The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, May 12, 1853, Image 4

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' From the Home Journal.
Too ready credulity lends to previous error;
specially ns it affects our opinion of human
karacter. To believe what is scandalously
narrated of conspicuous men, would often lend
to the conclusion that infamy is the road to re
nowu; and that, ia order to become great, cr
tain previous viciousness of life is necessary. It
is a lamentable comment upon human nature,
that ii majority of maukiud delight in evil speak
ing, as well as thinking ; and go the work of
detraction with somewhat the eagerness of a
burglar to rifling a casket. Defamation, under
various guises, is indulged in almost universally.
2Ierit is rarely acknowledged. Greatness by
natural causes is termed greatness thrutt upon
one, and, therefore, without merit ; while great
ness achieved, is that of which the possessor is,
invariably, unworthy. The perusal of ceitain
newspaper items, concerning the career of
Louis Xapals.on in New York, has led to these re
marks. The items reflect no credit upon cither
the ingenuity of their authors, or the sagacity of
their publishers. Wonder at the intelligence of
the brilliant "coup-d" ttat," by which Louis gain
ed the throne of France, had hardly ceased, be
fore the newt-papers began. He came a sorrow
ing but undaunted exile, to this city, in 1837.
The fact is undeniable ; but what proportion of
the population of 1853 even-' dreamed of it!
However, the fact leaks out ; and immediately
h tremendous majority of our present innumer
able Gothamites remember him . perfectly !
Most all knew him by tight, at least ; and a ma
jority, by heart; "hail fellows, well met ;"
"hob-a-nobbed with him many a time !" If we
credit the items referred to, the I'rince, during
his rather secluded fotay in this city, must have
been favored with troops of confidential friends,
and scores of bosom companions ! How unfor
tunate that so large and intimate a circle of ac
quaintance have for Lis memory so little love
usxi praise I
We read in some of the papers of his frequent
ing low haunts, imbibing intolerable tipple, and
even, occasionally, indulging in pugilistic com
bats with the "b'hoys ;" that he was, more than
once, compelled to a "siesta" in the Tombs ;
and that, moreover, he ungratefully cheated the
magnanimous attorney who got him out ! I
rend bll this, and more, "ad nauseam
way of curious inquiry, have taken
and, by j
pains to
ascertain from the few surviving and accessible
persons who really did know him at that time,
what manner of man he was, and what they
thought of him. My efforts have been amply
regarded. The breath of reproach comes from
tib one of the highly resoectable gentlemen to
whose polite attention I am indebted for all the !
uiriuM.t.n i nave oeen enauieci to gainer con-!
t i . .i . . . i :
' rucrert oeanng unu conauci oi ;
the Prince, durins his soiourn amons us. On
the contrary, I have heard, on all hands, naucht
but hearty and generous encomiums, such as
v ii i i 1.1 y uusk i Lie in sti C3 iu ucsiu upui
uieir leiiows : tne more hearty ana cenerous.
. i
too, in proportion to the intimacy of the parties. !
nnd facilities- for observation. Mr. Liepenard '
Stewart, of this city, who frequently saw him in
the polite circles of thvt day, speaks of him :
as an engaging, yet forbidding person, usally
taciturn, thnughtful, wearing in the gay crowd
a shade of sadness, which, though interesting to
contemplate, deterred Mr. S. from what he fear
ed might be intrusive approach. Mr. S. says
that his brother, Ttev. Mr. Stewart, Chaplin in
the United States Navy, was very intimate with
Louis, his sympathizing friend and frequent .
companion ; and he always entertained and ex- ! TO FK MALES.
pressed the opinion, that Louis Napoleon was'. Yo will find these Pills an invaluable medicine
a superior man, and prrditd that he would in : in many, complaints to which you are subject.
time show himself great. Captain Shumway, an In obstructions either total or partial, they have
artist of this city, who, at the request of Chap- . b,.-n found i.f nstiiDuhle IimipSl rpsformo- th5r
lain Stuart, painted an excellent minature like-j functional arrangements to a healthy action,
ness of ths Prince, i3 overflowing with agreeable purifying the blood and other fluids so effectu
remiaiscences of btth his personal features and : ally to put to flight all complaints which may
general deportment. He speaks of him, in th e 1 arise from female irregularities, as headache,
first phtce, as the most punctual man to business giddiness, dimness of sight, pain in the side
engagements he ever knew ; never varying, dnr- : back, &c.
iug his numerous appointments, thirty seconds ! None genuine unless signed J. N. Hobensack,
from the exact time fixed upon for sitting. On -all others being base Imitation.
one occasion, Shumway, himself, being oblivious,
was recalled to his duty by encountering Louis
. - ... .
in tne street, hastening towards his studio
meet an engagement, which, thongh made by
the rtist, had been by him entirely forgotten.
The Prince expressed great delight on seeing a
fin? mezzotint engraving of one of the Imperial
Guard, which Shumway had hung in his studio,
and remarked, that he had "never seen one like
it in Paris or elsewhere," and begged and obtain
permission to borrow in order that he might
. rv n i - ,i.
copy it. On another occasion, entering the i
came apartment, and observing a musket stand
ing against the wall, he eagerly caught it up,
brandished it in a moment, and then went through
the manual with uncommon grace and dexterity
circumstances trivial enough in themselves,
yet pregnant with future presage to the eye of
the enly observer. The artist further describes
Lira as, at that time, a remakably handsome
man, and of most pleasing demeanor, "rather
quick, impulsive, nervous, playing with the chair
arms impertinently, while sitting for his pic
ture. The outlines of his face, the massive cheek
nod colour of the eye, striklingly resembled
those of Napoleon I. His remarkably luxuriant
brown moustache was, in .itself, heroic. His
complexion was rich, fresh and healthful. His
drew was a dark-blue frock coat, exquisitely fit
ted to a noble figure. His height appeared
about five feet eight inches ; and his age about
thirty." Such is the personal portrait of Louis
Napoleon, as given by Captain Shumway ; who,
of course, during the numerous sittings, bad pe
culiar opportunities of closely and critically ob-
otl '"-o una. xuemmaiure was exnioitea in
the National Academy of Design, at Clinton Hall ;
unu. ii we mistaae cot, is still m the possession
i cuiipiain Stewart.
regret the difficulty of obtaining incident
enough to fairly portray so interesting a sub
ject. You have to search "with a lamp" in or
, 1
mm u jifibuu, now-a-aays, wno enjoyed
tbe acquaintance of the Prince during his stay
iii this city ; aiid wh?nyou have found him, he
can only tell j'ou that Louis was a most remark
able and interesting person. A gentleman with
whom I conversed the other day, speaks of him,
as "one upon whose placid, correct and unosten
tatious deportment the ripple of scandel could
no, p'.ausibly appear, steadfast iu faith of com
ing advancement, his eye fixed to the future, on
ine Eiar oi uestiny in which now his sceptre
yearns. . no was an accomplished gentleman,
of noble person, dignified yet pleasing manners ;
uiau u0, uuywnere, ana under any circum
stances, would win regard, while he at the same
time commanded respect." I can find no ground
ior me scanaaious aspersions which have been
imposed upon a portion of the press in this city
and elsewhere, to the contrary. I iope in the
production of reliable items further illustrative
ef Louis's career in New-York, in a future com
munication, to illustrate, at the same time, the
Kiscfcierof that unruly member whose mend a
cioua wLispenng3, at the editorial tympanum,
are almost as pernicious as those which issued
from tie one who sat "squat, like a toad, close to
tee ear oxfcve." lours, very respectfully. ;
A Lover or TeVth.
As exchange says that there is a Hotel building
in .Broadway, the proprietors of which intend, in
addition to the "Bridal Chamber," to have a
"Death Room" fitted up in magnificent style,
vith raetalic coffins, shrouds, palls add plates,
for tbe accommodation of travelers who wish to
die &5:it:y, "aiii liSiie tiieir 'T?rutcrjr rn-yfor
WHATEVER concerns the health and happi
l new of a people is at all times of most val-
uable importance. I take it for granted that
norenn Trill nil in tbpir nnntr. to Bate
the lives of their children, and that every per- This celebrated preparation is pleasant to the taste, and is so speedy in its operations that pa
son will endeavor to promote their own health tients plainly feel its good effects in a few minutes after taking the first dose.
at all sacrifices. I feel it to be my duty to sol-' Hastings' Compound Syrup of Naptlm
emnly assure you that worms, according to the1 Is now acknowledged by all the ablest physicians of both hemispheres, to be a quick and pos
o' inions of the most celebrated Physicians, arc itive remedy for arresting the formation of tnbercles on the lungs ; and removing those already
the primary causes of a large majority of dise- formed ; and also to be the speediest and most effective of all medicinal ageuts in the cure of ail
ases to which children and adults arc liable ; if otuer deseases of the tin oat, chest and lungs. Language cannot express the value of Hastings'
you have an appetite continually changeable Naptha Syrup in these diseases. It not only cures them effectually, but it gives immediate evi
from one kind of food to another Bad Breath, dence of its ability to do so ; for in a few minutes after the first dose has been taken, the patient
rain in the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hard
ness and Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough,
Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular remember that all
these denotes worms, and you should, at once
apply the remedy :
SlobcnsacZt's Worm Syrup.
A Dr4ila fiim.lriil ,tvn QiT f 5 TNi rt A rwla
111 11 Ll.iV 1VU1IUV1 -- VIV I 1 1 J'll U
tomsliing cures perlormea by tins toyrup alter
Physicians have failed, is the be6t evidence of
its superior efficacy over all others.
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of
all that infest the human system, it grows to an
almost Indefinite length becoming so coiled and
fastened in the Intestines and Stomach effecting
the health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance,
Fits, &c, that those afflicted seldom if ever sus
pect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a
very nergetic treatment must be pursued, it
would therefore be proper to take 6 or 8 of my
Liver Pills so as to remove all obstructions, that
the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm,
which must be taken in doses of 2 Tablespoon
fulls 3 times a day these directions followed
have never been known to fail in curing the most
obstinate case of Tape U'orm,
Hobensack's Liver Pills.
No part of the svstem is more liable to dis
ease than the Liver, it serving as a filterer to
purify the blood, or giving the proper secre
tion to the bile ; so that any wrong action of
the Liver effects the other important parts of
1 tlip RVRtpiii finil rpsnTta vfirifniftlt? in T.i v-ri- Crim -
j ' J . - " -
pluiot, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. We should,
therefore, watch every symptom that might in
!,!:,. . r t:h !
.,c,i r t rr,,A k
nature t heui the sick : Namely 1st An ZTx-1
..,..n..i .. . : e
itiiuj mi.' iiu"iiiiir iiA I. ii it ni'i: riniii I null i
the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes
the discharge of secrcied matter. 2nd. An Al
ternative, which changes in some inexplicable and
insensible manner the certain morbid action of
the system. .3rd. A Tonic, which gives tone and
strength to the nervous system, renewing health
n;d Igor to all parts of the body. 4th, A Cath
artic, which acts in perfect harmony with the
ether ingredients, and operating on the Bowels,
aiid expeiling the whole mass of corrupt and vi
tiated matter, and purifying the Blood, which
destroys disease and restores health.
JgyAgents wishing new supplies, and Store,
Keepers desirous of becoming Acents must ad-!
jMi -i-" ! l-l'i ii J, nun l.'lUl C
dress the Proprietor, J. N. Hobensack, Philadel
phia, Pa.
For sale by Murray, Zahm & Co., and E.
Hughes, Ebensburg ; A. Durbin, Munster r'John-
ston, Johnstown ; McCloskey, Summitville ; E
noch Rees, six miles west of Ebensburc : and
oy every respectaoic dealer in the state
Keyser & McDowell, wholesale agents, No.
140 Wood Street, Pittsburg, who will supply
.1 . - trij
agents at the Proprietors prices.
t$Bl rice, each Zo cents ! !
July 22, 185.
Splendid Assortment ! Look Out
Summitville, Cambria county, havejust received
from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, a
large assortment of
Which will be sold low for cash. We will sel
our goods at a less price than ever they have
been sold in this county, and will retail Goods
as cheap as they do in Philadelphia, but we want
to sell tbem for cash, or something else as good.
All our goods will be sold at cash prices, and
one month is the longest credit we will give, and
any person having accounts running a longer
time, will be charged interest from that time.
These are the terms, and we think if you call and
see our goods you will buy and save mi ney. su
gars we will seil at cost and carriage, Coffee, at '
a siignt advance.
Our stock consists of a large assortment of
all kinds of goods usually kept, among which
are Ladies' Cashmeres, de Lains and Merinoes
all wool, from CO cts, to $2 per yard ; the same
kinds, half cotton, from 10 to 35 cts.; Silk Warp
Alpacca, and all other kinds of Dress Goods,
we have a splendid lot of knives and forks, 50
dozen, which we will sell very low. We call the
altention of everybody to our stock of
Dlade-l p-Ciot ulngr,
Which was made to order, of the best sizes, and
most fashionable goods. We have over two
thousand dollars worth of these goods, and will
sell th em cheaper than they can be bought in
any other place. The best kind of overcoats
from :5.50 to $15 ; pants for $2.25 ; Monkey
Jackets and Sack coats, very cheap. A small
lot of fine black cassimer pants, and fine satin
and silk velvet vests, bought in New York, will
be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought
ior in i nuaaeipma.
Our whole stock is of the best articles in mar
ket, we want to sell them soon, for we want the
money to pay for them. Come on and we will
sell to you right at one .price to everybody.
Children can buy as cheap as your best Jews,
for we have but one price, and sell for cash.
Summitville, Oct. 21, 1852 52-tf.
This Way!
For the highest "prices are paid for hides
skins and tanner's bark in either trade or cash by
Afresh arrival of Boots, Shoes. Slimmer
Hats, Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw
Bonnets, Powder, Gun. Caps, Shot Lead. &c.
received this day and for sale at the cheap etor,
- - - J. MOORE.
compounded with purely vegetable substances, by the opinions of the London Launcet, London Medical Times, and most other responsible pub
being perfectly safe when taken, and can be ications. devoted to the same interests Until the appearance of the Naphtha Syrup, the medi
giveu to the most tender Infant with decided cal faculty had always regarded Consumption as an incurable disease, and the records of medical
beneficial effect, where Dowel Complaints and science exhibited no authenticated case that weighed seriously against that opinion. Since Dr.
Diarrhoea have made them weak and debilitated Hastings' discovery, however, of the new and greatest property of Naphtha, when united with
the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are t other ingredients, nearly a thousand cases of absolute phthisics positively cured through its
such that it stands without an equal in the cata- agency, have been substantiated ; and this well established fact, in connection with a mass of ex
logue of medicines in giving tone and strength periments successfully made of its virtues by the ablest physicians of Europe, clearly prove that
to the Stomach, which makes it an Infallible Hastings' Compound Syrup of Naptha isa positive cure for Consumption, even in its worst stages,
remedy for those afflicted with Dispepsia, the as-j Three of the main causes of this property of Naphtha have been discovered. They are it3 extra
I A quick and positive Cure for Consumption, decline, asthma, spitting of blood, night sweats.
husky throat, wasting of the flesh, bronchitis, coughs, colds, and all deseascs of the chest aw
lungS. - -
ieeis met a poweriui agent is in tnc system, strongly working tor nis gooa. its operations aru
never delayed: It at once flies to, and attacks the root of the disease energy unknown to
chher medicines' ; and that disease must be deeply seated indeed which can resist its unrivalled
influence. Ileuce it has frequently cured a painful cough in a day, which had defied other popu-
l.t ,. aA t AO n . I. . V. n r 1 14-ffl 1 i .. C - ,1 v. n i Zn V.A !. -..Jin nml
. . r , ' , . .
toest, in a few minutes, by the surprising energy
and phlegm.
It is believed that no person has
Ti n t flf Vionofif f ynrrt 5f o 1.- n rt- LtA rm ita ri
uwm ..w v-U.MV . . uu 11 llj
f ordinary sublety, strength, and pervasiveness ;
j extends itself throughout, making a passage of
may have previously been by foreign substances. Hence it operates on the diseasd lungs by dis
lodgeing the particles of corruption in the strength of its ascent to the upper regions of the frame
land thus producing through ventilation ; and
the chest and difficulty in breathins : person r&oc3Ut7 btiAUUgu DVUJC tuuuuci nuitu men uiscudc uuu P LU ' JJtTH uy, llllKl lue j c-upiiiui
which was the only result necessary to the restoration of health. Such indeed, are the prompt
ness of action and energy of Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, in all the diseases for which it is tecom
meuded, that from the time they commence taking it patients know
an effect nearly the reverse of that which attends the earlier use of every other known medicinal
remedy. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Night Sweats, Pains in the Breast, Back, &c, spit
4V.-.w4 a im-n.. l. l wi,:Aii
ting of blood, bilious and asthmatic Affections, it is also admitted to be the speediest and most
vigorous and effective remedy extant ; and its effect in all Asthmatic complaints is equally deci
sive and remarkable. Lassitude of the mini ; flabbincss and wasting of the flesh ; and ail dis
position to inactivity and melancholy forebodings, are also quickly corrected by the Naphtha Sy
rup ; a wonderful manner revives the spirits, corrected by the flesh and muscles bra
ces the nerves and increases the weight. Thus, those wh? use it according to directions, gener
ally increase its weight about a pound a week ;
dissipation of melancholy, or the increase of bodily strength. In fine, a single trial of Hastings
Compound Syrup of Naptha, is all that is required to secure the confidence of patients, and cause
hem to forego all other remedies in its favor. The syrup is made up in six ounce bottles, each
accompanied with a pamphlet, containing directions, certificates," &c. Price one dollar each, or
six bottles packed up in a box, and ready for transportation to any part of the world, can be had
for five dollars.
N. 15. Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, being a very expensive preparation, cannot be left with
Agents on sale, or return, as is the case with the majority of the quack nostrums of the dav,
which cost little more than the price of the bottles. Persons who want it to sell again must pay
cash for it, with the usual commission off. Therefore patients who cannot obtain it in the places
where they reside, should write to us direct for a supply, and we will forward it to them without
delay (packed up in a manner to secure its safe
press, btage, Route, or any other mode of conveyance. All letters must be post paid contain
t,ie price' of tue numher of bottles ordered, and
iui iminui nivvt, i t o xuin, nuuuicrr.
Agent Frederick Kittell, Ebensburg,
December lo 1852 8-Gm.
it I n ht n m t n
1U A u i Ii 1 1 i
This preparation is a powder compounded of Plants, Herbs, and Flowers, free from any sub
stance which could possibly injure man or domestic aninals, and is devoid of any disnreeable
odor. It has been examined by the medical faculty of France, Russia, Sweden and Denmark,
rom all of whom ample testimony of its efficacy can be produced.
For the Destruction of RATS and
Being thrown
Read I lie foil
I have made a chemicil examination of the
for the purpose of destroying insects. I do not find it to contain anything deleterious to health,
or what might be considered poisonous to the human species ; but it is very destructive to insects,
? .. , . ,y nre Iorceu lo mnaie tne tine particles ot dust occasioned by throwing the Powder
IfVtWtlhlY. nliinno ... 1. . T . C T 1 1 I I'll 1, HFTlT 1111 I . T . . . . . ,
, . ,
iorcioiy iu places where they frequent.
New York, Hospital, June 0, 1850.
I have analized Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powders for the destruction of insects, and certify
mai ii is entirely iree irom mineral or other corrosive poison. As the result of mv examination
I would say that is a combination of various vegetable substances bavins a peculiar influence on
; the insect kingdom, and that it may be used with
tutiu ic iiotuuisuiug. i uciivc n io oe a eKiiiuiiy prepared suostance ny wnicu a valuable re
sult is obtained, which does effect what Mr. Lyon says, and is well deserving of public patronage.
LAWRENCE REID, Professor of Chemistry.
Emanuel Lyon. Esq. New York Hospital, June 1, 1850.
Dear Sir : It affords me great pleasure in stating that 1 have extensively used your
Powder for the destruction of Insects of all kinds, (especially Bed Bugs and Roaches) and un
hesitatingly pronounce it the best and only article so effectual in its operation. I have also ex-
i perimented with your Pills, nnd find them equal
mat you may prosper, 1 remain your friend. JOHN L. ROOME, Sup'nt. N. Y. Hospital.
Gibson House, Cincinnati, October 9, 1850.
We procured from Mr. B. II. Meakings, some of Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills's and cheer
fully certify as to its perfect efficacy in destroying Roaches and Rats within a few minutes after
its application. It is the most simple, yet perfect remedy we have ever seen.
I: K. & D. V. BENNETT.
' New York, Irving House, April 21, 1849.
I have used Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills for the destruction of Insects and Ver
min, and I have found the most happy result, and cheerfully recommend them to those who may
be troubled with these insects, as a sure method of destroying them.
DANIEL D. HOWARD, Proprietor Irving House.
" We certify to the above.
COLEMAN & STETSON, Astor House. S. THAYER COZZENS, American Hotel
JONAS B. PHILIPS, Ass't District Attorney. TRESTON II. HODGES, Carlton House.
These articles received a premium at the Fair of the American Institute in 1848, and the high
est premium at the Fair of 1850.
P RICE Ly oil's Magnetic Powders, 25 cents per Flash ; Pills, 25 cents per Box.
All Orders must be addressed (post-paid) to C. V. CLICKENER & Co., General Agents, 81, Bar
clay street, New York.
Agent Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Bell, Summit ; q. jj. Muckerhide, Johnstown.
December 16, 1852 8-6m.
Cabinet W are Rooms,
Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg. Pa.
Would respectfully invite the attention of the
public to their superior stock of
or every descnptio.n t urniture of all kinds
manufactured to order on the shortest notice.
All orders from a distance promptly attended.
April 29, 1852.
I Large lot of made-up-clothing, boots andi
il suoes, cioin and plush caps for sale by
Summit Oct. 7, 1852.
Salt ! Salt ! X
Superior article of Sack and Barrel Salt fori
sale by DAVIS & LLOYD.
Ebensburg, June 17, 1852.
OOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain,
taken in exchange for goods at
J- Moore's store.
Neatly and expeditiously executed at this Office
'lne Highest price paid for wool at the store
WHISKEY, White Lead, and Linseed OD
for sale by J. Moore.
40 Barrels Contmatrgh Salt for Bale by '
J. Moore
- .. . , . , - ...
of its action in clearing the- passages of bile
given Hastings' Naphtha Syrup a trial, who has
rtn oa An1 tlta nAnriiitinn 10 nl.At. Acf n li cliOf 1 I
rfXUV llll J Villi 1111V11 AO S V -J T
lor the moment it is received into tue system, it
every pore, no matter how much clogged up they
hence it is a never failing remedy in Oppression of
thus affected, feelins after takine it. as if it had
,i" i ..x . i i i. : . r '
and may take it for no other purpose than
delivery 1 provided the v can be reached by Ex-
be directed to C. V. CLICKENEIi & CO., No
Hastings' general Agents for America.
X ' S
n n ir n n n n
f U i JJ li 11 &
MICE, within five minutes after
in their vicinity.
wiugr letters :
New Yof.k. October 1. 1850.
Vegetable Powder prepared by Mr. Emanuel Lvon.
- . "
perfect safety. In reference to its utility, its
in all respects with your statements. Hoping
Will be opened this week at the brick store
of J. Moore, in Ebensburg, a general assort
ment of cloths, cassimercs, satinetts, tweeds,
and a great variety of summer goods,
logether with any quantity of prints, delaines,
lawns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other
Jress goods.
ind good assortment of hardware, queensware,
saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs, &c, &c,
Persons wanting boots and shoes, hats and
caps, or ready made clothing, will find it to their
advantage to call at the
Brick Store.
Tha subscriber, thankful for past favors, ear
nestly requests his customers, and the public
generally to at least call and examine his stock;
and if he cannot suit every person in quality
and price it is not his fault. Produce and lum
ber of all kinds taken in exchange for goods;
and he also takes CASH when offered.
Ebensburg, April 28, 1851.
Day Is & Lloyd.
Having formed a partnership in the
Would respectfully solicit the patronage of their
friends and the publio generally.
Call and see us at b old stand of William
Davis. i- - -
Fr Cbe Core of
rnnrD cthmi ivn
To cure a c.-i. v..... ...s and soreness of
thebod', take the Cuerry rectoral on going to
. , v j....-
1 . . . 1
war.ii, to Bweat during the
For a cold and cough, take it morning, noon,
and evening, according to directions on the bot
tle, and the difficulty will soon be removed.
None will long suffer from this trouble when they j
find it can be so readily cured. Persons afflict-
ed with a seated cough, which breaks them of
their rest at night, will find, by taking the Cher-j
ry Pectorial on going to bed, they may be sure
of sound, unbroken sleep, and consequently re-1
, - - -t - i r ii : si
freshing rest. Great relief from suflering, and
an ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands who
are thus afflicted, by this invaluable remedy.
From its agreeable effect in these cases, many
find themselves unwilling to forego its use when
the necessity lor it has ceased.
From two eminent Physicians in
Fayettkyille, Tenn., April, IGth, 18.rl.
S.r: -We have given your Cherry Pectoral
an extensive trial in our practice, and find it to
surpass every other remedy we have for curing
affections of the respiratory organs. j
Tr singers and public speakers this remedy is i
invaluble, as by its action on the threat and
lungs, when taken in small quantities, it removes
all hoarseness in a few hours, and wonderfully
increases the power and flexibility of the voice.
Astha is generally much relieved, and often
wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there
n fj OAniA ncao on Alicf'nnta n a 4-r T-?aTfA1 dnf irn
11. U Ul'llll. 1 .J V. U CM VVf l.UUll. .11? fcW J 1WAVAWV, 1. 11 .11 v.
1 1 1- - r i. r : u
them, if they can be cured.
Bronchitis, or irritation of the throat and up
per portion of the lungs, may cured by taking
Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses.
The uncomfortable oppression is soon relieved.
Rev. Doct. Lansing, of Brookiin, New York,
states :
"I have seen the Cherry Pectoral cure such
cases of Asthma and Bronchitis as leads me to
believe it can rarely fail to cure thosediseases."
For croujv UliC an emetic ot antimony, to
be followed by large and frequent doses of the
Cherry Pectori!, until subdues the disease. If
taken in teason, it will not fail to cure.
Whooping cough may be broken up and soon
cured by the use of Cherry Pcctot ul.
The influenza is speedily removed by this re
medy. Numerous instances have been noticed
where whole families Were protected from any
serious consequences, while tlu-ir neighbors,
without the Cherry Pcctoril, were suffering from
the disease.
Salf.ji, Oo., 11th, June 1851.
Doct. J. C. Ayer :
I write to inform you of the
truly remarkable effect of your Cherry rectoral
in this place, nnd in my own family. One of
my daughters was completely cured in three
days of a dreadful Whooping Cough, by taking
it. Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians
freely states that he considers it the best remedy
we have for pulmonary diseases, r.ndthat he has
cured more, cases ex Croup with it than any i
oii;er iiieuicine lie ever j.dnwnistcrpd.
Our clergyman of the B.-iptist Church says
that during the run of Influenzn here this sea
son, he has s:en cures frum your medicine he
could scarcely h.ivp beli ved without seein.
Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR?
Deputy Postmaster.
From ttie llst ingrnlslirtl Profenor or
Client il r- n-id Materia Medlca liow-
tlolu college.
1 have found the Cherry rectoral, ns its in
gredients show, a powerful remedy for colds,
and coughs, and pulmonary diseases.
Parkkr Cleveland, M. D.
Brunswick, Me.. Feb. 5. 1847.
Tlie widely celelrl ert Professor of Sttr
gery In tlie Medical Colltgt, .ew Tork
City, says t
"It gives me pleasure to certify the value and
efficacy of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,' which 1
consider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of
the Throat and Lungs."
Cures of severe diseases upon the Lungs have
been effected by Cherry Pectoral in such ex
treme cases as warrant the belief that a remedy
has at length been found that can be depended
on to cure the Cougt s. Colds and Consumption
which carry from our midst thousands every
year. It is inuccd a medicine to which the nfilic
ted can look with confidence for relief, and they
phouM not fail to nvnil themselves of it.
Practical and Analytical Chemist,
Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Ebensburg by Fred. Kittell, and by
Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every where.
August 19, 1852 44-9ra.
This delightful and popular article in the best
preparation for the hair which long experience
and scientific research has produced, either as
an article for the toilet, or its beneficial effects
in all the diseases to which the human hair is
liable. It will impart to the roughest and coar
sest hair the most beautiful appearance, entire
ly cleansing it from all impurities.
But while we assert that it is the best article
for the toilet of those who wish to retain the
hair in all its youthful
it must not be forgotten that in all diseases of
the hair or scalp, such as the falling of the hair
daudruff, pimples, or 6ores on the scalp, &c., it
is, perhaps the article which has given decided
satisfaction in every instance where it has been
Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly
active, so that, in numerous, where other reme
dies have been tried in vain, STORR'S CIIEM
ICAL INVIGORATOR has superseded the orna
ments of art, by reinstating, in full plentituie,
tho permanent gifts and graces of nature. It
is possessed of a character wholly differing from
the Oils, Grease, Restoratives, &c, which are
now so numerously foisted on the public, under
the pretence cf being newly discovered for bald
ness, gray hair, &c.
Storr's Inyigorator
has now been tested for years, and its efficacy
has been proved by thousands, Every year its i
reputation and sales have increased, until more
of it i consumed annually than of any other
preparation for the hair ever offered to the Amer
ican public. It is compounded on strictly sci
entific principles, and tlie proprietor will stake
his reputation on its efficacy.
Its extraordinary cheapness places it within
the reach of the humblest family, and its coo
ceded value insure it a place on the most luxu
rious toilet. '
For sale by the proprietors price 25 cents.
C. P. AMET & CO,
120 Arch street, one door below Sixth.
For sale by Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg : James
Bell, Summit; G. Muckerhide & Co., Jcbuews'
A ,-'1
diseases ar
ising from a
cr Jered liver or sto
mach, such as cocstipa
t'u.u, inward piles, fullness or
blood to the head, ncidily of tLe
stomach, nausea, heart-burn, diss
for foxl, fullness, crwright in the stotnach.
i scur. "Stations sinking or fluttering at the Lit
! of the stomach, swimming of the head, hur
ried and difScu'.t breathing, f.iittericcr
a . 1. - 1. L T. . 1
at the heart, choking or suffoca
ting sensations whes in a liv-
ing posture, dimness of
i?icc, dots or webs
before the sight
fever and
pain In the Lead, difficiency or perspiration, yel
lowness of the skin and eyes, pain in
tb, back, chest, limbs,
&c, sudden flushes
of befit, burning in the flesh,
constant imaginings of evil arid great
depression of spirits, can be effectually cured by
At tlie German Medicine Store.
120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their prnctr over tie auove diseases is not exe!Ui
if equalled by any' other preparation in th
United State, os the cures attest, in many easts cf
tr skilful physicians had failed.
These Bitters are worthy iue attention cf in
valids. Possessing great virtues iu the rectifi
cation of diseases of the Liver and lesser glandj
exercising tne most f-earching powers in weak
ness and affections of the digestive organs, tier
are withal, safe, certain and pleasant.
That this medicine will cure Liver Complalat
nnd Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using itss
stated. It acts specifically upcn the stomach and
liver ; it is preferable to calomel in all HUout
distares the effect is immediate. Thy can be
administered to female or infant with fafetj jai
reliable benefit at any time.
Look well to the narks of the Genuine
Tl.-ej have the written signature of C. M.
JACKSON upon the wrapper, nnd his name
blown io the bottle, without which they are pu
rior.s. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the German
Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch itreet, one door
below Sixth, Philadelphia. ; f.nd by respectable
dealers generally through the country.
To enable all clases of invalid to enjoy tu
advantages of their great restorative powers.
Single bottk 75 centn.
For sale by Frederick Kittcl Druggist El ers
burg; James Bell, Summit; G. Muckerhide t
Co., Jfiitibto'.Tn.
December 10, 1S52 8-ly.
"Wholesale and Retail
The subscriber adopts this method cf return
ing thanks to his friends and the puo!Ij -fr-ally,
for the liberal patronage heretofore bestow
ed upon him, and bcs leave to inform theia that
he has enlarged his butir.ees, nnd now keeps
constantly on hand a large supply cf everv va
riety of Tinurart, Stove Pipe, 'tripping J'ant,
Zinc Boilers, Coal Buckets, Tea Kettles,' &e S'C,
vwui-h iie win fen, wno"sa;o cr rotr.i!, at lev as
any other establishment in the country.
lie is also prepared to manufacture Snov'.;.-?
for houses, at the shortest notice, end' on tlie
most reasonable term. Merchants ana oiLers
desirous of purchasing bills of war?, are res
pectfully invited to call, as he is prepared to sell
them goods equally as cheap as they can be had
either cast or west, and al! orders eddrrssed u
him will be promptly attended to.
Great CvcKenient.
N Ebens'onrjr.
at the vrs
louse f
the unoer
eil at th
signed who has on hand and will
lowest prices
consisting of Globe ; riat Top, complete : Hi.
lory, complete ; complete Cook ; the Xew Com
plete ; Cooks Favorite ; Delaware Cook ; Key
stone ; Union Coal Burner, Parlor stove ; Bat
Air, do ; Bar Room, coal stove ; all of the la
test style and patU-iu which cannot be excelled
or equalled. Ccm? and see them, and don't for
get to bring ycur wife along if you have none
bring your lady-love.
Joh Work of every description, doa on th
shortest notice. Old corner and Dewier. tuLcn
I in exchange for ware.
The imdors.'gncu Lopes, byasfilcl attT.ticn
to business, to rcecie s. liberal thr.rc zi publie
July 8, li.V2.
1 th
undersigned informs
his customers ttat
the firm of Brnon R. Johnston is dissolved
by mutual consent, and that the subsciILer still
continue the business in the room recently oc
cupied by tho old firm, where he will be harpy
to see his former patrons and as many iicw
ones as please to call. lie receives regularly
from New York and Philadelphii the lutes!
fashions and caEnot be beaten either in the
shape or fit of Coats, Tants or Vests, by any
other Tailor in the country. He respectfully
ask the public to give him a call, and con
fident his work will recommend itself.
BSfcAll kinds of country produce taken is
exchange for work.
April 29, 1832 if.
John 3IcMeel & Co..
ave the pleasure of announcing to their friends
and the public, that they have opened a new
6iore ai ine west end or toe Aiiegneny lunuc.,
at Gallitzin, where they will keep constantly oat
hand and will sell at the very lowest prices, th
following goods : cloths, cassimeres, gingharrs,
woolens, prints, plaids, mous delaines, morince,
alpaccas cashmeres, real long-shawls, pine-ppl
dress goods, pongee, niadras, aud grass-linen
handkerchiefs, ribbons, buttons, gloves, hosiery
laces, thread, 6ilk, silks, satins, umbrellas, 5&
Also, a heavy stock of sugars, teas of the latest,
best, and cheapest importations; queensir&re
hardware, cutlery, books and stationary, hats,
caps, boots, fchoes and bonnets of the mostfw0
onabie 6tyles; and a large quantity of
Bacon, Flour, Sutter, Salt, Fish, Cigari,
and tobacco. All of which they will sell at ti
cheapest rates.
We invite the attention of purchaser to out
extensive nnd varied stock of
Ready-Made Clothing,
comprising all colors and qualities, and m11?.
factored from tbe best materials, which we
dispose of at fair ' rates and we warrant every
article will give the utmost satinfuction. .
The highest price paid for all dtcr'FtiB K
j' J.yv; 25, Ifinl.
April 29, 1852.
P?cctnbr 1 ISP2 S-ly.
t Gttllifiin, 7aa.