sVxCvV- "111 It! 11 II J I II I I II X. Ik .lit A AAAAAA v " WE GO WHEfiE DEMOCEATIC PRINCIPLE POINT THE WAY ;WEEN THEY CEASE TO LEAD, WE CEASE TO FOLLOW. VOLUME IX. EBEASBIRG, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1853. ;R22. . T E II S The "MOUXTAIX SEXTIXEL" is publish ed every Thursday morning, at One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum, if paid in advance or within three months; after three months Tico Dollars Trill be charged. No subscription will be taken for a Ehorter .period than six mouths j and no paper will be discontineed vntil all arrearages are paid. A failure to notify a dipcontinuanc at the expira tion of he term subscribed for, will be consid crd as a new engagement. - ADVERTISEMENTS -will be inserted at the following rates: 50 cents per square for the first insertion; 75 cents for two insertions; $1 for three insertions ; nnd 25 cents per square for every subsequent insertion.' A liberal reduc tion made to those who advertise by the year. All advertisements handed in roust have the proper number of insertions marked thereon, or they will be published until forbidden, and charged in accordance with the above terms. All letters and communications to insure attention must be post paid. A. J. RUE)'. From th Western Reserve Chronicle. PEGGY BS0W1J. Py the sickly, dyiu' embers, warmm' his unfee- lin members, In one of those dusty clumbers, down in town, Jenkins Wiggins wit a try in to darn stocking, tho' a cryin, And with every stitch was sighin,' "Peggy Brown," Aad the echoes raock'd, replyin,' "Peggy Brownl" "Here in loneliness," he snivelled, "I am dvin,' love bedrivelled. Like an aped hcrriu shrivelled, in my gown, W autiu' wife and wantiu' money, bearin' with at least a dun a Day, all for ray charmin' honey. Peggy Er own." EcLo whispered, "All for money, Peggy Frown!"' "Tho' I haTe one standiu' collar, than my cars ' a little taller. Yet my purse is something smaller than the town ; And there's not a copper due me, or to clothe me, or to shoe me ; Nought but debt is coiuin' to me. Pegey Brown?' Echo questioned, "comiu' to me, Peggy Brown?" "Nought have I to hang a hope on, and with Fate I cannot cope on. So I'll make and try a rope on, of my gown. Life is but a cheat in' bubble; so I'm quits with debt and trouble, Nor expect my fate to-double, with Miss Brown." Echo answered, "Fate to trouble, with Alias Brown !" Then his neck the rope entangled, and "strap ped" Jenkins dingletl-daugled, From the bed-post where he strangled, down in town, Warniu' Bad to those who falter, when they fail to lead by halter. To the inatri-r.ionf-y-al altar, Peggy Brown. Tyranny of the Petticoats. "We males swagger and talk of our superior ity, but only the savage has practical dominion oCcrthe 'weaker sex,' simply because he bangs his refractory female in a lordly style! We don't beat our women, and arc, therefore, slaves: we ju-e forced to knock under, because we have fastidious notions of knocking them down! This may be quite correct ; 1 only state the fact without commentary. Unbeaten women is a ty rant. A little blond creature with fair eyes, fragile figure, whom you could crush in our manly grasp, somehow or other you find pour ed!' trembling before her, ns before a crowned potentate. She bends you to her purpose, to her caprices, if you quail not before hvr anger, she rushes into hyateiies! What is helpless, and above all, clubless man to do? Be meek and acquiescent." Of course; no other way, my de-tr sir, if von want your shirts made to suit you, your old pants resurrectionized, your dinner kept hot, or any other little accommodation, (when you arc in a hurray and can't stop to discuss matters,) "Clubless man !" 1 like that, I'd like to know if they don't always rescrt to ARMS when they intend to subdue us ! I merely ask for informa tion, as I am on old maid myself! Now there is no use in trying to drive any of the female gender (I'm one of the sisters, and feu I myself qualified to take the floor, Mr. Chairman ! ) There's no necessity of making such a bungling piece of work of matrimony. Were I a man, I'd engage to manage any wife you can bring along. (Between you and 1, I should keep the bits and reins out of sight!) but I'd do ill She should be ns docile as a kitten, and believe her self master of the house too! Oh, pooh! you don't understand the philosophy of the tiding 'tisn't every man that has a call to be a husband. Do you suppose if you feed and clothe a wo man, and keep her warm, that'? tl.p. r" of the chapter? Pshaw! imagine me to be TOM Fern! 'When I came home from the office, I should take a microscopic view of my dear Fanny's face to Eee which way the wind blew. If she looked dull, from the thousand petty annoyances of housekeeping, I should just put ray Anus around her blessed tittle neck, never minding collars and fixins, aud tell her I didn't care a damaged cigar whether I had my favorite pudding or not, if she only loved me. Wouldn't she brighten up, hey? Do you suppose Fd go starving up and down the room like a hyena, and knock ovt-r ier work basket, nnd tread on the baby, and ?break the bell wire, and scowl till 1 looked like ope of those "gutta percha phizes ?" .No, sir! "Then Fd kiss her. and tell ner to keep up her spirits till I came home at night, and we'd have an early tea, and hear Tommy say his prayeis. and go tn (well I parsfs't say it, but J'd'rAKr. her there.) . 'Well, sir, the consequences would he Hie "Would see 1 was the same fascinating Tom who begged her on my marrow bents on moonlight v-ttijv "to m:lie the br.ppiest of men," ai:! thr ?n't one -woman -in ti thottsr.n.l (trotpi! tuflt wmv) that wouldn't 'live tit! vou'wrre a happy s 11 ffy in 'a inolosM r mr. I A to ji uie t tuft it, defend me in-.m Petty, in ctrurovs .' !" prefer to ei:0ure (L latnji7y if a refracio-nf ft male ! I'd rather be C.NDU ti lyrant then OVtR a Mesnl Favsy Negro Minstrelsy. The following account of Western river Min strelsy, is from a correspondent of the Musical World. The "Corneelyah," iB a PittsburgTmilt boat, aud when we saw her down South nearly a year ago, she was beautiful and fleet enough to have won poetical praise from a more finish ed than the one mentioned, if such had been so fortunate to travel on her. I am told that some of the negroes on the boats are free ; and that others are slaves hired out to the Steamboat Companies ; but it is im possible lor a stranger to distinguish the slave from the freeman ; all appear to enjoy the. 'lar gest liberty.' The waiters are quiet, industri ous, respectful and attentive ; but the firemen that inhabit the Plutonic regions "away clown below," are certain the merriest, drollest, jol liest set of fellows 1 ever saw. Some of the f.renieii, I am sorryto add, M-e awfully profane, but their jests and witticisms, their sons and dances seem to be their life, day and night ; and now, when or where they get their rest is more th. in l ean tell. The last sound one Ireais at night, and the first at break of day,, is tha mer ry peal of their stentorian voice. You are lul led to sleep by their melodies : you awake with the sound til! ringing in yoir ears. n listening to the vocal performances of one of the waiter" on a - boat in which 1 performed a recent trip from Lou:sv;l!e to St. Luuis. I was struck not only wish his line voice wiiieh was really clear an i sonorous' ut also with his pot-try, or, to uso his own expression, "he made up his vei-M' as he went along." The theme 011 the. present 'occasion, way the steamboat in which we wero rapidly gliding up the-Mississippi whh h bore the i-omatic name ol" Cornelia. The eb my imppovisatore set forth in his soojr. s.-nie of the iiox;t prominent merits. ot" th beau lii! Cornelia her excellent aerommodations. her great speei!. and her superiority oVer all her ri vals on the 'Vcslcni wjitevii, always managing to work in an invitation," to nil travellers to come on board." One of his soags were sis fo!lov;s : Come oil r.b you passengers, What want to ride fast, Con-.e on de Corneelyah, You will uebber be passed. "Come oil ob you passengers, Ami know, how to move, But what wiil she do. When hr engines gat smoothc " CiiOEt s ), go it. Corneelyah, I She i. d boat. F reckon. VS. ho is -i fast boat ... . . She nebcr comes In late ; Lories St. I.ouisat five, And Cairo at eight ; But when she is cumin', I'e ladies d-y will say, 'Behold, it ir Cor.leelyah, She has c me before day. Oh. go it Corneelyah, She is de boat, I reckon." As a specimen of spontaneous, unhewu poe try I think, the above should rank high. That fearful iiitcrrogtitive in the latt two lines of the first verse, "But what will she do, Whin her engines get smoothe ?" is pregnant with meaning, and can be interpre ted as many different ways as a presidential as pirant's political letters. Let us now go "below," among the fun lov ing, hard-working firemen. After "wooding up," and "stirring up" the great fires, and clo sing the heavy furnace doors with an immense irii "long pole," one of company turns his shi- j iiv lace to his comrades, and with a tremendous ' open countenance, strikes up a sort of solo, ad 1 UUtuin, with variations adopted to his taste or 1 vocal powers, at the conclusion of which the ' whole company join in, swelling the chorus to a ; most fearful extent by an accumulation of joucr j .1 the same pait. There they go, now carroi ! ling a strange melody u sort of serio-comic j strain, thus : "I saw my true love weep ; 1 Is card my true love cry. Away down to Cairo, This nigga's gwine to die." Here is another refrain, or rather less poeti cal pretensions ; but it was given with a more grinning, shinny countenance, which could not be withstood, even by Horace Greely. "I wish I had some 'baccer, Who'll give ine a chaw tobaccer? I want a chaw o' 'baccer so bad I'm almost froze." This song brought the "'baccer," as I nm told it invariably does. 1 could not withstand the appeal, but hastened to the saloon, purchased a roll of the "invigorator," as called out here, went back and supplied my entertainers with tobacco enough for the nijrht, and immediately retired, to escape their profuse thanks. As 1 left their precints, they struck up a farewell song, something like the following as near as I can remember. Premising that "Aur," means "o7," and "tcr," ''there," I give the firemen's farewell strain, leaving the reader to imagine the pleasing train of ideas it must have sugges ted. Here it is : "Good night, kind white man, Good night, kind stranger, May de angels guard your sleep, Ajid keep you from all danger. An' if de biler burst. May lie not singe your bar. An' when d snags pokes through your berth, I hope you'll not be dar." Th last two lines suggest pleasant ideas on the Su'ject of lliver and JIarbor Improvements! A Fair Betobt. A party of wits once sup ped at a tavern. When tho feast was over one of fie number called in the hostess. "Angelique," said he, "1 am going to give you a lesson in astronomy. Ilaveyou not hear, of that great platunic year, when everythin must return to its first coiidinio.i " Know, th; that in sixteen Shcusand 3 card ve slo.l; be hi i -gain, on :he ni-c day and at tbe same hour. '. ill yon :ne os credit till ihn?" The fccMos hotouie)-. bud her reply. "Ism pcriWiW willing." Bhe ret. rt d : "bui isjirst t-.Ixteen thousand vpjivs S'nc yon wr -tie t.i-fie, and you left without paying ; stt lie the old score, and I will trust you ou tht From the Washington Republic. THE CENSUS REPORT. We complete our abstracts of tho documents presented to Congress in connexion, with the President's message, by gathering together in brief form the most important of the facts which the Superintendant of the Census'bas embodied in his report. The document ia evidence of his unwearied industry in the prosecution of the labor entrusted to him, and embraces particu lars of deep interest to all classes of readers. It displays the present physical condition of the Republic its progress in. population, industry and wealth the extent and variety of its re sources ; supplying figures which serve to cor rect many erroneous impressions on these points and suggesting inquiries into matters that have as yet received little attention.' The rate of increase of the population of the United Stages during the last sixty years has been about ?A per cent. pcrtnnnum ; that of Great Britain "during the last fifty years 1.S7 percent. In Ireland, from 1821 to 1841, the inereasf was about the rate of 1 Tier cent. 1er on,.i,m nlol.i'diiiMllff till" toll K11 CfCP 1 1 ! VPaTS there was a decrease at the rate of " per cent, per annum. From 1810 to 1850, the population f the United States in reased from somewhat more thai. 17.000,000 to over 23.000,000, or 30 percent.: the increase in Britain leaving Ireland out of view being at the rate of 12 per cent. In the United States the houses oecupi ? by free persons number :.3(io.-P27 : the hoii3-s in Britain anr.ount 1 1 :l,',r.0,4U7. Belgium,, with' a population of about live millions, has about 820.1 at!) houses. Of the frte inhabitants of the United States, !7,73o.7i2 are natives of the. soil; 2,210.828 were born in foreign countries ; and there are 3'.i,22'i whose nativity has not been ascertained. The proportion f foreign born persons is there fore much' smaller than it has beau ' generally suppose 1 to be ; being, in fact, but 11.00 per cent, of the whole free population. The whole natives of Ireland in this country in 1800 was 001,719; of Germany, 573.2'-N ; of England, 278.075 ; of British America, 1-17.700 : of Scot land. 70,o-'0 ; of. France, ol.OOO; of Wales, 2".8t;8. Of the foreign born inhabitants. 1,005, "18 reside in the free States, and 2J ".310in the s'ave States. Not less than 4.112.4C3 free per-, sons have migrated from the States of their birth and settled in others. Vermmt and Con necticut have conti ibuted most largely to the ott'ement of other parts of the country. Vir ginia has intjiis way lost 335.000 of her natives; North 'Carolina, 2b 1, 575: and South Carolina fifty nine per cenr. of her free population. There are 0.091 white mutes in the United States, and 032 colored ; 0,702 blind persons, of whom 1.705 are colored. 15.708 who are insane including 321 free colored and 201 slaves ; 15, 700 idiots, of whom 430 are free colored, and 1.040 slaves. The paupers arc Bet down at 134,072, of whom 68,538 were of foreign birth : a large number of others being free persons of color. The en tire cost of the support of these individuals du ring the year preceding June, 1850, was $2,-9-js0b The number actually receiving relief on the 1st June was 50,353. The criminals convicted during the same year numbered 27,000 ; 13,000 being native aud 14,- 000 foreign-born. About 4.000,000 youth were receiving instruc tion on the 1st June, 1850, occupying nearly 100.000 colleges and schools, and employing more than 1 15,000. The average annual mortality in the United States is 1.38 per cent., being in the ratio of i to 73 of the number living. The New England : States give a ratio of mortality in the number living of 1 to 04 ; the Middle States, with Ohio, j 1 to 72 ; the central slave States, 1 to 73 ; coast j planting States, 1 to 73 ; Northwestern States, 1 to 80. We do no accept these figures as indi cating precisely the relative salubrity of the different poitions of the Uuion. The new States are settled chiefly by persons in the prime of life ; while the other States compare unfavora- ! bhr simply because of the emigration from the ranks of their youthful population. Taking the j data as given, the annual deaths per cent, in 1 Massachusetts, on nn average of all ages, is slightly more than that iu England ; in Mary land the average is less. The real and persona! estate owned by resi dents iu the United States is valued at more than $7,133,309,725. T1,e wcaH-b fd' New York is estimated at $1,080,300,210 ; Pennsylvania, 722,480,120 ; Massachusetts, 573,342,280 ; Ohio. 501,720.120; Virginia. 430,701,082; Geor gia, 355,425,714 ; Kentucky, 301,038,457; South Carolina. 285,257.008 ; Louisiana, 233,008,704; Mississippi, 228,051,130 ; Alabama, 228,304, 332 ; North Carolina, 220,800,472 : Maryland, 210,217,304; Indiana. 201,050.204 : Tennessee 201,940,080 ; New Jersey, 200,000,000. The other States range from 15G,205,00G (Illinois) to 18,652,053, (Delaware ;) the District of Co lumbia having 14,018,874 assigned to it. The churches in the several States number 30,011, and there 210 in the District of Colum bia ami the Territories ; the total valueof church property being 80,410,030, one half of which is owned in New York, Massachusetts, aud Penn sylvania. Indiana, Florida, Delaware nnd Ohio have the greatest number of churches in pro portion to the population, while the proportion is least in California, Louisiana, and Iowa. The average number that each church in the Uniou will accommodate is 383. The cash value of the farming land in the Uni ted States is $3,270,733,003. and of farming implements and machinery 151,000,000. The aggregrate of improved land is 118,457,022 acres. In New York and Pennsylvania there is an average of little less than four acres to each person ; in the New England States a little more ; in Tennessee, five acres ; in South Car olina, six ; in Virginia, seven ; in Kentucky, twelve. Turning to domestic animals, we find that there are, altogether, 4,250,000 horses or about one to five inhabitants. There were 500,000 horses b-ss in 1840. Of nssos and mules there sre 550,070. till but 30.000 of which re in the South. The neat cattle ehow an increase in ten years of nho'ut 20 per cent., tire number in I860 being lH.ttoo.287. The produce of bu'ter in that rear was 3.091.542 Ibe. the average product p penrine to bp about 40 lbs. per annum ' to each ow. with 1H ibs. of cheese. The increase of 8heep has been only 12 per cent, during tho ten years, but owing to improved breeding and oth er causes there has been an augmentation of 46 percent, in the weight of their fleeces. The increase in the number of sheep has taken place in the States south of Maryland and west of New York. In 1840 New York had 5,1 18,030 sheep, which produced 226,000 pounds of wool less than were produced in 1850 with 3,453,000 eheeyv . . On the whole wheat crop of the United States there was a gain during the ten years of 15,645, 378 bushels. In the New England States the crop has decreased. The greatest proportionate increase has been in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. The increase in those States is, indeed, equal to the whole increase in the United States. Rvc has fallen from 18.045.507 bushels in 1810 to" 14.188,037 bushels in 1850. The piodnction of Indian corn has increased to the extent of 214,000,000 bushela, equal to 50 per cent. In regard to this crop no State has retrograded. Ohio produces most, and Ken tucky, Illinois nnd Tennesse rank next. Oats advanced from 123.071.3 11 bushels in 1810 to 140,078,879 in 1850: buckwheat from 7,292, 743 bushels to 8,950,910 bushels; barley from 4,101,504 bushels to 5.107,010 bushels. In the last year, 3,780,000 bushels of barley were used in the manufacture of malt and spirituous 3i qwors. The rice crop in 1850 was 215,312,710 pounds, nearly wholly derived from S. Carolina, Ga., Fla., Ala.. Miss., and Tex is. The V oducfion of tobacco was decreased about ttn pr cent. In 1810 it was 319,103, 319 lbs.; iu 1850 it was 199.752.040 lbs. In Cotton there has been .a gain of 190,970. 325 lbs. The returns of 1850 give 987.4 i9,r.(:( ibs. as the quantity cultivated. Alabama occu pies the first place as. a cotfoti growing State, having almost doubled its prodection iu the b-st ten years. Mississippi appears almost station ary, while there has been a heavy falling off in Louisiana the inundations of the Mississippi and its tributaries being :!ss":iined as the princi pal cause in both cases. In Virginia and North Carolina , the culture has largely diminished. , The product of potatoes has fallen from 108, 298,000 bushels in 1810 to 104,055, 989 bushels in 1850 ; the prevalent disease, or "rot," being unquestionably the main cause. The quantity of sweet potatoes raised iu 1850 was 38,250,130 bushcis. Of wine the total product in 1850 was 221, 210 gallons. Calif jrnia and New Mexico gave 00,718 gallons. The increase in "other portions of the Union lias been but 36,00") gallons; a fact which conflicts with the ordinarily ' received opinion iu regard to the production of this arti cle ia Ohio and other States. The quantity of ale and spirituous liquors produced iu the United States in the same year amounted to 80.000,000 gallons being at the rate of nearly four gallons per head. The increase in the culture of hops has been nearly 200 per cent. Almost the whole of the iucrtuse has been in the State of N. Y. The returns of 1840 exhibited '.'5,251 3 tonsof flax and hemp as the quantity raised in the Uni ted States; those of 1850 give 35,093 of hemp and 7,715.901 lbs. of flax. Mr. Kennedy sug gests that in the former case tle marshals may have written tons where pounds were intended. Iu the culture of silk there has been a large decrease, having been only 14.003 lbs in 1850 against 61,003 lbs in 1840. Connecticut is the only State which has cout:nued the culture without suspension. The cane sugar made according to the cen sus of 1850 was 247,581.000 lbs., besides 12, 700,9(10 gallons of molasses; maple sugar, 34, 259,880 ibs.: being an aggregate increase iu ten years of 20,730.077 lbs. Enins of an Ancient and Magnificent City at Tinian Island, ia the North Pacific. Capt. A. K. Fisher, of this town, iuforms us that when on h last whaling voyage, in the ship America, of New Iledlbrd, (which was about 8 years ago,) he had occasion to visit the island of Tinian, (one of the Ladronc Islands.) to laud some sick men. He stopped thersome days. One of his men, in his walks about the island, came to the entrance of the main St., of a large aud splendid city, in ruins. Capt. Fisher, on being informed of the fact, entered the city by the principle street, which was about three miles in le igth. The buildings were all of stone, of a dark color, and of the most splendid description. In about the centre of the main street, he found 12 solid stone columns, 0 on each side of the street ; they were about 45 or 50 feet in height, surmounted by capstones of immense weight. The columns were ten feet in diameter at the base, and about 3 feet it the top. Captain F. thinks the columns would weigh about 00 or 70 tons, and the cap-stones about 15 tons. One if the columns had fallen, and he had a fine oppor tunity to view its vast proportions and fine archi tecture. From the principle street, a large num ber of other streets diverged. They were all straight, and the buildings were of stone. The whole of the city was entirely overgrown with cocoanut trees, which were 50 and 00 feet in height. In the main street, pieces of common earthenware were found. The island has been in possession of the Spaniard for along time. Six or seven Spaniaids resided on the island when Capt. F. was there. They informed him that the Spaniards had had posseesion about sixty years that they took the island fr'-m the Knackas, who were entirely iguorant of the builders of the city, and of the former inhabi tants. When questioned at to the origin of the city, their only answer was "their must h...c been a powerful race here a long time ago." Capt. F. silso saw on the island immense ledg es of stone, from which the buildings and col umns had evidently been erected. Some por tions of them exhibited signs of having been worked. Here is a food for speculation. Who were the founders of this once magnificent city in the North Pacific, nnd what has become of their descendants? Whatever the answer may be, tbej' were evidently a race of a very superi or order. Edgariourn Uaz., Mass. CSTDickcns, in speaking of a friend, says be was to long in the legs that he looked like the afternoon shadow of somebody else. tQSAn Irish journal says "The following bill was presented by a farrier to a geotlrman in this town : To curing Tour pony that died, XI. Is.'" jgT'They declaim most against the world who have most Binned against h; as people generally abuae those vhoia they have injured. Thrilling Incident. A correspondent of the Cleveland risin Dtater, writing from Detriot, Michigan, under date of Oct. 14, relates to tho following : An incident occurred on last Thursday after uoon which filled the town with much excitement, and which called forth many a legend of the kind remembered by the oldest inhabitant. A few boys who had been out oil a hunting excursion called at one of their neighbor's nnd began shooting at a mark. " A little girl about eight years old, who had fownerly had an illness that had affected her head, got alarmed at the j firing and ran into the wools, i In a short time she was missed, and it was re j membered that she bad been eesn running to ; wards the woods, and consequently a search be I gan. but night came on, and with it rain, which remierej turthc-r searcli tor her that mclit im possible. Morning came, and yetthelittle wan derer had not returned. Its frantic parents, with cue other child, made further search ti'I the sun had rassed the hour of twelve, and Vet no tidings of the lost one were had. The neigh borhood was alarmed, anddous, horns, and every instrument of the rustic kind were marshalled for the search ; but again night, with its Egyp tian horrors, set in. without restoring the little cherished one. Minutes seemed hours with the distracted mother. At length the lo-.g wished tor morning came, & with it a hundred men an 1 boys, who, notwith standing the still continued storm, went forth into the depth of the woods, in search of the child. iihj. nan eagerness that was commendable b?y nd tiic cmpics of words to express ; and yet again niht stt in nv 'i still the lost was not found. Wh-it the aconies of the mother were. ;.s the marshalled i'orj2 returned without her little charge, tears, shriek, groans, incoherent ejaculations. o a picture of despair, can on'y portray "words are inadequate. Anotherdrc ul ful night was passed. An increased force was raised, who mar.sha. led themselves witli the dawn of the Sabbath, before the door of the bereaxed parents Prayers were offered to Almighty God, and the aid of heaven invoked to direct in the search. The preliminaries being arranged, a hxig line whs formed upon the section lines, and the march renewed. . Hour after hour passed, and not a vestige of the missing one wr.5 disco cred. Every tree, stump fnd log, possessing a fus picious cavity, underwent the cl sest scruting ; every b-jsh and thicket thickly foliated, every f.r and cradle knoll, was visited as the band pressed onward. Long ardent was the search, and many fears for the lest little one were enter tained. The sun had far passed the zenith, and hastening behind the western hiil. when an elder ly man and son. partly discouraged, as well ns wearied with the search, were drawn as by the hand of an invisible pilot, in an of posite direc tion, far from the band ; nnd while standing and discoursing upon the propriety of abandon ing further search. distant sound broke upon their eirs. They hastened in the direction from which the sound proceeded, and having traveled as far as practicable, they halted and listened a few minutes very intently ; again that pound was heard, :.nd turning a few steps in another di rection, what wr.s their purprise to behold the little object of their search sitting upon the ground, having jost awakened and risen from a bed of leaves, which it had collected by the side of an old log. There the little innocent sat, in her t ittere'd dress sobs aad siffhs heuv- i ed her little bosom, and large tears rolled down i her swollen cheeks. As she caught the first glimps of hr deliv erers, she usked for something to eat. "Oh," -,-1-,lt 1. ,x i T I l sufferer and started for home, which was about four miles distant. While passing through a snail of tallgrass, they asked the girl if she had passed through any such grass. "Oh, yes," said she, "I have travelled a great way through much taller grass than this, and I wouid call for my father ta come and get me, but he would not ; I would call for my mother to come and get me, but hhc would net ; then I would call on my li'le brother, and he would not come after me. So I travelled on." On being then asked if she slept warm of nights, said, "Yes ; but the first i night my little brother went to bed with me, and in the night he pulled off all the cloths, so I got cold. Arrived in sight of the house, the distract ed mother rushed forth, her haggard counte nance now irradiate with the gratitude of heaven for the deliverance of her child ; and as she received nn pressed the little wanderer to fcer breast, exclaimed, "My daughter is safe." From Washington. The following are among the latest rumors : 'The administration do not wish to be forced by the resignations of incumbents into a precip itate choice of successors. In one case, where an incumbent tendered his resignation, the Pres ident requested the gentleman to withdrew it. Mr. Hodges, the Commissioner of Patents, re signed nnd left his post on the 3d of March. Gen. Shields has been a candidate for the of fice of Minister to Spain, which he desired on account of his health, but it is understood that Senator Soule will receive the appointment. General Shields will probably get some other foreign appointment. Mr. Marshall, of California, has a good chance of being appoiutcd Commissioner to China. Ex-Secretary Euchnnan, for England, and Hon. John A. lux, for Frauce, are ttill spoken of. Thomas N. Carr, formerly Consul at Tungier, is a candidate for that consulate. To-day, in reply to a gentleman who asked him how he liked the air of Washington, Gener al 1 id, "I don't know, for 1 have not had the opportunity of getting a breath of fvecdi air. Have not even time to shave" which was cvi- i dent by looking at the President's face. j At the cabinet councils held ou Saturday j evening and to-day, the Mosquito nffair was I anxious!' discoursed. I canmt furnish you i with the details, but I have reason to believe i there will be no want of pluck. General Pierce i hi'S declared that his administration will, at nil ' events, be an effectixe one. The government i received a telegraphic message ou Saturday J irom iNcw Ure.-.ns, in relrreuce to tin au;iir, EST A Western editor speaking of the vener- j abl appearance of a stumporator, said that -he j uith hit laid head end stood up like one ol era Juirul it his breaches pvcictsl" sauisne. --i nave oeen oo:ige'i 10 go io oeu oi i an i practical engineers, ami a compr.ny nights without my supper ; please to. give me I has subscribed the means of giving jt a full ri something to eat." They took up the little perimcr.t. Moans have also been adopted to Talleyrand la Philadelphia. Eg" An intelligent correspondent" Las fur nished us with tbe following, which Is io doubt authentic: " - ' During the latter part of the la6t cenTurr, the exiled Monsieur Talleyrand rrtided in a smful attic room of a house in Goddurd'a eourt. .be tween Front and Second streets, in Philadelphia. He was very poor all his furniture consisting of one chair und a straw cot bed depending for his means on some of the French residents. Opposite Christ Church, in Second street, was a small dry-good store, kept by T. P. C, now a wealthy retired merchant, where Talleyrand and a French General, his companion in exile, fre quently stopped on their accustomed walk down town to Win. Young's bookstore, at the corner of Second ad Chesnnt streets. One cold nior ning in December, Talleyrand cunie into Mr. C.'s store, and offered his watch in pledge for a small 6nm of money, as he was starving and without fire. The money was given him, an I he was referred to Uenjauiia Ferris, watchma ker, who lived nearly opposite to dispose of Lid watch. So reduced w:;s the man to whom years after as Prime Minister cf Napoleon, first Cou sul of France paid homage I Ethiopian Philosophy. ' explain to de subscriber whv 'It. Crow, rnn yctt dat Ticicr.3 wej;i- '.cd el; nutmeg ncbt-r conta to matat-j- "Neber conns to ia'turi;y V Yes ; why dey m nlwt.ys sniill potaUes ?" "Whv dev n'was mikiII 'tatcrs ?" Mr. Crow. WLv dey tcbir ret to b Eome puiiKtiis 'A by dev nebcr" A "Yes yt s, .ir. Crow. Whv don't de nut- megs, ::s a chiss. jrow lurge instead of always grow in sir..-, li 7 'No. .lu'ius Crrsnr. I don't Know T;or7!n nbut it. You nir.fct ax some g.':rdciur man abcut tve-gitat-t" "Wei;, Mr. Crow, I kin tell you why nvtmegs. f;s a class, don't grew large. It's because chery individual nutmeg knows de largest cut mei: in de we rld nm liable to come acvosa a gra ter " SOX OF P.OBtRT P'JPXS A NoBLFMAKlf W it btated that Queen Victoria ei'J'Cr has or is about to create Major Funis, eon of the Card of Scotland, a Baron. Wc hope, in rctpeei for his father's memory, he will cot stoop to pick up the idle honor. He certainly has not forgot ten the patent of nobility which Lis noble ti has bequeathed to Lini : The King can make a lv!ted knight, A Marquis, Duke nnd a that, Eut nn honest man's abon his migLtl Guid faith he mau n fa' that! For h' that r.nd a' that Their dignities and that; The man of in.b-penlcnt mind lie looks and 1 audi s at n' that." A Greater thaa Ericsson. The Genon correspondent of the Newark Dai ly Advertiser says : "A complete revolution in' the means of steam navigation and locomotion is anticipated here from a iccent invention by Dr. Carosia, of this city. He has' it is said. succeeded in constructing an apparatus for the decomposition of water by eleefro-rnagnetisn. which wiil introduce the gas thus generated in to the engine, in a way to save all the expenee of fuel ! IFs invention has been j r-nroved tv - . . . secure patents in all oilni countries.' Mr. J. E. Mussof, a respectable merchant of thiscitv. hue jut started for tha United States, with letter from our Minister at Turin to the Leads of tho Patent OCke at Washington." A Bear Shot With a Candle. A few days ago, a large bear, owned by Mr. Private, who resides on the Peninsula, opposite Toronto, (Canada,) was shot in rather a novel manner a common candle having been put in ' place of a ball into a gun. The candle entered ly deprived the animal of life. It mub very fat, and was about four years old. ODDS AND ENDS. "How melancholy it is to think," eaiJ a mod ern philanthropist of the sentiment school, "thfct to many of our Ullow creatures should, under the arbitrary laws of man, be immured In pris ons." "Yes," replied a philanthropist of an other class, "yes, truly, but not half as melan choly as that so mnnny ehouli be at deserve to be there." large who ciy A man making haste to be rich reminds us of a wheeler at a wheeling match. He starts offfctraight, perfectly blinded by isroiis cf gold, big houses, fine cattle, &c., but before he pro ceeds far he wonders from his course, and wbc-ti the bandage is removed, he finds him.c'f'a con siderrble distance from no where., Keep your eyes open and move along slyw, but sure. CyDo you know the difference between a mason nnd an anti-mason? Yes, sar, I believ I does. Well what is it! If my brains tell me the truf, an it never fails mason is de r.ian what laj s de mortar, jui' ! de anti-mason de man what curries de hod! pfThere is a man in Huston, the father of i two rompish daughter?, who attributes their j wildncss to feeding on caper bauce, of wLich I they are. excessively fond. He is second cousin ! to the man who, to prevent h.;6 girls from ruu ! nirg off with the young men, feed them on can ! telopes. An Irishman wlio lives with a Orr.baraite. writes to a friend that if ho wsr.ts to ::d cnt j what illeg-d living is. he must come to his Lcua ! whtre the hreakfast consists cf nothing, end rup- per cf w hat Is left of breuufueL. j -. Bgi"Mre. Jenkins,"' said a little rod beaded 1 gir!, with a pug ccsc and bsre feet, "mother wjU ?,'.l0Se Lrr b-v nden her a fctick Vl v""1 uigar Pitting a littl oft-soap in this pan and please uot lot your tni-fcey gouor roost ca cue teuce." !' Mi -I ? 1 t r i ' ! " '" ! ; ! . Li i'i ' j - ; V ' - I:-