JL I y -A Y7-J M n . -ill - I i I; '5. ' I A New Machine. Pursar Ramsey, of the navy, is one of the best companions and at the same time greatest qui zes that was ever instituted or imported. Tho' Email he is powerful ; in fact, in the way of fun, he is, to use an expressive phrase, 4a whole team and several over." It is not many years since that a number of wild blades, college students on a "river bend," were carrying on a general crusade of frolic in New York. One evening, after a turn around tho city and having pretty thoroughly exhaust ed the amusement resources of the village, they assembled in a well known saloon where any quantity of people like themselves were gather ed. Everybody appeared to be busy except one plainly dressed, quiet looking individual, who sat alone and appeared to be ruminating on the vanity of human affairs. Our youngsters, at the instance of their leader, instantly surround ed the stranger and commenced to quiz Lim. lie listened quietly to their jokes, entering into the spirit of the entertainment heartily, and ap peared to be what his tormentors took him for, an innocent, unsuspicious person from the country. Presently, as they stood at the counter taking some refreshment not wholly approved of by Father Matthew, the country gentleman, loosen ing his tongue under the influence of "whiskey straight," began to communicate his private af fairs and objects in visiting tne city. 'You Laiu't none o'you heern tell of my sis ter Sully's sweetheart, hev you "No !" shouted they all "Iiamsey's his name. lie's in the naval ves sels, he is. . lie takes keare of their rocks, you know. aie, ne.s ster bally s sweetheart and - - r i : j? mine is cue iuuuus. "Gentlemen, Miss Nobbnis?;Jiealth !" "Thank you kindly. Fll-take mine whiskey straight and spring water. Well, Sue and I wants to get hitched tarnation bad, but you see we Laint got no tin. Old dad bobbins, he says tin and matrimony works together like mashed tur nips, and says, Zebediab that s my name "Gentlemen, Rev. Sir. Zebediah's health 1" "Thank you kindly. I'll take whiskey straight and spring water. 'Zebediab,' says he, you aint got no tin ; you can't Lave Sue. When you git a purty smart lot o tin, you can get Sue "Gentlemen, old .Mr. Nobbius' health !" "Thank you kindly. Same as before, Mr. Barkeeper. Wale, I set my wits to work, and you know we aint fools up our way. I studied and workked, and thought and I got an idee at last. Its mighty hard work this thinking, aint it. It don't hurt you any, gents ? No ! Wale, I thought eo. So I just come down here with my machine to show it to sister Sal's sweetheart Ramsey, who is in the naval ships, you know, and I calkilate he'll sell it for me right away." "What is it ? A machine to make psalms ?" "No, it aint, nor himcs neither. I don't mind telling you ; you are such simple looking chaps, you would'nt hurt a fly, you would'nt, would you ? No, I thought so. Wale, you see, I've got up a machine to make bank notes out of the fuz you see growing on rail fences, and I've got Another machine to travel by itself, in and out, bewriggling along tha fence, you know, and it just picks off the fuz and packs it away as clean as a scraped ehoat." "Gentlemen, the fuz picking machine and the fuz bank notes !" "Thank you kindly. Straight this time, if you please. If you chaps '11 call at my stoppin' place to-morrow I'll show you the machine, and if you have any feuce rails for sale, with fuz on 'em, why maybe I'll bargain for 'em. There's my keerd. Good night, gents ; I'm bound to turn in. Don't forget. If you see sister Sal's sweetheart Ramsey, who is in ihp. navftl ch; you know, just tell him I'm come, will you?" Amid a chorus of laughter and noisy saluta tions, the inventor of the fuz-bank note and rail fence picking machines departed. "Where's his card ? Let's see it!" said the crowd, gathering eagerly around their leader. "Sold, by the Godsl " he exclaimed, holding the card up. It was passed around. The crowd broke up instantcr, looking remarkably down in the lnouth. The words on the card were : "Purser Ramsey, S. N." y. O. Ticayune. A Youthful Cuvier. We have, for some time past, been much in terested in a young man, a native of this city. named W. II. B. Thomas. There is nothing pre possessing in ms appearance ; on the contrary, excepting a good eye he carries an external that might tempt one dejurc to indict dame na ture for libcL Meeting him, perhaps, among the brilliant throng on Fourth street, with an culre gait, a verdant physiognomy in a partial eclipse from an incipient beard, a slouched hat drawn close over the forehead ; the pockets of his seedy coat distended by a score of botanical preservations, fossil ferns and geological speci mens, the sombre hue of his linen advertising the death of his washerwoman ; he would most likely be taken for a country lad from the hoop uie icgiou, ifno naa ventured a trip on the ca- nai in scarcn oi tne icrra incognita "town." We nrstKnew inomas as a newspaper carrier in ms unusal knowledge of Botany, Geology, ana ooiogy was tnen the remark of all. Soon alter this he obtained employment as an assis laui leacner in one ot our schools, at a salary iuai uaxeiy Bumcea to buy meal and coals for nis egeu motner TVemct him again in the spring of '51, at the Cincinnati meeting of the American AssnHntmn for the advancement of Science ; in the proceed ing vi mis ooay ne iook an interest that sur pnseu aiiwnose ODservation was drawn by his eager listening and his large collections of min crals, plants and fossils. Here he attracted the at icuuuu oi i roi. ueara and 1'rof. Henry of the uuuuiauuiau JUS811UIO. HA nttprwor.ia rr.n Jiim on Mound street in this city, in the shop of iui. x,ii.iiucy, anomer numoie but enthusi astic devotee of science, of whom the world will 3 ci tane note, who Had just finished wih !; hands and rude tools a powerful telescope that xuvuius ntio villJClBlUg. For some months past we had seldom met with our eccentric friend, but wo encountered him jaic lasc evening, at the Little Miami Railroad Depot a huge blank book labelled "JTotcs on r o83u inj usona, under one arm; a shirt and rair oi socks under the other. lie had iust ar- m.v iuui .juBDingcon, and hadin his pocket jji3 ummusswn as naturalist to the Kane Arctic Mpionng r.xpeaaion, which sails from New York next week. He had applied to Professor Henry for some opportunity to nnrEna i.;0 studies, and to place his name among those of 1,-.., BlIU Buienunc uiscovcrcrs. Mr. T leaves this ivinin v T.-t- , . . . ,. -: -- i'cw i orK, wncrenejoins his slup We heartily wish him what he cmi- j.wjr me Highest success. Cinn Commercial. "How do you cct alone with irn,i:u inetic and chatcchism V n3kcd a father of hi little boy, the other night. 'How far have you got?' "I'sc ciphered through addition, partition u'siiuvuuu, iiui'ijim.-i uoii, justinca tion, hallunciation, darnation, amputation, cre ation, and adoption." - He'd do for an engtnecron the "Short Line" railroad. v.ATI;R I.R,IS" Ex,LF Com'shs The editor of the Catholic Mirror, published in Baltimore , has received authentic informal inn that Patrick O Doriohuc, another of the Irish exiles, had es caped from Van Dicman's Land, and probably lett in one i f the American ships trading to Aus traha, and will shortly arrive at some Atlantic port. TfTIIATEVER concerns the health and liappi V ness of a people is at all times of raostvnl-j uable importance. 1 take it lor granted mat every person will do all in their power, to save the lives of their children, and that every per son will endeavor to promote their own health at nil sacrifices. I feel it to be my duty to sol emnly assure you that trorms, according to the orinions of the most celebrated Physicians, are the primary causes of a large majority of dise ases to which children and adults are liable ; if( vou have an appetite continually changeable from one kind ot tooa to anotner, iaa wreaui, Pain in the Stomach, Picking at tho Nose, Hard ness and Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular remember that all these denotes tcorms, and you should at once apply the remedy : 5Xoici2sacIw?s Wokii Syrup. An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compounded with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when taken, and can be given to the most tender Infant with decided beneficial effect, where Boiccl Complaints and Diarrhoea have made them weak and debilitated the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are such that it stands without an equal in the cata logue of medicines in giving tone and strength to the Stomach, which makes it an Infallible remedy for those afflicted with Dixpevsia, the as tonishing cures performed by this Syrup after Thysicians have failed, is the best evidence of its superior efficacy over all others. THE TAPE "WORH ! This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that infest the human system, it grows to an almost Indefinite length becoming so coiled and fastened in the Intestines and Stomach effecting the health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fits, &c, that those afflicted seldom if ever sus peit that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore be proper to take 6 or 8 of my Liver Tills so as to remove all obstructions, that the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm, which must be taken in doses of 2 Tablespoon fulls 3 times a day these directions followed have never been known to fail in curing the most obstinate case of Tape Worm. Hobensack's Liver Pills. No part of the system is more liable to dis ease than the Liver, it serving as a filterer to purify the blood, or giving the proper secre tion to the bue ; so that any wrong action of the Liver effects the other important parts of the system, and results variously, in Liver Com plaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. We should, therefore, watch every symptom that might in dicate a wrong action of the Liver. These Pills being composed of Jloots J- rianls furnished by nature to heal the sick : Namely, 1st, An Ex pectorant, which augumcnts the secretion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An Al ternative, which changes in some inexplicable and insensible manner the certain morbid action of the system. Srd. A Tonic, which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all parts of the body. 4th, A Cath artic, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and operating on the Boweln, and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vi tiated matter, and purifying the Blood, which destroys disease nnd restores health. TO F E M A Ii ES . o will find these Pills an invaluable medicine In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of estimable benefit, restoring their functional arrangements to a healthy action purifying the blood and other fluids so effectu, ally to put to flight all complaints which may arise from female irregularities, as headache, giddiness, dimness of sight, pain in the side back, &c. None genuine unless signed J, all others being base Imitation. N. Ilobcnsack, BSfAgcnts wishing new supplies, and Store Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must ad dress the Proprietor, J. N. Hobensack, Philadel phia, Pa. For sale byIurray, Zahm & Co., and E. Hughes, Ebensburg ; A. Durbin, Munstcr ; John ston, Johnstown ; McCloskey, Summitvillc ; E- nocn uees, six miles west of Ebensburg ; and by every respectable dealer in the State. Keyscr & McDowell, wholesale agents, No. 140 Wood Street, Tittsburg, who will supply agents at the Proprietors prices. EfnPriec, each 25 cents ! ! July 2, 185. TERRIFIC 1 MILE SAVED. EXPLOSION ON SEC. 104, P. R. R. FROM THE SUMMIT. $10,000 Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods wore. fjl HE Subscribers hve just received from the 1 eastern cities, and are now offering for sale, the largest and best selected stock of Goods ever shown in this or the adjoining counties, the stock consists in part of Dry Goods, such as French, English, and American, cloths, cassi mers, Satinets, Tweeds, pilot cloths, satin, Va lencia and other vestings, alipacas, mous-de- lains, oomoazines, and ladies dress goods of every description; shawls, handkerchiefs, scraps, cravats, tiDDets, nbons, gloves and hosiery of all kinds, table linen drapers, crash, red, white and yellow flannels, linsey, canton flannel, blan kets and coverlets, hickory shirting, Irish linen, and white goods of every description ; laces, edgings, inscrtings, &c, &c. Hats, caps, Bon nets, boots and shoes, hardware, queenswarc, glassware, nails, flour and salt ; fish, and iron'. Also a splendid assortment of groceries, drugs, paints and dye stuffs. All of which we offer at lower prices than goods have ever been sold in tne country. All kinds of country produce, lumber, railroad ties, rags, flaxseed, &c, &c ' taken in exchange. We will wholesale any of the above splendid selection of goods, to country merchants at city prices, putting only on a nominal figure for to cover ireigut. R. M'GBANN & BE ILLY. Section 101, November 4, 1852. JCzekicl Hughes, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. HEALER in staple and fancy dry goods gro mt i no, n uuivauiu aim rttaii usu : naraware and cnttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, shect-iron ehect-zinc, stoves of all kinds, stove-pipes and Biiset-iron ware, tin ware, copper and brass Kettles, qlc, &c. Grain, wool, butter and other conntrv nrnln bought and sold. ALSO. A dealer in white pine, nonlar. neli lumber : lumber alwavs hmifrhf n.i o quantity constantly on hand for sale. Cash always paid for 1 such as suits the present demand of the market. A large lot of new goods as embraced in the above list just received and more opening for sale at the lowest market price. September zi, lbb'z 49-tf. This Way! For the highest prices are paid for hld skinii and tanner's bark in cither trade or cash by COXSTJIPTIOX U5S 4I13IEI OF ITS TERRORS ! ! TTASTiwas' rnTrpriTTTID STUUP OF NAPHTHA, A quick and positive Cure for Consumption, misKy tiiroat, woEUug 01 uusu, Droncmns, "b" vv1ucj lun(ps. This celebrated preparation is pleasant to the taste, and is so speedy in its operations that pa tients plainly feel its good effects in a few minutes after taking the first dose. Hastings' Compound Syrup of IVaptlsa Is now acknowledged by a'd the ablest phvsicians of both hemispheres, to be a quick and pos itive rem formed ollpr dp Naptha Svrup in these diseases. It not only cures edy for arresting the formation of tnbcrcles on tne lungs ; ana removing uiic uncauj . ; and also to be the speediest and most effective of all medicinal agents in tne cure oi auj ?pncpS t,f the throat, chest and Lmis. Lansua-re cannot express the value or Hastings dence of its ability to do so : for in a few minutes alter the hrst dose lias uecn taken, tne paucm feels that a powerful agent is in the system,- strongly working for his good. Its operations arc never delaj-ed: It at once flics to, and attacks tho root of the disease with an energy unknown to chher medicines ; and that disease must be deeply seated indeed which can resist its unrivalled influence. Hence it has frequently cured a painful cough in a day, which had defied other popu lar remedies for a month ; and has removed difficulty of breathing and pain in the throat and toest, in a few minutes, by the surprising energy of its action in clearing the passages of bile and phlegm. It is believed that no person has given Hastings' Naphtha Syrup a trial, who has not felt benefit from it, and acknowledge its virtues. And this conviction is further established by the opinions of the London Launcet, London Medical Times, and most other responsible pub ications. devoted to the same interests. Until the appearance of the Naphtha Syrup, the medi cal faculty had always regarded Consumption as an incurable disease, and the records of medical science exhibited no authenticated case t&at weigncu seriously against tuni opimou. oiuw i. TTnstijKTo' cliscnrAnr hoTvpvfr. nf the new nnd : " , otner inrrcaients. ncariv a tnousana cases oi a thousand cases . agency, nave Dcen substantiated ; ana tins wen csiaunsuea iact, m kuhuccuuu mm iu:a j periments successfully made of its virtues by the ablest physicians of Europe, clearly prove that Hastings' Compound Syrup of Naptha isao7re cure for Consumption, even in its worst stages. Three of the main causes of this property of Naphtha have been discovered. They arc its extra ordinary sublety, strength, and pervasiveness ; for the moment it is received into the system, it extends itself throughout, making a passage of every pore, no matter how much clogged up they may have previously been by foreign substances. Hence it operates on the diseasd lungs by dis lodgeing the particles of corruption in the strength of its ascent to the upper regions of the frame land thus producing through ventilation ; and hence it is a never failing remedy in Oppression of the chest and difficulty inbreathing ; person, thus affected, feeling after taking it, as if it had forced a passage through some channel which their disease had stopped up, and the re-opening of which was the only result necessary to the restoration of health. Such indeed, arc the prompt ness of action nnd energy of Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, in all the diseases for which it is iccom mended, that from the time they commence taking it patients know T H A T IT IS C U E I N G T II E M ; an effect nearly the reverse of that which attends the earlier use of every other known medicinal remedy. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Night Sweats, Pains in the Breast, Back, &c, spit ting oi' blood, bilious and asthmatic Affections, it is also .admitted to be the speediest and most vigorous and effective remedy extant ; and its effect in all Asthmatic complaints is equally deci sive snd remarkable. Lassitude of the mind ; flabbiness and wasting of the flesh ; and all dis position to inactivity and melancholy forebodings, are also quickly corrected by the Naphtha Sy rup ; which, in a wonderful manner revives the spirits, corrected by the flesh and muscles bra ces the nerves and increases the weight. Thus, those wh- use it according to directions, gener ally increase its weight about a pound a week ; and may take it fur no other purpose than the dissipation of melancholy, or the increase of bodily strength. In fine, a single trial of Hastings' Compound Syrup of Naptha, is all that is required to secure the confidence of patients, and cause hem to forego all other remedies in its favor. The syrup is made up in six ounce bottles, each accompanied with a pamphlet, containing directions, certificates, &c. Price one dollar each, or six bottles packed up in a box, and ready for transportation to any part of the world, can be had for five dollars. N. B. Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, being a very expensive preparation, cannot be left with Agents on sale, or return, as is the case with the majority of the quack nostrums of the day, which cost little more than the price of the bottles. Persons who want it to sell again must pay cash for it, with the usual commission off. Therefore patients who cannot obtain it in the places where they reside, should write to us direct for a supply, and we will forward it to them without delay (packed up in a manner to secure its safe delivery) provided they can be reached by Ex press, Stage, Route, or any other mode of conveyance. All letters must be post paid contain the price, of the number of bottles ordered, and be directed to C. V. CLIClvENEU & CO., No. 81 Barclay Street, New York, who arc Dr. Hasting' general Agents for America. Agent Frederick Kittell. Ebensburg, December 1G, 1852 8-Cm. M A G N B T i C P 0 W D E Ii S , FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF COCKROACHES. RED BUGS, MOTHS, ANTS, FLIES, FLEA , AND INSECTS ON PLANTS, WITHIN TEN MINUTES AFTER BEING THROWN IN THEIR VICINITY. This preparation is a powder compounded of Plants, Herbs, and Flowers, free from any sub stance which could possibly injure man or domestic animals, and is devoid of any disgrecable odor. It has been examined by the medical faculty of France, Russia, Sweden and Denmark, rom all of whom ample testimony of its efficacy can be produced. ALSO, L Y O X ' S M A fi 1 E T I For the Destruction of RATS and MICE, within five minutes after Being thrown in their vicinity. Read Hie following Letters : New York, October 1, 1850. I have made a chemical examination of the Vegetable Towder prepared by Mr. Emanuel Lyon, for the purpose of destroying insects. I do not find it to contain anything deleterious to health, or what might be considered po'isonoua to the human species ; but it is very destructive to insects, whenever they are foreed to inhale the fine particles of dust occasioned by throwing the Powder forcibly in places where they frequent. , JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D. Chemist. New Yoke, IIosriTAL, June 0, 1850. I have analizcd Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powders for the destruction of insects, and certify that it is entirely free from mineral or other corrosive poison. As the result of my examination I would say that is a combination of various vegetable substances having a peculiar influence on the insect kingdom, and that it may be used with perfect safety. In reference to its utility, its effects are astonishing. I belive it to be a skilfully prepared substance by which a valuable re sult is obtained, which does effect what Mr. Lyon says, nnd is well deserving of public patronage. LAWRENCE RE1D, Professor of Chemistry. Emaxcel Lyok, Esq. New Yoke Hospital, June 1, 1S50. Dear Sir : It affords me great pleasure in stating that 1 have extensively used your Towder for the destruction of Insects of all kinds, (especially Bed Bugs and Roaches) and un hesitatingly pronounce it the best and only article so effectual in its operation. I have also ex perimented with your Tills, and find them equal in all respects with j'our statements. Hoping that you may prosper, I remain jour friend. JOHN L. ROOME, Suji'nt. N. Y. Hospital. Gii:son Hocse, Cincinnati, October 9, 1850. We procured from Mr. B. II. Meakings, some of Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills's and cheer fully certify a3 to its perfect efficacy in destroying Roaches and Rats within a few minutes after its application. It is the most simple, yet perfect remedy. we have ever seen. I. K. & D. V. BENNETT. New Yoek, Irving House, April 21, 18J0. I have used Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Towdcr and Tills for the destruction of Insects and Ver min, and I have found the most happy result, and cheerfully recommend them to those who may be troubled with these insects, as a sure method of destroying them. DANIEL D. HOWARD, Troprictor Irving House. We certify to the above. COLEMAN & STETSON, Astor House. S. THAYER COZZENS, American Hotel JONAS 15. PHILIPS, Ass't District Attorney. PRESTON II. HODGES, Carlton House. These articles received a premium at the Fair of the American Institute in 1818, and the high est premium at the Fair of 1850. rillCE Lyon's Magnetic rowders, 25 cents per Flaslc ; nils, 25 cents per Box. All Orders must be addressed (post-pain) to C. V. CLICKENER & Co., General Agents, 81, Bar clay street, New York. Agent: Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Bcl' Summit ; G. II. Muckerhidc, Johnstown. uccemoer i, ixsz -um. WJI. 91TARL.iKD &SOI1T. Cabinet Ware Rooms, AUegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Would respectfully invite the attention of the public to their superior stock of FURNITURE of every dcscriptio.n l urniture of all kinds manufactured to order on the shortest notice. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. April 29, 1852. A lresli arrival of Boots, Shoes, Summer Hats, Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw .bonnets, Powder, Gun Caps, Shot. Lead. &c. received this day and for sale at thechcap store' J. MOORE. June 20, 1851. 2000 pounds wool, butter, eggs wanted by J. MOORE WOOL, Butter, nnd all kinds of Grain, taken in exchanse for rroods nt. J. Moore's store. 4. me Highest price paid lor wool at the store GEO. J. RODGERS. 11ISKEY, White Lead, andinseed Oil w V lor sale by J Mnnr. 40 Barrels Conemaugh Salt for sale by J. Moore. JOIS WORK Neatly and expeditiously executed at this Office. decline, asthma, spitting of blood, night sweats,! them effectually, but it gives immediate cvi crreatest nronortv ot isaputna, wncn mntca nuu, :.:! 1 il T. ;(jiuiK;im-u luuj:.., ...... aosoiuie r-muisics roMiivciy iuivuuuuuu - E PILLS THIS WAY FOR GOOD AND - CHEAP GOODS. Will be opened this week at the brick store of J. Moore, in Ebensburg, a general assort ment of cloths, cassimeres, satinetts, tweeds, .ind a great variety of summer goods, logcthcr with any quantity of prints, delaines, 'awns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other Ircss goods. ALSO A LARGE ind good assortment of hardware, queenswarc. saddlery, clotaing, stationary, drugs, &c, &c Persons wanting boots and shoes, hats nnd caps, or ready made clothing, will find it to their advantage to call at the ISrlcK Store. Tha subscriber, thankful for past favors, ear nestly requests his customers, and lius public generally to at leastcau ana examine his stock; ind it he cannot suit every person in Quality and price it is not his fault. Produce and lum ber of all kinds taken in exchange for coods- land he also takes CASH when offered. J. MOORE. Ebensburg, April 28, 1851. WM. DAVIS. - JOHN LLOYD. Davis & lAoya, Having formed a partnership in the MERCANTILE BUSINESS, Would reepectfully solicit the patronaco of their friends and the public generally. Call and sec us at u old stand of William Davis. April 20, 1852. SHERRY PECTORAL For (he Care of COrGIIS, COLDS, IIOARSE.CSS, BRONCHITIS, WH00PING-COUGO, CROUP, ASTIL1IA, AND CONSUMPTION. To cure a cold, with headache nnd soreness i f the body, take the Cherry Pectoral on poing to bed, and wrap up war.n, to sweat during the night. For a cold and cough, take it morning, noon, and evening, according to directions on the bot tle, and the dilliculty will -sor.n be removed. None will long sutler from this trouble when they . fmJ . , go realily cured. Persons aillict- i. i breaks them of their rest at night, will find, by taking the Cher ry Rectorial on going to bed, they may be sure of Eound, unbroken sleep, and consequently re freshing rest. Great-relief from suffering, and aji ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands who arc thus afnicted, by.this invaluable remedy. Troni it agreeable effuct in these cases, many find themselves unwilling to forego its use when the necessity for it lias'ceased. From two eminent Physicians in Fayettevii.i.i:, Texn., April, ICth, 1851. Sir: Wc have given your Cherry Pectoral an extensive trial in our practice, and find it to surpass every other remedy wc have for cunn affections of the respiratory organs. DRS. DIE MLR & HAMPTON. To singers and public speakers this remedy is invaluble, as by its action on the throat and lungs, when taken in small quantities, it removes all hoarseness in a few hours, and wonderfully increases the power and flexibility of the voice. Astha is generally much relieved, nnd often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there arc some cases so obstinate as to yielded entire ly to no medicine. Cherry Pectoral will cure them, if they can be cured. Bronchitis, or irritation of the throat and up per portion of the lungs, may cured 13' taking Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. The uncomfortable oppression is soon relieved. Rev. Doct. Lansing, of Brooklin, New York, states : "I have seen the Cherry Pectoral cure such cases of Asthma and Bronchitis as leads me to believe it can rarely fail to cure those diseases." For croup. Give an emetic of antimony, to be followed by large and frequent doses of the Cherry Pectoral, until subdues the disease. If taken in season, it will not fail to cure. Whooping cough may be broken up and soon cured by the use of Cherry Pectoral. The influenza is speedily removed by this re medy. Numerous instances have been noticed where whole families were protected from any serious consequences, while their neighbors, without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from the disease. Sali-.m, Oo., 11th, June 1851. Doct. J. C. Ayer : I write to inform you of the truly remarkable effect of your Cherry Pectoral in this place, and in my own family. One of my daughters was completely cured in three days of a dreadful Whooping Cough, by taking it. Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians freely states that he considers it the best remedy we have for pulmonary diseases, an 1 that he has cured more cases of Croup with it than any other medicine he ever administered. Our clergyman of the Baptist Church says that during the run of Influenza here this sea son, he has sen cures from your medicine he could scarcely have believed without seeing. Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR, Deputy Postmaster. rom xiie ttisiiiigiiigned I'rofessor of i ii-iiii ry nuu materia JleUica. Uow dolii College. 1 have found the Cherry rectoral, as its in gredients show, a powerful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pulmonary diseases. Parker Cleveland, M. D. Brunswick, Me., Feb. 5, 1817. OK. VALIXTIXK MOTT, Tlic wlflely celebrated I'rofVKsor of Stir-CTerj- in the "Icdical College, Xew York City, an j-s s "It gives me pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of 'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,' which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the Throat and Lungs." Cures of severe diseases upon the Lungs have been effected by Cherry Pectoral in such ex treme cases as warrant the belief that a remedv has at length been found that can be depended on to cure the Cougl s, Cold.s and Consumption which carry from our midst thousands every year. It is indeed a medicine to which the afille ted can look with confidence for relief, and they should not fail to avail themselves of it PREPARED AND SOLD BY JAKES C." AYZE Practical nml Analytical ClttmUt, ' Lowell, Mass. Sold in Ebensburg by Fred. Kittell, and by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every where August 19; 1852 ll-fi;u. STORK'S CIirailCAY.. HAIR IY VIGOR ATO R. This delightful and popular article in the best preparation for the hair which long experience and scientific research has produced, either as an article for the toilet, or its beneficial effects in all the diseases to which the human hair is liable. It will impart to the roughest and coar sest hair the most beautiful appearance, entire ly cleansing it from all impurities. But while we assert that it is the best article for the toilet of those who wish to retain the hair in all its youthful LUXURIANCE AND BEAUTY, it must not be forgotten that in all diseases of the hair or salp, such as the falling of the hair dandruff, pimples, or sores on the scalp, &c, it is, perhaps the article which has given decided satisfaction in every instance where it has been used. Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly active, so that, in numerous, where other reme dies have been tried in vain, STORR'S CHEM ICAL INVIGORATORhas superseded the orna ments of art, by reinstating, in full plentitude, tho permanent gifts and graces of nature. It is possessed of a character wholly differing from the Oils, Grease, Restoratives, &c, which are now so numerously foisted on the public, under the pretence of being newly discovered for bald ness, gray hair, &c. Storr's Invigorator j has now been tested for years, and its efficacy has been proved by thousands, Every year its reputation and sales have increased, until more of it is consumed annually than of any other preparation for the hair ever offered to the Amer ican public. It is compounded on 6trictly sci cnulic principles, and the proprietor will stake his reputation on its efficacy. its extraordinary cheapness places it within the reach of the humblest family, and its con ceded value insures it a place on the most luxu rious toilet. For sale by the proprietors price 25 cents. C. P. AMET&CO, 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. For salo by Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Bell, Summit; G. Muckerhidc & Co, Johnstown- December 1G, 1S52 8-!y. LIVLU C03IILA1XT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC fm rv VOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES OP . THE KIDNEYS and all diseases ar ising from a dis ordered liver or sto mach, Mich as constipa tion, inward piles, fullness or blood to the head, acidity of the sUniach, nausea, heart-burn, disgust for food, fullness, orwrightin the stomach sour eructations, sinking or fluttering at tie W of the stomach, ewi mining. of the head, hur ried and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or suffoca- ting sensations when in a Ht ing posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight fever and dull. pain in the Lead, difficiency or perspiration vel lowuess of the skin and eyes, pain in" the tide, back, chest, limbs, &c, sudden flushes of heat, burning in tjie flesh, constant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirit, can be effectually cured ly DK. HOOFLAND'S CHLEIIRA TED GERMAN BITTERS, 4 rr.r.rAEED Uv ' -pR. C. M. JACKSON, At die ttvniian Slodlcluc Sire. 120 Arch Etrcet.'Philadelphia. tj , . ... j ,i i-i tr (,c auove aiscascs if equalled by any other prep, j L'hi,1 S' rfrr, as the cures attest, in j Ur sWJul physicians had failed. '-v-ir, r over tlic above diseases is tiol r,T'i try t . - ' 1 fc "reparation in ( many cases af These Bitters arc worthv the ntent;nn ,. valids. 1 ossessing great virtues in the rectifi cation of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands exercising the most searching powers in weak ness and affections of the digestive organ" thcr arc withal, safe, certain and pleasant. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after tmuj; it as stated. It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious diseases the effect is immediate. They can be administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit at any time. Look well to tho marks cf the Genuine They have the written signature of C M JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, without which thevnn. i . "J v w.-1 ' I - nou3. 1 For sale Wholesale and Retail at the fiernm Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch 3treet, one door below Sixth. Philadelphia find liv rocnn4..l . dealers generally through the country. rniCES KEDICED. To enable all clases cf invalids to enjoy the advantages of their great restorative powers. Single Lottie 75 cents. For sale by Frederick Kittel Druggist El.er. burg : James Bell, Summit ; G. MuckerLiJo k Co., Johnstown. December 10, 1852 8-ly. Wholesale and Retail TIN, CCrPES, AND SHEET-IRON, MANUFACTORY. The subscriber ador f ? fTiis mrth.t - jing thanks to his friends and the public "cncr- w , vi lueuui-mi patronage heretofore bestow ed upon him, and begs leave to inform them that he has enlarged his business, nnd now I err 9 constantly on hand a large supply of every va riety of Tintcare, Store Pipe, Jrifrinn Van,, Zmc Boilers, Coal Buelcets. Tta KctthAc., which he will sell, wholesale or retail, as low Mi any other establishment in the country. lie is also prepared to manufacture Spcutinn for houses, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Merchants and otheis desirous of purchasing bills of ware, are res pectfully invited to rail na i, ; j them goods equally as cheap ns they can U h-A j.....v. ,l Kll nvt:U ,.nu all orders addressed to him will be promptly attended to. Great ExeKemenf. IN Ebensburg, at the warehouse of the undor signed who has on hand and will sell at the lowest prices STOTES OF ALL KINDS, consisting of Globe ; Flat Top, complete ; Vic tory, complete ; complete Cook ; the AVir Com plete ; Cools Favorite T)lninnr-A ni. . i'.. !we; -Ininn Coal Burner, Parlor stove; JH 1-1-, uo ; Bar Boom, coal stove ; all of the la- test style and pattern which cannot be excelled j or equalled. Come and see them, nnd don't for I get to bring your wife along if you have none j brirg your lady-love. ! Jul. .rl of every description, done on the I shortest notice. Old copper and pewter, taken j in exchange for ware. ! The uiiIersiirt:ed bono ttrt rnt.nn to business, to receive a literal share of public patronage. GEORGE HAKNCAME. Ebensburg, July 8, 1852. Til LOR I AG. THE undersigned informs his customers that the firm of Bynon & Johnston is dissolved by mutual consent, and that the subscriber still continue the business in the room recently oc cupied by the old firm, where he-will be harry to see his former patrons and as many new ones as please to call. He receives regularly from New York and Philadelphia the latest fnshions and cannot be beaten either in the shape or fit of Coats, Pants or Vests, by any other Tailor in the country. He respectfully ask the public to give him a call, and con fident his work will recommend itself. BQAll kinds of country produce taken in exchange for work. LEWIS EEVNON, April 29, 1852 tf. WAR. YVITII EAGLAA'D ! NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS ! John Mc3IecI & Co., Have the pleasure of announcing to their friends and the public, that they have opened a new store at the west end of the Allegheny tunnel, at Gallitzin, where they will keep constantly on hand nnd will sell at tho very lowest prices, the following goods : cloths, cassimeres, ginghams, woolens, prints, plaids, mous de laines, morinos, alpaccas cashmeres, real long-shawls, pine-apple dress goods, pongee, madras, and grass-linen handkerchiefs, ribbons, buttons, gloves, hosiery, laces, thread, silk, silks, satins, umbrellas, &e. Also, a heavy stock of sugars, teas of the latest, best, and cheapest importations; queensware. uaruware, cutlery, books and stationary, naw, caps, boot3, shoes and bonnets of the most fash onablo styles; and a large quantity of Bacon, Flour, Batter, Salt, Fish, Cigars, and tobacco. All of which they will sell at ti cheapest rates. We invito the attention of purchasers to our extensive and varied stock of Ready-SIade Clothing, comprising all colors and qualities, ani" vtiinn facturod from the best materials, which we wu dispose of at fair rates and we warrant every article will givo the utmost satisfaction. The hijrhest rricc raid for all description cl produce. Gallitzin, Jan. V,1853 10-tf