The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, April 07, 1853, Image 4

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UUUH.CI auiiuuuiugBiu lie i.utuvui
Theechoener Mnnchifter. (of Baltimore.)
Captain Sterling wlich arrived at Jew York on
Tridftr frrm K ino alnwn .Innmirii. Irifnvms US
cf one of theniost'h!ff!i liaiKied(.utr:irf.'imon(.ur
flac thAt has vet been committed by tLe roval
subjects of Queen Js,bell.i in I ul a.
According to Captain Sterlings account, which
Is authenticated by his consignees, he was
peacefully pursuing his cruise homewards from
Jamaica, when on tlie loth inst.. olf the island
of Cuba, about twenty if.iles east of Cape Auto-
Jlo he wna boarded by twelve armed nun. un -
dr the command of a r.erro second lin.t nant,
irom a opnnisu cruiser, wli took pr escss on of
theresel in spite of his remonstrances, and car-
y hcrinside the reef there. They then demand-
ed the schooner's papers, which the captain
,d ta tnko r.n hnil !, r.
ation. The Spanish commander was even go-;,
lag bo far n a to break open the letters of the ;
eoneinee?. but desisted when Captain S
ietea npon his returmn
Tbey tilso hroke open
it about a th:rd of the
vinttr K.i.i- t. r. i
per a nad been
tT etaining h
close under thei
to proceed, ntn
the could. Thi
f 7"Xt Tt', f- . VV , u,."",.,i"
of thirtv do flrS for safely p:h ting bin.
.the reef. The only excuse given far this wanton j
fll I'untoiri Q l.o.l nvr.w.;u...l n .. ,1. ...... 1
1VuPir, tuir su-p.cion 01 oeing uounu .
to Cuba with nrma for the revolution
The botm ing ofTier graciously rmed
Cnpt. Sterling that it was utterly impossible ow
ing to the strict guard kert. for any one to nt-
lempt to surreptitiously land upon the Cuban j
coant rnd th,t any one caught in the attempt l
wouij immediately '-hare a rope around his !
neck, a hint of what nrobab'y r.visr'it liave been
a hint of what proba'D'y r.visrht have been
the fate of Captain S. if any article they cou'd
have construed into arms" or "nauuuuition''
had b on found on board.
Injustice to our name and chnrncter as a na
tion it is neces8ary that such outrages should
be immediately cheeke d. If immediate notice
Is nctt ikenof this nt Washington, very serious
trouble will possibly ensue, r.s the Spanish
authorities have a Ceet of twelve men of war
continually cruising arnund Cuba, to intercept j
- real or pretended supplies for the malcontents'
on the island, the commanders of which will
gladly seize hold cf the slightest shadow of sus
picion as an excuse to molest every American
eesej they may fall in with, to gratify their
combined fear and hatred of the Americans.
. How Bcme People make a Living.
At Guildhall, (London.) recently, James Gar
diner and Hawkins were plnced at the bar
before Sir. C. Marshal, charged with being found
unlawfully in the city sewer, rolice-constab'e
187, said be saw the prisoners "coming up
through ore of sewer's gratings in Thrcgmorton
etreet, nnd having questioned them as to there
etjeet in going into the Fewers, he took them in
to custody, when he found upon them e'ghtern
live rats and a key with which they opened tie
p-Htings. Sir C. Marshall inquired how the
prisoners got their living, when Gnrdiner, who
undertook the office of spokesman, said he was
a master rat-catcher, nnd that Jack was his
assistant. lie had been nt that kind of work,
catchirg rats for parties who supplied the spr i t
log gentlemen at the West End. for a good ninny
years, but Jack had been only nine months in
the profession ; they were, nevertheless, very
Xpert in tl e'r hunting expeditions under '-grotim',
frequently sit-ceeding in captui ing ns ninny as
from fifty to sixty innn hour. When they got
into the 6ewers they kept on running and entch
ingthe ruts as they ran up the walls, nnd put
them in a bag all alive, ami afterwards sold tlmo
at two shillings per dozen. They never injured
the walls, and when they met the commissioners"
men in their raiting excursions they were neve
interfered with by them. On the present occa
sion they entered the sewers at the Custom -House,
and made their way all round White
chapel nnd bnck to Cornhill, when the officer met
them coming out. In fact, they knew their way
all through London underground. Sir C. Mm
shall said, ns the Commissioners of Sewers e"i 1
not interfere with the prisoners in tbeia extra
ordinary occup ition. he should not do so, and,
therefore discharged them.
fieS-Amcng the numerous instances of injus
tice and oppression constantly occurring in this
boasted land of freedom, we have seen nothinp
more henrt rending, soul harrowing nnd pocket
touching than the announcement of the fact,
that a number of New York jurors, who are en
titled to 12 whole nnd A cent for each day o;
tfceir services in the capacities of jurors, hav
recently been paid in three cent pieces, onlv
four of which werp allowed for a day's service
thus cheating the pcor victims out of a half a
cent a dy. If we had any tear3 to ehed, w-i
ehould certainly prcpnre to let them '-tt ickb
down" on tbo occasion of this touching nn
Gambling. -
Eut few people are nwnre of tho extent of the
practice cf this evil in eur city nnd the vns'
amount r.f money lost nnd won through it.
There are many resident g-imblera here who
count their money in hank by thousands, am'
who stake large amounts upon a game. We
Leard of an instance this morning, that occur
red a few nights since, which shows the extent
to which gamblers sometimes go. Two experi
enced gamesters tested their skill with each
ether, and after playing -ill night, one rose from
tbo table loser 1 1,000. The next cven ng they
went at it again, nnd in the morning one of the
two wna loser, during the night thirty-s-z thoit
landdaUart ! Ho gave a check for tho money,
and did net grumble at tho loss. Cincinnati
Come. three years 6ince an old bachelor in
Thompson, Cenn , came into possession of $700,
took it home to his house where lie w.n hoard
' in, ml then dsippcnrrd, sinca whi h titoe
- nothing has been herd of him. The family mo
i' vicg awny, anepicion was excited and soon grew
into charges of murder. Th spirits were then
Acnsulted, who said the o'd bachelor's boy w s
turied in a niighbor'ni . swamp. At last np.
c'ants tLr-6 buirJrtd blinV-etonn were etigjing
-cp M thftij waiU Li taud ta find tho body.
g them intact. ri , , , ., , , 7, . . , science exhibited no authenticated case that weighed seriously against th.;t opinion, buue Ur.
examined ami found correct. Af- i 1, ,1. t. .,ii:;i. .;,i, t, ,1 , ! Jlastii gs 1. 1 inpt nnd ?u up of Nat tint isa pvtttivt cure for LtnsimtptK V, evt u in its w ot st stag- s
er twenty-four hours, anchored:.. ,- .. i u.. J Ihreeol the main causes of tins property or Naphtha have been discovered. 1 h v arc its extra
r guns, the schooner was allowed ! ... . . . . . n . A . i. i. otamarv sublety. striii'rth. and pcrvasneness ; for the moment it is received into the system, n
1 get cut of the rc-f the test wavi.. J .,.: , .. n .i extends itself throughout, making a passage every pore, no matter how much chtrei d up thc
. 11.3 QUll 11 UI II .111 UIUCID. I . i i , f - i , . ... . . ..
s, however, was not allowed, un- J niav have previously been by fore'gn substances. Hence it operates on the diseas l tunes by dis-
HTIIAEVEK concerns the health and happi
it ncss of a people is at nl! times of most val-
name importance, i uihe m mr granieu mai
ivery person win do nl in their power, to sae
the lives ot their children, nnd that every per -
SOU Will eiHlCfiVOr tO promote their Own Health
nt nil sacrifices. I feel it to he my duty to scl-
euinly assure yon that norms, according to the
; u 11,1,51 111 y." f
tlj0 primary causes of a large majority of disc-
ases to which children nnd adults are liable ; if
vou have an appetite continually changeable
from one kir.d of food to another. Bad Breath,
in tlic S'mttch, Ticking at the Nose, Hard -
'nessand Fullness of the Belly, Pry Cough,
' Slow Fever, l'ulse Irregular remember that all
uuiuitsmrraf, n.u j uu wiuu.u ui
"IT1? tue reffiC,IJ :
IIofcclisacli'H IVorns Syrup.
, , r , , 0 . . . ,
An firt,t1e f" "P"" bcicntific Pnncip.'es,
. r . , f5 , ,
, , ... i . vi . .
' . V .
ilogueot medieitics in giving tone and strength
T)!s j8 tle ,!;0&t diffituU w t.rm to degtrov of
fl1 , . fa , 5T& .
.lln..t I,,,;.!;.;., lf.,,,.,1, .,.rot.n.,r B ,,,;, fl !
fastcned in the Intestines and Stomach effecting
the health so sadlv as to cause St Vitus Dance.
Fits. &C. that those afflicted seldom if ever sus-
! rr-t f 1 ! t it w Tni; Yr,r, 1 .L ..i.ifr tt..i.. tn. .1 n
..,.ly vc hordert
,t,c rgetic t.catmci
-,j tl:Crcjl,re he pi,,,
; t ;n,. .... ..
to destroy thi3 n cnn, a
itmcnt must be pursued, it
, ; i jii , ,.m... .a ..n
the Wirm Svrup may act direct upon the Worm,
1i:t i. ;r rv t.ii ...
111. II li.Jlft in ui aia Ol a. A .1 OIL si-
fulls 3 timis a iiay these directions followed
! nve t ever been known to f.iil in vin-tlii ,,,t
nae i.evei ceen unown to lau in cuiiugtue moat
obstLniite case of 2'u e Worm,
Hobeasack's Liver Pills.
No part of the system is more liable to dis-,
ense ttfiii tlie Liver, it serving ns a fdtertr to
purify the blood, or fining the proper sec-re
tioti io the bile ; so that
my wrong action of
action ol i
u,e i.iver s tue otner important parts oii
the system, and results variously, ni Liver Lorn- ,
, . . .1 ., ..
Plaint, jaunuu-e, uyspepsia. ic. vie sl.ouul,
tlierelcie, watch every symptom that might in-;
,. ' J r y, . ,, c T-.,,
u.ciiie a wrong acnoii di me iiver. inese l i t is
beirg composed of Jiovts A' I'hmts furnished by:
nature to heal the sick : Namely, 1st, An Ez-
t'tctoiur.t, width nugumeiits the secretion from
the Pulmonary mucus membrane, cr prouiotisi
the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An Al
ternative, which changes in some inexplicable and
insensible manner the certain morbid action of
the system. 3rd. A Tonic, which gives tone and
strength to the nervous sjstem. renewing health
and vigor to all parts of the body. 4 th, A Vath
artic, w hith acts in perfect harmony with the
other ingredients, and operating en tlie Bowels,
and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vi
tiated matter, and purifying tlie Blood, which
destroys disease and restoics health.
TO P E M A I. ES .
Yo will find these t ills an niv.-uuablcmedicine .
in many complaints to which vou are subject.
In cl ett nctions eithir total e-r pai tial. they Jia ve
been found of estimable benefit, restoring their
functional i rrangements to a healthy action,
I nr. lying the blood and other fluids so effectu
ally to put to flight all complaints which may
arise fioin female irregularities, as headache,
gii.diness, dimness of sight pain in the side
None genuine unless signed J. N. Ilobensack,
all ethets being base Imitation.
JCjy .Agents wishing new supplies, and Store
Keepers uesiious of becoming Agents must ad-
dress the Proprietor, J. N. Ilobensack, Thila.el
j ma. Pa.
. .. 1... tf .1 r. , ,s
oi o inun.-ij, .iiuji to., nnu 1j. i
lln.rlo.s fll it-1 . s 1 i i ii r . v I i i ii.,,,.,,,. . t..i...
v - .- - ...... ... .1... -it i , -jvjiiii
ston, Jehiistow ii : McCloskey, Summittille ;
nth Bees, six miles west of Boeusbur" - .and
ny eMry respectable dealer in the State.
Kcscr& McDowell, w holesale asrents. No.
1-iO viod Street, Tittsbui
who will supi!y .
agei.ts at the 1 pnees,
tSiPiice. each -3 cents ! !
vi-O 11, no.
&fIendil .t i J mesa t I Iiouk Out
hiLW L0CLS ! NEW G00LS ! !
1 OBLY & CO.,
Summitville, Cambria county, ha vejust received
.loiii rew loiK, 1 Jiiiiideipiji.i and Baltimore, a ;
i.n0t ..ssoi -11111.1 ,n ,
Which will be sold low for cash. We w ill sel
ur goods at a b ss price than ever they have
i.een bold 111 this county, and wid retail Goods
1 .1 ..:.. 1 1 :i 1 i. 1 i . . :
.a .13 u.ey no in 1 niiaueipnia, utu we want .
to Sell them for cash, or si inethiiiir else as .rood
All our goods will be sold at cash prices, and
one month is the longest credit we will give, and
any person having accounts running u longer
time, will be charged inte est from that time?
I'hc.-e are the terms, and we think if you call and
see our goods you will buy and save nn ney, su
gars we will sell at cost and carriage, Coffee, at
t slight advance.
Our stock consists of a large assortment of
ill kinds of goods usually kept, among which
:re Ladies' Cashmeres, de Lains and Mcrinoes
all wool, Irom GO cts, to $2 per yard; the same
kinds, half cotton, from 10 to 35 cts.; Silk Warp
Alpacca, and all other kinds of Dress Goods,
we have n splendid lot of knives and forks, 50
d-.zen, w hich wc w ill sell very low. We call the
altcution of everybody to our stock of
Wliich was made to order, of the best sizes, and
most fashionable goods. W e have over two
thousand dollars worth of these goods, and will j
sell tin in cheaper
than they can be bought in J
Tho best kind of overcoats
ny other place.
li'inii !5o.i)0 to 15 ; pants for -"S'J.Zo ; Monkey
Jackets and Sack coats. Very cheap. A small j
ot of tine black cassimcr pants, nnd tine satin
ni l siik velvet vests, bought in New Y rk, will
be sold a littie cheaper than they can be bought
for in 1 hiladelphia.
Our whole stock is of the best articles in mar
ket, we want to sell them soon, for we want the
money to pay for them. Come on jitnl we will
sell to you right at one .price to everybody.
Children can buy a cheap as your last Jews,
:or we have but one price, and sell for cash.
W. W. 1VOUY & CO.
Summitville, Oct. 21, lSo'2 52-tf.
This Way!
For the highest prices arc paid for hides
skits and tanner' bark in either trade or ensh by
" I K. wT. l. " I
J. itlUUltti.
A fresh arrival of Boots, Shoes, Summer
Hats. Cans, fniicv (limn mnl 'arfife Kis .ui t
1'ionnets, Powder, Gun laj s. tint. Lead, &c.
received this day and for ealc at thechenp elnr
of J.MOOllii.
jane au, Ifaol. i
. in- r i- 1 1 t in . . , cal faculty had always regarded Consumption as an incurable disease, and the records of mcdieai
the hatchts. - nnd took! , '. ... c. Hastings' discovery, however. f the new nnd greatest proptrtv d Naphtha, whin united with
tchonncrs cr.Ti'o: but . . -f ' . .... .' ,. -., 1 . other ingredients, neany n thousand cases of abso.ute phthisics positively cured through its.
C1 V- 11 iiiiii oiiiiw!3 n iiunui i v vj i 111 1. 1 1 i
tt.. thp St.:inatL. whi.-li n.fikea it an IntVil 1.1. i- ' ' 7 " . "'f v . . -.. . --- v j,.v .-.v , ..x , . -. v r.-
A muck nnd positive Cure lor Cnnsnmi.tirn.
nusny inroat, wasting oi me ncsii, bronchitis
1 This cek-bt ated preparation is pleasant to
tients plainly feel its good effects in a few in
llaxiliiisV Common
I Is now acknowledged by ail the ablest phvsiciaus of both hemispheres, to be a qaick and no
jiii-ie rcmeuy mr arresting uie inrmation ot tinnrcics 011 me lun-s ; ami removing mose a r an;.
formed ; and also to be the speediest and most effective of all medicinal agents in the cure of a!.
other diseases of the th oat, chest an 1 lungs. Language cannot express the v due of 1 1
Naptha Syrup in these diseases. It not only cures them effectually, but it gives immediate evi
deuce of its ability to do so : for in a few minutes after the first dose has been taken, the patu ..
.feels that a powerful agent is in the system, strongly working for his good. Its operations ar
never delayed: It at once flies to, and attacks the root of the disease with an tiu rgy inii u mi o
other medicines ; and that disease musfbe deeply seate-i indeed which can resist its iinnviilitu
nitluence. Hence it lias Irequently cured a painful cough in a day. winch had dctuJ 'thtr pj.u-
lar remedies for a month; atid has removed difficulty of breathing and pain in the throat and
chest, in a few minutes, by the surprising energy of its action in clearing the of bile
and phlegm. It is believed that no person has given Hastings' Naphtha Syrup it trial, who has
1IUI IVII UlllVlll llillll II. IIIKI nVMIUniU'i;C ll 'nuc. .llllt DUO -l'll I 1 IM'il ig Mtivi iji.vv.
bv-the opinions of the London Launcet. London
ications. devoted to i
the same interests. Until
agency, have been substantiated ; ami this well
Jodgcmg the particles of corruption in the strength of its ascent to the upper regions of the frame
land thus producing through ventilation ; and hence it is a tieVer failing runcdy in Oppression of
the chest ami (l.tlieu'.ty in I. reaming ; person
forced a passage through Mime channel width
! which was the only result necessary to the i
,lcs9 "f aet5) fm'1 f-nergy of Hastings Naphtha
i '"-nueu, mi worn uiv nine mey comii.enee laKing
nn effect nearly the reverse of that which attends the n.riltr u-e of every other known mrdieimd
remedy. For Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat. Night Sweats. Tains in the 'Breast, Bat k, &c.. spit
ting of bleed, bilious and asthmatic A fiction a. jt is also aomified to 1 e tie si t eit st and no st
vigorous and eflective remedy
extant : a lel Its I
",!U ' , ,H'?5I. l,,c ni"" ,.:
?. 1 . : . . ( . i r . i
Vdsition to inactivity puel nitiar.e-i:oiy ii.reiion.i
- -
rup; a n:m,i, ,,,
ccs the '-v' and inert r.sis the wucht. llir.s.
. . . , , ... , . .
any increase itsweigni auoue a "mii.u :i vt& ; m:u may tahe ii u r no pnrj ose than ti: , :. . ,
dissi.ation of melancholy, or the increase or bodily strength. In fine, a single trial of Hastings i ' u "ed-ciue. Ciit rry Tectoral wni cave
Conntund Srup of Naptha, is all that is rcijuirtd to funic the ce-nJidtnte of j .ititut?. :.n-l r.-iu.r!ttllU' 11 l"" CJ" 1,e
t...... t,. f. .. ., 11 .. . ..... -iohh In i'c iMir lln cum. in , lr. ........ i ... i i 1 . 1 ' li c 1 1 i i 1 s. tj l' i I 1 1 1 t! 1 1 o li o t 1 1 1 C thl flat and II t-
.Icconi.,-.Ulicd wlh n ,ialllIhlet,' containing directions. certificates. Sc. Trice one dollar en'-h '
six bottles nncked un in a box, and ready for
for five dollars.
j v n..t.,;0' v.,r.i,.i,. cr.n l,.,;r,.r n
. - . ll.iUll.O ...I.' lll(l. . ....i-,
Asvnts on Jr ret,;rili !1S is thtI vrtsc with ,hc m-.ii.ritv of the 'quack nostrums of the day. 'a,"'V" : ,
, , CUi,.c th;in ,he ,.r.;ce of t,.c ,!(lftks Vtisons who wait it to .eli ...train must nav! "l v '' "i' l-t'-'al ,n,e such
, . .... f. f.(ll,1lis.;f1 ,iir. -i i
, . . , , , , -. . i:.. ,
' where they reside, should write to us d.rect tot
delay (packed up in a manner to secure its safe
press. ttage. Koute, or any other mmic t conveyance
the price, nf the number of bottles ordered, and
,81 Barclay Street, New York, who are Dr. llastinys'' general Ajenta for America,
.Agent Frederick Kitten. Lbensburg,
Deccn.btr 10, 1S02 S-Om.
M i G i E T I d P 0 W D l R S ,
This preparation is a powder compounded of Plants, Herbs, nnd Flowers, free from anv sub-1 truly remarkable effect of your Ch. j rv I'. etot ai The subscriber adopts this method of retnrn
statice which could possibly injure man or domestic- aid mis. and is devoid of any di-gr'eeahV i lu tbia p. ace. and inmy.vtn taioiiy One of nP thank s to hie friends and the public gfncr-
O.'or. It ling lioeii examined hv the r cdioil fnctiltv nf Fr.iliee. Inssi:i Siip.I.-i, !:i,.l li.,n..... ! ; i.... !.i :.. .1 nllv. for tliolilifral natrnn-xi-e tioM.nfr.p l.cir...
'roll! all of whom auiple testimony of its efficacy
For tho Destruction of RATS and MICE, within five minutes after
Being thrown in their vicinity.
Read tlic following Letters:
Nkw Yohk, Octob r 1, 1S50.
I have made a chemicil examination of the Vegetable Powder prepared by Mr. Km. nine! Lyon,
for the purpose of destroying insects. 1 tin not find it to contain mt thing deleti rious to health,
or what might be cotisidereu poisonous to the human species : but it is very destructive to insects.
I whenever they are forced to inhale tlie line particles of elust occasione-d by throwing the Towdi-r
j forcibly iu places where they frequent. JAMBS B. C.IILI'O.n. M D. Oh ni st.
New Yor.K, Hospital. June 0, 18-50.
. i-i.ix, . i inii. .-, j-.u.
I have finalized Fiimtmel T.vnn's Mnrrnetie- Powders for tho destruction' of insects, and cci tif V
- j - - - - --- - - -
p.-'that it is entirely free from niiiural t.r other corrosive jioison. As the result of my exam, nation
1 would say that is a Combination of various vegetable substances having a peculiar influence on
(the insect kingdom, and that it may be used with perfect safety. In ttferenc to it.- utility, iis
U fleets are astonishing. 1 belive it to be a skilfully prepare d substance by v Inch a va'tiable re-
fcU'1 ls obtained, which uocs cllcct what Mr. Lyon
Emanuel Lyon.
Dear Sir : It affords me grent pleasure
Powder for the de struction of Insects of all kinds,
iHjii.lii.ij;,, iiKiimunit-u uic ura illlll J .llillll
periiiietited with your Pills, and find them eiiu.d
that vou may frosner. I remain your friend.
11 c procured from Mr. B. II. Monkinrs. some
fully certify as to its perfect efficacy in tiistroying
ls application. It is the most simple, yet perfect
I have used Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powder, and I have found the most happy result, and
. . 1 I J
be troubled with these insects, as a sure method
Wc certify to the above.
COLEMAN & STETSON, Astor Bouse. S. TIIAYFIl COZZFNS. American lintel
JONAS B. PHILIPS;, Ass't District Attorney. PBES'lON II. IiObGBS, Caiiion House.
These articles received a premium at the Fair of the American Institute in ISIS, and the high
est premium at the Fair of 18-30.
PRICE Lyon's Magnetic Ponders, 2-j cints jer Flask ; Pills, 2j cns per Box.
All Orders musj be addressed (post paid) to C. V. CLK'KENEB & Co., General Agents, SI, Bar
clay street. New York.
Agent Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg ; James Bell, Summit ; G. II. Muekcihide, Johnstown.
December 10, 1S52 8-0 hi.
W JI . 31 F A It LiAIV & S OX.
Cubinct Ware Buoms,
Allegheny Street, Hollidaytburg, Fa.
AVould respectfully inxite the attention of tin
public to their superior stock of
of every descriptio.n Furniture cf nil kinds
manufacture-d to order on the shortest notice.
All orders irom u Uistauce promptly attendee.
April 20, 1S52.
I Large lot of inade-uu-clothing, boots awei!
;1 shoes, cloth and plush caps b r sale by
iv on y co.
Summit Oct. 7, 1852.
hall ! Salt ! !
J Superior article of Sack and Barrel Salt foi
sale by DAVIS & LLOYD.
Ehu.fcburg, June 17, 1652.
00L, Butter, and all kindu of Grain
taken in exchange for goods at
J. Moore's store.
eat1y nnd expeditiously executed at this Office
The highcet price paid for woo! nt the ston
' IIISKEY, AYhite Lead, and Linseed Oii
for 6alc by J. Moore.
40 Barrels CoAomaugh c-ait Tor sale by
J. Moure-.
declino. asthma. Ki.itt'.na- of Blood, niiri.t sweats
Medical Times, and most other responsible pub-
the appearance of the Nitphth.i rup. the inedi-
established fact, in eoimeetioii witli a mass of ex
thus albcted. tooling alt-r taking it. as if it had
their disease had stopped up. and t he ri - .pening of
stoi ation of health Such indeed, are the l rompt-
S;.ru p, in all the diases Kr which it ie iccom-
ir pauents Know
111 Ct in all Asll math: ci lep'aii.ts isn nul'v dect-
a i -
W l
ii g of th
( ' 1 s -
ls. are
iisn tiiiiiKiv ii ire-cteit n' 'lie .a;
1.. 11
i "ilia y-
u ,h.u, m n. usi : . s,-,o-:l
ih. se wh i se it : t c tC:i - to d.n ctn i s. gem r
... . . -. j . ., ., r .,
transportation to .-.nv part if the uoihl. c.-m be b ..1
rc;,- ,..,tt.. , v.. !.. :.i.
. v.-vi....i.i v I ' !.'. 1. V I'lllI'l O L tt.ll.i
.- B ,, ,.,.. ;7 :.. . '
r a supply, and wo wiil tow.-ird it to them without
delivery) provided they c.-u, be reached by Fx- j
Ml letters must be po-t paid ei-ut-.i,,
ted to C. V. CLICK EN KB & CO., No.
..., a.,,.i r.,
be direct
ean be produced
says, and is well deserving of public p.aiioiiMge.
U. ivr..M. J'- iii.117. i foiessur oi i.nemi.'-irv.
- lnitK hospital, jane i, :rou.
. . ,,
in stating that I have. extensively used your
(especially Bed Bugs ami B.act.tsj ami un-
tu oivuu ..- ........ ......i.
in all respects witli y our . t tement-. II
JOHN L. BOOM L. Min i t. N. i. lb s
Gibson IIoush. tiineinnati. Krtober 18-".
ol J.vem s .Mairnetiu 1 otv.Jcr ami 1 nis s .-unl ciieer-
lb aches and Bats within a few minutes alter
remedy we h ive ever seen. j
I. U. &. D. . BLNNEfl. i
iMltv liiKb, ininj: iionsc, .ij-i-ii i, ici.i. :
nnd Tills tor ti.e dt structi..,, of Insects and V. r-1
. . v . i . i i i , '
cheerfully recommend them to those who uiavj
of destroying them
ILL x).
HOW ABD, Proprietor Irving House.
Wjt.l be opened this week at the brick store
of J. Moore, in Fben6burg, a general nssort-
;nient of cloths, cassjmcrcs, satinetts, tweeds,
l-ind a great variety of summer goods,
Together with any ou.intity of prints, delaines,
.awns, cashnieree, ginghanis, lustres and other
dress goods.
"mil prood apsortinent of hardware, queensware.
.ijsaddlery, clothing, stationary, thugs, S:e., k.,
Persons wanting boots and shoes, hats nd
jj.-aps, or ready made clothing, will find it to their
nt vantage te can me
IlrieSi Store.
Tho subscriber, thankful lor past favors, ear
nestly requests his customers, and the public
ncntrally to at least call and examine his stock:
H" ... i ' . ..... . " .i:.
i ind It lie cnnnoi sun eteiy pciaou in quaiuy
iand price it ia not his fault. Produce nnd lum-
hicr of all kinds tuke-n in exchange for goods;
ii.d he also takes CAbll when ohercd.
J. MOOrtE.
Ebensburg, April 28, 1S51.
I' avis & r,!oyl,
Having form d a partnership in the
Would respectfully nolieit the patronage of their
f iends and the public generally.
Call and see us at r old stand of William
, couglis, colu's, nnd ail dcsease.s ol the chest an i f 14 - J f Y X 9 i -tf.
the taste, and is so speedy in its operations that pa- AYCit ifiF"Tr'T -f --,
inutes after taking the first . ono. ' tSlty i i j ' W-LWl. jmf&ly 9"VI
April 29, 1862.
For ilic C'tsro of
To cure u v ..u soreness ci
the body, take me Cuerry i ectoral v:t g ing to
lied, and wtap up war , to sweat during the
For a colli and, take it morning, noon,
and evening, fit-d ii.'ii g to nireclioiia on the bot
tle, and the difficulty will soon be i t moved.
None will long suffer Irom this trouble when they
tin el it can be So readily cured. I't rseus alliict
ed with a seated cough, which breaks '.hem of
their rest at night, widtiud, by taking the Cher
ry Tectorial on going t i bed, they may be sure
ot sound, iHil.rokcn s'.et p. and consequently re
i resiling rist. (.irt at relief from fUfJtrlng, and
an ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands who
are thus afflicted, by I h is in valuable remedy.
From its agreeable e fleet in these cases, many
find t l.enisci is imuiiiii g to forego its use when
t:.e hiccssity U r it ha- t e.-i.-ee!.
From two eminent l'hy.-icians in
FAYt-iTtVii.LV, 'i i.v.n., Atril. jCth, I Pol .
S.r: We have gitcn yourClurrv Tectoral
an extensive trial in our laciice. and f.ini it to
SUtpaSS eteiy lh. r l l'ltily We have It: 1" cUl'lPg
all't etictis d' the 1 1 sp: rati rv otg-.T.s.
BBS. i.ll.Ml'.K o. HAM! TON.
Ti siii'-ers and public sneakers this reined v is
! in v ilubic, as ly its action on die throat and
j .UlljlS, W 111 il ta!,t ll III SIM i!! (jl!:i!ltitH S, ii 1 I illoVCS
a;i ho.-, i si nt ss in a few hums, .-.t.d woiiji lMiliy
ilit !'t us. s tile l.oittraii'l LeXio.iitV it the olce
, '
.,.,.,.. ,.vKrt ,,v ivu,.r .. Ll.t ,;.ll0
' ' ' " 4 L : , ,
i .-.r,- ,;:s, s o..sii:.-.t. as to t u-h 1 1 entire -
Il,tr I ul tlon ll h" t;ik"S
' lit;"'.v 1 e i- iai m sin ... ami litijuei.t
i lie Ui.coiiitol tal
Lev. Loct. Lai
ol Brook un, oca e:
; cases of Asthm , and Lr.i:ch:i:s :.s le..:s me V,
! beiiet e it can
j 1 1 e
fan t.i col e those d.Soa-t S."
all emt tic of anlilii.Ji: V, to
For cir
l,e ,u:'UA e" 'O' large ami frequent .loses.! the
' 11,1 , r-v untu sui.uu. s me ll
itaktii in season, it will not i.-ul toeure. i
tu in season, it will not i.m to cure.
. cougu may be Ln k. n up and soon nd vantages of their great restorative powers,
cured by tiie use of Chci ry Tecloi al. i Sinjle Lottie 7-1 eentt.
Ihe iiilluei.i.i is s.e.n.y rtiuoved by this re- i yr S;,ie bv Frederick Kittel Druggist Ehcr--medy
N umt instances h.:vC id u noticed liurg . .'nmes Bell, Summit ; G. MuckcrhiJe i
here hole iaiiiiuiK tu re protn ted li otu .-.ny cu Johnstown,
serious consL'quencis, while their uciehbeis, Ieccmber 10 18."2 8-y
without the Cherry l'cctot al, w ere siitlei iiig trom ' !
the disease. I Itolfsnle nnd RHnll
I y Samm. Co., lltb, June 18G1.
Doct. J.C. Ayer;-
ia3 of a di ca-Uwi v C-i.tli. by taking
it." In: Means, one oi our , ry b .-t pl.'y sici.n s
Ireely state.- that he con. i .us it tin- be-ti mi dy
we have b r pu;moi:.-.ry tliseast s, : i.d th it L h .s
vureti more ca- s of Cmuf. with it than any
utlur medicine lie etr "
Our clergt man of the B.-.ptist Church says
that during the run oi li.rluei.z i here this sea-
son, "he has s.en cures liomjour n.t.!ic;tiu he
couid seateeiy Have bt li ed without seeing.
Yours rtsi ectfuliy. J. 1). JSiNi-'LA 1 1.',
IVputv Tastniaslfr.
Frm tlje tli i ic;iilt'U PioftKor nl
t ( .a iiiuo y Jintl .na
( ' .! Ill il I t illltl
ri Jiohca 11.M.-
Ii ii Colli de.
1 iiaie loiioii Hie Chi rrv
Fee-tor il as its in-
iredients show, a power! ul remedy fur
colds. '
- - -
i f4l,,i couglis, ana u nioiiny uisases
I u-Ktn t i.uvkl and, M. D.
Brunsw-'c'.-. Ve.. Feb. "i. 1S-J7.
xiic vllt-l eelet.ra.etl lrilc,,i r Sur.
i i-n j In uic .in ihtal t ullfit, Anv Vni k
"it gi.e.) me puasuie to certify the value and
..;, , . .-'w i'!,i ..i. t.. ........ t .. i.;..i. i
i ,.,.,;,... ... ,..-.. d. ,t.-.l u wo,-.. .!;.... ..r
OJr. " I ' " ,,IV1I All.l.11.41. .. 1IIC1I I
t;iL. ;, ,,at and J.;tn "'
: 'Cuits of i.-e t re diseases upon the Lnns have
1(Ct,, ,y t ,,tV 1 Vc t . . 1 .1 1 1 1 Sll ll
. lr me Cilst-s ::s warrant the belief that
remed v
ih isat Iti.gth been found that can he d pcuded
oii to tine tiie t.' s. Colds and Consumption
1 whit-h eat rv - irom mir midst 1 1 1 1 1 , . I
year. It is indeed a medicine t-t which the affile.
ted can look with c .iiti.ietiee b r reli. f and tl
shou.d not fail to a vail tin m-e! es t- it.
i' v. i-ii ir. I. US'"! I r I v I .1 tvt i. f a v i '-n
" i 1 ... 1.1,
1 r""enl a"a AunlyOciiI ClitmUt, j
Sold in Ebensburg by Fred. Kitted, and by'
Drujjgists and Dealers in Medicine every where.
August ".i, itj' i l-: in.
t 'A 11.4112
14 l..t.'i tfi.
This dchghtiui ami article in the best
preparation lor the hair which long experience
and scientific research has produced, eiiht r as
nu ii tide f t r tin toilet, r its beneficial tii cis
iu ail the diseases to which the human hair is.
liable. It w ill imoai t to the roilirhest nnd
sesi iia.r me most oc.,u;nul appearance, entire
ly cleansing it li all impurities.
But whiu we assert that it is the best art'cle
for the toilet of th.n-e who wili to retain Jhu
hair in all its Youthful
. ....
jit must not he forgotten th.-.t in all diseases of
the hair or scalp, such as the falling of the hair
dandruff, pimpbs, er sores on the scalp, &c., it
is, perhaps the article which has given decided
satisfaction in eviry instance where it has been
Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly
active, .-o that, in unmi rous, w here othtr reme
dies bae bein tried in vain, S I OBITS CHEM
ICAL INVKJOKA fOBhas Mi-nscdcd the orna
ments of art. by lfiiistatiii.r in fn!l t.V.,t;t...!..
' tho permanent eilts and -M-aces ,,t ii
: 1 i.... ....! . r .. ..1 ii . i-.i-
i "oo wi .i t. . i i j . i c 1 1 1 no 1 1 y uincrni"- i ront
th. Oils. Greas,. Bestoratives. ".vc. which -i-..
jmw so iiumeri.usly foisted on the public, under
the pretence of being newly discovered fur bald
ness, gray hair, &c.
Ston's Invigoratcr
has now been tested tor ears, an 1 its efficacy
has been proved by thousands.
l.verv Year it.-
reputation and s.-t'es Jiave increased, until molt
ot it is consumed itnnualiy than of any other
preparatiou for the hair ever offered tofhe Amer
ican public. Jt is Compounded jui strictly eci
entific p.rinciplea, ami tlic proprietor will 'stake
his reputation on its eilio icy.
Its extraordinary cheapness places it within
the reach of the humblest f amily, and its uu
ceded value insure , it a place un'the most luxu
rious toilet. by the proprietors price 25 cenla.
C. P. A MET i CO,
-120 Arch street, one dor below Sixth.
Forsileby Fred. Kittell, Ebensburg; James
Bell, Summit ; G. Muckerhido &Co., Johnstown.
pocv ruber 10 lt6li
nnd all
diseases ar
ising from adifr
trdered liver or sto-
mach, such as constipa
tion, inward piles, fullness or
blood to the head, acidity of the
stomach, nausea, heart burn, disgust
for food, f-illness, orwright in theetomftch
sour eructations, sinking or fluttering ut tbe'tiU
of the stomach, swirnrainp of the heaJ, Lur
ried nnd difficult breathing, flutterlur
nt the henrt, choking or Fuffoca
ticg sensations whe-n in a liv
ing posture, dimness of
vision, dots or wets
before the sight
fever and
d n 1 1
pain in the head, dlfncic-ney or perspiration vH.
lowuesior thskin and eye-, puia ia"
the side, back, chest", limbs,
&c, sudden flushes :
of heat, burning in the f.cfh
constant imagluings Gf eil nJ 'p-ent
depression of spirits, can be effectual!' cured by
DR. C. U. JACZ30i?,
At the f; ni iiii Iditinc Store.
"120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Tl. fir power over the above diteaert u net tzullti
u equulUd fc.y any ether preparation i- tM
United S.'itit, as the caret at Lett, in many cast! cf.
!tr Ki!ful physicians had failed.
These B tters are worthy the attention of in
valids. Tosstssing great virtues in the rcctia
cation of diseases cf the Liver and lesser i.uU
exercising the mrst feaichli g powers in tidi
ness and .(ffectious of the digestive organs, tey
nre withal, safe, certain and pleasant.
Th:-t this iiiediciiic will cure Liver Coniphntt
and Bj spepsia, no one can doubt after usin it hs
stated, it acta specif cally upon the 6tmacb i.lJ
liver ; it is preferable to calomel in all Liiicut
illsnfrs the elfeet is immediate. They can Le
administered to female or infant with safety auJ
reliable benefit at any time.
Look well to the marks cf tha Genuine
They have the written bignature of C. M.
JACKSON upon the wrapper, njd Lis r.nno
blown in the bottle, without which they me spu
rious. For sale Wholesale nnd Retail at the Germsn
Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch itreet. one door
below Sixth. 1 hiladelphia ; nnd by respectubla
dealets generally through the country.
( To pnnl.ln ,.11 .l,.io r.r ;,,..t;..i. .k-
lt" "Pcn nim, ana negs leave to mlorra them ttiat
Il!-S enlarged his business, and now keepa
consts-ntly on hand a large supply of every ta-
1'l'ty of Tmuare, Stove 1'ipe, Drippir.y iw,
Eoi'ers, Coal Buckets, Tea Kettles, JfC, &c,
which he will sell, wholesale or retail, a lew's.
any other establishment in the country,
',e 19 Sl-S0 prePaml to manufacture Spouting
Ior houses, at the shortest notice, and on the
most reasonable terms. Merchants and otheri
i desirous of purchasing bills of ware, are rce-
pectfully invited to call, ns he is prepared to sell
ineni good's e'iually as cheap as thev ean be had
either east or west, and all orders addressed to
i.;. :ii i ... .i i .
" " " "K ' 1 uulPlly aiienaeu to.
c;reat excitement.
IN Ebensburg, at the warehouse of the undr-
'J signed who has on hand nnd will sell at tho
! lowest prices
consisting of C'lohe Flat 7Vn rr,i.r.Ui . TT
tory, complete ; complete Cook : the Xetr Com
plete ; Cooks Favorite ; Delaware Cook ; Key
stone ; Virion Coal Burner, Parlor stove; Jhi
Air, do ; Bar loom, coal stove ; all of the la
test style and pattern which cannot be excelled
or c-U.ilied. Come and see them, and don't for
get to bring your wife along if you have none
bring your lady-love.
Jtib II lift of every description, done on the
shortest notice. Old copper and pewter, tikca
in exchange for ware.
The undtrsirrucd hones, bv a stript attention
, . . i - - -
J to buS.IlPSS. fa r..witl n liKm-ol olinm nf Tiol.llff
, J - w w . . . . . ..'VV . ... BUU1V V . f H V .. M
.. . . .. V f'AT.y-. l, , i.i 1.1
i r- v...u w.. - -
Ebensburg, July 8, IS'j2.
! TAlL.tmiXU.
fnHE undersigned informs his customers thftt
1 the firm of By non .S: Johnston is dissolved
; by mutual consent, nnd that the subscriber still
continue the business in the room recently oc-
jcupiedby the old firm, where he will be happy
to see his former patrons and as many new
i ones as please to call. He receives regularly
from New York and Philadelphi the latest
fashions and cannot be beaten either in the
shape or fit of Coats, l'ants or Vests, by any
: other Tailor in the pnuntrv. II ri;nftf'ul!y
j . .... - - r
ask the public to give him a call, and con-
fident his work will recommend itself.
Cs:i,All kinds of country product taken ia
exchange for work.
April 20, 1852 tf.
John 3Ic.MceI &. Co.,
Have the pleasure of announcing to their friends
and the pu lie, that they have opened a new
sit. re at the west end of the Allegheny tunnel,
at Galhtzin, where they will Veep constantly on
hand and will tell at the very lowest prices, the
following goods : cloths, cassimeres, ginghams,
woolens, fM-iiits, plaids, mous ue l.iines, morinoa,
alp.iccas cashmeres, real long shawls, pjne-pp!e
dress goods, pongee, niadra?, apd grass-liner;
handkerchiefs, ribbons, buttons, gloves, hosiery,
laces, thread, silk, bilks, tn;in-, umbrellns, io.
Also, a heavy stock of sugars, teas of the latest,
best, and, cheapest importations; queensware,
hardware, cutlery, books and ttationary, hats,
caps, boots, shots and bnnets of the most fash
ionable styles; and a largo quantity of
Bacon, Flour, Butter, Salt, Fish, Cigars,
and tobacco. All cf which they will sell at the
cheapest rates.
We iuvite jlie attention of purchasers to cur
exteusiyp and varied stock of
Koady-Hide Clothing,
comprising til colors and qualities, and Diana
iactured f rom the best materials, which we will
dispose of at fair rates and we warrant every
ii ticlo will give the utmost satUfuctioa.
The highest prico paid for all dacriptM04 f
GaUiUifi, Jan. 1 .ISJ
1 or
i an
' . r