THREE DAYS " L ATERTROM EUROPE. Collision with the Troops at Naples. Attempted Assassination of King Ferdi nand. ' New Yoke, March 25, 1853. steamship Asia reached lier berth The Cunard t six o'clbck. this evening, bringing Liverpool J-i VI L'U'Jl l She briii . ..v ...... In . tlm Oili inqfniit Ul'.MU; 0d.u.uaj,.-v forty-six passengers. Tue Washington arrived off Cowes on the mor- 'Tun" of the 12th. The propeller steamsbip Audes, had put back ta Liverpool, The ship was leaking, out me cargo was dry. The Asia saw the steamer America on the 13th inst., and the Africa on the 24th. Tk. lti-itish mail steainshin Oronoco had ar- brincr'tntr news from South America, to .r. i i . c .. if ! January iJiu, au-i oy me r oi ci Uiiu'.i, .luiu .-n- ; ..n... ....... ouu s ric-i diteswere received to Feb. 14th. They j the views on this subjects of the illustrious fai contain nothing of importance. mer ot Mount Vernon were known abroad, he Amon the general news from Europe is the , received a present from the King of Spain of a announcement that the Empress of t rance, nnd the Queens of England, Spain aud Portugal, are the Queens tncitnle. ENGtAXD. The Jewish Disabilities has been read the sec end time in the British Parliament. Four men had been kilied by the explosion of a locomotive near .Manchester, and by second accident on the same road, three persons were tilled, and ninny seriously wounded. The sliip Francis Jleury. from Melbourne, had arrived, with dates to November 3Uth, and 300,000 sterling in gold. Messrs. Hey worth and Horsfall, two members of Parliament returned from Derby, have been unseated, in consequences of charges of bri bery. FRANCE. The intelligence from France is unimportant. vith the exception ot trie tact tuat there is a crosnect of an heir to the Imperial throne being bom within the year. It is settled that the Pope will arrive in Paris about the 1st of May, for the purpose of crown ir.r the En.peror. i. :.. fortM-torl that tbo pnrnntinn nfthp) Emperor and Empress will take place next J xjihuciu r r month. A Trench consulate i3 to be established in Brousso, Turkey. M. De Sulms, the husband of Madam Solms, Tas about to embark at Havre for America. GERMANY. A number of political arrests have taken place at Nuremberg and elsewhere in Germany. Great military precautions are being taken at Nuremberg and Munich, and many arrests arc making. SWITZERLAND. There is much excitement in Switzerland res pecting the insolence of Austria, as manifested in the'difficulties at Tessino. Petitions were in circulation for the convocation of the Federal Council. HUXQART. Four prisoners, iuvolved in the recent insur rection at Pesth, have been executed by the Austrian authorities. The victims were Charles .Tnlihul tutor of Kossuth's children ; Chas. An- drasfly, Samuel Sarkozy and Casper Moszloky The th-ree last named were guerillas. AUSTRIA. The Emperor of Austria lias entirely recover ed from the woui.d received in the recent attempt upon bis life. He has bestowed a pension upon the mother of the assassin. The subscription to build a church upon the spot where the attempt was made, has reached loO.OOU Conns. 1TALT. At rnbin. the citizens are forbidden to ap proach the sentries, and M. Benardi having fai led to heed this regulation, was bajonetted on thespot. The number ' of arrests, between the Cth and 25th of February, amounted to U00. The'army in Lombardy has been reinforced by the addition of several brigades. The force on the frontiers of Ticiua is augumented to 35, 000. Sam publishes a letter in the Italia Du Popu lo, defending the insurrection. Three political prisoners bad been banged at Mantua, -viz :- M. Sperl of Brescia, Count Mon "tanara of Verona, Glaziola Matred, Abbot of Ilo tera, over 70 years of age. Twenty-five others were in prison, having been condemned to death, or twenty years imprisonment. The"Lombardy emigrants in Piedmont, affec ted by the sequcstrati in. going on in Lombardy, have applied to the Piedmoutese Government for protection. The Ministry have accordingly res solved to protest against the confiscation, and to forward a remonstrance to the Court of Vienna, giving notice of the fact to London and Paris. A Ducal decree issued at Parma, condemns every conspirator to arrest the and sentence to the galleys for five years. Martial law has been proclaimed at Forti. A number of political arrests had been made &t Vienna. TCPCANY. 'George Crawford, an English officer, and a brother of the member of Parliament, has been expelled from Tuscany, on suspicion of having been concerned in the revolutionary movements in Florence. The Anstrians have occupied the fortresses of Eelvideria and Basse, and ordered the removal of the Tuscan artillery. . TCEKEY. Prince Menchikoff, the Russian Envoy, has had an audience at Constantinople, with the Torte. Turkey refers the question with regard to the Iloljr Shrine, to Prussia. Russia m ikes a formal demand for the pub lication of the firm en in favor of the Greek Church obtained some time since, but recently regarded as a dead letter. AH hostilities in Montenegro have boon sus pended, and the political refugees have been re moved into the interior. The ports of Kleck and Sutorina, arc guaran tee! to Austria. . The Porte agrees to protect the Bosnian Chris tians. . .. Ibrahim Pasha is dead. " AFRICA. Commander Lcnch, of the United States Navy, arrived on the coast of Africa, and had joined the U. S. ship John Adams, nod in her procee ded down the coast. ' . , A French squ:dron .of six steamers were about proceeding to punish the Bijoogn tribe, who had plundered a French vessel and butch-,-ed her crew. Admiral Rruce. in command of the British -'squadi-Mi, bad destroyed several slave settlements ma the coast. THE LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. ' Paris, Friday, March 11. A rep6rt has. been received frorn Naples, un der date of the 7.tb, of an attempt having been made upon the life ' of King. Ferdinand of Na ples. - - ' '. The Journal Italia Pupela states that a gun ws fired t Kein, the charge from which took effect in bis leg, inflicting a serious wound, which the surgeons are tearful that amputation will be necessary. . . The London Daily News thinks this report re quires confirmation, but asserts that there had been several collisions between the people and the soldiers of the Swiss regimeata at Naples, la which many lives irer loet. Origin of Mules in the United States. Mr. George Washington P. Custis, in his List paper, underthe title of -Recollections -nnd pri vate Memoirs of the Life and '(Mmwctnr .f , ashixgtuX, grves the fobow mg account of the liitrtiuuciioii m Uiuits itito tliis country, vlii It Will be fouud very interesting': '.'pon "Washington's first retirement iu 1793 "he Lecarae convinced of tue detective untnro of . " " tLe working annuals employed in the ngricu!- ,f tl,1.Sft.ltl,f...t, St,l. .....1 . y . , V oCl nuuui rem- e'J-VU,'g V'f eVl1 lJ tlie troduetion of mules in- stead ot burses, the mule being found to live Jj"S?cr. be lets liable to diseases,- requires less food, and in every respect to be more servieca- w.-nu.inv.w iu..u me noise m me agri cunurai moor oi tue fcoutnern States. Up to 1783 .scarcely any mules were to be found in the American Confederation : a few had been im- ported trom the West Indies, but they were of the W lllllllllllt: VI' S!7o nml of liftl.. i-..t.i. Q. J"" ". io jennies, seiecteu irom tne royai :;,ru- The jack,' called the Royal Mm, as saiti-ii nanus nign, or a trcv cIr. heavily made, and of a sluggish dis(o-itio'n. At the same time, the Marquis le Lafayette sent out a jack and jennies from the Island of Malta ; this jack, called the Knight of Malta, was a superb anini u, black col r, with the foiin of a stag and the ferocity of a tiger. Wash ington availed himself of the best qualities of ttie two jacks by crossing the breeds, and hence obtained a favorite, called Compound, which animal united the size and strength of the Gift with the high courage and activity of the Knight. Th jacks arrived at Mount Ver non, if. we mistake not, early in 178S. The General bred some very superior mules from his coach mare.-, sending them from Philadel phia for the purpose. In a few years the es tate of Mount Verson became stocked with mules of a superior order, rising to the height of sixteen hands, and of great power and use- fulness, one wagon team of four mules selling. General's effects, for eight at the sale of the hundred ollars. In no portion of Washington's various labors and improvements in agriculture, was he so f 'rticularly entitled to be haii benef ctor, as in the introdiuitic ed as a public ion ot mules m farming labor, those animals being at this time almost exclusively used for farming purposes in the Southern States. Qualification cf Vice President King. A letter from Matanzas, published in the New Orleans Picayune, gives an account of the swearing in of the Vice President of the United States, from which we extract the following : 'For the first time in the history of the Re public, has the man chosen by the people for the second post of honor, taken the oath of ofiice in a foreign land. William Rufus King wr.s, on the 4th instant, sworn in as Vice President of tire United Stats, at the Cumbre, near Mantaii zas. The day was a most beautiful one ; the clear blue sky of the tropics over our heads, the emerald carpet of Cuba beneath our feet, and the delicious sea-breezes of these latitudes sprinkling its coolness over all of us. Early in the morning. Consul Rodney, deputed by Judge Sharkey to administer the oath, left town on horseback tor the Cumbre, accompanied by sev eral American gentlemen. A pleasant ride of three miles brought us to the estate where Mr. King was residing, called La Curnbre, (the peak,) from its situation on the culminating point of the hills that immediately surround Mantanzas. "The oath was administered by Consul Rod ney to the Vice President, who was rendy and waiting our arrival. The volautc was brought up to the door, and Mr. King stepped into it, in order to ride into Matanzas before the sun should be too high to make it pleasant. The whole cavalcade, consisting of some twelve or fifteen American gentlemen, immediately mounting and forming an escort around the carriage, accom panied the Vice President to town. Mr. King left Matanzas on the same day for the estate of Mr. Chartram, in the partidoof Limonar, about eighteen miles from Matanzas. His health is very poor, and no one accustomed to see "pa tients with pulmonary disease in this climate, but knows he cannot survive very Jong. He may live for months in this mild climate, but he can never be better. The old statesman views his coining fate with calmness, as one who has fought the good fight and will lay hold of eternal life." "Whig State Convention. The Whig State Convention assembled at Lan caster, Pa., on the 24th, to nominate candidates for Canal Commissioner, Auditcr General and Surveyor General. We received no account of the proceedings by telegraph, as we presume the managers considered the whole affair too great a farce to bp despatched abroad. From t!i Philadelphia papers we learn that the Hon. Henry M. Fuller, of Luzerne, was cho sen President of the bod-, assisted b- a number of Vice Chairmen, and a number of Secreta ries. , The Convention adopted but a s'nglc resolu tion, setting forth that the principles of the Whig party are known to the world, and they will continue to stand by them as heretofore. &c. &c. 1 he Convention then, on motion. proceeded to ballot for Canal Comni'.-sioner, when on the first ballot. Moses Pownall, of Lancaster county Was nominate!. Alexander K. MeClnre, of Franklin, editor of the Whig and Repository, nt Chanibersburs. was nominated for Auditor General, on the first bal lot. Hon. Christian Myers, member of tho State Senate, from Clarion county, was nominated for Surveyor General, on the second bi'lot. The Convention wa very harmonious, and adjourned fine die. at f.X nit 5 o'clock. I. M. There were over lOOdclages present. "Go in lemons a nd get squeezed." dered "Enter, acidulous tropical submit to a powerful pressure." is now ren fruit, and csr io iso i xc.-ssa Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor oil, Calomel, &C, are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the pa tent tlm,. nrii oftnallv lavinT the foundations ..i, vj ..... j n lor a ei it a oi muii .-. nu.ti ti . iiiiMt, iu.-j of sight, weakness of limb;, c. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as tbeir Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of h biFdou- type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Hobensack's Li ver Pills. Q&"Be not dedeved." but ask for Hobensacks Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe tha each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N Hoberisack, as none else are genuine. DIED. On Tuesday morning, at Summitville, IIaxnaii. daughter of the late Roland Humphreys, aged about 21 years. On Wednesday morning 23 inst., in Cambria township, Maugabkt, wife of Win. H. Hughes, and d aughter of DaidPrvce. dee'd, aged35yrs, 1 month ith, and 23 daya. - GXCt'UTOU'S AOT1CU. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Cam bria county, on the estate of Samuel McMullen, deceased, late of Allegheny township, said coun ty ; all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to r.take immcdiata payment, and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated, for settlement. ALl.A.AMJIiK McMULLEN, " r. , MARGARET McMULLEN. J Allegheny tp., March 31, 1853, ra. fljUERE will be sold at public sale, at the "Ex 1 change Hotel," in Ebensburg, on Thursday, April 7th, 1853, the following property, viz: One pair of bay horses; one fine mare; two cown ; one two horse buggy; one sleigh ; one double set brass mounted harness; one plough ; one two horse wagon , one single set har ness. Heels and Redding; Bureaus, Chairs, Tables, Carpets, Stands, Wash-stands, Pictures, Stoves, Also a fine assortment of Liquors; consisting of Prandics. hiskev. fiin. iiml YVinps ; nlcn I ii umbel' of casks, barrels, half barrels and kegs. Also, a quantity of Queensware, and Hard ware together with a large amount of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day. when the terms will be made known, and due attendance given. SUSAN RHEY, A. J. RHEY, Adms. of the estate of Jas. Uhey, dee'd March 22, 1853. Xcyw Fading DagueiTCoh ncN ! r HE citizens of this place and vicinity have now an opportunity of having eood'and last ing pictures, taken at the Academy Building. Ladies and Gentlemen, whether, you want pic tures or not, call and examine specimens and references, and see the greatest variety of ca ses ever brought to Ebensburg. Our instru ments are entirely new, of the first class, and you cannot but admire the Camera ; and the pictures taken with it. Call soon, nsfut her ar rangements prevent our remaining here but for a limited time. H. G. FETTER. Ebensburg, March 17, 1853 tf. JAMBS BELL, SUMMIT, CAMBRIA CO., 1A., AS the pleasure of announcing to all who would secure the best bargains to be offered II in this county, that he is again in the field with one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully selected stocks of ' Fall and Winter Goods ! Ever brought to Cambria county, all of which have been purchased within the last few days in Philadelphia and New York, with particular re gard to the wants of this Market. 1 again fling my banner to the breeze, inscribed with my old motto of Quick Sales and Small Profits. I confidently invite the attention of purchas ers to my stock, which will be found unusually large, varied and attractive, being full and com plete in every department. Everything new, fashionable and desirable will be found embra ced in my assortment. Particular attention is solicited to new and beautiful styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which I have just received of late importation. In Gents' wear I defj competion, and confident ly invite an examination of one of the largest, cheapest and best selected stocks of ready-made clothing, cloths, cassimeres. &c., ev r brought to Cambria county ; comprising all colors and qualities, which 1 will sell cheap and warrant to give satisfaction. Also, caps, bonnets, BOOTS AD SHOES. of the be?t qualities and latest styles, together -with queensware, hardware, groceries, salt, books "stationary, &c. fil,The highest market price paid for all kinds of Produce. November 11, 1852. Admisilsf rators Xotice. IETTEBS of Administration have been grant J ed to the undersigned, by the Registf - of Cambria count-, upon the estate of James 1 hey, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. SUSAN UHEY, Administratrix. ANDREW J. RHEY, Administrator. Ebensburg, October 21, 1852 tf. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, the undersigned, guardian of the minor hiirs of John Dulai, deceased, will, on Tuesday, the 3d day of May, 1853, sell a piec of land, situate in Carroll township, Cam bria county, adjoining binds of Joseph Ecken- rote ana John jcKeuroue, containing thirty acres more or less. The sale will take place on the aforesaid pre mises, on the above da', when the terms will be made known. JOHN ECKENKODE, Guardian of John Dulai's heirs. March 24, 185322-4 Six Cent Reward. ANWAY from the undersigned, residing mer l.benstnirg, on the -Istinst., an lnUen- tm-.ed pprentiee. named Joshua Thomas, aged !8; said Thomas is a good looking negro, com plexion vi ry dark, had on when he left a large fur cap. about half worn, black mints, and a pair of coars-e boots, nails in the soles, one of the boots ripped on the inside of the foot. He, had also one pair tweed pants, two silk vests, one black the other purple, and three muslin shirts, All persons are cautioned against harboring or trustiug said Thomas, as I will pay no debts contracted by him. ALEX. .-McVICKER. Ebensburg. March 23, 1853-22-3. n. CRAIG. JAS. t. HELTON'. Commission & Forwarding. ( r 'jn subscribers would respectively inform 1 their friends and the public that they are iiimv prepared, to receive and forward all good consigned to their care by any of the lanes, or oughfares and Public Squares, it offers induce hy Central Railroad, and hope that by strict at-! mcnts to the Merchant visiting the city on busi- tentioii to their business that, they will be ena- hlvd to render perfect satisfaction to all that will patronize them. All goods will receive the greatest care and attention. CRAIG & HAMILTON. Jefferson, Mareh 15, 185-. Barrels of Salt for retail by sale by wholesale o IVORY &. CO. Summit, Oct. , 18o-. FLOUR and Bacon always on band, and we have just received 20 barrels best whiskey for sale on commission IVORY & CO. resh Shad, Mackerel, and Salmon for sale at the store of J. MOOUE. Doncannon nailsr glasa 8 by-10 anal" op - I almon and taackeral at J. MUUttt, o. BRADY'S HOTEL, Harrisburg, Pa. MAJ. JOHN BRADY, Proprietor. April 10, 1851.i-ly J. B. Miles, at MACIIETTE & IlAEGt'i:., Importers and dealers in Foreign and Domesf.t HARDWARE and CUTLERY, No. 124 North Third Street, above Race, Philadelphia. E. V. MACHF.TTE, AEM. H. RA.IGUKL. April 21th 1851. ly CO Ml AO & WALTOST, Wholesale dealers in Hardware. Cutlery, XaiU, $c, No. 203 Market Street, above 5th, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly U'lLSQX & WEST, Successors to Rodneys, Wholesale dealers in Roots and Shoes, Bonnet and Straw Good, No 17, North 3d Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly MICHAEL. WARTMAX & CO., Wholesale Tobacco, Snvff, and Segar Manufac tory, No. 173, above Vine, North Third Street, three doors Philadelphia, Pa. JOSKPH D. SOItVER. M. WARTMAN, April 24, 1851. ly EG.EU & GREGG, Wholesale dealers in Wines and Liquors, which they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants and hotel keepers. Warehouse liOS Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. July 1st, 1851. ly DR. THOMAS C. Bl'KTIXG, Has removed his office to No. 14 South Sev enth street, above Chestnut. Philadelphia, Pa. April 20, 1852. 7-tf 20 1 J. Y. RUSIITO-V, J. C. IIOPKIX9. R. SflLSOX. JOIEX Y. RITSIITOX &. C, Wholesale dealer in Queensware, Chinaware, Glassware, $c, No. 245 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly AXDRGW DOAOIGUE, Justice of the Peace, rnd Scrivener, Summit, Pa Will attend pron-ptly to collections, or other business entrusted to him. Legal instruments of writing, drawn with accuracy and dispatch. January 1, 1851. John Parker. James II. Parker J(iU PARKER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey. No. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty Street, li(fbur?, Ia. MaTch, 11, 1852. ly. GEO. LirriXCOTT. WM. TROTTER. EDMOSD BACON. GEORGE LIPFIXCOTT & CO., Have constantly on hand a full assortment of Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries generally. No. 17 North Water Street, and No. 10 North Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. Janury 27, 1853. JOHN M'OEVITT. WILLIAM M'DETITT. JOHX M'DETITT & BRO., Wholesale grocers and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whiskey, Flour, Ba con, Fish, Cheese, &c, &c. No 311, Liberty street, opposite the head of Smithfield, Pitts burgh, Pa. December 23, 1852 9-tfj. J. McELHARE, 155 Market Street, N. E. Corner of 4th, Philadelphia. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all of the various new kinds and styles silk, fur, brush, wool, Paiianra, straw and chip Hats: silk, straw, braid and lace Bonnets; artificial flowers, furs, &c, which will be sold cheaper than the cheap, est. Feb. '52, 19-ly- KXEERLER & FEATHER, Wholesale dealers in Boots. Shoes, Bonnets, and Palm Leaf Hats, No. 130 North Third Street (opposite the Eagle Hotel,) Philadelphia, Pa. February 2G, 1852. ly James Dougherty, at REIXHOLD, DASH & CO., Wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, lately occupied by Ludwig, Knecdler & Co., keep con stantly on baud a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands of CHEWING TOBACCO, IMPORTED CIGARS, Domestic cigars, and Snuff, which they offer for sale on as favorable terms as any house in the city. Orders promptly attended to. September 23, 1852 4J-ly. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. The Subscriber havinz leased the Public House, formerly known ns the American House, No. 18 S. Sixth Street, between Market and Chcsnut Streets, has changed thename of the 'same to THE OSIMERCIAL HOTEL, Begs leave to inform his friends and the Pub lic, that this house has undergoue a thorough remodelling, repair! ig, repainting and repaper ing, from attic to basemen . An entire new out fit of furniture, bedding, kc, &c, has been pro cured frTH the most celebrated Manufactures in this city. From the central location, and its close prox imity to the Railroad Depots, Steamboats Land ifora Places of Amusement. Fashionable Thor- ness. or the Traveler seekine pleasure. To fam ilies and females visiting the city, every facility will be offered, and every comfort regarded to make their visit agreeable and pleasant. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. JACOB G. LEBO, JARED IRVIN, Superintendent. Proprietor. October 21, 1852 52-Cm. Adams & Co 's Express. JB. CRAIG, agent will forward all packages of goods or money, daily except Sunday to all the principal cities in the Lnion, nndaii tne towns on the Railroad between Philadelphia aud Pittsburg. 50 kags assorted nails for sale at the store of GEO. J. RODGERS. Just Received, At bis Store one door cast of the Sentinel of fice, a superior Assort ment f Gold and Sil ver watches and fine jew elry. Gold Lerer watches full jewelled, ?C5,00 Silver Lever watches full jewelled, 1U.00 Silver Cylinder Escapements 32.10 Silver Quartiers c.00 Also a fine atsortmcnt of eight day and thir ty hour clocks. N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired at shortest totice, and warranted. WILLIAM B. HUDSON. April 20, 1852. MICHAEL D.4X MAGEIIAIV, Attorney at Law, rbersturg. Pa. Ofiice in the Court House, up stairs. January , 1851. ly CHARLES ALBRIGHT, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Ta., Will practice in the several courts c f Cambria, Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Germans can consult f.r.d re ceive advice in their own language. Office opposite the ourt House, formerly oc cupied by 11. L. Johnston, Esq. Ebensburg, February 3, 1853 ly. SAMUEL C. VlirVGARB, Attorney at Law, Elettburg, Fa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Huntingdon counties. Germans can receive advice in their own language. Ofiice, on main street two doors cast of the Exchange Hotel. May 8, 1851 ly, GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office on Centre St., iohr'r.g Geu. M'Donald's dwelling. .Ti.n. 15. 1851. ly. WILLIAM KITTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on Main Street, in the office lately oc cupied by Gen. Jos. McDonald. January 15, 1852. THOMAS C. Jl'DOWELL, Attorney at Law, HoUidaysburg, Pa. Will attend the several Courts of Cambria enuntv. as heretofore. Office one door west of Wm. McFarland's cabinet warerooui. January 1, 1851. ly T. L. HEI ER, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. Office on Main street, two doors east of the Echo Office. March 13, 1851. ly C1RIS L. I'ERSIIIXC;, Attorney at Law, Johnstown' Pa. January 30, 1851 ly. E. IICTCIIISSON. C. W. WF.BbTER. IIlTtIII.SO.V & YVERSTER, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., HAVE formed a partnership for tho pmotico of law in the county of Cambria. All professional business entrusted to their care will be promptly attended to. Office on Centre street, adjoining the dwelling of E. Hutchinson, Jr. Ebensburg, July 2, 1852 41-ly. David T. Storm, Notary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer, JOHNSTOWN, CAMRRIA CO. PA., IIrlLL also attend to his duties as Justice. Le- gal instuments of writing, such as deeds, a greements, Foreign Power of Attorney, &c, drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to his care will feceive strict attention. May 13, 1852 30-tf. RICHARD JOAES, Justice of the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa., Will attend promptly to all collections entrus ted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling Decern. 24, 1851. 11-tf. Exchange Hotel. Hollidaysburg, Elair Co., Pa. The proprietor assures the public that no exer tions will be wanting on bis part to renuer bis' house home-like to those who call with him, and j solicits a share of public patronage. GEO. TOTTS. April 20, 1852. Remember. kinds cf Lumber taken in exchange for A"; Furniture, at the Ware Kooms of M FAKLAMI & fcU-N. Ilollidaysburg, April 29, 1852. OBROLLTOWS IIOESE, CarroUtown, Cambria County, i ennsyivaiua. The undersigned is prepared to accommodate in the best kind of style all who way favor him with a call, and hopes bj strict attention to business to merit and receive a share of public patronage. uiwvi oui.a.. may 20. 1 852.-3 1-tf LEWIS W. BROWN, Fashionable Darter and Hair Dresser. In the basement story of Davis &. Go's., ware room. Ebensbilrg, May 1, 1851.-ly. N. D. Shampooii'.g done, nnd razors honed in a superior manner. George Rhey. Levi Uatthews. William Ebbs RHEY, MATTHEWS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS and Commission Merchants, Dealers in all kinds of Produce and Tittsbuig Manufactures, No. 77 and 7'J Water StrCCt' Pittsburgh, Pa. April 3. 1851. Cm just Received, SILK Hair Lace, nnd Pedal lionnets. Pearl and Pedal Flats, Tearl and 1 Pain, Lea f II ts, and for sale by JDA IS & LLOI D. Ebensburg, June 17, 18o2. 2000 pounds wool, butter, eggs wanted by J. MOORJ E SCHOOL BOORS! A general assortment of DOOKS, such as are used in our common schools, for sale by nf anted by J. 3IOORE cash in exebang V for goods, or otnerwise. lass, Oils, Taints and Drugs of all kindb U at J .1fere'J- Star. Sperm and Mould Candles for sale at the Brick Store of J- MOOHt,. 0 TERRIFIC EXPLOSION ON SEC. 104, 1 MILE PROM THE SUXIUT. $10,000 SAVED. - - Wholesale and Retail Dry ebbdi Store. THE Subscribers have just received from tha eastern cims, and nve new cfienngfor tale, the largest r.nd best felcctf d etoch of Good ever sdiown in this cr the adjoining counties, tho stock consists ?n part of I vy Goods, such fis French, English, niid Amricnn, e'eths, cassi mers. Satinets. Tweeds, pilot cloths, satin, Va lencia rnd ether vetincs, nliprfcns, Tnous-de-lains, bembnzince, and ladies dress -goods cf every description; shawls, handkerchiefs, scraps, cravats, tibbets. ribens. gloves and hosiery of all kind!?, table drapers, crash, red, white and yellow Cnnr.els, linscy, canton flannel, blara kets'and coverlets, hickory shirting, Irishliaen, nnd white goods cf every dcfcriptron ; laces, edgings,, &c, inc. Hnrs, cap?. Eoa rets, boots and shoes, hardware, queensware, plassware, nails, t'.our and salt ; f.h. and Iron. Also a splendid assortment or groceries, drugs, paint and dye Etuffs. All of which we offer at lower prices than goods have ever been sold in the country. All kinds of country produce, lumber, railroad tics, rags, flaxseed, &C, &C-, taken in exchange. We will wholesale any of the above splendid selection of goods, to country merchants at city pricis, putting culy cn a conical figure for ta cover freight. R. M'GRANN &.REILLV. Section 104. November 4, 1852. Ezeliicl Htiglics, Eter&burg, Fcrxsylvacia. EALER in staple and f.uicy dry goods gro ceries, wholesale and retail fish ; hardware D and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, st.cet-ircn Ehert-7.ine, Vtoves of all kinds, ttove-pipes and, sbset-ii-on ware, tin ware, copper aud brass kettles, &c, &c. Gruin, wool, butter nnd other country produce bought nnd scld. ALSO, A dealer in white pine, poplar, ash and cherry lumber ; lumber always bought, and a largo quantity constantly on hand for sale. Cash "always paid for lumber cut to crdcr or such as suits the present demand of the market. A large lot of new goods ns embraced in tho above list just received and more opening for sale at ttie lowest market price. September 23, 1852 40-tf. A OTIC E To the Creditors of the Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana Turnpike Road Company, THAT the Court ot Huntingdon county, at Jan uary Term 1853, directed to be paid to Cred itors, one and three-fourth percent on the a mount cf their claims on which former dividends have been declared, w hich I will pay on the pre sentation of their Certificates of deposit by them selves or theirTigents. JOHN S. 1SETT, S.qiiestrator. Spruce Creek. March 3d, 1853.-3t. Cheap Grocery. The subscriber would respectfully inform hia friends that he has received ot the sign of the Grocery Store, a general nssotment of Groceries and Confectionarics, contesting in part of riour. Bacon, Fish, Cheese, Vinegar, Rio and Java Cof fee, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Prunes, Dates, Citron, Currants, Preserves, P. Sauce, Catsup, Lemon Syrup. Crackers, a fine lot of Sugars and Table Salt, also a superior lot of Segars. He invites all to give him a call as be will 6ell low for Cash. J. B. CRAIG. Ebensburg, March 12th, 1852. XEW GOODS. The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends aud cu&tomers, that he has received and is now opening, at the store room formerly oc cupied by Richard Lew is, dee'd., a large and general assortment of goods, consisting in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. Queensware, Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, &c, all of which he is determined to sell low cither for cah or annroved country produce. He solicit examination of his stock, and is c6nfident he can sell cheaper than the cheapest. GEO. J. RODGERS. May 8, 1851 CO-tf rtew Clsalr Manufactory. The citizens of Ebens-burg nnd vicinity arft uforratd that the very place to purchase CHAIRS, SETTEES, SOCIABLES, AND STOOLS, of the best manufacture and most elcgrait finish, and at lower prices than at any other establish ment in the county, is at the new chair manu- factory, in the shop formerly occupied by David Todd, deceased. GLAZIXG, HOUSE and SIGX TA IXTLXG executed in the best manner and latest 6trla. JOHN L. STOL'GII. Ebensburg, Nov. 27, 1851. Cm. THE GRANT ISOCSE, Corner of Fourth and Grant Streets, littsburg THE subscriber has leated the large and wel known Hotel, (late Lamai tine House,) at the cor ner of 4th and Grant 6treets, Pittsburg, which has been repaired nnd newly fitted up in ali its apartments, so as to give a larger and more lib Irral accommodation to travcll. i s and boarders. His larder will be stocked with the most choico brands the markets can afford, and his Ear fur nished with the best. He would respectfully so licit a share of public piitrcnae- C. TERRr. April, 15, 1S5. ly. To tlic l'ubllc. I LL Freight di livircd r.t Summit from nnd fter j Monday next Nov. Sth, by Pcnna. Rail Road will be received and Forwarded free of Commis sion. ... Freight to be paid before goods are taken away. Tickets will be sold here, to nil f taticrs East as far as DillerviHc, nnd West to Pittsburg. . W. IVORY, Agent. Pnmtrrt Nov. 4 18-2 tit. Notice. In consequence 'of having bold or.r Furnace to the Cambria lrt n Ccmpr.r.y, the Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of P. Shorn bergcr & co., at Mill Creek Furnace, and alsa the Partnership existing under the firm of King & Shoenberger at Cambria Futnace, are both dissolved. The business will be settled by ci ther of the Parties, or the managers at the fur naces, who are authorised to Use the names, of the respective firms in settling up busine. P. SHOENBEF.GER, GEORGE S. RING. t w ic5 onr Adams & Co.'s Express. ir. W. Ivory & Co., ngents will forward all packages of goods or money, daily except Sun dv. to all the principal cities in the Union and air the towns on the Rail Road between rhilado. mid Pittsburg. Drafts collected tioni California. Drafts 6old on Ireland, England or Scotland, from 1 upwards. Monty for drafts must bo par. . . ' Nov. 4. 1852. -