The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, April 28, 1853, Image 1

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volume ix.
ed every Thursday morning, at One Dollar and
Jny Cent per annum, if paid in advance or
within three months ; after three months Two
Dollar will be charged.
No subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than six months ; and no paper will be
dis continued until all arrearages are paid. A
fcUure to notify a discontinuanc at the expira
tion of the term subscribed for, will be consid
ered as a new engagement.
ZQ. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted
&t the following rates : 50 cents per square for
lie first insertion; 75 cents for two insertions;
$1 for three insertions ; and 25 cents per square
I r every subsequent Insertion. A liberal reduc
tion made to those who advertise by the year.
All edTertisemcnts handed in must have the
proper number of insertions marked thereou,
it lley will be published until forbidden, and
charged in accordance with the above terms.
HS3uAll letters and communications to insure
-fciiciition must be pott paid. A. J. RHEY.
Picture of a Fashionable Young Lady.
We never like to say or do an unkind thing to
the ladies, but it happens that if any of our rea
ders should see themselves in the mirror we
place befora them, we can only hope that they
will strive to change the original before they
uke another look at themselves. In the city
ve have plenty of such ladies, but in the coun
try they are seldom met with :
She sits in the lighted parlor.
And awaits for the tardy beaux ;
She plays with her little fingers.
And trots with her little toes,
K She calls for the Spanish poodle,
8he calls for the China fan,
ab kisses the long eared pappy:
And wishes it was a man.
Her mother stays In the kitchen.
Dressed in her coarse attire;
She's freezing over the ices,
And roasting over the fire
5h? makes some nice confection,
Some delicate kind of a treat.
Of creams and various jellies.
For her daughter's beaux to eat.
Married, at Poduok, on the 23d ult., by the
JUr. D. Willis, Mr. H. Hoe with Miss Ann
Handle, all of that city.
Ilow useless a Handle without any Hoe,
And useless a Hoe without a Handle ;
No better & "winter without any snow,
Or a candlestick minus a candle.
But here Joined In one the Handle and Hoe,
Will life's ragged Journey smooth over;
And each prove a helper in this world below,
Till death shall hoe both to another.
Cleveland Herald.
.rid whatever life's jonrney may he.
In annsVioe, in storm and in woe,
We are certain in foul or fair weather.
They'll both have bat "one road to ITot."
If sight men Jig twelve days and find noth
ing, how long must twenty-two men dig to find
Jcit double this amount ? Answers containing
-remittances will be received till the mail closes.
There is a tight-rope dancer In San Francis
es who offers to walk across the ocean, provided
amebody will chalk the equinoxial line for him.
Due notice will be given of the start.
Two men go a fishing, one catches a bite and
the other a nibble -the latter from a sunns b,
and the former from a musquito. Wanted to
know which came out ahead.
There is one advantage In being old, and that
is, you can "loaf around the house" without
being charged with laziness. We look forward
to a good deal of enjoyment after we have reach
el eighty.
Fast horses soon tire, and fast men are a good j
deal like them. The youth that "goes it1
strong" at twenty, will find himself at forty-five i
with a tomb-stone growing out of his head.
The Tainier Journal man thus winds off an
affecting notice of the death of his Shanghai
roster :
."His Toice when heard amidst the crowing of
other roosters, was like the trombone in an or
chestra of violins, or the bass of rumbling thun
der amid the hum of a dozen spinning wheels ;
Farewell, faithful servant, a lasting farewell;
From thy fate let all roosters take warniug
No more will thy voice, in a long and loud swell;
Awake us to get up and go to work, about half
past five o'clock in the morning."
A person was boasting that he had sprung
from a high family in Ireland.
"Yes," said a bystander, I have seen some of
the family so high that their feet could not touch
the ground.
What 13 Max ? The chemist replies, 45 lbs.'
of carbon and nitrogen, diffused through 5
pailsful of water
Tax Noss. The nose, as every one knows
who knows the joys of snuffing, may be the
source of the most delectable enjoyment. It
villi not submit to be pulled, but is ever ready
lor . pinch, aud like the war-horse, it "snuffeth
the battle afar off".". "The author of the follow,
ing lines was Indubitably up to snuff :"
Knows he that never took a pinch,
Nosey, he the pleasure thence which flows?
Knows he the titilating joy
Which my nose knows ? . - .
Oh Nose ! I am as proud of thee
As any mountain of its snows i
J thee, and feel the joy .
A Roaaa know ! -
from the Philadelphia Inquirer .
Sentence of Death on Arthur Spring His Gen
eral Appearance, Speech, &o.
On Saturday morning a few minutes before 9
o'clock, Arthur Spring was brought up to Court
from prison, to receive sentence of death. He
was ushered into the . room through a large
crowd, who remained quiet as he passed. When
the doors were opened, the rush was tremen
dous, and there was avast deal of elbowing de
spite the efforts of the officers to preserve order.
In a few seconds every nook and corner of the
Court room was closely packed by a curious
crowd, who were anxious to witness another
public act of the dreadful drama.
By the time the Judges had arrived and taken
their seats, every inch of standing; room, within
and without the bar, and inside the railing, was
closely packed by the eager multitude. The
wretched prisoner, although the centre of the
general gaze, sat unmoved in the dock, and look
ed upon the immense crowd ..with a real or as
sumed indifference. Spring looked well, and
his face bore no trace of anxiety. Judge Doran,
the counsel for the prisoner, stood near the
j dock, with his arm resting upon it. As soon as
silence coulJ be obtained, Mr. Reed, the District
Attorney, arose and addressed the Court.
May it please your Honors The prisoner at
the bar, Arthur Spring, on the 21st of March,
beiog arraigned, pleaded not guilty to a bill of
! indictment found by the Grand Jury charging
J him with the murder of Ellen Lynch. On the
2th of March, after a patient trials he was
f ound guilty of murder in the first decree. For
sufficient reasons, to which I need not allude, a
second trial was ordered on the application of
the prisoner. Ou the 2Sth of March that second
trial began, terminating in a verdict by another
jury of guilty of murder of the first degree. No
part of my duty remains to be discharged but
to move your Honors for judgment on that ver
dict. I, therefore move the Court for judgment
of death 'ipon Arthur Spring the elder, who
stands convicted of the murder of Ellen Lynch,
of the first degree.
After Mr. Keed had concluded, Mr. Doran
said : "As counsel for the prisoner in the dock,
bainff of oninion that he ha uil n. f.iir n-nd im.
partial trial, I know of no reason why judgment
t of the law should not be pronounced against
j The prisoner was then directed to staud up,
and Judge Kelley said, "Arthur Spring, have
I you anythiug to say why the judgment of the
law should not be pronounced upon you ?"
The prisoner replied, "I have, your Honors."
' Spring then commenced a statement which he
deigned as a justification of himself, but it fail
ed to create in the minds of any who heard him
a shadow of doubt of his guilt. The prisoner
spoke in a firm, strong voice, but with a hurried
accent. His face was flushed, although he did
not appear to be laboring under ati3' unusual ex
citemeut. His speech and his manner while de
livering it, impressed all who Leard it with the
conviction that he possessed a most cruel and
fiendish disposition, and that even after all hope
for his own life had fled, he was still seeking to
drag down into a felon's grave with him, the
reputation and even the life of his own offspring.
A death like silence prevailed during the time
the guilty man was speaking.
Your Honors, I had no act nor part in the
murder of Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Lynch. I am
willing to die for it at any moment ; but before
: 1 die, 1 call Uod to witness, that I had no part
: in the murder. If you want me to tell what I
1 know about it, I will. 1 here say that I had no
: hand in it. 1 know nothing about it. I never
had it in my thoughts. I am not afraid to die,
and show uiy death to any one. My son said he
would take the money from the trunk of Mrs.
Lynch, aud 1 told him that as I was known
i there I would be suspected of it. He told me
he took the money. He said he went down
there and took a bottle of brandy with
; him. He told me he had killed the women. He
had first struck Mrs. Lynch when she was in
j the back room. She got behind the settee, and
j he had to wait until she came out before he
; could finish her. He told me he had gone into
the frout room until she would come out. He
! said that after he left there he went up to Thir-
teenth street. He went home to Maguire's
about a quarter to ten o'clock, to play dominoes
I with the boys. After he came home to Maguire's
an j tucn
he waited till all were abed, first going up stairs
coming down again, when he went
back again to Carroll's. I say that I did not
commit the murders, but I am willing to die for
them. 1 am not afraid to show my face to any
man. I am not afraid to die not afraid to ap
pear before my God at any moment. My son
told me all about the murder of Mrs. Lynch and
Mrs. Sh aw. These are my dying words, and I
will say the same on the gallows. As for the
money, I did not know anything about it I did
not know the color of it, nor anything about it.
1 never told Byrne where the monejr was ; nor
did 1 say a word to. him about it. He came
down to prison, and brought mc three oranges.
He sat down and took out of his pocket a two
pound weight, which I had never seen before,
and put it into my lap. He said that he found
it in Maguire's yard, back of the house. I told
him my son had taken it out of Ragan's shop to
throw it at his cousin, for he was hghting with
him all the time, and I tookit from him and car
ried it up to Maguire's, and then I pitched it
away into the yard.
The first time I was at Maroney's store I got
a pound of grapes, and gave him a $5 note. He
said, take the grapes along and never mind the
money. I wanted to buy him out, and he ask
ed .$800 for his place. The next time I was
there was on Sunday night; and I got a pound
of grapes from Mrs. Maroney, and gave her a $1
gold piece. I took them home and gave them
to Ragan's children. It was my sou that told
me about the weight and the money also. WThen
I got up the next morning after the murder, I
found the two shirts on the table. My Bon told
me to put on one of the clean shirts ; I did so,
and rolled up the dirty ones, and put them un
der the table. One of them was the oiie I had
got bloody in the fight with Carrol. After break
fast my son went out, down to where he com
mitted the murder. - He came back and was at
home when the officers came. One of them
said where is Arthur Spring ? I said here am
I. We took some ale at the bar, and I rode off
with them in a cab. When we were near the
plucc where Mrs. Lynch and - Mrs. Shaw were
murdered, they told me of it. Before my God,
I am innocent of the murder, and will leave it
to the public, to my God, and everybody ; I am
willing to die fur it, and I know I must die.
These are my dying words. I was brought up
respectably, and have been a.n honest man all
my life. I have never been in liquor but twice
in ray life. I never had it in my mind to kill
anybody, nor did I ever commit murder. Now
jour Honors know all I have to say about it,
and I will die an innocent man, and am willing
to die. I call my God to witness my innocence.
It was impossible to obtain a verbatim report
of the speech of the wretched criminal; his rapid
enunciation and rambling style made it very
difficult to transcribe his words in the order in
which they fell from his lips. At times be hesi
tated, as if fearful of committing himself, and
at times seemed rather puzzled to keep up the
connection in the story he was inventing. This
confusion was very evident when he spoke of
taking off his own bloody shirt and substituting
a clean one by direction of his son. The culprit
seemed aware of the pitiful weakness of his story
.it this point. The statement on Saturday dif
fered materially in other respects from his former
stories. Until Saturday he has pretended that
he knew nothing whatever of the murder, until
told of it by the officers who arrested him. It
will be perceived that, in , the above speech, he
says his son told him of the murder the night it
was committed. There were many other dis
crepencies. After the prisoner had finished all he had to
say, Judge Kelley pronounced the sentence of
death in an appropriate, feeling and touching
Arthur Spring You have been convicted of
the highest crime known to the law of this Com
monwealth ! Murder, in the first degree. An
impartial jury have found that you did wilfully,
deliberately, and with premeditation, murder
Ellen Lj'nch, and with the correctness of that
finding the Court is satisfied. It, therefore,
only remains for us to pronomnce the dread
penalty which the law attaches to so atrocious
an act. That penalty is the forfeiture of your
life. Before pronouncing it, let me urge you to
appropriate the few brief days that remain to
you, to preparation for meeting Him whose
knowledge of your whole life is perfect, and
whose decrees, knowing not the limits of time,
are absolute and enduring as the heavens. His
ear is ever open to the cry of the penitent sin
ner ; and if you hope for mercy, look to Him as
its only source. From man you have nothing to
hope. No shadowy doubt of your guilt lingers
on the judicial or the popular mind. You have,
indeed, been twice tried and twice convicted.
For, though the first jury was, in part, irregu
larly constituted, it has not been alleged that it
heard auy but competent testimony, or that any
which was competent was withheld from it. It
heard fully and solely the legal evidence in the
case, and like the jury upou the verdict of which
we arc now about to enter judgment, it pronoun
ced you guilty. I need not recall to your mind
the details of the horrible tragedy, but as a rea
son why you are beyond the pale of hope save
from Him whose mercy is infinite, let me remind
you that it is no less clear that you murdered
Honora Shaw than that you took the life of Ellen j
Lynch ; nor is it les3 apparent that in your vain
effort to conceal your crime you attempted to
consume the two infant children of your victim.
Remember these things. Believe that your
days on earth must be few. Expect not re
prieve or pardon, but prepare to meet the ful
filment of the sentence of the law.
At this point the Judges rose, and the scene
was of the most solemn and impressive charac
ter. Judge Kelley continued :
"It is considered and adjudged by the Court
that the prisoner at the bar, Arthur Spring, be
taken from hence to the jail of the county of
Philadelphia, from whence he came, and from
thence to the place of execution, and that he be
there hauged by the neck until he is dead."
No perceptible emotion was visible upon the
prisoner's countenance. Not a quiver was seen
upon his lip, nor did a tear moisten his eye; he
geemed completely callous.
After the culprit had taken his seat he wiped
his eyes, and covered them with his hand for a
moment, and we thought we discovered a tear in
his eye.
After the sentence was concluded, Judge Kel
ley directed that all in the Court-room should
retain their places until the prisoner was remo
ved. The order was strictly complied with, and
Spring wag passed out of the Court House
through a lane formed by the police, and the
van in which he was placed was driven up Ches
nat street and down Eighth, to the prison, with
out the slightest confusion or demonstration of
feeling being made by the assembled mass.
Before the prisoner left the court room, his
counsel, Mr. Doran, stepped up to him, and said
"Mr. Spring, there is now no longer any hope
for your life.' You should send for a priest,
and endeavor to make the proper preparation
for death and a future life."
Spring in the most resolute manner, turned
his face towards Mr. Doran, and looking him
full in the face, said, "I will not do it."
The court adjourned as soon as the case of
Spring was disposed of.
Sloop-of War Geemastows. On Friday last
Horn John I Hale, the father of the law abolish
ing flogging in the U. S. navy, by invitation of
Commander Nicholas, visited the U. S. sloop-of-war
Germantown. The crew was mustered and
the ex-Senator made a brief speech to them, com
plimenting them for the high character which
had been paid them by . their commander and
other officers. He was most heartily cheered
upon his arrival on board, at the close of his re
marks, and again on his departure. We lean
from Commander Nicholas that so far as his ship
is concerned the law works well ; that it is only
necessary to whip lazy seamen. The German
town had none.
m There are 400 boats on the S icramento
river, engaged in fisheries. The boats are val
ued at $00,000, the nets at $80,000, and seines
at $6,000. The fi shing season lasts from the
1st of February to the 1st of August, during
which time the estimated average of each boat
per day is $30, or an aggregate of $12,000.
The hauling seines yields $100 each per day,
or $1,000 m the aggregate.
Hon. Solon Borland, TJ. S. Senator from" Ar
kansas, has been appointed Governor of the
Territory of New Mexico.
rf The stamped envelopes for. the U. S. Govern
ment, will be ready for delivery about the 1st of
Speaking of the death of an aged man, one of
the papers says, "he retained remarkable pos
session of all his mental faculties down to a few
miles of his residence !"
Hon. James Buchanan is on a visit to Wash
ington, and is Hie guest of Hon. Robt. J. Wal
ker. He will accept the mission to England.
The World's Fair. It has been suggested
that the Governors of all the States be invited
to the World's Fair at New York. A cotempo
rary says, "it would be a novel, and at the same
time imposing spectacle, to see the chief mag
istrates in a body, and headed and presided over
by the President."
Ex-President Fillmore has been somewhat in
disposed at his home in Bcffalo; N. Y. He is
The opinion gains ground that Santa Anna
will attempt a coup d'etat in the style of Louis
Napoleon, and become Emperor of Mexico.
t&&A Funeral Oration for Ilaynau :
Haynau, the woman flogger
He's dead, my dear, and gone to
He's gone to reckon for his crimes
And curses mingle with the chimes.
A destructive fire occurred at the Brooklyn
Navy Yard on Monday morning, which burnt all
day. The timbers of several vessels and a large
quantity of paints, varnishes, &c, were consu
med. Two bomb shells exploded, and several
firemen were injured.
Santa Anna has arrived at the city of Mexico,
and was received with great enthusiasm. It is
rumored that another invasion of Sonora had
been made by Count Pavousoa- and that one
thousand men had joined his standard. Gener
al Arista, former President of Mexico, has arri
ved at New Orleans in a brig, the captain of
which was bribed to a large amount, to convey
Six fall grown panthers were killed, a few
weeks ago, in Elk county, Pa. The largest
measured thirteenfeet from the nose to the end
of the tail.
Lola Montez was brought before the Recorder
in New Orleans, and examined upon a charge of
assault and battery upon the stage manager of
the theatre. The Recorder ordered that she be
sent to the criminal court for trial.
Mrs. Thos. F. Meagher has left Melbourne in
the ship Wellington, for London. She is ex
pected in June or July.
A Modern Belle. Love in a cottage, in
deed ! " said Lauretta one day to one of her ad
mirers, a sentimental swain. "I do not fancy
the picture. A cottage always reminds me of
pigs, and poultry, and dirty children, and Elut
tish women, and coats out at elbows, and bro
ken windows patched with paper, or stopped
with old hats that I hold in utter abomination.
Give me an elegant sufficiency a handsome
house in the city, splendidly furnished, in the
most .fashionable style a dashing equipage a
well-filled casket of jewels a circle of gay and
fashionable acquaintances a wealthy and indul
gent husband and then perhaps I might
think of love." Boston Journal.
Australia. The New York Herald contains
letters from an intelligent printer, who went to
Australia, in preference to California, to seek a
golden fortune. Ilis statements are very des
ponding as to success in the mines, not only as
affects himself, but for the great majority there.
It is indeed the same story with which we are
all familiar as regards California a "streak of
luck" for a very few, which is always sure to be
heralded, but only hardships and disappoint
ments, not a tithe of which was probably ever
expressed, for the many. If he had money en
ough to get back again, the writer says he should
be happy to do so.
The New York Herald, of Tuesday, mentions
a shocking occurrence, which took plaee at the
Tombs, on Monday. Four persons, who had
been imprisoned there the night before, were
found dead in their cells. It appears that when
the keeper went to examine the cells, he found,
to his horror, that in one cell, three out of five
men, who had been imprisoned there for being
drunk, were quite dead, and a fourth rolling
about the floor in fits. In another, he found a
woman who had been imprisoned for the same
cause, also dead. An inquest on the body of
the woman will be held to-day. Coroner O'Don
nell held an inquest on the bodies of the men,
and the jury returned a verdict that the de
ceased died from appoplexy, produced by intem
perance. The Democrat, at Rochester, announcing a
concert there, adds as an attractive feature, "a
negro boy, fifteen years of age, who possesses
remarkable musical talent, and excels as a pian
ist. -Thii precocious genius comes from New
Haven, Conn." . ' - -
The non. Wm. A Graham was near being
killed on the 12th instant, on his way from Ra
leigh to Hillsborough North Carolina. He got
out of his buggy to arrange some part of the
harness, when his horse took fright and run off,
throwing him down and drawing the wheel of
the buggy over him. Fortunately this occurred
near the place where some hands were at work
on the railroad, and one of them assisted him
home, which he reached about ten o'clock at
night It was found that he was severely bruised
and cut upon the face and other parts of his bo
dy. We are happy to learn that he is impro
ving, and we hope that he will soon entirely re
cover from the injury.
TnE SrccESsios. As it ia with some a matter
of conjecture as to the succession, in conse
quence of the death of the Vice President, we
remark that no provision is made, as none is ne
cessary in such an event. The duties of the
Vice President are limited to presiding over the
deliberations of the Senate. In his absence, or
upon his death, the President pro tern, of that
body, who is elected by the Senators, takes his
place. Mr. Atchison, of Missouri, is now Pres
ident pro tern, but does not assume the title of
the Vice President. In ease of the death of both
President and Vice President of the TJuited
States, the President of the Senate would be
come President of the United States, until an
election could be held, according to the provis
ions of the act of Congress of March 1, 1792.
Bait. Sun.
The St. Lowis Xews of the Slst ult, states
that a large number of the late imigration of
English and Welsh Mormons which recently ar
rived at that place en route for Utah, refuse to
proceed any further, and that they only profess
ed Mormonism as a trick to get a cheap passage
to the United States, their transportation hither
having been obtained at a much lower rate than
it would otherwise have cost them by the ar
rangements made by the Mormon agent of im
migration. "A number who arrivedyesterday,
says the Jfetca, "and the day previous, took up
their quarters in the city, or shipped themsel
ves and families on boats bound for the Upper
Mississippi, bidding adieu to their professed re
ligion and its especial agent.
The New Yore Horse Market. The weekly
transactions of the New York horse market are
estimated by the New York Agricultor to am
ount to $00,000, or to upwards of $3,000,000
for the year. In this calculation the sales are
put at 300 horses per week, of the average val
ue of $200. The stables last week contained
950 horses, which is about the usual number.
It is said that horses are generally 10 per cent,
higher than they were last epring, and thirty
per cent, higher than three years ago. Very
few compared with the whole number, are sold
for less than $100.
Origix or the Word Ladt. In an old work,
the date of 1762, is the following account of the
term lady :
"As I have studied more what appertains to
the ladies than gentlemen, I will satisfy you how
it came to pass that women of fortune were cal
led ladies, even before their husbands had any
title to convey that mark of distinction to them.
You must know, that heretofore it was the fash
ion for a lady of affluence, once a week or oftner
to distribute a certain quantity of bread to her
poor neighbors, with her own hands, and 6he
was called by them the Leff day, i. e. the bread
giver. Those two words were in time corrup
ted, and the meaning is now as little known as
the practice which gave rise to it"
Railroads Centerixg at Pittsburg. The
following compose the network of railroads o
which Pittsburg will soon be the centre: Tho
Pennsylvania road, nearly completed; Ohio and
Pennsylvania; Allegheny Valley, just commen
ced; Pittsburg and Steuben ville, nearly finished;
Pittsburg and Connellsville, sure to be made ;
Cleveland and Pittsburg; finished to Weflsville;
Cleveland and Mahoning, commenced ; Pitts
burg and Erie, to be put under contract soon ;
New Lisbon Union, to be put under contract
soon this road passing through the rich field of
canenl coal.
Senators Douglas of Illinois, Foot of Ver
mont, and the late Secretary of the Treasury,
Mr. Corwin, contemplate a visit to Europe this
spring. Mr. Corwin has taken passage in the
packet Bhip of the 2Stb of May. Douglas will
probably .leave at an earlier date. Mr. Foot
goes chiefly to attend to the interests of a Geor
gia railroad, of which he is president, and is ex
pecting to leave immediately.
Is the Progress of the world real ! Tour
thousand years ago the Egyptian Aldermen
deemed ablution three times a day necessary to
health; and though we cannot find in Wilkinson,
Rossini, or Champollion, any mention of the
state of the Btreets of "Thebes with its hundred
gates;" yet we do know that Rome had sewers
and underground resources for cleanliness that
exceed any modern city, besid 4,000 public
bath-houses ; and such bath houses ! as any one
who has visited their ruins in Europe must know,
X. Y. Tribune.
. The Reform Convention, of Deleware has de
termined that judges and nearly all other offi
cers, shall be elected by the people.
I A.ilJl
They are attaching stables to all the fire en
gine houses in Cincinnati, for the aceomme4a
tion of the quadrupedal members of the depart
meut, whose duty it will be to drag the "ma
chines" to and fro from fires. The pay system
just adopted In that city goes into operatloa
soon. In London horses are always kept har
nessed and ready for an alarm. The engines
are so constructed that the men ride upon then
to where the fire may be rsging. Thus they
arrive in exoellent trim for their work, and
when it is over, and they are tired with their
labors, enjoy a comfortable ride to their head
A play called ' General Frank. Titrce, cr the
Hero of the 9th Regiment," Is having a great
run at the New Bedford Theatre. Exchengt.
If the piece runs as well as the President did,
it will make the fortune of the management.
Relics. In the Library of the Academy at
Germantown, Pa., is the telescope used by Ocn.
Washington at the battle of Germantown, Oct.
4, 1777. There is in the same library a ecpyof
the Bible, Geneva, edition, 1640.
A Paris lcttor in the New York Ex prets sy :
Lady Montijo has left Paris for Spain. She vs
extremely desirous cf remaining and living In
the reflection of her daughter's graudeur, but
Louis Napoleon, who shares the general prja-
dice againet step-mothers, gave her plainly to
understand that, because he had married Eugen
ia, she must not suppose that he had married all
her family.
T - J 1
1 1 SUING 15 .UISyEFOIA. 1U WOUg -bUB'
j Gazette says that fishing in Horicon Lake, Min
i nesota, has ceased to be fun, and is now icort.
j They have taken from one to eight tons per day,
; of pickerel, weighing from one to twenty-three
j pounds each from fifty to 6ixty persons spesr-
i ing and drawing away. It is thought that over
4000 tons have been taken away.
Last raosi Jessy Liyr. The Berlia corres
pondent of the London Literary Gaiette writes:
"The newspapers of different countries Lave re
cently teemed with accounts of Jenny Lind hav
ing disbursed vast sums for establishing chari
table institutions in Sweden. Jenny has dote
nothing of the kind. Since her marriage she
has ceased to be profusely liberal."
Powder Mill Exr-Losiox. The powder mill
of Mr. Garcsche, situated about ten miles from
Wilmington, Del. blew up about 6 o'clock on Fri
day evening, with a tremendous noise. There
were two distinct and heavy explosion. Con
rad Riley, the engineer, was instantly killed, V
ing literally torn to atoms. The hands employ
ed in the mill had joet quit work. The Riiil wai
totally destroyed and turned.
The Spiritual Rappers seem to bee rrj Ing ev
ery thing before them at Washington. Gen.
Jas. Hamilton and Gen. Waddy Thompson, cf
South Carolina, have become proselyte.
There arc said to be one hundred thousand
barrels of flour in the Detroit warehouses wait-
I ing a shipment to the East.
"I have been troubled with weak eyes for ten
years," said Dr. D., "and I am not able to tell
the cause."
"Can't you !" said Mlis F. "I can."
"What is it!"
"Because they are eet in a weak place," taii
Miss F.
The business of manufacturing shirt collars is
prosecuted to an extraordinary extent at Troy,
N. Y. There are a large number of mannfactu .
rers, each of whom employs from 500 to 1500
females in this works, and there'are besides half
a dozen factoroes in which the article is made
by machines. One of these has forty and aaeth.
er thirty machines constantly employed. The
machine work is said to be as good as that done
by hand. The cost of manufacture per doxen by
machine, ia twenty -five cents.
"If yon don't go to school, my son, who will
teach you what is right and wrong-?'
"I don't get teached, I find tt ut.
"ADd how do you find it out?"
"By observing that right works for a shil
ling a day, while wrong lives on it"
An exchange says that at a recent duel, near
Vickbburg, the parties fired once without effect,
whereupon one of the seconds interfered, and
proposed that the combatants buculd shake
hands. To this the other second objected as un
necessary, "u- their handi had been shaking
this half hour."
Mary of the editors arc cow debating whether
a Ktt is a lady. When they have arrived at a
satisfactory conclusion oa the point, we offer
them as a subject for their gigantic intellect s
whether a husband ia a gentleman.
A person having the misfortune to admit into
his house an individual of very improper char
acter, named Boll, turned him out the other day,
with the remark .
"That he would never keep a bell iu his house
that wanted hanging."
- - At Mameluke Hill, California, ' a
company of ten, who have been tunneling, are
now taking out $16,000 par day. Other parties
on the same line of depoEit are getting fret
$1000 to $0000 per day.
i '