The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, July 21, 1853, Image 1

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    t I: "V. M r 111 . "V "N. W
Or, th Power of Early ImpTeMioa.
Perhaps a more beautiful passage could be
cited iroui any historian, than Xeuopbou's de
scrtpuuu f the feelings of tuoae wuoae mtnu
rabie retreat be had muise!' led tue reuiuaut of
the rjuwwueU Tcu Tuouaand. After all tueir
daugor,' ail tueir escapes, tujy at lengtu
reacuuU tbe summit wf a auereJ mountain, au l
'. the sea broke upou their mgut. Uttering a auout
of joy, they daaued off their buckler ami rusu-
,ed w.ddly on. Souie laughed vitb delight, oth
ers wept aloud iu .the f u.luosa of their bearta;
while very una, faihug oa tue.r kuees, b.essed
the oceau -across wuyse blue waters, like
iag sea birda.-tue memorials of their bouies came
.ana fauued their weary bo u is.' There are lew.
If iudeed any, who cauot syinpathisu wiib their
feeuugs, tUougb they are beat understood by
tiioae persona wao have watched tho. waves, uud
fait tue breezes wuicu nuv-j beeu watted from a
home from which they have beau iong and far
jff .J, iB'l to which return te.-uis moa thau
Tue strength aad constancy of local attach
ment has been proved iu every aituaiiou iu life.
Tue successful aui the unfortunate are alike
. under iia iuffueuce. How otteu Uo tuoae, sur
rounded by all that cau interest aud excite, pine
after tbeir homes, lonely aud eeciadel tUouh
tuey be ; and, amidst th cares of life, hjW Ujta
the troubled aj ir.t .ook back to thj haauu cf
farmer days Uie paths jo oittu trod, the aoug
of birds autidat the old taUiUar trees, aui the
7ilu flowers heedleasly gtUcreJ iu g iy, cuiidua
sport! I'uugU the re but tiiJ.s, tiiey are
taiouj the deal eat treasarea of memory.
Tbere are so iauy aiac;utioa wi:h tue scenes
we love, toat, ttittr a loiig ubieuue, eeu the fci
41uwa of u ecibl.isuiaui, or tu removal of a
fault, is aeen wita some degree of pain. Wo cm
irtli nur ict the feeuLg of Ca i!ers, whcii
i,, weut ou a visit tj his l itui-r's ujuj.', wht-re
tryUiibg trougut back tue cueuiory of erly
4As. 'I proweeaeJ tj the xu:tuso,' hi says. !
rL-s.rki tuat the large j;ite 1 tbured uuder its
touted d tulty ofopcttiog; aud this cir. uxa
siauce brougUt the owUtt t.ine with a gusu of
tuvleruc3.' A word, au alius. uu ra ijr brtog
Irmtitk tv the tuiui tuo uioat vuli lacal ira; ress
iouS. Ur. tiaa. of iuiU'ielpbia, taeut'OCS, iu cue
of uia iutrvdutory lscturea that while at 5cb .cl
ia Cecu. iu AirTuJ, it was a fiTrlte mu ;
Mont wita him aud his schjlfellswii oa holLUrs.
to go isto thj bf to a ucghbcriug ;
fr:ccr, to sae au eagle's ust, aud to watch her '
at the tiuia of iosubausc. -lue d iUghter of the ',
liriaer used sometliuea tJ ucc tcpauy tuem. -Afier
some yeara 1 d phased, the little girl gTew !
au aad married, aui, as it baj peueJ, settled in
PLUaielptia. A hasgi t?ff, had cLiS ovtr j
Xae-chovlocj'M-whea ' she aud Dr. Rusk now a- (
modioal ts.iwur, met again. la their chance j
Interviews, those ear'y aenes were ofteu revcit- j
t-1 to the pleaaaut walks, tlie romantic paths. !
and, s.boTe all, the eagle's uest in her father's
tell. Furty yeara 4 d more bad gone since
those merry days, beu ho was called on ns a
i-hyaiciau to vim her. She was iu the lowest
stage of a typhus fever at tho time. Aa Dr. ;
Eu3k cutered the room, he c:ught her eye, and
he suid, iu a cheer.'ul tone, 4The eagle's nest I'
She was unable to speak, but .he had tiuiuhed
tho right chord. She seized his bund, while h r
couutcuauco expressed ull th i emo ions which lie
h id awakened the home of her youth, her ear ,
ly c.-iaaaioaa and her friei:dt, a id all the iuno- I
e'eut enjoymeuts of childhood rushed at once to '
h-T rtcoiect.oa aud produce 1 a reaction in h r
stite. From that moment, the complaint took
a favorable turn, and she le oered. So poa-.
82ifod waa she with the c n i.ti.n tht these
i--g 0 wwda had eifected her cure that her first
8..1uuatiou to Dr. Rusk for cveut after waa : 'The (
eigie's neat ! j
Dr. Ruak naeiitioDS another str'.king case, in
ifhich u vivid recol.ectiou of home was sudden
ly awakened, by which an immediate physical j
effect waa produced. It was that of au old Afri
can slave, who had been absent from his country
for fi.ty yeara.- Hia long course of slavery bad
iudueed a torpidity of uii id and body. Willi
h.s master's leave he went to see a lion, which
w s couducted as a show through the state of
New Jer.-y. The effect was instantaneous. The
ki h of Uie n ra 1 which he had been accustom- J
ea o see in hi uative country brought oack all j
its associations. Home, frieuda, and liberty.
burst at once upon h.S recollection. The effect .
W is truly marvellous, lind aud body at once ;
relaxed, and he e ited bis feeLnga by jumping, j
dancing, aud the most vehement acclamations. !
Dr. Brow u thinks it is the presence ot part of
the readty which - awakeua such vivid impress
ions, aad bri gs the whole before the mind. The
plans ot fcir Joshua lUyno ds were at one time
comp.etely upset by a casual circumstance.-,
hi;u Mtius to accord "With Dr. Brown, theory.
He had goi.e abroad for professional study, aud j
h .d beeu abseut from tftgiauU for three years,
When it chanced that he ueard an liuglisu a r, ;
which the m in ig r of a theatre na 1 select, d iu j
c uuplimeut to hi.u and bis compani. ua. Ii h p- i
pe iU to bo oue wuicu.w..s so popular just b--.or
he left Loudou, tuat go wti ere he wouid be n. ard ,
it iu the tu.a.res iu pnvale compau.ea, iu the ,
puohc street, otiU he waa euro to bear it. lie J
had never heard it since.- He felt a btr.iugo
emotion .s he listened. The home he had leu, ,
tho fnonrlt he loved, the HucietV Which he had i
enjoyed, pil seemed to urge bia returu, and he
set out immediately for England. Nothing, iu
decd, brings ua back to former days more in
6taut than old familiar founds We all know
what uncontrollable feelings have been excited
by he Ham des Vaziitt, and tue sound of tho
Scottish pipes Even tbe souuda that Uo u iu
tee air waked by no m nstrei'a baud,' assume
the tones of Some melody fiOa home.' While on
the wide ueaa siiloxs frequeutly tbiuk they hear
their village bells; and the author of jthen,
cicutious hearing the chimes from bis native vil
lage while travelling in the deaert. Simple ob
jects are invariably those which nwaaen the most
tender recollections; nay, their very insignifi
cance, under some circumstances, enhances their
effect. 'Whilst we were at dinner" says Capt.
ricg, ia the miserable hut, on the banks of the
Awatska the guests of a people with wheae
existence we had before beeu scarcely acquaint
ed, and at the extremity of the habitable globe
a solitary half-worn pewter epoon, whose
Lf.f-e v3 ff-diliar to viz, attracted our attcn-
tiou ; : uud Vn "examiuatlou, ' we l'ouud it marked
with the word ' 'Loudou.' I cauuot pass over
thia circumatauce iu eiience, out of gnt.tu le fur
t ie m iuy 1 aaut thoJgbta, tue Oixi u b pes),
uud ttoatr roue.uorauoea it axvited iu u.' Ve
ure tod o a w.iich Juuasou paid not long
be ore hia d a h, wuiou gave hiui lufiuite delight
t waa to a hi.iow trte t L c i&eld. of which
he had be.n very fond iu Ida boyish days.
Macauicy, iu tpe ikiug of local attuebment
s iys tuat it 1a generally fuuud strongest iu great
uuuds. He quotes from Lord Clive'a letters to
snow how, iu the sueuea of excitement and gran
deur, bs beart yearned after home. '-If I should
be a j far bleat," says he, as to revisit again my
ovu couutry, but more especially Manchester, ceutre of ail my wiahea, all that Ioould hope
for or desire would be preaeuted before me iu
oue view." lie tehs ua how powerfully Warren
ilaatiuga waa atcacbed to the seat of his ancea
tora at Lyltf3ford, iu WorceateiBbire ; the fami
ly being uu.tb e 10 keep it up had sold it to a
ui rohaut of L u I jii. si icauiey goes on to say :
-l'ue duly st-ei lg the lauds which hia ancestors
h id oucj poseaed, aud which h id passed into
the h tuia of bt.'.mgers hded hia young brain
wiib wild fancies aud projects. Oue bright
summer day, Ihe boy tb-n juat aeveu yeara old,
lay ou tue uauk of the which tlowa tbro'
the oid dotuaiu of hia house to join the Isis;
there at threacore and teu yeara later, he told
the tale rooe ou hia uiiud the scneiue, which,
tbrough ali the turus of his eventful career, was
never ub. uioutd; he would recover the cat.ite
w.iicu bid be.uuge l to h.a father he would be
iiaUiiigs uf UayieforJ. When, under a tropi
c sua ua rule t buy millions of Asiatics, hia
i.o,ea, uiUtdat all the cares of war, finance, and
1 gis, stiU puiuiedto D iyltaford; and whea
h.a loug public Lie, so!y chequered with
goot and evil, with glory au i obloquy, li;id at
.e ijiiu cloeU for ever, it was to Iayi sford he
rvi red to d.e. It is, luii-ed iuott affecliug to
see tue home which h ia becu balloweJ by atfec
liou, a. id eudcared by the earacat recoliectioua,
p is luto the biuda ot straugra. Poor Cowper,
iu h:syou:h, hid tuia to Uuicut ; it had never
o;cuir-d to biiu tuat tLe glebe nheie his father
lovd beiougei to tle pariah rectory he beld, and
was not Li uwu j.rojitriy; the sorrow he felt
Wueu ue touui it was about to be inhabited by
au t.ier, ia so affcctioly touched ou by himself,
tu..t it suoul i O j giveu iu uo oihL-r '-l'here
wai ueiiber tree, uor gate, nor stile i.i all that
Cja.itry, io whieu 1 d.d not i'eul a relation ; and
toe bojje itse.f 1 preferred to a palace. I was
seat for froiu L juJou to attend m father iu his
laat i.ur-a, uud' be died juat before 1 arrived ;
tbeu, au J uot tdl tueu, 1 felt, for the first time,
tuat I aud my uative place were )isuuited for
ever. 1 aigUed a long adieu to fields and wooda
froui whicu I once tu ought I should never be
parted, uui waa at uo time so sensible of their
boauiiea, aajua'whvn I had left them all be
hiud me, to return uo more. :'
The early hauut of imagiuatlve persons influ
ence to a great degree tueir delightful reveries
the soiituie in wbich fancy bad full sway the
woods, wheie the musea were first heard the
streams from wb isepure founta.nj inspiration
was . rat iui' i'jed, are worth all the fame aud
f i'iuue tuat later years cau glean. It i.a beeu
told, uud ou goou author. t.., that when tue Mar
qu s of Weiltsiey was an old man, after he had
b ;u governor ge leral ot India, aud bad filled
oue ol ihe higticat ministerial ofSc s iu England,
he one d iy weut lo the Now Forest. Sixty yeara
h id e.ap.-e l since he bad beeu there last, out its
Bi0.i.-a wvr! never to be forgotten. It was there
uo ua 1 met one whom be had passionately lov
ed, ouj who- had loudly returned hi affection,
and wbo b id uied iu tue brightness of her
yt.uih. The lustre .and nctiviiy.-vf a long life
Wore forgotten iu uie dearer recollections usso
c ated wiiu the eceuca of these early loves; ev
ery uiur.mig be drove to the immediate iietgh
bvi'no d oi tu; abwde where they had beeu do-lac-'.i.'ute
I, and there alighting from hia car-l-.age,
ho would wau Jer tnrougu. all the ' paths
th.y u-ed to tre id, to feel too deeply thataiubi
t.o.i ia i.o cure lor love " -
Ward Leila ua, tuat the Hindoos ' are very
strongly attached to tlieir h uuesteads. Though
t he id of the fain 1 be einpi:yi;d iu a distai.t
part of tue country, th mgh tbe boiiiesteads be
a ojost iu rums, tuey eiiiig still to the family in
heritance With a fouJuess Dorderiug on super
btitiou. Tempted by the intense love of home
soldiers and sailors uave often deserted, ruuuiu
fearful risk of detection, which indeed they do
nut often escape Criminals, in their longing.
aiter home, bave ventured from tueir places o.
concealment, uud have thus f.ilien into tin
hands ofjust.ce. (Jo v. Wall, after be had heei
indicted for murder, aud apprehended, coutn
veU to malte bia escape to the continent, wlier
he bad leiuaiiied for many yeara. l'art uf th
tune he peut at Naples where he was receive' '
into toeCbcat society, uud treated with grea
kindness; a 1 ui ig to visit uo.ue, h6.vever, in
due d Li u to .oroeo the ad.a iiages of security
a iU social intercourse, be returned at ad risk?
lleie he liugered uuJer a fictitious uaine, in ut
ter seiuTiou. At length wearied with coustan
rest raiut aud loneliness, ami buoying himself u4 hopes ot au acquital, be gave inuia-lf up
lie was tried for uiurUer, found guilty, aud con
dim ted his last days were spent iu a dungeon
ind he died by the hands of the commou exe
Iu the heart yearning1) after home, the health
very often gites way, tatai symptoiua come on,
an 1 dealu ensues. Tins melaucuoiy disease,
knowu us the.iaui da pays, baa beeu so common
aiujug the Swis uud tue Highland soldiers, ua
to favor the belief tuat ita attacks were confined
to the natives of inountaiuous districts; but it is
an ascertained fact, tuat the disease has occur
red among the couscnpta iu the French army,
whose homes had beeu iu towns. Mr. Duiiiop
mentions the case of a London pickpocket who
was laboring unier it at the hulus. -Female
servants who had left their rustic homes aud
occupations, to seek for service in Faria bave
beeu fouud in the hospitals of that city laboring
under the Mat da Fays. Sailors during long
and uufortuuate voyages, have suffered severely
from the complaint. When homeward bound
at the very moment when- their fondest hopes
appeared realized, , when about to revisit borne
and enjoy the desired meeting with friend3
they were again pressed into the Bervice, and
carried far from home and all they loved the
disease has often in such cases resulted in cal
enture; a kind of mania, under which the ima
gination pictures amidst the waves - the green
eld3 cf homo, the trees, the well known paths
sometimes the cottage wnose roof shelters all
tuat is dearest appear within the dreamer's
grasp, aud transported by the illusiou, he casta
bimself among the biuowa. .Among all the mis
er.ea of their tut, tbo poor negro slaveajr pe
culiarly subject to the fatal heart sickneas, they
have beeu frequently kuown to commit suicide;
uuder the iuipresaiou that, when freed by death
from slavery, they would be transported to their
e-ry homes. -
- J no mal du pays utterly baffles medical skill.
K i du-sa has its salutary effect iu ' keeping off
tuw iatal diseu3e, or iu preventing ita spreading,
for it sometimes spread like a contagious dis
order. In regiments which are commanded by
barsu aud uuieomig officers, it has been known
to prevail to a great extent. Medicine, instead
of relieving aggravatea the symptoms. The only
cure whicn ever waa, or probabiy ever will be
found for it, ia the of a speedy returu
to home. Tue mgical effect of this ia known
to tuoae who have uud an opportunity of watch
ing tue progress of the complaint; they have
beeu it to revive those who were reduced to the
last extremity Zimmerman telia ua of a young
studeut at Cioitingeu, who endured ucb anguish
while sepai ated from his home, that be fell iuld
I this disease, ami bfcatue aa it was supposed, a
confirmed bypochoudruc. He was so thorough
! ly iiuiueaseU with the idea, that if be errn mo.
ved be would break a blood vessel, that uo en
treat. ea could prevail ou him to stir. When
told that arrange in euts had been made for his
immediate home, every bad syuiptoia
vanished, as if br mgic; be tustautly jumped j
up; be traversed the length aud 'realth of toe i
iou, to take leave of hie friends. The moat J
deepeiate vasea cured iu like niauutr are on re- '
cord. There are, indeed, iustauces of the pow
erful effect of local impressions iu every form of
disease. There ia not oue which could be na
med, where the patient's life would uot be en
dangered by removal, in wbich the physician,
to give him a last chance, has not recommended
hia uative air uud eceuery; and their eiheacy
baa beeu o'teu found all-powerful wheu every
thing else has failed. There is not a day of our
lives wheu we mi"ht not be led to acknowledge
the inhuence of local impressions aa a part of
our very nature. - The affection for home seems
to hate beeu beneficial y inspired to shed a bles- j on every lot; the most bleak and rugged .
home is ua.dear to ita inmates as the finest laud- !
eoapea arOMo those whose destiny places them
among them. "Home is home, be it ever so
homely," ia a common adage that conveys a
world of meauiug, although it may be sometimes
exemplified iu a mauuer to make ua fmile. A
servant that his master had takeu over from
Ireland to Loudou was asked what he thought
of. that marvellous city. "It is a fine town, to
be sure." replied he, "but it's nothing to Skib-berce-."
. ...
Memorials are scattered here and there,
which tetl how the thoughts of a long absent
oue have been in the home of hia fathers. We
were much interested by an account of a faithful
servant, who was the service of a cardi
nal iu Rome that be might puss the rest of his
days iu hia uative village. His master, wishing
to give him some substantial, proof of the esti
i aiou iu which he held hia long-tried fidelity,
desired bim to name any article iu the palace
which be would like to take with bim. The ser
vant declared bia choice ; it waa the picture of
our Saviour's removal from the Cross, by Ouido, I
at which he had oiten looked iu the cardiual s
gallery. It was what he would bave he would
present it to the church of his native village.
Tue good cardinal was Somewhat confounded,
but hia promise waa given, aud he allowed the
picture to be takeu away by the servant ; aud
iu the little church of the remote village of Pe
tit Uernaud, in a wild secluded valley, this noble
speimeu of urt, by one ot the first masters ia to
be fouud.
Overdoing it.
A well known Methodist minister, who was
travelling ou horseback through- the State of
Massachusetts, etopped one noon on a sultry
summer's day at a cottage by tbe road side, and
requested uoiue refreshment for himself aud
beast. This was readily granted by the worthy
New England dame, so the parson dismounted,
and having seen his horse well cared for, enter
ed fhe cottage and partook of the refreshment
which was cheerfully placed before him. For
some time past there bad beeu uo raiu, and the
joutitry round seemed literally parched up. Tho
iiinistcr entered into conversation with the old
idy, and remarked about tbe dryness of the
-season. "Yes," site replied, "unless we have
rain soon, all my beets, cubages and cucumbers
vill be good for nothing, and 1 tbiuk that all the
aiuisters ought to pray for rain." .The Worthy
"vine informed ber tbat he was a miuieter, and
that he should be happy t comply withjiier wish.
e accordingly knelt d iwu aud prayed ferveut
y that the gates of Heaven might be opened,
hat showers might descend aud refresh tbe
- irth. He theu arose from his knees, and hav
g kindly thanked his hostess, bode her good
lay, mounted his horse and departed. But he
i ad not been gone more than an hour when the
-louda began to gather, and a tremendous ehow
r of hail and rain descended, and with such
. jrce aa to wash the coutents of the old lady's
garden clear out of the ground. "There," said
iiie, that is always the. way with those tamal
lethodists, they never undertake to do anything
aut they always overdo it."
Spiritualism vs. Common Sense.
The Spiritual Harbinger one of the sublimely
ridiculous advocates of spiritualism and rapping
ism has tbe following sublimation of nonsense :
In the twelfth hour, the elorv of God. the life
of God. the Lord of God, the Holy Procedure, j
shall crowu the Triune Creator witb the perfect
disclosive illumination. Then shall the Creator, j
in effulgence above the divine serapbimal, arise ;
into tbe dome of the disclosure in one compre
hensive revolving galaxy of supreme beatitudes.
The Caynga Chief thus aptly responds.
Then shall blockheads in tbe jackassical dome
of disclosive procedure, above tbe all fired great
leather fungus of Peter Nip-ninny-go, the Goose
berry Grinder, riae into tbe dome of the disclo
sure, until co-equal and co-extensive and conglo
merated lumuxes, in one comprehensive mux.
: shall assimilate into nothing, aud revolve like a
I bobtailed pussy-eat alter the place where the
tail was. . ,
One is quite aa intelligible as the other ; in
deed, the resoonse, if anything, - has the tno9t
spirit- :- "
J, THURSD.HV JULY 2, 1853.
""- - t mum ' - . i
- I vr.ittaud!og In the broad, crowded street of
a large city. It waa a cold winter's day. There
had been raiu ; and, although the suu was shin
ing brightly, yet the long icicles hung from the
eaves of the houses, aud the wheeia rumbled
loudly .8 they passed over the grouud. There
was a clear, bright look, and a cold, bracing
feeling in the air, and a ten, northwest wiud,
which quickened every step. Just then, a little
child came running along a poor, id clad child ;
her clothes were scant and rhreaUtaTe; she had
no cloak aud no shawl and her little bare feet
looked red aud suffering. She could not have
beeu more thau eight .eara old. She carried a
bundle iu her hand Poor little shivering child !
l.eveu I, who could do uoibiug elae, pitied her.
As she passed me, her foot wlij'pei up w the ice,
aud sue fell, with a cry of pain ; but tue held
the bundle tightly in ner hau l, aud jumping up,
although she limped sadly, endeavored to run
ou aa before.
"Stop, little girl, stop," ai J a sweet voice ;
and a beautiful wuman, wrafpel in ft huge
khawl, aud with fura ad around her, came out of
a jeweler's store close by. "I'uur lima child."
he said, "reyou hurt ? Sit dowa un thi tep
and tell me' How I loved her, aad how beauti
ful she locked ! Oh, 1 cannot,- aid the child ;
1 cauuet wait I am in such a hurry. 1 have
beeu to the tbie maker's. i.d mother must finish
thie eorit lo-nigut, or she will never get auy
more shoes to bind." To night," aaid t-e beau
tiful woman "to-night !" "i'es,M bail the
child for Ihe stranger's kind manner had made
her bold "ys, lor the gnat b .11 to-nigbt ;
and these satin slippers must be spangled ; and
" Tli l.Lji.tit ..i .. . I. ... i n. r
the child's baud aud unrolled it. You do not
1 i i u.. i... i i
uv wuj u jac iiusaeu nan tueu turueu i -.
k... f ...,. i t. t. i - - - ii. . , tuai
ou the iLSide of a slinner 1 saw a name a la- I
dy'a name written ; but 1 shall uot tell it.
"Aud where does your mother live, little
girl ?" So the child told her where, and then
she told her that her father was dead, and that
her little baby brother was bick, aud that her
mother bound shoes that they might have bread ;
but that sometimes they were very cold and that
her mother sometimes cried, because she had no
money to buy milk for her little sick brother.
T TLZ i r . .I i a
Aud then 1 saw that the lady a eves were full of
ru,.r . ... r.,11 . JJuL .Z.Ul i
tears ; and she rolled up the bundle quick! v. and
gava it back to the little girl ; but she gave her
nothing else uo, uot even one sixpence, nnd,
turning away, went back into the store from
which she had just come oat As she went away
I saw the glitter of a diamond pin. ; Presently
she came back, and stepping into a handsome
carriage, rolled off. The little girl looked after
her for a moment, and then with her little bare
feet, colder thau they were before, ran quickly
away. 1 went with the little girl, and I saw her
go to a narrow, damp street, and into a 6mall dark
room ; and 1 saw her mother, her sad, faded
mother, but with a face su sweet, so patient,
bushing and soothing a sick baby. And the
babe slept ; and tbe motl er laid it on her own
lap, and tbe bundle waa unrolled ; and a dim
caudle helped her with her work, for though it
was not night, yet her room waa very dark.
Tben after awhile, she kissed her little girl,
and bade her warm her poor little frozen feet
over the scanty lire iu the grate, and gave ber a
little piece tf bread, for she had no more ; and
then she heard her Bay ber evening prayer, and,
folding her tenderly to her bosom, blessed her,
and told her that the augeis would take care of
her. And the little child slept, and dreamed
oh, 6uch pleaaaut dreams of warm stockings
and new shoes ; but the mother sewed on, alone.
And as the bright spauglea glittered on tbe aatin
6lipper, came tuere uo repiuiugs iuto the heart ?
Wbeu ebe thought of her little child's bare, cold
feet, and of the scant morsel of dry bread, which
had not satisfied her hunger, came there no vis
ions of a bright room aud gorgeous clothing, and
a table loaded with all tbat Was go d and nice,
one little portion of which spared to her would
send warmth aud comfort to her humble dwel
ling !
If such thoughts came, and others of a plea
sant cottage, uud of one who had dearly loved
her, and whose strong arm bad kept want an 1
trouble from her and her babes, but who could
never come back if these thoughts did come, re
piuiugly, there came also another ; and the wi
dow's minds were clasped, and ber head bowed
low, in deep contrition, as 1 heard her say.
"Father, forgive me, for thou dost all things well,
and I wilt trust thee." Juat then the door open
ed softly, and some one entered. Waa it an an
gel ? iier dress was of spotless white, and she
moved, with a noiseless step. She went to the
bed where the sleeping child lay, and covered it
with sort, warm blankets. Then presently aire
sparkled and blazed there, 6uch as tbe little old
grate had never kuown before. Tben - a huge
loaf was upon the table, and fresh milk for the
sick babe. Theu 6he passed gently before tbe
mother and drawing the unfinished slipper from
her hand, placed there a purse of gold, and said.
in a voice like music, "Bless thy God, who is f
tbe God of the fatherless and tbe widow" and j
she waa crone : oalv. as she went out. I heard
her say, "better than diamonds better than di
amonds !" What could she mean ? I looked at
the mother. With clasped hands and streaming
eyes, she blessed her God, who bad sent an An
gel' to comfort her. So I went away too ; and
1 went to a bright room, where there was music
and dancing, and . sweet, flowers s and I saw
young happy faces, and beautiful women, richljr
dressed, and sparkling with jewels ; but none
tbat I knew, until one passed me wbose dress
was of simple white, with only a rose bud on her
bosom, and whose voice was like the sweet
sound of a nilver lute. No spangled slipper
glittered upon her foot ; but she moved as one
tbat treadeth upon the air, and the divine beau
ty of holiness had so glorified ber face, that 'I
felt, as I gazed upon her, that she was indeed an
angel of God. ;
gQy"Do yoQ 6ce any thing ridioaloas in this
wig V" said a brother judge to Curran.
Nothing but the head," he replied,
1 i- - . i a aW a aJ "
. ggy-'Jamie, says one honest Irishman to
another, the first time he - saw a locomotive--What
is ! that snorting baste V Suie,' replied
Jamie, ! don't know at all, unless it is a steam
boat splursins'alcns to get to water-
Reception of President Pierce. His Speech.
Baltimobb, July 12.
The President, accompanied by Secretaries
Guthrie. Davis aud Campbell, arrived at bait
past five o'clock last evening. They were met
at the Dept by an ininans jcomourseof citizeus
and a large turn out of the military, who escort
ed bim to Uaruum's II jtcl. The I'resi leut rode
n a white horse. He was eutbuiiatically re
ceived all along the route. The President waa
introduced by Mayor Hopkins, who made a brief
addresa, in which be tbauked the people lor tuia
enthusiastic reception. Secretary LUvis aud
others also spoke.
The following is the nubetanct of the Presi
dent's epeech:
Mr. Mayor and Fe'JoTC Citiztnt rf tKd CV jr e
Baltimorti My heart is I ull. and it woul 1 Le
difficult to expres the db tu of feeling wi:b
which t Li cr lit wvlcoiue h- impr'i m.
Cheer-.) Vou r ci liens by th r putial f ieui
sii.p aud more thau generous c-nn Jro.e, prti
cusiy lupoid ou tue a debt of gratitude, which
years devoted to the iuteresU ul h uor of our
common couutry cau acarcely cauceL (Cheers.)
To be thus surrounded by population uot Icaa
dislioguiahed for its chivalry thau for iu patri
otism, is peculiarly gratifying and among the
peasant memories suggested by the occasion,
who can fail to be regarded where the banner of
unbridled aud unqualified religious tolcratiwu
aa first freely given to the breeze. You can
not be in such au atmuaphere without feeling
its vivifying iufiueuces. Every ma who has a
patriot's lungs must feel it, because every man
kuowa that religious toleration lies at the fjua
datiou of civil liberty. (Applause.)
No tranaieut traveller cau enter the city with
out being struck with the evidence of enterprise
hfS V", meetya
I eye. vwiuiui.
baa stood forth proiuiuenf in
that astonishing progress of our country, which
may be truly said to have outmarched all pro-
j pbecy. Her great advautagea in a commercial
point of view, have, of course, always been
marked aud apparent, by ber commanding geo
graphical position. 60 far as internal' improve
ments are concerned. This was forcibly alluded
to by Geo. Washington as early as 17Uti, and is
only beginning to be appreciated even by your
selves. As the great West pours iu ita bound
less resources at tho bidding of your enterprise.
ana tbe judioious appUcatiou of your mea-s
! .i i . , ,
ose internal improvements, which leave t
destinies of Baltimore aa one of the great cities
j of ' the world, no mater , bi donLt (Cheers.)
But after all, it 18 not the iucreae of your pop
ulation and wealth, the augmentatioa of your
shipping interest, your crowded depots teeming
with products ox the agricultural and mineral
wealth of the interior, the erection of splendid
edifices, arising aa it rere by magic, nor all these
combined, which chiefly engross tbe thoughts of
a patriotio citizen, and give bis pulse a quicker
and prouder throb as he enters your environs,
and sees tbe monuments at a distance. Tbey
may crumble ; that ia their destiny ; nay, they
will moulder and mingle with the common earth,
but the inspiration of the deeds of valor they
commemorate, which saved yon from the pres
ence and the shame of tbe tread of a foreign sol
diery, v will perish never! (Applause.) Who
shall say, what has been the extent or power of
the example of aelf-aacnncinj heroism which
sigualized the defence of North Point and Fort
Ueury in 1814? (Applause.) It was a dark
aud trying hour ; we were perplexed, but not in
despair cast down, bat not destroyed when
your example aud prowess re-animated courage
j and confidence everywhere, it was felt tbat that
shield ot protection, superior to a.'l bum an pow
er, aud always recognized by our fathers during
tbeir great struggle, was still over us. - -
Let us remember and acknowledge it with
grateful hearts. - Who shall say, especially, how
much your monuments for those who fell, and
your reverence and affectionate esteem for those
who survived the conflicts Of the nuxious days
aniauigbts to which I have adverted, have had
to do with the free and g iliint libation of Mary
laud blood upon so mauy fields of Mexico ? Ap
plause.! Tue fathers of the Revolution taught
their sous tbat they owed their first duty to their
ouuiry a duty not to be avoided, but to be ;
cheerfully fulfilled iu the face of all consequence,
and at every hazard, lias not the Almighty
blessed to us, their descendants, their example,
their experience, aud their lessou. Nobler praise
cannot be bestowed than to say that no State in j
the confederation baa furnished a more impress'
ive exemplification of tbe power of that teaching
than that before whose people 1 have now the
honor to stand. Applause. J
"Mr. Mayor A pleaaaut incident at this mo
meat cornea back to my memory, to wbich 1 may
not be censured for adte ting: Soon after tbe
bark Kepler anchored with a portion of the 9th
infantry, near trie castle of San Juan de Ulloa,
about jiio SOtb of June, 1817, another transport
came lo anchor within a cable's length. We
could not discern the ship, but iu a few moments
we heard peeling from her deck the stirring notes
of The Star-Spuugled Banner.' The effect was
electrical ; J thought, probably from association,
that the ship was from Baltimore, arid the fact
verified the inipressiou. Boats were lowered,
and friendly greeting commence t between tbe
sons of Maryland aud New England, which I
trust may never be interrupted."
Tbe President concluded with immense ap
plause. . Great S term in 2Tettr York.
. New York, July, 12.
Yesterday evening a terrific thunder storm
with lightning, occurred,. Many buildings were
struck, houses unroofed and demolished- The
' Crystal Palace was flooded with water, and some
of toe glass was broaen. a new irame puuuing
near the Palace was blown down, and three work
men were killed, and several others injured.
A brick building on the North River was blown
down, and a man named Charles Flynn, who waa
passing at tbe time, was crushed to death.
Tbe storm was also very severe at Williams
burgh. The steeple ef the Rev. Jifc, : .McLane's
Presbyterian Church was blown down, carrying
with it a part of the roof. The dwelling of Mr.
Johnston, adjoining, was also greatly damaged.
The steepl of the Rev, Mr. Porter's Dutch Re
formed Church was also torn off and fell across
anadjoininj dwelling, ' . '
Many other buildings were d&a&ed, and the
loss isheavy. ' ' .-' ' . "
Influence of the Hind Upon the Body.
A large body of aailora resorted to Sadler's
Wells theatre one night, and among them a man
who waa deaf an 1 dumb, and bad hern o for
m nr yeira. This man aa placid ty Ida ahif
in ites iu the frat row ia the gallery. Crimidi
was in great force that night, and although the
audience were in one roar of laufcbtrr, nobody
apeitrvd to enjoy the fun and humor anoretbaa
ttm poor frllww. As the ecea prfrrt-i.
Gr in i! !.' tricks and jvki-s became still taore ir
levtible, nd at lengtl afur a vlUnt pel ef
lauphter and ai i lu -, wLlcb !.ok tLe theatre,
io vifub the dumb nta j -iud mt btarttly, be
ul lenly turcr 1 to Lit mate & st Bext to bin
nd cried out with tnecb ;! wfct dmBel
funny fellww V W by Jack,' shote-l tbe ether
etarting bak with ur.nar. eaA ya apeak ?
! eak, retume 1 Ihm ctbr, mj, that 1 eaa,
and Lear, too.' The rua, wboa preJ ae la
te ligrat aad weM-hcbave-l fallew, aai4. tbat ia
the earlier part ol biahfe be Could butb speak
ad Le.r very !, aad tbat he aVrbuted
bia detTivatioa of the two aeoacs to the Intense
heat uf the sua ia the quarter of tbe world from
wbicb be ba J recently returned. He added, that
Le ha J for a lung time flt a powerful anxiety
to express his dalight at what was passing oa
the stagr. and tbat after some feat of Grim alii',
which struck bits as particularly amusing he
bad made a strung effort to deliver his thoughts,
in wbich. to his great aatonisLmenU no leulhia
that of his comrades, be succeeded."
Wbea Urimaldi, worn out by premature eld.
age. was almost dej rived of the use of bis limbs,
o as to be scarcely able to stand or walk, he
was visited by a friead, and when, with much
difficulty, he had descended from hi bedroom to
the parlor, his friend informed him, with great
oare and delicacy, that bis son was dead.
Io an instant, every feeling of decrepltudi
and bodily weakness left him, his limbs recover
their origiual vigor, all his lassitude and debil
ity vanished, a difficulty of breathing, under
which he bud long labored, dis tppeared," ana
1 fm .hU he WJL
th un ber, tearing, without tbe smallest difficult v.
I up a flight of stairs, which, a quarter of an hour
i before it had taken him ten minutes to climb.
He hurried to her Bedside, told her that her son
was dead, heard her first exclamation, of grief,
and falling into a chair, was once again aa CU
feebled and crippled old nun." .
- "At the siege of Buda, that city bad suffered
frcm the effects of a long conflict, and the inhab
itants had experienced tbe miseries of fatigue,
bad provisions, and anxiety of mind. The sour
vy bad also made great progress among the be
sieged ; tbe place was on the eve of being sur
rendered to tbe enemy, when the Prince of Or
ange introduced letters to. the men, promising
them speedy assistance, a medicine which was
represented to possess wonderful effiacy, end to
be almost beyond price, was forwarded for. tha
use of tbe garaison. - Three small vials contain
ed this precious panacea were given to each
physician ; this stratagem was completely suc
cessful. It was stated that three or four drops
were sufficient to impart a healing virtue to a
gallon of liquor. Invalids flocked in crowds te
the physicians, many who bad not moved tbeir
limbs for a month before, were seen walking tbe
streets perfectly well." Xy?roprAy and Ilmm
epalhy, ItflsacLee, Esq., - - - - -- -
From be Journal of Comtaeroe
The Grin noil Arctic Expedition. -
We are permitted to publish tbe following ex
tracts of letters from Dr. Kane, D. S. N., Com
mander of tbe second American Expedition for
the resoue of Sir John Franklin, jointly fitted
out by Mr. Henry Grinnell, and Mr. George
Peabody, formerly of Dan vers, Mass., now a
Banker of tbe city of London. . . .
St. Johss, Newfoundland. July 16.
Here we are, safe and sound, at St. Johns. I
will delay at this place not one hour beyond ab
solute necessity. Inglefield will soon be at Dis
co, and I am most anxious to catch bim. - My
stay, therefore, will only be until the oxen are
slaughtered, and the butcher promises their de
livery at 4 o'clock, A. M., to-morrow .
Tbe kmdnens of these good people surpasses
conception. The Governor gave me. an elegant
dinner at his mansion, this afternoon, and our
vessel has been overrun with visitors.
Three o'clock; P; M. I have taken in nearly
twelve hundred poopda f prime fresh beef, rubr
bed it with salt and saltpetre, and then marled
it aown witn twine-, ana nung it
bunir it in the ricrrinr.
, careiuny sniciuea ironi toe sun witn canvas,
i The Governor, Mr. Hamilton, is a brother cf
the Secretary of the Admiralty. lie takes a
great interest in the Expedition, and has pre
J tented me with a fine team of dogs, accompanied
i by four barrels of seal-flippers, used ' for their
food. This present is very valuable. X hav
r purchased lor then a set cf h&rcetfe ana
sledge. - .
The. Governor, his lady, the Surveyor-General,
and the officers of tbe regiment, visit us at 9.
and by 10 o'clock I hope to be under way for
Disco. .
Snow shoes, and moescskin, of very good qua
lity, and cheap, I have also obtained : and also
fresh, or rather quarter-cured salmon wbich
costs but Sd per pound, and will be, I think, a
very useful winter diet ..i., ; ' -
. Tbe Newfoundlanders are about" to make a
large contribution to your Industrial Exhibition.
The vessel leaves on Tuesday, with Messrs. Win
ter and Moore as Superintendents, . The process
cf is illustrated by a model, ;as4
stuffed specimens of tbe seals accompany it.
Tbe letter preceding this will tell you how well
satisfied I am with the officers and men. Both,
work with a will, and I think, and hope, are be
ginning to get attached to me. I allow no swear
ing on deck, or to tbe crew, and no threats as to
knocking down. &o., &c, &c which I find to be
rather a favorite performance in tbe merchant
frviie. Neither is any liquor used on board.
. Mr. E. Meriam, in a communication to Oftj
comprising, substantially, tbe same - facts as
above, says: "Up to the present time, but one
vessel has reported meeting - Arctic ice be
tween ' this port and Europe. The inference
therefore, i. that the Northern seas yet retais
the ice foraild during the last WisterJ' Eda,
J. of C.J v - - -
t?"&. monctey tree is said to lave been' 3!t
covered in Ca&&rnia, which xaessaru , twe
hundred feet in height, and eigfcty feet- in cir
cumfer63oe! ; " .'