The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, August 04, 1853, Image 1
- ' . . . '' ' . . ' ' . . .. . ' . jAtf&Y A. trff " ' ' A ffl - . "WE GO WEESE DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES POCTT THE "WY ;WHEIf THEY CEASE TO LEAD, WE CEASE TO FOLLOW." 1 " VOLUME IX. EBEXSBURG, T11LRdAY, AUGUST j 1853. XUMBER 40 UDIES' SLOIES. There ia a strange deformity Combined with countless graces, As often in the ladies' names As in the ladies' faces. Soine. jjajaea are fit foe every age, .- Some fit for only youth; Some passing sweet and beautiful, Same horribly uncouth, Some fit for dames of loftiest grades, Some only fit for scullery maid. Ann is too plain and common; And Nancy sounds but ill'r Vet Anna is endurable, . And Annie better still. There is a grace in Charlotte, In Eleanor a state; An elegance in Isabel, A haughtiness in Kate. -And Sarah is sedate and neat. And Ellen innocent and sweet. Matilda has a sickly sound, Fit for a nurse's trade ; Sophia is effeminate. And Esther sage and staid. Eliabeth's a matchless name, Fit for a queen to wear In cajtle, cottage, hut or hall, A name beyond compare. And Bess and Bessie follow well, But Betsy is dstestible. "Maria ia too forward, And Gertruds is too gruif ; -Yet, coupled with a pretty face, Is pretty name enough. And Adelaid is fanciful, - AncT Laura is too fine ; Aiid Emily is beautiful, And Mary is divine. Maud only suit3 & high-born dame, And Fanny is a baby-name. Eliza is not very choice, Jane is too blunt and bold ; And Marian somewhat sorrowful, And Lucy proud and cold. Amelia is too light and gay, Fit only for a flirt; And Caroline is vaia and shy, And Flora smart and pert. Louisa is too soft and sleek. Bat Alice, gentle, chaste and meek. And Harriet is confiding, And Clara grave and mild ; And Emma is affectionate. And Janet arch and wild. And Patience is expressive, And Grace is old and rare, And Hannah warm and dutiful. And Margaret frank and fair, And Faith, and Hope, and Charity, Are heavenly names of sisters three. Rebecca for a Jewess, Rose for a country belle, And Agnes for a blushing bride, Will suit exceeding well. And Phoebe for a midwife, Joanna for a prude, And Rachel for a gipsy weneb. Are all extremely good. And Judith for a scold and churl, And Susan for a sailor's girl. ; A LADY'S HANS. 'Tis dimpled, white, and oh ! so soft, - That little fairy hand ! It lies within my own so warm, So graceful in its petite form ; No words I can command Will tell the magic, mystic spell Which in that hand doth dwell, As to my burning lips full oft That little hand I press, , Bestowing love's caress tlpon the flake of dimpled snow "Which warm with life and youth doth glow; My lady's soft white hand. 1 love to mark the blue veins swell Upon that little hand ; Each finger tapers round and fair ; And by that much-loved hand I swearj While I have wealth or land, That gentle hand no ill shall know, No mde touch bid its whiteness glow, That snowy hand I love so well. Would it were now in mine, That I might leave love's sign, His signet and his sweetest seal, . On that hand which, through woe and weal, I'll love my lady's hand ! From the Courier des Etats Unis. I'OXTIUS PIIATE YS YIELVXE. Vienne, in Dauphiny, a province of France, the ancient capital of transalpine Gaul under the Romans, is situated on the river Rhone. There, on the left bank of that beautiful stream, is seen a tomb of an ancient architecture which, accor ding to tradition, is the tomb of Pontius Pilate Pilate, under whose government Jesus Christ suffered. Passu est Fontio Pilato. It was in Vienne, also that the Wandering Jew revealed himself in 1777 a most remarkable occurrence, the spot that contained the ashes of the Judge of the Righteous, was to be trodden upon by a descendant of his accuser. The following chronicle was extracted from an old Latin manuscript found in a monastery at Vienne: It was under the reign of Caligula, . when C. Marcius was praetor at Vienne, that an old man, bent with age, yet of tall stature, was seen to descend from bis litter and enter a house of modest appearance, near the temple of Mars. Over.the door of this house was written, in red letters, the name of F. Albinus. He was an old acquaintance of Pilate's. After mutual saluta tions, Albinus observed to him, that many years had elapsed since their separation. ; "Yes," replied Pilate, "many years years of misfor tune and affliction. Accursed be the day on which X succeeded Valerius Gratus in the gov ernment cf Judea! My name js ominous; it -fcas been fatal to whomsoever has borne it One of my 'ancestors printed an indelible mark of in . V xamy on the fair front of imperial Rome, when the RrTn passed under the Caddiaae Ferculae '.iif the Samnita war. Another perished by the hand of the Parthisea in the wax against Ar mmiu. And I mieerable me ! 'Yeu miserable V asked Albinus, "what have you done to entail miseryon you ? True, the injustice of Caligula has exiled you to Vienne, but for what crime ? I have examined your af fair at the Tabutarium. You are denounced by Vitellus, prefect of Syria, your enemy, for hav ing chastened the rebellious Hebrews, who had slain the most nuble of the Samaritans, and who afterwards withdrew themselvep on Mount Ga riziin. You are also accused of acting thus out of hatred against the Jews." "No !" replied Pilate. "No! by ail the gods, Albinua, it is not the injustice af Caesar that af flicts me." "What then is the cause or your affliction?" continued Albinus. "Long have I known you sensible, just, humane. I see it you are the victim of Vitellus." "Say not so, Albinus say not that I am the victim 6f Vitellus no ; I am the victim of a higher power! The Romans regard me as an object of Caesar's disgrace, the Jews as the se vere Proconsul ; the Christians as the execution er of their God I" "Of their God, did you say, Pilate? Impious wretches ! Adore a God born in a manger, and put to death ou across!" 'Beware, Albinus, beware !" continued Pilate. "If their Christ had been born under the purple he would have been adored. Listen. To your friendship I will submit the events of my life; you will afterwards j udge whether I am worthy of your hospitality." On my arrival at Jerusalem, 1 took possession of the Pretorium, and ordered a splendid feast to be prepared, to which I invited the Tetrarch of Judea, with the high priests and his officers. At the appointed hour no guest appeared. This was an insult offered to my dignity. A few days afterwards the Tetrarch deigned to pay me a visit. His deportment was grave and deceitful. He pretended that his religion forbade him and his attendants to sit down at the table of the gentiles, and to offer up libations with them. I thought it expedient to accept of his excuse; but Irom that moment I was convinced that the conquered had declared themselves the enemies of the conquerors At that time, Jerusalem was, of all conquered cities, the most difficult to govern. So turbu let were the people, that I lived in momentary dread of an insurrection. To repress it I had but a single Centurion and a handful of soldiers I requested a re-inforcement from the Prefect of Syria, who informed me that he had scarcely troops sufficient to defend his own province. In satiate thirst of empire to extend our conquests beyond the means of defending them ! Among the various rumors which came to my ears, there was one that attracted my attention. A young man, it was said, had appeared in Gali lee, preaching with a noble unction, a new law in the name of the God that had sent him. At first, I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans; but soon were my fears dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day, in passing by tfaeplaoe of Siloe, where there was a great concourse of people, I observed in the midst of the group a young man leaning against a tree, who was calmly address ing the multitude. I was told that it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected, so great was the difference between him and those who. were listening to him. He appeared to be about thir ty years of age. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. Never have I seen a sweeter or a" more serene countenance What a contrast between him and his hearers, with their blacK beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt him by my presence,' 1 continued my walk, but sig nified to my Secretary to join the group and lis teni My Secretary's nama was Manlius. He was, the grandson of the chief of theconspiraors who encamped in Etrusia wailing for Catilina. Man lius was an ancient inhabitant of Judea, and well acquainted with the Hebrew language. He was devoted to me, and ra worthy of my con fidence. On returning to the Pretorium, I found Man lius, who related to me the words that Jesushad pronounced at Siloe. Never have I heard in the Portico, or read in the works of the Philos ophers, any thing that can be compared to the maxims of Jesus. One of the rebellious Jews, bo numerous in Jerusalem, having asked him if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not, Jesus replied: Render unto Ccesar the things which are Ccesar's and unto God the thinjs that are God's. It was on account of the wisdom of his say ings that I granted so much liberty to the Naza rene ; for it was in my power to have had him arrested and exiled to Pontus ; but this would have been contrary to that justice which has always characterized the Romans. This man was neither seditious nor rebellious. I extended to him my protection, unknown, perhaps, to himself. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and address the people, to choose dis ciples, unrestrained by any pretorian mandate. Should it ever happen may the Gods avert tho omen ! should it ever happen, I say, that the religion of our forefathers be supplanted by the reli gion of Jesus, it will be to his noble tol eration that Rome shall owe her premature ob sequies whilst I, miserable wretch ! 1 shall have been the instrument of what Christians call Providence, and we Destiny . But this unlimited freedom granted to Jesus, provoked the Jews not the poor, but the rich and powerful. It was" true, Jesus was severe on the latter, and this was a political raason, in my opinion, not to control the libera f of the Nazarene "Scribes and Pharisees I", would he Bay to them, "ye are a race of vipers ! you re semble painted sepulchres." At other times he would sneer at the proud aims of the Publican, telling him that the mite of the widow was more precious in the sight of God. Tew complaints were daily made at the Tre torium against the insolence of Jesus. I was even informed that some misfortune would befall him that it was not the first time that Jeru salem had stoned those who called themselves prophets and that if the Pretorium refused justice, an appeal would be made to Caesar, of all that happened. - My conduct was approved by the Senate, and I was promised a re-inforce-ment of troops after the termination of the Par thian war. . - .. - Being too weak to suppress a sedition, I re solved upon, adopting a measure that promised to establish te tranquility of the city, without subjecting the Pretorium to humiliating coaces- sions. I wrote to Jesus, requesting an interview with bim at the Pretorium. He came. Oh, Albinus ! now that my blood runs cold in my veins, and that my body is bent down under the load of years, it is not surprising that Pilate should sometimes .tremble: but then I was young in my veins flowed the Spanish mixeT with Horn an blood, as incapable of fear as it was of puerile emotions. When the Nazarene made his appearage, I was walking in my basilic, and my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pave ment. He was calm, the Nazarene calm as in nocence. When he came up to me, he stopped, and by a single gesture, seemed to say to me, here am I. For some time I contemplated with admiration and awe this extraordinary type of man a type unknown to our numerous painters who have given form and figure to all the gods and to all the heroes. , - "Jesus," said I to him at last and my tongue faltered "Jesus of Nazareth, I have granted you for the last thr"ee years ample freedom of speech ; nor do I regret it. Your words are those of a sage. I know not whether you have read Socrates and Plato ; but this I know, that there is in your discourses a majestic simplicity that elevates you far above those great philoso phers. The emperor is informed of it, and I,, his humble representative in this country, ara glad of having allowed you that liberty of which you are so worthy. However, I must not con ceal from you that your discourses have raised up against you powerful and inveterate enemies. Neither is this surprising. Socrates had his ear emies, and he fell a victim to their hatred. Yours are doubly incensed against you on ac4 count of your sayings "; against hie, on account of the liberty, extended toward, you.. They, even accused me indirectly of being leagued with you for the purpose of depriving the He brews of the little civil power which Rome has left them. My request I do not say my order i3 that you be more circumspect for the fu 'ture, eid more tender in rousing the pride of your enemies, lest they raise against you the stupid populace, and compel me to employ the instruments of justice. The Nazarene calmly replied : "Prince of the earth, your words proceed not from true wisdom. Say to the torrent to stop in the midst of the mountain because it will up root the trees of the valley ; the torrent will an swer you, that it obeys the laws of the Creator. God alone knows whither flows the Waters of the torrent. Verily, I say unto you, before i the rose of Sharon blossoms, the blood of the just will be spilt." "Your blood shall not be spilt,'.' replied I, with emotion. "You are more precious in my estimation, on account of your wisdom, than all these turbulent and proud Pharisees who abuse the freedom granted them by the Romans, con spire against Caesar, and construe our bounty into fear. Insolent wretches! They are not aware that the wolf of the Tiber sometimes clothes himself with the skin of ihe sheep. I will protect you against them. My pretorium is open to you as a place of refuge it is a sa cred asylum." . .... Jesus carelessly shook his head, and said, with a graceful and divine smile; "When the day shall have come, there . will be no asylum for the Son of Man, neither on earth nor under the earth. The asylum of the J us tis there, (pointing to the heavens.) That which is written in the books of the prophets must be accomplished.'' , 'Young man," answered I mildly, "you o blige me to convert my request into an order. The safety of the province which has been con fided to my care requires it. You must observe more moderation in your discourses. Do not infringe my orders, you know. May happiness attend you. Farewell." "Prince of earth," replied Jesus, "I come not to bring war into the world, but peace, love and charity. I was born the same day on which Caesar Augustus gave peace to the Roman world. Persecution proceeds not from me. I expect it from others, and will meet it in obedience to the will of my Father, who has showu me the way. Restrain, therefore, your wordly prudence. It is not in your power to arrest the victim at the foot of the tabernacle of expiation." So saying, he disappeared like a bright shad ow behind the curtains of the basilic. . Herod the Tetrach who then reigned in Judea, and who died devoured by vermin, was a weak and wicked man, chosen by the chiefs of the law to be the instrument of their hatred. To him the enemies of Jesus addressed themselves, to wreak their vengeance on the Nazarene. Had Herod consulted his own inclination he would have ordered Jesus immediately to be put to death ; but though proud of his regal dignity, yet he was afraid of committing an act that might diminish his influence with Csesar. Herod called on me one day at the Pretorium, and on rising to take leave, after some insignifi cant conversation, he asked - me what was my opinion concerning the Nazarene. I replied, that Jesus appeared tome to be one of those grave philosophers that great na tions some times produce ; that his doctrine was by no means dangerous ; and that the intention of Rome was to leave him that freedom of speech which was justified by his actions. Herod smi led maliciously, and saluting me with ironical respect, he departed. The great feast of the Jews was approaching; and their intention was to avail themselves of the popular exultation which always manifests itself at the solemnities of .a passover." ' Jhe' city was. overflowing with a tumultuous p ypulace, clamoring for the death of the Nazarene. My emissaries informed me that the treasure of the Temple had been eiapoljed in bribing the people. The danger was pressing. A Roman centurion had been insulted. . I wrote to the Prefect of Syria, requesting a hundred foot soldiers, and the same number of Cavalry. He declined. I saw myself alone with a handful of veterans in the midst of a rebellious city too weak to suppress disorder, and having no other choice left than to tolerate it. They had seized upon Jesus ; and the eedi tious rabble, although they knew they had noth ing to fear from the Pretorium, believing, on the faith of their leaders,. that I winked at their sedition, continued vociferating "Crucify him ! crucify him!" , Three powerful parties at that time had com bined together against Jesus. First the Herodi ans and Sadducees,- whose seditious conduct ee.em.ed to have proceeded from a double motive; y halted the Nazarene, and were impatient T the Roman yoke. They could never forgive' n$ for having entered their holy city with ban- nc-3 tnat bore the image of the Roman emperor; CtdjLltto'ugh in this instance, I had committed A-! error, yet the sacrilege did not appear lea's henious iu their eyes. Another ""erievahce also rankled in their, bosoms. I had proposed to employ a part of the treasure of the Temple in erecting edifices of public utility. My propo sal was scowled at The Pharisees were the avowed enemies of Jesus. They cared not for the Government ; but they bore with bitterness tfie severe reprimands which the Nazarene had ftr three years been continually throwing out against them wherever he went. Too weak and usilanimqus to act by themselves, they had ea gerly embraced the quarrel of the Herodians and Saducees. Besides these three parties, I had to contend against the reckless and profligate pop iface always ready to join in a sedition,-and to profit by the disorder and confusion that result therefrom. ) Jesus was dragged before the Council of the Priests and condemned to death. It was (hen tlat the High Priest, Caiaphas, performed a der isory act of submission. He sent his prisoner to me to pronounce his condemnation and secure Ms execution. I answered him that, as Jesus was a Galilean, the affair came in Herod's juris diction, and ordered Jesus to be sent thither. The wily Tetrarch professed humility, and pro testing his deference to the lieutenant of Caesar, he eommitted the fate of the man to my hands. Soon my place assumed the aspect of a besieged citadel ; every moment increased the number of the seditious. Jerusalem was inundated with crowds from the mountains of Nazareth. All Ju dea appeared to be pouring into the devoted city- ... . I had taken a wife, a girl fronk among the Gauls, who pretended to see . into futurity. Weeping, and throwing herself at my feet, "Bo ware," said she to me, beware and touch not that man, for he is holy. Last night I saw him in a vision, he was walking on the water he was flying on the wings of the wind. ... He spoke to the tempests, to the palm trees, to the fisher of the lake all were obedient to him. Behold ! the torrent of Mount Kedron flows with blood the statues of Csesar are filled with the filth of the gemonisee the columns of the Pretorium have given away, and the sun is veiled in mourn ing like a vestal in the tomb ! O, Pilate, evil awaits thee. , If thou wilt not listen to the words of thy wife, dread the curses of a Roman Senate dread the frowns of Ceaser !" ' By this time the marble stairs groaned under the weight of multitude. The Nazarene was brought back to me. I proceeded to the Hall of Justice, followed by thy guards, and asked the people in a severe tone what they demanded? "The death of the Nazarene," was their reply. For what crime ?" "He has blasphemed ; he hasprophesied the ruin of the temple ; he calls himself the son of God the Messiah the King of the Jews." "Roman justice," said I, "pun isles not such offence with death." "Crucify hin, crucify him!" Shouted forth the relentless rabble; - . : Ihe vociferations of the infuriate multitude shjok the palace to its .foundations. One man alone appeared calm jii the'tnidst of the tumult. Ho was like untd the statues of Innocence placed in the Temple of the Euminides. It was the Na zarene.' After many fruitless attempts to protect him from the fury of his merciless prosecutors, I had tht baseness to adopt a measure, which, at that moment, appeared td me to' be the only one that could save his life. I order him to be scourged ; thn, calling for an ewer, I washed my hands in th presence of the clamorous multitude, thereby signifying them my disapprobatioii of the deed. But in vain. - It was his life that these wretch es thirsted after. Often, ip. our civil commo tions, have I witnessed the furious animosity of the multitude, but nothing could ever be compar ea to what I beheld in the present instance. It might have been truly said that, on this occa sion, all the phantoms of the infernal regions had assembled at Jerusalem. The crowd ap peared not to walk ; they were , borne off and whirled as a vortex, rolling along like living waves, from the portals of the Pretorium even unto Mount Zion, with howling screams, shrieks and vociferations, such as were never heard in the seditions of Panonia, or in the tumults of the Forum. By degrees tho day darkened like a winter twilight, such as had been seen at the death of the great Julius Caesar. It was likewise towards the Ides of March. I, the contemned governor of a rebellious province, was leaning against a column of my basilic contemplating athwart the dreary gloom, this Theory of Tartarus dragging to execution the innocent Nazarene. All around me was desert ; Jerusalem had vomited forth her indwellers through the funeral gate tht Gemonia. An air of desolation and sadness en veloped me. My guards had joined the cavalry, and the Centurion, to display a shadow of pow er, was endeavoring to maintain order. I was left alone, and my breaking heart admonished me, that what was passing at that moment ap pertained rather to the history of the gods than to that of man. Loud clamors were heard pro ceeding from Golgotha," which borne on the winds appeared to announce an agony such as never had been heard by mortal ear. Dark clouds lowered over the pinnacle of the " temple, and large ruptures settled over the city and covered as with a veil. So dreadful "were the signs that were manifested, both in the heavens and on the earth, that Dionysius, the Areopsgit, is reported to have exclaimed, "ither the Author of nature is suffering, or the universe1 is falling apart." , Towards the first hour of the night, 1 threw my mantle around me, and went down into the city towards the gates of Golgotha. The sacra fice was consummated. The crowd was return ing home, still agitated, it is true, but gloomy, taciturn, and desperate. What the had witness ed had struck them with terror and remorse. I also saw my little Roman cohort pass by mourn fully, the standard bearer having veiled his eagle in token of grief, and I overheard some of the soldiers murmuring strange words which I did not comprehend. Others were recounting pro gidies almost similar to those which had so of ten smote the Romans with dismay by the will of the gods. Sometimes groups of men and women, would halt ; then looking backwards to wards Mount Calvary, would remain motionless, in the expectation of witnessing some new pro- feturned to the Pretorium, sad and pensive. On ascendmcr the stairs, the stens of -which were ftstill stained with the blood of the Nazarene, I perceived an old man in a supplicant posture, and behind him several women in tears. He threw himself at my feet and wept bitterly. It is paxnf ul to see an old man weep. "Fathr r," said I to him" mildly "who areymi and "what is your request ?" Iam Joseph of Armetha," replied he, "and I am come to beg of you upon my knees, the permission to bury Jesus of Naza reth." "Your prayer is granted," said I to him, and, at the same time ordered Manlius to take some soldiers with him to superintend the inter ment, lest it might be profaned. A few days afterwards the sepulchre was found empty. The disciples of Jesus had risen from the dead, as he had foretold. A last duty remained for me to perform. It was to communicate to Csesar the details of this deplorable event. I did it the same night that followed the fatal catastrophe, and had just fin ished the communication when the day began to dawn. At that moment the sound of clarions playing the air of Diana struck my ear. Casting my eyes towards the Cesaren gate, I beheld a troop of soldiers, and heard at a distance other trumpets sounding Caesar's march. It was the reinforce ment that had been promised me two thousand chosen men who, to hasten their arrival, had marched all night. "It has then been decreed by the Fates," cried I, wringing my hands, "that the great iniquity should be accomplished that for the purpose of averting the deeds of yester day, troops should arrive to-day ! Cruel desti ny, bow thee eportest with the affairs of mor tals ! Alas ! it was but too true, what the Naz arene exclaimed when writing on the cross : All is consummated. riOJIAACE OF REAL LIFE. Tlie Sioux Warrior's Race Tor Life. From the Galena IlL, Advertiser. During the summer of 18 , soon after the difficulty with the Winnebago Indians had been amicably adjusted by a visit of one of their chiefs to Washington, acoompanied by Gov. Cass, a Sioux Indian, while out hunting by the mouth of the Root river, shot and scalped a Winnebago, which act he attempted to justify, by saying that the Winnebago had wrapped around his person the blanket of an,. Indian, who, a ehort time previous, had murdered his brother. The Winnebagoes became indignant at the act, and two thousand of them assembled at Fort Craw ford, and demanded of Col. Taylor the procure ment and surrender of the murderer. The officers of the fort apprehensive that diffi culties might arise with this factious tribe, if their demands were not acceded to, concluded to make an effort to obtain the murderer. Ac cordingly an officer was despatched to demand him of the Sioux nation, who immediately gave him up, and he was brought down the river and confined at Fort Crawford. Soon after his arri val at the fort, the Winnebagoec strain assembled and insisted upon an unconditional surrender of the prisoner to them, which Col. Taylor refused to make, but despatched Lieutenant R. and Dr. Eluise, the surgeon of the garrison, to have a talk with them upon the subject. At the con ference, the Winnebagoes talked in a threaten ing and overbearing manner, and insisted that nothing would satisfy them but taking the life of the Sioux in their own way and by themselves. At length Lieut. R. proposed that the Indian should have a chance for his life in the follow ing manner : Two weeks from that time he was to be led out upon the prairie, and in a line with him ten paces off, was to be placed upon his right and left, twelve of the most expert runnel s of the Winnebago nation, each armed with a tomahawk and scalping knife. At the tap of the drum, the Sioux should be free to start for the home of his tribe ; and the Winnebagoes free to pursue, capture and scalp him if they could. To this proposal the Winnebagoes acceded at once, and seemed much pleased with the Antici pation of great sport, as well as an easy con quest of the prisoner, whose confinement in the garrison during two weeks they believed would prostrate whatever running qualities he posses sed. Their best runners were immediately brought in, and trained every day in full sight of the fort. Lieut. R., who had warmly enlist ed in the cause of the Sioux, determined to have his Indian in the best possible trim. According ly Eluise took him in charge, prescribing his diet, regulating the hours of repose, and direct ing the rubbing of his body twice a day with flesh brashes immediately before he went on the parade ground to perform his morning and even ing trainings. In fact so carefully was he train ed and fitted for the race of life and death that he was timed upon the parade ground the fourth day before the race, and performed the aston ishing feat of forty-one miles in two hours, ap parently without fatigue. The day at length arrived. Thousands of In dians. French, Americans and others, had assems bled to witness the scene. In fact it was regar ded as a gala day by all except the avenger of his brother Sioux. Lieut R., on the part of the prisoner, and the celebrated war-chiefs War-kon-shules-kee and Pine-Top, on the part of the Winnebagoes, superintended the arrangement of the parties on the ground. The point agreed upon for starting was upon the prairie,' a little to the North of Prairie du Chien, and a few rods from the residence then occupied by Judge Lock wood while the race course ran along Nine Mile Prarie, stretching to the North and skirting the shore of the MississippL . The Sioux ap peared on the ground, accompanied by a guard of soldiers, who were followed by twenty-four antagonists, marching in Indian file, naked with the exception of the Indian bracelet. Their ribs were painted white, while their breasts were adorned with a number of hieroglyphical paint ings. Across the face alternate stripes of black and white were painted in parallel lines, exten ding from the chin to the forehead. The hair was plaited into numerous thongs, fringed with bells and tasseled with a red or white feather ; while their moccasins were cord ed tightly around the hollow of the foot, as well as around the ancle, with the sinews of the deer; in the right hand each carried a tomahawk, while his left grasped the sheath that contained the scalping knife. The prisoner was about twenty-three years of age, a little less than tJ feet in height, of a mus cular and well proportioned contour, and mani fested in the easy movement of his body, a wiry and agile crnmand of his muscular powers. His countaoance presented a wan and haggard ap pearance, as he stood upon the ground, owing ijarilv Co the riarid discipline he had undergone in training; and partly to his having painted his face black, witli the figure of a noree snoe u white upon his forehead, which uenotea mai n was condemned to die, with the privilege of ma- - king an effort to save nis life by neetness. a- round his neck he wore a narrow belt or wam pum, to which was appended the scalp he had taken from the Winnebago. Soon after they had formed in a line, Lieut. R. came up and look one of the moJco6ins -off the Indian; and showed the chief that bethought it contained a thin plate of sttel, and asked if he objected to it, to which tbey replied that he might carry as much iron as heplea&ed. Lieut. R. having noticed at the same tide, that the countenance of the Indian presented a downcast and melancholy appearance, and requested Mr. Eluise to come forward, who, after examining his pulse, reported that he was much excited, and that his nerves were in a tremulous condition., Lieut. R. immediately took him by the arm and led him out some distance from the line, when he asked him through his interpreter if he was afraid to run ; to which he replied that he was not afraid to run with any Winnebago on foot, but he was afraid he could not out run all the horses that were mounted by armed Indiana. The lieutenant 6aw at once the cause of hi alarm, and informed him that thy sbouH not interfere. He intended to ride the fleetest horse upon the ground and keep near bim, and as he was well armed, would see that no hoTseman approached with hostile intention. At this an nouncement the countenance of the Indian bright ened up with a smile ; his whole person seemed lifted from the ground as he turned to his posi tion in the lute with a 6talwart stride. The chiefs and Lieut. R. soon after mounted their horses and took a position direotly in the rear of the prisoner. Spectators were removed from the front, when Lieut. R. gave the fcignal; th blow had scarcely reached the drum, when the prisoner darted from his antagonists with a bound that placed him beyond the reach of the whirling tomahawk. When the race was under way, many of his antagonists ran with great fleetne&s for a mile, when the distance between them and the Sioux began to widen rapidly, showing the superior bottom of the latter acqui red by the discipline of the white man. At the end of two miles the last of the con tending Winnebagoes withdrew from the chase ; there was not an Indian horse upon the ground that could keep up with him after he had gone the first half mile. Lieut. R. finding his steed much fatigued, and the prairie free from ene mies, reined up. The Indian did not look be hind or speak as far as he was followed or seen, but kept his eye steadily fixed upon the white flags that had been placed at distances of half a mile apart, in order that he might tun upon & straight line. . It was soon reported by the Winnebagoes that he had been killed by one of their boys, who had been secreted by order of War-kon-sbutes-kee. beneath the bank of the river, near the upper end of the prairie. This, however, proved not to be true. The boy had shot a 7innebago. through mistake, who, like himself, ' had been treacherously secreted for the purpose of inter- cepting the Sioux, who a few years ago was present at a treaty made by Gov. Doty with tit Sioux nation. He had then but recently acqui red the rank of chief. He requested GoV.Toty to inform him where Lieut, R. and Dr. Eluise were at that time, and was told that both bad died in Florida. He immediately withdrew front the convention, painted his face black and departed to the woods; nor could be be prevail ed upon to come into the convention until he bad gone through the usual ceremony cf farting and mourning for the dead. . Spiritual Facts. That Whiskey is the key by which many gain an entrance into our prisons and almshouses. That Brandy brands the noses of all those who cannot govern their appetites. " That Wine causes many to take a winding way home. That Punch is the cause of many unfriendly punches. . That Ale causes many ailings, wbiie Beer brings many to the bier. That Champaigne is the source of many real pains. That Gin 6lingshave "slewed" morethan the 6lings of old. ' That the reputation of being fond of cocktails, is not a feather in any man's cap. That the money spent for Port supped by port ly gents would support many a poor family. How to Choose a "Betty." Housekeeping is not so full of 6unshine and rose-colored bliss as many imagine. It is hard ly possible to get along without pot-wolloptrs and chamber-maids, and what with their waste, wages, wittels, and eass says Aunt Sally there are plaguy drawbacks on domestic peace and comforts Old peppergrass was the "customer" for discriminating between the useful and the careless. Peppergrass sent word to the intelli gence office that he wanted a good girl for gen eral housework. About the time he expected an applicant he laid a broom down in the yard near the gate. Presently a girl comes to the gate, opens it, and 6trolls up to the house ; the broom being immediately in the path, Miss Bet sey strides over it, the old man was on the watch, and the first salute the girl got was : "I don't want you!" The girl eloped, and suddenly another bullet beaded Nancy appears ; seeing the old broom ia the way, she gives it a kick, and waddles up to the house. . "You won't suit me, that's certain, Miss Mop sy !" bawls Peppergrass. She disappeared in a hnrry, and finally a thin! appears, opened the gate, and coming into the yard, she carefully closes the gate behind her, and walks up the broom is Btill in the path, she picks it up and carries it along to the house, where she deposits it alongside the wood-ehed. Before the girl could explain her business there, Peppergrass bawls eat 'Yes, yes, come in, you'll suit me !" And she did, for that girl lived with Pepper grass seven years, and only quit living with him to go to housekeeping on her own hook, and a capital wife she made. Peppergrass was right. Yankee Blade.