The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, August 11, 1853, Image 2

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    A 1 1 SENTINEL.
Andrew J. Etcy, Editor.
The So:
tlOZ Of bo.
?wnr of 1812- 1
. .
Thursday, An
Subject to the decision of the Democratic State
- Convention.
For State Senator,
Cyrus lu Persuing, of Jolinsto wn
Subject, to the decision of the Senatorial Conference.
Tor Judge of the Supreme Court,
cf Ticga County.
Fcr Canal Commissioner,
of rLiladoIifLia County.
For Auditor General, .
. of 2LSLin County.
i -
For Surveyor General,
of Crawford County.
Cccmf j' ZVomlnatlons.
For Assembly,
THOMAS COLLINS, of Scmmitville.
For Treasurer,
A. J. P. HEY, cf rbensturj.
T. L. KEYEIt, of Johnstown.
For Commissioner,
JOHN II. D0CGLAC3, of Clearfield.
For Cc-TJnty Surveyor,
. For Auditor,
JOSEPH IIOGE, of Carroll.
To Our Patrons.
This number closes our connection with the
''Mou.ntais Sentinel." Hereafter, the estab-j
lisbnienl will be conducted by Wm. B. Sifes,
Esq., who desigus uniting the Democrat and
Stnlinel, and increasing the size, the appearance
and general utility of the paper, so as to make it
equal if not superior to any in the State. To
hi3 charge we resign our trust, confident that he
will so conduct both-papers, when united, as to
merit the approbation of the citizens of this
county. lie has the ability, the private worth,
and unalterable attachment to the principles of
the Democratic Tarty, to render complete satis
faction to oar numerous patrons. He will pub
lish a journal which, while it will prove to be
iVif clpoi.loil advocate of the interests of the
county, will recommend itself to your favor
irom its moral, instructive and useful tone. Jf
incessant labor on his part, and a well founded
desire to please, be indications of over-abundant
success, ho is certain to receive it. Often have we
thought that one well-conducted Democratic
journal at this place was sufficient for the good
interests of the party, therefore the union. We
trust that the same cordial, flattering support,
so generously extended to us by our friends
may be bestowed upon our successor, whom we
know to be most worthy of the same.
Those subscribers who have paid us in ad
vance will be furnished the number of papers
to which they are entitled, while to those who
have not paid, the paper will still be forwarded,
confident that all will extend to it a generous
and enthusiastic support. We have endeavored,
luring the two and a half years wc have edited
and controlled this paper, to discharge our du
ties to the lest of our ability; to promote the
harmony of our party; to further its interests
by compromise and union ; to illustrate and
make manifest its doctrines ; to increase the
wealth, happiness and prosperity of the citizens;
to encourage the improvements of the county ;
and to treat our political opponents as fellow
men, differing upon points of political faith.
Whether successfully and courteously, or not,
e thers may judge.
To our kind, ever-to-be cherished patrons, for
the sustenance they hare given, our heartfelt
thanks are tendered, and the recollection of their
generosity remains through life.
To. cur brethren of the press, at Lome and
Kbroad, we feel grateful for the many favors
conferred time caunot obliterate nor new duties
change the remembrance.
The Senator Question.
The Whigs of this District seem to be in
indescribable tribulation concerning who is to be
cr who i3 not to be the candidate of their party
for the office of Senator. Considerable ex
citement prevails with regard to this matter,
and criminations and recriminations thicken.
The Cambrian of July 2?ih reads out of the Whig
raaljs the i-eat Xestov of the party in this coun
tyt R- 1; Jobnton, Esq , for which there is no
Democrat but can throw up his cap and cry so
mote it be.. Mr. Johnston has been the bitter
aud unrelenting aatagoni&t of the Democracy of
t'uis action f..r years, and no member of our
n.rtii k..t ,:n -.-:..!. . .
i -.. um mil itu ii'joice'j m.n ms giory nas
'leparted. He has been the must violent oppo
ncut cf the men and measures of our organiza
tion that could be tVind ia our midst, and the
rndt-mnation -of a portion of His own party is
B'Mic ,t!i! less snibfa-jtovy to his Whig oppo
nents il.iti it ij iiisibl v ir.ized the sterling Dc-
moci-Hcy. A air field Is now open for the suc-cti-jof
our Smtorla.1 t'eket this fall, uni if tde
Conferees ss'.sct tbc gout5.uiiin whose name fonts
st car must Leid, he who as and is tlm choice
of this county, tiiere w iH be "o such trorJ as
fa-f." Let the wuig3 fight, ia the meantime the
Democracy cf L:.i'i: Cambria are eager to prove
tutir devotion to ihvlv p-nty at the ballct-box iu
Ujtober. V Rtory uudoubtedly awaits us.
Murder of a Cambiz
On Monday night, iu PLL ai-gh, nbojat half
past eleven o'clock, ut-ib
H.iv s:rct-t3, James Colli,
:11V, Cl HJIO
county, arid a member of t
ji'ia Guards"
, "
thrj"-Iexicaa nar, wsi
vutally murder-
i.-ivTuiiA: mvsterv envelops this horrible
-I " .-
affair not UiiTsrhtest clue nas oeen ooi un-
Ud as to who was" Ttuauthor of the foul deed
The knife or dagger used by the perpetrator, en
tered the heart of Collins about one inch, after
which he ran some distance and fell before the
window of the Hay street church ; ho lay a few
seconds and rose up again and ran to near the
corner of Hay and Liberty streets, when he fell
again. Two watchmen, standing about 5C yards
off, ran to him, as also Messrs. Renshaw, Rhodes
and Dusenberry who lived near and were arous
ed by the groans of the dying man. A physi
cian was sent for but ere he came the wounded
man was dead. He did not speak a word. Mr.
Ogdcn states that when he first heard the groans,
he distinctly heard a man running up Hay street
from Penn to Liberty. Two watchmen about
the time that Collins was discovered, started in
search of tins murderers, but found no one in
V-rj!ie streets. A few days previous Collins had in
This possesTion a pocket book full of twenty dol
lar gold pieces, ne had arrived in the city on
Friday last from New Orleans. The body was
recognized on Tuesday, by James A. Jackson
formerly of this place, now of Pittsburgh, and a
brother soldier of the deceased. The deceased
has ndt resided in this county for some time.
He leaves a wife, (formerly Miss Lieb) and one
child, ho reside on the Portage Railroad, be
twen PlVnes No. 2 and 3, in this county. This
niysttriots murder is most remarkable, but wc
hope soniVmforination may be obtained so as to
bring the .suilty to justice. The Union of Wed
nesday statV, that there are some facts report
correct, will afford a satisfactory
f the affair.
'Tounrr America.'
Both the ltmocratic a
o and Whig parties are ;
o ,,e i , ,
of "fast men who glo-
amicicu wiiu asumuer oi "last men uu gio-j-
rr. a -, fit. , . a . i 1 1. 1
ryin the application of the above title to their
. , t,
actions. e arUn favor of Progress, of a con- j
tinuancc cf that hi ward march of the American ;
Nation which hoi made us what we are. and I
which, if adhereOto, will further increase our
National wealth au greatness ; but for the go
aheadativeness of 'l oung America," which will
eventually overleaptself, we are no advocate,
no propagator. Bi4op Doane, of New Jersey,
seeking to tighten thnreins upon the character
istic ha&le of youngnmerica," eloquently and
most truly says :
"The progress of tl nation has been so ra
pid, that time has seeded to be of no import-j
ance to it. And tuen, be whole machinery of
the age aims, as near anay be, at its annihila
tion. But this is very ingerous. When God
made the world he madt in Eix days It
might have sprung as iitantaneously as the
light. And, when lie woil complete the plan
of its redemption, lie toofour thousand years
for the dcvelopernent of ttt, which, in the i
counsels of the Godhead, is complete before .
tfats -fail.--These are lessoni0 our hearts. - Noovembcr the road will be completed to Cafitftf
real greatness is spontancovi The oak i3 not town. Two surveys have been male by Cpt.
the monarch of the woods slW of a thousand ! Alexander, from Carroiitown to the Cherry Tree,
years. And man, the monarV of the world, is'tho distance of each bein 13 miles. No perm a-
first an embryo ; and then an lYaut ; and then a !
child ; and has half measured la alloted
before he is full grown.
- ...
o matter in wnat it is in lcters. in science.
in art, in war, in government, irfcnything that
is to be for real greatness timehust bo taken;
and deliberate thought and patien labor be em
ployed. Think cf the studies of Sr Isaac New
ton. Think of the touches of RajLiel. Think
of the chisel of Canova. See, by Vhat length
ened process, Rome grew up to be W mistress
of the world. Contemplate the slol march of
England's greatness. And remembV how the
Fathers of our Republic waited aii watched,
and toiled and prayed, before theuiour was
reached that consecrates this day. Aid, then,
pursue their blood-stained footsteps, tlrough the
seven years' war, by which the issui of that
hour were consummated, and made pVpetual.
The Young American that would do jutice to
his name, must learn to wait. What hean do
well off-hand, he can do better with diibcra-
Kentucky Election.
Louisville, Aug. 6. The returns fromlhis
State show a whig majority in the Senate oi 8,
and in the House, as far as heard from, of V,
with 29 members jet to hear from. If there
no change in these from last election, the Whi
will have a majority on joint ballot of 32.
The news of last night settles the election o
Stanton. Democrat, in the 10th district ; an
Elliott, Democrat, in the 6th making 4 Demo
crats elected certain. In the 4th district the
contest between Bramlette, Whig, and Chrisman,
Democrat, is very close, but the former is prob
ably elected by a small majority. -
The Ashland District will pi-obably be con
tested in consequence of alcged illegal vot
Louisville, August 8. Sufficient returns
been received of the election in this State to en
able us to announce the following as the Ken
tucky delegation in the next Congress.
1st Dist. Linn Boyd, D. ?
21 " Beuj. E. Gray, W.
8d "
4th "
5th "
Gth "
7th "
8th "
9th "
Pres. Ewing, VV.
J. S. Christnau, I).
Clem. S. Hill, W.
J. M. Elliott, D.
W. Preston, W.
J. C. Breckenridge, D.
L. M. Cox, W. -
R. II. Stanton, D.
This makes five Democrats and five Whigs.
We have no returns this morning from Misr
souri orTennesee.
The "Old Kentucky Homo" presents a fair
and noble front, and her haidy Democracy have
fought the battle well. The election of Euch
men as Born and Bueckksbidge will meet with
a hearty response from the Democracy of the
old Keystone, who delight to learn of the suc
cess of t wo such firm, unchanging and radical
democrats. Previous to the election, a Whig
correspondent of thc,Erie Gazette, writing from
t'uo Ashland District, yields the following trib
ute of praise to the talented aud gallant Breck
enridge :
"Letcher and Breckenridge caavas3 the dis
trict together, epeakiug ence and sometimes
twice every day. I have often heard of Gov.
Letcher as an unrivalled etunip orator, but he
must be heard to- be appreciated. , His forcible
style aud manner, and hisinexhauetible fund of
anecdote, are inimitable, and 4b e effect upon a
promiscuous crowd indescribable. He is a per
fect veteran iu the Whig ranks. Although 1 can
seldom see anything in a Democrat I canf ap
prove, much less applaud, I am constrained to
say that Maj. Brackenridge is one of tho most
gifted men in the nation. He is very youthful
in appearance; tall and commanding, witholack
hair and flashing eyes Ilis gestures are rapid
and graceful, his language, pure and impassion
ed, and in every reepect he is certainly a model
of beauty, manliness and eloquence. I have
heard many speakers, from Daniel Webster,
down to a zealous Democratic leader iiyErie,
but for puie, soul-stirring eloquence, Jhn C.
Breckenridge stands unrivalled. Were he a
Whig he would certainly be worthy to wear the
mantle of Henry Clay."
The proceedings of the County Temper
ance Convention will be found in another column,
to which we direct the attention of our readers-
The weather is oppressively warm. The ther
mometer stood at 93 in the shade, yesterday
afternoon. ' -
Es-Helen Mae, Capt.-AV. K. Piper'a fast
trotting mare, died at the Summit, on Saturday
evening last, in the stable of Mr. M'Ginley. The
loss of so valuable an animal is much regretted-
B3A Johnston M'Kee, tried at. the late
term of the Terry County Court foiianaseing
counterfeit money, plead guilty and waa senten
ced to five years imprisonment in the Eastern
e,On Monday, as Mr. G. W. Wisegarvcr,
carpenter of this place, was engaged at ehingling
the roof of our office, he accidentally inflicted a
severe wound upon the thumb of his left hand
with a hatchet, cutting the thumb almost off. j
Our Sanctum was illuminated this morning by
the countenance of our friend Fetter, who takes
the best of Daguerreotypes at Jefferson (give
him a call) and friend "Sordie," of the engineer
corps, New Portage Road, They rusticated In
town for one day only, then left upon 240 nags
for a ride on the Plank Road, homewards.
Court commences on Monday, I 5th
September, and continues two weekB. This
will afford a fine opportunity to those who dc-
ere to pay us for subscription,
job work. Call in.
aavernsing or
JKSA man named Cornelius Flynn, on Wynne
& Anthony's section, New Portage llotd, was
bUten Qn h'y a rattlesn nCf on Sundav
evening last. He was attended by Dr. IIow of
the Summit, under whose skillful treatment he
BgS,Rev. Tnos. A. McCaffrey, President of
Mount Saint Mary's College, Emmittebarg, Md.,
died on Friday last, at that place, of theprevail
ins disease reserablins cholera. His loss will
j be greatly felt. About thirty persons hrvedied,
and the town is almost deserted, several hun
dreds having left. r-
JESF On Tuesday last, in company with two
young gentlemen, we went trout-fishing, and
caught one hundred and four, our two friends
catching seventy -five. To" our dear and ever-to-be
remembered friend of the "gay an4 incom
parable," so far as noticing our future exploits
in this line is concerned, we say tarevell you
never could beat us and never will.
Cay About four miles of the Ebensburg & Sus
ouchanna Plank Road are eraded. and the con-
tractors have commenced to lay the plank from
Kane's steam mill towards the town,- By 1st
nent location, however, has yet ben made. The
Road, to complete it to the junction of the turn
i a - - .
pikes, oue half mile west of town, will be shortly
commenced. The contractors are Messrs Mur
ray & Zahm.
Salt. The Harrisburg Item says that a spe
cimen of salt from Cambria county, has been left
at the State Capitol Hotel, for the inspection of
the curious. - It is part of a solid rock, of im
mense magnitude. The specimen has been an
alyzed and examined by one of our "oldest in
habitants," and pronounced far superior to any
rock salt he ever examined.
Where this rock is, we know not, being unin
formed, as to its location. Time, however,
which unfoldeth all things, will necessarily de
monstrate that in minerals and hidden wealth
the soil of Cambria cannot be surpassed by any
in the State.
2? The following notice appears in the gay
aud incomparable' HollidayBburg Standard, of
this week. Barring the compliment bestowed
upon us, there is more truth than poetry in the
announcement: ,
Lost. On the 3d inst., at a cotillion party in
the town of Ebensburg, a thumping great big
heart, full of good feelings and noble impulses,
and overflowing with tun and frolic. Ihc lair,
brtunate hnder will either return it to, or leave
er own as a pledge of its safety with, our "right
wer of the Mountain Sentinel.
A Lcscs Nature. Yesterday, Mr. Lewis
RaJgers, exhibited to us a young chicken having
fou legs and a double bill, which he procured
fronia nest upon the farm, of James Myers.
The latural part of the chicken was of the Chit
tagou( breed, the two extra legs of the Shang
hai. jy some means the egg was thrown out of
the ned some ten hours previous to the fullness
of hatcUng, otherwise a living and most singu
lar specimen of nature would have existed.
This strange production has been placed in al
cohol to preserve it, and can be seen by the cu
rious at My. Thompson's Hotel.
James SinnLKY. This unfortunate man, found
guilty of tha murder of his wife, will expiate
his crime upon the gallows, in Hollidaysburg,
on to-morrow Friday, 12th of August. It is
stated by the journals of that place that he still
preserves the same carelessness of demeancr,
the same callous, recklessness of speech, that
have characterized his conduct aud conversation
ever bince the perpetration of the crime, for
which he is bo soon to "Bhuffle off this mortal
coil." A short time ago he addressed a letter
to Gov. Bigler praying for a respite, but the
Governor, we learn, has assured him that he
cannot grant it. We pity the criminal notwith
standing all his faults, but for his relatives, and
especially those married, who are of great res
pectability, wc, and others deeply feel. May
their sorrows be lightened by the recollectiou of
their own inuoceuce and the respect awarded
them by "hosts of friends." We hope the
wretched man has, ere this, exhibited some evi
dence of contrition, repenting of his rankoffencej
and making due preparation to meet his God,
into whose presence be is so soon to be ush
ered. -
jggyMa. James Barr, son of Hugh Barr, of
Philadelphia, who had his leg broken some
weeks ago, but who had nearly recovered, was
driving a buggy down from the Summit on yes
terday, when the tire of the buggy broke and
frightened the horse, and Mr. Barr was thrown
out and had his leg broken over again. The
fractured limb was set by Drs. Jackson and
Walters, and the sufferer, who' is at Samuel Dil
lon's House, is doing quite well.
Proceedings of the Cambria County Temperance
The members' of the Convention met at the
Court House in Ebensburg, on Tuesday, the 9th
day of August, and organized by appointing S.
Lu G ORG AS, of Johnstown borough, Chairman,
and M. S. Harr, of Cambria township, Secreta
ry. The names of the Delegates in attendance
were as follows :
BlacKlick John Edwards, Adam Makin.
Cambria M. S. Harr, Isaac Evans.
Conemaugh A. Metz, John Swagler.
Conemaugh bor. J as. Purse, J. It. Morgan.
Ebensburg bor. Ed. Roberts, Arthur Noble.
Jackson Samuel Keagy, Thos. Osboru.
Johnstown bor. S. L. Gorgus, Joseph Rice.
Summerhill Geo. Settlemoyer, Jos. Miller.
Summitville bor. Andrew Donoughe.
White J. Hollen, E. Gorsuch.
After calling the Convention, and examining
the credentials of the delegates, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That all persons friendly to the cause
of Temperance be invited to participate in the
deliberations of this Convention, each township,
however, being allowed but two votes in deci
ding upon any question before the Convention.
The object of holding the Convention was then
briefly stated by C. W. Webster, Esq., when on
motion of James Potts, Esq., of Johustown, Jas
Potts, C. W. Webster and Samuel Keagy, were
appointed a Uomruittee to dratt resolutions e
pressive of the views of the Convention
During the time the Committee was absent,
the Convention was ably and eloquently adJres-
sed by the Kev. Mr. Morton, and John Williams.
j Esq., of Ebensburg, and Andrew Donoughe,
Esq., of Summitville. At the conclusion of the
-XJ . . vouvwivM
turnea ana reported tne ioiiowing preamoie and
resolutions :
Whereas, the friends of the cause of Temper
ance have petitioned the Legislature of this Com
monwealth for several years past, for the pas
sage of a law prohibiting the traffic in, and sale
of intoxicating liquors, without any success, and
Whereas, the friends of Temperance, compo
sed as they are, of all the political parties of
the day, have heretofore voted for the candi
dates of the-ir respective parties, hoping by peti
tions to induce them to vote for the passage of
such a law, which petitions, to equal extent,
have been treated with marked contempt, and
whereas, the day has come, and now is, when it
behooves the friends of Temperance to act for
themselves in view of the importauco of the
cause they espouse,
Therefore, be it Resolved, That this Convention
memorialize the respective political conferences
of both the Senatorial and Legislative districts,
of which this county forma a part, to place in
nomination candidates who are th known friends
of a prohibitory liquor law, and that they in
struct them by resolution to support such a law,
with all their ability, and vote lor it through
any stage of its proceedings.
Resolved, That in the event of both the polit
ical parties refusing to so put in nomination
their candidates, then, and in that event, the
Temperance men of the district put in - nomina
tion candidates for the Senate and House of
Resolved, That Geo. Settlemoyer, John Wil
liams, and S. L. Gorgas be the Legislative Con
ferees, and C. W. Webster, Stephen Lloyd, Sen.
and M. P. Benton be the Senatorial Conferees to i
carry out the foregoing resolution.
Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to support
no man for the Senate or House of Representa
tives, who is not known to be a warm and deci
ded friend of a prohibitory liquor law.
Resolved, That we deem it inexpedient to form
any other ticket than for the Senate and House
of Representatives.
Which after being read and the names of the
Conferees inserted, were unanimously adopted
by the Convention,
James Potts, Esq., offered the following reso
lution, llesolvcd. That this Convention endorse and
ratify the proceedings of the Executive Commit
tee of Ebensburg, and that an additional mem
ber be appointed from each township represen
ted in this Convention, and be styled the Cam
bria County Executive Committee.
The following gentlemen constitute the com
mittee: C. W. Webster, Stephen .Lloyd, sen., D. W.
Lewis, John Lloyd, J. S. Clark, Isaac Evans,
Arthur Noble, John Edwards, John Williams,
Moses Cnuan, John B. Morgan, Samuel Keagy,
Robert Hamiltcu, Thomas Osborn, Joseph Mil
ler, Andrew Donoughe, T. B. Leaman, J. Hol
len. C. W. Webster, Esq., offered the following
resolutions :
Resolved, That this Convention recommend the
immediate appointment of Township and Bor
ough Committees in eah Township and Bor
ough in the county, and also that the County
Executive Committee be instructed to open a
correspondence with the friends of the Temper
ance cause in the counties of Bedford, Blair,
Fulton and Huntingdon, advise them of our acs
tion, and secure their co-operation.
Resolved, That a general County Temperance
Convention be held at the Court House, in Eb
ensburg, on Tuesday evening, the sixth day of
September, and that the lecturers appointed by
the State Temperance Society be invited to at
tend, and address said Convention.
Severally read and adopted.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this Con
vention be signed by the officers, and published
in the different papers of this county, and also
in the "Crystal Fountain," at Harrisburg.
Several gentlemen were in attendance from
different parts of the county, who were not del
egates, but who by invitation participated in the
proceedings of the Convention, and appeared to
be much interested in the success of the cause.
Great harmony and unanimity of opinion mark
ed the entire deliberations of the Convention.
Resolved, That we now adjourn'.
M. S. Harr, Sec.-,
An Army of Grasshoppers.
An army of grasshoppers has made its appea
ance on the northern confines of Guatemala and
extended into Mexico as far as Oajaca. It is
about three leagues long by half a league broad,
and travels at the rate of twelve miles a day.
It has already traversed 150 leagues of country,
moving during the day and remaining quiet at
night and during the cloudy days, keeping near
the coast, and never beginning its march until
8 or 9 o'clock, when the sun is felt. Its prefer
red fool is indigo aud corn, audit has not touch
ed the sugar cane. It is described as being
from two to two and a half inches long, of a
deeperyellow color, and having four small winge
of the same color. A similar plague took place
in 1771, when they invaded Yucatan and the
coast of Vera Cruz and New Mcxioo in formida
ble numbers.
The Costa A2iir.
Conduct of Commodore Ingraham Correspond
ence icilh the Austrian Minister.
We have copious accounts of the arrest of
fVwtil tlm lllinrrfirinn nV tn k.i n Tf if n
time since tnat locality has been so thorough
waked up as it has been by the energy of Uapt.
d , i . A iuusv eirrtiirril-
ml , ew J M'lJ t
" lew days
Iorwaru statement to hand
Koosta, or Costa, had been b
Smyrna, although another account says he had
uc-eu eigm. moums concealed in the city. At ail
events, on the evening of the 22d June, he was
quietly smoking in a Greek coffee-house on the
wharf, (not a private dwelling of a Sardinian as
was at lirst reported,) when a band of ten men
came to the spot and arrested him as a Hunga
rian, who was in banishment with Kossuth Ct
Kutayah, and was permitted to go to Ameri
ca, on pledging his word never to return to Tur
kish territory. Costa struggled with his assail
ants, and knocked one or two of them into the
water, and atlength leaped into the stream" and
swain towards a bhip. He was soon overtaken
dragged into a boat, and taken on board the
Austrian brig of war 11 uzzar, where he was
heavily ironed. It was observed that six cf his
captors remained on board the brig, and the rest
returned ashore. The affair would appear to
have blown over for that night, but the next
morning it was generally talked of, and tke'iPost
intense excitement arose. Mr. Brown the U
S. Consul, learning that Costa was last from
America, waited on the Consul General of Aus
tria, saying that he understood thnt n r
Hungary, who had become an American citizen,
bad been taken by force on board the Austrian
Dng ol war, and lie wished to see the inaa and
asi lur.i tar pt"
The Austrian Consul df led all knowledge of
J.L:"?a.Ve' o the
ui vfinoria.
ui.gMuicuucsMjaiiu lflltlTieir with t. i r.ria-
oner, which was refused, 1 meantime the ves-ii
sei was preparing to detmrt. t tut
ment, the corvette St. Louts. Vnt ix,;..
f - , CX. b Lll L U1U"
re commanding, sailed into th- Lurhnr V ,l f7l ' . , ,a7 CVT " ln .Te,y comPU
. W t;m;; ":".Aifrb.?r' a?J the.Ftateof defend, and they are said W be await-
iu vummunicatini' the cir- i
cumsiances. Uur accounts clash
f seem chat Capt. Ingiaham, having gone oa
board the Austrian brig, was told bv the Lieu
tenant that he had no prisoner in the ship. Re
turning on uoaru a second time, and accornt a
-Ji r . . r
, J -"vu i-UTTjr lUUli'i V O III LU 0 i O I S
e, v-i. iujjm.
ham tnus adlressed:
"Your Lieutenant, sir, has lied ? The mean -
est cabin boy in the American service would not
be guilty of such cowardice."
Demanding then to see the paisoner, Costa
was brought on dock in iron's. Capt. Ingraham
asked, "Are you an American !" "No, I am a
Hungarian." "Have you an American pass
port 1" To which (like a blockhead) he replied
A'o, am a Hungarian, and will die a Ilun.sari-
anV The American could do no more and left
the brig. Learning, however, soon after, that
Costa had taken the oath of citizenship, and
seeing the Austrian brig preparing to depart,
Capt. Ingraham sent a message that "as from
a foreign independent territory, and who Jsad
sworn allegiance to the Government of the Uni
ted States, he should feel it his duty to insist
upon the brig remaining under his guns until he
received instructions from Constantinople, and
if any attempt were made to depart he would
at once fire into the brig."
While this was passing in the Jiarl.or, the ex
citement was no less on shore. All the Europe
an merchants went in a body to Ali Pacha, the
Turkish Governor of the city, and begged him
not to suffer this violation of the Ottoman terri
tory. The Pacha, in great trepidation, said he
cjuld not lidp it, but would wntu to Constanti
nople for instructions. The TTiercHiantd tln-n re
paired to the Gabino, which is their reading
room, ball-room and club, f.nd there passed a
resolution to expunge the name of every Aus
trian from their rolls. Toward evening, while
the city was yet in ferment, three otlicers from
the Austrian brig had the imprudence to go on
shore and sit suio&ing in a cafe. They were
speedily surrounded by an excited crowd of
Italians, who began by brandishing their knives,
and ended by stabbing one of the officers, Mid
shipman the Baron Huckelberg, aged eighteen,
and throwing him into the sea.
Another of the officers, a Lieutenant, was bad
ly beaten and the third, the physician of the
brig, being in plain clothes, escaped unhurt.
This cowarJly assassination was universally re
probated by the respectable inhabitants. On
the 25th the funeral of the young man took place,
and all the Consulates, with the exception of the
English and American, hoisted black flags. The
Austrian and Prussian Consuls accompanied the
body to the grave, but the other Consulates were
not represented. On hearing of the affray,
Baron Bruck, the Austrian Plenipotentiary at
Constantinople, demanded ample satisfaction
from the Porte within twenty-four hours, which
the Porte instantly granted by dismissing Ali
Pacha, and appointing the Governor of Rhodes
in his place. Several of the refugees were also
arrested, but the guilty ones were said to have
effected their escape. It was even said that
the Torte had pledged itself to put it out of the
power of the refugees, four hundred In number,
to do further mischief.
Meantime Mr. Browu addressed a note to Mr.
de Bruck, demanding the release of Costa. De
Bruck replied, in a warm manner, that he could
not take such a claim into consideration for a
moment, since Costa was a Hungarian, conse
quently an Austrian subject, and that the Em
peror of Austria had full power over all his sub
jects in the Ottoman territory. Mr. Brown, in
return, reiterates his demand, and sends Bruck
a copy oi tne oatn swern to oy uosia, in -sew
York, promising adherence to the Government
of the United States, stating his intention of be
coming an American citizen, and discarding all
other allegiance whatever, especially that to the
Emperor of Austria.
A dispatch from Constantinople, July 4, states
that Costa bad been provisionally handed over
to the keeping of the Austrian Consul at Smyr
na. It was stated in Paris that Lord Redcliffe, th6
British Ambassador at Constantinople, had also
interposed "in the name of humanity," to have
Costa returned to the United States. A dis
patch from Turin, 11th, states that the Sardini
an Government denies having had anything to
do with Costa's arrest"; the Sardinian Consul jn
Smyrna had no communlcatian with the Austri
an Consul on the subject. Another letter from
Vienna states that the particular crime laid to
Costa's charge is having assisted to hide the
regalia of Hungary.
Thero are three American ships (names not
stated) at Constantinople. It was reported that
the Cumberland had brought a large amount of
money to Constantinople. The Austrian ships
Artemise aud Castozza hnd been ordered to
Smyrna to assist the Hussar brig, if attacked by
the corvette St. Louis. It was also said that
the St. Louis had received several refugees on
Accidest.-A dreadful accident occurred
on the Camden and Amboy Railrond, Tuesday
afternoon, caused by a collision of trains, which
resulted in the loss of five lives and the wound
ing of a number of passengers. Misses MeCor
raick aud Buehler, of llarrieburg ; P. C. Martin,
wife and son ; Rev. James Purviance, of Mias.,
wife and child ; Mr. Relica. of N. . ; Mr. Da
vis, of N. J. ; Mr. Roland of Norfolk ; MesrO
Ebberiuun and Wentworth, of Phlla., are among
the wounded. A nurse, several children, and
one German and one Irish woman were killed.
Their names are uot mentioned.
Insurgent 1'roclaiming Chrit',iMtu.y ,.
in lUir I'ottetsirm '
The dates from China are to th 24ti0f r
The insurgents have possession of .J
f11.11' Lre liave raiseJ e baBi2 r
I- rfcuS,"d e. Protest, ?
Chiuese Uve translated th
- n and pensively circulated it amonllh i'
iw It createU an iaeu!ie citeenL f 1 S.I r0-
likely to end in tLe total destruction of th?i ,
Tartan race. ... e wll!e
Nankin is represented as havin? n
jto a most ruinotu condition by the aaaau't
v uuaituj UUU COLJUSIOD.
At the last accounts, the rebels were mr
ring to march against Pekin. ' v fl"
The march upon Pekin would be commence!
as soon as the reinforcements expected Wal
bouth should arrive. " uie
The commander of the British tea m. tt.
man had returned from n , "w
seat of the Vol.!!;." -v. v""u w u,e
- - cALreu i nn a t
the actual position of theforeign po
nuero ne JIM
wer. .
xc ctaieu mm ijh; insurants had
Peotestant form of worship llotTn
Chmt as the Saviour of Mankind, adopting tie
Tnnuj, and acknowledging the Ten Command!
meuts as obligatory. .... ;
The following account of Sir G. Bonham's ex.
pedmon to the of the rebellion, is contam
"Hermes returned to this port on the 5th i.
stant. Sir G.Bmham having been in comma
. . ." "'t:m cuieis, both in the
vicinity of at.gin and Cbinkianfr-foo w-
i..,t : -.i - fa vv- T.
rMnt rSf
districr is filled with anL hV an C
V.., : 1,11 t .. . . . i """.
.Nankin is held by the rebel forces, who are
Miongly delendicg it; they are also in p0se8
etou a Unpnnjr; the. whole line of the rivr
I " . " "f.u5 une 01 tu river
!fllll it I IT P . 1 "v a L .1. M
acter of the insurants iud their objects eem
to be t f u ui-ist curious aiid interesting nature.
A very correct transition of the jtible is freelv
circulated amouz tlict.i. and a ze:il !imnnntinn
i CI TC U 1 U I vi
muiacisia is urt l.t liHTO cu to clteinrt th
Struclion of llit v. lime Turturi uci. n-Ti;i
llv moral duties are not nnlr r.r. sr'i-;hY ,
forced and mad".!." '
Another authority, sirs "The in-turgentsare
ChrisUnRs of the l'rotvf-f-aiit form of wcrnhi,
and anti-i dolators of the &:r!ctet order. They
acknowledge but One God, tho Heavenly Father .
the Ali-wise, All-powerfnl, tr.d Omnipresent
Creator of tho world; with him, Jesus Chrint,
as the Saviour of mankind; and also, the Holy
Spirit, as the. 1 lit of the Three Persons of tL
Trinity. Their chief on earth is a person known
a3 "Tao-piug-wang, the Prince of Peace," u
whom a kind of divine origin and mission, is as
cribed. Fur, however, fr in claiming adoration,
Le forbids, in an edict t?3 application to hire,
self of the terms 'SuprtniV "Holy," and ott
ers, hitherto constantly assumed by the Empe
rors of China, but which he declines receivic
on the ground that they ara due to God olone.
Their moral code, the insurgents call the
'Heavenly Rules," which, cn examination, pro
ved to be the Ten Commandments. . The obser
vance of these, is strictly enforced by the lead
ers of the movement, chiefly Kwangtung and
Kwang-se, men who are not merely formal pro
fessors of a religious system, but practical and
spiritual Christians, deeply influenced by the
belief that God is always with them. The hard
ships they have suflerc-.J, uuj the Jaog-ers they
Lave Incurred, re punishments and trials cf
their Heavenly lather; the successes they have
achieved are instances of His grace."
From Sritish Guiana The Venezuelan
Revolution, lc.
Boston, August 3. Papers hive be?n receir.
ed here from Georgetown, British Guiana, to
July 14th. They report that there was consid
erable dissatisfaction at the result of the impor
tation of Chinese Coolies who were very quar
relsome. The bark Appollone, had arrived from
Calcutta with 190 Coolies 20 others had died
on the passage. 400 more Chinese Coolies had
Wen contracted for, and were expeoled. - They
were siid to be the off-Bcouring of the Chinese
An article in one of the papers declares that
if Cuba is allowed to continue to receive slaves,
the British West Indies cannot compete with
her in the production of sugar, &c.
The same papers have details of the Venezue
lan revolution, of which the Province of Cuman
seems to be the hja l-quartors. They had form
ed a provisional government, and had taken
measures for a Convention of the disaffected
Provinces to form a confederation. General
Thaddeo, a rrenerr.l of Monai?os, was marching
against them ut the head of 3,000 men.'
"The Monagos family had fifnt 7,000 doubloons
to Trinidad lor safe keepip.
The IVinidaiiin thinks that the Venezuelans
are unfit to be free, uud that an American rifle
corps had l-.etter take possession of the country
ami govern it.
Execution of Thomas Connor.
Frightful mid Ilorrifyliipr Scene t tU'
Scartold Breaking at the Hope.
Baltimore, August 5. The execution of Thos
Connor for the murder of Captain Hutchinaon,.
took place to-day, nithiu the jail walls, in obe
dience to the warrant of the Executive.
The gallows were erected above the level of.
the jail wall, affording a full view to the specta
tors who were assembled on the elevated grounds
in the vicinity, to the number of at least thirty
Everything being prepared, the condemned
mau was brought upon the scaffold at half past
eleven o'clock, and behaved in the most compo
sed and firm niauuer.
The signal was given and the bolt being drawr,
he fell, but to the horror of th spectators, the
rope broke just above the fatal noose, and the
unfortunate wretch fell to the ground, a distance
of twenty-five feet.
He was taken up insensible, when prepara
tions were made for carrying the dread sentence
of the law into execution. The rope bad been
previously tested with a thousand pounds,
which had probably strained it so as to occasion
the accident.
Baltimore, August o. At twenty minutes
after 12 o'cloek the unfortunate man was swung
off the second time, and expiated the crime for
which he waa beutenced to death.
Expected Duel.
Boston", Aug. f. ln consequence of some re
marks made by Mr. O'Donohoe, the Irish Exile,
concerning his treatment by the Chairman, at
the Meagher Supper, Mr. Treauor, the Chair
man aforesaid, demands a retraction. Mr. O -Donohue,
through his friend Capt. MalcabJ. re
fuses. It is reported .that ch.!Jenge ensued.
Bostox. Augast Cth. Cr" Donohue was arrest
ed at the Adams Houe this afternoon, charged
with seauing a Mttr to Mr. Trranor, accepuu
a chaikuge to fiht somewhere in the neighbor-,
hood of Manchcater, early to-morrow morning.
Patrick O'Dcnohu?, publisher of tho Boston Pi
lot, became his bi-1 in the euni of $2000, to p
naar to answer, and in the meantime to keep ta
peaco. warraat U out for Treanor, wbo gs"
the chillenge. He i3 commander of the Nea
gher Rifles of this city.
m!r tLe arrival of reiiil'orce:iit-r.ta from - .v
when tuey will proceed on their wiy to Pekin.
"The information gaiaed rnardino- the rl r