The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, July 21, 1853, Image 2

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i i
T ...
Andrew J. Bbey, Editor.
ebessburg, pa.
ThnndT Jtxly .31, 1853.
Subject to the decision of tht Democratic State
For State Senator,
Cyrus Ii. Pershing, of Johnstown,
'Subject to the decision of the Senatorial Conference.
LOCAL AND EDITORIAL ITEMS. "A Western editor pats above the door of
... 5. A whole World's Temperarce Conven- his sanctum, "Lady visiters are requested to go
tion is to beheld in New York on the first and to the devil when they wish to obtain an inter
second of September next . ' view with the editor."
- 4fiy. We axe requested by Mr. Hamilton to Death op Mb. O'Cosseli. The death of Mr,
state that his hacks will hereafter leave the ho. Maurice O'Connell, M. P., (the eldest son of the
tel of Mrs Litzinger, in Ebenaburg. at 8 o'clock ' great Daniel,) is announced by the Hermann's
A. M., and Jefferson at about 3 P. M., or on the . news. Mr. O'Connell died, sudden!? on the 17th
arrival of the Eastern and Western trains.
A horse frightened upon the street yes-
of June, nt his apartments ' in London. After
having represented the county of Clare from
terday evening and ran over two children of j 183G to 1842. be was returned for the borough
For Canal Commissioner,
of Philadelphia County.
For Auditor General, .
"of Mifflin County.
For Surveyor General,
of Crawford County.
County dominations.
Tor Assembly,
THOMAS COLLINS, of Sammitvills.
For Treasurer,
A. J. BEET, of Ebensburg.
' For District Attorney,
-- - T. L. dXEXER, of Johnstown.
. . --..,'For Commissioner,. , . ,
70S2T H.' DOUGLASS, of Clearfield.
' For County 8arTey orr
THOU AS irCdNJTELL, of SummerhiU.
" y-" For Auditof, -.
. -rJ08Era HOGE ef Cartolt -i
' tion of the ' Democratic party is hostile to Gov.,
. ;"BiGLEB, and feel disposed to oppose his reaoroi
nation. So far as we have noticed, there ap-
pears to be no truth in the assertion. William
Mr. David Davis, Tailor. One of them, a little
girl, was slightly injured, the other, a boy, es
caped unhurt.
L. Harper, Esq., so long connected with
tbe Pittsburgh JPost, Lai disposed of his interest
to Geo. F. Gilmore, Esq., late member of the
Legislature from that city. The Post has done
the party "some service," and we hope under
the new regime it may continue to prosper.
8Mr. Wm. Ferguson was yesterday thrown
off a load of hay in one of the streets, on ace unt
of Tralee in the latter year, and . has continued
to represent it for the last twenty years. He
will probably be succeeded as member for Tra
lee by a member of his family. His eldest sou,
a very fine boy, is a midshipman in the Roy
al Navy, not long returned from the West In
dies. -" ' . ;-
X.The Washington Union, says "It is
understood that the H..B. James Buchanan, whose
appointment as minister plenipotentiary of the
United States at the Court of St. James, has
of the slipping of the hay, upon his head and left i already been announced, will soon proceed t o
London , to assume the duties of bis mission.
We learn, also, that Hon. Messrs. Soule, of Lou
siana; Gadsden, of South Carolina; Borland
of Arkansas ; Green, of Missouri, and Bedinger,
of Virginia, having nearly completed their pre
paratory arrangements, are about to proceed to
The bone was set by Drs. Lewis and upon me
u u hcd v uic-BVTcrui loieKOOi couAUqU to (ueir
shoulders He had his shoulder considerably
bruised and one of the bones broken.
fjgg" Master Ernest D. Rhey, of this place,
had his left leg fractured above ti e knee, on
Tuesday evening, in a hay field ; caused by a
heavy two inch plank falling from a wagon upon
his thigh.
Smith, and be is doing well.
Col. Wilson M'Caxulsss. of Pittsburgh,
is said to have bevn tendered the Carraceas
I (Veneruela). chargeship. He is worthy of so
good an appointment.
; gThe engineers on the Connelsville Rail
road, while - surveying tbe route, have lately
discovered a bed of marble, 950 acres in extent.
and thirty fet' thick. t .The marhle .is of a red
We are grieved to announce the entire destruc
tion by fire of the Carpenter shop of Mr. Jno. A.
Blair in this town, on,iing. 19th
inst. The fire occurred- at -About tix o'clock in
the morniug. and the combustible nature of tVe
materials inside the building' prevented any part
of the property. from being saved. A few mo
ments after tbe alarm was erven Ihe buildim?
dish color : beautifully variegated, bears a high was whipped in flumes, and the efforts of the
polish: and very mueh resembles the Egyptian inhabitants were directed to the preservation of
luc Duriuuutuuy iu i Kiina. . 1 uc.B'yint rain OI
the night previous, together with 'the calmness
of the air daring-the fire, and the lahors of the
citizens in throwing quantities :of wtter upon
the adjoining- houses,- preserved" other property
and stayed the projrresa of the flames. Tbe
Methodist church was in imminent thinner but
was fortunaltly "tttiirtjured. . Mr." Blair ioss sev
eral thouean'd feet .brbonrds; wbichh.-ul been
worked out for Mrs. Evans' new house ; part of
hi's'stockTbr Carpenters' too's. (the.grenter part
of these were out in the country where lie. was
working) and he also loses the building! His
los- may be stated at fronrthree to four hundred
dollars- No Insurance.- , He is airi industrious
man and to him the loss small as it i, is consid-
emhle.; hut his energy and perseverance . will
soon over it. How the fire occurred is unknown:
ciJjgjuP.n the 28th of July' inst., the Democratic
State Convention will re-assemble in Harrisburg,
to nominate a" candidate for the Supreme Bench
in place'of Judge Gibeonv. deceased, ardjfor the
transacting of any other business that may be-
JglTbe new Government Envelope'is eveamnrfe
discreditable than the three cent stamp. The
pope- is flimsy, an 1 scarcely fit to write upon,
and the engraving is very far below what the
BiGLEa thould be, and wiix be renomi'nVtedf-Pttw iDiuce believe U WOtt,d be' ani;
..... ."Scclumation. ,-He has served -the people of the ..ur uw ,
State-.faithfully'ftnd well, and they will not for.:.h'mself to make it. We hope Judge Cahpbsll
Vv;8ake:bimV la the' administration, of the affairs j bi? tetopoE them. - -
7 i-s of -Government- he has proved himself . a true he Washington Republic says that the
. - -Pennrlvanwn and a sagacious and 'prudent Ex- j President's House is undergoing extensive re
eciiaW.i. 'insrenominution will be Ijat atTScTif; pMMrT1 furniture has-been entirely remov
. justice to a faithful public servant, for, (to use j ed from nearly all of the rooms, to be supplant
'tho'languagrof the Lnzer.n9LU.ni0n,) "it is a ed' f?r.tD grater part, by new, and of such
-V timB'honored usage of. the Democracy of Penn-1 8t3,e a&t0 8arPa5 aU-previous ' arrangement s.
- -Bylvani.-tr to1 e led for m-jjecraa-tcrm a Governor ' Additional flues have been constructed for beat
' who has served faithfully in his high; office, and! ing PurP08es. and every thing that comfort can
"of cyurso our present excellent cbief-maliitrle!'8uBto.bePlieL'
From the A. Herald of Friday.
TLe Iuaugura ion of the Crystal Palace. .
s or rat. fulsje.nt or iius ASkbCuiius aj
TUt HU.felifcfcT Of THE Ht.tLHl.lC
lheew ioia Crjoiul Pa'.ace lr tie Exuibi
tfu U the iiniu.-.try ot mi .itioi.s, waauauu
ruuil tbuiuu), in ti.e jititLcc of the Cmtl
Moieiiutc ot tye yuitiw biiu a ii ge eon
cuibc peoic, itUii'iig Kiioui w.r a large
Ltju& U:ui-c mu u'tiyck, tiic u;,4...iiil. hour
have now no living acttr and witnes of tlmfj
time, but th it ponderous hell (rcferrng t the
one placed 111 the Hall, which was cast for tht
purpose of proclaiming the Declaration) though
mute now, spoke vo.uiiit-s tlien ; though s.ieut
now speaks volumes still :
"Proclaim lAbrrty ihrouyh&ut all the Land, unto
a I the Inhabitants thereof."
But, Mr, President, it is ujt my province to
dilute on t heats thiii?s. 1 Here,' in Iri-Iepeiid-euce
iinli," in the presence of the authorities of
the city and adjacent district und of other dix
ti'icts, I bid you a sine re and hearty welcome
to our city.
Mr. Mayor and Citizens of I'biladelphi.i :
It grieves me that I am physically so unable to
respond t$this most hearty aud touching wel
come. Sir, my heart is lull full of gratitude
ot you, and lull of gratitude to all this people,
who have placed you in the position which you
occupy. . Idid think that 1 had tried in my dy
to do some little tor the cause of my country.
but such a day as this makes a man's heart over
run with gratitude to a people like the iuhahit-auts-of
Philadelphia. 1 have been much sur
prised aye, sir, filled with the profoundest
"awe, at the maiuerin Which you have received
me. 1'hiladelphia, a city of some mark !,. If
your tuountaiua aud your -v allies did nut teem
with the elements of Comfort to your population,
if your citizens in all ti he ha 1 n t b e-i fore;
most whenever the country bus wauted their aid.
if your institutions 01 learning were not amongst tuc uOS1, oriuui ncctu.o.ts uv-u wiucu tuceyt-:
your proudest monuments, the single tact to ; eVtr rtt0fct"- i- c-uu t ol tiic ou.uiijgbtoa
- .
i urUJ wy venerable fri,.j
me. to nromote near umnn ... 03
- 9 x - & uro. k. , .
not the voice to address you a..i atl ' 1. H
in returning you again my thanka JTF '
vou my thanks with m v kfirt'. . . S'T1;
- - m wn(
your t-uccess, 1 must eonemde
W I.e.. the Pret-ident had conein.u.i r)
pr. pi fltd and given for Theodore Se.;,! T
I Ti-aidt-nt of the AfrSOciHticn. a : '
lo'id'y applauded, and three J WM
rush as made for the platfjrm after tiie r
un.u) Uti.t had closed, all anxiouj to obtain n
It JDitY to shake 1 lin bv th Un.i n itr-
1 nriiiji
. 1 t ' I . .
niic.i injuriiiuii 111 tutu enireateu me croud t.i 4
lor ocu4u. iiuuai eis 04 aux.uas exptcUnts j ing upon hnn, and it was for s -nn-1
wtrs aitiu ai-tue door for iiuiaim. it thnf, in the imiueiise throng, he n1!,t l
svcuieu us : luc.r uuiac ct,i.;u u jI endure j bodily injury. Atttr grear'exert ou V,UiU'J
oue miuutc, 0o ctot;t Mere they io gel a uiiipo ' Le w.ts rescued In m his frien ls "if!""1
ol te iuunor o tue uiiu:; Uaa the -i ltd i t-s.a: -my h..rm. Lot excessively faf- ?"
pioauouwus therein exhibited. Vilim at usilih lealoun attet.tiwn liestowed up-u iC"1 j
the wj texrccuu iiour arrived, an iuimtUae; itotnedhaely left the Palace, and l.i'
ttwii iOUrevi llilo LUe lives. ami in . i.i-k-i u.- m in.ui n . . r----u
was most fcLtLubiahtica.Hr-Ix.n i ""
ovcuua tne avaiiaoie pwuis wuicu aborded j iuimer s.- multitude. The President wasf "
a uv i tue cereiuuy o tue juaugu- ed by Oen. Scott, and loud applause also o"
rauju. the kur -raua t,ta.r3S leudii froai !-d the old veteran as he was leaving tlm
toe ceutie ot ihe to tuc gailciies ere ing. A military escort condncted the IwjT,
timmged vt.t. ladies aou geut.emeu,- aud the ! to the A.tor House, where he sought tie r2
cre aiso crowded. luo Kueries wre 1 nect sBf.rv to kit 1,.UI. Vf- i.- , 7
.U au arr.v 4,1 l....f, ...... ' V , 00a tj.
-. J J -.. ...OU1ISU UHU
"o- v, wooit; ,uv. ri-,r, ever, ae uy wo recover tram the arduou. i
Ol Uiure tu.4i u huhulcd leet. reotuted oo i1 iournev ln,ui Vafch.T,ot.,, r u w
me au lience uispersed as sooh as tie Pr.
... .... uuiEjm. .nil rrii.i
wiiicli you have adverted, sir, thut from hence ; luc ,u," .,jairuu statue wl vvbUiuatuii, U " ot the valK'US artio es tiisplayed.
a9ijuuuicti tue ieu;armuii ui iu ae-cii'ieu.e, - wiytti u.w siijea I lie iiahomijuu tuuru ceeoiijJy latigned. and wa evidently labonit
G as- "Oder aereKe Fl,...;, ii,(ry. - H hope how
ri ,r, ever, he uiy w-o recover from the arduou. i."
' xaniiu.
At nine o'clock the President visited tbe .
dies drawing room of the Astor, econtd rf
Mr. Iinrni ShihIufii fT K ..i , '
15 . vuugyi to UUCajt
xis not- jto be- made an exception
to. the rule. !
fesjr Bedford Springs There is at present a
! 4. . . . ; ; A.kM....:Ao 1 1 1 1 1 ...
MKean.4errWciifr Porter,- and Shunk, were Gen. H. D. Foster, Geu. Simon Cameron. -Col.
- - AJl-t,.e't?.- '. T? present State Treasure. asChahr-McKibbenand 11. P. Laird; Esq.,
- bean . re .slected twice.- JThe Auditor General are- among, the "visiters at the epriuga. The Ga
, - Surveyor General are nominated- for a 8ec-f!"ejnf,I,1, GT;Kf ,s of
; wnd-eltband it would be a singular freak of Oreensburg, are daily expected
- . of capriciousuess,'. such as never characterized; "VXelearuby private advices th
-: " :jBur-aemocracy, to set aside Gov. Bigler,
that the rush to
than Dearoru 19 ttuprecentea. -j-e Hotel fct the
- "whom (without disparagement to others, be it : VEr " V 7 .u V' mny
, . -r ot Hie private houses in the town are crowded,
said) we have never had a more competent and. au(i uumber; are arriving daily, . At least six
faithful chief magistrate... Gov. Bigler has ad- hundred Arrangers are present. It is reported
' miniaiered.the financial affairs of the StatTwif?60 u"'Mr03.rge Laumaa have
. consummate abil'ty-diminishiug the Sute debt, Purh tL pPrtj at the Springs, and in
- y. " . J iiuHiu8utwuwi(.((,ulj increasing the accommodations. More
and increasing the reveuues, without an increase-room, gL-ntlgtptsn.
of taxation.. " Tli.e North Branch Canal., which L j Minute
eir9 A ft-nt.tM AmV.i'iu I . .1 . : . .. n
had dragged', its blow, length: alone. for mtov nrv.l of ti.' WnrUi'k it. tht tt,.
"years, is now being hastened to eouipletion, and London watchmaker, Warner, h-s contributed a
his first ' three veara" of adiuiniatration will Va" "". ' ".mighty UttiV Steam engine so
-uiodel of
- . sitrall th4vt it stands on a fivebeiinT bieOe.
Bignuljzed by. bringing this great work into pro-jbil3 pienly cf rodnittJ spare on tbe margin.
. uucuve empiavmBiu. Anu inoun.oiner-agwp : JLAi,- ir-t-'.-V"''. . - - . ....
. . . . , . . i Sgr llealih of General Scott. It will be re-
cies have .necess.inly borne an-houorable part moiuuereby-our renders" that Geoeral ' Scott
in finishing this most important improvement, met with a severe accident 'some mouths- smoe
jit let it jatver. be forgotten, 'that- we 'are "ih-;'wt"'e king in Ninth, ; street. We le iru that
-debted to the' firmness -and resolution of Vuv.f IfTtf 'n"- Ku "'u i"S
'" -.i. o . ,, Jt ts very dottl-Uul jf be will eer have the full
.Mir tvi iuc ciuoieot-apiopr.auond, anaor-U restored tbim, He is now stayine at
the energy and zeal which have driven the work
"to a speedy, completion. . We remember well,
about year ago -there was danger that tbe Juno1'
West Point for tue bene tit of his health.
- Olivee W. Babnes, Esq , has been elected
Chief. Engineer of tue Counelsville lUiiroud.
tiori ' canal, the link" neietartrr to" connect the '"iir' i5-ri,ei w principal Aesibtaut Engineer on
c " ' & u.tuio .ilmrjuki, . . fr iV. . 11 k
, , North. Branchwith the NW;York canals'at El-
raira, would built. A Company had been'
"- rDecrrporated m the State of New York for the
-purpose, birt se"Ver-il efforts had provel abortive
o auu suoscrioers or the stocl,-ind if not built,
the North Branoh. would be without proper con-.-nectioiis,
sind comparatively valueless. ' In that
crisis, Gov. Bigler-threw ;his whole 'influence,
; Jrsonal and officjal, into the .enterprise, and by
: fj&israppeatsrrotiS6d"'the proper men Into actrvify,
- who subscribed thy stock, orgsnized the Compa
1 pUt. tewc" under contTact'rand are 'now
pushing it forward to have, it ready for navigk-
tienassdo'n as the 2Corth;Bninch is finished. Tho'
ii-i-. j -te-wholeline will not be ,ptijed for bus ness
r.ri -v before next spring, yet it is expected the water
: t will be let in before the present season closes,
and next year year we miy anticipate a contin
nous water communication from the great lakes
of the n- rth to Ches ipike B ly, opdnlag up
' and esublishing forever, new aud valuable mar
- kets for the vast mineral productions of tbe vaU.
A;. of" th.e..Sa4ue"haani. he peqple . of Nor
"'. thern Pennsylvjinia.' who ' about to. witness
...... this grand consummation, so long desired, will
' not soon forget Gov. Bigler, to whose wisdom.
- pru lencc. firmness an I energy they are so hu4g
' u indebted. ; . If discontents and complaints pre
ail elsewhere, they are not here. Our people
'- are united in a sentiment of esteem and oonfi
' dedce for Gov. Big'or, and wlll'demand, in tone
. . . - of thunder, hi - rea jm'ui itiou and ra-election'.T
f V- We tell all ambitious aspirants, and all malcon'
' -." tents the democracy of the north will see to it.
"tHat ho intr guo formed against their Governor
htll proiper. Tue usage of the party entitl.
y,Zi ti) a re electioa, whilst the purity ajd sac '
-. . ? ftiffaicsss of his administrtion, reader that re
" " sulfas inevitable as -it is proper and deslra-"-
V.? " ''"" --- i .
the western -division of tbe Pennsylvania - Rit
road . and is a gentleman .of experieuce aud
"ability. '".'
B- W e have a number of visitors , in "town
froiu-lUtsburgh, Baltimore and - Philadelphia,
whorare evidently deMghted with .-..the eeTeral
oiessings or our mountain home. - Our mountain
locked, and no person had been
in or about the shop that morning.
It would be well for the inhabitants of this
town to go to work at once . and make arrange
ments for a constant supply of water by means
of pipes. Such water could be used in families,
and in case rf fire, and the general benefit wo'd
be greater than the expense. An. arrangement
could, no do ib t be made with Mr. Shoehiaker,
who is having a - Reservoir erected upon his
property to convey the-waUr tnt town, at a
price that would be satisfactory to every person;
and we hope that immediate action may be ta
ken upon the subject by the present Town Coun
cil aided by the citizens, so us to prevent the
possibility of our town being destroyed by fire.
There always is danger in delay. .
' Summitville, July 18, 1853. ,
Mr. Editor :
- Our citizens seem determined to
have good order aud the laws of civilized society
to prevail in our pleasant and interesting village.
To effect this a number of arrests- have beeu
made, aod .the offeudevs brought before the tri
bunal of justice.
A few nights since some turbulent, diabolical
fallows from- Pittsburgh, thougtit to -put at defir
ance the borough authorities, and under tbe in
fluence of nuuu rous potations of cheid.tiu. coin
uteueod to ro ir iie two or turee bulls of Bashon,
thereby.disturbing the quiet repose" of the iuhab
itauts; whereupon, the next morning the High
Constable of the borough, an exceediiigly clever
aud, efficient in.iu, -seized upou said culprits, who
being thus arrested by the strong arm of the
Uw, were ushered .into the. presence of the bur-,
gess and au examination i to their conduct was
commenced. Th-. oath as administered by tho
houorable tribunal to the first witness was in
this wte : "You do swear that what you s:iy
will be the truth, the whole truth and uothing
but .the . truth, bo help you John Calvin."
'"Stop," says tbe efficient constable, ou are
not rtgbt ; lfsuoulu be: ou do ser by Al
mighty God that
truth', so help you
es were theu exauiin llie sumot 8 J each, which they -.'forked
over" aud left.-.A; few evening. afn-TWHrds
several residents of our village were arrested for
the crime ofrlexting ; off a. Jargo-.sbare of their
pairi6tiSui in tbe shae of fire-craakers, small
instruments of "nmse and confusion" made by
the- Cfcl'stials. whose neculiafeharacteriatic ia
ieet. Tbe affair was - arranged between
wou.d put Pennsylvania au I Philadelphia upou fwwi ou cuieitu, u i -- ic.t irout i .8
a pre-eminence wh'.ch in the Provi Jeuce ol G d piou tue aius til Loiu.uous. liiis ia u it of tiJ President' address alter which t Jr
no other State can ever enjoy. ( lp- s-'OUiU be, tv,r tney rvc to rec'aa the past with umphai March was perfurmed, fo.hwcj cy
piause.) Sir, I feel as you do, that we must u1 -' to';cs. auu cooir..i it with the j.iescut, chorus from Hojdu's "Creation."
bow. 'm We can "hnrdly do anything bat bow j leuiiu wuh bnu uopes aud prospects. J During the reremoniealhe best orltr frerj;
before these recollections and associations. 'li'M urtu b4 a' tcwiu p.atiorui was fc which reflect much credit upoii :Le hisirt
i reel . how inadequate is lauguage, sir, an 1 "evteu, lur tue ce:ebruou ol tue iu.tugural b'e police arrangements instituted at Ce h
you also feel it, wheu you come to speak of that . trc.uouite, calculated tu cuuuiu m ie ut tie lace. We must return our acnewi: Jgeatali
period. . L-tngu-ige does not reach it, . hir. . OurUUuariJ !''" ine piattorui was sutrouud- to Mr. Mutsell. tbe Chief f Po. ice. aii r-,.
hearts honor it iu all its depth, power and full- u crowd of ladies uua geutleuieu, uiuoug ' Bowyer, for their kind atttntiou aud aarj U
ness, I hope These tneu. sir. of whom you have ! whoui we uoserved lady L.iesuiere, her two or during ths day.
spoken, who planned here the institutions of a j duu,;uters, the laoiea Alice aud Uiaucoe Ejjtr
free government, let us remember, were no ho- j tuu uU tae liAdy of Sir Cannes Lycil, tho cei
liday patriots; they were no scheming philan- braied iunso euiogit, Mrs. Scuie, tLe w:le
thrypiets: they were uo visiounry statesmen. 'OI wur .xtuster to taiu, and Mrs. Uuturte,
They deliberated amid tue- difficulties that sur- ! WUtt ol lue secretary ot tue lreasurv.
T. .11 nil a. I .. n t I. AHn .(..... ... . 1". .. . 3 M I Ajiir.l tllHb.ll'nl un.l ...1 n... u .1 ! : . 1 - . .
i-uviu, uu-i uic iiibjt lucmtiiicti. kiui j . ucvxiraivu rtiitr payiug ui respects to tijV. IJobb B faiE'if
the clamor of arms, as though they had been ( Wltu tue aiueis of n, Uuned Males, iuly, and the other ladies preeur, be retired to iu
euvironed with peace, and iu abso'ute security. 1 ruce E".".iut, Austria, u. other countries, apart neuts, looking somewhat fatigu?d ftr
Aud they solved the great problem, which was A u ocaav.ixu was rciuoVed from tbd iuterior his arduous day work, but still eviiictt'v fet
a terror to despots, and an inspiration to patri- w? tae oome, iu uuuouih Ooxos had givcu up ing quite buppy. - -ots;
and as though the issue did-not involve ihe tUCtl" oouceaicd u-eusuics, uud the stands ou ei- Col. Jefferson Davis and Mr. Secretary Cu't
question of their necks. taer " fcUsieued.with the choicest rie were observed in the hall, lookine in u,i
Sir, hero stood, (aud as I say it. they ! ua 111081 atuabie pruaucticn of scisuoe ud ingly at the fair faces iu the drawing rucm v.
re us now.) here. I say, tood Tliotaas ' arl- toe 'at It d-vs me excrtiuns of Caleb Cushing was also there, of. cwir&e. La
tue wt,riucu were UioC lautaat-g.-.Die, as ws with leas diffidence than his colleaguei. Hsu
evinced .u tho coiuaiaiiveiy peiitct arrange- not coutent'with merely gsxingat the bcutiri,
lueui ui lue ai ticiea. lucy wui aed .nihi and but seusibly walked iuto the room aud aiuit
U.iy Co uc lctdy tur tue occasion, aud are dvser- himself agreeable. . .
-o t an credit fur tiie e&icdilivu tuey have! " - '
the charter of our liberties. Can we do any-1 displayed, i.ewajriierj bt-te, however, tbat iSTEEVitw betweem pbebii.est nisei in
thing but bow iu a place like this ? It i not in ! 11 w,a Utt impossible ty couilcte tbe whole work, ! " GINkeal scott.
iny power to speak to you at length. You have i"luJi"g lue mliiutrj: departiueut, iu less i Inleavingthe Pal .ee the President, nt tks
lour wceas at toe utiuost. Sixth aveuue en nance, was overtaken br Gl
i was the uuur at woicu the Piesi- oott, who had left the platform some minuta
come bet
Jefferson und Franklin, aud Roger Sherman, and
also, perLaps, (for this is the first time I hive
been here,) in tins very room, stod the daunt
less John Hancock, as he received from those
men, not only the assertion of our rights, but
own: 8s"'l vry properly; perhaps, that it is nt Tour tu" mice or
all the windows but one or two wfcre nnilcd down;.' province, it certaiuly is not mine to disturb' Uw "
the doors were
tt, yur evidence- shall be tueU Enthusiastic A, pluse. )
iu Jesus Christ." The wituesa- ob,e' ,uob,.e f'"0!, 1 !ula
wuined and the offenders mulcts P. Vs,v,n"1 ! Nble for
Was cXuecteJ, out
the deen current of tVplino- wtiloli cnnriaQ tU dout
1 H..a .vu.o. a u -
hearts aud minds of those around me. ; delay at Usiie laatdeu
But it is not only your city it is your Stae ulout a ijuurter to two. AJei.uL.uie i
that is of some mark. In a peculiar f-enseare.iu lhc luitr.or ol tlie buiidiug wis
your resources of wealth and power reposed in !,utaut acceseious, and by luc tii.e
hr owu bosom. She is an eiupiro-in herself. aJ-i iii'it-";ir'inc'; there coutu not hue
niiy ! the uevelopeiiient of the uses of iron and mu mw six lutigut thou.iud
coal bo Dre-eiiiiiieutlv Rin 1 m; fv., . sent.
f J M. t y m.IV. I "1 ll III I U1 '
of British wenlth and power, would of itself con- 1 tne audience were abseiiitlt?.!
hu uia.aj
Lcca icas
pei&OOJ ple-
sutute a never iaiaiig source f prosperity to " -'"'"o i mewirai ot iuk l'icoi..eut.
you. But, sir, it is uot that on which you have ioucid icoit toua uis scut uuu tue p-at-
mainly relied. It is your agriculture. How , orui, aua iiiimd:ai,fcly ail ey es were turued
rich vou are not ou!v in the means of nroduc-. UP"U "u. lue oil uero loocJ reiu.iio.uoiv
iu couseiueuco ot some alter Mr. Pierce Micu the two aiet a ccrjitl
he diu not arrive tut greeting passed between thei i, aud f..r i-.ut
La crowd inmates they were tngagod iu couVersntion. I;
was i.u uueresting 6iht to see ilitte tno, iu
but a lew months ao were great political ri
vals; meeting together us iutiniHte fntr.;i.
With both all tLms connectcJ with their Uk
poiitioal warf.ire seemed to be fortti-n, r.l
wuile one acknowledged tbe reipect to the
President of the'l-'iiiled Statta tmr Cflier du hu
acknowledged the honor-due to Gtueial V'iutt.a
Scott. .-. '.- t V
Lust cveuing, about nine o'clock, the Pri
deut.'the memocrs of-tne Cabinet," auJ s tir
haat company Of ladies and ireuLieii.eii. eiiiuvcJ
uot yet
tion, nut auove an, in tbe Jiicn who produce. ; uu, piearea io t.n.e tne icaitat iu( roat
(Applause.) J in tue lnauuiai cet e.u.-uiei!. lie bus
Sir, 1 would not here forget tbt reronrka- ' recovered irout his accidcuta! fall, but
Me lierman per ulntion. so di.stir.mihi ft..iu uu ia a, Wtaiuii. ii luu cunt tiiruu u. s..ii .i ... ..-. ....... ..i...,.
their thrift, their industry, their integrity, and arouuu mm uae a cape. It haviug beeu an- eleveu o'c.oca.-tuey proceeded lo the ot
their devotion to civil and religions liberty, and "ouueed to m.u that l.dy til.ttiueie and h.r d.uary , where they all sat uowu to au txecLa:
1 think you must all rejoice tbiit wherever that dauguiers were present t ihe hxhibitiou,. he auer. ...
race go. and are spread, they lo..k to Pennsyl- ; l'1 ula "e1 tu Pd' tucu uis respects, au-1 as u . .
vhiiiu iu some respect as tneir second tatner- "-e to me soil ner tad-' the p,ir.nm.vT mrnvL-.
- .
su.p occuuieu li
Sir. it is not chiefly, perhnps, or not so much
on account of your honored r source.", or on ac
count of your commanding politicnl influence in
point of votes, th.-it this nation hs designate.!
you the Keyttone of the Arch. It is because of
your geographical position.
p occuuieu uc was greeted with luuJ .aD-!
piuuse. ' "
At a'-out the same time oi the ui rival of Gen.
Scott, biuop taiur:gbt aud .iir. Sedgwca
took tueir pt..ces ujou tue stage, ihe President uioiueuUmy exjected. -1 few minutes
I ouiy Uid ci.ipscd w ueu tue Kigut llcv. Arch-
o xirooaivu Cuiuiuju
oiouop uugues stepped upuii lue pn.Uoiul, aud
uo ouuii as ue was unserved by Bisoup W..iu-
. i - u are ntituer a frontuern, a l.orthern. sn
Eastern nor a Western Stnte, and 1 should per-
liaps not much eii.ggernte if I weie to that ihi ne arose irom his seat and ad.iuietd to
you are all combiut d. (Applause.). Your riv-. uitct tue .vici.Oionop, wUeu tue most cordial
ers ou this fide of the ridgi empty themselves greeting took p.uce bctwt-eu tueni- This iuci
mto the beautiful bay below you. On the west dent excited, much interest, as" it was" thought to
they swell the flood of the Ohio, and filially wash be ptcuui.iiy lu'kop.iig with tLe p:ace
the shores of Lousianna. , aud ue o-e-isi m. Vu.lj uatious tho luvft
tl,rorh..t II.!. ,.V.!M Vl,K ....1 In ir.runs r.v.rv ... ,U .7. . V?i"t- V. Wookjy U, . hlch h. UiJ
look to you, and will always do so, not m in ply iptopriatc to see toe irieiidly -uuiou of the
as the Keystoue of the Arch, but as the 'grent Cuurcu as expressed by ius iwo illustrious rep
centra!, self Mi5tining link, in the clmin which reotuutivts at tuit time.
binds this Union into one lmrmonious whole.! Too ircs.deut arrived at a ouarter to two o'-
and winch, holding it steadily and firmly to it
moorings..will rnable it to ride over every storm.
; ' Jlie couiuiittee of it
' CouuciJ,' couiii'ieiug Aldermau Gi'aUau, iri.iU
ard,. iiswii, uud ureeue, twe- U huvetu
Died y eater Jay luuiuing, tt Ihe City lia;i, law;
cordauoo Willi prctiuia arrai'jvuit-ut, to prvcuJ
to Jeioey City, lor tu purpose. of ili
Presideut lo istl lruoaiy u ; Out the iwj iniur
geutieiueu not muk.i. lueir itpipcarauce up ti
uuii-pasi cix u'ciock, toe reunuuutr ol the cwu
uiitue were delayed, m cousv.queuce' ol wliici
tucy liiiacted.lue.Ou.ii eseuiai.y tugugea lur d
ucc .iuuiod.ti.on uf the-, jNew lt'ura uepuui
Al-a. ..te Lour m tup eveumg, Aideriaeu Or
Urtui uud irHiuard tiad " uu ; ioierview wall lis
bjaceaicucy at itotet, wed teuuercd hiiu ua
but rcspeetiuily deouued, ou the giuuud of un-
periaut puodc huaiuiss, which coiueucd bat
return to n aeumwj eany. - Alter exprt-s-:
ing Uis regret at out ocmg able lo acetyl tut
iutiuiiiou, me couiuiittee retired.
lm a. ! t
scenery.shady woods murutunng streams, silenHthe parties, on condition that the offenders, go.
tain, taaarfow, streamlet grove or dell and the
pure, .jpixr airr- where - meditation may think
down hour. "to" momenta, are i nrl
meotsiu tring to xur village visitors iunnmera-..
ble, who can if they will, enjoy nature's great ing the table
wnci-iie, oi sweets.- . ne need a
com uiddious Hotel and musi have one.
Tare well y e gay watering places, all tby
ness will be irrecoverably lost.
, BaS The County Whig Convention, which
met in Ebensburg en Tuesday, -12th inst., nom
nated for the Legislature M. D. Mag eh an, Esq.,
for Commislsioner Mr. Jtio.- B. Myers, of Alle
gheny ; and appointed conferees favorable to the
election of E. Hutchinson, Jr., for State" Sena.
and sin no more.- Oue eveninjc, a cowardly and
unprovoked attack was made upon il-r.-M'MuI-leu,
clerk for , Mr James liell, by two rufnauS,
one or tttwui threw a stone at him and then laid
violent bande upon hirabttt .Mr. M'MWasturu-
Cloca, I. .!.. acCMUjouUied bv Ins hoik- tr.on
Washlligtou, Wllu Weie couducied to llie Sfciuii SUViSlSTS or TUl lai-SIUkST TO-DAT.
aiiiiu luuoii apptause, tue baud ail tue wuue p.ay- uuderataud lum tUe President lb. morn
ing excellent ihe l'r.siot.ul, apparent- tug tar .y, wi.i m.tke lew cui.s mat uef I
y w urn down Willi tatigue, took a cuu.i tuid w.(; v.s.i tue hariar with a Ueputauou ta J
enjoy ed a lew utunii.ts rest, -wiule the gutsis m--rcuaita, auu that iu the af leiuoou he wih o
wtiu HiUuiietl niui were oe.Lg statioued iu tue- ieu, witu Ue uicuiteia of the Cuiautt, Um
ptsilious abSigued them. Capt. hiupout theu ol' our municipal luatiiuUiii.
1.. . .. . a. I 1 . . I. . '
cuiiCAl tue uiuuiiuuc to wiucr, uru tue uev. I VIkIT TO
liisiiup sii!iriiiii Hru) and onered up a oruvi
4ir.rl t llA O a an n'lnW ... . .inU
hirge, ! wueu the comrade, rushinir im kicked M'Al - and
then rescued his friend. Some talk is had of
establishing a night watch, for the purpose of
securing peace and order during those hours
"wueu the heavens are hung with black." Wh it
will be doue, 1 know not, but you wdi occasion
ally hear of our sayings and doings from
Letter Rip.
' i. - - " '
delphbi. and men
your fidelit to th
duties imposed upon you by the obligations of
your Cuut-titution. May I uot say. let me say
here, you are not only triply a med. but you
are now aud hxve been triply bound. Mere was
the Decoration of Independence proclaimed.
here the articles of confederation were uromuT- to tue lhrone of Urace.
gated, and here, finally, that Constitution for ; Mr. Sedgwick theu arote acd welcomed the
which you h ive so nobly etod. was adopted. Prtsideul withiu the Crystal Palace.
(Cheers.) I could wish for you no higher hon- i At the couciusiou of Mr. Sedgwick's eloquent
or, and for my country no higher place aud se- addreos, tbe t'resiueut, wu. had iisteued with
curity thMn that great and noble devotion which the most earuest uttvuti.-u, proceeded to reply,
you have thus far so honorably upheld and main- when he was interrupted by lue io-st enthuaias
taiued. ' tiu- chceriog. As soou as siieuce was restored.
This speeah Wits listened to with profound in- he replied iu the ioilowiug brier but appropriate
tpri.Rt n.l nt. ita clone three hearty cheers were remarks:
cor. By reference to the proceedings it will be
The President in Philadelphia. '
Gen. PiXKca arrived in Philadelphia on Tues
day eveninc. 12th July, on Lis ,v tts X. Vorkc.
seSn that they were.not of the most harmonioue ; and WaB Vfcry enthusiastically received. After
order. - As ww expected, there tvas fun oa the being introduced to the Mayor of the city by
day ofthe Conyention, which has now assumed Hon. Ricuard Rusu, toe foho wing address and
a more threatming aspect, and the query ie-' rem r.'saiistinni; '.. V
-art-.' . . - - ' " ' " ' ' I -
iu mere te war r itaymond of the liollidays
living embodiment Of the Young
k Mr. President Representing, as do, on this
American, Trogresaure wing of the .-Whig Party "occasiou, the municipal autuoriues, aud tuecit
of thif district, erhibifa his disinterestedness in' "ens oi this great city; it1s peculiarly gratify
the affuirsofthe party of thig county by extend- VtS W , ou"tae Chier .Magisu-ate of the a.
in tio V . .. . . tlou. m this piace; welcome-to 'odiflY," aud to
f u 7 Prot6Ctlm OTO! ioterests, and offer you its hospitalities. We, her children,
while he sees much to condemn and little to regard Puiladelphia as a city ofaome mark aud
praise in theproceediBgaof the Whig convention, inument in the past aud present hJaSjtory.of our
brother Jones ofthe Rsghert representing the eouaUJ'- . " v ; ' .
n a smiling f ace styt plucks j 4rowr4e(j oour. seat th.a on j.U past, for uenj tn aacred iue
tge by the locks. The to&gestale knocks the the past crowd upou us. ' Heke the
persimmons, . and we should notbe surprised if tt Ui Uer1a 'i10?' wsoUed;' hence
, . -. . -- rpntuii they aujiounced that'DooIarattou of ludepnud-
JToung America beats fifty-four and forty yet. e-n which has commanded the respect of all
Still the watohword is, will tiiere be war t J f f eeraen, and of all men Tho" would be 1'rec." Wo
given for President Pierce.
. The party then left the Hall, and tbe Presi
dent was escorted to his lodgings, at the Mer
chants' Hotel. An immense crowd thronged in
fiont of the building, and after repeat d calls,
Geo. Pierce came forward aud made a brief but
Gen. Pierce then rose, amidst shouts of ap
plause, aud, turning towards Mr. Theo. Sedg
wick, Preaidcut ot the Associatiou, said :
. Sir, I thaua y ou tor your kind expresiou to-
wards my seif aud those of my constitutional ad-
TIUurUA. -
It is tbe intentiou uf the President aod iait
tnoiudiug the tiou. Mr. Gutune, tue Hon.
ferkou iatis, and the lion. Caieo Cusloug,
'visit CasUe liardeu this eveuiug,at(er lac li
quet. -VlkUauies fitoutag lUid JlettiU.oij ..-:''
par in -Robert .e liaoie," baiv h"
vcuUuiu jud others. i'Uts UiU-ueu win uu-tvit-'.-ediy
prvsca.1 uiuguibceut appear-ubte.
TLe banquet at ihe Metropulitau this evening
promises to be a brilliant attsar. The rata
the largest in the country uusupporuJ by P"'
furs It is elegautly arranged, the
nations haugiug in graceiul lcotooiis tu rverj
side. Il tne .its&rs. Lelaud maintaiu tbeix rf
utaliou, tue banquet will be tuily iu krtpaf
wi-h tue occas.uu. uud resent jat the lett"
very haopy speech.
He exDres.ted his thanks in eloonent laniruairp Tlsets who have attended nu on this occasion. ttlcbUuir txliibiuou ol .-mclicau skill.
and oaid a glowiug compliment to the chivalry, to give, ty personal presence, our recognition ' Vixi-
gallantry and patriotism of Pennsylvania. Her of ihe beuchia to bo autioiuatod trom the mdus- Later from the 2tio ttxawt Catharing ta
sons were ever read v to resoond to the call of trial exhibitiou. to the ureut iu. crest .,f ..jr. liooj. oj iae itiUni
1Ultimvk, JulJ
The New Orleans papers of Saturday lat
eJ. 1B
their country, and wherever floated their flag whole couulry. lou, sir, and the gentlemen
victory was sure to follow. who have been associated witu you. have erea-
New Jersey had a strong representation in the ted a claim upon all of us for thanks that will rec.ived here to-uay . By the arrival
process. on, and among her Committee of Ar- be emlurtug. Whatever your shortcomings, of Cuiteu otaies tcausport tashiou, ttio
ranirement were hfr two iliatmnroiaafic..! ITnUa.! wlih-h vnn hnv ki.hL-h m.. v Iu I ..n ...nv u.v du.tes to the 2'Jth uit.. had been receiv
States Senators. Much euthuiam was dis- tht Uiey appear not here ; and so far as 1 have trial of C-ravajal and his associates bud b5DtJ;
played at various points and during the eveuing heard, they have appeared not at all. Every- moved to Gal veston- The Graud Jury of
Geueral Pierce on more than oue occasion ex- thing arouud reminds us that we live in an util- District Court wjU atili iu session ni -i'rl0 '
pressed himself as gratified beyond measure, at itarian age, , where scieuce, instead of beiug the outrages com mil ted ty Major Mo'tta hU1jj.
the truly generous and brilliant . reception that locked up as for tbe admiration ofthe world, accomplices on the town of Reynu
had been given to him by the citizeua of Phila- ibs become tributary to the arts, mauufacturvs, Steagai, Deputy Sheriff of Brownsville, haa
delphia. . , , s agriculture, aud all that. tends to the good uf killed by Mr. Courad, editor of the J"?r'freiJ
. TJie streets through which the President mss: our social comforts. Aye. if vou had achieved self deleuce. 'who was arrested aud discbarg
d were crowiled chcerswwere crivKn. linnlaPr. no other ohitfut than-that which vou hav rlnno i Had tpeiiii f exists betwaeii the ciuzeos
chiefs were waved, aud flowers were distributed iu brmgiug .together citizeua from alt parts of filibusters ou the Rio Grande.. Th
in profusion. Gen Pierce rode to the , right of this Uuiuu you would., have fulfilled perhaps one J threatening vengeance ou the citizens. -
Major Qe.n. Patterson. and, presented a very, of the most important missions that csu be im- imish b-ul taken, place between Capt. br
modest appearance;. ,IIe n dressed in a black posed upon rry of us m the way of strengthen- f with a compauy of U. S. Rifles, and a PVjh.
frock coat, and he frequently took off his hat, ing our Union. ' (Loud applause.) Aye, you J marauding iud.ans, five of the latter e t9f
aud bowed his acknowledgments . . A large uumv. have tlone more, and you have nobly aud truly led and a number wounded.. A largo aaio
ber of persons participated in the procession, done it Vour exhibiliou has brotiuLt nK-u of .stolen property was recovered
nn.l til. i1.lnfinatp.llAn 4.aa. ... . . 1 . . a .. . ... n ..... ... ... .11 .!... f ' . ..I I . .. ... nt .....ti.m.ill.
aVa.a. UII.UUH. . IIVHI Ut 31 Hi l'lat W7ia 1 a. Hi I, a-IIIIIICITVV III fill IUC ffallvS UI 111. 4 TOIQ W-
highly ..creditable. -. The weather ws pleasant ery civilized country, almost, ou the face ofthe
throughout the day. aud thousands of individu globe, aud thus you have doue more, perhaps,
ala were abroad, men, women and children, ea' than could have betu done iu auy other mode,
gerly gazing at the cxoiticg sccsca. r towards promotlngjitjc?tob''jot dear t-"vou
Troops were continually arriving to l"
ican towns ou the Trotitier, in such nam oc
had never before beeu seen. Military eBj
meats are also beLg esublished oautso P
cn.tbe Ri. Grande.