V A id ill "m 60 DEMOCRATIC PBIHCIPLK. POlkl THE Wj-WaZM THEY CEASE TO LEAD, WE CEASE TO FOIXOW. VOLUME IX. EBENSBCRC, TIIURSDilT, JIIAY 2G, 18-53. NUMBER 31. Be " fi j l .... YE R M 8 Tlxo "MOUNTAIN SENTINEL" ia publish ed every Thursday morning, at 0n Dollar and Cents per annum, if paid in advance or within throe months; after three months . Two Dollars VB-ill be charged. fio subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage are paid. A failure to notify a discontinuanc at the expira tion of the term subscribed for, will bo consid ered as a sew engagement. &a&, ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the following ratcB: 50 cents per square for the rat insertion; 75 cents for two insertions; 1 for three insertions ; and 25 cents per square l r every subsequent insertion. A liberal reduc tion made to these who advertise by the year. All advertisements Landed in must have the proper cumber of insertions marked thereon, cr they will be published until forbidden, and charged in accordance with the above terms. E,A11 letters and communications to insure t-ttention must be postpaid. A. J. RHEY. THE MAIDEN'S CH3IC2. A yours maid sat by bcr cottage tree, A beautifd! maid, at the dawn of day ; Iltr sewing fell idle upon her knee T7fcen a sobor old wooer came'up the ddl, A wooer whose hopes, one would think were few Eat a maiden's heart is a puzzle to tell Asd though old his face yet his coat was new; Ob, a young maid's heart is a puzzle to tell And though old his face yet his coat was new. The weeer he gave her a wistful look Aai wistful, too, were the words he said; T'Lils merry she sang, like a summer brook. And played with her needle, and knotted her tar nd.. He speke of the ring and the wedding chime, He pressed her hand, and he bended his knee; A-si h3 Legged and implored her to fix the lime! No go, and ask my mother, said she; Oh, x it yourself, tzj darling, Baid he 2f 5 go and ask my mother, said she. cir;e ista the hou38 had the wooer gone, When a young man leaned o'er a neighboring J.zi sad was the look that the youth put on. And playful and gay was the maiden's siniTe; P.-sy, who is this c.-.r!e that enrats her to woo ? And why at your side does he talk so free ? Must I a?k your mother, dear Mary, too? No, Harry, the whispered ycu must ask me! I'd better go in your mother to see? No, Hat ry, no col you must kneel and ask me. There was wailing one morn atthe village church, Wailing and weeping, and words of wo : For th wealthy old wooer was left in the lurch, The raaid had gone off with a younger beau; WanaTy the eun on the hedge-row glowed, Warmly it shone on the old farm gate : Ar.n v.UJ wes the laughter upon the road A? Harry rod ofl vita his wedded mate ! hi! he cried Ho, ho! laughed lie iL' y m.y wait a long while ere the bride they te. Slaee the commencement of the Sontng ope-r- an ctith aplastic friend of our3 and his wife hve become so carried away with the furor r. ;ker.ed by attendance two nights at the ope t, that it 14 the hardest thing in the world for Tbra t restraia their disposition to sing every -tiiisv L.e incro so because they ore both pro f.oi?r.t3 in raofiic. The other morning, while i rjring his dinner, the butcher a sedate man -was surprised to hear our friend shout out, wliii most emphatic enunciation 'What will you take For that 'ere stake?" The butcher winked nt his partner, and an frercd, with an air of composure, "A shillin', air;" but it w as evident that our friend was d.vu in the dy-bOok of his estimation as a luna tic. Making his purchase, and going out of the dftr, he met with his neighbor Jones. Exten ding b s hands frantically, he sung "Ah, friend Jones, and is it you? 11 iw do you do, Jones, how do you ? Long time eince we've met to together; Isn't this delightful weather?" Jones was astonished, as well he might be. Passing into a bakery to procure some bread for breakfast, he sung, to a very plaintive air "Bakers ! bakers ! bless your souls ! Let us have a dozen rolls !" ati 3 rolled the word "rolls'. out so tenderly that the baker's wife burst into tears. The rolls wyre taken down by the baker's wife, when, finding his voice again, he sang, with great feel- "Dearest one ! with fingers taper. Tie the bread up in a paper 1" hich she did, and he went home humming, and beating time o the paper parcels he held in his arms. " His wife met him at the door, wringing kt hands. The fit was on her, and she com menced singing "My dear Charles, what do you think? The coffee's all as black as ink I I'm so provoked that I can cry" CHAoXE3 . "Stop, roy dear, it's all in your eye! When misfortune comes, why bear it, I, your loving Bpouse, will share it. Come, now, let us sit at table, Do the best that we are able. We will have Borne tea my lass." Wire "Oh, my Charle9, you bappy make me 1" Chames "If I don't, theduce rmy take me! Hear the words that now I utter My love is strong, and so's the butter Trust mo it will ne'er be weary Pass the toast and cheese, my deary." Hera "Now good bye, ray dearest treasure." Cimexes "Cook the steak just to your pleasure, But 6ee that it's uot overdone, And I will be home by one." Both "Good bye, farewell, Tis Lard to part; I cannot tell How dear thou art !" How this will end,' it is hard to foresee, but "friends cf the family" shako their heads, and point to their foreheads significantly as much Tis to eay there is something wrong about our "J&fwitunaU friend's phrenology. Boston Pot!. From the St. Louis Intelligencer. THE MORMONS. The Sect and Tlielr Doctrines. With a slash of the whip across the shoulders, and a dash of the rowels into the flanks of their respective animals, a company of young Mormon belle and beaux on horseback the belles array ed in long skirted riding dresses and green vel vet caps, and the beaux in their shirt sleeves and bare necks, with slouched hats upon their heads, aud slips of coarse leather wrapped around the lower extremities of their legs, from the knees down, in the. fashion of leggings, rush at full gallop past my window, I step to the door to observe more closely the unusual sight, and while watching with curious eye the receding fig ures, am reminded of my promise to sketch you a few of the peculiarities of Mormon life, man ners, character and institutions, such as they have presented themselves to my mind during a residence of several weeks in the Valley. The task I have imposed upon myself is a somewhat difficult one. When there is so much ignorance and fanaticism upon the one side, and so much prejudice and contempt upon the oth er, it is imposihlc that I bhould in what I shall have to say, entirely please eitheraWxrmon or Gentile for such the Saints termwMrho disa gree with them in point of religious faith. Gen tiles will, I diire say, attribute to me too lenient an indulgence to the abominable doctrines and hateful persons of sacrilegious idolaters, while Mormous-will accuse me of severity merging in to persecution of God's faithful and chosen saints. It is even doubtful whether I shall my self feel altogether satisfied as to the truth and fidelity of my own impressions. But as truth and justice, and the presentation of correct and faithful impressions in regard to subjects which are beginning to excite a very general interest turoughout the country are my only objects, I shall write simply as 1 think, careless alike who approves or who condemns. The population of this city I should suppose to be between eight and ten thousand. That of the Valley at large I have no reliable means of estimating. Upon a rude computation, based upon the nest sources of information which are accessible to me, I should estimate it as rang ing somewhere between twenty and thirty thou sand. This population is of an altogether hyb rid or heterogeneous character, being composed of emigrants from every section of the Union, and almost every country in Europe. Here are congregated the keen, sharp-witted restless Yankee, the prudent, canny, elim-viaged Scotchman, the pursy, self-complacent, conse quential Englishman, the dull, phlegmatic Ger man, with a rare occasional specimen of the nvre gay, light-hearted Irishman or French man, all of whom associate together in this de sert girt retreat upon terms of the most social harmony and brotherhood. Of the American portion of the population, by far the greater number came from New York, an 1 the other Middle and Eastern States. Oc casionally a representative from the various Southern and Western States is to be found among their numbers. How a Missourian, or Kentuckiau, or Carolinian, could ever have strayed off to these comparatively unknown wilds to unite himself to the Mormon Church, is a mystery which, I confess, quite altogether surpasses my comprehension. Yet here they are to be found. The Mormons almost univer sally belong to what are usually denominated the lower or laboring classes of society in the States and countries where they originally resi ded. The state of learning and'intelligence pre vailing among them generally, I should judge, by the appearance and conversation of most of those who come under my observations, to be at a very low standard, while many, very many of tltem are destitute ot the hrst rudiments of a common English education, being rude and ig norant to a very high degree. I do not recollect to have ever met or seen among them a single person whose appearance, manners or speech, would indicate him as a gen tleman of refined, cultivated or even educated mind. I do not except from this remark either the President, Governor Young, or any of the other leaders of the Church. And yet there are not a few men among them of naturally keen, shrewd, strong intellects. But if the natural intelligence of the Mormons is noue of the most penetrating, their acquired knowledge none the most perfect, or their manners the most polish ed, they possess, as in some measure a compen sation for these deficiencies, those two cardinal virtues of the classes from which they have gen erally sprung, industry and sobriety, in a very remarkable degree. If external manifestations are to be taken as true tj'pcs of inward feeling and character, energy, perseverance and sobrie ty are certainly prominent, not to say predomi nent, traits of the Mormon character. Every Mormon has some employment, and what is more, usually prosecutes it with praise worthy assiduity. An idle or drunken Mormon is a social phenomenon which has not yet fallen under my eye. There are but few liquor shops in the city. I believe that these are rarely en tered by any but emigrants and transient resi dents. The streets of the city are quiet and orderly at all hours, both of the day and night. As an illustration of Mormon enterprise and perseverance I will mention a well authenticated fact in their history. Within an hour after the first adventurers had entered the Valley in 1847, some of them had hitched horses to the plough, and were engaged in turning the sod, while oth ers were occupied in digging ditches and ma king other preparations for irrigation. General ly speaking, I have found them civil, and not indisposed to give me all the information I sought in regard to the principal features of tbeir religious and social organization. In regard to the honesty of their character and conduct it ia the fashion of most of the Gen tiles to doubt and distrust it. Possibly I may have fallen iuto the prevailing fashion in this respect, but I must candidly admit that in roy limited dealings with them I saw nothing to cause me to believe that the Mormons were in their business transactions either better or worse than other people. Having said thus much of the men, I must of course devote a few words to the women or la dies of Salt Lake. With all due regard to the obligations of gallantry and deference to the rights of the sex, I cannot say that the Mormon ladies can lay claim to any superiority over their lords and masters, the Saints, either in appear ance, manners or education. With some very few exceptions they generally impressed me as having sprung from inferior grades 'of society. Whatever may be their other virtues, which it is but fair to presume are not a few, beauty, re fined and delicate features, and graceful man ners are most certainly not of the number. I may be permitted without overstepping the bounds of propriety or encroaching upou the prerogatives of the sex, to say that a swain must be most deplorably persecuted with the darts of Cupid indeed; who could fall in love with a Mormon lady at first sight. Mormon la dies, like those of other communities, are fond of making such little display of finery, and fash ion in dress, as" is at their command. The styles in vogue vary as widely as the different cos tumes and usages of the various countries from whence they came. A favorite peculiarity of dress with many of them is to wear chip or Leg horn hats, somewhat after the fashion of those worn by Swiss and Italian peasant women, in stead of bonnets. These sometimes serve to give some degree of piquancy to faces other wise quite insipid or repugnant in their expres sion of features. The efforts of some of the beauties, both young and old, to make a fash ionable display "of their charms is somewhat grotesque in the extreme. The position of the women here is altogether secondary to that of man. Perhaps were I to say that the women were in a state of entire and absolute subiection to the men. tho trm f F . wouiu De more truly expressive ot tne actual j ".tea cujracter is to propagate their species, and state of the relations existing between them, j people uot only this, but also worlds unnumber According to the creed which they have mutual- J d and uncreated with their descendants, God ly adopted, a woman stands no chance of earth- like themselves. Hence the great necessi ty and ly happiness or spiritual salvation, unless she is J reason for tha adoption of the system of the plu married, or in their parlance sealed to a man. ' ralityjf wives, for the more speedy accomplish- The men thus holding in their hands the -keyav'ment 0f this, the great object of their bein"-. of the women's fate, are 'not restricted in the After death they will ascend to heaven reoume j number of those to whom they will with prince- . ) ly liberality and Christian charity extend the I oiessings ot nappmess anu salvation, while poor j woman is forced, under heavy penalties, even j that of death, to confine herself to the sove- I reign rights of but one husband. This is a right or privilege which many of the Saints avail themselves of to the fullest extent. Bigamy or polygamy is a cardinal doctrine in J the faith, aud a main, feature in the practice of tho Mormons. It is acknowledged and practi sed openly and without disguise. Many of the Saints consider their liberality and capabilities sufficiently large to justify them in taking under their saintly protection, a3 many as 10 or 12, or even more wives, who are then denominated Spirituals. To entitle them to enter into this state of relative Lordship and dependence, the consent of the President, Brigham Young, has to be first obtained, and then some qualified form or ceremony of marriage to be gone throueh -with.- The number of Spirituals attached to Governor Young's immediate household, nd those over whom he exercises sovereign rights, it is impossible to determine. I have, however, seen his carriage or omnibus repeatedly drive up to the Church door of a Stlnday, filled with a dozen or more dames old, middle aged and young all of whom I am told claim to be his well beloved an I honored wives. - Besides these, I am informed that he has numerous other w ves quartered in various parts of the city. Being the head of the community. I presume that he has the pick of the flock. If such is the case, I cannot say that I entertain any very extrava gant admiration for his taste in female beauty. The other leading Saints, I am told, have wives or spirituals, proportionate in numbers to their own dignity and standing in the Church. These spirituals usually reside upon the same premises with their lords; some favorite wife usually oc cupying the principal mansion, while the others are quartered near by, in small cottages or out buildings erected for their accommodation. Sometimes the family oecomes so large as to imperatively require a division, and they are then settled in diverse directions, the husband visiting the one or the other as tase and inclina tion may lead him. Strange to say these nu merous joint tenants, if I may use a legal phrase, of one lord most generally live together upon terms of the best understanding and most com plete harmony. The green-eyed monster seems to have entirelv overlooked the ladies of Salt Lake, iu his round of terrestial visitations. Such a thing as a spiritual Kilkenny fight is a thing wholly unheard of and unsuspected in the an uals of Mornionism. As might be expected, the Mormons permit only a very guarded and restricted intercourse between their families and the Gentiles. With oriental jealousy they seem to doubt and dis trust any and all social attentions upon the part of strangers, to their wives and daughters. In fact, they generally utterly forbid the Mormon young ladies to engage in any association what ever with the young Gentiles of the city- But, unlike their great prototypes, the cautious and suspicious Musselmen, they have no eunichs of., . ... , - .f , ; ferocious aspect and gigantic proportions to oiii- , aspect and gigantic proportion ciate as custodians of the sanctity of tbeir domi cils, and the precious treasures they contain. I think that very many of them might save them- j selves a world of doubt, anxiety and trouble, by me simple renecuon, mai wnere ine lempiauon is weak, acts of transgression and crime are pro portionately small. The chief glory and consolation of the ladies, in the dearth of their other privileges, . woul seem to consist in the honor which they enjoy, to the most liberal extent, of becoming the moth ers of an endless multitude of infant Saints, or Gods, as they impiously call themselves and their offspring. The number of children in the Valley is quite incalculable. It surpasses all belief. Almost every lady, who has attained the full age of womanhood, carries one of these juvenile responsibilities in her arms. From this, some idea of the rapidly-growing population of Salt Lake may be obtained. These god-like in fants are usualy honored, shortly after birth, with some odd biblical or other quaint name, such as Zebulon, Erastus, Jerediab, Nehemiah, Naptha, and Tamar, and eo on. 1 have been a regular attendant once or twice every Sabbath, since I have been here, at the only house of worship in the place. " The char acter and ceremonial of the service bear a strong similitude to those of several of the Protestant denominations. The services are first opened with prayer; then follows a hymn sung in a kind of mock operatic chant, by a choir of not very musical or cultivated looking- songsters, male and female, to the accompaniment of vio lins, clarionets, flutes, and several other varie ties of musical instruments. After this : comes the sermon, or sermons, by one or more of the Elders. When these are through, miscellaneous subjects arft introduced, and then the congrega- on is aiamissM with prayer. The pulpit is generally occupied by the Freaident, two Vice Presidents, and twelve Apostles, and occasion ally othev leading Elders, some of whom com monly aidress the assembled multitude, as may be agreed upou at the moment, without previous preparation. A Sunday or two since I had the pleasure of hearing sermon upon the plurality of wives from limber Orson Pratt, as well as the reading of the or ginal revelation to Joseph Smith upon the sam subject, 1y President Young. From these I gathered u clearer insight into the mys teries of Mormn theology than I had ever had before. Tho Mormons believe in the authenti city of the Old Testament, and in the divine character, mission and revelations of Jesus Christ. But they further believe that similar revelations of the Divine Will were made to Joseph Smith, and are now being made, as circumstauces re quire, to Brighani Young and the other patri archs of the Church. The Mormons brieve in Polytheism as well as polygamy. The two go hand in hand. The one creates and proves the necessity of the other. According to the origi nal idea of their theology they are tbem3elvea all Gods and the progenitors of Gods, varying in power, intelligence and dignity, who have Tiu miliated themselves for while by appearing upon th earth and assuming a huum form S 3 . 1 .... P. . W HiVIl 11 It 1 "e B' iueir great uuties in this their hurnili- their original godship, and there live in a state of perpetual beatific enjoyment, surrounded by meir numerous wives and posterity. In their belief there is no such place as a separate dis- tinct hell. Hell consists simply in the depriva- tion of those who are unworthr from the iors and pleasures of heaven. I winb I had time to give you a brief sketch of many bf the novel views and ideas developed in this original and characteristic sermon. I think taat you would find it both curious and in teresting, and gain from it a more perfect aud satisfactory idea of the peculiarities of this strange Tligion than you could from most any other sotrce. One singular idea advanced by Mr. Prattin this discourse I cannot refrain from mentioflag. That was, that the principal r ea bou why the people of the United States and Eu- rop dia not adopt the system of a plurality of wires was that they were too avaricious aud pe nurious to support such - large families ; that they wrj fast becoming too fuud of gold to nr ' port eveu'a single wife and her offspring. This explanation of a custom which has heretofore been attributed to virtuous principle upon the part of our people and Europeans, will undoubt edly surprise and shock not a few of them. The Saints are using every endeavor to make proselytes to their religion. They are sending oui missionaries, with that object, to every quar ter of the globe. In a few days some eighty or ninety of tliase apostle3 of Mornionism will de part upon thoir missions, soma destined to the various States o"f the Union, others to the differ ent countries in Europe, and others yet to Chi na, Hindostan, Australia, the Sandwich Islands, and other remote regions. They are generally selected promiscuously from the community of Saints at large, and are sometimes called upon to depart upon these distant missions with not more than a week or ten days notice, and with out payor reward. This duty they usually per form witi cheerfulness and alacrity. Mr. Pratt, who delivered the sermon to which I have allu ded, accompanies the party on a mission to Wash ington City, where he goes to edit a Mormon pa per. Through the columns of his journal I presume that the public will be fully enlighten ed as to all the mre important points of Mor mon theology, including the doctrine of spiritual wives as well as others. A Paragraph on Bricks. "Ion," who writes from Washington city for the Baltimore Sun, says : "The work on the Capitol enlargement will now be prosecuted with vigor, all obstacles to it being rem oed. The contracts for the materi als cannot be a subject of complaint. The bricks are to be furnished at a rate a third less than the market price, though the contractor has nei ther the advantage of experience in brick ma king in this city, nor of possessing either his own clay or his own fuel. But he has rented brick yardj at five hundred dollars a month, and, under all disadvantages, is to render this city the real service of reducing the price of ;.lJrffcl "V iUC tractor must roeovlect that a printing contract - - , -.-v. . ,. . , . auu u uric k. co u Li llet two uiuerem luicgs, and: that though h'cnn-elaim remuneration for hia losses,on!Cqpgre"ss printing, there is no pre cedent for- remunerating the Government brick maker for losses on his contracts. While upon tbis subject, I may remark that, old as is the art of making bricks, yet it is an art yet in its infancy. The work is done in as rude a man ner as it wag centuries ago, or as when the Isra elites made sun-dried brick without straw. The many attempts to improve the process, especial ly by the introduction of machinery and the economy of manual labor, have hitherto failed. It is said, however, that improvements have re cently been made in New York, to such an ex tent that a company with a capital of half a mil lion of dollars has been formed for making bricks on Staten Island, for local supply and exportation. Such is the tendency of our peo ple to crowd together in brick built cities, that tbe brick making art must undergo, ere long, a substantial improvement." Saedixias Co-tuibutiox to the World's Fair. A Sardinian frigate, with the articles intended for tbe Crystal Palace exhibition, arriv ed at New York on Sunday. She exchanged salutes with the fort on Governor's Island. She is a fine vessel called the San Giovanni, and brought several passengers, who visit the coun try fur the purpose of attending the fair. The frigate has been 44 days -on her voyage from Genoa. She carries 24 heavy guns and has a crew of 278 persons, and will remain at New York about a month. " She brings over 84 Ital ian exiles, including several ladies and gentle men of wealth and rank, ilost of them howev er, are of the industrial classes, and anions then are no lee: than 22 tailors bv trade. . From Chambers' Journal. An American. Tradition. One Gf the most'interesting incidents in tho early history of New Eugland, is the deliverance of the frontier town of Hadley from an attack of a barbarous native tribe. The Indian war of King Philip the saddest page in the annals of the colonies had Just commenced ; end the in -habitants of Hadley, alarmed by the threatening aspect of the times, had, on the first of Septem ber, 1675, assombied in their huinbla placo of worship, to implore the aid of the Almighty, and to humble themselves before Him in a solemn: fast. All at once, the terible war-whoop was heard, and the church surrounded by a blooW thirsty band of savages ; while the infant, the'! aged, the bedridden all who had been unable : to attend service, were at the mercy of the to mahawk and scalying-knife. At that period, so uncertain were the movements of tho Indians, that it was customary for a 6elect number of the stoutest and bravest among the dwellers in the frontier towns to carry their weapons with them, even to the house of prayer ; and now, in con sternation and confusion, these nrmod men of Ilalley sallied forth to defend themselves and families. But unf ortunatey, the attack had been too sudden and well-planned ; the Indians had partly gained possession of fe town before they surrounded the church ; and posted on every spot of vantage-ground, their bullets told with fatal effect upon the bewildered aud disheart ened colonists. At this crisis, there suddenly appeared among them a man, tall and erect of stature, calm and venerable in aspect, with lo ng gray hair falling on his ehoulders. Rallying, the retreating towsnman, he issued brief and distinct orders in a commanding voice, and with cool and soldiery precision. The pow erful influence which in moments of peril and difficulty, a master mind assumes over his less gifted fellows, was well exemplified oa this occasion. The stranger's commands were im plicitly obeyed by men who. until that instant, had never seen him. He divided the colonists into two bodies; placing one in the most advan tageous and sheltered position, to return the fire of the enemy, and hold them in check while the other, by a circuitous route,, he led, under cover of the smoke, to a desperate charge on the Indiau rear. - The red men, thus surprised in turn, and placed between two fires, were imme diately defeated and put to flight, leaving many of their painted warriors dead upon the field ; an d the town of Hadley was thus saved from con flagration, and its inhabitants from massacre. The first moments after the unexpected victory were passed in anxious inquiries, affectionate meetings and heartfelt congratulations ; then followed thanks and praise to God. and then the deliverer was eagerly sought for. wnere was he ? All had seen him an instant before ; but now he had disappeared ; nor wa9 he ever seen again. One or two among the people could have told who he was, but they prudently held their peace. Amid the dense forests and mighty rivers of America, the stern piety of the Puritans had acquired an imaginative cast, almost unknown in the mother country ; and thus, unable to ac count for the sudden advent and disappearance of the delivering stranger, tbe people of Hadley believed that he was an angel sent from God, in answer to their prayers, to rescue them from tbe heathen enemy. With the traditions of the In dian war of 1675, that belief has been handed down to our own day; and it was only a few years ago, on the banks of the pleasant Kennebec, that a fair descendant of the redoubtable Captain Church related to the writer the loregoing le gend as an indisputable instance of a supernat ural dispensation of Providence. The story, however, is a historical fact, and latterly has embellished more than one popular work of fiction. Sir Walter Scott, who allowed little to escape him, alludes to it in "Peveril of tbe Peak:" Cooper has made use of it in "The Borderers ;" and "Oliver Newman," the last poem of Southey. is partly founded on the event ful history of W illiam Goffe, the delivering angel of the inhabitants of Hadley. Transactions of the Rothschilds. A recent writer gives some interesting partic ulars upon this subject : "In twelve years about five hundred million dollars were raised by the house for different powers, by way of loan or subsidy, which were distributed in nearly the following proportions : For England, two hundred millions ; for Aus tria, fifty millions; for Prussia, forty millions ; for France, eighty millions ; for Naples, fifty millions; for Russia, twenty-five millions; for several German courts, four millions ; for Bra zil, twelve millions, exclusive of various other large sums. The remarkable success of the Rothschilds, setting aside the great opportuni ties which they have enjoyed from favourable circumstances, may be attributed to their strict adherence to two fundamental maxims. The first of these, in compliance with tho dying in junctions of the founder of the house, is the con ducting all their operations entirely in common. Every proposition of magnitude made to one of them is submitted to the deliberations of alL No project is adopted until thus fully discussed, and it is then executed by united efforts. A se cond principal is, not to aim nt exorbitant pro fits, to set definite limits to every operation, and, so far as human prudence and foresight can do, to render it independent of accidental influen ces. In this maxim lies one of the main secrets of their strength." What Constitutes aTeam! in tae superior uourt ot isew xoric (city) a case has recently been tried involving the ques tion of what constitutes a team? The statues of Now York exempt a team of tho value of S'loO from sale, on execution for debt. In this case a horse and cart had been sold. The car man prosecutes for the recovery of the value and sets up, as the ground of action, that the horse and cart came within the iutcnt of the law exempting a team. The answer to this was, that one horse and cart was rot a team and Webster's unabridged was appealed to for a definition.which he gives as "two or more horses, oxen, or beasts, harnessed together to the same vehicle, . &c." After heariug the learned arguments on the subject, Judge Bos worth (on consultation with all the otherjudges) rendered an opinion sustaining tho opp icability of the law to a horse and cart, by vrbLh a man gets his living, as evidently within tb in teat Cf the law. r,H. Rrviitar. KoUiday Customs of Norway. .- The following iuterrcsting paragraph it from a late number of Hows timid Y0rd4 :- "At Christiana, nnd in ether Nurnegian town, there is a delicate Christmas way of offering to ft lady a brooch, or s pair of earrings, in a tru4 of hay. The house-door , of the pcraca compli mented is pushed open, and there in thrown into tbe house a truss ofhny or straw, nBheaf of corn, or bag of chaff. In some part of this 'bottle-of-hiy' envelopo, there ia a uced!e'of a present to be hunted for. A friend of mine received from, her betrothed, acsording to this Christmas custom, an exceedingly largo brown paper par cel, which, on being opened, revealed a seconi parcel with a loving motto on tho cover. Ani, so on, parcel withm parcel, motto within motto, till the kernel of this paper hurk which was sf length discovered to be a delicate piece cf min ute jeweiry was arrived at. Ono cf tho pret tiest of Christmas customs is the Norwegian, practice of giving, on Christmas day, a dinner' to the birds. On Christmas morning, every gable gateway or barn-door, is decorated witJi a sheaf of corn fixed on the top of a tall pole whcrsfroin it is intondca that the birds ebsi! make their Christmas dinner, Even the peas ants will contrive to have a handful tet by for this purpose, and what the birds dc net oat on Christmas day, remains for them to finish st their leisure through the winter. The carrolling of birds about these poles made a Norwegian Christians in the fields qurte holy to me. Oa New-Year's day. in Norway, friends and ncr quaintances exchauge calls andgood wishes. In the corner of each reception-room there stand a little table, furnished all through the day with wine nnd cakes, and due refreshment fur the visiters ; whe talk, and compliment and flirt and sip wine, and nibble cake from house ts house with great perseverance." Caa there bo immngined a prettier Christmas custom thaa that of the corn sheaf for the birds? Ancc-lots of the Proxnicr. The hard pressure for appointments to offiee under the new administration at Waebicgttn. gives lies to some amusing incidents. The fcl lowing ia told us cf the Secretary cf State : "Among the host of beslgers in tie pnrtuit cf place, was & woman who was extremely anx ious that her husband should be made postmas ter in some country village. She was tuostrer eover'iDg in her solicitations, in season and cot of season. She stood at tbe Secretary's doer, when he came out of his room in the morning . she intercepted him ou his way to hie meals ; she followed him to his lodgings at night. on pWAKinn 0?'" i"pmiifl tr nnusnStlT late ; the Governor listened to her as long as he could, when he requested her to excuse him, but she lingered. At length every gentleman but one had gone, and the Secretary took off Lis shoes. Still eho stood her ground quite unmov ed. Growing desperate, the Secretary finally rose from bis seat, and proceeded to strip oa" his coat; then, turning to the woman, he ex claimed: "Madam, I am going to bed, and If you don't withdraw, I bhall write to Mrs. Marcy about you." The lady immmediately retired from the room. A Preeocius Youth. We were rusticating a few days at u fuiro hou?. says a Western editor, and invited a young lady 1 to favor us with a tunc on the piano. Jltr mu i sic book being in a adjoining room, her brother, j a young gent of sorde fourteen summers, wasre . quested to go for it. After the lapse of a frw i moments he returned and placed an egg on tho 1 music stand. On being asked what that was for i he replied that it was the "lay of the last mie : strel," and that the compoeer was viogiog in honor of her production ia the fowl house. The next train brought us home. "Dimelech," said Mr. Slow, solemnly, as be stood with his back towards the grate ; "Bimi lech, have you been to meeting ?" "Yes, tir," said Abiinilecb, stoutly, "I'yc been to the Uid vcrsalist" "Well, my son, I aint like a goo-1 many fathers that dou't want their children t go anywhers but jest where tJwy say. No tny son, 1 aint one of these. Toleration is my mot to largest liberty and all that, that our foref thers fit and died for. Yes, my son, go where you please to mettiu,' I don't care ; only this I will saj that if I ketch you goin' to that meet in ngin, I'll flog you within an inch cf vctr life!" A n.rrT Man. The editor cf the FoxUn Fusilier must be a very happy man, about thi time. In his last number be says : Postscript We stop the press with pleas ure to announce the decease of our cotencporarv, Mr. Snaggs, the editor of the Foxtown Etash. He has now gone to another and better world. Sucess to him. Persons who have taken the Flash will find the Fasilrcr a good paper! fi-An Englibhman and a Welbhman dispu ting in whose country wm the best living, the Welshman eaid, "There is such noble house keeping in Wales, that I have known about a dozen cooks employed at one wedding dinner." "Ah !"auswered the Englishmen, "that was be cause every man toasted his own cheese!" 8,A country editor drops the disiaterebtel observation : "Blessed are they who do not advertise, for they will be rarely" troubled with customers." gy-A syphon for dairymen, is now in use ia Scotland, by means of which the milk ia drawo from the cream, instead of skimming the crsanj off the milk. 3" A good old dutch man and wife, had s?t up till gaping time, when the latter, after a full istretch in the above operation, said "I visa I vas in heben." Hans yawned, and replied "I vish I vash in de still-bouse." Tbe eyes of Hl flew wide open as ehe exclaimed "I pocd you always vish yourself in de pest bluet: !" An vp and rowN eki-it. During the exami nation of a witneg-, as to the locality of t-uim in a house, thecounel asked him "Which y the stairs ran ?" The witness, who, by the wag. was a noted w ag. replied, that "One way they ran up stairs, but the other way they ran down rUirs." The learned couniel winked br tb v. and then took a lck nt ?h rrilln. i r ' 1 'i 'i - V, i j . r i t I :. f ; ( I - i