The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, May 05, 1853, Image 4

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. u iiiiuljjih
ir n it n m I T tr n r ?T Rl T ST I? T
fil i ft HH 13 P. Ig I I y fi L : IF H AT EVER concerns the health nd fcrpi
i -- r . , , j . . . . . . . 1
nets oi a people is an nines oi iiu;m wh-
! uab'e 'hut ortance. I take it ' for grntited that
i A quick end positive Cure for Consumption, decline, iisthuia, spitting -f blood, night sweats, j
A Scene in Patagcnia. . uab c I take it for prntited that nusn.y turwat, wasting or tlie Hcsh, Irouchitis, coughs, colus, ana an cteseascs 01 tne chest una
.,t., .,f rri,;,l. is known every will do nil in their power, to save, lungs
fPatazonia 19 a eou
tbau any other uuon the
Mr. Bourne's late work, therefore.
.... .... - ; 1 ' 1 ft .. 1 . . . .
Western Continent. . tlie uvea 01 tntir ciinuren, nnu mat every per-i mo uicu ivjjaiauou is pieasunt to ine caste, anu is s; speeuy m na ujieiauoiis iuui p:i
which cn- i sen will endeavor to promote their own iic-altii uenis pia.r.iy eci us gotai ehects in a few minutes alter taking the nrst oese.
I feel it to be mv duty to scl-j
,;nj.u nrriif,f:i rnrisiucrali e stay BRiraiftii siieiincra
exti-ns-vc travel iu that country, is all the more cmnly assure you that worms, according to the
Welcome To leant that human nature in Fata- o inior.s of the most celebrated Physicians, are
oiii has much in common with human nature the primary chum s of a huge minority of dise
clse where, it .s ouly nece.-s sry to read the pis- uses to which children and adults arc liable : if
sn-e annexed : "One eveninsr, the chief, hi you have .-m r.r; elite continually changeable
i-.iti- i.-;'5 two d uiThters. und an infant erar.d-. frnnt one kind of fond to another. Pad Breath,
! -. lighter and invseif. were scattered about the Fain in the. Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hard
lodge, enveloped in a smoke of
and density. While the others aat aroun l us
uiuoneeriied as so many nieces ot' bacon, I lay
Hiit, with my face close to the ground, and my
head covered with a idece if cuaiiacrkiu. the
ness nd Fullness of the Pelly, Dry Cough,
Slow Fever. Pulse Irregular remember that ail
these denotes worms, and you should at once
arrdv the remedy :
only position in which it was jiossibl to gain any
relief f roiu the stilling fumigation. Yihile iu
this attitude. I fancied I heard the tramp of
many feet without, and a c-iiifosed muttering,
as ifa multitude of Indian-' were talking topi th
er. Presently a hoarse voice sounded in front,
1 .it o-ii-j nf srmc one within.
to which tha chief r.r.,mt,tlv retdied. I cau-ht the Tonic jwn rties of my Worm Syrup are
. v
n few woivls cnongii t satisfy me that 1 was
BOt the subjtet of their colloquy, but that there
T.J .1 - .- . ! T I . , I 't-
w as a lauy in iiie ciise nun iistvucu
An r.rtic'e founded upon Scientific Principles,
Com 1 unded with purely vegetable substanees,
being jierfectly safe when taken, and can be
given to the most tender Infant with decided
beneficial effect, where Dt ivrl ConjJainta and
Diarrhoea have made them weak .md debilitated
Is now flcknov. ledged by a.l the ablest physicians of bota hemispheres, to be a quick and pos
itive remedy fcr arresting the formation of tubercles on the lungs ; and removing those a; road;
formed ; and also to be the speediest and most effective of all medicinal agents in the cure of al
other deseases of the thsoat, chest and lunsrs. Lanjruasre cannot express t lies value of llatius'
iwiptha Syrup in these eiiea:-cs. Jt not only cures them eHectually, but it gives immediate evi
dence of its abilitj- to do so : for in a few minutes after the tht dose has been taken, the j , alien
feels that a powerful ngent is in the system, strongly working for his good. Its operations an
never delayed: It at once Hies to, and attacks the root of the disease with an energy uuktmvn to
chher medicines ; and that disease must be deeply seated indeed which can ivsi.-t its uuriv;nled
iuilucnctv Hence it has frequently cured a painful cough in a day, which had defied other popu
j Jar remedies for a month : and has removed difficulty of breathing and pain in the thro.-tt and
toest, in a tew minutes, tiy the surprising energy of its action in clearing the passages of Idle j
ami phlegm. It is believed that no person has given Hastings' Naphtha Syrup n trial, who has
not feit benefit from it, and acknowledge its virtues. And this conviction is further established
by the opinions of the London Lnuueet. London Medical Times, and most other responsible puL
ioations. devoted to the same interests. Until the appearance of the Naphtha Syrup, the medi
cal faculty had always regarded Consumption as an incurable disease, and the 'records of medic al
science exhibited no authenticated case that weighed seriously .ngaiust that opinion. Since Dr.
Hastings, discovery, however, of the new and
owiei ingreuients, nearly a thousand cases ot absolute phthisic positively cured through its
lgeney, have been substantiated ; and tins well estaMihed fact, in connection with a m.iss of e
greatest property of Naphtha, when united wi
such that it stands without an equal in the cata
logue of medicines in giving tone and strength 1 erimei.ts successfully made ot its virtues I y the ablest physicians of Europe, clearlv prove that
to the Stomach, which makes it an iniallible Hastings C np und Pjrup of Naptha isa j"irire cure Jor Couuvpti., even in its w rst stag's.
w.v,o i.u.imu ..,. ,,.v..y-o., ... ..o- inive- 01 me: ooi.ii causesoi mis properiy 01 .Napinna nave Keen discovered. 1 liev are its ei.tra
Fcr (he Cur f
rRoxcuiTis, vriioori.G-coi'C!iiv
10 cure a v . ..iid soreiics ot ;
the body, take the Cherry Pectoral on going to 1
bed, and wtap up war. o, to sweat during the
For a cold nr.d cough, take it morning, r.oon. j
and evening, according t directions cti the bot-.
tie, and the difficulty will sovii be removed. ,
Nor.e will long sulfer from this trouble when they
tii.d it can be 5o readily cured. Persons :iiict-
cd with a seated cough, which breaks them of j
their rest at night, will find, by taking the Cher-j
ry lVctorial on goin t bed, they ir:.y be sure j
and all
fi'senar fir
Icing from n.die
crdered liver or sto, such as constin..
n. inward piles. fullnr rr
icidi y of tl
without anv of the fright which grew out of the
previous negotiations. The conversation grew ; cures peiiorn . eu oy mis crup aner oidinary snt.lety, Mrength, and pervasiveness ; tor the mointnt it is received
animated, and the equanimity of his high mighti- j Pl'jsiei.-tns have failed, is the best evidence of extends itself throughout, making a passage of every pore, no matter how much clogged" up thev
may nave previously neen ny torctgn suostances. Jience it operMcs on the uiseasd ungs by dis-j
f sound, unbroken tle-p, and consequently re- oppression
to the Lead,
....wv.., lliail-liur . lOl.rr.,.,
r food, t u'ness. crwriirht in tl,. .
sur eructations, sinking or tlutterir: at uie'
of the fctomach, tu imniing of the l.e.J Jj- J
ried and difficult breathing, fiutterioff'"
at the heart, choking or suffocj.
ting sensations when in a Iit
iog posture, dimness of
vision, dots or webs
before the 6ight
fever nud
pain m the he.v! diiScicncy or rc-rprltionf r.l
iosrncsi ot tue Kia and eyes. paia ja
the side, back, chest, limbs,
&C, SUJd':!l flushes
ef heat. burnin!r ir, n.a .i.t.
mirigs or evii nd treat
constant it
ness trie chief was somewhat disturbed. I cast
male members of our house hold, to . . t. " . j ' iauu 1 nus pro-iucing tnrougn ventilation ; and ik nee it is a never failing remedy 111 Oppression of
rossiVe. vvhetlur any one of them was special-j V nf .ls,tbe l"06 K t orm to destroy of the. chest and difficulty iu breathing ; person thus affected, feeling after taking it. as if it had
lv interested. On.' look was si.Sicicnt : the chief's , u'i'l,H,t;1 "e iunmn sji-tem, 11 grows to an forced a passage through gome channel which their disease had stopped up, and the re-ooening of
daughter (wbcbv the wav, was quai widow, with !"'st Indehnite length beennng so coiled and which was the only result necessary to the restoration of heabii. Such indeed, are the prompt
cue uopetul scion springing op by her side,) st fj,&t?m'J llie IntiuM and Momael. effecting 1)ess of action and energy of Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, in all the diseases for which it is lecom
llstcning to the conversation with anxiety and ' .f ' VT , - US ' ,ned?d from the time they commence taking it patients know
apprehension visible in every feature. Her i,ls;c .t''!,t ',,08e "te'I seldom if ever sus- THAT IT IS CUEING THEM ;
inother sat near her, her chin resting upon her ' I,et ,1,at 11 ls ai'f- IUc"" "-tenin thcin to an an effect nearly the reverse of that which attends the earlier use of every other known medicinal
: i'!H r rr.! vo In i.f Jm .lactfott tine U .vii 1 . r t e- ri . .' ..... ...
ue.-hing rest. Creat reiiet" from suil'erinjr. ad
an ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands who!
are thus : Ciicted, by this invaluable remedy. !
From its agreeable effect in these cases, many!
Land, with an anxi ais and thoughtful expression
of countenance. Ti e invisible s eaker without,
it soon appeared, was an unsuccessful suitor of
the daughter, and had come with his friends to
earn grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a remedy. For
very nergetic treatment must be pursued, it
would therefore be proper to take G or 8 of my
Liver Pills so as to remove all obstructions, that
lodgeing the particles or corruption in the strength of its ascent to the upper regions of "the frame lln'1 ,ht ,"!it'lv--'4 miwidii.g to forego its use wbtnj mtv.-iity u r n ua eeaseu. I
From twu emiuetit Pliysicians in j
Fathttkvili.e. Ti..n., April. Klh, 1851.
S.r 1 We have given your Cherry Pectoral i
an extensive trial in our practice, and find it to
surpass every otht r remedy we have for curing
affections of the respiratory organs.
singers and public speakers this remely is i
cougtis, L-oius. ftore lliroat. .Mirht bweats. I'atns :n the l!i-P,.vt 1,.L- X n vt-
press his claim.
He urged his suit, if not
Classic, with 'earnest eloquence, but with fv.c-
cees ill proportioned to his efforts. The thief
told him he was a poor, good-for-nothing fellow,
had no horses, and wna unfit to be his son in law
or any one else's.
she and remarkable. Lassitude of the nm..l - fl ,!.;,:
the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm, position to inactivity and melancholy forebodings, are
which must be taken iu deses of - TabU-snoon
fuils 3 times a day these directions followed
have never been known to fail iu curing the- most
obstiuate case of Tave Worm.
The outsider was not to be
so easily put off; he pres-ed his suit with fresh
energy, uffirmiog that his d Gciency of horses
was from want of opportunity, not from lack of
will or ability to appropriate the first that came
"within bis reach. On the Contrary, he claimed
to be as ingenious and accrmplbhetl a thief as
ever swung a lasso or ran off a horse, and a migh
ty hunter bt sides, whose wife would never suffer
for want of grease. The inexorable chief here.-it
COt considerably excited, told him be w:i a t rior
devil, nml niltrh f ho nfF ,i 1 1. I. Im.i.I f . l.o u nnli. ' : be
a. n. . . . 1 . . 1 - !
iiuv more nunui 11. ine suppliant, as a
.... jm iu...i, iniious mm asiomauc .-viicciioiis, n ia also aomitted to Lethe speeeiiest and most
vigorous and effective remedy extant : and its effect in all Asthmatic e mn'.-di.ts is i uallv de. i-
ess and wasting of the flesh : ami all dis
also ouickly corrected bv hi! Nai.htha Sv-
rup; which. in a wonderful manner revives the spirits, coritetcd by the ffih and mueeles bra
ces the nerves and increases the weight. Thus, those win use it e-c rding to directions, gener
ally increase it? weight about a pound a week : and may-take it for no other purpo.-e than the
dissipation of melancholy, or the increase of bodily streot!i. In fine, a tingle trial of Hastings'
Compound S run of" Na t.t ha. is n'l that is rrrivn .1 t . i nn. ! .,!.?,..,,... . r . 1 ... .7 ..
iloDeiieacli s Liver Fills. hem to fun 70 nil tb 1- jo. liwi- m. ..,,7,. . , . 1 ' 1
?,o part of the system is. more liable to dis- ( accompanied with a pamphlet, containing directions, certificates, &c. Price one dollar each, or
ease than the Liver, it serving as a tilterer to six bottles packed up in a box, and ready for transportation to any part of the world, can be had
purify the blood, or giving the proper secre- for five dollar.?. '
i.w.. .0 ...v 0.1 . ii-.n ni- vioii- ituimi oi .1. . iiasiings .Mipiunn yrup, neing a very expensive preparation, cr.nnot be left
the Liver eflects the oilier important parts ed' Agents on sale, or return, as is thi en with th. m.,i,rifi- ,.f ii.,. , ,.1-
. , - j I"' 01 u . v 1 til, U 1.11 ti IMfMl ill e I I I llf
winch cost little more than the price of the bottles. P rsons who wa it it t.. tell again mu-
c.isii ior ir, wkii cue usual commission on. J herefore patients who c annot obt
... .1. -i 1 .1 .. .. ...
... ,ut, ictmc, Miouiu iue 10 us direct lor a supjily, and v. c wil! forward it to them without
delay (packed up in a manner to secure its safe il 'iv; T i.i-.,v; tl...,- 1 i..,.i 1... . .
iiiaiuoe. as y its action on me turoat anJ
inngs. when taken in small quantities, it removes
a:l hoartriiosi in a f-w hours, and wonderfully
iucrcasis the powe r and flexibility oi' the voice.
! Astha is generaiiy mudi nlievcd, and often
wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. Put there
are some cases so ob.-tin-ite as to yielded entire
ly to no medicine. Cherry Pectoral will cure
them, if they can be cured.
i sp.L.a, can be effectually cured b
JD2. C. II. JACKS Dif,
it tiie German Ulcdlclnc Store.
j Area Strest, Philalelplia.
f Their pou rr over the aLyve natatft u tiol ez'M
.! equaled li any otutr prfparalwn in 'th
: United Sttitet, aj the cures attest,!: many cai't of
j Cvf hilful physician had failed. '
These Litters are worthy the ntter.tion r,f jc.
valid'?. Possessing great virtues in the
cation of diseases of the Liver and lee err .r'.i. I.
la eenk
, exeivi.-ing the niof-t fearcbirig j overs
; nets and af;eet;&iis ot tne digestive or"
I are with.-d. s.if cet tin and i-!Pm.,r.t
Tliat tliis meJicino will cure Liver Corral .,;.
.1, no one can doiiV. after asitg j, ,
.ICfS PpCif Ca:;V nr.nri t'ae st,.n;r..-li A
liver: it is referable to cal.-md in all Uu,
dix'axrx the effect is immediate. They cm U
adi'iitiit.-i ed to female r infant witL. n'..t- .... 1
the system, and results variously, in Liver Com
plaint. Jaundice, Dyspepsia. &e. We should,
therefore, watch every symptom that might in
dlcate a wrong action of the Liver. These Pills
ng composed of A'o? d" l'lonts furnished by to heal the sick : Namely.
wuicn auguments tne secretion lrom
mucus membrane, or promotes
t pay
a!ti it in the places
press Stage. Ibiutc, or any other mode of conveyance.
last resort, appealed to the fair one herself, beg- c' '', wbicl:
cing her to smile on his suit, and nssurin? her. tl,e Pulmonary
with marked emrh-isis. that, if successful in bis1 ,lje discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. 'An .1
aspirations, he would gie her plenty of freae.i(r"ai' v,lic!' changes in some inexplicable and
At this last Mrgument she was unable to resist "'Sti'sible manner the certain morbid action of
longer, but entreated her father to sanctiem their tlie system, ord. A 7om"c, which gives tone and
union. But the hard-hearted parent, not at all s'i'tttli to the nervous system, renewing health
nudified by this appeal from his decision to an HX' viS,r parts of the boely. 4th, A CofA-
inrerior tribunal, broke out iu a towering pat-sion, : 7r'" which acts in perfect harmony with the
and poured forth a torrent of abuse. The moth-! otber ingredients, and operating on tlie Bowels,
er here interposed, 1 nd besought him not to be nnd expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vi-i
angry with the young folks, hut to deal more tlated matter, and purifying the Dlood, which
gently and considerately with them. She even
hinted that he might have done injustice to the
young man.' He might turn out h smarter man
than he had credit for. He might why knew ?
mane a one chief yet, peipsessp'enty of horses,
uuu prova a nigtiiy eligible match
daughter. The old fellow had been
.All letters must i nnt n.n.l
1st, An Ex- the price, of the number of bottles ordered, and" be directed to C. V. CLICK EN Lil & CO No
1 La relay .Street, New iork. who arc Dr. Huztinya' yeneral Aytnis for America.
Agent Frederick Kittell, Lbensburg,
December HI, 18o2 S-Om.
il-iillf-!i 1 1 ; il- rr! t -1 1 i. .11 j.f tlfc tl.rt.i
per portion of the lungs m-iy cured b-. taking , ''-l:l,'' be:-fit at any time.
berry Pectoral in small an 1 frequch: il- s -s. ! icek well to the irarlts cf
'I'lu. ,,, -... ..I I - : .!-., tm . 1
unv'imwi 1. ,ijpn.-..-;uii i s.)o,i rei.eve'i. i li.ey nave the wrutfti
01 uiojiau, - c ,v 1 CTii, ; .' i. u on tl!f vraijicr.
statt-s : j blown iu the buttle, without w
I have seen the Chcrrv Pectoral cure such 'rious.
cases of A.-tbma and Lronchitis ;.s leads me to
believe it can rarefy f d! to core those d.'s-M . s."
Tor croup. Give an emetic of antimony, to
be followed by large :.nd frequent doses c f the
(,'b.iry Pectoral, until subdues the disease. It"
".9 Oemlrs
signature of C.
I ;c!i the
For :'
: ..le.iicine
th, P?
1 Y O 2V
. sale an 1 Tic? -I! fit the Oorn.n
No. rjD .r; h 3rI-pft one -' or
"d-'dtlt hhi : and hy re s
g'-:;rraily ti.-rongh the cr untry.
' rr mi
f iocr.ame a.l rlasej f invalids
j fi-ivantages of their gr;
C.r.,.;- t..,r. -t
1 nc oza is speedily reim.Veel oy this re
medy Numerous 'instances Lave been noticed
1. ot fni! to cure.
taiieu 111 season, it
hoopn.g cough may be broken up
cured by the uo of Cherry Pcct. ru!.
to crpav tt
restorative powers.
,1 G N Is
destroys disease and restores health.
quiet moderate, but this was to much.
completely mastered him. He rose
Yo will end these Pills an lnvaloablemedicine
in many complaints to which you are subieet.
toh 1 lfl'Iu b9tructions either total or partial, they have
ecu ior ineir'L- r.,.i t,i 1 . -
- , . . ivuuu 01 couin.i uic uciirm, rcsionng ineir
A"V funet nnu
arrangements to a healthy action.
purifying the blood and other fluids so effectu-
the pappoose's cradle, and hurled it violently .y l,,jUt ? tl, ?" C0PVnt,i wh,cu J
out of doors, and the other chattels appertaining !r. " 1 1 ,.Iem',,e ?'rme8. as headache,
to his duughter, went after in rapid succession
lie then ordered her to follow her goods insfant
er, with which benediction she departed, res-
ftOf.dincr xritli n 1 1
--& n 011 1 isi'iciioil, uououessi
giddiness, dimness of sight, pain in the side
back, &.c.
None genuine unless signed J. N. Ilobensack,
an others neing base Imitation.
preparation is a powder compounded of Plants, Herbs, and Flowers, free from any sub-' ,ruv remarkable effect
which could possibly injure man or domestic animals, and is devoid of any diree-.b'e s' ,?;! i? , tl
It been examined by the medical faculty of France. Uussia, Sweden and D-mark ,In;uhteV.Mwtf,
II of n nm iimn a (ud ...nni. r.C : 1 ....,1 1 . "V u 11 ills v. na Ci
anticipating the promised luxuries of her new ! r ,
home, the vision of which, through the present
rom all of whom ample testimony of its efficacy can be produced.
m abieTiT 'fills
ior tne Destruction of RATS and MICE, within five
Being thrown in their vicinity.
Read the following Letters :
y . , , . , New York, October 1, 1E50.
1 have made a chemical examination of the Vegetable Powder prepared ly Mr. Emanuel Lyon
minutes after
here whole iaiiii. ics were protected from any
serious consequences, while their neighbors,
without the Cherry Pectoral, were buffering from
the disease.
Salf.m, Oo., 11th, June 1851.
Doct. J. C. Ayer :
I write to inform you of the
ct of your Cherry Pectoral
my own family
my ilaughteis was completely cured in
days of a dreadful Whooping Cough, by taking
it. Dr. cleans, one of our very best physicians
freely states that he considers it the bcr-tYeiiiedv
we have for pulmonary diseases, and that he has I
cured more caes or Croup with it than auy
other medicine he ever administered.
Our clergyman of the Baptist Church says
that during the run of Influenza Lere this sea
son, he has soen cures from your medicine he
could scarcely have belp ved without seeing
lours respectfully.
For sale l.y Fre.lerj k Kittel Druggist Eherg. ; G. MuckcriiUe
burg : -.'-nio1? Ik
, jo:::is:.iwn.
Decetuhcr 16, 1SC2 S-lr
.viiicm, lonineu tier mind against its
perns, weaving the lodge, she gathered up her
scattered effects, and, accompanied by hermoth
er, the bridal party disappeared. The chief sat
on nis norse-sKin couch, bis egs crossed partly
i.i,.ln. 1.:... .-!. " . r .'
looking sour enough. rresenth
the bride and her mother returned, and now be"
gan me second scene. The chief no sooner re
cognised them than a soundsomething between
r. grunt and a growl, but much nearer the latter
than the former, and in a decided crescendo
gave warning of a fresh eruption. The rumbl
ing grew nn re emphatic, and suddenly his fury
burst on the head of his wife. Seizing her by
the hair, he hurled her violently to the ground
and bent her with bis clenched fists till I thought
he would break every bone in her body, and re
duce ner to a jelly. Perhaps 1 was a
1 45.. .1 It .1.1. . - ... it a 1,. .
1 ftCvu.mio .r;i.inn ! 1 o 1 . - . , . J 0 . u... ini-i iv m luniiiiN jiu luiiig neieierious to ueaitn. ui-iauv rosrniasrer.
j KST agents wishing new supplies, and Store or what might be considered poisonous to the human species ; butit is very destructive toirsecti ti,rom diinS..ui,i Professor of
id- wlienever thev nm r.ii-on.l n .".,1...T.. ., - . , . " e iicmuiry aitil Platri ia .McJlr llnu.
1 ic ... , ........1. ...v uuc piuocs vi cium occasioueu ny inrowing tne 1'owder. doiu College. '
worsts.:.. ,,. " FMU., ,ur; ,reoUenii J A .M U. CHILTON. M. D. Chemist. 1 have found the Cherry rwtnr.,1
New Yobk, Hospitai.. June 9, 1850. .gredients show, a powerful remedy for colds.
I have anahzed Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Towders for the destruction of insects, and certify UU( cughs, and pulmonary diseases.
As the result of my examination " 1 ..kkf.h Cleveland, M. D.
inrPK iHivintr t upmi iir iritiiw.tun J-riinS W!C . MO.. 1' . ii. Mi
- . I it CT P j.vmiiii. (HwuvilVV VII 1 - - -
the insect kingde.111. and that it may be used with perfect safety. In reference to its utility its Tfc .P1 VAT.Xxtixe Mott,
effects are astonishing. 4 belive it to be a skilfully prepared substance by which a valuable iv. TlTf 'if. 'Vit-It.iV:?"!' MrJ?r-
pbia. Pa.
Feir sale by Murray, Zahm & Co., and E.
Hughes. Ebensburg ; A. Durbin, Alunstcr : John
ston, Johnstown : McCloskey, Snmmitville ; E-
Presenilv . i 01 r.oensourg ; and
rl ,,L 1 evt ,T respectable elealer in the State.
Keyser .McDowell, wholesale agents, No
nu nood btreet
TlioIc-fa!e ntnl Rcfnl!
' J 5 A. !Vi: F. CTOii Y.
The sutscribcr adopts this meti.
One ol i'-"? thanks to his friends and the public gecer
n three j a''.v. for the literal patronage heretofore tcstow-
e-u upon mm, ana oegs leave to inform then, ti-t
be has enlarged Lis business, and now keen
constantly on hand a large supply of every
",.,'ic" fvcAcrt. lea Kettles, Sc., J',
which Le will sell, whoinle or retail, as Ic Al
any other estardishtr.c-t in the country.
He is also prepared to manufacture S;.outi
for houses, at the shortest notice, aad eat' e
most reasonable term. Merchants and others
uesirous of purchasing bills of ware, re res
pecttully invited to call, fl9 he is prepared to sell
them goods equally as cheap as thev can b;kr.d
either east or west. zll orders adiressedto
h:m will be promptly cttended to.
m. iiu.uus.1 L.iiMiiun j-yon a iViagneiic 1 owders lor the
that it is entirely free from mineral or other corrosive poison.
1 we.uldsay that is a combination of various vegetable substai
agents at the
ESUPrice. each 25 cents ! !
July 12, lir5.
x .v,','s,,:;r r , . i .Mr. lyw, i. f P,r,.e;. :
Proprietors prices. LAW LLNCL IiLID, Professor of Chemistry.
LoNvc.8q. Aew 10HK Hospital, June 1, 1830.
Dear Sir : It affords me great pleasure in stating that 1 have extensively used your
Powder for the destruction of Insects of all kinds, (especially lied Dugs and. Roaches) and un
hesitatingly pronounce it the best and only article so effectual in its operation. I have also ex
perimented with your Pills, and find them equal in all respects with vour t 'foments. Hopin"
that you may prosper, I remain your friend. JOHN L. I1UUME, Sup'ut. N. Y. Hospital.
Gibson Housk, Cincinnati, October 1. 1S50.
e nrociirpil frr.m AT,. Tl TI Ta o f f ....'o M. r 1 i:ii , .
.. ... """ " b.-..v. v a .lUUlllins.llHICHClT- n-llK-ll l-,l-rv I,..,. ..M.. .1 .. ,
IUIIV Certify as to Its perfect . t-ffienrv in ilnslrnvnif. I?.whra ,,,.l !.. til.t,, .. . a t iiious.iU,is OVOl V
plee ;
plCicHj Asoif n,4 m j Look
Summitville. Cambria county, have ins rmra.i
. y " " - " - J rf - W W V-'
It gives me pleasure t certify the vJui. nm!
efficacy of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.' which I
consider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of
the Throat and Lungs."
Cures of severe i'sc;isos nnr.n tt. r .,.. 1 lc- 1 -i
- ....... ... 11111:3' , ,
been efTe.-to.l hv e'h.,r,. l..... i :.. ......x. . - or equalled
Great Excitement.
tN Ebensburg, t the warehouse of the trnde
I signed who has on h-md aa.j wiJ1 8 t tb
lowest prices
consisting c: ULUe ; Flat Top, complet-
lop,, complete : complete Cook ; the .Vt'
Favorite ; Dtlaicc.
a remedy
treme cases as warrant the belief that
lias at length Leon found that can be depended
leiti tit iird t.rt I'y..,,-' . t . 1 l p
II. Meakings. some of Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills' ,.,l 1 .:. . v '. iU.ul -oiisumpti.n
little hard-hearted, but she had been e ne of my ' fr,,' V,"li. I'hiladdphU and Daltimore, a 1 CVUr? "S 'V"? Prrfett tfficaO' i destroying Roaches and Rats within a few minutes after ye.-r It 'is indeed i medic at !;
KiiKMct :, ... ., , . . .. .. . . . "v i.... .j. 1 ' i its. annheatinn. Ii n t is mnd cmu.lii ,-t n.f..,. mn.u.i I V . " 13 me.ucii.e to Whic!
i.,.i.,i.n;t, ai.u l liad 11 JCellll.'-that ifsOlliC i fa ' 1 M.vv j .wiivi-i nwiu; ,. v vei aeeii. ted Clll look with Cin'i I
did not like. He replied by a violent hem sold in this county, and will retail Goods ' Tnin" an1 1 ,if,ve f0"'d the most happy result, and cheerfully recommend them to those who may
the side of her head, that sent her stag- j as cheap as they do in Philadelphia, but we want I troulj'ccl with these insects, as a sure method of destroying them.
. ... i io me c u;a he Pea ten out of her! ui:"TEU GOODS.
I could be easily resigned to her fate. The ' Which will be sold low for cash. We will sol
CrUbblllg ended. She IT.kO m..l .., .l , ', nm- rrmwU .. .. 1.... ii ..
el" I ri i-i ....mji.u ooinv-1 fc ""i"1 "a piiceiiian ever they have
O - - " . ,."v i n
blow on
gencg io tne turtiier emi of the hut. This last to sell them for cash, or Rl,m.H,in ... ...,
argument was decisive, and she kept her huge All our goods will be sold at cash prices and
mouth closed for the night. There was a silent ; one month is the longest credit we will give and
pause for some minutes, and. without another j nny person having accounts running a longer
word, we ranged ourselves f..r repose. I ; time, will be charged into- est from that time
Sr7:.C;nSC,enCe tr",,b,cd : ..ft "If t"" ten"S- .".V? WU thl"k iryu M " cst P" the Fair of 1850.
1 1 u , no o.crj. .-i3 croscn, ;- '"i jooua you win Luy andsave mi ney su-
cn!l he appeared very restless. Early the next 'g"rs we will sell at cost and carriage, Coffee ' at
inoruing he went to the lodge of the newly-niar- a slight advance.
lied pair, and had along chat with them. They Our stock consists cf a lar-e assortment of
thought him rather severe upon them at first ; nil kinds of goods usually kept, among which
but alter a good deal of diplomacy, a better un-j e Ladies' Cashmeres, de Lains and Merinocs
demanding was brought about. Tl.e vounsr dl wool, from CO cts. to ner v.-n-.l ti.u
I. K. & D. V. RENNEIT.
New York, Irving House, April 21, 1819.
I have used Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills for the destruction of Insects and Ver-
should not f.
con'i 'Circe for
the afflic
1 elii f. .in 1 thev
DANIEL D. HOWARD, Proprietor Irvine House
We certify to the above.
COLEMAN & STETSON. Astor House. S." THAYER COZZF.NS. American Hotel
JONAS 15. PHILIPS, Asa't District Attorney. PRESTON II. HODGES, Catlton House.
These articles received a nrpmmm at tin FuJr r.f tl,p Amfi-;,',n, Iniiintn iqiq .i.
I ... - ... v ...... - ..... AMw.i.w.x ... A uuu vuv; U I ' 1 1
....... r .
people couiei Laraiy get over a sense of the in
dignities they had received : but in the course
cf the day thev returned, till ft linrl Vn rr ro
kinds, half cotton, from' 10 to So cts.; Silk JVarp
Alpaccn, and all other kinds of Dress Goods
we liavea spsendid lot of knives and forks.
v j !, S ' UIH' D,aJet their perinaiiciitil"2en. which we will sell very low. We call the
alteution of everybody to our stock of
JMadc-Up-Clo J Iiiiiff,
Which was made to order, of the best sizes, and
most fashionable goeids. We have ever two
thousand dollars worth of these goods, and will
bell them cheaper than they can be houeht in
y, nr.d small for his age. havin!?nbt.iin.d ' 4,uy other place. The best kind of
his mother's permission to find out and secuie ! floni to 15 ; pants for "2.25 ; Monkey
the t hi f, in case he 6hou'el retuin. concealed ,Jckets and Sack coats, very cheap. A small
A Srave Boy.
It happened in 1170, that the garden of a wid
ow, which lay be. ween the American and Erit
ish Ci-Eips, in the ne'ghborhoe.d of. New Vork,
....... .. , m uij;iit. tier son, a
mere o
I'll ICE Lyon' e Magnetic Powders, 2o cents per Flask ; Filh, 25 cents per Box.
Ail- orurrs oiust be nddresscd (post paid) to C. V. CLK'KENER & Co., General Agents, SI, Ear-!f
i io nvan rii'irivivi-" 11! it
rtiul Analytical Clmnhi,
low ki l, .mass
aiazre. f ,n,l-
Coal B--rj:rr. I'r.rl,,-
- o . j,ar uoom, c.-.-.f stove ; all of the la
teftfetylo and pattern K'.ich cannot be e-..Tl,l
Come and sr- ihm fit .7 e
. , . - .!', ,
n ,u """S your wife ing-if you hive none
bring your lady-love.
Job ,'ork of every dseript:?T done on the
shortest notice. Old c,t;r,tr uci pewter, ukcu
in exchnnge for ware.
The nn.lersigired hrpes, by a strict attention
to business, to receive .-. 7 ;..,.. t i
: ....... ... u.-7i c ui I'uniiu
! patronage. (; KoiUj L IIARNCAME.
I Loon sot: i--". .TnJv S l k.v
liensl urg by Fred. Kit tell, and bv
I Ii ... f t - .
iJiuiijis nn iA':;cr.s ui .it?u:oine every
trtiit" ,
ji"" u";iti..pitu iiin.rn.s his customers the.t
clay street. New York.
Agent Fred. Kittcll, Ebensburg ; James Dei:, Summit ; G.
December IU, 18-j2 8-bni. :
II. Muckerhide, Johnstown.
A str.
P. i Mwiiiiri- ii ins. una nne satin
- .rii. . . i . , , . . ..
ui ujt luoti vests, oo u gut in iew Vork, will
. -if -
ijiiucii nun n tuniinifjiic ne wee , b
ping II ghlander tc'onging to the Dritish prena
diers, ca ur, an i having filled n large b ig. threw
it over his :h'jiilde-r ; the boy then left his covert. ror ,u 1 hiladclphia. .
went softly behind him, cocked Lis gun, nei;, ur whole etock is of the best articles in mar
cal'cdMit to the fellow. "YoU aiC ,y j,r:s. ket, wc want t sell theui soon, for we want the
oner: if you attempt to put your lag d .wn. I ni,'ey to pay for them. Come on and we will
T7 11 s'uuot you dead ; go forward in that road !" sell to you right at me .price to everybody.
Th a hoy kept c!63 behind him. threafenieg, and Children can buy as cheap as y our best Jew?
was constantly prepared to eseeuto his threats. ir v:o have but oue price, and sell for cash.
Ihui.'ue drove him to the American camp, where ' W. W. IVORY & CO
he was secured When tho grumditr was at I Summitville, Oct. 21, 1852 52-tf. '
31'FARLAA'D &. SO'.
Cabinet IVare Rooms,
Allegheny SUeet, Hollidaythurg, Pa.
Would respectfully invite the attention of the I
uhlie. to their Km, i i.,i- ce.wl- r.t W
public to their superior stock of
of every descriptio.n Furniture of nil kinds
manufactured to order on the shortest notice. I
ah oruers irom u uigtancc promptly attended! ildress goods
April 29, 1852.
m fin nmi
Will be opened this week at the brick store "l 11 e l"e"'-'' '"at in all diseases of
of J. Moore, in Ebensburg, a general assort-! u,v m"r,t,r5:'T. ""cb as the failing e-f the hair
jnient of cloths, cassimeres, satinetts, tweeds 1 0:ll,Ul'!'" p'nples, i r mux-s on the scalp, &c, it
ind a great variety of summer goods, J18 rt;,":,r ltii article whicn has given decided
C 15 I ft I. El .tin
Tliis delightful and popular article in the best
preparation fur the hair which long experience
and scientific research has produced, either as
an article lor the toilet, or its beneficial effects
iu an mo u.seaes to which the human hair isis,,:,Pe or "t of Coats, I'ant
name, it win impart to tae rougl.e.-t an 1 coar- i ot!:er Tailor in the
sest hair the nio,t beautiful appearance, entire
ly cieansing it from all impurities.
Put while- we assert that it is the best ?r;!..
io wish to retain th
e- ii. oi uynon a: Johnston i .i:i.. i
I by mutual ensent, and that the subscriber still
tXm continue the business in the recently oc
cupied oy tne out hrm, where he will be harry
to see his former patrons and as many new
ones ns please to call. He receives regularly
from New , ork and Philadelphia the latest
tashir.ns and cannot be br-Mt.-n .Uh ;n ih
tor tne toilet of those w!
hair in all its youthful
it must not be forgotten that in
c . G-.... ,
J Together with any quantity of prints, delaines.
jjtxio, :niiu.ivi.a giuuaiiis, iuaiies uuu oilier
I Large lot of made-up-clothing, boots and.
Ll snocs, ciotn ana plush caps lor sale by
liberty to tbrw down his bag, aui saw who had
madi) b:ri priv-ner, ho was extrenifly in i titied
rxc n i.ieo i'1-iueu grin-idicr ruaUe j For the
yiiajar oy bucu u.-ny sucn a mat j he skill3 aaj tanner
Am ncui eice r3 were highly enterbniud by the j
adventure, mado a collection, for the boy, un lj
g no "mi 'ni j" u i'-j. no returned iu: y
KAt'hficd for. the los his mot!ifi .-,.. .;a
Tlie soHicr hail s:do-nr3. nut thev wcro 0fM!IIllt!' CTS, Fancy
xx&i, as he could not get rid of hfi fc.--g.
This Way! .
highest prices are r-n'r fry I,;?.
bark iu either trade or a'di by
Summit Oct. 7, 1852.
Salt! Salt ! !
A Superior article of Sack and Barrel Salt for
sale by DAVIS & LLOYD.
Ebensburg, June 17, 1852.
00L, Butter, and all kinds of Grain
taken in exchange for goods at
. - . J? Moore' t store.
Neatly and expeditiously executed at this Office
ami good assortment of hardware, queensware.
saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs, &c, &c,
Persons wanting boots and shoes, hats and
caps, or ready made clothing, will find it to their
'advantage to call at the
Illicit Store.
Tha subscriber, thankful for past favors, ear-
Jnestly requests his customers, and the pubi s
generally to at least call and examine his stock;
and if he cannot suit every person in quality
and price it is not his fault. Produce, and lum"
iver of all kinds taken in exchange for goods-
auu uts uiau iaii3 L.ioil wiieu onerCU.
Ebensburg, April 28, 1851.
s iiisiactiou in every instance where it has been
Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly
active-, so that, in numerous, where other reme
dies have been tried in vain, SlOPIl'S CHFM
ICAL IN VIGOR ATOK Una super.-eded the orna
ments of art, by feiustatinir. in fuM rd...t...i
or Vests, by any
COUIltry. IT r.r.ppft"nl!v
ask the public to riv hi,,. . n i
. ...M. Villi, . U 4 vWU
hdent his w-ork will recommend itself.
B'SL.All kinds of country produce tales ia
change for work.
-April 29, 1S.-.2 tf.
;ifts and graces of nature.
Jf ft body see a body cariyinj off his wood,
ehoaud a tody atsaxz a body if a body could.
A fresh arrival cf Boots. Shoes.
Gizup iir.d Florence Straw
t-onticts, 1'owacr, Gun' Caps, bhot. Lend, &c.
received this day and fox &alciat the cheap ator,
' - J. MOORE. .
June 23, 1851.
The highest price paid for wool at the store
g. 7 IIISEEY, White Lead, and Linseed Oil
V M for sale by , J. Moore
40 Bdrreis Contm
-uh tifalt lor sale by
J. Moore.
Eavls & "LI03 l,
Having formed a partnership in the
jWould reppectfully solicit the patronage of their
gfriends and the public generally.
i Call end see ua at b old str.n r.f Tr;!i;nm
April 20, 1852.
tho permanent
s possessed ot a character wlmll v .!;ir. ;.., r
the Oils. Grease, Restoratives, &c., which are
now s numerously foisted en the public, under
the pretence of being newly discovered i'Jr bald
ness, gray ii ur, .5cc.
Storr's Iavioraior
:i is now been tested for years, and its c.licacy
h is boeii rove I by thou in. Is. Every year it.s
reputation and sales have increased. un:il more
of it is ce.iisuined annually than of any other
preparation for the hair ever offered to the Amer
ican public. It is com point Ied on strictly sci
entific principle's, and the proprietor will 'stake
his imputation on its eliic icy.
Its extraordinary jd.-icc9 it within
the reach of the hunibler-t family, n ad its 011-
ceded vaiue insure-, it a place on the most luxu
rious toilet.
For sale by'the proprietors price 25 ccn.3.
CP. A MET & CO."
1-0 Arch street, one door below Sixth.
For sale by Fred. Kittcll, Ebensburg ; James
Bell, Summit; G. Muckerhid Co.. Jwnstora
December 10, 1S-S2 S-ly.
John Mc31ccl & Co.,
nave the pleasure of announcing to their fricnJi
and the pu lie, that ihey have opened a new
store at the west end of the Allegheny tunnel,
at Gallitzin. where tiicy will keep constantly ca
hand and will bell at tho very lowest prices, tlie
following goods : cloths, cnssiiueres, ginghams,
woolens, ,rints, plaids, mous ue laities, morirjfs,
alpaccas c.ashiueres, real long shawls, pine-apple
dress goods, pongee, niadrae, and grass-bacu
!tan Ikeri-hiff nhhons, buttons, gloves, hosiery,
laces, thread, silk, silks, satins umbrellas, &C.
Also, a heavy st-k of sugars, teas of the laftr!,
best, and cheapest importations; queeuaware,
hardware, cutlery, book and stationary, hats,
icaps, boots, h.iocs and b-.iinets of the most t'asb'
oinble styles; juid a large quantity of
Bacon, Flour, 3uttor, Salt, Tish. Cigar3,
and tobacco. All of which they will sell at tie
cheapest rates.
We invite tho atte ition of purchasers to 0
extensive and varied stock of
Ready-Hade Clothing-,
comprising all colors aad qualities, and QiT-r-factiired
from the be-1 muteii i.'s, whi.h we will
dispose of at rHir ruteo nud we wrr.utt tve.ry
article will give the utmost satisfaction.
The highest pr;;o paid for &li uesiriptloa cf
produce. -
n r