The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, June 23, 1853, Image 3

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    -froatfc Ajaexifl- War Declared hy Peru ag&ins tl
The papers ooitaia a ?J items of intelligence
Urn South A'taorica, rociival by the steamship
AojroU. Col. D, one f her p sangers, rs- J
ports thatFara ;a Je.i.i:
i.l war iriiaat Boliv-i.
auu taas irv-s i r.ivi:;.:j n
t was h Africa, h w-
Ian-Jed v .isia3
A letter fron i.lm w imi May 1 i. itatsj :h st
"Bairn, Prosilnt afiWIvI, h J dis nlsioi his
-Minister F.jrjiga AtT-urs, Bustillj, and ex
presses ik Ujp to at tbia act will tend to the re
storation of paoiaj relations between tbe two
The U. S. store ship Southampton, arrived at
V&Jparaiso on the 23d of April.
Tbe Republic of Ecuador has settled its diffi
culty with the French Republic. Its Govern
ment saluted tbe French flag and expressed its
regret for the alleged insult to Count Montho
lon, and agreed to pay eight thousand dollars
claimed for damages to property of a French
Valparaiso is rapidly assimilating itself to an
American town. It is already partially lighted
with gas. Tbe lower classes are learning to
chew tobacco, and swear in tolerably good Eng-
lish; and our eyes were gladdened a few days t
since by the sight of a New Tor "Omnibus" on
a email scale.
The ret day that tbe "bus" turned out, a
J -arty of Chilanoa chartered it, but a Yankee vio
i append to be inside, stood upon - his reserved
rights, and refused to get out. - The consequence
a tremendous gabbling and gesticulation on
the part of the natives ; other foreigners got in;
tbe police ordered them out; but these interest
ing martyrs gallantly refused to comply, and
were all dxiyen off to the calabooj tf, whence
they were promptly released without any
A translation of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is pub
lished in tbe daily papers, and I believe that it
will be shortly dramatized and represented at
crcr theatre. It will undoubtedly have a great
ran, as there is no laok of real live "niggers" to
take the principal parts.
Balloon Ascension from the Hippodrome.
The ordinary, cr rather tho extraordinary at
tractions at Franconi's Circus were greatly en
hanced yesterday aftersnoon by the spectacle of
a balloon ascension, got up by the celebrated, Mr. John Wise.
Thcrj was an unu3ally large concourse of spec
tators within the walls of the Hippodrome, and
ouaide, and in and around Madison1 square there
was an exceedingly large assemblage, waiting to
witae3i the ascension of. the balloon. Tbe lat- j
ter was in the meantime teing inflated with gas,
in the center of the arena, supplied by the Man
hattan Gas Company. Tbe balloon is of tbe or
dinary site mod of colored silk, striyed vertical
ly In red, white, and bine colors. It is named
"Irene." Punctually to. the hour nixed in tbe
bills far thz ascension 2 p. m. the cords which
Lfcld it to-tbe.eaxt were., unstrung the enter
prising sero&aut jumped into the car, where be
maintained a standing posture, and the . balloon
gradually soared into the air, aaid- the cheers of
the multitude iaeide. and outside the walls, the
band at the same moment striking up some in
spiring znu3io.
After it had. cleared tbe Circus,: the balloon,
bt first slowly, but afterwards more quickly, in
a northerly direction,. Mr. Wise waving.: his - hat
and casting out sheaves of the bills of tbe Hip
podrome. It subsequently Ytered in a north
easterly direction, and attained an immense
height and distance,. until it seemed a mere
speck in the firmament. It must, we think,
bvo faUea somewhere near Astoria. The as
cension which, we understand, has been the- 155
th In- which Mr.. Wise- has zone, up, was one of
the fiinest we have ever seen. It will be re
peated to-morrow and Friday afternoons.
Since the above was written, we have received
Intelligence that the balloon came safely to terra
firma In Flushing L. I. at six minutes past 8 P.
M. Hentldy lZth iiut.
Marriage and Harder.
On day beefore yesterday a young Irishman
fetMnad Patric Conael wis wed Jiag to tha pride
of his heart, a few years his junior, and in- the
evening, while at the house-of . a friend, near
Gas alley, on Front-street the company proyer
Iy enjoying tbe happy event, a party of some
half a dozen of the bridegroom's countrymen
came into the Louse, uninvited, and demanded a
dollar of him, saying that the wished it to drink
his health and otherwise to be merroonhis wed
tiog night, when be banded them the money and
they departed. After while, between nine and
ten o'clock, the party filled with whisky, return
d to the houje, and blowing out the lights, de
manded more money of Connel, which he dechn-
od giving them, saying he was porr, and . could
not afford to part with any more money, where
upon they fell upon and beat him till he was a
useless bleeding mass of flesh. The party es
caped, and they dying man was taken to the
Station House, where in a few hours he expired.
The scene at the Station House while the
joung wife, in the most thrilling anguish, lay
upon the floor clasping, as it were with an em
brace of steel, her mangled and dying husband
was diaUeuing indeed. Warrants have been
issued for the supposed perpetrators . of this
damnable outrage, and it is to be hoped they
will yet bs arrested and pay the penalty the law
requires for this bloody crime. Cincinnati En-
Sentenced to be Hnncr.
Washington, June 16 During the suspension
. . v o r . i : i s- i
inoriiinir. owinir to the sickne of a inrnr a mo-
tion for nw trial of tVin Wnmlvini rn
argued, and denied. Judge Crawfor then ask-! of James O'N'e!.-whicii w is (aid -ut in lots by
od the prisoner if be had anything to say why -Thomas M'Connoll. aa pe.r dr. ft. .lumbered from
sentence should not be pronounced. Woodward one to eight : also, thrre lots of ground, nura
fose. and. in reply, made and able and eloquent bered two. three arid eleven, on the plan of said
speech, averrznff bis entire innocence, and nar -
ratssg tbe circumstances of his wife s death
tearing it to be inferred that she killed herself ;'
pad appealing to all who knew him to bear wit
rss to his past good character, and prtriotio
cervices as a sailor and eoldier under the Amer
ican flag. lie was not afraid to die, and
asked nothing on bis own account, but for the
ekke of his mother and sisters he begged for a
new trial. The Judge, deeply affected, proceed
to pronounce the sentence of the Court That
the prisoner be bung -by tbe neck nntit he be
dead, on the 2d of September next, between 9
o'clock, a. m. aud 2 o'clock, p. m. He exhorted
the miserable man to banish all hopes of pardon,
and prepare for death. The prisoner was entire
ly unmoved during the delivery of the sen
tence. The German papers give " an account of an
Austrian lady who is so charged with electricity
that sparks are constantly giving out at her fin
ger ends. Ivis seldom that a lady is found send
ing sparks away form her, though it is a com
on attribute of the sex to attract sparks, and
ven to twirl- them round the finger with the
utnoet case. We suspect that the account in
jhe German papers is, like the electrio lady her
self, a little overcharged.
In Pittsburgh, on Tuesday morning, June 21st,
by Rer. Mr. Sl'Mahon, J. H. Lightner, Esq., to
Mies Jake, daughter ef John Rbey, Esq.
Oa Wednesday, June 16, at his residence ia
Washington township, Cambria eounty, Wxiliam
H'Ccne, sged abut 50 years.
Admlnlstator's Kottce.
ETTEUS of administration liavinsr been cr m
I ted to tbe undesigned by the Register or
Cnmbria county, on tlie estate of Daniel Knep"
per, deceuecd, late of Summerhill township
iLSmona cwihxij,.ii peiauua uiuenieu HI 8H1U es
jtte are hereby notified to mnke immediate piiy
jment, and those having cl liras against will pre
'sentthcni, pnoparly authenticated for .settle
ment. ' . WM. PALMER. Administrator. -
S 1 I - . - i I .r n .. T - 1 I j. 1 . .
Jefferson. June 23, 1853 35-6t.
Executor's Notice. -
ETTERS testamentary luivine been granted to
the undersigned by the Register of Cambria
county, on the estate of William M'Cune, de
ceased, late of Washington township, all persons
indebted to said estate are hereby notified to
make immediate . payment, and those having
claims will present them properly autbented for
ANN M'CUNE, Administratrix.
Washington tp., June 23, 1853 35-fit.pd.
Administrator' -Vol ice.
T ETTERS of udmuastr itini upon the est ate of
11 D.miel Hnilen, deceased, late of White town-
ship, Cambria county, having been granted to
the undersigned by the Register of Cambria
county, all persons indebted to said estate are
renueetcd to make immediate payment, and
thoe having claime eg?itnstsaid estate to pre-
sent theni pronerl-y authenticated for settlement; '
THOMAS HOLLEN. Administrator,
PHEBE HOLLEN, Adminittratrix.
White tp., June 23, 1853 35-6t.
Auditor's Xotlce.
THE undersigned auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county,
to distribute the proceeds ariHin-j from Sheriff's
sale of real estate of William M'G 'i2h. tt the
Buit of Courad & Walton, amongst the lein cred
itors of defendants, hereby gives tiotice tr all
parties interested in said fund, th t he will at
tend to the duties of said appointtrent nt ha of
fice in the borough of Ebensburg, on Mnnd-iy.
ihtj 18th day of July next, at one o'clock. P. M.
June 23, 1853 35-4t.
Carrolltown, Cambria county Pa.
The undersigned. Proprietor of tho above Ho
tel, informs hia friends and the public that he is
well prepared to furnish the best of accommo
dation, and is determined to please all who may
call with him.
Carrolltown, Jane 16, 1853 34-6m.
Executor's IVotlce.
I ETTERS testamenUry on the-last will aad. ufAJoryrwhioS !a-now- fn' operation in all its
j testament of JohXJflBeevtatfcrtmbnaTiou"? bi-anches. in Duncansville, four doors!
townbipv deceased having been granted to the I wtnt of the Mountain House, where all will meet !
sobseriber by the Register of Cambria county,
ait persons maeotea to tne estate oi saia de
ceased, are requested to make payment immedi
ately, and those having claims will present them
duly proven for settlement
J5JsrriJT-J6nes dee'd.
Camhrftt township, June 13, 1853 34-6t.
Kotiee to- Stockholders of the Loretto Turnpike
or Plank Road Company.
THE stockholders of the said road are hereby
notified that an election for one President.
one Treasurer, and five Managers for the said
Road, will be held at 10 o'clock A. M . on Sat
urday, the 25th day of June, 1853, at the bouse
of Dr. Jos. PfoflF, in Loretto.
M. M. ADAMS. President.
Loretto, June 15, 1853 34-2t.
UTOTICEis hereby riven to the public not to re-
ceive or purchase a note for 530, drawn by j
the nndersirned in favor of John Hamilton. d--1
ted 17tb of November, 1852 N ' "V! '
ceived value for said nd. I !. v h
same. DENNLS 'F".NC!)V
Near Monster, Jane 16,- 18334-1.
. . . , , . . . . . 1 bria township, about two miles east of Eb
HUBLIC notice is hereby given, that by virtue eiisbllrz. on or about Monday. Mav 23d. a white
of an order of the Oruhana Court of the
county of Cambria, there will be exposed to
public sale on Saturday, the Vth day of July.
1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. the following Real
Estate late the property of Hugh Dugan, deceas
ed, viz : '
A lot of ground in the town of Jefferson,
numbered SI. adjoining other property of de
ceased, and property of Wm. Leinm-m, routing
on Main street in said town, huvilig thereon
'erected a log house, log stable, an 1 uein.-kei .
shop, 8aid lot containing 8192 square feet: also,
another piece of land adjoining the town of Jef- j
ferson. bounded by Crooked street, land of Wm.
Palmer, Esq., and land of Austin Thompson,
containing about three acre?, which piece
parcel of land was laid out in
lots bv Thomas
M'Connell, as per draft, numbered from one
to !
: . . ..Ian unAi lai rMi. ri -
!. I hounded hv
' the Portage Rai'road. roai
v .n. .lflfVrnn to
iMnnstpr. laml of tho ("!atll'i .C
.or.rii -in,! lnii
itown, number two having
thereon erected a
frame house, all of which propartf is situate m
tbe township of Sumnierhill. Cdinrii county.
Terms asd Conditions or Sals: 0 :e third of
the purchase money to be paid on confirmation
of the sale, and tbe residue in two equal annual
payments thereafter, with interest, to be secu
red by the bonds and mortgage of the purcha
ser. Sale to take place on the premises.
By order of the Court.
R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk.
June 16, 1853 84-td.
THE subscribers would respectfully inform the
citiiens of Ebensburg and the public gener
ally, that they will carry on the Coach Making,
including the Smith work, at the Machine shop
formerly occupied by Mr. Anderson, in tbe
rear of E. Uughes' store; where by using
none but the choicest material, and employing
none but the best workmen, they hope to con
vince all that will do them the favor to examine
their work, that in point of durability, appear
ance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled by any
similar establishment in the State or elsewhere.
Persons wishing a bargain in the purchase of a
carriage, will consult their own interests by
giving them a call. They are prepared to fur
nish the following kinds of Vehicles, viz :
- Buggies of different qualities and prices. Ba
rouches, Chariotees, one and two horse Rocka
ways, close quarter Eliptie and C-epring Coach
... ... a nrV nf different kinds. &o .
making a Tariety that will suit all taetes and all
. . anil WA
. -.j . . j
V"irZ' MPair1"6 uu"".
Exchange ' Hotel,
Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pa.
THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub
lic that he is now prepared with every requi
site for their Accommodation, and will exert ev
ery effort to render bis house an -attractive and
comfortable stopping place. . His .table will al
ways be supplied with every' delicacy the sea
son affords, and his bar stocked" with the best
of Wines and Liquors.
A careful and attentive hostler wiU. have
charge of tbe stables. He respectfully solicits
a share of patronage. . -
April 28, 1853 27-tf. ; ' "
Attemey at Law, Ebensburg Pa., ' - ;
WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam
bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro
fessional business intrusted to his care will be
promptly attended to. ;
Office on Main stteet opposite Dr. Wm. Lem
on's office.
Ebensburg, April 28, 1863 27.
AT" - "'
Private SalA
! fnTCEsobscriber- will sell at prirateele that
I valuable farm (knew a the-McCoy farm,)
aitnw ;n rmhrU tmmmhin nmhriii nnnv I
nHrmt twn inH & half milM nut nf FWnthnnr.
and within eieht mileeiof the Penn'a. and Por- I
tage Rail Roads, and adjoining lands of John
D. Jones and others, containing
One Hundred and. 8ixty-Zlght Acre
and some perches, about one hundred acrea of!1?
which are cleared, and all under fence, having'
thereon erected a two-story House and a eood
Sorn ith Bbeds and out-bousss. On the rem- i
i?es is a
of cb.-ic8 fruits of various kinds. Tbre is
a tounsaia pump at tue aoor, ana a never
ing spring of good water
from tbe house.
Also a lot of ground containing pne-fourtb of,
acre situate at the foot of Plane No. 5 , A. P.
R. R., having thereon erected twa small houses (
and stable. -
Persons desirous of purchasing, either of, the
above places will please call on or address the
undersigned. JOHN HUMPHRIES, "
Agent for the Heirs of R. Humphries, dee'd.
May 1229.
IT 311TST SO RtttSD.
I- the subscriber, at hii-IiaggT ad SLeigh Mh-i
with good wcrk and as cheap as it can be made
ALL WHEELS ROtZXD 1 Ti4tsseltsbrg- and- vicinUy are
Jn il i ill ml mi I lii iH TPj4xue'Wae)-iltftgBtaat the very place to purchase
it, fortiawrrh: booking at." His buggies and CHAIRS, 8ETTEES, SOCIABLES, AND STOOLS,
sleighs ire as neat and strong, and a little better of the best manufacture and most elegant finiah,
than you generally get in this country. Far- and at lower prices than at any other establiah
mers, for your own good, and to save money, znent in the county; is at the new chair manu
before yon purchase-any article ia hia line, you factory, in the shop formerly occupied by David
had better call and see his work. He will give Todd, deceased.
yon a mu:-h for your produce in work as you GLAZING, HOUSE and SIQ& PAINTING
can get nv where: ' In snort, any person wish-
ing a diir.-tnie. neat, cneap una comiorxaQie arxi
cl iu his line, should give him a call. '
james mcloskey:
Dunc.insrille, May 5, 1853 28-3 m.
Wholesale and Retail -Clotnlng-
Store. -
Summit, Cambria County, Pa.
Coats, vests, pants, hats, caps, shirts, hand
kerchiefs, cravats, boots, shoes, carpet-bags,
trunks, &c. sold cheap for cash.
Summit, Mar 19, 1853 30-tf.
1911 GE'). D. KELLEY
'FI'Jl ;.i. services to the citiiens of Jeffer
s . and vicinity, in the practice of Medicine
a.i-1 Sur
ry. Office next door to Mr. Lytlo's
it or-'
Jefferson, May 26, 1853 31-tf.
Stray Uorse.
flAME 6i the residence of the subscriber in Cam-
borse, supposed to he 'about 7 Jyear old, and
spavined in the left hind leg. The owner is re-
quested to come forward, prove-property and
take him away; otherwise he will be disposed of
according to law.
JOHN DAILY. -Cambria
tp., June 2, 1853 . 32-3t.
s Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE subscriber offers for sale tbe farm he now
resides on, situate in Carrol township, Cam
bria county, three miles from Carrolltown, con
taining about 250 acres, about 100 acres of
which is cleared and under good fence. There
or ' is an excellent apple and peach orchard on the
'property, composed of a varied- assortment of
I - - M A.
nroductive trees
xne Duiiaings consist ox a
i two-story hewed log house, a tenant house, and
I two eood barns. The wood land is well timber-
' ed witn cnerry ana popiar, ana mere is a gooa
f a 1
saw-mill seat on the property. If desired, tbe
farm will be sold in two parts, each having erec
ted thereon suitable buildings. Application will
be made to the nndersicrned, residing on tbe
premises, who will make tbe terms of sale easy
and give an indisputable title to the purchaser.
Carroll tp., June 2, 1858 32-2 m. ,
Land Warrant issued from the Pension Office
of theVn'rted States, under an aet of Con
rreaa Dused to a ntn or reorusrv. iot. o
... . . a.
Elizabeth Downey, mother of Edward A- Dow
ney, deceased, of Capt. C- H.-Heyer's coiapaay
(D) 2d Penu'a. Vol., for 160 acrts of land, and
numbered 61507, was lost between Summitville';
Cambria county. Pa., and the city of Pittsburg,
on or about the 11th of April, ISbS, wnile jo
possession of Jacob H. Sweigart. All jpersons
are therefore cautioned against purchasing and
locating said Land-Warrant, as the subscriber
to whom it belongs intends applying to the Com
missioner of Pensions for a duplicate 'of said
Warrant. Should any verSon obtain possession
of the original warrant, they will confer a favor
bv forwardinc the same to the subscriber, at Lo
retto, Allegheny tp., Cambria county. Pa.
June 2, 1853 32-6t.
pTA LABORERS are wanted to work oa the
Ebensburg & Susquehanna' Plank Rod, to
whom good wages will be given. '
Ebensburg, June 2,1853.
f TiijiTTk. ind tuenn arirava
hand, and i
AV have just received 20 barrels beet
. .
for eale co ecasmiMioa
DR. A. YE AQLEY having permanently located
in Jefferson, Cambria cuunty, respectfully
tenders his professional ser ices to the -citizens
of the place and the surrounding country, in
the practice of Medicine and Surgery.
Office on Main street, where he can always be
found and consulted, except vrhen absent on
professional business.
Jefferson, April 14, 1863 25.
if AS the pleasure of announcing to all whoi
' would secure the best bargains to bn offered
thir county, that he is aeain iu the field with
in thisreounty, that he is.again iu the field with :
r i , ..
one. of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully
selected stocks of .
Fall and Winter Goods I j
Ever.brought to Cambria county, all cf rhich .
have been purchased within the last few days is j
Philadelphia and New York, with particular r'
gard to the wants of this Market." I agaiivfiiag!
my banner to tbe breeze, Inscribed, with my ii
motto- of i
Qniek Bale and Small Profits: J
-1 confidently invite the attention of purchs.s-1
era to my stock, which will be found unusually
large, vanea and attractive, being full end caaa-
Plet ln ery department. Everythiug tew,
lasnionaDie ana desirable wih be found eabrtt-
M n my assortment, i "icuiar attcntica 1
"olicited to new and beautiful styles of
which I have just received of late importation.
In fafitM WMf T rtef rnmAPtmn f? rnr.fifipr. 1
invite n ' "aminauon of one of the largest, .
cheapest and best selected stocks of ready -mude
clothmg, cloths, cassimeres &c, ev-r brought
5?UB!y ; comprising
all colors f.nd
qualities, which I will selhcbenp and warrant to
give satisfaction. Also, cape, bonnets,
boots and shoes, I
of the best qualities and latest styles, together
about-twenty yards! harf,Ware' Fri. 1
.siauonary,.c . ;
kilf rrodlfce
NoTember j, j
ffleaThe highest market price paid for all
The subscriber would respectfully inform his
friends and customers, that he has received and
is now opening, at the store room formerly oc
cupied by Richard Lewis, dee'd., a large and
general assortment of goods, consisting in part
Queensware, Hats, Cars, Htv'tF, Sh-s. v.c. all
of which ho is determine;; V- I v-t, r wr
auk or wTOd cttmtr- ;r-Ic-. i
eraaiESktion ofT Li-s sto
can stll cheaptr tLttn tL;
May 6, 1851 30-tf
exeeuted-ltt. the best manner and latest style.
Ebeashprg; Nor: 27r 1851. 6m.
Accommodation Elne.
THE subscriber is now running a. Hack daily
from the Summit to Ebensburg, leaving the
Summit about 2 o'clock P. M.. or immediately
after-the arrival oT the Eastern and Western
cars, returning the same evening leaving Eb
ensburg at 4 o'clock, P. M. Passengers who
come in tbe night trains will be accommodated
with a conveyance in the morning, to Ebensburg,
wben required. JOHN IVORY.
Summitville, May 6, 185328.
fTI HE proprietors of the Johnstown Pottery,
1 would inform the merchants of Cambria co.
and elsewhere, that that they are now prepared
to fill all orders for
of the best quality, and at prices which will n-j
able them to realize a fair profit
We deliver our ware free of charge any place
within a day's hauling of JohnBtown.
Among the articles we manufacture are Jugs,
Jars, Churns, Spittoons, Milk Pans, Pitchers,
Butter Pans, and Water Jars.
Merchants visiting Johnstown are invited to
call at our Pottery. Circulars stating our pri
ces can be obtained from us, or from Robert
CarmoD, Esq., Ebensburg- - --f
Johnstown, May 5, 1853 28-tf.
Whereas, my wife Catharine left my bed and
board without just cause, on Tuesday, ll.u 2itL
day of May, 1853, notice is .hereby giren to all
persons not to trust her on my account, a I will
pay no debts of her contracting.
Washington tp., June 9, 1853-33-3t.
Orpnans' Court Sale.
BYvirtue of an order of tbe Orphans' Court of
Cambria county, the undersigned guardian
of the minor heirs of JohnDulai, deceased, wi'i
on Monday, the 4th dsytf July, 1853, s.
piece of land, situate in Carroll township. L
bria county, adjoining lanes oi Josepa wufi
road and John Eckenrode, contcinirig thirty
acres, more or less.
The sale will take place in Carrolltown u ;
above day, when the terms will be mdckn. ::
Guardian of John Dulii's heire
June 9, 1853 33-4 1. "
IOST on the road "which leads from Tbos. Por
I ter's portable saw -mill to MunBter, on Mon
day afternoon, -Jne 6tb, a fair leather pocket
book, coirtainiBs sixtv-five dollars, principally
five dollar notes' on the Lancaster
and Harris
burg banks. -.. 1 liberal reward wnl be pant t-
tbe finder o return -of tbe own t wie .Jtr
gned; u; - . LEIS lfOOVER.
Ebensburg, June y, lt3 &&-6t
Information Wanted.
OF Mary Breardy, formerly Mary Horrogan,
wife of Philip Breardy, deceased and her
son Patrick Breardy, who left the Norton Cop
per worka. Massaehu!etrs, sonte years ago, and
are supposed to have removed to St. Iuis. Mis
souri, or f the western Sutes. Any infor
mation concerning. them will be addressed to
her brother, Bernar Ilorrogae. Jefferson. Cam
bria county, Pa. R- HORROGAN.
, Jefferson. June &, 3853 S38t.
8aSt, Louis. Burlington, Iowa and Memphis
papers pleaae notice.
' Always on pamS.
HTONEWARE, Earthen "wsj Nails, Cast-stee
and Salt, for aaie by l m -
My2, "?.-'
Karrisburft, Pav : ..."
MAJ. JOHN MlUf; VrepZijCt
April K), 1851. Iy ...
C03tfXXAD'& , LTC9
Wholesale demtegSCZ, Outt&yA'aitt,
$r., y ovr tmrsett; abova Cth,
' - PhUadslphia, Xa.
April UK tgoT. ly-
v s Jobaeco, Snuff, emt begarXemtfee-
fT , Nartl TTiiM Kfrt thro dM
. 'y"''
Philadelphia, Pa.
jaatriro, sosvbk.
;.AprLi24, 1851.
.VCR. Str GRCCG, -
hcTesi.l? leulers in WintxtatdrLiavijrx, which
they are pn-1 tared to furniaii ch4n to. mexehantai
and hc-tl ? rpers. Wsxihonae. 203' Market StJ
Idv. iCol. ly c. ncsiTic,
: i iU oifise to JTo 14 South SeT- Chestnut.
Philadelphia, Pa.
April 2b 1852. 7-tf 20
n(j.eSH.e dealer in Qu&entumri, Chmamare
(rla4ware, c, 2o. 24o Market Street, -
Philadelphia, Pa..
April 10, 1861. ly
John Parker. - James E. Parkas
Wholesale Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon
Forei'gn Wines and Brandies, Old Monongaheli
ana .Rectified vt hi 3 key. .
Ho. 6, Commercial Row, Liberty Street,
Pittsburg, Pa.
March, 11, 1852. ly.
Have constantly ou hand a full assortment of
Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries generally.
Ko. 17 ltorth Water Street, and.
Mo. 19 Berth Delaware Avenue,
Jaxrasry 27, 185ST . . r
Wholesale grocers and dealers in Foreign and
Domestic. Liaora, Rectified Whiskey, Flour, Ba
Fixhv Cheese, Ac, &c. No 311, Liberty
street, opposite the bead -of Snutbfieldr Pitta
burgb. Pa.
December 23, 1852 9-tfj.
155 Market Street, N. . Corner of 4th,
Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in aQof the
various new kinds and styles silk, fur, brush,
wool, Panama, straw and chip HaU: silk, straw,
braid and lace Bonnet; artificial flowers, furs,
&c; which viU be-aold cheaper tfcair tttp cfiesp.
est. Feb. '52, 19-ly-
Wholesale dealers1 in Boots, Shoes Barauts.
and Palm Leaf Hats, No. 130 North Third Straell
(opposite the .Lagle Hotel.)
Philadelphia, Fa: -
February 26, 1852. ly
James ugherly, at -RELMIOLD,
Wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff
and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner
of Third and Race streets. Philadelphia, lately
occupied by L-.Kiwig, Kneedler & Cott"Con-
. stantiy on hnr.i .i l.irce end well selected etock
! of the most cc',i r -t?-i brv.nda of v . ""; !
Domestic cignr.-, H-.iOir, which they offer for
iSale uu lib fav(,r: i terms as any bouse in the
Orders promptly attended to.
September 23, 1852 19-Iy.
Ebensburg & Suquehanriar Plank.
Road Company.
Notice to Stoekholdara. '
THE Board of Managers of the Ebensburg and
Suaeuehann Piank .Rond Company naff at-
' secsed $2.'0 on each share - subscribed to the
snid ron-l. mid oh or before the 20th day
of M .-; f-t : ' d tbe sum of $5,00 per share to
fce '"' ' the 20th day of each rue-c-.-L-.l
above instalraenie are re-
quireJ tL E. Shoemaker. Es-. Treat-
surer cl iL-- Ci-.mfiiy. residing at EbeBftburg.
Bv on?-r of the Boad.
Ebensburg, Afril 21, 1853 26.
Lav, Ehensburgv Pa.,
.nth several Courts of Cara-
1 Indtanacttttntiea All pro
. ; ntru8ted tlcrewillbe
- to. ;
freet adjoining h;av dwajliojj
,ril 21. 1853 26-3m.-
i -;"-o.---;liloD & ForiTardln.
-,-. r would rpectively infor
l . .i.d the public that they are
r 1. r - receive and forward all good
; -: ... -t - ... r . re by any of the Lines, or
. r" , ; 7 and hope that by strict at-
nt . i ;u-ir business that, they will be ena-
bie-t to r o.Ier oerfect satisfaction to all that
patronize them. All goods will receive the
greKtr?t care. and attention.
- ;kaiu JJAMU.1UJ.
I - r raoti. March 15. 1 85:t.
fjetlers of Administration.
no the estate of Griffith Lloyd, late of Cambria
towmhip. deceased, having been granted to
the eubseribr by tbe Register of Cambria coun
ty, this U to give notice to all those indebted to
said estate to call and settle the same immedi
ately, and those having claims against said es-
tate, to present tne same amy proven ior seui
ment. D. IL ROBERTS,
Admimttraitr. ;
Ebensbnrg, May 12. 1853 29. 1
' Admlnlstratortf Notice. '
I ETTERS of Administration have been grant
it ed to the undersizned. by the Register of
Cambria county, upon tbe aetata, of Jane Rhey,
deceased. All parsons iadebted to said estate
are requested to make imme4.iat& payxoant to
os. and those having claimfw4tt; PraM.faMiptnrs.
LlUyW. .J - "
ANDREW JBHEY, Admmisirato'
At Lis Store oas door
'aticNbf the Sentinel cf-
C a superior aasert-
tarrt ef Gold and SU
Tt x v-ctchea and fine jew
Uy. Oi!rl Lever watches full
JewelUd, S5.00
Pilver Lever watches fVJ weUe4, . 10,00
Silver Cylinder EseapetEXta 100;
Silver Quartiers . 6,0a,
Also a fine atsortment of eight day and" thir
ty hour clocks.
N. D. Clocks, Watches, acd JeTfeIrrrmalre4
atahcrtest notice, and warranted.
April 29, 1852.
Attorney at Law, Ebensbtirg, Pa.
Office in the Court House, p stairsv
January 1, 1851. ly . :
Attorney "at Law, Etaulrorr,TPm '
WtR practice in the several courts of CittrEwtaV
HIaic and Huntingdon oonntlea: Gezxssas'oao
con salt and receive adviceinthelrvwalaBputra.
Office oppoaite tbe court lious, ntmxlj
cupied by R. L. Johnston, Esq.
Ebensburg, February 8, 1853 ly.
Attorney , at Law, Tlathnrg, Pa.
Will practice in the several Court ef Ca
bria, Blair and Huntingdon oounties. Gennaa
can receive advice In their own. Itcgnage. OSov
on main street two doors weet or tae store oc
Murray, Zahm & Co.
May 8, 1851 ly.
, Attorney at Law, Cha&shnxf;, Pa.
WitL practice la the several Courts cf Cambria.
Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Ofoe oa
Centre St., joining Gen. M'Don&ld'-a dwelling.
Jan. ia, xsoi. ly. y-
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
OSoe on Main Street, in the o&oe lately
cupied by Oen. Jos. McDonald.
January 15, 1852.'
Attorney at Law HoUiiaythurf . pa.
WlU attend the several Courts of Carnbrta..
county, as heretofore. Office one door weei t
Wm. McFarland's cabinet warexoozn.
January 1, 1861-ly -
Attorney at Law, Johns tow. Pa.
Office on Main street, two door east of tl .
Echo Office.
March 13, 1851. ly
Attorney at Law, Johnitew Pa.
January 80, 1851 ly.
David T. Storrxi,
Votary Public, Scrivener and Cenreyaaeee ,
WILL also attend to bis duties ae Jaatioa. Le
gal instuments of writing, snoh ae deeds, e
greemebts, Foreign Power of Attorney. &a, .
drawn up accurately. Collection entnuud U
bis care wm receive strict attention.
-MayAB,16o2 SO-U.
. Justice of the Feaoe, Zhenahnrg, Pa.,
Will attend promptly to all collections ntrtva..
ted to his care Office Xdioininz his dweUixvs:.
Decern. 24, 1851. 11 -tf.
Excbance IIoteL
xtolliAayihurgr, Blair Co., Pa.
The proprietor assures the public that a er-
tiona will be wanting on hia part to- render- hia.
house home-like to those who call with hiss, and.
solicits a share of pnfclio patronage.
April 29, 1852. , -
LL kinds of Lumber taken in eae&auze tot
Furniture, at the Ware Rooms of ' '
HolUdaysburg, April 29, 1852. '
Carrolltown, Cambria County, PennrjlvsXa.
undersigned is prepared to aooommodeU
in the best kind of style ail who way favor
him with a call, and hopes by strict attention te
basinets to merit and receive a share cf publle
patronage. HENRY BCANLAU.
may ZU, lbOZ.-31-tf
Fashionable Barber and Hair Dreeeer.
Is the basement story of Davis & Co'.,
Ebensburg, May 1, 1851.-ly.
N. B. Shampooing done, and razori h&n4 la
a superior manner.
Georre Rhey. Levi Katthewi. William Skhe
Merchants, Dealers in all kind of Produce and
Pittsburg Manufactures, h'o. 77 and 79 "Wa lee
Street, '
c - Pittehursh, Pa. 1
April V2.85.n4a . -
Adams &. Co.'i Express.
W. W. Ivory & Co., agent will forward a3
packages of goods or money, daily except Sun
day, to all tbe principal cities in the Union and
all the towns on tbe Rail Road between PhUadaJ
and Pittsburg. Drafts collected from California.
Drafts sold on Ireland, England or Scotland,
from 1 upwards. Money for draft must he
Nov. 4. 1852.
school bo oas i
A general assortment of BOOKS, seek aa as-
used ia our common schools, for eale by ' -
glaes. Oils, Paints-and Drugs of all kixxie
at j. poors':
Star, - Spera and
Mould Candles for eele
at tha 2rlok 8 lore of
Adams At Co.i Express.
JB- CRAIO, agent will forward all package
m cj goods or money, daily exoept Bundsyte
all tha principal cities I n -the Uaion, and all t&4
towne on tha. Railroad between Philadelphia s4
1 p "
kgs aeecflod ciils for. saLs sA the etcrs
of OTtf. JT BCSIRr
Fben9bjrg, June 2, 185532-