CHIME IN 'GREAT CITIES. Tb Rtctut Tiactdlci. It is the remark of Bulwer, we think, that nt certain periods, particular crimes "become e;. i- Ueuiic, or iotiow eacu oiuer m suon muiu suca- Biua, that oue would seem t j he suested or iu duced by tho horrors of tht which preceded it And thus tho question Las been stin ted by some, poi.ey 01 fcii tne uetai.s. This latter view, however, is not bated on a cor- j ect consideration of the subject, for with many, very fact that the commission of crime wis ht ' take places and yet the offeuder escape the puu Lshment of exposure and the indignation of the community, would form a powerful inducement to plunge the dagger, to administer the poison, or to wield the bludgeon. Tbe public, more over, would never be satisfied by the suppres sion of all the particulars, while a thousand fnise stories would be circulated fron lip to lip, and many scenes of violence be produced, which are now avoided. The tragedies that have so recently, taken place would seem, in some degree, to give color ing and plausibility to the theory of the great novelist. The excitement produced by oue crime has scarcely subsided, before the ears of the community have been startled and pained by tne details of another. In Philadelphia, as is well known, we have had four appalling murders in , the course of a few months. That of tbe store-! keeper Kink, that of the stevedore Sooban, and those of the two sisters, Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Lynch. And these have just been followed up by two awful tragedies in New York. In one case, a wretched husband rained Thomas Neary, j animated by the spirit of a fiend, seized a let, and in the presence of his children, neat his wife with such cruel feiocity that she died in the course of a few minutes. The offender has been arrested, and in this case, as iu that of Arthur Spring, his own son is the principal and fatal witness against him. In the other case, a Frenchman named Mel ville, called on Thursday morning, at half-past 9 o'clock, at the store of a gentleman named De Corn, one of a firm of butter-packers, whose es tablishment is in Greenwich street, and inquir ed for Mr. D., who happened to be absent. He vraa told of the fact on appearing at the s1 ore, also that Melville had said that he would call again. De Corn immediately went into the yard, and as is supposed, to prepare his pistol. About half-past ten o'clock, Melville called again, and presented a paper of some kind to De Corn. The latter looked at the paper, and then delib erately drew a pistol; and as he was presenting it, Melville exclaimed, Oh Mr. De Corn, what are you going to do." He had but finished this entence when he was shot through the breast with a bullet, and died almost instantly. De Corn immediately after committing the deed made his escape, but was subsequently arrest ed. The following is a more particular account of the affair : From the New York Courier, of April 1. Another Mlkdeu Deliberate Affair. A shocking and deliberate murder was committed yesterday morning shortly after ten o'clock, in the provision store of Messrs. Giraud & Co., Nos. 208 and 210 Greenwich street, the particu lars of which are as follows: Mr. Eugene Mel ville, a Frenchman, called at the above store Ja the morning about 9 o'clock, and inquired for Mr. Louis De Corn, one of the firm, and Mr. De Cora being theu temporarily absent, he left, eaying that he would return shortly. A few minutes after ten o'clock he appeared at the store, and Mr. De Corn wa3 then within. Mel ville. UDon entering, handed Mr. D. a letter. which the latter read and rerurneCTlo hlsvisitor, saying "wait a little." r A tZ3 r De Corn then went immediately to the back part of the store, and in a few minutes returned from behind a screen with a loaded pistol, which he presented at Mr. Melville. The latter, on discovering the weapon, exclaimed, "Oh my God, Mr. De Corn, what are you going to do," He had but finished this sentence, when De Corn shot him through the breast with a bullet. Mel ville fell upon tlie floor, and almost instantly ex pired, lie did not speak alter the pistol was tired. The assassin, immediately alter commit ting the deed, tied I'roiu the premises. This ac count of the occurrence was given by Louis Steamer, a lad who was at the time iu the store, and witnessed the tragedy. - The Fifth Ward Police were at the scene of bloodshed a few mo ments after the murder was perpetrated, and took the above witness and another lad iu charge and detained them for examin uion. The body of Mr. Melville was conveyed to the Filth Ward Station House, where a post mortem examination was made by Dr. Finnell. The bal let with which he was Shot was found near the right shoulder-blade, it passed through the region of the heart and other vital parts. It is cot known to a certaiuty what prompted De Corn to commit the deed. The latter is a French man, and said to have been a physician. There are sjine circumstances which would make the fatal affair appear to have been the result ot jealousy. Melville, it seems, was married about six mouths ago to a young American lady oi pood connections. She was in the habit of re- . ceiviug a small income through her guardiaus, and he received about fifty or sixty dollars from bis friends iu France. They lived happily but for a short period. It is said that Melville was in the habit of dis sippating, and tnis and other cause resulted in a separation between him and his wife, it is ulso stated that the deceased was jealous of his wife, owing to an alleged improper intimacy that existed between Mrs. Meljiile aud De Corn. The latter heard that Melville intended to uttack him iu consequence, about two weeks ago, and armed himself with a pistol. The letter preseu- . ted to De Corn at the fatal meeting yesterday morning, was to the latter fioiu his mother, who wrote that she had just sent his wife many presents. The reason for his showing the letter to De Corn is supposed to have been to inform Jiiia of the good circumstances aud stand oi' his relatives iu France, and the painful condition he was placed in by being separated from his wife. In the afternoon Mrs. Melville appeared at the Station House in compain with some friends and exhibited much grief. She became almost frantic, and had td be secured in the parlor of the Station House until those re atoning with her had managed in some measure, to sooth her affliction.- ' About four o'clock in the afternoon, Captaius Carpenter aud Hutchings, after a long and tedi . ous search for De Corn, found him secreted in . Mrs. Melville's apartments in the Franklin ; Square Hotel, and took him into custody. Cor , ner Hilton held an inquest on the body of tho deceased in the afternoon, when the following evidence was elicited. The prisoner was pres eat during the investigation, and appeared very , auch depressed. He seemed to regret the act bitterly. j Emma Eugenia Melville being sworn, said I reside at Franklin Square Hotel ; I know the prisoner Louis de Corn; I am the wi e of Eu gene Melville; I sawim last on last Tuesday week; it was at 50 Lispenard street; 1 was board ing there at tbe time with him ; I left .that house this day week. Mr. Melville was absent from - the city at the time ; 1 think he was in Connec ticut; he followed no business whatever; I saw Mr; De Corn this morning about 'J o'clock; I saw him again about half past 10 at the Frank lin Square .Hotel ; he remained there for some - time ;' he was in a great -state of agitation ; he .' seemed very much troubled ; he told' me that -he had shotmy husband, but did not know whe ther he was dead or cot : he said he thought he would cot have done it except it was to save his own life ; Le said be was very surry, but did it totave his own life; Lc did not request tobese- crcteu;iie rtmaincu iu me rouin imcn it was not locked; tut when I left to come here 1 lock- tu le uccr, auu as in uij wick room; wuen . - T I ..;.... 1 i i cj.Te out 1 lueuoU the uoi-r. lociciiiir him in : I Mine wuu .ic;une iiarscr; v.nen we left the it xtrnj l...lf r..-t tlx-,. . . .1 .-. . .1r . M r I ii .1.. i i (ii'-'lVL lit ?ww hi j v' , .Ht , UKZ VjOI li I '.Y.-iii iii u i-ius'.i iii-'jui.-i.iig Liy r-jom ui me nine ; i t!.;uk- Mrs. Barker took cbiture of the Lev ol n,v ,oom door ; 1 can solemnly swear that I heard m'y hUSurind s:iv, if he could ever meet Mr. -De n. -..- ..i, .. ... ;,i tin mid' kill him; he pave no rea son, but I think he whs jealous ; he said that he never wished hie to speak to Litn : 1 beard .11 r. De Corn any that he would always be -on his guard for juy husband, but'.that he,-would never injure him unless he would attack him hist ; he did net say he would kill him, but would defend himself ; Mr De Corn was a good friend to my husband, and loaned him money; Mr. De Corn was a witness to our marriage. Verdiet according! y. The prisoner was lm- mediately sent to prison. In the foregoing case both parties were Frenchmen, But the duty of the philanthropist aud legislatoi, is to inquire as to the causes, i direct and ludiiect, ot these deplorable doings, ftIU thus, if possible to discover a remedy The su0;ec ;s 0lie of too serious a character to be disposed of in a moment. Intemperance, ava- I vice, idleness and vindictive passions are evi- ; dentl v anion the leadinc springs and motives of crime, ine storekeeper Kink was no doubt murdered for rnonev. So also Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Lvnch. I he stevedore boohan was mur devvd apparently in a spirit of mere wilful reck mal-lussIiess or wouton wickedness. Mrs. Nearv, of New York, was murdered by a drunken hus band, while the French cause was doubtless the result ol a private quarrel. The chapter is a bloody one, aud it is well calculated to induce reflection. "Scse Dexin Married!" What a commo tion the announcement will cause among the nu merous admirers of the talented young lady, ev erywhere! And what a sudden arrangement it was all, no doubt, to get rid of the care of an anxious step-father. The Buffalo Republic gives the following romantic version of the marriage : "Miss Susan Deuin, the handsome and clever young actress, yesterday became Mrs. F. Wood ward, having been married rather unexpectedly It appears that Mr. W ., who is a gentleman of Syracuse, in excellent business and affluent cir cumstances, lias for a year or more been in love with Miss Deuin. He has followed her from place to place, has written her letter after letter, but has never been able to make her acquaint ance, and his letters were never received, it now seems, by the young lady. On Saturday, it is reported, Miss Denin had some disagreement with her step-father, and guardian. Yesterday morning the friendly relations between them had not been resumed, which young XV. tried to turn to his advantage. His lather, at his re quest, called on Miss D.'s guardian, she having finished her lth year, and proposed the mar riage of his son and Miss D.; offering, it is said, to give the guardian a large sum ($5,000 is na med, j tor any prospective loss ne migut susiaiu. This was refused young W.tben gave a domes tic $50 to carry a note to Miss D. during her guardian's temporary absence. The colored gentleman proved a faithful Ganymede, and de livered the missive. Miss D. sent for the wri ter; she had never seen him he arrived at her room door, where she met him, "Do you want to marry me are vou in earnest?" was his sal utation. "I do, and will," was the reply. "Send for a ptiest," responded the girl. The liev. Mr. Sheldon answered the summons; Mr. Warren and his lady, and some other friends were pres ent, and the ceremony was performed. The party, consisting of the happy couple, the bister Miss Kate Dennin, and the governess of the young lady, left on the cars last evening for the east. We learn that the new couple will again make this city a visit in about two weeks. There are divers rumors as to the conduct of her guar dian, which we do not deem necessary to pub lish, if true, and we know nothing of their truth or falsity. .4 Vermont sheriff' recently undertook to searcu a uwci.nig in .urauiuiu, viun: mc of the house mounted him with a poker and an axe. which being wrested from her, she pulled the most of his hair out of his head, threw a boiler of hot water upon him, and concluded the programme of exercise by cutting a thre or four inch gash in his head wiili a stove griddle, after which she was secured, and a large amount of Stolen property found in her possession a par tial illustration of Woman's Rights." jgsri'oisosiXG.a Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor oil, Calomel, &. ore not aware, that while they appear to benefit the pa tient, tbey are actually hiving the foundations for a series of diseases, such as salivation, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, iS:c. In another column will bo found the adver tisement of Hoboiisaek's Med pdicines, to whieh directly interested we ;isk the attention of till in their own ns well as their Children s health. In Liver Complaints and all disnrders arising from those of a I tlliou- type, should m;ike use of the only genuine medicine, Ilobensack's Li ver Pills. jgy,'Z'' not dt'cicved," butask for llobensacks Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe tha e:ich has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N Hobensack, as none else are genuine MARRIED : On the 27th October, 1852, in AVilliamsburg, Blair county, by Rev. J. Thrush. Pastor of the M. E. Church, Ai.kxanpeu C. Mvlmn, Esq., of Ebensburg, to Miss Emma M. Kennedy, of Lan disbui g, Perry county. DIED. Departed this life, March 20tb, 1853, Walter Scott, son of Benjamin F. and Anna Davis, aged one year, 8 months and 2G days. Sweet child, it seems but yesterday, thy little heart beat high, And we had aim st scorned the voice that told us thou must die; We saw thee move with active bound, with spir its high and free, And infant grace and beauty, gave their glorious charm to thee. So gentle in thy loveliness! alas ! how could it be, That death would not forbear to lay his icy hand on thee ? Nor spare thee yet a little while, in childhood's opening bloom, While many a sad and weary soul was longing for the tomb. O Father of our spirits, we can but look to thee; Though chastened, not forsaken, shall we thy children be. We take the cup of sorrow, as did the blessed Son , Teach us to sny with Jesus, 'Tiur will not OUUS, EB DONE." An Irishman comparing his watch with the town clock, burst'd icto a fit of laughter. Being laughed at, he replied, how can I help it ? Here is ray little watch that was made by Paddy O' Flaherty, on Ormond Qu.13', find which only cost me five guineas, has beat that big clock there a full hour and a quarter since yesterday morn-ins. li'olice to Irf liters - I MEETING of the Printers of Cambria Coun ty, will be held in Ebensburg, on Wednesday, April 20th, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the "Exchange Hotel," to appoint delegates to the Printers Xational Convention, which is to assemble in Tittsburg, in May next. April 7, 1853. Teaclsers Wanted. fpHE Directors of the Ebensburg School Dii I trict, Cambria county, will employ three male teachers to take charge of the schools in said district. The schools will open on Monday, May 80th, and will continue nine months. Lib eral wages will be given. An examination of teachers will be held on Tuesday, May 3d, at Ebensburg. By order of the Board, CHAS. ALBRIGHT, Sec. April 7, 1853. 21-St. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I ETTERS testamentary having been granted jj to the undersigned by the Register of Cam bria county, on the estate of Samuel McMullen, deceased, late of Allegheny township, said coun ty ; all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make inimediato payment, and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated, for settlement. ALEXANDER McMULLEN, 1 , MARGARET McMULLEN. x ra Allegheny tp., March 31, 1853.' Sever ratlins Daguerreotypes ! 1 HIE citizens of this place and vicinity have now an opportunity of having eood and last ing pictures, taken at the Academy Building. Ladies and Gentlemen, whether, you want pic tures or not, call and examine specimens and references, and see the greatest variety of ca ses ever brought to Ebensburg. Our instru ments are entirely new, of the first class, and you caunot but admire the Camera ; and the pictures taken with it. Call soon, as futher ar rangements prevent our remaining here but for a limited time. II. G. FETTER. Ebensburg, March 17, 1853 tf. JAMBS BELL, SUJUIIT, C A 3 III 111 A CO., IA., II AS the pleasure of Announcing to all who would secure the best bargains to be offered in this county, that be is again m the field with one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully selected stocks of ' 1 all and Winter Goods ! Ever brought to Cambria county, all of which i have been purchased within the last few days in Philadelphia und New lork, with particular re gard to the wants of this Market. 1 again fling my banner to the breeze, inscribed with my old motto of Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attention of purchas ers to my stock, which will be found unusually large, varied and attractive, being full and com plete in every department. Everything new, fashionable and desirable will be found embra ced in my assortment. Particular attention is solicited to new and beautiful styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I have just received of late importation. In Gents' wear I defj competion, and confident ly invite an examination of one of the largest, cheapest and best selected stocks of ready-made clothing, cloths, cassimercs, &c, ev r brought to Cambria county ; comprising all colors and qualities, which 1 will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfaction. Also caps, bonnets, HOOTS AD SHOES. of the best qualities and latest styles, together with queeusware, hardware, groceries, salt, books stationary, &c. BHirhe highest market price paid for all kinds of Produce. November 11, 1852. Administrators Aotice. LET co- TEI1S of Administration have been crant- J ed to the undersigned, by the Register ofjbraij and ,ac ambria county, upon theestate of James Khey, j, - wil eces.sed. All persons indebted to said estate;,,,.' C ueces.sea. ah are requested to make immediate payment to us, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. SUSAN HHEV, Administratrix. ANDREW J. R1IEV, Administrator. Ebensburg, October 21, 1852 tf. Orphans' Court Sale. j E)Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of ! ) Cambria county, the undersigned, guardian of the minor heirs of John Duhii, deceased, will, on Tuesday, the lid day of May, 1853, sell a piece of hind, situate in Carroll township, Cam- bria county, adjoining lands of Joseph Eckenr roJe and John Eckenrode, containing thirty acres more or less. The sale will take place on the aforesaid pre mises, on the above day, when the terms will be made known. JOHN ECKENRODE, Guardian of John Dulai's heirs. March 24, 185322-4 Six Cents Reward. I1AANWAY from the undersigned, residing II aner Ebensburg, on the 21st inst., an inden tured pprentice, named Joshua Thomas, aged 18; said Thomas is a good looking negro, com plexion very dark, had on when he left a large fur can. about half worn, black pants, and a pair of coarse boots, nails in the soles, one ot the boots ripped on the inside of the foot, lie had also one pair tweed pants, two silk vests, one black the other purple, and three muslin shirts. All persons are c.iutioneM acamst uarhonng or 1 trusting said Thomas, as I will pay no debts contracted by him. ALEX. McVICKER. Ebensburg, March 23, 1853-22-3. J. B. CRAIG. JAS. D. HAMILTON. Commission & Forwarding1. THE subscribers would respectively inform their friends and the public that they are now prepared, to receive and forward all good consigned to their care by any of the Lines, or by Central Railroad, and hope that by strict at tention to their business that, they will be ena bled to render perfect satisfaction to all that will patronize them. ' All goods will receive the greatest care and attention. CRAIG & HAMILTON. Jefferson, March 15, 185-J. 500 Barrels of Salt for sale by wholesalo o retail by IVORY & CO. Summit, Oct. 7, 1852. IjlLOUK aT ' have jus LOUR aTTd Bacon always on hand, and we st received V.U barrels ue&i wnistey - . 1 1 for sale on commission lVOHi & CU. 'resh Shad, Mackerel, and Salmon for sale at the store of J. MOORE. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. ESABI'S HOTEL, Harrisburg, Ta. MAJ. JOHN BRADY, Proprietor. April 10, 1S51. ly J. B. lliles, ct M A C II ETT 13 c r? AKltirL, Importers and dealers ia Foreign and JJa.-.ctUt II ATI D WARE ard CUTLERY, No. 124 North Third Street, above Race, , PZiiladclpXiia. E. V. MACHETTr, A Ell. H. KAIGUKL- April 24th -1851. ly CONRAD & WALTOX, Wholesale dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Kails, c, No. 203" Market Street, above 5th, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851 ly WILSOS & WEST, Successors to Rodneys, Wholesale dealers in Hoots and Shoes, Bonnet and StrawjSoodf, No 17, North 3d Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly MICHAEL WARTJIAS & CO., Wholesale Tobacco, Snitjjf, and Scgar Manufac tory, No. 173, North Third Street, three doors above Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. M. WARTMAV, JOSEm V. SORVER. April 24, 1851. ly EGAESt ii. GREGG, Wholesale dealers in Wines and Liquors, which they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants and hotel keepers. Warehouse 208 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. July 1st, 1851. ly DR. THOMAS C. IIUXT1XC, Has reiuovfi j his olfiee to No. 14 South S ev -enth street, above Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. April 26, 1852. 7-tf 20 J. T. RrSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS, K. 8TILSON. JOIIA Y. RCSIXT03T & C, . Wholesale dealer in Qucensvare, Ch'inaware, Glassuarc, $c, No. 245 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10,' 1851. ly AXDUKW DOSOUGIIE, Justice of the Peace, and Scrivener, Summit, Pa Will attend promptly to collections, or other business entrusted to him. Legal instruments of writing, drawn with accuracy and dispatch. January 1, 1851. John. Parker. James H. Parker JOIIX PARKER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey. Ho. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty Street, littburg, Ia. March, 11, 1852. ly. GEO. I.IPF1NCOTT. WM. TROTTER. EDMOND BACON GEORGE LII'PISCOTT & CO., Have constantly on hand a full cssortment of Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries generally. No. 17 North Water Street, and Ko. 10 North Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. Janury 27, 1853. JOIIX M'UEVITT. WILLIAM JTBEV1TT. JOIEV JI'UEViTT & ISRO., Wholesale grocers and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whiskey, Flour, Ba con, Fish, C'kces. &c-i &c- H. Liberty Mreet, opposite the head " of Srn.ithfield, Pitts burgh, ra. December 23, 1852 9-tfj. J. aicELHARE, 155 Market Street, N. E. Comer of 4th, Philadelphia. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all of the various new kinds and stvles silk, fur, brush. wool, Panama, straw and chip Hats : silk, straw, e Bonnets; artificial flowers, turs, ill be sold cheaper than the cheap. I est. x cb. -o, i-iy- KXLEDLER & FEATHER, Wholesale dealers in Boots. Shoes, Bonnets, and Palm Leaf Hals, No. 13G North Third Street (opposite the Eagle Hotel,) Philadelphia, Pa. February 2G, 1852. ly James Dougherty, at REIXIIOED, DASH & CO., Wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff am! tir:irs, waretiouse at me c-ouiu v. est coiner 0f Third and Race ttreets, Philadelphia, lately j nffimio.i liv bndwir. Kneedler & Co.. keen con- - 1 . r-T . .. . - . . stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands of CirEWIirG TOBACCO, IMPORTED CIGARS, Domestic cigars, and Snuff, which they offer for sale on as favorable terms as any house in the city. Orders promptly attended to. September 23, 1852 4'J-ly. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. The Subscriber having leased the Public House, formerly known as the American House, No. 18 S. Sixth Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets, has changed the name of the same to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Begs leave to inform his friends and the Pub- lie, that this house has undergone a thorough remodelling, repairing, repainting and repaper ing, from attic to basemen:. An entire new out fit of furnitnre, bedding, &c, &c, has been pro cured from the most celebrated Manufactures in this city. From the central location, and its close prox imity to the Railroad Depots, Steamboats Land ings, Places of Amusement, Fashionable Thor oughfares and Public Squares, it offers induce ments to the Merchant visiting the city on busi ness, or the Traveler seeking pleasure. To fam ilies and females visiting the city, every facility will be offered, and every comfort regarded to make their visit agreeable and pleasant. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. JACOB G. LEBO, JARED IRVIN, Superintendent. Proprietor. October 21, 1852 52-6m. Adams & Co.'s Express. B. CRAIG, agent will forward all packages of coods or money, daily except Sunday to J. i nil the cities in the Union, and all the 1 - . Tl !l. J.ll .1 towns on the Railroad Between ruuaueipuia auu. Pittsburgh kacs aesortcd nails for sale at the store of - GEO. J. RODGERS. Just Recelx ed, At his Store one door Cfist of the Sentinel cf fce, a superior Rort mtnt of Geld and Sil ver watches find fine jew elry. Geld Lever WRtchcs fu'.l jewelled,. SOO; bilver Lever watches full jewelled. Ki.'.O Silver Cylinder 12.C0 . .Silver Quartiers 6.00 Also a fine atsortment of eight day and thir ty hour clocks. N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired at shortest notice, Mid warranted. WILLIAM B. HUDSON. April 29, 1852. MICEIAEE DAS 3IAGEIIAX, Attorney at Law, Ehecshtirg, Ta. Office in the Court IIou6e, up stairs. January 1, 1S51. ly CSIAREES AE1IRIGIIT, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., Will practice in the several courts of Cambria, Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Germans can cor.Eult and receive advice in their ownlangnnge. Office opposite the ourt House, formerly oc cupied by R. L. Johnston, Esq. Ebensburg, February 3, 1853 ly. S AM CEL. C. W1XGARO, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Biair and Huntingdon counties. Germans can receive advice in their own language. Office, on main street two doors cast of the Exchange Hotel. May 8, 1851 ly. GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office on Centre st., joining Gen. M'Donald's dwelling. Jan. 15, iSol. ly. WILLIAM KITTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on Main Street, in the ofhee lately oc cupied by Gen. Jos. McDonald. January 15, 1852. THOMAS C. M'DOWELL, Attorney at Law, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Will attend the several Courts of Cambria county, as heretofore. Office one door west of Wm. McFarland's cabinet ware-room. January 1, 1851. ly T. L. IIEYER, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. Office on Main street, two doors east of the Echo Office. March 13, 1851. ly CYRCS L. I'ERSIIIXG, Attorney at Law, Johnstowni Pa. January 30, 1851 ly. E. HUTCHINSON. C. W.- WEBSTER. IICTCIIIXSOX & WEBSTER, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., AVE formed a partnership for the practice of law in the county of Cambria. II All professional business entrusted to their care will be promptly attended to. Office on Centre street, adjoining the dwelling of E. Hutchinson, Jr. Ebensburg, July 29, 1852 41-ly. David T. Storm, Notary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer, JOHNSTOWN, CAMHEIA CO. PA., IFILL also attend to his duties as Justice. Lc- gal instuments of writing, such as deeds, a greements, Foreign Power of Attorney, &c, drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to his care will receive strict attention. May 12, 1852 30-tf. RICHARD JOXES, Justice of the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa., Will attend promptly to all collections entrus ted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling. Decern. 24, 1851. 11-tf. ExcEsange Hole!. Hollidaysburg', Elair Co., Pa. The proprietor assures the public that no exer tions will be wanting on his part to render his house home-like to those who call with him, and solicits a 6hare of public patronage. GEO. TOTTS. April 29, 1852. Remember. ILL kinds of Lumber taken in exchange for 1 Furniture, at the Ware Rooms of M'FARLAND & SON. Ilollidnysburg, April 29, 1852. CARROLETOW.-V IIOiSE, Carrolltown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania. The urn in th undersigned is prepared to accommodate e best kind of style all who way favor him with a call, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit and receive a share of public patronage. HENRY SCANLAN. may 20, 1852.-31-tf LEWIS W. BBOWX, Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser. Ia the basement story of Davis & Go's., ware room. Ebensburg, May 1, 1861.-ly. N. B. Shampooing done, and razors honed in a superior manner. George Rhey. Levi Matthews. William Ebbs RIIEY, MATTHEWS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS and Commission Merchants. Dealers in all kinds of Produce and vjttsVmrc Manufactures. No. 77 and 73 Water Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 3, 1851. 6m Just Received, rtiTiv Tln?r I.aee. and Pedal Bonnets, Pearl N and Pedal Flats, Pearl and Palm Leaf Hats and for sale by DAVIS & LLOYD. Ebensburg, June 17, 1852. 2000 pounds wool, butter, eggs wanted by J. MOORE SCHOOL ROOKS! A general assortment of BOOKS, such as are used in our common scnoois, lor saie Dy DAVIS & LLOYD. anted by J. MOORE cash in exchang for goods, or otnerwise- lass, Pils, Paints and Drugs of ail kinds at J- fiaoTc . Star, Sperm and at the Bricu: Store of tiild Candles for aalc J. MOORE. TEHE1FIC EXI L0E1CN CN SEC. 1M, P. 1L, S. 1 hils rRcn Tin: cr:i2iiT. tio.ccu SAVED. Wiiolcsale and Rctr.SJ Cry GcoJ t'toc-f. HE Subscribers hive just recivcl from th I extern citis. tni are now oCtricgfor sale, the It.vgest ar.d test sekcu a stock of Goodi ever shown in this cr the aJji ing counties, th tock consists in part of Lry Goods, euch u ritnch, English, ud Am. nv;w;, cloths, casi uicrs. Satinets, Tweeds, pilot clvtls, et.c, Va lencia and ctber vestings, alipacas, tnous-de-lahis, bombazines, and ladies dress good of every description; shawls, hanukcrcDieia, scraps, cravats, tibbets, ribens, gloves and hosiery of all kinds, table linen drapers, crnsn, rca, wul and yellow fiunnels, linsey, cr.ctcn flannel, blan kets and coverlets, hickory shirting, Irish linea, and white coeds cf every description ; laces. edgings, 'inserting, &c, &c. Hats, caps, Boa- ncts, boots and shoes, hardwaro, queensware, glassware, nails, Hour and salt ; fish, and iron. Also a splendid assortment 01 grocenca, uruRB, paints and dye btuSs. All ot wmcu we oucr at lower prices than goods have ever been sold in the country. All kinds ol country produce. lumber, railroad tics, rags, flaxseed, Slc, 4c, taken in exchange. We w ill wholesale any of the above splendid selection cf goods, to country merchants at city prices, putting only on a nominal figure for to cover freight. R. M 'CRANK & REILLY. Section 104, November 4, 1S52. Ezcliicl Huglics, Ebcasburg, Pennsylvania. DEALER in staple and fancy dry goods to ceries, wholesale and retail fieh ; hardware and cuttlcry ; guns, nails, bar-iron, 6hcet-iron sheet-iinc, stoves of all kinds, Btove-pipes and ehset-iron ware, tin ware, copper and brais kettles, &.c, &c. Grain, wool, butter and other country product bought and eoid. ALSO, A dealer in white pine, poplar, a?h and cherry lumber ; lumber always bought, and & large quantity constantly on hand for sale. Cash always paid for lumber cut to order or such as suits the present demand of the market. A large lot of r.ew goods as embraced in th above list just received and more opening for sale at the lowebt market price. September 23, fc52 49-tf. X OTIC 12 To the Creditors cf the Huntingdon, Cambria J Indiana Turnpike lioad Company, milAT the Court of Huntingdou county, at Jan 1 uary Term 1853, directed to be paid to Cred itors, one and three-fourth per cent on the a nioynt of their claims on which former dividends have been declared, which I will pay on the pre sentation of their Certificates of deposit by them selves or their agents. JOHN S. ISETT, Sequestrator. Spruce Creek, March 3d, 1853.-3t. Cncap Grocers. The subscriber would respectfully inform bis friends that he has received at the sipn of tb Grocery Store, a general assotmeut of Groceries and Confcctiouaries, consisting in part of Flour, Bacon, Fish, Cheese, Vinegar, Rio and Java Cof fee, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Tmnei, Date?, Citron, Currants, Preserves, P. Sauce, Catsup, Lemon Syrup.'Crackers, a fine lot of Sugars and Table Salt, also a superior lot of Segars. He invites all to give him a call as he will sell low for Cash.' w J. B. CRAIG. Ebensburg, March 12th, 1852. NEW GOODS. The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and customers, that he has received and is now opening, at the store room formerly oc cupied by Richard Lewis, dee'd., a large and General assortment 01 goous, consisting in pan of ' " DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARS, Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., all of which he is determined to sell low either for rash or ai-.uroved country produce. He solicit pvnmination of his btock, and is confident be can sell cheaper than the cheapest. GEO. J. RODGERS. May 8, 1851 30-tf Xcu Clialr 32 a 11 u factory. The citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity ar nformed that the very place to purchase CHAIRS, SETTEES, SOCIAELES, AND STOOLS, of the best manufacture and most elegant finish, and at lower prices than at any other establish ment in the county, is at the new chair manu factory, in the shop formerly occupied by David Todd, deceased. GLAZIXG, HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING executed in the best manner and latest style; JOHN L. STOUUU. Ebensburg, Nov. 27, lb51. Cm. TIXE GUAM liOCSE, Corner cf Fourth and Grant Streets, rittsburff THE subscriber has leased the large and well known Hotel, (late Lamartine House.) at the cor ner of 4th and Grant streets, Pittsburg, which has been repaired and newly fitted up ia all its apartments, so cs to give a larger and more lib eral accommodation to travellers and boarders. II is larder will be stocked with the most choice brands the markets can afford, aud his Bar fur nished with the best. He would retpectfully eo- icit a share of public patronage. B. PERRY. April, 15, 1S5. ly. To the Public. I LL Freight delivered at Summit froni and after 1 Monday next Nov. 8th, by Pcnna. Rail Road will be received and Forwarded free of Ccmmi- sion. Freight to bo paid before goods are takes away. Tickets will be sold here, to all stations East as far as Dillerville, ana . est to Pitt6burg. H . W. IVORY, Summit Nov. 4 1852 6t. Agent. Notice. In consequence of having told our Furnacea to the Cambria Iron Company, tho Partnership heretofore existing uner the firm of 1 Sboen berger & co.,' at Mill Creek Furnace, and alto the Partnership existing under the firm 01 & Shoenberger at Cambria Furnace, are both dissolved. The business will be settled by ci ther of the Farties, or the managers at the fur naces, who are authorised to use the names f the respective firms in settling up business. . , P. SHOENBERGER, GEORGE S. KING. March 3, 185320-6. Adams & Co.'s Express. W. IP. Ivory & Co., agent will forward aU packages of goods or money, daily excpt Sun day, to nil the principal citica in the Union and all the towns on tbe Rail Road between Fhilada. and Pitt&burg. Drafts collected from California. Drafts sold on Ireland, England or Scotlaod, from XI upward. . Money for drifts tnurt k rax. ' -.'' Nov. 4 1852. " ' r v l. ,v" -