JUJ JL II t i i - i i i 1 r.j 5 r t MBIITAII SENTINEL. Andrew J. Rhey, Editor. EBEXSBURG, TA. ThnrUj-, Murch 31, 1S53. For Canal Comnusnoner, THOMAS If. FORSYTH, of Philadelphia County. ' - For Anditor Cpneral, KPIIKAIM BAXKS, of KifEin County. For Surveyor Pcaeral, J. FORTEU l?nAWtET, of Crawford County. Fire. On Wednesday morning, f-Oth, inst., the en gine.phed nt the conl bank of Messrs. Moore & Ray, foot of Plane No. 5, A. V. R. R.,cnoht fire, find wns complete!' destroyed. A cow be longing to Mr. Maher, which wns in a shed ad joining, wns also burned to death. ZHT CSF Fetter continues to take admirable like nesses in the Academy building, and we advise our citizens to call upon him soon if they desire n life-like portrait. lie has the best selection of papeir macbe, tortoise-shell, and fancy cases that we have ever seen, and he can take ns cor rect and perfect a likeness ns Root or White hurst. We intend having cur "phiz" dapuerre otyped, and would say to our friends "go thou, and do likewise." Such a "souvenir" will be highly prized after you have "shuffled off this mortal coil," by those friends you have left be hind. Get it done, and quickly, ere it be too Lite. "The Pittsburg Post." Mr. Harper, editor of the above paper, in his paper of Saturday last, publishes the card of n number of passengers over the Pennsylvania Railroad, written at IIo'lida3-sburg, under date of March 17th, which complainsof the detention and delays on that route, aud advises passen gers going east or west to take some other route. It appears these passengers had "missed the connection, at the Mountain House, and were, therefore, delayed. Mr. Harper in commenting upon the card re ferred to, goes on to say "that there is gross mismanagement on the line of road between Pittsburg and Philadelphia," and that "the Pennsylvania Railroad is not the party in fault," "that the cars of that company arc always up to time, unless unavoidable accident should pre vent," and that "the delays which cause all the trouble, and give rise to all the complaint, are on that portion of the railroad owned by the state, and controlled by its agents." He excu ses the Penna. Railroad and lays all tne blame upon the poor old Portage. When a man begins to go "down hill," the saying is that everybody gives him a kick. So with the Portage as it is fading from O Tvicw, Mr. Harper in giving it a ki-k expects to knock it out of sight. The Post further says, "through gross mismanagement and reckless carelessness, the Portage Road has become a terror to trav ellers. Neither life nor property is safe in pas ting over it." Mr. Harper having crossed and re-crosscd the road a number of times daring the last year or so, must be a courageous man to have braved the dangers of the Portage and so often hazarded his precious life. Perhaps he has it insured. We warrant you that were the Portage Road a Cabinet Officer, it would be "'delightful Portage," "most excellent Portage," soundly democratic Portage," "safe, speech Portage." But the poor Portage has "no friends to reward." The Portage cannot be "a terror to travellers," because, during its existence for twenty years, there has not been, to our knowl edge, a single passenger hilled in crossing over it Can your Pennsylvania E.oad, your Cumberland, or jour Tenna. and Ohio Road tell as good a tale ? True, it causes the death of a dozen or so persons, yearly, through their own circle?? ness, but passengers have, so far, been exempt from ixijury, and while we are content that the Portage should be held accountable for its vic tims, we are not content that it should be over charged with slaughter, uncommitted. Ana furthermore, "the cars of the Penna. Road" are not "always up to time." There has been much more detention during the past six months upon the Penna. Road, than upon the Portage, as can be easily shown, and which i3 universally ad mitted by those who ought to know. The old Portage is dying Mr. Harper it has grown into "the sear and yellow leaf" be kind to it in its old age, and bear patiently its few faults, C2?"Early last week, a man named McCaf frey, in jumping off the cars at Jefferson, was thrown with his breast against a switch, from the effects of which he died on Sunday morning. JJOn Friday last, a carman named Egnn, as he was conducting a train over the Portage Road, wliich was run into by another train, near the big viaduct, had both legs crushed between the bumpers. He died on Tuesday, and leaves a wife and six children to mourn his loss. g5A section boat was thrown off the track near Jefferson, on Tuesday; one of the mules sprang -out of the hatch and the fall broke its neck, causing Immediate death. BgafTuesday and Wednesday were delightful days admirably adapted for the moving of household and kitchen furniture Several of our citizens changed their residence. J53"Mr. James Runyan had one of his feet badly crushed between two cars, nt Plane No. 4, ope day last wetfc. lie is recovering from the accident. tgy-LABOE Vegetables. Wo are requested to state that Mr. Peter McGraw, near Plane No. 4, raised a beet, lest season, which measurer 26 inches in length, and 17 J inches in circum ference, and1 A head ofrabbage which weighed 23 lbs. It is worthy of rout ark that these vege tables were grown in ground among the hemlock trees, which was not maaured- J ' SUMMIT VILLE CORRFSPONDFJTCE. Visit of (he Governor, State Treasurer, Canal Hoard and Committee to the ATew Portage Their trip Supper at. Ren.thatc's Route along the roads the action of the Committee incident bettceen the Governor, and one of the "sover eigns." ; - SrMMiTvir.LE, March SO. Our town was enlivened on Thursiay last by the arrival of our excellent Governor, General Bickel, Mess. Morrison and Clover of the Canal Board, and a Committee appointed by the House of Representatives, consisting of Mess. Merri man, Kilbourno and Hart, who came to examine and report on the New Portage R. R. I thought of calling an especial meeting of our borough officers and giving them an extensive reception, and getting up an address in city style, but the remembrance of the Jenny Lind failure struck me : so I gave up the idea. Gen. Pomeroy who by the way is "very sound" ns one of your friends says in compa ny with Judge Ives, and a few of us "unterrifi ed" Democrats not in want of office, accompan ied the party to Johnstown. We stopped nt different points along the new work ; the Gov ernor said he was in for a full sight, so we took our time and all had a fair onnortunitv to ex amine the road. At Pringle's Point, we got off the cars and all walked across the hill. Arri ved nt Johnstown in good time, and partook of an excellent supper at Renshaw's. The Gov ernor, Committee, &c. took horse the next day at No. 4 and rode over the New Road to No. 8, and left the same evening for home. The few of us that remained called on the Colonel smo ked a pipe and got home by railroad, perfectly "sound," which is a most remarkable occur rence. What report the committee will make I have no idea ; but if they or any who want infor mation on that subject call on our friend the General, he will make it appear as cleaT as any thing can be to any sensible man, that the New Road will be able to do twice the work at half the expense of the old road. I suppose the Committee will report in a few days when we will know more about it: Tliey have a good joke on the Governor, which they tell or rather he tells himself. When the patty came to the head of No. C, the Governor was standing on the front of the car ; as the cars stopped one of the sovereigns, ns the Governorcame up opposite, saluted his Excellen cy with "Bill Bigler come down here, sec here. comcuown; wed the Governor tumped down. thinking of course the man hal some business; as lie looked perfectly sober. When the Gover nor found himself down he was not a little con founded when the man quietly remarked, "See here, Bill Bigler, ain't you the Governor of the United States of Pennsylvany." Vq ,,r oi . , . , course," replied the Governor; "Well, Gover- 1 ' nor, ain t you goin' to treat." "Oh, no," said the Governor, "we have a Committee in the cars that docs all the treating call on them." They do, do they," rejoined our Yankee friend, "well, if they do the treating, will they do the voting too, I wan't to know that;" this was rath er a stumper, the Governor made no reply, but tl V Ti1 1 J ! . 'left. But he was bound for Lis treat, and the last thing the Governor heard as the cars moved off was "Halloo, ain't you goin' to treat." Yours truly, W. Xlair County Affairs. We learn from tho Standard that the trial of James Shirley, for the murder of his wife, com menced on Friday last, and would not conclude before to-day or to-morrow. Henry Calm and Martin Donahue, convicted of Larceny, were sentenced to 18 months im prisonment in the Penitentiary. Ed yard O' Reilly, convicted of Larceny, sentenced to two years imprisonment in the Penitentiary. D.m- iel and Martin Keith and Peter Burns, convicted of nn aggravated riot, and assault with intent to kill, sentenced: the Kieths to 15 months im prisonment in the Penitentiary, and Burns 1 year in U12 same institution. An Irish woman from one of the railroad sec tions, was hastily buried in the Catholic gra-fc I ; yard in Hollidaysburg last week ; afterwards infirmation was made to the police force that she came to her death from the maltreatment of her husband, and suspicions were abroad that she had been murdered. The body was disinterred nnd n post mortem exalnination made by Drs. Rodrigue, Christy and McKee, who discovered that she had died of disease of the lungs. The husband who had been arrested, was discharged. On Monday evening, a young man named George Shade, employed ns driver on the rail road, in Gaysport, while hauling two sections of a boat, fell. upon the track, and two wheels of the truck passed over his left arm complete ly crushing it. The arm was amputcd, and the sufferer is doing well. A new locomotive, named the "Jupiter, is at Gaysport. It is intended for the heavy grade at the foot of Plane No. 4, and is, no doubt, "a screamer," having no less than eighteen wheels to support the engine and tender. JGgyA sale of furniture &c, takes place at the Exchange Hotel in Ebensburg, on Thursday next. Nominations and Connmations. Washington, March 29. The President nom inated to the Senate, to-day, ex-Senator Dickin son, as Collector ; ex-Senator Dix, as SubTrea- surer ; and Charles O'Connor, as District Attor ney for New -York. These nominations took the Senate by surprise, audit is said were received with a laugh all round, and then confirmed im mediately. The Hon. Volvney E. Howard, of Texas, ap pointed as Land Agent, to represent the United States before the Board of Commissioners on California Land Claims, took the oath of office to-day. Xater from Buenos Aj res. New York, March 2G. Dates from Buenos Ayres to Jan. 20 had been received. The city was Fti'.I closely besieged, and skirmishes were taking place daily. The Governor, had issued a proclamation requiring all males to unite ia driving off the insurgents, and consequently nearly the whole population was under arms. There was no prospect of the siege being raised, Urquiza having immense in fluence over tho country people. Produce was Boarco and business was suspended. ! iiie testimony elicited in tite case of Art- Spring, just cdnc'u led in Philadelphia, on fcl fi -.. , , . . charge of being the murderer of Honnra Sb and hilen Lynch, occupies considerable spaesi the papers of that city. Among the witness examined was Artihh, the son of the prisnri. "The Ledger says he told his Story in nn artfe manner and with great minuteness, fully corrt orating the different statements of the differ witnesses previously examined in reference j circumstances with which he was connectcdr The whole statement of the boy bore the imprf? of truth upon its face ; it was consistent throug out. During the time he was delivering the i- idence, the father moved to the Western endf the dock, so ns to get a better view of his si tiian he had of the rest of the witnesses. Te conduct of the father was not marked by ay unusual emotions. j Arthur testified that he was born in Philael phia ; was eighteen years old ; has three yaair sisters in the Asylum in Washington ; that te dirk knife found under the body of one of te murdered women, was given to him by a boyn Washington, named Jas. Gooman; that to weeks previous to the murder he missed te knife, that his father, before the Thursday e murder was committed, had So in inoney. whh he said he got from Mrs. Harrington, and $3e obtained from Thos. Ford, lis father, soie time previous, he said, told him a woman tun ed Julia Conner was about to loan him 8oO"; the real name of which woman, the witnesim Tuesday beforethe murder, ascertained wasTrs. Shnw, one of the murdered. The visit to the house of Carroll, on the tght previous to the murder, was next minute de tailed. Spring told his son he was coin" here to rob them, and the witness alleges he 5icom- pamed him for the purpose of 'Y.eventiit the outrage tsnd protecting the "inmates. Wlm his father first proposal io go to the house roh, the witness, refused to go, but the priwer fi nally promised he would only ask Mrs 'Shaw to loan him money, when he consentd to ac company him. While at the house, tfc priso oner hinted to' the witness that he wold "fix them." The witness said if he was roing to do anything like thut," he would leave. ,Liquor was then brought in, and while all hanfc were drinking, Carroll and his brother, who ljd been out, knocked at the door, were let in. arj being drunk, commenced fighting with Mrs. pit-roll which ended in a fight between Carrel and Spring, during which thelatter pulled sonbthing out of his pocket, which the witness picjed up and found to be a piece of leaden pine wipped up in paper, not so large as the piece shorn the witness before the grand jury. They sooi after left the house, and on their way to Mcuiire's the prisoner requested the witness not tofhrnw the leaden pipe away, for lie would "fix tljm for that yet" that lib would hit both of thenn the head and end them, whereupon the vltuess threw the pipe away, :is he said he woul carry no weapon with which his father could fmimit murder, in consequence of this lematk, his father did not speak to him until the nei day. On Wednesday his father returned to CtroU's for his hat, but the witness kept a watci over him all day, and at 10 o'clock at night came uoine, ana tola witness lie bad been clovn nt Carroll's, and he found out that Mr. and Mrs. I Carroll were going to a ball the next nigU: he ., r ,. ... - ... . ., j.nj .mi. l nun w;ia in lorK. aim mere ....... n ... n : .t i V would oe no one in the ltouse but them tto wo- men ; be said he would fix them off: be didv't Say anything about it further until Thirsday niorni.ig; he said he was going, down them that night, and wanted witness to go therewith him; said he womd not go; he askeo. him liveor six times, and he got angry, and did not speak to witness until supper; he was not out of witness' sight thut Jy. The witues next twt;tified that a . . i .: i i I VII 111" Ull UIC VllilllU 1 VI CI 133 .VIC.- . he went u 6tairs and finding his father l'i t iuu3 iu H.-IH1I1" on mi; vn .'iiiu lur i'liss .He in his room, with his coat off. ami tieing a hand kerchief on his head, told him where he was gy ing. He replied "very well." Witness return ed about 10 o'clock, and feeling certain his fath er was in bed, remained, in the bar-room, rea ding the Police Gazette, until the baker attach ed to the housfc nskad him to go and see if there was any salt in the house, and here we give the testimony as reported: "I went nnd got him some salt; while looking for it, I heard a noise at the back door. I went and opened the door, and saw my father out side; 1 said I thought you were in bed; I did think, ho was in bed down to that moment; in one hand he. had his shoes, nnd in the other he j had three twenty dollar gold pieces and a ten i d.ilbir fuhl oieei !if nut tin fubl intn ii- Ij-imt gavedie baker the salt , at that time I had the I gold in my hand under the candlestick ; themo- ney was wet; 1 came back: lie took the candle from me nnd told me to bring some water on stairs; I pot a. pan of water and took it up stairs; he had his coat off ; there was a light in the room ; lie asked me for the money and I gave it to him ; lie then told me to tro down stairs, ind jif they asked if he was in bed to say yes ; when I went up with the pan I observed the condi tion of his shirt: the breast of it was full of blood; lie had on three shirts that night, an un dershirt ami two linen ones; I saw this Irefore I went down ; I asked him what crime he had committed, and he ;aid lie had killed them 'two G d d m b s;' he was then washing the shirts; staid down stairs about a quarter of an hour; I told M'Guire if he was waiting for fath er lve was up stairs; some one came in and drank and I went up stairs; father was then washing his shirts; I looked at his coat to see if there was blood on it ; I washed it off; I meant to con ceal his crime as far as I could; I asked him what two Women he had killed; and he said Mrs. Carroll andfMrs. Shaw; I said do von mean Mrs. Carroll; he said no, I mean Mrs Lynch and Mrs. Shaw; he left the shirts on the table todry; they are- the same shirts I saw in the grand jury room; (the witness identified the shirts ;) the windows were shut down ; he said it was no harm to kill them, for they were com mon women anyhow." The witness then detailed the particulars of the manner in which the two women were mur dered, as narrated to him by his father on the night of the tragedy. It appears that Mrs.! Lynch, on coming down stairs to the rescue of her sister, exclaimed "Mr. Spring, if you save my life, I'll give you all thc money-i'ye got," when he struck her a violent blow. The purchase of the shirts aud stockings with Hi the $10 gold piece, nnd the payment of a $-3 ! is gold piece to Mrs. McGuire for board, were tes - tified to by the witness, who also identified the shirts; the piece ef . pipe was also iden ified by i.;.n i VA . , . noint of the dirk wa nlso shnwn identified. The prisoner returned home a little r - mm iinvii ; before or after 11 o'clock, and was awake near ly all night. The witness further testified; "After breakfast, on Friday mominsr. I wns down to where the murder was committed : fath er told mo to go down the-e; he told me to go and see what the excitement was ; I went down ; i .i i xi t ... ., . ; ' .. crowd and heard them talk ; I was there when the Ccroncr came in; I went back; mv father tvaa Ait ttner in tlifk Kar-rrtrMn Tt brother John was with him; I got an onnortuni- tv nf cni-ifcinr t.n rrt-v fiitbr- T tnl.l i.:u a sorrowful man; he said why ; I tol l him there . - ut..w - j - - ...... mill ill- ww.tn ororo tl.ri rfVmf Innnoont wn. for it; he then said, 'Oh, I am all right. Ihave not spoken to liim since." - . The cross examination of the : vAnmmr .... . w -.. ..... . . - i jwh d j.rie.ier f sssrvn vhn l.tflhntit Airrht(en rriyr-m . produced, no rarUttoa in hU testimony, which : e. ------ Ul u.., The Trial of Spring for Murder.. was corroborated by numerous witnesses, and awita ii Mill I I VI HJ VHIH11.1VVJ U tllUiUl.1 II' the First Degree ! Good Advice. A Messenger of Adam & Co. Express, gives the following good advice to persons sendintr i packages by express. We commend it to the atfentioii of "ail whom it may concern :" "Make up your parcels in pood thick paper : or if the paper be light, use two or three thick nesses, tie up with strong cord or twine, and mark them in letters as legible as the signature of John Hancock in.the Declaration of Indep n donee. Taper-boxes are poor tilings to trust for outside packages. It is curious to see the shape Ithat hats assume in pa er. 'letters and milliners use light wooden boxes for this purpose, and make a great saving by it. Don't pack a Taw turkey, half a peck of cranberries, a stone jar of pickles, two thin glass bottles of preserved sweetmeats, and pickled horse radish, a bottle of ink, a daguerreotype, two or three letters, and a parcel of expensive lace and infant appa rel, with a handful of hay. all in the same box. It is possible that some of them would spile. In fact, to tell the whole truth, we once saw a case, or rather a box in which it had been iried. and, ns sure ns you are born, it was a sight to behold The close atmosphere of the box had not improved the -sweetnes of the "turkey, of Course, ntid as the s'tone jars of pickles had pitched incontinently int ithe "weaker vessels." the horse radish and jellies had united, with no advantage to their own fla-or, and very unpro fitable for the ul hum. daguerrotype, lace work and infantine clothing, which they had com pletely saturated." Dromedary Riding. Bayard Taylor, in a recent letter from South ern Nubia, pub!: 'bed in tire New York Tribune. in which he describes a ride across the great Nubian Desert, thus speaks of the pleasures and peculiaritiesof dromedary riding. "I found dromedary riding not at all difficult. One sits on a lofty seat, with his feet across over the stii imal's shoulders, or resting on his neck. The body is obliged to rock backwards and forwards, on account of the long swinging gait, and ns there is no Xny or fulcrum, except a blunt pom mel, around which the legs are crossed, some little power of equilibrium is necessary. My dromedary was a strong stately beast, ofa light cream color, and so even a gait, that it would bear the Arab test : that is one. might drink a cup of coffee while iroing on a full trot, without .spilling a drop. I found a great advantage in the use of the Turkish costume. My trousers, which contain eighteen yards of 'muslin, though they only reach to the knees. a'l-w the leg per fect freedom of motion, and 1 have learnt si man' different modes of crossing those members that no day isufScient to exhaust them. The rising and kneeling of the aoimal is hazardous at first, as hi long legs double like a carpenter". rule, and you are thrown forward and backward again, but the trick is soon learned. The sore ness and fatigue of which ni.my travellers com plain I have not experienced. I ri le from eight to ten hours a day. read and dream in the sad dle, and am as fresh and unweary as when I be gan the journey." Saw Mills. The Boston Journal says : "The old practice in making boards, was to split the logs with wedges; ami, inconvenient its the practice was, it was no easy thing to pnr suade the world that it could be done in anv I better way. Saws were afterwards introduced fr the purpose of pieparing timber and boards and "hits" were then invented fur the action of the two bunded saw. This mode of sawing 1og was greatly in use in New Knglnnd. where water power could not easily le obtained, in the early pait of the prcst'tit century: nnd. probably, thefe are plawl yet where they are known and render useful service. Saw mills were first used in Europe in the fifteenth century: but so lately as 1 !-. an English ambassador, having seen saw mill in France, thought it a novelty which deserved a particular liisi ription. It is amus'iigto see bow the aversion to labor-saving j machinery has always agitated England. The! hrstsaw mill was estai'lislicl by a iiiitclmiae m lt)i;3; tint the public outcry against the iiew-f m gU'd machine was to vi dent that the pr iprietor was forced to decamp w ith more expedition than ever did a Dutchman before. The evil w is thus kept out of Ihiglan i for several years, or rather generations; hut in I7t8, an uii'u.-ky timber inerclralit. honing that alter so long a time. Hie: . .. , , . . i - i -? . 1 1 . . . . ests, made a rash attempt to roust ru t another mill. The guardians of th public welfare, how- ,i i ...i .......,-..;...,;..,. o .....i. ever, weie .... ,ue ....... ...... o..i.-...o at once collected an 1 pulled the mill to pieces. '. Serious Accident Falling of a Soof, and Fro bablo Loss of Life. About five o'clock yesterday evening, a por tion of the roof and of the southern wall oi l-ll .1 P Tl V. 1 . ....... 1 A. ......... I iai li oC lll.'iw 3 iarg a i euoiistr. on mc v 1 of 1'enn ami ivayne streets: ten witn a oiia J crash, burying a laboring man naod James Purccll in the ruins, ami mulcting injuries ot so serious a nature as to render his recovery highly improbable. John Gray, foreman of the warehouse, nnd Patrick Fitzgerald and John Ward, b'boreis, were somewhat hurt, though not dangerously. Mr. Clark, -a member of the firm, saved himself from injury by jumping on a canal boat lying by the warehouse door. The boat on which Mr. C. seen re. I a footing, and which was laden with dry goods, was broken in, and the cargo slightly damaged. A quanti ty of floor in the upper story fell through, and several barrels were staved in. The cause of the accident is believed to ho a deficiency in tit foundation of the building, which covers a large area. The loss, which has not yet been fully estimated, will amount to a considerable sum. In case'nf the death of Purcell, who, s is above stated, will Iwrdly survive, a Coroner's jury will officially dcteriuhte the cause of the unfor tunate occurrence. Piftshurg Union, March 20. V. 6. Marshal. The Uniontown Genius, published at the home of Mai. Wesley Frost, the newly appointed U. S. Marshal for the Western District, says: This is a tribute to the working democracy, and an other evidence of the good sense and discrimina ting wisdom of President Pierce. Wesley Frost 1 Pennsylvania ; an i like most of our good men, has carved his own way to eminence from hum - ble origin. He has the energy, honesty and -Lwii. ...!. , Mmn.tn faithful .-.ml rffi Llent. officer, and the urbanity of manners ad - - - - tf one. we congratulate tne peopic oi tiie v esiern District upon this fortunate appointment, and . . . i mi . .. .. .. . , especially tne working democracy irorn wtiose K . . -i . i " j a i nootc rar.KS i resiaeni t ierce nas maoe tne set- .......... w -- r-- otion. Aslonsrasthe President nursucn this'rm the principal parts: of lectures on the policy, his Administration will be strong in the ! .-.: r.L 1. eciions oi mo ocopio. i c ' - . . , . . . , L Upontcrs who go aliout the country, without an Why don't hk wkar Spectacles ? A involuntary emotion of disgust. Many of these troit nanoris "-tiiltv of the folIoVinn- storv of' women have families of tende r age at home, nnd an accident which lmppened to n near-sighted conrlciimii at a, hall in that citv. He waited r mf . upon Vis partner to a seat after a "love of a .,) ka w hen he estued the fmbro lerA.I Pl (rn f ft supposed handkerchief at the feet of ity. He hastily seized it, when the sir !" of the lady informed hint that isdivin- Fy fy be' wits tikinr imDroner liberties with the fiooltona nf . her jupon. - - o r -r -r- Dreadful Accident nn Hie UolMmore aud Olito ltnilrnad Loss of Life. I:i.timorf., Mnr,-h2R. A most distressing accident occurred about 3 o'clock Sunday aft.-rnoo... on the B iltimore and Ohio lUilr s 1. about serentv miles west of Cum- l.crland. The train rti off the t.a k. and a number of passengers were kid-d and wounn - ed. The particulars have not yet bevi reeeiv- ed. The particulars have not yet bevu reeeiv-j jp, The Cincinnati Atlas of the 26tb id, but five are known to have been killed, i'l!"Last evening, Alexander Duncan, ex-i a number of others are 'more or less i:ii ired of Congi es, left his home, in Madis'on, Among the killed are Mr. Daniel Ill j 0:l(i of lumber to his farm.- about thrt firm of Messrs. Holt & Maltby, oyster dealers. of ihis city, a young woman and chi.d, and two st'iviigcrs, names unknown. sr.CON!) D F.STAT I!. The ICtllrd nnd Wounded. B i.TiMonn, March 23. The Accident occurred nt3 o'clock this morn ing. The train was coming cast from Cumber land. It consisted of a baggage car ami three passenger cars, drawn hy one heavy nnd one small engine. When passing the "eight feet filling" on section 70, descending a curved grade ot Mb tect to tiieat mver, nic neavy engine started the nails binding the "rails to the ties. All the train pft'Ssetl over safely except the two last pasengeT cars, which 13 the parting of the tracK were inrovvn uown uie river si-ie oi xuc embankment, falling the frightful distance over 100 feet and making four somersets before they reached the base, when they were shatter ed to fragments, nnd many of the unfortunate inmates were either sadly injured or iustantly killed. There were forty passengers in the two cars. The following are dead : Daniel Holt, of Balti more ; Aurelius Tallie, supposed to be from South Caaolina ; Lewis Deline, a French emi grant rnturning home from California ; Richard Clayton, of Weflsville, Virginia ; a young lady and a middle aged gentleman, supposed to be from Kentucky ; a small stepson of Robert Mur ray, the supervisor on the road ; and a child of Mr. Geise, of St. Louis, on his way to New York. Mr. Gcie and bis lady- were both much injured. They are with their three other children now at Cumberland. A train left Cumberland this morning for the locality of the sad occurrence with physicians and comforts for the sufferer.-, w ho will be brought foCumh( rland at five o'clock this evening, when full particulars of tlve ncci- iont. together with the names of the wounded, will be received. tiiikd despatch. Cumberland, March 18, 7 o'clock, A. The expn ss train from the scene of the M. rable accident has just arrived. The follow ing additional name are to lie added to the lit ot killed anil wounded : F. S. Closs, injured se vere'y in the b.-u-k ; Aiiam Zoic, of Rockiuh tut. Va.. lightly injured : George Cul'ert. of Fau quier county. Va.. s.'ightl y : Abeiur Fioucree of l'Saiem Fauquier canity. Va., Mid II. A. Tur !.cr, of Baltimore, with his wife and four chil dren, bruised, burnt. S:c., but will get we'U: G. A. TraVi liner, of Alexandria, Va., injured in the hack, but not fatally ; C. Sanders. ..f Shelby county. Fy., severely luriA and cut: Pr Cad waliailcr, a rtierchant of Loui.-villc. thigh broken in thre places and injured in ihe breast, c-u-sidcied dangerously hurt ; hreaksincu G.iluiur and Morris loth severely injure 1. The bodiis ot the dead will be brought down to this pi.-: co to iiierrow. Mrs. Ogle, of Philadelphia, wa? in the tra'n, with ten other prsscngei s, esc-ped uninjured, iopmii lu.si' aich. Cumberland, Man h "28 Miss lsacs, of Indi ana, who was n I oard c-r. en I cr way t--Philadelphia to visit lo r ir'nnds. :n:d who- was in charge of Dr. Cadwalboler, w-,s in-taully led. Pr. Cadwalladcr will probably recover. ILe Faltitrt-ie cz.3. Ohio Pailioad Accid:nt Ai-otLcr Victim. Cl MUKH.ANP. M.:rch "20. The car. to night, broug'it the body of Fla sel S. Wyiiti. (nsdei.ee not known.) making the eight victim by the recent dei.L.rahio acci dent. Breaksmaii G miner and Dr. (i Iwalbi dor. of New Allruiy. Indiana, are reported to he doing as w ell as the nature of their injuries will admit. Ail t!i woim led here are d. ing well. and am cons'oh l ed .out of damrer. ConHrmations, Appointments, &c. H'asuim.to-n. M-.i-i h 2?. The Senate tu-day. coidii n.e i lion. Hugh .1 ihli is ii. of Maine, t ' on :o! -loto-r of Custom s ; i ..i i i li..... ...i i ,M ..-.. t ... i',.. i- . .,, , , . ,. cm. and I lulip A. U i icli, A op!" usi r at .iu I ran ' c sei not Henry nuio'i, .iarn ai oi i uio:s. The President has nominated Nathaniel M.tw 'tlioroe, of Mas.. (the Biographer), Consul at Liverpool ; Thomas P. Pierce. ( i .list Tit rda itiveof tho President). Post ua.-n r a t 1 1 il!b ir fong'i. N. Hampshire : Ilenjaiuia Jackaway, idiaii Agent of ihe Choctaw Agency, j The Senate will jToh.-ibly adjourn finally on . . , . -i.. ,,.., I-;,..,, ...Pct.r.t ' ' ,,.,,' , " , ,. .', Monday. The Census Bureau is about being re-oigani- 1 jg.J The clerical force is to bo increased to about 40 by reinstatements and perhaps new ap pointments. ' , (I. W. Feathcrstonaugh has posted "A. McEa ton, of Wisconsin Yasuioton, March 2-3. It is generally bebeved that the Cabinet agreed ,0t ! ,0;- white men. tint is to sav English, -day upon the following I hi.adelphia appoint- ij tJiJ ,Hlmher of CaCirs killed is 1C.000. be ents : Clonics Brown. Collector; N. 15. Lid L;,u.s 70 (.,icfs imt sti)i there is a wonderful d. Naval Officer ; B. C. Male. Surveyor ; C.-.pt. Im.if . ()ftheiI1 ,ivins Tet too many for what to ments I " j laaste I ri Agent, andG.G. Wesicott, Pott- Washington, March 2H. Cg.The following nominations for Philadel phia have been sent to the Semite, for confirma tion: Collector of the Port Charles Brown. Surveyor R. C. Hale. Navy Agent Copt. Day. Post M rster .V-. Miller. Naval Officer Judge Eld red. Director of the Mint Mr. Petit. M irshal of the Eastern District of Pa. Cofr. F. Wgnkoop. Coliectot of Camden, N. J. Mr. J. W. Mick- Femalo Women. The editor of tins Springfield ( Mass.) Rrpub- ' In with ft'trttifv Woiu fiilio !innire I w .wore inc ou. no nave, mC w j Hear lnm talk . . e respect, adnure. and love a female wo - man. e admire her in the beauty of her per i son, her moral presence, and her position; wc resneet her biniDle truthfulness and "'iinoccnce. and we love uer as the embodiment or the high- est charms and sweetest attributes of humanity, , I r? . . n wnni'tn rli rnn hA4P ? Wo cannot - v.... . . - I iai.1 rtp innnslur miptin in cl.ii li vnmni rilr- subject of marrb.ge. all civ by lema e t,Maie nnd of the nerambulating femnle husban-ts who s noui.i nave tenner ne Home duties nre forsaken, nnd the misgui.tci mistres- . . ses go a'w.ut toacl.ing outer peopie rneir ciui.es : ..... hat cotntorta nie wive inc. iuni up ; "mu kind an 1 assiduous mothers ! Ho v they must hallow a home that is too small to hold them ! God of war ! We would as soon live with a hvena. or ft Ft cam engine: noat come tins j way, jro beg of you . . FROM OTJR EXCHANGES. I Tnr Death Penalty. The Assembly of TTn cons-.n .as passed n bid ntolish.ng the penalty f death fur the crime of murder, and subsiitu. ting im;.i :sonment for life. 1h vote stood 38 n t -r. nd 28 opposed. The friends of tU i w ' a,u,T"') m xue Senate, Sy The Cincinnati Atlas of the'2PA member ith . three ; Jjst-mt fiosn the town. No intel'i'Tene' riceived from hin, a member of his family 1 out in search of him. nnd foui.d him lying on tiie road, insensible nnd covered with blood. The horses and waggon were standing near b:m When our informant left Madison the physic'unt were examining his wounds, and bad come to the conclusion that he had fallen off the wactL and the wheels hail passed over his loJy. JjJ has since died of Lis wounds. f We are authorized, says the Pittsbur Gazette, by Gen. Wm. Larmer, to state that U j is nor, aim win not ne, a candidate for nominv j tion tor Governor before the next Whig Conveu. t'on. He is truly grateful f . r the nuraberlesi , testimonials of public favor he has received cnJ for the flattering expressions of the press in re lation to a candidacy for the Gubernatorial Chair, but he is at present engaged in a work of much importance to Pittsburg and Southveicern Penn. 'ylvnnia, which will require his undivided atten tion for some two or three years to come. A sai SficiDB. A Taris. letter t- the BWton Journal says : "The young (Juut Camerta killed himself on Frid.aj morning by blowing out his brains, lie is the son of the Princess Dac clochi, w ho in turn is the daughter of T,z Bonaparte, eldest sister of Napoleon the First. The Count Camerata was therefore a near Rela tive of the Emperor. It was at first attempted to explain the suicide by that standing explana tion of all such events, temporary nient il de rangemcut, brought on it was said by brain fe- j vcr. iut -.s it is known that be left ad hu affairs i:i the nicest order, there is no doubt thut this self murder was the result of a deliberate deter . initiation formed some days previously. Rumor now ascribes it to gambling, debts, aud a Lve affair. r2f Impudent. A subscriber who hasbeta taking our paper from the commencement, with out ever paying fur it, ha I the audacity, a few days since, to write in a letter (postage unpr.J) to change his paper to another office- Exchan;t CiiF.VAi.iF.it Wikotf has been liberated from prison nt Genoa, where lie was confined on a charge of attempting to force a your.g LnglUh. la ly t i m irry hi ru. He has since made his ap-oe-rauce in Paris. His adventures and trills have made quiet a hero of him. It is rumor?! chat the Chevalier has written a history of his courtship, in the course of which he makes -11 ."orts f revelations. Inox TrnxriKE. Iron will be a great materi al for almost everything at the proper time. A company is being organized at Cincinnati, Ohio, t i j ave ti e 'urnpike from the heal of Westers avenue, at Brighton, to CumniinyviKe. Spring; (jove and Carthago, with iron plates. The side of the mad will be tilled in with dirt, and orua i.ieuteji with shade tiees. Emily Horns roit Patties. They have be comic decidedly toe fashion. G) at eight sup per at ten carriages at e!oen piilows hy twelve dreams by quarter past. Such are the present degrees of custom. The ch-inge is uni versally approved of, and people wonder why it was n-'t etleetvd sooner. The --Lhj- of the last ilea I ache" would be a timely poem. Home liiurna!. Witiioi t a Mate. The census of Lexington, Ky , l:sch s2- the fact that there is one female therein a most deplorable condition; lunles J. 7"; females 2.7-35. Showing that there is a poor femlnnie creature over there without a mate, and without the means to obtain a mute, unless some fellow wanders into town soor, or she emigrates to some other point. We predict t'l.atif she isn't attended to soon, she will sloj.s for Salt Lake, the Mormon city of the Saints. I v Australia, if one of the diggers enters a Inker's sh..p. to purchase a wedding cake which costs forty dollars, he throws down a fifty dollar ' ill, and takes a handful of doughnuts hi change. It's something to be a baker out there. Knee brrclifs and buckles shoes', silk stocking?, light small clothes, a waistcoat with lap-pels a velvet coat with a standing collar, a cockel bat :ml swerd, form the new French costume. One Ci.t a Mile Railroad Fares. The Stite Fng'tn or and Surveyor. M'Alpine, in his report to the Legislature of New York in 1S32, s.iys ! 'An important fact is also established, wliich, up to this time, had been doubted by most men conversant with railroad transports, which i that passengers can be transported at nn ex pense of less than one cent per mile. TliH result is obtained as a rule, when the average loaJa are ninety passengers each mile run." Js'lSS ftf Life in the Kafir War. A privatfl soldier in the rifle corps" writing home from Kafhrland. on the 10th of December last, 3 iys S:noe the commencement of the war we have good they are ; but those that are living are very badly off. I know they would all like to give themselves up to the British, but they nre afraid to do so, for fear of being shot as rebels or transported as felons," Death of a Revolutionary SolJier. On Satur day morning, Peter Bonneuil, Esq., died in Philadelphia, at the age of ninety-six. He was in good health until the morning of his death, and ate a hearty suppor after 12 o'clock on Fri day night the fast of Good Friday then bein over about 2 o'clock he expired. Mr. Bonneu' il, came to this country with Lafayette, he being at that time hut nineteen years old. He served during the Revolutionary war and participated iu the active struggles of that contest. Tho old French citizens knew nnd respected hint. Ma urn a tlio mtniMut of fHirard. Blennon. HD other worthy men, who were known and respect- j ed during former years. For the last thntj covon vrtore 1 1 1 V .n n (Ml ?1 lfl HCCII lilillcl. 10 was beloved bv a lame nuinocr or our cu"i and he leaves a name and reputation which Imd ever been associated with honor and integrity. J Lime-Water for Hens. n.irin the last season Mr. Jos. Wi'.cox tX " . . . . . . . i :- this town, having occasion to Administer water to a sick horse, inadvertently leit & ' of the preperation m h.s barn, which, remans --. . , . 1 li- fnr cnml mnnths. Sf'rvincr AS A taVOnie Ull i , " j , s v,f fof his ucus. He soon afterwards wan u the laying of his hens was PPpent":3rf ' t, ft.insid. rable extenL Beinff conuncc w j-.rtrprT the importanco of the (to him) new diocovcij ' he has during the present 6eason kept his b. constantly supplied with lime-water, pi80.6 troughs within their convenient accesi. an . . i f - r .ii m c riiiii"" resu t wns an increase ox ncany " ... . " - The newness pared wi-H previous experience discovery (though it may not bo new w oi tne a'!) is c'aimed only as applicable to lac of imparting the lirn3 in this case ; its us another form, for the same purpose, tTin previously understoou cj nunji tin el.