Another Railroad Accident. New York, May 10. The emigrant train find New Toik express train from Dunkirk, come in colision last even ing on the Kamapo branch of the Erie Railroad. Four brakesmen were fceriously injured, but none of the passengers were hurt. The locomo tive and baggage ears were smashed. It is re ported that the emigrant train left the depot at Jersey City an hour and a half before the time. i..;ml,rln time-table, furnishinsr only one conductor with it. The collision is de- j from one kind of food to another. Bad Breath, eoribed as most frightful. The engines were Tain in the Stomach, Ticking at the Nose, Kard-..ninnlpto-r-.lpmolished. One passcntrer car was ! ness and Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough, driven half through another. Farrel O. Garri- son, bratesman on tne express irain, nau ma left leg cut off and the other dreadfully crushed ; he will die. James II. Van Vlcrt, a brakesman on the Patterson train, had his thigh broken, and was otherwise crushed ; his recovery is doubtful. Henry J. Griffin, brakesman on the emigrant train, had his right leg broken. J. W. Orsad, baggage master on the Erie express train, was badly hurt. A passenger unknown had Lis leg broken. Many others were terribly cut and bruised by being thrown among the wreck. . A H l 1 ? A great indignation meeting was held in Nor walk yesterday in regard to the recent accident emo: tocLatur;' remedy for those afflicted with Bepsu as ,r nront nation in order tonishing cures performed by this Syrup after on the Railroad. A m was adopted, calling for prompt action in order to secure the safety of passengers. Last Moments of Vice President King. The Southern Republic has received from Mr. F. K. Beck a kinsman of the Vice-President a brief account of the last moments of Mr, Tie wns r-uiot nnl rrsiTnod tol the fate which, he had seen for sornetimea'waited ! evening, while a few friends were sitting around j his bed-side, the only ones that he would allow ; in his sick room, he suddenly remarked that he vvaq dvinc The wntrhprs avnsp tn luMr fppt. undcr'some excitement, when the Colonel said "Be still make no noise let me die ninotlv " IU refused to have the balance of his household J notified of his dvinsr condition. His nhvsician ! came in and examined him. The Colonel said to him ''Doctor, I am dying. It seems as though I shall never get through with it. I am dying very hard. Take the pillows from under my head." The pillows were accordingly taken from under his head ; but affording no relief, the Doctor turned him from his back on his side, when he died in a moment." Examination of Attorneys. The following racy examination of a candi date for admission to the bar, is taken from a Western law journal, and is decidedly a good hit. The examiucr commences with: "Do you smoke : "1 do sir." "Have you a epare cigar?" ,4'C3, sir," (extending a short six.) 'Now sir, what is the first duty of a lawyer?" 4To collect his fees." rtight. What is the second ?" 'To increase the number of his clients." "When does your position towards your client change ""When making a bill of costs." "Explain ?" " they ocenpy the antagonistic position; I assume the character of plaintiff and defend ant." 4A suit decided, how do you stand with the lawyer conducting the other side ?" "Cheek by jowl." -"Enough sir, you promise to become an orna ment to your profession, and I wish you puccess. Now are you aware of the duty you owe mc?" "I am sir." "Describe it?" "It is to invite you to drink." "But suppose I decline?" (Candidate scratching his head.) "There is no instance of the kind on record on the books'." I cannot answer the question. "You are right; and the confidence with which you make an assertion, ehows that you have read the law aVentively. Let's take a drink and I will sign your certificate." Model Locomotive. The Philadelphia .JrarHJBavs: The Messrs. Norris, of this city, have just completed, per oraer oi tne u. s. uovernment, the model loco motive Japan, with tender and passenger oar complete, which, as a whole, is a most beautiful specimen of American skill. The locomotive is modeled after those on the Pennsylvania Rail road, built by the same firm. Its entire weight, wnu wooa ana water, is l,2iu lbs., and its ca pacity is estimated at from 8 to 10 tons. A tri al was made of it, yesterday on a circular track, 11 leet in diameter, and it worked most admi rably, realizing in full the expectations formed oi iu ine car is made of rosewood, and is fin isned and furnished in the most beautiful man ner, with crimson cushioned seats, and elegant iy lined revolving backs. It is about 12 feet long, and 4 high. The locomotive is the lar gest and most complete model ever built in this country or in Europe. It, with the car and ten der, is intended as a present from our Govern ment to the Emperor of Japan. Mr. Charles Montgomery, for sometime in the employ of the Messrs. Nonis, as an Engineer, is to go out with mo uioueis, u japan, ior the purpose of work ing the locomotive before His Majesty. Where ever mey may go tney will be creditable to the or rniladeJphia mechanics. It is known as a fact in geology, that be low the depth of thirty feet the earth becomei regularly warmer as wo descend. On fin nvfi. age, the increase is at the rate of one degree of xuureuueis ior every nun loot. At the bottom of the mines of Cornwall a depth of one thou- Eiina two nunured leet the thermometer stands at eighty-eight, equal to high summer heat. At ims rate, rocKs and metals would be melted iwcuiy mues Deiow the surface ; and down in iue uuweis or tne eartn, several hundred miles l, 1 i :u i - . . . ' m ucuj. niu i,e ten mousaud times hotter than meiieu iron, is tbere that can wonder at c-ttiiinjuancs, itucu aii tnings rest on a great A Touch cf Nature. A car, full of passengers, recently passed over "eaiem ranroaa, m wLich occurred a sim ple out toucning scene, worthy of record. One of the passengers was a woman, carrying in her arms a child who annoyed every one by its pet ulance and cries. Mile after mile the passengers bore the infliction of its noise, which rather in creased than diminished, until at last it became furious, and the passengers nearly so. There were open complaints, and one man bhouted 'lake the child out. The train etopped at a station, when an old gentleman arose, and made the simrde Ktt.r,,. ! xuai me ramer or tne cuild had died recently away from home ; that the mother had been on i . .i . .... . . a visit to ner friends, and had died while on the visit; that Ler dead body was on board the train ana mat tne cnild was in the arms of a woman who was aetrauger toit. Itwascnongh. There was a tear nearly in every eye, and all were mel ted into pity and patience. All selfishness was lost in thinking of the desolation of the poor lit tle wanderer, who would have found a warm wel comcia Lauds that a moment before would al most have visittl it with a Uorr.SprtovfiM Republican. ; 1 ?J CIIALEXGE. TfTIIATEVER concerns the health and hap pi 1 1 ness of a people is at all times of most val uable importance. I take it for granted that every person will do all in their power, to save the lives of their children, and that every per son will endeavor to promote their own health at all sacrifices. I feel it to be my duty to sol emnly assure you that worms, according to the orinions of the most celebrated Thysiciaus, are the primary causes or a large majority ui uioe ... .... . i. i t : ases to which children and adults are liable ; if; i ;f .nTtmnllv fhnntreable ; vou have an appetite continually changeable Slow Fever, Fulse Irregular remember that all these denotes icorms, and you should at once apply the remedy : Ilobensack' Worm Syrup. An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compounded with purely vegetable substances, bein?r Tierfectlv sate when taken, and can be eiven to the most tender Infant with decided S5 - - s-t , I beneficial effect, where Bowel Complaints and Diarrha-a have made them weak and debilitated the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are such that it stands without an equal in the cata logue of medicines in giving tone and strength to the Stomach, which makes it an Infallible Physicians have failed, is the best eviaence or its'superior efficacy over all others. THE TAPE WORM ! This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that infest the human system, it grows to an almost Indefinite length becoming so coiled and! fastened in the Intestines and Stomach effecting! tue healtn so sadly as to cause &t. ltus Dance, F' &c, that those afflicted seldom if ever sus ?ct tuat 11 1S lul'e orm Hastening mem to an I early grave. Ju oracr to destroy this orm, a I very cnersretic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore be proper to take G or 8 of my Liver Piils so as to remove all obstructions, that8ive and remarkable. Lassitude of the mind ; the Worm Sj"ruP may act direct upon the Worm, wLlcu mu?t be taken 111 doses of 2 Tablespoon- fu,ls 3 times a day these directions followed have never been known to fail in curing the most i obstinate case of Tape Worm. Hobensack's Liver Pills. No part of the system is more liable to dis ease than the Liver, it serving as a filterer to purify the blood, or giving the proper secre tion to the bile ; so that any wrong action of the Liver effects the other important parts of the system, and results variously, in Liver Com plaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. We should, therefore, watch every symptom that might in dicate a wrong Action of the Liver. These Pills being composed of Roots Plants furnished by nature to heal the sick : Namely, 1st, An Ex pectorant, which auguments the secretion from the Tulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An Al ternative, which changes in some inexplicable and insensible manner the certain morbid action of the system. 3rd. A Tonic, which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all parts of the body. 4th, A Cath artic, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and operating on the Bowels, and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vi tiated matter, and purifying the Blood, which destroys disease and restores health. TO FEMALES. Yo will find these Pills an invaluable medicine in many compiuUiio tu nicii juu arc oubjoet. -In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of estimable benefit, restoring their functional arrangements to a healthy action pttrifyiug the blood and other fluids so effectu, ally to put to flight all complaints which may arise from female irregularities, as headache, giddiness, dimness of eight, pain in the side back, &c. None genuine unless signed J. N. Ilobensack, all others being base Imitation. gfAgents wishing new supplies, and Store Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must ad dress the Proprietor, J. N. Ilobensack, Philadel phia, Pa. For sale by Murray, Zahm & Co., and E. Hughes, Ebensburg ; A. Durbin, Munster : John ston, Johnstown ; McCloskey, Summitville ; E noch Rees, six miles west of Ebensburg ; and by every respectable dealer in the State. Keyser & McDowell, wholesale agents, No. 140 Wood Street, Pittsburg, who will supply agents at the Proprietors prices. E3L,Price, each 2o cents 1 ! July 22, 185. Spleuclia Assortment ! Look Out NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! IVORY & CO., Summitville, Cambria county, have just received iruuiew ioik, i nnaaeipuia and UalUmore, large assortment of PALL ABiD WINTER GOODS. men win be sold low for cash. We will sel our goods at a les3 price than ever they have been sold in this county, and will retail Goods as cheap as they do in Philadelphia, but we want to sen tnera tor cash, or something else as good ah our goods will be sold at cash Drices. and one month is the longest credit we will give, aut ()uu uiug accounts running a longer viuiK, ue euargea interest irom that time. These arc the terms, and we think if you call and oee our gooas you will buy and save mrney, su gars we win seii at cost and carriage, Coffee, at a slight advance. Our stock consists of a large assortment of an sinus or gooas usually kept, among which are Ladies' Cashmeres, de Lains and Merinoes all wool, from GO cts, to $2 per yard ; the same Kinas, nau cotton, Irom 10 to 35 cts.; Silk Warn .liyacm, uuu an otuer Kinds 01 Dress Goods we nave a spienaia lot or Knives and forks, 60 dozen, which we will sell very low. We call the aitention ot everybody to our stock of 33:Jde-l i-t lolliin Which was made to order, of the best rizps on.l most fashionable goods. We have over two thousand dollars worth of these frnodtj nr. A will sell them cheaper than thev can b hm.rrht ; any other place. The best kind of overcoats from s;5.50 to 15 : nants for St2 Jackets and Sack coats, very cheap. A small lot of fine black cassimer pants, and fine satin and silk velvet vests, bousht in New Vnrt .;n be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought for in Philadelphia. 0 Our whole stock is of the btst orilMoo.v ket. Wfi VOllt tn Cr.l 1 1,n.v -T . .. , ouuu, ior we want the money to pay for them. Come - - - l V Hill sell to you right at one .price to everybody ;r V44" vau vuy u cueap as jour beet Jews nip urn tini.A 1 . , i . . . ' uut, one price, ana sen tor cash. W. W. IVORY & CO. Summitville, Oct. 21, 1852 52-tf. This Way! ror iue lughest prices are paid for hides UC( wuuei-3 DarK in either trade or cash by v . JUUOllL. irQ n r . ' uuuiuicr uiiivui OI linnts KUnnc o vjuua, inucy Uimn and Flrw.n O. n U.-.-.J.. " -i A. - . uuaw x unuer, uun caps, Shot, Lead, & received this day and for salo at thechcansfo cheap stor. J. I00RE. June 23, 1851. CONSUMPTION DISARMED OF ITS TCUIIOUS ! ! HASTINGS' rowPOTnffD SYRUP OF NAPHTHA. A quick and positive Cure for Consumption, decline, asthma, spitting of blood, night sweats, husky throat, wasting of the flesh, bronchitis, coughs, colds, and all deseases of the chest and j lungs. - J This celebrated preparation is pleasant to the taste, and is so speedy in its operations that pa- tients plainly feel its good effects in a few minutes after taking the first dose. Hastings' Compound Syrup of Xapllia ! Is now acknowledged by all the ablest physicians of both hemispheres, to be a quick and pos itive remedy for arresting the formation of tnbercles on the lungs ; and removing those already formed ; and also to be the speediest and most effective of all medicinal agents in the cure of all other deseases of the thioat, chest and lungs. Language cannot express the value of Hastings Naptha Syrup in these diseases. It not only cures them effectually, but it gives immediate evi-, dence of its ability to do so ; "for in a few minutes after the first dose has been taken, the patient feels that a powerful agent is in the system, strongly working for his good. Its operations are . never delayed: It at once flies to, and attacks the root of the disease with an energy unknown to chher medicines ; and that disease must be drfrdy seated indeed which can resist its unrivalled influence. Hence it has frequently cured a paiM'ul cough in a day, which had defied other popu lar remedies for a month ; and has removed difficulty of breathing and pain in the throat and toest, in a few minutes, by the surprising energy of its action in clearing the passages of bile and phlegm. It is believed that no peiejn has given Hastings' Naphtha Syrup a trial, who has not felt benefit from it, and acknowledge its virtues. And this conviction is further established by the opinions of the London Launcet, London Medical Times, and most other responsible pub ications, devoted to the same interests Until the appearance of the Naphtha Syrup, the medi cal faculty had always regarded Consumption as science exhibited no authenticated case that weighed seriously against that opinion. Since Dr. Hastings' discovery, however, of the new and other ingredients, nearly a thousand cases of absolute phthisics positively cured through its agency, have been substantiated ; and this well established fact, in connection with a mass of ex periments successfully made of its virtues by the ablest physicians of Europe, clearly prove that Hastings' Compound Syrup of Naptha isa positive cure for Consumption, even in its worst stages. Three of the main causes of this propetty of Naphtha have been discovered. They are its extra ordinary sublety, strength, and pervasiveness ; lor the moment it is received into the system, it extends itself throughout, making a passage of every pore, no matter how much clogged up they may have previously been by foreign substances. Hence it operates on the diseasd lungs by dis lodgeing the particles of corruption in the strength of its ascent to the upper regions of the frame land thus producing through ventilation ; and hence it is a never failing remedy in Oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing ; person thus affected, feeling alter taking it, as if it had forced a passage through some channel which which was the only result necessary to the restoration of health, buch indeed, are the prompt- ness of action and energy of Hastings' Naphtha mended, that from the time they commence taking it patients know ..;,,. , f",i, ,,. -.... ,., THAT IT IS CURING THEM ; affcuom, of .VilV-ji.Tov rLC5f nFB1the f ""w V Tlk V5 -f Ciry, ,0th! f51! To singers and'public'Lpeakers this remedy is remedy. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Pwght Sweats, Pains ;n the Ureast, Pack, &c, erit-! , ,i l 4i i ti i l-t- i .i -- i i i , , -., cj invaluble, as by its action on the throat and ting of blood, bilious and asthmatic Affections, it is also admitted to be the speediest and most., , , , vigorous and effective remedy extant; audits position to inactivity and melancholy forebodings, are also quickly corrected by the Naphtha Sy- . ., 1 , ,. J , , r. rup ; a wonderful manner revives the spirits, corrected by the flesh and muscles-bra- lAf,tll!l 13 P6'"" much relieved, and often ces the nerves and increases the weight. Thus, those who use it according to directions, gener- wnou3r curKa - Herry lectoral. Jut there ally increase its weight about a pound a week ; and may take it for no other purpose than the J1 SOme CSS?.S -S "itv t( .vitjded entire dissipation of melancholy, or the increase of bodily strength. In fine, a single trial of Hastings' i Jj t0 n.f ""b u'T reCto,'al CU1C Compound Syrup of Naptha, is all that is required to secure the confidence of patients, and cause V?' 1 can. ?.".rt . , hem to forego all other remedies in its favor. The svrup is made up in six ounce bottles, each "chilis, or irritation of the throat ar.d up accompanied with a pamphlet, containing directions, 'certificates, &c. Price one dollar each, or f,?r Port'0" of ,the ,uf -ure-.l J.j taking iv WH nn.L-,1 in n -r r.,,!. fr- ,...M k i..,.i ( -hcrry Pectoral m small und liequcnt doses. fZ gZ JLV - v i. if ! x- i i o , . N. .. -Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, being a :?i:"n,t3" f-lt' r r!t"rD' "S 13 ,,e c!sfvW1 uiv tusi imje mure mau me jince w me uoiues. x erbjus uo w am 11 10 fceu again must pay where they reside, suould write to us direct for I delay (packed up in a manner to secure its safe delivery) provided they can be reached by Ex j press, Stage, Route, or anv other mode of conveyance. All letters must be post paid contaiu the price, of the number of bottles ordered, and 81 Barclay Street, New York, who are Dr. Hastings' Agent Frederick Kittell, Ebensburg, December 10, 1852 8-Cra. M A 6 S B -T I CP 0 W D E II S , FOE THE DESTRUCTION OF COCKROACHES, BED BUGS, MOTHS, A3IS, FLIES, FLEA , AND INSECTS ON FLANTS, WITHIN TEN MINUTES AFTER BEING THROWN IN THEIR VICINITY. This preparation is a powder compounded of Plants, Herbs, and Flowers, free from any sub stance which could possibly injure man or domestic animals, and is devoid of any disgreeable odor. It has been examined by the medical faculty of France, Russia, Sweden and Denmark, roni all of whom ample testimony of its efficacy can be produced. ALSO, M A B MVlY'f ILLS, For the Destruction of RATS and MICE, within five minutes after Being thrown in their vicinity. Read tike foil tvingr betters : New York, October 1, 1850. I have made a chemical examination of the Vegetable Powder prepared by Mr. Emanuel Lyon, for the purpose of destroying insects. I do not find it to contain anything deleterious to health, or what might be considered poisonous to the human species ; but it is very destructive to insects, whenever they are foreed to inhale the fine particles of dust occasioned by throwing the Powder forcibly in places where they frequent. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. 1. Chemist. New York, Hospital, June 9, 1850. I have analized Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powders for the destruction of insects, and certify that it is entirely free from mineral or other corrosive poison. As the result of my examination I would say that is a combination of various vegetable substances having a peculiar influence on the insect kingdom, and that it may be used with perfect safety. In reference to its utility, its enecis are astonishing, l belive it to be a skilfully prepared substance by which a valuable re sult is obtained, which does effect what Mr. Lyon says, and is well deserving of public patronage. LAWRENCE REID, Professor of Chemistry. Emanuel Lvov. Esq. New York Hosiital, June 1, 1850. Dear Sir : It affords me great pleasure in stating that 1 have extensively used j-our Powder for the destruction of Insects of all kinds, (especially Bed Bugs and Roaches) and un hesitatingly pronounce it the best and only article so effectual in its operation. I have also ex perimented with your Pills, and find them equal in all respects with vour statements. Hoping that you may prosper, I remain your friend. JOHN L. ROOME, Sup'nt. N. Y. Hospital. Gibson House, Cincinnati, October 9, 1850. We procured from Mr. B. II. Meakings, some of Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills's and cheer fully certify as to its perfect efficacy in destroying Roaches and Rats within a few minutes after its application. It is the most simple, yet perfect remedy we have ever seen. I. K. & D. V. BENNETT. New York, Irving House, April 21, 1849. I have used Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills for the destruction of Insects and Ver min, and I have found the most happy result, and cheerfully recommend them to those who may be troubled with these insects, as a sure method of destroying them. DANIEL D. HOWARD, Proprietor Irving House. We certify to the above. COLEMAN & STETSON, Astor House. JONAS B. PHILIPS, Ass't District Attorney. These articles received a premium at the Fair of the American Institute iu 1848, and the high est premium at the Fair of 1850. miCE Lyon's Magnetic Powders, 25 cents per Flask ; nils, 25 cents per Box. All Orders must be addressed (post-paid) to C. V. CLICKENER & Co., General Agents, 81, Bar clay street, New York. Agent Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Bell, Summit ; G. II. Muckerhide, Johnstown. December 16, 1852 8-6m WM.M'FAR AKIZ pOX, Cabinet Ware Rooms, Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburff, Pa. Would respectfully invite the attention of the public to their superior stock of FURNITURE j of every descriptio.n Furniture of all kinds' manufactured to order on the shortest notice. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. i April 29, 1852. 1 Large lot of made-up-clothing, boots and 11 8uoes, ciotn and plush caps for sale bH . IVORY if CO. Summit Oct. 7, 1852. Salt ! Salt ! ! Superior article of Sack and Barrel Salt for sale by DAVIS & LLOYD. Ebensburg, June 17, 1852. UUL., liutter, and all kinds of Grain. taken in exchange for goods at J. Moore1 store. JOB WQJtlfc Neatly and expeditiously executed at this Office The highest price paid for wool at tlie store GEO. J. RODGERS. WHISKEY, White Lead, and Linseed Oil for sale by J. Moore. 40 Barrels Conemaugh Salt for sale by J. Moore. an incurable disease, and the records of medical greatest property of Naphtha, when united with their disease had stopped up, and there-opening of Syrup, in all the diseases for which it is iecom- effect in all Asthmatic complaints is equally dcci- tiabbincss and wasting of the flosh ; and all dis 1 , . x. . , , , . , very expensive preparation, cannot be left w,th V5 mH(:vlty f 1 ,e qUiC rSt",S ?l lbe d a supply, and we will forward it to them without bo directed to C. V. CLICKENER & CO., No. general Agents for America. H. THAYER COZZENS, American Hotel PRESTON II. HODGES, Carlton House. THIS WAY FOE GOOD A"ND CHEAP GOODS. Will be opened this week at the brick store f J. Moore, in Ebensburg, a general assort ment of cloths, cassimeres, satinetts, tweeds, and a great variety of summer goods, Together with anv quantity of prints, delaines, lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other dress goods. ALSO A LARGE ind good assortment of hardware, queensware, saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs, &o., &c, Persons wanting boots and shoes, hats and caps, or ready made clothing, will find it to their advantage to call at the " ISricK Store. Tha subscriber, thankful for past favors, ear nestly requests his customers, and the public generally to at least call and examine his stock; and if he cannot suit every person in quality and price it is not his fault. Produce and lum ber of all kinds taken in exchange for goods; ind lie aiso tates L'asii when offered. J. MOORE. Ebensburg, April 28, 1851. WM. DAVIS. JOHN LLOVD. Uavis & Lloyd, Having formed a partnership in the MERCANTILE BUSINESS, Would respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Call and sec us at b old etand of William Davis. . - April 29, 1852. SHERRY PECTORAL For tbe Care f COUGHS, COLDS, IIOARSEXESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. To cure a cuiu, .n i.u.icuc and soreness of the body, take the Cherry Pectoral on going to bed, and wrap up warui, to sweat during the uight. For a cold and cough, take it morning, noon, and eveniner. according to directions on the bot tle, and the difficulty will soon be removed. None will long suffer from this trouble when they find it can be so readily cured. Persons afllict ed with a seated cough, which breaks them of their rest at night, will find, by taking the Cher ry Pectorial on going to bed, they may be sure of sound, unbroken sleep, and consequently re freshing rest. Great relief from suffering, and an ultimate cure, is afforded to thousuiids who are thus afflicted, by this invaluable remedy. j From its agreeable effect in these cases, many' find themselves unwilling to forego its use when e necessity lor it nas cea?eu. From two eminent Physicians in, Tl.nx., April, ICth, ISjI S.r: -We have triven your Cherry Pectoral i an extensive trial in our practice, and find it to , "' , , ,lu"'11'1 ' - 11 , r - , . , r,riW1.r Jin,i'.nWv ,.f tl.o i The uncomfortable oj.pre;ou ia soon relieved.! Ilev. Doct. Lansing, cf Prooklin, New York, statcs . ' "I have seen the Cherrv Pectoral cure such i.1(.a lP cr! ,.,, i i'.;,; .., i.i believe it can rarely fail to cure those diseases." lor croup. Give an emetic of an tan 0113 to be followed by large and frequent doses of the Cherry Pectoral, until subdui-s the disease. It" taken in season, it will not fail to cure. Whooping cougli may be broken up and soon cured by the use of Cherry Pectoral. The influenza is speedily removed by this re medy. Numerous instances have been noticed where whole families were protected from any serious consequences, while their neighbors, without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from the disease. Salem, Oo., 11th, June 1851. Doct. J. C. Ayer : I write to inform you of the truly remarkable effect of your Cherry Pectoral in this place, and in my own family. One of my daughters was completely cured in three days of a dreadful V hooping Cough, by takinjr ! it. Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians freely states that he considers it the best remedy we have for pulmonary diseases, and that he has i f . -i ..... . , cureu more csm-s oi croup wnn it than any other medicine he ever administered. Our clergyman of the Baptist Church says that during the run of Influenza here this sea sou, he has seen cures from your medicine he could scarcely have believed without seeing. Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR, Deputy Postmaster. Prom tlie fliatinpriiisliert Profrtior of Chemistry and Alatei-ia Jledica lion tlotu College. I have fouud the Cherry Pectoral, as its in gredients show, a powerful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pulmonary diseases. Parker Cleveland, M. D. Brunswick, Me.. Feb. 5, 1847. 1)11. VALIXTIXK MOTTi Tlie widely eeleratetl lrofeor of Stir eery lit tle Medical College, Xew York City, aays t "It gives me pleasure to certify the value aud efficacy of 'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,' which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the Throat and Lungs." Cures of severe diseases upon the Lungs have been effected by Cherry Pectoral in such ex treme cases as warrant the belief that a remedv has at length been found that can be depended on to cure the Cougl s, Colds and Consumption nuicu tuny Hum our n.i'jsi luouganus every 3'ear. It is indeed a medicine to which the nmio ted can look with confidence for relief, and they should not fail to avail themselves of it. PREPARED AND SOLD BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical aud Analytical CItemit, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Ebensburg by Fred. Kittell, and by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every where August 19, 1852 4I-9m. STOKU'S CHEMICAL HAIR 1A' VIGOIMTOK. This delightful and popular article in the best preparation for the hair which long experience and scientific research has produced, either ns an article for the toilet, or its beneficial effects in all the diseases to which the human hair is liable. It will impart to the roughest and coar sest hair the most beautiful appearance, entire ly cleansing it from all impurities. But while we assert that it is the best article for the toilet of those who wish to retain the hair in all its youthful LUXURIANCE AND BEAUTY, it must not be forgotten that in. all diseases of the hair or scalp, such as the falling of the hair dandruff, pimples, or sores on the scalp, &c., it is, perhaps the article which has given decided satisfaction in every instance where it has been used. Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly active, so that, in numerous, where other reme dies Lave licen tried in vnin, STORR'S CHEM ICAL INVIGORATORhas superseded the orna-i meuts of art, by reinstating, in full plentitude, tho permanent gifts and graces of nature. It is possessed of a character wholly differing from the Oi'3, Grease, Restoratives, ie., which arc now so numerously foisted on the public, under the pretence of being newly discovered for bald ness, gray hair, &c. Storr's Invigorator has now been tested for years, and its efiicacy has been proved by thousands, Every year its reputation and sales have iucreased, until more of it is consumed annually than of any other preparation for the hair ever offered to the Amer ican puhlic. It is compounded on strictly sci entific principles, and the proprietor will stake his reputation on its efficacy. Its extraordinary cheapness places it within the reach of tho humblest family, and its con ceded value insures it a place ou the most luxu rious toilet. For sale by the proprietors price 25 cents. C. P. A MET & CO, 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. For sale by Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Boll, Summit ; G. Muckerhide &Co., Johnstown December Pi, 1852 8-ly. ' j JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OS -ctt, VOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS and all diseases ar ising from a dis ordered liver or Eto mach, such as constipa tion, inward piles, fullness or blood to the head, acidify of tLe stomach, nausea, heart-burn, disgust for food, fullness, crwright in the c tornacb. sour eructations, sinking or fluttering attbeVil of the stomach, swimming of tLe head, hur ried and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or suffoca ting sensations when in a liv ing posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight fever and dull i Pain in the head, difficic-ncy or perspiration J. Jowucs of the skin and eyes, pain in " the side, back, chest iiiuLs, &.C., sudden CusLt of heat, burning in the tiesb, constant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits, can be effectually cured by ds. hoofland's cel ebra ted germ a x litters, rE.EPAT.ED 1Y DE. C. II. JACKSON, At tin German Merilelnc SJorc. 120 Arch Etroot, Philadelphia. Their pvu tr over the alore dtiftiis is not excdUl if fjuau'ed iy any other j-rrparatlon in th Lulled w.'ti, .'. the cure atlmt.ta many cat it aj ler skilful physicians had failed. lhese bitters are worthy the attention of in valids. Possessing great virtues in the rectifi cation of diseases of the Liver and leaser giaajj exerchinr the most seaithins rowers in nr-sl-. , ness an 1 affections cf the dige tire orpins, ilw are withal, shIV, certain and pleasant. That this medicine will cure Liver Coinpla!:,: and Dyspepsia, no cue c&n donV.t alter using iiM stated. It acts specifically up'ii the htoir.acL nnl liver; it is preferable to calomel in all Ai7;.,vi diseases the effect is immediate. They caa b administered to female or infant with safety unl reliable benefit s:t any time. Lock well to the marks cf the Gearine lnoy have tue v.r.tu-n signature of C. M. Thoy have tue ; JAC kSON upon tLe wrapper, and his name j b!own iu tlie utll wilJj0l!Vwi;k.h th re su! 'rious. 3 1 K.,r sale Wholesale and Retail at the Germrin Medicine SU i e. No. 120 Arch ?trHt, one door ' ''tiow oixtli, i bijadolphni ; and by respectable dealers generally through the country. PRICES HEUlfED. To enable all clascs r.f invalids to rnji.y d advantages of their great restorative powJii. $t;iy!e hot lie 75 cents. Ior sale by Frederick Kittol Prnjj c-ist Kbcrs- burg: .Tames Bell, Summit; J. Co., Jolmstown. December 1G, 18jJ 8-ly. MuukerliMti i WlioUsiile and Iletuil TIN, COPPER, AND SHEET-IRON, 31 A X V r A t'TO II V. The subscriber adopts this method f riiuin ing thanks to his friends and the public gener ally, lVr the liberal patronage heretofore bestow ed upon him, and begs leave to infoim tboTii that he has enlarged his business, and now k (.). constantly on hand a large supply of every va riety of Tintrare, Stove J'i-e, Dripping l'ant, Zir.c Boilers, Coal Buckets, Tea Kettles," fte., &t, which he will sell, wholesale or retail, as lowm any other establishment in the country. lie is also prepared to manufacture Spout inn for houses, at tlie shortest notice, and on tLe most reasonable terms. Merchants and others desirous of purchasing bills of ware, sire res pectfully invited to call, ns he is prepared to sell them goods equally ns cheap as they can le lwd either east or west, and all orders addressed tu him will be promptly attended to. Croat J:xcKemeiit. IX Ebensburg, at the warehouse of the under signed who has on hand and will sel! at tie lowest prices ST0VE3 OF ALL KINDS, consisting of Globe ; Flat TP, complete ; Tie-Cum- Jht rory, complete ; complete Cook ; the Xetc pltte ; Cools Favorite; Ida ware Cook ; stone ; Uiiion Coal Burner, Parlor stove -Kr, do ; Jxtr Jt.jna, coal stove ; all of the Li test style and pattern which cannot Le excelled or equalled. Come and see them, und don't for get to bring your wife along if you have nous bring your lady-love. shortest not Job ,orl: of every description, done on the ice. Old copper and pewter, taken in oxrhniiffe for ware. The undersigned hopes, by a strict attention to business, to receive a liberal fdiare of public patronage. GEORGE IIARXCAMT.. Ebensburg, July 8, 1852. TAILOSIIAG'. The undersigned informs bis cu.'tomcrs tbst the firm of Bynon & Johnston is dissolved by mutual consent, and that the subscriber slid continue the business in the room recently oc cupied by the old firm, where he will be happy to see his former patrons and as many mrw ones as please to call, lie receives regularly from New York and Philadelphiv the latent fashions and cannot be beaten cither in tLa shape or fit of Coats, Pants or Vests, by any other Tailor iu the country. He re?peetful!y ask the public to give hiia a call, and cu&- tdent his work will recommend itself. BTB-All kinds of country jroduce Ukeu iu exchange for work. LEWIS BEVNO.V, April 29, 1852 tf. WAR VTITH mGLtI)! NEW STORE AND HIW GOODS ! Jolui 31 cM eel & Co., Have the pleasure of announcing to their friendi and the pullic, that th ey have opened a new store at the west end of the Allegheny tunnel, at Gallitzin, where they will keep constantly on hand and will sell at the very lowest prices, the following goods : cloths, cassimeres, ginghams, woolens, prints, plaids, mous do laines. morius j alpaccas cahiuercs, real long-bhawls, piiie-an' 9 dress goods, pongee, madras, and crass linen handkerchiefs, ribbons, buttons, gloves, hosiery, laces, thread, silk, silks, satin", umbrellas, Also, a heavy stock of sugars, tens of tbe late.-t, I nest, aud cheapest importations; quecnswiLC, ; hardware, cutlery, books and stationary, hats, caps, boots, fchocs and bonueU of the moat fas" ouable styles; and a large quautity of Bacon, Flour, Batter, Salt, Fish, Cigar, and tobacco. All of which they will sell at th cheapest rates. We invite the attention of purchasers to o::r exteusive and varied stock of Eeady-Hado Clothing, comprising all colors and qualities, and mitfflj factured from the best materials, which we dispose of at fair rates and wo warrant every article will give tho utmost satisfaction. Tho highest price paid for all do.ct i; ti produce. Gallitzin, Jan. 1,1853; 10-tf " vl v ; - -v. -