The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, May 19, 1853, Image 1

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    i i
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Xl'SBER 30,
PI' jf Rl
I I -4
0 UXTA.IX EESTlSEir is publish-
TLcr-iT raorcdriP. at 0e Dollar and
:-v Cr.-its per nr-num. if pail in advance or
t-.thln three months ; after three stc-rtLs Jiro
L hilars rill be charred.
suhscri"-tiun will be taken for a shorter
rTiCti LLun six montU3 : ana no r c.r
cr will be
aiiCvntitrufrd tijsi fiiZ -arrears. .re
ftai-i. A
fut:! to notife a disc
ikn cf the term subscribed f-r. wl
trii as a rev ecparemert.
ts ADVLRfLiLIEXTS will be inserted
the f uowirg rates: DO cents pr square for
'he frFi insertion: To cents fcr to insertions:
51 fcr three insertions ; and '25 cents per 5 yz::r
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tlca mnie to those who advertise by the year.
All fc.iTcrtisinsen.ts Lauded in rcurt have the
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'.t they will be published until forbidden, and '
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SS,a:1 letters
nce wita tne above terms,
and communications to inure
'J. A. J. RUET.
Ley hood, njy own country home,
it -wherever I roam,
I leve it. I lvv
L-r sine my foit on
s th
thresnv-..a was
Neath the rocf jf the homestead in spirit I
aile mem'ry recalls a.11 its beauties to me,
Aci tnts
ae picture I s;e.
Tiere stands the cM tim where-ia eL
.ne forest where oft with my brothers I strayed:
Lerelife3 the green meadow, where cu the fresh
he Ire 2 d
LT r.f !
iiimraer pai-d
EWiitir awav :
e babbies the brock, as refreshing and cool
hsa cxi its borders I loitered from schooh
wsTe the
rs-hs, m tne serins cf
wnrss sasl;
jms cf mT father and m:
r are ;aid ;
Z cz vain is the etibrt to think cf them there.
My dear g-mtie mother is in her arm chair,
"ai'e he-rty arsi hale is tie autumn cf life,
ly ftther i; rltrlrg beside "the auid wife.'5
Time sofiena the picture I look upon no.
..nd is- are the sncw-fLakes that re.-t on each
-tnile roixrid tie old harth-s:cn3 my brother! nil
-e death cn the fairest had laid his cald hand;
w3? sister I see thrsugh the vLsia of years.
Tut the gl S3 of my mem'ry is darkened with
In the even;.ns cf life there scenes of hit ronh
back to my mind
thrir freshness and
.as stars tnat are hid tt tne
v ; v.
of the tun.
.'a.. n nni wni?n
his course La the heavens
ia run.
Then I look to the fatare for corn
:'ct hepe is dec art ed and mem'r
fvrtand cheer;
is ucir.
h all h-ive e jdc, the fa'r and the brave,
id lonelr I stand on
tae tr.Bt
you:h, h-
cf the grave.
:r on her
"here the wife of my
hi east,
Mr brothers hal slate:
lire g ne to their rest ;
N-t one in the hoaieste.vd trv co-aii.-s shall erett
2ase Tig -b
One- cnlv desire rtill
ve :n my he
To see iiiat old
Is stand rv th
hcnifcstead be tore I
grae where my m
other is 1.'.
And psint cut the sp-ct
v. here m-r
And In tht li house w
; quiet' r dz m till the c
hrst .urew n
-i- j,r4',
Here ia nn- th'-r spur for defo.tive memc?
TtV..-ii i,oal i ur-iw bio i iiom the most t.
hjartea of sabicribers :
I; Is pl-J..-inr to clt with en's wife,
r.l.iar.t taper,
Vhile one's diar compai
Looks over the family pater
And now and then reads a or a
A marriage, or death, or a
rage Jj g-:
To foe that one's nothing to do
Bat to it and philosophize gravely:
i.ach murderous deed to eschew
Apnlaodisg the editor bravely,
F.-r Lis tuct u.n 1 Lis talent, his shears.
.P tD 12
:h:er now novinp to tears.
that is b'est
ith a wife who can tastily real ;
"ho will r-ive his newsp aper no rest
Till its items have Bli pone to seed:
ho exclaims now and then, as she picks up the
Uy dear, won't the printer want pay for his
A Presentiment.
The New York Courier states that Dr. Josiah
liaxtiett, of New Hampshire, oce of the victims
cf the recent accident on the New Haven, Biil
road, was visited a few weeks ago at" his resi
lience by a friend from New York, who invited
him to spend a few days in that city, at the then
upproacn'mg Medical CcuTention. Dr. E. re
plied that it would afford Lim much pleasure to
s-teiid some time in that c.ty, but that he had
n-cat npprehension of ding'er in travelling to
aaid fro. au-mented bv the fact that when he oinerwxse narmiess in its natural state. io ren-Ja-t
lisitfcd New York he had enpaped his pas- ; dcr 11 fa-ul Ajectas prepare it in a particular
a- ia t1-" "f imer Lexinpton, for the fatal trip way, but they would not communicate their se--n
which she was bcxncL nhen rnc-s; everv i It frms a paste, of which they spread a
na'fcn-tr perished, but did not reach the wharf ; coat ufa their ""ms- M- la Gironiere
In InZn to pet on board. He subsequently 1 LT P1?1 experience of its powerful and per
overcame his ieluctance to travel, attended the . loaa eiiecP On quitting tne Ajetas, who had
ronventien, and met with the fate he dreaded, j
in the New Ilaven cars.
A hamcrous old man fell in with an ip-
. . . - i
nthcr impertinent young minister, !
ed to inform the old gentleman, in !
r. or ant and m
rv Vo-itive terms, that he could never reach
Leaven unless he was bora again, and added :
"I have experienced that change and now feel
And have j ou been bvru again " said his
coHinamoa, musing !y
"Yes, I trust I have."
"TSVJ" -taid the old getiUcnx
evemp hxiii !
tentivelv: I doa't think it would
hurt voa,
The Philliprine Islands, a group which forms
one boundry of the Chinese Sea, have seldom
b--en visited by travellers of the book-making
sort. Eecrntly, however, a Frenchman. M. de
1 Gironiere, has published a work in which he
narrates his adventures in tho?e islands, during
a res. deuce of many years, and which contains
a vast am. unt of entirely new information, res
pectinp tue islands and their inhabitants. From
this work we extract a
ssoge of great interest :J
One morning," writes 5L de la Gironiere,
i we were silent! r rursuicr oar wav, wehenrd
L)e:ore us
a chorus of shrill voices, mere resem-
bling those of birds than of men. Presently we
perceived at a short distance about farry savages
of both sexes, and all ages, and having com
plete v the appearance of animals. Thev were
gathered round a large fire, hard by a stream.
We touk a fsw ttens forward, presenting our
C'ns at them. On pereeivic us, tiiev shrieked,
and were about to
but I showed them a
rs. ana made s;
that we wish
-1 to present these to them. When thev under-
?if'ul this they drew up in a line, like soldiers
onptirade: it was the signal that we might ap
proach. We -did so, cigars in hand, and, com
mencing at one extremity of the line, I distribu
ted my gift. It was very important to make
friends of them, an d, according tj their usages,
to give to each an e-ual part. The distribution
over, our alliance was complete; the savages had
nothing more to fear from us, nor we from them.
They aid began smoking. A deer was hanging
f:om a tree: the chief took a bamboo knife and
cut od- three Large pieces of venison, threw them
into the glowing enters, and. a minute afterward.-,
withdrew them, and presented a piece to
each of us. The outside of this savage carbo
nado was rather burnt and ashy, the inside quite
raw and bloody. It would not do to s:iOW re
pugnance : my entertainers would have been
scandalized, and I wished to live with them for
a few days in harmony, so I ate my bit of deer,
which, upon the whole, was not so very bai : my
Iiidhins followed my example, and thence-for-ward
treachery was out of the question."
1U. de la G.roaiere found it very dimcult to
make himself understood, bat the next day he
fell in with a woman who sp'.ke the Tagal
U-ngue. the acted tx his interpreter; and from
her iae obtained such information as he desired
concerning the Ajetas. These people appeared
to him to be fur more like monkeys than human
beings: even their voices resembling the cries
and of The animal, whiist their ges
tures were monkey all over. Their superiority
consists in knowing how to make a fire, and to
use hjw and iance. Their colsr is the ebon
bhick of the African negro : their atniost stature
naraiy attains nve loet tmg'.:sn, their nair is
woolly ; and as they know not how to get rid of
it, it Lnas a strange sort of crown, or halo
round their heads. Their features resemble
those of the Atrican blacks, but the lips are less
prominent. Tfceir sole dress is a girdle eight
or ten inches broad, made of the bark of trees.
They feed on roots, fruit, and the produce of
the chase. A bamboo iance, a palm-wood bow,
and poisoned arrows, are thsir weapons. They
eat tceir meat nearly raw, and live in groups or
tribes cutnpe-sed of fifty or sixty persons. Da
rin the nay, the old people, the inva
lids, aa i children sit around tne fire, whilst the
ethers go banting: wben they have enough fod
tD last j'.-r 'lie lays, they a:i remain round the
fire, and at nlLt they sleep promiscuously in
tne .lihes. -it is extremely curious to see thus
assesno.ed some fifty of these brutes, of ail ages,
an 1 all ni re or le-s deformed. The old women
are especia.:y
their ptt-be,.ir
their decrepit limn-;.
aa i t
aeir tiijiyra.
j .ii.
ir:r:2i the
the sr ;-earan-e of furies
rs.' Notnnp Lunian can t ossiblv
e more
no graie-1 t h
n thee Aietas. Xh
re.ig-.oa : taey neuiier worship sun nor stars,
nur buw bef -re permanent iJIs. but adore for
the day, ai;y rocs, or tree trunk in which they
trace a restniolance to an animal. Their lan-
guage has very few words ; their children take
, ir sole name that of the place where they are
' b,rn. Thev have preat resuect fv-r old acre, and
f and fcr the dead. For years after the decease
of one of them, they place t;.bax-eo and betel-nut
1 njK-n his grave, above which his bow and arrows
' are sa.reaied. Every night so they believe
; he quits his grave to goa-hunting. They have no
; funeral ceremony. Taeylay the corpse at full
; length in the grave, and cover it with earth But
when an Ajetas is ill of a malady deemed incu
rable, or has-been slightly wounded with a poi
; soned arrow, his friends place him in a large
! hole, his arms crossed up.-n his breast, and bury
' him alive. Aii the weapons of the Ajetas are
: poisoned. A wond from oce of their arrows
i would not suffice to check the career of so strong
an animal as the stag. But the least scratch of
the poisjuei dart produces an unquenchable
thirst, aaid as soon as the animal drinks he dies.
The hunters then cut away the fiesh from around
the woun d, for otherwise the whole carcase would
, quickly acquire so intensely bitter a flavor that
even tne Ajetas (not very dainty feeders) could
not e-t it. When in Sumatra, M. de la Giron
iere had investigated the nature of the poison
used by the Malays for their arms, and had
f-und it to be simply a strong solution of arse
nic iu lemou-juiee. He was curious to know what
the Ajetas used. They took him to a large tree,
tore ou a bit of the n-irk, and Uid Lhn that was
what served theuifur poison. He chewed some ia
thfcir Pfence ; it was insupportably bitter, but
"eLCl t iiiit- , m w ueaw
i ability, he t-Kk It into his head to carry away
i T: . -e i. l. : -i. v ,. v. -V.
Wi.u ' ' Oiic v.1 tueii stt.ciciuiia, niiiciiiic uiuuui
ii i - - 1 v r
wouaa uc aai F'"" " "
dts FUaie, or anitoniicaJ museum at Paris. It
was rather a dangerous undertaking owing to
the savages' veneration for their dead
aim lie
ha-d litUe quarter to expect if caught botly-
snatciiing. Cndeterrea by tnis risa, ne nsw got
but a quarter of a league from the camp, when
he commenced opening some old graves. The
first fckeletons he got to were mouldered, but
towards evening he met with that of a woman,
who, from her attitude had evidently been bur-
i ied alive. Her bones were still covered with tne
tin ; the iras a, sort tf euuhibt, aai exactly
what L'r. Pable wanted. So he took her out of
the grave, and put Ler in a sack, but had scarce-
i ? i i rr - . , i rr
i iy tjut so wueu tjjjrij. cnes were nearo. ine
Ajet-i.s were on the trail of tie three resurrec
tionists, who ran fcr their lives, but without re
linquiihieg their booty. The savsges climbed
trees (which they do just like nionieys using
tbeir iuinis and setting the soles of their feet
against the trunk,) and peppered them with ar
rows. Darkness facility ted iLe escape cf the
fugitives; but on getting cut cf the wood. 1VL
de la Giranicre noticed a scratch on one cf his
hngers. He attributed it to a branch cf brier,
and thought no more about it.
Seated on the sea-beach with the 'keleton,
the three wanderers took
Alii was downcast, and anticipated evih Kis
chief did not much admire the aspect of affair?,
but nevertheless kept a stout heart, and a bold
visige, and cheered his followers. Afire was
light-.!, and the two Indians went to seek shell
fish, (.hi their return they announced the dis
covery of a pirogue which the waves had cast
upon the stn.n L It was half buried in the sand.
and needed calking and repairs ; but with the
help of gum and bamboo-fibre, they managed to
i maxe it water-t:ght, and put to sea. A bamboo
j formed the mast, the skeleton's sack was con
j verted into a saih The waves ran high, but the
; voyagers were accustomed to handle those fra-
gile boats, and feared nothing. Unluckily the
i Indians, more used to the lake than the ocean.
i fell sea-siek. and M. de la Gironiere had to sail
J and steer the skiff totally unassisted. "When I
; reflect, he says, "upon the p-osition in which I
i found inyselfh afoat on the Pacific Ocean, in a
I frail pirogue, having for auxiliaries two helpless
j persons, the Indians lay prostrate in the bot
j tim of the boat.) two skulls, and the skeleton
; of an Ajetas, I can imagine my reader suspect
, icg that I am fabricating a story for my amuse
ment. Nevertheless, it is the exact truth I am
j narratir-g; and, besides, let those who please
believe me." After four-and-twenty hours" anx-
ious navigation, the pirogue put into land, near
a Tagaloe village, and another day and night
took the adventurers to Jaia-Jala Thence Hi
de la Gironiere went to Manilla. On the first
. night of his arrival there, he experienced such
acute pain in the finger, which had received a
scratch during his flight from the Ajetas, that
he twice fainted away. The pain became so
violent that he no longer doubted the trrSlng
hurt to have proceeded from a poisoned arrow.
An operation, performed by a brother surgeon,
rathe- increased than diminished the pain and
irritation. The inflammation spread to the arm,
, then to the chest. After some weeks' illness,
agony, and sleeplessness, the doctor made way
1 for the priest, who administered the last sacra
' ment. Nevertheless M. de 2 Gironiere recov
j ed ; but his convalescence waslong, and for more
, than a year afterwards he suffered from acute
i pains in the chest. But, with characteristic te-
naeiry, i had "stuck to his skeleton," both by sea
j and by land, and it is now in the Museum cf
j Anatomr.
From the Bichmond Enquirer.
The greatest phenomenon cf this ape of stu-p-endous
and astonishing events, is the immense
tide of emigration which is pouring out of Ire
land. A people possessing in the most eminent
degree all the elevated characteristics which be
long to the human race, are forsaking the fair
est country upon the face of the globe, by fami
lies by communities by millions not because
waiting in that devotion to the naialt eotum
which has such deep root in the patriotic breast:
but fcr want of affection fhr the government
which claims their allegiance and cf that direst
and most inexorable of necessities Hexao.
No American can contemplate the progress cf
this niigiity phenomenon unmcvel. ilis sympa-
r the n
.e race
re seekinp our shores ',
is not more po:gnant th.m the
pride which j
excites in the :
their pugr-mage into our conhnes
inititatious under which thev seek an asylum. i
While on the Irish subject we cannot refrain j
from publishing, at least, the conclusion of the j
eloquent speech delivered by the celebrated Dr. j
Cahiil, at the dinner in honor cf St. Patrick's j
day, given in Gal way, Ireland, on the last day J
of tne Irish tutelary Saint. The tribute to
America is one of the most eloquent ever utfer- j
eL and such as could proceed from none but
Irish lips. A brief extract from it has already
been extensively published in the newspapers
of this country. We have felt that it would be
a mutilation not tD publish, with this extract,
at least as much cf the oration as here follows:
Fellow countrymen this is certainly a great
day for IrelanL As your chairman has given
me credit f-r haviag same knowledge of astron
omy, I m ast take the lioerty of informing the
people of Scotland that the length of the day
an i night in Ireian i is twenty-four hours, (loud
laughter . and that it wa3 twelve o'clock noon
in our colonies in the east at about four o'clock
this morning in Ireland ; and again, that about
this present hour, while we are filling our spark
ling glasses, the Irish are just going to mass,
with the shamrocks in their hats, at twelve
o'clock in America. The Irish soldier, there
fore, on' this morning, at four o'clock, ealuted
the glorious memory of St. Patrick at the mouth
of the Ganpes : he began the shout in the east
as the sun culminated over Ftkin ; and as the
day advanced, the shout rolled along the foot ?f
Hymalaya, it swept across the Indus, passed
over the track of Alexander the Great, was heard
in ancient Byzantium, disturbed the slumber of
the brave in the gray field of Marathon,
reverberated along the seven hills of Rome, and
almost awoke about ten o'clock this morning,
old Bomalns on the banks of the Tiber. Owing
to the mysterious destinies of Ireland, and of
our scattered race, there is not a spot from the
yellow sea to the pillars cf Hercules, from Gar-
' . - i , . ... . . i
lnsuman noes not on uns nx tne green sham
rock in his cap, an-L with overflowing soul and
wild transport of native joy, sing the inspiring
air of his country, and chaunt aloud the magical
tune of "St. Patrick's day in the Morning.'
(Loud cheers for several minutes.)
But the commemorating voice of this day
through primeval Asia and old Europe is weak
in comparison to the power it attains when it
has crossed the Atlantic, and reached the friend
ly crowded shores of young and vigorous Amer
ica. There many a fond Irish heart welcomes
the well known cheers as they burst in the pa
triot skies cf Eunker s UHl ; there the shout as
sumes the majesty of thun der as it rolls in p-eals,
azaua and again repeated, ever the boundless
prairis liat skirt the Mississippi, a j ;3 tchod
re-echoed aioag the cLise-ej Alle-henies,
until it, die away into silence about two o'clock
t-night, as it reaches the placid bound'e bo
som cf; the PaciSc Great cheering. Thus
rmnd and round the gioba is the Toice cf Ire
land h trd this day by all mankind thus her
scattered &ad faxed children sing the wild sonz
ci tc . native land to the stranger thus ther
inur$!a the patriot strains of their- teOTe:i
country to the idolatrous Tartar, ti the po'ished
y ! hib
orcpan, &a-i taa s.-rrge Iniian : thas th
strexen tiieir un.tei Li'
s to eaca
ctuer on tl.ia
ay, ana rouni tne entire world ; thev form a
girdte Oi national love and patriotism which
rea.tti! irom tne cast to toe wes
le tne north an
4, jiuj. wn cjui-
south poles within the wide
circla of cur e
vi.t v i.iri tne conc.nsion ct
tuose who ncurd tne crii-?ri ;,.ri rf
the wntence can form any idea of the wild en
thusiasm which followed. After a while silence
was again restored, and every ear a Tain cn the
strain to drink in eagerly the" burning
of the gifted orator. He proceeded Listen
tor a moment aoout I
you wiii be q
be oujet. rou can aniblT- (? .-r r. ;h
the about cf joy raised by seven millions of our
. ... t
blood, ana our race, and our faith all along the
fres jhores of glorious, hospitable America
Oh 1 im erica, how I love your green fields, be
cause they are now the resting place of the wander-in
j children of my country I
I ic-rship your lofty mountains and jour rich
Talleis, because they afford an asylum and a
barrhr against the storms of adrersity which
have swept away and withered the ancient home
steai of Ireland. I bless your majestic rivers,
your magnificent lakes becaase I behold the
friently canvass of your marine spread on their
joyois waters, conveying my forlorn countrymen
to a reaeef ul and plentiful home. Oh, America,
I coiid die for your generous people, because
theyhave opened their arms to welcome the
ejected sons cf St. Patrick. I long to stand in
the presence of the patriot, the accomplished
Mrs. Tyler, and the incomparable ladies of Amer
ica, hat I may offer the deep homage of rnj
gratiful heart that I may present to them the
re.-prct and the enthusiasm of the people of Ire
land for the withering chastiement they have
inflated tn the sainted cruelty cf the Duchess
of Sutherland, and for the graceful dignity with
whifh they have exposed the well meaning hyp
ocrbv of her most noble committee. And I long
to iehold the country where the broken heart of
Ire hind is bound, her daughters protected, her
both adopted ; where conscience is free, where
retiion is not a hypocrisy, where liberty is a re-
allTy. and where the gospel is a holy profession
of divine loTe, and not a profligate trade of na-
tioirfL vengeance. (Enthusiastic shouts of ap-
piaase.) How long, O Lord, wilt thou hold thy
o ran: potent scourge over IrelanL the most faith
ful of all the kingdoms that possess the divine
revtlanons from heaven" But till Providence
is pieased to staunch the flowing blood of Ire
lard and to heal the wounds, we, her persecuted
sons, are bound to raise the cry of horror against
on? relentless oppressors, to keep up through
eaah coming year and each century the watch
word of our sires for freedom till the happy day
of car deliverance. It is glorious to struggle for
the redemption of one's country ; it is base to
tamely submit to the tyrant's frown liberty,
and then death, is preferable to slavery and
lifa Oh, eternal Liberty inheritance of the
"Better to bleed for an age at thy thrice.
Than to sleep for one moment in chains."
Wild and rapturous cheering. Beloved
feiTow-couatiytnen, of late years I have had more
opportunities of seeing the sufferings of the Irish
thai many others. 1 meet them at the seaport
town ; I hear their complaints : I am familiar
wiii their hard trials, an I I feel intensely their
dire fate: and in the midst of all their misfor
tunes they never loose the native affections of
thiir warm Iriih hearts. About the year 1515,
I-ent on board an emigrant ship nt the Custom
House in Dublin, in order to see the aeeommo
diiion cf the poor emigrants. While walking
on the ilct. I saw a Jeeent rtoor man from the
county Heath, with the ugliest dog I ever beheli
in his arms. He seemed to be keeping up a
j kkid of private conversation with this dog, and
occasionally he kissed him so affect; onateiy that
I was led to speak to him, and make some en
quiry about him. ne told me that the dog's
name was Brandy, that he and his mother were
in kis family for several years, and that he was
the same ape as his vounpest child. He ccn
tinsed to say that, on the day he was ejected,
and his house thrown down. Brandy's house was
thrown down too ; in fact that the poor dog was
exterminated as well as himself. That he took
pity ob him, brought him to Dublin, paid fifteen
sailings for Jiis passage to Ameriea, an d that
he would support him with his children as long
as he liveL While we were speakinp, the uop
began to bark, on which I enquired what he was J
barking at. "Oh, sir," said he, "He knows we j
are talking about the landlorL He knows his j
name as well as I do, and the creature always :
cries and roars when he hears his name mention- j
ed" (roars of laughter, which lasted several j
minutes.)" Oh, many a trial the poor Irishhave j
endured during the last six years. 31 any a vol- j
ume could be filled with the cruel persecution cf ,'
the faithful Irish. From Galwav to Anwrica j
the track of the ship is marked by the whitened
hr,r;p nf rKe mmvVreJ Iri.-h that lie alunz the
bottom of the abysses of the mourning ocean.
And yet those that Lave reached the friendly
shore still drap a heavy chain, which binds them
to their native land ; still they long to sve their
own beloved hills, and lay their bones with the
ancient dead of their faith and their kindred.-
And if death summons them beyond the Missis
sippi, or amidst the snows of Canada, or pesti
lence of Mexico, they turn their fading eyes to
wards the day-star that rises over Ireland, an d
their last prayer is offered to heaven for the lib
erty of their country. Their last sigh to God is
made for the freedom of her alters. (The learn
ed gentleman then sat down amidst an enthusi
asm of applause and a demonstration of respec t
by waving of handkerchiefs and continued cheer
ing, such as we have never before witnessed in
this city.)
A young dandy about strating on a sea
voyape, w
ent to
:o a store to purchase a life pre
tou will not need it," suggested
k, "baps of wind went shik 1'
o CiOCa. to nirht. ni vnii r-rl f.- t ' , D t ... :
Icarour own harp pour forth its Irish plain- not proceeded before o win p
WH. .jj'c -zi,nu..xii 1 1'- r v en ti n r 1.
So La-3- Against Camels.
The f ollowing true st. ry loses much cf its e:
in the translation from the Dutch, in which
originally heard it, and in the manner of
citai. L'euverei Ln
the Colonel's inimitabli
i style, it was enough to mrke a horse laugh.
eTerai years ag j tne celebrated CJ. L..
cf j
oouiiiy, was connected wilU a traveane
on, wnich was announced in everr store.
tavern, an I blacksmith bLop in the '-rural dis
tricts'' cf old Berks, in large bind bills, under
the glaring heads of "ground and loftr tumb
ling," '-legerdemain," and "splendid mena
rene.' The "menarerie"'-1 f rr.r
live Camels, and as it was the
of attraction, the Colonel was
principal feature
oh.ipcj to drive
them from one place of entertainment to another
it nirht.
n craer to prevent the '-free and
i. j
. & :
tcih'gect citizens of old Berks'' from pet tin
g::mpse cf the animals "free gratis fornrthing,"
wnicn would have considerably diminished the
receipts of the concern. One night, after keep
ing up the exhibition to a rather late hoar, the
Cwi. mounted his horse and started with his
ace.' He had
Id fatiffue, loss
aleen. How
iiD,.u ...j i. ., ,
i i- " a.3 u r'ju;;j ov a iren?tij'j; ne: "h.-
I mg oi norses, snarr-ic? cf stnr. rrRct-'nf r,f
timber, and clattering of hoofs. On
his eyes tlie Colonel tiiscoTered that his Camels
had strayed into a countrv tavern vard, where
there were some thirty or forty horses tied out
to the troughs, and those noble animals not alto-
gether reushong the appearance of the 'shins of
S the desert,' tore loose broke some of the wa-ons,
ana tcamperea on in aa directions, lne 'noise
and confusion' outside, awoke the teamsters
within, who came tumblinp out cursinr and
The 'noise
;, ana unmeaiiieiy set out in pursu.t o:
tne lupiuves. that naa pot
up tn:s impromptu
stamr-ede. While thev were thus ecpaire-i the
Col. collected his Camels and stole cf as rapidly
as possible.
Next morning while the CoL was seated at the
breakfast table, he was waited cn by a commit
tee of zhe teamsters, when the spokesman cf
the committee tapped him on the shoulder and
said :
"Are you de man rot owns da Ccmalea !"
"Yes," said the CcL, "I am the r-en that
owns the Camels."
j Veil, your comales have been kicking cp a
debil cf a fuss mit our horses. Dey have brake
i de halters, lest de gears, and ruined aemselves,
almost, besides de wagons, and we'd like to LaTe
I tamapea.
"Damages !" said the CoL, "yon may go to
rmrlr I nw r.av amaa ' -
1 The Committee soon found that they could
make nothing out of the Cob, 60 they started off
: to an old dutch Justice of the Peace, about a
; mile distant, sued the Coh for damages, got cut
a warrant, had him arrested and broupht be -
fore the "ynstice." The Squire, after hearing
all the evidence in the case, took down a dilapi-
dated edition of Purdon's Digest, sod after leaf
ing it over from beginning to enL and vice
versa, for about an hour, threw down the book,
took off his specks, thrust his fists into his
breeches pockets, leaned tack in his chair, and
with a vacant stare and wo-begone lock, ex
claimed, 'Veil poys, we can't do ceasing."
'"Can't do nossing," said the Committee in a
towering passion, "wots de reason es we can't
do nossing."
"Yelh" said the Squire, "li ain't got no Icrx
aaam Com-alee."
The Coh laughed immoderately at the deci
sion : and the Committee left, swearing that in
future they wouldn't Tote fr any man for the
Legislature, whether regularly nominated or not,
wno was in favor of having a law passed against
Cv 'i -titled. " JZcZClTiJ JifliT.
Tha Ilarriire
Jri;p Cn tnt-Toy, in a rec
lit eloquent address
befjrs the Young
Aupasta, Geurpui
' r i rv, at
thus sketches the marriapc
scene :
"I have drawn for yon many pictures of death;
let me sketch for you a brief, but bright scene
of beautiful life. It is the m irrlage altar. A
l-.rfOv fjm!i clothed in all tbe freshness cf
; lTeJ
and surpassing beauty, leans upon the
arm oi n.m u wa.m sue n as just pngate-x ner
faith ; to whom she has just given up herself for
ever. Look in her eyes, ye gloomy philoso
phers, and tell me if you dare, that there is no
happiness on earth.
'See the, the heroic devotion which
Impels her to leave c
trv, parents, for a com-
stranper. She has launched her frail
hiirit upon a wtie ana stormy sea ; sae nas cano
ed over her happiness' and daom for this world,
to another's keeping; but she has done it fear
lessly, for love whispers ta her tnat her cho&en
and rr. lector Dears a maniv am a
) noo.e Heart, uu. ju mm taai
! oath and his manhood !
i "Her dark wing shall the raven fiap,
O'er the fi-se-heartei.
His warm blood the wolf shall lap,
Ere life be parted.
Shame and dishonour tit,
On his grave ever;
Bless leg shall hallow it,
Never! Ob, never!" !
"We have all read the story of the husband
who, in a moment of hasty wrath, said to her j
j woo
! f1
had but a few months netore umtei her t
to his, "If you are not satisnea witn my con
duct, ''o, return to your friends and to your
har-piness. 'And wil y
which I brought to you?'
wife. 'Yes,' he replied.
:u give me nact that
akel the despairing
'all vour wealth shwli
go with you; I covet it not.' 'Alas V she an- j
5-rcre L 1 thu?ut not ci my l spos.e ci i
ray devoted
me?' 'Nol'
can veu pive these ba
ck to
the man. as he fiucg himself
at her feet. 'No ! I cannot restore these, but I
will do more I will keep them unsullied and
untainted ; I will cherish them through my
life, and in my death ; and never again will I
forget that I have sworn to protect and cherish
her who gave up to me all she held most dear.
"Did 1 not tell yo i there was p-oeory ia a wo
man's look a woman's word ? See it here ! the
milL the gentle repiroof &f love, winning back
from its harshness and rudeness, the stem and
unyielding temper of am angry man. Ah ! if
creation's fairer sex only knew their strongest
weapons, how many of wedlock's fiercest bat
tles would be unfought; how much of ULuiappi
ntts aiii coldness would be avoided V
( v. KJi. uau uraili. V.I ItLj.
Zs-v rsarre in the Post Cc Syrua.
It is known thst C nrf as hts prcridel i
late law. a system cf letter-carrying ci2?ds V-z
mz'Zr. TLe Postm .s.'er General is empowered
provide and farish to Postmafters tnd other
persons appaymg tlierttvre, su:taUe
witu paptage etaici a tr.ere-a, for ths pre-paj
rr..f r.T r. fT-f r.rr.l tV. T
cr postac".
letters enctoseU in
j said envelops may
.e carried by express
5 pames, or any etner private tueir.i cr canvsy-
ance, as parues msy agree-. Scch eniclcpesare
j now beirp prepared by the department and will
j soon be for Je at all the principle p est ofSces
J in the United States. The tima fixed irthe first
cf J ane, but we Laal n -t expoct them before the
! next P. O. quarter, which will be ths first cf
duly. Notice in the paper w
be ri ven of
tne.r amTai. laj wa be a great convenience
to business men. who can hand their packages
afreet to tejnoots, uaggage men, erprcaa
agents, or whoever they may choose ta trust,
without losir.g the time which mailing, registcr
inp. &c, requires, in a port efhee, preparatory
to being sent awa
j 5? The table turning mania has given way
; to the newer experiment of liphtinp the gas with
I the tip of the finger. The New York Trtbvm
i gives the following directions; "Let a person
j in his shoes or slippers walk briskly ever a wool
en carpet, acujZng his feet therccn, or stand upon
a chsir with its legs in fonr tumblers, ta insu-
late it, and be there rubbed up aad down on the
ooay a tew times witn a mnr, by another per-
te I-Iit Lis gas by simply touching
! Lia ZX1?-T to the tube. It is only necessary to
' tae " precatttion not to touch anything, cr be
A loucne-i any&octy, aunng tie trial of the ei-
penment. Tne stock cf electricity acquired by
the process we have described is discharged ty
contact with another object. A eeeend pereca
must turn on the ga while the other firea it
i The writer has lighted it in this way, and aen
, it done by children not half a dozen ears old.
We are all perip cleric luc
hut knew it."
fer matcits, if w did
Ihs Eisser cfBttrro.
; The pair cf stock: rg3 knitted by the Tererahla
; sister of Robert Bums, for the New York llx
i hibiticn, hare arriTfcd in that city, and will h
! a3sigt2ed a csnspicnons plac in the Crystal Pa-
lace. Considering the poetical and romantic
'; ideas connected wtth the name of Bams, the
; prosaic character cf the gift is remarkable. Yet
, perhaps :t shows tne power cf gemus
strikingly than a mere costly or more original
contribution, since the glory that surrounds the
name cf Bums imparts to the very stockings
! knit br his sister's hands a peculiar interest.
i There is not a kirg in Europe that would not
' alus and preierre, as a meet prteioni relic,
! Mistress Shakespeare's glove.
. . .
I Bar-Sooa. Scene.
; "Did I understand you to say, stranger, ycu
was from Chicago V
I said so
"Well, I've a brother there re leg JcccS a
lawyer know him. hey ?'
"Yes, I know Peleg Jcnes, lawyer."
Dayou?" (much animated) ' how's k iotr-g.
precisely ? Bight smart eh ? Keen follow :
What do you thuz. he will make if te keep
cn ?"
'I think, if he don't have ary serious pull
backs, bVll make a regular built -jackass"
(Exit Inquirer.)
A Dog Etcry.
ITuihanL Well, my 1ot, I hare sold Carlo.
Wife, (who abhors dogs. New, Charles. th.t'
kind in you. The dirty, naFfy brute, you ought
to have done it long ago 1
Husband. Yes, my ioTe. got fifty dollar: .
good trade ; all in p-pt at So a pice 1
I A Deg in Church.
; The Boston Transcript says : An amui'--incident
occurred at one of the churches in a
j neighboring village last Sunday afternoon. Jst-t
as the services were alut to commence, a good
' sired dog was observed to be sauntering about
the busies, he ascended to the pulpit, passing up
the stairs cn one side, and down on the other.
: Eat not having attained the object of his search,
I cr satisfied his curiosity, he again aseerde-d the
' stairs, and took the sr. rr; e route, but with no bet-
j ter success.
Again he ascended the -t-p, but instead cf
; passing through thepulpit. he took a portion n
. the upper step, where, setting himself upca his
i haunches, he deliberately surveyed fhe conpre
gaticn for seme minutes, daring Tthich tin,
; pause ensued, in which it seemed doubtful whe
! ther the audience would titter outright, or th
1 dog begin P.. bark. At le-ph. !:tr waiti-- ;a
; vain f.r the sextan to appear, one cf the good
deacons resolved ts expel the intruder. Btthe
i dog, as if anticinatlEZ his intentions, too his cid
j route through the pu'rit, and as the leaecn
j passed up one side, the dog went down the oth
; er. This was repeated tro or three times, to the
i no small amusement r.f the assembled cc.ngre
j gation. The deacon at last seized the dog br the
necs, ana tne way be marched him dwn thro'
i the Lruad aisle was enough to make a r.hilvo-
j pher smile. This having been accompliahed.
the services were commenced with aU the
gravity u was p
tie tD attain under the cir-
A few years ago, when the famous '-Coui.ty
Court" system was in vogue in New York, a tri
al was on the tapis in one of the interior coun
ties cf the State in which a Jury had been tie
man leL
The trial had been cemr'.ete I and the Jury re
leased to deliberate. After a short absence they
returned to court, and the following conversa
tion between the Judge and foreiaao ensued
Judge Have you agreed open your verdict ?
Foreman Young man we have.
Judge Well, sir, fjr whom do you find?
Foreman For ourselves.
Judge What do yon mean sir !
Foreman W'e mean that we have found a r
dict for one f the parties, which you can have bv
paying our fees. J udge Bat sir, you have been
regular empannelled, and must deliver vour Ter
dict now, and look to the county for your p.ay.
Foreman Judge, see here: 1 Ti oe shot if you
can have the verdict until you pay U3 our
We understand how to get oar pay in the Circuit
Court ; but this homt court we d ui't ondri-stani
v '