The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, March 31, 1853, Image 1

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T E R 51 S
The "MOUNTAIN SENTINEL" is publish
ed every Thursday morning, at One Dollar and
Fifty Cents per annum, if a advance or
within three months '; after three months Two
Dollars will be charged.
No subscription -will be taken for a shorter
period than aix months ; and no paper will be
discontinued until all arrearages are paid. A
failure to notify a discontinuanc at the expira
tion of the term subscribed for, Vill be consid
erd as a new engagement.
ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted
at the following rates : 50 cents per square for
tbe first insertion; 75 cents for two insertions;
$1 for three insertions ; and 25 cents per square
xor every subsequent insertion. A liberal reduc
tion made to those -who advertise by the j-ear.
All advertisements handed in must have the
proper number of insertions marked thereon,
or thev will be published until forbidden, and
charged in accordance with the above terms.
"gij All letters and communications to insure
attention must be post paid. A. J". RIIEY.
We do not know when we have seen as beau
tiful a poem as the following, in the pages of
our magazine literature. It is undoubtedly the
prettiest poem that "Ellen Louise" has written,
and she has written many fine ones. It is so
fall of feeling, and clothed with such splendid
Imagery, yet simple withal, that no one can fail
to admire it. Miss Chandler is young, but her
came is loved and cherished by many who ad
mire pure and lofty breathings of poesy that oft
timei gush so freely from that warm, deep fount
cf feeling the human heart.
From Peterson's Magazine for April.
There axe two graves, far, far apart,
And the deep sea rolls between ;
O'er one they've piled the marble high,
O'er one the grass grows green.
In the one, within a gorgeous lane,
Lies she whom I called my bride
Before whose feet I knelt of old,
In her father's halls of pride.
In the one behind the village church,
Where wild flow'rs nod in prayer,
13 resting the shade of the purest dream
That brightened my life of care !
The one was a maiden proud and high,
With the waves of her jetty hair
All braided up with jewels rich,
And pearls and diamonds rare.
The other had curls of sunny light,
And a smile as faint and mild
Kb those which the olden artists paint,
In their dreams of the young Christ child.
One awed my heart with the prideful glance
From her darkling orbs that fell,
The eyes of the other were purely bluo
As the home where the angels dwell.' -
One brought me a title proud and high,
And pearls, and gold, and lands,
With serfs to bow at my light word,
And go at my first commands
The other brought but the earnest love
That glowed in ner star-lit eyes,
And blest my heart like the downward fays
From the distant raracuae ;
I wedded the one with stately pomp,
In a proud cathedral aisle,
And bells were ring'mgin high church towers,
A sounding chime the while.
I wedded the other as Quakers wed,
In the forest still and deep,
When hush'd were the sounds of noisy life,
And the flowers had gone to 6leep.
Oh! blithe was my night-haired love, and fair,
And proud was her darkling eye,
But dearer far was my cottage girl
With her angel purity.
But demons wandering over earth,
For the one spun out a shroud,
And they laid her low where wax lights glow,
In the old cathedral proud.
The other, when holy starB shine down,
Was hearing the angels sing,
And a truant seraph folded her
In the clasp of his viewles3 wing !
They told me the one was lying dead,
And a tear came to mine eye
But joy-dreams chaeed the gloom away,
And a smile went flitting by.
They told me tbe other had gone to sleep,
And I sought the battle's strife,
For I hated the light of the rosy day,
And I cursed the light of life.
The one lies still in her far-off tomb,
Where the tall wax tapers gleam.
And their rays fall down on the marble shrine,
. With a fixed and ruddy beam.
But over the other the night-stars swing,
When the light of day has fled,
And the wild winds sigh her gentle name
. Till I wish that that I were d?ad.
. In'JTiVfcT Own Journal we find some interest
ing facts about eating. Every animal eats as
'touch ub it can procure, aud as much as it can
hold. A cow Cats but to sleep ; and sleeps but
to eat and not content with eating all daylong,
"twice it slays the Blain," and eats it over
again.- A whale swallows ten millions of living
shrimps at a draught ; a nursling canary bird
tats its own bulk in a day, and a catterpillar
eats five hundred times its own weight before it
lies down to raise a ; butterfly. The mite and
maggot eat the very world in which they live ;
they nestle and build in their roast beef; and
the hyena, for want of better fare, eats him
eelf. . Yet a maggot has not the gout, and the
hale is not subject to sciatica. Nor do we
ver henr that .an Esquimaux is troubled with
the toothache, dyspepsia, or hysterics, though
he eats ten pounds of seal and drinks a gallon
of oil at a meal, and though his meal lasts as
lvrgaahia meat.
How are they getting on in Oregon 1
Famously ! We have been rummaging
again in our exchange receptacle, and brought
to light a few numbers of the Oregonian a
weekly paper, published at "Portland, O. T.,"
edited (and very well, too) by T. J. Dryer. It
Is a handsome sheet, nearly as large as our own
and the price is seven dollars and a half per an
num. The first number we take in hand is the
fiftieth of the second volume, dated November
13, 1852. In contains one hundred and forty
one advertisements. Think of that! ye late sub
scribers to the Indian Missions ; and ye still la
ter readers of the patriotic and manly messages
of Geo. Abernethy, the first Governor of Oregon.
And the more we examine these advertise
ments, the higher rises our astonishment. One
would naturally expect, that, in a country situ
ated at 'the uttermost parts of the earth,' a
country just beginning to cut its way out of the
woods, material interests would quite absorb
the attention of its inhabitants. But this is very
far indaed from being the case in Oregon. AVe
find long advertisements, with such headings
as these: "Portland Academy. The fourth
quarter will commence," etc. "Tualatin Acad
emy; Principal, J. M. Keeler. This institution
is located in the town of Forest Grove, Tualatin
Plains," etc. "Cheap Books by the Cartload."
"Prince and Co's improved patent Melodeons."
"Clatsop County Bible Society. The annual
meeting will be held," etc. "To the Indepen
dent Orier of Odd Fellows, in the Territory of
Oregon, Greeting." "First Grand Ball of the
Season, by the Sons of Temperance." "Public
School Notice." "Sunday School Books." In
these advertisements, we discern all the elements
of our own civilization a family likeness indis
putable. Turning to tho business advertise
ments, we observe six announcements, setting
forth the attractions of the Washington, the La
fayette, the Cowlitz, the Willamette, the St. Ilel.
en's and the Main street IIotel3. Four steam
boats, we perceive, ply between Portland and
other places in the territory. There is a whole
column of "Business cards," containing the ad
dresses of twenty-seven firms. From the style
of a large number of the advertisements, we in
fer that there is already a keen competition
among the business men of Portland, and that it
is no easy matter to attract attention. For ex
ample; "Thk Codfish Question Settled! Pillow
and Drew, having procured the services of a jew
eller, from San Francisco, are. now prepared to
manufacture all kinds of jewelry adapted to this
market rings, pins, etc., ect. They have on
hand some specimens of work which they think
will please the most fastidious. Ladies rings in
a neat and tasty style; gent's do., weighing from
1 oz. to $4."
IIctc is another in the same strain :
"A IIoosier's Loose. Just received by the
Overland Route, via Great Salt Lake City, a
large and well-assorted stock of Groceries, Hard
ware, boots and shoes, men's, woman's and chil
dren's shoes of all sizes, coffee, tea, sugar, syr
ud. candles, soar, dried apples and- peacbep,
from a pound to a thousand pounds, and Iliu J
Tenas Ictahs too numerous to mention, which will t
be sold extremely low, at his store in Olympia, ;
Puget'8 Sound."
One most heterogeneous dealer exclaims ;
"Gentlemen, now is your time ! Gold watch
es, watches plated on silver, silver watches, gold
and plated vest and fob chains, gold pens and
pencils, breast-pins, superior French calf boots, (
patent leather shoes, fine Monterey gaiters' Boe- j
bee and Co. s superior black beaver uatd, wmtc
fur hats, Manilla, Leghorn, Panama, Mexican
and brush hats ; also 100 gross of superior
A hotel-keeper lays open the state of his af
fairs in the following manner;
"Owing to our pressing necessities and the
cheap rates of our fare, we arc compelled to say
To all, high or low,
Please down with your dust,
For he's no friend of ours,
That tcould ask us to trust.
Moss & The Widow."
A grocer begins an animated account .of his
establishment with "War! war ! ! war ! 1 !" An
other declares his to be "The True New York
Store ;" a third, we regret to see, offers "Four
thousand gallons of old rye whiskey, forty per
cent, above proof;" and a fourth informs us, as
a piece of "Extraordinary News," that if we
"buy where we can buy cheapest, we shall not
stop short of John Waymire's Ftore." A mar
riage announcement states that the "favors dis
tributed to the company, consisted of golden
nuggets, found in the creek opposite the resi
dence of tke happy pair." Portland, we observe
boasts a livery stable, a dentist, a bakery, two
or three lawyers, and an express company. We
conclude our extracts from the advertising col
umns with the following modest, patriotic and
very comical "card :" ' . '
"Mr. Editor Uaving been requested to al
low my name to be used as a candidate to fill the
place of the Hon. C. Lancaster, I am induced to
say to all, in this public manner, that in case
the voters of this council district wish me to fill
that station, for which I will not pretend I am
at all qualified, it is their privilege to vote for
me or any other candidate. Should I obtain
their suffrage, I have but one pledge to make, to
wit: to serve them to the utmost of my judg
ment and ability, and look after the entire inter
ests of this district as I would those of roy best
friend or my own to follow and obey their in
structions. Yours respectfully, W. II. Grat.V
If we were Oregonians, our vote should cer
tainly be cast for Mr. Gray.
In looking over the selected matter of tho Or
egonian, we are again struck with, if not alarm
ed at, the responsibility attached to the editori
al vocation. Here we find, reproduced, the
items, the paragraphs, the anecdotes, the arti
cles, which went the rounds of the press, in this
part of the world, six or seven months ago.
Here again is that , famous paragraph about
bran jy being bought in Maine, for "mechanical
purposes," and that account of two mice being
sent by mail, and of some one sending Hugh
Maxwell sixty dollars for duties, of which the
conscience-stricken sender had defrauded the
government. Then there are divers fillibustcr
oua articles, and some reflections upon the death
of the Duke of Wellington, the news of which
had just arrived. Wc find also four or five par
agraphs from the Home Journal, that confront
us with a sort of day-of-judgement aspect. The
spoken word has sometimes mighty and lasting
power, but the printed word, there is no calcu
lating its possible effects. It may go round and
round the world millions of men may read it
and it leaves no man of them all quite the same
being that it found him !
But what has the editor of the Oregonian to
say for himself. "Two year3 ago," he remarks
in an article entitled "Ourselves," "we began to
issue tjie Oregonian without a 6ingle subscriber,
and with a very limited acquaintance in the ter
ritory; with no party pledged to our support,
nor friends to canvass their neighbourhoods, or
interest themselves, to get subscribers for us.
But now, he goe3 on to show, he is a very pros
perous editor. In the same article, occurs the
following passage ;
"Rapid changes have taken place since the
Oregonian lnnde its first appearance. The coun
try has greatly advanced in population and in
wealth ; cities and towns have sprung np and
grown into importance ; forests have disappear
ed before the woodman's axe, and the plains
have become fruitful fields. The church-going
bell now invites the worshippers to tho house of
prayer ; seminaries and free schools have multi
plied all around us ; steamers and sail-vessels
are crowding our rivers ; mills and manufactur
ing establishments are being erected throughout
the country, and the hum of industry gives evi
dence of increasing prosperity among all classes
of our inhabitants."
It appears that the editors of Oregon exercise
to the full, the editorial privilege of quarrelling
furiously with one another; and the editor of
the Oregonian thus hurls defiance at all his ene
mies -.
"The constant efforts which have been made
by the Durham organs, backed up by a platoon
of scribblers, to injure us, have only inured to
our benefit, and materially aided in placing our
circulation far in advance of any other paper in
the territory ; for which we would feel paiticu
larly grateful, had thejnotive corresponded with
the result. We consider it our duty, and it will
continue to be cur practice, to unmask and con
demn the policy of designing men, who endeav
or to exalt themselves to office and power at the
sacrifice of the peace and interests of the coun
try. We cannot be overawed or silenced by the
yelping of the whole Durham pack at our heels;
their falsehood and abuse so copiously showered
upon our head, has thus far proved, and, we
trust, will continue, as harmless as the dews of
From an article upon gambling we extract a
few sentences. The editor says:
"We are informed that our city- is, at this
time, infested with several professed blacklegs,
who are in the habit of inveigling into their den,
and swindling, persons who can be induced to
risk money upon the turn of a card. A few
days in the block honsc, on bread and water,
would have a tendency to purge our city from
these bejewelled worthies, and save many dol
lars to the pocket3 of the inexperienced and ven
turous, whose cupidity overcomes their better
judgement. Two years ago, it will be remem
bered, there was a general stampede among the
gamblers then here, produced by public opinion
Wing directed against them. Shall we not re
peat the dose ! We wait for a response."
From an editorial paragraph, we learn that
vast numbers of people are pushing their way
to the Pacific :
"The immigration have nearly, or quite, all
arrived in the settlements. The number who
crossed the plains into Oregon, is variously es
timated from ten to twenty thousand."
In the same. number appears the following:
"S. J. McCormick gratefully acknowledges
the receipt of $25 from a gentleman in Oregon
City, whose name he is not at liberty to publish,
towards defraying the expenses of the immi
grant hospital, and relieving destitute immi
grants." .
Thero is an article upon "Oregon fruit,
which is highly interesting. .' The writer says :
"The specimens we examined wero selected
from an immense orchard of two hundred thou
sand trees. We are not at liberty to state the
location of this magnificent fruitery at present,
but shall in a few weeks be able to lay before
our readers some interesting particulars respect
ing the horticultural treasures of Oregon and
California. . The fruit shown us yesterday, com
prised the rare varieties of the 'ltambeau apple,'
(a most luscious-looking fruit, and of tempting
fragrance,) the 'Smith cider,' the 'winter green,'
the "white pearmaia,' and the celebrated 'maid
en's blush.' Among others was a huge quince,
very fragrant, which quite carries one home to
the magnificent quince orchards of the east."
We were about to close our extracts, when
we lighted upon this, which can, by no means,
bo omitted:
"The citizens voted at a recent school meet
ing, to raise a tax of sixteen hundred dollars,
upon the property of this school district, to sup
port a free school. The sum, together with tho
amount derived from the county, was supposed
to be sufficient to employ two tcachets, one male
and one fcmalcj far ten months in the year.
;his is as it should be. Free schools, where all
;ie rising generation can obtain an education,
re a cure guarantee of the safety of American
perty." . t .
,Yes, Mr. Editor, this is as it should be; and
Jre we take leave of you. - .
New Member cf Congress. ---
;he A'
ber, cf
Knickerbocker alludes to one of the mem-
iha nun P?fmrrrp? in thft fiVllnwinrr
. v. wv - ' w www - ' ' O
terfc j -
ymong the new representatives of tho peo
ple rho will enter the House for the first time
at ti next term of our National Congress, will
be Iln. Michael Walsh, of this city. Some
ideatf his impressive manner may be gathered
from te following passage taken from an improm
tu spech delivered some ten years ago at Tam
many Jail. It is an illustration f the speak
er's arument fordown-trodden man, who lacks,
not thmerit but the opportunity to rise :
"Wjeu a roan is placed in a false position,
the very traits of his character that would be
virtuos in a true one, are looked upon as faults
or dejunccd as vices, by those who attempt to
form p estimate of his character, without pos
scssirf; instruments to take the altitude of his
mind7 WThen the temple of Minerva was finish
ed, atAthens, ' two rival sculptors of that city
were Employed to decorate its summit with a
statuj of the goddess. Each labored in secret,
and Allowed ,the conceptions of his own mind,
with i view to' the productions of a master-piece
of ar On the day that the merits of the statues
were lo be decided upon, and the hour for so
doinghad arrived, a few of the self-constituted
judgei gathered in front, while thousands re
mainol behind, who could see nothing. Those
in frojt passed judgment upon the production,
like tfo leaders of our party, and the thousands
who ciuld see nothing hurrahed and responded to
the dicision. One statue was of the size of life
ftniy sculptured and of most exquisite work
manslip t the features beautifully chiselled,
until life seemed starting from the marble. The j
otherwas of colossal size, with huge and appa
rentlyunshapcly limbs, and features that looked
to the immediate observer more like unmeaning
protulerances than anything else. When the
judge! gave a decision in favor of the small but
beauti'ul statue, it was gradually raised amid
the sh&uts of the multitude, and became dimmer
and fainter as it receded from their view ; and
when it finally reached the pedestal, it resem
bled nothing human or divine, but seemed to
have dwindled to a mere point. The applause
gave way ttr srarmnis and disapprobation, and
it was then lowered, to make room for its rejec
ted rival, which was very reluctantly hoisted in
stead. As it receded from the earth, its deform
ities lessened, and gave way to an appearance
of symmetry and beauty, which increased with
its distance from the earth ; and when it finally
reached the pinnacle from which the sculptor,
from his knowledge of perspective and propor
tion, designed it 6hould be viewed, then it look
ed as if the divinity herself, so beautiful was.
its aspect, had descended to receive the homage
of her worshippers. So is it with men. God
Almighty moulded the characters of men accord
ing to the station which he intended they should
ultimately fill ; and when a man is placed by
circumstances in a position lower than that in
which he was created to move, his virtues be
come vices in the eyes of those whose vision ia
too short to view him as a whole, and who there
fore reject him as unfit for elevation."
Wo know not how this may strike others, but
to our sense it is one of the most beautiful and
truly classical similes ever encountered, expres
sed in language of the utmost purity and sim
plicity." George "Washington.
Tn ttitt Vini-Tinnd but f)hl rnoilfrh to consider
oi.;lwmnmipr T Knw fieorsre Washington : in
his coach going to church, and at other times
when drawn by six horses, witn several servants
in showy liveries ; in his graceful and command
ing seat on horseback ; in a court dress, small
sword, and hair in a Dag, delivering nis iareweu
o.l.lveca tn Pnnrrrpsn ; in bis dr.awinir-room. with
W J f , o '
his secretaries, Pickering, Hamilton, and Knox,
smoking the pipe of peace with a tribe of Indians,
CUliUU (X -J Aiv 11 l.-J , .mM wuvw, "
low and a playmate of his wife's grandson, Mr.
ll c-i ii. no ha wo c u Tim nrii'i' ll !L Ki I II 1 frI-
fTnH. i hn,i tiip. n.isufti iimior oi amine wiui
him in the grave and nearly taciturm dignity
t. . ' " ' 1 " 1 . ' ll 1 .A Z A
oi nis lamny circie, wna seven sei varna iu at
tendance, and a secretary, Mr. Dandridge, offi
ciating as carver. General Washington S Revol
ution camp-table chest, presented to Congress
on the eighteenth of April, 1844, as a relic to be
preserved, is one of many proofs that he not on
i.. i 1 rrr.,1 li ppt -iit. n s iTufrnor or mana-
LJ iUH. - , o- ' .
ger of men, promoted convivality as an affair of
state and conveniance lor Dusmess. Aimosi au
nnnt4 rpnrpsctit him as crave and statelv.
But I have known, intimately, ladies who danced
. . . . i x
with him ; nave neara companies oi ms pasniue
1. A ftti-iVin liia uninvmont nf Tint ftnlv t!lfTlo.'l-
sures of the table, but those songs of meriment
then so common a part of 6uca pleasures, i
heard an officer of his military family entertain
Lafayette with a recital of some of the express
ions which General Washington uttered with
passionate outbreak, when disobeyed and disap
pointed in battle ; I have seen his minute, writ
ten directions for the liveries of his servants,
and concerning tho choice and rent of a house ;
and have been assured, by a gentleman who
spent some days with him at Mount Vernon,
when no longer on his guard, that the once re
served and solemn statesman chatted freely on
all subjects. IngersolVi History. ;
A Family -Scene. ,
A gentleman deeply engaged in study and a la
dy, pretending to knit, perplexing him with her ques
tions. Lady (in the - drawling, affectionate
style.) Ma-deah ! coixectly speaking, what is
a dentist! Gentleman (short, sharp, and rath
er cross.) Dentist is derived from dent, French
for teeth. Dentist is a man who pulls teeth out.
Lady (after knitting once round, in order to
give tbe gentleman time to become immersed
in his book again.) Ma Deah ! you said this
morning that Professor Musty was a great lin
guist. Is not linguist derived from the Lat'n
It n guar tongue ! Gentleman, (tartly. ) Yes.
Lady. Well, then, is a linguist a man who
pulls tongues out 1 'Gentleman (very decidedly.)
No, madam ; but 1 wish to heaven he did !
Exit lady, in a huff.
A Singular Fellow.
Wc extract the following from a New Oi leans
letter : .
"Yet with aH this, the fair sex is outdone by j
one of ours. There is a man, a day labore r in
the Custom House, who receives a month,
which he spends the most of it in decorating his
person. He has his own peculiar notions of
taste, and on Sunday he attires himself in his
singular costume, and exhibits himself in the
most frequented thoroughfares and public pla
ces. Yesterday, at the request of a gentleman,
he came to the drawing-room of the St. Charles
to gratify the anxiety of some ladies whom he
was informed had stayed a day beyond their
time that they might have the honor of seeing
him. He wore modern shaped'eoat and 'pants,
but his hat is so remarkable for its broad brim,
which is ten inches in. width, on ono side of
which he wears a massive eagle of pure gold,
his shoes are silver, and are jointed, to permit
him to walk the more easily. His coat and
pants are profusely decorated with gold coin.
A long ttring of 20 and ."$50 gold pieces reach
from his neck to the . point of his vest, and
around his neck to the point of his vest, and
around his waist is a girdle from which depend
bunches of gold fishes, each of which is seven or
eight inches long. His hands, however, exceed
the rest in novelty the fingers are covered with
rings, one of which weighs one pound and a half;
he wore three on Sunday, the fields of which
were decorated with engravings on gold, of the
flight into Egypt, Adam and Eve, and the Cru
cifixion ; he has also a massive seal, on which
ia engraved a portrait of himself.
His rintrs attached to heavy bracelets, and
sundry very large gold chains, weigh heavy up
on his broad ehoulders. This expensive cos
tume is kept in bank during the six days of the
week in which he assiduously toils for more
money to buy decorations, which must always
be of the finest gold, lhis renownea muiviauai
is always willing to answer questions concern
ing the cost of his golden armor, and expatia
ted very loudly upon the exquisite skill ana
workmanship of his rings, 6eals. fishes, c. A
gentleman in the Custom House informs me
that his Sunday dress is valued at from three to
fotir thousand dollars.
A Question for Lawyers.
The following extract from the Paris corres
pondence of the Republic, is decidedly French.
It starts an interesting question for lawyers :
"To whom does a broken pane of glass belong ?
If you cau decide, under the circumstances of
the case I am going to relate, you will set a vex
ed question at rest. The other night a carriage,
badly guided, dashed upon the sidewalk, and
the pole passed through the window-pane of a
shoemaker's shop. It went through as clean as
a bullet, making a round O in tho pane and
letting in a streak of cold ail as smooth as a
musket-barrel. If the pane had been cut up
by cracks like the rays of the bud, or the spokes
of a wheel, it would have possessed no earthly
value, or course ; but as it was, sundry ama
teurs of curiosities who passed by declared it to
be worth ten thousand francs at least. Tho
obftpmaker thou2ht he had made his everlasting
fortune, and, naturally enough, claimed the bro- .
t-pn Ki-.ii.irp. But he had counted without his
host, or, as I should say, without his proprie-
tor. The owner of the house claimed the
smashed window-glass as his own by right of .
possession. The bhoemaker was only his tenant, i
It was in vain that the latter reminded his landl'd j
that.he had never offered before to replace the j
window-panes that he had the misfortune to break :
or to have broken. The landlord insi&ted, but j
he had not foreseen a certain difficulty. The in- ,
suranco company that had insured tisLj'usc, not j
only against arc. out against tumbling to pieces,
against earthquakes, and against window-break- j
ae, claimed iu its turn the right to mend the
rane and take tho old one. But the insurance
company had forgotten a slight
in their way. The glazier claimed the broken
pane as ono of his traditional, immemorial per
quisites ; never, he said, had any one yet made
any objection to his remoVing the splinters and
the old putty, and doing what he pleased with
them. So here are four claimants, and I am
not sure that the adroit driver will not put in
his claim, too, as the original cause of the
breakage and the lawsuits which threaten to
grow out of it."
Oats and Carrots.
Why i3 it that our farmers do not pay mere
attention to the cultivation of the carrot! It
has been demonstrated again and again that it
is a highly nutritious vegetable, that stock of
all kinds, particularly milk cows, do well on it,
that it increases the quantity of the milk,
adds to the flesh, and in a givtn bulk contains t
much more nutriment, and is, therefore, bushel ,
for bushel, worth more than oats. In the-trans-actionsofthe
Worcester (Mass.) Agricultural
Society, recently published, we find an estimate
showing tho relative value of oat3 and carrots,
from which it appears that the coEt of raising
an acre of carrots is about 25 more than for
an acre of oats. It is estimated that 500 bush
els of carrots may be raised on an acre, and 40
bushels of oats. This is the basis of calculation
Now as a matter of profit see the result. Call,
ing the cats worth 25 cents per bushel we real
ize for the acre $14. Estimating the carrots at
half that, or 17 J cents per bushel, we have $87,
50 worth of carrots per acre against 14 worth
of oats.
The calculation may possibly be extravagant
as to the yield of carrots but if half that quan
tity can be raised,' (and we have no warrant for
fixing so low a figure) there is still no compari
son in the relative value-of the profit.
Think of this farmers! Do more, try it, and
our word for it you will have no cause to regret
the experiment. Ohio Farmt.
8.'I don't believe it is any use to vaccinate
for 6mall-pox,' said a backwoods Keuluckiau ;
for I had a child vaccinated. , and he fell out of
a window, and was killed, iu lead than a week
Oflico Eeeklnjj. .
Tho New- York Commtrcial Advertiser draws
the following picture of hundreds of cases thht
will be realities in Washington within the r.ext
month : "A cool, unconcerned observer might,
during this &n i the next week or two, find in
exhaustible amusement at Washington. Let hitu
keeD his eve uocn John Smith, tor instance, whi
is one of tbe competitors for an office in the gitt
of the administration. He will nnd jonn at
early morning, carefully coiiniug He register of
the hotel that profits by his presence at tne cap
ital, to see whether among the new brrivals
there be any whose errand may by possibility
bo the same as Lis cwn. If the rcgibtw
bears the name of no unwelcome additional
guest, John proceds next to make further in
vestigation at the breakfast-table, and though
his siealt!i3f glance up and down the tablo take
no rival, yet does he look nervously towards the
door as the late comers enter. Satisfied at
length as to his own hotel, he visits the other
with the joint intent of keeping an ey e upon all
competitors or discovering any potent politician
whose signatures to his papers will increase tho
prospects of success. These are followed up,
solicited, bored, until their signatures are ob
tained only John Smith himself knows at what
cost. Finally, his papers being completed, Lo
waits long in lobbies and ante-chambers for an
opportunity to present them personally to whom
soever has the office in his gift, solicits tho
boon, leaves his papers to be put on file, and be
comes an anxious hanger-on about the govern
ment offices for probably three weeks or a month.
We speak now, of course, of the habitual office
seeker, the man that 'goes in for something
anyhow ; the man to whom both President and
Secretaries would give the direct denial if they
dare in the face of his known political influence
in the neighborhood lionoreJ by Lis Vcsi
Pkttieose Trss el. Wo sec it stated in the
Baltimore Sun that the tunnel on tho Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, which feince tho opening cf
the road to Wheeling, has been passed by a ser
rious of Y's, will be ready for the laying of the
rails about the first of this week Upon its com
pletion, the transportation of heavy tonnoge will
set in over the road in earnest.
Where Iowa came from. From the cenu
tables, we gather the following interesting in
formation as to the sources of population iu this
State :
The total number of foreign citizens is 21,232;
of these 3,785 are English ; 4885 Irish ; 712
Scotch ; S52 Welch ; 7,151 Germans ; 382 French
175 Swiss : 1,756 Canadians ; 16 Mexicans', and
about 1,900 of all other countries with a good
proportion of Norwegians.
The native population is 170, C20.
We probably take for granted that Coals ia
Newcastle is a thoroughly English expression cf
the absurdity of sending to a place that which
already abounds there, water to the tea, fagots
to the wood ; and English, of course, it is in the
outward garment which it weurs ; hut in the
innermost being it belongs lo the whole world
and to alftimes. Thus, the Greeks said : Owls
to Athens, Attica abounding with these birds ;
the Itabbis : Enchantments to Egypt, Egypt be
ing of old esteemed the headquarters of all
magic; -the Orientals: 1'epper to Ilindostan :
aud in the middle ages they had this proverb ;
Jndulgance to Rome, Rome being the centre and
source of this spiritual traffic and these by no
means exhaust the list. Studies in I'rovcrbs.
Wall,' said a soft headed, blubbering Jona
than, the other day.
'Suke has gin mo tbe sack, by gravy, I've lier
-Lost her how ? inquired his sympathizing
I laid the soft soap on hereo thick, that the
critter got so proud the wouldn't tpeak to
Scett'a joke. "The candles you sold tn'
last were very bad," said Suett, to a tallow
chandler. "Indeed, sir, I am sorry for that."
"Yes, sir, do you know they burnt to the midT
die, and would then burn no longer ."' "You
surprise me; what, sir, did they go out!"
"No, sir, no ; they burnt shorter."
JSy-Some patriotic manufacturer Las lately
produced card3 having Washington, Adams,
Franklin, aud Lnfayette for the four ;
Venus, Fortune, Ceres and Minerva for the four
queens ; and four Indian chiefs for the four
knaves as curious a family party as one may
meet in a long summer's day.
7An officer put a man cut of a theatre. n
New Orleans for stamping his feet and hisstDg.
He received a blow while removing the offender
and prosecuted him for the assault. The-court
decided that hissing and stamping was allgwa.-
ble in the theatres, and a part cf a privilege for
which the fee cf aamission was paid.
2yCuniosiTiEs. A boot to fit old Roger's
last. A portrait cf the man who Mowed the
hour-gla6s cf time. A lock of hair from the
tail of a wagon. The stem from the last rose cf
summer. A glass of the milk of human kind
ness. A chip hewn from an Epilogue. The
lathe in which a man turned an honest penny.
?&An old inaidi being at a loss for a ptn
cushion.Tr.sde use of an onion. Onrthe follow
ing morning she found that all the ueedlea had
tears in their eyes.
SS?"Ma," said a young lady to her mother
the other day, "what is emigrating!"
"Emigrating, dear, is a young lady going to
"What is colonizing, ma!"-
Colonizing, dear is marrying there and LaT
ing a family." . . . .
"Ma, I should like to go to Australia."
sSA young lady being asked whether she
would wear a wig when her hair turned grey,
replied with great earnestness "Oh, no! I'll
dyo first."
EfA,A little girl, ten years of age, seated be
side her grandmother, aged eighty, looked up to.
her face and said : , "
"Grandma, at what ago do Indies lose their
relish for gallantry !' .
The grandma replied:
"Indeed, my dear, I do nnt know, you niust
askBomc one older thati I am:"
: i