JU JL r 11 3 I! ; .v if ' i t. ' 4 .3 : i "4 4; ' - MOUNT A I H SEIiTIIEL rTLe Frcztch Empresa. The following account of the disgraceful scene which recency occurred in the Bois de Boulogne, between the French Empress and Mrs. Iloward, 13 given by a Paris correspondent of the Phila delphia Register : t .You are probably aware that a few days be fore his marriage, Louis Napoleon- dismissed Mrsl Iloward, the mother of his three little girls, and sue took refuge in England. He had offer ed ber a residence and a pension in France, but th8 6he refused.- Two weeks n go she returned to Faris, on business, probably, though many ay she came by the Emperor's request. Be . that as it may, the Empress heard of her arriv al,jind wfs highly indignant that she should have been allowed to enter France. Thereupon ensued a conjugal Caudle scene, nt the end cf which, her Majesty declared that if she met Mrs. Howard 6ue would punish her for her presump tion, and give her a lesson which she would re member. His Majesty merely shrugged his shoulders at this threat, . doubtless thinking it nothing more than an ebullition of words, which wculd bs forgotten with the excitement that caused it. He was too confident, and the Em press was as good as her promise. The very next day, while riding in the Boi3 de Boulogne on. Ler spirited Aiidaiusian, and accompanied only by her ladies and grooms, she was stopped in a by-road by a carriage. At first the Em press was about to turn aside and let the car riage pass, but glancing at its occupant, she recognised T.Irs. Howard, and determining not to give her the road, she reined up her horse, and waited for the carriage-to turn out of the way But Mrs. Howard had recognised her rival also, i TERMS. i The "MOUNTAIN SENTINEL" is publish ed every Thursday morning, at One -Dollar and Fifty .Cents per annum, if paid in advance or within three months ; after three months Two Dollars will be charged. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages ure paid. A failure to notify a discontinuanc at the expira tion of the term subscribed for, will be consid ered as a new engagement. ggi ADVERTISEMENTS will be mserteu at the following the first insertion $1 for three inserti CONSUMPTION DISARMED OF ITS TERRORS ! ! HASTINGS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF NAPHTHA, A quick and positive Cure for Consumption, decline, asthma, spitting f blood, night swea's, husky throat, wasting of the flesh, bronchitis, coughs, colds, and all desauses of the chest .aid lungs. , ..... This celebrated preparation is pleasant to the taste, and is so speedy in its operations that pa tients plainly feel its good effects in a few minutes after taking the first dose. Ilastlns' Compound Syrup of Xaptua Is now acknowledged by ail the ablest physicians of both hemispheres, to he a. quick and pos itive remedy for arresting the formation of tubercles on the lungs ; una removing mose .-ureaO formed ; and also to be the speediest and most effective of all medicinal agents in the cure of aSt ether deseases of the throat, chest and lungs. Language cannot express the value of Hasting' Naptha Syrup in these diseases. It not only cures them effectually, but it gives immediate evi SHERRY PECTORAL1 For tli Cur mC I COUGHS, COLDS. HOARSENESS, I JAUETICE, DYSFZHTi, CRT CHIC f w r, THE KIDNEYS and all diseases er asing fruin &di crdered liter or eto inarli, Bath as constipa tion, inward piles, fullness Cr Mood to tbe Li-ad, nciuit- cf t- ! 1 . t -1 - . 1 - .- . . i iV. I . . .fAH T . . . 1 . . . -I . Vnn. r ... tl,. ........... rates : uU cents per square ior j uence ui us uouujr iu uu on i iui m id unuui . . n j t. utn .o..,., t.,n.,... K?Q Vl'll ITI" . oanti r.y tm inoprtiniis! leeis tuat a Poweriut aceni is in wie system, siroiiiii v wurhius . lur mo uuu. ai? uiiuiioua arc . - , " -"v , -u .T.i. i . 4TTvrn aci-fr- ons ; and 25 cents per square never ueiayeu: it at, once incs to, anu aunc-siu. rou oi iue uisua&u nu an energy um.no io vxtuii j Jij l .l.TlJxt inoert nn A liiiprnl rduc- cntier meaicines : nna iuai a sense mu.i ue uttpiv scnieu inuueu can rrsui u. uunwmeui fnvcurDTinv A.D mj nul aorencf 3 of i : i . 4-.,D i,o. niivnria tiio vpnr. influence. Hence it has freouentlv cured a painful couch in n dy, which had defied othtr popu-1 ...... .v. j ---- - - .i:(cii.- i .!.: ...i : t. .1 . " .1 10 cure a c All advertisements handed in must have tne nr remeuit-s ior a. mom.., nuu u.i3 .cm.... u...u,y '.""."""S " , -uc f., tl.c h.,Jv t i'i,,rr. lw, ni , - ... .- Ied, and wtap up warm, to sweat during the night. for a cold and cough, t;ke it rooming, noon. anu evening, according to directions on u. bot stomach, nnuuca- heart-burn, diaE r food, tal-ties, .rwrcl.t in tht, " TiT Tf.3t CTAn.nAk T . t ncu ana Qir.icuit oreatliing, flutterin at the heart, choking or suffoca- rroper number of insertions marked thereon, or they will be published until forbidden, and charged in accordance with the above terms. B,A11 letters and communications to insure ttention must be post paid. A. J. I2IIEV. S500 CHALLEGC. ATEVEIt ccnceriis tLe hcnlth and happ nets of a people is nt all times of most val uable importance. I take it lor granted that every person will do all in their power, to sa-ve the lives of their children, and that every per son will endeavor to promote their own health at all sacrifices. I feel it to be my duty to sol emnly assure you that worms, according to the or inions of the most celebrated Physicians, are the primary causes of a large majority of dise ases to which children and adults are liable : if jou have an appetite continually changeable from one kind of food to another, Bad Breath, Tain in the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hard ness and Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular remember that all these denotes icorms, and you should at once apply the remedy : IIobcisacIi.'s Worm Syrup. . An article founded uon Scientific Principles, compounded with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when taken, . and can be j . . - . . ... - i f-, - v .uw luvu. ivuu.l iuiilltv n i-U U.tlUVU .-..cau.-it -.r,...... spirit,- sue oruereu , Leneficial effect Boirel Cowplainta and her coa.chman not to give the road. A few words Diarrhoea have made them weak and debilitated exchanged between the latter and the Lmpre-.6' I tb Tonic properties -of my Worm Syrup are attendants, but he refused to go contrary to Lis facb tb ifc !.ta-nds witl).oat &a eJual in the cata- iuguc vi iiicuiciiivs 111 giving tone anu sirengtn to the Stomach, which makes it an Infallible go contrary orders. After a moment's suspense, during which the two iauks fatsaieni des grands yeux, made big eyes at each other, the Empress gal . loped tu ta side of the carriage, and, in a mos1 impolite manner, Etruck Mrs. Howard with her riding-whip. Tiie other raised her parasol, and before the attendants could iatereferc, a regular pitched battle tpgan between the whip and the farasl, aad the tccgios of their owners, until the whip, Veing the stronger of the two, broke the parasol, and Mrs. Howard sank back, faint ing', on the carriage cushion, her toilette and curls ia a deplorable state ; .while the Empress, who had received visible damage, gave a tri umphant laugh, struck her spurs into her horse's side, and galloped away, followed by. her suit, every member of which was stupified by the eceu2 which they had been forced to 'witness. But a crowd had already collected, and a few gensi'arices coming up, Mrs. Howard was car ried into ahous e near Vy. where her "wounds for the lash had left more than one mark upon her face and hands were dressed, and the dis order of her toilette rcpairei-r-and, when the idlers had all departed, ehe repaired to Taris, where che is still quite ill. As to the Empress ebe finished her rule, and returned to the Tuil .eries, as if nothing had happened ; but that very night M. DuSois, who had received the appoint ment of accoucheur to her Majesty only a few days before, wus sent for, and forty-eight hours aterward the Empress became so unwell that there was no longer any doubt that Louis Napo leon's hopes of an heir were going to be destroy ed.' TLe matter was as much as possible kept secret, and her Majesty was reported as merely toefct. in a few minutes, by the surprising energy of its action in clearing the passages of bile and phlegm. It is believed that no person has given Hastings' Naphtha Syrup a trial, who has not felt benefit from it, and acknowleoW its virtues. And this conviction is further established by the opinions of the London Launcet, London Medical Times, and most other responsible .pub ications. devoted to the same interests. Until the appearance of the Naphtha Syrup, the meJi- tmg sensations when in a liv ing posture, dimness of visioD, dots or webs before the sight fever and dull tie, and the difficulty will soon be rrm None will long suffer from this trouble w I't-rrns i!fillft- brenks t cal faculty had always regarded Consumption as an incurable disease, and the records of medical Iliistinirs' disrnvprv. however, of the new and irreatest nrtiritriv. of NaDhtha. when united withi,ina can ,,e 8 reaUHy cureJ. ntdor i..ffVP.lnU nnr.rlr n tlinuun.) rnKPS of nhsolnte T.l.tJ.Ui t.osJli vi!-ir Mn-.) thrnnl, I 'd With M seiited COUgh, WlilCJ treK8 ti.m of! airencv. have been sutetointiated : and this well established fact, in connection with a inea of et- thl rcst .nt. n,?ht. will find, by taking the ( Ler- perimcuts successfully made of its virtues by the ablest physicians of Europe, cieariy prove that Hastiiigs' Compound Syrup of Naptha isa positive cure for Consumption even in its worst etagrs. Three of the main causes of this property of Naphtha have been discovered. They are its extra j noved. :Fa;n,!a n'c ,,ca(1. diHicicncy cr perspiration vel hen they! lowncss of the bkin and eye-. rfi?a in'' the ide, back, chest, limbs. a-c, suuaen nnrhes of heat, burning in the flsh. ry Tectorial on coirs t-i bed. tliev mav he s;irl crr.itart icji.rrinifirs of evil an.l rrt of sound, unbroken sleep, rnd cor.r-Mewflv re-j ?rrCfi-on cf spirits, can be elfectuail r curv Irethiiig rest. Great relief from sufTcrinj-. a.:d fin 111 ti nt k t A 11 wo 10 o-fTikr.TAi trs thntieorlii wVa i ordinary sublety, strength, and pervasiveness ; tor the monunt it is received intothesrstem.it . . '. ... . , u , extends itself throughout, making a parage of every pore, uo matter how much clogged up they thus t21Cted, by this invnluaole remedy. may have previously been by foreign substances. Uence it operates on the diseasd lungs by Uis-L ?,P1 ,tS se cases, many , j. - - .... . . - . ' iiiiu i.utriiistrj f im n i 11 :r if i i iiT-fj - o ii i: hi vt ipn l I remedy for those afilicted with Dupevsia, the as tonishing cures performed by this Syrup after Physicians have failed, is the best evidence of its superior efficacy over all others. loageing tne particles 01 corruption in toe strengtn 01 its ascent to the uppe land thus producing through ventilation ; and hence it is a never failing remedy in Oppression of the chest anu uimculty in breaming ; person thus anected, leeling alter takingt, as if it had forced a passage through some channel which 4heir disease had ttopped up, and there-opening of which was the. only result necessary to tbe restoration of health. Such indeed, are the prompt ness of action and energy of Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, in all the diseases for which it is iecom mended, that from the time they commence taking it patients know THAT IT IS CUBING THE 21; an effect nearly the reverse of that which attends tbe earlier use of every other known medicinal remedy. For Coughs, Colds," Sore Thrott, Night Sweats, Pains in the Breast, Back, &c, ppit- ting of blood, bilious and asthmatic Affections, it is also admitted to be the speediest and most vigorous and effective remedy extant : cud its effect in ail Asthmatic complaints is equally deci sive and remarkable. Lassitude of the aiin.1 : flabbiness and wasting of the flesh ; and all dis position to inactivity and melancholy forebodings, are also quickly corrected by the Naphtha Sy rup ; which, in a wonderful manner revives the spirits, corrected by the fle&h and muscles bra ces the nerves and increases tbe weight. Thus, those who use it according to directions, gener ally increase its weight about a pound a week ; aud may take it for no other purpose than the dissipation of melancholy, or the increase of bodily strength. In finea single trial of Hastings' Compound Syrup of Naptha, is ell that is required to secure the confidence cf patients, and cause hem to torego alt other remedies in its tavor. iiie evrup is made up 111 six ounce bottles, each accompanied with a pamphlet, containing directions, certificates, &c. Price one dollar each, or It the necessitv fr it ha cened Froin two eminent Physicians in PlTtTTVTM T V TtVH A 1mm! 1 HVi 1 C"i1 ...... ........ a... . . i . 1 I i iVlI) Jl-LS. j Sir: We have given your Ciitrrv Perioral ; a. . . .... i au eiienpiTe iriai in our practice, ana mm it to surpass every othtr remedy wo have elfectuail r cured hv D. KOOnJLITL'3 Cr.LrpRATED GERMAN ZITTE& rnKr.BE by C. IT. JACECOif, At tlio acrnar. srcdlcin Store. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their yo.rer err- O cali,ve 'arxsn is ;ci exetSiS -.7 cyu jlhdhf any other Trenarmion X nd find it to. Unlit Stte, as the cvm attain nemy ca, , e lor cunng ttr skilful physicians had faved. ' ucvwoii3 oi i rrspTr.iiory organs. Thtse IJittcrs r.re worthy fhc attcati-i f u DRS. DIE.MER & HAMPTON. !v-': ... ?oc-!-' rA Tocsin the V Tc- singers and public speakers this remtray is i ration of di-eases :Le"Lxr and lessor S-l." invaluble, ss by its action on the throat and . rsercisir.c the most erch powr- in Zt luns. when t:-i:en in pm.ill ouautitiea if r.t.-!nrBi. rr. , '" Ci ' . 1 -'--w..M-i-a mill .1 ..r i.l . I ' T f"f six bottles packed up in a box, and ready for transportation to any part of the wotld, can be had J -ecinrai in small ana ireq- for five dollars. The uncomfortable oppression is s n - i a . ' ad hoarser.tss in a few houis. rnd wor.derfailv I -?tHt K. . 3 -.1 b lnc increase, the power and f.exib.hty r.f the voice That this me!cins will cur Liver Copla'-. Asthais F-nera..y much relieved, and cfton and Dyspepsia, no one can dontt -fi-r u'tw wholly cured by Cheiry Pectoral. Unt there ftated. it acts peciCcalN upon thestomad. J . 1JTCr - it :6 preicraoie t: lytono medicmo. Cherry Pectoral wid cure : JUr-atesthe effect is imi mem, 11 iney can ne cureu. Bronchitis, or irritation of the throat end up- jper portion cf the lung, mnv cured b takine : j i . t 1 11 . " I ient doses. soon relieved. I the health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance- Fits, &c, that those afflicted seldom if ever sus- ! j ;t. that it is Tape If orm hastening them to an eany grave. In oruer to destroy this Worm, a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore be proper to take G or-8 of my Liver Pills so as to remove all obstructions, that tne orm byrup may act direct upon the Worm, which must be taken in doses of 2 Tublespoon fulls 3 times a day these directions followed have never been known to fail in curingthe most obstinate case of Tape Worro. Hobensack's Liver Pills. No part of the system is more liable to dis ease than the Liver, it serving'as a filtcrerto purify the blood, or giving- the proper secre tion to the bile ; so that any wrong action of the Liver effects the other important parts of uv system, anu results variously, in Liver Com plaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. We should, therefore, watch every symptom that might in dicate a wrong action of the Liver. These Pills being composed of Roots $ Plants furnished by nature to heal the sick : Namely, 1st, An Ex pectorant, which auguments the secretion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An Al ternative, which changes in some inexplicable and insensible manner the certain morbid action of the system. 3rd. A Tonic, which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all parts of the bodv. 4th. A Cath. suffering under a slight indisposition. But the ,;'' V V Va1 rmony Vlth , , . other ingredients, and operatin" on the Bnwe1 whole city was already talking of the scene in and expellinc the : whole-mtt.. of 21 N. 11. Hastings' NapLtha Syrup, being a very expensive preparation, cannot be left -with Agents on sale, or return, ns is the case with the majority of the quack nostrums of the Jsr, which cost little more than the price of the bottles. Persons who warn it to sell agaiD must pay fVftli for it flit tiQiinl rnmmtvcirin nfl TfVi' ft ir nnt iAnta wrm unniT it M Ua t.... TEE TAPE WORM! I where tLev reside, slioulil write to us direct for a eupt1v. and we will forwnrd it tn tliom itt a m Al rr- 1 '1 r - - - w mv.i lllJUUl inis is the most dimcult norm to destror of del.iv nncked ud in a manner to secure its safe delivcrvl provided thev enn he rn.-fc.,l kv . W t K - mf T - " w ail that intcst the human system, it grows to an press, Stage, Route, or any other mode of conveyance. All letters must be pot paid contain uiuioai iiiueuiuic itfijia oecoming so coned ana j the price, ot tne nnmoer 01 ootties oraerea, ana De directea to u. V. CLIUKErvEK & CO., No fastened in the Intestines and Stomach effecting! 81 Darclay Street, New York, ho are Dr. Hastings' gsneral Agents for America. nieamte. Thev rn v.. administered to female or infant with ssfelycni reliable bencSt at any ti:ne. Look well tho narks of the Gezxoaa T1 t , - jury riaie me writttn si?mati:rc cf C M P.ev. Doct. Lansing, of Lrookiin, Sew i'cik if"LLi;o:v nP tne wrapper, aa 1 is nnmt jb.own in the bottle, without wLic'-i they are ecu- Agent Frederick Kittell, Ebcnsburg, December 16, 1802 b-6m. LION'S states : ! h:ive srrn the Chrrrv T.-ffrn1 mm cni.l1!r'c5S- - - .. tuvil ! n .... . leases of Asthma and Bronchitis s le.ids ir,t to 1 r,. .Sl e "h&Irsale n Hstii! r.t the Geraaa believe it can rarely fail to cure those diseases." j r-":c:".e e,tore Z Arc" 3t,et. J door For crojip. Give an emetic of antimony, to! - , olit" Philadelphia ; and hv rcspectallt be followed by large nd frequent doses of the'' aeaIer3 g--C rally throngh the country. Cherry Pectoral, until subdues the dieea-e. Ifi KWCES REliUCED." taken in season, it Mill cot tail to cure. I To cnr.b!c a'l clnsts cf inviiir? v. Whooinne couch mav be broken nn tnA e.-inn adriitiiora t.T i!..-?r r-n .r L' - . - 1 - " t . . - . . niiTc powers. vuii.- . jr tut iia; tii v"c 1 vciorai. The inSuenza is speedily removed by this rc- meuy. numerous instances have fcetn noticed M O N E T I C P 0 W D B It S the Bois de Boulogne, and the result of the ihdis position was anticipated several days before it actually took place. On Friday last the Em press' life was in danger for several hours ; but thanks to the skilful treatment, she became bet ter before night, and is now rapidly convalescing. The Emperor has been to see Mrs. Howard, it is eaid, to express his sympathy, and sends an aid- de-camp twice a day to inquire after her health neiiitr tLis is any proof (Lat he takes sides with his former favorite, is hard to say, for be U reported ns bong very attentive at the bed nue 01 u.0 impress also. His -anger at the ecandal caused by his wife's conduct . must be considerably molified by the reflection that love for him was the motive ; and gratified vanity mil probaKy prevent his chiding either lady for ner impudence." ; AEoaring Orator. 'Ur. President, I shall not remain silent, sir while I have a voice that is not dumb in this as sembly. The gentleman, sir, cannot expostulate this matter to any future time that is not more euitatle than cow. He may talk sir, of the Herculean revolutions, where republics are hurl ed into the Arctic Regions, the work of centuri ons refrigerated to usiies.but, sir, when we can tell him iafatigably that the consequences therefrom multiplied sultprraneously by the everlasting principle contended for thereby can no more shake the resolution than can the roar of Niagi a rejuverate around these walls, o. the Yinvl i-.f 1 a a . n .. . 1 -... v. uiiuupgm icmpesi connagrate this marble statue into ice. em. Hated matter, and purifying the Blood, which uesiroys uisease ana restores health ' TO FEMALES. a ill n . 1 I, "I : 1 1 - . .. .Ti.i uiivi lucoc iiiiu au in vuiunDie medicine in many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of estimable benefit, restoring their iuucuoinu arrangements to a healthy action purifying the blood aud other fluids so effectu nllc tn i-.nf t -flirrL 11 -. 1 . .... ....j .w J L.m MIJ vuuipi.tinis wnicn may arise from female irregularities, as headache giddiness, dimness of sight, pain in the side oacK, s.c. None genuine unless signed J. N. Ilobensack aI others being base Imitation. 2JAgents wishing new supplies, and Store weepers uesirous 01 oecoming Agents must ad dress the Proprietor, J. N. Ilobensack, Philajel phia. Pa. For sale by Murray, Zabm & Co., and . E, uujiiieB , uensourg ; a. Durbio, Munstcr; John ston, Johnstown ; McCloskey, Summitville : E uowi ivees, six miles west of Ebcnsburg ; and "j inpwiitw ueaier in tne fctate Keyser & McDowell, wholesale aren't. K 140 Wood Street, Pittsbur- who .mi. o - " ('nciui t'J itta, KV-T "O! i rt- ... "tc, eaca cents I I July 22, 15. "Well," said Mrs. Partington, as Ite read the paragraph from the Pest that the decor ators were at work on the two naves of the Crvs- xai trainee, one paused at the "well" before the went further into it, and Ike etopped read ing to hear what she had to say, and chewed up pan 01 tne paper into spit halls, wfcich he amused LiiT self with by throwing at the old white pine dresser in the corner. "Well," said the this is the same well we left some time since "I am glad they are taking time by the relock, anilooking arter the knaves beforehand. Knav?s in the Christian parish, indeed!' But they will get in, the best than can be done.- .mere s many a one, l desSay, in all parishes that has a' sanctuary in his face, but with the cloak of hypocrisy in his heart Read n, Isac." And the old lady looked up at tbe black framed ancient picture f Susannah and the el ders, tad patted her reflectively Pest. EzelUcI Hughes, Ebensborg; Pennsylvania, TIEALER in staple and fanev dr-v ffftAlfl Mi. 11 ceries, wholesale and retail fish ; hardware ana cuiuery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron 6beet-zinc, stoves of all kinds, stove-pipes and Di.oct-,.u are, ud ware, copper and brass kettles, &c, &c. , I Grain, wool, butter and other country produce That's just what I told . at co A dealer in white pine, poplar, ash and cherry lumber; lumber always bought, and a large quantity constantly on hand for sale. - Cash always paid for lumber cut to order or oucu asE-aits tue present demand of the market. r. larite im, 01 new ITOOiIs nn cmhr.ixvl ; u j above list jast received and more opening for ""i iurai murKei price. September 23, 1852 43-tf. FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF COCSROACKES, RED BUGS, KOTHS, AJiTS, FLIES, FLEA , AND INSECTS ON PLANIS, WITHIN TEN MINUTRS AFTER BEING THROWN IN 1KE1R VICINITY. This preparation is a powder compounded of Plants, Herbs, and Flowers, free from any sub stance which could posib!y injure niftn or domestic aniiials, and is devoid of any db?grecable odor. - Jt Las been examined by the medical faculty of France, Russia, Sweden and Denmark roin all of whom ajuple teetimonyvof its efficacy can be produced. ' ALSO, M i G N eTiY 'f ILLS, For tho Destruction of RATS and MICE, within five minutes after Being thrown in thir vicinity. Read the folloivln L.eiCcrs : New Yoek, October 1, 3850. I have made a chemicil examination of the Vegetable Towder prepared bv Mr. Emanuel l.von. for the purpose of destroying insects. I do not find it to contain anything deleterious to health, or what might be eonsiuereu poisonous to the human species ; but it is very destructive to insects, whenever they are foreed to inhale the fine particles of dust occasioned by throwing the Powder forcibly in places where they frequent. , JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D. Chemist. New York. Hospital. June 9. I8.1O. I have anaiized Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powders for the destruction 01 insects, aud certify that it is entirely free from mineral or other corrosive poison. As the result of my examination I would say that is a combination" of various vegetable substances having a peculiar influence on the insect kingdom, and that it may be sed with perfect safety. In reference to its utility, its effects are astonishing. 1 belive it to be a skilfully prepared substance by which a valuable re sult is obtained, which does effect what Mr. Lyon says, and is well deserving of public patronise LAWRENCE RE1D, Professor of Chemistry? ' Emascet, Lyon, Esq. ' 1 . N:w Yonic Hostital, June 1, 1850. Dear Sir : It affords me great pleasure in stating that 1 have extensively used your Powder for the destruction of Insects of all kinds, (especially Bed Bugs and Roaches) and un hesitatingly pronounce it the best and otly article so effectual in its operation. 1 have also ex-1 pemnenieu wnu your nils, anil find them equal in all respects with vour f t iteinent1. llopin" that you may prosper, I remain your friend. JOHN L. ROOME", Su 'ct. N. V. Hospital. . Gibson Hocse. Cincinnati, October 9, 1S50. we procured from Mr. B. II. Meakinga, some of Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills's and cheer fully certify as to it3 perfect efficacy in destroying Roaches and Rats within a few minutes after its application. It is the most simple, yet perfect remedy we have ever seen. I. K. & D. V. BENNETT. New Yokk. Irving House, April 21, 1849. I have used Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Piils for the destruction of Insects and Ver min, and I have found the most happy result, and cheerfully recommend them to those who may be troubled with these insects, as a sure method of destroying them. , DANIEL D. HOWARD, Proprietor Irving House. We certify to the above. COLEMAN & STETSON, Astor Houte. S. THAYER C0ZZENS, American Hotel JONAS B. PHILIPS, Ass't District Attorney. PRESTON II. HODGES, Carlton House. These articles received a premium at the Fair of the American Institute in 1848, and the hi-rli est premium at the Fair of 1850. 0 PRICE Lyon's Magnetic Powders, 23 cents per Flask ; Pais, 25 cents per Box. All Orders must be addressed (post-paid) to C. V. CLICKENER & Co., General Agents, 81, Bar clay street. New York. Agent Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Bell, Summit ; G. H. Muckerhide, Johnstown. December 16, 1852 8-Gm. - bu where whole families were protected frcm anviCo.. Johnstown. tfioit itotde tit rtTtts. For p.'dcby Frederick KittfT Druist Eiieri- g; ,.;.n?s lieil, Summit: G. Muckering k serious consequences, while their ncii-M ,i without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from the disease. Sa-lt.u, Oo., 11th, June 1851. Doct. J. C. Ayer : I write to inform tou of the December 16, 1852 8-ly. truly rcmr.rkr.tle effect of your Cherry Pectoral j . 1 lC sscr:;,fr a is thie r in thi place, and ia my own fiimilv. One of 1 X'7,r t:,Tks tc: icuCs and ( my daughters whs completely cured in three! ;-r' 'or J . 1 or;r J-'-r.agc 1. Wliolcsale and IJc.a. 71H, C0PPE3, APS SHTLT-IBON, 3 i FA CTO K V. The suhscribcr adej is thie rr? tLo.I o rr'rr- . me riii.i'c days of a dreadful Whooping Coi:rb, bv tnlir it. Dr. Means, one of our v ry best pin sicians freely 6tates that he considers it the betremrdv we have Ur pulmonary diseases, i.nd that hohnVi cured more cases cf Croup with it -than anv' ! lr . - w oiner mcuiciue lie ever adiiiinibtered. Our clergyman of the Bnptist Church savs that during the run of Influenza here this sea son, he has s-en cures Iroui your medicine he could penrce'y liave beii v.d without eeeiiig. Yours respectfully, J. 1). SlNCLAllC Deputy I'ostmaster. from tlie lUt incnlaliril Prrrtir now ktrpe e sur niv of everr v- . ...... , .... .i... 1 . 1 j.-juiiazc i.cietoivie r - eioir- rfl 1. . . 1 11 . . . , "im, i'i.u iegs jtavc 10 )itra theia tkt ne i.as ci-ir-a ts Mis.ncss, and constar.iiy cn lr,7iu 1 lar 1" (.1 1 r ' . . r. . - which he will sell, vl.oics'e cr retail, 'as ll'vtf any other estab!islj5;ti.t in tLe coactry. He is also prepare I 10 manufacture 'pouting for houses, ui t)i2 Veriest notice, tad cd the nio.t reasonable terr... Merchants and others icsirons cl jnrc!iasu:c bills cf Wl j Ctiu!.y ir. aic, ure res pited io dill. them goooa cju:.llv aa rl..-.n - -.,i. tv.j . i. i . . ... 1 -., - - f - ' Vilii SoiuCoilJ-r cr, iisw-.ciincreMterrcs!, and all orders addi 1 have fuu3 'tbe Cherry Tectorul, as its b ICD,Pty r.dcd to. edients show, a powerful reinedv'for cold I CiCiit aSLClS cnicnt. addressed to gred and coughs, and pulmonary diseases fAEICliU ClCVELAXD, M Brunswick, Me.. Feb. 5. 1847. D. TN Ebc-csburg, nt 1 f.ignr -:,0 i,as lowest prices t the warehouse t.r i!i nn.'.-r. oa hand and will s-ll at th Oil. VALIXTIXU MOTT, STCVEF Or r7 TKT(s City, e.y.t & x 01 Kj. '.-recompute; cosirlctc Cook; the Ntw CV.. it give, me pleasure U certify the value and ' cy- :vo, i:, , L'elavare Cook A', eCicjicy of Avcr's Cherrv Pecturl ).!,.!. istone; Union Coal Rumrr ' it.. ' 1 . " ....... tA.a Piu c . A . k consider peculiarly adapted to cure diseasts of the Throat and Lunjrs." Cures of severe diseases upon the Luncs haTe ueeii encciu'i ', do ; liar Roort. cop! ftove nil f.f.t!,' ' tc.-t styN? nnd pattern wLich cannot be excelled or cu:uied. Ct.me r.nd see them. nrA rtrr.'t fnr. by Cherry Pectoral in such -! Piet to brine yonr wife c!on" ?f n r,. frenie cases as warrant the belief that a rt-mcdv j bring yr.ur lady-love. has at length been found that can be depended of cvcr7 descrtic done ct tie , . , " . v.uo ,-iuu voasuuipv.uji , -- '--. urn coprcr ai.e rcstey, Uircn jwuicu carry iroiti our km. 1st tho'JBf ns rvr-rv : 111 exennnce lr r.r. , , , . , 1. mni iB iiuic . ti-. lii.pvs. ny a 51:.:; attention ted can look with confidence fur rtli f, and they io rtccive a liberal share cf rublic siiou.u noi to iivnil tiunit. ves of it i patronage. J"iPf:i' imwim'T PREPARED 1'ra.cttc Ebensburg, July 8, lbo2. AND SOLD BY JAMES C. ATH2. ml ana Analytical Cltemlat, Lowell, Mass. TAIIORIVG Sold in Lbensburg by Fred. Kittell, d by ! mHE nndersV,,. ! ir . r- 1 fc.ai emers m .ueaicine tvery where. 1 I th fr... - t i . - J. i iiiUbt l'J 18.V J4f., J ,.1 . 1 cl i5.vl,o.i Jt Johnston is dissolve! Drug . A iat i continue tne ousuu-fs ir. tUo ronm v a M-jcnpituHjiuBOJUUm. where be will be bar '.'7 ti- i r ,.r , , , " , l fCTniCi' ratrors " c i in Lit" orii - u unu. lie rece'r- i r-.. -:r WM. I1T.4RL.LD &. SOX. Cabluet Hare Rooms, Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburfir, Pa. "Would respectfully invite the attention of tht public to their superior stock of FURNITURE oi every aescriptio.n . rurniture of all kindt manufactured to order on the shortest notice. to. All orders from a distance promptly attended! dress goods. THIS -WAY FOR GOOD AND CJIGiP GOODS. Witt be opened this week at the brick store of J. Moore, in Ebensburg, a general assort ment of cloths, cassimeres, satinetts, tweeds, and a great variety of summer goods. Together with any quantity of prints, delaines. .lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other FreF..r.ui.,u ior me nair wmcn long experience ir'rt -r iork and Pi.Ibjdelplii- t'e lat-t and scientific research has produced, either ,.s I fashions and c-u.iot be beaten c'the-'ha an article for the toiief, or its bencSoi.il eSVct ; shape or fit rf Coxt, Tunis r Vest V" ny in a;l the diseases to which the hn&i.-in hair is j other Tailor in the country. a rcrretfufiy liable. It will impart to the roughed and cai- k the public to give him a call and cca scst hair the most beautiful arneirance. entire- fident his work i :.' - - m - w i 1 V' I11IUL' m; i . f . ly cleansing it from o.l purines. EAIl kinds ot country produce taken in lint while wa a-prt !,? t .1.. r.i-'il r , J 'w ' ... ...... ,t ,uc urst jn-ufijjV.iuttu 1(..r iroric. iortnetouei oi tnose who wish to rcUiu tho April 29,1852. Executor's IVotice. iiubULAs, letters testamentary have been 6.u oy me itegtster of Cambria coun ty, on the last will and tAtmnt t U . i . ....... . . uaim mm Hallegan, deceased, to the subscriber; residing in Washington township. i said county, all per sons indebted to said est j. , ,. -- 1CUUCBVCU IU make immediate payment, anrf T. . . - " UklU' A I mo B(TH.infit JB!kltfl 0OtaA A. ... . IC ;b7j7 lo present tnem duly authenticated tor payment. - : - . , ' JOSEPH NOEL, Executor May 26, 1853 31-6tpd, ' J!'zccutor- ; job lvouii Neatly and expeditiously executed at this Office. A fresh arrival of Boots. Sh lata, aps, lancy lump and Florence St ran Bonnets, Powder, Gun Caps, Shot. Lead. &c. received this day and for sale at the cheap store - J. JdOOKE. June 26. 1861. 2000 pounds -wool, butter, eggs wanted by ' - J. WOO RE ALSO A LARGE and good assortment of hardware, oueensware. saddlery, elnthintr.' stHonrv. rlmnra X-s. f- ;o - -e-, uv.,. .... , 1'ersona vn nir ttnota nn.l chn.. I,o Jlu,lu,!'' lt "J rriiiaiaiinff. . - , u.3 . ..... , caps, or ready made clothing, will find it to their'. 't,u""'t"k grice: toall at the I ls lssea r.i a cnaracter who! A. 000 T r"ttrr nprvnv liuir in .ill it -l nn . -AO i LUXURIANCE AI7D SEAUTY. it must not be forgotten that iu all diseases of :T2S2IPiC EXPLOSIOU 02T SEC F R. the hair or scaTp, such as the falling of the hair 1 "ILE FRJ1I THE bUilillT 2 uauuruii, LuiiiLMes. or sores OU tne S?iln X-t it I is, perh.-ips the article which has given decided satisfaction in every instance where it has been used. Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly active, so thr, in numerons. where otU-r rei,.l". oies nave neen tnel m rain, 5TORU".S CHEM-- e lu''i't be,t eeiected stock or ij.ai ICAL IMVIUORATOUhas supcri-elcd the rn:i- i eTer -hown in this or the j"'"-" countieo, L.3 in full Dlontitn h. 8locK cons-.sts in purt of Dri Goods, such ru-an, . c'oth?,- casii- Wholesale and Ilclall Z3rj Good rjlliii Subscribers h.iveju-t revived fnm the m. v.vn u i-iiica, I'liu are now cirer.ncr Tot uitr ad vantage Rrick SI ore. OOL, Butter, and U kinds of ' Grain. taken jn exchange for goods at .' Moore's 'store. The highest price paid for wool at the stort ' GEO. J. RODGERS. Tho subscriber, thankful for past favors, ear- nestly requests his customers, and the public generally to at least call and examine his stock: tnd if he cannot suit every person in quality nd price it is not his fault. Produce and lum per of all kinds taken in exchange for eoods- and he also takes CASH when offered. J. MOORE. Ebcnsburg, April 28, 1851. WHISKEY, TVhite Lead, and Linseed Oi for sale by ' ' ' - J. Mnnr. J. Moore. 40 Barrels Conemaugh Salt for. sale by- - J.-Moore. This Way! ror .tne .hichest urices are rmid fnrtiodl Toll c. Bitms ana tanners bark in either trade or cash by I Davis, WUUHL. I April y. 1552. WM. -DAVIS. JOHN 1LOTD. Davis & Lloj-d, Having formed a partnership in the MERCANTILE BUSINESS, Would respectfully solicit the patronasre of their friends and the public generally. t old stand of "William n full plentltudc. I 8tovk cc;'ts';s,,i !li purtof D P3 of i!afc !-' French. Kn'-'-si, aud Auier a character wholly di.Tcriii'- fr. tiers, Satl.et. Tr ;-. nib.t fifths, s-'t;-'. - the Oils. Greaso. licstorativts. u-Wh ... . leueia and oiher T?stinrs, K"in ic. inotis-tl"-' now so nuiacrouo'.y foisted on the public, under t laiUt, boiiib-i zinc?, end ladies dress goods of the pretence of being newly discovtrcd fr bald-1 every ':c?cril,ri"n; .awls, nandkerchi's, scrips nes3, gray hair, &c. cravats, tihlt4. rihe,. glox.s Hnd h,.jiery of Storr's Iztvigorator uI1 kir,i,' talkie linen dripcro, cri-!., rJ, iiiu has now been tested for yrars, nnd its efficacy ! a51 Jelll,w tiaiin VHosey, cnton Cunn"!, b!U' has been proved by thousands, Every year its , ket3 aml corerlets, Lickory shirting, lri!i linus. reputation and sales have increased, until uioro r r,i hite goods of t vtry Jcscriptioa ; laces, of it is consumed annually than of any other ; edgings, insertings, fits, cap?, ia" prepnration lor the hair ever offered to the Amer-1 ncti hoots and shoes. harJwarc, quernswirs, ican public. It is compounded on strictly sci-! glasssvure. nails, flour and s.-ilt ; fiah, and iroa. entifio principles, and the proprietor will stake ; Also a splendid asf-ortmeut of groceries. drur. his reputation on its efficacy. p.iints and fyc .stuff?. All t-f wlst.-h we oS--r Its extraortlinary cheapness places it -within at lower priotH than gcos have- ever 1 . j the roach of tho humblest family, and its con- ! the country. AU kinds of c.in.trv rroJjcc, ).j : . u i .i ii i ... . vcucu iiuue luoium it. u piucu on IUC most lUZU' rious toilet. For sale by the proprietors price 25 ccnt3. CP. AMET&CO, 320 Arch street, one door below Sivth. For sale by Fred. Kittell, Ebensburc : James1 cover freight. i)i-u,ouuiiuii, v. iuuckerniae CU., Jounstown'I December 1G, lSGJS-ly. ' lumber, railroad ties, racs, f axseod, &c, We will wholesale any of the abovo Sf.nl".l selection of goods, to country mercliitats tt a'.f pricsa, putting only on a iiUiil f -ur to R, M'GRA-X:; & RELLLY. Section 104, Novcsmlcr 4, 18o2. inn