0 ARRIVAE OF THE BALTIC. Four Days Later from. Europe. 1 New York. j :i c 26. The C G l.ii3 Bieamtr:! - .1 . I Baltic arrl cd Llt evening. lit o'clo.-ii. 1 bringing dates t t ; 1; : I tt the advices vac Nia : I 'liu stear:)'::'!; AiVica ins fo-ir days Liti- . iwu ot C'.i the in;-r I jag vf the 13tL inst. EQLAM. The English Government have, bcth in the JIoi of L-jrUs and Commons, announced that the liritTtk end French fleets were joiutiy des-ipfuo'-jei to the Pa ni?. relics, furnished -with like i-itruetions. The best understanding existed between France and England, and it was not expected that any collision would occur. T.iH emigrant ship Aurora, bound from Hull to New York, foundered at sea on the 20th of JJav, taking down 29 of her crew and pas sengers. Ilia Captain and twelve others were saved. llissilolT, the Russian Minister of Justice, it was announced, had arrived in Paris, bringing pacific assurances from the Czar, and the fuuds had .ruscquently recovered. It was considered, however, not unlikely that Russia would take teMj.otarily and occupy the frontier Danube Provinces. Mr. French, in the House of Commons, moved for all the correspondence regarding the impris onment of negroes in South Carolina, and said ha was convinced thit if South Carolina was propcriy pressed, she would .unul her "black laws." The corrsspondence was ordered. A EiniiLr movement was made in the House of Lcu 3. by Lord Beaumont. A fcj.lendid entertainment has I Corcuodure Yauuiroiit, of the "Nc been given to orth Star." by the city of Southampton, at which .00 guests vi; present. The Commodore subsequently .ok a large company from Southampton on a j;r.v-.re r.. U tiie ssutb. coast of England in his Eji! T.uia yacht. ' j. ue recent strike among the cotton labor ers of Liverpool, was about io be settled amica bly. Among the passengers ;by the Baltic, is the Hon. Mr. Foote, the Austrian Charge from th-3 united States, and Senator Foct2, of Yer- luOLt. rKASCE. The French funds have retrieved the recent lc3?, and on the lith 3's closed at 78 and 4Vs lvJ.. -jc. M. Sa"j.n'h-oz is coming to New York, in the slt.-.irtship Beiue Horteuz, as the tmperor s own Coni-nis3ioner to the World's Fair. TURKEY. Notwithstanding the present peaceful appear auce? oi Eastern affairs, the Turks are actively fL;: fortifying the Bosphorus. Tilde in Constantinople was dull, from the Scarcity of shipping. There was not much pan ic among the busiuess community. ECSSIA. Col. Heniiiou, Commander of the Russian fron tier brigade, had arrived at Aiiiga, on the left bank ci Pruth. Ar STRIA. At Vicuna, on the 10th. of June, Lord "West moreland and Baron De Mcayendovf had a iong conference, and afterwards couriers T7cre " despatched to Loniia and St. Peters bur.;h. GKEECE. I The Athens official Chervaler says, that the I e'.atements respecting Mr. Marsh's American de- man li, rpectiug tUe imprisonment of Consul King, incorrect. SABUXXIA. A commercial treaty hxs been concluded be tween the Government of Sardiaia and rara feuiy. Th- Latest Aspect of Eastern Affairs. Pasis, June l i. Yesterday, the Prince of l rusiia and the Duke of Saxe Coburg'a passed through Lillu on their way to England. Oruers v-?re received at Brest on the 10th to cr it,v. itcaai frigates and two sailing vessels. I.V.mr.jf is kuo .vn as to their destination. fier Liuirsas fluctuations tae Bourse clo-E-.vl l-j-uay with a' vise ; 3 pvr cents 78t 80c 4i's l)2t"20. The bullion in the Bank of France L-.s i icr.'is jl l,0J0,OJ3 sterling da.'iig the La.nth pas:. 1 1, ? 1 31 - tL . i :x&y says iliac luriey uau uiiuucu it iae -imuiia stJor3 of the four great powers, a note explain ing the measures taka for miintaining the in tegrity cf h;r tjrritsrr, Jsclaring tirml that any atnaeincnt of tha preheat difficulty with Rus sia,, was out cf the question, while that power j-crsUts in it3 exorbitant pretensions. On the 23th of May, the French Minister gave Rjdschi 1 Pasha formal assurances of the support cf tuz i reach Govtrumcnt. Lord Stratfor.l, De R ldcliffe was to have an an -Ueuce with the Turkish Minuter of Foreign Aaaira for the purpose of giving similar assuran ces on iue pai i of England. The military rtr.'paradons of the Turk3 were bsi . - carried on with great activity, A Tnrtiih ;t- n .ini.risinc- 2H sail of warves- eels, authored at the entrance of the Black Sea j cri the GO of .Iay. At tue arsenal, 12 corvctiss and several frigates were beiatr armed, with a view of being in read ia i for service by the 2d of June. One hun drei and forty fiat boats were engaged in tiui porting artillery an 1 ammunition to the nei and citadel on the iiosphorus. Tue military were pouring into Constantino ple from all quarters, aud the troops were to be reviewed by the Sultan cn the 30th. From Texas. We have papers from Galveston to the 10th inst. There are now in the ield cicrht Democratic c-niid-ites fe v tneofSce of Governor. Although the opportunity 6oems decidedly tempting for a vw.v.v..? o ard and appropriate to himself rs in Texas, the Austin State ihiir to stt p icrwar cutTTnatorial bono Gazette bores none will be so ungenerous as to make the uitempt. A gentleman from Loredo, says the inhabitants : on that part ot tae irontier are more iree rrom Indian depredations than they have been for a longtime. The Washington Banger of the 9th, says that tbout fifty of the citizens of that place started, on th? Sanday previous, for the gold regions in the vicinity of the Guaduloupe Mountains. The Galveston Xws says : "Mr. J. Howard and Dr, Thornton, of this city, returned yesterdiy morning from Hamilton's Valley, whither they traveled in search cf the gold "mines' and to view the country. Mr. II. .inform? H3 thct the party to which he was attach ed spent ii"out seven days in the neighborhood of the Sandies, and all that they had been able to d'ecover, aftfr repeate Uy washing panfuls of earth, -was a uw mm'tita particles of gold, so Email that a hundred of theia would not be worth tc cents. He is thoroughly satisfied that the gr.' J is not to 1j3 fouo-i ia sutdcleat quantity to pav half a doll'ir a day. lio was informed by tho s-ttier3 in tha vicinity, that no piece of gold larger than the head of a common pin had been discovered. AbiadaiC! of quartz rock was fwucd, but none of it contained any gold." E, A prize of $500 has been offered by the merchants cf Nev Orleans to the master of the vessel that between the 15th June, 1853, and the same date. 1854, shall make the quickest run from the mouth of tie Mississippi to Liver-1 pool. JBgy" In many gt ntleman's houses in France, there is an apartment, of an octagonal form, twelve or fifteen feet across, and thirty-six or-forty-five feet round and all the right sides, ns vrli ps the coiling above, ure of the most polish ed glts mirrors ; so that when a mm standsin the centre of the room, hff es himself in evr-ry dircwion, Tnnlt'f 'lied in a r-w cf selves, ns far r.p t.'i'i eye "jt cxfcn i. The humor of itig, that i whja the 1-idy of th house is out of temnsr." when eh is angry, or when she weeps without a cause, she m iy be locked up in this room to pout and see in every direction, how beautiful she is. DIED : , , On the 22d June, at the residence of his son, at Clearfield Bridge, Clearfield county, Mr. John Devine, father of II. C. Devine, Esq., of this place, in the 70th year of his age. The deceas ed was a native of the county of Tyrone, Ireland, and emigrated from thence in 1800. NOTlL. LL persons friendly to the temperance cause will meet at the Methodist Episcopal Church on Friday evening, July 1st, where matters of interesj will be submitted for their considera tion. IADIAX EXTEUTAL31E.T, GIYEN under a large Pavillion, capable of seat" iug 1,00'J persons. The celebrated Indian Chief Kawsiiawgance, from the Walaitp nation, Southern Oregon, accompanied by Oksewana, a Chief from the Callapoohas tribe, together with their large troop of Indians from West of the Rocky Mountains, will give an exhibition of the manners and customs peculiar to their tribes in Southern Oregon, at EBEXSBVRG, on Monday, July Uth. The entertainment consists of a laree number of Dances, Songs, Burial Ceremony, Iudian Mer ry Making, Marriage Ceremony, Scalping Scene, Casting out disease from a sick Indian by en chantment. Also, several Historical Scenes in cident to the early settlement of our coutry. Kawshawgance will exhibit a large collection of Indian curiosities, among which may be found several specimens of li ar Cluhs, War Knives, War raddles. Battle Axes, Mexican Pouches Blan kets made from the lark of trees, Pipe of Peace, War Pipe, War Rattles, a large variety of Bead Works, Jc, c. The chiefs accampanied by their warriors will be seen riding through the streets dressedin full Indian costume, painted and fully equipped for War, between 1 and 2 o'clock, P. M. Exhibition commences at 2 J and 7 J oclock. Admittance 25 cents, children under 12 half price. June 30, 1853 36-2t. Stray Marc. STRYED away from the pasture field of F ran cis Bradley, near Munster, Cambria county, on. or about the 20th dny of June, a dnppled gjev mare, heavy built.- has four blnek leps, mane turns to the left side, and h.is nn old cnt upon the right hip. Any person returning said mare to the subscriber nt Tunnel Hill, or Mr. Ivory, nt the Summit, or giving information of her whereabouts, will be liberally rewarded. MICHAEL NEWMAN. Tunnel Hill June 30, 1853-4JG-3t. Auditor's lYolioe. THE undersigned auditor, appointed by the Or phans' Court of Cam"ia county, to make and report distribution of the assct9 remaining in the hands of Sntnuel M'Mulln. administrator of the estate of John M'Mullen, late of Clearfield township, hereby notifies all persons interested, that he will attend to the duties of said appoint ment, at hi3 office, in the borough of Ebensburc, on Tuesday' the 2d day of August next at the j hour of one o'clock, P. M. G. M. REED, Auditor. Ebensburg, June 30. 1853 36-4t. Auditor's Xoticc. VOTICE is hereby given that I have been ap- pointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, an Auditor to di?t.ribute the balance of money in the hands of John M'Meel, adminis trator of the estate of Rev Torrence McGirr, de- , censed, to and among the creditors and legatees of said deceased, and that I will sit for that pur pose nt the Court House in Ebenshurg, on Mon day, the 25th day of Julv, 1853, when and where all persona interested miv attend. JOHN S. RIIEY. Ebensburg, June 30, 1853 3G-4t. Auditor's Notice. ") In the Court of Com Luiwig Kneedler & Co. mon Pleas of Cambria vs. county. J. II. Muckerheide. Alias Fi. Fa. No. 2 J June Term. 1853. Notice is hereby given that I have been ap- pointed auditor by the Court cf Common Pleas of Cambria county, to distribute the money aris- ing from the sale of the defendant's personal property, in the above stated case, and that I will sit for that purpose at the Court House in Ebensburg, on Tuesday, the 2d day of August all persons interested m?iv n t tend. JOHN S. 1853 3G-4t. RHEY. Ebensburg, June o, In the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, Penna. The Common wealth of Tennsylva- In the matter of the es tate of James Rhcy, de ceased. Vnia to Linn Boyd and Ann L. lioyu, his wite, Peter B. M'Cord and Mary J. M'Cord, his wife. CAMBRIA COUNTY, SS. . You are hereby cited to be and appear before the Judges of our Court, , io ue uiiu appear oeiore i j t nn Orphans' Court, to lon the first Monday of S be held at hbensb urg, entembjr. 1833, at ten or refuse to take the Real Estate of James Rhey, deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon it by tn inquest duly awarded by the said Court, and returned by the Sheriff on the 6th day of June, instant. Witness the Hon. George Taylor, President of said Court, at Ebensburg, the tenth d ivof June, A. D. 1853. R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk. Ebensburg, June SO, 1853 36-Gt. Administrator's IVoticc. LETTERS of administration having been gran ted to the undersigned by the Register o Cambria county, on the estate of Daniel Knep per, deceased, late of Summerhill township, Cambria county, all persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment, and those having cliims against will pre sent them. rroP3rly authenticated for settle- inent. WM. PALMER, Administrator. Jefferson, June 23, 1853 35-Ct, Executor's Xotice. IETTERS testamentary having been granted to i the undersigned by the Register of Cambiia county, on the estate of William M'Cune, de ceased, late of Washington township, all persons indebted to naid estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authentedfor settlement. ' ANN M'CUNE, Administratrix. , Washington tp., June 23, 1853-35-6tpd. r Exchange Hotel,' Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pa. fTIE undersigned respectfully informs the pub 1 lie that he is now prepared with every requi site for their accommodation, and will exert ev ery effort to render his house an attractive and comfortable stopping-place. His table will al ways be supplied with every delicacy the seaT son affords, and his bar stocked with the best of Wines and Liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will have charge of the stables. He respectfully solicits a share of patronage. JAMES MYERS. April 28, 1853 27-tf. C. W. WEBSTER, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg- Pa., WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business intrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Office on Main sticet opposite Dr. Wm. Lem on's office. Ebensburg, April 28, 1853 27. Administrators' Xotice. IETTERS of administration upon the estate of I Daniel Hollen, deceased, late of White town ship, Cambria county, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Cambria county, .all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, to pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. THOMAS HOLLEN. Administrator, PI1EBE HOLLEN, Administratrix. White tp., June 23, 1853 35-Ct. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, to distribute the proceeds arising from Sheriff's sale of real estate of William M'Gough, at the suit of Conrad & Walton, amongst the lein cred itors of defendants, hereby gives notice to all parties interested in said fund, that he will at tend to the duties of said appointment at his of fice in the borough of Ebensburg, on Monday, the 18th day of July next, at one o'clock, P. M. W ILLIA M K1TTELL, Auditor. June 23, 1853 35-4t. FOREST HOUSE. Carrolltown, Cambria county Pa. TIia imdrsirnfi1. Proprietor -of the above Ho tel, informs his friends and the public that he is! well prepared to furnish the best of accommo- ... -1 T 1 1 1 1 t dation, ana is aetermmeu io piease an bud may . can wiiu mm, JOHN P. PARISH. Carrolltown, June 1C, 1853 34-6m. Executor's Xollce. IETTERS testamentary on the last willindj J testament of John D. Jones, late of Cambria' townshii. deceased, haviuz been cranted to the: subscriber by the Register of Cambria county, j all persons indebted to .the estate or said de ceased, are requested to make payment immedi ately, and those having claims will present them duly proven for settlement. JOHN T. JONES, Executor of John D. Jones, dee'd. Cambria township, June 13, 1853 34-Gt. NOTICE. VOTICE i3 hereby given to the public not to re- ceive or purchase a note for i$30, drawn by the undersigned in favor of John Hamilton, da ted 17th of November, 1852. Not having re ceived value for said note, I will not pay the same. DENNIS KENNEDY. Near Munster, June 10, 1853 34-3t.pd. IJUBLIC notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of the county of Cambria, there will be exposed to public sale on Saturday, the 9th day of July, 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following Real Estate late the property oi llugn uugan, deceas ed, viz : A lot of ground in the town, of Jenerson, numbered 31. adioiuinz other property of de ceased, and property of Wm. Lemmon, fronting on Main street in said town, having thereon erected a log house, log stable, and shoemakei shop, said lot containing 8102 square feet; also, onntiior niff nf land ndioiuinsr the town of Jef- .wwx r ferson, bounded by Crooked street, land of Wm. Palmer, Esq., and lanil or Austin mompson, nnt-..i.in'r' n.h.'mt three acres, which piece or parcel of bind was laid out in lots by Thomas M Connell, as per dralt, numoereu ironi one ei-ht: also, another piece of land bounded by the Portage Railroad, road from Jefferson to Munster, land of the Catholic church, and land nf.NmM O'Neal which was laid out in lots by Thomas M'Connell, as per draft numbered from one to eight ; also, three lots of ground, num bered two, three and eleven, on the plau ot saia town, number two having thereou erected a frame house,- all of which property is situate in the township of Summerhill, Cambria county. Terms and Conditions of Sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation nf tha r-iIiv nml the residue in two eoual annual payments thereafter, with interest, to be secu red by the bonds ana mortgage oi ine purcua ser. Sale to take place on the premises. By order of the Court, R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk. June 1G, 1853 34-td. ROBERT KERB V. - ROBERT OALBRAITH. COACH MANUFACTORY. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg and the public gener ally, that they will carry on the Coach Making, including the Smith work, at the Machine shop formerly occupied by Mr. AnJerson, in the rear of E. Hughes' store; where by using none but the choicest material, and employing none but the best workmen, they hope to con vince all that will do them the favor to examine their work, that in point of durability, appear ance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled by any eitnilnr pstahlishmpnt in the State or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the purchase of a carriage, will consult their own interests by giving them a call. They are prepared to fur nw?i th fnllnwinc kinds of Vehicles, viz: Busies of different qualities and prices, Ba- roucues, Unariotees, one ana iwo uorse i..o. w..Tre ln0 nn:irtfr Khntic and C-SDriDflr UoaCll " mJ w -j i 1 J 1 hand work of different kinds. &C making a variety that will suit all tastes and all purses. Repairing done with neatness and de spatch. Ebensburg, June 2, 185332. LABORERS WANTED. LABORERS are wanted to work on the Ebeusburg & Susquehanna Plank Road, to whom goo4 wages will be given. GLASS & HUTCHINSON, Jr. Ebensburg, June 2, 1853. nLOUR and Bacon always cn hand, aud we rhave juBt received 20 barrels best whiskey for eale on commissiou xvum Vu A CARD. DR. A. YEAGLEY having permanently located in Jefferson, Cambria county, respectfully tenders his professional sericeB to the citizens of the place and the surrounding country, in the practice of Medicine and Snrgery. Office on Main street, where hs ca r.lwsys be found and consulted, except vrhcu his out on professional busine33. . Jefferson, April 14. 185325. JAMES DELL, SUMMIT, CAMBRIA CO., PA., HAS the pleasure of announcing to all who would secure the best bargaiua to be offered in this county, that he is again in the field with one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully selected stocks of Fall ana Winter Goods ! Ever brought t Cambria county, all of which have been purchased within the last few day Bin Philadelphia and New York, with particular re gard to the warjts of this Market. 1 again fling my banner to the breeze, inscribed with my old motto of -' . ' Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attention of purchas ers to my stock, which will be found unusually large, varied and attractive, being full and com plete in every department. Everything new, fashionable and desirable will be found embra ced in my assortment. Particular attention is solicited to "vw and beautiful styles of ADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I have just received of late importation. In Gents wear I defy coropetion, and confident ly invite ,an examination of one of the largest, cheapest and best selected stocks of ready-made clothing, cloths, cassimeres, &c, ev.r brought to Cambria county ; comprising all colors and qualities, which 1 will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfaction. Also, caps, bonnets, HOOTS AMD SHOES, of the best qualities and latest styles, together with queensware, hardware, groceries, salt, books stationary, &c. SQThe highest market price paid for all kinds of Produce. November 11, 1852. IT MUST GO ROUND. KEEP THE WHEELS IX MOTIOX ! TOll GOOD AND CHEAP BUGGIES call on the subscriber, at his Buggy and Sleigh Man ufa' torv. whieh is now in operation in all its various branches, in Duncansville, four doors west of the Mountain House, where all will meet with cood work and as cheap as it can be made anywhere. AIL WHEELS ROUND. Just call and see the work if you do not want it, for it is worth looking at. His buggies and sleighs are as neat and strong, and alittle better than you generally get in this country. . Far mers, for your own good, and to save money. before you purchase any articles in his line, you had better call and see his work. He will give you as much for "your produce in work as you can get any where. In short, any person wish ing a durable, neat, cheap and comfortable arti cle in his line, should give him a call. JAMES M'CLOSKEY. Duncansville, May 5, 1853 28-3m. S. PETERSBERGER'S Wholesale and Retail Clothing Store. Saramit, Cambria County, Pa. Coats, vests, pants, hats, caps, Bhirts, hand kerchiefs, cravats, boots, 6hoes, carpet-bagsr; trunks, &c, sold cheap for cash. Summit, May 19, 1853 30-tf. DR GEO. B. ItEEEEY OFFERS his services to the citizens of Jeffer son and vicinity, in the practice cf Medicine and Surgery. Office next door to Mr. Ly tie's store. Jefferson, May 26, 1853 31-tf. Valuable Farm Tor Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale the farm he now resides on, situate in Carrol township, Cam bria county, three miles from Carrolltown, con taining about 250 acres, about 100 acres of which is cleared and under good fence. There is on excellent apple and peach orchard on the property, composed of a varied assortment of productive trees. The buildings consist of a two-story hewed log house, a tenant house, and two good barns: The wood land is well timber ed with cherry and poplar, and there is a good saw-mill seat on the property. If desired, the farm will be sold in two parts, each having erec ted thereon luitable buildings. Application will be made to the undersigned, residing on the premises, who will make the terms of sale easy and give an indisputable title to the purchaser. FRANCIS GILLESPIE. Carroll tp, June 2, 1853 32-2m. LOST L1NDWARRAKT. iLand Warrant issued from the Pension Office of the United States, under an act of Con- gres3 passed tlie ntn oi eoruary, ioi, io Elizabeth Downey, mother of Ldward A. uow ney, deceased, of Capt. C. II. Heyer's company (D) 2d Penn'a. VoL,. for 160 acres of land, and numbered 61507, was lost between Suramitvillc, Cambria county, Pa., and the city of Pittsburg, on or about the 11th of April, 1853, while in possession of Jacob II. Sweigart. All persons are therefore cautioned ftgiyinst purchasing and locating said Land-Warrant, as the subscriber to whom it belonzs intends applying to the Com missions f pensions for a duplicate of said Warrant'.0-' Should any person obtain possession of the original warrant, they will confer a favor by forwarding the same to the subscriber, at Lo retto, Allegheny tp., Cambria county. Pa. ELlZABfclU JJUAJCil. Juno 2, 1853 32-6t. Accommodation EIne. . THE subscriber is now running a Hack daily from the. Summit to Ebensburg, leaving the Summit abouj. 2 o'clock P. M., or immediately after the arrival of the Eastern and Western cars, returning the same evening leaving Eb ensburg at A o'clock, P. M. Passengers who come in the night trains will be accommodated with a conveyance in the morning, to Ebensburg, when required. JOHN IVORY. Summitville, May 5, 185328. Orphans' Court Sale. BYvirtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, the undersigned guardian of the minor heirs of JohnDulai, deceased, will, on Monday, the 4th day of July, 1853, sell a piece of land, situate in Carroll township: Cam hria countv. adieininz lands of Joseph Ecken- road and Johu Eckenrode, containing thirty acres, more or less. The sale will take place in Carrolltown on the above day, when the terms will oe maae Known. . JOHN ECKENRODE, Guardian of John Dulai's heirs June 9, 1853 33-4t. ' - Always ou Hand. fi TONE WARE, Earthen ware, Nails, Cast-stee ft and Salt, for sale by W DAVIS & LLOYD. May 12,1853 29. CITY BRADY'S HOTEL,, Karriibarg, Pa. M VJ. JOHN ERADY, rrrvrietor. April 10, 1851. ly COXKAD & WALTOX, Y.liilesale dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Neil:, No. 203 Market Street, above 5th, Philadelphia, Fa. April 10, 1851. ly i!::c:iael wartjiajv & co., "Wholesale Tobacco, SiiuJT, and Seyar Manufac tory, No. 173, North Third Street, three doors above Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. M. WARTMAN, JOSEPH D. 60RVER. April 24, 1851. ly EGXCH & GREGG, Wholesale dealers in Wines and Liquors, which they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants and hotel keepers. "Warehouse 208 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. July 1st, 1851. ly DR. TII03IAS C. BU.TI.VC, Has removed his office to No. 14 South Sev enth street, above Chestnut. - Philadelphia, Fa. April 26, 1852. 7-tf 20 J. T. RDSUTOX, J. C. IIOPKIXS, K. 8TILS0S . JOHN Y. RUSIITOX & CO., Wholesale dealer in Queensware, Chinaware, Glassware, eje, No. 245 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly John Parker. James II. Parker JOIIX PARKER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, dealers iu Flour and Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey. No. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty Street, Pittsburg, Pa. March, 11, 1852. ly. GEO. 1IPPIKCOTT. WM. TROTTER. EDMOSD 8AC0 GEORGE LIPPIXCOTT & CO., Have constantly on hand a full assortment of Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries generally. No. 17 North "Water Street, and No. 10 North. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. January 27, 1853. JOHN M'DEVITT. WILLIAM m'DEYITT. JOI11V M'DEVITT & BRO., Wholesale grocers and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liauors. Rectified vvmsicey, riour, ua con, Fish, Cheese, &c, &c. No 311, Liberty street. oDnosite the head of Smithfield, Pitts- - r x burgh, Pa. December 23, 1852 9-tfj- JT. 3IcEL.II ARE, 155 llarket Street, N. . Corner of 4th, Philadelphia. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all of the various new kinds and styles 6ilk, fur, brush, wool, Fanama, 6traw and chip Hats ; silk, straw, braid and lace Bonnets; artificial flowers, furs, c, which will be sold cheaper than the cheap. est. Feb. '52, 19-ly- KAEEDLER & FEATHER, Wholesale dealers in Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, and Palm Leaf Hats, No. 136 North Third Street (opposite the Eagle Hotel,) Philadelphia, Pa February 26, 1852. ly James Dougherty, at RE IX 31 0 ED, DASH & CO., "Wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, lately occupied by Ludwig, Kneedler & Co., keep con stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands of CHEWING TOBACCO, IMPORTED CIGARS, Domestic cigars, and Snuff, which they offer for 6ale on as favorable terms as any house in the city. Orders promptly attended to. September 23, 1852-49-ly. E. UUTCIIIXSOtf, Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., IlflLL practice in the several Courts of Cam 11 bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Office on Main street adjoining his dwelling house.. Ebensburg, April 21, 1853 26-3m. J. B. CRAIG. JAS. D. DAMILTOX. Commission & Forwarding. THE subscribers would respectively inform their friends and the public that they are now prepared, to receive and forward all good consigned to their care by any of the Line3, or by Central Railroad, and hope that by strict at tention to their business that, they will be ena bled o render perfect satisfaction to all that will patronize them. All goods will receive the greatest care and attention. 6 CRAIG & HAMILTON. Jefferson, March 15, 1853. IVE1V GOODS. The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and customers, that he has received and is now opening, at the store room formerly oc cupied by Richard Lewis, dee'd., a large and ceneral assortment oi gooas, consisting inpari of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, all ftf which he is determined to sell low either for cash or approved country produce. He 6olicit domination of his stock, and is confident he can sell cheaper than the cheapest. . utu. J. iuj.uux.ro. May 8, 1851 8(Mf Xcw Clialr Manufactory. The citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity are nformed that the very place to purchase CHAIRS, SETTEES, SOCIABLES, AND STOOLS, of the best manufacture and most elegant finish, and at lower prices than at any other establish ment in the county, is at tho new chair manu factory, in the shop formerly occupied Dy uavia Todd, deceased. GLAZING, HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING executed in the best manner and lateet style. JOHN L. blUtUU. Ebensburg, Nov. 27, 1851. 6m. Administrators Notice. LETTERS of Administration have been grant ed to the undersigned, by the Register of Cambria county, upon the estate of James Rhey, AoreuaeA. 'All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us. aDd those having claims will present them properly authenticated for eettlement. SUSAN RHEY, Administratrix. ANDREW J. RHKY, Administrator, Ebtneburg, October 21, 1852 tf. Just Received, At his Store one door ei-st of the Sentinel of fice, superior assort-w-t't of Gold and Sil vt r wiitcLeB and fine jw- "Ok i (rM V-3 CW.i.! Lever watches full iiLZUti" Jewr.':eJ. 35,00 f ilvcr Lever watches fmi jt welled, 16,00 Filvcr Cylinder EfcCfeptu-tuta 12,00 Silver Quartiers C,00 Also a fine atsortment of eight day and thir ty hour clocks. N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired at shortest notice, and warrrntcd. W ILLIAM B. HUDSON. April 29, 1S52. MICH AEL D.t M AC EUAN, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in the Court House, up stairs. January 1, 1851.- ly CIIAREES A Elf RIGHT, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., Will practice in the several courts of Cambria, Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Germans can consult aud receive advice in their own lan gunge. Office opposite the ( ourt House, formerly oc cupied by R. L. Johnston, Esq. Ebensburg, February 3, 1So3 ly. SAMUEI, C. 1VI.CAKD, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, fa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Huntingdon counties. Germans can receive advice in their own language. Onice, on main street two doors weet of the store of Murray, Zahm & Co. May 8, 1851 ly. GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office on Centre St., joining Gen. M'Douald's dwelling. Jan. lo, 1851. ly. 1VIEEIAM lilTTELE, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on Main Street, in the office lately oc cupied by Gen. Jos. McDonald. January 15, 18o2. THOMAS C. M'DOIVELL, Attorney at Law, Hollidayebury, Pa Will attend the several Courts of Cambria county, as heretofore. Office one door west of Wm. McFarland's cabinet wareroom. January 1, 1851. ly T. E. II EVER, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. Office on Main street, two doors cast of th Echo Office. March 13. 1851. ly CYRUS E. PERSUING, Attorney at Law, Johnstowa Pa. January SO, 1851 ly. David T. Storm, Notary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer, JOHNSTOWN, CA2TRRIA CO. PA., THILL also attend to his duties as Juctice. L- gal instumcnts of writing, such as deeds, a greements, Foreign Tower of Attorney, &C-, drawn up accurately. Collections es trusted U his care will receive strict attention. May 13, 1852 SO-tf. RICHARD JOXES, Justice of tho Peace, Ebensburg, Pa., Will attend promptly to all collections entrvs-. ted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling Decern. 24, 1S51. 11-tf. Exchange Hotel. Eollidaysburg, Elair Co., Pa. The proprietor assures the public that no exer tions will be wanting on his part to render tis house home-like to those who call with him, and solicits a share of public patronage. GEO. FOTTS. April 29, 1852. Remember. ALL kinds of Lumber taken in exchacg for Furniture, at the Ware Rooms of M'FARLAND & SON. Hollidaysburg, April 29j 1852. EXCHANGE HOTEE, CarroUtown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. T he undersigned is prepared to accommodate in the best kind of style all who way favor him with a call, and hopes by 6trict attention ta business to merit and receive a share of publia patronage. HENRY SCANLAN. may 20, 1852.-31-tf lewis vr. nnoirx, Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser. In the basement story of Davis &"Co's., war room. Ebensburg, May J, I851.-Iy, N. B. Shampooirg done, and razors tentd in a superior manner. George Rhey. Levi Matthewa. William Zbbs RIIEY, MATTHEWS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS and Commission Merchants, Dealers in all kinds of Produce and Pittsburg Manufactures, No. 77 and 70 Water Street, - . Tittsbtrglr, Pa, April 3, 1851. 6m Adams & Co.'s Exrrressv W. W. Ivory & Co:, cgcnt3 will forward all packages of goods or money, daily except Sun day, to all the principal cities in the Union and all the towns on the Rail Road between Philada. and Pittsburg. Drafts collected from California. Drafts sold on Ireland, England or Scotland, from 1 upwards. Money for 'drafts must be par. Jnov. 4. 1852. SCUOOE DOOIiS! A general assortment of BOOKS, such as ar used in our common schools, for sale by DAVIS &. LLOYD. lass, Oils, Paints and Drugs of all kinds Jf at J. Moore's. Star, Sperm and Hould at the Brick Store of Candles for sale J. MOORE. Adams & Co.'s Express. B. CRAIG, agent will forward all packages of goods or money, daily except Sunday to J. alt the principal cities ia the Colon, and all the towns ou the Railroad between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. - kgs assorted nails for eale at the etort of qEO. J. R0XK3EES. 50