LATER FOREIGN NEWS. ' ET7SSIA tT Armament f Rttxsia Humored Advance to thCf Turkish i'runtirr rri;d . f Mcns-nikofT at Odd- J.X. Deapat'-hts. mirnortia to U from Kahfch, Ptatethat tU.;(liT -Kmp g n- rally ferwe I during the Sii'il, i-r W,irs. Kid been in- definitely pttfujaed, oxa-cti tfc -tate of aff .ra ut CoMtB:r an! th: van cf :he soaifat-ru army of 100. .""J n;eu had received orders to ap- . proach ti. Turkish frontiers. Letters from Jasay also state that the Russian military prepa rations were continued on an extensive scale. A permanent bridge is ia course of erection over the River Pruth. A despatch from Odessa, 23, says: "Prince Menschikoff arrived this morning from Constan tinople. The rest of the embassy are expected within three days." TURKEY. Depart of Menschikoff Probability of War Interesting From all Partt of the Empire. It is iiOW officially announced that all further negoti ations between Prince Menschikoffandthe Porte .had been-broken off,. and on the 22d the Prince tiok his departure from Constantinople forOdes 6a. The Ambassadors of France and England, and the Ministers of Prussia and Austria had previously , agreed to make a joint attempt at reconciliation between the Divan and Russian Envoy. This attempt, however, was fruitless, r.3 MensjhikolT persisted in his demand for the immunities of the Greek Church. "Notwithstanding this intelligence" (says the Moniteur) "it items difficult to believe that the rapture of diplomatic relations between Russia end the Ottoman Porte will be followed by hos tilities. One Guarantee is the wisdom of the Court of St. Petersbunr. and its assurances of ! pence iriren to all the European Courts ; and an- other consist in the fact that, according to me right of nations the refusal to accede to a demand j of accessions and advantages not previously! ngnsed to, is not regarded as a sufficient reason : fcr the commencement of hostilities.' ' Ia Syria there had been much talk of the new faith which had been started in Persia by the I apostate Mahomedan Sheikh Babee, who denies the authenticity of the Koran, and will not rec ognize any but God, Moses, David, and himself, lie had made many converts in Persia, and is giviag the Schah much trouble. Babee has pro raised his followers that he will bring back to life all who are killed in defending the faith. The Supreme Government had ordered the j Pacha of Aleppo to form a tribunal of commerce, ( Musselmen and Franks, in that city. This vrJer is much approved by the mercantile com munity. From Smyrna, May 17th. The agitation rhich was caused by the late fight between the Greoks and the Jews, had entirely" subsided. Ail Pacha had taken energetic measures against the Landitti who infest the environs of tLe'citr. CHIXA. PK03RZ.SS OF THE INSCRRECXIOX THE . AMERI CANS OS- Hand. Jiang Kong accounts, of April 11th, say "Since tho 23ihult. we have little to report." We hive but meagre accounts of the rebellion from the North. The latest date from Shan ghai is of the 23th ult., which gives no intelli gence that can be relied upon relating to the po sition of matters at Nankin. Al! " conmuiica- tioua with that p!a:e soeaiei cutoff. Thera ap -' jpearaino d jubt of the rebel forces in.-esting the j viy, and a report waa current that one of the ; o-ito? giies had beon forced. j Among the various reports circulated, there WjTS a prevailing one that Keshen, the former Viceroy of Canton, had made a very successful ' t'.V th rebel fb with the TmW.! i trocps, about lots mue3 irom Nankin, m which many thousands of the rebels were said to have euffered. Nearer Nankin, at Taeping, the Impe rial force is also said to have defeated the rebels with great loss of life. This news requires con firmation. The high Mandarin at Shanghai en gaged four vessels, fully equipped, to proceed up the Yangtsehiang to reinforce Chekiangfoo. The Bombay Times gives further statements. Oa tho ICth March, most urgent despatches were received from the Governor of Nankin by t'as Chinese Governor of Shanghae, requiring L::a to implore the foreign consuls to send im mediate assistance to Nankin, and stating that unless forvign aid were afforded, and imme diately, the city must fall into the hands of re bels, by whom it was closely invested both by Uud and water. A fleet of Imperial junks, as sessed by hired Portuguese armed lorchas, which had been sent up the river to oppose the pro gress of. the insurgents, had been overpowered! by the rebel flotilla ; and the latter, sailing Uown , county of Cambria, there will be exposed to . the Yangtse kiang, bad anchored without oppo- j pub-ic 8flie on Saturday, the 0th day of July, aition immediately opposite Nankin. 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following Real The division of the revolutionary army invest- j Estate late the property of Hugh Dugan, deceas , "inghe place by land, is stated to bo .00,000 eJ) vil . strong, and increasing. Several days before j ot 0f grouni ia the town of Jefferson, this the Chinese Government had also applied ; numDered 31, adjoining other property of de lor assistance to Sir C. Bonham, the British ggasej. and property of Wm. Lemmon, fronting Commissioner at Hong Kong. Sir Charles ac- on rain street in said town, having thereon cordingly departed in Her Majesty's steamship erected a los house, log stable, and shoemakei ilemans, on the 10th of March, for Shanghai, tut had not arrived there when the mail h?ftHer Majesty's, steamship Salamander, and the ship Lily, were already there. The. French waa steamer Cassini, and the United States steamer Scsquehanna, had both proceeded up the Yang Sekiang, and Colonel Mai shall, the American Commissioner, has de termined to place th latter before Nankin. The immediate effect of this interference on the relative position of the insurgents and imperial ists is most momentous. It is acknowledged by the Chinese themselves, that the loss of Nankin would have been the loss of the Empire. ' The "Friend of China" mention a report that rmmissioher Su had been degraded from his office, and invited to strangle himself. He had taken the hint and committed suicide. Commodore Perry, in the Mississippi, arrived at Hong Kong April 7th, and on the 9 th the U. S, sloop Plymouth was despatched to Shang Lae. ' STILL LATER FROM CHINA. A private letter received aOIanchester, brings dates from Shanghae to the 29th of April, one day later than the above. This letter states that Nankin had fallen into the hands of the re bels. The commissioner of the British fleet re "' fuses to permit British merchantmen to go up the river with stores or ammunition for either party. "It was expected that the American corn ea ander would adopt the same course. A Valuable Table. Tho following table will be found exceedingly valuable to many of our readers : A box 24 inches by 10 inches square, and 28 in. deep, will contain a barrel, (5 bushels.) A box 21 inches by 16 inches square, and 14 2-;hes d eep, will contain half a barrel. A box 16 inchej by 15-8 inches square, and 8 inches deep, will contain one bushel. A box 12 inches by 11-2 inches square, and 6 inches deep will contain half a bushel. A box 8 inches by 8-4 inches square and 8 - inches deep, will contain one peck. A box 8 inches by 8 inches square, and 4-2 inches deep, will contain one gallon. " A box 7 inches by 7 inches square, and 4-8 inches deep, will contain half a gallon. . - A box 4 inches by 4 inches square,' and 4-2 detp, will contain one quart Cutting and ThrcIng "The appearance or ccKultiou proper time for cutting wheat, u variety. Thus, when the grain rcc; .can do eqaeeeu reiwcBa me inw.. a:ia c.,., w.wmhm any umiuiw 5 lorocu .-r .m , may a.: ays be safely eoninienvoU: for it ia never better than when harvested in this state, JeuJ :f cot Utcr, the wheat ia seldom bo good in ; i" ; -btBidcs serious losses are sometimes uuuaeueuco 01 mgn winu.3, wuen it is allowed to arrive at a riper state. The white varieties should stand somewhat longer than the red before tlfey are cut. "With respect to the color" of the straw as a sign ofmaturity, experience has shown, that if in a healthy state, the ear generally ripens be fore the straw; the yellowness of the chaff and upper parts of the straw indicates that the crop is fit to cut; and the uniform yellow color of the straw shows that the crop has arrived at maturity, and, if suffered to stand in the field, i the kernels are liable to be shaken out by the wind." Agriculturist, More raiu falls during summer, after, than before, the J 5th of July, and therefore the far mer should take this into consideration in ma king his harvestings. Sheep sheariug should be conducted this month, and the sheep should be well cared for after this operation, as cold rains are then hurt ful to them. Large numbers were lost in June, 1842, in the state of New York, from this cause. Sheep should be freely supplied with salt this month, which should be placed in troughs shel tered from the rain, to prevent its waste ; the bottom of these troughs should contain tnr, which is said to prevent worms in their heads. In Ebensburg, on Monday, June 13th. by voiucn, mi. j Wa.m.u uuu Miss Bbidget Daily, all of this township. jn Cnrrolltown, on Tuesdav, June 14th. by Rev. P. II. Lempke, Mr. John Bender and Miss Barbara Bczer, all of Carroll township. In Cnrrolltown. on Tuesdav. June 14th. bv I Rev. P. II. Lempke, Mr. Denn-is Kennedy ntiH Miss Frances Bollwe er, all of ship. Carroll town-! FOREST UOUSE. Carrolltown, Cambria county Pa. The undersigned. Proprietor of the above Ho tel, informs his friends and the public that he is well prepared to furnish the best of accommo dation, and is determined to please all who may call with him. JOHN P. PARIS n. Carrolltown, June 16, 1853 34-6m. Executor's Notice. IETTERS testamentary on the last will and J testament of John D. Jones, late of Cambria township, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Cambria county, all persons indebted to the estate of said de ceased, are requested to make payment immedi ately, and those having claims will present them ; duly proven for settlement. JOHN T. JONES, Executor of John D. Jones, dee'd. Cambria township, June 13, 1853 34-6t. Nati;a to Stockholders of the Loretto Turnpike or Plank Road Company. THE stockholders of the said road are hereby notified that an election for one President, lone Treasurer, and five Managers for the said : n J : 1 1 1 1 1.1 . i 1 ' . 1 1. 4 f O . . J Vr ,o-o V I I rd W e 2th day of June, 18o3, at the house of Dr. Jos. PfofF, in Loretto. M. M. ADAMS, FroJent. P. J. Little, Wm. Litzisger, "J- Secretaries. Loretto, June 16, 1853 34-2L NOTICE. TOTTrK is lierehv eiven to the nubhc not to re- " - j o I ceive or purchase a note for $30, drawn by i the undersigned in favor or John Hamilton, ua I ted 17th of November, 1852. Not having re I ceived value for said note, I will not pay. the i ame. DENNIS KENNEDY. Near Monster, June 10, 18o3 34-3t.pd. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. PUBLIC notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an nrder of the Ornhans' Court of the . SUOp sa-1(j i0t containing 8192 square feet; also, another piece of land adjoining the town of Jef ferson, bounded by Crooked street, land of Wm. Palmer, Esq., and land of Austin Thompson, containins about three acres, which piece or narcelofland was laid out in lots by Thomas M Connell, as per dratt, numoerea irom one to tw0.Bt0ry hewed log house, a tenant house, and eight : also, another piece of land bounded by tW( goo(j barns. The wood land is well timber the Portage Railroad, road from Jefferson to j -j with cherry and poplar, and there is a good Munster. land of the Catholic church, and land of James O'Neal, which was laid out in lots by Thomas M'Connell, as per draft numbered from one to eight ; also, three lots of ground, nura- bered two, three and eleven, on the plan of said town, number two having thereon erected a frame house, au 01 wuicn property is suuiue m the township of Summerhill, Cambria couuty. Terms and conditions of oale; isue-imru ui the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter, with interest, to be secu red by the bonds and mortgage of the purcha ser. Sale to take place on the premises. By order of the Court, R. L. JOHNSTON, CUrk. June 16, 1853 34-td. S 1 A? I ROBERT KEBBT. ROBERT GALBRAITH. COACH MANUFACTORY. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg and the public gener ally, that they will carry on the Coach Making, including the Smith work, nt the Machine shop formerly occupied by Mr. Anderson, in the rear of E. Hughes store; where by using none but the choicest material, and employing none but the best workmen, they hope to con vince all that will do them the favor to examine their work, that in point of durability, appear ance or cheapness, it cannot be excelled by any similar establishment in the State or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the purchase of a carriage, will oonsult their own interests by giving them a calL They are prepared to fur nish the following kinds of Vehicles, via : Buggies of different qualities and prices. Ba rouches, Chariotees, one and two "horse Kocka ways, close quarter Eliptio and C-spnng Coach es; second hand work of different kinds, &c, making a variety that will suit all tastes and all purses. Repairing done with neatness and de spatch. Ebensburg, June 2, 185332. Zb-z-sxc, oa'srli Cijanty, Pa. TMJI! m.dc:isg..c r-pe jifu!' lui.nus the pub a th-it is i:o 7 cvepruvd with every requi ;Li :" r i. ;c ;, and will exert ev ery ffort to render his house an attractive and comfortable stopping place. His table will al ways be supplied with every delicacy the" sea son nffwrds, and his bar stocked with the best of Wines and Liquors. ,x A careful and attentive hostler will have charge of the stables. He respectfully solicits a share of patronage. JAMES MYERS. April 28, 1853 27-tf. C. W.WEBSTER, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg- Fa., TIJILL practice in the several Courts of Cam- bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro- fessional business intrusted to his care will be promptly attended to Office on Main stieet opposite Dr. Wm. Lem ons omce. Ebensburg, April 28, 1853 27. YALViBLE PROPERTY AT . Private Sale. T HE subscriber will sell at private sale thatTlete in everv department. Evervthine new. valuable farm (known as the McCoy farm,) situate in Cambria township, Cambria county, about two and a half miles east of Ebensburg, l -.i. : T. T- I and within eight miles of the Penn'a. and tage Rail Roada, and -adjoining lands of D. Jones and others, containing Por John One Hundred and Sixty-Eight Acres and some perches, about one hundred acres of which are cleared, and all under fence, having thereon erected a two-story House and a good Barn with sheds and out-houses. On the prem ises is a LARGE ORCHARD of choice fruits of various kinds. There is also a fountain pump at the door, and a never fail- "g spring of good water about twenty yards irom me uouse. Also a lot of ground containing one-tourtn or an acre, situate at tna loot oi nane xxo. o, a. x . R. R., having thereon erected two small houses ! and stable. Persons desirous of purchasing either of the above places will please call on or address the undersigned. JOHN HUMPHRIES, Agent for the Heirs of R. Humphries, dee'd. Mav 1229. IT 31 EST GO ROUA'D. KEEP THE WHEELS IX MOTION .' F OR GOOD. AND CHEAP BUGGIES call on the subscriber, at his Buggy and Sleigh Man- ufAirtorv. which is now in operation in all its various branches, in Duncansville, four doors west of the Mountain House, where all will meet with good work and as cheap as it can be made anywhere. ALL WIIEELS ROUND. Just call and see the work if you do not want it, for itis worth looking at. His buggies and sleighs hre as neat and strong, and a little better than you generally get in this country. Far mers, for your own good, and to save money, before you purchase any articles in his line, you had better call and see his work. .He will give you as much for your produce in work as you can get any where. In short, any person wish ing a durable, neat, cheap and comfortable arti cle in his line, should give him a call. JAMES M'CLOSKEY. Duncansville, May 5, 1853 28-8m. S. PETERSBERGER'S imlcKale. nnd Retail 7!" ..r Clotkln? Store. Summit, Cambria County, Pa, Coats, vests, pants, hats, caps, shirts, hand kerchiefs, cravats, boots, shoes, carpet-bags, trunks, &c, sold cheap for cash. Summit, May 19, 1853 SO-tf. DR GEO. D. KELLEY OFFERS his services to the citizens of Jeffer son and vicinity, in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Oflice next door to Mr. Lytle's stort. Jefferson, May 26, 1853 31-tf, Stray Ilorso. CAME to the residence of the subscriber in Cam bria township, about two miles east of Eb ensburg, on or about Monday, May 23d, a white h'orse, supposed to be about 7 year? old, and spavined in the left hind leg. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property and take bun away, otherwise he will be disposed of accordnig to law. JOHN DAILY. Cambria tp., June 2, 1833 32-3t. Valuable i'arm Tor Sale, THE subscriber offers for 6ale the farm he now resides on, situate in Carrol township, Cam bria countv. three miles Irom Carrolltown, con- tainim? nhout 250 acres, about 100 acres of " o fi which is cleared and under good fence. There is an excellent apple and peach orchard on the ; . nnmnniied of a varied assortment of i nrnnertv. oomnoaed of a varied assortment j rtliI14,ive trees. The buildines consist of a productive trees, ine ouuumga SHW-mui seal on ine property. " wsucu, farm will be sold in two parts, each having erec ted thereon suitable buildings. Application will mmln tu the undersigned, residing on the ... . .L. i T V.a , prem;3es, who will make the terms of sale easy ! an(j eive an indisputable title to the purchaser. iUAWWo biLiiLOiir Carroll to.. June 2. 1853 32-2m LOST LAND V JF A Land Warrant issued from the Pension Office of the United States, under an act of Con- irresa n.iasea me inn oi reoruary. ion, w Klizabeth Downev. mother of Edward A. Dow ney, deceased, of Capt. C. H. Heyer's company tD 2d Pcnu'n. Vol.. for 160 acres of land, and numbered 01507, was lost between Summitville, Cambria county, Pa., and the city of Pittsburg, on or about the 11th of April, 18o3, while in possession of Jacob H. Sweigart. . All persons ore therefore cautioned airainst purchasing and locatinz said Land-Warrant, as the subscriber to whom it belongs inteqds applying to the Com missioner of Pensions for a duplicate of said Warrant. Should any person obtain possession of the original warrant, they will confer a favor by forwarding the same to the subsenqer, at jlo retto, Allegheny tp., Cambria county, Pa. ELIZABETH DOWNEY. June 2, 1853 32-6t. LABORERS WANTED. CA LABORERS are wanted to work on 1 fJll Ebensburg & Susquehanna Plank Road, to whom good, wages will be-given. : - GLASS & HUTCHINSON, Jr.; Ebensburg, June 2, 1853. FLOUR and Bacon always on band; and we have jnsfc received 20 barrels best whiskey for oalc on commission IVORY & "CO. BR. A. YEAGLEY having permanently located in Jefferson, Cambria couuty, respectfully tenders his professional her ices to the. citiicns of the place and the surrounding country, in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Office on Main street, wher he can a! vajs he foand and consulted, except when !.-- i on professional business. jenerson, April i-, iooo :i-. JAMBS BELL, SU5LMIT, CAMBRIA CO., PA., DAS the pleasure- of announcing to all who would secure the best bargains to be offered in this county, that he is again in the field with one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully selected 6tocks of i Fall and Winter Goods ! Ever brought to Cambria county, all of which have been purchased within the last few days in Philadelphia and New York, with particular re gard to the wants of this Market. 1 again fling my banner to the breeze, inscribed with my old motto of . Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attention of purchas ers to my stock, which will be found unusually larze. varied and attractive, beins fall and com- fashionable and desirable will be found embra- Ced in my assortment. Particular attention is solicited to new and beautiful styles of LADIES' DBSS GOODS, which I have just received of late importation. In Gents' wear I defj competion, and confident ly invite an examination of one pf the largest, cheapest and best selected stocks of ready-made cUthing, cloths, cassimeres, &c, evr brought to Cambria county : coniprisinz all colors and qualities, which I will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfaction. Also, caps, bonnets. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the best qualities and latest styles, together with queensware, hardware, groceries, salt, books stationary, &c. BgTbe highest market price paid for all kinds of Produce. November 11, 1852. NEW GOODS. . The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and customers, that he has received and is now opening, at the store room formerly oc cupied by Richard Lewis, dec d., a large and general assortment of goods, consisting in.part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, all of which he is determined to sell lovo either for cash or approved country produce. He solicit examination of his stock, and is confident be can sell cheaper than the cheapest. GEO. J. RODGERS. "May 8, 1851 30-tf IVew Cbalr Manufactory. The citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity are nformed that the very place to purchase CHAIRS, SETTEES, SOCIABLES, AND STOOLS, of the best manufacture and most elegant finish, and at lower prices than at any other establish ment in the county, is at the new chair manu factory, in the shop formerly occupied by David Todd, deceased. GLAZING, HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING executed in the best manner and latest style. - JOHN L. STOUGH. Ebensburg, Nov. 27, 1851. Cm. Accompiodation Eiue. THE subscriber is now running a Hack daily from the Summit to Ebensburg, leaving the Summit Btiouv-e Vdwfc P. M.,-or immediately after the arrival of the Eastern and Western cars, returning the same evening leaving Eb ensburg at 4i o'clock, P. M. Passengers who come in the night trains will be accommodated with a conveyance in the morning, to Ebensburg, when required. JOHN IVORV. Summitville, May 6, 185328. TO MERCHANTS. THE proprietors of the Johnstown Pottery, would inform the merchants of Cambria ijo. and elsewhere, that that they are now prepared to fill all orders for Stoneware, of the best quality, and at prices which will en able them to realize a fair profit. We deliver our ware free of charge any place within a day's hauling of Johnstown. Among the articles we manufacture are Jugs, Jars, Churns, Spittoons, Milk Pans, Pitchers, Butter Pans, and Water Jars. Merchants visiting Johnstown are invited to call at our Pottery. Circulars stating our pri ces can be obtained from us, or from. Robert Carmbn, Esq., Ebensburg. HAMILTON & rjSKStUJNU. Johnstown, May 5, 1853 28-tf. NOTICE. Whereas, my wife Catharine left my bed and board without just cause, on Tuesday, the 24th day of May, 1853, notice is hereby given to all persons not to trust her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. Washington tp., June 9, 1853-33-3L Orphans' Court Sale. B Y rlrtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria countv. the undersigned guardian of the minor heirs of JohnDulai, deceased, will, oa Monday, the 4th day of July, 1853, sell a piece of land, situate in Carroll townsuip. tarn- bria county, adjoining land of Joseph .ccKen- road and John Eckenrode, containing miriy acres, more or less. The sale will take place in Carrolltown on me above dav, when the terms will be made known. 1 . ... Guardian of John Dulai's heirs. June 9, 1853 33-4t. Money Lost. TOST on the road which leads from Thos. Por I ter'n nortahle saw-mill to Munster, on Mon dayr .'jafternoon. June 6th, a fair leather pocket book, containing sixty-five dollars, pnosipwy v doUar notes on the Lancaster and iiarns- burg banks. liberal reward will De paia w the finder on return of the money w " """" siened. LJSWia -caw Ebensburg, June y, loJ oo-oi Information Wanted. tV Mnnr Rraardv! formerly Mary Horrogan, II pkiim Tfmarriv. deceased, and her P.tpV Rmnlv. who' left the Norton Cop per works, Massachusetts, some years ago, and 1 . limvnsp.d tn have removed to St. Louis, Mis- KnurL or one of the western States. Any infor- : nAavn;n tim will be addressed to her brother, Bernard Horrogan. Jefferson, Cam bria county, Pa. B. HORROGAN. i i. 8 1ft3 33 3 1- Bt. Louis, Burlington, Iowa and Memphis papers please notice. - - ;a ... .;: Always on Hand. ft TONE WARE: Earthen ware, Nails, Cast-stee and Salt, for Bale by pyiS & LLOYD. . May 4 2 185 329. ' CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. BRADY'S HOTEL, Harrisbnrg, Pa. MAJ. JOHN BRADY, Proprietor. April 10. 1851. ly tO.MlAI & WAL'10., Wholesale dealers in Hardware, Cuttery, XuiU, jr., As. Market street, a&ove ;iu, Philadelphia, Fa. April 10, 1851, ly DIICIIAEL WAUT3JAX CO., " Wholesale lie Tolacco, Snuff, and Segar ijauvfac 173, North Third Street, three doors tory, No. above Yine, Philadelphia, Fa. JOSXPH J. SOEVER. M. WARTMAN, April 24, 1851. EG.ER & GREGG, Wholesale dealers in Wines and Liquort, which they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants and hotel keepers. Warehouse 208 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. Jnly 1st, 1651 ly . DR. THOMAS C. BI ATIXG, Has removed his oflice to No. 14 South Sev enth street, above Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. , April 26, 1852. 7-tf 20 3. T. RCSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS, B. STILSOX . JOII.V Y. RISIITOX & CO., Wholesale dealer in Quecnnoare, Chinaware, Glattware, $c.. No. 245 Market Street, Philadelphia. Fa. April 10, 1851. ly John Parker, James H. Parker JOHN PARKER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey. No. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty Street, Pittsburg Pa. March, 11, 1852. ly. GEO. LIPP1NCOTT. WM. TROTTER. EDMOXD BACOil GEORGE LIPPIXCOTT & CO., Have constantly on hand a full assortment of Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries generally. . No. 17 North Water Street, and No. 10 North, Delaware Avenue, pTTTT.Tv-T-'PTrTA- January 27, 1853. JGHU MDEVITT. WILLIAM m'DEVITT. JOU$ M'DEVITT- & BRQ,, Wholesale grocers apd dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liauors. Rectified fcislteyt riour, joa con. Fish. Cheese, &c, &e. No 311, Liberty street, opposite the head of Smitbfieid, burgh, Pa. December 23, 1852 9-tfj. Pitts- J. McELIIARE, 155 Market Street, N. E. Corner of 4th, Philadelphia. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all of the various new kinds and styles silk, fur, brush, wool. Panama, straw and chip Hats ; silk, straw. braid and lace Bonnets; artificial flowers, furs, &c, which will be sold cheaper than the cheap, est. Feb. '52, 19-ly- KXLEDLER & FEATHER, Wholesale dealers in Hoots, Shoes, Bonnets, and Falsa Laf Hats, No. 186 North Third Street (opposite the Zagte Hotel,) - Philadelphia, Pa. February 26, 1852. ly James Dougherty, at REIXIIOED, DASH &. CO., ' 'Wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, SrvzS and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, lately occupied by Ludwig, Kneedler & Co., keep con stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands of CHEWING TOBACCO, IMPORTED CIOARS, Domestic cigars, and Snuff, which they offer for sale on as favorable terms as any house in the city. Orders promptly attended to. September 23, 1 852 49-ly. Ebensburg & Susquehanna Plank Road Company, Notice to Stockholders. THE Board of Managers of the Ebensburg and Susquehanna Plank Road Company have as sessed $2,50 on each share subscribed to the said road, to be paid on or before the 20th day of May next; and the sum of $5,00 per share to be paid on or before the 20th day of each suc ceeding month. ' The above instalments are re quired to be paid to E. Shoemaker, Esq., Treas surer of the Company, residing at Ebensburg. By order of the Boad, WILLIAM KITTELL, Sec. Ebensburg, April 21, 185326. E. HCTCUIXSOJV, Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., 1T7ILL nractice in the several Courts of Cam V bria. Blair and Indiana counties. All pro- fpsRional business entrusted to his care will be Trnmntlv attended to. r ' . . i j. j- : v: Otnce on 3iain swee. nujuuuug iua unciiiug house. Ebensburg, April 21, 1853 26-Sm. J. B. CRAIG. JAS. D. HAMILTOX. Commission & Forwarding. milE subscribers would respectively inform I their friends and the publio that they are now nreDared. to receive and forward au good consigned to their care ty any oi we unes, or by Central Railroad, and hope that by strict at tention to their business that, they will be ena bled to render perfect satisfaction to all that will patronize them. All gooqs wm receive uie ereatest care and attention. Jefferson, March 15, 185X . . Tiitru of Administration. On the estate or Unmtn L.ioyd, laie oi umon township, deceased, having been granted to . m m f - . 4. the subscriber by the Register of Cambria coun ty, this is to give notice to all those indebted to said sstate to call and settle the same immedi ately, and those having claims against said es tate to resent the same duly proven for settle ment. D- H. ROBERTS, Administrator. Ebensburg, May 12, 1853 .29. Administrators Notice ETTERS of Administration have been grant- 1i A tn'tfin iwdersiened. by the Register of r&mbria county, upon the estate of James Rhey, Aae(l. All nersons indebted to said estate are requested to make' Immediate payment to ... Snr) thaoe bavin a claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. . SUSAN RHEY, Administratrix, ANDREW J. RHEY. Administrator. Ebcn&burg, October 21, 1852 tf, Just Received, Store tna dor the Sentinel cT- superior aFSor of Gold and Sil- Vfr ticnes an anc jew -elr. Go'.d Lever watches full Jewt-lli-d. S5.0O . . M A9 1 . Silver Lerr watches full jewelled, 1C.0Q her Cylinder Escapciuvrts J,0u Silver Quarticrs -. C.OO Also a fine atsorimeat of sight day and thir ty hour clocks. N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired at shortest notice, and warranted. - WILLIAM B, HUDSON. April 29, 1852. MICflAEL HAX MAGE1IAX, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Omce in the Court House, up stairs. January 1, 1851. ly . CUAREES ALU RIGHT, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Tsu, Will practice in the several courts of Cambria, Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Germans -can, consult and receive advice in their own language. Omce opposite the Court House, formerly oc cupied by R. L. Johnston, Esq. Ebensburg, February 8, 1858 ly, SASIUEL C. WWG1RD, Attorney at Law, Zbenshnrg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Huntingdon counties. Germans can receive advice in their own language. Office, on. main street two doors weet of the store of Murray, Zahm & Co. May 8, 1851 ly. ' - - . GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Lav, Ebensburg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office on Centre St., joining Gen. M'ponald's dwelling Jan. 15, 1851. ly. WILLI AM KITTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Omce on Main Street, in the office l&ialy oc cupied by Gen. Jos. McDonald. January 15, lb52. THOMAS C, M'DOWELL, Attorney at Law, HoUidayshurg, Pa. Will attend the several Courts of Cambria county, as heretofore. Office one door weet of Wm. McFarland s cabinet wareroom. January 1, 1851. ly T, L.'hEYER, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. Office on Main street, iwo doors eact of tfc Echo Office. March 13, 185J. ly CYRUS L. FERSIIIKG, Attorney at Law, Johnstown Pa. iuary SO, 1851 ly. David T. Storm, Notary Publio, Scrivener and Conveyaneet , JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA CO. PA., UriLL also attend to his duties aq J ustioe. Le gal instuments of writing, such as deeds. - greements, Foreign Power or AttorMy. drawn up accurately. CoHections entrueted to hi care will receive strict attention- May 13, 1852 SO-tf. - - - - mm RICHARD JOKES, Justico of the Peaee, Ebesstmrg, Pa Will attend promptly to all collections ntra- ted to his care Office, adjoining his dveUijg. Decern. 24, 1851. 11-tf. Exchange Hotel. ; BoUidaysbnrg, Blair C., Pa. The proprietor assures the public that no exer tions will be wanting on his part to reader his house home-like to those who call with him, and solicits a share of public patronage. April 29, 1852. - Remember. A LL kinds of Lumber taken in eTcfeaBg 1 or Furniture, at the Ware Rooms f M'FARLAKD SOS. Hollidayeburg, April 29, 1S52, - . EXCHANGE HOTEL, CarroDtown, Cambria Co,un,ry, Pennjytvania. he undersigned is pseparcd to accommodate in the best kind of style -all who way favor him with a call, and hopes by strict atteniion. to business to. Merit and receive a share of public patronage. HESJIY SCALAV may zv, ieoz.-ot-u lewis w. vnowar, Fashionable Barber and Hahr Dreaser. In the basement story of Davis & Co'a., "ware room. Ebensburg, May 1-, 1851. -It, N. B. Shampooing done, and raiors lionftd in a superior manner. George Rhey. Levi Matthews. Wilaam Zbst RIICY, MATTHEWS & "CO,, WHOLESALE GROCERS and . Commission Merchants, Dealers in all kinds of Produce and Pittsburg Manufactures, Jso. 77 and 79 Water Street, "' ' . . . ritubttiyh, r. . ApriiS, 1851. Cm . Adams & Co.'s EXlrcs, IT. ' Iverv & Co., arenta will forward aU W. packages of goods or money, daily except Sun day, to all the principal ci tins' in th Union anl all the towns on the Rail Road between Philads. and Pittsburg. Drafts collected from California. Drafts sold on Ireland, England or Scotland, from 1 upwards. Money 1k drafts must b par. Nov. 4. 1852. SCHOOL MOORS! A general assortment of BOOKS, such as ara used in our common schools, for sale by DAVIS & LLOYD. ifilass, Oils, Paints and Drugs of all kind at J. Moore's. Star, Sperm - and Mould at the Briok Store of Candles for sate J. MOORE. ' Adams Si, Co. Express. J, B. .CRAIG, agent will forward all pack age a s of 'goods or money, daily except Sunday tn all the principal cities in the Union, and all the towns on the Railroad between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. . " - 50 kags assorted tiails for sale at the store Cf G0 Jt R0Ias. rgrr At h.-j eat vf