The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, June 09, 1853, Image 1

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    MrilllH , J, I. ML HE-LJLIJBJBl.JVJLAgaKJbaO
I 3 El I II 1
t p i a - i a i
The "MOUNTAIN SENTINEL" is publish
ed ever' Thursday morning, at One Dollar and
Fifty Cents per annum, if paid in advance or
within three months; after three mouths Two
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No subscription Trill, be taken for a shorter
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failure to notify a diScontinuanc at the expira
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If a body see a body carrying off his wood.
Shouldn't a body whnlr. : body, if a body could ?
Germantown Emporium.
If a body catch a body stealing his old rye,
Shouldn't a body kick a body till he made him cry?
Cincinnati Enquirer.
If a body find a body in a body's bed,
Shouldn't a body choke a body till a body's dead.'
Camden City News.
If a body spy a body creeping round his lot,
Shouldn't a body treat a body to a load of shot?
Warwick News.
If a body catch a body stealing his ''Express,"
SLouldu't a body seize a body and try to get re
dress ?
Petersburg Express.
If a body wants a body his store to patronize,
Shouldu't a body pay a body cash to advertize ?
Lynchlurj Express.
If a body see a body appropriate his hat,
Should a body lick a body, just for doing that ?
Washington Daily Star.
If a body sec a body kissing of his wife,
And a body catch a body, should he take his life ?
Boston Pathfinder.
From the New York Herald.
young Ireland, and the Irish Revolution
ary Movement of 1S4S.
Thomas Francis Meagher delivered a lecture
iu Metropolitan Hall, on Friday evening May
'-i7tb, before one of the most numerous auditor
ies we have ever seen crowded into that Hall.
Several regiments among them the Irish one
attended in uniform, and the United States Mil
itary Band, from Governor's Island, were sta
tioned on the platform, and played several pieces
of Irish music. The battered banners borne by
the New York Volunteers in the Mexican cani
I' ligu were planted on each side of the stage.
'ke proceeds of the lecture were for the benefit
of the survivors of that galant regiment. Mr.
Meagher was accompanied to the platform by an
escort of citizens, comprising several Aldermen,
General Sandford, General Hall, Colonel Bur
nett, of the Vo!uutcer3, &c, He was mtr3duced
to the audience by General Hall, and received
with the greatest enthusiasm. Mr. Meagher
then proceeded to deliver the following
Ladie? and Gejttlemen. The lecture has
drawn to a close, but the duty I have anxiously
and proudly accepted is not yet discharged. It
isnow, within three days, just twelve months
since, in the pursuit of the freedom I had lost
with the stars and stripes' flying at the mizen
peak, 1 came to anchor in the river that washes
the left Bhore of your noble city. It will be to
my memory a dark day, indeed, when I shall
forget the crowd of faces, radiant with dcligh
and- friendship, which pressed around me as I
stood under a free roof once more, and beheld
myself, as it were, at the gate of the great ave
nue of life with a multitude of voices calling
upon me to enter, and in triumph be conducted
to the sanctuary which the arms, the wisdom,
and beneficence of your fathers had opened to
the children of less favored lands.
Happy did I feel, that, for the congratulations
of that day the honors then decreed me I
could, to some extent, evince my gratitude in
the dedication of an hour or so to the service of
thoso whose Bears arc witnesses to the trcpidity
and vigilance with which they stood by, and
through the red waters carried, the ensigns of
the republic.
Happy do I feci, when gazing on this peopled
Fpace so brilliant , and so vast the thought
comes upon me that I may have set in motion
the elements which repose in the higher regions
of our nature, and that this hand, tremulous
and unskilful as it is, may have drawn down
from those regions one kindly ray at least, to
illuminate the hearth and homestead of the men
who were the guardians of those ensigns.
Happy happy beyond the measure which the
tongue can tell of shall I feel, if, with thissanic
hand, I can smooth the pillow of the dying sol
dier give, like Abercrombie in the sands of
Egypt, to his quivering lip, the cup which shall
eootbc the fever of his last breath ; or over his
humble coffin, like the poet over the grave of
Marcellus, strew the purple flowers.
Who could look on, and not feel his heart give
way at the spectacle of a glorious companion -.r.hip,
stricken by want, disease and death a
groupof stately trees, struck by tbeetorm, strip
ped of the sheltering leaves, ami scared by the
lightning, bending to every passing gust, and
one by one sinking, wUh the shreds of their gay
foliago and fragments of their brave limbs, in
desolation to the earth t Who can read of a fine
army even though that army be the foe of free
dom, and, in Che fight, we ourselves should strike
it to the heart who can read of such an army
being cut to pieces or by plague or famine dis
appearing from the earth, without comniisera
.on without a thrill, a syllable, one tear of no
ble pity ?
If, then, to the stranger, though he come
against us, our nature yields instinctively a gen
erous measure of sympathy and succor, what
should be the emotions, what the anxieties, what
the actions, of those, who, in their milst, be
hold the wreck of those young legions whose
crimsoned swords flashed in the suu that shone
up there upon the fortress of Cbepultepec, and
so helped to clear out a new field for that adven
turous activity, the spread of which neither the
forest, nor the swamp, nor the mountain, nor
the river, nor yet the covenants and intrigues,
the contrivances and conspiracies of the crown
ed families down there in Europe, nor their al
lies here or elsewhere, can hamper, divert, nor
for an hour withstand.
But is it just, considerate, delicate of me to
put thi3 question, when hardly a day passes
w ithout a comrade falling in those crippled ranks,
whose wounds, not less eloquent than those for
which the friend of Caesar pleaded, cry out to
you not for vengeance, but for love ? That you
could be insensible to this fatality that you
could thus behold one of the pillars of the State
decay, and with its laurelled capital crumble to
the dust, until nothing but the pedestal was left
standing beside that stream of business, gaiety,
and wealth, which threatens to efface this the
latest record of your worth that you could be
insensible to a fatality so striking, it would be
most ungracious in me for a moment to im
ply. You have not forgotten Washington, nor War
ren, nor Montgomery, nor Jackson. That scene
upon Breed's Hill ; that off fort Moultrie: that
upon the Delaware ; that upon the snow-piled
bastions of Quebec ; that at the Bayou Bienven
ue, where the English columns were swamped
before the fire which opened upon them from
the cotton bales of Lousiana those scenes are
no less visible to the memory of the republic,
than to the eye of the stranger are those paint
ings, which, in such noble proportions, decora
ted the halls of Congress.
Which being so, you will not forget the men,
who, commissioned or non-commissioned, with
or without epaulettes, in the corn fields and
marshes at Los Tortales, and at the tower of
Nueva Itanche,' and along the burning rocks,
au'i inrougu tne woods and ravines that lay be
tween them and their golden prize, gave proof
that the spirit which broke the sword in the
hands of Burgoyne and Cornwalls, was not laid
to rest in the grave that overlooks the Potomac
and passing which, by night or day, no craft
fails to strike the minute bell but that it walks
the earth, and shall be with the republic all days,
even to the end of time.
Would that it were my fortune to speak thus,
in the land of my father's home, for men who,
like those before me, wore scars in evidence of
their courage, and the blood poured out by them,
that so their country might be saved, and all the
stains upon her ancient map and fame might be
effaced !
But since this privilege is denied mc, since
the foreign sentinel still keep3 watch upon her
wall, and the flag, wet with the blood of Fitz
gerald, Wolfe Tone, and Emmet, lies buried in
the ivy of Bodenstown churchyard, and no fa
voring breeze lifts the drooping folds, then
glad am I to plead for t?iose, who, to the broth
ers of my native land, are next akin, and whose
blood with ours, in a thousand channels, is in
separably mingled.
And since, also, it is denied me to kiss the
flag wet with the blood of those young nobles,
tha Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego of
freedom, then let me embrace this, the sym
bol of that citizenship, which, in the words ut
tered on the steps of the Capitol, on the morn
ing of the 4th of March, "Shall be an inviolable
panoply for American rights, and invested with
which the poorest laborer shall stand unabashed
even in the presence of kings."
Soldiers of Cerro Gordo! Soldiers of Contreras
and Churubusco ! Far from your homes from
the Hudson to Lake Tezuco you have borne this
flag with honor. Romaine carried it in the left
baud, when his right was shattered, and parted
with it only when death struck it from his grasp.
Lake seized it, and, waving it, wa3 shot down.
And then another, and then another, until you
struck it into the captured field. From the
stormiest straits you have brought it back unin
jured, save by those rents which have rendered
it a s acred relic, and it is due to you that, be
neath it you should nurse your failing strength.
You should enjoy that peace which, in the words
of the sacred book, is "like a clear heat upon
herbs and a cloud of dew in the heat of the har
vest" and so spend serenely the remainder of
the days spared to you in the great storm that
swept the base and summit of the Sierra Ma
dro. May that flag never fail to find less eager
champions than you have been, to shield it from
disgrace, and bear it like a charmed robe, un
hurt through the flames of war. May. that flag
never loso one star ; but, as the Old Thirteen
have multiplied in time, may others, no less
brilliant, be added thereto ; and may the con
stellation which first shone out through the tem
pest and the lightnings, and has now become fix
ed in the blue expanse of peace, on every sea,
be seen; and may the nations, journeying, like
flic Kings of old, to a nobler worship, be led to
a new faith and destiny by the light it gives !
May it mount to where the Amazon leaps forth
from its cradle in the Andes : may it be seen
upon the rivers that wash the hidden treasures
of Japan ; and, in the effulgence which it sheds,
side by side with the ruder structures of your
makiug, may the graces of life spring up; may
literature and the arts flourish ; may the canvass
become ineffaceably impressed with the great
conceptions of your sons; and may the chisel
and furnace contribute to the genius of America
the fame of Phidias and Canova, a3 we have seen
that genius immortalizing the beauty of Greece
in her nakedness and chains, and, later still
unveiling that famous production which fronts
the White House, in which the features of nature
are not only copied, but thelaws of nature, by
the dumb charger, are obeyed!
To this republic renouncing all foreign pow
ers and potentates have I taken the oath of
allegiance; and in the new sphere and citizen
ship wLich is opened to mc here, do I trust to
prove the sincerity with which that oath was
taken, and my deep sense of the duties which,
by that act, devolve upon me. "
Faithful to the principles on which this com
munity is framed ; faithful to the laws on which
it proceeds and operates; faithful to the insti
tutions which distribute the vitality whilst they
secure the unity of the whole ; faithful, above
all, to that noble system of public schools, which,
in the illumination of the public mind, ensures
the perpetuity of a condition of government and
society, based upon intelligence and good sense,
qualifying, in each succeeding generation, the
entire body of citizens the yet more wisely to
exercise their great faculties, diminishing the
chances of the impostor, and in the end, eleva
ting the democracy to the highest level instead
of keeping it to the lowest the foe of bigotry,
from . whatever pulpit it may descend, Or in
whatever garb it may riot or play its maddening
pranks the foe of tyranny in every clime, what
ever be the motto or the mask under which it
marches, or whatever be the ceremonies with
which it is installed acting as you have acted
true, as you have been true, crave soldiers !
liberal of my service to the republic, as you have
been if that be necessary, liberal of my blood
in the cause of the republic, as you have been;
I trust that, if it be the will of Heaven to crown
me with the white lilies and the silver crown of
age, looking back upon a life well spent, I shall
be able to say, with tho great foe of Cataline,
the conspirator against the ltoman Common
wealth "Reinpublicara defensi adolescens, non deseram
And why: should I not stand, with a proud love
and courage, to this republic; herinterests, her
laws, and institutions ? There is more than one
good reason for so doing. It is not alone that I
am grateful for the nroteetion .and th
ship insured to me ; it is not alone that I regard
this form of government, and this condition of
society, as the finest and most truthful expres
sion of the national will, necessities, intellect
and ambition, which anywhere exists ; but that
I recognize in the stability of the republic a
source of strength to other nations, and incen
tive with them to a courageous emulation.
Whilst this republic stands; augments her
fortune ; proceeds upon her high'career; there
is hope for the most abject, decrcpid and disa
bled of mankind. As the thoughts of the great
poet ; whether in words or marble, of the great
artist ; sometimes waken the most drowsy souls
into rapturous activity, so shall the example,
the writteu, the spoken, and the living word of
this grand nation, rouse the spirit of those -who
now lie dumb and torpid in the shadow of the
thrones that are moored in the full tide of mas
sacre, and in which, as if in the hold of the pi
rate ship, the plundered liberties of the people,
bound and bleeding, are battered down.
Austria ; the whole Germanic family, tongue
tied; the llhine stagnant in her bed; Poland,
still the Niobe of nations, and her stato and
children cut up aud parcelled out among the
robbers; Hungary, with the knife at her proud
nd beauteous naci ; Italy, locked within her
sculptured sepulchre, and a profane soldiery
keeping watch upon it; France, grimacing in a
masquerade, the glare of which bliuds men ' to
the crimes of which it is the senseless and the
reckle9 carnival ; Ireland, her people decaying
and disappearing faster than the ruins even
which a ruthless civilization ha3 yet left stand
ing on the soil; where, where can the eye, that
scans the history of this day, turn with joy;
wit'aout grief, without vengeance, Vflthnot despair,
unless it be to this great commonwealth, the
power, the progress, the immensity of which are
mapped out in those mighty waters of the great
West, from which I came but yesterday?
- Here, here glory be to Him on high ! here
freedom stands upon a pedestal higher than the
Alps her spear is lifted to the sun, the rays
that flash from it shall descend descend through
the blackest cloud and storm descend and pen
etrate the deepest dungeon, and there wake up
the oldest prisoner wake him un, not idly to
gaze upon the hills and his home" afar off but
wake him up to wrench the bars that hem him
in, and with them slay the sentinel though he
wear a crown, and be impiously hailed the an
ointed of the Lord.
'Young Ireland" was so christened with a
sneer. As in the days of Pitt and Walpole, it
wa3 an atrocious crime to be a young man. But
it mattered little about the mocking baptism. It
was with the birth, the career, and the fate of
this party they had to do. In the autumn of
1842 the first number of the Nation newspaper
appeared. It was unnecessary to say a word
descriptive of that journal the truth of which
it was the oracle the genius that gushed from
it as crystal waters from a golden fountain.
Wherever, in any sphere or service, there beat
an honest Irish heart, there that new testament
of freedom woke vibrations which, even to that
hour, had not ceased to play: there, if the in
tellect of the wanderer has not been obscured
if his heart has not been tainted with selfishness
or scheming, have the memories . redeemed by
that gospel, the virtues it enforced, the destiny
it claimed lor Ireland, been eternally enthroned.
Such was the effect abroad. At home it formed
a new school of politicians, who sought, on the
highest ground, and with the highest agencies,
to work out the independence of their country.
With what agonies ? First of all, by the invo
cation of a pure, deep love of country a love
flowing from a knowledge of all that was most
noble in her annals a love that through all vi
cissitudes, dark or brilliant, would be ever fresh,
active, and abounding be to the cause e Ire
land what the river is to the land, a source of
beauty, fertility, and power equally true to
the past, the present, aud the future reflecting
in its depths the ruins of the buried age the
green growth of the living day and the inex
tinguishable light, the sun of freedom, which en
compassed all. Hence it was that the long ar
ray of all who had in days gone by, done good
service to the old land soldiers, scholars, states
men -all were given back to the worship of
those who stood where they had stood in life,
and were now, through this pious labor, made
the inheritors of a recovered glory. Hence it
was, that" from their uninscribed graves-from
the prescription to which a pretentious pru
dence, an intolerant loyalty, a base ingratitude,
had consigned them the men who had risked
all, dared all, lost all for Ireland ; who had fa
ced the bayonet and gibbet of tle J)ioclesians of
the English throne ; who had porured out their
blood upon the field and scaffold, and dying
with a sublime gentleness, had only asked of
their country, in return for the love of life they
gave her, that their epitaphs should not be writ
ten, until she took up her place among the na
tions. Hence it was these, the martyrs ,of the
islands, were from their sepulchres summoned
forth and the defamed were cononized. But this
love was not to cling to the dead atone it was
to embrace the living. Burying all those ran
corous recollections of creed, and lineage, and
calling, which had so long served bo fearfully to
influence the faculties of the country, and so
distract and render powerless the strength which
Ehould have been combined burying all those
rancorous recollections healing, purifyinc re
uniting the disordered strength of the country
. , , J? was t0 realiz5 the holy project of The
obald .Wolfe Toncv And what was that project ?
Let those who still would trade and thrive still
makeCaoney and notoriety still would flourish
by keeping alive, in the name of God, the vicious
antipathies that had so long preyed upon" the
heart, and paralyzed the vigor of his poor coun
try, hearken to the text "Unite the whole peo
ple of Ireland abolish the memory of past dis
sensions substitute the common name of 'Irish
man' in pUce of the denominations of Protest
ant, Roman Catholic, and Dissenter." This was
the project, this the instruction of Wolfe Tone
This the project, this the great end to be accom
plished, of the young writers and orators of the
new school of Irish politics. Pantin" to sec
this end accomplished this union, in politics
and society of all creeds cemented this lovo
made perfect did Thomas Davis utter these no
ble aspirations :
'What matter that at different shrines
.. We kneel unto one God
What matter that at different times
- Our fathers won the sod ?
As Nubian rocks and Ethiop sand,
Long drifting down the Nile,
Euilt up old Egypt's fertile land
For many a hundred mile
So Pagan clans to Ireland came
And clans of Christendom,
Yet joined their wisdom and' their fame
' To build a nation from ;
And oh! it were a gallant deed
To show before mankind
How every race, and every creed,
.Might bo by love combined ;
"Might be combined, yet not forget
The fountains whence they rose,
As filled by many a rivulet
The stately Shannon flows."
Nor did this love contract itself to the island
it vivified ; to the cause it inspired. It wont
! forth into other lands. Wherever the firht for
freedom was on foot, in spoke out a word of en
couragement; a word of exultation. Seldom
had t!cre burst upon the ear of the people a no
j bier strain than that in which, to quote him
once again, did Thomas Davis put forth his soul
in theso lines: - -
"See l; Russia preys on Poland, where Sobicski
trcigned, r: - .
And Austria on Italy the Roman eagle chained ;
Bohemia, Servia, Hungary, within her clutches
gasp, . . .
And Ireland struggles 'gallantly in England's
tlghtcTlTng-raBp-p ' "
Oh ! would all these unite, or battle alone,
Like Moor, Pushtani, or Cherkess ; they soon
Would have their own!
f That glorious noon,
- God send it soon !
Hurrah ! for human freedom !
The effect of sph sentiments was, in 1813, to
attract towards lrelariU the sympathies of every
country that had a misrule to depose, or a bet
ter couditiouabf laws to institute. This was evi
dent, in a singular degree, from the tone and
language of the German, the French, and the
Italian papers, published in the liberal interest.
Thus had "Young Ireland" a foreign policy;"
thus did "Young Ireland" secure for their coun
try, her cause, her struggle, her principles and
hopes, a concurrence of solicitudes and activi
ties amongst nations speaking various tongues,
and having, it so seemed, habits, traditions,' and
interests, widely irreconcilable.
But the cause of freedom was everywhere the
same; in every clime, elicited the like sentiment
and passion. The fruition of it by all nations
would eventuate in an unanimity of peace and
good will, and a serene glory to the aggregate
of humanity. '
But what of the "domestic policy?" What
of that policy which provoked against theyoung
nationalists of Ireland the hatred and the hoot
ings of the bigoted, the knavish aud the "loy
al;" the needy politician, the cunning and insa
tiable hypocrite ? They sought to extinguish
the feuds of former days; to drown in a stream,
deeper than that of Lethe, the memories that
had so long hurled off, like conflicting fragments,
the strength which should h ave been in gener
ous piety combined ; and were, therefore, de
nounced as 'infidels" by every knave who drove
his trade in Scripture and theology. Were so
denounced because they claimed for all men
and all time that equality before the law for
which tneir fathers had prayed, and toiled, and
bled. Were so denounced, because they were
neither hypocrites nor bigots ; had more love
than hatred; more truth than falsehood ; and to
this hour are so denounced, because there is not
amongst them a conscience flexible enough to
perpetuate, , to" their own shame and damnation,
a profitably oc'tv "popular" conversion. Tre
mendous cheering. Mr. Meagher then pro
ceeded to recapitulate the other leading points
in the design and creed of 'Young Ireland,"
laying particular stress upon the efforts made
by that party to place place the political
movement on an intellectual basis. For this,
he said, for this, striving to have the public
mind enlightened, that so it could nokbe deceiv
ed ; that so its excessive and reckless ciedulity
might be corrected; that so it might be resolute,
active, intrepid and aspiring ; for this, too, they
were denounced as "infidels ;" so denounced by
men who would keep the people in the dark,
-that so they might keep them in their-grasp,
and so use them as their cupidity prompted or
their necessities requird. . But in the name of
"infidel" they gloried. In the infamy which a
loye of intelligence and truth incurred, it was
just and virtuous to exult.. This, as every oth
er calumnious name or menace, they flung back
upon their accusers, as they do now. They
facedihem as they do now, putting the ques
tion, "Was this a crime?" Did they curse the
man who would not barter the priceless jewel of
his soul ? To win their smiles ; to win their
honors; should their favorite be a slave ?" En
thusiastic cheering.
Mr. Meagher then glanced at the proceedings
of the 'Irish Confederation" at their conduct
in certain Parliamentary elections in the news
paper, the tribune and the pamphlet. He in
sisted that their true ground of quarrel with O'
Connel, was their insisting, in the language of
John Jlitchell 'that the national flag should be
kept as haughtily flying in the face of the whig,
as in that of the conservative administration."
The inculcation of this bold and purest policy,
became necessary in July, 1846, when Sir Robert
Peel vacated the red box and the treasury bench, i
and Lord Juhn Russell, with his stock company,
took possession of the same. The immediate
followers of O'Connell those especially in Dub
linwere strongly addicted to the wbigs ; were
inclined, as they said, to give them a lair trial.
They were always so good to . Ireland ! That
was, (Mr. Meagher exclaimed) they were always
so good to those who played false to Ireland.
"They would do everything to ameliorate her
condition ! The meaning of which was, (said
Mr. Meagher) the whigs would resuscitate the
fortunes of sorao old place beggar. (Great
laughter.) As for an insurrectionary movement,
they did not contemplate it until early in the
spring or lblS. Two great events conspired to
bring this about the Irish famine and the
French revolution of February. The famine
had wrought a lied ions devastation. Not Egypt,
when the darkness came upon the land; not the
city of the Huly Temple, when the Roman cross
d her wall; not Venice, when the Plague "-truck
her, and she lay a blackened corpse upon the
Adriatic; not the gardens and the vineyards of
mo j-omnara, wlicn the steeds of the Scythin
trampled through them ; not London, in tho
days of which Do Foo and Linzard, on imperish
able pages, have left us paintings as appalling
as the "Judgement" of Angelo ; not in any of
those climes and cities, in those their days of
deepest dismay and tribulation, did a scone
so terrible meet the eye of Heaven as thatwhich,
in the land of his fathers, in such hideous color
ing had been revealed. Finding the worst come
their country all but gone her commerce
gone, trade gone, credit gone all her interests,
all her faculties, destroyed bankruptcy, desti
tution, desolation, death death by tho minute,
death by the million, utter ruin, utter annihila
tion, coming upon her, and coming with speed,
and the howl of the gale in the Tropics, they
who had boon true to theisland, true to her in
the face of all, the worst even the distrust and
detestation of many amongst her own people,
who had been "faithful to her frcedom""u9 they
now are "faithful to her fall," they felt the time
had come to make a bold attempt to cut adrift
the dismantled craft, and, with the remnant of
the crew and fortune, save her from the . royal
pirate to which she had been lashed. John
Mitch el was the first to step, on deck tho first
to give the word the first to tako the fire tho
first to fall. (Vehement applause) Tho events
then shaking Europe to the cenrre, stimulated
the new passion that spi-ung up. Thrones were
everywhere tumbling.likc the idols of the heathen.
Crowns were tossed about as though tb?y never
liad been anointed ; and the people in their ir
reverence so despised them, they would not pick
the diamonds and the rubies from them. And,
as though the angel of the Lord passed over
them, before the Spirit of Freedom, the armies
of the kings fell prostrate to the earth. It might
have been a wild belief but men eager for the
disenthralmcnt of their land might, in such a
crisis, be pardoned the belief that tho people
had but to strike one blow to prevail and tri
umph. Mr. Meagher then introduced the name
of Smith O'Brien, amid the most enthusiastic
applause. He said that he knew of no man
who had a larger heart for the people ; that he
was as jealous for the freedom of Lis country as
of his own honor; that he threw himself into
the insurrectionary movement with Roman ear
nestness and devotion. To do so he had no
temptations save those which excite to virtue,
arid to heroic goodness persuades and prompts
thehonest conscience. Smith O'Brien was more
sanguine of success than others were. He tho't
that the people would turn out in masses, and
that the Roman Catholic clergymen, if they did
not head, would at all events not dishearten and
restrain them. This was a fact which he (Mr.
Meagher) kuew n'ot who would question. They
did so in all the villages and towns where Smith
O'Brien endeavored to rally and concentrate a
body of. armed men. They did so especially on
that occasion where Smith O'Brien, with a hand
ful of ragged and half armed men, came sudden
ly, and by the merest accident, into collison with
the police. . But thcr were noble deviations from
the course, which as a body, tho Roman Cath
olic clergymen thought it advisable or expedient
to pursue. There were many young curates
throughout tho country in the Navan, in Wa
terford, in Dublin, for instance fully prepared
and prompt to throw themselves into tho move-
-ment, to aid it and to bless it. Taking a bro4d
view it was not incorrect to state that the bish
ops and the parish priests were opposed to the
movement, anuTt suppress it brought their im
mense influence in the pulpit, and in the forum,
and in the field, to operate. On the other hand,
the curates of the Roman Catholic Church were,
to a man, in favor of it. This he knew, that in
one memorable instanco a young curate was
marching to join O'Brien, with a body of brave
fellows he had hastily collected and armed from
the hardware stores of the village, when the par
ish priest appeared, and with severe admoni
tions dismissed tho good curate and his escort.
Had the Catholic clergy, as a body, taken anoth -er
course had they gone out, as the Sicilian
priests went out as, if I mistake not, the arch
bishops of Milan had done had they lifted up
the cross in front of the insurgent ranks, there
would have been a different story written. Who
else were opposed to the movement ? The O'
Connellites, almost to a man. In Waterford,
the most vigorous of them were sworn in as
"special constables," to put down the "Irish
rebels." So, too, the Orange party, who tho't
their church and aniversaries were in danger,
and so buckled on their armour of righteousness,
and pitched their tents under the lion an unicorn.
So, too, the landlords, vho have lived upon the
sweat and blood of the people, and now tremble
lest tho grave would give up the dead, and the
victims of their evictions and exactions swel
ling the army of the poor would precipitate
upon their heads, their houses, and their idle
children, a crushing retribution. So too, the
Castle folk, who had their opera glasses, their
bouquets, their scented gloves of pinkor prim
rose, their genteel servility, their handsome
beggary, their illegible daughters, to protect
and provide for. So too, the merchant, the
tradesman, the railroad and every other specu
lator all, in a word, who had any amount of
money in the bank they believing that a whole
sale depredation or a communistic distribution
of property, was the o'ne thing contemplated,
being beaten into this belief by the lurid scribes
and scoundrels of the English press, who made
the most of that terrible business of. the month
ofjune, in Paris, to calumniate anu cry down,
in Ireland, the cause of freedom and republican
ism. Who, then, were for it ? None save tho
SR 33.
brave young mechanics of the cities and the
towns, a few of the writers of the Dublin and
provincial press, the Catholic curates, and a
few of the peasantry, though the heart of all
was in the right place. But with Hieiu the fatu- '
ine had done the worst. It had eaten even to
the soul, and killed there the most vital of all
instincts, that which prompts the poor worm to
turn upon the foot which threatens its human
life. "It was," they said, "thecternal destiny
of the land, and Heaven's will be done !"
Thus failed that movement in Ireland, in 1818.
But nil failures arc not altogclLcr failnret. Let
them hope that such wrecks give a bedding for ..
the arch that is yet to span the waters dividing
the Irish rnce from the promised land, in eight
of which they have stood so long.
During the delivery of thoso portions of the
discourse where allusions were made to Lord
Edward Fizgerald, Theobald Wolfe Tone, Robert '
Emmet, Thomas Davis, John Mitchell, Wm
omitu u iirien, and other. Iribh patriots, the
audience evinced the greatest enthusiasm, cheer--ing
each name londly. Tho bold and frank
language uted in reference to the Irish pricct
hood, was as well received, and in that passage
where the lecturer said thnt the priests had dis
heartened and restrained the population, a voice
cried out "They shall do it no more," a etnti
ment which was Etrongly applauded.
At the conclusion of Mr. Meagher's address
the President came forward aud read the follow
ing letter from Gen. Scott :
Gentlemen I should be happy to hear Mr.
Meagher's lecture, this evening, but fear I may
not be able to be present.
I return the tickets you were kind enough to
send me, and beg that the small sum enclosed
may be applied for the benefit of the sick and
disabled amongmy brother soldiers, of the First
Regiment of New York Volunteers. Very truly
Soon after tho reading of this communication,
the immense assemblage dispersed.
The BUTled Lawyer.
At the last sitting of the Cork Assize. a case
was brought beforo the Court, in whiclrthe
principal witness for the defence was a tanner,?
well-known in the surrounding country by -the
poubriquct of 'Crazy Pat." . -
Upon "Crazy lut" being called upon for bli
evidence, the attorney for the prosecution exert
ed to the utmost extent his knowledge of legal
chicanery, in the endeavor to force the witnes
into some slight inconsistency, upon which he
might build a "point," but he was excessively
annoyed to fin! that Crazy Pat's evidence was
consistent throughout.
Perceiving that acute questioning failed to an
swer his purpose, the disciple of Coke and Black
stone 'ctook himself to the oftentimes successful
renounce of lawyers ridicule.
"What did you say your name was?" he in
quired, flippantly.
"Folks call me Crazy Tat, but"
"Crazy Tat, eh? A very euphonious title ;
quite romantic, eh !"
"Romantic or not sur, it wudn't be a Lad idea
if the Parliament wud give it to yourself, an
lave mc to chuse another."
This caused a slight laugh in tho court room,
and tho presiding judge peeped over his specta
cles to the attorney, as much as to say "You
have your match now."
And what did you say your trade was?" con
tinned the disconcerted barrister, with an angry
look at tho witness.
"I'm a tanner, sur."
'A tanner, eh ? And how long do you think
it would take you to tan an ox hido ?"
"Well, sur, since it sames to be very impor
tant fur ye to know, it's myself that'll jist tell
ye that's intircly owin to circumstances in
tircly."' "Did you tan the hide of an ass ?"
"An ass? No, sur; but if you'll jist step
down the lane, after the Court, be jabcrs I'll
give ye physical demonstration that I eud tan
the hide of au ass in tho shortest end of three
This unexpected 6harp reply of the witness
brought forth roars of laughter, in which the
Bench heartily joined ; whilst the baffled at(or
ney, blushing to the eyes, hastily informed
Crazy Pat that he was no longer required.
Horrible Developments.
A mosf terrible circumstance has been recent
ly brjought to light. A few days since, a stran
ger arrived in this city and took lodgings at the
"Wm. Tell," a well known restaurant on Fifth
street, kept by a man of the name of Diserns.
During the night the cook of the establishment,
either from an imaginary offence, or from the
hopes of lucre, procured a hatchet and going to
where tho stranger wag lying, struck him a blow
with the sharp edge across the neck, nearly dis
severing tho head from the body. Horrified,
with what he had done, and not knowing how
to conceal from the world the knowledge of this
bloody act, he hit upon the expedient of cutting
the body up into minu e pieces, aud dreadful
to relate, actually made,soup of the fragments,
which was served u to the customers J The
cook 'has not been arrested.
Since writing the above our reporter has as
certained the murdered individual's name to
be C. Turtle, and that he has a larg family
somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Cincinnati
A Business Kan.
The editor of the Sciota Gazette, formerly of
Union county, makes a favorable notice of the
enlargement and improvement of the Maryville
Tribune, over which our friend Hamilton pre
sides, and concludes by giving the editor the fol
lowing touch of biography. He was busy.
Success to Cornelius. Last summer ho was
the busiest man in Union county. He built a
house, planted an orchard, dug up a garden
made stump speeches, visited the schools, pre
sided at cold-water parties, whittled sharp Btieks
to poke at some of the court house rats, castiga
ted divers loafers, loudly admonished Punable
of Mt Gilead, Stayman, of Delaware, and-sundry
others, wrote editorials, set up type, joined,
the shakers, (the ague sort,) surveyed land, read
Blackstone, and nursed little Tom all the tizno ! -Wasn't
he busy ? " ,