T H R 31 S. The "iTOUXTAlX SEXTJXEL" is publish ed every Thursday morning, at One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum, if paid in advance or within three months i after three ; woiithB Tuo Uollir -prill be charged. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months ; and no paper will be discontinued vntil all arrearages are paiJ. A failure to notify a diecontir.u.mc at the expira tion of the term subscribed for, will be consid ared as a new engagement. XZQ. ADVERTISEMEXTS will be inserted t tX the following rates: 50 cents per square for ,' tie f.ist insertion; to cents tor two insertions; i f for three insertions ; and i!5 cents per square IV every subsequent insertion. A liberal reduc tion made to those who advertise by the year. All advertisements handed in must have the proper number of insertions marked thereon, tr they will be published until forbidden, and charged in accordance with the above terms. "t& All letters and communications to insure attention must be post paid. A. J. Ji II El'. gPRisa. bt HBxar brady. Wheu Winter's howling, stormy blast, With fury on us roils ; When virgin snows fly drifting past. In mountains from the poles. When fierce north easters clear the street, Of every living thing, 0 then how much -we long to greet The calm and geniai Spring. Uo ! Spring approaches how exact. The seasons do return. Each rising sun proclaims the fact. Its beacon signals burn ; The atmosphere, the woods and lawn, Most joyously do ring. With souuds peculiar to the dawn. Of calm and genial Spring. Then let's ne joyful we who era So favored from ou high ; Bow down the head, let humble prayer, Ascend above the sky ; Let's cease awhile our worldly boasts, Attune the harp and sing. Ilofl annas to the Lord of Hosts, Who sends another Spring. Soon Nature in her richest robe, Most glorioua will b seen; Her hand will -pread the entire globe With purest, richest green ; Tier softest carpets span the earth, She will her mantle fling, Qe'r forest, glade, and mountain heath. The fwt approaching Spring. To who, by sickness are oppressed ; Ye who on crutches go Jump up, exult, you'll fin I it best, As doth the bounding Uoe : Come out and view the budding trees ; Your doors and shutters fliug Wide open, to admit the breeze, Of sweet refreshing Spring. Ye youthful hsppy nymphs and swains, Who, like the lamb mid fawn. Do skip and sport through flow'ry plains. Or in the fehaded lawn ; Remember whilst you arc at play, That death may ply his sting, Though in the morning of your day, Before another Spring. The mighty monsters of the deep, The small fish iu the stream ; They too, jump. up. and as they leap, They praise the great Supreme ; The Eagle soaring to the Sun, The email bird on the wing. And lark, at day-break, hath begun To worship God iu Spring. O, breathes there one beneath the skies. A man, who ever trod. This earth of ours, and still denies; The existence of a God. Let such, if such there be arise, And view each happy thing. For all that walks, or swims, or flies, Must worship God in Spring. Australia. The advices by the last arrival are on. the ho!e highly favorable. Twelve thousand emi grants and one hundred and fifty two ships ar rived at Port Philip during the single month of December, and the yield of gold from the Victo ria Dicgings. amounted to 100,000 ounces week ly. The Melbourne Argus report that from the 18th of November to the 30th of December there fcad been brought down to that pert by escort from the mines. 382.177''ouncs of golJ. and to Adelaide, 112.027 ounces; total, 495. 104. The Argus estimates that, adding that brought down under escort and that conveyed by private hnnds, the total yield has been 3,01)8,321 oun ces, and adds: We may say, in round numbers, 4,000.000 ounces, which amount to 14.000,000 sterling; but its intrinsic value is certainly more, neatly 16,000,000 sterling. The world has never. perhaps, exhibited bo Astounding a result as j these figures show. 1 The number of diggers at the various rr,id I fields may now be estimated at 100.000; and the average earnings may probably still be calcula- ' ted at an ouuee per man per week. There has teen a slight falling off in the quantities sent! down by escort during the last umntli, but this j a partly to be referred to the departuno of dig- j ?rs to spend their Christmas at their respec- j tive homes. Mount Alexander, llallarat. and the Ovens , re now being advantageously wo -ked. The as- tonishinsr richness of Mount Alexander is evi- , fenced in the large amounts which it yields. Notwithstanding the immense quantities that Lave already been drawn f rom it. The whole eountry thereaboute appears to be more or less Fi m I'tr. j.Yetv York IIt:ne Journal. KA.HBLINGS IX HOME. Rome, February, 1853. Standing on the cupola of Home's c.ipitol, I looked dowu on what wns once the proud city of the Csesars. Mow lung it is, on ;i spot like this, before the mind is prepared tor the actual, mid ready to grasp the great theme before it ! ilow, instead, it wanders back togatherup those tnil liuu rtss3 )ciati'Hi3 which have truly made famil iar as household words" the iriuics W.iich hallow the scenes around! Old college days, which Cicero mid Horace made tedious, claimed now the first thought, i was standing "n.l6t the chief relies of almmhtv Rome." The seven hii'.s on which slu sat a queen, were difficult to trace. Old time lias been I usv with hid scythe, and centuries of ruin had crumbled " in indistinct uecay' the shrines and 1 a'.aces that were her glory then. 1 he valley between tne iminil anu Lsouiime was wed-tnjMi tilled. The magnificent ruin of Diocletian's bath mark ed where towv-red tie one; ou the other, where the LtrusoaiiS had their home, still stands the ruined Temple of .Minerva ; and Maecenas lived near wucre is now the splendid IJasiiica oi" .Ma ria Magjiiure. Near me was the Palatine, where I dwelt the Arcadian Meander, covered by the J ruined palace ol" the Cw-ars, ''where the owl i peeps, deeming it midnight." There was begun I Kome! Th re stood the Kominal fi- tree! There : was Nero's "golden house!" On my rijrht the Ti ! ber robing at ii.-j ii ine. was the ujinfl'ul Aveh ; tine, win. re the twin brothers Bought nu augury. Ou its ivy-covtrod brow was the cave of Cuci s. : mid b.-youd it. iike a sleeping levi .t.a i. lay the ; g'g;.ntic rain of Ci-raeada's bath I beneath me i was tue i i l um, utrefv-liing t. the areh of Titus ; ' while under the L-e:Mitiful monument of Genius rau the '-via facra," white l.oiiiu!i;s iiin Tatius made their pcac, and Horace siys he loved to walk. Sleeping in Tie sunshine lay a be-mtiful Corinthian column, mid half tottering to join j their fcliow stood its companions of V apasiaii'a : Temple. Not far from it stood the s'.n-rie shaft j of l'iiocas, with the added beauty By run gave J j Thou nameless column with th" buried base!,, j Beyond the arch of Constantino rose that womhr ot the world tue I'oiosaeuiu 1 On my left vvua tiio 'l'autueoti, prde ol Home;" iind ton i-ring i hih up bovoini it, the Antouine column of Au- renus; win e 1 r Jans unvijual.ed jiilisr raised f 'itself lroiu the h-nl'-ouried lorum ppolloii.riis j i planned. 1 -steep T tae t o e ol Capito line was me irpeian," wiiile fur in the east the snow- j clad amuhuhvi'tre of hii!s encircled nb of old tiie ueuut.lut Camj agua, u.itned in the mellowing glow of mi Italian euii.-diine. Every hill side j had a bturj vf its own to haiiow it! The slope j of the Albrii Mount was once the Alba So- ga of i "the boy Asvmiius;'' and near it, in the dark , Wood, was the pretty lake, and Castel Goiidoipo. j To the right la,) i.auu viuin, where were born the j .-utoii.iirc, and Uosciuo. and where lived Milo. j Purling in the d. stance loomed the '-cold Prte- j iiuste," and Tuscuium, white Ciciro had his villa, tji.tkliu iu the sunshine.' The putty Aiiio dashed ovir its rock at Tivoii, and falling j like a dliivired r.-iiubow into the vale beneath, i rusted for a moment, iid though in love with the j gcu.us ol the pi. ice, and r.m kiaoingiv to the Ti- Ucr. My dreiiiu of ears was reaiized! li re- ! quiled Out n kuie ell.rt of iuiaginatioii, and the j loriiiu was tepeojiieii to hear 'iuliy thunder in ! philippic, or aoe Cfesar led iu tr.umph to tiie i Capitol. A tutu iu the kaleidoscope, and the i i-i ii - . -t -. i . i logea puiiosopiur waiuca siue ty siue witu me purple robed scuator ; or the -hungry Ciissais"' leaned ag iii.se u!iiltr ii.i.i' buried column, plot ting with the "envious t'as.-a" the blow lie mu-t BU'iKe oil tiie un.'trow ; i-r Paul was hd hound to the M iiueriiiie dungeons, oeuaiisu he would tell them of the "unknown Ood." A Way in the dis tance stood tiie "ficrn round tower," ihe Mauso leum of Meteila. "ihe wealthiest Unman s wife;" ;md in the vaie below that n mph-c!f sy of Some foiivl desp.iir" ihe beautilu) -uiiain of E.ei iu aii'l on the hid nboic, the jitove win re ) Numa wooed his troddess. Near it was tiie i j tollil) ol tiie Sciploa, and iliollg the Applan wa!k j ed Juvenal, sjeUing among the dead a satire for : the living; and, by his side, plodding ou his j weary way to B.ihe, waslhe honest Um'uriciu-i ! Truiy it is a "Mecca of the Mind," this moulder ing Out eternal Home this "lone mother of dead empires !" It was painful to bring back our th-jught& to the present ; fur singularly dif j ferent was the scene iu that feruin now. Iniiu i nierable beggais lay crouched among the ruins, ! ready to assume an attitude of distress the mo ! ment some charitable stranger should pas. Un der the arch of Severus sat a eui iou English man, who, unable tu Eiginize the monuments mound him, was sketching the Temple of Con cord. A cardinal's gilded carriage .called heavi ly along, and here and there a fat and well-fed friar stood ready to raise, from his shaven pate, hisdirty cowl. A vettura jingled on its way to Naples. A freucli soldier was collecting the octroi'" iu the shadow of the Colosseum, a id the bclis of Home's three hundred churches wera toiling the Catholic world to mass ! The con trast was s.ugular. Splendor ami poverty! Pa ' g auisiii and Christianity! 1 passe. 1 again the ! piazza of the cap'.tol. In the centre stands the bronze equesiri-m statue of Aurelius. So great ; was Michael Angt-io's admiration tor this beaii- tiiul relic, that, while standing before it, he is ; eai i to have cried, "C.immin.-!" so truly lij'e- j I like are its ir.ioi tioiis. in J o 1 , us no.-ims 1 ran wine to piea.-e the crowd that hailed Ilienzi, j iu was the most hmribie he bad ever witnessed. "Home's last tribune." The marble base on j He thought he had entered a wax-work eshibi 1 which it stands was once an architrave in Tia- . tiou. the corpses never having moved lrc-m their jau's forum. At the great stair case leading' to position since the vessel went down. There ! the cnpitol, are two colossal statues of Castor j were some 1 or 0 pers ins in the cabin, ono aud and Pullux ; standing near, their horses, com memorative, no doiiiit, of the battic o Like Ite gillus. The grim L'gyptiau Lion, of" later days, is jii.no. Ou the hid, near the capitol. is the church of -Aim t'oe.i. It standi where stood a Temp o to Jupiter. The floor is of beaut. ful mosaic, an I the columns an the spoils of the palace of theCicSars On its walls are some no ble fiesc s, by Piuturecchio and (jivoianio Mu ziaim. The Savelli of niediievai memory have here their tomb. I was shown tho celebrated figure of the infant Saviour, said to have been Carved from a tree of Mount O.ivetbya pilgrim, and painted iy St. Luke, while he slept over his wot k. It is richly jeweled,-and the venera tion of it goes iar to enrich the church. The Fmg'.ish reader has an interest in this church uu connected with religion. Uibiioii says, that "here, while musing amid the ruing of the capi tol, the idea cf writing tho 'Decline &ad Fall WE GO WIIE1E DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLE POINT THE EBEiXSBlRG, THURSDAY, MilUil 7, 1853. irst presented itself to his mind." Passing the i'arpeian rock. I was soon opposite the pretty femple of F-u tuna Virilis, mid in front of the Iioumj of Cola di Jlietizi. It stands on a slight elevation, and is covered with marble decorations of various periods. The house is of brick, and was buiit in the eleventh century. The cornice is of marble, mid on a marble slab, on the front nearest the cnpitol, is a long inscription in red letter, not referring, however, to Hienzi. The temple opposite, alluded to in Bulwer's beauti ful novel, originally built by Servius Tullius. has been much altered, but even yet its chaste architecture finds many imitators. I entered foi a moment, mid how singular was the con trast! A Christian prdate was oifering up the unbloody sacrifice where ence smoked the vic tims to the capricious goddess, and the fragrant j incense rose heavenward in sweet thanksgiving. ' Further mi 1 natiHt'd n moment b.f..rt th hemi- I A Ul lli Oil A tiiul Temple of Vesta, and continued my walk j along the Tiber. Just as I passed the Lub'icim j bridge, the funeral ofc.a young American, Uen ; jainiu F. Allen, of Huston, was on its wav to the j g la vey.il!, ami. leaving the Tiber, I foilov j to the English burial-ground. Taking th ilowed on le 'via di San Paolo," I was soon outside the walls, and I the buiutii'ul Cmi):iLrna was before nie. The burial-ground was on my left, and near it the Pyramid of Cuius Cestius. I paused for a mo ment to look at the beaut ful Mount Testaceio to j the Wislw.ud, . lid to loweil the little Cortege as J they entered the strangers" resting place. There I seemed scarce room for another grave. The green sward was covered by tombstones telling of Death iu a foreign land. Here and there a rose-bush liropped its leaves on tiie snow-white slabs, and the dark cypress was our only shade, as s.lcntly we threaded our way to the ucwly made grave. Slowly ami sadly Fnokeii was the glorious service that consigned him tu his n r row resting place, and many a face was tumid aside to conceal the unhidden tear. I waited until nearly all had lelt, for years of travel have made the scene a painfully familiar one, and turned from the young artist's new-made grave to find the ler one of Sl.ello. . A simple slab of marble. I l.-.ck w ith ::pe, i ovi rs it. and on it me inscribed these words. "Percy IJysche Shel ley. Cor Cm ilium. Natus IV. Aug. MDCCXC1I.. J ob.it July 8, mditcxvii. j "N 'ithing in him that doth fade, j But doth suffer a Sea change Into something rich and strange.' There is an air of poetry breathing around the place which robs death of half its U-riors. A lovely rosebush was just blushing into bloom at the head of the stone, and a tall cypress was at the loot, the one beautiful as the breathings of his soul, the other gloomy as the shrine which enclosed if. The air was adeu with the odor of a million flowers, and nut a breath rustled the leaves of the trees through which the golden sun shine stole, as through the. painted window of some Gothic aisle. An ivy hangs on the mould ering wall close by, and yearly drops its black berry on his er.,t.. Some one had been there before me, and had left a pretty bouquet of fresh culled Uowet s. His son lies near hitu.J md a s'nglc white rose hung dew dabbled on its stalk," at the head of the little grave. The "Cor cordi um," in Siiei'.ey's epitaph, refers to the fact that when his body was burned, on the shores; of Spezzia. his heart alone was unconsuuied. Keats is buried iu the adjoining cemetery, almost iu the shadow of the great tomb of Cestius. His grave is marked by a single upright stone, on which is written in ru le characters, his simple but atfvctiug epitaph : "This grave contains all that was mortal of a young English poet, who. on his di athbe.d, iu the bitterness of his ln-rt at the malicious power of hi enemies, desired these words to be insciib-.-d ou his tombstone: ILre lies one icfi'me mime uuts uril in icaer,' Feb. 24, 18J1." Not a single (lower grew near his grave, and I gathered a blade of grss tu press among tiie leaves of "Liiii i." A nettle was growing near tiie tombstone it had no business there by poor K e.-U's grave, but how faithfully it recalled his melau-holy story! Shelley has beauti fully described this lovely spot (how .little he I renin in I when doing so that it would be his rest ing p'aee) in his "lament" over his frieud. "It might m ike one in love with death to think that one would be buried in so sweet a place." I made a rule wreath Iron; a branch ota willow that "trails its delittitfe amber" over a grave close by. and hung it ou his humble tombstone. Once more cordially 3 ours, F. A. Beelen. Political Complexion of Congress. In reference to the Thirty-third Congress of the United States, the New York "Journal of Coiium-rce" says: "ly the election of 0 Demo crats in South Carolina, ami 3 in New Hamp shire to the United States House of Representa tives, that body now .comprises iS Democrats, 5d Whigs, mid 3 .-boiitionists. The same dis ti L-ts sent to the last Congress 88 Democrats, L0 Whigs, and 2 Abolitionists. Eighty-three mem bets of the new luiuse are yet to be elected. Total 23 1. The Democratic members will be to the Whigs iu the proportion of about 2 to 1. Tin. I l.iii. er 1 f i tit ii. .fit 1 iit-tli Swot-ifi TV i J I Hi i-j 111 .11. r or me ne.xi iwoeaisai leuoi, e erjr department of the government will be Democrat ic. 1 - . .. .in I ' . I . . t The plato in the Q leen Victoria's cabin has heeti sauil bv n diver; but the man protests that nothing in the world would induce him to go ciuwa u sec.oiii time : as the scene in tne cao- all oi wtioiu seeineit tu ne holding con ers itton with each other; and the general appearance of the whole s:eue was so life-like that he was al most inclined to luiu'e some were yet living. The Peoria (111.) llepuulicau states that a gen tleman who had been for some time paying his addresses to iiAyoung Lidy, asked her hand in marriage, winch was refused. He plead for some time alter, and declared if she stilt resisted his suit he would cirnm.t suicide. She informed iiitu such an ateruative would not influence her in the le.ifd. At this he loaded a gun. and stand ii,g in front of the house, placed tho muzzle in Ins mouth. nJ with his toe pulied tho trigger. The d sch.irge tore away his left cheek, and Imr l imy mutilated his who.e head and face, but did not ktil him, though his recovery was consider ed impossible. Tuo lady stood in the door, and witnessed the whole gf the terrible iraneaction. WAY WHEN THEY CEASE TO LEAD, WE CEASE TO FOLLOW. A Soaance of Real Life. A Heroine at the Aus j traliaa Gold Diggings. , A Ute numbcrof the Dublin Commercial Jour nal polishes a letter of quite romantic charac ter, lately received by a lady of Dublin from a young female frieud aud firmer school-fellow of hers, now at the Australian diggings. It ap- ' pears from Ler narrative that she aud her bro- , ther were suddenly left orphans with 300 for j their necessities, and all the fancies and nice-! ties which life in prosperous circumstances is wont to itclude. She says: "He had passed through college with credit, and cikdd write poetry and rido up to the hounds as weil a any huutsuiau who ever hunted the Ooldtu Vale, while I. on my part, cou d play polka, sing ballads, speak French and a littie German, was a capital, horsewoman, .(only I , wanted ahorse,) and once in my life had com- J posed a waltz, and written sixteen chapters of a novel, which broke down from nof knowing how to get my heroine out of a terrible scrape. But alas ! my dear friend, all these things might h.ue done well enough Vnce upon a t me,' but dm real buttle of life was now to be fought by two utterly inexperienced raw recruits, and 'he question rus, how our time aud means were to oe prutitaMy rather than pleasantly spent. For tuuateiy, e were bjthoung. strong, active and hearty, mJ never did any frebasiian and Viola of them all, love each other with a stronger and more enduring iilTectioii, than di 1 Frank and 1 so.e temtiMita. as we were, oi" so tuiicii prosper ity and so little prudence." Alter a nervous cuusuitati'-n over the 300. they determined to emigrate to Australia. On t eachi'ig Melbourne, they found that they could not cuiMUtticir worse iucoui euie.ices at the dig gings, aud there they now are uu ier singular in teresting circumstance. - The ouog lauy says : "1 w..s tisuived to accompany my Brother mid his frieud.i to the ill, gings, and I !elt that to do so in my proper costume and character wi.u'd be ! to run unnecessary hazard. Hence my change. J i cut my hair into a very masculine laahiou; I purchased 4 broad feit hat, a sort of tunic or ; suiock of coal se blue cloth, trousers to conform, boots of a miner, and thus parting w.th my sei , for a stnsou, (I imped a belli r one,) bcho'.J me an accomplished candidate lor numnguperaiioiis and all the perils and inconveniences tney might be supposed to bring. Ad this Iraus.-iiutatiou took i.iacc with Frank and Mr. M. 's sauc- I tiou ; indeed, it vras he who first suggested the f-chuiigk. winch I framed aud .u!iroud on. .. j l couiu not lie-it to be separated from Frank, i and we all felt that 1 should be safer in my male j attire than if I exposed myself to the dangers of ' the route and residence iu my proper guise. We I have now been nme weeks absent lroiu Mel bourne, and have tried three localities, at the latter of which we havu been most fortunate, and our tent is pitched on the side of as pretty a val ley as you could wisli to vis.t. 1 have for my self a sort of suppleiutntaiy canvas chamber in which 1 sleep, couk, wash clothes that is my owu and Frank's and keep watch and ward over our heap of 'gold dust and nuggets,' the sight and touch of w hich inspirit me w hen 1 grow uull, which 1 seldom do, for 1 have constant droppers in,' and, to own the truth, even in my palmiest days, aud never was treated with great er curtesy or respect. Of course my sex is generally known. I am called -Mr. Harry' (an abbreviation of Harriet;) but no one intrudes the more on that account. In fact I have become a ort of nece.-oity,' s I am always ready to do a good turn the great secret, after all, of social success; aud 1 never refuse to oblige a neighbor,' be the trouble what it may. The consequences are pleasant enough. Many .1 nugget' is thrust on nie whether I will or no, in return for cooking a pudding or darn ing a shirt; mid if all the cooks aud seamstres ses in the world were as splendidly paid as I am, the 'Song of the Shirt' would never have been written, at all events. My own hoard amounts n iff to about 100 of gold; and if 1 goon accumulating, even the rich est heiress in my family in former days will be left immeasurably behind. Sometimes, when 1 have a few idle hours, 1 accompany Frank and i comrades to the diggings, and it is a rare thing ! to watch the avidity with which every -basket' j is raised, washed, examined and commented up on. Wild the life is, certainly, but full of ex citement and hope: and strange as it is, I al- , most fear to tell you that I-do not wish it to! end! You can ln.rdly conceive what a merry company gather together in our tent every even ing, or how pleasantly the hours pass." j Compensation of Postmasters. - One of the acts passed on the night of the of Marel to establish certain Tost routes, &c, contains a section fixing the following the commissions of postmasters on the 1st as of April next : Ou a sum not exceeding 100 50 per ct. between 100 & 100 40 per ct. 400 & $2,-i00 35 per ct. exceeding $2, -100 15 per ct. When the mail arrives regularly between 0 at night and 5 in the morning, b0 per cent i? allow ed on the first 100 . Those officers whose com pen ation shall cot exceed $500 a quarter, are allowed one cent for every "free" letter delivered out of their offices, and each postmaster is allowed two mills for de livery from his office to a subscriber, each news paper not chargeable with postage. A Stene in Court. , -I call upon you." said the counsellor, "to state particularly upon what authority are you prepared to swear to the mare's age!" "Upon what authority ?" said the ostler interrogatively. "You are to reply, and nn Jo repeat the ques tion put to you." 'l doesn't consider a man's bound to answer a question afore he's time to turn ii in his mind." -Nothing can be more sim ple, sir, thun the question put. i again repeat it. Upon what authority do you swear tu the animal's age!" "The best authority," respon ded the wituens gruffly. "Then wh such eva sions? Why not state at once!" -Well, then, if von will have it," rejoined the ostler with pertuib.b'e gravitv, why. then, I had it myself from the mare's own mouth." A simultaneous burst of laughter rang through the court. The judgo on the bench could with difficulty couflne his risib'e muscles to judicial decorum. New Yob k Dells at a PruMioi in Pabis. ' Two New York belles have been appointed j danud" kenmur to the Emprow of TrAace. -t'i SALLY STRICKLAND'S CASE; Showing how the Doctor Cured her of the Bine Devils. A Ileal Incident loldfcy a Vermont Cor. retpoudcut. Miss Strickland was am ii lenlady of fivcar.d forty, who had wearied the doctor's patience by her reiterated attempt at dying at most unrea sonable hours at least s far as regarded the comfort of her medical attendant. One cold otormy night the doctor had been called to see Miss Sally, and had succeeded as usu il in paci fying her fears, and left her enjo.. ing a sound and refreshing sleep. He had hardly arrived at home, drenched through with the rain which I was falling iu torrents, aud got into a warm and j- comfortable bed. when he was awakened by loud r ip at tiie door, aud a voice without beg ging him to get up iu a moment, as one of his neighbors was dying and nee-led his assistance, llhlf asleep and ha'.!' a ike. he Sprung from the bed. and ran to the door t inquire wnich of his neighbors w. is in so dangerous a condition. On inii'iiiii.' ilo in. low he was suroriseJ mid cha grined tu find that his dying neighbor was Mi s Sally otri. kland that after he had left her. an hour or two before she was taken suddenl v dev. ;-, .-iLT-iin. mid had Sv-nt a m.-sn.M!i- to h tsteti his return and to tell him that if he quick he would not find her alive. did not come Tiie mcssen- tier urtrc. l him to ire t read v asso ni as p.issin.e and tu the me in time he wouid get his Lorsu aud fcuikv uo aud have them at the djor. ne doctor, wot a out with tins repeated ciilj. ats-t fatigued Willi his previous visit, hesitated ; but iinaliy decided ou going, dctei mined to make an end of the job bv either killing or caring. Ou his arrival he put uu a giuoiuy and ghastly i countenance, s lid but very little aui very gloom ; iiy, mid iu all respects appeared, tnoro like a j stranger from another worn! than the humorous mid agreeaoio physician. Oil his entering the ro.uu of Sally, she noticed tiie countenance of j the djotor, and discovered that fcomO-biug was pre ing upon his spirits, as he did not appear j with h.s wonted ciieerlulnesi. Sho inquired of hii.i ill., en o ... of h iw i.'i.iinl and be"",ed li i 111 to unbosom his mm fudv mi l freely, as it would probably be the last opportunity h0 v-ou!(i .jy . ' II e'tdlhore it would be improper uader exist- ing circutudiaces ihat as the timewf her d;es.l- . HI iAl-,r..;1f-.!liIi.I. ttuinrht ,. -It U-UX-. JL.1 liasteu her iicn irture. b:u enirenea nun io keep nothing Horn her, though it might relati to . naiion. ever since ui"'-;; -herself, for 'she was desirous of knowing the i leucc. the gaunt handmaid of i amine, glean 80 worst of her cause, aud was prepared to meet it be it what it might. He Still declined dit clos.ng the cause of his melancholy, and insisted that her remaining strength was itiBufiicieut to sustain iu the shock which it must necessarily 1 her to turn her thoughts to other and mure appropriate subjects. Saliv sui noeeu htrseif living, jet she ,.. -o Though o' .ating'hWcurioai-y gr,t- Was lltl- willing to me without In iticd, aud si.e therefore the more strongly linpor- tuned the doctor to keep her no longer in sus- reuse. After getting her curiosltv and i.u .gin- fuiou on tiptoe, he consented. He said when the messenger camo last for him he was iu a sound sleiq" and was dreaming that he was ,n the land of woe-that Bdzebun was conducting him to the various rooms oft!., prison of ded- pair, for the purpose of showing him their ar- rangement-that iu passing the door of a room iu which some young Sataas lodged, he saw them jumping and sKipping about, apparently in h.gn glee-that lie.zebub noticing it told them toco to bed and be quiet that on their not obeying his orders cheerfully and readily, be stamped tremendously on the floor, adding with true satanic emphasis. "0, to bed, I s..y. and get some sleep, for old S..I Strickland is coming ? ' ,i k. i..,..t in h I lU-moiro, aui ov- ... .- for a fortnight : Miss Sally broom, but the doctor, catching b.gs, made his escape. Tho ti.il. sprang lor mo up his s. i lle curo was effec- Boautiful. The Editor of the Knickerbocker attributes tho following to Ik. Marvel, and it is certainly wor thy of him. Read it without tears if j ou can : 'Last evening we were walking leisurely along, the miieic of the choirs in three churches came floating out in tho darkness around us, and they were all new and strange tunes but one. And that one it was not sung as wc nine board it, but it awakened a train of long buried meiuoriee, that rose to us even as they were be fore the cemetery of tho soul had a tomb iu it. It w as sweet old -Corinth the3' were -singing strains we have seldom heard since the rose-cobr of life was blanched; ncd we wero in a moment buck again to the old village church, and it was a 6umuier afternoon, and the yellow 6uubeams were streaming through the west wiu dows, and tire silver hair of the old Deacon who sat in the pulpit was turned to gold in its light, and the minister, who we used to think could never die. so good was he, had concluded ap plication' and -exhortation.' aud the village cnoir wero singing the last hymn, and thetuue was Corinth. It is years we dare not think how many since then, and -the prayers of Daid the sou of Jesse are ended,' aud the choir are scattered and gone. The girl with blue eyes that sang alto, and the girl with black eyes that eang air the eyes of the ono were like a clear June heaven at noon. Thev both became wives, and both moth- j cts, and they both died. V ho shall say tney are not sii.ging -Cornith' still, where Sabbaths never wane and congregations never break up! There they sat, Sabbath after Sabbath, by the square columns at the right of the 'leader. aud to our young ears, their tones were the very soul of music' That column bears still there piuciled names, as they wrote them in those days in life's June, 13-, before dreams of change had overcome their spirit like a sum mer's cloud. Alas! that with the oi l fcingrr-i most of the sweet i!d tunes have died upon, the air; but they linger iu memory, and they shall yet be sung iu the sweet rc-utiion cf song that 6hall take place by-and-hy iu a hall w hose columa are beams of morning light, whose ceiling is pearl, whoe floors are all gold, and where hair never turns silTcry and hearts never grow eld. Then she that sang alto and ehe that hang air w:u cv in their plncee enev more." mm 21 The Famine in IrelandThe Friends End their Efforts. The famine that prevailed in Irelnr.d dudnj the years 1846 and 1847, will long bo remem bered with pain. Many of the scenes were tru ly awful. Whole families, nny whole Tillages, were swept away. And yet the darkcess, the desolation, and the denth, called into active ope ration some of ihe truest spirits of philactropy. A meeting of Friends was held in the c:.ty of Dublin, on the 13th of November, .t wlioh a Central Committee of Relief was pppesctev.. while a similar Committee wns appointed in London, and the two cooperated together. ThJ d the hungry, clothed the naked. comfore4 t the sick, and consoled the dying. The dctsi.4 of their doings coastif. A. a noble chapter iu tb history of human nature. An account cf their transactions has recently been publislusJ, and It possessed deep and touching ialcrcst. Wittcei J the following passage : j "At an early period of the distress, fever anJ j dysentery,, the usual attendants of famine, had 1 appeared, nud continue 1 very previlent tbrough- ' out tho ye .r. Ihe fever was jecuiuriy lata amuug the upper classes. Taos, who bad exer ted themselves iu tne re.iifof suretiz were '. most e loosed to c jiil z:ou, aud thui tut btst i all 1 most. trioi wcrj iojt al iau litne wuiu mtu ! S -rv.cea appo irj4 to m ;ncra taiu.y ii-i-h. ; O.hors siaii ueueatu their on uujeasiiS lu fruitless eii'urt to relieve the suffering which .' they daily witnessed. Thh mortality greatly ! iucivased the ditliculty of procuring suitable ad ! iiiiuisitatora of relief, and wo had to deplore the j loss of uiauy cf our woat vulued Cwire5ics j deuls."' The glowing pen of Cobden hns bestowed oa them a worthy tribute, alike elevated la sent! ment and eloquent in dicttou : The famine fell upon nearly cno haif of creat uatma. The whoie world hastened to con tribute money and food. Uut a few courageou ( men lefl their homes in Middlesex and Surrey, j and penetrated to the remotest gleim anl Li tS ol tuo wei coasi oi iiic nuivniu """-, - minister relief with their own Lund. Tbey found themselves not merely in the valley ol the : .i. ,i. ..i .i,..ii, iK..t .r.u . l.i. 1,nt in luitfr 3U-IUUIT Ul UVBUJ 'I'". " w... - - -- - c tby wereia the ,cbari;el-honi of '"e , ;, li .i luirvi-iit. Iu the midst of n tcene wnica no field of tattle ever equalled in danger in the numbcrof its slain, or the physical sufferings of the living thi so brave men walked as calm and unmoved as though they had been in their own homes. The population sunk so fast, that tiie Jiviuir could not bury the dead; half-inter- - red bodies protruded from the gaping graves; I often the wife died in the i uet of her st-rvtn cut luien. hub i - - o ! Corpse by lnr side. v.-, . In the midst of these horrors did our hcroe. j penetrate, dragging the dead fro... the 1 v ng with their own bauds, raising the hcaus ol I the famishing cl.i.dren and V"P TlTmll j into parcheu !ips. from which shot f r-fi tn. j more deadly than a volley of muske try 1 ere ! was courage! . mnsie strung the nee. . " ; smoke obscured .ho i.. m;n,nt d.-nger; no thuncer j of artt.lery deadened the senses. f set possessing and resolute will; C'lcul'ited mk aud her.uc resiunatioa. And who were these . brave men ? To what gilUnt corcse did they belong? Were i they of the horse. Too t or rtiU lery force ? 7 hey were Quakers, "V" S ' and Kingston ! If you would kno ; wha heroic j actions they performed you must mq nie from those who visnested thim. ou will not find s fPr,t noV iiiein recoroeu in mc lumuio 1' " - i- h-hed by themselves forQiakem write no bul lctins of their victories." At home, tin contributions were liberal aad bo iileo from abroad, particularly from the U. 8. Philadelphia sent her thousands, and the Com mittee say; The total amount of American donations cf food consigned to us was 9,911 torn, the value of which w.i3 about 133,. 847 7s. 7d. lncludm . 33 53 7J. for freight paid by tho Critisii j 0verntr.cnt. h he pcroua and benevolent uo- der such circumstances. Daata of Colonel frecleriok O. Kay. A telegraphic dispatch from Philadelphia, re ceived hero yesterday, announced the paimul intelligence of the death of Col. Fred. O. Kay. of the firm of Kaj-4& Co.. booV stlleia. of this city. He had been laboring for about two week, un der an attack of typhus fever, at Gcrmautown. where he was temporarily residing with his fam ily. Col. K iy was in the prime of life, aud hi sudden demise has startled the cirwlc of his nu merous friends, who must deoply deplore tha losid" so excellent a citizen. Wo understand the tody will be brought to this city for interment. Fif.slurj Union, larc Logic. A m-m who was up to a thing or two, offrei to bet that he could prove that tt!i side of the rivir was tho 4othcr side. His challenge was soon accej t d, and a bet cf ten dollars made; when, pointing to tho oppos ite shore of the river, he asked la not that one side of the river V Yes.' was the answer. Agreed,' said tho man, and is cot this the ciher idc ?, 'Yes Then. said the man. 'I've wen ; for by your own confessions, I have proved that this side, cf the river is the -otlo-r side. The dumb foundered antagonist, overcome by this profonnd logic immediately forked over the money and sloped. gQ'Mastcr, this gal keeps a sayin I'm a. thiet Why, what decs Ehe ay that jou LaTCsto len? She snys I stole her character. At this'juncture a Utile g'rl jumped up. an-1 said : 1 geth he did I goth be did for I tben bim behind the th;ocl hov, t cat:u tLtua-thing. i v :t. 1 . i t i '. I.'