HIIITUH'SIITIBH. Andrew Ilhey, Editcr. F.BCjiSBUKG, r.. Tliuridn, April 23, 1853. For Canal Commissioner! THOMAS II. FORSYTH, of PMiadelpWa County. Tor Auditor General, EFHXIAIM BASKS, cf Kifflin County. For Surveyor General, J. PORTER BRAWLET, of Crawford County. ' A Story Corrected. The Cambrian in it lnt issue attempt to re vive the ."fainting story" of the late campaign, and inclines to tbe belief that President Tierce feels faiutish" on account of difficulties in his Cabinet. We had supposed, until now, tb.it tbe terrible and withering defeat of tbe "greatest Captain of tbe nge" would have been sufficient . cause why no whig should allude to, or at this day bring forward, any cf the false charges . made in the heat of conflict ngniust the success ful candidate of the Democratic party, but we . were mistaken. W' did think that it would be gall and wormwood for any whig journal to dish - up, once again, any of the iucideuts of .n cam paign iu which their forces were scattered, their rack broken an 1 dismayed, their party almost destroyed and its name and principles . almost . etliterated. Cut we were again mistaken, the editor "of the Cambrian is determined "to. pluck up drowned honor by the locks" and, therefore- giving full scope to his spiritual imagination informs us of an outbreak in the Cabinet of Gen Pierce, of which we have no kn iwleJge, and af ter alluJing to the '-faint." ard stating that Pierce hag n Treaty run himself aground says th it the President has brought upon his bead an avalanche of odium and execration forpro incting Judge Campbell to a cabinet otiice ! The Cd-'ilriar. is undoubtedly a fatt"' paper. Mtice, -it is evidtut that the editor's creation of difficul ties in the Cal inet is rather 'previous," thre . being not the least foundation, in this wor'd, for such a report, the Cabinet remaining since it9 formation perfect unit. Perhaps," the spirits have been .enlightening him in this as well t.s other matters ; if so the story has "c ime into this breathing world before its time, scarce half made up." Try the rappers again, perhaps they will tell ycu, and they will tell you if they say truly, there Las cot been, .nor is there any prob abiliiv of any dissensions in tho .Cabinet. As Johnitnwn is. situate lower than Ehensburir. the ... . ... -- . .c.. avalanche he speaks of may have been witnessed there, but certain it is uo traces of such a calami ty were yisib'e here. It is quite unfortunate for Gen. Tierce that the Cambrian has "run him into the'ground." If the precise spot where he sticks is made visible, w e would suggest the propriety of the two hundred and two thousand citi'zer.fl 'whorie votes last fall gave Tierce that many majority rnver Scott in the Union, ging to work to pull him out. Or. may be, the Cambrian, could supply us with part of the 'thirty thousand Whigs, who were at their homes threshing buckwheat hist October," whose services at present would be much need- ed in pull'ng Gen. Pierce out of the ground. Querv. Could they be found ? Ask the rappers. They would answer: Once upon a midnight etorniy, a lone editor attorney, pondered many a curious volume of his heart's forgotten lore while he nodded nearly napping, as of some one gently rapping, rapping at his chamber dot r. ' 'Ti3 the spirits," and he started, rapping at , tny chamber door !" Ob, for help I'm frigbt npd sare! Then liia rlinr.ilx r I nr.f rvi.n rnce permitting him to fl v into tie closet, or act I behind the door,) came the ghosts of buckwheat ! ,. -,. ., r" -7 , , tSreshing higs, with tearful evrs . -.nd powdir-1 edwig, and they set them downb.-side him. on .' :hem an.idthe; the dusty, book-strewn floor set tl . Tolumes of most venerable lore Quoth the ed-i . . I lior attorney ; what a bore 1" It must b some thing serious; thisiB certainly mjsttrious, o.tiite n advent of the whigs resurrectecl with their Iwigg bat I understand them nustly. . Here then came a rap so ghostly that he could no more dissemble as he had done before : anJ ? is face grew pale and paler as ho btarfd for the ' door down he fell upon the floor. Pinis. Attempt to Murder. Oa Sunday evening lust, on the Section o1 ' 'Wynne and Anthony, New Portage Road, near - Bennington Blair county, an Irishmen named " Michael Crowley was deliberately sho- by anrtli: er man, whose name wo did not learn. They were quarrelling at the time." The' p'stol wis loaded with bullets or slugs, two of which enter - ed the right breast of Crowley, inflicting nn aw ful wound. . The perpetrator of the offence fled and bns not been caught. It is more than like' lj that the wounded man will lie. - Drs. Christy -and McK.ee, of -Uollidaysburg, .extracted one ballet from his breast on Tuesday morning. These outrages in our sister county are be" coming too frequent ; a terrible example should be made of some of the offenders, perhaps then, these feu Js And fights would cease. Tts ' Piusbur Taiott" ' Tbe Daily Union, of Pittsburg, has- been en larged and further improved' by a supply of " beautiful type. We are greatly pleased to no - tice the increasing success of one of the best democratic journals, in the State. . Under the i toanngement of Messrs. Keen.on and Hastings, tue Union has established for itself much more thin local habitation ' and a name." .1 nd while it is one of the most ably conducted . pi t pers, and 6ound!y Deraocmtic, it .is by great odds much the neatest, and in all . -jhing-i it the ?mrs.t ro able rff.mneral.ie iournal ve receive i , ... . . ,T , from any of the cities. May eucccss aud pros-. penty attend, tue- LAton, utors workmen, .anu ; ll concerned. ES- Tte card of C. W. Webster, Esq., will be 1 found ia cur columns, to' wLicli vrc direit tac ftttoutioacf tle publio." " ' ; LOCAL AND EDITORIAL ITEMS. Ega, A PemrflvItailryad car ran down IMane No. 5 Monday afternoon, nud besides breaking .It... the enr Jestroved a Camber of barrels of flour. The ground for some distance was robed, in .a mantle of white.- i ..; - ,''. - S Work, tas ra-comtnenee 1 on the Cent ral Iai'road Viaduct which spans the turnpike, one mile west of the.Sutauitl In a fortnight,-flagons can pass under the arch . ' "'' CQ?U Hollidaysburg is evidently becoming more and more city-like, every diy. Every thing is gotten up in city style. Bills of fare, at the various Hotels, are uow talked of. Wa ter works aud a theatre will soon be necessary. Bglu The jury in the case of Mary Delaney. indicted in Pittsburg for the murder of Shaw, have been out six days, and are still unable to agree. 5gu flon. Solon Borland baring declined the Governorship of New Mexico, has been appoint ed Minister to Central America, which situation, it is said he will accept. ' . The New York correspondent of the Boston Post amuses his readers with the following pas sage : "It is rumored that the Queen of Eng land intends to visit the New York Exhibition nt in state but under the modest name of Smythe! Her ministerb wished it to be Smith, on the pattern set by Louis Philippe, but this her Majesty positively refused. The princess: royal accompanies her, but the Prince of Wales is thought too delicate for a sea 'voyage. The royal yacht squadron mean to Set 8 til for Cana da in Jul", and Mr. and Mrs. Smythe. daugh ter and attendants," will pass through Boston to New York. The visit of ex-President Van I'uren, to London, is connected with this inter esting invitation. The hospitalities of the White House have been tendered and gratefully accep- fed. The rumor emanates from a fountain of the 'purest intelligence rel y upon ir, we shall he Blinking Mrs. Victoria Smvthe's hand, and teaching our friend Albei t to chew tobacciv. ami drink brandy cocktaili before the year's end." giSrW'c lately saw it stated that an editor out j westn oi rrovi.teu mmseu wmt a soon two,., ... . i i ', i - i . t. . . l ... defend himself fr-m the attacks of Ins enemies. Being a man of eace. we are. therefore, not oei.igeraiiiiy uispogeu, oni aiwas heep once : guns, (two shot guns and one hlunlcrlussj in! our sanctum, tt us-j when u cessity obliges us f If m iy be as well to state t int tire locks are so at Clearlield on Thursday. ' -ieonfoumled ba.l that they won't fire thenunsoff. j r.v ,., . r. , A W ii mii!.I fiiMrliffii mi :i Ivcrs:irc cnisuieraih.p- 'fc- eouoiii i ) . e , CQGen. Wm. It. Pmjtu, formerly of this ; State, but for some years a resident of Wiscoii" S:n. is on a visit to his relatives in Kbensburg. , , , - He is gladly wcl.ct.iuen by a large number of i friend and acquaint mces He his lately been employed by the Legislature ot Wisconsin to I J J write tne History oi mar oiaie, auu lormer rer- rltory a trust that C!!d not be confided to one, more fully cunpetent to the taok, more eminent- ly deserving the honor. . trWM. K. PiPKS, of Plane No. 4, has been appointed ....Aid de C.mp to the novemor. will.; the rank of Lieut. Colonel. This testimonial of esteem is most worthily awarded. Col.. P. being .. ..w-h ..d radu-.l Drmocrit. nhd 'a ennrte- ous and hichlv deserving centleman. His mi is merous friends are pleased to learn that he cepts the profife -ed holler, and that he will be on hands" in case of any pe ks of war" aris-. 5-i. n Lain -1irtr innt rf fliAir lmntM llii pn'nm v. c . .. i g5 The Directors of the Ebeiisbtirg and Sus- adopted, which together with the difficulties ox-; isting between a majority of the stockholders !"" ,,,c rircc,,'rs- n aCc0m,t of th?- n'Ptir,n f i the Eastern route. c:iuse "the change. We pre- wiiiie all :.re satisfied with the present route. , .. . . ..... .... i t iivuiiii, u ui uu iiuiicu, mill 1...; letting n? nine miles of the road will be made : ... . , v. I -'r V - j bravely forward. ' ' I - , , " . , ' 1 . SSW Fkttkh, than whom there is no better ; Dagucrreotypist in the state, and that is saying : a good deal, exhibited to u., a few days since, a picture of the residence of Dr. Win. Lemon, of this village, which was admirab'y executed. His rooms are in the Academy building, where, in the course of si few .moments, he cm, any bright or cloudy day, take . the personation of your face and figure, spas to compare with, if uot exceed iu truthfulness, the original! Co. C3y0u Tuesday evening. May 10, there will be a select Cotillion Parly given sit the House of Mr. II. B. Pa I b.ek, foot .f Plane No 4. AH who nttentl will be sumptuously provided for and enjoy themselves to the fullest extent. ; . gg- We met Col. John W. Geabt at the Sum mit, yesterday. '. He is looking well and hearty, and intends . visiting Kbensburg in a few d tys where his friends will be pleased to meet him S?Capt. ,:F. R.. West has gone to Iowa, where in connection with several other gentle men, he intends to" engage largely' in the pork business. He leaves regretted by a large circle of friends, all of whom desire him full success in Ids undertaking, and a pleasant home in the distant west. . "-- - " : --; ,"". ; E?SThe weather M' delightful the days warm, genial, wreathed in sunny " smiles the nights, however, rather ' cool, yet beautiful ; no mist obt-iiriB, ncr ch.ud, nor speck," -nor stain, breaks the serene heaven. Spring-with aL! its beauties is upon us. and ''--' '' "O'er the mo'stened fieTds -: I A tender green ia spread ; the blnded grass . Shoots forth exhuberaht :' thea waking trees, Thaw'd by the delicate atmosphere, put forth' Expanding bud-s ; while, with inellitjuoi.3 tbrqnt. The wa rn ebullience of internal jq-, .., The birds hymn fuith a song of gratitude . M T ll'iiu'wlm shelter'.l when the storms were deep. And fed them thro' the winter's cheerless gloom." fi,The old papers in " the Protlronntary's OlJCU nave 1 neen taken out of their hi. tiny: idacen, the ilust brushed off, , and sifter beiuir y ' .j, imprvciuent was much needed The trees planted in the Court House yard, and the plants pavement lending to the door of the Hall, for which the public is; indebted to Commissioner Glass, are, to use. a popular ex pression, vtry oound arrangements.'.' , ? , . quehanna P tk Boad, at their m cef i gon Mon - j mocioi s ie.1 us m.-ii me use 01 ine wee.i 111 luis he took part in conspiracy against the Bour- j hen a ui.iu ! sucii uusudied ch r ict. r, su. b j jt.d 1 he 1 iugii g .,f t)elld. day, decided to .hange the route from the' Has- j "? '"I"' iiely to cause death in a short time-( ,)on nud b(.. lJc.tt.cteii W;1S 0Mied to take, '1"1 XVi"'t:'- " !,cl' rvl '"bie.,co with j The comiucfof the Governor of tern, (which was adopted on Monday week j to , ' I refuge in the little v ilhige of Navarre. He aft. r- -' "' c"llilM';x -: of tl 11 ti 1 t Tv ! " V , V"!'5. ,l ,,,,e C ;.....; i :..,.t,-,:.,..t- .;.... ..ri - Th.t Crystal Palace, says the Home Journal. ' 7 .... . .. ,:k ...... "- tl"" ice lesnleut. .I,e n..t,o:i n,:0 wi-l. -d ,udepe,.lrt.,.t ui tue ro.ler.,1 U stack was sui'Scribed ui case the westerti riotte i e : I h ; 1 , h ... , . ,.. ,,,.. ,,, ,.,..,,, .,.1 it. panel. I or tins he was put on trial. lie de- nonce in tin purutc ser u e, the e-.ttutry may ; tr.l ute 1 uUui) muskets anions the As a curiosity of paragraphing, we copy the following from au Edioburg paper: "A para graph from our 'respected contemporary, the Glasgow Citizen, has been 'going the round' of alltue southern papers, stating that the person to whoip the nursing of the' next young member j-- V" " of her Majt sty's family is to be intrusted, has al ready been selected from among the comely mothej9f ilnvc'ruess.r -.The announcement is at least vf j-einature. Setcrat 'applications have been forwarded from the Highlands, as well at from Wales and English rural districts; but no decision has yet been made. We tnay state, how ever, that there is very strong probability that the successful competitor will be a ploughman's pleasant-looking, healthy wife." Emanuel, the richest Jew in England is dcad They have discovered pure gold, in ilayo, at Castlebar, Ireland. L'lnvtrtine is dying ; bin physicians' hav.e no hopes of him. :'--.;. . ;,; "j .. ' JESS" The Germanians have been giving con certs in Pittsburg. ..'i BS" Ole Bull has been giving concerts at St. Louis. , . " ' ' : ' Chinese ingennitv is said to have succeeded 17! teaching monkeys to gather tea on those fcpots winch are not accessible to man but at the hazard of life. . A correspondent who is given to sporting, wants to know when the Anglo Saxon race," so much talked about, is to come off. A Protestant Church in which the services are all conducted in Chinese, has been established in San Francisco. ' . . Tbe Chinese do everything different from other people. We have a jack" for pulling the boot from the foot ; the "Flowery Land'' people, on the contrary, have an instrument for pulling the man from the boot. : CSiT Father Dadin. the first Roman Catholic priest ordained in the United States, died at Gin- I cinnati the other day, aged ninety -eight. He ! bvt"n 11 rie3t over lst r "One hour in tlie bath.' Napoleon used to say. 'refreshes me more th.-m tour hours ol sleep.'' A saying worth juot5ng at this Season. The Msliijurtnii I'tuhii denies tlio renrirtrd ill i - etih of tl,e President, md sas that his health 1 ; decidedly improved, and that he has gained b(,lh hl jy and strength since the iuaugura- (IOUi t . - . I A. B. Reed. Gov. Biglcr's father-in-law, died" . . j murdering Beese, Jew Men hant. in Luzerne cou.itj-, an i wis sentenced to be iiting. Oil the Pith inst.. 17d chickens, of the Co- ; chin China, Shanghai, and otlier rare foreign ! '.'""j". .8l.'ld "l auetiou at New Oile-uis, fur l. - iil oo. Two Hotig Kong geese sold at --U, . BrenKiieesfor 12. ' ,, . ,, . .i . . - , . . liitckiimliam Palace on the lh Hist., nt a quarter! j,.ist , u'ciock. The mother and child were doing as we. I as could be expected., jq; A number of Whig clerks were removed from me Sixth Auditor's otiice, at Wnshiugtoii, on edue&diiy. and Diinoci ats substituted in their stead. Let the good work go on. Teleiira tdiic ilesnatch. bearW date If Ca- hawba, ' i!jtli inst., states that tlie funeral of the V.ce ln si dent took place on that day at llo'-j c,otk ,ue luoriimg, according to the rites .of j ; the Lpiscot al ( hi.n h, Mr. Piatt, i f Selitt... otli ".ciatinu. whose sermon w as elootient and beauti-! ac-!ul. lie lies among his kindred, near his man - kii m tne country He died calmly aud com-' ,!'' J" ! Welc aril that Arthur Snrirf. thp. murderer has attempted to. commit suicide by . sleeping with a ijuantity of tobacco under each n'rin. The which the most streneous effort's arc put forth Ly ruction. - w truly, that the all parties cottcci tied in its const! KuMmt S:3- fl'".''t "owhow new institution of having a car specially devoted 10 'oixertais tor ine leireM.iiietn o. i..e .....e. man, will shortly be introduced n the l'ennsyl- to m tterials tor the 1 erresiinieht ot tne inner vauiii ll-iilroa, niter the fashion of the Balti- more and Oli.o Coiiipau r. p " . cg, The City of Philadelphia, by a recent dc cisiu in the U.. S. District Court. Justice Crier. will be obliged to paj-to the heirs of Stephen GrArtV ub..ut SI.lMlO.OOO. The matter in dis- pute was large coal" tracts in Schuylkill coua-: ty. Of the one thousand men whn formed the New : York regiment in the Mexican - war, only sixty ' . . .. ..5:.... .... 1 1 ... . -. . Vi. . - ' aie nun ;ihu-, iiiiuuuiuuvia loriy Ulo . UlO lO earn their living. . - J Canal Commissioner. ' Thomas II. Forsrtb. says the Doylestoicn jJem- . i- 1 n ' . . . . ocrflf, our cnnuiuaie ior uanai commissioner, is . a car, enter l,y trade, and a most excellent nd riAt.iilii 1. iikdi. ; IIa,ua vtalivA TV.wlliv.ein popular man. ! He ii a native of. New ' Britain - . . . - - . township. Bucks countj'," and served his nppreu ticetship wit h Jacob Kephart. ' He worked as a journeji man carpenter with Samuel 1 KachHne, Fsq. , of this borough, and ' afterwards moved to Philadelphia county, where there was a more extensive field opening for the business in which bo was engaged; He is now un efficient and ac tive member! of the Senate of 'Pennsylvania,' a station he has held for several years as the rep resentative of the' county- of Philadelphia. He every where is respected as an honest. upright and capable man, and will make an Unpreceden ted run ut the ballet-bos on the second Tuesday of October next. . - ; . :. '' '"' ' Eecent Appointment. . ' ' . . We understand on good nuthority that the lion. CiiAitLES jSitALtu has .been apjointe by the President to .the office of United States Dis trict Attorney, for the Western District of Penn sylvania. It is conceded, on all hands.', that 'a more worthy selection could not have been made. The President has,' thus far, "shown a 'j determination to appoint to .office, men of the in os i aiiriiug aoiimis, anu 01 exieuueu repuia- tion. ' ' ' - -i - -- V- :"- -' Judge' Gibson. : ' ' ' - - We are happy to learn that the reported death wf Judge, Gibson; us stated by .the Harrisburg Union, is incorrect., ;', The Judge has been . quite ii'i. but is p;ct ting better. . The report, however, will travel inj advance of the contradiction, and the eminent jurist will enjoy the plefthnro of reading many a glowing eulogium upon bis life and char acter. May he be spared many years 1 i ,xi V -.'lis i.ardv -lazed, and be-ind to look-as if it itiiht w",uawl,,v " mom .. its oe-s. 111 genius, .-ap .eity. nn-i expi-rn.-oi ii.v.fcu .v.-u.ta Anna to return; State Central Committee. The President of the late. 'Democratic State Convention, announces the following State Cen tral Committee, in continuity with the resolution of the Convention, directing him to appoint- the Committee. The Committee will meet atthe merchant's Hotel, nn the City of Philadelphia, on Saturdnv, the 21st datf of May. at 4 o'clock, P. M. The Democratic papers iu the State will please publish this notice. In order to make a convenient aud eJTecti.-e organization throughout the State, it will be proposed to constitute a Genera! State Commit tee of Correspondence, composed of one front each county; "in viewofthis arrangement. 'the Democratic Standing Coninittee of each County is requested to nominate one member for said Committee, and forward the nomination to the subscriber in time to lay leforc the State Ceu tral Committee at their meeting, to be held on the 21st of May. , WM. L. HIRST Philadelphia, April 21, 18-33. STATE CEXIEAL COMMITTEE. Hon. James Burnside. Centre. William Badger, Philadelphia. Henry 'L. Beardslee,. Wa no. '. Hon. Byr n D. Hamliii, MeKean. Hon. Charles B Bucktew, Columbia. William Curtis, Philaielphia. Hon. JoJ:n Cessna, Bedford. -. James C Clarke, Westmoreland. Francis C. Cai sou. Dauphin. Hon. William Dock. Dauphin. "Hoi: John JL Dtw son, Fayette. Henry L.'.DictTciihach, Ciinloii. John C. Evans. Berks. Hon. Thou' B. Florence, Philadelphia. Oliver P, Fretz, Montgomery. John W. Forney' Philadelphia. Hon. IloOett J Fislu r, Y..rk.. Thomas S. Fernou, Philadelphia. Hon. William Goodwin, Pliiiadelphia. " David Lynch. Allegheny. Charles H. Hunter, Berks. - Charles M. Hall. 'Schuylkill. George T. Harwey. Bucks. . Wm. II. Hotter. Northampton. Joseph Y. James. . W aUM. 1'h' mas Jameson. Y.-rK. Oweti Jones. Montgomery. Horn B. Kneais. Pniiadelph'.i. Samuel G. King. Philadelphia. Hon. John S. Mci'almont, Clarion. Henry S. Mott. I 'ike. It. '"miiiet Moiiaghan. Chester. William II. Miller. Perry. John O'Brien, Philadelphia. Benjamin Parke, Diuph'n Henry M. Philips, Philadelphia. George Plitt, Philadelphia. Hon. .aines W. Quiggle, Clinton. James L. Reynolds. Lane aster. Levi Reynolds. Delaware. J. L. Itingwalt, Monroe. Iloiij John Bobbins. Jr. . Philadelphia. 'Edmund N. Stagers, Philadelphia. Hon. George Sanders.. n. Bradford. T. J. P. Stokes. Philadelphia. F. B. Streeter, Sus jueiianna. Thomas S. Stewart, I'll .ladelphia. lliaiiu B. Swarr, Lancaster. James ('. Vandyke, Philadelphia. Richard Vaux. Philadelphia. Harrison Wright, Luie'rne. Geofire William. Philadelphia. TV. W. iso. .Jell'crsou. Hon. William II. Wittc, Philadelphia. William Henry Welsh. York. Pierre Soule, Minister to Spain. The follow ing is a brief sketch of his career ' Pierre Soule was born at Castillion, iu th j Pyrenees, during the fir.'t consulate of Napo leon. He 5 was destined for t'.e churoh lott be- , , ... , , ssatistied, left the Jesuits ( ollepe r coming di where he had been placed. t the age of fifteen fended himsc'f with el04ue1.ee, but was conviet - C1, flllJ sctto St Pchtgie. From thence he es - ! caped to England and afterwards came to the United States, and settled in New Orleans in ISlo. Ho stuidied law, an I r ise hiuli in the profession. In 1 8 17 he was elected from Louisi . . nua to Uli a vacancy in the U. S. Senate, and was re-elected in 18 B. Eiot and Murder. The Hollidiiysburg Standard of- yesterday. i tins tlie iotlow ing ao-.ouni u ine 1 io near 1 lainr I No 10. The proceedings of the mob were of it -.J... f.:.n..t.....Ms.i...'. . the most disgraceful and h.'.rr. hie character, and) "We consider the Whig parly not only defeat it is to be hoped that the gui ty perpetrators of. e l bat ,ua ,,,,,u- ., e cm contemplate itshisb.ry 1 w lilt ad tne pnlox'ip.'nc candor that we could the brutal outrage will meet with jUst and sf.ee- hriij, l( bvur )M thv hity vt ie p:,,;, VVar dy retribution : n.ai-u.!...,l,vi.;lrl,t .,t nt ti late b .ur a rrti- of uowirdsof tuhauiil Ir'.d. f.ictm .isti pa.t3 of M Aid, aii ltaai. , . c' " 3" ..... .1... i........... 1? 1 1 1... ... t .... came uow 11 iue urn t .s- " - 1 virtB.w Arn.ihl ii.d Clover bet ween idaiie 10 i . :.iiim ..v.... i. ...... - - - 1-. ri 11 . .... , . 11. tUey nrsl anacKea a sua my oo- . . i. 1 . .. I. ..... tuoied bv a mau named James fl.issidy; which they broke open and entered, li.it they tWud " be us -d, while it hohis together.. as a scare but one man and a sick woman. Thev common- crow and an instrument fd.-sctpliiic by the Jead- ..... i .... .....l I I" ,1... I i... Tl..... red teami" down the bun. tine. However, . anu . : . . . u ?.. .. r .i ' I.. . .1 ; , : . wune iuc nun ui wcm.tini .. ...... C-issidv. was shot. An attack was also , - o a ...... -v - . . . . . Ii ...... i t. I. mauo;upm. "". " ,' . woiu'.ti, but throui'ii tne iu ferenceot some vi me icauc. . ue ...., ?ue r " r "'"' f t toe. with a glass cf tcast t.d wat.r to each was spared., only to meet a more horn de Isttej .Uegive.Mr.CKEti.EYt red.tforoi.ee He has wrkniilll Tlicll 4g:d.t to work-Mitch, stitch if their hellsh designs had been tudil eJ. Hje . toll the unvarirshed truth. We thatik him for until five o'clock, when fifte -n niinutcsare ngnio rioters then st bre to the Miantee, and made tlie CalIid JldMlias;lin of the fact that the only 1 allowed f..r tea. The needles are thru set iu their escape. The budding was consumed, and; . - 1 li nutl- more-stitch slitch until iin i ' .i ...i-....: ....o effect tit keei. hilt un the hn' uriraiu r-.i t i.m n.l ,!,oi "i on-e mott allien, suuii uiua she in tlie morning , uie umui .v found with his arms and legs totally burnt uff! standard, is the perpetuation of ahu.-es aud in The woman ma le her escape by crawLug from Equity. Ho will aot denv that in all the history It"" RH,, l-n NVwrv J ' crds of previous cor- I IV IllUlUViVU - - - - J - Friday. Twenty of the rioters and murderers were sir- rested on 'Friday, .nine on Saturday, aud bx oti .Monday:' all Of whom were committed to our jail,; Their trial was to have commenced -yes ten lay. and we hope they will be brought spee dily to justice. a.:..:;..:. . ' a , : . . - ; i '- i ' ; ! ,; ,.- : The Exodus to California. '". - DisTiNOCiSHED I'kbsoxs Uoixu Tuebe. The st,ertmhiilS Illinois and I'r dnetheus sailed-irom Vew York,' at two o'clock, on - Wednesday after noon, with passengers- for" Calif mia. - Among those paesebgrs on Iv.mrd tlie Illinois, are Hon. I". C. Marshail, .Member of Congres ress xrom caii - lomia ; Major II. r.-HamiMoiid, the newly ap- ooiuted Collector d' the Fort of San rriirrcisco ; Hon.Georce l'age, of Iventuckv; Lr llirds .il. cSiipcrinteudcut of the Mint in th;.t city ; Hon. Wm. Van Voorhees, isurveor of the Fort ; Sen- ators Gwin and Weller ; ex-Governor McDougal. who was the first Governor of California; atid Judge M. C. lliced. , It b notolten that s large. a number '.of distingnishcd persons aro collected i on board of one vessel.. ; V - in -.- ' r . William larua jVe have already announced the death of th Vice ritsidcut.ot the Ut.iied States, the Hou. William litres Kisas. The Kiibli'ugton UnUm of Wed u i-s lay ghco a biogra -diivai ekeub of the deceased, which wiUbe iiitnestiug to 'our rcaiP ei a : : ';. Co! . . . .:' kiBg waVbrn on tlu t?rT 'of .April,. !76o, in i iiti!.svii cjutiiy, N oi tit Caithna. "Alter cm- idetti. ma t'ducatioii at the L'ni t rait v of ins native M.-.tv, he iiec iiiie a tnaiui ol l-iw if i ti.'e Ilice of tt iiiiam Dolfy, of Fayctteviiie. At the age of twenty, lie was elected a representative, ul lui ii . me cotiiiiv in lh l-t;is-tuie ot State. At the .ijre of t wviitv-fuor. he was cho sen a rej .reseiitat ve in Cotigr.-ss tiotti tlie Wil niiugtoii iiisiiict, ana ot tne party wincii aivo o.it.a and iipM.i ted the wr of 1812. he was a zealous and iiMu.bU-m iR'iniier. lit the spring of IblO. lie l.'a.uei Ins sc. t in tlie llottne of - j Bepresentatives, and uccompanied Win. Pinck ne , ... ...... j ....... vv.v....... . .....w.., Naples aud then to St. Petersburgh, to which uris Mr. I'inckiioy was tent i s minister pleu - to CuUl ipoteiitiary. Un his return to the tinted States, iirthe winter of lSib'li. xJr. King fixed his residence in U.nlas county, iu the then Territo. ry of Alabama. He was elected a member of tue Convention to establish a State Government, .iutuivu vii uiu mjuiiiiucc if iiuiiitj n-'ui: t; . ei lent ea I re V;l I e- HTl'l US it W const. union. vVuh the lion. John W. Walker. ' td to embroil tlV(5 country iu smother war'ix he was elected one of the tir.-t two senators who. Mexico, bloody work was anticipated ..i :.. .1... ........... J ., ......I . .. i . . , s ej.i cseiiten .ii.iu iin i in me vooi - ui ine Uuited Mites. In lSJd, in 18JS, in ift.54, and l8l0, lie Was re-eiecled ! the Senate. Ill 1844 lie accepted the missi-jti to 1 ranee, with the es- JJiptt!ch, S. II. Ferguson, coiibtable cf the Sev pecial oojett of facilitating the annexation ofjenth Ward, ..ccomp-.tiied by John F. K. Jone" Texas. tie was runark ibly successful iu his ( another oflici r of the same Ward, et'n ieJ to inibMoii, having by his skid and prudence entire-j Butler county, with a process from Court f?r ly prevented tne opposition of the French gov- the arrest of Casper Lndparter, who reccntl cruiiu nt to tit it tneiiatire. Iu 1 IS he was ma. it-, kert a i .io s'io;j iu Di .;a I a'.!y, iti-llctcd ia senator from Alab .ma, by apiioininieiit of the : our Q iart r Sessions for the larceny of gas, tv GoM i nor, to tid a vac iu. y oecasiontdl y the , tapping the pipes of the Gas Company, uv.l fjr renigiiatiou 'l the lion. Arthur P. Bag by, sent ; keeping a tipp.ing hou.-e. We Ic-iVri' that on uitni.-ter to Buasia. In 1 i'J he w as eieetc J by i'hui sda y, in'an enie.tvor to affect tbe arrest the Legislature lor a full term of six years. in . L in io.n ter killed Ferguson with a knife. sevcrV on the acciosioii of Mr. Fillmore to the' ly st.bbeil Jciies, an I effected his escape. Preaiucncy. he w...s un.mimou-.ly clmseit Preai-f We learn, from s.nue pcr.ms fr.-m the 't.e'eb. uci.t of the Senate. By the Baltimore Conveii-1 borh-ao J, that LauJp..rt r resided r' miles btm t.ou of the d of Jiuie, 1 6-, he was nudj tlie ; BniK r. on the littp.it Bul. where the t-dicerii uetuocr.t!C caiuhduc f.r the Vice Pivsidoney, ! arrived on Ti.uraJ.ty itftr-moon, 2 1st instant" tit ami wase.ected to that olii.e by the peoj.le in j ..ne o'dotK. but did Lot hi.d Lira at hy:;ie. Oa the ei.sir.iig .Novcuib.r. In the winter of IS-M-' c -.ll'.iig again they found LI ::i up stajis. mij l.e 'J' to sillier from a j ulmonary j exj i -s.i-.- i a w.liiiigueas to accompany tucw. bu: atl'ecii-Ui. which gradually givw so aiarming iu ' deair.'d lirt to ch m ;-e his clothei. refusing u us !yuiptoiiuj that he w.t., ..dvie J to seek al.-evi-i d- so. , .-.never, in their presence: he went into ation in a tt oj.ic d c ia: .te. Aceoidingly, in the ' an adj. iinng room, procured a uirk-knife atui i.ioii'.n of Kdo a .ry. he a .uglit re; ;.-;; an 1 te ief p'si'i. iV-::, a st.tu i-.ir.u -.r. retumed anJ uttack. Ill toe lS.uhd ol Cuba ; nut l.sc .Ver.ttZ that disease was fatal, lie determined to die i:i oWu o.lld. His vvasting slrelig:h b ie!y so: vi Ved the j -Uloey to his home l ie c tuiiin. Svalveiv b a i he tl-o.-se 1 the threshold .' holla.- " h. n lie s uiK in toe rcpo.-e o; Col. King w;.s u--v.r m .irr.ed ; but ti: life, as iu the iaat stii; "ie wilu de.iili ah. j!. joyed tne a;!'ect.ouate regar 1 and kin! ti.i-ii-tri-l. oiis of tile UK-si attached frieli-i's an i rel. lines, lie Was of a UalUIe to W.n llo Wal'lne.-t l atd of li;s p Is oial iri.-ij-. an I to c -o.m.ilid the res lect oi'aii. O.'s.i in . j i lz oe t ki i .ii ni'tii; he.. rl, lliti i p:l c i.l; g , ami l l,e l.iet bl s-ne iiKi.or, lie w..s toe vi ry ino.iei ot a c. ut !ema ii. Ju.t in all h s relations nub the wor.d. courte ..us :.i.d o Lii i..vt.. i.i I e u ant i, iu n.us in 'earned of the minder, but nt the time our itd'ur h.s impu.'s. s, he i.ve't -a Lie of" u.ms i d lenath m i;i: left tlu whole country was up. and U'h and ii nj.ot s.t.i iiy. witin.ut iucurr.iig the ba m-j pr nn pt pursuit m ole titat it is probable ere tLij iaii f a o!it.-.ry rej ro.ieh on his hooor. 'litis iiij. murderer ia rrc-tc-J. - - co intry has i roJueed im iu..n w ho.-e character - eau tietur bear the s. v rest s. rniiov. As a Son thern Mail Iteme Further MexicaaKewi. statesman, h s .pi n'ities were rather safe audi i u.TiMiu, April '11. Tin- New Orlfin yu so i l than dazz .ti-. Soundness .f j udjrniei.i. I -crs of ,Sat urduy labt reucheo litre to-oiiY sit I'vi ii'.ity of res .ui ee, a pein ti ..t.ng sr.gac, ty. !.u1 iuou. City of Mexico papers of the I'd iust., iutiexib.e ii leiity to principle, prudeure and j had been receive J. Mr. Faicouet had been r raution, gave him tln.t weight in counsel and j rested, i n a charge f bribery iu connection with that control of others which the more brilliant, j ihe Ihiish debt, at the order of Julge Buti.eii, but less useful intellect can ue t-r command. uii the leulan. I wf th : ex-Deputies, of the In nt II ;s piioiic liie w as an un;i.lert ut'te l sun s d successes. .o man ftipi.v ed in J.it-g. r measure the coiifldetiee of those who were capable ol".i I preeiaring hi w. rth. as is attested bv his re- 1 iieated eleet on to tlie iUes:d ttov vr tun. of the !. ,,, 1 . rx-nate. an 1 !v 'he It u:'t to! :i-in id evvrv enu ' neut t ttesm m .if ev.-rv nittv in the countrv. 'i'1 et " 'f ",t : l),.lt w,', e U lU 'we n" 1 n!,!,t!u'r ' '" w,,,.'!,,. 'Tf u'V.te 1 ,,,'.l",lr' V; J1"" 'r: j m -tiaiitmity. diseivri. .11. s tg icity. courtesy and Uouud ability as were bleu I -d in the ch tract, r and illustrated iu the e-treer ot W 11.1.1 m Burrs j Ki.vo the chivalrous gentleman and spotless i l).llOl. Doad a3 a Door Kail. The philosopher who controls the editorial Colums of the New York Tribune, frankly admits that the Federal Whtg pat ty has positively civ- mi t ,!i c t . . .. "- ...i- words: We give the facts ia his own of the B ses r the rise and fall of the Cirotid- isti in BeVolutiona ry France. We believe that the oniv effect of keeping up the Whig organiza- .. . ,,,, ;s tll " ' ,,,.,,,.,,1,,.,. bt.ses! tion and stand. r l is the Icroetu.ltlou ol abuses 1 - ... . stud iniquities bk tho-e nsw r.iinpaitt 111 the of,rcity. As m.rs appeal to i.ut'l ill. l'llill UIK illli.! i. J ill ii il". Iii.d ..it i Alii... . 1 - . ... - - ' . ....... k .. j - " ' ; 'i-"- ...t., . 1 1. 4'.. 1 ... 1 . . n .1 u 1 . ... i . I . " trouo.es mte .etiiiaieti, s ine n nig pariy " "" " v - ' o j will ncnerallv be able Ui keel, a m .ioritv i.i their . ... . i , , ,. .... . , . .. . .. , - - leauiu-i siriogs uy.pi--iy.iig. up-u uieir no pes . . i. ..: .. i- . i. - . otlieo an I sn.ols. or t leir tears of lie:mr t 11-..M.I .':, .:, ,,,. .... ..,. i;1.11..;. ?, , 111 to a power. ess aud uupop - " -- i ruptioii, kuavery , suid rascality, there can no parallel be found with the Whig frauds and pec-! u hit toils of the late O At.r n x mi'l Uauiunkk ad - ministration. The people wi!lnt b iu a L-rrr agam to truat tue i cdcrul 'Mugs with poaticaii, T,.. , , , , , r - - . , - -; te 1 idty. Ihcie uuisi ba a good de;d of laonotony. Iuv, Fn4 ivv ouuu.u onco more come io( lite. 1 lie national treasury has been p. under-e-i sufficiently for the remainder cf this century at least. . Hut what disposition does the Tribune interd to m ike of the remain of. the late UU;g pjirty? 1 here cau exist no doubt upon that point. They 'uro io ie iiiii.eoerreu . to oun 1. Hale and the fiee negro Leitn. racy, provided, they do not choose to have an o l.i.ou ot tluir own. The i game that is now en loot , is piaiu uud visii. e euough, even to the eyes of llnj baud. . The IVi-t lune Las at last thrown otf'sli disguise, and. husJ openly gone over to tlie Alx-liliou taction. - It is nowi.s thoroughly cil iated in that c luse as G it- bison or kn. Dui:cl.iss, It remains. to be seen whether it cin curry what is leu of the Whig P"ty alocg with it. Puimiflvanian: . - - AXOTIIIIU WAR, WITH 3ICXIC iTT" p tMATIOX 'ti F COV.Llv,, , . . - . "l TU, Piecyunj has recti ved conie lX I 7 csting itceouutH J'rom New. Mexico, which l,,tStf J cmbrwiPthls ctuntry iu-nothct Vi.t -X .v.' .the accounts st.;te that Got. Lane hfil n pncl)toiatioii cluiininz the .M-cilIa Vil .. liold ly Mtiico, us a portion of the Amii territorv. 4t" 'tliciiS j The Governor asserts that this Valfrr left ut by the neg'eit or oversight of (Ji.ii fcioner Bartletf, and that it clearly belou-V7 liie tlie Luited States. - i He lias, therefore, under tln pr.nfi.u.. t ,. . - ; or.lered Col. Sumner v, proceed to the siot miuiv.-m iipru an i i tK.e poss-.'ssiori c; it. .- ..! I ... I . I . . " " Col. .Sumner, however, it is stated, rtfuspj ta' obey the iuslroctions u-til he h id received tive orders fmni Wasliintoii, - j In the me .ntitn.- the M.-xTcau autaorhici r. j iioiite ei me mo tii.tiits ou foot aaj ia ; mediately sent a body of several hatidr'e 1 tr. 1 to the Mecilla Vallev; whu weieconnn t 'i' j resist at any sacrifice, all i.ttenir ts rande 1 v tl . United States to seize the va.'lev which the l j ican government looks upon aa'a portion oft j wn poseej-slon I When the above account.: left !, . .. . . ... ' "" '""ot iu Horrible Murder of a Police 02"icer. On Saturday, ltjth inst.. k.vs tin, P;.,.v h:s cd t' k-::1 ; Jot.fi ki!oecd the'iistoi frrm his ; li::n I, with i stick, t'.e o-ilv wenvfiii he h.-i.l mi l m ' I - -- ----- - - . Mis. i; .n-1;. n u r emivavored to rrevei.t tlie i laor-ier. out SLe r.i'iian .vuceeeJeti in n.ftutir,. hIs: - .'Ven stabs m. .u ,:ii.-r f-r"-u 4..ii nrxl ntt-in I a d!y about the right w rist, i:i his efforts to 'ut , :v .r 1 id! the b!ovs; tie was woui.ded in tlie t n-: he.-.rt. right breast, back, ubdomei!, and Lit. J .;i.-s was severely cut ill the reck and - groia, no I l e. cave I . titer sligilt Wounds. Laa Ipart. r jumped . u a h.-ne and roue eff toward the Ui . a: Western Iron Worts, at Bra dy's Bind. Ferejtisou i.ursued him tiliout tLirtv .tjy.uj .-11 and expiieM. Jones followrd si i:.o , n.i . t miie, when he oecane too linlch eilvitu'f 1 - : t- j i-.cee.l. Ii was nearly an hour before otlnrs 1 ouress. lhe Mexican papers regard tLe measure as a proper step to protect the national iioior. S.inf i Anna, immediately nftcr his arrivnl at Vera Cruz, communicated by telegraph with tbe c ty of Mexico., w here the announcement of his irttvii w as ee. .orate J tv the hill.? ol taUDefc O ij.ic.t La I apitol. ileuci overnment, anJ nd had ilis- Indians, whose j '-Mst-'ncc he had been courting. The paper . ,!1 V? I're.ident Lom.r.liid ta send a ;.!Ucient Uicc to O.ijaca to prevent a wr cf e.-tes. S.ititi Anna was entertained nt Vera Crux with a b 'u juci I y the M'ui.cipaiity, U which he wa, toasted and exto'de i in the most tr.trif tigint manner. He give but o.c tj.isr, whicix w as as follows : - " - Under the shadow of the Mexican fl.tf. ra.tr there be but one cry Independence or Death. Marquis Beis ira, tlie new Sanish M'.i.ister, artived at Vera Cruz in the same eter.mer witi S.n.iii Aiiua. . . - The White Slaves of Enprland"Lozaca Dtw . . Makers. The London Times s iys this class of Seam stresses are compelled t. sew from morning till niht and nilit till morning stitch, stitch without a pause without tpeecb without a smile without a sigh. In the gray of the morn ing they must be at work, s ay at six o'clock. '."' ioc". ''"'S quarter d an hour allowed for break ing their nst. The fool served out to them i canty an I miserable mough, but stilly ia all pr .babi.ity, inoro than the'.r fevered systems en digest. We do mt, however, wish, (say the Times) to make out a case of tttarvntiun; the sufferins is of another kind equally dreadful cf endurance. From (" o'clock, then, till 11. it is r,,.( , , n . i.oii .btltrl, 8t,,cI'' At U' n hTliltA l"cco of Ir fcread - i i . , ..... . ii .. .".".,.., T.... ....... 7 is serve a io eacu SMtinrreSi. iur u i o.e musi i . . i . . . . . . . I " v. wiwm .u. . -- tallowed tor dinner slice cf meat and a pots- ! o'ebick. w hen filiePi. minutes ..re allowed ffcT supper a piece of dry bread and cheese, nnJ jilass of b.-er. From nin o'clock at night until one, two. and three o'clock iu the morning, stitch, stitch: the only break in this 1 ng periji being a minute or two1 ju?t time - enough Xo swallow a cup of strong tea, which is 'Mippha ! Test the young peo,.'e should feel sleepy." At t!,IV0 " cl"lc!f -v- to tjea' nt s,x A- M- . . ,u thc occupation. ' . . , The EpiiUuilaajpjrs. - . The foljowing'questions are propounded totL spiritual r.ippeis by the X. V. Herald. ' If.iw much it eot to huild the pyrami'ls. V hat became of the ark after the flood. The contents of the books cf the Alexandria Library. . . . . . Who stoT? t!ic . : Stboo!i5 cf L;vy, The travels of the ten loes tribes of Israel, tni where those people uow arc Tiie doingsof the ditk nges. The author of the Utters of Junius-' ' . The history of the Aztecs. r " - j Who struck liilly: Fatterson. ' : -1 f It is the general" opinion' that ifipF?T" c"' n.t ku-wcr questicas cerr3CJ, jpe-:!!" ii. liu. -