YQTTR DAYS LATER ?20M EUROPE. Arrival of the Baltic. Nr.wYcKX, May 1. The Collins mail eteam pbip Baltic, with Liverpool dates to the lOthuIt. arrived this evening at half past six o'clock. -She brings t2 piissc'iigtT3. Tie steamship Asia-vnivod out on the inorti iDg of the l7Hi. The propeller Genoa sailed from Liverpool on Vue K'th u;t. .Montreal and Quebec direct. Among the passengers on the Baltic ure Dud ley Mann and 0. W. Crawford. ENGLAND. The Chancellor of the Exchequer's financial statement, proposes to continue the income Ui cn a diminishing scale for seven years, and to extend it to Ireland on all incomes over one hun- dred pounds. Also to reduce the advertisement duty, stamp duty, and some others ; to abolish the soap dutieB, substitute fixed tor ad valorem rates, making ten per cent, the maximum on manufactures, increase the spirit duties aud leg acy duties, and reduce the tea duty within the next tour years to one shilling per pound, and immediately Is JUd, Opinions are divided respecting the statement, me approving it, while others think that it will some approving it, while otuers minK main wiu cajse the overthrow cf the Ministry. The Kossuth rocket affair remains unexplain- j undersigned by the Register of Cambria county, ed, but Kossuth was apparently guiltless of a j jail persons indebted to said estate wiilmake iui participation in it. Mr. Had, the ostensible . mediate payment, and those haviug claims will owner of the factory, threatens to prosecute the present them, properly authenticated, lorseitte Govcrnment, and in the meantime the munitions meut. SARAH DUG AN, have been seized and deposited in the Woolwich Administratrix. Arsenal. - Jefferson, May 5, 1853 28-bt. A great soiree has been given to Mrs. Stowe, ! jit Glasgow, and also at Edinburgh, at which! Accommodation JLlllC. place her reception has been very enthusiastic. fTUlE subscriber is now running a Hack daily The London Times, which first made the 1 from the Summit to Lb-naburg, leaving the charge against Kossuth, of being implicated in the rocket affair, still insinuates that he is at the bottom of it. Kossuth's denial, through his friend Mayue Reid, is published. Wni. Hale, the 3 n of the proprietor of the rocket factory, has also published a statement, exculpating Ks Buth and declaring that it was a bona-fide estab lishment. A motion in the House of Lords to inquire in to the system of education at Mayuooth College, was negatived by a vote of 110 to 53. The Chancellor ot the Exchequer, in reply to iaquirics, Baid the revenue for the fiuaucial year exceeaea me estimates ueariy a minion auu a half sterling, and the expenditures had at the same time fallen short JCotfT.UUO, leaving, with the surplus of revenue, an overplus of 2,420, Th Phnncpllr.r'a hndcrnt thp chief torn, of I discussion in commercial circles. The Times and Chronicle praise it, while the ether London papers condemn it. The Conservative members of Parliament met Lord Derby on the loth, and chalked out their course of political action. rEAXCE. There vrlU be no fete at Paris on the 5th of May, as was expected. The Emperor is deBirous of removing the ash es of Napoleon the First from the Hotel des In Tolides to St. Denis. The rsturas of the revenue shows an augmen tation on the quarter. The Emperor has given the Archbishop of lours a Cardinal's hat. The collection of Sevres china, intended for the Crystal Palaco Exhibition at New York, is e3ribed as of the most gorgeous description, a private view having been had of it in Paris. Le Pays says that the country is strong, finan ciaily, and trade in Paris is moderately active. Ressini has been made a Commander, and Ponsard, the dramatic poet, nn officer of the Lt gion of lienor. SPAIN. The nvrt Spanish Ministry hi." been formed, ! with Gen. Lersnnde as President. It transpires , had belter call and see his work. He will give that the Cortes were dissolved, in order to quash you as much for your produce in work as you Concha's exposure of theCuban slave trade. can get any where. In short, any person wish The rumored conspiracies have proved to be ing a durable, neat, cheap and comfortable arti b!l p. sham. Itle in his line, should give him a call-. At Lisbon, cn the Sth, the Portugnese cotton and woollen trade; were brisk, and there were large exports of wine going on. GERMANY. The Datch Government hni protested against tLe establishment of a Catholic hierarchy in . jIcHanfl, &nd has withdrawn the Minister from home. EWEESS. TLe King of Sweden has rernmed the reins cf gTvernment, and the Commission that ruled du- ring his sickness, has been dissolved. AVSTBIA. An Austrian Commissioner under the Presi dency of Count Rechberg. has been sent to Lorn hardy to report upon the state of affairs there. The nasty withdrawal of pnper money has al fected trade considerably at Vienna. Further explauations have heen made respect ing the withdrawal of the Sardinian Minister from Vienna, but they contain little that is new. t There is grent distress in the manufacturing j e-aturbs of Vienna, the shawl and riband manu facture being almost at a stand still. This dis tress is attributed to the recent action with re gard to the paper currency. TURKEY. The English nnd French Ministers have arri ved at Constantinople. The former has assured the merchants of the city that peace should be preserved. There is nothing new with regard to the move ments of Menschikoff. Ghika has resumed the government of Mol davia. The French fleet remains at Salamis, and the English at Malta. The Turks are aiming all the forts along the Eosphorus. ITALY. Nothing new from Milan. Three persons na med Conte, Zani and Borghi, have been execu ted at Bologna for political assassination. - The Murder of Mr. Sink. The grand jury of the Court of Oyer and Ter miner. Philadelphia, yesterday came into court. and submitted a special presentment in relation to the murder of Joseph Rink, and the connec tion of Arthur Spring, Sen., therewith. They re capitulate all the facts, and arrive at these con clusions : That the murder was committed with a view -to the plnnder of such a sura of money, however small, as a person in Mr. Rink's business might be supposed to have about him. .2. That it was committed at a time when the victim, owing to the out of-door storm, might be supposed to be alone, and was alone. 3. That it was committed by surprise on its victim, and that the murderer fled before the struggle was over, leaving the bloody knife be hind him. 4. Tbat murderer left behind him an old um iM,, such an article not belonging to Mr. Rink, and rfA being in the store a few minutes before te Murderer entered. - i hey then give the evidence in detail, and "return as a true bill, the indictment laid before them by the District Attorney, agVmst Arthur Bering for the murder of Joseph Rink." They Mqo "return the bill against Jerome Feckert, Zicrf."rhifil. Inquirer, April 30., A llhtic of Navigation. A writer in the IScw iiaven I'aiiaaittm says, tnnt the identical evlinder belonsrine to the old stenmOiin n-ih." the first thai ever crossed tin AtinV;. in the Allaire works of N. York, and will be ' exhibited at the Crystal Palace, side by side with i one of the most approved construction of the present time, to show the contrast. Head Quarters, 1st Ue&'t. 3d Brig, loth Div. Peiina. Vol., Ebensburg, May 5, 1853 Brigade Order " No. 9. i The companies comprisFng the 1st Regt. 3d. Brig, loth Div. Peuna. Vol. will assemble at Jefferson, Cambria county, on Friday, the 20th day of May, 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for drill and inspection armed and equipped as the law directs. Strict obedience to this order will be exacted from captains of companies. By order of Lieut. Col. C. II. HEYER. Lieut. JOHN GARDNER, Adjt. May 5, 18:328 Administrator's IVotice. I ETTE1 Li Hugh L1LRS of administration upo the estate of u iiugii isugan, late oi jenerson, i;amria .county, deceased, having been granted to the Summit about 2 o'clock P. M., or immediately after the arrival of the Eastern and Western cars, returning the same evening leaving Eb eusburg at 4 J o'clock, P. M. Passengers who come in the night trains will be accommodated with a conveyance in the morning, to Ebensburg, when required. JOHN IVORY. Summitville, May 5, 1853 28. I TO MERCHANTS. THE proprietors of the Johnstown Pottery, would inform the merchants of Cambria co. a.ud elsewhere, that that they are now prepared to nil all orders lor i isiuiiuMure. L- A of the best quality, and at prices which will en : able them to realize a fair profit. We deliver our ware free of charge any place within a day's hauling of Johnstown. Among the articles we manufacture are Jugs, Jars, Churns, Spittoons. Milk Pans, Pitchers, Butter Pans, and Water Jars. Merchants visiting Johnstown are invited to call at our Tottery. Circulars stating our pri ces can be obtained from us, or from R.obert Cannon, Esq., Ebensburg. HAMILTON & PERSUING. Johnstown, May 5, 1853 28-tf. IT MIST GO ROUND. KEEP THE WHEELS IN MOTION ! F OR GOOD AND CHEAP BUGGIES call on the subscriber, at his Buggy and Sleigh Man- uta tory, wJacli is now m operation in all its various branches, in Durieansville, four doors wt-st of the Mountain Huse. whore all will meet with good work and as cheap as it can be made anywhere. ALL WHEELS! HOUND. Just call and see the work if you (Jo not want it, fur it is w.irtli looking at. Ills buggie and sleighs are as ueat and strong, and a little better than you general! get in this country. Far mers, tor your own good. arid to h:iva iriimpv before you purchase any articles in his line, you JAMES M'CLOSKEY. Dunciinsviile, May 1853 28-3 m. Adminisf ralor's Said. HERE will be sold at public sale, at the west end of the Pennsylvania Railroad Tunnel, T Cambria county, on Monday, the IGth day of May, lbod, the following property belonging to the estate ot Daniel O Iveefe, deceased, viz: The contents of one Stor s ; consisting of Dry Goods, of the best quality and latest and most fasliion- able styles; Groceries, Queensware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes; in short everything usu- aliv kept in a country store. There will also be sold at the same time and place. Horses, Carriages, Gears, Carts, Wheel ; Barrows, Picks, Shovels, and all the necessary ' tools and implements for carrying on a contract; i also, a numebr of Farming Utensils, Ploughs.! &c, and several Hogs, and a Cow. Also, House- hold and Kitchen Furniture, Beds and Bedding, Chairs, Tables, Stoves, and a number of arti cles too numer.oii3 to mention. Also, a full set ; of Blacksmith Tools, in excellent order. JOHN FLYNN, Acting Admr. of the estate ff Ddniel O Keefe, dee'd. May 5, 1853 28-2t. Cist or Causes S Tr io down for trial at a Conrt of Common Pleas le held at Ebensburg. for the county of i.ambna, on, Monday the th day of June, A. D. 1853. FIRST WEEK. Buchanan vs. Litzinger Liuton Gates Pershing " Wall.-ice Bailey's adm'rs. " Carroll et al Conway " Cassiday Shearer " Pringle Urban 44 Deiser T Campbell & Co 44 M'Manamy Potts & Kopeliu 44 Plitt Johnston 44 Benshoof SECOND WEEK. Fritz 44 Dillon Rockafeller ,4 Watts et al Kinports 44 Newman Tyson 44 Dillon Baker 44 King et al Walters 44 Dillon Donn dly's adm'rs 44 M'Manaray's adm'rs Bracken 44 Sargent Robison et al 44 Brawley Brown 44 W'yman Same 44 Cohick Allegheny tp 44 Lake Ellis 44 Stewart Seddlemire 44 King et al Wilson 44 Brawley Kinsel for use 44 Williams Potts et al 44 Plitt Asheraft 44 Dougherty M'Clain 44 Gates M'Gough 44 Little Murray 44 Slick M'Goughs 44 Conway Same 44 Kiskadden Storm 44 Ray Brannan - 44 Bogle Robinson et al 44 Gates, Hughes 44 Parrish "Esb Younker Wagner 44 Murray Moore 44 Zahm R. L. JOHNSTON, Prothonoiary. Prothonotary8 Office, 1 Ebensburg, April 28, 1853. ; Administrator's Notice. . L ETTERS of administration f'.aYi'rie been crant- ll ecJ tne undersigned by the Register of Brad foTi cul,t.V, l'a., on the cstata of Daniel 0 Keefe, ,ate ol s,ud .countJ. deceased ; all persons in- uepleu lo e;lIU estate are nfieoy noiirea to masa immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated lor settlement CATHARINE O'KEEFE, I JEREMIAH A II EARN, VAdnCrs, JOHN FLYNN, April 14, 185325-61. Bradford Reporter copy and charge adm'rs. g"John Flynn will be at Gallitzin, Alle gheny Tunnel, Cambria county, for some weeks, to whom accounts will be presented, and who will receive all amounts due the estate in this county. Notice in Partition. To William A. Vickroy, George Vickroy, Geo. Gettys and Mary his wife. Moses Marshal and Matilda his wife. Louisa Vickroy, William Han cock and Charlotte his wife formerly Charlotte Slick, and Edwin A. Vickroy; you and each of you are hereby notified that an inquest will be held in the premises described in the writ, on Monday, the 30th day of May next. ADGUSTIN DUBBIN, Sheriff. April 14, 185325. A CARD. R. A. YE AG LEY having permanently located in Jefferson. Cambria county, respectfully D tenders bis professional serices to the citizens of the place and the surrounding country, in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Office on Main street, where he can always be found and consulted, except when absent on professional business. Jefferson, April-14, 185325. Election. JN Election of Trustees of the Ebensburg Acad emy, by the stockholders thereof, will he held at the Sheriff '8 Office, on the first Monday in Mav next, at 6 o'clock, P. M. M. HASSON, Sec'y. Ebensburg, April 14, 185:1 25-3t. EXECUTOR'S IVOTICE. I; ETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigneo by the Register of Cam bria couuty, on the estate of Samuel McMullen, deceased, late f Allegheny township, said coun ty ; all persons indebted to 6aid estate are re quested to make immediata payment, and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated, for s"ttlement. ALEXANDER McMULLEN, r , MARGARET McMULLEN. " " Allegheny tp., March 31, 1853. JAMES BELL, sum MiT, cam mil a co., pa,, HAS the pleasure of announcing to all who would secure the hest bargains to be offered in this county, that he 5s again in the field with one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully selected stocks of Fall and Winter Goods ! Ever brought to Cambria county, all of which have been purchased within the last few days in Philadelphia and New York, with particular re gard to the wants of this Market. I again fling my banner to the breeze, inscribed with my old motto of - Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attention of purchas ers to my stock, which will be found unusually large, varied and attractive, being full and com plete in every department. Everything new, fashionable and desirable will be found embra ced in my assortment. Particular attention is solicited to new and beautiful styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I have jusl received of late importation. In Gents' wear I defj competion, and confident ly invite an examination of one of the largest, cheapest and best selected stocks of ready-made clothing, cloths, cassimeres, &c, ev r brought to Cambria county ; comprising all colors and qualities, which I will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfaction. Aaa, caps, bonnets, BOOTS ASiD SHOES, of the best qualities and latest styles, together with queensware, hardware, groceries, salt, books stationary, &c. Bg&The highest market price paid for all kinds of Produce. November 11, 1852. NOTICE. A' LL persons having any business to transact with the estate of Cornelius McDonald, Esq., ! deceased, are hereby notified that I am the only person authorized to attend to the same. rachel Mcdonald, Acting Ezectilrit. April 21, 1853 26-3 1. Administrators Notice. I ETTERS of Administration have been grant 1J ed to the undersigned, by the Register of Cambria county, upon the estate of James Rhey, decei.sed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us, and those Having claims win present tnem properly authenticated for settlement. SUSAN RHEY, Administratrix. ANDREW J. RHEY, Administrator. Ebensburg, October 21, 1852 tf. Exchange Hotel, Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pa. THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub- site for their accommodation, and will exert ev- ery effort to render his house an attractive and comfortable stopping place. His table will al- wavs be supplied with every delicacy the sea- son affords, and his bar stocked with the of Wines and Liquors. hest A careful and attentive hostler will have charge of the stables. He respectfully solicits a share of patronage. JAMES MYERS. April 28, 1853 27-tf. C. W. WEBSTER, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg Pa., W ILL practice iu the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business intrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Office on Main 6tieet opposite Dr. Wm. Lem on's office Ebeusburg, April 28, 1853 27. PLANK ROAD LETTING. EALED PROP0SLS will be received at the ffice of the Ebensburtr and Susquehanna Plank Road Company, until 6 o'clock, P. M., of Friday the 27th dny of May next, for the clear ing, grading, masonry, and laying the plank and stringers of nine miles bf the said road. Plans and specifications will be exhibited at the Company's office for three days prior to the day of letting. By order of the Board, WILLIAM KITTELL, Sec. Ebensburg, April 28 27-1 1. . CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. BRADY'S HOTEL., Harrisburg, Pa, MA J. JOHN BRADY, Proprietor. April 10, 1851. ly J. B. Kiles, at MACIIETTE & RAIGCEE, Importers and dealers in Foreign and Domestvt HARDWARE and CUTLERY, No. 124 North Third Street, above Kace, Philadelphia. E. V. MACHETTE, ACM. H. RAIOUEL. April 24th 1851 ly COXRAD & WALTOX Wholesale dealers in Hardware. Cutlery, Nails, c, No. 203 Market Street, above 5th, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851 ly 1V1LSOX & WEST, -Successors to Rodneys, Wholesale dealers in Boots and Shoes, Bonnet and Straw Good, No 17, North 3d Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851 ly MICHAEL. WARTMAN & CO., Wholesale Tobacco, Snuff, and Segar ManttfaC' tory, No. 173, North Third Street, three doors above Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. M. WARTMAN, JOSEPH D. SORVER. April 24, 1851 ly CGXCR &. GREGG, Wholesale dealers in Wines and Liquors, which they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants and hotel keepers, uarehouse 208 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. July 1st, 1851 ly OIL TII03IAS C. BUXTIXG, Has removed his office to No. 14 South Sev enth street, above Chestnut. Philadelphia, Pa. April 26, 1852 7-tf 20 J. Y. RUSHT02T, j. C. EOKIXS, R. STILSOX . JOIIX T. RCSIITOX & C, Wholesale dealer in Queensware, Chinaware, Glasswart, sc.. Jo. 24o Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851 ly ANDREW DOXOCGIIE, Justice of the Peace, end Scrivener, Summit, Pa Will attend promptly to collections, or other business entrusted to him. Legal instruments of writing, drawn with accuracy and dispatch. January 1, 1851. John Parker. James H. Parker JOIIX PARKER &. CO., Wholesale Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey. No. 5, Commercial Sow, Liberty Street, Pittsburg, Pa. March, 11, 1852 ly. GEO. LIPPIJtCOTT. WTf. TROTTER. EDMOND BACON GEORGE LII'PIXCOTT & CO., Have constantly on hand a full assortment of J Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries generally. Ho. 17 North Water Street, and No. 10 North. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. January 27, 1853. JOHN m'DEVITT. WILLIAM M'DEVITT. JOU!K M'DEVITT & RKO., Wholesale grocers and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whiskey, Hour, Ba con, Fi6h, Cheese, , &c, &c. No 311, Liberty icbead of Smithfield, Pitts - street, opposite th burgh. Pa. December 23, 1852 9-tfj J. McEL.II ARE, 155 Market StreetN. E. Corner of 4th, Philadelphia. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all of the : various new kinds and 6tyles silk, fur, brush, i wool, Panama, straw and chip Hats : silk, straw, braid and lace Bonnets; artificial powers, furs, &c, which will be sold cheaper than the cheap, est. Feb. '52, 19-ly- Wholesale dealers in Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, and ralm Leaf Hats, No. l-ib Iorth Third Street (opposite the Eagle Hotel,) Philadelphia, Pa- February 26, 1852 ly James Dougherty, at REIN HOED, DASH & CO., Wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, lately occupied by Ludwig, Kneedler & Co., keep con stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands of CHEWING TOBACCO. IMPORTED CIGARS. : Domestic cigars, and Snuff, which they offer tv,o sale on as favorable terms as any house in city. Orders promptly attended to. September 23, 1852 49-ly. Ebcnsbur? & SuNquelianna Plank Road Company. Notice to ' Stockholders. J fll" i""uaKcr 01 " . . 1 busquenanna nan noau company nave - j j aessed 2,50 on each share subscribed to the , said ad, to be paid on or before Jhe 20th diy of May next; and tne sum 01 .o, w per buhtk w De paiu on or oeiore me xuiu ujr ui r,u ov ceeding month. The above instalments are re quired to be paid to E. Shoemaker, Esq.,Treas 6urer of the Company, residing at Ebensburg. By order of the Boad, WILLIAM KITTELL, Sec. Ebensburg, April 21, 1853 26. v iiiTTniivsniv ir.. .r "rr":r.v v: fessional business entrusted to his dare will be promptly attended to. Office on Main street adjoining his dwelling house. Ebensburg, April 21, 1853 26-3m. Adams & Co.'s Express. JB. CRAIG, agent will forward all packages - of goods or money, daily except Sunday to all the principal cities in the Union, and all the towns on the Railroad between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. 50 kags assorted nails for sale at the 6tore of - GEO. J. RODGERS. IHLOClV and Rar.nn aiwavs on band, and we Lave just received 2Q barrels bt whiky for Bale on commission iwai Just Received, At his Store one door cnt of the Sentinel of fice, a superior assort ment of Gold and Sil ver watches and fine jew elry. Gold Lever watches full Jewelled. 530.0G it v, Silver Lever watches full jewelled, 10,00 Silver Cylinder Escapements 12.C0 Silver Quartiers C.O0 Also a fine atsortment of eiffht dav and thir ty hour clocks. N. B. Clocks. Watches, and Jewelrv rentlrl at shortest notice, and warranted. WILLIAM B. HUDSON. April 29, 1852. MICHAEL. DAN 3IAGEIIAIY, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in the Court House, up 6tairs. January 1, 1851. ly CUARL.ES aerrigiit, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., XVill practice in the several courts of Cambria, Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Germans can consult and receive advice in their ownlanc-un c-e. Office opposite the 'ourt House, formerlv oc cupied by R. L. Johnston, Esq. Ebensburg, February 3, 1 853 ly. SAMUEL C. WINGARD, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Huntingdon counties. Germans can receive advice in their own language. Office, on main street two doors east of the Exchange Hotel. May 8, 1851 ly. GEORGE 31. REED. Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, I1. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. OfSce 'on Centre St., joining Gen. M'Donald's dwelling. .Tfn. 15. 1851 lv. 1V1LL1A91 K1TTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa. Office on Main Street, in the office lately OC' cupied by Gen. Jos. McDonald. January 15, 1852. THOMAS C. M'DOWELL, Attorney at Law, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Will attend the several Courts of Cambria county, as heretofore. Office one door west of Win. McFarland's cabinet wareroom. January 1, 1851. ly T. L. IIEYER, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Fa. Office on Main street, two doors east of the Echo Office. March 13, 1851 ly CYRUS L.. PERSHING, Attorney a' Law, Johnstowai Fa. January 30, 1851 ly. Allegheny Portage Rail Road Notice. ALL persons having claims against the Portoge Rail Road for materials furnished prifr to the 1st day of December last, will present them to F. R. West, Esq., late Superintendent, tp be certified previous to May 1st, as be designs go ing west at that time. JOHN ROSS, Svpt. April 14, 185325. David T. Storm, Notary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer, JOHNSTOWN, CAMEKIA CO. PA., llriLL also attend to his duties as Justice. Le V irnl inshimlBhta hf writinsr. such as deeds, a- jpreements. Foreign Power cf Attorney, &c, , drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to his care will receive strict attention. May 13, 1852 30-tf. RICIIARD JONES, Justice of the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa., Will atteud promptly to all collections entrus ted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling. Decern. 24, 1851 11-tf. Exchange Hotel. HoLlidayshurg, Blair Co., Pa, TIia . trw o tanrou top nnrtlir Viftt. W A PTPf liV'J ' D Will lV. w uMiu, v f; - " hOU8C home-like to those who call with him, and j80ncits a share of public patronnge GEO. POTTS. April 29, 1852. Remember. A T.T. t!nds of Lumber taken in exchange for Furniture, at the Ware Rooms of M'FARLAND & SON. Ilollidaysburg, April 29, 1852. CARROL. L.TOWN HOUSE, ! Carrolltown, Cambria County Pennsylvania. rrhe un IHne undersigned is prepareu w .awiumu-mic l . -,1 a, J i A I I inth hoRtkind of stvle all who way favor him with a call, and hope's by strict attention to business to merit and receive a share of public patronage. HENRY SCANLAN may 20, 1 852.-3 1-tf LEWIS W. BROWN, fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser. In the basement story of Davis & CoV, ware room. Ebensburir. May 1. 1851. -lv. N. B. Shampooing done, and razors honed in a superior manner. Rhev. Levi Matthews. William Ebbs RHEY, MATTHEWS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS and Commission Merchants. Dealers in all kinds of Produce and T;tBHii-cr Manufactures. No. 77 and 79 Water Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 8, 1851 6m jt Received, land tor sale oy DAVIS & LLOYD. Ebensburg, June 17, 1852. 2000 pounds wool, butter, eggs wanted by . J. MOORE SCHOOL. BOORS l A general assortment of BOOKS, such as arc used in our common schools, for sale by DAVIS & LLOYD. anted by J. MOORE cash in exchang W for goods, or otnerwise. Oils, Paints and Drugs of all kinds " , lass, A 7k at J. Moore's, Star, Sperm and at thtf.Pritketcro cf 'Would Candles for sale .. J. MOORE. EXPLOSION ON SEC. 104, P. IL H. FE0M THE SI' fiUlIT. $10,000 Wholesale and Retail Dry Gccc&a Si ore. THE Subscriber hr.ve just received from the eastern citir?, cud are new cfi'criDgfor sale. the largest nnd Lent sek-ttod stcck of Goods ever shown in this cr the m'jidning counties, th stock consists in part of Dry Goods, such is French, English, and American, cloths, cassi- mers. Satinets. Tweeds, pilot cloths, satin, Va lencia and other vestings, alipaeas, mous-de-lains, bembnrines, and ladies dress goods of every description; shawls, bandkcrch:ef3, scrap?, cravats, tibbets. ribons, gloves and hosiery of all kinds, table linen, drrpcrs, crash, red, white and yellow flnnr.els, linsey, canton finnnel, blan kets and coverlets, hickory shirting, Irish linen; and white goods of every description ; lates; edgings, insertings, &c, &c. Hats, caps. Bon nets, boots 8nd shoes, hardware, queensware, glasswnre, nails, fiour nnd salt ; fish, and iron. Also a splendid assortment of groceries, crujrs, paints and dye stuffs. All of which we offer at lower prices than goods have ever been sold in the country. All kinds of country produce. lumber, railroad ties, rags, flaxseed, &c, &.c, taken in exchange. W e will wbolesole any of the above splendid selection of goods, to country merchants at city prices, putting only on a nominal figure fcr to cover freight. K. M OR ANN & REILLY. Section 104, November 4, 1852. EzeUlcl Ilugiies, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania. DEALER in 6taple and fancy dry goods gro ceries, wholesale and retail fish ; hardware and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, fcheet-iron sheet-iinc, stoves of all kinds, Etove-pipes and sheet-iron ware, tin ware, copper and braes kettles, &c, &c. Grain, wool, butter and other country produce bought and sold. ALSO. A dealer in white pine, poplar, ash and cherry lumber ; lumber always bought, and a larva quantity constantly on hand for sale. Cash always paid for lumber cut to order or such as suits the present demand of the market; A large lot of new goods as embraced in the above list just received and more opening for sale at the lowest market price. September 23, 1852 19-tf. Never Fading Daguerreotypes X THE citizens of this place and vicinity have now an opportunity of having good and last ing pictures, taken at the Academy Building Ladies and Gentlemen, whether, you want pic tures or not, call and examine specimens and references, and see the greatest variety of ca ses ever brought to Ebensburg. Our Instru ments are entirely new, of the first class, and you cannot but admire the Camera ; and the pictures taken with it. Call soon, as futher ar rangements prevent our remaining here but jur limited time. H. U. i flt.Jt. Ebensburg, March 17, 1853tf. NEW GOODS. The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and customers, that he has received and is now opening, at the store room ionneriy oc cupied by Richard Lewis, dee'd., a large end general assortment of goods, consisting in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, JIARD WARE, Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, all of which he i determined to sell low either for cash or approved country produce. He solicit examination of his stock, and is confident h can sell cheaper than the cheapest. ULU. J. J&UDUX.&3. May 8, 1851 80-tf New Chair Manufactory. The citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity are nformed that the very place to purchase CHAIRS, SETTEES, SOCIABLES, AND STOOLS, of the best manufacture and most elegant finiih, and at lower prices than at any olher establish ment in the county, is at the new chair manu factory, in the shop formerly occupied by David Todd, deceased. . . . GLAZING, HOUSE and SIGN rAlNTlNU executed in the best manner and latest style. JOHN L. ST0UGH. Ebensburg, Nov. 27, 1851. 6m. THE GRANT HOUSE, Corner cf Fourth and Grant Streets, Pittsburjr THE subscriber has leased the large and veil known Hotel, (lateLamartine House,) at the cor ner of 4th and Grant streets, Pittsburg, which, has been repaired and newly fitted up in all its aenrtments. so as to give a larger and more lib eral accommodation to travellers and boarders. His larder will be stocked with the most choice brands the markets can afford, and his Bar fur nished with the best. He would respectfully eo. licit a share of public patronage. 15. FEKlil . April, 15, 185 ly. NOTICE IN PARTITION. CAMBRIA COUNTY, SS: In the matter of the Heal Estate cf James Rhey, late of Ebensburg, in tall county, deceased. To Linn Boyd, and Ann L. loyd his wite, late Ann L. Dixon, formerly Ann L. Rhey, now resi ding in Paducah, in the State of Kentucky : Pe ter B. McCord and Mary J. his wife, late Mary J. Rhey. now residing in Linn, Usage county. Missouri. You and each of yen are hereby notified, that in pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation, issued out of the Orphans' Court of said county, and to me directed, an Inquisition will be held on the Real Estate cf the said" James Rhey, de ceased, situate in the county of Cambria afore said, oh Monday, the twenty-third day of May next, at lO o'clock in the forenoon of 6aid day, for the purpose of making partition of the came to and among the heirs and legal representatives cf said deceased, if the fame can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, otherwise to value and appraise the same according to law; at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. A. DCRBIN, Sheriff. " Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, 1 April 14, 1853 25-4t. Adams ti. Co.' Express IT. W. Ivory & Co., agents will forward all packages of goods or money, daily except Sun day, to all the principal cities in tho Union and all the towns on the Rail Road between 1 hilsda. and Pittsburg. Draft collected from California." Drafts sold on Ireland, England or Scotland, from" XI upwards. Money for drafts must bo par. Nov. 4. 1852. J. B. CKAIO. JAB. D. HAMILTON. Commission &. Forwarding. fftllE subscribers would respectively inform 1 their friends and the public that they are now prepared, to receive ana forward all good consigned to their care by any of the Lines, or by Central Railroad, and hope tbat by strict at tention to tneir business mat, they will be ena- .bled to render perfect satisfaction to all that I til ralrnnlialhMll ill fnrwl . will mmim ViA will patroniie them. All goods will receive the greatest care and attention. CRAIG & HAMILTON. Jefferson. March 15, 18 - . - -.. TERRIFIC 1 MILE SAVED.