The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, August 04, 1853, Image 3

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' - -
Of one hundred and ninety comic's lu the
Western Penitentiary, on!;' one is a female.
Gen. Roeetlt Aii -tuonj h is lio.o-i seriously
III t4 Washington, i-s Vc-r-, ,-i rhi:-.
Hon. A. G:u.:
ceclincd the Con
vi:.- n
Of IVn
p at J!
oi N
:ia., 1. ;S
gutiun tim United
:'i.itcs at
Ti "T r.
Cd Secretary v..
Ee-nomjsatfp. John Iligk-r Las been re
nominated as the Democratic- candidate for Gov
ernor in California.
Hon. R. J. VALKm has recovered from Lis
late severeiilnes, and is now makipg active
preparations for Lis departure to China.
The Ru?sian Minister at Washington, annoyed
at the tone of the Washington Union on the
Kuisio-Turkish tpiostion, has "stopped his pa
per." . - -
JO-OS"" TLe HarrisLurg Telegraph urges the
nomination of John P. Pearson, Judge of the
Dauphin and Lebanon judicial district, as the
Whig Candidate for the Supreme Bench.
A wag suggests that the stationer who fur
nished the post olliee envelops, with his card on
the gummed flap, was anxious for notoriety and
desirous of haviug "his name upon everylo 1; 's
tongue!" - - -
Somebody has gone to the trouble of ascer
taining that there are sevcuiecn persons now
under sentence of death in the States of New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and New York.
They are to be hung during the next si x weeks.
A Smash. On Monday, as Mr. Stevens, a
jeweler, of New York, was . leaving town, his
horses became frightened and jumped olf the
bridge into the tail-race of the Huntingdon mill,
taking with them the carriage and Mr. Stevens.
The carriage was broken to pieces, but neither
Mr. Stevens or his horses were the least injur
ed. Huntingdon (JloLe.
The Japanese porcelain is remarkable. A late
writer on Japan says : "The tea-cups are es
pecially worthy of attention. I have seen tea
cups, a dozen of which, wilh the saucers, would
not weigh three ounces. They are really trans
parent and so thin and delicate that one would
believe the droppiug of a piece of sugar would
break them : nevertheless this very thinness gives
them an extraordinary elasticity."
Dioxrsics put a man to death for dreaming
he had killed him. That looks harsh ; bat the
King was philosophic illy just to tha law of dream
which always follows the teuor of "our walking
thoughts, however wildly and imperfectly.
Vfhen a young lady, a Neapolitan princess, was
told by a courtier that he had kissed her in a
dream, she ordered him a smart bastinado, and
she acted very properly. The rebuke - was cal
culated to be a sole-felt one, and must ha'e done
him good.
Cgg" Marshall Swartzwelder, a well known
Pittsburgh lawyer, formerly member of the Le
gislature, has been missing for some time, and
fears are entertained that he has been drowned.
He was on a visit to St. Panl, Minnesota, and
lettnis oaggagae at tuenotei on tue UJuly, since
which he had not been lieard of.
a later ciate says ne went out on the river
iu a canoe, and the canoe was afterwards found
fjQF The Scientific America 3ays that teeth,
in the form of purified white India rubber, have
been patented in England. It adds: "The ad
hesion is complete ; it can be moulded with per
fection to suit every inequality of the gam an-1
and teeth, and supplies an artificial periostum,
as it were, to the teeth, when they become pain
ful by the wasting away of the gum. Added to
these is the elasticity of the material, which
completely obviates the inconvenience that arises
from any motion with artificial teeth made by
other means."
-- . ,
- Democratic State Convention.
IIarkisbueu, July, 2S, 1853.
William L. Hirst, of Philadelphia, took the
chair, as chairman of the State Central Commit
tee, and as President of the - late Democratic
Convention, after alluding in proper terui3, to
the death of Judge Gibson, and stating the rea
sons for tho re-assembwng of the Convention cal
led that body to order.
-The names of delegates to the last State Con
vention were called it appearing that a large
number being absent, their places were filled by
substitutes. William Curtis and llobert Neviu
aete 1 as Secretaries. . .
Mr. Nili, of Franklin, moved that the counties
of Franklin, Erie, Warren and Mercer, be per
mitted to be represented by delegates not resi
dents of the respective counties named. This
motion was advocated by its mover, and opposed
by Messrs. J. W. Guernsey and A. Piumer, and
finally voted down by a largo majority.
Mr. Frailey, of Schulkill. moved to proceed
to the election of a temporary chairman ; this
motion was amended by Mr. Fulton, to substi
tute the words, "That we now proceed, to the
nomination of a candidate for Judge of the Su
pre Court." To this amendment Judge. Barrett
moved an amendment, that tho Convention now
proceeds to business unper its previous organi
sation, and that the former officers of the same
take their seats.
These various amendments were discussed by
Messrs. Frailey, Horn R. Kneass,- Black, Nill
and Judge B.irrett, and the amendmentof Judge
Barrett to the amendment was finally adopted
by a vote of yeas 1 1, nays 2
On tuotion of John N. Guernsey and Joel B
Danuer, the Hon. John C. Knox was unanimous
ly nominated as a canuiuate lor juujre or tne
Supreme Court. '
A resolution was now ollered to aujourn sine
dii, which was voted down by a large majority
The President appointed Messrs. McDowell,
Lowry and Guernsey a committee to inform J udge
Knox of his nomination.
After filling several vacancies on the conimit-
appointed at the last convention, to draft resol
utions, the Convention took a recess till seven
o'clock, to hear the report of that Commitlee.
Convention met at 7 o' clock. Mr. Guernsey
offered a resolution relative to the future organ
izations of Conventions, providing that the
Chairman of the State Central Committee act as
Chairman ex officio of all future Conventions un
til permanent officers are appointed.
Col. Black, Chairman of Committo on resolu
tions, reported several short resolutions sustain
ing the administrations of President Pierce and
'Gov. Bisrler. and also regretting the death of
-Judge Gibson and Vice President King, which
were adopted.
After the reading of the the resolutions above
referred to, Robert Tyler arose and ofi"ered resol
utions sustaining the Pacific Railroad scheme,
and re-affirming the Baltimore Tlatform ; which
Mr. Gore moved to amend by addins a resolution
in favor of granting a Homestead of 1G0 acres to
every actual settler of the Government lands. '
The resolutions sustaining a strict construc
tion of the Constitution, (Fugitive Slave Law,)
and in favor of the Pacific Road were adopted.
. Mr. Gore's resolution wag amended by urging
me next congress to pass a law giving every
Contosaptibla Xaanness.
A recent number of that excellent family pa
per, the Home Journal, stated that the Queen of
Great Britain some months a?o received from a
woman ia Pcimsylvaff.x, an elaborately v.oike 1
satin built, as a picK-nt, which t,li'e accorsteJ.
contrary to her asu a custom,
receipt. Th? donor, however,
splendid gifts an returns for .
personages, was indignant at
'ickn vl edging its
iiavia r visions of
presents to royal
not receiving ten
times the value of what .she had given and so
penue 1 an indignant letter to her majesty, on
the ground of her not receiving some keepsake
for her present. The Queen answered by buy
ing her off for jC20, at tho same time stating
that, in future, under no circumstances would
bhe receive "presents from American ladies," of
whom we fear she considers this woman a fair
When we perused this notice of the matter,
we confess that we felt somewhat annoyed that
this woman was an American, much more so
that she was a Pennsy lvanian but now the
meanness seems brought much nearer home, and
it is strongly suspected that she is a resident of
Allegheny city I A city paper states that one of
our Europe Agencies recently received a note
from their principals, authorising the payment
of X 20 (nearly a hundred dollars) to Mrs.
of Allegheny city, who (it is fair to presume) if
the fair (?) donor of the bed-cover to Queen Vic
toria. The Agent, for Vic's security, should
take a receipt in full and we don't know but it
should be published, as a caution to the other
crowned heads of Europe, for who knows but
the success of perseverance in thi3 instance may
not encourage her to play the same "thimble"
trick upon others, or even upon our own repub
lican President ? "Timeo JJanaos ct dona feren-tes.
Tunnelling Hachino.
A very ingenious apparatus has been devised
to facilitate the progress of tho Piedmontese
railroads, in which tunnels have been cut under
mountains The excavatinjr machine cuts the
channels in the rock, by means of several series
of chisels placed one beside the other, iu straight
lines; these lines of cutting are so arranged as
to be capable of a slight motion iu the direction
of the grooves after every stroke ; the object of
tins is to bring tue cinssels to bear upon alutho
spaces lying between the several cutting tools
situated in the same line, so as to produce not a
succession of holes, but a continuous channel
similar to a very wide saw-cut. This lateral
shifting of the lines of chisels, which takes place
alternately from right to left, and from left to
right, is caused by a corresponding motion given
to the frames in which they are fixed. Each
chisel is driven against the rock by a spiral
spring coiled round it. This spring, driving the
chisel forcibly against the rock, obliges it to act
efficaciously, notwithstanding the slight inequal
ities at the bottom of the channel, arising from
a want of uniformity in the resistance of the
stone. When the machine is - iu operation, the
several lines of chisels are all drawn back simul
taneously, by means of a species of cam or mo
vable bar. The apparatus is arranged so ag to
enable each chisel to strike 150 blows in a min
ute. The machine at the same time sets in mo
tion a pump, which forces a constant supply of
water into a reservoir, the upper part of which
is filled with compressed air. By this means
tho water is driven out in jets, through small
pipes placed between the chisels, and is thus
made to play upon the grooves, where it per
forms the double office of preventing the cutting
instruments from becoming heated, and remo
ving the dust and broken stones which would
otherwise accumulate in the grooves, and there
by prevent the effectual operation of the excavator.
flTUAYED away from Section 31," new Portage
) Railroad, near the foot of Plaue No. 8, on
Sunday night, July 21th, two sorrel mares; one
oi" theiu about nine years old, and has a stripe
u nvn her facu ; the ither six years oi l., bald
f;iCei and the knee of one hind leg slightly swollen-
Any person returning saiei inures, or giv
ing inf ormatiuu concerning them, will be liber
ally rewarded.
Foot of Plane No. 8, Aug. 4, 1853 40-3 1.
House auil Eot In Ebensburg for
S the undersisned tlcsiirns leaving this rlace
about the 1st of October, next, he will sell
on favorable terms, all that new, two-story frame
house, and half lot on which the same is erec
ted, situate in the borough of Ebensburg, oppo
site the Catholic church. There is a never-failing
well of pure water, wood house and wash
house upon the premises. The house was built
but a short time ago, is well finished in every
respect, and in perfect order. Tho situation
com mands one of the best views of the surround
ing country that can be found in the village.
Those desirous of purchasing will call upon
or write to the subscriber at Ebensburg, who
will impart all necessary information concern
ing the property and terms of sale. An indis
putable title given. .
- - - ..... , WM. C HUDSON.
Ebensburg, July 28, 1853 39-td.
I will dispose of my entire stock of Watches,
clocks, Jewelry (of all descriptions,) stationa
ry, &c, and the fixtures of my shop in Ebens
burg, prior to the first of October, next. An
excellent opportunity is thus afforded to any per
son desirous of engaging in the business, as this
is the only establishment of the kind in Ebens
burg. Said stock, and fixtures will be sold at
cost. A new two-story frame house, and half
lot upon which the same ia erected, situate in the
borough of Ebensburg, also for sale on fair
For information, call upon or write to the sub
scriber, at Ebensburg.
Ebensburg, July 28, 18-53 39-td.
fj$2fIIollidaysburg Whig and Huntingdon
Journal copy three times and charge this office.
Wiiilk cleaning out an old well at Lawrence-
burg, la., a few days since, two buckets of but
ter were taken from it. which had remained there
fourteen years. The l'rcs says that notwith
standing its age the batter was not so strong or
bad as some offered for sale in the groceries of
that place. -
Oxe of the best replies that we remember to
have seen to a fulsomely laudatory address was
made by James I. In a Shrewsbury address,
his royal subjects expressed a wish that he might
reign over them as long as the sun, moon and
stars should endure. "I suppose then," observ
ed the inouareh, "they mean my successor to
reign by candle-light.
Troth & Co.
JKSIt always gives us pleasure to notice any
article that confers a real benefit on the commu
nity, and it is with confidence we heartily com
mend Aycr's Cherry Tcctoral to our readers as
S:iessirg extraordinary virtues for the cure of
diseases incident to the Throat and Lunss.
This may account for our frequent reference to
this article which we feci fully justified in mak
ing known to tho public. JV. Y. Trilune..
SET down for trial at a Court of Common Pleas
to be held at Ebensburg, in and for the coun
ty of Cambria, on the first Monday of Septem
ber next, to continue two weeks.
Butcher ct al .
vs. Newman et al
" Crum
" Dillon
" King et al
M'Manamy's adm'rs.
Sargent .
Smay ' ' '
Glas3 '
Little .
Lloyd ct al
Conway 1
King et al .
Levergood, Linton & Co.
Carroll et al
" Same
R. L. JOHNSTON, rrolhonotary.
Prothonotary's Office, 1
Ebensburg, July 28, 185339.
Ream et al
King et al
Donnalley's adm.
Crum et al
Allegheny tp.
St. Ciair
Cox's adm'rs.
Anderson & Co. "
Kepler "
M'Gough et al "
Same '
MoyeFS "
Miltenbergcr "
Shabacher "
Smith "
Linton & Co. ' "
3 G Bailey's adm'rs
Cambria Cotaity SHedical Society.
A stated meeting of the Cambria county Med
ical Society will be held at Johnstown, on Tues
day the Gth day of August, at 2 o'clock P. M.
July 28, 1853. Recording Secy.
Xolicc to Imiliccpci-g ! -
T IS ORDERBD, That all licensed taverns in
Cambria county, shall close their bars on
Sunday; and any infringement of this order will
be considered a good cause for revoking the
license of the person so offending.
By tho Court,
R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk.
Ebensburg, Aug. -3, 1833 40-3t.
FiSyAll the papers in the county will insert
three times and charge county.
Temperance Men Talie Ttotlce
THE Temperance men of the borough of Eb
ensburg and township of Cambria, are re
quested to meet at the Court House in the bor
ough, On Saturday, the Cth inst., at 3 o'clock P.
M., for the purpose of selecting delegates to at
tend the County Convention on Tuesday next.
By order of the Ex. Com..
C. W. WEBSTER, Ch'm.
Aug. 4, 153. w
ouiuier oi me jate wars 160 acres of the pu
lands, and in this shape it was adopted "
After afev remarks from the President,
Convention adjourned tine die. ' -
Sew Cabinet Ware Rooms.
AMES S. TODD informs the citizens of Eb
ensburg, and the public generally, that he
has opened an extensive and varied assortment
of Cabinet Ware in Mr. Robert Davis' new build-
in"-. Main street, nearly opposite the "Mansion
Ilnuac " where he will be happy to have them
call and examine his -
ronsistinc' in part of Sofas, Bureaus, Tables,
iiA,ltvids. Secretary's Stands, &c, &c.
He will have constantly on nana an excellent
.crtmrat of Fancy and Common chaius,
k -will spII lower than ever before offered
TlUlbit uv i
Every article ordered will be made in the
most workmanlike manner, of the best materi
als ; and REPAIRING of all kinds will be
p.,mntlv attended to. His terms are CASH,
and beinjr determined to sell low, and keep none
hut irood articles, ha hopes to recsivc the pa
tronae of a discriminating public. .
Ebeuoburg, Aug. 4, 18S3. V -
ON SECTION 101, Pa. R. R."
Harrisburg, ?a.
MAJ. JOHN BRADY, Proprietor.
April 10, 185L lv
Wholesale dealers in tfnnlu ar.-. Cuiltrv.
.jr., No. 1203 Market Street, above ilh'
A ifliiladelpMa. Pa
April 10, 1851. ly 1 1
Wholesale Tobacco, Snuff, a.nd Srcar Manufac
tory, No. 173, North Third Street, three doors
anove vine,
. Philadelphia, Pa.
April 24, 1851. ly
Wholesale dealers in Wines and Liauors.
they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants
ana notei Keepers. N arehouse 208 Market St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
July 1st, 1851.- ly
treorge Ehy. Levi Matthews. "WiUiam Ebbs
- WJI (JiiVW llJiOCEIlS and Commission
Merchants, . Dealers in -all kinds of Produce and
Pittsburg Manufactures, No. 77 and 79 Water
Pittsburgh, Pa.
April 3, 1851. Gm
Has removed his office to No. 14 South Sev
enth fetreet, above Chestnut,
Philadelphia, Pa.
April 26, 1852 7-tf 20
Just Received,
At liia toro one door
east of the Sentinel of
fice, a superior as?ort
imnt of Gold and Sil
ver watthes und fine jew-
Cold Lever watches fu!-
jewelled, - 5,00
" Silver Ltver watches full jewelieJ, 1 .)()
Silver Cylinder Escapements " ll'.O.t
Silver Quaitiers " " . 6.0U
Also a line atsortment of eight day and thir-
Cnnbria County, sa:
I 111', i.nmmomvrn l i oi
IVnyl'rauia, to Geo C. K
jk'- administrator of Tcter Goer,
t -7 and to all others i tercstcd:
f : I I . : ; . -. r t nn
tt. i .' welryrepa.redjfrnt- .. - ,onTSC t,t ,w l.avebeen isM.ed t
at w.wltSvnouce, an:i warranted. p K nflnnmstrator oi nli
. .. WILLIAM B. HUDSON. L: ,hr chattels and estate of
E. HPT!lISO, Jr.,
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.,
IIF1LL practice in the several Courts of Cam
U bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro
fessional business entrusted to Lis care will be
promptly attended to.
Office ou Main street adjoining his dwelling
house. Ebensburg, April 21, 1853 2G-Sra.
; - Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa
Office ia the Court, House, up stairs.
J.innjiTy 1, 1851. ly
Wholesale dealer in Quecnsware, Chinaware,
Glassware, J-c.,.No. 215 Market Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
April 10, 1851. ly
John Parker. ..-. . James H. Parker
Wholesale Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon,
Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela
and Pectied Whiskey.
"So. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty Street,
Pittsburg-, Pa.
March, 11, 1852. ly.
Have constantly on hand a full assortment of
Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries generally.
"So. 17 North "Water Street, and
Ho. 10 North Delaware Avenue,
January 27, 1853.
Wholesale dealers in Hoots, Shoes, Bonnets,
and ralm Leaf Hats, No. 136 North Third Street
(opposite the Eagle Hotel,)
Philadelphia, Pa.
February. 26, 1852 ly
James Dougherty, at
Wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff
and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner
of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, lately
occupied by Ludwig, Kneedler & Co., keep con
stantly on hand a large and rell selected stock
of the most celebrated brands of
Domestic cigars,' and Snuff, which they offer for
sale on as favorable terms as any Louse in the
city. Orders promptly attended to. .
September 23, 1852 49-ly.
Cambria County, ss.
Ho. AT an Ornhans'
beia at Ebensburg, m-and for said
Sfeiift county, on Tuesday the 14th tlay
4i5fC' of June,A. D. 1853, before the Ilon-
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.,
AVill practice in the several courts of Cambria,
Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Germans can
consult and receive advice in their own language.
Office opposite the Court House, formerly oc
cupied by R. L. Johnston, Esq.
Ebensburg, February 3, 1853 ly.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Will practice in the several Courts of Cam
bria, Blair and Huntingdon counties. Germans
can receive advice in their own language. Office,
on main street two doors west of the store of
Murray, Zahm & Co.
May 8, 1851 ly.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
WiLif practice iu the several Courts of Cambria,
Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office ou
Centre St., joining Gen. M'Donald's dwelling.
Jan. 15, 1851. ly.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Office on Main Street, in the office lately oc
cupied by Gen. Jos. McDonald.
January 15, 1852.
Attorney at Law, Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Will attend the several Courts of Cambria
county, as heretofore. Office one door west of
Win. McFarland's cabinet warcroom.
January 1, 1851. ly
Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa.
Office on Main 6treet, two doors cast of the
Echo Office.
March 13, 1851. ly "
Attorney at Law, Johnstown. pa. -January
30, 1851 ly.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg Pa.,
IIrILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
l bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro
fessional business intrusted to his care will be
promptly attended to.
Office on Main stiect opposite Dr. Wm. Lem
on's office.
Ebensburg, April 28, 1853 27.
rnilE subscribers being abtrot to remove from
1 Cambria couuty, offer to sell off all their
large stock of Goods by private sale, in large
or small quantities, to suit purchasers, at first
cost. The stock consists in part of Dry Goods,
such as French, English and American cloths,
cassimeres, satinetts, tweeds, pilot cloth, satin I
Valencia, and other- vestmgs, silks, alpaccas,
musdelains, bombazinea, and , I
of every description ; shawls, handkerchiefs,
scarfs, cravats, tibbets, ribbons, gloves and ho
siery of all descriptions, table linen, diapers,
crash, red, white, yellow and Canton flannels,
linsey, blankets and coverlets, hickory Bhirting,
Irish linen, white goods of every description,
lacing, edging, &c, hats, caps, bonnets, boots
and shoes,
Hardware, queensware, glass, nails, flour, fish,
salt, iron, a splendid stock of Groceries, Drugs,
Paints, and Dj e Stuffs, all of which, we offer at
lower prices than goods have ever been sold in
the country, all kinds of country produce taken
in exchange, such, as Lumber, Railroad Ties,
Flaxseed, Rags, &c.
N. B. Country merchants will be supplied
with any of the above splendid selections of
goods at wholesale city prices, putting on only
a nominal figure for freight.
July 21, 1853 38-tf.
Temperance Men. take Notice.
1 EETINGS will be held in tho different town-
ships and boroughs in Cambria county, on
Saturday, the sixth day of August, for the pur
pose of selecting delegates to meet in Temper
ance Convention, to be held iu Ebensburg on
Tuesday, tho Sth day of August. "
Tile object of 6aid Convention is to place be
foro the people candidates for the Legislature
known to be favorable to the passage of a pro
hibitory liquor law.
We bopo every township and borough wiU be
G W. Webster, ' John Williams,
D W. Lewis, ' Stephen Lloyd,
Ji S- Clark, John Lloyd,
Arthur Noble, Executive Com.
. N. B. Johnstown papers please copy," and ed
itors in Bedford," Fulton, Blair aud Huntingdon
counties are requested to notice.
Ebdnsburg, July 21, 1853-r-38-td; . , .
orable the Judges of the said Court;
On the petition of Thomas II. Porter, of the
county of Cambria, and Charles B. Kennedy,
guardian of Thomas II. Porter, a minor child of
William Porter, late of said county, deceased,
setting forth that JoLn Moran, late of the said
county, died in or about the month of March A.
D. 1849, intestate, and letters of administration
have been issued, in due conrse of law, to Pat
rick M'Manamy, administrator of all and singu
lar the eroods, -chattels and estate of the saidt
John Moran. The sail John Moan, in his life
time, to wit, on the 20th day of May, A. D. 1840,
was' seized in fee of and in a. certain piece or
parcel of laud situate in Washington township,
Cambria county, bounded and described a3 fol
lows : Beginning at a post on line of other land
of John Moran, then south 31 degrees cast, 79
perches to a post, thence north 34 degrees east,
7G perches to a brick, thence north 34 degrees
west, 40 perches to a small spruce, thence south
03 degrees west, 71 perches to the place of be
ginning, containing 24 acres and. 152 perches
and allowance, being part of a tract of land war
ranted in name of Joseph Dil worth. That being
so seized the said John Moran did, by a bargain
or contract in writing, bind himself to sell and
convey the said piece or parcel of land with the
appurtenances, unto the said William Porter in
fee simple, and in consideration of the sum of
seven dollars per acre, to be paid to the said
John Moran. That subsequently to tho above
bargain or contract the said William Porter, in
his lifetime, by a parol agreement sold unto the
Said Thomas II. Porter, the undivided half part
of the aforesaid piece or parcel of land, in con
sideration that the said Thomas II. Porter 6hould
erect certain improvements thereon, which he
afterwards did. - That the said William Porter
has since died leaving no widow, and but one
child above named. That the whole of the pur
chase money was paid to the said John Moran
in bis lifetime, but died before executing a deed
for the aforesaid premises, and that no sufficient
provision "lor the performance of the said bar
gain or contract, appears to have been made by
the said deceased in his lifetime, though he was
well satisfied and intended that the same should
bo consummated. . -
A.nd praying the Court tQ designate some day
certain, at which notice may be given to the ad
ministrator, and widow, and heirs of the said
deceased, to appear in your said Court and an
swer this bill or petition ; and furthermore, to
decree the specific performance of tho Baid con
tract according to the true intent and meaning
thereof in or to the completing their title accor
ding to the act of Assembly, in such case made
and provided.
You, and every of you, tne sanl administrator,
widow and heirs, are therefor hereby cited to
be and appear at an Orphans Court to bo held
at Ebensburg in and for said county on the fifth
day of September, A. D. 1653, to shew canse if
you, or any of you have, why your should not
answer the premises, and abide such order and
decree as to the said Court maybe agreeable to
equity and good conscience.
Witness tho Honorable George Taylor, Presi
dent of our said Court at Ebensburg, the four
teenth day of June, A D. 1853.
R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk.
: Ebensburg. July.21, 185338,. - - ' '
Hut id T. Storm,
Notary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer,
Yf JILL also attend to his duties as Justice. Lc
V gal instuments of writing, such as deeds, a
grecments, Foreign Power of Attorney, &c,
drawn up. accurately. Collections entrusted to
his care will receive strict attention.
May 13, 1852 30-tf.
Justice of the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa.,
Will attend promptly to all collections entrus
ted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling.
Decern. 24, 1851. 11-tf.
Exchange Hotel.
HoRidayshurg, Blair Co., Pa.
The proprietor assures the public that no exer
tions will be wanting on his part to render his
house home-like to those who call with him, and
solicits a 6hare of public patronage.
April 29, 1852.
CampboUstown, Cambria county Ta.
The undersigned. Proprietor of the above Ho
tel, informs his friends and the public that he is
well prepared to furnish the best of accommo
dation, and is determined to please all who may
call with him.
jonN p. parish.
Campbcllstown, June 1G, 1853 34-6m.
CarroUtown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
Hhe undersigned is prepared to accommodate
1 . in the best kind cf stylo all who way favor
him with a call, and hopes by strict attention to
business to merit and receive a snare of public
patronage.. HENRY SCANLAN.
may 20, 1852.-31-tf
Gt.Rl.Tl NO
he-read at an Orphan' Court held at Ebcna
ln rg, in and i r the -.i.t:ty of Cambria, on
Tuesday, the Mill dry ot'.'i.i..-, A. D. 1853, be
forr the JuoV s T the Fai Curt. The petition
of Cornelius Gregory, fil.- tn-onty ..f Cambria,
was piusente'd, tciting lorln luut l'vUrGeer,
late of the township of White. i:i the suid coun
ty, died on the 11th day of March, 153, iu tho
J lottt-rs ot a a mini s-
lifetime, to wit, on er about the mouth of April,
A. D. 18 IS, was be-ixeJ m fee of and in the fol
lowing tract of land : All that ce rtain tract OI
land tituate in the townhip of White, Cambria
county, bounded and described as follow?, to wit:
Beginning H.j perclios Iroin a aogwoou on mo
northwest corntr of the tract in name of Wil
liam Coats, thence cast to u white oak corner of, thence east 115 perches to corner of Joseph
llolkn's tract, thence 80 perches north on the
line of Joseph llollen, thence 180 perches par
allel with the first line, the nce south 80 perches
to the place of beginning, containing bl acres
aud 153 ppi-ches.with the usual allowance, (be
ing part of two larger tracts of land surveyed in
names of Joseph Thucber and Andrew Thacher,
and which by eundry mesne conveyances aud
assurances in the law, duly bad and executed,
beeane vcsled iu the said Peter Geer;) that be
ing so 6eized, the said Peter (Jeer did, by a pa
rol bargain or contract, bind binieelf to pell and
convey the said tract of land with the appurte
nenco, unto a certain Peter Funalmnn, in fee
simple, in considcratiou that the said Peter Fun -ahnan
should pay one hundred and forty-nine
dollars of the debts then ow ing by the said Peter
Geer, and keep in a comfortable manner in food
and clothing and other necessaries, the said Pe
ter Geer, and tv bury the said Vcter Ger de
cently and i a suitable manner at hla eleeease.
That the said Peter Faualman complied .ith
the said stipulation of contract or bargain, ou
his part, until on cr about the 14th day of May,
A. D. 1852, at which date the said Peter Funal
man, by and with the consent of the said Fetor
Geer, by a bargain or contract in writing, con
veyed all his right, titles claim and interest iu
the tract of land aforesaid to your petitioner, in
consideration that your petitioner should keep
the said Peter Geer in the manner required to
be done by the said Peter Funalraan, and at the
death of the said Peter Geer to bury him decent
ly and in a suitable manner, and for the further
censideration of the sum of two hundred and fif
ty dollars, to be.paid by your petitioner to the
said Teter Funalman. That your petitioner kept
and maintained the said Tetcr Geer in the man
ner aforesaid, from the 6aid 1 1th day of May,
1852, until the time of his death, and afterwards
gave him a decent burial. That the Eai I Peter
Geer in his lifetime directed a deed to be pre
pared, for the said tract of land to the said Fe
tcr Funalman, but its execution was neglected
by him, and that at the time your petitioner took
the said Peter Goer to keep and maintain, under
the contract with the said Peter Funalman, the
said Teter Geer was satisfied and intended to
execute a conveyance for the tract of lnd afore
said to your petitioner, but died without mak
ing sufficient provision for the said bargain or
contract, though he was was well satisfied and
intended that the same should be consummated.
And praying the Court to designate some day
certain at which notice may be given to the ad
ministrator and heirs of the said deceased, to
nrTar in" your euid Court and answer this bill
or petition; and furthermore, tb decree the spe
cific performance of the 6aid contract, according .
to the titic intent andtneau'iDg thereof, in order
to the completing his title according to tbct cf
Assembly in such case made and providWi'
You and every of you are hereby cited to be
and appear at an Orphans Court to be held at
Ebensburg, iu and for said county, on the fifth
day of Septembcrncxt, to shew cause if any or
either of you have, why you should not answer
the premises and abide such order and decree
as to tho scid Court may be agreeable to equity
and good conscience, &c.
Witness the Honorable George Taylor, Presi
dent of our said Court at Ebensburg, the 14 th
day of July, A. D. 1853.
Ebensburg, July 21, 1853 38.
Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser.
In the basement story of Davis & Co's., ware
Ebensburg, May 1, 1851.-ly.
N. B- Shampooing done, and razors honed in
a superior manner. : . 'r- .
155 Market Street, N. E. Corner of 4th, '
Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all of the
various new kinds and styles 6ilk, fur, brush,
wool, Panama, straw and chip Hats ; silk, straw,
braid and lace Bonnets ; artificial flowers, furs,
&c, which will be sold cheaper than the cheap.
est. Feb. '52, 19-ly-
Wholesale grocers ami dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whiskey, Flour, Ba
con, Fish, Cheese, Sc., &c. No 311, Liberty
street, opposite the head of Smithficld, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
peceniber23, I&52 9-tfj. - -
Auditor's Xotlcc.
fRnE undersigned auditor, appointed by the Or
1 phans' Court of Cambia county, to make and
report distribution of the assets remaining in
the hands of Samuel M'Mullcn, adiniuistratorof
the estate of John M'Mullcn, late of Clearfield,
township, hereby notifies all persons interested,
that he will attend to tho duties of said Appoint
ment, at his office, in the borough of Ebensburg,
on Tuesday the 2d day of August next ct the
hour of one o'clock, P. M.
G. M. REED, Auditor .
Ebensburg, June GO, 1853 Co-4t.
L No. 5C July Term, 1852.
Clearfield township
John Wilt and Rich
ard Adams.
On motion, M. Hassou appointed to take tes
timony in the above case. Dy the Court.
In pursuance of tho above appointment I wm
attend to the duties thereof, at my office in Eb
ensburg, on Monday, the 8th day of August, at
o'clock, P. M. M. HAbSUi.
July 9. 1853 37-Ct.
Executor's Xoticc.
ETTEPtS testamentary having been granted to
tho undersigned hv tne Register of Cambtia
county, on the estate of William M'Cune, de
ceased, late of Washington township, all persona
indebted to Raid estate are hereby notified to
make immediate payment, and those having
cla'uns.will present them properly authented for
settlement. .
. ANN M'CUNE, AJninLtxairix.
Washington tp., June 23, 1853 G5-Ct.pd.
THE books of J. P. Parrish & Henry J..Tar
rish, and those of John P. Parrish, Michael
Barnacle and Francis Byrne, are left iu tho.handa
of R- Hutchinson Jr., Esq., for collection. . All
persons indebted can save costs by calling upon
him fir. mediately, and settling their respective
Carapbcllfctiwn, July 21, 1853 C-3L
IciiuylTanla Rail Road. .
YjlROM and after this date Tasscngors taking
V seats in the cars without tickets, at stations
where there is a ticket office, will be charged
ten cents extra. W. W. IVORY,
Agent Penn. Ji. Ji. Co.
Summit, July 23, 185339. -
1 1 JILL forward all packages of goods or money,
daily.' except Sunday, to all the principal
citiW in the Union, and all towns on the Rail
Road between Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Drafts collected from California, Drafts sold
nn Trfelaii'l. Eurflajid or SfmtliLnd. fmm Jl nn
J wards. Money for drafts must be par.
1 Summit, July 28, 185339. - : ' .