i mm lfm : jjoo j'JXj- YOLUE IX. '3' C : I Yl fc. The "MOUNTAIN SENTINEL" is publish ed erery Thursday morning, at One Dollar and Fifty Cent psr annum,, if paid in advance or within thre months : after three months Two Lfvllars will b charged. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. A failure to notify a discontinuanc at the expira tion of the term subscribed for, will bo consid ered at a new engagement. S3- AD VERTJSEMENTS will tSe inserted 8t the following rates: 50 cents per square lor the f rat insertion; 75 cents for two insertions; hi fcr three insertions ; and 25 cents per square .sr every subsequent insertion. A liberal reduc tion made to those who advertise by the year. All advertisements handed in must have the proper number of insertions marked thereon, or they will be published until forbidden, and charged in accordance with the above terms. EgvAll letters and communications to insure attention must be Ttost paid. A. J. RHEV. Viit Bund Soy's taon at Plsy, LSother. BT ELIZA COOS. Tbe blind boy's been at play, mother, And merry guuits we hud ; Ye led him on cur way, mother, And every step was glad ; But when we fouud u starry Cower, And praised its varied hue, A tear camo trembling dow'i his eye, Just like a drop tf dew. We took him to the mill, mother, Where falling waters made A rainbow o'er the rill, mother, As golden sun rays ptayed. Bat when we shouted at the scene Ami bailed the clear blue sky, U stood quite still upon the bank And breathed a long, long sigh. YTo asked him why he wept, mother, Wheu'er we found the spots "Where periwinkles crept, mother, O'er wild forget me nuts. Ah. !" he said, "while tears ran down As fast as summer showers, "It is because 1 cannot see The sunshine and the fiowera !" Oh, that poor sightless boy, mother, Has taught me I am b.est ; For lean look wuh joy, mother, On all I love the beat. And when I see the dancing stream, The dai3ies red and white, I kneel upon the meadow sod And thank my God lor siht. PErEH iIUlS00N?'3 EIOSY. The Wondnerrttl Advtuther of SUaiaai O'buauguaekiyi BT STLTASrS UEBAJJ, TUK TOtJKCES. "Sthrange things doesbehappeuln' sometimes in the ould coutuhry, Mother Urban," said Pe ter, gravely; ''but the strangest a.;v.uther of all 1 teiuiuiber wor that as heieil Shamus O'Sh iugh ncssy wuiu the 8jers wor hot tut afiher hua ici aiaoiig the moua aius. Ye see, sir, Stamus he's uudher the sod now, an' may tue heavens be his ted was somehow or t'other mi.t up wid the rebellion of ninety eight- Surra bii o' me knows how, but sure it utu-th.t' been a hangiu' niatther, 1 dot3 be ttwuki.i', for he was forced into hidiu' ucraiS the hills t.U the storm should blow over. Well, as bad luck 'ud have it, wan afther fioon, as he wor sittiu' afore the dare of a bit f a cabin he had constructed of turf an" stones, thinkiu' of his wife and childher, an takiu' now au thin, a uhroo of potheen from a gie jug at Lis side, by way of cunitortiu' his loneliness, he Boeu a contiu' through the little gap foment him, a ragged gorsoou, an' in the divil a own haste, fur his tatthers wor sthramin' in the wiud. -Well, Dinnis, ma buuchal, what is it ?' sez Shamus, for sure he know'd there wor throuble to the fore, when the boy come peuethraiin' to h"s taicret plate widout a lyiii' by your live.' " " Uun ! run V sez JJiniils, b.ov in' like a young, grampus ; 'ruu, Shamus, the gojersis ac uiiiul' " 'th.imus looked through the gap, an' begorr.i they wor comiu,' sure enough. So widout wait i:i' to put on his hat an his brogue, by rason that he hadn't any, he tuk another great dhrmk of the potheen, fiom a natheral nifecshun he had for that same, an' to fortuity his t-tum.-ich agin' the bitther cowld wiiid o the bills. Faix, 'tis little 1 know how much he tuk of the cray ther that time ; but sure 'twor a mighty Lig mouthful, any how. "Boui din ncroiss the hills like a dc r, wid the red coats afther him iu full cry ; now doublin' this a-way, an' now turnin' that. Shamus put out the strength that was in him, wid the hope of lavin' his purshucrs bebmt him. Uut id! they stuck to him like poverty to a poor man, fin, makin' a circle round him, beguu to dhraw in upon him on. all sides. Mubha! thin bat 'twas a bad way Shamus wor in: but he put a bould faco cu the matther, an breastiu the mountain, rowled down to'thtr side, catchin' at tho furze and buahes as he wint aiong. to break the weight of his fall. Spi iugin' to his feet agin at the bottom, ho run, wid all the speed he could mujtber, till the sun wor w'.l nigh down, and all 4he bteath wor lavin his body iuthirely. Throw in' hitsfclf at the fut of a hill, by way of i eatho ratin' his wind, he could hear tho crie- of the sqjers a cailin' to the'.r comrades over the moun tain at the back of him. Augh ! the curse o' Cromwell to yees!" sz cLamus ; 'sure 'titt bothered ye are this time, csy way. But, oh, tatthc-ration V sez he, look in' round siiddintlv, -how will I git out of this quaro place? snro"'tis a thrap I'm in, wid the fitipe hi Is on wan side, an' a great black bog oa t'other. Och, murther !' sez he, 'but what 'u!l I do now ?" "All at waust, as he wrr ponderin over hi3 fcnforthincst situation, he hears, hard by, the pMtherin of little feet, for all the wureld like the first rain dhrops of a shower; and, lookin down, what should he see fcrenent hira, hut a r.aire litt!e man not higherr.or my knea dhrcss o Vill ju black, wid & quare little C'.cl:ed hat on his head; j;n' raal goold buckles ia his squirc toedshoes? OchI och!" sez Shamus to hissclf, 4'tiseiaad- weeny era titer won't barum a poor boy that's in throuble. aft her nil. T.s betther 1 spake till him civilly ; sure that costs nothin', any how!' " 'How are ye Shamus?' sez the little ould gir.tleman, wid a crack in his voice like a pinny thrumpet. 'Purty well, I thankye,' sezShamns. 'Mow U it wid vourself. an' all ver little fosther hro- J therf. an si&thers, an' aunts, an' uncles, an' : granYather?, an gran'mothers ?' j Hearty !' sez he. -rat p'azed to nay." 'Sure it does nte good to hear it,' sez Sha I mus; mii the party wife, wid her intherestin' J family, the childher that she does be puttiu' to ; bed iii the egg shells, may I be so hould as to : ax if they've got well. over the niaisles. an the I scarlet rash, widout sindin' for the docther?" i '.Make ver mind aisyon that score, Shamus," ' s z t!;e little mm L'-nj: life an' good luck to ye, thin, ilhrunk an1 fathei ve ' or sober, f r 'tis a happy husband i murt bo. I'm thinkiu'. sez Shamus. j 'Tis obleeged toye I am,' sez the little man. ! "Mu-ha. thin, but yees as wilcouie as the ' trimrnSt'S.' sez Shamus. ' 'Auaii! there's pliuty sez that as don't mane it,' S2Z the little man. ' -Faix, it'; no wondher!' 6cz Shamus; an' th'm he bruk out into h laugh, an' sez he 'I' s a wuruiit counihry ye live iu whin yees at home, I've hard . iy: a s-Tt of tin dherround Ait Ii.t.-cs. wid Veshnvius for a smoke-nine to I ver kitchin !' ' "Oh, but wasn't he the bould man to say J that 7 ' -There's no denyin' it's a grand place.' the little man : it bates ould Ireland out sez an' j out." ! 'Why wouldn't it ?' sez Shamus, 'lookm' at the dacent people that's born and bred down j there, takiu' yer honer for speoiiiiint." ! OIi, sez the little mm. as pleas3l as a col j leeu wid her first sweetheart, ''tis you that has I the great fackilty of discai nmcnt. Shamus." J " 'Many thanks to ye.' sez Shamus." ''Tis proud of the compliment I am. since it revales i to me that, considheraiu' yer inches, yees agin j tleman ot exthraordinary sinse an' sagashity.' I Sh imus.' sez the little man, -what's the use of buttheriu' mi th:it-a-way ? Can't 1 read j ye as ais'y as a book!' ' 'Arrah. thin, why should I be soother'm' ye?' sez Shamus: 'would I be makin a beuay ot my self for nothiu' nt all at all ?' 'Sure enough that's thrue, any way,' sez the little man. -But isn't them sojers I bears A thmmpin' over the hills bey out ? -Oeh millia murther! 'tis thim. sure enough,' ! sez Shamus, nn 1 standiii hereliaeaomaultauu wastm the precious time. Musha, thin, 'tis sorry I nm for yees,' sez the little man, wid a qua re twist of his mouth. Deed an' deed but it throubles me,' sez he. " 'llouM your whi.-,t ! Had luck to ye for a desaiver as ye are ! 'Tis little good yer sorrow 'ul! do an unforihinet boy whin the murdhenn' red-coats is at his fut. How will I be thravel liu acrass tlif big bog, I'd like to know? Tell me that, an' I'll listen to yees wid all my heart.' 'May bu I can. an' may-be I can't,' sez the little man. 'What 'ull ye give ine to whidk ye oier it widout wettiu' the sole of yer fut?' ' 'I'd lik the dhry ground Letther,' sez Sha- 'What 'ud yc give, thin, for a ethraight path, mod firnt an' sthroug acrass it, an' as fast us ye can thravol it 1" 'Where's the good of it?' sez Shamus; wouldn't the 8 jv;rs folly it too?' 'Not if its destroyed as fa.t aa ye goes over it,' sez the little man. " -What 'ull ye ax?' sez Shamus, desperately. "Whist!' sez the little man ; 'epake low, an' hou'.d down ver car. '1Kb. sez Shamus, is it myself ye want ?' " -If ve can't outrun the path afore it touches t'oth er tjiue z tha little man. How will I do that? sez Shamus, in a quan dary. 'Won't 1 be dhrowned in the deep bog? ' 'Thry it,' s- z the little man. "I'll be a gone man if I do!" sez Shamus. "'Where's the differ?' sez the little man; won't the skiers be here in a ntiuit an' ketch ye ? 'Tis plisan! to dance a hornpipe in the air, 1 does be thiukiuV , " -Bad scran to ye!' sez Shamus; 'why d j yees be reuiimbeiiit me of that lor? sure 'tisn't ! etaudin' upon daisies an' butther cups 1 am the night.' ! Well,' eez the little man, 'will I make the road for yees or not?' Surra a bit I know,' sez Shamus. ''Tig a : stiff price e"re nskiu ; and whatgood "ud a poor ' bewtUh.rod noy do yees, afther all ! Sure a fat pig is betther nor me; or a year ould calf ; thim'6 ; u nape betther aitiuV '.Veil, 'tis little I care abput the bargain, j anyhow,' sez the bleeven, considherin the throuble I'd have; besides 'tis dark night a comiu' on, an niiy-be they won't ketch yees af tutr all. ) "'Ochone!' sez Shamus, what'll I do? 'Tis hanged, au' dhrawu, an' quarthered I'll be.' I There's iity on my heart for ye, Shamus, . eez the little man, 'an' I'd be plazed to sarve ye. j Musha! small thanks to ye,' sez Shamus; j iarvo uio first, an' roast me afther. Dout I ' know 'tis coaxiu the pig to a market ye tre? An' that undhergroun i Aifet Injeis yees come from, 'tis a dlneadful' grand place, I'll go bail for it ; but, axin yer pardiu, I'm afeard it 'ud not be agreeable wid my tendhcr consthitution. 'Tis s couthrary as an ou'.d maid ye are, Shamus O'Shaughnessy, sez the little man. 'an as fooiisli aa a sthray gaudhi r. I'm mortally ashamed of nnself for lettiu ye thrillo wid me 6o long. Well, stay where ye are, thin, ye silly man. an' let the red coats grip ye. Oh, by the powers, but they'll houid ye fast enough, whin taey ccme down from the hills; there isn't a man in ail the barony that could shlip from thim whia they waust got a hoult." "Sure that's no lie!' 6ez Shamng. " 'Arrah, thin, is it a bargain ? Spake quick, for the red coats is comiu.' Oh, win-a! wirra! won't ye have the soft heart for a poor diithressed crayiher, wid a wife an' sivin small childher depinuin on him, ait' niver a friuJ ia this wide wureld to give 'emtit or sun. irr m mvselri 'Spare yer breath, Shamus, sez the little mas: ,may-be 'tis wantin it ye'll be presently. 'Won't ye help a poor boy in his throubles for the sake of the blissod charity ?' sc-z Shamus. " 'Would the suiers let yees off for nothiu ?' sez the little sw; M' sausa't I obey my orihers "WE GO VZEExlE DEJIOCSATIC PBINCIPLIi3 POIXT THE LTOIMIG, THliRSDAV, MAI 5, 18-53. too an be ped for my work?' " -Uh, thin, sez Shamus, 'yees not the mas ther ' -Ax me no questions, nn 111 not desaive ye,' sea the little man; 'will 1 do the job?' " 'Sure I'm a dead man any way,' sez Shamus to hisself, an may-be there's a chance afther all; who knows but what 1 can bate him in the iud? liegorra, but I'm half a mind to thry it.' ''Tis a bargain, thin?' sez the little man, spakin' to his thought. " 'llould a bit,' ez Shamus; 'will ye be plazed to tell me what ye undhertake to do?' " 'That's 8m said. Make a road acrass the bog sis fast us yer fut can thravel it, an' brake it up afther yees.' " 'Afore cock crow in the morn?" sez Shamus. " 'Sure,' sez the little man, ''tis well be- kaownst to ye we can't work afther that.' ! "Uut ye'il not break it up uitdher my fut, ! an' lave me to dnrown in the black bog?' i " -I'd scorn to do so dirty a thrick,' sez the ' little man. 'A bargain's a bargain, an' I'll stick to it straight an aboveboard. lis agreed I am, su-z Shamus. 'Whin he said that, the little man stoops down an' picks up a jack-oTnithern that wor daiicin' iu an' out foreueut him, an sticks it I uudher the baud of his hat for a sign; an' thin, all at waiiat, up rose a swarm of little men, huudlhreds of thousan's upon thousan's, all dhrtbt as like as brothers, tin' all wid jack-o-lan-therns gleamin' u their hats, tm pickaxes an' shovel. iu their hati is, ready iud waitin for the word. Shamus fasthvned his hankerchy ubout hid waiit. " ' ill I begin ?' sez the little man. "Yis, sez Shamus. "'Wlmroo! whoop! whoroo! an the crop of pickaxes an' shove's fell to work. Oh, but thin begun the wotidheilul race! Away flew the road afore Shamus, an as last as he thravelled over it, 'twas bi'Uk up agin behind. The fasther he ran, the fasther worked the crowds of little men, an the fasther wint the mud afore him. . 'Tis no us-- thryiu' to folly the industhrious rapscallions,' aez bhauius: 'I'm- but half way acrass the boir, au' all the breath is gone clane out of me. Musha, thin but they'd bate the beat race horse that ever run over tho curragh!' So seii S L n in us, sez he; 'Stop! stoj! I'm dead bate.' 'Take it fair tin' ais.v, Shamus,' sez the little man; 'sure there's pliuty of tie afoieye.' 'Ye'il not cut the ground from under me ? sez Shamus. Oh, upon the honor of a gintlentan, that I will not, sez the little man, layin' his hand upon a bright spot of fire tliekeriii' through his left side, that may-be he called his heart.' ''.Musha, thin, by your lave, I'll rest myself a bit, sez Shamus, settiu' down on the bare new ground, an' nur.iu' his knees. " 'Make yourself quite comfortable,' sez the little man wid a irrin; -sure the cock won't crow t ill the break o' day, an' if-we huih our job an' desjliroy it agin, atore that time, tis all we have to do ' 'That's thruth, anyhow,' Shamus. "How do yees feel, Shamus?' sez the little man, considerately. " 4Ayeh! 'tis hard tellin' that 6:ime,f sez Sha mus, 'for the summer dust is not dhryer nor my mouth.' " 'Would you like to thry taste of the raal goolden stuff?" sez the litt'e man; an' be out wid a bottle full of liquor, as red as a fiery furnace. " '.Many thanks to ye,' sez Shamus; 'but I'd rather not, if it's all the same.' ' 'As you plaze sez the little man; 'tis yours is the Ios., I'm thinkiu;' an,' tossiu' off he tlamin dhrittk hisseif, he smacked his lips afther it, us if the flavor wor exactly to his tatte. 'Augh! much good may it do ye, sez Sha mus; but sure if it didn't burn yer msides, it's by r.ison of the cast iron stomach ye have.' " -l'oof ." sez the little man; 'twas but a wake table liquor. A gintieman should always be ab sthamiiius whin he thravels.' "Well, the hours rowled by, an' there was Shamus as contiiitcd as h girleen wid her first kis, till the army of weeny workmen got up a dacent faction fight by way of d varshiu. 'Twas onai.-y thin the little man got. "'Come,' sez he, '.ire ye rested, Shamus? there's not much time to spare; 'ti3 hard upoa cock-crow now.' '.'Away wid ye, thin,' sez Sh.mu?. 'Whoop! whoroo!' sez the little man; an' away wint the woitdhorful road, and Shamus af ther it, at the top of his speed, ontil. at last, he ccme nigh to the green bank on the far side of the bog. "'Stop,' sez he. 'I'm goin to rest myself.' " 'llcst on the bank, Shamus,' sez the little man, soltly. " 'Faix, sez Shamus, 'I'm betther off here, I does be thiukin'.' Did I iver hear the likes o' that !' sez tho little man, 'an' ho so near over! Up wid ye, Shamus, I say ! Tne cock 'ud be crowin' p ri sen tl v. -; , , , , , ,. , t. 4, , I Oood Iuck to the darlin ; 1 11 be exthreraely I . .. linn !,. ' r V do at-i - clad to hear liim,' sez Shamus. "Tear an' ages!' s.-z the little man, 'don't ye mane to go any furder?" " Nvcr a fut !' sez Shamus. " -111 tear up the road below yez !' 6ez the little mau, in a passion. 'That's agin the conthract, sez Shamus. -iIow will 1 desthroy it afther ye, thin?' sez the little man. Oh. begorra!' eez Shamus, ''tiscone of my business; sure ye can lave it if ye likes.' 'Oh the villain! the chate the desaiverl' sez the little man ; stampiu' and throwin' his arums about wid the rage that wor in him. . , "Arrah, why will ye bo callin' yersclf bad names?' sez Sh imus. 'Sure I tuk ye for a da cent an" respectable little ould gintleman.' Tar an' ouuties! 6ez the little man, quite beside hiaself ; 'take that, ye vagabonc! and he struck Shamus a lick wid his fist that kuocked him sinceless. I3y good luck, at that minnitthe oock crowed: and thin oh. but 'twas the mys tharious thing of all the swarms of wctny workmen, and the little masther. slowly melted away an' disappeared, coloria' like a dark red tundher-cloud the mornin' mist. "Oh, begorra! but the afther matther bates bannagher. Whin Shamus cones to hisself, he wor lyin at the dure cf his bit cabin among the hills, wid the impry poteen jug rowled up aiong 6ido him. Lady's Bock. A hog nearly three years old, and weigh ing 1. 309 lbs., is to be sent to the New York World's Fuir, froti Burlington county, N. J. WAY ; WHEN THEY CEASE TO LEAD, E Atmoscheria Tubular Hail Facilities. The New York Tribune's Eostoa correspond ence says: ; Speaking of Tunnels calls to mind the "At mospheric Telegraph," as it is queerly misua iueu, which is now uu exhibition in one of the lobby looms of tho Merchants Exchange. As 1 nave once been accused of u mercenary motive in my correspondence iu these columns, let me say that 1 have no earthly reason to speak fa vorably of the iuveutor. Air. Kichardsou, or his enterprise, except mat he appears to be an in-, teliigent, laborious, and persevering man, and to olftr something to the public wbic'i promises to bo beneficial. His invention, if indeed it is his, which 1 am not qualified to decide, is mere ly a modification of the atmospheric railway, which, atone time, promised much. Tbe change is this, instead of propelling by atmospheric pressure a train of cars over a long tube, the mail bag is to be propelled through it. For this latter service the atmospheric traction is un doubtedly adequate, as will be plain to any one who will caieluiiy consider its nature. Let nie explain a little for tho benefit of your readeis who are not engineers. Suppose that a cylindrical pump Iii inches in diameter, with a iCi im.ii atroke, be connected with a pipe 1- inch es iu diameter and Ju teet long, lhc capacities j of the pipe and the cylinder will be equal. If i the iillou then ha i.nnA frum tho hottoai of tho 1 rvliinlt-r t.. tii.. f.,.i h,,. -,ir i ..;r. .-;n ln.v to expand to doub.e its sace to fili both the pipe tLiin.!., ,5i.. ,i . ..I out is a whole utniosnhert lrilhw- ta tho KMiiiiw in. I. tt.a T-.-.i.-T,.... ;Q ..t.. i..'r..,. t i i,. t i of the Listou is sumcient to reduce one-half the density iu ilti feet of pipe, by making 15 strokes ------ - I a miuute and wording 6Z hours, it wou d rarity i to the same extent the air iu l!U0 miles of DiDe. At that degree of exhaustion the external pres sure on the pistou will be 7.C31 lbs. mere than the interu.il, and there will be a pressure of one ninth that, or 8ib lbs., available to propel a load til rot) eh t!ii TiiriO X ihr rr.- ia nuti tT tt Itt-ri'T , t r- A r .. i. :.. . t tue i Kaiat.iLiii:i3 iiuiii ii :ci i i ih (iiir v 11 I i n mix to he overcome by the propultiou. aud conse- j quently a mail of 2U.00U half-ounce letters would be propelled by such a force acting constantly, with enormous velocity. It would, in fact, be shot forward au hundred utiles in a very few minute, aud then, the serial equilibrium being rebtored, a resistance would commence which would gradually destroy its momentum. If. in stead tI" one pump, many should be employed at once in exhausting the supposed 200 miles of pipe, it is plain that the work might be done in a single hour or less. One hundred horse pow er of steam, acting at different points, would un doubtedly be able in an hour to produce a pro pelling force approaching much nearer to a whole atlltosiilielt ItitivinT iiiilninl nn!w ,iit Aiirmrrli in ' the j tQ answl.P,ihe import;1nt purpose of a J re.ttCl,ng 8prjng or cushion at the remote end. so as to prevent the mail from being shattered or reduced to a homogeneous pulp by a too sudden arrival. So far as the mail itself is concerned, it will probably cost lees tractive force to drag it bodily through a pipe of pretty smooth bore than to drag it with its proportion of locomotive apara tus over a railroad. The amount of horse-power which would in a given time drug -it hence to New York, would in the . same time exhaust a pipe of 'sufficient bore to enable atmospheric pressure to put it through iu ten or fifteen min utes. Multiptping the horue-power applied to the exhaustion wid reduce the time consumed in the same proportion. And in this way we may have hurly mails, or half-hourly, with no great er expense for carrying them than at pre.-ent. As to the wear and tear, that is anothei matter. Tho friction on the bags might be a little more serious than at present, yet I think this difficul ty may be reduced to a trifle. As the load is constantly in contact with cold pipe, the heat from the friction will bo absorbed nearly as fast as it is generated, and there is little danger that the mail will take tiro. j The aparatus en a sma'l scale, which Mr. Richardson shows at the Uxchaug. is very in- J geuiously constructed, and works prettily. Hut, ; . of cours, no model so diminutive can demon- j strate the feasibility of the operation, iu large. . ; Neither does an experiment of a mile of pipe. 1 three inches in diameter, which was successful ly put in operation ou the line of tho Providence Kailroad. amount to a demonstration. Th se .experiments, however, show-tho nature of Me, I force ; how the serial team are to bi harnessed, ! and what arc its good points for tho mail ser l vice. I Practical difficulties will doubtless be encoun tered when a grand mail tube (lor wmca suo sc.uption books are to be opened directly) comes to he laid down betweeu this villatro and your metropolis, tut. as a correspondent. I have a presentiment that I shall live to send my hasty scrawls through it, and that the Tribune con- . theiii w. be ,.e,.eiveil lin,, circulatiiiS in Boston in less than an hour from the pre-s. Whether th fipnoral Government, which al. ways has to be impelled and propelled with "sharp sticks" for a long time lefore it will adopt the most obvious improvements, will pa tronize the new rapidity, or put a veto on its use for private mails, i another question t I e settled. If the physical success of the large ex periment should answer confident expectations, it will follow of course, in time, that the Federal Post-office mustadopt it for all important routes. break clown berore private compeuuo... . ... . it step will he to inquire whether persons as 11 paper shall". e-licd fbr throng . this brnuk rtnirii t.pfore nrivate competition, i he next 1TP channel of locomotion. The physical pro perties of air arc such. I refer particularly to its a.lmiral-le molality and elasticity, that it is not impossible to make arrangements by which a liv.ng editor or reporter, having been suitably encooned in New York, after bi evening ed,sh in" has been put to j res, nny open his eyes the next morning' to the rising sun in San F ran cisco, alive and kicking. 4 Ccnjrcsiof PLUogisS.lt is stated that a project has beeu started by some Freuch lavana. to assemble in Paris, in tho course of nest month, a Congress of Philpl ogists Irora the different countries of Europe, to discuss questions relat.ve to different languages, and to prepare tae wav for establishing, if possib'e.-a universal alphabet, as the first step towards the creation of a uni versal language. Tonography has a chance here. CEASE TO FOLLOW." The Dead "Wlfa. In comparison with the loss of a wife, a'l other bereavements are trifles. The wife? she who tills so large a spare in the domestic heaven sht who is t busier.' so unwearivd 5u laboring for fie precious ones around it bitter, b tter is the tear that falls upon ler cold clay! Yoiiftand oeslde her coffin and think of the past. It seem an amber colored pathway, where the sun phone upon beautiful flowers, or the stars hung glitter ing overhead. Fain would the soul linzer there. No thorus are remembered above that sweet clay, save those your bend may have un wittingly planted. Her noble tender heart, lies open to your inmost sight. You think . of her now as all gentleness, all beauty an 1 purity. Uut she is dead ! The dear head that laid up on your bosom, rests in the still darkness upon a pillow of clay. The hinds that have ministered so untiringly, are folded white and cold, beneath the gloomy pr.rta's. The heart, whose everj' beat measured an eternity of love, lies under your feet. Tho flowers she bent over wi:h smiles, bend now above her with tears, Baaking the dew from their petals, that the verdure around her may be kept green and beautiful. .Many a husband may read this in the silence of a broken home. There is no white arm over your shoulder ; no speaking face to look up in the oye of love; no trembling lips to murmur "Oh ! it is so sad." The little one whose nest 'death has rifled. I gazes in wonder at you solemn face, puts up J bl '''""J hand to stay the tears, an- then nes- ties back to his father's breast, h ilf con3Cion8 then COH3 that the wing that sheltored its most fondly is ' br.keu. There is so Btrnnsre a husli m every room : no hSlit ft5teps. o smile to greet you at night- , .. ,, i . i j i i. i. . i ;i- I ian. auu ine ou ciouiw i.cb.3 noi ouim, ! ticks ! it was such music when she could hear ; it ! Now it 6eenis to knell the hours through 1 wl.ijh yu watehe 1 the shadows of death gather ing upon her sweet face! It strikes one ! the fatal time when tbe. death I warrant rang out "there is n hope." Two! she lies placidly still Hometimep smiling faintly. FomotimeM crievin-2 u Utile. tVr fehe is younc to ' - . - . , , read the valley of Le t-I at'ow. Ihiae! ILe babe has been brought in. its little face laid on her bosom for the last time. Four J her breath becomes fainter, but a heavenly joy irradiates her brow. Five ! There is a slight change O Ithat she might live ! Fath er spare her. 'Tuy will be done." It wa6 her soft broken accents. Yes f Heav enly Friend, who gavest her to bless me Thy will be done ! Six ! there are footsteps near. Weeping friends around. She bids them farewell as she murmurs, "meet me in heaven." The damp drops gather upon her pallid features at the seventh hour. She lies very still sometimes i-he hears 6weet music. Eight passes away so gently! But her hand yet clings to ours. and so she lies while that old house-clock tolls forth nine. tea. eleven, twelve solemn strokes. You Ki.riuir to vour feet. The Hps are stiil cold to your lios. The small hand has fallen b-ck ; its Lh rows icv. She is coue. She will never speak to you again on earth. You must bear that cold gaze that love so lately kindled and you fall weeping by her sid. Aud everyday that clock repeats that old ato rv. Many another tale it telleth too of joys p,st of sorrows share I. of beautiful words and deeds that are registered above. You feel O! how often, that the grave cannot keep her. You know 6he is in a happier world, yet that 6oiiK-times she is by your side, an angel p:es enee. You look nt your innocent babe, and think that a seraph is guarding it. Cherish these emotions", thy will make you happier Let her holy presence be a charm to keep you from evil. In all new and pleasant connections, give her spirit a place in your heart. Never forget what she has been to you that she has loved vou. Be tender of her memory so may von m( pet her with a soul unstained a origin and beautiful spirit bride, where no one shall p-iv anv moi-p f.rever. "she is ' dead." Mrs. DennUon O.'ive branch. Amseican Flunkevism. Mr Greely relates that when he arrived in London two year3 ago, and had reached his hotel, he was looking out of his windaw. when a maErnificent carriage drove up to : s-hop on the opposite side of the way. Powdered footmen and flunkeys adorned the box and stan-'. Thi-, thought he. is some grand per- i trim tn tlii infernal traditions of ' b-irb.ri.-ra finds his honor in the degra- ihitloii and brutabzation of his pneclcp. affixing on them the mark of degradation picking out the noblest looking children of toil, ant dressing them up s prisoners of war nee were, whose liverv marked their loss of liberty. But casting bis eyes on the coach pannel, what did he be hold? A painting of the Amrrlcnn eagle, with a shield round its neck, looking like a chicken prematurely tied to a gridiron. It was the coach of Abbott Lawrence, our late Whig representa tive near the Court of St. James. The oldest house in Pittsburg the "Redoubt" house, at the point, is still Handing. It was built by Jol. Bouquet, in 1761. just outside of Fort P.tt. and was used in connection with the f.rt. It is now used as a dwelling house. The oldest dwelling house in Pittsburg, built bv a resident there, is also still standing, and may be seen on Water street, between Cham-ery Lane and Ferry street. It was built before the pftvolntion. sometime between 1765 1774, and . JinS BriCe beCQ ;,d; the ongl structure re- wither otlJoll hQll ,UnI. mains, mere iug on Water street, which 17'J3. were built prior to SisorxAR Coixcidesce. It is little singular that of five of the Pi t sideutial candidates one Webster, is dead; -another, and the successful candidate, lost his little boy, soon after his tlec tio. bv a most ui.itressing accident, and bis own ami wife's lives were saved almost miraruloiisly; while the third, fourth, and tilth, viz: Fillmore, Tl..iirr:iK4 have ea.eb bud to ttourn the v l J -J ' -.C(' , loss of their wives since the canvass, death strikes iu high places. Surely The London Times states the extraordinary fact, that ninety-five oat of every hundred letters sent from the United States to Ireland, contain remittances of money to pay theassages of rei- ativss to Uia country. Yt! 4 M A Professor dose Brown. As Professor Anderson wws looking over the various American and European newspaper!, wirch are to be found in the publication cISm of the Boston Daily Times, be saw he wm close ly scrutinized by a gentlemnn of tall stature and rather swarthy appearat.ee, evidently not a Eo tonian. The individual after a short space had elaps ed, nt length mustered courage, and thus ad dressed the 'wizard : I say : are you Professor Anderson, bey ? Yes. sir.' Wall, you're a tarnation smart man, I her. You aint got that are bottle of yourn with ye, have you ? No sir." Well. I'm fron down Enst, having besn rail ed in Maine, And I should like to purchase a duplicate of that ere bottle, as I am going cut stumping for I guess if I had your bottle,' or its twin brother, I'd soon swamp the Scotties, without talking politics either." I never carry cay bottle with tae, nor have X a duplicate of it. Sorry for that, sir,' said the stumper ; however,' he 'continutu I wns once taught a trick, when a boy, but I almost forglt how the thing was done now. I'll tell ycu how it was. stranger, a near us I cnn. I used to take a red cent and chaEgo it into a tea dollar gold piece.' O,' said the prreaaor, 'that is very simple; a mere trick, a slight cf band. . 'Well, I know it's not very difficult, but I far get how, will you shew me ?' nt the sane time handing him a cent to the wizard. O yes. nir. if it will oblige you, I will show you in a moment. 'Hold your hand. Biid tho wizard ; 'this is your cent, is it not V Yes. sir.' 'Close your hand.' The down-esster clesed h'.a hnnd fast. 'Are you euro yea have it,' said the wizmd. I guess I have,' said he, 'and I'll bt a dollar you can't change it into a ua dollar gold piece.' 'Done.' ecid the wizard ; now hold fast. Yes. sir ! I reckon I will but stop down with your dollar ! here's mine,' said the i'ankee. The wizard covered his dollar. Now. sir, are you reedy ?' said the wizard. 'I aint nothing else, said the down-easttr. Change !' said the wizard ; 'now, sir, opca your hand. He did so, and to his utter astonishment he held a bona fide ten dollar gold piece I Wei. sir.' said the wizard, 'youseoyou have lost your dollar !' I gues I have,' said he, handing over the two dollars. Now. said tbe professor. 'I'll bet yon another dollar I'll change the ten dollar piece into your cent again much quicker. No yer don't, said the gent from Maine, pla cing the ten dollars in his pocket, and buttoning it up tight; 'I'm much obliged to you. Purfessor, but I reckon I'll leave it as it is. Good morn ; mg. old hoss : sai and turning round ine. old hoss !' said he, walking out of the office, ms ue reaccea me uoor, ce nbiced his digitals in a close approximation to r o . his proboscis, saying, I guess there aint any thing grien about this child ." and left the Pro fessor in utter amazement at his cooluess. Eo' ton Tixs:. The Bristol (II. I.) Phoenix tells us of a man living somewhere near that town, whose oow bad three calves at a birth on Tuesday hrse mare foaled two colta on Wednesday i.nd whose wif j gave birth to a pair cf ' twins on Saturday. AH tbe colts, calves, and babies are doing well, and bid fair to be raised. The same man's hen hatched five chickens from four oggs last spring. We should be afraid to live a near neighbor to such a man as that. "Gettixg cp Staies." A hotel ia about to be erected in Albany eight stories high. A per son seated in an elegant arranged car, strikes a bell to indicate tho floor to which be desires to j be conveyed, whereupou' by means of a steam "cummy, ti.eyare eievntea jo ine proper ter minus iu double quick time, thereby obviating the difficulty experienced in "getting upstairs." Curious Fbsak or a Streak or Lightning. The Long Islander, published at Huotingtun. Suffolk county, says : During the thunder" storm, on Thursday. Nth instant, a house ia Amityvill was struck with lightening. It seeifls the lightning entered the door, hp'it the s!H, passe ' along the room to a large cooking stove, wl-.ih it threw up ii:tothe second story, and cut off three of the toes of a woman (whose name we could not ascertain.) who was witting near by. i The shoe through which the lightning entered af.pe-.red entirely uninjured, with the exceptica cf a smad hole on one e;de. "Wonderful things are done now a day." said Mr. Timmins; "the doctor has given FInck'sboy a new lip. from his cheek." "Ah !" eaid his la dy, many's the time I have known a pair Ufcea from mine, and it was not a very painful opera tion either" The remains of the Great Napoleon are to be made the occasion of another pompous ceremo nial in Paris, on the 8th of May. They are tobe removed on tho 4th from the Chapel of St. Jer ome to the monument erected for them under the dome of the Church of the Invalides. and on the 8th the tomb will be 'inaugurated" with great ceremony. . Major Stevens has nearly completed fcis ar rangements for the survey of a Northern Route for the Pacific Railroad. Lieut. Duncan and a party of 10 persons have been sent to Oregon via the Isthmus, to ttsrt from Puget's Sound, and meet the exploring party iu tbeznoutaius Another cf the party hs been some time in Canada, col lecting information from the Hudson Bay Com pany. Sow. "Now" is the constar.t syllable ticking frrm the clc-ck ctf time. "Now" ia the watch word of the wise., "Now" is on the bauner of the prudent. Let us keep this little word al ways iu our mind : and whenever anything pre sents itself to us iu the shape of work, whether mental or physical, we should do it with nil our might, remembering that "Now" ia the only tiir e for us. It is, indeed, a sorry wy to get through the world, by putting off till to-morrow, sayii g Then I will do it. No ! this will never ac-B-Ktr. "New" ia ours ; ilcsT may tseter be. l". ' . T r.