J JJlLi M!.-!.'. ,J ! ! . .J .'!. SJ. mLj.ij. i "... ' WE GO WHE iS DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES POINT THE WAY ', WHEN THEY CEASE TO LEAD. WE CEASE TO FOLLOW." TOME IX. EUENSBIRU, TIIURSDiY, MAY 12, 1853. MIBER 29. i v IK ; i a i c-. i i x . .1-- i r- i lei iii iii i i i 1 1 ' i i f -. s u-3 i II I I I 1 i 1 .ISI I.! II I X fl i i.' II J I T K T"t S The "MOUNTAIN SENTINEL" is publish ed every Thursday morning, at One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum, if paid in advance or within three months; after three months Two Dollars wRl be charged. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period tb&n six months ; and no paper will be i;fcontinued until all arrearages are paid. A i'liirrre to actify a diseontinuanc at the expira tion of tii term subscribed for, will be consid ered as a new engagement. G- ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted r.t the following rates: 50 cents per square for the first insertion; 76 cents for two insertions; f?! fcr three insertions; and 25 cents per square DT every subsequent insertion. A liberal reduc tion ina!!le to those who advertise by the year. All advertisements handed in must have the p.-orer number of insertions marked thereon, or they will be published until forbidden, and charged in accordance with the above terms. i4i,All letters and communications to insure attention must be post paid. A. J. RHEY. From the Irish Penny Journal. THE WORLD'S CHANGES. "Cent crini Tleming wrote merely, Timk." D'lSRAELI THE YotSGKR. Tee solemn Shadow that bear9 in his hands ILc conqueror's scythe and the glass of sands, I auseJ vzz in his night where sunrise shone 0?i a warlike city's tower of stone ; And he asked of a panoplied soldier near, 'How long has this fortrcssed city been here ?" An J the man looked up, man's pride on his brow, "The city stands here from the ages of old; And as it was then, and as it is now. So will it endare the fuueral knell Cf the world be knolled, As eternity's annals shall tell." And after a thousand years were o'er, The Shadow passed over the spot once more. Ar.3 vestige none of a city there, . '.ut h.kes lay blue and plains lay bare, a;J the lEiraaallcd corn stood high and pale, Ad a shepherd piped of love in a vale. ' .'lo"-?" spoke theShadcw, "can tempie and tower - jus 2et like mists from the morning hour?" i-atthe shcphsrdsbcok the long locks from his brc w "The w:jv!d is filled with sheep and corn ; Thus was it of old, thus is it now, Thus too win it be while moon and sun Rule night and morn, Fr nature and life are one." And afier a thousand years were o'er, The Shadow paused over the spot ouce mere. Aid lo ! in the room of the meadow lands, A 2C2 foameJ far over saffron sands, Sashed in the moon idle bright and dark; .'. if x Usher was casting his nets' from a bavk. .1 jr marvelled the Shadow ! Where then is the pl.;:n! And wLcrc be the acres of golden grain ?" the fisher dashed off the salt spray from hi ) row - , 'TL2 w.ters begirdle the earth alway. The ica ever rolled as it rolleth now ; Vht bdbblest thou about jrrain and fields? J3y night and day, Man tooks for what the ocean yields." And after a thousand years were ocr, The Shadow paused over the spot once more. And the ruddy rays of the eventide. Were gilding the skirts of a forest wide ; The moss of the trees looked old, s old ! Aud the valley and hill, the ancient mould Was robed in sward, in evergreen cloak ; And the Woodman sighed as he foiled ku oak, Him asked the Shadow "Jlememberest thou Any trace of a sea where wave those trees?" IV.it ?Le woodman laughed, said he, "I trow, Ii oaks and pines do flourish and fall, . It is not amid sea The earth is one forest all." And after a thousand years were o'er, The Shadow passed over the spot once more. And what saw the Shadow ? A city again, But peopled by pale mechanical men, With workhouses filled, and prisons, and marts, And faces that spake exanimate hearts. 'Strange picture, and sad ! was the Shadow's thought; And turning to one of the ghastly, he sought For r. clue in words to the when and the how Of the ominous change he now beheid ; JJut the man uplifted his care-worn brow "Change? What was life ever but conflict and change? . From the ages of old, liath affliction been widening its range." Enough said the shadow, and passed from the spot; At last it is vanished, the beautiful youth Of the earth to return with no to-morrow. AH changes have chequered mortality's lot, Jjnt tills is the daikest for Knowledge and Truth Are but the golden gates to the Temple of B SxnTASTGAlISM J OH. WHAT'S TO BECOME or tub Misses ? Servant gal (as ugly as sin.) 1 tell you what, cook, with my beauty aud fig ure, I a'int a-going to stop in service any longer. I shall be orf to Horsetraylier. Ik Marvel says, after hearing a dull ser mon preached by a dandy, he asked a friend What he thought of the discourse ? He replied, in his usual, quaint, queer style "If they go on preaching this way, the grass will soon be knee deep in the 6treets of heaven." A wicked wag of a lawyer, in a coun try court, recently scandalized the bench by putting the following query to his professional brethren : "Why is Judge like neces- tity i" The members of the bar present quick ly an3cred, "Because he knows no law." A vsrt modest young lady who was a passenger en board a packet ship, not very long eincc, sprang from her bed and jumped ever board, 0n hearing the captain, during a storm, crdec the crew to tske. doya the eheet. , Vanderbilt1 s Pleasure Excursion to Europe. The announcement, some mouths since, that one of the wealthiest citizens of New York, contemplated making a pleasure excursion in a steam yacht, to the principle cities of Europe, awoke m.ny conjectures as to its scope and the person. From the New York Herald, cf Friday we coudense the following account of the plan of the proposed excursion. . The Herald, after commenting ttpon the rapid extension of our commerce iu the last twenty-five years, and the super: on ty of our ships, says : The sovereigns of Eirupa have but little idea of the refinement of a republic, and associate it with all that is rough, course and unpolished, and that it is only by personal observation the Czar of llussia, and other crowned heads of Eu rope, can obtain a true kuowledge of the facts in the case. Jle will, in a very- few months, have an opportunity of seeing one of our moat distinguished and wealthy citizens in his own capital. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Esq., generally known by the title of " Commodore," has had as we hive already said, in contemplation for several months past a trip to Europe, in his splendid steam yacht North Star, which was built expressly for the purpose. This is the first voyage of pleasure which has ever been under- taken from this country, and in its extent and 1 magnificeuce far exceeds anything of .the kind ; ever got up by tne wealthiest monarch in Eu rope. Although it is solely a personal matter, it partakes somewhat of a national character, There are, we believe, only two or three of the European sovereigns who possess steam yachts; but none of these are at all comparable with the North Star' Resides the contemplated plea sure trip, which, Including the cost of the boat will exceed half a million of dollars. Mr. Van derbilt has another object in view. He has long been impressed with the belief a belief found- j led on ample experience that a steamer propel- ed by beam engines could not only cross the ocean in safety, but that she would possess mauy advantages over the present class of ocean steamers.- How far this mnv be correct we do not undertake to fay, but there can be no doubt whatever of the success of those employed in running to the Isthmus, among which we may mention the Star of the West, and the Prome thius. Mr. V. will be accompanied by the mem bers of his own family and relatives, Rev. Dr. Chouies, and his physician, Dr. Lindsay, num bering between 4'J uad of) persons altogether. The vessel -willbe splendidly furnished, and will no doubt give the monarchs of the Old World a more perfect idea than they have hitherto had of the wealth, the commercial rrosperity, aud of the retiuemcut to be found iu the great-ir extern republic. The lirstport at which she wilf touch is SoSt.Ua.inptou jvhiie Mr. ViinJerbilt intend . remaining a few days, giving his cumpany an oppt.rtu i;ty cf seeing the curiosities of that im pirtnt SLMport. It was from "4his port that lleury the Fifth set s-iil in August, 1415, about two months before he gained his famous victory at Agiucourt. Southampton was the last port in thigl.'iiid at which the pilgrims stopped before the departure to this country, it is also replete with reminiscenced of the wars between the house of York .and Lancaster, commonly known as the "Wars of t e Rosses." From Southampton a Rail Road brings thera within three hours ride of London. Leaving Southampton, they will pursue their course east ward, passing through the celebrated Straits of Dover into the Notu Sea, and stopping tempo rarily on their way at the Hague aud other in- tei mediate places." Navigating the North Sea, is far a- the extreme northern part of Denmark, they will pass through tha Sanger Rack and perilous Cattegat, the waters of which are crowded with innumerable islands and sand banks, li.l'oie entering the Baltic they intend cjiiiing to iiiteliorat Copenhagen. this city is distinguished as possessing the best works of the great Danish sculptor, Thor watdseu. Son? of the public buildings are said to he really superb, ana its library, containing. 4"O,U0O volumes, exclusive of manuscripts, is the best in Europe. Our voyagers will find here the great globe of the famous northern astrono mer Tycho Rrahe. The next place of note at which they will stop on their passage through the Baltic Sea is Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, opposite the entrance of the Gulf of Finland, at the extremes eastern end oF which St. IVtralmrorli ia Kiiiwtail Stockholm, which might appropriately be named the City of Islands, presents a grand and impo sing view when approached from" the sea. Among the most interesting notabilities of this city is the Riddarholm, in which the kings, ot" Sweden are buried, and in which are preserved many national military trophies taken in the wars of the Greut Gustavus, and Charles XII. Stockholm is inferior in some respects to the Danish capital, but its business, we believe, - is more extensive. The present reigni ng monarch is Joseph Francis Oscar, sou of the politio and wily Bernadotte. : From Stockholm, the excursion will proceed direct to St. Petersburg Its population at present, is about equal to that of New York, and , its public buildings are splendid specimens of architecture hardly inferior to thO. of Paris or London. . The number of churches is between sixty and seventy, of which a little more- than three-fourths belong to the Greek faith, and the remainder to Catholics, Protestants, aud Dissen ters. The Cathedral of St. Peter's and Paul's is, historically, the most important, from the fact of its containing the tombs ofallJhe Rus sian sovereigns, from the founder of the Empire, Peter the Gieat, to the late Czar, with the ex ception of Peter the Second, who was interred at Moscow. The Church of the Convent of St. Alexander Nefski, is one of the magnificent edi fices in the city,' and contains .the remains of its patron saint," which are enclosed in a mausoleum of solid silver. Tha appearance of a company of Americans at the capital ity of one of the first monarchs of Europe will attract ict no little attention anions- the celebrities at St. Petersburg. The Russians are noted for their hospitality, and we have no . . ... . doubt that the Czar will be among the first to welcome bis republican visitors. The meeting of Nicholas the First, Emperor of all the Rus sias, and Mr. Vanderbilt, one of the wealthiest citizens of the great Republic, will form an era in modern history. It will furnish food for the speculations of longheaded politicians and busi ness men of the present day, and historians will record it hereafter as one of the most remarka--ble events the world haj ever witnessed. We understand that eercral -Applications have been made to Mr. Vanderbilt for permission to go with him ; but. as we have said, none,' but the members of his own family, his relatives, his physician, and Re. Mr. Choules, will accompa ny him, so that the honor of an introduction to tu. crowned he ids of Europe and the Bobility will be reserved fur his ownTfaniily. - After a few weeks stay at St. Petersburg," the company will set out for Moscow, , and spend i sev;ralh.ys.in Jking up its plains ef ootr, tbe : great bt-il is one of the mo6t attractive. Leav I ing Moscow our travellers will retrace their steps ; to St. Petersburg, and emoarking, will steam through the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic, and out through its narrow gates, the Cattegat, the Ska ; ger4iack into the North Sea, with as little de j lay as possible, directing their course Jbr the i Straits of Gibraltar, they wilFthen sail up the Mediternean, probably visiting on the route ' Marseilles, Toulon, Genoa, Rome, Milan, Na ples, and sweeping up the Archipelagoes, touch at Athens, the Mother of Arts, and other places , of note on the seacoast of Greece. Constants nople, we understand, will - also have the honor ! of a visit. Wherever they go they will be the "observed of all observers." The grave and ; dignified Turks will gaze with astonishment nt this evidence of the greatness of our country, an1 admit that even Oriental magnificence can not surpass that of a wealthy but simple citizen of the great republic, Mr. Vanderbilt expects to be absent about six months altogether, returning to this city some time in November or Dccemher. In this voyage he,does"not intend to make a trial of the speed of his vessel, so that it must not be regarded as n test of her sailing qualities. He will take his time, reaching Southampton in about twelve days and a half, which he can do with the great est ease. LAST DAYS AT MT. VESNON. The year 1100 was in its last month: Wash ington had nearly completed his sixty-eighth year; the century was fast drawing to a close, and with it this great man's life. - Yet the "win ter" of his age had shed its snows "so kindly" upon him as to mellow without impairing his faculties, both physical and mental, and to give fair promise of an additional length of days. Nor was Washington unmindful of the sure progress of time, ami of his liability to be called at any moment to '.'that bourn from which no traveller returns." He had for years kept a will by him, and, after mature reflection, had so disposed cf his large property as to be satifac lory to himself and to the many who were so fortunate aud happy as to share in his testa mentary remembrance. - The last days, like those that preceded them devoted to constant employment. After the ac tive exercises of the moruing in atteutioiTta ag riculture and rural a flairs, ia the evening came the post-bag, loaded "with- letters, papers and pamphlets. His correspoadeuce at home and abroad was immense, yet was it promptly and fully replied to. No ' letter was unanswered. Oue of the best bred men of bis time. Washing ton deemed it a grave offence against the rules j was a race by five female riders; then equilibria of good manners and propriety to. leave letters tions by Marin and fiylvestar; then a race with unanswered. He wrote with creat facility, and it would be a difficult matter to find another, who had written so much, who has written so well. His epistolary writings will descend to posterity as models of good taste, as well as de veloping 'superior powers of mind. General Henry Lee ouce observed to the chief, "We are amazed, sir, at the vast amount of work that you accomplish." Washington replied, "Sir, I rise at four, o'clock, and a great deal of my work is doue while others are asleep." So punctual a man delighted in always having about him a good time keeper. In Philadelphia the first Preaident regularly walked up to his watchmaker's (Clarke, in Second 6treet,) to compare his watch with the regulator. At Mount Vernon the active, yet always punctual farmer, invariably consulted the dial when re turning from his morning ride, and before enter ing his house. The affairs of the household took' order from the master's accurate and methodical arange nieut of time. Even the fisherman on the river watched for the cook's signal when to pull in Lore. 80 10 Oliver his scaly products in time ior dinner. The establishment of Mount Vernon emnlov cd a tierfect armv of servants : vet to each one was assigned certaiu special duties, and these 1 thanks for the attendance and interest manifest were required to be strictly performed. Upon j ed. The resources of this immense establish the extensive estate there was rigid discipline, ment will permit a great variety of performances without severity. ' There could be no confusion ' beyond those above indicated, and there can be where all was order; and the affairs of this vast little doubt that the Hippodrome will be a pro concern, embracing thousands of acres, and hun- j minent feature in the amusements of the Metro dreds of dependants, were conducted with as plis during the summer season perhaps per much ease, method and regularity as the affairs manently. N. Y. Tribune. of an ordinary homestead. Mrs. Washington, an accomplished Virginia housewife of the olden time, gave her constant attention to all matters of her domestic house hold, and, by her skill and superior manage ment, greatly contributed to the comfortable re ception aud entertainment of the . crowds of guests always to be found In the hospitable man sion of Mount Vernon. . Invariably neat and clean in his person, with clothes of the old-fashioned cut,' but made of the best materials, ' Washington required lees wait ing upon than any man of his age and condition in the world. A single' body-servant attended in his room to brush his clothes, comb and tie his hair, (become very thin in his last days,' worn in the old-fashioned queue, and rarely with powder,) and to arrange the materials of his toilet. This toilet he made himself, in the sim plest and most expeditious manner, giving, the least possible amount of his precious time to anything relative to his person. When rising at . j four o'clock he lighted his own candles, made up his fire, and went diligently to work without disturbing the slumbers of his numerous house- i hold. ' '--... 1 n tae 'ast days at Mohnt Vcrnondesirous of : . 1 . . v it. . e v 1 m it. ' riuing pieasantiy, uie uenerai procureu irom iue j North two horses of the Narragansett breed, J celebrated as saddle horses. They were well to i look at, and were pleasantly gaited under the : Baddle ; but were scary, and, therefore unfitted ' for the service of one who liked to ride quietly j on his farm, occasionally dismounting and walk- ing In bis fields to inspect his improvements, i From one of these horses the General sustained I a heavy fall, probably the only fall he ever had from a horse in his life. . It was in November, ' late in the evening. The General, accompanied by Major Lewis, Mr. Peake, (a gentleman resi ding in the neighborhood,) the author of the 'Recollections," and a groom, were ' returning from Alexandria to Mount Vernon. Having halted fora few moments, the General dismoun- i ted, and upon rising in his 6tirrup again, the , Narragansett, alarmed at the glare from a fire near the read-side, sprang from under his rider, j who came heavily to the ground. Our saddles were empfy in aniutant, and we rushed up to give our assistance, fearing he was hurt ; it was unnecessary. The vigorous old man was upon his feet again, brushing the dust from his clothes; and. after thanking us for our prompt assist ance, observed that he was not hurt, that he had had a very complete tumble, and that it was owing to a causa that no horseman could well avoid or control ; that he was only poised in his stirrup, and had not yet gained his sad dle when the scary animal sprang from under him. Meantime all of our horses had gone off at full speed. It was night, and over four miles were to be won ere we could reach our destina tion. The chief observed that, as 'our horses had disappeared, it only remained for us to take it on foot, and, and, with manly strides, led the way. We had proceeded but a short distance on our march, as 'dismounted cavaliers, when our horses hove in sight. Happily for us, some of the servants of Mr. Peake, whose plantation was hard by in returning home from their la bour, encounteredour flying steeds, captured them, and brought them to us. We were speed ily remounted, and soon the lights at Mount Vernon were seen glimmering in the distance. It pleased Providence to permit the beloved Washingtorito live 9 witness the fruition of his mighty labours in the cause of his country and mankind, while his success in the calm and hon oured pursuits, of agriculture and rural affairs was grateful to his heart, and shed the most be nign and happy influences upon the last days at Mount Vernon. Cuttu' Recollections and Private Memoirs of the Life and Character of Washington. , ' Th. Hippodrome. M- Franconi last night gave a full dress re hersal to the members of the Press and other invited guests, in anticipation, of the opening cf his vaet .establishment to the public on Monday next.7 tEbere were several hundred gentlemen present ifrhq seemed to be' highly pleased with the performances. The Hippodrome is at the junction of Broadway and Twenty-third street, covering several acres of ground with its amphi theatre of seats and enormous tent-like roofing of canvass. The race course occupies about thirty feet in width nearest the boxes, and the centre is laid out like a park, with grass plats, brod paths, fountains &c. J"ive large pyramids of 'gs burners, in the centre, with rows of lamps v . vr . -I- wAlvAW light than is agreeable to the e3 e. The seats are very comfortable, and the place is excellently ventilated, so that it can hardly : fail to be a cool and pleasant resort on summer i nights. We don't know how many persons and 1 animals the company comprises, but they must i number hundreds. " The performances last night i consisted mainlv of equestrian exercises tirst riders Btandinsr. &c. A company of monkeys J and ponies then took the course, creating- much merriment. M. f rancours dancing uorse a magnificent animal performed his part to great satisfaction, aud kept time and tune wonderfally for a horse. The ostrich race was not properly done, owing to some unavoidable defects, though the comical appearance of the birds a species of thiee 6tory Sbanghae kept the audience in constant laughter. Afftr a enirited chariot race in Roman style. 1 came the Tournament, a princely pageant, got , up with much care, and bringing back, most J vivid recollections of Sir Walter Scott's descrip- tion of the field of Ashby de la Zouche. After ti,;a ama r,ftstnrinir - ft Rteenle cliase bv five ladies, very exciting ; the wonderful, but rather too startling balancing act ef the fciegrist oroin ers; tt chariot race w conclusions being a of tb course makes a -race hero something like a matter of fact, as was amply testified by the : excitement with which fine riders were hailed as . tbev flew along the end where most of the audi- I enco were located. 1 At the close, of the exhibition, M ITrancom 1 I wan -i!1piI forward, and briefly returned his A Second William Tell. About a month ago, as. we learn from the Courrier Des Etats Unis, a case was brought be fore the Correctional Police of Spires, a city of Badon, which is certainly without, a parallel in the annals of justice. A weaver of Spires, who had been much extolled as a marksman, undertook by a desperate experiment, to estab ish his reputation beyond dispute. To this end, he loaded his pistol and repaired to his garden, accompanied by his son, a lad about 11 years old. ne ordered the child to stand at fifteen paces from him, with a potato upon his head. The boy obeyed, without making any resistance; and the father, preserving the utmost coolness", fired his pistol and dislodged the potato, the ball piercing it through the very centre. The weav er's neighbors, to whom the fact was related, refused to believe it, and would only be con vinced by a repetition -of the fool-hardy exploit.- - , It was now nighl ; but the intrepid marksman insisted upon an immediated repetition. In etead of the potato, he placed upon his boys head a lighted lantern, at which he discharged his pistol with the same success as before. The fame, of this- extra ordinary exploit coming to the ears' of the police,- they deemed it their duty to arrest this second William Tell, and put a check to this wild ambition by the agency of the law. The Justice, before whom the case was brought, not sympathizing with the admiration which the affair bad excited among the weaver s neighbors, and having ascertained by a careful investigation of the circumstances, that, the second time, the pistol-ball had slightly grazed the boy's cap, condemned the . marksman to tight day6 imprisoniBcnti- . - ; . - : ' - ith four norses aoreast ; tne uoverumem uau gneu ujiusiifuti; w aiunw, u.u..u, " ivmuj7 iuu;6uau u.vi. race of a dozen thorough or any other foreign power,' that , political re- a breach of military propriety. "Take him," i-;,Wfl The D-rent extent 1 fuirees should be placed under surveillance? " said he to the corporal, who was an Irishman, . From the Home Journal. Advertisements in the Last Century. Advertising has .become to be a prodidgious institution ; but its orign was humble. A lady who has lately written a history of the fine old English town of Norwich gives same amusing specimens 01 tne advertisements, published in . , . 1 . ine journals or mat place a Hundred years ago. In the year 1738 a new book was advertised thus : 8 " 'An authentic nistory of the Ancient Citv of Norwich,' by one Thomas Eldridge, who also couia provide bis customers with 'neat Jamaica rum. fine brand v. Geneva and cordial vTAier'" About the same date appeared the announce ment of a new arrival from London : "This is to'fcive notice to all nersons in the city, that right over against the Three Feathers m bt. feters, of Rungate, there is one lately come from London, who teaches all sorts of pas try and cookery ; all sorts of jellies, creams and pickles ; also, all sorts of collering and potting, and to make rich oakes of all sorts, and every, thing of that nature. She Reaches for a crown down, and a crown when they are fully learned, that her teaching so cheap may encourage Tory many to learn." In June, 1708,' a dealer in the national, com modity of malt sets forth his kind intentions to his customers as follows : "Mr. Augustus de Clere, of Norwich Thorpe, have now-very good malt for ret-dl as he former ly had ; if any of his customers have a mind to take of him again, they shall be kindly used with good malt, and as cheap as any body can sell. You may leave your orders with Mr. John de Clere, hotpresser, living right over the Ducking fctooi, in St. Martins, of the palace of Norwich." The mention of the Ducking Stool in the above revives historical reminiscences not a few. Duck ing m those days was a part of the regular and irregular administration of the law, applicable to witcnes, beggars, vagrants, and other unde sirable and to-be-got-rid-of persons. The ad vertisement annexed is of a somewhat later date: "Notice is hereby given that on Thursday and Friday next, being sixth and seventh June. 1734, a coach and horses will set out for Lon don, from Mr. Thomas Bateman's, St. Giles, and perform the same in three days. Note. The coach will go either bv Newmarket or Ipswich, as the passengers shall agree." The distance from Norwich to London, is, we believe, scarcely a hundred miles. A very cu rious specimen in the Norwich Courant opens thus": "Whereas, Mr. Cook, at the pastry shop near the three steps, has charged Mrs. Havers with embezzling to the quantity of two yards of pa doohwoy, nut nf her suit of clothes, turn vl im. side down two years since, and made ut first for a mucn less person ; the clothes having . been viewed by several mantuamakers, the same ap pears to be a most malicious slander, &c." These advertisements afford another illustra tion of the remark, that for historical purposes , the advertising columns of newspapers are more .serviceable than those more pretentious ones which are devoted to the editor's "able leaders," or our. "our own correspondent's" circumstan tial narratives we venture to asert that a Al 1?. 1 J - . - 1 - ' better insight into the life of England, in the eighteenth century, could be obtained from a judicious collection of one hundred advertise ments from old newspapers, than can be glean ed f.'om the whole of Smollet's tedious history of kings and cabinets. The Search of Kossuth's House. In the Commons, on Thursday, 14th, debate ; occurred respecting the search instituted by or- derof the Secretary of State, in Remises occu- pied for Gov. Kossuth. The dybafe was brief, Sir. J. Walmsley referred to- a statement in one of the morning .papers of Fndy, and asked whether there was any, and what foundations for the report that a large , quantity of warlike implements had been seized, supposed to belong to M. Kossuth ; and he inquired also whether , Lord Pa Imerston said that information had been received that there was in a house near : Rotherbithe, but not occupied by M. Kossuth, a quantity or war-like stores and gunpowder. A j rearv .j-. j , - t nouse was entered, aim seventy cases, contain- ing several thousands of war rockets, were found- There were also found a number of rockets in various stages of preparation, 2,000 shells un loaded, aud 500 pounds of gunpowder. These were seized Who they belong to the House would not expect him to say. No assurances respecting political refugees had been given to any foreign power bcyoud that which had al ready been stated in Parliment, that they would not be allowed to abose the hospitality of this country by hostile preceding against foreign powers. Mr. T. Duncombe said the place where these things were found was a rocket manufactory, and that the whole statement with regard to 31. Kossuth was a fabrication. The noble lord we'l knew that the rockets had been offered for sale to the Government. Mr. Bright asked the noble lord whether M. Kossuth was in any way more compromised than any member of the Orleans party by this trans action. Lord Palmerston said be cast no imputation upon M. Kossuth ; it would be a subject for fu ture inquiry to whom the arms belonged. LordD. Stuart charged the Government with bavins: laid an allegation, and declined to sub stantiate it. M. Kossuth denied all knowledge of the transaction. 51 r. Aglionby complained that the charge had been brought forward by the Timet as if it had been satisfactorily proved, whereas it apeared, from the statement of the noble lord, that such was not the case. London Times. We find the following among the Recollections of Foot the Actor: "Foote was one day invited to dinner at a Merchant Tailor's Hall ; and so well pleased was he with the entertainment, that be sat till the chief part of the company had left the hall. At length, rising, be said : 'Gentle men, I wish you both very good night.' iBolhP exclaimed one of the company ; why' you must be cozy, Foote ; here are twenty of ns '1 have been, oounting you, and there are just eighteen ; and as nine tailors make a man, I'm right 1 wish you both very good night,' " - . 1 . .J r . . . . . . . 4 1 -v Via n a r v j. aaj-i. i-j i.i w infiinflnff , . e n-fAa The Ericsson. This ship ! low lying at her dock in Williamsburg; New York. The Tri bune says that important alterations are now" going on in her machinery, at the foundry there, which the owners are confident will considerably increase, her speed. She is to he re tdy to esil for London, on her Erst passenger trip, soan ! ter the first of July, at which time the improve ments now going on will be completed, and sha will be in crder throughout Capt. Ericsson and some of the principal owners will go out in her to Europe. She can accommodate about two hundred passengers. The ship is sow open to public inspection. Irish Wit. 'Not long ago, a destitute daugh ter of Erin walked into an office on Wall street, and in a very insinuating tone, begged for & lit tle aid to support ber starving family. "Why my good woman," said the comfortable looking gentleman to whom she addressed her petition, "you ought to take your family and gs to the poor house, instead of begging abont the streets, in this way." "Sure, yer honor," she replied, "it wouldn t be aisy to go to a poorer house than my own." The rich man could not answer this clincher with any thing less than two shillings, and North went out with a smiling face. Skxsible Doctor. A handsome young wid ow applied to a physician to relieve her of three distressing complaints, with which she was af flicted; "In the first place," said she, "I have little or no appetite. What shall I take for that ?" "For that, madam, you should take air and exercise." "And, Doctor, I am quite fidgety at night, and afraid to lie alone. What shall I take for that?" "For that, madam, I can only recommend that you take a husband !" "Fie! Doctor, I have the tlue terribly. What shaft I take for that?" "For that, madam, you have, besides takieg air, exercise, and a husband to take the news paper." Sensible doctor, that. . Smaet Gibxs. A young gentleman of Kil kenny; meeting a handsome milkmaid sear the Parade, said : "What will you take for yourself and your milk, my dear !" 4YourEelf and a gold ring, sir," replied the girl. That was good, but the answer of the girl at the boarding house was better : A ge ntleman called in and was shown over a suit of rooms by a very pretty girl. . t )-j Jet with the. rnf " iotairA the gallant. "No sir ; I era to be let alone. A female teacher of a school, that stood en the banks of a quiet English Etrcam, once wish ed to communicate to her pupils an idea of faith. While she was trying to explain the meaning of the word, a small covered boat glided in eight alone the stream. Seizins upon the incident for an illustration, she exclaimed : - .... ..... If I were to tell you that there was a leg of mutton in that boat, you would believe me ; would you not, even without seeing it your selves !" "Yes ma'am," replied the childem "Well, that is faith." The rext day, in ordef to test their rescHet tion of the lesson she inquired: . " What is faith !" "A leg of mutton In a boat V was the an swer, shouted from all parts of the school room. Col. Kemtss, of the 40th Regiment, was remarkable for the studious pomposity of his diction. One day, observing that a careless man. in the ranks had a peculiarly dirty face, which appeared not to have been washed for a twelve- "take the man and lave him in the waters of the Guadiana." After some time the corporal returned. "What have you done with the mn I sent with you !" inquired the Colouel. Up " r , 7 r, . , , V cap. "onure, an 1 piase juur ouuor, muu jcr honor tell me to lave him in the river? and there he is now, according to yer ders." honor's or- tsT Istetkai. Com merce. The Providence Journa in common with most other city news papers, seems to think that in recent appoint ments for mercantile stations, those "from the country" have been too often preferred. The Journal tells the following story to hit those who have but little experience in commercial af fairs : A man once applied lobe shipped before the mast. "Are you an able seaman or a green band ?" asked the shipping master. -"Why not not an able seaman, but yet not exactly a green hand. I have some knowledge of the water." "Ever been a voyage ?" "No." "Ever been on the river craft ?" "No." "Well, what then do you know about the sea?" "Why, I have tended saw mill!" Classical Quotations. Multum in parvo. Much in little. Ne plus ultra. Nothing beyond the utmost point. Nota Bene (. ii.) Mark well. O tempora, O mores ! Oh the times, oh the manners 1 Per e. By itself. Prima facie. On the first view, or appear ance. Pro bono publico. For the public good. Pro et con. For and against. Quid ounce ? What now? applied to a news hunter. . Summum bonum. The chief good. Veni, vidl, vicL I came, I saw, I conquer ed. - ' ' ' jjgJ-The following words, if spelt backwards or forwards, are the same ; 'Name on ce man ;' so also the following ; Snug and raw was I ere I saw war and guns.' These are instancea ot curiosities in Literature which IIrii has for gotten to BCtice. M ; .4 -1 1 I?- I:. ( i . 1 ' U 1 V a'. hi I' 1; ( 1 , ! : i. . t: ' r