The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, July 07, 1853, Image 1

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A soldier of the legion lay dying in Algiers,
There was Iaok of womon'o nareing,' tliere was
lack of woman's tears,
Pat a comrade stood beside him, while hia life-
. blood ebbed away,
And bci.t with pitying glances, to hear what he
might say.
The dying f oldier faltered as he too that com
rade's hand,
And he said, "I never more shall see my own
. my native land ;
Take a message and a token, to some distant
friends of mine,
Tor I was bora at Bingen, at Bingea on the
"Tell my brothers and companions, when they
meet and crowd around,
To hear my mournful story, in the pleasant
vineyuru ground,
That we fought the battle bravely, and when the
day wa3 done,
Full mauy a, corse lay ghastly pale; beneath the
1 setting sun.
And 'midst tUc dead and dying were some grown
o!d in wars,
The dealh wound in their gallant hearts, the
last of many scar;
Bet some were young, and suddenly beheld life's
morn decline,
And one had come from Bingen, fair Bingen
on the Rhine. -
' 'TcU my mother that her other sons shall comfort
her old age, . - "
And I was aye, a truant bird, that thought my
home a cage:
For my father wa a soldier, and even as a child
iiy heart leaped forth to hear Liai tcil cf strug
gles fierce and wild ; "
And when he died, and left us to divide his ecan
ty hoard,
I let them take whate'er they would but kept
my father's sword;
And viih boyish love I hung it where the bright
light used to shine,
a the cottage wall at Binges, calm Bingen on
the Khine.
Tell my sister not to weep for me, and eob with
drooping head,
57hea the troops are marching home again, with
- jflad and gallaut tread,
But to look upon them proudly, with a culm and
, steadfast eye,. , - ...
For her brother was a soldier, too, and not afraid
to die.
And if a ccciruie seek her love, I ask her in my
name '
Tslisi.n to him kindly without regret or shame;
And to hang the old sword i.i Its place, (ray fa
ther's sword and mine,)
For the honor old Binges, dear Bingen on
the Rhine.
"'There's mother, not a slater in the happy days
2-iac oy.
You'd Lave known hei: by the merriment that
sparkled in her eyr,
Ti-o innocent for coquetry, too proud for idle
Oh! frioal I fear the lightest heart makes some
times heaviest mourning!
Till her the lai night of my life (for ere this
morn be rlsea
J? boly will be out of pain, my soul be out
of prison, )
I drcarjcd I ood with her, and saw the yellow
sunlight shine,
On the vie clad hills of Bingen, fair Bingen
on tiift Tilling ! - -
"I sarr the blue 7iL:ne sweep along X heard or
seemed to hear,
The r'rmau songs we used to sing, in, chores
bwt and clear ;
And down the pleasant river, and up the elant-
?5 j hill.
The echoing chorus sounded through the even
ing e:m and still ; "
And her glad blue eyes were on me, as we pass
ed with friendly talk
Down n.-ny r path beloved of yore and well re
merabei ed walk,
Ai.d her ll-ttle baud lay lightly, confidingly in
mine, "
But. we will meet r.o more at Bingen, loved
Bingea on the Rhine."
nis voice grew faint and hoarse his grasp was
childish weak,
Ilib eyes put ou a dying look, he sighed and
ceased to speak;
Bis comrade b?nt to lift him, but the spark of
I life had fled.
The Soldier cf the Legion in a foreign land was
dead !
And the soft moon rose up slowly, and calmly
she looked down
On the red sand of the battle-field, with bloody
corpus strown,
Yea, calmly on that dreadful scene her pale
Jijht eetmtd to shine,
As it shone cn distant Bingen, fair Bingen on
tii Rhine. .
A Qcatbcpt: CniCKFX. The CJermantown
.) Telegraph publishes the following extract
rrji a letter, of a gentleman of Columbia to a
citksa of Germantown: 0neofmy Shanghai
hens has a few chicks, hatched a few days ago,
and oo of them, which toddles about and eats
hiurtilj-. and'St-Ciai to thrive, has four legs. For
the nrot day, 'Quaddy,' (as we call him for quad
raped) did not know which pair to ga upon. The
hind pair made him rear up, and the front pair
made him kick up. But, af;er balancing the
thing in his mind over night, he settled down
nest morning on his 'all fours' boldly, and per"
sists in that mode -of locomotion.
gy-" Won't you sing a sir?" said a la
dy to her lover, as they were alone one evening.
The lovtr soon ccnoaic-ced, the popular air, "I
won't gr home till morning." And sure enough
he uid'nt! ; :-
S-Flatterers only lift man up, as it is
said tiie eagle does the tortoise, to get, something
by his fall. . . .
On Thursday afternoon we accepted an invi
tation from Major Beckham, (the excellent War
den of the Western Fenitentiary.) to visit that
institution, aoJ as our readers are but little ac
quainted with the interior of the prison, or the
arrangements there carried out, we presume,
the following remarks made from personal ob
servations, ' will not prove to them entirely de
void of interest. The Western Penitentiary, s
most of our citizens are already aware, occupie3
a beautiful position on the West Common, Alle
gheny city, near the terminus of Ohio street.
It is built entirely of solid stone, which, with its
watch towers, grated windows and massive doors,
gives it a sombre and heavy appearance, not un
like that of the feudal strong-holds which at ev
ery few miles distance rear their embattled heads
oa the green fields of our native isle. On enter
ing the hall of the front building, you find your
self opposite a ponderous iron grated door, thro
which (if the Major permits,) you pass directly
to a spacious corridor, the ceiling of which is
beautifully frescoed. At either side is an excel
lent bakery and kitchen, the polished utensils in
which resemble more the glistening engine of a
1 crack steamboat than the articles usually to be
found in those apartments.
Directly frouting the corridor lie the buildings
in which the convicts are confined. They are
three in number, and average some two hundred
and fifty feet in length, by forty-eight in width
and twenty-nine in height each, with neatly fres
coed ceilings. As they diverge from the corri
dor referred to, a person standing there can ob
serve what's passing in the above buildings with
out once changing his position, so that a single
watchman sitting in his chair in this apartment
has the entire tenanted portion of the Peniten.
tiary under his eyethus rendering it impossi
ble (if he but attends to his duty) for a prisoner
to leave his cell without detection. Two of the
above buildings only are occupied by convicts
the third being newly erected, and not yet ready
fur their reception. The foundations of the new
were laid several years ego, and the walls raised
some five feet, out of the accumulated profits on
the earnings of the convicts ; but owing to a de
crease of ciime in the State it was considered
unnecessary to go on with its erection, and the
work was dropped. Of late years, however, the
alarming increase in crime and consequent swell
ing of the convict list, rendered it necessary that
additional ceils should be prepared ; so the Leg
islature made a grant for the purpose, and the
work on the new building was resumed; it is
now nearly fit for the reception of prisoners. Its
total cost, when completed, will exceed $30,000
rather a moderate charge for such an edifice,
when the one next it, though finished in a less
thief proof ' manner, cost $83,000. The build,
iugs are heated by steam, and the cells are re
markably neat and clean and thoroughly venti
lated. '
The food which the convicts receive seemed to
us to be of a very superior kind, their bread far
exceeding, in taste and appearance, some of that
left daily at tho doors of our citizens. Indeed,
the quality of the food might be judged from
tho fat, healthy appearance of the prisoners, the
majority of whom have increased in weight since
they entered the prison. An instance of this
came under our notice during ' our visit. Old
Hatcbinson, who, our readers will remember,
was convicted, twelve months ago,' of shooting a
man in the Ninth Ward, with his favorite "An
drew Jackson," as he called his musket, and
sentenced to the Penitentiary for the offence,
was discharged cn Thursday. When given un
der the Major's care he weighed but 161 pounds,
whilst on leaving, (so well had the prison and
regimen agreed with him,) he weighed 205 pounds,
lie laughed heartily at the change which impris
onment wrought on his person, and left exclaim
ing that the Penitentiary wasn't as bad as peo
ple thought it was, after all.
The prison at present contains one hundred
and eighty-eight convicts, but one of whom is a
female. Of these, about one half are natives of
this State; one ninth, of Ireland; one tenth, of
Germany; one "eleventh, of New York ; the re
mainder being from different parts of the Union.
The separate or solitary system of confinement
is carried out in this prison to the fullest extent,
the convicts scarcely ever being allowed to leave
their cells, unless wheu suffering from sickness
and then they are removed to an hospital, fitted
up for the purpose. . Neither are they allowed
to converse with each other their moral instruc
tor, the warden or other officials, being the only,
persons with whom (unless by permission of the
superintendent) they ever get an opportunity of
speaking. At first it was thought this system
would be attended with the most ruinous conse"
quences, many contending that it would end in
the mental derangement or total physical pros
tration of the convicts; such, however, has not
been the result, for," during the whole time that
it has beeu in operation, but very few cases of
insanity have occurred among the convicts
those, on the contrary, entering with imbecile
minds, having been benefited rather than injured
during their confinement. ;' r: ; A
The prisoners are all made to work at aome
trade or other during their confinement. . Shoe
making and weaving occupy the time of most of
the covit We saw Boae of them plying the
awl" and using the "last" in their narrow yet
comfortable ceils, and although they were per
fectly ignorant of the business on entering the
prison, they now turn out work which would not
disgrace the show ease of some of our best city
! workmen. A weaver, too, to whom the Major
introduced us, walengaged at his vocation in hig
' cell as we entered, and timed the strokes of his
shuttle to the tune of some old ditty which he
was ehaunting, in a voice that told of anything
t but sorrow or discontent. He has been there
! several years, and is now able to weave cheek,
or any other qu ility of cotton m iterial, in a style
! that would do credit to the most experienced
J tradesman. "Long may he w'ave." The sum
I derived from the sale of articles manufactured
! in the prison is very large, and more than sum.
j ces to- pay for the - support of the convicts, &o.,
so that the establishment is a self-paying, one,
; and costs the. State or County nothing. Whilst
! everything is done to instil a spirit of industry
! into the minds of the convicts, their spiritual
: welfare is not neglected. Bach convict has in
t -
his cell a copy of the Bible and the Common Pray
i er Book, together with such other moral and re
ligious . works as may be considered suited to
their tastes and capacities. On the whole, we
consider the lot of a prisoner in the Penitentiary i prosperity of the State and encourage those
far better in every point of view than that of J great industrial interests upon which that pros-
t those who are for months huddled together in j peri t" essentially depends ; and we dg it from a
the crowded celis of our County Jail. In the ' deep-rooted aversion to every system of taxation
former prison a convict has time for reflection, which imposes unequal burdens upon our own
' and beiDg cut off from evil communication, he citizens.
. learns to view hi3 offences in a light which, if he J Wheij the charter wag granted for the Pcnn
! be not entirely callous, will teach him to lead-! sy'vania railroad company, the New York lail-
an honest life when he goes forth again into so- j roads between Buffalo and New York were sub
ciety. ! jected to a tax for the protection of the canal
j The(habits of industry . oo, which he acquires interests. Jt was supposed that the Pennsylva
' during his confinement, (for no one under Major i nia railroad would divert business from the State
i Beckham's supervision can remain idle.) mate- improvements, and that a tax was necessary for
j rially assist him in procuring a livelihood when their protection. Since that time all taxes upon
' be emerges from the prison walls. Not so, how- the New York roads have been repealed. They
ever, with the jail. Here the bad become worse,
and those habits of idleness are engendered
which, when the prisoners are discharged, be
come the most powerful incentives to crime, and
lead them to commit offence after offence till the
strong arm of the law again arrests their pro
gress and consigns them to the gallows or the
The entire number of prisoners received in the
Penitentiary since its opening, in July 182G. ex-
1,700 The prisoner longest within its
walls has been there for ten years, and several
months more must yet elapse ere be can breathe
the pure air of liberty. The longest sentence to
be served expires in 1879, yet the convict who
has to undergo this imprisonment has . been a
prisoner for years. How he will find the world
changed, and what alterations will not have ta. J valuable timber, her prolific soil, and her une
ken place when he emerges from his prison tomb J quailed manufacturing facilities. A prohibitory
a qu irter of a century heuce! Su;h a sentence I tax upon mining, lumbering and manufacturing
calls back to our memory the sufferings of Baron
Trenck, and gives a semblance of probability to
the existence of the chateau D'lf of Alexander
Dumas, the fabled Monte Cristo's talented biog-
Since Major Beckham's taking charge of this
institution, we believe no escape has been made
from it. Previous to his being appointed War-
den, however, several convicts contrived to elude
the vigilance of the guards, and by scaling the
walls escaped. The Major pointed out to t?i in
the plaster the mark of a musket-ball fired at a
prisoner who was endeavoring to climb the wall,
a task which its height and the formidable 6pikes
looming from its top would lead one to think
impossible. The unfortunate man was wound
ed by the discbarge, but, so much did he prize
liberty, he continued his attempt, reached the
top and leaped down, when, receiving serious
injuries, he was unable to move, and fell an easy
prey to his captors. Pittsburg Dispatch.
g"A poor widow was a6ked how she became
so much attached to a certain neighbor, and
replied, that she ' was bound to him by several
cords of wood - which he had sent her during a
hard winter.
Seveke. "You've destroyed my peace of
mind, Betsy," said a despairing lover to a tru
ant lase. "It can't do you much harm, John,
for 'twas an amazing small piece you had, anj
way." V .
J6gJA Yankee down east has just been ar
retted for selling rope yarn for pig tail tobacco.
He had it wound with cabbage leaves, and was
doing quite an extensive business. His princi
pal customers were exotics from Germany.
Mine Cot vot a countries.'
Sg'Brudder Jones, can you tell me de dif
ference twene dieing and dieting !"
Why obcourse I can, Lemual. When you
diet you lib on noffin, and when you die you
have noffin to live on.
Well,' dats different to what I tort it was ; I
tort it was a race atween the doc tern stuff and
starvashun, to see which ub kill fust.' '
gy4I really think our countrymen are be
coming pious" said a venerable dame, sister,
probably of Mrs. Partington as she threw down
a newspaper : for even fn the lives of the saints
I never heard, of so much resignation. Bat why
it's all sent to Washington. I can't understood
unless for the sake , of good example as I hear
democrats are" there." '
: ' . .From the Keystone.
Repeal of the State Trx oa the Penmylvania
Bail Real
. As a general rule we have little sympathy with
or fb'r corporations. We admit their utility and
necessity ; we know that without a combination
of individual effort under chartered protection,
many of the most important interests of the
State would never have been called into exist
ence; and of all others, we regard the Pennsyl
vania railroad as the most essential to the wel
fare of the whole community of any private en
terprise in which our cititens are engaged.
At the same time we are in favor of confining
all corporations to the exercise of the legitimate
powers and privileges conferred upon them by
their charters, and of exacting from them a
6trict compliance with each and every 'obliga
tion. .It is not, therefore, through any particu
lar friendship for the Pennsylvania railroad com
pany, nor any wish to increase the dividinds of
the stockholders, that we advocate the repeal of
the State tax of three . mills per ton per mile,
wbieh is now imposed on all freight of every de
scription transported over the road. - We do it
from a settled conviction of its impolicy and in
jjstiee. We do it from-, a wish to promote the
! have been placed in a position to compete for
. the western trade without restriction cf.any
kind, "aud boast of their ability to control all. the
business of the country north of the Ohio and
west -Pittsburg. - The operations of the Penn
sylvania railroad, so far from injuring, have
largely increased the business and revenues of
the State. The reasons which formerly lei to
j the imposition of the tax, now no longer exist,
' and the protection of our own trade imperative-
; ly requires that no restrictions should be impo
sed upon the Pennsylvania railroad, from which
its great competitors are exempt.
But there are other considerations npon which
our citizens and legislators Ehould reflect. The
greatness of Pennsylvania is due to her exhaust
less mineral treasures, her extensive forests of
j operations would be justly considered the very
climax of folly. Yet such is the effect of the
present tax on tonnage. The distance from Har
risburg to Pittsburg is 250 miles, and the three
mill tax amounts therefore to seventy-five cents
per ton. From Harrisburg to Dillerville is thirty-six
miles, and upon this portion of the line
the tax is five mills per mile, or sixteen cents
j per ton, making the whole tax on every species
J of freight between Pittsburg and Lancaster or
. Philadelphia ninety-one cents per ton. On a
j ton of coal of 2240 lbs., the tax would be $1.02,
eTen the half of which would be prohibitory. So
i also with lumber, .upon which, if not perfectly
dry, the tax would be $1,50 per thousand fee(
and the lower the value of this articles the high
er the tax. .
We cannot afford time er space to point ont
all the inconsistencies of this law their name
is legion. It would be equally difficult to 6how
that it possesses a single feature consistent with
equity, propriety, or "justice. For example:
the man who lives nearest to a market, and ha?
! leas expense in sending his produce to a place
ie. 108 iar2e proms, aau u. BUun.
to pay the mgbest tax. uut ine present ja
exempts from taxation those who tranjport foi
short distances, and imposes the whole burden
upon those who transport for greater distances.
Again: as competition must govern the ratet
charged on freights to and from the western
States, it is clear that the company cannot collect
any tax on this business, and must therefore in
crease the charges on local freight and travel to
enable them to pay it- Thus the operation of
the law is to tax our own citizens with the bur
den imposed upon the through business. The
whole thing is wrong, unjust, and unreasonable
discreditable to those who imposed the taxt
and should have foreseen its effects but much
more so to those who, seeing these effects, yet
suffer them to continue. - ;
Our position in reference to taxation is briefly
as follows: We have a heavy debt, contracted
chiefly by expenditures for public improvement
and increased by mismanagement and fraud in
the subsequent operations of these improve
ments by the State. The sale of the public
works would reduce the State debt and correct a
host of abuses The balance of the debt must
be liquidated from the resources of the State.
Every interest or occupation which is profitable
to those engaged in it, should assist in. propor
tion to its value, in sastain'ng the burden of the
public debt. We say; if railroads are profitable,
et them pay If canals are profitable,' let them
pay. If collieries enrich, their owners, why
should they not pay t Coal is worth et market
from $3 to $5.60 per ton. Would a tax of two
cents per ton diminish the consumption, or pro
vent a single ton from being mined ? We think
not. Yet two cents per ton would yield nn una
al revenue exceeding $100,000, and this item
alone would pay the Interest on nearly two mil
lions of the public debt. Lumber could pay 10
cents per 1000 feet, iron 15 cents per ton, dry
goods etiil more. Thus a specific but very mod
erate tax on every species of property trans
ported in any way or for any distance a tax so
small in comparison with the value of the arti
cle that it would not be felt, would yield a lar
ger revenue, and in a less objectionable form,
than by any other mode yet adopted. The tax
would be charged upon the article, and paid by
the consumer, in the same manner as our pre
sent duties upon imports.
We commend these remarks to the careful at
tention of our citizens, confident that there can
be but little difficulty in placing cur State reve
nues upon a firm basis, without resorting to the
unjust and oppressive systems that are now in
use.- .-.'
JYom the. Home Journal.
Letter from the Pacific Coast.
April 17th, 1853.
The Mission of San Diego reposes in a quiet
valley. It is, however, inhabited by those for
whom excitement is essential.
The Post, garrisoned by the command of Col.
Magruder, is about six miles from the town.
The ride is delightful, although fording the riv
er is often dangerous, during the rainy seasons,
owing to the quicksands, which are constantly
The society of San Diego is limited ; yet there
are a few families who are cordial, artlees and
refined. The ladies dress early in the forenoon,
for the day, and so are always ready to receive
company. I was so fortunate as to make one of
a dinner r arty, given by Lieut. Derby to these
agreeable people. The graceful deportment of
the Spanish ladies was captivating in the ex
treme. Late in the evening we waited upon the
j ladies to their homes ; and, soon after, we all re
assembled at Senor Bandini's, for a dance acd
i a continuation. One of his daughters, the wife
i of a ci-devant officer of the United States Dra-
I nAn. rvloo x..n.:nn. .1,
t"-jy -v.... vww.mwo "-"I1
exquisitely.' A number of 6ongs were sung by
various guests among the rest, your "Minia
ture" General. WalUing then became the mo
, notonizing enjoyment. Tho confiding earnest
j ness with which the Spatdoh beauties cling to
' their partners, would be extremely embarras-
sing to the unsophisticated, east of the Rocky
mountains, aq nour aiier ice final "good
night," sjme of the gentlemen were again under
various windows, with guitars and flutes. Se
norittas are sensitive to serenades.
A day or so subsequent to this day in a thou
sand, followed a similar file, at the Mission of
San Diego. Tents were pitched in the olive
grove. Shells were thrown at the target, from
the light battery late Ringgold's and the
troops performed their manoeuvres with precis
ion. Music and dancing terminated the enjoy
ments of the day.
A few days ago I saw an Indian breaking a
wild mare ; and the following is the manner in
which it wasdone: Every thing being prepared,
a strong, well-formed young Indian, about nine
teen years of age, led forward the animal with
bis siasta. She was about fifteen hands high,
perfect in symmetry, and white as a dew-washed
lily. She trembled with fear, and made free
use of teeth and feet, to prevent any near ap
proach. Two men stood ready, with lnriettes,
nd, taking advantage of her movements, one
was thrown around her fore, and the other o-
round her bind legs. Pulling simultaneously,
she was thrown upon her side, when, in an in
jtant, the wary Indian had his knee npon her
jeck, and had adjusted a bandage over her eyes,
She was then suffered to rise; and, by judicious
taxing on his part, in the course of half an
nour, a blanket was spread upon her back, and
strap passed loosely around her body. The
Indian then mounted and drew the strap over
ais knees. Reaching forward, he removed the
bandage from her eyes, and at once she com
menced a series of desperate plunges, and exer
ted every muscle to throw her rider. Several
men stood near, with switches in their hands,
in order to prevent her from falling backwards
the only thing her rider apprehended. A
mounted assistant aided in driving her to the
river; and, much to our surprise, she became
immediately subdued, and proceeded to drink
as quietly as a horse that had been accustomed
to the saddle for years! The young Indian
smiled, and patting her on the neck,' assured as
he would give him no more trouble. And so it
proved. I saw him subsequently, on several
occasions, dashing along the valley, with alight
rein, and controlling the spirited mare, with the
most delicate touches
On the tenth of April we left San Diego in the
little coast steamer "Ohio." The potts between
this town and San Francisco are just a day's
sail apart. Struggling through the kelp, which
abounds at the entrance of the harbor, we took
up the course, north-west by- aoaaething-what '
it was exactly I cared little to know, ns my ot
tention was called to the heavy ground swell and
!:s consequr ces.
San Pedro,' the first port we reached, is slta
nted at tho foot of sloping mountain, covered
with mustard-weed. Three or four adobe build
iegs perpetuate the same. It is the port of Los
Angelos. An omnibus runs between tLese pla
ces. The harbor is a bend in the elere, parw
tially protected by en island ; but It is open t
the south-east gales, and many vessels Lav
there been wrecked.
Santa Barbara, the next port. Is, by far, the
most beautiful town and locality cn the Pacific
Lofty mountains, ending in a common tlopv
nearly surround it, on the north-cast. Oa the
Eouth-west, the undulating vallry la egaln
bounded by hills, leaving an opening at the
north, for the cool, crisp breezes of the sea. Oa
the south is the horseshoe bench, which forms
the harbor. O Id mission buildings stand on an
elevation about a mile frcm the town; and the -hills
around are coveted with vigorous oaks.
There is an inviting air of repose about this
Our number of passengers was increased here
and among them was a family "one of the tip
tops," said the Captain. An elderly gentlemaa
supported an elderly lady; and two brothers de
voted themselves to a sister a Jovely Fpecimea
of the Spanish Mood. None who saw her will
forget her graceful attitude, as she leaned e gainst
the frame-work enclosing the compass, and ga
ted, with tearful ere, at the dear home she wu
leaving perhaps forever.
Next day, about neon, we dropped anchor op
posite San Luis Obispo. A store-house and tent
were the only indications cf a stttlcmert visible
Usually, landing here is extremely perilous; but
on this occasion, the passengers escaped with
only a wetticg. .x
The entrance to the harbor of Monterey Is pe
culiar. A circuit of ten miles accomplishes the
j distance of three, in a straight line. The harbor
i is in shape like a fish-hook, the long leg running
north-westerly, and, just under the beard, clus
ters the town. It is enchactingly situated, and
vessels are expesed only to the gale from the
Our national flag floated over several formida
ble gnne, mounted behind a parapet ton one side,
and on the other the remaics of seme old xsisw
ion buildings, gave Interest to the scene. Menj
of the bills around were covered with towering'
pines. It is a pleasant place for people who can
be satisfied with a perfect climate, are sot ad-"
dieted to Italian opera
Those old padres knew what they were about.
They have certainly displayed infinite judgment
in their selection of localities for their missions.
A Spanish matron now stands pre-rmisect at
an object cf interest in Monterey, on account of
her being the mother of twenty-five children. .
The larger a lady's family here, the mere the
honored by her friends and neighbors.
From San Diego to San Francisco, the coast Is
bold and barren ; and, seen from the deck of the
steamer, is the last spot to awaken a desire for
residence. Yet, beyond this forbidden ws22
spreads, perhaps, the most beautiful country la
the world. ' w. u- -
Sir John Fratikli-.
4n interesting incident in the life of Sir John
Fraklin in narrated by a correspondent of the
National Intelligencer, writing from Ravenewood
L. I. In the year 1834, it appears, a dlfpcta
arose between Mr. Japer Chasscaud, U. S. Con
sul at Beirout, and the Syrian government, con
cernisg the ill-treatment experienced about that
time by Mr. Bird, an American missionary, (hen
residing in Beirout. Satisfaction w&s promised
for an attack made by Syrian soldiers upon Mr.
Bird, but the reparation was long delayed. A
British frigate, under the command of Captain
Franklin, arrived in the harbour when the diffi
culty was at Its height, and Sir John immediate
ly interested himself in the affair. Instead of
first saluting the flag cf England, he made fcr
the U. S. Consulate, heard Mr. Chasseaud's sto
ry, and the parties repaired together to the Gov
ernor's palace. The cac!&!s thought proper to
accede to the demands pressed so vigorous". y
upon their attention tbe offending soldiers un
derwent punishment the reparation was made';
and when the trouble came to an end, the Bri
tish Consul got bis salute. The energetie action
of Captain Franklin saved a world cf trouble
and the interest now attaching to the welfare of
the disticgnished navigator, lends attraction to
the incident '
K3vt Young man named Stow, and Charles
Schneman. aged 22 years, died in Ba?t:mcro on
Thursday, from the effects of drinkicg old wa
ter while in an over-heated 6tate.
Xgyj'Now, Patrick," eaid a Jndge, "what da
you- say to the charge, are you guilty or not
guilty r .
"Faith, but that's diffcult for yer honor ta
tell, let alone zneeelf. Wait till I Lear the evi
denco." ' -' '
E3 Tho first Cattle Show and Fair of the
Virginia State Agricultural Society will be held
in the city of Richmond, on the 1st, 2d, and 4th
days of November, 1853. - a .
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