and appear at an Orphaus' Court to be held at Ebensburg, iu and for said county, on the fifth day of September next, to shew cause if any or cither of you have, why you should not answer th premises and abide such order and decree as to the said Court may be agreeable to equity and good conscience, &c. Witness the Honorable George Taylor, Presi dent of our said Court at Ebensburg, the 14 th day of July, A. D. 1853. R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk. Ebensburg, July 21, 1853 38. REBELLION VS CIIItfA! RICIIARO JOXES, Justice cf the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa,, Will attend promptly to all collections entrus ted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling. Decern. 21, 1851. 11-tf. GOODS OFFERED J T COST. ON SECTION 104, Ta. R. R. WATCHMAKERS LOOK HERE. I will dispose of my entire stock of Watches, clocks, Jewelry (of all descriptions,) stationa ry, &c, and the fixtures of my shop in Ebens burg, prior to the first of October, next, in excellent oppoitunity is thus afforded to any per son desirous of engaging in the business, as this is the only establishment of the kind in Ebens burg. Said stock and fixtures will be sold at cost. A new two-storv frame house, and half lot upon which the same is erected, situate in the borough of JSbensburg, also lor . saie on iair terms. For information, call upon or write to the sub scriber, at Ebensburg. WM. 13. HUDSON. Ebensburg, July 28, 1853 39-td. IgyHollidaysburg Whig and Huntingdon Journal copy three times and charge this office. Strays. STRAYED away from Seotion 31, new Portage Railroad, near the foot of Plane No. 8, on Sunday night, July 24th, two sorrel mares ; one of them about nine years old, and has a stripe down her face ; the other si x years old, hald faced and the knee of one hind leg slightly swol len. Any person returning said mares, or giv ing information concerning them, will be liber ally rewarded. . , SILAS KEECII. Foot of rianc No. 8, Aug. 4, 1853 40-3t Xotice to Innkeepers ! IT IS ORDERED, That all licensed taverns in Cambria county, shall close their bars on Sunday; and any infringement of this order will be considered a good cause for revoking the license of the person so offending. By the Court, R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk: Ebensburg, Aug. 4, 1853 40-St jfrjg-All the papers in the county will insert three times and charge county. . Exchange Hotel. HoUidaysburg, Blair Co., Pa. The proprietor assures the public that no exer tions will be wanting on his part to render his house home-like to those who call with him, and solicits a share of public patronage. GEO. POTTS. April 29, 1852. FOREST MOUSE. Campbellstown, Cambria county Fa. The undersigned. Proprietor of the above no tel, informs his friends and the public that he is well prepared to furnish the best of accommo dation, and is determined to please all who may call with him. JOHN P. PARISH. Campbellstown, June 1C, 1853 34-Cm. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Carroll town, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. The undersigned is prepared to accommodate in the best kind of style all who way favor him with a call, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit and receive a share of public patronage. HENRY SCANLAN. may 20, 1852.-31-tf LEWIS W. BROW.Y, Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser. In the basement story of Davis & Co's., ware room. Ebensburg, May 1, 1851.-ly. N. B. Shampooing done, and razors honsd in a superior manner. J. McELIIARE, 155 Karket Street, N. E. Corner of 4th, Philadelphia. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all of the various new kinds and styles silk, fur, brush, wool, Panama, straw and chip Hats; silk, straw, braid and lace Bonnets; artificial flowers, furs, &c.,which will be sold cheaper than the cheap, est. Feb. '52, 10-ly- JOHS M'DEVITT. WILLIAM M'DEVITT. J Oil M'DETITT & SRO., Wholesale grocers and dealers in Foreiga and Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whiskej', Hour, Ba con, Fish, Cheese, &c., &c. No 311, Liberty street, opposite the head of Smith firli, Pitts burgh, Pa. December 23, 1852 9-tfj. fPHE subscribers being about to remove from i Cambria county, offr'to eell off nil their large stock of Goods by private sale, in large or small quantities, , to 6uit purchasers, at first cost. The stock consists in part of Dry Goods, such as Trench, English and American cloths, cassimeres, satinetts, tweeds, pilot cloth, satin Valencia, and other vestings, bilks, alpaccas, musdeiains, bombariues, and . LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of every description; thawla, handkerchiefs, scarfs, cravats, tibbets, ribbons, gloves and ho siery of all descriptions, table linen, diapers, crash, red, white, yellow and Canton flannels, linsey, blankets and coverlets, hickory shirting. Irish linen, wl ite goods of every description, lacing, edging, &c, hats, ceps, bornets, boots and shoes, READY MADE CLOTHING, . Hardware, qu&en3ware, glass, nails. Sour, fisb, 6alt, iron, a splendid fctock of Groceries, Drugs. Paints, and De Stuffs, all of which, we offer at lower prices than goods have ever been sold in the country, ul kinds of country produce taken in exchange, such as Lumber, Railroad Ties, Flaxseed, Rags, &c. . N. B. Country merchants will be supplied with any of the above splendid selections of. goods at wholesale city prices, putting on only a nominal figure for freight. R. M'GRANNS &. REILLY. July 21, 1853 38-tf. House and Lot in Ebensburg for Sale. IS the undersigned designs leaving this place about the 1st of October, next, he will tfcll on favorable terms, all that new, two-story franco house, and half lot on which the sane is erec ted, situate in the borough of Ebensburg, oppo site the Catholic cherch. There is a never-failing well of pure water, wood house and Wish house upon the premises. The bou3ewa built but a short time ago, is we'd finished in evry refpect, and in perfect order. The situation commands one of the best views of the surround ing country that can be found in the village. Those desirous of purchasing will call upon or write to the subscriber at Ebcnsborg, who will impart all necessary information concern ing the property und terras of tide. An indis putable title givep. - WM. E. HUDSON. Ebensburg, J.iTy 28, 1853 SfJ-td. JOB WORK neatly and expeditiously executed at thi Office ' trl :